' V V.A"1'-' raj y i'",-' surss;va V iVB Tftm Mi fe' f I' m ,!, 1 m KM Hill. ! B-l Kit I'I kv l' lm ' u s." v . se ,nELP WANTED MALE &f".1 ' THLUl'IIONn SALESMEN Hl'Prler te llatln en the enehangea nn are " wwlnjr the preferred nnd common ateclta f local tnanufecturlmr concern that , 1 Hag been eetabllahed for almeat 50 . .. yeara. 3. Hag the hlgheat credit rating la well regarded by Philadelphia, bank- . ere. Dees an annual buitnaea of ulmeat I5.0OO.000. e Has a eplendld dividend renerd. fl Haa a very atrenc illrecternta. T Knrna many times Ita dlWdcnd require menla. Haa both an Investment and gpemlatlva m appeal. . Doea extenalve local advertlelng. 10 Manufacture a neceailty. Wa can uae. the aervlcea of 8 e!ean-ut well recommended men who de'lre te make a per manent connection where their earning rower .will be unlimited and whern they will re ceive alncere co-operation. Ne fleatera or advanc artlata are wan'eds expect te work. Writ In confidential detail te C 833. LETDaBIl OFFICE WOOLEN SALMIAN, with aucceeful ej- perlence. aalllng Philadelphia tailoring. trade, b" 6th nv New Yerk, woolen hour. Address 1VILQA11 CO . 81! Ueekman at.. w Tork City. WANTED ren SERVICE ON NORTHERN PACiriC RAIL-WAT MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHB RATES 70e TO 80e r.R HOUR PERMANENT EMFLOTMENT TRANSPORTATION WILL BE FURNISHED APPLT ROOM 800. ITNANCE ELDO. 1428 S. PENN SQUARB PHILADELPHIA TOUNO MAN with experience In electrical Jobbing business for counter sales and steck: rapid ndwincement te selling force Apply, with referen-e. te Trenten Electric Rupply Ce.. 207 K State st Trenten. N J. TOUNO MAN. experienced telst and 'leneg- rapher, wanted by accounting depart ment of manufactory located In the nertnern seotlen of the city, state aire, experience and sularv desired J 47 P i Hex 3443. YOUNO MAN Trust company wants young man In real estate department, must h.n some knowledge of real estate and convey- nnclng. C 4 S3 Ledger Office , TOUNO MAN. about 17 ears of age. In cen- tral Real Estate offlce. excellent oppor tunity te learn buslnes wages JO te start. Address r. O, Hex snug Oeneral BECOJTE A TlUrFlC MANAGER Conditions point te an enormously lm-rea. In demand for traffic experts within tnn next alx months, cilarles will ranee from 13000 te $12,000 a 5 ear. ,,, A, ayatem has been deviaed by a group of traffic specialist te tit men for this grew ing need. Wi thin avstem without lnterferlnr with eiir present work at all. you can qualify Jer ihlK aplendld profession In a few mentha. jt'lnd out about It Call or phone for Infor mation or write for booklet R-110, no ebllza- !lLASALLE EXTENSION t'NIVERSITT Philadelphia Offlc '1334 Walnut at. Telephone Spruce 1481. Open eenlnrs. 8ALESMEJ Tntarnallnnal Ce.. larrrat of lt Wnd In th world ha nrfnlmr for ambitious men for positions of Importance In lt ersanlia- ! tleni men who arn loeklnit for a futur and who are nllllrur te fellow tha Instructions' of experlcncel anil auccraaful irf-n t1U r- cglV9 ranld promotion, aulllna experience net , eaientlal. an e Instruct you ur. 1 arn mero ' lntrntcd In jour nunre'a as a manncer , than xeiir fwtln abllltv. have nn flatter- ' Inffeffera and de no' buitd up ur hcpen nnfale preml' Call 0 te li in a. Xf rrja te .'. r. il . OlO Wldcnar Didr Ask tot manaear. PHAI.r I STAY' SHAM I HO" i 'Ilefera maklnt: a rhan" ttnd out If you ara en the riant track. Te knew what jour life work should be Ik a Mart In th rlcnt direc tion. The. trained analyst will knew from a study of jour face the vocation for you Thl! ' etudy la based en eclentlfle laws no pejeho pejehe lnclcal testa no trade testa. Ask us all about It. RoekW "II" en request i MERTON INSTITUTE ' 1702 Walnut at rhene Sr-'ice n;0 'inA'.sronTATieN we.uk Trarrid A"'. i elation wants tM'lpMe men e q mMfy for roaltlen rtlre"tins demeeln Rnd ferelitn ehlu- Plmr- J'.'