;W nsri--ffja'rs,viS.' p-dM twi! "" 'J-' " 1 irwiqffiR EVtRSVJ&jfWfi fH' "" vf .v"'..'' i . TFh !' .. - v. .r y 7 ef-Vri '..Vfc' Vh- '.I V f ' TK ." srs.jtK,-t.ri 1 i-F Y? ' . EVENING PUBLIC EEDGEK linAI)ELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1922 f -Vwih, 't" , "iw - fV 28 Sf S.iW r v K ' AC F'.TAitir, sy &THE PEOPLE'S FORUM fa - , I t . Letters te the Editor I I 1 : " mi I....J .." v,' i muroeruuj inwiuim IH JTrfller e fne Eirnftte PuMIe UAetrl ' Sir ltefcrrmg te the timely nnil vlR vlR teun cdlterlnl appearing in' your Usuc Of dctebcr 0, under the licndlng "Mur derous Incendlnrlm," wrlte te nwtirc you that tlie fire Insurance cempnnlcs, through the orgnnlwUlen known ns the , National Heard of Klrc Underwriters, , hvc bepn for mere than n ear pa operating with the Fire Marshal past co of- lc In the Investigation of the numerous In, 0f incendlarv origin, which have , ccurred in this city. . , i In these Investigations mere nave authorities cemmerrla intcre-n aim ui public generally In t heir e (Torts ,. break It tip, and will welcome the n luah t, assistance that can be ghen by the prcs Fex Chai-e. October .". "The Hobe-Labor College" V the Editor of ti- f.'icnnie TiiMfc l.tia'r: Sir III the Kvknimi I'Plii.ic Teiic.kr of Thurxln.v. October .", there nnnemp.1 under the caution "Hobe Cel- ben facts developed which Indicated tl that .the time must onuie 111 America rjlll . . mMjrj 1 r.end, ma, view remain, paries M-an, cemetery. i...u.nR. .. ,lt lhn ,,,,, Sacrnment Church nil 0 A. dearly the guilty parties, but in n great when honest weikers In evernlN wll cuui-nn - Oct . i.episa a. wife of . iiepkins.--bet. 8. nnineET. ife of " l,Mt'i.i!ix.ect: 8 jffl ,n of number e ! cnsM tllUe facts did net np- better S.UI.bell7.e the trtie spirit of 17711 Urn K Cooper Itelatlie., and friend, are Michael Hepkins (nee O 'Dennell .formerly e , .UC kni ttij ulla Mullln. nelatlve. nnd Sear te tl,e " , itherltles as oenriufivc , democracy ,han preiiteers and rent- 3 ViJ hn !?&. !". W',S S,KJrfB' WeelJf' i0" fegal evidence, and cen,enuently ,.e ar- n,clr In fnjck s and plug hats. Mhpma,, p 'cUs'eie'mm X.e'SSJrafSLW UBSXu6 rests were made. ,' ' ,r,,lcM,""J'. . ..,,... SON. husband of EsmVrald.i Cernell bue the Ascension. 10 a! M. Int. nt Hely Hepul- ftnulf" 'WX. . rfess "em Church 10 A. The insurance companies recognize A. .1. l.ui.i. notice of futieral win be civen from lm ' chre cem. ,' ml'ssEii. ch.uii.eh II MUssFrt en the serleus'mul alarming oen,lltl;;ns , Secretnty Organ.,er. l.obe Laber Cel- ,-M.j.ce. DUmend .; , , -Oe,. R7IataULlA lfrW?J -' XSKshH" rd!aebayn,r "l e SnK rhfladelphia. October 0. IMS. SfcSBf J"Jl T,faVf.nJd ' OTK iSlffl funerV!' Sf ''f , ?V SJ?--'-'feeTldnucn nenrenm iimiicuu t. . friends Imltcd te attend senlces Frajer , M.. Intn residence. 2510 N. 4th St. Int I ,,tVJvntiri ' - r,Ar,r,r,. ,,.., ,-.. t- t unnrnY . . . . . ., i .. tli-ntntitu ,.. t, lf,it.ii vml tllilt ill d w er- Ims often occurred le me .while ilding U'n.n .?'' Pr,valt' "' " ZnVe'n Z? "n,,Ca liblhldelphia. October 7. 1022. North I rea teiiard ; U,y Hal 1 ,h ,-.s reenc. U.jster1 VuTla-EJen. uEhtSS . . ,, j i ui iinplllni VvVfl, .,., il e lnnU wntil.l J,Hrl ' "'dler. nkeu (III. Funeral senlces t 1'Mrthcr services and Interment nt Ablnie Helm ie. nnd friends nre Invited te the serv- Andv Gump Sweep ng Philadelphia Working with the ether signals would Tnur . a p. m . te which I.e, ls Ne 0. r ten Iresbterlan Church 12 M. Friends may I 'C "II Th ursdav afternoon, at 3 e'c eck, nt n,!rr?r.P.fccK,M8,.M,e.e. 1ft,vn'nn!nu;d ANNA n. Wf "WM, Vl&. FUANIC. husband 'l!l?f iiag 7" - nn In,,", Ing I'hlladelphia te elect And.) (.limp ,, " j am. (rem h"r Ule rSnw 41 V Hunker H II. N J. Friends may call Tues.. I tlie, and friends, nlse St. Paul's Ledge, te Congress. ThOM behind the move- " n.'idelphia, October 0, 1UKJ. ' M,"'",n"T J'W ' " " "rnri 'T'.t'maA I''a Wm' mMt ,r"B nrr'Un" N" ss' ." 1 'oe, AF.!Xlh1ttnii"d!KUe,' 'neS' tnent nre l.rgmg their friends te write ll, ,lla' UCr I ' h,VrMtMihe,nr!;.lV VfmtiT.l2 X-ATlB jftf .iiiBct. -. ALEXANDER. Jr.. son il P Ol if Medice-Leal Socle1,-Kef fhfta his name en the ba let ut the elctieli in M Owe It im.1v n ivSlf "n l. I of Alexander nnd Mary Latham (nee neb- and all ether socletles of which he was a Verll it, l nf bultmw liave ' The. OIH Tim. Rellnlen s" Yerk Civ Ai e ft flrni'1'"'' aged 24. Relatives and friends are ' member, nre invited ! te fuiwral services. November, llllllilreils et buttons i.ne , Me ein-yime Religion , Tli.j n Oct I.. , AuVi' "vlte'' t0 """' funeral services, Thurs., Wed,, 8 P. M.. at his Inte residence, 2024 already been Kent out and thousands Te the Editor et thi nxcmi l-ubHe I.cdaer: S."! 11? nt 12'M r M ' fih " r- M" nt nls Parents' residence. 3000 lilnmendst Int. private, mere are being ordered Sir-Certnlniy no one would thrust '-J.'cftfi.r? ?ril J. (. . ltAUHL. i fhle rnunrrv npc t, t ,., fnml t n that I rZ. V. 'tiiVtl' ..". !-yl ,. nusBnnd rnriAIVR rv n. tyilTISA. widow of (nee H.irbesnn). bcewd lfs et llsrrv w. ,.. . -.r ... i. ... .., i.in ,,. ,'..-. ..,..., ,,,. ... ,....'.... ,'" ...... I'.J--. lege Onlv Needs Zlp-iv Yell," etc., t'1" family altar was the rule, net the an article calling attention te the esroptien. In that time the family "Hobe Laber Celics"," IKVJ Klilgc ave- , "'bio wiih far mere than a mere ornn ernn ornn nue nieiit or family record. Iti well-thumb- This little write-up of veur paper, ' Pl1 pases testified te n spirituality ami though mere or lc-s frleudlv in tone, " religious devotion that nerved the .....:,i,n., ,i,.iinJ inrm innrenr- pieticr1, te sacrifices of n liich the nres- aclcs te which we desire te direct yeur1 .e.nilM n,l l,nr nf Ii . liintiv thetl- '""""",l '"" '" ' "- ." . : i sands ue read your wenueriui news paper. Knewing the Evening I'cm.ie IiEDern te be a ropreentntiie and ln fluentl.nl iei'riinl in our citv. standing for n squnrr deal for everybody, we feel , . ' . . , v" 1 1, . ,,,.,. qu e certain jour aoeil folks in charge , vlll Inn snace for tlu