L- Trs K ' Ji " 4' "W r l ' -', 'snmjiTPUv Krin SHOW ::jas QUANTITY AND QUALITY .IVueLt8 Until Wee Small Hours. n,ii Succeeds In Amusing ,nbcrt Snm iiernnril umHie Imve n lirerite rm " .". , .. i,i .,i.,n rndthst; nni eukiii ' "" "" ""'- "Illtcby Koe" kIiew. thJMin.,., lnllllei witli Haymenil itiirlceck " "a chief exponent nn.! Rlrf sklpplni: rope, shadow 2Tiln ant exciinnginR mews, i?trn ndili'il entree, lifted until mid- ettrn ndi lijki Inst nlclit. umi even uicii iiii-jr ffi. cut ii liml di sen nuinbcrH out. u.rMcr. lunsevltj iisiile. It would ruin ii hl'f "' hi;; leRite prophet te tin- "". uMilMiv (villi et liny 118 II lie ?.tTal hit. AMial If tlicie were a few STrs Ant bored, uml n few Hint t,rjut i'i'i l"i(1 : , ,llm, w,;rL:, ''"mlKl1 Joe I ones HMtterul here and there te SS? two hours mill a half 01 solid en fertalnmcnt. utid that's all any show "writ. regnrdliiR Ucnnle, who were emriile tight, d tnllsed right back, E,Tlike, te the ceinedlnn, and even Mined his mouth duriiu the singing fThetigli noliedv henrd him sIiir) well, tennie vni n plennunt miinrlsc. He wa ike ringside number in uhieh he nil wared. It "lie tee teiiR (Ijkc nil the J..I), but the audience was clearly cap llrated t"' lit muelty, ami when Ucnnle told them (in utriet confidence) thttt hii teuehe-t light was with Lew Temller, ittrulr "himiRlit lewn the linns'." Fer some ntniiiKC and unknown ren ren en Uajmend Hitchcock played the ihrinkimf I,,;t 'l8t n'S''t (tan jeu iin itine it I a..J gracefully Rate ' most f the P'rtllght te hiBcoheits. jimeni the latter were LI Hrendel (with Mime brand-ncw stuff and funny a. ever). Jack i'enrl (who boxed with Bennie. and forever mutilated every known dialect), Audrey .Maple (statu esque nnil eriiiiinentul uIuiijh), Flo Jlert (n" excellent foil ler the Yen Vinsen of I'.iendel, and obliging with a recital of "Ciim'.v at the l.al"), IMythe Jhl.er (hoe bebbed-liaired beauty and aclllty a' uiaiilpulatiiig piano Kejs wiw ii iiie.i'iiiii MiiprNe) and .May 15e!e (buium and bcainlug as ever). Of collide, that isn't n complete list. There "ere nearly a score of clever dancer, lead b Knmbeuni iind O'Hitn O'Hitn Ien; dozens nnd dozens of Ntuunlng clierus girls, a tenor, two or three mere lending ladien nnd a small auxiliary irmy of comedians. Alter tl.ej eliminate the preposterous ami fnr-lej-cxtreme "L'Dlnble" epl epl teds, wliifli had splendid Hinging, but tlie nrj worst taste; after they muti late nnil maerente and moderate such tiii(lfs lis the plenli' -l;it ill the lrit nt mil one or two if the M'liind-iirt mimiierb ; after the.i ml down encores ami don't tij te oride Mich unde jiiiibli catchv songs as the "Sav It T'fth" Music" affair; after they eilmi Dtte the inevitable dark periods in which enI the dim figures of stagp lands appear en the stage, why then "Hitchv Koe" will still have enough material te make e bully geed revue for the that Ilka the cafeteria style tf entertainment. PARCEL TOfT Sanitary Bathroom Fixtures BOILERS RADIATORS PIPE& nniNGs Anjthinf id Plumbim Ws Him It Lew attractive prleti en all malarial. mu.i nu.Mi.u uiTCB man uracri Gitomer-Miller & Ce. sJi?.A"h St.. PMI-, Pi SMSWm livail m nr iiiiiii. ' ifrv v-m . . HOW ieui.iii -i t tl It l'lHitimll OuTtlt. renvlitlnu Head ruard, Rejulatlen Football and Official Football Panti ABSO LUTELY TREE. nrlteat nine for r e Fiettmli Outnt Plan. ".W'Jipply Ce., 181 "uaim St.. New Yerk City. r a me us brownie FRUIT PRESS $y.25 ONLY Feitara lfie Pvt,. I.Hnli'at nnd imlik ft naj t ,,r, fruit (kt ciery bit or lulrt, Tlili ij-cta wTT iibjt(inti... Thf tub '"7..Jn diameter nd 10" high. II it. i-apnclty. Aluminum tteni. Wiite for Catalog E. WEISS "i"1 i. , Rl MI .miir nime nnd , ml In H nn I mi ll linn ion HOW tiiii run Kit Jin imiifHi gfn uiiie M nN Hllk Shlrte or Intent iinlterni ABSOLUTELY FREE i'ltv" Si'n ",,h ,ir Mill Shlita irrn't coot you a cuit, silk. Shlrte cum In all elnanM, ."''I'll uf toler com cem com blnatleno, Wi'ittiii for Frae " en'ri i-ian. Heme Sunnlv fin Rgm St , Dent 132. Hew Y-ri CltT WALL PAPERS 8c. lOr ien n..ui. du la,..:..: "" rwv "ie ieu .iVk"',.u" l homefelks tlielr JW. qilallty 'and ..r.".tt'L.1.'?". ? .0 tS5'::npn. uur ttuii . "" i,wi, - ." italic. Mend for VVmdew Shades ,.' d Paints ,l, All dr i hi". "" Wv'HSSL LSJRIBUTING 00. IIH..A., r.. tOTi AS 'S-'SeFteaTe, .. "" B,"u,t:f; I'lMiialieu. I04 vine fiT, - ""'" tu till' f'lly. low Old 7C( tQd 'KHat.. te SMfyiR CARPEN, 1232 FUlmt 5tj fU-xi m ' rl I JfL ii! I ' M r . kmm Hll wfciljiif av-v wit 1 T !, Ttnffi H1NCH 1919 MARKET ST. PHILA.'S LEADING PAINT STORE ?URE LINSEED OIL HOUSE PAINT . ALi 81IADE3 $2.50 Gallen I VARNISH STAINS j LIGHT OAK. DA?f OAK, g WALNUT, MAHOGANY All nrutitlful ehnAnt. White nntl mnheg. in rneVp n lenntlfnl comhlnntlen.. $2.S0 GALLON CAN INSIDE WHITE FLAT A perfect enew whtu for Inilde nit. guaranteed te atay white. 