ffSlgP ,-tf 'via ' 'Of fwl fV lr- J J. 1 rcs W JV 'tVl? r EVENING ETJBLIO LEDGER-PHIIiADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 11, 1922 THE WORLD OUTSIDE By HAROLD MacGRATH n.llUnt tery or a fight for $7,000,006 and a beautiful girTu lev Tbthi """" cf "Th Ma? en h Bex" "Luch of thm lrith" Copyright, lUt, hv Hareit UaeOreth etighly but quietly Mr. Jehnsen's sus picions. The result Is we are exactly where we started from. If your father had an enemy, violently Inclined, we found no trnre of him. i My opinion Is this: That some crank, who could net pet his business te your father through the regular channels, Bought the window via the lire escape plntferm. The shock of see ing him enter was tee much for your father's heart. Dut that the stranger was seme one aware of your father's delicate condition and vengefully fright cued him te death strikes me as bosh. Tour father had been warned te avoid any shock, net te run after street earn or te enter crowded trains. Mere than twenty years age he went through n severe siege of pneumonia, and his heart had been in a precarious condition ever Blnce. Ills town physl elan here net long age declared te me that Silas Bancroft wan a marvel te medical science. Logically he should have died ycar3 age. He hnd his office In ours for mahy years, and by se delnir kent out of the turmoil, though always within im mediate touch. Only bin broker knew ins telephone number, which was ours. He was as Inaccessible as the Matter horn. Se excitement eddied around but never touched him. Hence his pro longation in the affairs of men. Your father came in that morning with his usual abstract nlr. He went directly Inte his office, which was his Invariable custom. Only upon our signal was the deer ever opened before the lunch hour. Your father was with out fear, and the locked deer was te firevrnt such intruders as might be ucky in passing the barrier from an noying him. The waUebaskct wan filled with crumpled and tern wraps of paper. AVe found nothing which would Indicate a threat, however. But the date en his desk calendar was circled heavily, ns if something momentous was te take place. Uut that might have been Mime nnlver6ary. Jehnsen was alone In the main office at neon. Suddenly he heard high voices In your father's office. A pro longed All! then silence. Jehnsen ran te the deer nnd signaled. There wns no answer. Th-n he ran outside te the fire-escape and get into your father's office through the opened window. Your father lay sprnwled ever his desk, dead. New, Jehnsen may linve been mla tnken. The velcen may hnvc come from the alley, for all the outside windows were up, the wcplher being mild. Thcre were trucl'inen and stevedores In the warehouse nlley. Nene of them had heard voices or seen anybody en the fire escape. Net even Jehnsen. And there you are. If they had net been John John Jehn eon en the fire-escape It is credible that n stronger might have come and gene without being observed. Even if Jehnsen's suspicions have any foundation, there Is nothing te be done in law. If your father had an enemy of the violent tjpe it Is strange that in nil these yeara I had never heard of it. Of eeurhc, with n hilent man like your father, you never can tell. We shall always wonder why your father emphasized the date