.'.O te ."iOO month') ererlence un- ' necassary; rommen scnoel eduj.it en n.seti- 1 tlal: enlv men of cool chane'e need apply i It willing ami dclnua of ma'nc cnnei-tlut worth whl'e Write, vltheut eblljintlnn. statlmr prent position ace. Philadelphia i I. O Tilt AM .SALESMAN Traxnllnir aalesman wlshlnsr te add a rellabla toilet reed line te his Mat of sellers. New T rk manufai"urer ex ceptionally unusual commission hasl cte full Information In first Utter. M 215. edrer Dff're BALESM5N Wrlta for list of llnea and full particulars- earn $2500 ta JIO.O00 yearly. , bis demand for men; Inexperienced or experi enced: city or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen s Tr. Aaae.. pent 277. Chicago. , MEN wanted. Get petal clerks, tarrlara, wrlte for Instruction part, Immed for ap plication Nev i. P H21. t.editer Ofdee. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE t'OOK, first ciass colored desires a roil roil tlen: suhurbw nref JjJPJejuinM EXP, vis. governess desires position, Trench? gpgllsh sen branr hes ref. C SO'J. Ld Oft lIAIItUHCSSEIl Shan poe scalp treatment young lady dslrea pealtlm part time or residential Call evenlnea after 0. Poplar una Apartment n KINUEIiaAItTr.rlearher of ner.. via En brane'ies French ref c w I.e. Off AUNDI(KSH first l ass wls.lea j. position country pr frrd beit referencs Arn from 1 te .'2'-'7 t Vliftn t Phl'n Pa bTENOGUArurn l edu-vitcl I jcars' exp , te exei itl mfK corp . desires p sl sl tlen with tsiah biisjness C 101 I,i.lserf)ff 8rRN"mAl'ii-rt -"sErnrTAKY cxv VFitY nr'.T HKK1- ' .'. 1 r.'- 1 vy SITUATIONS WANTED MALE , MJTJ.fc.lt tclured d."lrn tT.ltjii inrtte fam or at" r.T f"i I't'sr st 'h la CIIAL KI'l'H me. hanlc nrr xuv r s Ien aire JK best ref " '114 l. ter f'"l e JIAVi: YO" nry ai-euntlng ! it r e"'s 10 1 e caught ur -r iant te hi sit.sfld tt I this work Is helnjr acrun'aly ami efrinei.tly mnducted Will w rl evenlnm and net In In tirfere with ytur reut.ne C t3i', LeJi.)r Office. MAN and wlfe. hauffeur mechanic no house or ganlen Mrlt lfe searr tie. rr eemp , Intell . e-per Amer rf !'lLIl-!. aAl.i:S.MAN bxrerleiiced red salesman! who la te start Nev I'i bv auto from New Tork State te Hei Ma and return next Jun by another route wante a line of goods te aell te merchants ulll step at nil towns, prefers te call en Irue trade, but la familiar with dry feos and axecerv llnea, reference furnlshud aa te ablll'v nnd honesty, A. M wr.cn Merrla Otsego Ce . N' T. TOUNO MAN. ":a ears of age. with S years1 college training dealrea connection with reputaNe firm with opportunity te advnnce and learn the buslnes C 151 Ledger Offlce toune man. 17 ri:smna position or ANY KIND AUDIl-SS P 103. LLDUErt , AGENTS " 1 . 1 ha,'1owha0eitirieu1rlnMontSri's,trt M'agi!e"tie' Trouble Lamp: men with cara preferred thta ta n. wonderful alde-llne preposition Wonder l mt uistrinuiing Ce., t:j N Penna. ate., WIIkes-Barre, Pa. EMPLOYMENT AGENCTKS 3R8. McCAHTHT, 11020 Runiam..Pn.litA.. wa'ntad for aeveral competent and cUln oeoka. trained wattreaaee Preteatant cham bainnald and maid, parlor nmlda. nuraea, i yeuna- Irtah stria recently arrived, 3 ilrla go ieaaMner. man and wife, cook and butter; butlera and heueeinan: reed reference i WANTED at office. 