Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 12, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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    Euenmg public Kefiger
I THE WEATHER T7f 1 T k. ..--... KT T C WTl "1
Fair nnil -emenvliatVreinJer tonight nml ,fl - - .. . A .. .k. - ' wi A -- M - w Jlf knW-Wr '4 '' IV J. VJ JLJL J. . p
..!.,, .villi lowest tonight about 4H nr
iui'ilwrrfcil moderate northwest ninth.
I1, V Yiiiiri'.KATi m: at i:a( ii noun
T-TT'ii Mil ill 1- . I ) -' I ( i -i it)
rTiiii in. I7 l. ir.ii urn I I I I
0L. IX WO. 25
Entered an Secepd.ClB.ii Mnltr nl the PnMefTlfi1 nt I'htUelelphU.
Under the Act of March 3. 18TU
Published Dally Kxcpt Sunday. BuWrltitlnn I'rlcj 10 a Year by Mall.
CevytltM. 1022. by Public Jedr Comeanv
i 'itr
Mrs. Hall's Ceat Tested for Bloodstains as State Police Discard Schneider's "Confession"
Weman and Three Men
Under Suspicion in
New Theory
Youth Who "Confessed" Found
Unconscious in Cell, but
Is Revived
Self-Styled "Affinity" Tries te
See Bahmer in Cell, but
Doesn't Ge His Bail
Belshaw Denies Hall's
Watch Was Found Here
A rumor spread nbrnail today,
rwchins New Yerk and Philadel
phia, thnt the Itcv. I M ward Wheeler
HiH'b (told watch, missing since the
Bail-Mills murder, liatl been found
h Philadelphia.
Lieutennnt llclshavv, bend of the
Harder Hnund. wild the rumor was
basics'. The watch lias been sought
ktrf, but without anv proof ever
Utin- been adduced that It was In
Su a Staff Correspondent
'New Brunswick, N J., Oct. 12.
A scarf and coat worn by Mrs.
Frances Stevens Hall, widow of the
"v. Edwaid Wheeler Hall, who
ns murdered with Mrs. Eleaner
Reinhardt Mills, were turned ever
today te Prosecutor Strieker.
The two articles of wearing ap-
Tirel were at once sent by the Pros
ecutor te the Squibb Chemical Coni Ceni
piny, at New Brunswick, te be
inalyied te bee if there were bleed
(tains en them.
The scarf and coat arc the ones
Hut wcre sent te a dyer in Philn Philn
tephia shortly after the finding: of
tie bodies of Mr. Hall and Mrs.
Hills. They were described as a
line scarf and a long brown coat.
Detective Cellins went te Philndel
(Mait the time and consulted the, rec
erds of the elcaniug and dyeing, cem-ptB-,
but apparently learned nothing
iMnpertnnce The company said the
clothing hnJ been leturucd by parcel
foetteJIrs. Hull, us it had been sent,
latMts. Flail at tin- time denied huv
ll received it.
Te He fihen Careful Test
The authorities did net divulge today
lere t!iey had found the two ni tlel.es,
W whether they had been cleaned and
'ted as was indicated bj the Philadel-
flii cempnnv .
A thorough ihemlinl nnnl.-ls will be
toil of the guiiiiciits. It Is belieccl
shshHF i "A ' fcii ,i ! eMMiaBBBkkBiHsil ' ':'" i
SJiiiiV ' iV ';'!? V' V ,aT, M B,
r; HSV ': -
kkkK' !""- -"',u ikBkkB' '
kkkkV ',? ..'''i;"i!'', "'!'';"' r '"flkiB(kkkW' , S'"'
kkWBIHi'c:?'5S''vX'; ''' ' EIQi v ii'u'" ap9f9L
(PPPKisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH9l HRKU'A'Y ' ':JiHHljTl
"I Believe That He In Coming
Through," Saye Brether
State Senater Kdwlu II. Vine spent
n restful niRlit, mid reports from his
home nt Ambler tlil mernliiK indicated
continued Improvement in bis condi
tion. "The Senater slept well, and mem
bers of the family were net disturbed
during the night." "aid his brother,
CenRresMiiuii William S. Vine. "I be
lieve1 he la remiiiK through."
CeiiKressmnn Vitre said his brother
was excliiiiiK'in messagen from his bed
fide with bix diiuglitcr Aliii;ull, who Is
recuperating from pneumeiilii, mid that
he bcomed te be cheered by ifvuraiices
that slie would be out of bed in it few
In it bulletin liMicd today Dr. An
drew (ledfrey mid :
"The Senater i cumins about the
Mime. Up did as well iim could be ex
pected during the night."
1925 OA PK
Fuel Commission Allows 75
Cents Over Large Oper-
aters' Charge
William Heuck, Phila. Pugilist,
Reports Pearl, Hayes and
Schneider There Fatal Night
AVIUlam Ileuc't, the Philadelphia
boxer, thinks thnt he s-nw Pearl Hah
mer, Clifferd Ilnycs and Ilnymend
Schneider in the. Camden P. It. Tt.
