Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 11, 1922, Night Extra, Image 7

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Rpbrgan PlW at &; tt''11 4:45 '
'ANAMARER'S store $ at s' WANAMAKER'S USSSSif' il
Stere Opens at 9
jtlefly " Chlmei t Jfeea
Vea? Things, Useful or Beautiful, Pour Inte Wanamaker $
Jealousy, Spite
Arc? Neighbors
, in m0Vc awav from rather than cultivate.
, They all live in a gloomy shed and are ever
Dleitinp mischief.
Belter te fro a long distance out of your way te
avoid them.
"Let net the sun go down upon your wrath."
October U. 122-
Sables Frem Russia
and Hudsen's Bay
!.. mniv centuries the )
dark, marvcleusly soft snhles
liavc been prized .beyond
almost any ether fur; and to
day they are the most perfect
Tall the little neck finishes
.. ..inth frocks.
Iut (Second
The New Bolster
en Yeung Women s Dresses
If you haven't already seen it
you can ha-e no idea hew pretty
It is en a slim, youthful figure.
As many ns three brand-new
models in a group of charming
ilk dresses at $87.50 show some
form of the bolster girdle.
One shirred full-skirted style
mei the little rolled girdle as an
xcuse for the longer waist line.
The early Victorian effect is fur
ther carried out by a deep bertha
of black net stitched In white.
' A lovely soft blister satin has
tinv bolster girdle te held the
A Few Finer Capes
for Women Are Repriced
' Se much less are the new makings that they aver
age about half. ,. , , , .. . ,
Fer example, a number of handsome belivia and
duvetvn capes, some beautifully beaded, embroidered or
stitched and lined with the loveliest silk, are new $75
A very few, even handsomer duvetyn capes with
caracul or squirrel cellars, are new priced at $100. Beth
light and, dark colors.
(rirnt rioer)
Special Corsets
Seme particularly pretty and
Inexpensive white satin corsets
hae arrived for brides. A top
k model made with elastic in
lerts is priced at $5.
The same style in pink breehe
Is ?3.75.
Anether, topless with long skirt
nl elastic insert, is made of pink
breehe and is especially adapted
te tall figures, $5.
A long model, for large women,
has a very low top and elastic
lectiens in the skirt, $5.
(Third Vloer)
Many Mothers
Will Be Interested te Knew
that the Wanamaker Custom Tailoring and Dressmak
ing Bureau makes te measure individual clothing for
schoolgirls of 8 te 16 years.
Admirable models and cer- '
rect materials are offered for j
choice in school and daytime i
frocks, street and occasion
dresses, party irecKs. suits,
topcoats, wraps, and all ether
Large Bleemers
and Nightgowns
laifjc women arc very keen
bout the bloomers because they
4e away with the slightest bulk.
Of sateen, black, pink and
. "hite, ?l and $1.65.
Cotten crepe, pink and white,
Nainsoek with embroidery
dge, $1.35 and $1.65, with lace,
The nightgowns include three
low-necked styles with lace or
itnbreidery, piiced at $1; and four
Hher Hyles r.eme with lace and
eme with embroidery, at $1.65
t $2.85.
(third Heur)
Broadcloth Mere
Fashionable Than
for Many Seasons
Most women are glad of the
r'turn te fnvev of se serviceable
nl hnnd-eme a fabric. It is in
"winnd for tailored suit-, one ene
Pjtte dressM, skirls, wraps and
Children's coat?.
!, Hne feieign and domestic
MMdcIeUm of high and perren-
w. Black and all colors, from
te 54 Inches wide.
and 111 Nature
Russian sables, natural or
tipped, are $185 te $386 for
one-skin pieces, and $290 te
$750 for two-akin.
Hudsen Bay sables, natural
and blended, are $00 te $145
for one-skin te $100 te $450
for two-skin
Girdle Appears
side panels in place. The lung
straight Waist is quilted.
And there is a delightful satin
faced crepc with a square lin
gerie bertha thnt shows the same
arrangement of two bolster
girdled as a finish te the side
Three ether styles at $37.50
emit the bolster girdle but cm
ploy metal or silk ornaments in
stead. They come in all the new
shades of brown cinnamon,
Hindu, cocoa, beaver, coffee, car
amel and navy and black. Sizes
14 te 20 years.