2.25 Gallen $2.25 PRIMING FENCE PAINT $1.50 GALLON nrlfhl green, lend or eteel m'er. bronze. Ureen, dark brenn. born red, blnrk. PORCH PAINT nea'itlfnl vlnde of tool or hnttle-hln jrnr. fl:st-rhii nnlnt. drlen ntili l.uii ale. ilurnlU ttirt mode ei?r-lnly te Until wcainer venr nni tear. LGALLON CAN, $2.00 ROOF PAINT, $1 Gallen Brown, Venetian r-rt and black remenli fire that lem.7 mef n coat and fnrtet atenl It Ouel qjallry. mtn trinll ltaVe. lerert 800 'iuere feet te tillen. Th black It iit'eitnlly roemmended for rnh. txrlted and iii mf Wl'l Imt for years. Inside Vnrninh, $1.50 Gnllen A feed TnniWi f"i ginernl Interior work nnd tuarai.ti"d in iih Bntl'fncllen. SPAR VARNISH .$1.00 Qi-art; Gallen. $2.50 GLOSS WHITE. $2.50 Gal. BUFF PAINT, $1150 Gal. Beth Phenes. Aute Delivery WILLIAM E. HINCH "BRIGHTEN UP STORE" across raeM the statjt.ey rarnxr.E IN TItS IIEAHT Or FHILATiriPinA 1919 MARKET ST. -' Announcing The Opening of Our New Showrooms ExhibitiT a Compete Line of Electric Linht- f Fixtures and 4nu$eheld E?ec- i Annl. ce Ray ( Gle Gas Heaters Fer Immediate Delivery w i t a or wllhtil boed 7 glev $15.00 J 10 glow will 1 or wit Mem heed $22.50 J $22.50 Parcel Pett or Crpr-st F.ttm Adelphia Sales Ce. 235 Market St. 23 N. 10th St. r.eXfrMrfWaa rnJm. MiaVii ' StNU NU MUNEY Just tend your name and addreas. we iu Brnu juu iinj ei intie anuies vant. Teu don't pay one penny until artliles yu penny until the ire ueiiTerra at yuur aoer ' by your postman. Regulation Army Sweater Ililltary oellar, coat style, 3 buttent and large patch pocket. MtAND NEW aJe. if Olne Drab Weel Closely knitted, i!;,1" $5.00 euu d9 qc PK1CE 4e&ee70 U. a, Aim Beclalmtd CI OPt RAINCOATS ai.tiO 3rind-Naw HOB NAILED CO If; faHOEB Oe.-IO .favy WOOL Pullerer "" co ne 8WEATE14S ... . ad,lfO Brand.New JRMT UNDERWEAR! Olri (Shirt or Drawert)! per garment UJC Braml.Naw U. 8. Army Ce et LEATHER JERKP'B OO.JIj 0,Ji A'WJ ?? BLANKETS. CO Oft D-ubl Bad Sl' fBmdmUlt Write for FREE BOOKLET United Army & Navy Stores G' Mnrket St., Newark. N. J. Oltlrr-t ami Larnrvt (n thr Statr Geed Werk Lew Prices TTe rnnnnte nn eatlsfnctinn and Painless Dentistry At I-ewr Ce. I In I'hll 1, Fllllnva. SOe & SI Dr. Hyman nth. & Market ml r pen DOOR CHECKS Rcpslred t) work llke new Send them In te ut and t will du: ilum In aoed cmdltien. Alie a em- nle n line cf new Doer Checks JOSEPH OBTERMAN MIS N. 10'h Btrest, Ph'ladelDhla, Pa. Telephone. memi UEIICiO.. EwtTRACTtD HO.iEY Direct from bjeKfJjnr. 3 lbs. ler UOe 0 Ihs ter SI. Mi. or 12 lbs. ter 52 00 Dellve-etl by Paroel T'l.t. 5it sfactl n iru.r "teed or money rcfund'd, THY IT L, K HOSTFTtril, Koute 8, Lincsslcr, Penni KHWn'X'.H!S SAL VIE Ker Cerns. Dells. Carlmnclet Hurna rV'ih Wounds and Old Seres. Iti'llcies HeIIb In a few days, relieves tmi n f-ein riln In Sn minutes Sold by all ilrTKltn 12c (large, Jfle) Ben., hv mnll In coin or iismpa. pn irri"ir"r'r' me v s " !'M" Ta. sss WSTrsaT!n j5an -- Leng Kang Telescope &?t?"eI T te3ri- .-e ?1 fl "sA'tw rJ JC l i- - . d'O c la V"V i-..A Awl V T3PS m - ' -flfettmrttrt -ii pA'P'p.T, ptVSf ppjVi(f' N.w 88-Nete Pltyer - Pianei 25 Relli Mutic Bench' and Scarf $315 New Pianos, $195 te $67S New Plnycr-Pianes, $315 te $10."0 Hnby Grnntl Pianos, $225 te $1750 Kcpreduclnjr 1'lnycrH, $G50-$3000 Pec-Holiday Piane Sale Ilnem tnnal f nuilp tat ene In nci';m-mril-te our new 1043 mwlela nrrltlng mm the fuctnrr d ll. nml """ '"'Irr lock .f ri no. PI iveMMnne nnil Iliby Omitd I'lnnea nr being offered ut n "L'.I V.frinci. In price. . .The Hat brlew will give teu nn Mf "ri fen of Ihp many mnkea we mnat wll at once), I Gilhcrt Uprlpht $55 l Vese Uprlfiht $85 6 Hrppc Upr'Rhts 595 " 1 Gee. Stcck Player.... $265 4 ClUcltcrlnR Uprlftbts.;i25 u" 1 MarcclhiH Upright ..$140 5 Schemaeker Upright?. $145 up 3 Knabc Uprights $150 u 4 Stclnway Grands ....$225 up 2 Story & Clark Plyrn..$275 up 3 Angelus Players ....$325 up 3 Girard Uprights $95 up 1 Edouard Jules (Heppc)$120 10 Stcinway Uprights ..$175 up 8 Lester Uprights . .. ..$135 up 1 Knabc Player $295 G Cunningham Uprights $130 up 2 Ilardmnn Uprights . .$165 up 5 Heward Vinctnt . . . .$195 '"' Thewe instruments are in A-l condition, guaranteed with a 2 year exchange privilege at price you pay, ' Terme $10 Down, $1.60 Weekly PIANOS S36-838-Ss0-S'l2-S4'!