Terminal en the night etSeptember 14,
which was the date of the Hall-Mills
murder at New Urunswick. N. J.
The three who Heuck believes were
in Camden that fatal evening nre nil
in jnil at present; Pearl ns nn incor
rigible; Clifferd ns the murderer,
iiceiifccd ly Schneider, and the latter as
u material witness.
Hetiek's f.(ery was. taken te Lieu
tenant UeNhaw, head of the local mur
der Miuud. He conveyed it Immediately
for wJiht it was weith te Detective Ccd
lin, one of die county invelicnters
working en tin- Hall-Mills murder.
i nnvu net seen neuck," t-alil l.leu
tenant Ik'lshaw today, "and I de net
knew whether his statement is wertl
anything or net.t However, it will bear
looking inifi. It sounded pretty geed
ns I get it."
Heuck works two dns a week for
William Piei'MJii, a meat dealer, .'liO
(iiTiunntewn nveniie.
The man In the oval is "Nielt"
Ilahmer, father of Pearl. Beth are
under arrest. Above arc the parents
of Itaymeml Srlmeider. who re
cently "cenfesscel"
The price at which independent coal
operators may hell dome-Hie size of nn
fhrnclte nt the mines ba been fixed nt
S0.2." n ten, which is seventy-five cent
mere tlinn the maximum ptlce ::!!iwed
tin1 larger operators.
Anneuncenietit of the new pi Ice was
made in Washington, where members
of the State Piiel ComniiHMen went
vestcrday te confer witli IVdernl ruel
Distributor Spen. At the conference
were Chnlrmau W. It. D. Ainey and
.Tnmes S. Ilenn, of the Tuel Commis
sion, and Kugene C. Felten, chairman
of the Fair Practices Committee of tin1
Information obtained nt n series of
conferences between the Pair Price
Committee and Independent operators,
which was used ns the lmMs for tixlnx
Rounding Up Men, Named in
Confession, te Confront Nar
cotic Venders
Quarantine Maintained Over
Downtown District, Said te Be
Center of Drug Distribution
Important Conference Today at
City Hall May Be Prelude
te Big Developments
Sau Franclsee. (M. 'J. (P.j A. P.) The Cli of Honolulu, en tire In
the Pacific, is (lie leionwited (iennnn liner Picdi'ild, dcr Cresse. During
(In1 war she was known n. the Huren. The cf"c is (;i)ii fret long imil li.is
twin screw luepelleii.
.Twe SOS Calls Are Sent
Out by City of
Raymond Schneider today repudiated his "cenfe --m- ti-i HIvU I nhK eltAMER
euaiag Cliffeid Hayes of Xhc muidcr of Mrs. Elcnuei M IK t..ei
the Kev. Ertwatcl W. Hall. Hayes was leleaed nfjer &cl.niaei
admitted his chaigs was a "gaudge story" told te injttw H-yc
and bib swcctlieart. Pearl Bahmer.
The tmk of tracing pe'siblc elice
"prntoetieii" given te Hi., drug .nll
cnte Iiere was resumed today in tile of
fice of Distiict Attorney K-it.in.
1'cIicp Cnrdulle. .luveph Allegre, uli.i.
".iee" Jtitehic, .In.epli P.ollena and ;
.lei'.ppli Santeie. known ns ".Jee die'
Iloeb," were taken fiem prison thl
meuiing te Citj Hull. i
.Ttidge Mennghnti. Mr. Uetiin, As-
fiistnnt District Atternejs (iotden nn-l
iirnliam, Chief A.nne, of the county
eletectivis, and Chief Kerrcr, of' the
IVdernl narcotic mii:iiI. continued tlieir State
grilling of the nnfcs-i"! drug venders.
.Chief Wjnne intimated that at least
two former police officials and several
detectives had been mentioned in the
LAUREL First Neel. .?520, .2..rj0. .?2 10, wen; r. Kc.teu-.
K2.40. !?2.20, -tcend; Old Timer. .ia.80, thl..; 7 7:1.1?, 1 00 3-0
Little ellauty, J oily Sailor an I St. La wren:. a!Se l.-.a.
LAUREL Second Perkienun, S8.30. $1 20, $2.90, ?ou
Mohican, S5...0, ?3.dO, second; Baienet, S3. 30, thiid. Xiiu,'
1.0 1 3-D. Gir.ur.e, Lucky rind, Enrice Caiuje, Plumcen, K-tth-rj-n
Harlau, Ssa Scot aaa Leugh. E'aglc alto ran.
Craft in Flames While Return
ing Frem First Trip
te Hawaii
Shipping Beard Steamship Allo
cated te Private Company
in California
Federation Speaker Manchester Speech Next Satur-
Points te Independence of
Feminine Ballet
Judge Rules Against Defense
Contention Documents Were
Illegally Seized
Hv n Ktt$ Correspondent
Toms It her, N. ,1.. Oct. 12. Attor Atter
nejs for Mrs. Hy Clbeisen, 01. trial
icre ter me imm er of her Inistinnil.
leveiatlens. lie piemiHcd "swift Inn. i
the low price, was laid before Cem-I tice" for these imiiliintPii if ,i. .t(e. ! RESfll IITIflMQ ARC AnnPTCn
mlseiioners Ainey and P.cnn nnd Mr. I ments of the ding sellcis aic correbo- '
Spens by Chairman Felten. j tnted.
