TWrwPw v i t ' "'!!' tfJ) if' !, Is Y .. i f'1 m "t K EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHlt;ADELIHlA,- SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1922 6 "ys''',,('4,i wfi e m I h r I I i it i i SARAH D. LOWRIE'S SA TURD A Y EVENING TALK Happiness Is Just as Necessary in Life as Goodness I HEARD same one say the ether ilny nudging you te "come, nleng." If you i. ,.., ...,i.f ..t t.i tirnv n he '"ivp many ilcnemlcnt en eti. thore 1 Ami. ImiIppiI. tl.rrp are Hirl- . flriMiiiistimces rather th,,,, our power of tlnns who think tlmt haptdnes" N ,,et . cl"'-'-" m "r lives te our own detrl- tinrt nf thn iireici'iim nt life: trllll. Ill , i-'. '"' '' "' " uu iri'i-". Vcrslty. uncertainty, lms-. interruptions fightings nml fears within, without, etc., nre. One often henri tin unlaw plncsPH pnumerufpil. mntly In liynini vhlch wp art- supposed te sing in praise of Ged. The word fur bleed In tin- writings of thp Uible corresponds' most neiirly te our word for happlne". Kvery tlinp, therefore, thnt one catches the vmnd of thnt weril "Mpx-hmI." plthpr from the Myings nf Christ, or from thp tankers of wings in tlip Old Testament tlmt were written te be chnntcil hy thp people the I'salmi evcrv time one comes across that "blessed" he pun measure for him self whether or net liiii'pines was part of Ged's plan for human beings. 1 ler every tlewerln;' plant In my I gnrdrn therp Is sure te spring up near- I by a weed thnt does net llewer with ' , nnj beauty, and that Is a fnt liver and tnke upace ami nlr and plant feed that should k te thp plant that I have plaii'd there. Generally it leeks like the plnnt, and a new gardener mil tnkes it for the plant and lets it thrive, with the result that the real plant is crowded out or is ccn killed, and the i if suit further is no dowers ! i- will Mi we ai Ml VV ,,,, UK some of us verv familiar the sound and rlivthm .it least of what nre rilled the lteatltude; i. e.. Mewed are the peacemakers, the merci ful, the pure in lini'-t. the peer in spirit, the meek, these that mourn, these nre persecuted for righteous ness, these whom men revile for the sake of their Master, and -e en. In reality we reuld .is well substitute "happv" for "blessed,"' and come a nenr the meaniiu a bleed is. hut 111 any case If is a stale that i- the reverse of "fightings nnd fears within, with out, "' nnd one could desire no mere c- ' rene or perfect condition for eiiese'f And it Is a condition that we are urged te expect here and new een though vie actually de mourn, are p. or in spitit. are meek, have te be peace, inkers, must guard our hearts by purit. m..v be t'l t'l upekpn of. and even ill-treated Ir i net something for heaven It is what we lime eery right te i-xpei t new If and there is the great moment "f choicer-if we adhere te ertain laws of our beings thev mav come te flower, se te speak, for us m happiness I have just completed the work of putting m garden te sleep for the win ter, which comes mrlv in the niium tnlns. I am centident. knowing the plants, thnt it will be i-i ll vv.-r .icain next HimmiT. Kueh plant will 1' te hloem after its Imbit. some fr iin seel, geme from bulbs, from rees . -h'me Will flilWer earU. -nine lllte. se' le l'.i-t b' seeded new. 'iunn In M;n T it p." has a life which, in p.te of e..l.l and Fnew .1 tul lie ni.d the fie-t et NeM'mbr and the winds of Much and the 1 cold of April and tee niucli rain, or tee much drought darlv davs and sunny days, will come t, Mever. 1 r rather b. rnuse of nil the-e t.'ingi- sm it mil going te make tlmt mistake h my life and let the temptations that are part of the circumstances which surround me play havoc with the tes'lbilltifs for happiness well in one sense it Is geed enough for me! Itut iiNe it is in unnecessnrv that It is mere a crime en m part than a misfortune l.ecause veit live en the slope of a hill you nenl net take it for grume tlmt mi must tumble down and get smashed up. Knje the view! It l the takiti; for granted that nnlinpplneK is the result of inii-t thines, and thnt happiness is nnlj the result of n few things thnt make us les,. out. Trite ns it Is, hntipiness is the result of our own use of circumstance. jut n.s trulv :is honey s the result f the flower's use of 1 Irciimstnni'cs. We de net accept ercunitmii'cs as our means for setting ether things llinti hnpiiiness. s,,-li rhlngs as feed, shep. lieuct clothes, friends We Insist mi having i ertain iIhik-s ,,ut of life :111c! go out te get them if they de net drop