iMwwpaPsWPiP immwmmmQmijm mmmmmwmp-m i -aiariaa-arawaAvvami i.b. mm m. &h.u han aaaajHasajiw i. ji a, r n - t we.t r ' . - --- - i 6DSSIP OF THE STREET TnleM veu lmvc n Ug stack of Wue ,k.,, j oil Jmve no "gut l ""' "' ",v Zmt tut isnmr." snld a downtown Eir,.ln1iiy. "TIe ordinary trader L ncltlirr tlie Mscc-Rnry wlicrewltbnli ! r peMMM tlie nerve, te nit in with leh fart company as Is new rullne the Sut.tke eamc en the Biff Beard. X, and ten point fluctuations mean .Atliinc te tue pewru. ... - i n i 25,uu hsu bren waged a long contest. Thers velwd. arc uve etner committees Known, as inn Hammend and 1'erklnn cetnmlttM. Th. Bittre committee lms lnmicd a call for security holders te withdraw their hc curltlci front these committees en the Ground that the committees are net noting iti thn Interests of the investor. line of tlie recommendations of Air. RIGHT TO TEACH GERMAN ARGUED IN SUPREME COURT VA Aa Akfa. All. ..... TOITSU. Win H1 MM. UW UBD quarter! liabilities are 4.8 per cast below these of the same quarter of 1021, ,lpnHn fh fact that 001 fewer defaults occurred In tlie earlier year. Tims the Ohie Law Attacked In Hlehsst insolvencies in ine uiiru quarter et , Tribunal of Land last year numbered 4471! for $122,01)0,. .. . Tr,bu"al u'" , jhm nf liabilities, or nn aternn of Waahlnrten. Oct. 11. Ohie's statute ?27,4.17 per failure. The arerage for , prohibiting teaching of German te pupils and cases Vntermp.ycr.ln that the Interstate Cem- the third quarter of the present year, t,ejew tl), elri,th cra,j8 n prlrnte lM'i'fe in- ,,,.,. parochial achoels, ai amltel in . linve been nhnen Hint the Denver & , have numbcrpd 18.41 T nnd supplied n brought by II. II. Brehnlng and L,mll Itle Onindi! would be acuulrcd either lltlln mere inan ?iw,iw.uw or. in-. Pohl, was argued bv counsel in the by the western rnclttc, which connects dcDteunew, wmie niuiuL-n ir n ; similar u the Denver and llle Brande with the coast, or by the Missouri Pacific, but the nutre committee 8 announcement makes certain that no such action will . .1 . (.hiI.IIp Yeu Will Observe in . "P iekb mimrai uiiiivsiiiQii. in n ttn In the sadillc xeu win i , : f e th Hutfe cemmltte1 Jn whl(,h runnlns your eye eve. tun . " "" , he advised the reorganization tdan, , a stock new in the ring selling Samuel Untermeyer charged that the period of last year show 1.1.507 Insol vencies for about $433(400,000. Al though this is a considerable expansion in both respects, recently monthly re turns have disclosed a steady narrow ing of the margin of increase in num ber of failures ever last year's totals, and the number for September makes Supreme Court yesterday. Whether the attack unen the con stitutionality of the State statute pre sented & Federal issue which would give the Supreme Court Jurisdiction was questioned by aereral members of the court with searching inquiries. Contending it was the right of the te acquire anu et ine tciicner te education, counsel ter iteniung old asserted that if the Stutc vijlinii thej Minulil ue cairjing ami ii.mni.un i.uii - j.esiBinture in exercising im pence Iteci" ui.i i,n,l ta T'lmrireH mniln In neiiifi iiuertcrH (lint rnirnnn Tr urcT ADDII Ol I liewcr could nrehlblt the ttnclllna of mormens in;"MI" ,',,, ,,. .American rallreada nre ever-capitalized cul ,une lu lt:, rnlu ' Oermnr.. it could prohibit the teaching Cilice the ercnu" . ,, K are refuted by the results se far attained .01 te cause money rate te chmd. ln t)lft werj. 0( F0(iernl valuation et '" . ,h.n lri a hhare. These vle- Hammend and I'erklnH committees ate the best exhibit of any month In i fully i (,nV fet lcss than 5i-e n B" f vrerklne ln the Interest of thee two ' year. 