-8S N. Sixth St. pek we;? . vm AND TRI. EVOS. $35.00 TflJ tiSiijail Parcel Pest. 94 r... . W. . ,k. Drills up te V Wt 4 lba. Very poverty). Compare the Titan with eth.ra be fore buying. Quarantaed for 1 year. Factory maintenance, automobile man ufacturing agricultural machinery, electrical Industrie, g iragea,' building construction, body bulldera, weed and furniture factories, repair "hone, tele phone and telegraph Installation, and maintenance, trouble men and home mechanlca ue for drilling, grinding, ujjlng. reaming and pellening. This drill hue power. We will send pur man te your n'jep tn demonstrate It and make rn'iirnrhnnr, Starrlr Lcvcl'n? Ir.sfnjrr.ent Thlt Ii an In raiuible Imtru ment for belli ert, ceotracten nllhrrtihts, nt tet tuntrert tad for De Beeuu In layin. eel ears pa anumi. e Parcel Peat. ISc Kxtra Complete booklet explaining In detail Its uai and p-nrtlral llluetratlens ae- emrnn" nir li.i nn , nt E. M. HANSON & CO. ISO NORTH 4TH STREET Mtrket 520 Phene reur errt.n Main Till W. Dellt.r Wtibln City Llalu Own Tneiltr Km tint All lltj gatuM.. SPECIAL PRICES D1 D ROWN" WINDOW SHADES u UILT rVITHARPUTATIOH dsij fully Ouiranteed fer "rr ft. ' OllaH... ... .1..... ..I lj .! ... "rriu i i i i,i lp ,na operation, Estimates Cheerfully Ne Charge for Hanging M. BROWN 109 Seuth 10th St., I'hiln..' Ii. Pheno i".)rit rr,71 PAPER AND TWINE Tnllit Pnpir, S3 00 f"r Csse Envclain-s, 7te wr Bex tsc Ilcx-s, S3 03 uer Ilundle fiiiii.i hlrai' 5? ):e " -11 ' ' i fC Yill.v. iSi per ream rf 500 Slieiti rl'er N.ik'iu, i ee u .r. :cx Cault 75e It EZRA LEVINS0N. Si S. Hfth St. Lembard 3270. Main 337S. Razor Blades Re-sharpened M.NUl.E c DOUllLU S3- i Det' El) ' ' aC Iteauiar Rnser. nrnund - Honed. 33 Complete Orlndlng Estabilsntn.at TU- aVt-WSaXT bHIIiUINU Wk, use nikw,--. ruu.. - mere ifirS"ySfi PKSHT Titan Electric Drill : r.ca 1iU1f55iy"-VH ftr7 mi t ' ffl . fe-ZJJ P'lTrsrrwigai 1 1 I ?ij 5f3aSL2y,, eaVaSZSIP liunnl.f. BSSKmS. "Ifi .xtra JBBhV long len J77flrm nnd neat Twlr. Tf ''T'lng y a uiv w I 1 Btl I ' I bi:i,ECTED SOLID OAK Ilk' 3 ('- jii ntuu a UAKRELS l j 1 A-l quality no seoendi JJJ; 1 'r"rl PJ 10 Oallens S2.5 3s'4 - fm-i 14 Oallens $300 itlu II 25 Oaileiu SA il II 1 Ml 30 Osllent $4.60 'III rf&f j '0 Oallens S5 5r Mill (SSl- yjl Fer out-ef.town delivery iM Jf -f rath, tend money order or cheei: j3H sifCitST MB0 tvtlh order. 1A rl an,l iMVltl tue!rx JBT Wmp IS iral, add 8e for parcel Ml 7vaft,IW II pe 'I M?)fti B City Ordera Dellrered Tree Ml mrMllfiVmiWi 1 f M II SAML. KASSER IWf 1217 N. LAWRENCE ST. Q Wl Phene Kensington 1933 I .lut'i. .1' I i t U 4J C. nrtttt r B .1 ... tnfr nffl n ... m w.. fcuu icii3iu?ien Ave. n i IK) It. n IN I'll I AIM: I'llIA i I HMKI1 BVKnVlVHKHK I I ( Q&lzS!- 3m iinni V3 - ULJLJ anDDDnP iUljDgyl a3WK ' mtdr' rwf H I WBDHWDAXQOreBBR U. ;9ZZ PAHOKTi POT r?AftaTAAMV fjimj tn rMi' 2 BIG STORES 2 Ridfte and Midvale Aves. 5838 Germantown Ave. Combination Flashlight & Portable Electric Lamp ii I th nilJiKtmrnt 10 tint It nlll light inl.t Mlii'ii iilcl'eil mi Or tun no nil jntcil te glie n Kintlnii 111s )U!it 1 r mi llisM nt nil, A if ', 1 "in 1 nl nt n 11 il nttru'tlw 1 1'iklnir lump tilth 11 11I111' 1111111V tlinc.1 our niji' prlii1. ('fun-plt'ti- Hlth Imtti'ry mil jiiTirlnhl "limit-, Mi till arts nickel plated. Iteg. $4,50 Our (lit; Prlie " I'rlcf I'Aff't'.t, I'OT 10c nVTHA Wear-Ever Seamless Deuble Roasters l Hi mrk bettnm. untllater i(-r.i-y' V - " - " '' ' . ) miimiiimimnif,i,.l1M,r Ne. S24 It 10 1-0 Imlut (eitr.m. length outside. , 10 Inches (extreme width euteldel. 7 'nclies (oxtreme lulpht out- nE elilf). IT'ir jpo.eO ?,!.,1-"' u ,B ' n lti Iiet (extreme length 0 ItsMM, 11 1 Id Inclies (extreme nliltli init-M"i i InchiH leitnmi! Inlclit out- Cd nS el'le). I'rl.e $.JO ?' . V H ' "' lfl Inilifi U-xtronie leiiRtli -,n n Inrhes (eitreme width nit. Mel 11 lucnex lexireme height out tide). Price $5.95 r-Anra, revr pkrpaid Window Refrigerators Inrtl.p nknble fur .ipiirtnifiits nnd n'oin n'ein Ing niiinc.. Mini,. f ciimnlnil linn, ulreng 1111I ilnrnhln. Cnn be nttaiheil te wliirleir by nnjr'ene In a few minutes. Ne. 1 ;, aixUill Inches! Ne. a. 27xl0H xl4U lnchet. Ne. Hr Price 0M 1 $3.50 $2.1S 2 $5.50 $2.95 PAncET. rntT iv nvTTtA os kacii FREE CITY DELIVERY TKI.KPIIONK I)K ORDF.ns 1:1:1.1. piien'i:s' srvNAYi'.N'K ihik-iuh Ki:v;vev,,::i:;.?ITT3r,,,s pAixs Hartwahe Cq 1 2BIG STORES 2 Ridge and Midvale Aves. 5838 Germantown Ave. CANDY . JSfJrj AND OTHER MDRF. PEKNT OO0DS Atat. Cryttal Jelly Drept .0 Itil. 1 .70 Choe. Cherrlca 180 .78 Ohoe. Cheniet 100 1 SO Pure Surir Ilird Cindy 5-lb. tin 05 Jsch t- Jlllt (h't tel'.er) 241 71 fhoe. MinhnuM'-Tcs 2'0 ,C1 Chec. Tlirshmnllevs 120 ,C0 Eu 1 Jli-x Tir-.i" n Hi . 120 .73 anil cc' 12 Te' le r.ulh FKrE. Ornnge Jell' Bir 150 .CO Chcc. Cretm Eirs 120 M Chec. Cream Hints .... 130 (10 Choe, Cigars In Pockets 120 .CO Cboe. Nut Orientals (Koeton)SSOO .62 BAR O00DS Heeten Sweet Milk Chne. Btrs....94, S .80 Heeten Milk Choe. Nat Bare....,.. ,49 Hoetrn Sweet Vanilla Ohoe 14 45 Nerma IW. v.ntlla One tUre 14 1 00 But 1 box WILBURMJTK and ft 3 nri'fcne sa Almnnd Bara FBEE (Bneelal) Bklbe Hutterie ten 40 .75 Chic. M, M, Feanut Bart i4 ,69 Benetll Chec. Mlntt. Se 84 A0 Chec. Peanut Butter art 24 .70 Choe. Peanut or Nougat Bars . . 