brief letter In, ycur columns, fe that any little wrong j ImpirsMens which may have been ere- ated by your news Item about the I obe (. Laber Cellese may. se far as pessib.e. , be stralghteiipd out. I In tliu -.ub-liending the article In ' question stntes: "It has campus, one- , mnn faculty and everything." etc. , This stntcmcnl i a tritle off the line of strict truth. In f.u t. we have her- ft multi-man facultv and studentship, Jivery trade, oeeupinen t nn empjej nicnt finds reprcentntlen in our col lege. Professors of plumbing, sign paint- lnc nnd shoemaking are as common jibevt here as buttercups in sprinztin e. law- nnd earnestly neught te pet hack Professors of whitewashin;, house- te the plain and -lmple teachings of building and dashwip-hini; run a clee :he Cnrpenter of Nnarcth? That win Mcend. Last, but net leat. Prof, of Ue3 help for the solution of our iiutloiie'l the Pick and Shevel and Ir. of Hen- ills. Net In t!w qtiaircls and argiituent est Teil form a part of our erganlzn- of theoleslan1-; net in creels and dilu tion. "ias; mt In religions strife.- nnd hick- AVe de lack in our curriculum, hew- , jrins. but In a study of the Heek of ever, a place for what Is called "com- l:s, around the family nltar. mercial education." being mere con- . , IGXOTL'S. ccrncil in expounding the principles of j "ridgeten, X. J., October ii, lfCU'. democracy, justice nnd brotherhood ; . than these of dollar grabbing. I ' n,.,; 4 t Moreover, the diplomas of gradua- ft questions AnSlVered tien and degres of honor nre net scratched en sheepskin", but rather tip- I Sleeping Sickness Mortality pear as the marks cf useful labor en Te the Editor et the K-Mno Public L,ia the calloused hands and knotted raus- Sir-u 't fact that mer.wh-M .',. Cles of our members. lie of s.eeplns slckress than Nwree, AVe are, candidly speaking, net very It Met. favorable te the ridiculous black ' ,'ACcerd'rc 10 C-e Census Rureau. In lfi;n mother hi-hbnrd-. and square bonnets used in the colleges of the rich. Our: being a peer man's university, the fashion down here runs te overalls and brogans. Ten then proceed te comment en the unusual degree of democracy prevail ing in the Hobe Laber College, which makes Indistinguishable the faculty fren. the student body, all of whom nre represented as sitting around en chairs in deep meditation. Why should we net have just such democracy in our working clas col lege? Have you forgotten that the re cent very bloody and very terrible war In which se many fine young American heroes were killed, maimed, blinded. was fought te meke the "world safe for democracy"'' Isn't Philadelphia a part of the world and i-n't the Hobe rinlloire n tinrt nf Philnrlelnhln " --n- - j , We are' old-fashioned enough te be- lleve that democracy mean- democracy. Just ns aristocracy means nothing le than aristocracy and that any attempt te mix the two result" in a met gro tesque, abortive canenture. , Seme icry geed hi-tnrinn tell us I our splendid Lincoln uhen Presi dent et the I'nitpd .States u.ed te -it around 011 chair- dcrked out in his in -dershirt with Mi-nemler- hanging down, scarcely distingui-hable from the mm. men labeiers vii.plejed nbetit th" Wiite Heuse. Alse the twenty-feurtli ier-e (Mat thew vi) of a very famous Sermon nn the Mount" gives u- the rather lai cal information that "no mnn enn , aerve two masters, for either he will hr.te the one and luve iln .itlir i.r fle be will bold te the one and despise the ether Ye cannot mtw i!ed nml mammon" We de hope the Phila delphia Lm".i.v, Prm. K- LnrifiFii is net in Imslne-K t rw jrt-tei'rai'i te the hurt of ilouieriivi Thij'llobe Laber Cellese et.nul- -.p.arr'v tirst. h-t nd always for deuie"n., y--of ih,. in tace of 177H Again. Ilreiher IMiier, te nil .1 line from the r,t-ws "ln pick e;i us"? Wouldn't It b" pes-iblc le find ether places In town uhein ni"ii. mere ran. aplcilOlls for the sle of their ",M" development thnn the I'lipneltj efibelr kttlls. haf mound en nniiderfulli i,. helfctered l"bbi chtuiv lu deep enjej -ment of oe'tlv clgm s, Jllft ns the plum verk-a-dav penp'i; of America hine hern -but cut from the ownership and onieiment of Inm and industry by the greuth in our country et n neriiiue -ei-ni cancer T . .. ,i-.i ...!... .. .1.. , ngllliy cnni-ii iiii'iiiiir iii. B" uii- uerirs OI t.A nnllenOK .Ollll 11 11 ll I r 1 1 1 1'C O T, wlinfr I,. i-" y v ... ' ' e faces of the sons u.,,1 ,lagh,Prs f,( Ik ...a.. ..in., fl.nnlll I l.n ,t, un .t.I. ,1. tile common jieepU'. 1 he man with the Me antl hammer is net ivnntcd in tin ' rent Ami-rlciin (?) corners of learn- ' ,0 tvherA tlin nfffinrlti nf tlia il. Irt Profiteers nre inenarchs of nil thpy mir I4Y Mr. I.i - -l.i- ii. .i . . , r, . TOr IIUS ri'UIMUl lllliv KrilllIIB Ol IVOrK- ltL . lUgineil ami women nre tifrlvjnj? te buiji) Penna. H-illrnd , nd the n.miiri of v lun iSS .! nml there In illlTerent cities hum, ' tary Relief A ini.twl te , fun ral servi.es liiiii't'N 1 1 I'll nil iiiiii. lii'L ii nrrin I...... ...!...- ..11 ..,.. n-i. li..l. iji"; 'TI . . i. . i --- tit, -""" 0I III'' siiiuililiu llglll m Knew I iaie I , en , . a i v.n-piny 'I'ninif j Itirertlv en Iho Oripini Frent i. .W ami truth. ,', ,',..,' - rrW"VW "he American IMsn Ilc.e. p.r.ce.ltal I WtebSttcil & Oeiln'denil I ' V " hap'eU,l,re'fJ',h";rRrrc 3 fiharVe. HneU C.,. jf """"wa? nW,.Y. ' V.B." ,ler 11"I UOIU'CO. sjlOU,nrn tienil I Habar Cemetery, pettsvllle. I hotel property Uwrtr and Msn.jer I ;ttinK in llei'l.lrlllt the' rollege nt ll.ll! nnnni. ., n inner a nnnee I aaasi,ssiiaBUSBiiasissiiSBisiSBisaiSBnsBiitansi . H . . .: vcmie; hns no r.lniiy yeU. W J 'iL .1 I - , i m tsBtfcainy ,w et trns 01 , w YT etnuitv, .fjf,ir. 1 '. V$f,,.' ' i. Ivti' lk. ' . vAi.' i .1 . ... nfc. i. r. arjA.?eh'-fi . . Letters te the Editor should be brief and te thn point n.B possible, avoiding anything that would open a denominational or sectarian dis cussion. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters. Names and aililreric; must be signed ns an evidence of Reed fnltli, although names will net be printed If request Is made that thev be emitted. , , The publication of n letter I,"0' te be taken ns an Indersement or it views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. "M'erkrr of the world, unite, you have nothing te love but slavery nml n world "V1"- ' , , ... ' 'ram sure uinr you win nsrc- im Traffc Light en Cty Hall Tower r '.rfsed Sir Your rditcirlal en Tnifiie Lights," publlnhe.1 in the Eve ning 1'Llu.lc Iii:nui:it of October ", prompts mi' te Inform you that It obtained u generation or two age. but w-lii among us will deny that we could, us u nation, reach back Inte the put and bring into the prf-ent n few of the things that our fathers and grand fathers llnd. niul n hi, .1, wi I,,ivm nei?- '"'d of Inte years. Time was wlieni ent gen-ratien of Americans known nothing. l... i .u. i n -,... , .i. j... '"""i, iirai luuuiy uuiu- in me uajs long gene by. father, metner and chil dren knelt in humble devotion and gain ed that help and inspiration that neped tliem te splendid deeds and hmc rltlees. In the-e days parents were net Oiltltnllf In 1.n.. .... t. ...... -if 1' 1.... , .,ii. -in ii, ii-iii- in mi iiuur ei ruuiiiiy ' Fctloel ,,. k , t , , ,,. .., ,i,.,i ..i,n.i...., t.. ...?. ., .. !imi wemen (ni,v jjV(l(, , , 'rvMWt .lm menibers of the church mill- i nm Doubt,0,s h l merI(r'' ", f ' ..nnen, from the pulpit8 t0(lnv tMli ft,0rs had. but who is there te as-ert that th'"-,.- carry mere heart appeal, a clearer Mimmen- te better llilng, mere i conviction of brotherly duty, than weie carried bv the liuplcr scrinnns nf l'cter Ortwrlght. Ituecoen Jehn Smith and' the circuit riders Immortalized bv Ld- w.iru i.ggir.-ten; Might it net be well te rc-estnbll-h iIm latnlly altars in this republic? Would we ne: profit as a nation if v.e I i.-iceti less .iLiiuiuv upon mnn-mnie ,' nllnilr rf .""'"" wh0 d of sieep'n-t sldsncss as 14D3 nnd only (lfiv.twn v. grees surcu-nlied te the dlvni Am, ,..- the whites this was a rate of 1 S pr jn? . ") popu.u-ien nne ameiw tne N-sre, e Baltlmure, Octjber I) 1H22. Auther of "It Couldn't Be Dene" Scores of retuT'tes hm-e answerei the reuest of Jesej h W Wntklrs,, of u u "imste'in, Pa., for the p-jem "It Couldn't B Dene. But He L'or.e It!" All of thsse answers, for which the Forum extends thanks offer E'lvar A. Ounst's poem, entl. tl1 "It Cu'dn t Re Dcne" as pn.Usb'i the Jes'red lersea. Seme cf tnes- friends frankly r.dm.t they da net knew the name of the author, while ethors, Including M- Lrn.l" D S. Parser, of Nvecli. N. Y . A Hairl of I'hhadslphla; Mrs, James M Keliey of Trenten. N. J. M. E, II , of T'rankferd. Neal Lafferty. of Philadelphia, I nnd '"1" 1-ers Blie the proper origin of the One of these te irhem the name if ths 1 r.uih - "It Ceu'dn't Re Pire ' Is un. I liren sends the poem and nrlt "The n,uther4Up of this piece Is un- ' ;.r.rwr.. but I euro eu,ri lUe te meet h m r-- he has helped me ever nnny n reujh tpe' with this little poem, ami I im su- ' am ret the only 're utr. imuM e- y '-.e Vrnl'fBe et perienally tlianltlns hlrr ' 1 e Furum Is esteppel from rtpu' -. ns the Unes In riue-tlet, bv r-nwii of thu , epsrlzht laws, which re'iul-e ccnrt of he rJbllsher te u-e therr lint fur tv-e in. ' .rmat'en of the writer of. the 1-iter -urtei my ba stnte'l thnt Editor Al'ert 'iusr -h. nutrer "f ' 1' Couldn't r.i Der" ani , multitude of ether perms nM, h Ji 'a-ee'y "'"' '"'' """'v-die sffalrs r,f ;r 's a na' a of Dlrnnlnuham, Ilntr'.and. wher--e'was lern In 1JST Ten irs latrr r 1 was brought 10 IV Unite J .Jtiic,, ,r, he 'van educated In tin Frairmir and hsh ' schools of De'relt Mich, I.I present l-n 1R05 n? rn;jir5 ik' nucj wuii : p aieiat1 In ,....'., rrt,e Press. In wh' h he has ci 1 WW- . .... ...J 1 ...ted n eumn "i .-,-, "uinnr j ltetches ever r'r.ce This ind .-her if Mr UllT.PSiS VIII u,t i iiiji,i y ire rcli"dueel nen spirr r ev? t "!" -st was at 're free n . jr.try . . . f '1 . Amr -en HlTi.r'st' AM" nnfl b's r Ut rrs ra , "lenfT n lcclral 'rf"'1' of ' ' '' Ja'' ' nmli R .!' ' 'h" ' P " "f the I a S r I'r-iil.le Van" Or r.li ticb nn pru in tnrir,. t 1 Ills n'" 1' 'if C ' T' pater press ' i'rv rrat MAnnir.n DANIELl-PI'EN' I H. irieni". "' '" CH -- Mr Alexan l yirrt nnri-ii! t, - -i rfinrltlB',. "11 ''"lf n.-r i im ' "' i- KIMIER MMI.I.I cfl-'-r.ln N f! Seatijs; RATES At h's res'." 'en-. fTIR 'Vs't n laie en O- 8 ltJi MhT .);H K t.anil of M'r'am .' ii.i It" atr ei h 'I fr ende. a au l! or i ! j-i.i.a ilk-' hehbeT for Beys a-e im '-d " V a erM" .... TL'Ailn.kllll V Hf'ernOl'11 III 2 110 Clrr It .L' v..,. , t,,- rii i tt'jr, r-h.,-.,n i, , Sfe e&f,' &&?& .iiC-mlSI,' .. .. fi'. ...un.. ... r l. I s may ue itw.u in.r'i.) ...-, ,. I, ll.WM TlIMIniflV HlTlnif IiAUUll 'Jn ins vm inm i me 3in met ai leiensen Md . ANNA WILLS Id ,w of Ujn.e, PauKh Funrl a' Lurel Hill Cem, Thlla delphla Tues Oct 10. upon arrlial of 11 and e iraln i 24lli and Cn istnut its e"17 P M. , ' . BURillTUN ' CT ", UIUI.IAAI ri nys i hnml of Fleren-e Hrluhten 'nt Carkse- ir.iT.i..:. ,., frl.nds aim emnlev.i ,.t en Thuredni V) P M at his late res. dnce 24 It N sian,-y el Interment p I a l v. "ini-puny nr.T aged 80, Funeral lervlcss ed..- P. M., late residence. 04B Herbert. St., Ftsnkferd. Int. private. Net! Yerk and.Hoslen rapns trf deaths CAMniEl.L. Of 1I3 V. Wyoming nve.. Oct. II, 11)21'. Hl'TH C . daughter et Austin it nnd Julia M Campbell, nged is. Fu neral services Thurs., 3 1 M,, nt the apart ments et WIIIKm It. Dnttersby, .1310 N. Hiead st. Int. (Ircnmeunt Cem. Remains mny he viewed Wed., 8 In 10 I'. II. CAH'V At Atlnntlc fry. .V. J . Oct. ft. VALENTINE J., son of the late Jehn nnd Nellie Casey Relatlies and friends, alie St Phllln'A lfrtlv Vnmi. Kiilrv nm lntlta.1 te attend funeral, Thurs, 1,30 A M , late reHdence, 32 Seuth st Solemn tnaei of re- I'Hrm nt St Philip's Church 10 A. M Int. Itelv Crnse Cem COIUIN On Oct 7. 1P?2. HOftATIO S.. husband of Carrie It Cenen Ilelatlves and frlend are luMteil te the service, mi Wed- nad.iy nfternoen at 2 o'clock at his res. ilenre 4I).1) TlflZ-1 nve. Ititt.rnmnt nrlvnfn. iii.