'L'he September liabilities, rupll ,, let Mercmcnti arc leading " rnllreml,, moreover, nre also the smallest f or a mpart '" brokers lth mere high-priced . J(.n. rnt. THK TRADER. nn;i p, i-.n.nn the. Mmuld bcinirjlng and RiillniaiN Liider-Capllall-cd - Lesinla ' ., , , i.Mvini. the i American rnureaua nre ever-capitalized ,he operations are ","l,1l,"! ' nre ri.futcd by the results se far uttaiued ! .. ,in, for every ene te use care and ! currier properties, according te the 11 ,t-.Vii,..ntaiicc carry stocks of pert of the cemmltlea en railroad Ikstree new demlnDtlng Gpeculatlve at at Jntlen unless unusually large margins n behind them. I lttlc attention is paid te the lower lewer i.l leu-es as peel managers of these re- curltlcs of the Investment Bankers' Association of America presented be fore the annual convention at Del Mente, Calif. The committee of which Pierpont V. Davis, vice president of the National City Company, of New Yerk, is the i strongly the 'ederal valuation In tK cm"""-" - i,vin i,., American railroads nre ever-cap' Plan for Discussion at Dinner WashlnQten v Cleveland. Oct. 11. Plans for a dis cussion at a dinner In Washington April 21 of the newspaper In its re lation te public affairs by n.en of na tional and International prominence were made at a meeting of the Beard f Directors of the American Society rcitoratlen of the dinner will mnrk the cle of the annual WIIUU.IU1 vi me meeting of the wciety. which tlie nearu , vetei te Meld in auitiRten April -u unniittee lay nml "1 fiat thai In Renuris nt the meeting indicated Kteel Pioductlen Far llclew ermai jum feun,i K,.neral niidorcapltalizatleii before lit reaches neruial. Inget pre-I "Frem the reports of tentative val uatien iiuiH ir Buuiunieu uy me com mission" the Davis committee states In its report, "It would appear net only that the reads are undercapitalized but that their real valiie is se much in excess of their outstanding capital ob ligatien innt tue lesuic inuit lie a '" in il.Vir favorites. In ray opinion, credit innuinK ni wie run (main tneir '"''''", .... iu imv(1 eeiintij . the adaii f ' , p "alt v " Tin .oneluMem. nf the ,, Un altesether tee inpid te lie m aini Iurtk.ulur Mtl., ,, ll)u nt anr ether lniiffiinife or subleet. If the State can In n compulsory edu cation law prescribe the Htudles which shall be pursued, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Thebaben, of Cuyahoga County, asserted, in presenting the cases for the State of Ohie, it also can declare what shall net be pursued. SOVIETS WIN IN SIBERIA Vladivostok Qevernment Troops Are Demeralised Teklo, Oct. 11. (By A. 1M The forces of general Dletcrlch'', head of the the work done te .Inte the commission the American Society of Newspaper, ma,vostels severnment are retreating. liters, which was formed in New ucmeraiiica, oeiero in.s ensiaugni ei me. Soviet troops or tlie lar JJastern lie public of Siberia, according te advices received from Vladivostok. The campaign for control of Vladi vostok as it is evacuated by the Jap anese appears, from the reports, te be going against the present Vladivostok government, whose soldiers are short of rifles, although they have plenty of am munitien. On