. -?.nW." . fSf GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of Many Doings in Secial World Today Tea After Orchestra Concert Proves Very Successful Other Matters Chatted Abeilt WK CKHTAINIiY tmve one (nil lny before us, tltlH 8ntiirilny, October 7 Imvc vie net ,,',",r, nrc two wwM'V Rn1 11 ten niul n rnr-e meet nml dinners and n ilnnrc. Hounds an if we would he join 'eme. don't yen think? However, the dinner nml dnnce nre strictly de de btitnnte nffnlrn. then the ten In for rrewn-tipi te meet deb, nnd the ether InnrenltiRs nre for every one, the mar mar flew for these Invited nnd the meet for thurc who buy tickets. Tlli: wedding will be Careline Tlnr rlnv'n le Muweft Onrnett, which fnlies 'nlnee In Trinity Trcsbyterlnn Church Mnln street nnd CJrnvers lnne, it hnlf' nfter 11! o'clock, nnd Nndlne flmse's te I-'runels Drewn nt St. Mark's "Vnreline ltnrelny q the sweetest ulrl, nil will mike n dnrllnc bride. She is rntlier wnnll nnd 1ms soft fluff'- IIrIu hrexvn Imlr nnd such n bright expres expres cleu. She I" tlir dnuRhter of Mr. nnd Vrs William Hnrelny, nnd wns Intro duced nt n Im Riven b.v her imrents bout three J ears nice. Her sister. Vancy IJnrelny. enme out n couple of yenrs nge. Nuiiey is the mnld of honor Valilne Chnse I n cousin of Sniri rimsc. who married Sue Bruce, nnd of Mlfs Clnra Chnse, who Is te be her only ittendnnt. .... ,,, Incldentnlly there's a wrddlnR in Bosten in which many of tin nre inter enter! tedny. tee, because the brine, J'liznhcth Sherburne. Is n niece of Mr. ml Mrs. Frank Tenney. of Hnverferd, nrl the bridegroom Is Edgnr Conway Felten. Jr-. son of the Kclgnr Feltens who also live In Hnverferd. Kllznbeth Pherbiime'H home Is in Lexington, Mats., nnd the wedding 1r te tukc place in one of the Bosten churches. THH race meet this afternoon will be held at the Huntingdon Valley, nnd T never heard of se ninny entries. I'er hnns it's bemuse I personally have net taken much interest In horses before, lilt this year and lnt I have achieved a Mrt nf craze en the subject and hate te miss a race or show anywhere Within reasonable reach. Millie Clothier. Bush Teltiml, Welsh Strnwbrldge. Jee Kwlng. Hilly Mulfnnl, nnlph Strassburger. Jacob Illdgewny nnd n number of ethers have entered famous horses for this aft ernoon's affair. FHOM the race there will be n dnMi across country b.v meter te Chestnut Hill once inure, for the ten which Mrs. Kdttin N. Bensen will give te Introduce Mnr Ilidgeley Cnrtcr, who is her rrnnddniiKliter, nnd one of the interrst inp debs of the yenr. Mary is the sec ond daughter of the Oioerup Calvert fnrteis. nf Brvn Mnwr. Mrs. Cnrter was Mls Mnrv Benen. Mnry in n sister cf Virginin Carter, who mntle her debut ainiit tliree years age. They nre pretty jiirls. lather !otite In type, though net short. Among the ladles who will receive with Mrs. Bensen nnd Mrs. Cnrter nre "Mr. I-Mwlii Bensen, Jr.. Mrs. I.nvv I.nvv renee Bensen, of I'rlnceten : Mrs. Jny Cenke. who .von remember, wns MI"S Nina Bensen, nnd Mr. Jehn H. Pilch ard. "I. who wns MIs Mildred Ben sun. Beth Mr-. Coeke nnd Mts. Pack ard are sisters of Mrs. Carter, nnd the two ethers receiving nre sitcrs-ln-lnvv. Miss Wrny nnd Miss Oesnell, of Bnl Bnl tlmeie. will nl-e insist in receiving, and there will he nbeut twenty debutantes. TUB dniiee in the evening will be glx en nt the Hndner Hunt by Mr. nnd .Mrs. Arthur Dicksen for Virginia Carpenter, daughter nf the Jee Carpen ter. .Irs., nf Chestnut Hill, nnd grand rhiieliter of Mrs. Jeseph It. Carpenter, of this rlt.x. for whom she is nnmeil Virginia I.iiguerciine. Virginia will be intniduei nt a dance by her parents later in the season. The party tonight will be a beautiful affair nnd a great man.x dinners nre planned te precede Jt. The Atterhnr.ts will entertain for KII7.11 beth and Mis. Henry Jcnnes xxill give a dinner for I.ibby Mnrgnn, her niece. Br. I'harles Da Cesta xxill entertain for Hepe Montgomery nnd tbere xvill be sexer.il etheis, tee. TIIK first Orehestrn tea was held es tenlay !iftenioen In the Fejer, nnd It was ceitnlnly tnnsl Micressfiil, It's well n K,Mid !ipn, I think, nnd It's iitte evident that ethers ncree with me, for there wire n grett ninny there. Mrs. Hrexid entertnined s or eight Riiests "iici .tire. .iee ueiily Unci live Willi lier Mrs. Van HmiKwlnet- Im.l n tnl.ln r I StokensKI hud nine Ki,(.sts nml' Mrs! Oeerrn It IVnnu .1, if 1 ,, her ,!, U. "r ,"11 lX ,f l rp,,c"'' J....!.' 'V The tnhles were most nt- trnetlxe. Anil the Feyer U sin h a he.-m- mill room. It 3 n wonderful idea alto alte It'ther, methlnks. T0 Vel' realize hew mnnj of this f .venr's ilehutante.s nre deeicled bleniles? Ami net only hnxe they Hixriy ediiipii hnlr. but It s verv wjivv hliles. lllmides are getting fewer nil Ventman, Jr nave' rr turned frnui Jaf the time, untisticf, show, hut the .Mi ' tr-- s . wl,f,H "V HI1U!,!, V1" M""," Ti'r?!?J " '. z.llM ,"e" ,,,,,no "l t liOtleeil II nnnnlullt nt .. .,.. ,l.n ether dny watching the receiving part), "lie, of course, vxore no hats. Aiming tlp verj ycllexv-haireil girls ttliere are n let mere eeml. blendes) re (.eergle Harris, Nnncy Wm.lsten ni her iniisln. Jesephine Jenhs, who jek verj much nllke, by the way; illty rergiLen, Hettv (Jieen, Mir Set Hathehl. I',BRV l.iigau. Funny "eiBlitin.in. Mauil Uarrl-en ami 'nta 01 ethers. Then thcie nre sevcrnl girls lth .iiihiirn hair. TIhIi Landreth has nilerfii ,,,, m,. .,,, Murgueiite "'!f s has a decided n-ihlish tinge. r, .!"i", "!," el,1' reill,y "J"'''' 'lpl'H 1 eV. i,"k "f lmw "r! I,0l" Montgomer) ;1 Itiiiuiy Cenry. Nearly all the tlianV'k "10ru beMle "v rnt,,l'p "K'11 'pill: ether day big sister, wlie Is net . sn nwful big either iin te she, hut iy his i.s i brain ami Intiilectualltv, li" 0,,i," '"' l","ri1 M"1111 "'fP ''all .? ..'"" ,f,il''"l " the telephone. ?J.' I.vl.lently Hettv said yes, for Ttl, "h "" '''fcliliimtien of delight. li, r )u"leiei n minute vvh.v. I'piniisn intuit i.....t 1 . . , ' ; Js n,,t ul,yi nll, UMm "it ' nfiein.H.iiK plujlng tog .., , ,', " "' S MTV OI'Sl II 1011(1 v (hex Mient v 'V"" ,,;"l,;l "nt (if the window te tee ""h frJi'iHf .111,1 ...w.i.,. 