Wlil End Price Hew ' "Imports that Allegre and Cnrdulle ' n sirr t err,Panticnt
The agreement is regaided by effi- I mellceSc.ule '"m!;, "nni" I rKa",n-- ""- V,ttnl '""""'"
clals as assuring Immediate reductions ..,t , r Zt 'w w ;. f ,?r?, ' "f 7'""." - """! I'M- in ih- P-.l.ti-nl
in the linrd coal prices new charged by , information that will meb.-ihh- len.l t.. ""I,,I h""'( "mnii.g i In etc wa m.ide
iniiepeuuent operators controlling L'U ethers implicated in il(. druV t.nfli.- t lednj
nnp rtn i run kiiriniT tnnti pnmni' inrr ..iii .. . --- . ---.--..,,
iii "Ml "i I." ..... ).... iu- I'K'llilK UltllOllgll it Wlllllll
day Said te Be Premier's
First Campaign Gun
Ru Aisnrlrilnl Prr
Lonilen, Oct. l''. Odds of nearl
no te en against an electfei before
Marine Disasters
Caused by Fire
principal mnnnn disasters
w.thiii the Inst twenty e.lrs
Ceneial Siecuin ;
l). tire
In l!ll)l., tM
HMMI i,.s lest.
In l!10!l. Sardinia : 100 lives lest.
' i!i::. Mohawk; .-, ijVes lest!
In IKl.'i. VelturiMi; i; lives lM
In 1!)H, Kemetor; I." Ihrf4 0Ml-
In I!l. Ciilunibiaii . II lives st
In 1!M. .l..fr,.rsn ; .) i1V(,s I()s(
J',u Aiecint,il
San Francisce, Oct. 12. Th
session ,, (I,, iniiMMiiinn of I
e naa-
'I1 Cnilfrr. ttnn.1... ,,-. ..
He end of ,i. ,,, nrp bpll ,,.CPt,.,i ';;;.' " ""P y ei Honolulu,
." th. .en.!..,, i.,. ,,,. ,,:,., ,.t.icanjmS ,J0 or "lore tourists, re.
net lie goei no ice the State I ilrr-ii i,n, .. l1..,... i, ..,.., ltlisi.iil,n .i i.i. .. . ., .. tu'"Hijr irem the n.-i-.i..i,:.i,. t,.i i
a price iivrri'iuiii'.v umi nas eeen tnc lmslness nefilii- wenlil if in. snf. m ii-nm- u.iTiinn in - -. nn minima,
cause of complaint in nil consuming ter- i mention 'names 'levcalcd b lefri ,1,'n. w -i.,.0111'''.1,, M'"-, s"l",", Scnipl.1. of the press ami in political circle that w anre today in the Pacific Ocean
r.teries at this time. ' eiiiciiiiiints 1 ui,. !(. ,, , ,,,,,. Mrs. un appral , ,.e .eur.try before Christ- and ln). pahscnn.er, ,""
The Inrgest part of the pioduclleni "In line with sound m,'i, n f ,,l ,,n i ra,V ,lvIi". A'1"'"". r' Pittsburgh, w In. Jns is inevitable. ln-vn,-,.,! .. i'r hemft
of anthracite an amount estimated b, ,m" 'nrJ Mtu!". ' 'l! , ." ' ""' I""'",'' - ," ",,rl! T1".v ''I"""-i hus manlfe.te.l s 'l"c'1 '"t0 ,lfebeats-
officials -at i0 per cent or mere of I information extracted trein these , ,' , ,i.U "'i'm "l!,ld"! k'"mI- uV Vl'"'"" -iK''i"cnnt of the complete uneeitiiinM 7 he City of Honolulu .sent two
the total comes from a group of large There is nothing t ,,,!,. ,..' u'.'V,, ,""1? "'", '"'v.hn in-i-t Miriein,,,,B the political .situation for , S O S call, before? R-m thi
mines winch new nie charging from fondants fiem iTmiikM. rJ,.- Vi,,.V,- . 1 '' "" A,v ,l"'"" "'ti'isms te,, the moment. . , , "oiere b.,j() this morn-
M te SS.3 per ten while some of ,, Mateiiirnw. ., , " Ha ,' .,', ?" '"'.".Y !l,I,,1,,1 i-"'Ps- V-. I he-Hew. s The ni..ininB ne.ap,.rs again ghe '"ff wh,eh cie picked up bv the
the independent operators have been re pieccsllng ,.aiitt..uslx f,., , ' '""' ,''" "'s ,,NI'.""' ,,r :,t '''-' "1" ""'ir . lit. f h,m . ,11s,.,...,,,,,. I Mnthen Line .stenmshm ivJ,
chnrglng nbove $12 per ten. The ar- " wnrinnts Vv I hi u...,i .... i , ' '" , ,0V """ '' ""l" "" Aginne. I ' pre. ictlnt.v :,, sunp.j.,..! ., Li ,,'. , . MeaniMiip Enterprise,
rangement by which ,h, price will be arrest's U !!" m " , m, ,?' ' ' , l"11'," , "'" ,1"1 v" v """" ,,,,,,", Minl""' '' !" ,rB'M' Wen, U 'm,t"1'ly put about in the
hed elewn te S!) 2., is elescribed as an et P ,, W "J" ,' JLm ' ' f'" -" l ppe. r.nmn-. hopes r ...iiilime t i,,.sf ,hnf ,, , ', ;'. hope of reaching the etenmahin ir.