Intci our laps. We epeet a great deal out of circumstances, but we nNe e pict 11 great deal out of ourselves in order te em and generally take care "i our plnsicnl wants. Hut we s;ly te; youngsters; with a kind of superior air:: "I'e net seek happiness, nnd we aNe ; ituelv. "Ie net eticct" The first may be doubtfully geed ad .i". though I for one cannot -tand fer it' I!ut the Imtilicatinii that v... are net meant for happiness seems te me on en riitiir.ii nnd therefore un-t'hrlstinn "The truth ,f the matter is we uinr.i.t func tion rlghtlt, physjciilh .'y or pintuall unless ,, ,.,r,. bu 1 y Se I sn te invself: "If I ha" .1 p'iysi ,il 10 lie, or iim that mn be uifd. it is 11 tirst business !,, ,,,ire it If I hue .in emotional t-atii that can be Hind, let me cure it ; and certainly if I lack hnpi'ine.s. t js ,j t-lrt busine.-s te cure myself 0f unhapplnes bv haiipi- ViKMSTi 4 PK CSrSAiv'A's Jl lwyMSWxn.1 ( 1 1& JM .' HEnWV '$3mtei3mi&&ws7& .&mi. ZWm 1 " h mi 4 Adventures With a Purse rjKSI'ITK the fact tlmt Heme babies L' love te hpliuh about In the bathtub, there tire ether who de net like It nt all, nnd I remember n nmnll cousin of tnlne who kicked nntl put up tnilte n howl when he hnd te nubmlt te IiIh tlnlly bath. Ilut tin tnkln Delly te bed works like a chnrm, no ilee.i ttiklnR some kind of toy into the tub. Tlicre enn be bought n red rubber npeiiRa In thp shape of nn elcplmnt, n bright g?;pen bow nbetit his neck. When he gees bathing with the baby It in (treat fun for the little person te slnp around In the water with the sponge, which costs thirty-five cents, If jeu would be ery extrnvngnnt nnd tnnke the most dainty of fancy spreads for the bed, let me tell you of peme lnce I f-nw. This Is no erdlnnry lace and will net be appreciated really unless you see It, and wdipn you once de, well, you'll knew thnt there 1h one of the things for which you have been looking 1 nil jour life. Mnde by hand in far- r.wny liulin, the gossamer threads leek ns if they must hnve been woven by fairy fingers. The piece I hnve in mind is eleven and ene-hnlf inches wide. This ran be joined with white net and will make a truly lovely bedspread. The Clncc is S.'l a yard. 1 J Tnr nnmen of hen neictrrm tVemnn's Vnwt miteir or nlione Walnut 3000 or Main loot lietwrrn the hours of 0 nml S. The Superior Sex Uy IIAZIX DKYO i:TCIIKI.OU tie line t' ' 11.. I'ssei what if need. 1 -c '1 w : 1 n I 1 mild M'ry w i u 1 this very uieuii nt ' HI that arc wilted new by tre-t. f.e enn your tubers be given te matin underground aii'1 nnd get tirm l fm-e 1 dig b'oem HeM ear !" I linxe said about 1 c s.i'ne the phIe thin I new l'-: .nj getting (I sort of ple'ei-flxe p'i for tin- cniiung old. thru igh tlewer d.i'd.a- 1 are ye for "ii'iN -tren.-tb multiply II up t" IIW'. We1! I iliid neet.le bout the "hew." J de them all agreein,- that it is that t':e mi.' leads that makes it: differing net the the nml life illf- must s,irtve tin writer. SprOllt 111 the slirlll. I've s spur take a mux u.i elt pi n den nil this mmirn but among the hr-i te inherit the sprr.g TF wi: J- nature .lie ierfei should I . lilestednes of b'ipptii t! ins t' ui .Hid i -stileud tth.i'h ! if it is HI en :i. 1-iik- in l'ie gr- n wi'l be the uirtb in that a w ,1 1 its bin of whv are we se timid about our own reason for com ing Info existence'- Why are si.m" et 11-.. wlm wish te Inn1 Ged most, .0 sciuenmih about faking what it a ipe.irs lie gives te (lowers and lii-d and the grnss of the tie'cN, here ,nd mm 1 Why nut off being happv till We i'ic'' Let us go In for it. and keep geiiiL' until we bare It. I say ' It Is evidently net a thing tlmr de pends en nieiiei or mi :ower or en rec ognition, or en being utiseliish. or en ven being dutiful. We llilVe all of Us b.ere "ii ill, 1111- hnppy persons, and ut dutiful un happy per-01 111 fai nl in r - g I'- - mi ! sounds! I hnve known some it-hii-whe have awful ireiibb. who wt .ir blessed hajipv '. Tin' fill nc with wonder I fee like u i'kiii' nil them and saving te them: "Hew in the world de you man age it?" And ngnin I hnve kne-vn very loving. expnnive soul-, with a curious ten dency te lapse into inii.ippiuc light ings and fears witlnn. without ! If they were plants I would net l,a. them in my garden because tlnv are net turning out te be fully what thu were created te be happy . One cannot leek under the leaves) et the generality of telks and stlv for sure what is with their growth, but one enn iimine ones, if, ,n,i j ven ture, te fin that if I em nm happy, it is because I am verv fiuut -hiarn d I bout tile pisl,tv of being luippv, given the 1 irciinistance, that summed me. Ten le one I haw di.icneseil th lircuinstnnci s as making it iiiiiiie-s-ibie ferenee between happt'iess and milinppi ness I'.iir I b.avc only te leek into the faces of the 1,11.11V .eeple 1 ktn.w te be that it is just there 11 ml new Ihii. i.i thai the nt of happlnes. lies. W.. all of cs can si-mtch ihreugh mir allotted years niinelmv . with the vi ta'iry thai we !i:t. but what We nceil Is vifalltv te eon e out mnre than just coinpierer- ginnts refreshed ! 