11.ii.. -1 . igetner nniifi. HinMiitT nun' mri eih.r Bii"!' I'"1. ,,,nvn the pnth en the lit b. ,1'' ."f tl,u ,,r"l,t' with 11 tiny it e Kill between them. Hefere she 'i 'Hue In put two mill two tniefier. Ai 0,S.,!.0 'V'O- Vim Inn.. lfule tiV i... ,in,,,r .m'r-. ,0"' n'l we ' W's r." "' ''-t""' ami .IniiH have A L ,K, V'1" "llt "'k''!S- "''! they're We'll i 1" s",l,rt' We'" "I"W ''in! "1H he Miiiitt, tee!" NANCY WYNNi:. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES niMi,rMXBr,.'itH ,Y"rilli". daughter of Sir. one of lm,1,0. Varnall, who will be intreuii,-..,. "-""" debutantes, will be "ill give1, i!1-'.1, u'll,'l her parents Crum'cre.w' tVl,l,',rtn,,.1 Octeber1 19. at t Deven U .5,lr,' t'''r country place Blve aMii nnM"- Varnall' will venlnp Va,altnn8r;dance an Monday W?inBi,f',,,r Oj.ftt their country "n iYi,i,i.. "ur."r mHH Varna , and irlday evening. December 29, shu .. i will be the guest of honor nt n ball which Mr. nnd Mrs. Ynrnnll will glve at the Bellevue-Stratfenl. Miss Ynr tiall has been entertnlnlng ns her guest for n fexv tlayn Mips. Mnrgarct Thuvv, et New Yerk, xvhe will return te her home tetl'iv. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ynrnall nml their fnmlly xxill open their texvn house nt Hcventoe.nth and I.erust streets the lat ter part of November. Mr. and Mrs. Ynrnnll will also enter tnln nt dinner In honor of Miss Agnes Yarnall en Wednesday evening; October 18. nt the Whttemursh Valley Hunt Hub brtfere the dance which Mr. Ciarenca M. Kline, of Chestnut Hill, will give nt the club In honor of his debutante nlccc, Miss Dorethy 15. Valentine. Receiving nt the ten en Wednesday next xvhlch Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Dlssten nnd Mr. Blchnid L. Austin, of 232 Seuth Twenty-second street, xxill give nt Norwood Hall, the home et Mr. nnd Mrs. Wmten, In Chestnut Hill, te Inti educe Mr. Austln'H daughter, Miss Lucylle Austin, xvill be Miss Kllz nbeth Austin, Miss Terrell Austin, Mlrs Frances W. Blchnell, ,MIi Virginia U. Carpenter, Miss Mnry ftldgely Carter. .Alias Katnarinn HJiippcn luinn, .miss Lillian Fergusen, Miss Cinif Motion I Ulltincs, Miss HUfan I'llec (Joedmnu. Miss Nerma (Ire v. MIhh Miiruarrt A. Hatfield, Miss Julia L. Heb.trd, Miss I Marnn l. Ilairar, Mlsn I.uey H. Jplteiys, Mlsn Nancy Knexvles. Miss Lectin Can-1 urctn, .miss uoretuy b. i.ee, .miss .Mar garet I.ORiin, Miss Margaret McAden, Miss Sarah W. McLean, Mlus Hliza beth Morgan, Mlsa Margaret Paul, Miss Grace I.. Havnge, Miss Ktlzabeth B. Hlter, Miss Bertha F. Smythe, Miss An nls Lee Tunis, Mlsn Dorethy B. Val entine, Mlu MhtIe leule White, Miss Mary Louise Whitney, Miss Dorethy Wayne, Miss Nancy 11. W'-olsten and Mlts Anna Cecllle Zlmmermnnn Mr. and Mis. Dlssten xxill glxe n, dance for Miss Austin follexvlng the tea. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Heward Klllsen, Jr., of Creiuena, Vlljanexu, hnve Is sued Inxitntlens for a dinner en Satur day, October 21, In honor of Mile. .St. Phalle. Mrs. Charles Francis fiumniey and her daughter, Mlrs Dleaner Uunnucy, of I 2126 Locust street nnd Gxvynedd Val-J icy, wui entertain ni u luncncen 11 Monday next In honor of Miss .Sarah W. McLean, daughter of Mr. William L. McLean, nnd Miss Emily K. Dm Dm texv, daughter of Mis. Henry Hlachwell Bartow, both dchtltnntes of the season. Mrs. Rebert McLean nnd Mrs. Reed A. Morgan win preside nt the tea table en Tuesday next nt the tea xvhlch Mi. nnd Mrs. William Orny Win den, of Red Gntc, Gcrmantcrxvn, xvill give In honor of Miss Sarah W. McLean, daughter cf Mr. William L. McLean, and Miss Elizabeth Morgan, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed A. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Wniden, Who nre nt present In Palm Ujueh, xxill icturn home en Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ddwnrd J. Laxine, of Onlx-al, Chestnut Hill, will give a tea at their home en Thursday afternoon, Nex-cmber 16, te Introduce their grand daughter, Miss M.irnu L, Hngar, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Walter V Hngar. Jr., of Sunset Ledge, Chttuut Hill. Among the guests xihe xxill attend the dinner xvhlch Mr. and Mrs. Dllsha Ie, of 1709 Locust street, xxill give en Tues day evening next. In honor of their deb utante dnughter. Miss Dorethy B. Lee, xxill be Miss Virginia L Carpenter, Mb.s Sarah KlerBtcde Hudsen, Mlsn Dorethy 13. Valentine, Sir. IJarnden Darrlnger, Mr. James A. Develln, Jr., Mr. Jehn McA. Harris, Jr., and Mr. Chiules 1. Thompson. The guests will later attend the dnnce xvhlch Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cadwalndcr xxill glxe at the Rttz Rttz Carlten In ' honor of MUs Mnry de F. Oeary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Whlte Geary, of Chestnut Hill. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Dalle, of the Tracks. Hawrfenl, haw Issued Inx na tions for a dance nt the Whltemnrsh Valley Hunt Club en Saturday evening. November 25, In honor nf Mrs. Earle'a debutante sister, Mlfs Barbara L. Clay Clay eon, daughter of Mr. nni Mrs. Paul Clayten, of llnewjn, lluvorferd. Mr. and Mrs. Alhcit L. Smith, nf 202S Locust street and Gwjnedd Vnllev, have iccallcd the Invitations for the dnncCthey we-e te have Riven en Wed nesday veiling, Octelii It, nt the Whltemnrsh Vallcv Hunt club, In honor of Miss Emily K. Bnrtuw, daughter of Mis. Henix- H H-irtexv. ewimr t; the death of Mrs Chnrlel Custls Han Wen Mir. Jeseph M. Gaznni, nf 26," Seuth Nineteenth street, cntirt.ilned at the Orchestra te.i in th" fejtr of the Acad rai) of Music yesterda afternoon. Mrs Htrbert M. Howe, xvhe has been spending the .summer .it her cettagn at Bristel, L. I., will occupy her town house, 1622 Locust street, the latter part nf mxt week, Mr. Leuli Redman Page, Jr.. nnd her family, who have been for 11 few xxeeks at th Virginia Het Spilnn, since their return from Verk Haiher, Me, xiiieie the) spoilt tli" summer, xxill occupy their town house, 2013 Lecii"t street, early ne.L xeek Miss Lvi-l.xn I'i Ien. daughter of Mr. and Mrs KM Kirk Price, of 1701 Locust Ml pet. who has been irmlnc a few ;"'nks , wUi ll,'r "i,r,Jt, at Chestnut Hill, since her return from Maine, has left for Northampton. Mass. where she ,3 a MUdent at Smith College. Mrs. (irerRe Hergeuut and her daugh ter, Miss Alva Sergeant, who have bei 11 spending the summer at f apy M.xj, have returned le their home, 2030 Spruc street. Mr nnd Mrs I'npe YcMlman, nf 1 1 IS Spruce Jtreet, nun theli d.iiiKhtir, Mist fieergina Yeatman, red sun, Mr I'npe Jlrs. Ira Jewell Williams and Mr. David Alexander Williams, of St Martins lane, chestnut Hill, have re turned home after two months' travel In Nerwn) Sweden, Denmark and the British Isles. Mr. and Mrs llenr.x II Kills, of Hrlar Hill, Rosemont, have Just returned fiem NerOienst Harber, where they spent the summer. Mr and Mrs Maurice Snvder, of Stenton nvenue and Hull Mills read Chestnut Hill, hive Issued cards for i nun i'i un at-home en Wednesday Nex-cmber I, after I o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Aithur CAUIi.m, of 7S10 Lincoln Drive, Chestnut lllll. will ne cupy their new home at Willow llrnve nnd Semlneh) avenuts, l he.stuut Hill, en November I. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn H. Cisanave and their family have moved from overbreok avenue, Overbroek, md are eccup)liig their new home at 2110 Pine street SIIsn Casinavi) will be presented b) her parent i en Frld.iJ, November 17 Sllss Marlen Cnhlr Uoneghue. .laugh-, ter of Mr and Mrs CharlOH Daniel . iiiinnvhi nf us Pnihnin read, flenuan town, is entertaining ns her guest Sllss Stary Hldgelv Preston, of llalttmere. Sid SUs.h Preston has Just returned from Hurepe, where she spttit the sum mer traveling. Sllss Mary Marshall Scott, of Baltimore, xvhe spent a foil night aa the guefct of Sllss Doneghue. left )eslerdny for her home, Sllss Helen Oxerend, of this city, and Sllss Margaret Pechln, of Baltlmoie. xxill be tin' maids if h nor at the miir miir rlnge nf Ml-s Anna Itev Filii. ' au iter of Sir. Herace II FilU, of the Welling ton, nnd Mr. Hebeit H "Vlut"f1f',I,;l """ of Sir and Mis Jeseph It Wilkinson ir nun .in; "ii , , ., '" Jeseph H Wilkinson. Jr. In ether Sir of the bridegroom, will act ns best man. and Sir Jereiun Swlnfmil. rf New eik. ' ... nl.l.V.i ll.irnlil w 1 be UHheis The ceiemenx will take P nce at the Church nf the Saviour en luesdni aft ernnnn, Oclnber :i .it i "- A reception will tiuixv nt :0 nt the Wellliijtten Mr and Mis. (i W Wentnell. of F.rle. P'l. aintu..;.. the eiiMUKe.m;nt of their dauwhter mii-s "m. ... ";; --- . . i . l . ii iiiiiiiiiiii I'lltuf ti 111 hIL'tlLllUK I .......-..". tKI Hesi s ew mi "rising nurse of the War Vet'eran I lespltnl, Mer. Alte ft ,. , .rmiliiate nurse of the . tfnery ei graduaie nuriw l" '." i.;i nf i,ial Pertns.vlviinla Hospital clns or U.l : lJi' PROMINENT IN Kass ELIZABETH ATTERBURY Ha pcea v Elizabeth ?,; - JUSKm KHHIV HH mergan :X'mUmKSnk ' mxK Kmm studio 1 1 kJtBBSSSIr ? MkMwMBffiilB t If 3KSf 4k 'f' ft .M 1 wmmmmmmmm T t 1 r(jr( pr Mis. Garnclt was Miss Careline S. Dvrclay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iVilliair Lyttleton Barclay, before her marriage at 12:30 o'clock today at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Chestnut Hill. Miss Attcrbury, who is the daughter of General and Mrs. William IFfifacc Attcrbury. will be the guest of honor at a dinner which her parents will give this evening before the dtflnre te be given by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gillesiic Dicksen for Miss Virginia Lagucrennc Carpenter at the Radner Hunt Club. Mrs. Henry S. Jeanes will also entertain at dinner before the dance in honor of her niece, Miss Elizabeth Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heed A. Morgan MISS CAROLINE S. BARCLAY WEDSMUSCOE R. H. GARNETT Miss Nadinc 11. Chase Bride of Francis Head Brown Kitsen- Jancway Wedding Alse Today Other Nuptials A wedding of great Interest which Kasby. Miss Kami) Kltsen, the bride took place at 12:30 o'clock today In Breem's Mstcr, and Miss fiwendel.vti Trinity Fresh) tot Ian Church, Chestnut i Mijer. Mr. Aithur Klt"eu, Jr., brother Hill, was that of Miss Catellne StecKer of the bridegroom, will sei ve nt best Barclay, daughter of Mr. and Mr. man, nnd the u-liers will Include Mr. William Lyttletcn Rarela). of Chestnut I'rice Wethcrill .laliewa). Jr , the bride's Hill, and Mr Muscoe nils'-, II Hunter brother; Mr. Hi my Ramsey cjrllTcn. Jr, Harnett, of New Yerk. The Rev. Corx - Mr. Hareld Klt.scp. Mr. Charles W. den C. Txier. pastor of the church, eltl- Carrlgan, Mr. Stanley C. Welsh and elated. The bride, who was given In Mr. Henry K Walten. A small re uinrrlnpt by her father, were a xxhlt ceptlen will f.illexv at the home nf Mr "Jtln gown, Miibreldcred In pearls, and and Mrs .I.inexva) I'pen their return made with a diupeil skirt. Hei court from a xveddlng trip, Mr. ami Mrs. Kit train, which fell from the thnulders, son xxill llxe at G311 Germantexxn avo ave xvas edged xvlth old family lace and her nun, Germantexxn. tulle veil xvas also tdged xvlth lace. Shu t carried n shower brnniuet of white or- HOWELL-DAC5IT chlds and lilies of the valley. Miss Anne An Interesting wedding took place en Wlster Hnrclay, who attended her sis- Siturdn) evening, Spptember 30. when ter nB mnld of honor, were vellew Mls-3 H"len Marlen Daglt, daughter of georgette and a nlcture hat nf bmnze jjr, and Mrs Leen n. Dnglt, became velvet Sim cnrrled dnhll is nnd chys- the bride of Mr. Stanley Cele Hovvell anthemumH nf variegated Khades Mrs. (,f Svarthnire, I'a Th wedding took W. Heaunient Whltnev. 2.1, who was pinoe at thj Uaptlst Temple, the Rev the niatrcu nf honor, were peach- fSiiMsf'l Conwell nmclatlnc Miss Rea- colored Keerpette, with a bronze velvet trlce Hllllnrd was maid of honor, and the hat. She nlse can led dnhllns and brldcsm..idg were Miss Mabel Wheat- elir)s.inthemums The lnldesinnld. nian nnd Miss Francis Snyder Mr who weie Miss Mnrv ('banning Wlster. CiwKIns of Urunswlelt, Me, was btst Miss Fiances Kenible Wlster. cnuslns ,.,. nli t10 brother of the bride. Mr of the bride. Miss Irfjlnia Cuinctt, sis- Flt,i p. Daglt, nnd Mr. Heward (Jreen ler ei inn iiriueKrmmi; aim .xis i.siuer Hewes .Stevens, of New- 'ink, weic Ilamecelnred geergette and picture hats of bronze velvet Their bouquets were of dahlias and chysantlieniuniH also Mr iinrini -'V'"i - ""f; I".,"' -,l" .l0:,a?,.h!r,fn."r,'.,?,n.l.,,?,'LH!!::s Jr, brother of the bride; Mr J Weir till iui ii ' .,.....,,. m. .... urn iiiiinui. Sargent, .yr Laurence lirnwn. Sir. Lud- ( wle Lewis Sir William Slcade Fletcher. Mr; y.