-s.MMi - uri !, jiAllY re.NMm tnce Mcfllnty), wlf of late Patrick Cenner tiled and frlenda InMled te ftinernl. ltela- Wc.l., i aft 1 r Infn r.,kM.,i.A rtlli t,..lt. . Solemn m.us of recjulcm at St. Francis Xuiler'- Church. 10 A. M. Int. Old Citlie-1 dral Cem adjelnlnc rem 1IANENHOWER. Of 2010 S. 10th St.. Oct S 1022. JOSEPH 11.. eon of the late harles II. and Mary A. D.mcnhewer. Hela- flies and friends, nlse Seuth Phlla. Ledge. !". F. O II . Pocenta Tribe is t O It I M' nnd. .'.npleiesThe WeVjern' I'nlenTrt": I nraph Ce . are Invited te attend funeral , senlces. Wed., 2 P. it. precisely, at 2220 I tther Inrtn Arm.mrtl ll.ln. mnn irienas. also Lafayette Ledse. N, I L. Jn.J A M- ad all ether societies of which he was n. tnmbr Invlt-d te fu VJW t''1,0"'. Tnurs.. 2 1' M . resldenc 1113 W leuden. Int Northwood Cem 1 riends may call Wed. eie OALLAOHER. Oct .. ORACE T . wtfe i ine in if jnmes A. UnllaKher (r.ee Cil- ,JEnPr' Ilelntlies nnd frlemls nre Imlted TOFHS n.V",V'V,"1,:r '.v. n'X vV.!Senfrv-J.'.u'. H' ' V i ii,V 1 0"lrJi. lUr I fn'ii f'ATllA- :,'; ".""nantpwn. ivr.iM.-ni ; mi wi i. i-s, jinh, nus. nivy,v ri . IT. - ti..... Vi.Vtm.n Ynr- ' i"111 "' tns immaculate conception bind of Mary Esther tlendncre. In his snth ."I,1' Q" widow of Harrv llarlrnan wr- A M ,n( Hey Scr)UchI.p Cenl, y'ar iirmines ami irtenns, also west pn la. V.Vli el iuinB, i:.i . " ; : " ',.' ji IJ.KH. Oct, 8 HAIUtY J., son of I) v . Ne. t.V 11 of I.. E , nre lnlled te the Ilelatlves and friends are Invited te tn" vi irai. Miner nn,l the liile Itarrv J Miller Mtif, en Wednesiay afternoon at B service, en Wednesday evenln. nt 8 o'clock, helnt vei nnd frlenSS vtted te fune'ral en o'clock, nt the oilier It. Hair lll.lV. 1S20 "t the residence of her son-in-law. C. S. .rhursday. at 8'30 A M . from late r"'lence (h.stnutst Interment prlintc. West Laurel Patten. 10.1S Wallace st. Interment nt y.VJ'i''.",',"; "'. ' limn lenulem m... i ii.iuj in i.in t iiuirii linn ii int. aeiin lpuht mil. Extra Service te FLORIDA -" TEXAS Via Direct "All Water Routes" Modern oil-burning steamers insure regular schedules, and afford a wide range of passenger accommodations and high standards of cuisine and service. CHARLESTON, S. C. and JACKSONVILLE, FLA. with through connections te Augusta, Atlanta, Birmingham, Montgomery, Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. S P COMANCHE S. f: MOHAWK S S ARAl'AHOr. S . 1,KN UT 5 p .iyi. ir: Oct. 10, Oct. 12 net 13 Oct 14, Oct. .. KEY WEST (hence Tla "Oyersen Railway" te MIAMI GALVESTON, TEXAS with through connections te all points in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and the Pacific Coast. S S. SAN JACINTO Oct. 11 Nev. 1 Nev. 22 S 55. H. R. MALLORT f-t. 18 Nev. 8 Nev. 29 S 9. COMAL n.'t. 21 Nev. 11 Dec. 2 S S CONCHO wet. 25 Nev. 15 Dec 6 Additional freight f-aillng3 every Saturday Fall and Winter reservations new available for both one-way and round-trip tickets. Rates include transportation, meals and state. room berth. Bedrooms with double or twin beds and private bath; or ether staterooms in special of preferred location, may be secured at various extra room fares if desired. Fast through Passenger and Freight Service te all interior point's Southeast and Seuthivest CLYDE-MALLORY LINES S. A. Menteith, r,29 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone, Lembard 7122 KnZH 0 Around the World Our Qelden Jubilee Criuse marking the 50th year since Themas Cook, the founder of our organization, conducted his first tour around the world Sailing Eastward from New Yerk, Jan. 24 Returning May 31, 1923 by the specially chartered new CUNARD Liner "SAMARIA" 30,000 miles a gorgeous itinerary covering many lands nnd visiting each country under the most favorable climatic conditions A Cruise de Luxe Limited te 400 Quests 1-ull Informal menteq.est THOS. COOK & SON 130 Seuth 15th Street, PHILADELPHIA V Ffi seas lE Afternoon and Bvtnlnt Concerts !sv- New Yerk Fulton St Pier 11 :i. R. 5130 v. n Vi ly Incl Sun NEW LONDON li:;e I ears New Yerk 11 r in v. ii h St. f, 30 P. 51 W ul.ij-s ei RJac3 7?ra erl A atomeViU, i IMIH e rmrw am inm. reit4l VJJwm Clark's ird Cruise, January 21 lii ROUND THE WORLD "RMPRES3 el FRANCP" lS4m Grou TON3 4MONrHSCKLIhl,$HX)0endup Inelndini MeteU. Hec, Drives (Juidei ete. Clsrk Orljinatea Round Ihe V erld Cmuei Clirk's 19th Crime, Febnun 1. 1923 tTPe mediterranean "BMPRESSel SCOTLAND ' 2'M Grou Tens 65 PAYS CRUISF, S-W and up Frsnk C. Clsrk, Timsi Ibiildnijl N'etv Yerk Ilartlett Tours Ce. 'iW Se l'3ti St. ArTTMN REHORT8 ATLANTIC CITY. N.J, Hetel BoicelidWXKTJSJfc weekly. fcUfXww lU, A. E. UABIs. I " B I ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. UttATIH M attend funeral. Wei. A. M.. 2221 S. 1'rent st. Helemn hlgmmnss of requiem at the Church of Our Lnrtv of Mt. Cnrmel ":30 A. M Int. Hely Cress Cem. . . . OILREHT. Oct. t. JOHN, hJsbanrtef the lale Mary A Ollhert, aged fl2. Relatives nml friends. nlse American Star Ledge. e. 40.V T n n. r. ! tfnlen Trirlrn. Ne. 14. K. of P.: 'Ce K. 2nd Pennn. Vels., nnd.nymbers ' of Ornre Presbyterian Church. Invited te , ft. Mam, .il... Thnr. . e IV M . son-a I residence. Mortimer Gilbert, MOS Webster st. Int. Ml. Merlnh Cem. Friends mny can Wed.. S te 10 1' M, .. , OHRnN'. 1n Oct. 8. 1022, KATK. wife, of the Inte GeerRe W. Oreen. Relatives and friends are United te the service, en Vtcl- nesday afternoon nt 'J o'clock, at the resl- denm of her dauchter. Mrs. K. Scheenlniter. i 44 ? PAvnn nt tnlermrnt nrlVAte. I Menu! mnv call Tuestiav nvenin. HAMILTON -At 24 Ferre-t St., , f oajhe- ibncken, !., en Oct. S. 1022. AMIXANDEII i . iii .i r utrrsL si., t n i r-..- - I V A ! 1 f .TciV Vnil.A it fitn-rnt Inter .. HAHPF.lt Oct R. nt Sellers) tile. Vn. KLIZAIIKI'H T. widow of Samuel Deak Hart'cr. formerly of Frnnkferd, .Pa,. In ner t "tn year, interment (.cinr 11111 v-vv.i.f I KA.MMEK. At Berlin. N. X, Oct. 8. WIL- '''AM KA.MSIUR, rnrmeriv et i.inaenwein, J., awd (II. Relatlies nnd friends are In- v't'd te attend funeral services. Wed .2.30 P- ' ftt residence of Mrs. Heward Sharp, tier In N, J. , KltEWfTOJ.