1 ur I.en spoke of it once a- "the nie-i abundant life!" Thnt -nm- r i.p best, I funey. A life net ilep, tub t'i en ciri iinit.ince. but 011 our inpai.iv ter heln.; creative of the materia! 11b' ut us as i. tie( linn self, after Whes.. Iu age we are made, nnd from Whose I-.uge we depart only en our own volition .' 11 .s'f, 1 lr .in i 1, 1 inn 1 m11 ' en 11 Int. '. lunl ,,. ,i,l ,, i ,'!' 1 1: '1 In ill in hi' c Ml. f 10 1,11,1 till 1 11 1,1 him. m,il 111 tin fiijlil tl nt fin tl 1 tin I lit, . h, ft , ' ;. 1 nfi n in h,i c irith In 1 ll'd Ii' ' lllntciini tlfit ri -rt i.'liifh sin- irf'111 d nml i'ii 11 if A the Ail" 1 .'!' in 11 of Inii In m, , , !( fi. 11 ii rr In' r. hit I Ollll'll'l id f'M, SIISIII I'. I fK 111 .i m 1 d ,:;i ; . irnul t-i thr men t in h tin- .'((;,( ( 1 rr uttiiui I . tin ir hum uiix'iiiii tiiji. h, that iin till linn ktr net I I 11 1 . . I! Ml h. LOW HIE. THE HOME .V GOOD TASTE Hit Urn old Ileniihlsnii E'.i'rlcin '!t J- , Vrf !; '-A: V- Arningemeitt of flowers w a v , with I Ut she 1..' 1 that ''.I'1 him 11 . .. doing se s hnppincss Ann 1 Wi V s J y, though' '1 nevi r i'. 1 ll.lVi '(V 1 ill the w 1 r;.it li m 'd I. nil tit. s Iti-hlv it llllll.e IP". I Hid' h te snci'iti In wMffl ' - " '4isw&& . Ji mm . iff "5, JflBKS?vll I ) . ,,.;,, 1..; j iWJv.1 I HI- Tift M-tmM, 1 .,11 ,1 t in 111 v hksJjSSs t m i M ft !&&". V rs. 4. jwutwrn mtw. In da 'line 1 -nfat &?k;3$ I ,? ill S?3 ', wifS.KJS . , M&ki -1 ,i.w rj3:? jg imM ti kc vz w juk jm ?-y, ? "" -i- $mf iff 7 ?, h ttftsm i I w.'T mmi M tlmiiiiht i--te tSJgEXm WSi $2 -th;' vlHaM ..2jx2$M i't linn- mM PbB 1 W Iii W 'av MWm$m& m,ii &!K' r zst'im w .wmrr msmxm ''i. si 1 1.1 net wm ' 'mmSl ! S-Wi f- effiyeHn th- 11-1 he had Ism"'"-'- tWm&MlEk 1 ifC- tJKV0nNmmMnYi I tiu ii- " .1. ,t i,r pf. , 4mS3B '$$' 'Mm I W$WpxSmfclGU$M ' loved i.rii .in I li iv W .jBIBSfk, i $M' Wsi f mm&mt8KXHbM$$m I been bv ng I., 'he j? J$s$mM&KBr 'ili'7Ml I MiWHHeiH ' ' i sus,,i . , 1 , j b 1 & .4aa?flK3H. & l5 's i?ILBHnl .... for , 4MMWJM''M M&WnffflxBKHMm 1 wrought. ' -S 'tyK&$$m&M$M -MWBmwMBmmi i mmm- 0:mmMmmmm A I'uiiyli cloth coat MMlKM for 1 re ryday; WSSMB tt vi'lk irran fit mrnr & M&i8li I ever a brocaded frock; v-V-T an c-cniny cloak FmWlk or evi of white velvet T JSaJBIs. adorned with .sprays l. of jit In ads. gggp&ir i,n. . ""'h""' ""'.v'itx , w sj 12 t Can Yeu Tell? liy It. ,1. nml A. 11'. Beimcr The Reason for NotDeing Wrong h . That Everybody Shouldn't De ft It Is the Responsibility of Each One of Us te Keep Our Little Share of Humanity Right for the 9ahe of the Whole ' .TlrOTIli:it. exclaimed the g'" who IVl hnd just come of age, "I den t see why you won't let me go te n matinee with .Tuck alone. I'm plenty old enough te de it : nil the ether girls de, nnd It Isn't as if wc were going nt night." "I knew, dear," rxplnined her mother, -soothingly. "Yeu rcnlly are old enough, nntl I wouldn't object, since we knew Jack se well, anil 1 knew you'd belinve properly, tee. Hut you knew sister is be rebellious), nnd she Is just at the age when she wapts te de everything you de. If I let you go, then she'd Insist upon going without me, and she knight slip nwny some time from benrding school te go with one of the boys. I can't watch her there, nnd I must get these things well implanted In her mind before she gees nwny ngnin." It Is nlwnys that way. The thing thnt would be se harmless for you te de yourself is forbidden be tnusp If somebody else did It or If everybody else did It the result would be a great dpal of trouble nnd harm. This Is one of (lie hardest lessens of life te learn. As Itsj truth comes home te you, you begin te realize for the first time thnt you cannot live te yourself alone with out stirring up difficulties for some one you have never heard of. TIIK skntlng nn the thin ice of pro priety thnt you may be nble te get nwny with does net hurt you, perhaps, If you try It once or twice. Ilut