Uw -""tivrsh.ty "(v H ("nv J ' t tr.tf.Vt- V '" "vwwy ?$. vsTAl W t& -. k ? yj "Mi-ji. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1922 McGraw's Club Outclasses the Yankees in Every Department of the Game, Says Steney McLinn Pvi tfc. ,lf- SK. M I ffi m H y s ir- . ?. s V. SU in ik MTHREE MORE GAMES SHOULD SEE GIANTS WORLD'S CHAMPIONS McGraw's Club Has Edge in and Base Running National Leaguers Shew Mere Mental Alertness Than Huggins' Athletes IJy STONKV WANT te knew he flip mmhWt man in the world Inila .' e. timr i !. .lmtv dm Vni.t;.... -in nnrter wlm hit s 1 ." tllilf llie Amerii'lill l.enmse champions would defeat the Glnrt. in Hip '.W Wntld Set lei or the l'liihi-delphla-Hosten (-erle-. (if Marry llulllcin n iiprlv put It after he ran down the two h.ittltiR order nnd found tlinf prmMli-iill.v nil tin player. liml come from the hery market eend'n let! I'y Me-sr H. I'mree. M-iek and W. Baker. The third R.iiiie of i !ir -pi-Ii - - PM tlitM. die timd came, with the Glan' the he.ne . iili n. d no :'i" i" "peii -d Kiiiiii- 1 1 "in I Iru-mi - v n- enmiaii te nVn ?li. '.., .,,! ,if ..in ii:i i v!,i fm.irul l". i.'lU- III Pl'thillK. h'lttlllC. fielding n tul liMie-ruiiiu-K. Hid 11 tli.it u,l-im..r':ini inM.tiil nlerliu win lind c.uni'K. the li..in, tn.'i"tl evi-r their opium. u' like n l.e monkey. .lehn .Ierpi MrCrim '- lumi ! pinu m he hnrd le I : new. It we were Joins Ihe prediction stuff we would npme that three mere same.- would iinih tills year's, rumpu?; In fn.t, it would net he MirprMiig te see the ".lint"." r the etlielal announcer will have it. win the nxt two. Apaln, mny we net ink where, eh where. i the superior pitching nnd the clashing fitt.i.'k we ei te'd t'ie Yank would show? Jee r,ufi gave the Rational It.iKiipf xpevd and they Inuuiieied out u vh-tery Huh Shake dlHphieil hi- hetllirs ih.in:' ' p.i e .i"tl all he v't m 'i inn" tin-ati fin 'or draw." Wulte 11": th. ;. wn'id." of the 1!-l vli-. tit-'d ! -mp ,'",', ul!l' bis ast-hrenkins i irve. Mid thin peme nil upon him with r.otei. visor On the nitjuk the Yan.s Iii'e h- n . -n mere riinppiintins te their adherents. In the thnv satin th- diant-. h.ne iMivejed tlilit-etie .ife hits te nineteen for the II;i;i;tn hand Til 11 munnrrh lllllt IN 1h- rh e ni'itli'ii. li'ihr tkfc titimrt. nntl the ta'kur; 'riii';''i hij tun hit', eik h Inubh. t htir ein belt 'in I ! link en thr arm !); n pitihrtl hull ultuli int him mi tirtt by umpire' fdn t. Itnnrrs by Heyt nnd Dugan throughout the third gnine tlmi the AniTiean !.e.icuer TT APrKAIU:i) throtiBheut the J- knew tliej were l.i ked and were tic irnc i'.p ' the pnte mutipj. They phijul had hn-ehu , parih When thp (Hints eereil their rir-t two pin". Itejt vacant rrnu.uni iu t in tin- period ami ball game. In the fir-t plin-p. Hew "huwed r'i r j.i'Wi-.ent in the .. of his f.i"' ball, net only in the third innitu'. but in "evral eihnr inning. He knew, of COUr.ep. that the (llant-. leied "peed And i et h" freiiuenllj het one ever when he had th edje en the hatter and when n eure ra the thlnp te pro duce wild ewins- or fe..l.. Hut that third innirnr Here"- whui i .tpperied . .I"hn S-ett, the pit.-her Who tan hit. deposited n tingle ni'e i enter. Han' ret' hounded mie toward "Ward, who in his cuxiety te -tart n douh'e pl ki- keel the hall out into t!." outfield Si en i-pnnted ever te tln-d tireh 1 . a f'i-' nil hijth heunder t Heyt, he. I'l-tfdd of yetfiif; the hall in Ui.;.m .11 a l.urij. tan ever toward third and tinnlly threw when Siett tinned ha 'k tewnrd the has. Jee then d:d tila bit of ivory work. 11" ehu-ed the (iiant p'.tihir .ilmn-t te the p'.i.te befme be tagged h.m ti.it. All ill" time Hanny who kv'Cius it for third rUht tnerrlly. He S'" there -af!j. 10.1 Headier work en the part of Iiiiian and Hejt would hne kept tip McOr.iw iMptnin en fpi end nnd l.e could net have -eeml a run mi Krleh'- acrifiL-e rl. I'urtliennere. tlreh wi'ild net have -eer"d en lri"h Meiiel' elngle, whuh he did. i LI. tu a.', tire run, , (JH fi roc .;m( .tiuflll'h a mill tnr n'inir. MvGrmv Is W'e a!me"t terunt he l-.epi'" mantle WAIT n minute. aSfllll We'll-", t efforts wa p.entlnl. Jly the win. he fnreHiirhr In -eleptir.ir Scoff, for he tir-- warineil up when J J ret.i'led h.i 1 .ititl -en' S.'f te get K. :i -ii The tun nil -uppo-if.en i- ti.ii' M.iifiw ti'd i. .t ' .. lit-;i an -actions and decided te r. the shifting hn-me.