812 H. 12lh at. Cooka. j walta.. nuraea launda Ullchen malda K MH. IIOOKHS, 317 S 20 Ih uunta uielta. w-tfy-- with kitchen malda' I'ret.. parlor malda l.ft'k MK. KANK. nil ll'th at wanta enm- i;SV'j.T patent while nelp. ull capaclllea leferencv St'th'i MM. HAMVi.i, juiu iuiieniii)iie aq va K.w TrZTmnMmm every caimn tv nil nutlnnAlltlpB X'. jrJaVAXM xiii u rjxtr jvj jvjh uj-xi u JH-UIIAUI5 paperliamrinirt rcna ae any- JrkC thv,m 1 al 1 A Xf fit K linn 1 "F .TV -Mtlllt iUll 4i aVi'ti 4UK. !), OLD g LUnJ puit ara. m&L ht for caah. m r, MT, "- J0rr-.t r5-V Vft Under this heading you will find each week the greatest bargains being offered in used automobiles, pleasure cars, trucks, tires, accessories, etc. The Public Ledger Company has always carefully edited advertising of this kind, and accepts advertising only from com panies which will live up te their guarantee. ENTIRE STOCK OF USED CARS Bought Frem Out-of-Town Dealers BIGGEST BARGAIN OF YEAR OUR PRICE TO YOU $100 UP Buick Studebakcr Nash Chevrolet Hudsen Oldsmobile Willys-Knight OVER 1000 CARS TO BE SOLD AT ONCE Open and Closed Many Late Medels Hundreds of Others te Cheese Frem Largest Used Car Stock in the City Terms Made Easy These Cars at Such Prices Won't Last Leng BROADWAY AUTO EXCHANGE Successors te GORSON AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS 238-240 North Bread Street Agents Wanted Everywhere Send for Bargain Bulletin LET'S GO! Used Car Sale Quick clearance sale of well-known new car distributor. These cars are consigned for immediate sale. Will Be Sold Regardless of Value 1922 Buick Spert Roadster 1922 Stutz Spert Touring 1920 Cele Spert Sedan And Many Others PRICES, $100 UP Small Down Payment, Balance Monthly SEE MR. HUNTER Used Car Sale 675 N. BROAD ST. OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS OPEN SUNDAY UNTIL 1 P. M. m Buying a Used Is like buying a home. Because it has been ULD does net decrease the value te you, providing it is what you want and priced within your means. It 13 usually a question of hew carefully hns it been built and hew much care has the former owner given it. rir.KCE-ARROW Late, Medel I.tni I.tni euslne. Uual Valc metur, beau tiful upholstery quipped lth SVatInBhoute Air s-jirlnKs In x client condition throughout. Mile, nee only 9000 and It li fully guar anteed. I'lERCE-AnrtOW 38 H. I'. 5-Pasa. rnser Touring Painted standard blue. This car has been put in ceed running condition and H priced very low. Cars of ether makes in stock include Packard Marmen Peerless Stevens Duryca "OUR SAME REMOVES THE RISK" FOSS-HUGHES COMPANY 21ST AND MARKET STREETS Spruce 6490 Pt'crce-Atretu Dutrxbutera Race C801 sniEinannaiinaajTiiraniiinim ffi!ijfflHinpiw H . . - . a. a . la gr " pQ) iLl A " H GREAT SLIGHTLY BLEMISHED TIRES ALL STANDARD MAKES In flrat-claaa condition for Tube a i Ouar. I 1 Tear 11.40 I 1.50 1.G0 Tabrle Tlrea $2.50 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.50 0.00 Cord Tlrea $4.60 5.00 0.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 30x3 ''a H 32x3 31x4 32x1 33x4 34x4 1.70 36x4 V3 1.80 33x5 1.00 3Gx3 2.00,37x5 32x4 Vi All crdera muat be accompanied by check or money order, prompt initpmeiit. Stall ordure are ablpped the aame day. you prompt THE AUTO TIRE COMPANY FbenVipruc iiU. fkil. 'EVENING PUBLIC W? ti CrnCTTIr fin 71 ROADWAY ACRIFICE SALE LOOK AT THE LIST Dedge Essex Cleveland Chalmers Franklin Liberty Paige Wills-St. Claire Ferd Chandler Maxwell Dort King Mitchell Packard Mercer 1922 Packnrd Single Six 1921 Buick Roadster 1920 Stutz Touring Pierce -Arrew pii:rtri:.ARiiev n n v series 4 .Suburban. This car has brn re. painted fctandnrrl blue with gray upholstery WostlnKheuso A I r Springs. It has 3Cx5 whtcls. I'rUvil ry reasenablj. pii:nci:-Annew 48-sn French Suburban Landau This It one of the Dual-Vnlve cars and h.11 Jukt been repainted. The mlloage Is Ien and It Is guaranteed. dtethi iiiiiw,! k . . k i "" C3! jrsA H Mj SALE SLIGHTLY BLEMISHED ceed wear and lenir earvlce Sir 33x4 Vi 34x4V 35x4 Va Tubea Ouar. 1 Year $2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.