the ether hand, feed Is i before It reaches normal, ingot pre -fietlen in September mw.tR rate of .nureilmately ai,w,w -!KilV Maximum capacity of the IntrV is between CO.000,000 and 60,. Jaa nan tens. but. it Is unlikely actual Sten will exceed 40,000,000 nn nn pregutu" larselv jiesliy 'or. ".',.,'. ,,tnrrt. Thin in- I enlutary effect en their credit." i?.B(C.C. Vec II p InB te Tie scarce and S S wil be ! maintained. Prellts leM llnsinisw .Mertnlify Lighter in decreased production will be eEct The .lunrterly falliire statistics this ia large exteut by better prices .for t j car, rellcctlng the improved conditions tnnlerlal Steel maniifactniers bMlev in domestic business have disclosed a iciHl be a big enr in Rteil and that. preurebhlMi reduction in the cummer wins 'from the railroads will be larger ' eni mortality. Frem 7517 defaults in v?''".,. vu hn ln venrH. 'J rndcrs the Cnlte.l States .lurinir tlie llrvt nnn,-. 1.M hern buvlngatcei snares en the be- ter, exclusive of banking nnd ether S-J that thev will gradually return te fiduciary suspension."., the number de de iiter ' ' c,lnc(l t0 r'807 hl thfl sweml garter, Deiner and We Grande fiter, and in the third quarter totaled QO.'tft Accempaning tbe decrease ln numbei Tke Stitre Committee has announced , of insolvencies, tlie liabilities reported lne Ktuirw v""- ,...,, .i, , t ti n..., a- f n - into plan for ine nw","" "- Xinr;ai';" ..V' ""."":" XS' & llle liranuB uauiunu, uj.ji,.n.. in me nmi wuuuu mj jiuu,- lnelndes n call for 703.l)7;i in tue second Quarter and ta (U TUr(r . . . TitVi 2Vini" el'asses of security holders te i $117,108,157 in the three months re SL f Notional Bank of New Yerk, It therefore appears that the num. MJliued by Itichnrd Sutro, of Sutro bcr of failures for the third quarter, ,H . " " ' ,, mi.. MnM...il9nllnn nlllimiirti nil nlillnhllicr n nm. mn.lmnM 3n -is developed by Samuel Unter- ( ler the period, is 3J per cent less than ;,,r VeuiiFel for the Sutro cemlttt the number of the lipt quarter, wliiie Ik. tne ether members of which nre the aggregate Indebtedness is mere than dl I. rinrlte, president of the 40 per cent smaller. Ken when i-em-imrriean' Kxchangi National Bank, parlsen is made with the figures of iiS William I.ecb, .Tr. the .ecend quarter a substantial better- The Butro committce represents ene ment Is revealed, the third quarter's fcrtien of these interested In the fate ' returns showing a numerical reduction if the Denver & Rie Grande, which Is of 14 per cent nnd contraction of In rpceUcrshlp and ever which there about LV. per cent in the amount In- Kd: Yerk last Anril. has had en enceuragiiig growth. It has doubled its membership list and Includes many of the leading editors of Influential newspapers throughout the country. Beard members present were Casper S. Yest, of the St. Louts Glebe Demo crat, president of the society; II. R. Halt, of the St. Paul Dispatch : Jehn J. Spurgeon, of the Fonxie Ledeeii; Ueerge K. Miller, of the Detroit News icurRe n, .inner, ei ine jevruiL .non, ------ - , ,. , :; T' . and h, C. Hopwood, of the Cleveland d te he ecawe in the ranks of the rinln bcaler. Vhlta trecps of the Far Kastern Re- David i:. Smllev. of the DvExma pef l.Kimr.R, chairman of the MimberMiie Committee, and SU H. f'reager, of the Milwaukee deurnal, tai ptcturts of t chairman of the Committee en Syndl- fVl catea and l'ress Services, represented tin printed in b tneir committees. IF ft