A One-Strap Slipper
With Much te
Recommend It
A slipper that combines the
lightness of kid with the dura
bility of calf is a favorite with
many women.
It is a light-weight dull black
calfskin, as soft and flexible as
kid j with hand-turned nole, low
Leuis heel, one instep strap and
medium tee. Vamp, quarter and
strap are perforated just enough
te relieve its plainness.
Finely fashioned, and priced
$14 the pair.
The same slipper in black
patent leather at the same price.
Vint Fleer)
outer apparel of a young girl's
Fancy dresses for dancing
classes are a specialty.
The moderate prices include
all materials, necessary fittings
mm mai.ing.
Hand-Made Silk
Blouses, Quite
Remarkable at $5
They are exactly whnt many
women want te wear with sports
suits and, being of geed quality
white crepe de chine, they de net
musn as easily as a cotton blouse.
Every atitch is done by hand
and most daintily. The cellar is
the tuxedo style which fits se well
ever coat cellars or sweaters and
it, like the cuffs, has hand-drnwn-werk
and hnnd-ombreidered dots.
(Third Fleer)
Necessaries for the
Small Baby
The little baby needs many
things for his health and comfort
and just such things are here
abundantly for mothers' pleasant
choeBing everything from wee
little shirts te big crib3 and walk
ing pens. There's a fine let of
new nursery furniture and many
pretty things te wear.
Flannel binders are. 25c te 36c.
Woven bands are 4fie te $1.
Flannelct circular smenucs are
f!."ici flanneV wrappers, in white,
'rimmed with pink or blue, aie
(50c te $1.
Crocheted beek.s are 30c te $1.50
a pair.
Blankets of many kinds are 76c
te $3.
Hew quickly and hew inexpen
sively a personally chosen layctte
can be assembledl
(Tttlrt WXmmt
Women's Tajffeta Dance
Frecks Gay as a Garden
With their quaint bodices and full petaled or corded
skirts they are net unlike poppies and hollyhocks and
ether lovely blossoms. Certainly the colors caught in the
shimmering silk are the most living and exquisite of
flower colors the pure scarlet of poppies, the rose tints
of orchids, the orange and rose of tea roses, the green
and geld of certain shining leaves. And all this color is
given its final accent by the glitter of narrow metal
ribbons used as girdles.
Haif a dozen styles or mere between $85 and $42.50.
(First fleer)
New Fans in
Gorgeous Celers
The petal fan is among the
newest flower petals fluttering
among fluffy ostrich.
Ceque feathers have a glossy
beauty of color and smooth lines
of curving grace. One sees the
deopening hues of orchid, jade,
purple, bright blue, red, coral and
tan, sometimes with contrasting
darker feathers introduced.
Plumed ostrich fans have, of
course, a secure place of -their
(Main Fleer)
fa and 18c
Geed white linen handkerchiefs
have eighth-of-an-inch hems,
hemstitched, at 12c each or
$1.38 a dozen.
At 18c, hemstitched linen
handkerchiefs have slightly
wider hems. Beth are excellent
Mere Metal Laces
Frem France
Fleuncings and bands this time,
in rose and silver, blue and silver
and black and silver in their
effect very like colored cobwebs
gemmed with dew.
36-inch fleuncings, $9.76.
18-inch bands, $5.75.
Other fashionable metal laces
are fleuncings and bands of old
geld, steel and bright silver. Alse
metal lace for berthas, in geld,
black and steel, for $3.25.
(Main Fleer)
Cellar Edgings by
the Yard
Embroideries in sections de
signed te be made into cellars te
fit round necks arc en white or
gandie at 65c te 2.25 n yard,
and en white or ecru linen at $1.25
a yard.
Colored embroideries en white
eigandie or batiste, 75c te $2.75
a yard.
(Vint Fleer)
Over 30 Patterns
in Bathrobe
Time te make bathrobes befera
cold wcather sets In I Here nre
patterns for every one, from the
wee baby up, There nre nil sorts
of designs and colorings and all
nre reversible. Seme plain colors
have contrasting backs, such as
Nurseiy animals frolic en pink
or blue grounds, and, for contrast,
thcre' nre many brilliant Indian
designs for men and boys. The
soft conventional designs that
Mether likes are here, also.