(,Pi1 '"""t0' New Yrrk. ami Mr nrc Cl.iiK. nf Terente. Canadn. A re- etptlen fnlexxed the ceremony at the 0f this city, will be married at 7 home nf (he brides parents. Mr. liar- n'cleck this evening, at Chi 1st Kpls nett nnd his bride xxill llve at Kast r0pal Church. Media The Itev Hariy Merma'd lane and Stenton nvenue. H.insoine will tfllclate The bride, who Chestnut Mill, nnd will be nt home after i win be given In marriage by her father October -1. Willi be attended bv Miss L Uertrude l.enan. of this city, as mnld of honor UlteWN CHASn 'The bridegroom's brother. .Mr William ... i.,i...,. -it.,., ...... i, ii. . , i. .., . Hmnrv Pitts, of WiiKhlnp-trm tx i' ,. ill ll'.10 o'clock nt St. Mark's npl'scepal Chinch tedru when Miss Nndlne llazen C.'habe. of 2032 Pine street, daughter or "'," " "" "' " .ieu a, aim .Mr iinn Sirs. Hazen Chase, of Paris, France ert Carel Pitts, the brldegioem's broth became the bride of Mr. Francis Head Vr- of,, ' "3 ,clM', A reception for the Brown, nf ilermantexvn, son of the Inte Imniwllate families xxill tollew ut tin Mr and Slis. Ames PeatJce Brown, of C'1"'0 et -Mr; niul Sirs. Hann.i, en West this city. The P.ev, KninU L Vernen, !"Iut0 street. After a wedding tilp, rector of the chuich, efllcUied, assisted ;Ir-."mJ J.,rs' J 'tta will spend the win by the Hex- Samuel Upjehn, of St. tl'r '" entntrr, N. J. Luke's Kplscnpal Church, Germantown. vniBTe77"n,,ni t The bride, who was given In marriage .uuien.it iitui.i, by her cousin, Mr. Merris Uarle. were ji1sh Mly Emnm Crell, elder daunli- - - , ,. .. . . . a guwii u xxiiiiu ciimuii urucnucti vei- vet, londe en simple lines, with a long court train of Ivery whlte satin Mispemled from the sheuldeis. Her -xell of real ace was caught with clusters of orange bloshema. blie carried a bouquet of whlte dahlias and : 11 lei of the valley M'?-Jl,,Kr i?"61 Hf. ",0,I?,.l!,U!lel"s vviiii fin i" i luiieneu wini silver biifkles and picture hats nt brown velvet nnd lace. They cat tied beunuets of brown nnd golden dab as Miss Pamela Hrlnten. the small ilaiigh- ter of Mr. an . 'Mrfl Jasper 1 eats ,ii, iwi, " """" ihu w, . frock of cream-colored lace ever a slip I of peach-colored silk, with a bonnet of ince ana pinn notions, sne carried an old-fashioned beiiuuet of pink rose buds. Dr Qeerge Morrison Coats served as best man and the ushers Included Sir. Hldgley Brown, a brother nf the bride groom : Mr. Clnrence C. Bilntnii; Sir Samuel Hart Chase, cousin of the bride ; Mr. Heward Fuguet and Dr James W Wlster, all of this city, and Sir. A FelK clu Pent, of Wilmington, Del A iccep iccep xleu followed at the Acorn Club for the families of the bride and bride groom nni a low ininiuue ir icniis, un . .. ... ....... y.. . tlieir rexurn trem n wending trip, .ur. and Mis. Brown will llvu In Chestnut Hill. KITKON JANKWA V A marrlage of Interest xxill take place at fl o'clock this evening at ClulHt Kpls Kpls cejial Cliurch, Media, xvhen Sllss Kuche) Wctherlll Jnnexvay, daughter of Sir, and Sirs, Price Wctherlll Jaueway, will become the bride nf Sir. Kenneth Kit son, son of Sirs, Arthur Kltsnu, nf 21J West 1'iisal street, iieimaiitew'ii. The Itev. Harry Itanseme, lector cf the church, will officiate. .Miss Jnuewny will be given In man lage by her father arid will be attended by her sister, Sirs. Henry Kamsey (Irlffen, Jr as matron of honor. The bridesmaids will be Mian Christine Hawkins, Miss Mnry Hawkins , THE SOCIAL DOINGS were uahers A reception felleweil nt tt, nemr et the pridp parents, 3753 North neuxier street. TleKa After nn vi,,,ir,il u.l,lincr tri, ih.,i,.i, ,i, v.. giand Stiles, Mr. nnd Mr- tle'w.ll xxni return te thnlr neve home, Swarthmere avenue. Swnrthmere. 010 PITTS HANNA Slips lionevlexo Hanna, dnughter of ;,:,- mi Mrs. Jehn Critchflcld Hanna, t m..i1im im.i Mr i ,i,,,,, . .i ... . serve as best man rind the ushers will ', lp, J.n'neH Rdvvnrd Hanna, the .-....--..- 'iiiuit v (uu, until tn - or Mr. and Mrs Oeerge I Crell Mount Kirk avenue. i:.iglevlllc, and Mr nebert 1. Moister. seu of Mr and Slis Knlnk Slelst.r. of Kuuvie.v weri lii.n- ri(d this ofternecn nt thn linmn nf the it bride. The Hev a L Williams n mter f ,he Lmver PreVldencV Prebbyterlan Ghl'rch - efflclatcd at the manla cei" .vuss igtnei nnd Miss Clara Ward of Krnnkfeid. Mr. Douglass Moister was ,., host man, Mr. and Mrs Slelster xeiti livn nt i-n-in,.iu .,....., ' "Vv." fIem nn aiitomrblle ' xveddlng trip through the New- Knglnnd States. Dur- ing tue wnr tne Dr i egroem served In the United States Navy - 1 West Philadelphia Girl Engaged; Other Events Sir. and Sirs Chnrlcb II Sulzberger, of 1002 Belmont avenue, nnnounee the engagement of their (daughter, SIli-s Bertha Slae Sulzberger, te Sir Albert II. Killings, of Lansdowne. Mrs. Pearl Shoemaker, nf .'.ns w.,i. imi street, i.i v s tnur rr miu ,, M.....I... . . ... . , . .. . - : ".- -- ...... hurg, l'a. Mri Shoemaker has ricentiy .VIUIIICI! Il'llll ine IIL'IL, Mr, nnd Mrs. Harry B. Kuller, whose marrlnge took placj In the Westmlnstei Presbyterian Church, Thlrty-tlfth nnd Baring streets have mtuined from their wedding trip, and are at home at 1IIL' North Slit) -fourth street Mr. Fullei will lie- reinembeied as Sllss Helen Vir ginia Paul, nf West Philadelphia. Sir, and Sirs Thnmns F Slnttery, of 1008 Seuth Feity-sKth strict, will gp-e a dinner followed by a dnnce at their home this evening In honor of their twenty-fifth wedding nimlxeisary The t-lx ushers and luldesmalds, who took part In the ceiemeny txvonty-flve yi.m nge, will he the gursts, In addition te the families of both i. ... - OF TtiE DAY Sorority Meeting Today in North Philadelphia Mrs. Albert Dlngce. of 220D Kstaugh street, will entertain the members of the Delta Kappa Kpsllen Sorority, at her home this afternoon The members nre Mrs. Themns Hyndman, Mr.s. David Strumph, Mrs. Jehn A. Dreadfleld, Miss Len Hall. Miss I3the Mftrier. Miss Kdna Scelly. Miss Iless Street and Mrs. Samuel Tompkins. Mrs. A. M. Kehn and her family, of 1841 North Seventeenth street, hne returned from Atlantic City. Jlrs. Walter DaDlmer. of the neyal Apartments, Hiend stieet and (Jlrard avenue, has leturued from a. several months' Durepean trip. Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph F. Murray, of 1012 Neith Twelfth street, are receiv ing :ongiatulntlens rn the birth of n daughter. Ruth Mm lav, n Thursday, September 28 Mrs. Murray was Miss Kathryn Kllzabeth Neenan, et 4U2i Yerk raad. Seuth Philadelphia Wedding; Other Secial Events of Nete Mr.s. Anne nilznbcth Urey, of 23.14 S'euth Slvt.enth Mn, t, announce the puurlsg" of h r d iiiKhtcr. Mlus Sylvia T!e, X'rev te Mr Albi-rt .tern Williams, of Oslnug en the Hudsen, which took plrue en 1'ilihi), Si ptemher 22. in New Yerk Mr and Mr Williams then left en n wedding trip le the Pacific f'eaRt They will return early In December and will t.ialte their home In New- Yerk. Mr. and Mr.s Jeseph rSrcen, et 1008 nitner street, ire being congratulated en the birth if a en Mrs f Jreen was fermerl) Miss Kllrabcth Dunne. Mr and Mri Jehn K. Raney. of 2B0-, Seuth T'veutitth street, (llrard Karms. and Mm U.xr.ey's sister. Miss Margaret Johnen are planing n trip te Washing ton, 1 1, c , en Sunday. Mrs Mstihew Tuehy and her son Mr Fr.incls Tuehy, of 1714 Wnlf htreet. have retui ued home after an extensive trip through Niagara Falls and c anada. Miss Flernnre luinn Is the (ruest of relatives In Scranton thl week. Mr nnd Mis William Aull, of ;ini Snutl, teer.tb street, have returned home trcm .i live month's tour through Hii rope. Mls l.'lnine Hlbberstctln will be hesiers at a meeting of the Kappa I'hl Sorority nt her house en next Tuesday evi nlng The nivtheveii Orchestra will give a dance In Itn auditorium at a in 'atlianu. 'ieclt I'ntharlu. street, thla evtning nt s Marriage and Birth Notes in Germantown Sir. and Mrs Inmes S. Chambers, nf 527 Brinten etreet, announce the mnr rlage nf their daughter. Miss Helen Beatrice numbers, te Mr. David D Fex, of l!leii'.lirle en Tuesday, October 3. The Hex l'nrre-t K Dager i fllclatcd Mr and Mi Lawrence ,Iet.t, of 2c West Se.xnmur street, are receiving con gratulations upon the birth of a daughter Miss i:il7.i Morrison, of 8021 lank- f;r,,,nftJkP"liV' "'L1 ,pnti'""l?n ?,1 ,ea '" aftel neon fiem 3 te 6 e clock. Is Sir and Sits Samuel Unterbenrer. of 3750 lierinnntnvvu avenue, announce the betrothal of tlieir daughter, Sllss Melha Cnlerberger t" Mr William M. Dattner, nf Wllkes-Burre The Phi Kappa I'psilen tYatcrnltv of Frankford gave a fall dnnce nt Bel lleld Countr) (iub. Clerrnaiitevvu, labt evening Church li crept ion Interests Many orristewn Felk Dr. and Slr Jehn SI Watchorn enter tained thi memhi rs of the congregation of the Haws avenue .Methodist Church, at a reception at the parsonage en Haws nvenue nn Tuesday They were assisted In receiving b Sirs. Harrv Dreby. Mis B F F.vanu, Mrs H Bolten, Sirs i h.xrleH Welflngcr. Sirs Florence Shi lit nb.irger. Sirs Gilbert Spare, Sirs Hllzn iSetxvals, Sllsa Cnth nine Slergan Sllsi .Mary Loulse Hvans Sllss I'.ith.irlne '! ITv.xus, sUhs Dorethv Ib-rger, SlHs lir.iee Petwller, Sllss Slatie'l Yocum SUM- Slibel Lutz, Miss Kuth Dill, Sllss Sl.ir) I.'vans and Miss Mary Law i vnce Dr and Sir.- James Sheeinnker, of Br.xn Slawr arc neclxlng congrntula cengrntula congrntula lleus en the birth of a daughter. Sirs Shoemaker was Sllss Slarla Hegan, of Norrlstewn Mr Henry ( Cenrad, of Georgetown Del, win spend tee winter with his uTin.ln.li.i nml .'-iiii-'htiT Ite nr. ,, '""'T Hen-m-l.ixx llin i ...lUMlHr, Ur. and Mrtxl II. Cre.skey Allen k.i .. ., ,. , i, I T SIlPH Until KliMii. .if Uendlnir, xvns the I j? Btittst of .Mr nml .Mrs lUlph Lanz of t.u,,,i, ,.,sti e.i .v l The tnnri'liiKc of MIks Mary I, Kelly (lniititi'r nf Mr nml Mth. Jehn , l(Ml, Ol lelHl II.IIX HUfL'l Kelly, wlHtur of the lirhle, nml Miss AiniCH M Hurry Mr Limi .1 iU'i onnell, of Philadelphia vxlll be tlm hint man, nml tlie ushers ii hi mi .hi .i.,....,, ,t. ixnut- niul Mr Jfie KurlKht A xvi'ililliik? hreakfast vt- fellow the ivri'iuenv nt the home of the brldc'H parentH. Mr nnd Mm. Unrluht will llvu at (Oil North Klghth street Phllndrilphla ' I) Lnr Kit nf I'lillnile j) i ,i, WH tnlcV. ' ' ' - Charles iinv n '';'' " "" Uliuv mi 'Mi's,!... inernliii.' nt eH l8"1" ""-"' x Tj.li..r M .. Man sir 1i,iirl,.L , Cl,iir,., Th. l -i V.5"" 'S.. t inPOTV lliOADA . Oil Mill AV fe,-;!.-,a ' ?K aa? x-skkiwm$j lll.llllH XX 111 In Ml mh Lein (. Im uniiiniiri'i nnrn CLUBWOMEN OPEN Housewarming Will Be First Event en Schedule of Business Club PLANS OF OTHER BODIES The niislnesR and Professional Wom en's Club is opening the season In new ntinrtcrs. Outgrowing Its rooms In the Art Alllnnce, it hns rented n plnec nt 14 I.nntern lane n fnselnntlng little Mreet between Nineteenth nnd Twentieth streets just smith of Market, vxhere the houses nre pnlnted red nnd green nnd blue nnd where nt nightthe dusk is lit by the firefly glcnm of the lantern which hnnn before each deer. The club will hnve its heusexvnrmlng Tliiirsdn.v night In conjunction with its monthly meeting. Dr. Mnrthn Trnrnv. llentl nf iUn Vnninn'n Miwllmil College, nresldmt nf the club, wilj preside, l lie xxeekly luncheon et the cldb will be held nl the Arcadln nn Snturdny from II' ;.'(() te 2 e'clncl, The Twentieth Century Cluh's uro ure gram en TueMlnv xvill be In ehnrge of the drnmntle cetlnn. Mrs. C. I'nul Snyder nnd Mrs. Illehnrd H. P. Ferrest nrc chninnen. "The Florist Shep" xvill be preented nnd reviews of currenf plnys given. On Thursdnv the Weman's Club of Oermnntexvii will hear one of n serie of current events hcturcs. Wnrxvlck .Tnmes Price will sneak en "Reme Kvents of nn T'x-entfnl Summer" In the chnpel of the First .Methodist Episcopal Church, High street, nt :5 :.10 o'deck. The College Club will f-erve ten Monday nfter nn Illustrated tnlk by II. .T. Hnrlnger. nrchite.'turnl engineer of the I'hllndelphln Heusing Assncintlen en "Zoning the Cltv Ir. Preparation for the Sesqul-Ccntenninl." The Mendny Morning Clnss of the Nexv Century Club will open Its season next week under the leadership of Miss .lnne Campbell. During the fnll and winter Hcar.dlnnvla will he the mnln subject of stud) for the class. The history, geegrnphv, people. music, folk lore, nrt, nnd liternture of the country will bctnken up nt the meeting. I'lillndelphln and Pcnns) lvnnln w 111 also be the subject of (papers nt the be ginning of the -.easen. Mendny. nt 10:.'l0, the members of the tinss will dlscusi Philadelphia news; Mrs. .1. fS. I.elper will clve u bonk review of Heysesn's "Nerwn.v": Mrs. Jehn (Jib son will rend n Scandinavian poem : nnd Miss K. II Matlock will tnlk en the history of I'lillndelphln county. ATTRACTIVE HOI The Review Club of Oak I.anc will'0'" ' aivert. sirs it., pert uiiiman. Mrs have two depnitment meetings next week, both the llternry nnd drnmntle committees meeting en Thursday. There will be n special meeting of the Henrd nf Directors of the Civic Club at 10:ri0 Mendnv morning. Thursdnv Miss Frnnces A. Wlster, president, xvill t . i. ...r.. . ..t .i. ,.i..i 1-rin l. lie in int.