-Oet. 8. 1022. HAnniET I, daughter of the late Jehn nnd fcanih Ann Krowien. In her 88th year. Relatives and Henrv V Iirnlne. Ftinernl services Wed. 2 P. M creelsely, late residence. 2210 Cedar st. Int. erlvate. West Laurel Hill Cem. Friends may view rematns Tues., 8 te 10 P. M. MATirETV. At VToedbury Heights. N J.. Oct 0. SARAH MATHEW, ausd 8t. Rela lives nnd friends nre Imlted te nttend u-1 funeral. Wed., 8:30 A. SI from hln late reel nernl, Tues.. Oct. 10. IP. M. from, the ,,,.,., 2n1 N Pnirhlll st. Solemn requiem residence of her sister. Mrs. Famuel Tase. . -...,, .. Sl. AUKUstlnB' Chureh in am Toms 19, 28 21, 31 24 .. IB . . IT, 2G Nev. 7, 16, 25 .. Nev. 0, 18, 28 Nev. 2, 11, 21, 30 Nev. 3. 14, 23 .. Nev. 4, 15. 24 .. -. ..rMnr.aerJfJ)y peste rice WVay Cruise TRANQUIL seas-colorful ports perts pictureeque people. A wendcr-tri rendered doubly enjoyable by the com fort and luxury of fast 10,000 ten steam ers, specially built for Tropical service. All $ I Cf and Expenses XJJ up Comfortable minimum rate staterooms te tuitcJ with privste bath Rates in clude meals and stateroom for entire trip Saturday sailings. I PORTO RICO LINE 23 Broadway New Yerk lesWsPUIgtsWWlsFB CONDADO-VANDERBILT HOTEL SAN JUAN . PORTO RICO The only wholly American hotel In the West Indies, An ideal spot for a holiday In the tropics Metering, tennis, golf, bithing Under Management of UK Vndetbilt Hefl, Ne Yerk. iti Mv.KiytTfL am. writ' i'Itv. N. .1 ATLANTIC 1 il' m It AI 1T1U1IJ& CITY I Jr- Worlds Greatest ttbtfl Succest OKATIH yoedbury Hcluhts, N, J, Int. Odd Fellows' Cem., Phlla. . MeAI,t:Klt. Oei. 0, 1022, MART B, rtaURhtcr of lata aeore nnd Mary RV MeAlecr. Ilelatlves nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral, Tuea , 8.30 A. M.. from her late rctldence. 5120 Aneera terrace. Helemn requiem masi at Church of the TransflffiirAtinn in a t tn. tirlviLte. i McCAUSLANtl). Oct. 0, Ol.lVr.U, son of trie late Rebert and Elizabeth -VcCaueland, iieintives nnd friends are invited te attenu funeral servires. Thurs.. 2 I'. M. at the residence of ht -ltAr tr- hertsen. 2400 Seuth st. Int. ,MJ, Merlah .Margaret i;ui uem. ..Friends may call Wed., 7 te n P. jr. McFAlTN. Oct. 8, 1022 8AIIAH Ms. wife of Patrick JtcFaun (nee Oulitan). Ilelatlves nnd friends nr Invited te attend funeral. Thurs., 8:30 A, M,, from her late residence, ' 20311 lleljrrnda st. Solemn requiem mass at st, thi . vinnu ifitiit-rM in a ii inr iiniv rnmm Cem, McNeill (nee Dever). ' ilelatlves nnd friends, are. Invited te nttend funeral. Wed.. 8:30' jriiXKir.T. nt e itAnv w m or .Ttnn A. M , from her late residence, nl.08 Jans solemn rcmueimnass at 10 PtCKFertD. as-cd 84. Ilelatlves nnd friends Imlted te servlces. nt the rnsldence of her .nn U'nH.i. 11 tf.lf ,, V- . n . .. - J1. ,, ...,r. 1), ilull, UdVl, .f, AOlll Pit. Tus., 2 P. t. PUWl)i:UI,KT. Oct. 8. THOMAS H husband of Annie Pewderley. Funeral Wed., 8 30 A. M.. from the residence of his son. Frank F Pewderley, 1M4 Haines st. Hlh mass of requiem nt Hely Angels' Church. nnwllns. Relatives nre Invited te nttend fu nernl senlces. Tiled., a V. M. precisely, nt the Phi Id II. Pchuyler nidff.. Bread nnd I'lnmepd sts Int. private. lllf.KY. Suddenly. Oct. S, 1022 TD WAIU) J., husband of the Inte nrldcet Riley Tlailnt K-na n nil frtnrta 11 a lmltal . ,! Int Itelv fresi Cem. ROflS-MAN. Oct. 0. SAMUEL, husband nf Helen Resiman, nBCil 31. Relatives, nnd friends nre Invited te attend funeral serv lees. Tues.. 2:30 P. M. nreclselv. nr hl Infn , residence, 5732 AVnlten avc. Int. private. , sr.tllllllT At IVoedstown. N. J., Oct (1 i EMSK llIIlsrtACK SEIRERT. widow of , Jehn A !elberl. Relatlies and friends, nlse members "f the Church uf Peace. Invited te funeral. Wed.. 1 1'. M from 1118 Snyder n i e Senlces nt Church of Peace l:3e p. M rreclsely. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. I I'rlends mnv enll Tues. eve. SENIOR Oct. R. ALICE II.. widow of 1 Themas Penler. Relatives and friends are Inmed te attend funeral services. Thurs.. 1 3f P M.. at snn-ln-lnii's residence. Krnnk C I.efferts, 1114 Herbert St.. Frankford. Int Orenoed (K. of P.) Cem. SIIIPM1Y. Oct. 8. EI.1ZAI1ETH. wife of ihe late Themas K. shlnley. Funeral serv Ices Wei '.'P. St., David O. Krankcntleld 1 & Sens .122 N. 52d t. Int. private. , SLACK At Mt. Helly N. J Oct. R. I 1022. RICHARD J. IJ. SLACK, aged 70. I Puner.il nnd Interment private. SNIVELY. Oct. 8. WILLIAM S. SN'IVE- , LY. husband of Mary L. Snlvely. aced (12 lears Relatlies nnd friends nre Invited te ' the services. Wed., 2 P. M... at his late I residence. 2114 . Venance st. Int. prl- I vate. Remains may be Mewed Tuesday, after 1 V. M ' KPENl'i:. Oct. fl, JANE widow of Themas It. Spence In her 7(lth year. Reln iliei and friends Invited te funeral services i Thurs . it 2 P. M. precisely at her Inte resi dence (I'il2 Keystene st. Int. nrlvntc . SPINELI.I. Oct. 8. JOSEPH, beloved husband of rierlnda Splnelll (nce Penza) '' .urlRy,fs Jin,i. fr'enl Invited te funeral, lied. II A. M., late resldcnee. 14211 S. lth st. Requiem hlsh mass St. Nicholas' Church 10 A M. Int Hely Cress rem. VON NIEDA. At Sharen Hill. p .. en i Oct. 8 1022. I)UISA E. VON NIEDA (nee Tnlmnii), iv blew of Jeseph H. Ven Nleda litelRtlies nnd. friend; nre Invited te the nrvlce. en Wednesday afternoon nt lo'cleck. nt the Oliver H Bnlr Ulds? . lRO Chestlut st. Interment at Laurel Hill Cemc terv WEAVER At the Marlvn Hetel, en Oct III. 1022. JANE S. daunhter of "(he late I.mmer and Lltsa Weaver. Senlce nnd lnter- 'ment nrlinte WILLIAMS Suddenlv. nt Ocean Greve N J., Oct 0. THEODORE, husband of .Mary A V, arrlncten Williams. Relatives nnd friends lnilted te funeral sen'lces this Tues eie . S o'cleik. Residence of brother . Lincoln Williams. 