(50 2.70 Fabrla Tlrea $6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Cord Tlrea $9.00 10.00 10.00 J 0.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 In order te give 140 North Twelfth Street LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1922 Cadillac Durant Elgin Haynes Jerdan Oakland Stutz Moen T-I-R-E-S AI.I. STANDAHI) MAKKS , , HMUHT1.T t'SKU in First Class Cendltlnn for Immedlite nnd Leng Hirtlca Tubes tluir. Slses 30x3 30x3 Vi 32x3' 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4 'i 33x4,s 34x4' -j 35x4 j 3tx4 '6 35x5 37x5 One Year $1.25 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.60 2.70 A!' erdrj ttmt K. n ,-,. n ,.! i.. eclt or i.ienev order te gte you prompt alilpment. Mall erdera shipped eame uay r ceued HERMAN TIRE COMPANY 1317 Itaco Ht . I'hlla . I'a. Open bundav All Day I.IK'INT Ik,in Drnnch PtM nm Hprnul Street Chester Pa PHOXh I'HIJSTBR 2031 Ll CHANCE OF A LIFETIME The highest grade small car in America 10ri discount from list price, all models, also a few geed second-hand cars. This offer geed only until October 12, 1922. M-132, Ledger Office giBtiTOiraMmiiii , d none. ..., HI? USLUAUIUFAKIS f, RIMS, $1 SPRINGS, $1 TANKS, $1 Timken-Hyatt Bearings, $1 Any Size Wheels, 2 Any Alake Frent Axles, $3 Transmission Gears, $3 All Kinds Ring Geais, $5 SCHOBER 3339-45 Marhet 'iffliiwaiiniiiiiir REMOVAL SALE HL'PMOBILES Alt our used lluprnehllea have heen reducel in prti e Various medela (or In 1 I aie delivery Alae he 3 demon demen "iraturs PIIICKH KUOM l.-iOO UP TMt.MH TO YOU open evenlnxs Hupmebile Distributors .VJl N DUOAD .ST. BARON'S 1244 N. BROAD ST. (il'KN SIODELB MKIlf I3H 4 PAX.tUNOJSn PACKARH 7 PAh-SENaiiR I IlANICI.l.V A PASSBNtJEP. UOAMEll 4 PAHSENOER ANO SIANY OTHEP.S ! REMOVAL SALE I C'halmera. (1 cylinder, 7 piaaeneer. touring; newly painted everhuuled! price 117(1; 1111 iImui. lis 10 monthly. Harper & Harper, - -- "reid at "lurTllANIil.lJIt n-dan a reul bargain. wlf dtinnnaiinti. nnviihem. terma te mil ' Ilamii I2M.4HN Uread at. REMOVAL SALE Cele S. touring; rune perfect) price 32B lllu denn. 10.311 monthly; open evenlnga. Harper & Hnrner. 04 N. Urend at. COLE, apert model, 19J0. itaUB. woedarfnl cunoiuen. ne Mr, Jieniar. USF.D,f. rabrle rerd Tl' Tires $2.00 $2.50 2 50 3.50 2.50 4.50 3.25 5.00 3.75 fi.50 4.00 6.00 4.00 6.50 4.25 0.75 1.25 7.25 4.75 7.75 V25 8.50 5.50 9.00 5.50 9.50 5.75 9.75 tf- II Oakland Let U P-R-0-V-E That We Art, S-E-LrL-I-N-G New GrcatljO-A-K-L-A-N-D-SRcduced REBUILT REPAINTED NINBTT-PAT WATtTUNTT ON PABT3 TARIETT Or OTIlBIt MAKES TERMS OW5N BTENINOS Demonstration gladly tlvn. OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 911 N. Bread St. Poplar 407 KISSEL Ajt nrlice demonstrator, full guarantee. $550 cash, or easy terma If desired. Kissel Speedster, 1021 $1200. Use new. Kissel demonstrate, 4 and 7 pass. Pull guarantee. About one-half of regular Plica. $500 down, balance en terms, Itee touring $200, Wlllja-Knlgnt aedan $850. Wllljn. Knight touring $27S. Ilrlscee, touring, reflnlsned, ererliauled, ?0'2nl,.,'' no,T PI "Plendld bsrgatn at $275; ceaU Terr little te operate. KISSEL TRUCKS Drand new; ;. tu, 24. !J4. B ten: hit discount from Hat prlcea: full ruaran. tee: liberal terma. GRIEB& THOMAS. INC. Dlstrlhutera,KlaaeI and Columbia Moter Cara 306 N. Bread Street SQeniels- '&' We hare en hand the following Vsed DANIKLH, completely eyerhauled, re painted, new rubber and In general first class condition. These cata will glre you excellent serylce and are guaranteed by us the same as new cara: 1 DANIELS Sub. Limousine, 1921 1 DANIELS Sub. Limousine, 1920 1 DANIELS 7-Pass Touring, 1921 1 DANIELS 7-Pass. Teurinjr, 1920 2 DANIELS -l-Pass. Touring, 1920 1 DANIELS Speedster, 1920 1 CADILLAC 7-Pass. Touring, 1919 MATHIS MOTOR COMPANY Distributors 674 N. Uread St. 1'or.ler 30M l'lilladtlphli. Tenna. 