the fnct remains thnt it is wrong. If you de It, you are letting down your ideals, loosening up jour con science. Yeu may realize this nnd step In time. Hut if you don't rcnllze it and de go en taking a chance lierp, limiting n hairbreadth escape from detection there, you nre bound te hurl either yourself or some one else. The hurt thnt you de te Rnn.n . else may be as a direct wS"M of your wrongdoing or U maThe' h! result of yflitr example. ID Youngae girls may see you ,ini. something dellcleusly diirltig-nil(i ! , " mediately begin te copy vein lln' Heme one who Is tempted 'te for... the difference between light and ,, ' nnd Is bravely resisting, may flti.i 5: thnt you have yielded and hnve &f with it. ""iir Why wouldn't It be that wnv win. lierVhhe thinks, and se steps li?te treu. ble that she docs net escape as you hare AI'AMOt'S writer once said thnt the real reason we should net de thin,, which nre wrong Is thnt if eventing did then; clvlllxntlen would go te IT,7 It's nil very well te sny, "Oh u-ii I'm only one out of millions. ' j ,1 doesn't hurt me or anybody else nil shouldn't I de It?" ' vbj Hut tlmt Isn't the way te leek nt tin S.inpep fn- 1. 1 r.n.I.1 .1 iiiiju'"i,i v-.nv u.-Liiucu yciu were nm m.f ,.f .,,1111. ,., .l u .1.1',. ,rl en uui ui in...... nn .no. 11 WUIIlun I Count Suppose everybody in nil these mii. liens said. "Oli. well, I'm only ne eui of millions. Why nheuld I worry about right nnd wrong? Why shouldn't I h nnd st ml and kill people" and knock ethers down se that I ratvtnke their places? Wlmt difference dcJes it rnaki in the long run?" m And if you say It why shouldn't everybody else say It? That Is your responsibility In lf te keep thnt one out of millions, veur little part in tills great whole, turtfed te the tight. JI'ST as surely as you can influence for bad you can influence for geed by your example. Yeu may affect only a handful of per sons, but If you enn proclaim upright ness and 1 1 nt li te thnt handful hy your Ideals and your loyalty te tlirm, y0ti hnve acquitted yourself worthily in his life. you never did anything nice : y else because you were one Several Ways of Doing It Causes .Snoring? Snnilng is caused by the Intake and (IV tltllsldll III nil flit,, lll.l, ,l,i, -n,l,.j ,.F ."'..,,'',, ', ,.l, ,,.,, , k I . II.,- lll,,,.l..-l (111 ... iieenle nl,,, mir. .isii.,.1, 'in,.,..., .... .1 hoi' the er.v fnstlilleiis there cenn' of air cause the sft palate and the new some enchanting scarfs for dress UMila. or lleshy conical bedv which is ing table and chiffonier. I hey are niincheii t.i iin. soft enini.. i. f i le, i.i, , iiiiuIp of iiiile-cjlereil tiifleta, with II : 1 .."' "" ""." .,,,.. ,i..i;. ... ..!... j. 1. ...1.. 1 .; pnrt et tlie tongue, in vibrate. This vibration is possible during sleep be cause these parts are at such time with out neive control. When we nre awnke we are able te 1 outrel the passage of these streams of air Inte and out of the Readjustment ANNi: hc.,1 m leal 1.. il 1, 'itil demanded r 1 knew pist. hew 111 n li !. elltli'elv -I,, had ptl'sellt, .'!!(! 1,1s sil. had b en iik,. cold lingers cle 1 tlie th and trust in her Aft. ri'.itd be h , liuiiibb He li.i ' . 1. I ib-.t it ilclti't 1. tietl.i'.g mutti'ied -.ivv sn He ha I 1 e. 11 ,. is" r t" 111.1k" till' I MVee tllll' Ills word j 1 .ind vvei.i 11 - V,c s! .. had n l'ls 111 Ilis, In . ,1 . . kls-es. He hud vi.iuvd 1v.rytl.1t1g te lie a 1 it had b , 1! vv.inti d t . f .rg -t , t.iat I ban br-.kti I. is word te her. j Tic J list iv a- (Pa I, l.e .aid e en r and , ever, and l.e pp.' ii tieur te r"t'-r te it agatti 11 t 1 -mj, .itt.-i lie had f.'i.leli ii-di.ep. A'lt.c li'td .-I.,, oil out '.' I . r birth 1 u.i 1 '. .ir ter 1 'eng time I" I( re tl I'll I I" -hole linlelllllg 11 th. of tin wiuer against tic -i.'i of ti,t 1 mi. She love 1 him tl'l. but that wu- the f.lgedy of It. Iiecause .1,. luvi I 1. 