24 ,70 Chcc. Cece Crnm Ban H foil. 24 ,71 TANCV TACKAOrS "ewh-ilT isertmrnt 'vh'til . S lbs. ft 3 c,n.M-ii Ch"oeht r 1 lb dot. 7.S0 ntW Revsl Rub" 1 lb ilet. 41 1 h'rr Girl P-icheire. 1 lb .... ci, 0 00 Qus'tcr Cltv Ch'e-.lates. 1 lb....iler, 3 72 We hive the larett and most beautiful assortment of Packages, CIGARETTES, ETC. F.t'mas ..1000 17 H Chasterfltlds Camels Hwret Caperals, 20 's Prince Albert Tnb , He..., le Safety Bes Mstehes.... eevrnar. ..1000 6,20 ..1000 6 IS ..1000 633 ..dot. 1,41 .ireit ,73 Jft'sTp'Jr t.7.'.0.i.;;:;;;.4d07 J0 Large Hertea ft Warenti 25e rel. i, i.Je LEWIS NEWHOPP WirOTF"ALE CONECTIONFR .. L ME'r'H"',r)''E ) 2."i."i Market St.. Phila., Pa Ori" EVENIVOS J-0 8 V M. t Mil Est. 1S00 -!r"n H' -, Bargain Sweaters Mil iillnr. a i.ik. ts. ilnrk nf,"r2"'eri " ninde': nlle .mil narm for cold neather. 5RICE SX.30 cp"e ret. 18e Extra Cannet be dunl cated elae where at this price? HI mens '- U n.i . icavy riiDDeu Union Suits Sizes 40 ti -M. lent tatltfactlen, Price, $1,25 l'arcel i'e,t. jlv. ;r 3 rehir. t T?vi nil ... I ipilik, as this Is n spclii! intru Ridgeway Bargain Heuse 2130 Kldge Ave,, FhlU. REUPHOLSTERING et the Higher Oradt Jeur. Old I'arler l urnliurs Eqiml te new. M'.'i ii 1'lllCKS IIUKIG OCTOBKn New Liyini-Roen Fureilurt Latest atvlea In beaiitlfuiin desUned Tarestrlear Velei ri and Mehalr-I'luahee te erJai n. Hanlui.lii..i ... '-" a. ...ni..,H. lui.ia ITlCe., llodreom and Dining Roem Furniture) ltl.1 KNiMlhll AM) rei.lsllKl) (..IMlng, I'llntlni: nnd llnnluecvl hlnisftlne Dena tiy Hxpert Meclnnlcs. ' Ullp Cnvern Jtade le O-Oer OltlvM NMIII' (H'AR.XNTKFD r.'elluiutea etien cheerfully en reuueau Quaker City Upholstering Ce. Lembard Itir.fl iOO-tiO. Clieatn'ut Street ilJME VICTOR WATER HEATER lull (OAI. New principle, ceiiHtant sup I'll, -J I tn SO k llli'US Ic itents niiliiiturs. tne Ttiera i- ui Minx Ju"t nn eliI fc.n (or lloeklot. .Mauds Moves, 1 ui ii.m , i'i I nn in. . ii le i Th. I en i .m.lt it, M riciucll Mho i . Rt'vei Steve i Feunitry Cc. K . .il si 1'hH.i. I ii milrj, (' 'null'" V .1 DIAMONDS BOUGHT jiilltK uh juiir in lunulas ll 2?B55,,WftilJi 1 Ml I ll'l III) 1 rffi W lllgiiirl wm I Ai'--.--v. ! im, reallte the liltihest pnsslbe prlin for ,,. '" Ne matter what eib"r lei jeutf. '''" worth, get our prlce before you .,n "' ,il" mi We pay i" 00 te S 00 Oil fur each "ach dlanienj man einers imv pee -ua and be mnMnced. We buv am size. .h.iM n. rtHi ..Sf!!. tickets Jer Ulnnmnd, beuiiv. rrlrnte office td lloer. eyer Cbp., l'f. Pawn tickets Jer dlan.nnd. hnueV iT M. PA'ROKT, POCT Solitaire fiAM sezm Solid Kr0 Plati num RED TAPE H NO DELAY H HANP CARVrD UK WHITE GOLD MOUNTING. TH". MOST SENSATIONAL RING OFFER EVER MADE. TLink el It leven lir.Uia.nt tteelblaegenulnedi-uieniliinsiiel tir a secret p-eceu In c. itllm, el SOLID PLATINUM kct se closely tCKlhprthnt only close lnnrctlen will distinguish Itlreraa lJiKoelitalro. ri TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL Yea ttat e csssee K It la net satisfac tory at the end et ten days, or If you can duplicate this genuine diamond ring In any jewelry atore for less thnn $7&00,your4cpeiitwl be releaded1 toyeo. Send ealy $2.00 and the ring coca te you In a handsome gift tot, cbsritt ptld. A legnl ruarantfe bend 83 te quality nnd value nccempanles each rlnc AfterlPn-ilnytrlnlpaybnlincc.Jl.ns a mnntli, for ten months. 1'rice only S48.E0. 'FREE ROYAL BARGAIN BULLETIN ILLUSTRATES AND DESCRIBES OVrR 800 SPFCIAL OFFFRS IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWEIRY WHICH WE ARE MAKING THIS MONTH FROM OUR (2.000,000 STOCK. SENT FREE I Adirtu Dtpt. 60S Ettab. 1895 Jisj 'Quality Hardware 816 Chestnut Street Cut Out the Plumber's Bills and Buy a "Householders' First-Aid" Red Rubber Elastic 4-Ir.cl. Fcrce Cup C lCll V'9 (1 iltClllCS ' r fmii'i i,i. tin. eit nf II I't . S 111 I It l s SIlH tlll""l 1 1 V utre'i, pr . il tool that " nl I Mt for ii ir Reg. 9Ac Postage $1.00 ou Sc Extra Shannen 816 Chestnut Street EES EXA.MIMiD FULL NO DROPS USED SPECIAL J4 3.Su Bitecal Glasses Oelii-Filltd liaine Miecl I Vnlne (l OO 2 50 ,.A'I preaciiruena lllleil al a auv.n et s .,.,a.i i -... -";. w" "" U LU UU M U1M VBHS1 1 1 1 II fl in 111- unni B it .iv vat t-.ti.tt .UU UII. OPt'MO.& SSX.EVG8.VllL OHM. Varicose veins, fallen archee jwelien lag and all ether leg troubles, will find certain, aecu-f.a-!n."uJ,20rt.S,h.r,2uh the use of JC'RLIdfl IwVCED STOCKINGS. Tiireiv away torturing elastics or troublesome bandages nnd fc?.rB(!', '" ,re L' Corliss Laced BtiiclilrBs made te maaaure without elastic, wear for many I ... "'.j'.