'm i w ii 11 ii miu! 2 wii wUBinjv"iinru:'irv in w wwu USED a Vt' 1 fr t ; rFfrn i - g if wfpWssg!smmnmmmr "Rmy i a xr- ' w - -. -1- s. m i -Ni-S y . yi v .. SI i nn. -- THIS CAR SPECIAL AT $1400.00 REPAINTED. READY TO GIVE THE PURCHASER REAL SATISFACTION. ALSO 9-B FRANKLIN SEDAN $1800 9-B FRANKLIN TOURING 1200 9-A FRANKLIN SEDAN 600 9-A FRANKLIN ENCLOSED .... 400 SERIES 8 FRANKLIN TOURING ....'. 250 H 3-35 PACKARD SPECIAL DERHAM Four-Pass. a Spert Touring $2500 I G-66 PAIGE LARCHMONT SPORT, Wonderful Condition ; special at 1 900 2-25 PACKARD PHAETON. Conditioned and Repainted, at ann I ?15A PAIGE TOURING a iy:JU MONKOK TUUKING S irnnn 'pnxrM pad ri., j. iunu iuit" wn. "nn g Original Tires FORD SEDAN, in Geed Condition e50 FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO." 2314 MARKET STREET SPRUCE 8501 imaira! ' ,,,,,. . ,, ,,., .,..i.,,.i ... I'OIII) aedan. 1031 model, abaelutely flrat- ' cluaa rendlt en newly paintea. etc.: lerma If ilerlred U. W, Agency. Odd and Haiti. I mere n. reitl) cqaaate, all medela. aeme T.lth uaed commercial bed eai exallent buva for uaed car dealera or will aell private: .price 133 and up. a, W. Asency, usa Asency, 68a Ilaltlmere ave. VOftD idang, 1821 medalw cr In flrgt. clui mechanical condition! geed rubber. Bit jerme it aaairea, a. -jff.' Aganey, M ie uaiunert ar. fjANPLj Herbert Brethers 203 N. BROAD STREET Telephone!: Spruce 4825: or Hace 7411 Cars of Cash Equivalent Irry used car In our wareroema waa tnktn In part rnyment for a new car nnd Is offered for ante at ciactly the amount vi aubtracted from the cash price of a new Chandler or Clereland. Therefore, you can get It nt the rock-bottom caah prlc our eipert Talimtlen put en It plus adjustments we linrc made te bring It te Its highest point of efficiency and guar antee It. We refer te anybody te whom we aeld a used car. Send for list. CCIEVELAND S REBUILT REPAINTED GUARANTEED Wc take prlde in the appear ance of the Used Cars we sell. They are mechanically right. We have added many new Reamer car owners te our list by first selling them a Used Reamer. Phila. Reamer Ce. 842 N. BROAD ST. Poplar 2.11(1 (1-44 Pile" reup. 1020 1: .-.", Paige Sedan. 1U2U Palue l,ari.'.iment Alse a full Mtrllnii of Talne I'sd Care, nil models that tarr uur neivlce guai autce. rn unit mki:h C.idllla. pednn. Cadlllar Coup", ttrns Tuiiilns Nutliitiiil Ibindsiei u.iklntid Scl-n. Kivsel Spert Medel 11" Klein Touting. ll'IM Hiidknu 1021 Oldimehlle (i r5l 111.".' Ileilse TnurliiK 1P21 Palije l.akewend Hi2l Ferd TnurttiR T'Jl Pulfc-c tnurlnK; .' pass. l"J(i Chandler Touring. A email ash rtipenit Is all that Is ruiulred bnlnnce monthly GUY A. WILLEY MOTOR CO. I'alB! and Jeueit l,st Bread St. at Vine, Phila. u m iiiiiiH i .n un p nraMWi'iiiiiiariiiinn ii,u iFiii:ib'j.i,rmui:!.-fl m w i i a' T1IST mvniTmvrn v. H ;:. :.''.'' '""" vinu a S50 H 300 fe i,,i im eUU U a iu uiy nine use. ,mn . . , R I'uiiii teunn,r iilih hii,i without atiirlera' . if!'1 .""chanlrnl conditien: geed rubnr' w" ''ll'henn fin cahli ,S. W. Agency Ml mid llaltlmore cue ncy- bii FOIUJ runabout, with nnd without atarter. geed running condition! will wll cheuS' B. y. Agency. Bad and Ilaltlmere ve? iVORD reaftyr. 1S33 muat aell; bargain N, O. MaVvel, ifi20 N. lath at. ' HUDSON Umeualne, axcejunt condition, rea". il . I 1 A 1 r ci 4U"',' ..,",'. nal"-d nnd .-iMrauteid '' " ' 'wi . . . .! LI W Hi n, .,TI ' '(H.MOHII.K CO - J Ne 4. hack Billed pmv. tur. f.rl. ea 1MB t AA IX S ,-- M-'L!ii' I,neiit f)l.