-- h..:..r.. tic i.nipire inlh and net nfter the Yanks hail -lered -nine rup" Vhi''h 1 geed gen. rn!-h:p. is it net? J J '- real test .1- .1 prninp'er e'" pit-hets '..-ne ,n "1 e .-enur,i i-m 1,; and that u where the Yank- !e-t fh" hall game nr.d we beli. ,e. '1 -1 r.t - Vlth 010 m.t'i out It' b Me, .-el hni;ne, u lilt e.er -ecetiii and S'h'r.g -n -led a twe-baggi r eer t"'r-' Itebh pnrking hi- -oke-e- tl .il. T.'ie .ink-' Me.ird e! Strnii"; de.nlid th. ' K'tifr S.ni'h vu the ni"..i te hit ter Ward v 1 1 be recalled p it tl .- Su h hoe I't-- name i nin.r I- '' iti'.e Smi'h who. when with fh .and. predu "d 1 W. r 1 Ser.e, re'i.'d :n 1!1(" h- hit a hew run with the h.'l-e full New 11 1- In ii ni.r- a .iwn fete for a pi'. 'her who mu-t turn -net, n powerful cliiliher of li.it hull- n"h 'h tvit 5 r,.n- en 'hird nnd -...end "fi:' ' Smith, who back-i"ppei fur ne 'Jim," Knew thai thi- -rrnulen d.d ii"' permit ff even a -light m'-take I'-uu'lv. OH" mpreh tufned h'- eyes toward the lutuh te J J '- -igti- I.'.t with Piner S.i..'h up there te d.. his here - .iT tin' Sn.r 1 -teml i ji af'er eieh j h d In. I r. n ! peeied in tently Inte thp diu'eut. detei mined that .' v ou'.d he 'kreiisli no fault of h lf the ether Smith put one eer Thpre is no need of going into t.re-nnie deta. nheuf th pitching 'e Elmer Smith. Sufiiee it te -ay ihn: liiiaw f.rilerd t.". hail pitched wh. r" Elmer did net like 'em and he stru. U out- net inglotieu-i for he made a terrific swipe nf the third one w! i. h he n i ed Thnn Ixieen Scott hi' te Bancroft and the Yanks' eh-inee a- gene, no J. mi t forever. ' Til T one iitnmv rn the frnnie ;emf r,i thr your- nid pre ''!?..') thr m-rici. Tkrrrfe't, u-c pfv hemifjc te 'hr- hairhall braim of Jehn Jeseph McGrnu-. Babe nnd Greh qunbbln BATIK ni'TII en'ivrred he third sa-ie I. sn.r.c . ,t , piny fi'-fnr-'a' w r HpiniP tireh In '.hp hr-- t i--It.. Heinie dived i'n "reend, "p.l.e- high nrd foremost, and lie wn- ikcuspiI et ef' nipt. rig te gash Wnrd's arms. Itn. apparently had been nwniting au oppertuni' n make ireh realize that high dives were net cen-idered ger.d form h the American I.eaguer-. The 1 bunce for the les-en uime :u the fe ir'h Inning of ihl third L'nir.e. When ITabe win en firt. bavin.- bri. h't hv a pitched bn'!, and T'.eh Meuse! poked one at I'n- Ii 'hh Trnrkie hoe'ed The hill rolled into right t'e'd and the namblne 1 n en n ttrnfie hnrt of speed and thought ir would carrv him hafclj te thud Habe npprnached th'ril n1 top -p. ei tn find that C.rnh was he'dmg 'h ball ready te tug him New Hce!'- wan -landing directly m Ii.ihe . pr.' which was uniH'e-n" Anylew, Rn'i thought it was h.s right and privilege te reach that bag. and h. . rashed into Greh a- 'op ppeed Wew ' The i, ,. k of the collision leuld he filt .11 the ntnnd-. Heinle actual!- was !ififf mt., the air nntl depe-ttpd beh r.d third ha-e He picked himself up, 1 ,eri -lirti and Cillgr athlete t.reh ua read' for fight and It rpl urer ,t'l Me -".-r. jth of L'luplrt Hlldebr.iud te le-tra.n him though we noticed that H!r:e'- ardor for battle became mere Intense when Uah; hnd turned hi- hack and w.i walklng toward right field The amusing feature ..f r. nil, however. . nine a, the end of 'hi- inning. Nvhen Ituth, in going te the Ynnk dugout, p.i. cd Ilrlnie a tt,.-d n.,,e Stepped lnnz enough fe give a public illustration of ju-t hew Heinie hfid iene hi spikes-tirn dive at Wartl That i- hew the multitude knew thn' Babe was plavlng tlt-fer-tnt, though it did net step loud booing f.irh t rr.e Babe appeared at hat. aid etuall noisy demonstration, ..f regard en 'tie part of the big bev- friend.. 7UK umpirili'l ill the thiril git tnr 1I11I net iv?tilf in nmj anltigentsttr ilrmenrtrntians 7'tiiui mil hr nil ri'.jht n hme m, Mr. Ihlde brand does net hut c nn opportunity te postpone nnethir name. Recalls Wreath te Landls feel dutj hound te reui'l thn" hem TNCIDENTALLY J. hud Rllnpcd te Judge I.ainlU a- 11 the field after Hlldchrnnd called the pelfc-d It nil last night when he announced that the money mere than ene hundred theuwmd real dollars taken in at the snt" en Thurdny would go te .charity. New, suppose Jenes accuses P.rewn of winning one hundred herrii s in 1 feeker game by unfair methods. Itruun Is innocent anil knows ir jtut, h... cause the accusation wns made, Ilrnw.11 su.s. "Wei', beeau-e ei f r 1 t, ,. way I'll give the century note te charity." Is that net n cr.t.fepslen of weak tes7 Is R 'if' likely te cause Smith te suv te himself nnd ethers, ",Sn, guess that Urewn was stacking 'em. he wa se willing te (rie up the money." When the New Yerk beard of owners decided te give the money te the disabled soldiers Colonel Husten says It must go te the soldiers, nnd he is tht -they were confessing the weakness of their position Misguided funs ;: .. ,r ,. .....j .1... ,,. i,. .1.. .. ...e i.i i,n.. .i, ............ )Q gam Ilie UinpitR cniieil lliu jjihuc ru turn uir ..,, iter, ...ui. ....,- .in- j.'ciiiti !f an additional game. This, of course, was positively untrue The umpire m!U4 the aame because in his judgment, Hnd thnt of Cmptr Klein 11s we'i ',''lt: kauld have been dangereui te attempt te play another Inning because of Pitching, Batting, Fielding , MtLIN'N Sew Ynrlt. net T. x ill I'l.t'i, f01' (It thr m lie Mnfi'-ii tefsl fi-r him in (he ' ' it- ..e (if the loser'- -hare of islnrlj in the third lr.nms. and .lop Piican P'lt en the i.e pen 'n iiiant te crr.n Ml 1 hmin u it-a 7v :'it 'umts thr Here te t-M Hi- illre Ipain .I.l' ! .Ill ,1 'hi n- "e.eph Seetf'" et!' t' Iei.raw I iti hltii .011 .if di"ii!.ip.i wh.tt he 1 .1 re '.ilf annetin. e.l M.i,.i'an. '1 a in ti -ii I re-R.ur.e d "pia .vrtath whl.h w rpsul' of hit" lourageeus rnari h across second game. The High Cetnrn.ssli.tu.r PU11G IS CHEF FACTOR ON LINKS , Haeren'3 Werk en Greens B'g. Reason for Lead Against Sarazen STYMIE IS IN EVIDENCE "F Idlt ear- ilie Milue of imttinc ha d en In prefe-MlniKiN nnd icritles i.l.ke What tleet it prent n 1 man te uet en the creep in one or twei 'tuMice elntiti ami then take three putt?' I The answer i ens. Nene at nil. Yesterdm the question t reppd up . nsaln in the hlcisest miteli that hr.s ever heeu plajed In the I'nlteil Stale - the eenty-lwo-hele tilt hetweeu - , tir lliicti nnd Utile Ssira.-en fe- he r'iamtiien-hli of the wer'.tl nnd a pur-e of :UMMi It n Wji1"i " unennti neeiitney . eti the green- ye-terdnv that enabled' him te take the lend ever Saraien In their informal battle for the ehampion ehampien , ship of the world. Unpen lies alwnjs ' been reeecnlred n one of the cventest putters in the came, nntl theueh Rnni- yen hlnifelf i- no sletieh en the greens, he fnilel orenlenfllly. nml thflf "pelled , the 1-ail for the Uriti-li open ehnmplen. rtiftlnt: aKe a- the princlpnl rea- , -en for (lie virtery of Je-e Sweet er and Jehn Andef-en ever M.i Marsten nr.d W. C. Kewiipm In the I.e'e Cup nnte'i"': Atiderken wa- en P'lttinc sptee, einkin!: tiumereu s:t-fteternnd enre drepplni; In one from fiiirtj feet nwnv The tinie, whleh ha- prepped up e frPTien'Iv In rectn' tournament-, prepped up twice in the H'nten-Sarnr.en match. lv:t Walter necetiited both of them tine wnt lnid Mi Htlen M"p-. h'i'i hv Mr- t 11 'eh I'e in ihe IlertheiUn Cup mntepp at Mnntlnsd'-n Vullej . and 1 c ippe.l -herl 11 rally b the (V.Uirhroek girl. . , . That 1, the ltiek of the green, "nil , even the he-t putter find- !umelf m a j tiekil'h -ltuatlen when it happen'. I AtMither Jteoenl Kqualed ' I Jimin I.nwler. n rejnilur ttla er en he p.ibi'.- l'p'ti. jeetrrda tied MikP , JTebln's re. erd of T.T for tl . cnur-e. If he hadn't hnd a bit of ban! uck en , the outward reurne he wei'd hivp -hn'tere.l ,he mark of the Werid-M ur I Me'ernn ... I On the prv iir-t hole I.awler dree into the ,reel from the tee. n clout of some '.'."'' vnrdx that should net carry I .1 penalt v "rh it. in nil falrne . He tiinifd out "iiiidn" en th" reeentl. ninth, tenth ."nil sixteenth, with pars' ( i.n -' i.Mirr 1 Had .1 rnt hten for 11 mi-ci pur ':i the eighreenth green .Ilium v v .1 'te nave j ha.l n TL' ! r a new eeur-c re ill. Hi- card : .iu; .' i 4 1 r. -' ; 1 2 . 4 1 3 4 3 4 3 in l31.T- A number of erv line ge'i.er- ll.le nark lir,n -heetlnc at .Mlite lerun -ir-e 1-i-t -uinn-'-. when he In ' 1. - the .-e-r my one made it . hi- c"in te hertertng it Lets of 'ndf Ye-tcnlay V..k!i.r.m W.I- nL'OUt n- 1U I. d.l a the "elnns f n 0 ml. I hope fnr Hi.gcn-Suraze.i mal'h irf a g -..inn mi in 1 rnl.ir.nnf ('lull in Th--, of V hiiruli w -hei.i ' -iw pen-iu ' mere I'.n ten ,u 1 .i- I Ulltmere Club :n New imk tedn 'L nf t-... iiuf'.ei ..ittrnet.en of l. .. It'... 1.1... ter- . in the I W.irld Sent-. 