1 vmmmmmimmmwwmwmMmimmmwmmmmmw i i n '''iwM'ii.in'w '"i !' ii, ' f tuu ' i j j ib '.THaHiHf i ' -" . 'f.-j' iwn r ". wi niriiB. -raiwr.. , ' jstbzb'. . . t n r tTf."j i. . - jjmc v ' -:.. .. ,.i.fv . ., .llllllllllllw. -c t" it am x. ' ti. f jv t ta i -n t irrffKRiiewvv jv .fw. i'-t ih ri rr'TLLLLLH It nT. TX.i-NO. 24 EJ " 8eend.CI.,. MatUr t th. rosteflU-. t PhlladtlphU. P.. PmT.ATYFJPWTA. WRnNKSDAY. OtTTORER 11. 1922 PuMLh.d Daily beset BuMer, Sub.e'lptlen Prlc. , M li .Tear by Mall. PRICE TWO CENTS 1 VOL. IX.-NO. 24 Entered aa Secend-Claae Mattar at tha Poatefllf at Philadelphia,. Undar tha Aet of March 8. 1879 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1922 Publlahad Dally Encppt Sunday, Subscription Prlca 18 a Tear by Mall. Cepyrlcht. 1022. by Public lder Comeanv PRICE TWO CEM19 I fCEOWD MOBS OFFICIAL WHO HELPED OBTAIN SCHNEIDER'S "CONFESSION"; BAHMER LATEST MYSTERY SUSPECT . lightened DeputySheriff Dreps Charge Against Ringleader I MADE HASTY ESCAPE ! . im unii nr MIQQII LCQ l ... ni -T. ri.. Townspeople nan icty uay te Raise Funds for De fense of Hayes BELIEVE AUTHORITIES KNOW CRIME'S PERPETRATORS Filing Running High Against ., Arrest of Youths In Hall Mills Murder New Developments in Murder Mystery Frank Kirby, Deputy Sheriff, chased nd threatened by brick-hurling mob who believc he "turned up ' Raymond Schneider and Clifferd Hayes. Townspeople plan "Tajr Day' Sat- nrday te raise funds te defend youths, especially Hayes, whom all believe innocent. - Nicholas Bahmer arrested and held "" in $10,000 bail en charges, made by daughter Pearl, who is held as ' incerriffible. Werd of "basket of bloody clothes" hid near murder scene arrives tee jite somebody get the basket. ' Lieutenant "Bill" Belshaw, head of Philadelphia Murder Squad, sends for Detective Cellins, of New Brunswick, te give him mys terious new clue. Mm. Raymond Schneider said te have visited Phillips farm night bodies were found near there. Bahmer, in jail, denies in interview he had any part in murder. Bv a Staff Corrttfen&mt New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 11. ' Frtnk Kirby, deputy sheriff, was at tacked by a mob early today in the heart of the city; and threatened with lynching and tar and feathers because of a belief that he had helped wring a confession from Raymond Schneider, held in con nection with the murder of the Kev. Edward Wheeler Hall and. Mrs. ' Eleaner Reinhardt Mills. "Jimmy" Lyens, a Sixth Ward politician and brother of Raymond Lyens, Assemblyman from Middle sex County, was arrested before ' rjiybreak as one of the leaders of the mob. He was chaiccd with as jault and battery en Kirby. , Kirby Shows Fright ' But the charge "as withdrawn when be went te the police court at 0 o'clock. Kirby already was tliore when Lyens Nrame In. "Don't leek at me, ou rnt!" shout ed Lyens at Kirby wnen 'Up two con fronted each ethor. Kirby said he y neulil withdraw Hie charge. Lyens took tli offensive throughout "Kirby will have te pet out of the . Sixth Ward." lie shouted. The latter Htm! te be frightened at the public 'wrath that had de (ended en him and wu anxious te make pence. Town Balllcs te Hayes j. Be violent haH the indignation of the . town become ever the arrest of Sehnel J in, and ebpcflally of Clifferd Hiijcf, wliAm R.1innl.!.ii tti Mu "pnnfptn,i" i iccuses of the deuMe murder, that BMtings were held during the night S ..J ., .1 1.. il.! I i .nit yiuiis inane enriy huh morning icir t". t "tau dnv" te iaie funds for Hayes' i. J.,-. f si.cnse, i ' A committee, including two of the town's most popular young women, wus nneunciHi tills morning an liaMiiK ftarre of "Hayes Day." which will be Mturday. The committee Is composed of Itus Mll Helllj, chairman; Jehn Gorden, wretnry; Hetty Fnirett, treasurer; Ajnes Hcl'.ly and Jehn Hoey. All are l!y known in New Brunswick. The sentiment in New Brunswick it. Jtfwhelmlngly nKalnst Prosecutors A. M. Beekman. of Somerset County, and i"Ph B. Strieker, of Middlesex OTty, for the nrreht of Schnelder nnil '"IM and what is cenerallv considered I ?J the public OS the nnn.irpnt .leulre nf "authorities te "sep' ea "btmk" the people. - ". .Muni na Liiij miii.