A iJKiVilr.f (, k ' y,v-vftrfpi1vf4vi,'",i Wt" ''4 W'TGSS r , " J$P V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1922 ui PVAV " "Av Km r i w iv ft- ? I VS TATECLUBIiN MEET AT READING Miss Florence Dibert te Preside at First Meeting Th'13 1 Evening I 3 CHILDREN ALSO RECEPTION FOR DELEGATES . . , . ,in,.u f flip I lu rhinrii iihmiidcin mcmi 1 ruin mi i'i 1 - " - Mi- C r. .-. tteclal ni'patch te r.ven,ni) PuVlr T.rita'r Rc-trilli". I'n.. Oct. 0. The niinmil fonvcntien of tln State iVdenillnn TtinvlivinU W. .1111111 will lipfflll here this pvrnlnir wlmn flu. delegate' from , New women's clubs 8tnte will In. nrpvpnf. The eit.v ! dec orated for tlie occasion with the color' of thp federation, Mil.- und cold. Hun dreds of women are already here !'.nd hnve registered nt tin- woman' club. where th State headquarter" was opened this ineriilnR. J The fellow Iiir Credential remmittfp ' went te work immediately and will u- I pert nt tin first lmsnc- -'len I"- ,' morrow inernini;: Mr". K S. .IpiipI:w. chairman, Vyenii""liic : Mr. .1. 'I'. Ttnlr. Rendlnc: Mrs. .T. II. V"tip. Beiidilij:; Mrs. Alfred E. Hulle. Read InR; Mr". William V.. ll.iuuii.-. Pit's hurRli: Mr. W. II. Snpplee. l.rle; Mli Elizabeth Klrkbrlde. Plnl.iilel-' pliin: Mrs. O. Hajmeinl (' Slurb. Tottetown: Mn, .Telm S. Sle.m. Pl't. hureh: Mr. 1.. I'lirnt. W I'Ke nr' Mr. it r r.iiEiixii. -re.e Tltv: Mrs. C. V. Reed. Tint rilnir Ml TMith M. .1 i:iile. l'etti Mnreuerite Talor. Wllllam-bnrg Alnm Wnlten, Miitbnre TTnll llnll.lnl.KMI ' Mr J BhippriisburR : Mm Lulu "" ! Moneiutnhela : Mr". Unrri 1 . Und ev Franklin: Mm. Ann Ivrei.hr. Leba non. Throughout thp dnv the local woman club held n reception for the ineemins delecnte". . , The Resolutions Committee with i mn. of proposed rulinsi nnd P";''""' met In the Wjetnlsi-InK rll. 1'"k ...m - .-... l... ...., f i ,113 Iitel.l mil rei'm i n't 'i' "' , , Fftrrnenn. The following committee riepn ntiiioititecl. Mrs. Jehn I.. chnlrninn; Lancaster. Mrs. Therna- Tn1ln..L- Asnlminlt : Mr" Daniel Anoena. Renins: Mm. .lame- ledd. Rewlcklev : Mr- Hareld tleliin.-ev Pnwn. Cen-hnli.M-keii . Mr". Wllllnin .Tenn'tic". HnrrMwrs; Mr. Franklin P. lame", Pittbi'rh ; Ml-" Helle V. Ebur. Readme. Mr- It. S Knapp .Easten: Mr-. Frnl.i Miller. HrniPerd : Mrs. IMwtn A. Ynrnall, Swaitlinieie , M;rs. .le-eph II. I'nMii. 1'hilade'i hri . Mis." C'en-tanee Krdman. Alleni.iwn ; 5I1-." Mary Ive". Headins. Mrs. .losepn E. Ojer. PleT-anfville. Mi-" I'leTiice I iibi'rt. .lolmslewn, president of thp federation, will pie- iide at the lir-t iiifetiiie tin" evemni:. The meetim: will be npi-npd b -inu-ini: "Hail. I'piinylvnni.i," The -eiij will open the sex-Ions en eaeli of Mm fe- : low ins dayx. I The Hev. Dr. Hubert M. lllaek-1 burn, pii"ter of tlie first I'rp-bjteriiin . Chureh, will offer the invocation, and, Mayer Jehn K. Stnuffi'r will weleeme the eonventien in the name of tlie Pity. (lreetini;" from the local woman'" dub will Iip breucht te the ementum! by Mm. William Melle-e Heycr. the, president. Mi-" Dibert will ie-peud , mill outline the work of the convention . for the week. The business s-esjieus will open Tues. dny morning. At this time