- ..in.-.-... in.-.....,. "' npruce street, te confer xvlth any members who enre te call. .Swarthmnre The Council of Jewish Women will Mr alu, M ,Mwar1 Pt0ckten. of open Us seai-nn en Tu-sdny, nt -:n0U-Wcirtlimeri naxe retumul from a week week e clock with n ten. reception, nnd song end xlslt m Atlantic Cltv Th ir "in recltnl. for the new members, the Ib'nrd , ln-l.ixx nnd daughter. Slajer and Sirs, of Directors being hostesses. Neah II. j Ldw ird A Stei kten, Jr. who have been Swnvne. Imirse. will be accompanied by V1,,,r "' ",s f"r sevtrnl vver ks left a few Mtnn K DmiL'hertv dn.vsai" for Washington D .. where A The linthwnv'skespears Club xvill " "'" ls "ew """"J meet nt the I'hilninilsliin eliibheuse nt I Slis Frrderlrk T.ixVir Pusey left ) .flfl Prldni Mrs StnnHw.nse u-ill I X esteri.ir !or Bosten. 'V herr she will he BlVe . re.-nllni?.' nnd Dr. .lehn A Mac- r: :.. " . . . . a urn will speag en tne housing mi- nation. The Y. W. C. A. of Ormnntewn is directing nil its energies te the Wel fnre Federation activities next week, nnd letting nil ether plans slide for the time being. On Tuedav It will give a banquet for about fifty persons, rnOTOI'LAYS Photoplay Guide Week of Oct. 9 te Oct. 14. IWUfl jfHSnZ5t5, CcmtAKr r ALHAMBRA ,sn,8.Sl?BTB8r M Marth i MnnflM Queen of Meulin Ueiije T. Mnrthn Mnnsfle I (jiieen of Meulin Helier W. Mnrt'.ia Minst! 1 (fueen of Meulin IleiiRe T William Karnuir in Vloenh ne J al f r William Firiuni William Parnuin Vleim.lilne Vnllcr Vleennhlne Valley AnfM I C 62D THOMPSON 8T3. ArULLU MATINKK DULY St Claim -Wuvtrnr n One Hear CM T.--rielre WlnJsr . One Hear C VX-.- I'ela Nesrl in The t yea of Ihe Miimmv T. Cenmani. Tarn If I rlmlllv-f l.ever I Hnuae I'etera A V ' Moure The storm Hnuiie Peters f. Mn' Monr The inrm ARDMORE "JSgSie'rA t ilnun l'elera K Xlntt .Xfiere. The siterm T Heme reteri. A Mil' M "ire Ttie Hterni v Hn .,, Peters k Mi" M'ere The Merni T-Houw retrrn A MiM M )nr TJit term T Hortelph nlennn ' '," "ViZ p HedOlUh Vrtieniin, in e.i- m ..v p Duatin Vnrnuni in Jliithlieiind ACTAD EIGHTH A GIIvAnD AVE. AS 1 UK M TINKK DAILY M Heu Teier. AL Mutt M ere The term T-IIeiife I'ete- a Mitt M re The storm vs- Jiieu.e Peter- M-.-' M ' - Th- -.lerm p- Whnl'a ren lMth Hie omen? p Wliil'a "rene With .he emn? S -Wliat's Wrenjt, Hllh the "iinjen? ni I irninn Ur nl I S-uquehnn BLUt-blKL' . nn mi, ill 2 until 11 V -rettv Cpmr'm In Over the IJerilrT T - Hem- renwunn In Over Jhe 'order, W -Themas M"'.rh xn It Our 1 eivllni, r t rrn T ThnmnH xipunun ' irar i-"i.. '' - . . i - itfilk I , Ikliini 11 lift COLONIAL1"" A?'?'.0;.'' ,t i... i,.. in A Tallnr-Vlnile M.an Tchnrles Hay In A Tillnr Mmle Min W Ohar.es Hay in Taller-Mmle Miiii T Ilorethx Iin'ten In The slren J a r nnretnv uunen in mr -,,,-i. ... 3 DiirettiiJ1!!!! In Tne siren lull FAIRMOUNT ,sXrl M All Stnr r'ant In The SHiihnili Trull T All Str Oast In 1W inri'mi irm W - Mae Me V vex In Ten of Vei verk T Jack Helt In While sat hi eetn r .lacK iron in xvnue -niiui -n-ri'; S Clirlr (Huekl .I"n- . 'n i t nf I lilrnrp 56TH ST. TJiriATTtl- !' ' spruce M VT1N1 I 'All V r Tiin rimnei In ee. of Hearts T tern Chanex In r nf llenrt- Xk- Vfnllle Klne In Sumilelnns Wives T Mrillln K'nK In Sn.iilrliiii. Vhe I' - wall ace iiei,i in iiih inriainr i Wainre nel.l In The IHi Mier GREAT NORTHERN irV , i WcpIev tTrekMri' "fi- - 1'innni -tVeatev (I'reekleki "n'T-i -Wenlev irreekleei mm t i-enniu - Wele im-rUlem Hirr i 'rnreit w."'!.) in - n Peiired .Weilev (I'reckl.i! Hin IVnrnd wiilnv- irrerkle.1 Htrr , I'enre.l -Wenlev d-reekleel Harrt IDtTDIAl '"TH ,x vi si r STH i i-iuk 7 i a livil iixirAi vt M -Jnrkle fexrtan In Mt Het T Jackie I'uimnn in Xlt lint t- Tneli1e l'n,iirin In M, lint X i Hiinr-.i Hie ii in W Ve-ii il .rilini in Vinir llesi I'rlenil T Aim i HuU.li In VmIIej nf silent Vlen 1' Mnni Hul.eiiii In A iillet nf Silent Vlen rj VVtri H'il' I In The VI in Krein iinilliiir rtDirMT VVwHllund At. t .IVI MlT vjimlh i viiTivi-r rmiT M Lionel llivrryniere The (,ret Viltenture T Lionel Hurrjinere The (irent Ailunlure W Anita Htewm In sewlne the Mind T, Anita Stdwirt In snttnr Hie Mind 1' Constance Tnlmndm In Meniiiii'ii I'lard p ronmnnce Tilnvurtte In M"emir I'livr . anil Mr. Jehn T rhurus iinv in x h ur-'; i. e .; hi Iei - muiMx, etai. etib. m-I i!;nwnra fliaueira, cniurmnii l mc ,vr' mantnxvn district, lltcnlanilll . Ludlow, nhnlrinan 6f the "come nnd see fours, nnd Mrs. Jehn MqcArthur Kern clinir mnn of the hospitality temmlttce will lie nmeng the guests. After the dinner there will be n "come nnd see" tour, xvhen the dinner guests xxill he tnketi te ether orgnnlntlens, such na hospl hespl tnls nml dny liurscrlcs, which belong te the Welfnre Federation te sen tli work thnt Is being done. There are four of these tours In the city every night se thnt people mny get nn understanding of the Federation's xx-erk. The organizations belonging te the Federation nre net working ns tmitH but an a uhole. nnd nre uniting In the drive which will he held lnter in the month te raise ?2.W0.O00 for the mnlntcnnnce of the organizations. f)n Wednesdny, Thursday nnd Friday, the Y. W. P. A. will held open house nil day for visitors. The members of the l'hllnmuslnn ' Club will ;e te New Hepe Monday, te visit the Dnxenpert sttldlnp. Riisses xvill leave the (iiih nt 2 o'clock. After seeing the Dnxenpert exhibition of tapestry. weaving, the club members will visit the (fethic shop