-irpiir ui'Nirn nr r, i.i... ..... f. ".;-: nullum ie snn ' rnp i.nvprnnr Town's Feellne Itiinnlni. Illf.1. .i y?U'"laj f,'rli"8 ''" high. On dUra.J.1 Vh. cr"er...g,re.1.11'8 of Pe?l,, ter, i,;;,."i' t "n.c "',"' ""'. "sausiac- " ki.n..i .""3 "1Kcn. lliere were s3S?e vD?" .,hHt HchneW-r'H , "confes "cenfes r'C. . hail cn wrutu from him bv i k. .. ctl,e?. and thnt the authorities I He. -r- .Bjr unci arrested tha wrong pen- Anatl. .I ' ." fc av iU uuay went se far ns te sav Z i .,nat the authorities knew who Oiai . ."s,p.enslb, for f'ie murders pv Tt,. .. Vam ,0 Qret them. fcte5nimk ?n,Klrb- '""I "emethlng IS" nnd a lender It, the Sixth Tilde Vi, . ,"0', nn" "wineider re- I ...V1 tW JOUtbs llllll tlli.le M,..l I,' fW nneemtB. ... ' ...WI..O The county has iieun 1 Vill,,f n, vMyi'ui figh, C,,..VC ' uc,i!tl. lesll'K I" strength Pf8trick ie iauure of Piosecuter K ?"L0,!e of .' outstanding Dem- ftt.rn,,...'T.'.,u Ket anywheie with V. wrtiy u assUtmu custodian of (lie . -tlritd en IM Tc, (?ll Fn; rjun4,r bltiutffi'nV'L fi J?W l. -dv.r- en pic 10,-ldv. m mk -lti'i Ui.s?t fill,, lV.j ItWt.V. v, PEARL BAHMER fit TiS's jfl' .' '" .,', ,"" , ," ,,' ii l' ''mi J ; 4k 'Utrj.'' , 'VaBBHB m-j K tf nMHiiHiiiHHiViiMeK taP-fv. - : "BMe "" ,:' ! '' 'pppHp9HHV MS Schneider's erstwhile sweetheart shown PEARL THREATENS TO DjDJR LIFE Schneider's Sweetheart, In Jail, Says Bitterly She Has Noth ing te Live Fer WIFE TO STAND BY HIM Bv a Staff Correspondent New Brunswick. N J.. Oct. 11. I Behind nrisen bnrs. from which she (brinks in loathing nnd horror. Is Pearl ........ ' . . ., Bahmer. Raymond Schneider's sweet heart, who has turned from him in this his time of desperate need. And in a little house at 00 Obert street Smith Ilivpr Is Fdnn Schneider i .. , Ka. " lumpers, xne own- street Seuth lllver, is t-Una bcnueiuer Prs testified they had purchased the or Hdna Letts, as she is known tlierp. cars with the bumpers attached just She Is Raymond's wife, from whom he I as they came from the factory, and he lms been separated for mere than a T' 'f 5i,"k:,,1f 'he numben w-ere ... i . . .l, i yUNCurcci, new could xerkes censtahln year. She straightens her thin, stoepecl Sapp. take their numbers and Issue shoulders te declare, with the glow of Mimmnnses for their nnuearnnci? faith lighting her dull brown eves that William H. Metcnlf, president of "Raymond never did it and I believe the Stonehurst Improvement Assecit?- I "Pearl arreted?" she abkeel, leaning Unifnw T.ltn.ltv. "It spri'AM hpr npllt. m nun wun nn iii.v i.i-u.i. ... lewatu excneciiy. n neves ner rig.u. jue cirhervch imi w. iui.it nun. e.i stele inj husband. She ruined my home. I knew what kind she wns the minute I saw her, Peel seiry ler her? Why should I?" And the thin shoulders shrugged in utter disregard of any fate that should! come te the seventeen-year-old girl ..u m.. ....... v ,.... ... . , and miserable. . "I married him for better or for worse ana i hi geuiE te buck .u mm i tne enci, sue ceniinueu. ne neeu me new and I won't desert him.' . Pearl Bahmer, who has been caught linn almost sirnngieii in inu eubij of intrigue nnd decit which ha been weaving around her nil her life. the thrends becoming heavier and 1 nm.A ctpmiifl nn Im lnut llirpp vpnrs. sits a huddled, wan figure in the New u.u.c ....,...,.... ... -- ... V Brunswick jail. Threatens te End Life "If I had the strength I would break these bats, she said tuUtlnif in her chair. "I won't stay want te go home. I l .Is ..luce I .! Maid i ''iLrt. my father. I guess he would cut my thrnnt new If he cot a chance, hut I .,, - -..- .. Pnnftnnjtfl nn Tnwm Twe rnliimn Klwfl "" " . .. .. Hblit IN iviunucn uluc .. Hall-M a Mystery &enas ueicv...y . . i r .Aaai te This City The Ilall-MiUs minder trail lid back te Philadelphia again today. More than a week age Detective Col Cel lins, of New Brunswick, was sent te confer with Lteutenant of Detectives Belshaw concerning a report that Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall, widow of the murdered minister, had sent some clothes te n I'liiiacieipnut uye u.ude . be cleaned. Tills wns found te be the case! but 'the clothes apparently had no trace of bleed en them. I hey bnd been returned by the time the ant lien ties learned of the incident. v.inr,l.iv Lieutenant llelslinw sent -...! ... ....a., 1. trln tn tne city te nn. ..--- . , day. It is believed the new Information in the possession of Lieutenant Bel shaw is along the tame lines es that furnished last week. "" ... , , , 1 - "". i" '" .iimnuii' .in.-liiuil , , .11.111 niuiii 11 .i,,iii 1 111 uii.m'ii S .. nt,,l. .iftpr V 1" t -l' MIO II ill 1 ,, word te Detective CelllnH that he had j Wilmington, but Mrs. Bryan's sis- ' man in a factory at P.'l Nert Seve ,,1, ' !r in-cd fr it sleep. ., rn I.I.... Cellins ter. Mrs. Phoebe Merris, nnil M.