1(123 Perter St.. Phlla' Int private Wed. """' WISWELL llerlln. N. J., Oct. 8 tn"2 ITIANK WISWELL. Services prliate.' Wed 11-30 A . M late residence, nerllii Im rrlvate, Nortlineod Cem.. Thlla. Vlewlmr I p" r'. r"' in"i a'm.VCS Market " "" ' WOERNER. On Or't, n. 1022. Wlr.IIlM If. WOERNER Sr., of .',708 Media Vt Rein. tlves and friends ate invited te the service 'en Wednesday nfternoen. nt 2:30 o'clock i the Oilier H Hair Hide.. 1620 Chestnut st Interment prlvnt" -in-einui st. I ZSCHAMISCII : At Cornwells Helshts Rucks County Pa Oct. 0. FRIEDA . wieS ; into Zscliamisvh. Relatlies nnd frlemtq iX ImvIIi! lii nllen.l rnnn.l u... I. ... ..... ........... . - - ect.imn. J r M. 'Inte resilience. nrl.VAi ,i..-"i;'rs in niieifi iinpi.ii ur, ...... ......I uells JlelBhts Pa Int. All Saints' Cem ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK PtavMi. nnuv ,h fiiiiire Is uncerlaln. , Perpetual Care I Heautlflil Af eesslb e 1 Main Office UIi'iis de IVnnn I'ein Phenes. LOST AND FOUND deq- -Lest POllCp fluiZ n,inn. -- ..,,- rrewn. larte tihn, , ,.-" . ..? neck; has been miss In,.. , nce Aug 1: info?! mf tlen leading te his return wll" te well i. narded Cemmull rut mth M 111. Led. Off UUU I.OSt FPt. : license Ne, L'7a;i tlens asked. U.I M n Hosten terrier; UlH-ra, rennrd. no nues ' niter st . Otn rtiifi; i.est. em,i talnln,; Kud ke B"ld cress purse con I menev, near Bread and r.rle nie Caart, 3i.33 N I, ,,, st ' "Urn ' HELP WANTED rEMAI,T! ADDRE'-.SEIlb emelene. hv Kn, ..."'..' P "ueress ir, nte. I'r . -ji nerk ...-.,. rf ,,..,,., ... our nrrirm piece- "J" '" 0 .1 Apply CharlMP;;, Ce.. 220 H 11th third fleer. flllna- nn.l ,,r,r.i. ' J0P TnCtOry COSt N'BtAsV.'iMvr;":""" ie nn" 1,1 CLERKS A number of piris hive eiresdi- ..rured O'l 'I) C! KRICAL POSITIONS are sti, ,.pr,unltles for ether ilrls. , "L'"h ' ihf'it exrmience, Seme hii.h luel training preferred. ALL AT ONCR , , Mrs Patten Curl.s Pub 'shlnv Ce., 001 Pansem st. 1 CLnilKS Glr s. 18 te 2., years of ace as nddrisierj. clerks and ktencll typists will . he imp'.ejed durlnu the cenilna week, Ane can's may be without experience, but shenl ! ; haie sum. high school training-. "0 I hsklntr ou te mil and see us when we i!aii he Bind te talk eier the details of these I larluus pijsllluns ulth ou. - 1 MRS. PATTON r'urtls Publishing Ce, (104 Sansom st. CLERKS AND CASHIERS Velinfl' wimn IR In f.1 I'.nr. n, -. 1 .. ' " ... : " -.". --- naD, inri , hiv .-.d.,,,,,, .1, knniiKi 'iiiniiet'iers iVs PIAWOWD '" ' Him,- Si i us S wrirpuii. wn " IntPrvlewfrt. durJrif,- the niiii anxlnun te nchnmp hh, nw,i- . T:'". mfn " ru Hni mm , 1,1 v ,."Hn(,l r preieni work at all. you can gu , "'i'r -Wl"1-n'l'"1 hV "' "i8" ' -3 I nS it be 85 ' Mr.". " r ? ' R """iJ!"" . 'li'Sn'." M . P 1 .1 ' , , '","' ll' """ rind u nte'u, It. Call or rhyne IM ; , 1 ' a,r" r ' ,":1' Scheel tnilnlng or Ijs eiiui. f,e, 10 A. M 702aiDa IJi.j- XJ,lI.? Uldg 1" A M In I P M " " '" ' matluu or 11 rllu for booklet R-l 10, no uw n 1 len' c " '"" mvrnln. .luring the) lie A. Sfirket st ' " I,j01 mh.j. ,n.-. ...r -. . . - l" ...,..iesiTY. . in u v (. npxpei enpsi win in tin ii .,.i. ' v " -i. -. nit, ill, i-i-a-iu txr, -.i. ... i"wti .in .,- i , .,, ... ... '.in nf iii lu ani a n,i iii nrniPNisinn in u ilmv im'nw-.... m Uureau of L'mpleymsnt iyumup.-- 11 iu re eier 21 sears of Ti, '.; .',' :n:..V.",.L,u":, ,. "arn an i 1 Philadelphia urnce , WANAMAKER'B . T . . l . f HELP WANTED FEMALE CHII.rNtmSE Experienced woman wanted for child 1 ..ear old. nt Uryn Mawri ref; erence required, Apply te Mrs. unrie, 13, p. I8th St.. Apnrtmnt 103. Tuesday and Wednesday, between 2 and 4, . CLEntCATj We have a number of epenlns-s In our clerical departments fef brlsht, ambitious ulrls, 1(1 nnd 17 years of age. Instruction In the operation of the Elllett-Flsher bllllns? machine will be given theso who are Interested. These positions offer opportunities for pro motion within a short time. Apply Employment Dept. 8 A, SI. te 0 P. M. 8EATIS. nOEHUCK AND CO. 4040 noesEvnir deui.evard COOK, eP.. whllei ref. required. Spruce 7750. Call 1013 Spruce st. riiens COOK, white, exp.: sroed ref. : In (Itn. soed wares; carfare pain, iivemin ilng 30,17. CORRESPONDENTS We have several posl pesl posl tlens open for ftlrls between 20 and 23 ears of wte who hale natural aptitude for wrltlnif clear, cenclse letters: high school Braduates preferred. Curtis Publishing Ce 004 Sansom St. CROCHETERS. experienced, wanted en shade rings, te take work home. F. W. Maurcr & Sens Ce.. 4311 'ane ave., near 18th nnd Oermantewn nve. HIRLS Large bakery; 12 te start: chance for advancement! call ready for work, 2S01 Huntlnit Park ave, cars (10 or 48 te gnth A Allegheny, wnlk m blocks. OIRI Dlnlnr-roem (ii ni... ...ttfcr, UllUtir , Apply Office Bide. Ne. 8, l.l ..t,.. ...a.a .A. must live in. Olrnrd College, GIRLS, white, for wranelng lc cream. Applv Crane Ice Cream Ce.. 5fifl S. 23d. KITCHEN OIRL. white, under 40; must live tn. Apply Office Hide. Ne. 8, Olrard Col lege; MUSIC TEACHER wanted in home school for backward children. Uroekwood Scheel. Lansdowne 211 S. NETTEItS. experienced, wanted en tassel melds, te take work home; soma learners taken. F. W. Maurer & Sens Ce., 4311 u?ne me., nr,., loin ,m uprmnmewn Ave OPERATORS en Plain Singer sewing ma- rn. .'!" "" rrnit w,. pq nOOr. SALESWOMEN Wanted, experienced silk saleswomen for retail slk department: po pe po sltlen permanent! geed opportunity for the right party. Thresher Brej., 1822 Chestnut street. SOLICITORS te meet business executives for prominent Institution; lads and highest credentials furnished. Roem 818. inn Chestnut sL STENOGRAPHER Olrl. IS te 25 years of nge. who has had high school tralnlntr some business experience and who la i,rl tlcularly careful and accurate typist. Te' nucn nn uikiti.uiib nu i-aii ener an interesting position. Call at once. "uiresiing MRS. I'ATTON Curtis Publishing Ce. flet Sansom st STENOGRAPHER We want a yeunu woman, net necessarily an expert, but one with experience and nblllty. backed by a thorough trnlnlnir if sour qualifications nre the aboie named Apply Rureau of Employment IVANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER, one culclc at taklns; dlc- tatleni must be competent and efficient: Protestant; salary J20. Apply l te 4. 