en his cal endar. It may have been the windtip of some deal, or some nnniernry. He was totally out of the market at this time; se his death could net possibly benefit any ene but you. Come Inte town as seen as you pos sibly can and we'll talk it ever. Be sides, the banks will be minting your signatures. Itespectfully jeuis, GEOItGE D. SNELI,. The Mallvelcnt Stranger Bancroft slipped the letter under the blotter and went back menially In re view. Never, se far 111 hu could recall, had there been evidence en his father's part of perturbation or anxiety. He himself had alwnjs belted the doers nnd windows nt night, i.ever his father. Se then, if thcre had been an enemy, his father had geno about his affairs unufinid. Off t New Yerk at 0 In the morning and buck nt 0 In the evening, regularly as clockwork, never staying In town ever night, lie was inclined toward Snell's theory, that the head clerk s ears hed tricked him. Among his father's papers he found no' lead of any distinction, one that would point te a pergenal enemy. Se far he had discovered nothing but results, no beginnings, no data as te hew this or that deal had had its inception, only the censum matien thoreer. There wes one slip of paper, un dated, that rather puzzled him: "Paid Kennedy In full." This was heavily underscored, ns if his father had been in an emphatic mood at the time. But in all the papers that alone was the one sign of emphaslB. AVhat had provoked this eraphe Ms anger or satisfaction? At any rate, whoever Kennedy was, he had been paid In full. Still, he would take the slip into town; 8nell might recollect this man Kennedy. There was a queer angle te the whole business ; his father, living In this cheap old hetibc, in e village which despised him, when he might have lived like a prince; the office within an office, ns if he were hiding. A miser. And yet, as lie recalled his father's coun tenance. It wns net the pinched, thin lipped visage of the miser, the accepted type; it had been pale and thin but jerenc. A quiet man, who spoke but little, who hnd no loves, no fads, no friendships. What was the meaning of all these lenuimi noens, tuese lovely vases i thcte. this table nt u-liir!i im nt'. ii,. ' had never been his father touch a book or handle a vase. What, then, were these tlilnes delnir In tills linncn. uMli threatened te tumldc apart whenever ii aiurm nuireieil It 'Lhen wim unine wm1. as l,e should have done', be iik 'nann1eF ,of rtdtlle. but. no visible thread tlnu. 7 "ur. Instcud, his nir. "' J,,ulu unravel it. r and imraedlate sensation wns1 nilt ne.nrly 'even millions, all his ettenT'!0fi.,w- Net Impending nut of the Storm Tup man en the wrong side of the "fnd0W-and te be en the wrong ii of cozy windows wns this man's wlferccd the umbrella down against U head nnd shoulders te prevent It ii being blown out of his hand, for m.Xnal gole wns full of uncx tbii" lulls nnd rages. Under his left M a "atber portfolio, snugly !H5 Prem time te time he teetered i i kiisncfd himself against some extra ! Malt. The covering of the um IrtllJ iav '"rth a ,ew' contlnueus "m'itoed at the side, at the very j2 of the square of yellow light, shot "!!' Jnatkllng rain, that poured into 5"V,PknewV brightly as It passed the "mIw Sill! but filtering quickly Inte fXtm mist above a dull green H"lL& through which the tres- luiwf pecred-nnd lip was a trespasser, K for the present, he preferred the SSwrte the deer-was in a mean S,,ii en a mean street in a mean vll- C a village which was moribund, lice, a .T1" ?...., .