-uie .na sanitary ' L.V, "ru durable cost enlT limb '..?5. and you'd cla.tlv inv tnucli mere for the auppm't til IS attflineil I'wll ,i k I ' I en iree ,)r wtlte e n iu-cn'ent blank Ne I n.ilv hillllRteH nl I. ..,,, a for 3 h also 'ii iKe .ihd miliiul leti. n Lit. or mi elattlc) te order w.V W'L .' "?."' ''"'J'' "le 'ill ' I 1 1 l.iii. 7 t a 1'ennu. rnrllss 1,1ml. uuiiltr t'e 40 .N. AM st , Plilli.. Pi ' I crmerli of II" Hied lllilg. A HIGHLY POPULAR TALKING MACHINE "Qualitene", Fer records up te and lnclud. nc 10 in. ex cept Edisen, $1.50 A inarieleii.i areHil lips in I Inn tuiii' tin. ibl'i-ht nf I I Ireil 7 111 nil tul turn t I'I" horn i ." 1 1 m lul iistrm ti ii i tlbr Mi ninl ,0I , nnlnBani finish. JOSEPH E. McCONNELL 1117 SOUTH bin STREET PIIILAUELPlflA. PA OLD PARLOR MI)F. KQt'AL TO '(JL esa v lc nnd in. I 'rr. rr?-? j pmM Ir c i.i werx usrsr e.' I slln ( mer. Miidc (n Drib r " a iy a larg t e c k nf uuhui. W. Lrd-B-J ?; &i -i? ; .. mi a it w holes lie prlc ' American Upholstery Ce. Olilrst uml l.nrci'M lleu.n of IU lilm 125 S. Second St. ,,r"' ur, """ CI AGCPC t a ALLEVI "HnsSSSSSSSPlll rS'scaieneMe Fuice. AnTiriciAiErn Inirarisai rar.f Wf LOST AND l'OUNU i un.. ii fu Iv li .; Infn- i 'I r I 111 i I n I i nil 10 A i, 'Ml' w i I ni i M II l w l.e M'llk I t mini. Im ni K ll A,.iV, " f, mw' m m.w m tj.it v&;h ti insert tititv MM M :& m soy 1IC m I ian a a r saat SBm a aaajaaas na ' LEG COMFOKT a-tJ Iff v Prenaid & I I si I ' i or nil i ifiunieil In 1 1 bl ill. 0 04 Miul.i'1 : I I i II Hull. ii Itil , , M n vi mad , r ,,one m, V N' Lest let ecu (lib at III h .... I Im.lliill .A1l.. a .. .,. I... ..i.. . . . " WI .,.. "C ...... v.'' i."" ""...' i I'eld aui iuiuiviqi i - mi vii- n a i'ii ( 1-1 ( (111 I return te De l ci 7.1I li,imiin klndiv uliabli a ' 11 .v n' .mall Se.d - imn -- .! a nt ail m .. . , . - . ! BVJIU Lllll I111fa ... laiii'ntf rani ,y anu money, near hen. r ana in reward. and Erie; a reed """" c - ' - SS31 N Dreid at j HBt.-p WAWTED rriiTAXT; IteOKKl.r.rmi, nsslstniit. for fiictnrv cost llllnjj and aupplv grki mum ! cuniu. ti'tit. r (liir-iit nnd rntnlile' I'mfWitnt p r n ii'iit iiiilliiynient. .iiplv l'ilieii IU nnd 12 ! mil at . I hiril II jer. IIIHIKKIII.I'I.U UANTUI Competent D. 13 bnnkliieiwr, enlrv JSiJ.ne pc w;" l. Htite nrn mid iiuiillllcbtlena. Addnaa I' " lox veni. , , . t'IIA.MIII3rt.MAII uml wultri'SKl 1'f'it .."f rem mi il d I'h I I'slinit H.ll I'm CL-KflKH AND CAaillKIlH Yeunr women. 18 te 2.'. yenr of net ter hn positions nf cnsbler-lnspecti.rM nnd i""'0 r. will lnierl ivcil durlnit t rinnliiB MCkl Inexperience will be no handlcnpt np- .Iciuits anuull hac nt least one nr two I, nma1 hlKli Bchoel t lining or Its equivalent Apply Ilurcau of Employment WAN'AMAKIJIl S CI.CItK for tl mill etl.i r tli'i'lcn! will. In n fuctcirv nlTlcn. At ph "inp. dipt . Abrnele I" Tncnn tt I'mln " llrl'li'slmr.'. CLERICAL. We have a number of epenlnes In our clerical department for bright, ambitious Rlrla, 10 and 17 veara of at Instruction In thu peratlen of the BlllaU-nher billing machine villi b" BJcn theae who are Intnreated Thtse positions effei nppertunltles for pro pre mcitlun within a ahert tlni" Appiv Employment 8 A. M. te C P Dept. M. SHAHS ilOEIU'CIC AMD CO 4i,4u IlOObEVEl.T IIOCLI3VARD COOK white, exp eeml ref In (Un : uoed nagei; car'are nald Wnrnlne Ifl.'.T rHOClIETEIlH, experienced, wanted en shade rlnns, te take weik home F W. Maurr i Sens Ce 4311 Waynt ae., near 18tn and 'lermantewrtaye HHHW.tMHBIt. urn st WHITE. APPLT 118 N. DRESSMAKERS Wanted dressmakers, experienced, cuttlns; and lltlnf. Apply flii-eiu cf I'mplejment WANA'MKER 1 (jiltl. IMiilnu-reum kin writ- under 40 must Hie In. Apply en" ce 11Mb Ne 1 Olnrd College 'IOUSEWORK O rl for ceak'nir and down stairs work, no washing- ileep m, lefer- ire. Oak I.ann IH.-if) (170'. N lath st ITCIirN CIIUL. while, uniler 40 must live tn. Apply Office Ride, Ne. 8, Oirard Cel- ae MUSIC TEACHER wanted In home school for backward children Rroekwogd Scheel anedewne 2(1H. NETTERS. experienced wanted en taeael melds, te take work home some learners i 'nken. F. W. Maurer A inns Ce . 4811 1 Wnyne ave . rear 18th and Oirmantewn ne J KSWrMEN Uinte.l . xr-rnceii silk srieiwnnien fe- rta ! s K lepartmeiit, pi Hull perm ment, KOud r ppnrtutiify for-th" imht purty lliresh r llrcj . 10.'.' Chestnut r.iect. SOLICITORS te meet business executives for prominent Instltutlun, leads and hlrhest credentials furnished. Roem 815. 1011 Jietnut s &TENOORATHER Teun laily of refine". ment between aces of 20 and 28 wanted for pos. In bank, must be h geed nteneg-. and a willing worker, noiseless tspewrlter uert but previous knowledge of this machine is net essential, hlnh -choel Eraduate preferred J 1307. Ledger Office l KNi tlRAl'ltl.lt tatlen, must I I Preiektant. t-ilnri V nh t Hilrl n ne iiulck at taklni; illc nmpeicnt and efficient. 2" Appl 1 te 4. 