in. ircct one but It Is said te be preb- viu-ed th.it P-i-eiis , ,, ,no ' ,,, P '"'! ,, '. "", Mm- ,'" isn. wleile ,,,!,, -s ...snort w itn e ,,.,, n- four or fn c hours stcams"'P III
' - "i '"" I'.ios.ie -weill.il .satllri In ulll I... ii... t.t. :.... i , I " ' i IOCK Lin !,,)-.. 1 -p.,
ii i mi i ri . ciii-i ii i n t
operations restricteel bj use of the (iev
eminent s iewer te icgiilate traiispetsj
iiirieii. -
we ull brim; them te ,u-lfi ins
(Jul7ed by Menaglian
! weme
i ignore imit
mom. the thniightful. educated' the R,,..lt olecter.el cainp.ilsn
"'"'J1'1 "l,r" ,"'" " lciii..nd.Ml. There js s, ,,,.,! roncunen
cr en one message
epraph Company rcccivcel a wircl
.. ..ii ..in- i li'ssiiirn . .i,Mi,.v l.
I...-. .11'. I ,1.11' II. I li.iiriiiiitr ,.n.....l. .!.... .1 ... . . . --r- . .... . 1 1 in;ii. nn:2t-n.t.n..
nude I. ehwiierntP attempt teeh.v te pre 'I" mcw of the fact that n number ..," ' , " unm' " '! h. a man ; ten ii In.-.ple? HmeHm hi 'l , , . , ,, . 7 wci-c len ine the sh.n Tl
ent the Inlroducllen of a bmulle of of --al inellvieln.il or inelenemlent ! i ," " '"' i"il'riniif wltn.-.s who "M, fr.e.,,1.. no .e,-.nK c.-ne the . , , A , ,,f ,i ,. .CT.V. 'C rnlnvel , .. J messa-'e
papeis. loiters anel notes as ovidenc.1 "I'eraters have sisnilied a willingness I '.' '- "'"ted s,.iith 1'hila.lel -.men citizens ,.,.,. , , ,.,,. j,,., th . ;,kf ',', ", ,h Z7Zl ' '"l lap(I te thc" Matsen offlce hv the
,...,,i..t ii. u..... ... .i..'. ""'"-' (.. k, , ,.PJ ,,,. ,i, ...i e- ..., Pliin. was taken 0 .Imlce .Mnmu. , .n't ' ( i m ... ,i... i. ...... ... ., ' . "-i"1' tire.i anse of tiie ..ngiutien govern- ' l'nin .. .. - "a
the Ma ""- ouuuayet , - s -; - V j cbmube.s. C,,,,;f W,no ,,,, Ca pVe.in' unuldlm;,. :.', ,,.'.,; 7;-', !'" L'ty f ,,0n-
Yosterdnv th.. nie..,,nrs .., a re.luctle,, fiem prie-es preUeitslv ,,f ! "lll-v X '"' 'ni waited in an ni.te- it was. ingiHlei. caj,. i te get l , ,,nr ,,.., ,ulu s I'osit-eii as "1 1Q.', miles east of
bei inliB Vt lie K ,. , , , "A,p ""'.' ii-s.,.peM ,.,.,, who,, Ial t Premier Honolulu."
, , i IT1 ffi'...?i ".. " 'J1'"!"" Fuel Commission an- ...l W rm.H.n. of Cap- they snv , .;,., , ,., ,''.fip It is s,;ltP(l , .PPr;ll niinrters. !,, ..
Mis. (ilbersenN Ie,p ,, -r u 1 ?Ti ' '.". "w,nn""e;nebHleiii. It is "" '' '"" -'f ' """ , ', ,,'"-r ' "" nn," P-"l'li'e- ih-ir f.ien.ls .,,,,1 I ". th-it tl. Ms., ,,,,,. ,ni,rs , l.issenge.s UP llln.iug SIllp
been ariestee. but unssf;,11 .KisUu etT"' "J' 1 -"" "-MB &n g-' lriir ;r"f;:,,:::T,'"y : i S IVeir' 'T jn s '' , "" ""r"r" "'"
When l'l:Hc. Attorney .Jayne handed Allefe. Reimrf ... , '"'.. """1 hiu.lf was ,,stmP(l , ,1 are M - ,"7 , U , f l ,'' nt .esp' . ' ,"" r '' , ,, ,Vn H h 7
thepapeis e i luiin (i. Masen, wit- ,.v ',. , '"pert Ocl. .11 b, the s,,,,,,,,,,,,.. H111 ,Illlk ,.,..,,., ,IN , mpv l iu..tl ,' t;"nr-' VTJ. ( "el- "'- h"" re ....r. d ,,P ,,.