- street, without hnil. te nu.il 'i..'."t'1 , ''", ''..." ..i.....' ..., ..I.i new inieriinti.'.i. ,. , , . . ,, , , i, V ' ... : 1 . 1 .1 ., ,. ", .euuesr ' i.e'iti'.' is unii. ..mm ..m nun nvcs " , ;, : ... 1 f in. P lil Im lt 11 hin Merris' son. ICdser. were 1 Lsc hnreil 1 into the ilcnth of Ilnrrv M.nttnr. ..'.i.r.. ... nn- e 1. ft l.,i. u,-... m..'.. CUIieil lie . .tn-l ' ' , ,' I. 1 . 1 rni ----- -..--. ... , -v - -----, - -- .. ..ueiiief in ....1 rinuu 'hiiiii p...w, v, unices- murder sound en tiie telephone and hi- , this morning. They onme. en te this Negro, of Weed stieet, near Tenth. It ler. lie wns en nn express freight GOING TO JAIL "SVaVIVal ' In custody of Detective Fltzpatrlck Collects $430 Today Frem Aute Flies Caught in the Mill Mill beurne Spider Net ONE MAN IS LOCKED UP THrir..ii. ... vii. .j I ..., .'!, J! '",". p. ' v-.i " . ..... eflu,r.Y "'. uninc snuirc of mi beurne. ' ilng sniiire of Milibeurnc. at lib .psien of court in Millbourne lircheiise this morning. lvuntwetir drew tines of $15 each mi the technical charge of having the license number plates en their machines t f.n.1.. nli.ni.. . 1 I 1 Mt unn. and most of the tupiirv.thi-aa ether members of the association who ...... 1 ... w.. V '"' weie or icu-ci te appear before Yerkes en simuar ennrges were net nnwnt .Air. Metcalf had annnnnni JJ.i L. ,i- . that they intended te ignore the sum- ignore the sum- monies as being "tee trivinl." Abraham Haskey, a cabinetmaker livlne at 2434 WW r.iml,n.t..i ..... was the first victim te enne.ir h.fnrn , Yerkes. ..v imi.nu milt, nu nuiomeDiie me- cbanic had directed him hew in n,,t , the bumper en his machine and that ne nne none acceraingly. He denied tne license numeer was obscured "If some ene told you te inmn In the river would you de it?" Yerkes repiieii. "Ne." Told te Cough Up "ell. J0l,M iUer pay S15 then" .i .. . . .., l J s7" tuci.. "lu "l"H",i'iie ruicu. 1 ... .. m ar..u jeu a cnecK, !S "l mni brlne I ,."nt...'1'..i3;'?ll,.Pt te. de OUtl 'I'll have te send you a check,' '"".- '"'"i icrues. "JJIcl jeu t,llnK -T0U wcre co jS - yt wl "Wdl." Haskey pn.nin ... . i. " " flth me and wnlk w......h .fl.v ,U .11. VI' l said. "I hRn'f ,! the money. i. . ' .'" . .' nhnut If?" i uni nre reu ceinir te dn wV.a'i ..... . ... . I m- liiriiuuae was crevvcicci ey that it... " Pr0HPepvc victims. r.niininp.T. ... ... ... " . i II Hii'ii mis lnsnrrppt nn rli.it " ' " iiiniiiti. iiiiiiiiuiiii-in . -- BREAKS COLLARBONE IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mre. Charles Bryan Taken te Hos pital In Wilmington Mrs. Charles Bryan, 8010 West Dauphin street, received a broken cel- lar-ben'j last night in an automobile c sister nnd nephew were slightly hurt. J& AnlVoTfTe uZ dty, whero her nephew was te have) i - mcm . .-uu-.a, un in wiitcii ier i.iiilergepii a sliglit up"ritinu -oil iy. '1 he nutomeblle nvcrturue.l en the Slate highway. All three occupants Nw crop of Kfttmer Crstv bfl-rlf.. The most econemlotl et fruttH. ami caultjit te pr par. Adv. '. "FUG SQUIRE" MAKES NICE HAUL 1 ...j. Police- Think Pearl's Father'May Knew Some thing of Crime HELD IN $10,000 BAIL AFTER GIRL'S STORY Man Admits He Was Drunk Night of Slaying, but De nies Complicity DAUGHTER TELLS STORY . OF HER MOVEMENTS Insists Schnolder and Hayes Followed Her and Talk9 of Twe "Strange Men" By (i ntaff Correspondent New Bniniwkk, N. J.. Oct. 11. Although Nicholas Rahmer is os tensibly held in Jail en charges In- velvlntr the Incorrigibility of his ' seventeen-year-old daughter Pearl, the police are believed te have ether and stronger motives. They want te make sure that he ha-s no guilty knowledge of the Hall Mills murder. The- amount of ball !mpeed en Bnhmnn. $10,000. li ltpif nn indicn indicn tlen that the police consider It most) important thnt this man he kept where they cin put their hands en him when ever they need him. Just Octtlnjr Over Spree Detectives have been making Inquiries te learn whether Bahmer had n pistol, as he Favs he had. the night of the mur der. Bahmer Is In bnd phvslcal con dition, the result of a prolonged drunk, nnd when seen in the jnll tedny snlil he was "very sick and wanted a drink bad." He was lvtng en his cot, wrnnped in hlnnkcts, his face pallid nnd haggard. He was urged te come out of his cell into the exercise corridor nnd talk nbeut the crime. "I don't want te talk." he said surlily. But he get out of the blankets nnd shambled into the efirrlder. "Can you account for your move ments the night of the murder?" he was n"ked. "Certainly I can, every minute," he replied. "What would you say if some one dcclnred you hail gene te the Phillips farm late that night, and thnt in the belief that the Ilev. IMward Wheeler Hall nnd Mrs. Eleaner Reinhardt Mills were Raymond Schneider and your daughter Pearl, jeu had shot and killed them yourself?" Tlahmer was shaking aa he answered : IM nnv 'N'nt ffiiili-v.' 