15 TELEPHONE OPERVTINO OFFERg A oed salary te start plua Opportunity for Promotion Pieaaant Companionship Healthful Surreundlnca Permanency of Employment Experience unnecesaary: salary paid while learnlnar. Yeung women between the area et 18t and 23 deslrlne- te enter the next training class should apply te XtllH STEVENSON The Hell Te'ephene Ce 1031 Arch st TENOaRAPHER A real stenographer who I haa had high acheal education nnd geed business experience and who can take d ela tion rapidly and transcribe accurately; euch an applicant will And an tntareatlng position new open. Call nt once MRS PATTON CURTIS pr-LISHINO CO . flQ4 Saneem at. rKNOOKAPHUR ruphl and accurate, must have some experience hluh choel grad- me preferred Ci" Pahlli I.ertirer. nth nnd r-etnni t -nun n or 'IJr - 'I f irn W- rl ldresrt 1" It .'(ni e .y n P I i l'n "1fi I. it 1 rll I. I I Dlll. en il ' f il ir 4 TTTIST Te the exceptlenallv ambitious yeunr woman who la net atlsned te remain a typist we can efer a real optier. lunlty tn our Correspondence Depart ment, refinement, education and an earnest desire te broaden your ex perience are the essential requirements SEARS nOERUClf AV- . CO , 4840 ROOSEVELT DOULEVArV) IVriSTS We hM. geed positions open new ter tplat- tei -d accuracv abaeluteh c ii-ntlal Call nl once MRs P VTTON i I RTIS PUBLISHING CO U04 Ransom st WANTED Responsible position of trust for women ec .'5 jeara of age man come well recern. mended: no (iprlenee required s , p, Mjers. between 10 and 1 1001 Colonial Tn.. WOMAN of refinement and social ce'nrT tlen can add sutstantUlj te tncnn.. w.. I aeslstlns Introduction cf hlch-class tallere i ! undergarments, comm hs en P J301. Lci.7. 'office -eunt WOMEN TRs.VEI.INO FOR PO-IT'ON sales manager of eucessf! i ii n corporation delne n i' will be at the AJelph a II it da October P. for the pu-i .leir 4 or 5 women aiixli us atnbllshel Chl l".lnnltig Men " "f Intirvlen. nenl cimnettlen with splen lid PlTIM .. Pl'ertunity for ndv-iiicement apiii in A( MEN Active eneriu (..trn, women, with fair elucit j- u , tl) , nnd ,ninus te tdvame it - i ee l ., i in null of rnildlv riieMnc i il i , i u it le 'J! ve'irs uf ii.p r ., fi i in A M TO.' ii ! Ii . M libit -I WOMl-.N -ir jeu are mer .'l and piisaehs a fi.t c In a i n nf c in ag pin jeu in a position thai w i secia and finamlal si indu J.n Vl-nr llldg 10 A M inij 'eip i c It. ' 1 P M M.H'N-0 LADY mis. m, -..... - .. . tmmr I., e.i.il.n... n .. . irii.r ...... ..., ..,vr i ...... iii urn ie Ply Genera Cigar Ce 1 147 N 4th . p. General veir . Ii die i , I'M. ifl. u 1 1 I U IT 1 1 ll 1 d 1 llic 1 if 1 , Ml J iceb w ih tlvv iii 1 i ill 0 te 10 in m 710 Mllil Nl It biy.L us veur epi 1 1 n ( te Li weclt y v iMeg . 110 ciin ilni.. nlmain klen ea.ilv. nnleUiu 1..-. . I 11 1 1 11 ' aiti fi t he .a. m un our flllnnl. graphic block tyatera; artistic ability un. I 111 person and be txtwicn .'7 and 4n ...''.. automatic machlneri .t.ie . ..J?'." I, ice. have al least hlKh s It education ..',. I fnce "'ilr deslied referni e I' t- i "' . - rnnilrvnse te traviil extensli v a ... i ' .'"' i .en. superintendent th. i.'.n. . ... "!. '!!? Litrcinv.ii . ,., : must leava Phllade'phla Uh n a :.' IL1"H' I funj. (ireen.burg Pa " ""- ', JVti- ic reali . " te fli'me hf ',.' " I"1 WITS "n'" Sr,A".e.'2" .:''?.. Jlii MAN.M-ienc.1 wanted le-TTar.eV .!.' '?-'-' -,. "-."ArleneeS'T,?,,, "la ..! ..... " .-...-- "nV."." ""'r; -- swwu in i me 'ywiui'un in iaurary 111 u Sm,i,. man .ww a.H nxper ence in nmtre i.m.i MS IV from atart Position worth J75 n.r ..m" tendent Readlnr Hnypl.., ii...i,L? .rur' in- .. ..,,,,., nll.i,(?.'' "-". bust- I only women with personality culture tl.'. ' MAN anJnTi7I niin'; TT..- M -Jl"- Ledg-r Office ' aar" It e c e n.Lriu-i.,1 i sn.m,nt will be censld.ren v ..."I'd r-- "A.-sanu wire, white, for Janitor am .n. r -"" S15 nnd number bee MISS THL1 le i ' l","',',nB L ,, M INAGER WANTED l lESifi!ir HELP WANTED FEMAAE Oener-il I'l.EIlKH fin Omei .irnrnt .V nirim".iiH, kpii An i ..u.l. i,l Htf,,inlNiillnii PHi t. Sin'. rxn unnccis'iiri 1-nr f rcn imrtlculiira urlle J. Leenard fenvr Clill ,"ril-n Examiner),! i'l'l! E'li'ltable 11 '! Wielilnit'im. I) U tl 'in tn it li.nr fur I'.iiii. .fun., lime! wrltiil for ua nt iiemiM Instruct mil provide I ftmilj verUi m. riiivasaliiit: uarlleuiara rrrp Kw It Bhnwnrd Hcrioe', Terente, Canana, (JlilLS wnnied (levt Mi'' t na manv vacancies. esamitin'tenH Die, Write for pea pr. t H21i si 'J0 Nev. Led ITIO , nnd Off. HELP WANTED MALE HOILEltMAKKna ('Alt HEI'AinMEN nOUNMIIOUHK .MACHINISTS WANTED rKNNTLVN!A HAILROAD initi i ILIH3HT ar. lloeKKEEmit .'perlenceil en Uurreucha boeiOccplm; machine Neta-eme Hosiery 1L- Venango and I ata l.OV minted 17 or IN lenra old experienced en be klti"'plnR michln", position perma nent, fbrl-llan tireferred, 0d at. Btate Hank, .Vd nnd Stle sIh DOTS 18 te If) years of aire III Itrht active bes who hae had at least a crammar rchoel education will flna the work In our merchandise and clerical i!. HHrnii' nts vitv Int'Tistlnit. otipertunltles for promotion within a short time: no previous experlence tieceseary. Apply Employment 8 A. M. te 5 Department P 11. SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. 