37 inches wide, 60c a yard.
36 inches wide, 76c a ynrd.
(Pint Tloer)
Beys' Sturdy Shoes at $5
Thick soles, built for service; plain, wide tees de
signed for comfort, they're exactly right for boys' school
wear. Of strong, substantial cowhide in dark brown
with a single row of perforations marking the tip.
sues two ana a nau te six.
Fashion Marks Time
by Opsnwerk
en these fine new silk stockings.
Silk from tip te tee, they show
the newest versions of the lacy
openwork clock for Autumn. In
black, white, russet, African
brown, navy and the many seff,
indefinite beige and gray tones
se fashionable new. ?3.50 pair.
(First Fleer).
These Smeeth
Vanilla Mints!
Hew geed they are and what
a pretty tublc decoration they
mnke these smooth wafers in
white, pink or yellow. Just
the thing for parties! Many
people like the "douhle vanilla"
flavor in our own blending with
mint. 70c a pound.
(l)nirn Htulri Stere)
Beaded Bags of
Great Beauty and
Moderate Price
The dull, faded blues of a Gebe
lin tapestry, the rich soft reds of
a Persian rug, garnet and bronze
tones and wonderful messy greens
and mauvfl tints are marvelously
blended in these charming new
bags, recently imported.
As the tiniest of beads are used
and the work is done entirely by
hand the bags are even softer
than fabric bags. All have draw
string tops, though if you have
a cherished silver frame we could
mount it en one of these bags
very successfully.
Prices range from ?25 te $50,
considerably less than such fine
bags are customarily priced.
(Main Fleer)
"Parade of the
Weeden Soldiers"
"Chauve Souris"
--is one of the popular new
Amplce recordings this month.
"The 10th Hele" is another
new fox trot, and "Thru' the
Night" another new waltz record.
Eight new fox trots are among
the month's best popular numbers.
(Setena Gallery)
The Children's
Barber Shep
is n famous place for having hair
cut in just the right way.and the
experienced barbers will give
geed advice as te hew it will be
mert becoming.
Singeing, shampooing, scalp
tieatments and everytbing for
the health and beuuty of the hair
is done In the Barber Shep.
What is mere, the barbers under
stand children and keep them in
terested and happy.
It is always well te make ap ap
pehntinents in advance.
(Third Fleer)
Victer Herbert
at Wanamakeifs
An unusual musical
event will bn a concert in
Egyptian llnll at 12
o'clock tomerrow1 in honor
of Victer Herbert, who is
new appearing as guest
conductor of the Or
chestra at the Stanley
Mr. Herbert will him
self take part in the
, program and will be as
sisted by Ruth Lloyd
Kinney, mezzo - soprano,
and Sigmund Spaeth,
Ph. D.
A number of Mr. Her
bert's recordings will be
rendered en the Ampioe.
(fleoenil Tloer)
New Cemers Among
"William De Morgan and His
Wife," by A. M. W. Stirling,
?6. A life which will appeal
te a very wide circle of ad
mirers in England and Amer
ica, dealing as it does with two
of the rarest spirits of the age.
"All in a Lifetime," by Henry
Mergenthau, U. An inspira
tional story of the rise of a
young man. ,
"The Kun of Being a Pat Mnn."
by William Johnsten, 75c. A
little masterpiece of humor.
"Where the Blue Begins," by
Christopher Merley, PI. 50. A
taking whimsy.
(Main I'lner)
New Flexible
Bracelets A-GIeam
With Light
Particularly pretty arc the new
band bracelets of fine silver
plated mesh with ornaments
(sometimes bow-knots) of gleam
ing rhinestencs. Anether type
shows three rows of rhinestencs
each. Others, of tiny and geed
imitation pearls, have slides of
rhinestencs or of imitation Jet or
sapphire. All are graceful and
lovely. $7 te $33.
New earrings continue in the
delicacy of the shower of imita
tion pearh, jet-and-sapphirc, jet-nnd-pearls,
etc. S8 te ?27 n pair.
(Main Fleer)
Millinery Conversations
"Where did you find thnt
adorable hat?"
'Trimmed it myself. De you
like it?"