'Vnt sll,r " isn't it true tnnt you threatened te cut Pearls threat en account 0f Schneider?" "Ne. I never did." "Iwi't It true that every time you get crunk jeu went out and bought a , gun?" "Ne, that's a He." hat did you de after you had seer. Ve?$ home that night?" r "ent home m'elf and te bed.' "UM ou .K!l knight home?" "Yes, I did "Didn't you step at a snloen en the waj1" "Ne. I went straight home." "Did you go back te the house where Pearl lives and watch for her. think ing she might be going out again?" "Ne, I didn't de anything of the tort, l went neme." "Isn't it true thnt reu went buck tn the park nnd thought you were trail- lag Pearl and Schneider when it really .... . 11..11 . ...... '.'J was Mr. Hall and Mrs. Mills?" n.,. r , Dlmi Knew Recter "' l wouldn't knew Mr. Hall Mrs. Mills if I stumbled ever them." "Were you very drunk that night?" "Ve net verv HrnnV T Un... ....... I was doing." "There is a story that you Delnted n gun in " tune gin in tee beuse Thnt's true, isn't it?" . "Ne. it isn't true. I never pointed n gun at any one, An order from the Jailer, "Every Centlnnd en Page Twe, t'elunin The MRS. W.J. FLEER AGAIN BECOMES A BRIDE w TuZTLnZrT , Mrs Willi. Jpnlrln.' P.p.. m!" J .t ' 1 . v" ",, Yi p.' "; iW'.Y". V tne inte rranu n. tieer. or I'hiimip . , , ll. .... . . !""" """i" manuintiurer ei cnewing gum, was marrieu last night te Geerge Hume ltead, of Ualtlmere. at Charlette. vt n -' Tia Trpfttnc rnm. . n ....n.ln. . ,..:...." ..sf"" 'Vf"''"30 " ""J lu lr'"lu' ur- rieer in tnis city. sir. rieer, wne wns sixty-five vpnrs nil. Ilieu ucioeer Ml 1'1'M Mr. anil Mrs. Heed left for New- i i , . . ..11.....1.. .. . .. ieik lmmeuiuit-iy inter tne ceremenv ,11111 win win nt 11 tew uiiys rer Seuth similar sliml.s, nitneiigu mucii less vin Anierica, where they will pcnd their lent, whi.h eccuiied tn 1017 and con cen con lienejnioon. tinned n whole munth Mr. I leer s marriage te the then Miss Willie Jenkins en July 11, 1021, was uimi 11 Diirprire iu irtenus et both en ni-i-i.uiii in tne uiurrcuc-e in tiicir agett. .. Miss .lenklns was only jn ber thlr- ties, They made their home In Lans- :in..ldJh ",slfe "ne of Thev had 'been marr M nS??.": I They bad been married only a little Kleer died. The Fleer chewing g,,m ' SS"1 ,3 " 2042 North ' mere tnan inree mentns when Mr Man Held for shnnti Man Held for Sheeting Magistrate Ilensliavv today held wit- 1. Clinrgetl tllllt ISCOtt SllOt mill l,lll.l ,. .. -, , . 1, , , ...... ,,iii-i Mutter last night in the course of (m argument between them. The nrgu-lwas ment, supposedly, concerned the de - livery of some goods te the fectery, TRAIL TO LEADERS OF DRUG TRAFFIC BLAZEDBYMAYOR Imparts Valuable Information te Judge McDevitt and Sum mons Cortelyou GORDON STARTS GRILL OF PEDDLER OFFERING EXPOSE 'Jee Ritchie' Suddenly Changes Plea te Guilty Prisoners Are Quizzed answered that his brother was exceed- The drug crusade widened tednv as Ingly 111. Maver Moere and county emeiul gath- " I" understood the phyMclnns in nt ered fncts that are expected te rip away tendance nre administering oxygen frqm the veil hiding the sources that have .time te time, poured narcotics into Philadelphia. Twe or three times since yesterday The Mnver Imparted te .ludge Mc-1 afternoon .Senater Vare has rcinpscd Devltt "valuable nnd anonymous infer-1 into unconsciousness. This morning, mntlen" thnt enme te him Inst night I however, he was conscious. nnd this morning. Immediately after "I was talking te IM," said the Con Cen n conference in chnmbers with the , gressmnn, "just a few minutes ng'e. Judge, the Mnyer summoned Director of, I said 'Ed, you're very sick.' 