4810 Roosevelt beluevard BOYS, 11 yeara or ever. oea eluoatten, 'jy a lara:. nnanctal Institution, pieaaant work advancment, five references, C ESg. I.efigr Office HltrrfllMAKER Wanted bmehmaker for textll mill, must be experienced In dah blnir liruehns for cemblnir machines etate nee wanes rcaulreil and expeilence M .'14, 1 nrjfr Offlc I lll'TL"Il and heu-smnn ivntd at once. ' ...1.. r In,. .,,. . II, HI ..... lt ...niu .....Ol ..ww 4 i. i.uuri. niut.ll family of adults, reference! neceS$arj. P 1'.'33 L.'i1mr Office. ARPENIERS W k Ce 2' Minted, can make eiertlme. Mi nnd Hunting Park ae CLERK Camden concern wants capable ac curate yeune man for a-nrra! erflce werk: trained In eamamanshlp preferred. Address I' O Bex 850. Ui 1 TERM mi special order work. Apply tlfih Hen' lunlper and Vlnj st PILING CLERK. eun- man. for office of liuee corporation, Hate, ane nnd salary ex pected Ne 201, Ledger Rranch, 1S20 Cnlnmbla nl riXER AND MACHINIST L-perlncd en I. nb'-m fill eutemattc ki ittliiE mad no x iieni eprmrtulty te rUM man Ess-at Ivnin re Mills Ifliie Pw Yerk in" I -ii 1 ' N y feitEMAN I'lrst clrt-s i'r and molder ferenun wanu I imn " u j must ne hu'tlcr, til" siliir expe i,.,j wn,j expert-en-e ADIRONDACK TrlEL rfiUNDRIES CORPORATION WaierMln N y FURN1TCRE FINISHERS Geed epenlnr for finishers for fine furniture. Apply Bureau of Employment WANA-MAKER'S HEATER and ranee ehher alto a tin reefer w.ntert Apply H2'i N lDlh at LABORERS LATtORERS (WHITE) FOR TRACK WORK $8 50 PER DAT STRAIGHT TIME. RAIN OR SirTNB FREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED CALL A. C. R. R. OF N. J. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICB 123 N 1BTH ST. LABORERS wanted geed wages Apply 25th and Hunting Park ave Wark Ce LUMHER COUNTERS and laberara wanted Pearaen i. Ludaacher Lumber Ce , Weat- mereland at. and Delaware Itlier. MACHINISTS HOI! ERMAKERS CAR IVSPECTOIts CAR RUPAIRMLN FOR RAILROAD WORK 8 TEADT EMPLOYMENT WAGES AT STANDARD PLENTT OF OVERTIME FRirn BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION AFTLT TO OOMFANT OFFUm ltl N. 16TH ST. FHTLADEL7KZA, FA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DA1LT. T A. M. TO 8 P. If, ATTENTION MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS The Wheell.-g and Lake Erie Rail way Ce. announces the opening of a modern erecting ahoe closed since uecemper IB. 1M1 located at Brewatar near Canten. O, i m opportunity for PERMANENT EMPt OYMENT See announcement with details in thla paper tomorrow M 1NAOER tvas.-i.-i. assist owner of a i .. , ... . . i (.nods steie must b tt mhjti. msn f i i ,, t 1 1 rtn In urnni il un .. . I ... ... .' ' ' ' l'' . .. .- ,.-...... .. . ., , j,ul nl4 ,nr I i. id writ.' cards Just u i rl' ir i i i . ici at I I 1 i Mi t i i . I "I P . l.in il I .1 inn w j v. rut, i in, VPUr , "'" i an , 11 11 . N ' i h t ii . n I M NI P rt III It- Hi ' , vr. . . .Hit ml ci il Melliil . nn r .. ' ' V' v ' i.-.nl iiulti..!.. ., I .... -.. .. ml. ... .....--.-. ,, ,, , rll .i;.,,, ti sili'sinnn let I'hll I lelphl. n m,..,, ,. I leni nce.ua. ntc! wuh men rurnlsi.in. ... , " Mil pre. fen nd rrnlUnliJe V 1111'U-I..Otl uf rj ... nl.l. lilt, I.. -1.1. II.. ... gi-ltieiii ,v, wu. ..,.. ... .I'm mu ill 'n Willi i nil nn ,ir. tlvltii. .. I. . i '. "II" full M JCR i-eds7; Offlc,. ' ""' """' te MEN If jeu ian rmik' fr-ends and llanli. iii-n -i i-.in imiii iu te ni ci ciillv, 1,1 M" ni in i ur crgsnl itu i, , i... 1 f JV1O11 mid un C . 11 , ,1I" me . I . , I. Id. 1(1 Al t I P 1 Mi:.N nvtlvn in 1 t 1 w lib 1 ill 1 duci 11 ,iiji ex.. 11 I 1 im 1 1 nn ' I 1 11 1 ll i 1 1 . lift I . " V III H ., 1 . nun 1 i-iii m. 11 an 1 nl 1 I V 1 iv in 1 Hft 1 1(1 A M 711 "li l mi III Ie I MI1.I ltli.lt n Mini T'lUI.H VPPI.V ELECTRIC STORAOE UATTKRY CO., 10TK AND ALLaHEN AVB. .MACHINE TI'lll. lis-ulnCen 7 .TTT MJL HELP WAKTEO MAtii JtECIIAKlOAI. KNOlNKKHa S-'MIIIVMllllH - Tin' Vncuum Oil c'mnrnnv lntend te. -1. taniernl . iiprfnnrel I'n If if lrs te IIN 1 nli nl Ijcimrtment rttalf of l.tlbrlcatlen 'ncers 'Hi- trjnrliM .aiiuire Hie ful.nwliti. iU illllidtluna men Mechanical Enalneers between SB and 43 Jenre of os-ii rmvlns had some (cchnlcnl euiicatlen and a number of jeurs' prncllcal experi ence In the nctunt operation of reueril power plant equipment ana industrial mnchlnery. Ceat.mlnlnr 'enalneer. between. Sf and 4S years of ae. hav1n haS tome technical education . and . number of years' practical expert ene In the actual operation of th surface and undericrniind mechani cal deulpment In the mlnea of th anthracite fields. Street railway enelneer betwetn Sf and 4B veaia of nfc havlna had semi . tecbnlcnl education and a, number of eirs" practical experi ence In ibe actual operation of all classes of atreet railway relllna ateck. We .ant men who are above the avarami men who will accept respensibility: men M Hewl address DO NOT fAT.L WRITE ITS Otvmi complete; nrTi.iNi: or tour kd TION AND EXPERIENCE STATINO Al AND SALARY DKSIHISD. VACUUM OIL COMPANY Technical Emnlejment CemmlttM 4th and Chestnut sts Phila. SALESMEN JUST RECEIVED THE FOLJ.OW TK LETTER FROM OUR SALL3 MANAGER READ IT October 7. 