-,0 '7,.N". " birlcKeirel mm- Itir f.ed! ei. S97S VX 1.1 V P l.ui u.Menii.i, i.l01Tn,; rnr. ,.i. '' ,1,u." 01(,r l lui'l c' iililn - r i-, nnlii..l ....''. ' '" I.IU' merlin III. r liltu t au ..II ..II1. ..l.-t ...a -. , X t'.XI ' -. tl II K I) II" i ll .. . ,. --- nn- . ,., nrn ,.l,,. I r (III I III! Itt-M. jg-S .11 ,y ., a -j , I'lUipi- il nwrhinjlil i . fu,'v f,re' hlrli te mnlte a lelectlen .Vnd (or GiSsrM ct? nhtmi.. . I 'A I I. r.im.lile . .',, , .,.!"""! r'' ...U'e llt l h uric.-" nn I'i ' ' ii il . .i .,, i. .ii mm- i i ,u . iLJM lli pJ k USS UR SALE I S. - ' ' ' it - , i, (ii.i. v i . , t . . - . . fLLiflJ I a i HI ? I ' " ' We offer special inducements en used cars this week. We need the room nnd will sacrifice all cars. They are all reconditioned nnd guaranteed. Following makes in both closed and open medels: 1922 Auburn demonstrator, $1250. 1921 Premier 4-pnss., wonder ful condition, $1400. 1921 Studcbnker, $900; lets of extra equipment; driven 4000 miles. Be sure and leek at these cars, as they are being sacrificed below the market value. Easy Terms Arranged PIERPOINT MOTOR CO. Ml MOUTH 11HOAD Pep. 3602 OPEN EVENINGS Ferd Seilntt, 1H21 Has Just been put In rxcellent condition by Ferd tlealer: $400.00. Overland Kednii, 1919 Fine cendl- tlen, new tlrep. nil boiie ever, a real bnre.tlnj $326.00. fliovrelot Sedan, F. B 1920 Very flne condition, wlre wlieel.i, all BC'in) ever; $400.00. Ilee Touring, 1915 Excellent condi tion, a b.irgriln; $1.15.00. Chandler Headstrr, 4.pasenRer, 191S New tires, new top. new slip cov ers, new paint, completely over hauled; $450.00. Chandler Teurlns, 1918 Westing Westing heuse air sprliiBs, repainted, me chanically excellent, nlse geed rubber; I42E.OO. Durant Touring. 1922 Ilepalnted and geno ecr. will sell as new car, with same gu.uantue; $800.00. TIME PAYMENTS Reeves Tyson Ce. 2431 North Bread St. (IIIIOAD AT Cl'jriir.m.AND) Ceiuiiibl.i IL'S.' 2V? drytgi Moter Cars National Touring $500 Oldsmobile, 1921, G-cyl 700 Willys-Knight Touring 350 Packard Ceupclctte, Twin Six 675 Moen Touring, California tep.1250 Moen Touring, lcconclitiene.!. 750 Mnibehm Sedan, 5 passenger 500 Jeffi ey Touring 200 Lexington Touring 300 Moen Touring, Light Six. ...1150 Ehhcx Touring 475 MACKIN MOTORS 855 N. BROAD POP1.A1: 7;ms l.'.'ll 1 li I.I! I V ifun .". .aa .. . (.... ' en ii. i . , ui I ,;,.' ,,...,..:. '."n.1 1 1 .1 J.'iLiUL'i" I'' N Pr. id inn ,,Th""y '""'' "' "tunrantei.l T,r i tlT:yt.i!lM:'n,",', C' -330 """ I i.ucinKjlill.i eiiellent condition. v Mr ll.ini. . USED CAR SALE 'I7" N llrm I .1 Jp i MI i'i N 'i. t, del fill nn i,i,i - um (liutnmi. Him "1 " t' 11111 hi.,, id E I' " I'Mll) fAlt Mi .HItOUST Cj ".IIIJIIW III.-II I iiiijs.t i IK'tn . ... 1 . J. 1 ,l w.mdarfm mi - 'ni.k. ..J' M ' Hwr. - t.nJ ti.', rh". 1-W(" unu nm ten weed tts f-l 1 1 l.illllt.U n, ,, H flm ter nulil, rn N I mobile Ce I'm, ff, I.ecuat ftl'iti Pj,l922 MAXWELL "l like new; 1-1 net tile Ml li 1 I) f!T IIAIUIVS 1214 N REMOVAL SALE" D JW. i!"!."- l,,,v" j' 7n ' AJW" r". r,l Ifnrtinr ll,.r,..u n, , .i1' . ' ' u I (nnnrhl. Dldamnl Hi I 7JL1-V '1 -' " I ' i mill PAriaim '""' - una i '("Mil. ren t iv rep lllllMl , l. "I,,,'",;, ,y. ",V ' ' Ule I 'AlCli tllin Innrl.,.. ti . . l- Sir. hunter '" """ JU" U,ke, It. flee USED CAR SALE "7.1. N III.,,,! rt .111 ml. ,n il ii,,, '.. " , '."" in . aeiliin. I1 '"'t 1 I'lK llllK lid l'l,,l, . I ,,,'... ' ll'tt ii:.it.s.s iv.Muin ,., -,-,,,.,-, "'", run very III Hi, ikH , , , "'. u n cur. The 1weiii. till C. 2330 Mnri.Ji "f w " "' KtVIUVA . SAIP Ptudehnker tmnliiK' .-, piawncer ti- Ilnril.tH t II lrn.ie J,. 1 'at .'"'' 1 JIT., r 1 UU --L-l ULL yMr2d t """ STORAGE BATTERIES lT hllJTZ teurlrii .mil re.uMer. nil med I nilH-hlV fi.jsrhf.it1,..1 .... a .. .."' ."""1, rW eughly everhnuleil Mii 1! 