1 The I.e.-ley i'ii match. ", rl;i faineu- ,nte -c:t Hit lerween ,cv in ir, i,., ml I'l 'Ii 1 -1 I'll i.l - held the beards ten at I,er"-t V:i..e. I ins te'iriiaineir .inMc the finest genng lairii; irn-n I I'enn-lnla New Yerk and l'itt-. 'burgh fur home lad.- fepped nt eru ' ciaf meiiieiu-. though th" c : e nig, ie i ii.il.ies, ilreir ami H'Uii'.t wen their ' mar, h ,. , . .. Ar Hunting ion al.e t e .-ei.'-tin , round W th" Her'he'iM' Cup wa- fir Shed with Mr-. 'aleh r ix and Mr Mr IAirethv Ca'iiptell Hun: emerging in !,,. torieu- -tars Mr- Hunt turned ilie er fine trick of negotiating the ' fir-r tune holes in HO ; v Shnwne.. Fred Knight and M Tiltlen' of 'he I'hilade'nhian itnehed, merged '-ton'ei- in 'he w. ll-belme.l l.annee 'nitntien icrerlmi-. that 1- in their hit ''eunti n..n ucj. The latit." I,,t.i.i.i t eunti 1 1 .n in ,- i'" he'd it" first iinrnte" , I 1 V .1 teurmr , ', Wliere 1 1. .viriii-. jev! 'i 1 I.j Iiiuiiiiarv. anil 1 em 1 en' of the 1 ner"iiy of Pennsylvania. He , their Wii.-rle". Ml the,n tournaments an. 'commie en tei'a. en tin r , inek ..f ge''ir.' interest in th is the'e'" n. nieh n't i.m e C It-, ALL AROUND ry 1 nRET srnTT: ....... !,...' ihi nhrisr irtt .1 It rem ecne hy , Hv rno.c'triie found ffremtrln-t of . irrirai hny . . ..: T'. i'hi-, t hns inernrr in. ....... . ihnu en llnu er,m't--that game 0 lctcr- ichy. rluhl refuted te let him Theunh f'jteen f n , t.J. Mm fl glad Ard Ti it et and if"" ""nr """ " j It true that for rnnr i Outntl eire Great Xceft. iHn rAe H' lour imall hit no runner te -rn ' 'ic .... ..1 . ..n ' The Ventre rooters mm ra ..(... rer nil the 'rerr thr Yankee had te rote. . . . , mil lUen Giant fin tu '"' '' ' Great: iscet'- The Rabe's tee big te stage a scrap 1 tl i.ianis" wee llunl baseman. f'np llldehrand tumid "r, trrl'. fate tt m or leaf i. ,r j-.c-.-itien the mighty Uam .rrlvln from the funs he'll ' Ll.- r r. Hth of laurel leaves Fre b no ,si '; rf.t. rj e e . in thr art 11 gnr'ai"! nt I" Lr" ,.,, II 1 II nc Pi' I'ln-'l witn ,i razzberru-s around his his enrrnl inefTeftie. fi.ii.lJeri!) . .. .T.l ..r. S.1V that the unkees a,n,It..tWrSarfare? 1 -On ThiirndiW "n- thirty IheHitand iJ iri uiv much irrturbcd erer ii'1, innt thai th- !" ""'f'' tee "l" '?,, voiced "'" " d h 1 IZ" 'L, ,1 a;u,n. Thin me.de ,t ,erV "'" , " ...llHl' atrne, alleicin'j nice rer !"'';-' Zlfi'iO ether tiJ fraen. , peepl? te ere the Anether record. r.1.1 ,inv when r Ah, for these geed ,uls wre made en the field net In the box elfiee. Wonder wiia1 uccaine of (he .. r ,Jf . ',J..e niTering odds en the batiks I . - nlTerinl! 'pripnb'y betting even money thnt the HOPE IT fwffivHu TmE WORLD ARE Vce 1 TAMWif TtMnGLESCOPF TeT(EOFRCC FORO? 1.'AT,-1'A ' LiU lCllJ S&L , 1J-' I StiCK"? 1 ' ', 1 AL P. TUDCC" it U ilillL Holmesburg and Conehohockcn Teams Balk at Playing en Frankford Field ARGUE OVER "HOWE" GAMES TTdl.Ml.Mti Jtit ami Con-hehopken xi fan- in all probability will be de prhe.i 1 t -eeing t'lelr 1 1 -eeing t'lelr 11101 ire l"( 11 . in actum tut tne griuiren uu sen-en iigain-t Tninkfei-d. Fer ears tiie follower- of th "!!ig Three" lave awaited the unmiiil gain" hetwein the-i' nnl.-. l.n.-t ear Friiul. Friiul. ferd was clowned champion after hard buttle The el'nw jacket- hae n wonderful team tl :- enr. witlnut a doubt Ilie greate-t oe'le. tien of collegiate luuiina rlf" cei te lepre.-ent til" section. H(iiue-h'i'g and Con-heocken nUe hae ..treiig combinations which thrj Intend te .risme'ir with udilitienal phiy eds i.C nbilit as the -e.i-nn progresse pregresse iiml bv the time the nnnn"! ;;ames roll iifeuud three of the greatest eleens in nnv hortieii of the ceuntr. would sport the ieI'u-s of the arleus teams. ll:ii lterr. lie.l l". r 'e;i- the games h.1e been plajed liter, itelv Tin 1,1-f agreement betv.en the eiul.s'w:.- -igiud in 11)20; and .1 .1 He'mi'sbtiw: 'Iti'l Coii-ii"hecken both ;ii'-. peare.! en Ittev n's 1'ield. iln- heine "f the Y'dlew iuct.et- l-'-t ear, the natu rallv ligiircd thi' rrinkferd would be ire-entat Hei.n-.'iiir!. this -eiisen , The Li'- i-'raiikfortl-He'me-l'ii'g agr. 1 men, dated j-eptemher 1'., l!l"'l, ' vas uime id bv Mi" pro-enr m.tnager, . Hewn-d IteukiT. and Alar-h.tll Haiti bridge. Jr.. ler ! rankfertl. while Trcl W. (i'-rkei and Fred T. Leng wete the .signers tnr I Inline-burg Ili.lmeshurg electtd a new manager 1 this ear nt the per-en of Willie:-, Sli --ler. Jr. He heard in a retinil- , - It. . - - uav tint Fiankferd hail tbcided te i' .1 all ' in - at hiune this ,viir and no' 1.1 le.ne r.'