Iiess. for lileiilllii.nl nn. nf l.ir.in, u f., "Netltle'll Ien W ill he srnt . ,.ll s!,.,. te clllllllli en ll s .. n . iw.,1 ,1 l i r ,,.!. i., -Ml, . ... ..i ',',... , ,'1," '""M lir-',...i -,., .,. "" lr"-
. - ----- .,,,,,. jim iv t "" tiih -! i- i- i .. im t in i kfii hi i tiiiiipi i in i'.iiimii'ii th i ni n in ik.. in 'tiii i i' e-i:i - i sj in
I llll II . I H 1 ... ...I.... "' . . -.- ...-.,( 1, - --.-,. .... - - . , - - 1-1IBI .11.11 "1 III' -.,-.. . HI
'"" " mi w in ri -.
iim . f. , , , , "nep heuck snw pliotegrnplis el
mmn nfler delng and cleaning It , p,.,., i,,s an,i Schnei.ler Hi a news
Wlu be possible 1) careful clienilcn' ! pnuer iccentlj lie lulil Mr. Pleisen he
uuviusi-uiue si iii i eicrm no
tether thej eer had been bleed -
i hen the pint Inn u ii iii.iiniii.nl nt
I") I'lllluelclnhi'l olefin ii hn.isii. nn
'W'eie found When spots aic
Hf.7 .i . " ll ,s "" leUIIIH1 pl.M'-
v vi inn eieatier te miiKp a p ii mii-ii I I
rnmn.ntT... . . -
ij"'"""1 l" 'leinmiii,. their miliirc.
JJ' 'llireieill piecesses ,,. .p, ,
Ji'rcate m.uks ni.ul,. by dllfcrent
r. linir. . i.-,,i.i.. . i . ,
-rnM :...: '"".'. .. "" "? ""."'
int ,i. . " '"" siiejei.pei 10
'leaned!'1'"1 '"'"" "lM 'J1""
Hill. , . . .
"wifipiila poll,.,, impstlg.U,.,!
ifc ""'I
""n it in.i ir, i ,,..
I , ..., e I Hill
sent the cleihing mi
It:..! seen tin. tiin.p togethpr. Heui'k said
in- was tli- ii ompn;,ee ns u iletectle
l.. the' Peiins,lvania Itnilre.nl. '
It seems diihciilt te Iii-Hem that IVnrl
nnd the two jetillis euuhl linve been
in Ciuinleu ni nii. lime eliiiiug the- ee
ning of September M. fp tlieir jii inn
stnti'iiieiiiM (he tlii-ee hae aoe-eiiutoil for
nil the tlme of that owning. Driwng
in a fast cur it would take u couple eif
In. in 'i te touch Camden from New
the elefense were en llieir feet instant!
with a motion te exi'luele them as oi ei
elence. Mr. Cibi'i son's lawyers eleclareil the
letters hail been .seized bj the pre,sp,.u.
ling attorney unlawfully from the de-
t'litliltllir't. limn,, i....u..l 1.. -.
11 immh.i n iieiiiii M-trrai inn q niiei- . wi
tail Ihmmi jil.-ire-I imiW unest nnd let-Kpd
ip In tlin 'loins Hlvep .full. 'Vlwy rluiim,
KM- wetinjir urir I1IKP11 uir imit AThj
uiei miinentir.s et the action ,,f the
iiiiiusMiMi, ,, ,lss of 0pCr;,ters
stibscr bins te prices of StI.LV, am) -elcr.
It d rectinn of (he f,. romnils remnils romnils
s.en an.l the .Federal fuel distributor,
the fair pract s committee lalse rep
resenting the r PemiHylvanln fuel admin
Istiiiiim) will proceed immedlateh tei
consider the reinalning approNlmateK
.) per .-out of the total i.i .,.':
i, ,,...,.. ! -.i " in. i. i.ir
.... II. llIW',- ,. M..
In t'V" "A, ""'01 pest, her alteir-
'MtMn li..i'',"K ". "ns uniiiituniile
In....,"1. '""'
l . i'..-' iieitli
jj ueiicitnr of N
- -,aiH nntii . . . i
Aute, Later Claimed by Oldfleld,
Crashes at 70-Mlle Speed
New Yeirli. Oct. 12.- (Itj A P.l -
Olin tntin ii nu tlllnl uinl fitu itfluirt.
lei mop A.staiit i n-rieuslv iniured texliiv wlien n rncliis
I'laimel by Itaruej tllell.elil te linw
be'eu stelen from him, skldile.l into a
.Vilin l,i i,ui,,.1 ,,.,. I,,,,,
', I. l III'1!- A
..1, ... 1
! .,, KIM I' '1.11 I I HI
...... ,11. ..I'll Sill' II .1 ,,,.,... .1 i( ,i , . ..I .,,
7 " ret lit." ... i... ii, . ' '" wine spooling aieng eiiversuu'
fthaellen'" In., i , ' ,",';' hi" ,1",lt (1K" "'"I "veil hea.lleng into a tree.