1 1 . i',i ,1" ' '. !'' '' y leiv pnucd, cun'i c,r tcr,n. H...tlJ - TJSED CAR 9AJ F ue"; "K ALt JlTn N Urend .t '.'riU, "" " - ,,,. . . ' 10 mm I, -.i-i-PHss. lour i.ri .t Itmeuilii.. per hr up Pei.i., i17. I'urk 4,no 11 ..!. . " WANT A NEW MOTOR KDPrllll. infitnr nifirliini - . --.. .,,., u . IL 111 Ull Mn III. .... emnin.tit excfuaivn oil unt uiisniiri ;i-..l"i "R'lnU.n7r.noteino m0"""r ur -' '& ...t.i.. 11 a it. .- .. I'lii.'iiiuiifti AUTO Iti:p una I 43 Urlnuliurat at , (itn, ,' ... M'Cnrr, ., .. ". ');., TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES ' MM' i 'AN Itl'.M' ,l Ul.lVlvlt tvim"... .,.- , Hl'. VI.NI'T010 MAIN .1080 ' '" 1DS0, BOARDING l'KXXHVf.VAXI.-MllllHnT" DEVON. I'A. An unueually ttractVe 1...1 lry room! large r undai old .h.S'Vf? hrubbari flrit-claag .Heme lablsi'mttaM: K. II, Filter. UeVun. J1. "" " tj mnu'i. 11HU rMtnla.,1 a..,.. .. .",'.. .' . a. I'tll-xa IlKftr rnilT) il ri ...!.. .i , . iii'i il il I in ruin . 3 - bl Ui-M ROOMS FOR Bent ani r.it, rineu unrurn. rms . .. -coma. Phene Woodland 14n w ' IlltOAU. N'.. aiOIS Furnished, cnnS--fnititj g or 1 leniiiwi tBime. tlnV. "an "fter , HIll'AJ). K. 17KH Kurn or UnfuTrT111 hskpa? aullei med. ren a. ;?".". '" or KDOEWOOD ST.. a., aSli Kuril reTT rent: aultabta for gentleman. m '"' MARKKT HT., B017 Warm furnieTV alttlng-bodreom for bualnera wom2.,renJ aenable, . "mani t, XtAnKUT, B018 Twe gentlemen: t -family! twin beds, 1'realnn "v'St P"t PINK ST.. ir.01 Twe large cemmTr-r rooms, unfurnished, fourth ffif ""fil1 wateri n per month; """" ""nnlng PINK ST.. 812 iTnema, hnndsem.i i tilahed: geed local I en: line aevl?. V ,u' PIN1I. 'JI20 1st & I'd fleer fr., fu u noer ir,. fun 1 . - d eld water; "'":' '"Ith. '.'. 3teH-s,i,tn r!!2ri fill f M'i a 1 iy Willi poivKiyreN avi:.. aten large front roem: 1 ir j pere,i.. Val, heat, alectr'c, - -.me,,,; n(.w H Pill. NO OAltDCN, 131 1 ml well-furnlehed alngle or deuble ffi'1"! Iniites' milk City Hall. '" r"""'l 14 SPIIUCIJ. 2210 Large. el.lurtilahert .H with fine Kitchenette, first lloer. aeuhR11 cuposure Iftn a menih. seumata WAI.NW.r. 4117 rrlvnte latnllv unp-rr-. aeconii-neor irent, next t0 bath ? furnished, l'reatnn 17nt M ln' n,ly WALNUT HT., SllUll Ucalrable renm r iKinrtl. Preston .1807. room Wth TTtH ST.. N 1II1H Neallv fuTf. i housekeeping, roem: rretealant f?-?.' Phene Poplar 4080, iuni family. 12TII .ST., N 2714 Have exccptlenahTnTS rooms, running water, electric, ceniii1"? gentlemen. C'ara 83-20 paaa deer. ' l ieth. n me meTiiL. ntmicCTra-i.-f ahepplna- dlrtrlet: near sttt en": bTauMf.'.f,1' f u rn rim elee : spetles-i! d a 1 1 v. wkl v V. ?" 1NTH. N.. 2(112 Kurnlshed roenaTTTnTirTi ilnuble: heusekcetntig, medern: reaann.ki0' rilnmondhsne v'"' ""onaelt. Wll.l. 8HAKI1 wcll-furn. npt. with r.ST u-lrl. vicinity of Mat and IjctiJt l'Sl? nelment 0M3 -T. i-uji, j non, WBlT I'HU.AUKM'll IA .y. ezis i. voiniennijlo. clenn furnlshTi room for eunir Indy, win refined 10SI J ceuple: prUute: electr c, U t27. ledger nit COTJNTBY BOARDING SPHND ou fall vacation nmen;T"iliehirr tlful Lnncaatcr County bills: rate, rJ?" annnble: fnrin llfe ln Icruratlnc: cleeiVu IlKht and l.nlh. Alap'e Knrm. Aliinw f.0.'"' MONT3Y TO LOAN DOES THE COAL SITUATION AFFECT YOU? vWe?rup;u,',T fikV-ira the flnundal end of li for ion. Plent of tlme Id return the loan lean small tiamenta utid u real arica that will pleimn 1011. CALL. WIlITi: en PHONE WALNlJr 401 1 HART LOAN SOCIETY N. W. COn. 11TII i MAHKUT HTS. 714 Denckla Illdg , 7th Kleer Under the nupnnlilen or the htata IlaiiMng Di.pdrtiii.iit Will Lean Housekeepers UP TO $300 At lli lawful rati of Interest en a plan ef repiylnir t.j meet nur Indhlduil lenulre tneiita. pur serlc has heen lie'pful te many, theunnde In this lclnltv we iffer It ti leu. Iiifoiimtlen cheerfully kUcii. GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY UDOM 701 VANIUM III. IK? 1005 MARKET STREET Ktitrnni'e tiett te Woelnorth's Pheno rilbert 17111. 