1111 -.1 iinic'i 1. mii than I e loved her Net 'l!v 1,11.1 '.' tie ).iWi' le II . ike her ler.'et tlie world w hen she was m Ills nrnis. Met eiilv did si. ,,v. him 1h.1t lungs in such a way us te prevent thr ihralien of hese parts. This is most easily accomplished by breathing through the nose and net ihreugh the 'mouth. Snoring is, unfortunately, an involuntary act. but may be produced by voluntary effort when awake. Hicceughing is produced by the spasmodic twitching of the diaphragm, a thin miiM'iiini iiicmbiujic which divides the chest from the abdomen. If a sign of indigestion and thus is an action in sympathy with the condition of the stiiinach. The muscular twiddles and jerks of the diaphragm which me the movements that produce the hic hic eough, are only an attempt te aid the stomach in it, efforts te get rid of semetHng that is causing the indiges tion Sneezing is caused by the effort of the parts affected te epe particles of matte" or mint's which have entered the nostril and which evite the nerves of feeling or smell leiatnl there. When ever matter or odors vvhiih are distress, ing te these nerves enter, the nerve caused the muscles te ;nt in a manner which is intended te eject whatever ir ciiiisini; uus in iiaueii. 111 simie eases it is an unpleasant smell which excltis the nerves of smell, and in ethers, it N objectionable mutter which excites the nerves of feeling, located in the nose. I causing them te produce the snie.e. slight lining te give it body, and fin ished all around with 11 band of metallic ribbon in 11 different shnde. Of course, nil that does sound rnther expensive, hut It could be duplicated in voile or n iln In - colored gingham and give much the smim effect. It's a Strange Time Te he giving 11 garden party, but when you henr that it's n way for children te have fun en 11A1.1.0W KEN, nnd that each one dresses as 11 flower or !. vegetable, that there nre appropriate games te be played and refrpsliiiients und decorations, that carry the idea still further you'll surely want te send le the editor of the woman's page for the plans for that party, and use It for your own small son or daughter. FAVORITE RECIPES OF FAMOVSWOMEN Hy IDA M. TAI.HKM, (Kiltter and Auther) Hew te Ml Salads A pinch of salt. A sprinkle of pepper, A niggard with the vinegar, A spendthrift with the nil, nnd A devil of a stir Monthly Kitten's Teligue, by Anita Ixies Coiurle'if, 102!, b'j 1'iibtlc Lcdetr Cempwif P0MPE1AN OLIVE OIL Sold Everywhere Monday Where Did the Name bacre" (.'nine Frem? Te- Delicious! Expresses But Poorly The Unique Flaver of HT w ith .1 she '. It'. I! rs mid bung him anv 1 1- d I V I .' Please Tell Me What te De Hy CYNTHIA .1. the wnv She W .i-l; al out U'.l of the U before lie lliiWII lne ill'll Ill'V.T lis f III-l. -' e women '.11 ' llli't hi 1 .II-.. if t ( 1 ir neighbor-, across the I'm ifi. Japanese in their reverent love 1 .in v e' llewers hnve taught u- mu.'l ns te thi ir atrangemctit. In Nippon eli" may take a thiee-year onus, ii the art of llewer arrangement. Theie mi ..f ti l- , I'll 'I' I'. ude. it took into 1 il e things that .iff t'.e present nun . .md ' nil 1. 1111- C.ltl Ml vi rv pieiis'. Itlg lit least hup I II. U I Tt thnt I being what plness in 1 hem turn my attention signed ! pnAf'Iul 1 nnve 1, mi i.-ii ii.r - n linn nnd a f inei 1! w whnt I was meant t , ,.n 1 garland of bles,e, fee'nig fee'nig Ne wonder our uppi r lip ns we come en in y.-irs ami we our lower teeth when w lalk. ins Of OUr Upper ones when we smile Ne wonder there nn- lm.s from noses like clothespin, crai ining in mouth nnd our eye. 100k out coolly' wonder young pii.,m, nn , hM, given lip being luippv I gl.tlv avoid advice as well n 1 np-n" Why sheiild tie v d.i 1,, '.. i nnii rlimnxes that v. s. , - 1,, f, ,. ,. Me born te become'. On the etlnr hniiil. if Christ nctiiallr did tell men that II- had te.iiid a wa te happiness I lis., dues- pn,slde te till Who followed w hi re He led, here nnd new ' In pi'i of tabulations aii-l mourning, denfh ami hardships, what III the world but our own Ktupblltv i i te hinder our taking Him at His word nnd going in for whin He proved wn the Way, the Truth and the Life 1 - enic-ieiA II If. reslgli.i- in-tc,id of . a 1 erfe. t happiiies,. ' grew le-i.' -lu.-v "ad our ei-r 1 Ne net our E'' 1AC1I for himself in one sensi, be. , cnisi- what is ,1 hludinriie for von might be a furtherance for nn- whit ou de net need In wnv of n dl'clpline, 1 may need bndU 1'resi mav kill vnu nnd be just the making el me 'li great point is te knew that von are lliennt te come te 11 perfect iv hole, the mere perfect the belter If then- Is such a tiling ns "mere" perfect ' Hilt naturally if one Is te be linppy one does net sll resigned m cempl,iisant I when one fppls iinbappv Kvery sort of niitwnid elrcnnitniice has Its Inward 1111 nnce te happlncis f you are peer and in danger of being Jioerer, there .lie the menu worries ilmt can tempt one hpurly If you are very rich, therp i-,lhe nluiet certain tempta tion of reMleweii-NN, as easy te gratify, nnd yet se fatal te gratify If you ate occupied ami su.,c-ful, there is the temptation te gain the whole world ami les your own life If m an- ill there h the temptntle 1 I 1 'n mg mere id than jeu need te he--a cemptte invalid, js Uie piirnse lias It, lr you have no one there is sclhsbncss are certain prescribed rules, and the lesul's at.. fiiuAels of balance and i--ti in in line and color. A bowl or jar holding a perfect ar- .ing mi-lit -f idnssum- and l-'iv.