-.iw n's Fli Id. A- he wii.tiu te ijet the schedule anangeil ill. 114 with the Coiii-hehoekcn team he g"i in r.jiiiuiunicatliiii with the ...umuc'iicnt of the Yellewjiiekets. A few tin- lii'n Ii" rect.ved a letter from Miuager It.wker -n.ing t hut the r- perl- Wei" ' rii-ct nun tnnr tnere weuiu t,e no 1 iinkford-IIelme.-burg nnd TOtVlWif TrIAnGLESCOPP ( 'M v-TeTV t ; v - iS,ZAr''A - Vts. - t I y-mw. ?S) II N CIIO "Bl HE POLO GROUNDS fiimt tallies That' l n' in bj mere than four deep a t The Srn.lh. Seett and Metisel clans plajul a three. 1 01 nereil tie, eacli of tlieni tuning two 1 epresentatlves en the Held. Wonder Other Mi 1, I'ndri if Aftrr ) brand n . t!u-h'l - . Ye " ceun'er. irhrtt' the nationality of the el hi ether. 1 d 'ite of them' Iti'h. -cries is ever Mr. '.ike a po-lllen in a lllldi.-hnber- guessed It behind the tie (icrildtiie wants te knew if they named liie -ite 0 the Pole Grounds after the Inn who plajed with Chaplin in "I'lic Kid." Si . Mill love. I 1 - at tennis new nnd then the series stands at thirty, It is riirnnfcd that .Iiiilge lmtlis ero a suit of armor pl.tle next te his It. V. D.'s at yehter da 's game. It was nnlered that all halls are te be coaled with mdiollle In the future anil game,- ,-ue tu go oil until midnight or later. I). V f.rimth had Hilly Riter. Ills star faincnunan, concealed behind the Judge's lxi rendy te film a mob srene for 1). W.'s uet drama, Among Theso Net Present C01. ifiintliie of (ireece, II lllliej; S!l Pi."-loot Jehnsen. Mark Smith rind his brother, Trade. The fix Suiherlund sisters. Mr. llerpleitle's three children, Go ing! icing! ! and Gene! ! ! Among the charities Organized Ilnsn 1 ball should have given funds te is the Sedetj for Supplying Funerals te Of I flee Hejs' Grnntlmnthers. ' If we didn't despise that low form of wit, we'd say that after he was caught flat-footed off first In the third 1 Ipnlng his name, should he Wlttless. I . i The one jah ue nave at this (teuten 'of tin urn it thnt hrain lerarkni'i tail of figuring out the percentage of unmet iron 111 the. terie. WASN'T A SEESAW lVTAP, WHERE VNITH Trl- SPV CLNSS ? 'mGewG- Te 9BAI Ss .4 i tendance Figures And Receipts te Date TII1RII (IAMB H iriLinrtn , S'.CQI) !!. iiln'- . . tl22.XM.IKI I'l.xrn' klmre .. . K.(i.,'U Kur'i riiib't shiru . 20.800,18 f'enmlsnlen'M stmtv . . . lfl.as.lO Tutiit'i Cor ItrM anil third rnmrs Altpi.iiiirp 14, 330 ItlTfilUs HJtl.SDO.IKi I'lnjM- lun VISl.KM.UO Kirh elul.'s Klmre . . 4 1,08(1, HO ''immlssleti't -lure HI. WIS. .10 Nut s,.renil itibt.it-'j. r-e!pts, Hinount Hineunt lii te SlitO.r.'tl, .s ttirifd crvrr te the illsiiMiii .,ilIeni' itrul kel'llers' (unit. ltrn11.111rt. 111 trut untne win :i7.o;e. Fr.itikforil-Censlioliockeii gnmes this yenr unlp.s plajpii en Hrnwn's Field. Fans Hack Slils-s!er The Pitiipns of Helmesbiirf; held u lnnss-meeting the ether night mid tie tided te hack Manager Shlssler, who has decided that the Yellewjiiekets must play at Crystal Field. Holmes Helmes burg. Ii the,, cetne together this jenr. (Ithcrwi-e the game is off. Con-hehoiketi has adopted the snme roll. a- H'diiie-burg, and at present tiie ilolnie-btirg nnd Con-hehoeken content is the only one of the three annual irnine.s nnanged. Frankford has seven I dales In November still open, ostensibly for Helnie-buii: nnd C iii-hoheel'.Pii, se the outcome of the ultimatum of the.-e teams nut te play in I'rinklenl, lint te fellow the usual cu-'ein, is awaited. JOHMSOM STOPS MARTIN vJt l . I V&S1 fPT h J VIMi-D , , . ,, , , . line minster. California Heavyweight Scores I r'hlladelpl.ln had deposited its for Technical Kaye Over A.E.F. Champ j felt money and nil the lecnl men needed New rrli. Opt. 7. Fled Jehnsen, I "'" th" f,'ll,lctln" of th- lensue, which of Callturnia. iidvnneed a notch in " Fl !'.,': n" CK'"", h nnYn ?lade the heav weight division by win- , '0. ,A' ? iC. 'ty' ta,nV Pn 7nd ffJl" iilns i tedinical knockout In the tenth " , , . ..' c?.t1''. "ndKeadlnis. Phi - wein.1 i.ver Heb Mnrflll. benv elplil ihampieii of Ihe A. F. F. Martin' secenda tluew a 1ewel Inte the ring tint tv -one seconds after the tenth ".Oili'l- .IUCI III.