the State effieerK will make their nnnual report.. State stnndinic cemmitte". iimnnthem the Committee en Slate CeIIese Sehel- j rships. will almi report. KpadliiR. I'a... Oct !i The Weman'"' International I.easin for I'eaie and! Freedom conference convened hn- te- i tiny. I Mnny of the delegate" of the St.ite i Federation of Women's Club" who uc't here all week are intere-ted Mi-" Hi.tli Verlenden, ihairman of tlie I'miii-xI-, Tanla branch, pre-ideil. There were ten-minute talks b Mi-" Lydin Stoke" Ad.im-, "( ir.'.iuiiti; Pennsylvania for I'einc". Iimiic C. I'eley. "WiiRini; l'eace in Mm s lie,.1-," , Mrs. Ida .InfTe "The SireiiRth of tJreat Numbers": Mi Mil.n-d Sceti iilm Ftead, "Your Ilendipiarti i -" : Mm. William I. Hull. "Leeking Tew ir.l M,. Futuie." Tlii" afternoon Dr .le e Helme", chairman of p-m IioIeja , Swnrthmere College, -peke . . ri "H isv Wars Are Made." COURTS CLASH OVER RULING IN STILLMAN LITIGATION Tompkins Won't Accept Merschaus-, er's Indersement of Referee New Yerk, Oct 1) -The Stillman dhercp case deM'leped iinetlmr etr,i etr,i erdinary feature wlncii nun reopen the dlvene jiruceeiliURs, when .in nppnivm cenlllc-t of juri-ilictien e . i.-red Satur day between Supreme Ceuit .liihtiees llerwdiauser mid Tompkin-. Justice Tompkins at Nwnk refi:ec te accept a- iin.il the ii.tiuii ,if ,1m id, MersclinuHer, who en the pri-cidim: da had iici'eptecl the referee's iipert win. ;. feiiml Mrs. Stillimni iimeceni. (', , legitimate unci Mr Snllmnn Rinltj of mnnifeld intscimclui t. Justice Tompkins lelmkel c,.niike! f , Mrs. Stillman for l.ikmc tee e.i-, 'hi,, nnether court when Mm first motion en the referee'- repot t had t n made , the court of Jutice Tompkin- lie further intimated Mint lie muhi iciiern the decision of Justice Mumi'Iuiiim-i aid tnicht proceed te act feer hiiiHelf c,c, the matter of accepting lir rejecting the referee's reper The merits of the referee' fiiid.ng were In no wa invnheel l.efccre ,lu-tice Tompkin", his entici-m being ba-ed en the alleged iffeits te lake the ia-e out of his band" LAY COLLEGE CORNERSTONE Jehn Lortz Hall of Physics te Be Erected at Chambersburg ('liiiinbcrshurc, 1'a., Oct !) The pornerstene of the Jehn I.ertz Hall of Phjslcs and Chemistry nt WiNmi i',,i lege was laid this nieniing. The la n Jehn Leriz of Cliambcrsburg. left n legncy for the erection of this building Teda I- the annual rounder'- Day nnd the afternoon will be spin- in '( "hike" te the old Jteck Spring I'resV terinn Churih, built in 1TIIU, wheie Miss Bnllie AVilsen, founder of the college, worshiped all her long life. Addresses will be wink1 by I he Hev. Jehn H. Lain), P. D.. of Philadelphia, and Miss Hun nan J. Potter-en. EVERYMAN A DJOGENES (All Must Carry Lanterns In Smyrna After Sunset McELMekteVS KILLS HIS Ousted Paster Defies Presbytery and Resumes Preaching Elhlen, Mil., Oct. ft. Defin the i New Cnstle Presbytery, which ousted hint, I he Hev, Jehn T, Mcl'.lmeyle. "MnrryliiK Parson" and center of n church war that has leached be.vend the borders of Cecil County, yetcrdny preached from the pulpit of the Illkteti Pre-h.Merlan Church. About llfty mem- hers of the i,ongregatlen heard