'I don't Public Safety Cortelyou te his own or- flee. ,, Mere spectacular was the sudden chnnga te a ruIUv plea made iv .ie- sen i AlKsi'O. alias .iee lun-iur hear the revelations he bnd te make. Prisoners Interrogated Jeseph Bcllena and Jeseph Santore. the bitter I'newn n ".lop, th" P.oeb. nlse were interrogated in the District Attorney's office npnrt from Allegre. Bolena and Santore were brought up from prison. They were sentenced re cently te long terms after pleading guilty te charges of drug peddling. Earlier tedny, Mr- Ucirden talked with Frank Catlne, a peddler, wh. changed his- plea te guilty late yester dav. Tlrre were indications the au thorities had learned sensational facti nnd sought te get further details from the demoralized peddlers. Allegre's sudden change of plea ficemed a surprise, te hi attorney, who late yesterday asked for a continuance until this morning. When the Inwjer an Ued in court, he was told of his client's action. Allegre was ene of six men held In $2.".000 ball some weeks nge by Judge Monaghan nnd who ought vninly te have the Slate Supreme Court order a reduction in bail. The Ma:-or's visit te Judge Mc Devltt's chambers this morning fol lowed by a call en City Solicitor Smyth, who accompanied Mr. Moere te the jurist's office. The three conferred for fifteen minutes. Later the Mayer -aid: "We don't knew the value of the information, but ns Judge McDevitt bus hpn slttinff At a ceiumlttlngmngis- tratc. it is believed the information will be of service te him. If true, It will De nl t,1P B";'" .uk. "I took occasion te compliment .innge McDevitt en the vigorous manner he is dlsnln.vlna in diue cases and In dicated the sentences he wa Imposing were mere commensurate with the crime thnn has been the ense In leivnt years I "I told Judge McDevitt the peiici had been heartened and the Admtnls tratlen regarded the results recent I nttained as sustaining the activities of. all the law officers. Pinte's Case Continued The case of Matthew Pinte, listed for trinl this morning before Judge Henry, vves continued until October 30. He is charged with selling drugs. Pinte nnd "Pittsburgh Sam" Cehen were held in $10,000 bail eaeh vcter inv mi clnrses of bribery. I'lwoed 'Yeest, a former vice squad detective and the principal witness against Pinte, snid the two men. with a third person, called . ,, 1. ...... 1... CnMintnv fnwl r.fPn..! known an one et tne mgge.se i..- ... .jt thj I110inlnR ,,,.,,;-; ,-,,- spoke, n week age Ian Mendn,. before ..",", ' )( " . "p, """" amILU .f 1.1. nwn rennest was family and CengrcMnan Vnre and his the Kcpubllcnii City Committe.. and ' XPS, f ,ilP utkLh Nationalists and .vI !' i,,l,n Mnnncrhan". , nrivat" , fninlly. together with the ph.sslciuns urged hiH leittennnts- te get buj and 'llfl Allied Powers here Inn night con taken te Judge .Menngnan s prijnr. . llln.kIl. ,. ll( ,.,., ,. . . .... ,.,... str.,,,. )T,: ,,.. ,,,lw ,,, ..,.,.. . . ued until this morning. ..... ...... V. . ..' ...,:. .'., , u'h.r iw k,,.hh. i t. ..... l-rltiM ipdrntn. nmt Mm u,.n,.cfl,.nfcn- Af .....inn lita pliniiffpil idea, sen- ."Hi""-, iiiimi.-ii im iemmiius untl oilier ,'" ; " '".n - i-imik his - !"- ten f Vllecre was sue ded au.l he I nlT.'.dlc.ns of the tln...,t voice was halting .mil .link, but in i. 'f lilr, were made public jesterday wn token te the DSr Ati " Members et tl. 'nmlly believe thnt '""' " , ,,r "' "'" "Id-time Mer ,j bj the Associated Ptess. Inrne5; Te den and ("h ef Vynne. .1 ""'.Sen .luul,t"r. Abigail "I, yen ll Hluntly the Senater ,e,,P audience, ,he; out for a larger number of ?eL7r.Y"JI V. ..VmMn1 to.eld, who ha- bleu 111 with nncuaienln. f.ii . t ....T.Tr.:... Kdarmeric In Eastern Thrace, and at his home last Saturdav and effercil Ej n sm i i-rrvpemimf 'SSr.OO if he would tail te Identify Pinte. Reading. Pa.. ct II. -Entering th. .at the trial. 'lists ncnlnst muteii-ts who park their Veest notified Lieutenant Lee. head automobiles along country leads ;-t I of tne vice squnu. unit c em-n nun iinie were nrrested en the bribery charge, ii.,n'u i.ilipr. T.en Pinte. 823 N'eri h . . . i . ..... i ,.. fortieth street, was In a corridor out- side Hip courtroom this morning when Yeest was pointed out te him. The elder Pinte said he recognized the patrolman ns the man who had mlled severa times aheut two weeks nce nt tne rinie amii" m nu niiunipc ie - - . . see t lie younger num. .un, ..tune Jie- " .. M. .fill ,.. .11. Ill V'nw.l. Vn rnd LtPflU, a.nln, EARTHQUAKE SHAKES DHMC AMR ftMOOf liwififc. ni. ntiwwi Great Alarm Fen in Italian capital, but Ne Damage Reported r i Will Reme, t strong en 'causing tii, Ni .. i The i was stimulated In tiie recollection or ... --t- .. Anemia, en the Adrlntic, 1S5 miles northeast 'of Botne, appears te have been the center of today s shock, rse reports of damage there u.ive se tar neen re Icelved. injured MAN DID NOT WANT WIFE AWAKENED Needs Sleep, Brai Cru.h.d. T.H. H..pl ,v.s (leerge Devlue, n raweman, Len pltal Surgeons freight broke. man. 