1! ire 3il rjTiiiin eril:crM I270n Cermanlenn me. I'l.ern 'llegi Isa :.i and Ringe me rimne Diamond 4511 fi.'d hihI Market ta. I'I one Hi.tn nit 1 031 HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 "tt'iM this i,ict:v-i:i) Hfism-:i) iuvif. I Nil DEPAimiUNT HCPKItVISllI) CO FILL YOUU COAL L'lN NOW Very emy ternu. PaMnenta nrranired t tult etu tenenlence Ne f-en of any klni rharaed. only Intm-M nt the rate preMded t law. An In'iulry puta seu te no eMnie nd deei no; eblmate ou In nnv hhj. Call TOI'AY e- If In a special hurry, use Di I'heiit '.iicuat 7".17. PAV .I.I, YOIT. SMM.I, ni'TSTWIUNfl him i and (iv. i: nur sk imnckun, HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 2-K5 Seuth 15th Street t"mi(l fleer. Iliierii mi Cre.v 1'ulM'n V I.' "' 'iiddniiin i'iniir r,f i ,,.. m.rra MONEY TO LOAN LOW AS 2 OK DIAMONDS. PTOCKS AND C0.NDJ r." markht ft. RIEDER'S MACHINERY AND TOOLS WARNER & SWASEY HAND SCREW MACHINES MONARCH MACHINERY CO. PiilU Iilphli 1 M.irhlnery .Merchanta" 300 N. Third St. NhW kip II tunln, tUl rt, reaint rrf, PtT7 1 '" " i"imiilll ill 1H -tlllit ' iihM mu. almeht nn, nl-.iluiPl tfuarn ttnU h Klafnrni v te v'j. nt.ll ilifM.HT, twi I f,,r ' Hl"- "''l ftnlrn nml c rri'V-ndenc nnllUtrti eui iiuiLMln iy HteUt in unpqUHlKJ nun,? un lonirnem at (''tf ixinpSt iw 111 Mtll'ltv ue 'i,r.l 'litrl? ,.r .. . rv lnet. AHHOU I M'MiMjtY CO -Ml N 3D ST, KM I.iiIMKM AI, .e:K uitdels. nifial tat- le'i'H and iiu-n tuiid m of n ecl.Tl nidCbln ri. 0r Muitiint Ce. ll'Ji Cambridge iU i - i PE-RSONALS WE PAID A WOMAN SitS.'n fe a let or Jewol-v shf li,il lirn U f'led $10 for eUmvhvrc, lirlnc jour diamond! ami Jtuielrj le u-. ie f(ijirunt-e a full, hea oil rlllh Mllue, lletllhllsheil Ihli'l THUS II l.Hi: f. rn 7 1'-' V r mil it . DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN Itl'Klnl li'llll IllA.M.S'DI I Kl. 1. 1. V S CO iy.' C leatnut at. I Sill" '.'-'.'i: eei'eml Heur evi r ei da' R". IIi:Ni:itAI. uueilnmk. iltlrietlnjMnir itert fix tins v (iidtuniln.: inue turn serkl rens,,nnbe lulil i'i'ii iuf Mirket V'lHj I Wll.l, .V l' b" ri apuiieili.e fei hid dJbtl un''rt ifiijirnrii ,1 l. in eelf w.i r M'livn.vi, inu v i.iat i N"' H'linalWi. for nil 1,1IIh et enr con. I traeteil by nijuelf. Ileimnn .Ml.iman. II 's . il,fi: lumtlna atrctehid, L'ic per attlfc ' xuTiF&frrr; UK eui ta".. 1 il iiiTt Mehn IIIM N lllh. IlIlMll'Hi; ruulied p llnlahed. uphelitM id .ui'l il cuiutcd. bill N, Ulth. Hace Stat. WANTED Reliable Upholstering Ce. 7$ i I .-.I. . ...11 .. .. . I..... Piirnlhirt. nil I.lmt f mil I. ii.e 111. 1 iiiinli-rii I nrnliurt. I'I.,", S US'li ST. fllllM' ." IIHIIIIIMT iiileeK n. ..,1 rm 1 tMfei.ipirii iniKMlnrH, i.ikh in, net. Ir.in and a!' W 9Vs' ry,f ':!. WSjxV S I . ."7, .. ' ... ". "" -.,'. ... VL nsvin vhm riitniniM i:Yiii.uire. ' .ILhJUUUSilluil . '. . . ' . ......... .- j Wl'l,Tliuie OU te a.ill, furniture, clet5i?1 .. "' HnVHIIIHJ llllll Mill ll.l M' II" " "" - . Mill riiien.iaiiiir hi'.'i i.ni'uai ai. WAN'-IIII) Nuwapapera 73c nr 100., maay lne. ru.-a, drop postal 471-' Mar"! " 'HJIllIAN pell.e .hma. BIRDS 7 ineiillia ole.iw i Id 173 emli, ivdli'ieed, ku i'id waich defl. I Kilivntd SjhUh l'einlerlen '.J. -'.ll rnKUINlitiaii; apanltl. 3. B w eag eia. W x' I Kll 17h3. 833 N lith Ne dealer. tintTiiTwrr aTTh T.AAV ? HTONEWAI.I, lliillrllnir and fian ABi I .,rli 6et. 18jyeu are Invited tp W XlarhiaduTer P. Smith, Trcae.. iVi Wl Ji-v.,