- IVilWI . Martin opened the ses- ng te meet Jehnsen as he . . . .. . l own 1 shifted. t-leu by rushl sprang trein 1111 enatr. nut. .unrnn mined, his only 1 linnce had gene, and lie was absorbing henvj punishment when the sunender was made. The Cnliferiilan showed tremendous hitting power and a clever left hand, but he was slew. Murtin made ;i game defense and In the latter round- kept en his feet thieugh instinct. Harry "Kid" P.rewn, of Philadel phia, whs given the decision ever Pert Silencer, of Rioekljn, 111 the twelve round -emi-final beu 1. ALL-PHILLIES READY Will Open Football Season Tomor row With St. Calllstus Tem Reilly's All-Philadelphia eleven will usher in the ferihnil season to morrow when thev meet St, Cnllistus C. C. of West Philadelphia, nt Madi Madi eon Park. Thiity-feiirth nnd Recti streets. The Sn'nts are .1 new eleven In the field, (otupesel of the piej of Vlnceme, West Walnut and Highland Park. Conch Rernste.n will pit the downtown trnm thieugh itr lest practice tomorrow afternoon J he line- .p follew: si I ullUtll- All-I'lillllrn (Irucrtn . . . . Murklinll Jtilone flavin . Columbus . Mefermlrit Ittllly . Mnkiiranle . . lr(ietnn . . . Dojrle .. , Mincer firlrvr lie) 1! . .MncCmin .. Iirhuii-y . IlrKlle) . . still I no Jein's . I.rniiwli Stnnten .MnAlllMter (,met . . left mil . Iff t tut klc . left irunril riiiti-r ., rlKlit k'uiirj . rislit te lite . rlulu rnil nuurterlirarU left luilfhmli rlelif Imlflnrk 'ullbiuk Scraps A bout Scrappers AccuHiitlen ts.it 1 arrneer nnd Fikl "framed up" thxlr r' ni Ikiu' unit Uie former via 1i'ib!i.-cre?srj J b tle Vecre h.n brcn ijn'.;iliullciills dmed by leih Ixixera, nc nc cer'llntr te reierta Ir.im Pirln. "I deny emph.tlcal' lh.it rr, flub' Ph blkl iirrnnsml or that Siki brelin th arrangement hy knocking nm out declare.l fleersn. blkl slid; ' I neiur fal-ed a tleht In my life." 1 .fnck lfiiiiie V.UD Inltml te attend a Mneker te b. I'hen b tbe Penn Athletic I'liih hcie Oclr.liT 21. but tin. rhninplen Rd lbil Unit he would net be able te I) among the'e iinwent. n he e nprnlnK u mtf show la Terente t'linudt, ,n thai date .liie White, a vnunsr Ktnt from Alabama, will make nn rtnrt "1 lirenk Inte iha henvy- vilsrnr upet Kiar in :ev erK luniifni, wnun he irnr'til Al ltUch. Ilnalrr llcewn 'ns teen matchd bv Jv Hlrmr 11 mem Y'hwk K f. C'haney at th L'lieu netr Wednvmlny nluht flreun In In elrli 1 tralnlr.K at Aditm Ityan's. lien Spk.iI, of ntmlrn. .' V . In nlanntn te miul I'hlUd-lphla lln will lie handled by l.ee (ilnnr. who In trylnu te matrh hmal hure with either Hilly ilamuni ur Yeung J.n.k Di mp.ii?y. llenny II i-s Is working nut daily nt rhlla de'.phl.i Jaik fi'Ilritn t lln Ij te meet J ick Hharkev In one .f tliu liut at the Cunilirla next rrliUy nluhl. Artie MrC.mn In echlng for a flutfmt lln tus n'ji direetwl alevet tn the general ell. rccilun of n ene'n Jnv for mere thnn a me nth ant It In shm. tn etart his 10112 23 refen nKalnst nny nf Ihe local bantam wlhtH llinlnir f nits- reemcred trm " r"nt t ti.ii( nf ihe nrlr Pan (Mrtln. former in 1 ur.n' nm-iieur ehnmplnii, lis reeumeil train lnc nnd will be ready In a week or no te lake un npynnents In thn ISO-pound clam l Iriiee, suddenly taken III with brnn rluiln hns been ferced tn Kimpend tralnlnc fur hit eei'templated rnmt-brl. GAME VeU ffeiu f Told ErA 1 was ffOIMCV TO . Vvi VEE-! i"- CnmrteM, t!:i bv Vuh'.tc Lcrletr Company HQRE TEAM GEIS 5 E Eastern League Circuit Com pleted With Admission of Atlantic City The Eastern Hnskpfbnll League is all set for a successful season, judging bj ' the sentiment of the mngnntes nt a meeting held Inst night nt, the Hetel inilser t i I'M FRANCHISE n IV ..I , .L. ,. 1 . , pelltan League, of New Yerk. -,.., KrPn! MlrI'rlse was furnished when cl.isi. h. i heen "sni'TT1 i?eiW n' Hughes. .0 be placr,"i, A,Ltie Cilv" The shore eitv hns heen clHm. -ini tnr admission te the league for several years, uuglies visited the Hnrnn frm-n I en Wednetsdny and closed the deal for '"" '.""u ""u -ncvie 111 rennSVl idelphia vunia. It was announced that ench team had selected 11 different tihivins nlsht. n ,u. ...Ml 1 . 1- . ---ra--- l1h'r?. "', U01n'' 11'"' League game ev" "' " , '" "10 V-, Featesville I Will lie 111 ll.ltl.n ... Mnx.l... A.l.u,l. ..... ... ... , .,-,,,.