'ay Willi a crusneii leg en nil ..emntini table cnrlv tednv he ashed ,urgeeii' net te netifv his wife until l .. C'nmilen in Vln..l,i.,.l MM... iiiiiii.iii. 11. ini. .III' train turned Inte a siding and Devlin jolted under the wheels. His In. Muted leg was amputated at the Mm. I ,-tlle Hospital . .r. n lit Ynrt 1 n rnn krrnr Otntml nrt.l nhreii'fll t 11 I't'lliK i'i ii .'"lint iMinrTeu rtf I.,, li. . . " '" ' .-!.'. ,.?:, nf "court vesterdav that Ynest neenle. "ns well ns nu invasion of en, her bv Mr ,,"'" t,reUK,Jt "'""'" . i'he .hanged attitude of the I hml teletihened several times te a store country d'smets. te the distress of -i -,, ..' ' , n . , leie;ates vM. pievieiis h Imd sup .,n ,B; hn,n. mid thnt he wnntP,! h. mln.l nnd Infringement of tile rights of , .nll.ii01. ..,''";'""": nr "", "" ' "m-li sninel. 1. l.eluvisl te ba l'n,. when "Mnttv" would hove S'lOO emnertv owners" thev will ,,.;.. .... ". r"'-. ",!''t "ntrlbuted l.itgely te the .. mnness w for him. Mr... A K. Yarnall. of Pwarthmere. for their .rteie, n. ".,.' ,?!J ,lPnUl ",""" "",' 'Ku ! I liefe 1 ,i'r. 1 L. - 1 ui v . . . 1 .-,.. 1 -i n a r .--' . . . .r. .. '. niH.,.. .. I" hiln.lnlnm.1. me rCSOIUllOn .. .u. ,... " U' eriCI mnltm, l.nnpinr. mum lin ni..... aT'amreynubf: - 'mVnde.i. i.,i for separate action , Z ? t" .7 Vl - V -edenV of con er U, ,in ,1 dninage. however, had been "i Vu '" "Mn ! . '"... ,' . , "in,. ".nmn "n"i he nsked ,,, l. i,u ,f. '?a,"V' """"'' "", "aruaiieiies, nnd I up te 1 o'clock this afternoon, wierts m 1 .. p .s. '"'"""."., ne leltcrnte,! today "He must , . ""l',",", '" l,r" "s"" '" leave the rmnrehensien among the neenle en the subject have alwnvs t 111..1 '0R(. ,,, sn,j . , L ' ' .' Soviets without 1 epieseiitiitien In the lyey. Senater Vare's Condition Shows Slight Improvement Still "Very, Very Sick," Says Brether, Who Has Been at Bedside Since Saturday, Physicians Administer Oxygen Senater Edwln11. Vnre is critically' Abigail, Mild the Consreman, being ill rtt his country home nt Ambler, bull J'" ""RB"t child, is the Sennter m ,, , .... , i , I pride nn.l jej. JjVcii while lie iilniM.'lf his family nnd friends are hopeful he WHH 1)t ani, n, m,vc been in bed. will live through the day nnd perhaps members of the family bald, the Senater take a turn for the better. Congressman William R. Vnre, the Scnnter's brother, who has been at the bedside since last Saturday, said this morning that the Philadelphia political leader is "very, very sick.'1 but that his condition is "slightly improved" ever inst nignt. When the Congressman wns nrcs.p1 somewhat en the condition of the pa- (lent, nnd pin ticiilnrl.v whether friend" nf tin; hciiater h,ul env reason for fear- lug his death tednv. Ceii"re.iiiiin Vnrn feel sick,' he replied. 'I havi pain.' " Worried Otcr Strli Daughter nt James M. Ilnzlctt, Ttecerder of Deeds, LAST-MINUTE NEWS C. A. EOAK ARRESTED FOR DR. MAYNARD'S DEATH Chaile& A. Henk, wealthy milk dealei, of Hrurislntrg, Pa., was anested at Houlteu, Me., today for the accidental sheeting yesteidny of Dr. Xee H. Mnynnrd, of this city, in the weeds near Squa"w Han Lake Monday. Mr. Heak waived examination en a charge of negligence and was held in bail. Beth men weie members of n hunting party of Pcunsylvanians. Mr. Heak, it is said, mistook Dr. Mnynard for a deer and filed, killing him. SENATOR VARE REPORTED MUCH BETTER Senater Vaie, ill at his borne nt Amblei, was lepeited much betttr nt neon today. Cengiefasman Vaie announced that the Senater had eaten a heaity bieakfast of euiuge juice, eggs, toast nnd coffee and had wanted honeydew melon. "We expeu lmu te be well in a bheit time," tuid the CengieibUiau. WOMEN DENOUNCE SPOONERS IN AUTOS, State Federation Delegates Want Law te Bar Night Parking at Roadside LAUD U. S. DRY SHIP RULING ... . .. .....,:.... ..f nigllt, (leicciie, n im- .n. -. .,. the State IVdentien of Pennsylvania Wnmi.ii nimievisl ;i ipsiilutien today te arouse community sentiment against tne - practice. j Mrs. Jehn L. Atlce. of Lancaster,," ; f-"'wn away rrem him. and a 'presented the resolution saying: .companionship I craved, rather thnn "We realize the parking of nutome- love. Inspired mv engagement " bra et n ght en tiie ceunirv ren.is is n winespreiici nuisuiiw- m .-....., -.. . . . ... ... l... ...i... .IL I..... ....... t,nn 1 1, TMO n.nrn. sniimng ii serums m..,,... v nrt.l n i?, ,in Ml. .PPIII OI I Hi I ...III. 11 .... . ...... ""I, .' .,",, of this evil. IM..1,. !.... k, t,rt (viiiufri ilislripfq ' iiii, .i-i.it..