- .ii. -.. .! . Li.it vartivnfi lit him. nub ul el.iv. KSr The clapboards of this pnr ttrVe were dingy gray. The h i roepcu lerwuni, imu .., SkeuTdera of a man tick of ife. unc ticket fence might easily nave uci taken for the teeth of some prehistoric Kemter that nail iivcu net wuiy um tee well, w full et gaps and raggedness wi It The giccn blinds alone re tained seme cf their pristine freshness. It might have been Hint the rain had temporarily varnished them. The trespasser could sce clearly every mve every expression of the young pin en the cozy side of the windew: ind beyond him, Miclt upon , bhelf of Lks, and above these, ancient Ming, Green Kagu, Marl and cloisenne. Hie louse wns like a human wreck, filled dh wonderful memories; something like hlmbelf. Memories! Memories that ntHn could smother, neither time, nor pltce, nor nctlen. His sudden convulsive grip of fury. combined with n blast from the tempest Itrenger thun uny preceding, broke the bate 01 tae iiiuureua wiicm u cmcira the handle. The blnck canopy whirled aloft and away, drunkenly, nnd vnn Isbed like some evil bat out of Bracken. Jt seemed incredible that the young tjn nitliin. uhcre nil was se cheerful irith lamp light and Are light, wns in nowise disturbed by the fire of the inn inn Irteleney that burned mi tierce In the trefpiiMer's ejes. The gift of pre vimee was net this jeuns man's, liew- i?fr, for lie was utterly linn'vnie of the uLer's prcbciue or that the nlr was electrically ehnrged with miilevelency. Oil; the troubled conscience knows night of occult forces or fears them. Tha man outside presently became ttnslble te the fact that he was being foundry pmnmelcd by the rain ; te he lurried te the perch nnd pulled the doerbeU. Hew lung had he been peer ing Inte the w inrlew? Twenty minutes, pernipa. uui'uimei-uiuie uui m't't'ttsiuj , lisce the opportunity freely te btudy the young man wub one net lightly te beigoercd. And what hnd he icarned? Tilt the boy had a mobile countenance lid, when ulenc. permitted his thoughts te print themselves distinctly upon It. But would tne countennuce be mobile eider the observation of strange cye7 That remained te be learned. Tie reung man Nit rcudlne at a flat- tee desk, cnen which steed a student's limp, its nickel oil container tarnished Mjend redemption. The upper half of bis face r.is nnrtlnllv masked in iladew, but easily remarked; his chin and mouth, in the free light, were no ticeable for the bquarencMi of the one and the wlilmticnl tendemeug of the ether. He rend from typewritten sheets which lay lint upon the desk. Some times he would prep his elbows and rest his jaws upon his palms: or he wuld slump In the chnlr, his arms angling, stare into n darkened cor cer ttr, and upon this Itcmbrandt back ground paint a dream, u pugeant In Klrk-t. LCrlmns. or nnn In uilvni. nt.,1 geld. Outside the wind howled nnd rain ashed. Uut it was waun and cheerful a thli room. Legs burned briskly in the firenlhrfv SiliMi'nu nn.l Llnl.nL. nt kks lined the four walls : books with ira ducks una blue, hand tooled in eiher id geld, whole calf nnd limp me- FQCCOImnilrfwlfc. .if ttiam A ..... .1.