of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mer- ' gnn Celt. f)n Friday, the citizenship i nnd leglslntlve department", under the I direction of Mrs. H. I. Fnlmestnek, ' hnve arranger for a talk en "(iend ('it- ! inenship" by Mrs. Debereh Knox l.iv- . Ingstene The Philadelphia League of Women Veter- wUMinxe n luncheon at the (ler- mnntnwtl V W. ('. A. next Tlie.ilriV. Members of the Twenty-second Wnn will be present. Miss Marlen Ililey, chairman nf the league xxill penk, ns xvill Dr. (ieerge Woodward, for the Republicans, nnd Henry Kline, for the Democrats. Dance, for West Chester; Other Main Line Nmvs The W"t Chester Ceilntrx cm will glxe n Halloween dance en Wednes day October 25 i Sir. William Augustine Wledr rslielin ' I'd of Kaycrest, Wa)ne will leave next week .e visit her mother. Sir" Charles S Wnlten, in New Yerk Lawndale Has Several Neiv Arrivals: Other Notes Sir. and Sirs Paul Iietkey, of 7120 Sholbeuine street are h, Itig congratu lated upon the birth of a d itighti r Mr U nst,lg. of 73."i l.indge street. Is visiting friends In Wild weed for a fortnight. Sir. and Sirs. Geerge Lampm.in, of 7422 Palmetto street, are rrceixlng con gratulations upon the birth of a. son. Many Entertainments in Delaware County Sirs mere, Francis SI h.ivvycr, of Sxvarth will eat rt.iln at luncheon md " brldgi , en Thurseix afternoon, October 12, w ivn lier giifs'.i who ar" tnernbers nf the V rie Club, will be Mis lehn i Adams. Sirs Frank l:.irbr Sirs Hnr- Allien ill 1 SI-s IMward V Stockton and Sirs Frnk Tuniilanu. Sir" Klchnrd Peters will entertain the Delavvare County Chapter of the Daughters of the American Bcvolu Bcvelu Bcvolu tlen. at her home, near Chester, en Mendny afternoon, October 1C. at 3 i o'c'eck .Mr an I .Mis i Sir an l Slis p.alph Lewis have nr- rl.e(I fro,n r-,na-e and ale the guhts for n few xi-eeks of their son-in-law and daughter. Sir and Sirs. Lewis Slagre. of , "i- ""' .'or a fw daxs of her son-in- I.i ni.l , aiif.itt.r Mr na.1 1 r-a r.-i.l-. FerrP,t .MllB,i, .whose ma r rlage took place nn September 21 Sirs I.ila YV Lucas, nf r Weidland. i'.'s the en- Criini I.x-me, p.i anneuii gaetnicnt of her daughter .mij i:hi beth Parry Lucas te sir MnuiH ("mtheis. ,ji , sm of Sir and Mrs Sam uel Crelhers, of Ouninvin, W.illli g g feid. r.i 1'IIOTOI'I.Am The following thentres obtain their pictures threush the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. OVERBROOK C3D Vdvb M N. rm i 1 n nn 1ce in love's Keileiniitlini 1 - Vrrnu I , i v we in Ixiie's Kedenv tlmi XX spe , r .lw-'l. n Niiimek of the Nnrtli T -!,,. ir ,, , SnneiK of (lie Vnrlh I l . U I e in n Leve Neyer Dies - K Mn I ill i ""truncrr 1 timi I'liilnii PALM PKXNKFiiltn" AV U 4 Vl'TMlts -.Tl-P-l-'e M T M. chii in If ou Hellexe It. It's -n i T -T VI. mh, , n If en llelleie It It's e t XX - liett i ,mr. m Pur Thus.. He Imp i.i -v'Ai i i The Inn or New lurk XI ie t Vv it The Tun f eu 1 erk s i nn.i n n -. n Ike I'ellv of the pnllles REGENT xn,c'"rMHT,n7,,;,rp,7Tw.1 M hir r Mnm 'n I i(tlMi eT tin IVtrrt T -t;Vlly t .. . I . I Itfl, . t .1.. Ik V 3nii n M n I Ichu f Hi.- !)ePrt i .-iirfx x'-t ' ,r i leni it imp iipfrr r h'rl Mtv x . i leht "f ih- Hffr RIAITH 'tPmxn x s ax rvn: IVIAL I W i i t i tiihi-kim ,-r ' r vie Bin" 'n If Ven llelleie It. It's sn i i- rTA t ,, )iit iieiiexe ii Se XV vi k m1( n The l.riifkl Trntli T 1 ' i ' lvf- (.rind I irri m I r inr v 1,1,. r line f leiir ( nl S I lure VX I- i I- line r I. ir ( ell 333 MARKET :7'V,rT 7". ,?' '' Wnl 'nh V ileri n , i lllneil nnd s, 7". Het ,.(, x-i'e, i ll.,e,l :.,,1 si nil J-ni ihlin i n llliiml nnil s i,,il T harle. Hi, n Ti"nr VI ,,l, VI m -fharle. r ' Tiller VI i,e Miln s 'ur'sH' ii Tnlli r Vlmle M in AT OTHFR THEATRES MEMBERS OF M P T.O.A. GERMANTOWN B ' -,;7,,in;?jInL M II r, 1 ! . i, (.rimlm-i-k Hut T -Har 111 I .,, (,r mdlilil'k dm J ,' ir 1 I It' i.riiiilinii's lint T. ',' ,'r l ' I ' .r iinlmi s Hut 1- 11.1' 1 t. i 1 1 in f.r. ..!.., . II. i. Is -II. r II n I t l.rniwliu .'k ll... GRANT 0" (""A" HI M VI MiP Ct f In Wii-nl.l. ... HI VTV 'xM"..!r y'.,;.n,'.lrTl.:',"."r.!,,,'r..V.:.',nnn T rim' ne l-r. '. i ok n l.lnr. f ( i. ,.,,, l. V - XX I Mum I' ,N pr, i i un r ix I i i I ts Ihe I'ikt VI ill in r si vi ei JEFFERSON -"lh. ,'r ",h n ",". XI sue, mi p, mi tun Ml r,,r u Wnninii xt u-"'.!' ' ' '" X' '' ' .'1111111 p i- w1',1 '"! ! '" " lleanilfiil ll.r i' M"",""''I lr Th. lleiiiitlfnl 1 lur I -Willinm Imn an m 1 1. s,, mK -Xlle i alb , it nrr-l f ( rm l.eil sir(rt PARK u"";,,r'u V. ""'! ,V J'Ll Marshnll In 1,, VI, 1, ll.l,ks ,.T,'.,1I, M'irshill In 1 mi Vlurli llilklnis, XV -Un r, , In-, m V.mr lle.t I'rien.l r Vein .,.-i,,n n - nr ,,.,t -,i,.n e i,-'.'4 ''. r. '"" ,n '"ir "'si I 'end F H . h il I liix In XII s fiir In I e,e I WJ THEATRES W 69TH ST. Th",," "I'P I IVrinin.l .1. r ...II. l . M Mart VII h Vlln .i n s, ...,. ,.r w... . T- Murt Mlieit Vtltl r In s.mih f , XX Xlnry Mile, VI t t. r In simiUi f s,,,,, T Miirlli, VI. I .1.1 I lllll i n i. f V, .nil,, it, IK, r Vlirtlui VtiiiHtl 1 Oii.v,. ,.r xii.i.ii.. f vi.irtni vi .null. I 1 Hueen of M.inlln (,ni., (xTRAfvin l.. .ii.ni..ttt, v., .1 ' ,.,,. -...,. .. ,, , tu T f u vt Vf A llllil HlllTIlN in itllet rf sIIm.i, ti... T Alum Itul'Hiis in nll... nf 'Unit Vlen XX' Alm.i Hill elm Hi ullet u' sllt-m Vlen T. -DureHu I n linn In I h,. Sinn lull r Dorethy Dnlten In The slrrn Cull S Doreilu Dili. hi In The srm il HEADS SENIOR 'dtl HEADS SENIOR CUM Mils Mildred Whltehlli Intn at Ulnh ftrhnnl fnr Qlrt Mlsa Mildred Whltehlli. nexvlv elecflll lireslileut nf llin uenlnr I'lniaa nf ''that' IMillndelphln High Hchoel for CHrta,': Seventeenth nnd Hprlng (Inrden stwtn, ff lflO lllll IMIMl't'll III Jl'SICrilU.I UlUlitlllH ' nhf.ntnliK' liv Tlr T.nt1u II tlnrlnv nrlni 4 clpnl. Dr. llnrley reminded the clnnq thnt the time of their grnduntlen, FebniBfy l. licit, win coincide with the seventy , fifth nnnlvcrsnr.v of the founding f " the school. He snld the occasion weujA- f. be marked with exercises thnt will cfl ebrnte the founding of the eldest hlfh ,,,,, f , , ientw,.vl Vnnla. " Opening Day Souvenir Free TO TACK CUSTOMEn Special Tedny! Frriih.riit noses f it i 50c per dez. v in nuiiiiiin DnhliriH f EVERYTHINO IN IXOWERS Kipnis Flower Shep 933 Chestnut Street Itii.irarit MiTirK llllilllt I Tin: ti:viim.i: j J'niVn ,."",, "S I ,mn ef th (Irnrf HnpilRt i I nil 1st i hiirrh 111 P.sni.I, It niMVllM, I'smr VV m Irn Sb ( ur'H Aiiitk nip Panter. Fr'lrrlnk K Murke (irKnniiit .t. Mnrv In lldiinn SIurchI Director. Sir r'enwll prnichp Huncly at I0:3D A. M una 7 If, P. SI. Temple Cherua lns both nrx tce IllIilB Scheel, Jere L. CrPMP Supt , 3:30 P M. t'hrlrllan Knrlnver 0 30 nnd 7 P. f. Church pniyrr tn'et'.ni; Krldny nlKht at 8 n elfw-k friends rbsrr.itLM i:. r.tii u i riic h-itite: fulij .t "Prirh'ts nf I'aKnn He iRlone." V A tr.r XX' lnrpe - Pr'i.lixtfrlan . Alt I! r Mil III II 1st1! nnd Arih ci.Aitr.Nci: i:dxvahi .macahtnet, Mlnltr I'll.