their' unofficial pastor. j BABIES Following the fenice. the -jengre- Ration met te decide whether an ap peal will lie mane te ine iiaiiiineie Hmliesti' Taking the Kiddie3 With Me," Debt-Ridden Man Writes te Wife DROWNED IN TUB II v ,liMitfrtf J'lfm I after "he returned home from churrli. A 1iete priitrtiiliiiB from beneath the 1 licclliremti iloep (old of the net of her husband nnd gave Instructions as te the disposition of hit body ami the furni ture In the house. It read in part: "Dear Mllly: It had te come nt Inst. 1 can see no ether way out. Pay up everv bill. That's what 1 did It for. l'in taking the kiddies with me se you and no one pise can say that I left them u burden en you. If I were te hnng en longer it would only he the same old story." Mrs. Wheeler swooned nfter the bnth bnth bnth roem deer was broken down by a bonnier. She told police that her hus band appeared te be In excellent spirits when she left for church. The children were found clasped in Mich ether's arms en the bottom of the tub. half lllled with water. The father hung ever the edge in imp tun, situ N. Y.. Oct. II. -The '"'dies ,lllt(,hjni; ,, ,,st from j,,., 1L, ir,,, . ISjlied piil.Mng that Hip Klkteli chinch of a father and his three children te- tllc fat ,.,, '" iw in niitlec into the Ha t inere ITe-- ilu lay sine nv sine in en iiiiueruinnm , ijlery. At Castle pie-eh! it tic en; l'rcl)tery, but te join the li.iltltneie l'ie-bter -e Dr. Mi 1.1 1.1 mejlc may be ice ailed a pastor. An attempt -onie tune age te gain iiiln I ion into the I'.iltliiinie Prcbj ten h apl'e.il te the l'i'eht I of tieial" was utisnice-sful. and the ap peal iienv will he t'lken te the synod, whiih leeeis ,n Wishiu(tnil O teber 111, ENDS FLIGHT ACROSS U. S. Miss Gatlin Reaches New Yerk in Three-Day Trip Frem Frlcce New mU. Oct. P. Ml Lillian (iatlni aiin.cl nt Mid Ind 1'ield, near Mi'ieela. in an .nrpl.iue .M-ter.Ia after ,i lllght fiem S.iii l'raiici-ce, which she left en O-t.iber ." She -aid her llinht was made te areu-e nid'iet in a na 1 llimal "night Div "' In linttiti- of ai.i-Iccr- who were killed In the Win Id War. Mi-s Cntllii called her tlight the Meld Star Mothers' Plight. She believes -he I" the tlrt woman te aero-s the i eliliiient. She made eleven .-tops and had ten different pi'et-. making the trip, hewner. In the -ume plane in Mr- r. 11. ' wuietl hlle siaiieci. i lie aeiu.u nymg Daici Sutliff. time was 'J i imurs nml 11 inlliute-. the ll-i.ince ireiu i no, me, n .iiircc.ei I'lehl being made in It) hours and L' Itllllllte". At Chicago s'u reeeirel a lettee from Mayer Thompson, which sin; will de liver te Majer ll Inn today. tr i:r..i.i.i unit in Mini i: rr 'al iihet.isrurhrs cer,. c 11 te t 1 n 1 tllk lirtcirca eif II" tHii !,, li l)r.,mpt . rnl itilr wny Inre ih enlv HniiK-ravui,. s-r.-tin rrlnMl 'v ivn I'ht.ie'lrlphi i nwnp.unr , ... ,.. .(u.l l h. Illl l1 ..a. u Int.,,. ,1. , III 1 V ,.