105J. Personnel Manager. Philadelphia. Pa. La at month nine men were premate4 te executive positions with this ora-anlta-tlen Aa these men were selected from our Sales Department, their advance ment leaves openings for a similar number of men who desire the oppor tunity te becjme connected with ua. and becem' arial'ahle for advancement in the serv near future Would suggest lour runnlnr an ad erilsement -nd se,er'l K from the ap plicants Miese who Hi mu' opinion pesess th dualities for which we are looking If ou use lh" atne care tn this aa veu hae done in the past, tneae new men aheuld be ia' ible for promo tion In a very few weeka Would recommend your attending te this at once n we contemplate ncenlnat many mere offices very seen, and men from our Salea Department mutt be available and readv at that time for heir promotion te Salea Exeeutlv poaitlena Sincerely yeura ROLAND 8TENZEL, Manrger. Deet promotion te Executive Sales and Admlnls'rv.t positions based en your own abllltj te "go-get than, appeal te jeu? If It de." ANSWER TH't LETTBR. It mu offer jeu the ve v ipnurtunlty th t jeu luv alwajs winted These mer, ANSWERED a short tlm age. and here's whn-t they did: R. I. B. Ne preleus sales experience. Began June 1922 mad JSl'J 50 the flrat week- Pro moted te Assistant Balea Manager October 8 O. M. Answered ad. and started aa Saleaman December 28. 1931. Mirde Assistant Salea Man ager In March. Promoted t balea Manager, opening new new office. October 8. C. A. M. Formerly officer in U. B. A. Jelned as Sale-man In June. 10JJ "remiiteil te Assistant Salts. l..-cu:He a-bout Octo ber H. W II. m Vplcmbcr lfl I answered an i U.'-tlstment fcrm this i orpei ,n n tfrieainen. or Men Wn f mild Heceme a wr en it read I knew I was nn salesman, and haa my doubts ubeut anybedA being irblu te make one out of me. I ws an engineer. ' with an engineer's mental attitude. Hut I wae sold solidly en the value of the. opportunity. the Integrity and abllltv of their men who offered it. and the fund. mental importance of tba work being done I waa ao ae cepted glen ar ehert. Tn tensle training nnd then cent out Inte the field "llie '1 i null I made J 140 cr i ' rf si nri y I waa .rnin, -r !'- i a week ' d v i a li I if seteral I i'ii 'is I av.rii.ed prexl muti v Sjmi a week In otner werda th . coreoratlon had tiken .i man with no eelllni; experience or training and developed In a short time a man who was selling oon eon oen alstomly. And within threw month"' time I waa promote te District Salea Manager. It aeunds rather eudden but thafe the way they & thl" a here onee a man haa damenatrated fala ability. What thla organisatien done for me la net for i am price mneerely, W. H. W. Thlt la TOtR OrpORTUNrTT drantage of It N'N Take This offlee will be open en Celumbun Day. October 12 Thursday In erder that men who Tl 1 it dlfT'iult te get eway during the or Unary business day but who desire te Lette- themselves nav take n liantaxe of t is opportunity te call Call at Roem 440 10 A 11 Thursday for Mr Spier. WJ.lener or Krldai BIdg . at and ask sali sMNeunji wan of soed address " . - .". H.iiiiiii'.ii nir ..in. ...... ' ll le I I . 1 .1.... . , 7. -'... ensurata with n Mr. . Ml . I lfl lie w n It , an 1 'lilng stxtluit ilar. p ueu, I sAl.'.-M s suli em li t '"JS I ' lri -M.EHMW 'p bend ' 'nlty P II "I', i I'jiilt f'l ixp nd vicinity. bend Ad- Mali sinai fur 111 llil urir dress ! IL'"'. I,-tKet lifflce bALKSM N ejp en.rget.r plumbing aup pl'es i.i-vl Untied i.liv Irale apleiullil 00 00 pertunlty Cfment .Mfj 1 ,, .-.IH I'jthat SECfllllV HAI.ICHM 1 s. ' We offer 11 rial 1 in riuiiti. "1. men whi. ii-nii" ll luniri ami re w llh .1 proven n 1 r I h ami furnish beat ref ici 1 11 n ii Iiiiiti 11 u in 1, fu r 1, mu Mr I111 k 1 bi.tiii.t st HIT.i I VI I (Ml 11 i e '! f I 11 1 ll 1 liHik'ne- for m..i ' an slnivv lesil.t. I ' lbs yp of I. .f,iii fa Ilium 3I Km 1 ul, us furng . ''. ",'" Mlf we 1 I I, il I T nil 1. 1 r 11 'ill V Ml i n.. . 1 ' I I s a.il.1 u.si uluu 11 is .IITli WA.V1LD Hfttxint'ht ' 1 .'1 ' e irs uf ' 1 1 il (I im 'Sllien of 1 J ' trust for men ever ' ' .Hell ree'iut 1 1 1 CieiiIm TfUil 1 1 e a, ' et llldg 11 1 a 1 I ' KfmM Mm 4, Vv M ?i fl . :ffl in WARLIIOUBLMAN wanted -hii'a' a-Z fyfefB3-?lS3 r S ' ?iy v - 1 . - ri'.rii 'ft' A' U &. i,