- njaest shelf were a dezeu exquisite naei, ancient China and Japan. The w, a heavy nutwoed, was beautifully . , ! I'.w.wun a- iuiuiiiiim. . i j .e ?0UnK man- ee thoroughly ab- jreed in his typewritten sheets, neither m. . ?,or the PQttery bigniiled any "ag te his mind beyond the fact that i always gathered a mysterious pleas we In beholding them. Thnt these ob- Jttll 0r mir rt nln in t,t u lnatnctlvely knew, but he could net m told why he knew. The lloe.r. was wed with an ordinary rng carpet, JSRfJf tllctllrc8llel(l8 U1"l under the ii i V,M pftper wus elJ nnd faded, Kf if cerPcr? ; the woodwork that "' the oak shelves waa dull white m with broken blisters. uH.Len, "!iUi","sl" the 'eun8 man it. ' '"J ,l",t t0,le et suppressed chl. i,0",'1'10 '" cntheilriilB, where jctee lie m wnlt te confound us If Ste flJ!,r .lce.''- "twilny, ueven Smifc:''ely epcnUlns' ,eday' Phra'Ld0yn il16 hn.(1 PUI these that Z ,, , ?. WtaP? from thu "0"" nch. $lmnQt wWng nightmare i knUeH ric&.8uerr,e.n ? THE GUMPS Three Vetes for 25 Bucks f MR 60MF- WE Mtt ' MtAABtRS OF "TME CHA.MT4 UtKfcOE AW WE ARE TfNINf. TO RASE MONW Te BUILt) K SOCIAL CtMTt ,f OR QIR13 WVO HVC HO "OMU" TO C(VE TMtM K ENVIRONMENT- T-S f Ttf II6MTT IM AT MAO TMt OtWMXUlS- tVtRS SXtTCM 0 VT- AHt U)t VMOW sev TO fcfc )tXH cvtAtvTACUL se Toeavrr MOV WOULD 6 WE US ttl VK l- ti wiu. VKINQ LOCK- WV. COtNb TO MOTE , e. reu ree- f tMT THAT WOMftCWFOV." tAintPML- AND TOW 1D T ALL SO)tLVC- T TMCC& Txt UOMU4 Ttt W t6LF 1 SAaiTictMC - Zvuksh wewcrttt TO MAKfc OTTMU MAFPM TUniMtkJdbft POM TMOU&AMD& OV STtTtMIS- SVCV TtttO)S V)03X AMD SO BWmWU.T DONf I rv rr 1 kelsik: vw v BJ "s. Aiifl ISSkSII v A ' I fll 1 TEH DOLLARS- TrT NOT 2Stt AH TS WefcTVj MORE- AMT V"M NOW At-V. TWt UCK W THE WOttL M NOO LAUOA.Lt, UMDERTAKiNCj - AMD NOV MKS RtST AtOHCt LATXtS TMA.T P AM tUBCTtD TO COHCiRUS TO WIU. HV k. GOOD ntVCHt) H WMHIHeTDt SMWO WLL WUVtR TVRN A DEM tA. TO A M KEASDHAQUfc. -J MlN! L SOMEBODY'S STENOGYeu Have Met Tliem r RartitArad tj. Patant Offle tt mVy- ',;; s WyZ$ 'i i'h vr 1 si r, HtP&A BEAUTY.' Leeter ' .lie ll I -lll A ,,fv -KT,rVvgE d'em't beg Yeu OOR OOODS-We vAAn hem lb OOIW TUe. v& -;. -SMOOTH as""' " eUifct'- , SA,eLL IT"' WGET MOi OUR QlMC&RH IS BACKED BT Alu THE BEST PEOPU2-OUR COPPER PIPS SEi-LS NVWHERE . VEVS SeT a nAj&n TryROOr )M HlKETOWAi HAWDLIM6 OOKLlHB. -TrMEVSELt: MORB OF OUR BSASS SPIGOTS r THAH TrY DO' MARSH MALLOWS -1 OR LU-IMTT Uws. j& C-H J i2fi22S'-?wS 0M tZ!! I --- K VES.OAiLTU&T WEEK1 I CLOSBti A DEAL FbRGVER 7S.OOO -we VyEEK BEFORE AJB SOL&CAEI? 101,006- AAJD - WHesThe BXTRA SPEBTJ WlAiD-MiLL? 50AIE Salbsmam t ' I f9 1 'jZ IT rffiii- MO.MNl iri 1 -XefRZ- 1 ZA730V 0 W M7 tHfvwqtt .11 The- Yeung Lady Acress the Way f THE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED MR. BANG Bv FONTAINE FOX Wi m , iS rer ,nenths he had in 1.itLh?d.n?t troubled him te Inte th. Tet.'..? . ha nnd ceme r" tug nctUQl nnucnn .1 .n Li.: .