-' . ,,,M -, .. ....... ... , I. is ?llt rf lh ."un'twi. i'l ui l' i.cii ill Atai,- ,Mee, It IlHblt til . i,. tin, isfjiblisliinent here. vii-Hms of a ting' tue.st of i'h lnt night. The children, l'the,iln five: Mrace. two. and llus-ell. 8l mouths, wcie ilrewniil in a batlilul) at Secretary Fall te Tour West Washington. Oct. !. (Ilv A. P.1-- Secretary rail left " aslnnglen teda.v their home bv the father, William K. , , , ', , ,,,,, , -phr,.,. Hivers. N. I VW'T, who then I red a bullet Inte ' , , hl lurnin. Despendenci because of in- M.. im.l later mnke n tour of inspection ( nbiliPi in obtain eniplev incut was re-' of Interior Department iicllvltirs en ( spen-flile ter ll rime. public hinds In the West. He expects Mm. Wheeler ili-cnveied the Iedic te be gene seieral week". Diamond Engagement Ring UiMiitiful platinum mounting of picuTil iK-sijin. uitli one lnifie ami tour small diamonds. $20,0. Regardless of tlie size, our diamonds are of the same high standard of quality. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. 1'IA.MON'H Mi:i5i,llA.rS"Ji:VVKUCnS SII.VKHSMITHS i 4sl3'li 4 hij lijyiissUf t V &W!ps0v. Largest Im Im perteri and D i s tributeri of silk. Stores in Bosten Philadelphia Baltimore Clereland The Specialty Silk Stere 1322 Chestnut St. Announcing Completeness in the Silks that Fashion the New M odes AS one season fellows another se does the gradual transformation of styles go en. In line with the change of mode is the bringing forth each season the new fabrics in new shades and designs, or the reviving of these of seasons past. There is a wealth of New Silks here including such weaves ns Brocade Velvet en Georgette or Voile; the Brocades of Metal or Velvet; the new and distinctive Matelasse, Brocade Crepe, Brocade Canten Crepes, plain and Crepe Metal Cleths, Printed Persian Crepes. Velveteens, Duvetyne and Chiffen Velvets. Plain and Satin Canten Crepes Autumn's Favorite Silk for Distinctive Frecks Canten crepe and Flat irepe nre net has been', but led the field of silk3 lest season, and will RRain lead nnd continue te lead, for they nre the prettiest and most prac tical of all dress silks. At this price we offer a rich, heavy nu'ilitv all silk rfri r r te Am tT &.3D Qd.Vd Canten in a range of popular colors white. Special nt a yard with plenty of navy, black, brown and O-m-b. Jt If ll M S"KS you will find it at THRESHER'S, nnd usunlly nt a iteTiieiflOeT U)yVM ,,U,rK than ,hp ,an,e 'inMty ran Procured elsewhere. Samples en request with rle.-mire. Fourth Fleer Third Fleer We Quete Belew a Few Items, at Special Opening Prices: . Smyrna, Oct. 0. (By A. P.) Nou Neu - rvddln I'oude. military eemmunder of Smyrna, In lil "r'iculutlenn for the conduct of civilians In peace time," In dude the requirement tlmt nil tier fens en the streets after sunset curry , lighted lanterns. Anether order is thfit nil (Iiikh must m removed from nrlvutc houses. The iwif lays: "Ne residence, shop, ear IE , . ftn or wotercar mny display a Has, ''.VIT 'I ' WMWI J.Urjkl3U Ur 1UIC1KU. t'ACl'UL un : 10-Inrh Printed t repe, the season's new patterns of Persian, Cretonne, Caravan ,'i'id Paisley colors, en a medium and heavy weight crepe; suitable for trimminps, dress linings and combining with plain materials for the new style dresses. Opening Special al... tf0 Of" tn (jje Qf yd. 40-Inch Hrecadr Crepe and Satin, in a bitf linn of patterns nnd colors, heavy in weight, firm weave, nil