ti". . mi." CM,, V: ,,::.. r"ml- .i-pii .. "", f - y.
nnil lllls liuill IIM' uiniwih'1 mm leein-n
h i,.rs " '.! .'': '''I "li thlstlriu
Cniini I '""""IS-
I" Mr rn '"' ""'"'l IcttciH wiltteu
Nffb" !l'n,M,,.M' M,,,K- J ''eiuer
ilwt ti.ih.?,.,:?.,,-,,r: ."''icctiM. Davis
H lulu ." ' ,N lf,,l"" were nn
lh',.ni H,'u' """"tilled bj th,. hanel
tei a hospital te be hooked later
charge's of homicide.
A fourth ecMipunl. sniel by peller te
haw been identified ns .lames O'Dewd,
a meter ineclianlc, leapt1.! hefeire the
itiihIi ami llml as the pe.liee nrrlveil.
They aic still searching fur him. The
speeiloincter of the machine had stepped
at Hcwut.1 miles.
A Ciilifernia (lrler" IIcoikse innde
ut tei Olellield in ni heaiiug Ills signn
litui iik i iiiinnni iiiiii iiimiiiml: iii mjiiik
tC1. Vi A' tJei-hliiiP n ,,... i ,tuic mid pheteigi.iph. enabled th1 pe.liee.
ffiWr- of hi. 1, . ",.'' ,,,"1'!,.'.)fi'' csti.bllsh mwi.'r of the revk,.
Kr.'?f lle i Mr II II i"'""'''"! " m.i.'hine. lie hUh.ter was feiiml nt
SH tl.ll.ly ll H fait In Vln !V,,,(,,' ''" Y'l; I'""''1 h"11"'' ,"""' ,H'rU '"
W'ftJiS- 'A- "i'i tti - '!- Werl.1 Series, he ,nld.
llie oeiift iiiled that the sel.me ha,t
net been mnele unlawfully and that the
letters wei e proper ovidetici1
Thew aic the lotters, a.l,I.ess,,( ,
Mrs. (.ilji'Min, whlidi weie one onus,, of
iivi iiiii-s, in ,.,. iuisimmr.s miniler. ,
I he pistol holster found in the (Jlbor (Jlber (Jlbor
sen home .en, 1 ha,,, held the rewlwr
found hiehlen in outbuilding, a pis
ted expeit testiiieel this ineriilng.
'iliis pe lit, regarded as pxtroinelv lin lin
pertaut by the pemmimwealth." was
doNetailod with ether testtmem tli.it
Mrs. .ihersen ninde six trips "m the
eiitbui .ling en tin. morning of August
11. when (.Ihersen was found with' a
bullet wound in his head.
.wrs. i.'ii)orsen was palp, H,Pn
puicrce i nun top imp
d.iy of
'I he ....ninilttee will be" , t," iei.
H.uIp its nndings anel make H rc,u "t.
e.n or befei'p October 31." 'w"c
a urge part of the difficulties lead
ng te pempaint by .'oiisuniers In s
r.'".'1"0 .!." !..J!.n"0W'y f seer.
..iiwiiicu wnut would
. in. i An .i.a.i . I.
I ,,... i . .. . , , , . .... ...i w. I I l
...... ii.Miiiii inn imin ppinttipil I weulil be ii
u... iieippuvp nn. i i n sumnieiiPiI te
asstn iIip DistriPt AtteiniCs e.ffipp
In preparing a e'.is.. a'iiinst ' two No Ne No
e'enllneiril nn Puup Tnrn.i-tun C'iiliimTiM
Hiah Official DpHnrM R-r., ...!.. UJ..
.....uv-iimpr nnetlier jp ir
nun must come first ". "". groups up,
. h..
.III.. rp.nll e '.I.IPersntl.s '111
... ." i.,. ,....,. ..... " n "" Oil net i.pp,. n rp
M liae '- iaiiers.iip reun f
It Is sniel this Imn'tv op the nut of --.-s muni ,ite ra.lle
(ICO t.i'nil T,
i ce.Pliil .'iiniiiiin , , ,,,
talnlng in
Iip ces. of antji.aelte sblpme, s . Mn, v
l.nstern cities liave lie '. .., ,""."
un.liruclte shipp.ents in whl c " l s, n "
mialty of coal has been sol f"r f.
or five different pfTes-s. ' ' "'
lii0 'i'Iv-;. Sl' w,ls, '""'"i-te.l I.., li'ppim '
Slierlft Ilrewu nml smiled bremlK a't -
newspapermen near the Judge's .p( ,
. .iiii.-iis ... i.jrpp, ,uii i.auiel sr0P,
f.akewoeil. the. first witnpss, epialllie.el
ns an .pert en small arms. jP xw,s
shown the pistol romveroil in tip. out-
iiiliniing nut sniel u,is m ,m in.,,, i...