-.- rii I.nrln iiirtiT. Vi tllhln s, he nl 7 in riraiin Recltal. s "Alnn in I li laflelphn Dr Mac- rnrri' ill pr"ii. 'i thr Hiirrl rtiinn In th Birl-s from 'I. if Thn xprlence of nni who nuek" te tlif terriWe lotitllnem of hf.KfrtflJ r) m;fiii.i.iii:M riiKsimr.ni.N nn kcii Iir'n.l an.l Dl.imen.i ir,.Hi V.- WILLIAM I. M,ceil.MIt'K Taiter. lle S It ' t'llflY AH.Istant 10 (i ( emniurilnn j 'ni sun'Iiv Si henl 7 t", - rrnen Atntvnvhi Iii sK7TrnMtT.iiYiiriuvN I'm Kin 1M. ainl W'Jnilt sl Hex- AU;.SANDi:i! Man ruj,. n. D.i Minister T?m ah in li Clnrlev A"!tnnt Minister. Dr SlseCell wll nrnrii .it 11 o'clock and Mr Ciirlex nt s len Mulc at 11 A M An'h m "rti'tnlr the I.i rd In Klnc ' W UUm Ifemv Hi-rxvabl Centra. in i" I" "He Shnll I'et-d Ills rim It" Hnr'!"! s 1 M 's-,,','jr Hrent'ie nn nxenlnir I!lenln ' P. ff ' ,ileur Thy Chll-il-en Kw; " SulMxan . I)lr'- i- of muslr N' Lindsay Nerden. !i',llir TKMI'l.r " Ktn- k In 'n I Thmnn-en Th" r-h' 'nl ' irrh XVPh n XVnrm welcome .. ..... .v.. ..n....i- r.'-'y Ii.l.a. If it'" I Ml IUU ' I, l.l f' ..Kill a iO, Id S n Thr Tlireligv of Nature" Sen "lhe rnmr of nn ld!"n. Life.' ' .'in sundi sr, n -.0 i K Tuedi Kh H.-dedli mr r- Service Riu CltXItl.IIS It r.HDMAN D I.).. JtUt rft irliw.l fr in the rirlent Till: CIICHCH IN TUT. Itl HAST. XX 1 n- l III ll.nter'ril N'lBht Tli'irdrt He Ileceptlnn le former and ir 'it mirnlii-ri, nnd frtfnd Priilnv Kf li rpnrftter erlce. rirench Itll.- b Iti' .lehn ilnni NVwmin D D. Sunday ff X I". i'iiMMI'MOV I'retestnnt Kplsrepnl in hi ii or tiii: ikii.) ai".i-ti.i:s, -1 t nnd fyi- ("tl'in s's. itev eiinricji: ir -reni. rtrrter. ii en A St 1n. ( nr-imunleti le "0 X, XC "Xte-t '-a? pr,er and ier ier nien s,,( j,.,., "Tuts Freed jm,' !! T I' VI undn school 4 m. V M Kvertng I'ruer s , i.'-i T'.dpr,l l Is tenor "'n i Tisls fur ('unlt'.my ' 7 in I" SI Y.ung Pk.i.I h Service l,e nru Th" e- ! , t tl-micht Is r,m ( III l'( I III -T .11 1IK li I III; NVTIVITY N XX . Suni'.i nnd s X I'tll nni VM Vernen Ms r- CPU in C. A M 7 la P. SI. 1 i n ti nr' 'mlii ll-y. t; i h'.i h ii n h hpii yeireme "I A VII'-. i iHusSfiN- Recter He I nltnri in KIK.-T I. NIT KI N ( III HI II -It ' iMW Il'v KHLIil r:'i K it iiniri-iv MJlni'ter. 11 V .M vi- i;nn ii him nr.Mi h Sublet Id" iistru. ttnir th. I hurch of r'hr "! f viT vlil W (III 11(11 (II ,i:RM.TOWX (Tr-ene in i 1 XX' (.he ten n;e sin ,1m h. r s -.mi-. nt 11 A. M. 1 e Mn . will nrei i x iTiim- r WITH I rn- h s h h ti h u- i.ei HiM.i it s reHims. - ii ie. . 'ii., ia:r:s most AMi I i;i I.M'iNS I'ROM the Pi sh r. invited Heuaa at PIIOTHI'T.AYB Subject te Change ThcNIXON-NIRDLlNCER C5 THEATRES M,N s AMBASSADOR WfiWyti -., .-I, , , ,, . . ier i.Hilrd Tni -li Mli, - i i it Hit I.IMril I'nem '. n.l i u I r If) r (, tilled f'UKB ( aln. Hit ii t i:lilemv niitne linn -n. '- i n Llilenr r I li' ' Harnr. - t. n In Kxtilenre vt 'j" XX BALTIMORE Vrj S'SKS M '.Mri hiy,n,r ,, Pr .Itilril lle T - . i la t-M it i ti Her r.lldi il Cntr XX i al ii x n i.nr i- line (Imr I nil T i Hi re XX I k r In (lm ( Im. I nil r n i r M s VI ,r M I l. .. . ., .. ..... ..... XI I t. Sltlltll of Mltil XI simtli of run BELMONT -.! Allnxr MAHKET ' I' i f. I (I In ( 1 P. if. IIiIIiIihis 1 Ittle lf Iirlldeiis I life Unit DellrlniiH Little Hull -Mi le is I ie lleili llnll.ln.. I ,..!.. 1,.1, M Ma.. M jr- i T Xln.. Mn. r . XX- - M ,, Mur-n i T XI . XI 1' -Viae Xlurrai s Vine mm , , i .1,, Mule Drill CEDAR ''"Til 6 . I HAI' AVK.VL'B i i i ii - ,. . i M F"rrir't Vlmi li Vfrulil in rieh, T Ti ik V ii n Xfrilil t U-lil " l'11'l.'H iir'i I . V m rrnin Hell's H'ver 111 I. I I . XI ,,, I, n. ((ull 1,1. am I I" ni. s 1 .'.' rl Vl,. Ii file 1 ndeistiiili - II rli M-ii in Ihe I mlrrslintt coliseum M:": ;,,,;;Moe,h V " i1 m ' 'V '" , " il "" ''"'"" 'I. H' He I i.'.'1 ?. v"" '" " '"" "r '" Mern I I-tn It vth. in mir l.i.l, r- 1- 1l II r. ', I' .1. , ..,. VX-nllni.. 11,11 ,r I!,,. I tutnr JUMBO i ltuN'i s ,. , M, ,r, Avr!i 1 ni. in I t , Kf ,r,, e.t, 1 r'nne iTrllTltl n V Virgin', u ...in.. r v r r 1 ll 'I, 'III.. Infum, ik VIU. Her. II I I 'i ll is I idilni;irs r '.!' " ,',r"!"""- "' 'he Sturm rr ' ii ilri'liiin. nt i.. s,..M VX- XX si,r i ,,st r iiinernii of lt, Mounted LF.ADF.R "T L'-A'TKirAV i i ,. . .. - , . '. ' . '...'. II P. M. ' 1 iin lit tin itifi.i 'w T r it k i- ;n IVrii te O . UUhl i I1'1'' Ip eurnre ' rv II Mltil Iltll ( llllp.l.. If Ven III lift a- It. !(' He LOCUST '..I ' VMi 1 . n hTHEETH M i' 1 1'i t, 1 l.tg J in In Xlt lint 'Mini in Xlt He) . K hi in Vlt Het mn In Vlt Itii if. n in V llnj ' ii In VI, Mi.) 0 IS te 11 PMOTMurir. P j . .tuny COHPM.V fr OTAMKOiCA XI - I . 1' In. kl XX ht. k 'I Ii'kl. I' l.k' 1.. i NIXON '.'Il XMj MAHKET BT8. I' T and t i in lints w III ii, .. Him. Will II,. HetK i llin. Mill He liny li "i hi Inn nr the Vlnrn i i lii'i nf Hie Vlnrn ' ii Inn nf Ihe Vlnrn 'X '! Il.,. XI II It ,k. x ( ; i ' I I' s ix 1,1k i w I i . vx RIVOLI t'.'Ii A HANHOM HTS. I ' n I I 1 11 H If. In II VI N ' 'Im 1.- Ill lllcllt i.f line. f.u.i I -. ' mn I ii ii . I 111 If I x- Ii t ,.r .. i.... 'mi I ii it i. I . Hi lllrht ,,r .!.. ZZ Mm II . i in. kt. m In l.t lilr nrr ii.i. Hi. in. i i. i, m l.t Idem e I 'I tu. . it n i I'.tldemn Sl-IFRWOOD ':!"' l'"linere At, ?' xlx . W . '.'' -' i:vi: 018a fl;B0 VI Vtir.. Viieia in llnrilrrliin.l T Am Ai In Hnrilfrliind XV (' .llentl vin rn In I'eine nn Orer T i elti en .Miinrn in Cuiur en liter !' ln l'l ney in Arn of llrurt s - I aii rhnr,ey In Are uf llrur v.117 etm s i?riT A M ? k . '.Jl. wjiA i- vV ft. .'.ht."f. ,!' u i-tj.j