of self colored designs, street and eveninj? shades, suitable for the new dresses, blouses and hninRs. (jjn Qr te ? QC Opening Special nt .. tyLtite $UUO Third Fleer Third Fleer SILK PETTICOATS Silk Jersey Petticoats, an unusually pretty model ribbon trimmed, matched and contrasting colon, in the very latest (-hades. t Qff Openins Special letD All Silk Jersey Petticoats. Sample let of excep tionally heavy quality. Beautiful combination of colors, Alse some handsomely fringe trimmed meaeis. aiues up te SB.'Jd. Special at . $4.95 .llMneli Chiffen-finished Velveteens, soft hri(,'"t ltiitre in all the staple shades. d -J Q.r jd. Plenty of navy, brown and black. . V 1J iO-lnch Illack Chiffen Velvet, fine pure silk face, soft chiffon finish. Opening (JQ CC J'd. Special tPiud 10-Inch ChifTen Velvet in a large line of colors, plenty of brown and black. S5 .... $4.95 t0 $5.95 7d- :ifi- te ;)8-Inch Duvetyne. in a line of colors, all silk with charmeuse baik, in street and evening shades. Opening ten and dQ AC yd. Special $,,03 $0UO WAISTS Odd let of Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Striped Tub Silk, Pongee and Habutai Waists. Splendid styles, tailored and beaded models. (Let limited.) Values up te $8.95. tJ9 QC Special at ... $iUO SILK KNICKERS Special New Heavy Quality Jersey Silk Knick ers. Reinforced with full C4-inch hip measure. Colers: henna, brown, green, navy blue, Pekin blue and blnck. frn fir Opening Special tpZeiO OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT ii ready te give prompt and effi. cicnt portenal attention te the requirements of our out-of-town patrem. Specialists in Silk Fabrics Bosten Stere: 19 Temple Place Thresher Building 1322 Chestnut St. Baltimore Stere: 17 W. Lexington St. Telephone Walnut 203S 2036 Cleveland Stere t 1748 Euclid Ave. ! n i ! ii i i I I I I ! i I Leng Loeked-f or Opportunities in Autumn Furniture Values f Opportunities which emphasize the wonderful advantages which the changing conditions and fast improving times have brought about in the Furniture erld. ? It lias been many an Autumn Season since we were able te assemble a display of Furniture as extensive, as elegant and varied. Furniture that is the embodi ment of art and skill, from the plain and most inexpensive styles te the richest and most exquisite Period designs that ever graced a home. With the values as inviting as the Furniture itself. Thousands of Suites and Pieces spread out before you in spacious galleries in which you will find it a delight and education just te stroll. J Advantages that come in the nick of time, when householders everywhere are furnishing or touching up the home. A great and interesting exhibit, with the economies en a par with the best we ever offered. Cfcoesc from the sumptuous Renaissance, the exquisite Leuis XVI. the hospitable W'illiain-and-Mary, titc dignified Jacobean, tlie ornate Chmncnda c. the dainty Ilcppe white, the refined Sheraton, tlie classic Adam and our own sturdy Colonial, or from the handsomest Modern Conceptions, and the most trustworthy of plain-line Furniture Suites and Pieces te embellish every Kind of home, and variously priced