- -- - ii .1.... tlirt noenlrv reml, t iniinenemei s iimn.. . are helplest.. We den t knew where te i.iinl Tip nnv th nc we c, have n special State law framed t0 th nurking t automobiles along the I ennntrv rnnds after dark " i .ri .in air 1 pen me siiKKesuiMi ui .in. ......! . .1- .:. r. TT IT .,l.l . il j. i. !...., "" "' 'I ' l MKUIHL-, lllll'l 1 USUI IS llhl tn Illl . 1 . . I - ''! I S S "Ti.... .. 11 .iiniirtiniitti inp rpKe.ii.inn HaitllttK Is Cemmcndcsl President Harding whs ,irm'v com mended for his stand against the kiIc of liquor en American 'hip whl'e t.term'-v fentlnnM en $7,000,000 at Stake and a Girl's Leve Jerry battles sinister forces, clever, quick, lldielt. te held Ills fortune and win his sweet lieart. Bead about his m niggle and triumph in "The World Outside" By Hareld Mr.cCrath Begins Today, I'age 35 ., .." V.i .J . 7l, ,. ,, ,,,,11... ""-''t "f "er engagement te Mr C. che.ln. Soviet lmeign Minister aid; i'.iiaii 1 1 iiicnnri v .tv 1 ii u pn ni. . . --- ..,,.-.,- 1111 1 no J ,..","": "'iin . ih. mnu.r. """"' ,"t"n,,s "'. attnietPii in "We .lie net making threats and are ! In ad t in t he delegates reaffirmed ler eves'are r rni'i iu . b V " P'- "l r",,l,MB ,'"' "T, , "" XU 'I imM the peace resolution passed by the i bu She is5 Ce Jj " ""'V1"'- '"' ''P''" I'.eper const, e..,.!.,,, in ,.l ., ues- , National Federation at the biennial ?rw descended e,"'bo, ses'f T"1 WJjwr- I'nrt TWfnir i"n. mumn two l . im 4 inicn nrjH - . ' remained nt the bedside of his daughter, lie gave himself up for his daugh ter," said one member of the fnmll, "when he was net strong enough te de se." Many Friends at Office News of the critical condition of Scnuter ere get nreuiul tin city yes i mr.ln- rifti.rrwum m.,1 nrnuKPfl flm ilfn.n ' ,.st feelings among political allies of the leader. Telephone calls te the home ut Ambler mill te the Scnnter's iii!ice in the I.inreln Hullding weie lenxtimt, Several prominent men. the cle-ient of the Scnnter's perseiinl nnd politic til frlernN. liteinllj broke Inte teais when they were told hew critical wtis the con dition of the Senater. Politicians withered en the Ttlnlte and talked of nothing elm. The Senater's office, when! he ninps out political cam paigns and Inside strategy, wns lillcd with trlends who Mit anxiously awaiting the latest word. j Thern wnK n feeling thnt n Mir nVnn. i I in the politics of Philadelphia nnd l'enn-1 sylvnnm wus going through a life and I death struggle. Senater Vare's most recent appear- PITIED CANDLER INK LONELINESS Mrs. De Beuchel Says Compan ionship, Net Leve, Inspired Engagement . rsiiet ns t-nn ..... "MUST PAY FOR SLANDER" flu Aiirtrtntnl Prr, Atlinta. (ia., Oi t 11 Mrs. Onezlmi Dm BeucIipI. dn.-r...,. of Np-v Orle-ins, whose entMgement t0 ..n O. f'nudler Sr.. Ati.it.t ip't'i'ist hns bpen tpr. mlnnted, nM ted.iv thnt ",.).... pnthj fr enpI, ,,,,, , ' .1 UUI PJin- 1,1-.,, l . . win- M..N. n n.L, , . , . r - - -- ... . ...i..i , . -.... iiuiii li'H lir. tenns rer n cimfproneo -i..i . ...nmA.. . ...... ... . - ' l" '' i iisiir i.. i if n.,,.".K"'",!'',?pl''""'n,i . .- iiiiui'i t'l said lr C",n . i . . ' .lt. ' m illnr had In- where te ,im te ... rr, ' , ""Intsibe for can de is infermat Z "bn, '.nh,,lf', 1,1"1 n"'-ved 1 te apply n"e,. ?J ,,it h'"' hI' 1,n'1 lnv'"- '" .1 .lV,""11 t0 vls't ner rooms in n i,.ni i...... , lerineil ,i,n , er It would be impissil durln .' the Conf ftZ ' . " ,""'1l 'lnr,"' ' inin '"'ln,le r'nK'n here ln j-v..-t -.., ii i no .... .. --.Mr. t'nndler sbnll foil . . ,. ..... ... , . inc 1..I1 ,.. ,.,.1 ...., ,",..",, "ira.t.T. V "." h.iihi tint Uiiiiien in net alvvav, fortune hum . , ,. I II lTi of nnil.. I ' 1 ' I I . .1 11 ', ... '"" s1""IIm!) te IV....I Mis,,,.. ,,S tl)Il it Hill- .'.i -. in- 11011 tie . v 1..... lecracy Hest te Women When Mrs. De Beuchel attended the ( enfetlerntc reunion In Atlnnta as ch, eren general, slie related Mr c'nii entertained the ladles of ,or .n.nt , ,t them cuii.h and Mowers, p.,, j , " ". "" " "".-I'es.ll, , ii',.r w.s.i ucteil a, a, n g. iitl-iiiiin , After she had returned te In, ,1Ille in New l It leans ,( .eirespuiiileiiH l(l velepcd, she continued. The capitiilki tntlll.l.il.. Ml .IiaIh .11 1 told her "hew his daughter befeie her mniiinge nan n-wajs met liltu at the C.mtlniir.l en Pure Tttrnti tne. relinnn l-unr 1 inuinii 1 mir AI'AKTMKNTS If) SfIT T.VI UV ri'lttsK Bna iiicpi eicry rBquirfinent iimv In, feiinil aulckly b een.ultlrui th AMrtmunt column . en p 81 Adv, V ... . uiiiiiiT t rum riiA l.' . .. 