43 N. sili at third fleer, STENOORAPHLR. with several years' bus Iness experience: must he accurate and jroed at flgures: state age, reference nnd enlarv expected te leather. P. O Hex 1341 TELEPHONE OPERATING OrFERS A geed salary te start plus Opportunity for Promotion Pleasant Companionship Healthful Surroundings Permanency of Employment Experience unnecessary: salary paid while learning. Teung women between the axes et 18t nnd 23 desiring te enter the next training class should apply te MISS STEVENSON The Bll Telephone Ce. 1031 Arch st. STENOGRAPHER. exT-rlenced. familiar with general office work Address E-44, P O Het 3170 STENOGRAPHER Rapid and accurate: must hnie some experience: high school graduate preferred. Call Public Ledger, fith nnd Pliestnut st Second fleer Mr. Kraft. bTEN(HlRAllEIt for lumber office, expert ence.l Address IMS. P O. Rnx 3flflft. TYPISTS We have geed positions rpn new for typists Speed and accuracy absolutely essential. Call at once. MRS. PATTON Curtis Publishing Ce. 004 Sansom st. TYPIST Te the exceptionally ambitious young iieman who is net satisfied te remain n typist ne can offer a real oppor tunity In our Correspondence Depart ment: refinement, education and an earnest desire te broaden your ex perience arc the essential requirements. SEARS ROERCCK AND CO . 4040 ROOSEVELT UOULEVARD TYPI3T With ability te prepare mailing lists and assist In sales promotion werk: write, -Ivlng experience, silnry expected, etc. "'" Address K 20, P. O. Hex 3443 WANTED Respnnslbln position of trust for iiemn ever 25 lears of nge; must come iiell "recnm mended, no txporlence required e Mr liers. betiie'll 10 and I. loe 1 CnlnriUl Trust J nu-iirt.; mm puciai poise education and tact for a position of trust with Told re. llable nrmi hours short, but remuneration high, advancement en merit alone. C 4' Ledger Office ' ,- WOMEN TOR TRAVELING POSITION Sales manager of successful established rhi cngn corporation lining iMllon-iii.ie business will be at the Adelphla Hetel beginning m day, October 9, for the purpose of Interview Ing nr S women unxleun te ,,,,) per' nent connection, "nil splendid rtppertunlty for advancement. AjiMlcaniu must "va v number, Sen MISS TUEPZ aVi.:,'..!. "VJ"?".' 'i-niu jietei i .......-r inilf. 11.11 1-..-1 v..... enerrfeiic mjuli DOS euUl . position .that will tmmeST'JSii. em sut .".elhVw l.t II . . 'scnoere'dueatYo,', n T' " wV'V,f er1 k"8! r."V' "'n QTJHl . T, e-Tntinnsii te traiel exienslieiv 1. ,," '""' "tore, write nr, h personal nterilnw ;. ., fnSsMeave I'hl.adelnhU ,Y ,Va A? 'i''''" ter&JttttfSy ft' ,11', W KmeT,R,y experience or Iniesiment 1 quired w, J? i'Ten 1 and ' r ad " ' linem -10 BECOME A r.' art.d 'K.,0 TXSKgS ' ANmTURKHM' REl'iHisTvTi-iTTvTr ' TRAFFIC MANAGER Onlv wenmii "im I'-jinuiwiiiy, en ture nnd r "lu nvii-vn, .j,. ,.1,11 nm: mer tt in,, nnement. 111 he considered .Ne "mjs " M,be' "."",", M. ,","?. "'TBUle r"s,Un, I . ". .. ik ..,.,. 11... .. "T-CK rill .. .ill.., a 11 , UhAil mx ... . ---- nfed appiy. "ui-uiunin nppiK-mts he i. '"","' ' ..V."'" ' .' "J tniv man lnK I'm. in huh. f-iliienn,,!, .i ..'.. de. i,rnualntcd llllh mens furnish n. ,''mn'r,n, 'jetfpm hl I Hiin itntnn. wiiii mil hi nm n itr ... i: . .ii. 11 ieu t'in mnK rmn.iu ... .. - nun i'mi ...... -. :. tu nr '-: ....' .. . , , "..,.'u i:.L .,....,,..' '.,."' finiimi men l,..ll.l., i..iii,.tmi,i.';ei'" 1; Mim lHiHiH ir fuuriTinn tir. wcKflPWK ar-AtpBiasjjc HELP WANTED FEMALE . WOMAN ''of refinement nnd social cennec Hen can ndd stihstiititlnlly te Income bv nsslstlnir Introduction of hlgh-clnsj tailored unilerr'irnientsi rnmmlsslen, P 1301 l. J. . tlenerwl O III LH wanted: Oeit. pesltiins! S120 me.! many vacancies! examinations Nev. and n.e. Writs for pos. open, I 1421. Led. Off.. UUMNKHH BCIl VICE CO. Ill rt Irfnd Title aTKNUa, iiii'jiB. c.i.w... .......w TYPISTS. HELP WANTED MALE ABLE-BODIED MEN BLACKSMITHS BOILERMAKERS CAB nEPAIRMEM CAR INSPECTORS MACHINISTS WANTED FOR PERMANE.MT FOSITIONS PENNSTLVANIA RAILROAD 1023 FILBERT ST. ACCOUNTING Yeung man wttn experience or training In costs stite salary, p 1200, Ledger Office. BOILERMAKERS nd BLACKSMITHS WANTED FOR PERMANENT POSITIONS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1028 FILBERT ST. BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS MACHINISTS AND CAR REPAIRMEN WANTED J JOHN OOLL A CO. CONTRACTORS 1B21 ARCH ST. A'SK FOP. MR. JONES IlOOKKEEfER. experienced en Burroughs bookkeeping machine. Netarcme Hosiery Ce. Venango nnd 1 sts. DOY3 10 te IS years of age Ilrlcht active boys who have had, et least a crnmmar school education will find the work tn our merchandise nnd election! do de do rartmente very Interesting: opportunities for promotion within n short time: no previous experience necessary. Apply Employment Department 8 A. M. te 0 P. JL SEARS. ROEnUCK & CO.. 4040 Roosevelt Eoluevard HOYS. Ill jears or ever, geed education, by a large flnanctnl InotltutTen; tdeasant werk: advancement: giie jeferences, C fi'-".'. Ledger Office. IllITLER nnd houseman wsnted at once! Main Line: geed llilng quartern: small family of pdults: references nccesaary. P 1233, Ledger Office. CARPENTERS 11 anted: can maka overtime. Wirk fe . 2.1th and Hunting Park nve. CLERK Camden concern wants capable, ac curate young man for general offlte werk: trained In salesmanship preferred. Address P. O. Hex 830. CLERK Accounting department! stats age, experience, qualifications and salary. P 1208. Ledger Office. CUTTERS en special order work. Apply fifth fleer. Junlner nnd Vine sts ' FIXER AND MACHINIST Experienced en Lelghten full automatle knitting machines: excellent oppertulty te right mnn. Ess-Arr Knitting Mills, 1060 K New Yerk nie, lTrneklvn. N. Y. G1MREL RROTHETtS require a man te take charge of their transfer department, mall order nnd store transfer cembined: te qualify, must have had department store training In this line of werk: Important posi tion. Apply Superlntndent's Office, fourth fleer. HEATER nnd range Jebber: also a tin reefer wanted. Apply 1)20 N. 10th st. LABORERS. LABORERS (WHITE) rOR TRACK WORK 18 50 PER DAY STRAIGHT TIME. RAIN OR SHINE FREE TRANSPORTATION BOARD ADVANCED CALL A. C. R. It. OF N. J. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 123 N. 1BTII ST. LABORERS wanted: geed uages. Apply 2.1th and Hunting Perk live . Wnrk Ce LINOTYPE OPERATOR minted, day werk: union or non-unien: 44-hour week: per- mnnent. Address M i;n Ledger Office LUMBER COUNTERS and laborers wanted? Pearson L Ludnscher Lumber Ce., West- mereland st. and Delaware Rlier. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR INSPECTORS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOTOENT AT STANDARD PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. 15TH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. 7 A. M. TO 5 p. jr. MACHINE TOOL DESIGNER famliarlTh nulnmnlln tnni"h ii.rv ....... .. - ' "H'l -- , ...-.......-.,. .I.,, use, expert- ence. salary desired, reference. P. U. Jehn, ;-nv,ri'rlr.ln.tnSr15n,i..,h9 K,lUy & Jen eim- Pdny. (ireenshurg, Pa, MA:,fnr,UI,,c,f'''.!.,y,"''.r.:1 te ."!,' 'h.irnTTf N, exreritliced. wanted te inke chur-e of A.hreim In .autim v VY surl,,. ident lleadln. Hnsnltm. lleadiiu. j-a MANAGER WANTED .... ........ ... .....-.. . 1,'i'iy UDer 11. tendent item! nir Itestiltin. 1ln.,.n.. . ,..." ' " ferred, rrnlltabje "eminlsslun ,, objection te rile line U'n'Vwit'K"',''!,' initlrulars, Bliltig telephone number .,! -I j'M .IJl'.r Offjce lr' t ...t:. r?z . . . Lrnl J. h'.,.hn;;,i;'.,u "r"".?-. " loci. must be 29 vears of kmm n. nO.."""i J"! fi.r in JL If . ifti v.n r.:"'H . Ai WW$L?Buf& Xarki Tl T - Tn assist Oi 'tier of a pepulur-prleed ,rv'"CNG MAN, inethanlcal v Irtelliiei. bl Kiinda stere must be u tuung man full nf or mnnual graduntei make self gensrsiii pep te promote sales nnl put life Inte bus . useful nnd learn business P12JlL!i3 I1SBISS m Ml IIIHII IIS I'Illllklf I .1 .... ...1. . .--. ,m-i HELP WANTED MAT.p MA 1 nJ"d.. ,''...w,y ? J1 JanlterTnTT-V! c.n. iiuu..nuin 111 nueurDSI Vfl tft"BSy me,, rooms and heard, P ija? t .' "g tier' 1 MEN ' ONE OkS'eBStAYeTRADEs gnuruttsi'e , t, L"Sf.l- :F?trSSL&fi. 8 are jj-jj.... uuwn ,s te ,ia a day;" ,00t,7ll requ net Apply In petten. TH5 A. M. te 4:43 P v PHILADELPHIA HTORAOE HATTPi,, -' ' ONTARIO AND C STSTERT CO. PAINTHItHAl.tnM,.l...- h.i!M;'i P Ap'pfy' T3;, ham Hedy Ce.. Rosemont. Pa. ' r- VR1-fl:"B"fJT-A Ne. i !riSu7Srs- 'yhi purii.se per hour. Anniv n ( If'lt ley operation. 13 th tandAr?.PJ.yv-" Rit pertunlty. Crescent MrV , 2's,,in op. 'SS!1?--.yrpertunlty ,.1 A E!r. BAA55mt-VswlM salesmen" .iNerlda cheap let propesmorofVInF big commission. P e?0T" he tn.P! Ledger Offie. STENOGRAPHER Must be first TT tnu.t havoVed ?efVeflr?e,Cntr. ggVr", , tejB THE WHEELING AND LAKE EB RAILWAY COMPANY Offers permanent employment te MACHINISTS Erectlnr. Fleer, all-around Machine Hsjils, Locemotlv Stoper Repairs and BOILERMAKERS J?nnmaP,-lRr'9 , and "edern locomotive kick shop, closed since December. 1821 locate? at Urewster. 14 miles south of Canten 0 WnSi'iJ, Progressive manufactur ng eltr of 100,000. with every modern cemenlemi excellent llvlner enndnmn. . ii...l'P'c, with first-class schftels. iirsi-ciass nrnoeis. n-,. ,."": ample housing facilities, where you Wll hi made welcome In establishing a horns sni where ether members et your family mir sccure employment. If desired. ' REAR IN MIND THAT CAPABLE Mr ARE OFFERED PERMANENT EMPLOT MENT and no one will be employed who will In any way make It difficult for you te Vs. ance of establishing a. home In a new loca tion and arrangements have been mads ? assist you in securing accommodations for yourself or family n Canten, Ohie. WSyZSXSZF TRAIN SERVICE AD,.. JJJIF5. . TRANSPORTATION STCn CANTON AND BREW- Plece-werle rate fiasiS nn n....4 v.... J,0I,rdncal9' nble average mechanics te earn PO cents per hour, and, as a furthir Incentive te production, a bonus of B per cent will be paid, mechanics averaging 90 cents an neur aurmg a pay period (half month). beV'Sl 102X effective until Decern. Applications should be cemplets. giving si- ...... w..vu. "iiciw wiiviuni ana names et former emrileverii am rfap.m.i.i ,..... ... whether married or single and" number la " A vy nvin, lur t;uierea men. tret transportation. fled MACHINISTS and BOILERMAKER! 111 iuuu ueuua ana pnyBicai condition. NO POSITIONS OPEN FOR MEN IN OTHER TRADES Fer further particulars address A. O. ELLIS (DESK 7) 80S HURON-SIXTH BUILDING 020 HURON ROAD,' CLEVELAND, 0. WANTED Responsible pos. of trust for men ever II years of age: must come well recommends!; no experience required; see Mr. Dyers be tween 2 and 4 P. M., 1001 Colonial Trail Bldg. WANTED Experienced spring titters srl helpers for railroad springs. Apply Union Spring and Mfg Ce , New Kensington. r WANTED FOR SERVICE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS RATES 70e TO 8O0 PER HOUR PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT TRANSPORTATION WILL BB FURNISHED APPLY ROOM 809. FINANCE DLDG. 1423 S. PENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA WANTED Responsible position of trust for men ever 2.", years of age, must come well rec." mended: no ennarlence renulred. See !' IHjers. between 10 and I 1001 Colonial Truiv Uldg. WAREHOUSEMAN wanted white. Arn'P ." . .. .. ., . ,.,.4. aianilv W0lS ican; -j iu ,ii ihh uim. ', '...u v i "Ply. stating past experience In full. " Ledger eftlce. , - . .rr.-T,, ,-.. crT ,,a,, , v .TinT K.iecetrful .. Per.euie.. 'nellltm Philadelphia l.lleriM perleuie sell ng Philadelphia talle ti. du by .'.Ih nve.. New Ymk woolen hq , Addiesi WILGAR Ce . h2 Heeknwii l . i Yl" K l'11'- 5 i lliliiu 111 Hill HV.. ,-,rv nun ., -,tf ,.,., :.,,,, i, r: , wi ii.... mn at . ?" Conditions point te n onormeusly jW'ifi nemnnn ter traine "Micro '" rsm six menths: salar es will range fr'"1 A syVteinhaii T been deilsed by a group HnfOe specialists te lit men for this fro" g need, , ..., t,.. .ui.. ...B,.n, ,lilin,,t Interfering l" 1301)0 tu 12 0UU a year. et P Ami Open evenings. W I nr I u't, ,!' : I. 1... .,-( M " JJ'JI 71 ff.-e-i.-StttrHSr im r,l