,.,,..,. ,.., .. , " ; ." ....." i .nn, .i uii'iiii
I '...In. .1. .. .
. ...i. ec new pint, the ilifforeiiP..
will he only nbemt SI Pr .,, ' i, .
n ".der Is suppli,,, freluM 'p V,, p'; ''r
en. mines or from the Inr-pr i , ,i', '"
units ,i the Iii,l.t,., . ",rPr l"-luelnS
Paris. Oct. 12 illy A. P.)
Prance will be uii'ihlc te meet any pait
of li i- debts for the next four jeiirs, as
all available .eceip.s f(M. that period
must be devoted te reroiistruetion of the
doinstiited regions, ncennling te the
Pails Herald, whicli piietes "oue of the
hig.b!st nutlieritics of tlic French Mln
Mr e.f l'liiance,"
Hie (.evprnment, ndils the nowsnnner
... ... ...,., . - :
i t ent. r stii.M.ipt ,,,
. . .tin
no. evp aelilPM.
i up wi.pi.iii eti hi ip.i v,i. ,r. ins censprvnthe i nlleagnes jk h.nlns a
haps nil ,. ..,,iil, fnnh .per., pVPp great intluonce en the Premiers attl-
'"""Mi n was it pies,ppt,.ii elpeiinp. June anel. accnnHng te v,,m,. versions, i n'clni k i fi -,n n, , .
t .mi. .no st.rrlng ini.sti,,,, ,., I .,.,. 'lie Is rel.Mng u,, ,t .,. s0l.,lr the ,.,.,,..,, .... '"-."" "" "... ,n.
. el Nntinps was at i.sit... enumr.v's support and wreck l-i a 1- loiegnipi, mpIlnj (,pnr(mL
'Hut tlie woman i ,.f i'.i.'l, after ' vn"P0 'lf .nsorntive c.nventieii U "!,s th"ight ibat nil pers.itis a beard
it he mer pnitipsr ,.T...ts ,,f u l.eague e-'lipeliilpel fr.r the ml.ldle ,,f Nnveinber. the vessel hail taken m tl. i,.,.
n . Women ..ters, the vvmiien e.f pe- hieh. if lipid, inight attempt In compel ' TP lroIess ,P. , .
Ilti.al parties, t , l,,,. n.i I , ,v , I....I os the consenntlvo lenders t.. resicn ilieir wi.ei.ss ,ev.nges gave tl. pe.
nel new. coalition pests. """n '" ""' I'urning sieainer as hill-
f the tl! .-si work, Aieund this revolt ill the Ti.rv innk ".me ,'U (IT north nml l,,..",i,,.i 111 en
1 iigiiui7 iimus of nnd file numoreiis icnjis'liires .peep, vvest.
iiui'ins nun preiiictmns nPl, frameil
Austop Chnmbcrlain's spPw., t Itir
minghain tomorrow is .p..ct,,l l,v some
observers te p(. mainlv .1 strong jiIea
for a centinuance of tip. coalition as n
ineniis e.f averting the aelvepr of a labor
"I s .' UIHIII...I np the m.cspI
II.. I 1 .
'."no .ails i ii,.. Honolulu from
""""' e legistrntii.n .11 vi
full, when imin.v of th,. n,.t
men tins '
Centlnur.l en Tubi. Tnpnt,-n, ( nluinn Knur I
Political Storm elreuing
A mill the inanv un,nii..i.iiinu
1 . . 'tl.ltnrwIn. Al.. .1.1
iselningltsptmes, ...ti.idnppw firinul, MrU8e D'-credlts Repert of Arrest u ' '".. ''."", ," , , iT "?1 f"w
nbly Jibmit., ilPtal,,! J,!e, p",;- , hr ' .V''n f " J I 0 " e'N S""1 ""h-'k ,
fp fliini.i-li.l ,,',i,Tr..ss meet!, , i'.''"'"' , Mrs' K,l,,' !'' Slr, '""' w "-' ! e of th, '""resting features when
111 nil 11111111.11.1 ningriss iiiieIh nt Ilrils- ilu! Mm. . ,1 v IS. m.lnv nf I , I,.,, an e ectlen is ileolnreil ,hii 1... .. .'
In nililitu.il 10 the SOS calls the
Honolulu said n "very i (iIP wa,
raging" en the vps.p1 nnd iinmedintu
nssistnnce was asked
When th,. L'ptprprlse receive, the cull
f..r aid It wen jp latitud,. .'!: 17 )Hirti,
1111.I lnngltiide i:ii?.12 west. The mei.
sage aske.i tint Kntorprise "if Hl,n vval
peiunig "
I'lite-r-irlsn Hushes te Aid
The Mntsnn Niivigatlen Company,
owner et the r.ntcrprUe, which la
bound from Hawaii te tin. ml,lnn,e
,, , , ', .' " "11 e . ' "1,, l" III'' Il'lIIl- ., ...,. . "--i
This plan Palis f, roilslen nf .1. ' li Ml .1 ., " 'lrr'i,,',l "' l""' A", . r," "T" lilng the linn light of """ uml lWir VOhh( '. which was rush-
...! ..e 1 ... 1 ... .