-s fi-r -.p'-iitlv forms the se'e ileceraf e'i in 1 n 0". V inv f nllr b('S llerisf- Jive is le- . -mis dailv in the r irr-iu.'ei.ient nf llewer-, 111 sjtnple 1 eiiiaiin rs plait- 1 agiuiist cpiiet background' I'lewer-, exceit ".hen arranged in rl.e ipiiilnt Victorian iieseenys, reminiscent of elaborate paper holders, should never In- crowded. They should be se placed in bevvl or vase ns te stand freely ami gracefully. The color value of Hevers should be jealously considered Never put pink, flowers in" a room where the ib-i'ilinnt color is mange or bright ur d Hi tin- ether h.i.ul. purple llewers m a room et blue lltld geld lii'iv In- 1 Hoses of all hue, from iverv te de..,, pink, in 11 grnv room, an inn 1 I 00m or in 11 dull bbn ruiiin are jii-rfe. t Thu green of growing plants 11 al most ulwavs safe I ii ell eiiinge ainl siarlet (lowers in a yellow loom, ar ranged perhaps In a Urn k or dud gr.n biiwl. or In 11 gray room, with notes m dull blue Ol' violet. Ill IV lie Well'leltlll A beautiful arrangement enn hi mad" in an old pe-i r-laiu bowl, or one of luster with iili-fishlnliei! garden Mower placed rathir mere i I sey than usual, 1 as in the old-fashioned floral paint ing. Undless ion tempt one 10 citation, but the thing te remember is color again. Urn- and in -. V. u be. come an artist working in culm an I form when you begin te arrange flew er- Alwavh retueinber 'hat von are nuking a picture and think net enU of the group but of the background She N rn .11. Il'ln th" aft in .l.ii g t'Mt wen- ti revi (I leri ll IIOW I'.-f.iie, -he CO lull, g lltlell I. IS si iad 11 V- 1 id II-' ' Ilir I'll - both f .1 (I. 1 I 1 r 1 nvvfuilv pn-ttv C; 1 tl... n.ei me r- lv I 11 , Il It fi ll! te I tl 111 t Of .1.1 1 I is 0 1 , pteil , - . mi nl- 1, .id iy thing 'I ! . r.-'s JfvUtr '5eu " l'u Yeu Can Learn a New Dance That I leallv en old one maiie ever, by sending for th- "Hall et Kiwi" Halloween party, which has. been arranged especially for you this year. Send a self-iidilren.eil, Mlllliped invi'lepe te the IMUur of the Weman's Page, te find out about this dance and all the ether enter taining stunts for Octebe- 31, ns is she would linn ii 1 lis of iiuy mini v.ii te her. llllt Steele's Wi I't tit, 1 1 1 ,1 new meaning ti 1 v. 1, . wis that he had said ' si 1 ii I 'i' about you tint draw- 1 '" 1 1, I, ii bleed surged 111' 1 1:0 faii ai id 1 i.'-nery of these weril- Itut the next moment she bad thine n 1 nek hi- la id pteiidly, and a inar,l; e werluly iiniiferi ii " had setlNd down i-wr th si ttness of her features. IbiaiiK- of her love for Srcc b. she Ind 1 list aside her armor. Sic- had nilevve.1 the world te see into her heirt, leir never again, She had be-n l,md te Nerrisimd it had ken .1 mistake. I'rem 1, ivv en she vveilld I'ny im-n with her 1. 1 -'lie. she would keep a Larrnr of e ibeiit her, through vhhli 1 u- euld '1 Mt rate. As for I r I. u band. It was vv.-s tee late te de any thing iibuin her ' ve for him. Sic j, id given 1 1111 her', all of her-elt She vviubl go en loving him always, hutthe hnppi-rice-, the care-fne jev that had b en hers 1 vel' since tlmt Light when she had Sji.i.e willingly into Steele's arms lad been shaken. She had I pen sure of him then, but she could never In- ipnte se of him again. I'm eti-c lei.s'j , no matter hew she str'ig-ied 'ic'iinct it. -In- 'would be waiting for seuk thing te 1 ap pm, something that would reu-e his siispn ions against In r and bring up thai luistlun "f the I or much as sin- loved I mi. Antic d in net believe that Steele would I eep his oreiiuse te her. lie would intend te, but the time would leine wln.i In would forget, and when I Iin' "uie eiiuie -he 1 must lie leadv for it (Te He Continued) . The Weman's Exchange I Just About Correct Te Hi. h.d for of li'nidnii n I'hq''Mudnin 1 weiibl likr t. Unnw wlut inv light weight sheulil he Am twenty -two, ninirtiil ami l,ax. .1 1 l,lil three years. Am live fe, t, live anil a riu.irter Inches, weigh uheut 1 JO. meas ure tlilrtv-fnur Inches bust, waistline twenty-eight Inc'ics, hip. tb'i tv-feur nnd tiirei -ipinrt-rs Art my m 11 n, tncnts ab nit correct'.' A Ui:lii;it. .ii ure Just tiliuut 10M..1 fxceiit that you are .ilieut three peunda ever- Welcome te the Column 11' ' 1 I am u stranger in 1 ! v. r xery letielv I 1 i s, ui .md xv ish te just I . Iglit.en and rather I .111 illicit, net te knew It, v.