-'Ot once hnd hi ,in,i The young lady across the way says she's getting te be quite a book collector and hopes some time te get a few original nendescripts. ith'"- vw j lb v rr Ar . r iaie ts "--e wzmzm e 4j0 slliiPllfllia ' If ' . aiuu w M1 ft OAK& STARTS OUT Tb CHAMGE. rue lahs. muu WHICH Mf.HlrJKUB U5UALLV TeSSES eh tmc. card tasl WHfiNfiVER Hit ANO MRS. HtNKUft HAVg J.0ST . PETEYLefa Figure This Up SCHOOL DAYS heuted 7i .,rl.u",'A .'lttced, sung, !.. . -" v uuuuiu nnvn tr, enty.feur. Instcud, h na imraedlatn nnMeti ntn. ...,.. -".uu mid -..,, tn j ...l.l. i. i.L.j, it.. fastreDhi. ,nf ii.. . ""pcnuing .i.nn . 1. , , . -1.-',, ... ..,, lr .j ' " a tuilcrOIO netllnlltv 1,. "' """ .renu me u nVi" ??ws seven nillllenR nn,i l tee elusive. BB!'.ffi1,5.r! ." wW take years Plible In . S8, U wns ns " CjuDTte?t0.n 08 t!?e ll8tnnc " nenpiup"er d "" arth- Ue w" ff tatiha t(??newrltteS,JC(!t "d ft4 the m dr,nwcr. Then he re- W4 that ka.,e lmer h9 h re "Ji for h. m?rnlnst from the ntter- !' that ceu ;;.i n,'1 V"at r01"11 ,le Ptln .. uI'i anybody 'le. nslde from 7 &t Bhtsini. , .. ve. e.xnmlnatlen :'wheartfT,VM"r.Ma(,ntn nn been '"Uea that hi. rr?i? r,",re wns n UK lei? J "v n father mlel ),. i.. .r aeath. But u-im 7.i.i ."." .."ear 8lr--Thi. i ' I,uncre't, Esq: !?!e' ind I ine .yei,r, '"berltance, ub- .17 feel i .."' ". "'" na Mini-. 'rel t our lmimrl,, ,i ... rr the rip,.,.. .nnUjr' ' 0 nut Ien 1. " 'lr. J(i nii'-en ins hIu &"' ' iu L "M'.'!?""?'"" te Put you wtherd 1 i "" ll ,urn "t that l.BS,l7i.h"w wemy of mur- WSL!ia,f th. da, te fcM flMt te taTlrt!U ther- The iaiiellni? nt til wlreH rlnnrhslt broke In upon thene cogitations. He rose, hurried into the hall, and opened the deer. ''Mr. Bnncreft?" asked ths ylelter. Yes." "May I have half an hour of your time?" "Hang your hat and raincoat en the pcy and come In by the Are," said Bancroft, hospitably. The visitor divested himself of his hat end rulnenat and followed his host into the library. IIh stepped up te the me and dried his hands. "A geed deal of weather, I should say." "And mighty dark nt ft o'clock," was Bancroft's comment. "I Imagine It's n big storm off the coast, as the blew cempH from the southeast. Dry out nnd take a chair. Selling some thing?' he added, returning te his chair. "Yes." The visitor, who had re cently bepn the trespasser, exposed a shoe te the flames. When this began te steam, he repented the operation , with the ether idiee. Then he wnlked 1 te the chair oimeslte the desk, deposited I the portfolio at the hide of the chnlr, and Kit down. "Yes. 1 have semethlii,; te sell. Hut whether I Mill It or net depends upon jour Imagination. "Ah!" -The young man neither smiled nor frewneil ; his expression was pleasantly neutral. "Imagination, eh? Well, I'll lUtaa." GASOLINE ALLEY Anether Overhauling - I KkOU UkiCLC Wer: tfer-Suvr IHIMfc OF AlLTfrR SIecwucs I kAOTb 'CJVT UP WTAR1WC "BECAUSE 1HEV WAP HUN IM THBM "WOUND IMCKWCsT WAT .1 caw vjcak Way .- 1 Bert, Veu oecur'To irunu JVKAT-A THE RIGHT THIN Te WtAH. f I'D SAV YOU SMeuLr 7 Spert a full decs nrr IT& Them swell dinners A1C WALT CONTINUBD' MORROW "fc A CetS PNNER iS&h ASS?? lfc &? !( r V IB U 1 v ' xl (What ve seu vSa anpv? .?? r Surb MrSTA WALT- FULL DCKS SUIT AN" PLVC HAT. Y A4A'AMi mm ii t sf A pL I KvA TO WAMT Mr Smeik lb VEA A DRSSS SufT Af WALT Full Deess tT "S f Smell of m haia. SkeezivJ isn't That, PRETTy Swell ?, I V --"V SBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi V fe By Sidney 8ml n ij By Hay ward By DW1Q V By C. A, Voight NPAH-f rfcf-?L m 1 dAeals Kin i' ' -.." " .. ,.S.t,'f fn i- vi- - , Bfa