- ,.,, .... fining , viuimic City 011 Tuesday, Camden en Wednes day, Philadtdphlii Jaspers, as thev will he st. led Thursday, Trenten, Friday, und Rending Saturday, A forty-game schedule will he plaved with a divided sea.sen, the opening games being carded for the week of October 3(1 nnd thp la-t game being tehcduled for March 17. The first half rchedule will end Januniy (I. The winners of the first and sepend halves will then meet for the Dual champion ship. The helidny dntes will be check full of pluy; 011 Christmas and New Yenr's there will be twehe games played, Coatesville, Philadelphia and Atlantic Citv being sehedulpil for afternoons, and Cnjnden. Trenten nnd Reading nt night. Thanksgiving also will be n busy day, ns Philadelphia, Coates-viHe nnd Atlantic City wil lie nt home in the afternoon, nnd Rending, Cnmdeti and Trenten nt night. The referees appointed were Herman TJnet7el, Kid Dark and Frank Fergusen. rjp30EXOE aocaec tna I eve las. en V 1 I 1 ,,n 1 , "ieubIi ball players en the blacklist te stock up a couple of pennant winners. per and Atlantic City huvlng taken ' wns promptly set out of professional baseball for n period of five years, their plarec. The names of Jim Vaughn, Claude llcndris, Scott Perry, Dick Kerr, Wnltrr The league has leceived by far all the Kinney nnd scores of ethers are only n few en that imposing list. They in better of the early season decisions and rUrrP,t'the displeasure of the commissioner -anil off went their heads, he Z M,a!csnfe XZ Zr In Ii'" Vet, consider the case of Illll Merrlsette. Sed' pln?SJ. Mfnnvr pnunis'ed !' 5' Airy, fairy William has shown his wares several times in the big league,, play their wares te the fans who will . but never with pnrtitulnr success. He is one of these Dewers who bloom In the fellow the fortunes of the new Met, mirlne. tin la. and wilt In the heat of thn pennant chase. SSfa? MEENEHAN'S CAFE U SUNDAY'S SPECIALS Lebttcr Dinner, $1.50 Unit Hretlcd Letjtcr Dnitid ( Inm ., ru" ?' Se'c rarler Auuee llnrbceufil Owner, r.tt:rd I'otnte Seft Shell Crab Platter, $1.00 Fried SaftJIhtll Crefct rorfer KaufiD French Frird Pntnteca, Fried F.ea I'lnnt Nllrrtj Tamnteem Chichen and Waffle Dinner, $1.50 Hall HraVtri Kprlns rlrfcrii ICnfrlc French Fried eiatnra Frcneh I'eat Lamb Platter, $1.00 Tteatt Leg 0 Bvrtnn r.iwib Mtvilua Petntutt Treneh Pea Tomate fintnrf Chichen Salad with Fried Oyeter.i $1.00 Celd Roast Sirloin with Petate Salad gg ' mnni New and Our standard smart style in young men's oxfords; new featured with spring heels, double leather soles and light shade russia uppers. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Hew Dees It Scott's Comeback Reper's Idea Merrl8ette"s Art WOXDKIt hew (larry Hermann nnd rut Meran feel today after digesting the', box reere wen for the (llnnlK by Uencen Stelt? Yeu knew, enr rly In uprlnt? (inrry raved in bis own Inimitable style heennu iheil en Hie Cliiclnnntl CTub by the Itrnves. Onrry would r, . . . . . 1.1... t. 1. r . ., 1. 1. .i.. n . . "aT Renlt linil heen wished none of him nnd tried le turn him back en wtienec ne enme. Hut Orant cetislilerptl the deal eIened nnd wniiltln t lake Seett back. Oarry took an nppenl te .fudge I-nndlH, but the commissioner kept his hands off ti-e transaction. . Herninnti wasn't going In be frturlc with n rripple llke HeeH en Ills payroll nnd he turned lilm loose, unconilltlennlly. Heett worked hard te get his (tore arm back In rondltlen. He took het baths nnd allowed the het sun te 'bnke his weary whip. Then olewly and patiently he drilled. Finally he knew the old soup bone was in tdmpe. Did he go back te Hermann te prove his former boss was wrong? H0 net. He sought Jehn MeOrnw nnd whlepered the words of his regained hope into the ears of the Little Napeleon. MeOrnw harkenetl nnd heeded, lie gave him n frlnl. He made geed. Final pitching rrpeids for the season show that Scott wen eight games and lest two for the (Slant this year during the pennant campaign. Would llcrmnnn have pnld Scott's salary during his nursing in exrhnnge for eight victories? Yeu enn wager the pay envelope he would have. Soett might have meant the flag te the Itcds. Scott has been kicked all ever the place in the major leagues nnd by his own tenacity nnd self-confidence he carried himself te the fniue of a shutout pltchw in a World Series. Well done, Deacon, old top! AAHON WAitD must lme taken a let of personal satkf.wtlnn out of