KAMA UIIRTn wnn.n IT-Ial phttngrxpher. tr en the Jeb anil n rvrni. wnicn promptly tun only Ilotei;ra-.ure See y Phll.delnhln nw.Danr. beautiful Hpla tenca a. part nr ma Hunney i'cblie L.tvatn. "Mali ft a Habit." Adv. LOUIS T. KLAUDER I CONSULTING ENGINEER I PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA jjj la--a a a a-a POWER PLANTS I I DESIGN APPRAI6AL ' l1 X I CONSTRUCTION REPORT 1 Q. bL-f I i - ... II cX Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk 140 Broadway LONDON PARIS BRUSSELS LIVERPOOL HAVRE ANTWERP Condensed Statement, September 30, 1 922 RESOURCES Cash en Hand, in Federal Reserve Bank and Due from Banks and Bankers ,. . . .$109,505,518.40 U. S. Government Bends and Certificates 45,673,673.54 Public Securities 35,467,567.15 Other Securities 27,319,884.57 Leans and Bills Purchased 307,281,816.60 Real Estate Bends and Mortgages 2,590,332.50 Foreign Exchange 11,320,326.98 Credits Granted en Acceptances 21,859,481.68 Real Estate. ' 8,535,671.41 Accrued Interest and Accounts Receivable 10,286,779.83 $579.841.052.66 LIABILITIES Capital ....;t;.7::; i $ 25,000,000.00 Surplus Fund 15,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 2,604,509.41 $ 42,604,509.41 Accrued Interest Payable and Reserve for Taxes and Expenses 4,465,927.28 Due for Exchange Bought 3,792,061.20 Miscellaneous Liabilities. 2,583,482.09 Acceptances New Yerk Office 15,307,088.48 Foreign Offices 6,252,393.20 Outstanding Dividend Checks 651,472.50 Outstanding Treasurer's Checks 22,664,370.25 Depot 481,219,748.25 $579,841,052.66 at Fifty! Are you systematically building an estate and an assured income? Babson's REPORTS If you are Interested In a work ln plan for your money thst will build an cr.Ute of $25,000 and an assured income of $100 a month en as little as $50.00 a month merely 1 etr out the Meme fwur-snd Ijand It te your (secretary when you dictate the mornings' mall. fm, In WW, .'!l . Hf -77' m '2 rfr i 3l ' MEMO Fer Your Secretary Write the Habfen Statistical Orginlit. t Ien Welleeley Hills. 82, Maa., as follew: PlaaM land rea BullatiaSiKJ'Ud boebUt "Gttttnt tht Met from Vaar Vn" trail. llUAIfcJVh !r0 sasiasaaif We fiave our own representation in the following cities: Albany Baltimore Bosten Bridgeport Hartferd Lebanon Philadelphia Pittsburgh Rochester Scranton Springfirld Syracuse Trenten Wilkes-Barre Wilmington I 1 Jn addition our New Yerk Office U connected with direct private teirt with impetlant investment insti tutions in New Offering The United States Treasury Department offers in exchange for Victory Notes Called and Uncalled United States Treasury Certificates, due Oct. 16, 1922 United States Treasury Certificates, due Dae 15, 1922 United States Government Thirty Year 4XA Bends As these bends cannot be redeemed for Twentyvfive Years They will constitute the longest United States Govern ment obligation outstanding available at e high a yield We strongly urge all investors te exchange their maturing short term United States Qevernment securities for these bends, as we believe this issue will care for the present needs of the Treasury Department, and that future offerings may prove less attractive. We offer our HirvU'e$ without chtirg te effect such exchanges or te enter ctuh lubicriptient for intentling invftmn. Discount Heuse of Salomen Bres. & hutzler Members op the New Yerk Stock Exchange Commercial ItausT Bloc, Philadelphia MwrveBK OITOM miTFAlO KtCAOO W 0(fr, Subject te Allotment UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 4'4 BONDS Dated Oct. 16, 1922 Due Oct. 15, 1952 Redeemable Oct. 15, 1947 in exchange for Victory Notes Called and Uncalled United States Treasury Certificates, due Oct. 16, 1922 United States Treasury Certificates, due Dec. 15, 1922 Harrison. Smith & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH 5TH STREET PHILADELPHIA LOMBARD 6104 The facilities of these connection are at your disposal. Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. Af.tnb.r. Nw Yerk Stock Excheni Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Ptmburth Bosten RcranteB Lea Anielea Albany BvracuM Baittaw. Wilmington uridiepert pntiiimiHiiHiHminnMmmnramiawmnwinwMHi Can you reach your telephone? Thssfft all yea need te gat the information jOT want en New Yerk Carb stocks. Yen can have lata market information, quotations, newa, or derelepmenta en the iaanes in which you are Interested, without obligation. Are yuu taklijgadvaiv. ta j of rapidly fiucroa fiucrea fiucroa tingprieaa? Jenes &. Baker Members New Yerk Curb Exchange Direct PrfvaTeWir. WtwYark Chlcate Bo.len Pallatalaal. rituburia Detroit Btltimsra CJer.-f.nrf V PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building luapneuas Kerttene . RaccSSCl BALTIMORE OFRCB Emersen Hetel TeUrhena . PUiaS4Sl liutmiimiiiiiiiimnimiiiitnuiinnintmfiiiittiiitiiiMiKii Bulletin Ne. 7 The Commonwealth Light & Power Company CONSOLIDATED EARNINGS tOJT-lWl Ini'liKlre Fer Fli iri Trur l-.iided .lunr 311. iu:i liretx liariilng Operating Lxpen Net Earnings $G,442.8W.17 $U88,:7fi.&i 51.t",99..0t, t.509,429.06 901.8S.k81 881,210.64 176,212.1.1 2J9.3S.U2 Betterments (year ended June 30, 1922) !)( 1,1)120.77 Maintenance and Depreciation " S2."8,S1S.."5 1 NOTE Above figures de net include recent (ii(HMfftens in Kansas and Michaw Descriptive Bulletins en request ".L long ae Cetrununitie Uve and thrive e long "J t'ubUe I'ttllttrs be a necessity F AIRMAN & COMPANY .. ESTABLISHED 1D0 Drexk u.idinj?, Philadelphia, Pa. "85 w&?A I ''' ijlllllllllMIIIIHHIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllj: i i. 'i f ".'iHj.'ii,i,iiiiiiii1iiiiiiiiiiii iteiMiUWLBiiS'lSI rUW" Lembard 6521 IVe Own fi Offer, Subject te Sale WESTERN MARYLAND RAILWAY CO. 5 Equipment Trust Certificate (hsued undrr Philadelphia Plan) Ceiiini? rtinl Trint CernpHnv, PhiladelphiH, l'ruilr. $10,000 due Oct. 15, 1029, at 08.84 and Internal 10,000 due Oct. 15, 1030, at 98.70 and Internet PRICES TO NET 5.20 BATTLES & CO. l.b'abluhed hi '10 Independence Square (East), Philadelphia .jiru'UiiW'U' H .'WiriiTrffiiftiiiv t w . ."iiiisw .ni "ipj. jji'm rwiiii: 'u i w v iiii ,uite, 5 Yc Own and Offer $100,000 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 6 Equipment Trust Certificates Dn 1927 Price en Application STROUD & COMPANY INCORPORATED t Harrisburg Representative Wanted A larRc Philadelphia Investment Banking Heuse desires te be represented in the Harrisburg district, and offers an attractive opportunity te the one who is qualified te fill this position. All replies will be treated strictly confidential. Address C 534, Ledger Office lift. B Atlanta Columbus Jisj Augusta Louisville frKTj Buffalo Savannah ?& Cincinnati New Orleans ffv' Cleveland Teledo GJMjr l I III if m I 7Sil 1 vl r Ml n S New Yerk E Philadelphia Wathingten 5 r amuuiuiuuiiiiuiwuuiuiuiuiuiiiiuuiiuu ,T .4i... ,' it 4 rJ.f;a 1 af 1 f J-jli liL Jy,-..m.,v.i