te meet the icquiremcnts of every householder. Furniture for Lhing Roem, Bedroom, Dining Roem and Hall. Occasional Pieces for every room. Luxurious Overstuffed Suites and Pieces in the new Autumn coverings. Kasy Chairs in a range of designs that cover the Conceptions of the Old and the Modern Masters. U'&j&s&ss' is i- hw;tmh :?.' -, -fa Drawn in the Van Seivcr Studie This quaint and dignified group of Furniture from an Old English Design, extant in the days of William-and-Mary, suggests with whnt grandeur a room may be furnished, a hallway brightened, or a corner illumined by the proper choice of Suites or Pieces, net necessarily expensive here. SOME OF THE UNUSUAL SAVINGS MERE LIVING ROOM Mahogany-and-Cane Living-Iloem Suite, spring seats, covered with Tapestry, !l pieces S."9.50 S1G0.00 Mahegnny-and-Cane Suite, spring sents, Tapestry covered, 3 pes. .$117.00 $G15.00 Mahognny-and-Cane Suite, loose cushions, spring seats, covered with Rliip Velour, 3 pieces $275.00 Overstuffed loose-cushion Suite, spring seats, covered with Brown Mohair, 3 pieces $.11."..00 $425.00 Overstuffed loose-cushion Suite, spring seats, covered with Mulberry Mohair, S pieces $325.00 Ovcrstulfed loose-cushion Suite, spring seats, covered with Brown Mehnir, .'1 pieces $560.00 $7:15.50 Overstuffed loose-cushion Suite, spring seats, covered wfth Figured Mohair, 3 pieces $035.00 BEDROOM Mahogany-finish Queen Anne Bedroom Suite, 4 pieces $175.00 $295.00 Solid English Mahogany Bed- i oem Suite, 7 pieces $265.00 Mahogany Leuis XV Suite, 7 pes., $375.00 $600.00 Brown Mahogany Chippendnle Bedroom Suite, 4 pieces $465.00 $021.00 Antique Mahogany Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces $560.00 $775.00 Mahogany Bedroom Suite, 0 pieces S625.00 $795.00 Walnut Leuis XVI Suite, f pieces $725.00 EQUALLY GREAT SAVINGS IN DIN-1NG-ROOM FURNITURE WICKER FURNITURE in the newest and most charming of the season's designs. Rich and refined tonal finishes and luxu riously upholsteicd Suites and Pieces in the most cheerful and apprepiiatc coverings that were ever put en Wicker Furniture. What is mere, the largest Wicker Display in this part of the country, and at tlie lowest prices prevailing anywhere in the trade. Aiifnn Economies in FLOOR COVERINGS I One of the largest and choicest stocks of Fleer Coverings we have assembled for many months, and just in time for the Autumn needs of the housewife. Practically every standard make and weave is represented Wiltens, Axminsters and Velvets, and i Demestic .Hugs in Tersian designs that are exact copies of the color effects of the original. Plain-tone Wiltens, Velvets and rich Chenille Carpets in 9 and 12 ft. widths which can be made into Rugs of any size wanted. Rich tonal effects that are se popular new. A choice of weaves, patterns and colorings hard te equal and virtually impossible te obtain elsewhere at these prices. CJ SOME OF THE SPECIAL VALUES FOR THE COMING WEEK. All standard goods. An excellent selection of patterns, and in the wanted Taupe, Rese, Blue and Tan colerings: Seamless Velvet, size 9x12 ft $32.75 Best Axminster, size 9x12 ft $45.00 Seamless Velvet, size 8.3x10.6 ft $31.50 Royal Wilten, size 8.3x10.6 ft $67.50 High-Pile Axminster, size 9x12 ft. . . . .