"Like it! I love it. Wish
I could find anything half as
"Well, my dear, de as I did.
Ge straight te the Wanamaker
Millinery Salens and try en
their untrimmed hats. They've
the smartest collection in town
shapes you won't see every
where. Yeu can't help finding
one that you'll rave ever.
They have the loveliest
French trimmings feathers,
metal ornaments and flowers
that I saw anywhere."
"Net a bit of it! My hat
untrimmed was $5, my two
Spanish ceque plumes were
$1.50. Did you ever see a
smarter effect for 6.50? But
they have hundreds of pTetty
Knives and Ferks of
Stainless Steel
Ne mere scouring and polish
ing, for stainless steel is never
blackened by fruit or meat juices
or vegetable acids. A set of nix
knives and six forks, $7.50. All
have white handles.
(Fenrth Fleer)
New Frem Parts
Exquisitely made flowers
and garlands for trimming
lamp shades, boudoir lights,
pillows and ether such fancy
articles may be seen today in
the Art Needlework Stere.
(Second Fleer)
Power Harnessed te
the Household
ll aeenis that all the world la
new trying te lighten the task of
housekeepingl There is home
making and housekeeping and
sometimes there is se much of the
latter that there is no time for
the former. That is the b
lessen for welcoming anything
that deei away with diudgevy.
Theie is a comer (n pvcttv big
corner) of the FeuiMi Fleer
where washing machines, dish
washers, electric irons, teusters
and all things electrical are gath
ered together for easy and wise
selection. It is an education in
the possibilities of electricity
when harnessed te the household
(Trmrlh Fleer)
A Weman's Bracelet
Watch Must Be
Unusually Geed
The Elgin watch Is one of the
best American watches made for
women. There has been no effort
or expanse spared te make it re
liable and enduring. It is an ex
cellent investment for every
dollar paid for it.
Platinum cased Elgin watches,
set with diamonds and mounted
en black ribbon bracelets, 4C0
te 9566.
Elgin watches in 14 kt. geld
cases, en black ribbon bracelets,
$42 te $110.
Elgin watches in sterling sliver
cases en ribbon bracelets, $34 te
$41. And in geld-filled cases, $23
te $41.
(Mnln Kleer)
Special Manicure
Sets in Leather
Cases, $1 te $15
Opportunity peeps out of
every corner of them even
enough te make it worth while
te buy glftn in advance. In
most cases, the price of the
complete case would net buy
the utensils in it, and many
of the cases are handsomely
lined. All are of leather and
many have fittings of inlaid
and decorated imitation ivory.
Most of them are for women,
but some neat little cases for
men are included. Seme at ?1
have three pieces, ethers have
(Main Ftaer)
A French Tinsel
Brocade at a
Moderate Price
$7.50 a yard and 39 inches
wide. Usually French brocades
are much mere expensive.
Many women like this brocade
for draperies, panels, bags, mil
linery. New, however, it is being
bought for gowns, trains, wraps,
either the outside or the inside
There are glorious shades of
jade, sapphire, emerald,
amethyst, Tunisian red, henna
and black, woven with designs in
geld or silver tinsel thread. The
effect is extremely rich and beau
tiful. (Fir it Fleer)
hats from $3 up te $16 fe'.t,
velour, hatter's plush, beaver,
velvet everything! And geed
trimmings from r0c up."
"Hats need se little en, this
year. I believe I'll try it."
"Yes, but be sure you try
WanamakerV Everything de
pends en cheesing a really
smart and geed shape te begin
An Extraordinary Offering of
Upholstered Living-Roem Suits
Twe distinct groups of living-room suits combine te
make this the most unusual event of its kind in years.
Frem a well-known manufacturer we
have taken ever an excellent let of three
piece upholstered living-room suits in ten
different patterns te sell at remarkably
low prices, at leRt 25 per cent less than
In these there are thrce'piece
ivleur or tapeatri milts, ever-
stuffed and with all-hair filling,
new marked $22.
Three-piece buits, eerstutTed, hair
filled and covered in mohair, are new $860
te $515.
In this purchase also there is a choice
of two patterns of three-piece suits with
cane backs, loose-cushion spring seats and
separate pillows covered with blue figured
velour and new priced at $190.