I parliamentary life. The tu present mg te the assistance of the
William Penn Residents Escape, but
Lese Household Effects
.-.iHiiii.iiie.nl. ra.. ii.i. p. iv,i,i,
. 111...... "
wnnjji nenr iu'n I
DATTl r e A nnr r i-r -x
,'nl n,,,'"n 'IS1"'" of a widely- th.cn ene.l te be w 1 , e, t bv Hri.Vi , Hl ' -'-UHnDt:u HUUS
JSriSS-ib.'feaffl', '!;!' ',: ff''7LStr JS. . ': . - ' TRAVERSE CITY STREETS?
sail . ' 1 1 .. .': ," '" '.' l".'n vniacc '
as,HHs,x?,2$ ';:''A "i'"'"J"-"- !HfT--?,s " ; iu,::'";t t,,.,T w
tiitii Weulei Kit Helstor
Mr. Jljme
A .lift' west gale whipped th- th,
1 neie
1 AH4lll. .... .
Inte ., furv. ami as t ,. . i ",, ' ."'.'.'N ' "c' y"'c"' un way ,0 Ma-y'and
no tire appariitus the blaze gaineil ,.,, I Ease, Skirt Northern Section
"If IllV Wifp Ulll IIU.1V villi. Ihl. mm, I
Heleien," Mr. Slrusp said t.idn.v. "sh,.
wns under s.uiip bvnnetie iiiilin'.npp np
illness I11.1l tnmri.M.i.ll. . . I. I .l I rs ..
mimi; I wen'; beden. ,.,.",; I Lr rrPC"y uama9 at Arequlpa.
IMitln.lelphlii ilotectivos ...milium,.,,... Wires Down Seuth of Lima
ami ilm City of I.es Angeles.
I he City of Honolulu apparently Is
two fnj s off. f,hnre from j.es Angelea
en the return (rip of its lirst veyagt.
It is a Shipping Heard vessel of J?,.
.- tens iiuii was uiiecatf.,1 t t, j,-
iet,.-..M isicitiiiNiiiii i i.mpa.iy for
',..111.11 ll IIIIII llll I XI lilil.xnl.l I..... ... 11" . ' - ' .- ' a ... 1 11 llll !' it IILIH'S Illlll 1 lir I lllil -n ,. I'l I I llll I - ill.. A . .
nnnttohv;.e:!:a;;;ov;: A-;ionr;.ari.,,v,;,ke-f,;,-,;n;1 me,p rrffiTripM. r.Typ a
ei lHter fen 1 .. i bu en. 'drawer "B.j'Wmiiiliw dispntcl,e,l with nil t ''''H' "n ""'' U"'" M"'-' 1 Presei e" ,m"",M"Ml hl- "" "' ' . "' '! ' TZ )eMer,lay ever a vvnie Aug.-M ami the Hawaiian fHlnn.l". It
e,,:i,ro,, home. I,,. ,,.v,VinV,;vi:;liit".(!rr'vr;llnp tmil(I1,,RN Hml tli. 1 1..-.,. K...". ri- " : :irx7: '--- - iR'SXA-ffi VSS'jSL&it
.!.""' . . cupantH had biirei.v tlme te ...,! .. ..V ' net Ien menis r..r Seul enstein I enns, Ivnnl.i .lisin... of iiulpn nnd uuinerniiH Miiall vlll.iinH. ., e the It00 tourists who i..e t, J liZ.ill
. I
bi-lJ llvby I. tues Mercer Ib.vlVT.e !s' i ,l,,,ir ,lv7' 1,""vi,,K ''"""'"'old .'.fro,. tN I , ICuinlilinis- gu -.ages IIMl, u.. , i r'""1. "' n"""h-I ''' "" "-1 "' rnl11' '"hit'"s from Are-! "' thn vebel were retu k e the
f . Mrs i .son nA i i . 'V11"""' I I'rey te the IIiiuieh. The olllerv Ih ,i J ''hitier of horses' .f , aini ,, i . ,'r;,,rll'5'"' ,'t"'ei. ltex- 'iul.a tn.lnj. ! same beat when the lire occurre
s nucha . gP ' ' ' ,,,H ,,,""n"M In the line of the the. ami efflclX ' ",";",,K w '""'' " ''' ' I r In ,s K tr u T".', ''W ' ' kr"K ' '" Snutliern Hallway .uffored dam-1 - - I
Tlert 1) UWlstier n defective ,,r 0WT "r,l,,n"1 PVl'r "vellnble in le ' t'.".ps were ., , .f"! ,r; l"J'' ' ' ' """ ' '"" ""''" "'"" ' "K M,,llc,,,In '''len, between ' JOHN McCORMACK RETURN '
B I l - I m -J alJ,,'V, J.' ' vV ",.ni..Uii4iji i . ' ; T , J , t f- 5 ,.-
Sr2L" "' Ulu duteellvta eh te
WntJ celumni en
I W Tw-. cWinjw Thre
feiind In eh llu
-r "
.y.iKi 1 -eXx
. si,.