$32.50 Royal Wilten, size 9x12 ft .$69.00 Savings in Office Furniture ' Till; REMOVAL OF OUR LARGE OFFICE FUR NITURE STORE TO ANOTHER PART OF THE BUILDINTi brings this opportunity in the marking down of nil discontinued lines and Odd Pieces. Alse many pieces remaining from the heavy selling of the past six months. This is an opportunity te save money and te equip your office with the kind of Furniture that will de credit te its nppearance. A choice of practically every kind of Furniture ued in up-te-date offices at Brent savings. Directors' nnd Office Tables; Desks, Rell and Flat Tep, in Mahogany, Mahogany Finish nnd Oak; Re Re velvir.g Arm and Side Chairs, Co.stumers, Umbrella Stands, Filing Devices nnd ether accessories for busi ness needs. Drapery Department A linn in.lrte with the newest thlnps for artistic fur nlFlnnK nt t tract he j.i . Mnrqulhetie I iirt.iliis Mili li-mttltrhrcl ,iKe- Whltn re.im or UMue 1 1 ,, ', ," ,7' pi rwi--alili. im ices i,cKln at IK-at, I'Uut N't Curtains Jl.'.m jut pair IrlHh Telnt Curtalm Frem I f.0 pep pair un Mtlier attrarilw. mrinlris are li.inri-ilr.iwn hemstitched Mnniulsctte, Kiliiiieil Cm tains, ciiini, ete uisnn.ii.jii I'lilirkii fur UraiiliicN; -.1 illhMay eomplete tioyetid lie. f,11"" """K'1 "I'1' I,,nln '""tfrlals in C.tte, and jriher Mil Klccant stiipecl natterim and ili latm leliWw ,,Tn rolerinKH in flKUied , ff. ,.i. cnielly Siinfiiht ioe.ft wi Hi lees Unit beKin at $1 :'5 per ard nnm,li'1 00,ls- w"l We have never assemble,! uch an nrln f ,, f ,. il.lBni-il and llclih ceUnid CreKnines Imih linmiii , inumru-d. at ,uch Be,l Millies.' 'i'.ur' p rices"" n ai "sc pel juril, sum at .je All-ioel plaid, heil-Blze Hlanl.em, D S5 per nnlr iuh. wool lllanliets. J6.9R te Jf,0 nn ,,r ar. ,hnr .-caii-cii't',jvi.l i.Hnin M-YVOOI ircilllfcirla B.,..c, , rcHViill, curh Other Comforts' r, J-'7f. te J4L' &0, T VISIT THE J. . VAN SCIVEIl CO. BOOTHS AT THE "HOME IJEUTIFUI " EXPOm TION AT THE COMMERCIAL MUSEUM, JUST INSIDE THE MAIN ENTRANTS nrvn imi 9-21, AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS. ' 1U" I '57 TOCI U MKliiiiflEH'UEd tliBflBiHH Till stiiti-Iv MnlieRany Hull I cil, in tlie I'elu Midi Ktu I- S (I lllgll nnit 'j.l In u Me. Man 1 lu. hllnri-l il in I "Illl .Meen'n l'l'nn ami mlic K'.lcl iniiiuraN KiihIii- t""i Ullll HlTMClieil" innieniciit nml Catliedral Sti-IKe hour nml linlf Incur A innliiiiie nii'l I'lulcirlni; i lock nt n re. ranriViililii Milnc $216.00. Mime Click wllli Went niliiHier i, heilr riiliiiet en r, tnhi'H, S315 00. Otlcer Jl.lll Cloeks. $55,00 tu JtKS.DO, j HOTETheie uihe with te Extend Paymtnti ler putthaitt ever a nambtr e month mev de te iw mri;.n j '"y "" '" by n":'"n """Stm,nt, with etir teniien Payment Office. jb. van S mm. MAXUl'AClX'IlliBS, IMI'ORTIiRS AMI IIIJTAII.EI1S MARKET STREET FERRY, CAMDEN N. J. Opent at 8:30 A. M. Telephone ( rnnjiuenin rn -.i....i en Stere Open Closet ct 5:00 P. M. Connection Penntylvania, Call Lembard 200 New Jertey, Call Camdtn 280 Market Street Ferry flood land Opposite Stere I 7"(9 ?3Tlir:--j. KKM (I T i.j IP r .'y't L2i ifj 0ESfe