In addition te these we are offering, at
a remarkably low price, a wonderful let
of three-piece overstuffed suits made up in
eiu own factory.
We bought at a remarkable reduction
from a manufacturer of upholstery mate
rials enough velvet te cover 75 suit's. It n
in several shades, all with geld back
grounds, giving an antique appearance and
insuring continuance 01 geed leeks.
(rtlth Fleer)
A Man Can Save Meney en a
Raincoat Right New
Geed coats, tee, though there are net se many of
But there will be enough for a day or se and a man
couldn't find himself face te face with an opportunity
te get a geed raincoat at a much better time.
Autumn rains are frequent and from new until
overcoat time it doesn't pay te be without a raincoat.
These particular coats are made by one of the best
manufacturers in the country. They are light tan, an
easy weight and have a belt all around.
Price, $13.50.
Men's Linen
Handkerchiefs, 50c
J hey have that soft,
hinoeth, glossy finish that
only geed Irish linen, woven
of fine threads, ever has. (In
fact, mere than one woman
will want te ub them for
The Scope of the
Oriental Rug Sale
is wide and fascinating, reaching from an Anatolian
mat, 2x3 ft, at $7.50" te a superb Kermanshah.
16.9x10.10 ft, at $1285.
The selection in between is varied and magnifi
cent, embracing a wonderful new collection of Chinese
rugs of heavy, excellent quality, specially woven for
this store.
They are new offered at unusually low price6,
9x12 ft. at .$285 te 16x12 ft. at $725.
Small Chinese rugs, scarce sizes, from 3x3 ft.,
$30, te 7x4 ft. at $85 te $95.
Persian Serapis, from 5x6 ft at $85 te 13.9x9.8
ft at $335.
Small Serapis, 3.6x4.6 ft., $55 te $65.
Kermanshahs, 11.3x7.1 ft te 16.9x10.10 ft, at
S425 te $1285.
Smaller Kermanshahs, 6.4x7.4 ft., $125 te $150.
Alse Mesuls, about 3.6x6.6 ft., at $37 te $55.
Hamadans, about 4.6x7 ft., from $65 te $85. Anato
lian mats, from $7.50 te $9.75.
(Srrntli Fleer)
A Beautiful New Collection
of Madeira Embroidered Linen
The largest and most attractive
new shipment in a long time.
A wonderful assortment of sets
and pieces, ranging from a little
doily at 3jc te an exquisite bed
spread at S81".
There are scarfs, centerpieces,
napkins, pillow cases, tea and
luncheon sets, handkerchief cases,
Pottery and Porcelain Lamps
Frem China, Japan and Eng
land come the pottery and por
celain vases in fine tones of yel
low, black, blue, Royal blue and
copper. These vases, simple and
beautiful in shape, ere completed
A Fireless Cooker Bakes and
Roasts as Well as Stews and Beils
Many women have thought that fireless cookers are lim
ited te boiling or stewing that they are geed for simple
dishes that need long heat and nothing mere.
On the contrary, delicious pies and cakes, biscuits and
bread can be baked in them. Meats and fowls can be reastd
te a turn and vegetables can be perfectly cooked with every
natural flavor retained.
A well-balanced meal can,be served, piping het, without
hours of drudgery having previously been spent in the
Scientifically built flrelesp coekstoves of proven worth
can be had in various sizes at $25. $86. $40 and $42.
(Fenrth Flew)
children's cellar-and-cuff sets!)
Men Hke them becnuse they
nre plainly hemstitched nn'd
medium weight.
Tapo-berdercd linen handker
chiefs of excellent quality nre
towels, het roll covers, nil of them
excellent examples of Madeira
hand-embroidery work.
A veritable feast of Interest
and opportunity for these seek
ing bridal gifts.
The luncheon sets begin at
$6.75, and all prices are quite
by geld burnished mountings, fit
ted with one or two electric lights,
ana pricea at $e te 900.
Harmonizing shades will b
found nearby in the Lamp Stere
nt 55.50 te $140,
These suits are splendidly made and
filled with hair and we have priced them at
$225. an extraordinarily low figure.
The velvet coverings retail for about $8
a yard.
It takes about 18 yards te cover a suit.
Then consider the hair, springs, cordage,
frames, and above all the labor, and judge
the a!ue for yourself.
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