.it i.,ri,eiJW,Tyn!ireiw!i v??!3SxFTSSr3fcv VA'Jl'WWPPil . v; -. v.w v vt'WT5T'V" --t r . ,nir,f:rt. ,? .5 . i ' ' A 15 P M I 3 fttj ft BE a I I .iff Ktt 6- ft. B i1 Cuentng IJublk Sleiget PHILADELPHIA", TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1922 ,nr" ""wtftyi j 'ftwtTniZwMMt3filBMB ySBBBTBBBwMBfcjjiBMBlEf''jBB61fc "tfe t BBBBBBJflHAgLr0 ts icC3HlSHBflHBJHBflHBflBF BJBRPV vv ufSiiUlliUlllllr v "" B y s ' B s YbbIbbH S WILLIAM JEN'N'HS'GS BRYAN AND WILLIAM 0. McADOO snapped while in conversation at an ouMeor breakfast jriven by tve Les Angeles bankers H. M. S.' MARLBOROUGH photographed while going at full steam te Constantinople te re-enforce the British fleet new stationed there. ' COMFORTING SMYRNA'S ORPHANS. Miss Sarah Corning, of New Yerk, Near East Relief nurse and Armenian orphans rescued from the great Are GOOD SLOGAN FOR ANY WEEK. The pester campaign is pnrt of the program being staged by New Yerk in its Safety Week doings ilpr K - - 'M iilnfi&QHIKI. ' tt ' mtB&x , ( MORE BUILDINGS FOR GERMAN TOWN Y. M. C. A. H. E. Baten and Harry Gill, Jr., turn first ground WHEN THE SUN WAS SHINING BRIGHT ON BROAD STREET. Twe fair Philadelphians, wearing gowns of the latest fall fashion i WASHINGTON DEBUTANTE. Miss Virginia Edwards, recently adled "e the list of these who will make their bow te society this season MET IN WEST BY A PHILADELPHIA "AUTO" TOURIST. Colonel Ray E. Gardner, who served in Civil and World War, lives at Livingston, Mentana CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? .,e 1 iiraigiMii .,v mimmmLsc4uK:: &4 ,' 'V iRiiii KKAtl yw r .WWH - ' I " "W "' ""- m I I t, UaaMBMMHH I I l- I I ll i-IXIIM NMMWSHWHWBi HOME OP THE LATE CHANDLER PRICE, ns it looked or tl i north west corner of Thirty-eighth and Chestnut streets, thirtj year n,j. An apartment house new covers the site. Linden T. Harr's -. the c nfibuer VISITING PHILADELPHIA Mile. Jeanne Modave, a Be ..nan 'elliit, who was decorated by King Albert - I ' I I I fc I ' ' "!' ' 1 ' -"i ! I II 111 .11 TWO YOUNG LADIES OF DETROIT, who are return ing from a three months' trip through Europe. Left te right, Misses Alice L. Leveland and Mary J. Curtiss TK-i-7 mL' :? J&Un'uifMi mmmm mri'MMM , l2JVLa&tii".i!i m&msm nanui vm. iSlAt,; IVH'iiA T,K.t ! l'"&& YmcM M-a lHeEn s-a RESCUING SEWING MACHINE. Grk priest in Smyrna's fire saves a precious household article. Mr. H. C. Jacquith Near East Relief director, snapped picture wra y k . r w' f.V? :'Kt' y; s y--; , ' ii'JC " ' ' '. .A . '' V , ii."M .-- wmtffl , .y.a ." . 'V , 7. ;4&)i-rTwi'WtrBrS8Wirr J . l WW, Mtmiite"7m$,. l ;: Hi J'.'-V'SliiiS". '' i? "f !i v ' ";w i?pJ BACK HOME. Miss Mary Rut ledge Slattery, of Chestnut Hill, returned from Spring Lake, N. J. DR. J. SOLIS-COHEN, en Bread street, en his way te the Union League RESTING. After long cruise the schwl. ship Annapolis is tied up here as new recruits are sought. We show you chirf cadet engineer T. S. Aveson PENN STATE CAMPAIGN MASCOTS. The Nittany "Lien" and the goat are very often seen as the students battle te swell the $2,000,000 campaign fund LEADER OP A SPEEDY FOOTBALL ELEVEN. We show you Captain Schance, of the Penn Charter team RETURNS FROM GERMANY. Misi Virginia Rea, of New Yerk, was wearing a turban with CmneM trimmings i V 'lriHBBBBjBBBBBBBBBBW r " 'f FATHER AND SON PLAY GOLF. M. D. Leng and bis boy, Jehn G. Leng, of Bala, were found as they waited their turn te te oil tf-.SjfeJlltOBK8iMfcS.'T!T? ?SMWKKKM If11"!!1""" " rl l"F'n "n. mrwrnye '" ' i inwm I atM W' ?&f ' i t v S 1 J TtHPBVtaSiBPIIIBBBBBi '' f ' " LteTVwyHBBBBalAH . ) BBBbI S? S i LBBbRPH BBBBB MRS. R. E. HEPBURN MISS IDA M. WEIGER M ,.- JMW ''' ! '"1 KKlPViliaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBB f&HjCc 76 Lve9B '' t V CBBBViBUBBRBBBBBBBn' VV B jBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS?BrBBBBBBBBBrflBBBB LBBBBBBBBBT Aiding the Knights of Columbus in preparing for their ' ' j4jfe.'lv'f "'J''f-Cr:H I'&d llBKl WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBiBBBBVilBBBBB annual reception te be held at the Academy of Music HMm7r'' v Ct'l I C '' iV' nBMmmtBKSKSBBBSsSmK " Thursday "enlng wkJiMi,m4 KKKBBmSm. ff W ''SlMfMBBil mfnLEhamM1andCMikLPathr,tP' WS TH GRAJ WAY FrnWerd avenue 1, very, bright in tbil iV'C VA'4lBSSSffiHHH Springy V?rginia . f0 " .wher" the Btandards and beai"8 e the Frank' i&j J ' '' V j) K' aEMiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMif ' l'' ' Hfli BBBBSTWBifrABB 911 mmmm'Mmmmm'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiS .IbbbIbmIZIIbbbbb1 ""W fAAsA' k s v 4XixS JxaMMHI HvHpVf j b: laBt LIEUTENANT L. J. MAITLAND and his smile of confidence FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE. Capt. Geerges Thenault PILOTS BOUSSEUTRET (left) AND D'OR in French eun All ready for. the famous Pulitzer Trophy Meet, which start in Detroit, en Saturday. The best pilot ei the U, S, Navy and Army will be in the American team "t c?RLL1".8p,nf evor the 'ence nt Piplns,5S? L, with Miss Eleaner Langley, of New Yort, iJV H& -. !:s. . n i; m K& ' Mte iSv.. -3jia sM lA!' UrX A .i.Jkte,1.t