1 , - 1 iiiiinuni 1111 1 nun ihi-i 11 11111 1 iniiiiin naa ARMISTICE PACT IN TK THE ALLIES KemaPs Delegate Held Out for Mere Gendarmerie, but Finally Gave In YIELDED ON ALL POINTS DEMANDED BY ENTENTE Eastern Thrace te Be Surren dered, With Safeguards for Protection of Christians DARDANELLES IS NEUTRAL Plans Being Made for Twe Cen-- ferences en Near East Minhinla. Oct. 11. The Armistlei nrgued lengthily en .cieril ether points, but eventually gne way en every neint of the Allied dnmnds. ficiicrnl Ilarliigten and General ( harpy, the latter the Trench dele gate, left for Constantinople this morn mern ing after u few hours' (deep aboard their warships. Londen. Oct. 11. (By A. P.) With the armUticc just signed nt Mudnnia, putting an end te the warfare between the (.reehs and Turkish Nationalists, plans for tiie conferences designed te bring nbeut a definite peace in the Near Last are proceeding in a less agitated atmosphere. Twe conferences te this end nre bein ai ranged f-jr. one te lix the gcncraV Near I.nstcrn peace terms and another te provide for netitrnliz-itien of tha (traits of the Dardanelles. Preparations ate being made for both conferences bf the various governments, as It N pointed nut thnt the settlements reached at th hrkt must necessarily affect the second. Want United States Participation It Is believed, according te exprci- . i, authoritative quarters he, that all the gevernnicnth would welcome tiie attendance of the t'nited States at both conferences nnd it is ceuriered probable that both the Creeks and the -lurks will make formal requests te th. cnect. A peaceful solution of the Eastern tangle has apparently Near f I T Ke ATI leached en tin- bntls ..f tln kiiriTM.lnp I of Kastern Thrace te the Turks wltk I proper saf,,,,,,., fr ,,,. , ul, ljnu miiieiities and the neutrality of tbe Dardanelles. A conv.titien putting into effect an nn i-tice between Hie Kemiilist.s and the (Jtccks was sign.-l by the delegates at Mu.lania late inst night The news 1 n. light great relief here, where there w.is ien-iier.ible anxiet;, lest the Turks rctii.iin recalcitiant despite the newljr der'.irid uiiirv of the Allies. V liile tin- fiaguienti.ry di&pntchee trem tin vein- of the conference did net state s rnt.'sencally. It is believed that Ismet Pasha, m signing for the Turks, did se under orders from the Angera Cevernmcnt, te which the allied terms ( had picvieiish been trnrded. '""' Kemalists had Den given until " v ' J.t.-r.liu afternoon te accept r 1 eject tne allied piope-als. ami tiie leaseii im- tin di'lav is nut Known, un 'is, lust minute I'lllllles 111 tile ullgiliel d. urn. nt weie feuriil iiihshimj. On Allied Tenns It is assumed, liewrvet that the ar- Ill'-,il as m luib'd eti spon(s.clet.clF te ,1"' nlll,Ml t''"1"' 'he main points of uhi, h nieVllleill fill- eilli lliilinii nf 'IMii.e- 1, "' , 'eu,' , "'' i01 mraee .......I. .....wi en,.-, uii'i .umpicit: iruu a- "' '''V" acinmiistrnti m te the Turks '" !,n ,uIJ'tl0llal month ; delimitatidn of new neuir.il zones nleng the Dardanellee '"" ..Us,,ut. u ...ia.-.i iinmary com II. XlirivlSIl 111I1II1I inn.., mill n mm... . , .. , " i"-t"-' -..... . -. r.,...i. "rench ported V 1th re re i len-sii'it huh no icrias were in con .Mrs. tiaihtl.iu te the assurances un.'innll given him bv (ieneial Chnrin He was told, however, that the Pi gate had assented te the new ,, r... ,-, ,,. i 1 1 lull dele di ma rids. Moscow, Oct 11 -fBy A P.) Uussi,, as a world Power must be reck. .....I ....I. I. ..... 1.1 .... .. ., '" ' '" l",: ""fi'teiniinn ni an lit st ninf. unce propesc-d bv the Allies for seitb uieiit of the Near KiiKtertl iiue,tnii is nlte.ither uns.it sfuctery te the Me-i nn t ii.v. 1 11111 11 1 111 epl 1 ssing tins- view M . Chi- VEiMIZELOS TO SIT AT PEACE TABLE Will De Chief Plenipotentiary for Greece at Conference liiideit. Hit II leimer Premier Velilele, of liiecic will nit as the chief iiienit iiteiiM.il'V fel (illi'iii lit flin flrsr peine ceiifiienie of lepreNeiitatlves of t.teei e unci Tuikej and the Allied Pew ,m 1 .1 .1 ... 1 .1 1 ''(, jiince nnd date of this conference have net yet been ileteimlmd. U'hen Yen Think of Wrltlaa. Tblnk et WiJlTi.NCJ. Adv, A I ii iv nirnii 1. . i,i.ffi,, . ,,, ,.,.. .............. . mi "-'! u imrs"swii linn Jiu4i-tnrtJi,uiUll ()i UluCV pcac 1 a "If n m 1 'i ii . Mi, !-,;