-ral mirror 1 In my l -ii It is net conceit. ni'li I Ju't your - w iters nil sec 111 like .1 I -0 the lensen I'm wilting ... i this family. Mav I I.'iNI.'I.Y sthanci;u. On Legal Matters ,1 -Will nppreclate xery 1 vuu iilvlse tne, n; your 1 ' n , of tin fol'e vinii 1 ii in n illverce milt in iinl the llnal pr-p- ri have "i nl te court, tin it - I t.iVil before n. filial .lecrtO .1 ' If he (the (b.f iiilutilj I'. '1 hew ImiK weiiid tblf, s. .i.wl w'ciit HtLp.s must 1m ' ,1 ' . '1 is I lie CO-se" "IN IKilitT ' 1' ' 1 1 is net answer U-buI nuer'e.s Ve . , ijplv ut the LeBnl Aid. f'ity U.i . : '.f iimatlun. Leuis C. Answers "All By Myself" I- . 1 nt 11, 1 With almost chlldllka sir r .i l.y Myself" has practically a- 1 , let her and nve tnonepolUe 1 .1 11 1 e umn for our private ci' -, . 1 Maybe this: In net your l.rtlrrH tn funlliai' elicmn must lid "rittiii en cee m.Ii nl flu- ticii,t;r enlu nnd niKsf bt sitniK? fli flic u'rlter .uuinr ainf inWrfj. Tie iieme uill net Vji fciil.'(sli((( If fl,, . 1 r. r ilet net wish if. I'c. luiKif .ti.r a ( ((tfirs ccrlfffn cm Ivth M.J's .,( id Kim r icill net be (iriuiml. Ui. I-is 1 lej 11 Iai iiersceiill misu ns tlmt 11 t hi im'di in the column will jikim 'oelc fficrc. is per tdf.r- .i- 011j urlttcn uhcii iitivuitif. Ij in r mi ru Antoinette Dennelly's Adrire en Beauty S. I.. Lesing eight pounds in three ' weeks, which you cannot afford, audi the baggy eyes ind'u ate an early call en , a physician, which I smcerely hope you will net p 1st pone. It Is serieus: te lese weight like that, unless one wen- de liberately riditcing. An1 you unhappy 'SiIkiiii semethji,, ('annul eat ami cannot s,,.p ai seventeen, if net a serious love affair would certainly mean the urgent need of medical attention. PSStvi. TRY IT FORjVOUR NEXT MEAL. BLACK (Orange Pekoe Blend) MIXED or GREEN MMI.I.KU A CO.. WIKII.KSAI.i; At.KNTS. 7 ftU'TII KIMINT STKKCT. l'IHI.,.. PA. 111:1.1. tki.i:i'iie.i: i.eMUAitn nut c.i e. then will All by My- H 1 kind'' ..irll. If 11UI nln .11 !'. n '.i il- a JI HATS WHAT Hli Htlcn Dcrlv ('' LI mm VieW point If tills is tin you kindly pi in! thi-, f Helf" from "Ijiuin 1' " Listen Ml l- Mvs,f hOtnetlincs tile shadow 1h hc-ttur than the bUbstance, the1 ni.t i.piitien meie al jiing than the reall7-itiin, a dn am -nere. Interesting than the M.clif I:' . met personally, you might be dliappe.iuc-il, -se don't f rut I or f. ! sjny i-t eiiieii cm my parti it may be like ij fox and the sour grape steij. 1 knew I'yntliia will k- fiiai te Intieilue '!, se I nm reslBned ; te tlie fate, 1 1 in I ( ruel world tliat this- is. 1 if course after rcullni? your most Interesting (I m net kIvuik you the ous eus ous teniiiry flntterv, hut a alncere expres: expres: sien of ojilnlen) Utt.i, 1 ahall try my best te extend my Ht.iv. yuat se I can read your ether 1 -tters (f'ynthla per rnlttlnsr) I wonder why Cynthia makes It such a hard nml fwt ruh net te piiiiquiaines and addresecH of lorreHpenrtents 10 lur column? Ivrhaps it Ih a high standard of ethics which is the deciding factor. Anyway, the "King cannot be wrong." "LOL'IH ('" N'e, my frit nd no monopoly of column, but an o.'c.'tsen,il letter. MII.I.Ii:-Twn tee stand between you and job With your heart pinned ii en tl lei t i-ic the impetus te de -uiui. Ing te shed the ll'sh. It this training 1 work at It like some very gee. Would l'l'ljllei-t envelope. Kit stout nnkles a cheriiH girl and ambition sign you have vigorous kick- Is slew work. we ankles, unless, you M nthing. Hut T have exercises, for vvlllfll I the stumped, nddrcssed i.v lepeat veur reuuest . . when you semi It SI MII lt. l.ipial parts of Unseed oil and liiuew.iter ter th, sunburn Itest remedy theie . MIIS. c. ti 'I'd,. jni,s nmjer veur eyes may be massaged awav bv dipping the linger tips in a skin f 1 in- a geed mid cream and nibbing gentlv from the nose-bridge outward. Yen must be pa tient and keep up the treatment feri Weeks before expecting much result. In' the meant line. 100 v,,n ,,,,.. ..... ... I , ' 1'"" '""-1 h'i sleep and see hew that neus out .: 1..1 1.. , liny miiniii-s en nilip.irilllVCI, .VOIIIlg faces. Send stamped, addressed envelope for skill feed leimiila. 1 mure thchu Things You'll Leve te Make the In a Quandary ECT3H The preat-grHudfather nf the present -.rlter alviBed his only daughter In thlH xv 1... Never mind uheut being a per fc' .mil Im n perfect Reiitlemnn ' W'at he inennt was that the cede of the i t. ri.m era prc-'crlbed mere noble si.11 d.iMls frir the 'gentleman" t'.i.m ter 11, i.idv of the period Me-h rn pr'neipk-s) tend mere and inore 1 1 th.- g. ntl.-uiH'ily rather than te the ladv-l k. idi-nlH and iimnners. "Ainenn bev ' as fieorge Meiedlth noted, "tlinre an. law, of honor and chivalrous cedes, net writiin or formally taught, but In- nut. uU understood by a'l, and invar'a. , i.evi r cense t llv .1. lid 1111011 by IIW leyui ami uie 1 true If 11 boy can Igarn jcninness nnd .011 I.I ritlen fretli'lllH ' tnr h. oilier men can iituuire from li m tiie neum manner Willi 111111 liear 'yntlil. This is the flrstJ time 1 li.'iv. .vrltten tn you I nm In need of some advice nnd am about te am .1 cpiestlen. for I think you are the only pen.en who cin answer it 111 thi rntht i ay i am a girl of eighteen and I luive Kemi out with .1 cettnln veung man quite a f. v tim.s , rme oecinlen he iiUs- I in. te I, .p uteadv ccunPHiiv with lui-i iu 1 1,111 e. 1 readily (.enccnted, as I am v rv mn, n m ev. with him lieiefitl, I rec lived 11 nete from 1 mm If-llinj, in.- he had lieen out with em of mv ylrl friends the nlKiit before, but i was 1 a hi- fault friend of his also knew this gli I friend of mine, .ind lad h. 1 in lilv iniichnic when thev called te take my sweetheart out with I hem, but In was- le have my friend in lm parincr fr r the cxenlliK fie Tieu advise mn te continue! mi stendy ernpany with him? OLMPLKH I-'ranlily I Jlmple-i, Cynthia never heard nnviliuiK u'uie se slby Iu tin- tlrst ji'ace, win en earth should thl-i boy 'let go out wth ntirtlier girl nnd boy, I if he wants 10 any niore than why sneuai you net go eih wiiu enners; 1011 an- net engaged te him , keeping steady cempuny brliig.s no obllgiuleus, but ties two people down without any reason He geed friends with the boy and be pi-rfectlv willing te lie i-'oeil mends, but tn kciiik out en y wit 1 , hlrii, unless you beceme engaged te him, 1 then It U biitter net le go leund with I l -rid.' .. . r.-p-J i 5 u : 3: z z 1 fjJ"i.r.(l.,?,r,,tsx WtiU''i' 1 ArWiiV TfJt?T : (?ii This a Ilut ctii'tiilnly de net break because of his eelng with refuse te "keen shier. Scarcely any 0110 is exactly rlsht ami tale-bearliiK. and which demis luy-1 company" with hlm alone, because In te the pound. alty the firbt of social virtues. Itself It la-floa-geou inin. LIlull jl-JU H4'i mvm .iiivs ik'uih-,1 WILJ ti "Winn IIWIII miti ", --- -' 7- I ---- ...... - - - - - weight That Is nothing much te con-i which disdains the pettiness of ge.islp another girl, hlmiily Iticaltf.'isl Srt Malies dirt U is net tee seen in begin tn make some of these inexpensive hut service nble and attractive breakfast sets for Christmas gifts. I'se checked or cress. bnr kitchen toweling for the foundation. Cut the applliiied forms out of small pieces of left -ever chniiihrny s or linens. The shapes, shown In the lower left, hand corner of the illustration, are suf ficient for one corner if you cut three leaves. Appliiiu the parts with bind; inciceiisicd tliiend. If gay color,, ure used for the (lowers, and nicely blended, the effects are meiji pleasing. Cut small squares for napkins and larger ones for the doilies und center piece, Hull the edges and stltcii with the black thread. FLOHA. fittK&WK) wSSTll .1 th Km 'SssSs t? M M.W'"' 1lM. irl "A FOOD -e"-is; sl ,.-J.r""r Jvns-j.--, ii7liJrsl-',",-w," cr. -M ,'i .. 1. 1 .-. W&;'ss. 1 W Mn,"iiiiM rsi1--" , V m I-iaS22 i Hii.nn. - Sold by grocers everywhere! .JJK.I. Nature's gifts developed IN the plump' kernels of wheat and barfcy, Nature places the elements which man perfects and utilizes as feed for health and energy. These nutritious grains reach their highest development of flavor and feed value when scientifically converted into crisp, delicious Grape-Nuts. The 20-hour baking process partially pre-digests the starchi and makes Grape-Nuts a feed which digests easily and as similatcs readily. There is no ether feed like Grape-Nuts! Try a dish of appetizing Grape-Nuts with cream or geed rich milk for breakfast of hmch. It is completely nour ishing, convenient, economical a wonderfully sustaining and satisfying feed for these fine October days. "There's a Reason" for GrapeNuts Medo hy Peitura Cereal Company, Inc., lluulc Creek, Mich. m ft &ri.!.,.., i . . ,VHV- . . . fe ww-i -. .,.,. r . WI?