seeing Elmer Smith fan when he gave up his hat te the Yank plnrlt-hltter yesterday. Hospitality of nil) llepcr BILL KOPF.U has the right Idea. At his suggestion Princeton will stage I dinner tonight In honor of the Yirginln foetbnll team. All the Southern players and the cenehing staff have been Invited. Such hospitality Is rcrtnln te cement relations between the two institutions, The Tigers may 1e tough football players, but they plan te make themselves tender hosts. In speaking about the dinner recently, Reper stnted that he hoped Princeton n-nnld be fliinnpinlty able te diiie every visiting foetbnll tenm. And he wants the 'players of the two teams te mingle in n friendly spirit. I "Enemies en the field and friends off the gridiron," is his slogan. And why I net? Foetbnll is n tough sport. There's ninny n hard knock given and laken I nnd many n hented word exchanged, but the fact remains that football is n SPOUT. ' It is net warfare. The time when football players carried their griutaneps off the field belongs Id 1 ether davs. There is a better spirit entering into the ftntne. 1 Seme of the old-timers culled It ping-pong stuff, but it is generally receg- I nlzed as geed spertsmnnship. v TIIE fans raved nnd reared about the crookedness of baseball nfter Ihe second gnme of the World Serlca was called in the tenth en Thursday, and yet there was n larger crowd out te sec the game yester day. This Is typical of the baseball hpectaters. Getting Away With It r T IS funny hew some fellows get nwny 1 JL Heme epe else, would linn? sun punisiimciu. ... i. 1.. Jl unn ii.. l,t rnl..llnh it Tlncehnll .Titftln T.nnrlla tine nlnearl nillCH UP llilll liven me in), ....... Hill has Jumped enough te be blacklisted for nbeut -100 years, but the com. mlsslener passes it by. i This season he Htarted with Minneapolis, was shifted te St. Jeseph. In the cM"r -"' nnd ,hr" I,nwd ",! t0 Mf" "V. ?,hrJattC,Ii ClUb' an'' went up into the Minnesota iron region, where he played with the outlaws. When that faded out lie calmly came nml .iltelin.l in the final reks of the ff"iETTINfl nway with It" is an art. Evcrj" man who ever served VJT In the nrrny knows of a chap In his outfit Mho as never punished for doing things that brought summary punishment en ether luckless lads. MIKE SCHULTZ A WINNER j 1 West Phlladelphlan Defeats Sam Blacklsten In Cambria Final Mike Sehultz. of West Philadelphia , and formerly known te ringside fans j ns Temin O'Toele, wen we ilecisien evPr Sam Illnrklsten in thp eight -round Hnnl at thp Cr.nibrla A. ( . Inst night. Despite the fact that Hlarkisten opened up a big cut ever Schulti'.'s eye In ihe third round, he was unable te held Ihe advnntige arid did net box in I his usual geed form. In the seml-wind-up Jack Murtiri ! stepped Johnny Vigi in the fourth. The ether re-ults: Patsy Tate and Dike Crnne drew : Willie Patterson and Geerge Nellnn also broke even, while Snmmy NeIa wen ever .Mm Tierney In ( six rounds. 1 SOCCER FOOTBALL TODAY i 49th nnd Spruce Streets ALLIED LEA0UF FIRST DIVISION WEST PHILADELPHIA F. C. vs. WOLFENDEN-SHORE ' STANDS Z8e. KlgKert ladies FREE. 30C30E :ocaei 62D & WALNUT STS. Meenehan's Special $1.50 Jointer Thermliliir nmll.cl ( -tir. Filet 0 Sole 7ariar Sauce Clams Cotlne Srirtitnia I'ntntec Fish Platter, $1.00 limited Frenh lllue fitli BprHat llakid I'otnte llutltr flcnnt r'etf ftlnie Sirloin Steak Platter, $1.10 jC-03 Sirloin lltrnk villi Fresh Muihm, ,mi French Fried 1'ntatne, llullrr Pen 11 1 Celd Sliced Chicken White Meat, Lettuce and Tomate Salad, $1.25 Different $11.00 Strike Yeu? Bv THE OBSERVER Geerge Washington Oram and nosten, with nrts that, were they committed hy t, ...... si. back te St. Jee, asked for a unife rra, season. FOOTBALL VILLANOVA VB, THIRD ARMY CORP VILLANOVA FIELD, BAT., OCT. 7TH. 3 T M, TICKETS Oil SALE AT HELD COLLEGE FOOTBALL University of the Seuth vs. University of Pennsylvania IRESIIMEM . DEAN ACADEMY 1 J Noen rRANKLIN riELD. SAT., OCX. 7. 2:30 P. M. Ucjerveil srutt, $1 and 76e new en le tt OlmbitU, Sptldlnir'i tir.il Athletic Council Ottce, 3305 Walnut Street. Oeneril Admliatea (5000 touts), SCe. BASEBALL TODAY Phila. World Series Between Fleishcr Shanahan Dobsen AT PHILLIES BALL PARK EXKRCISES START AT 1 P. M. See Mlr( Philadelphia Craw the Team FUcii See Juiif Pattencn Award the Winners ttt Publle Ledlter'ii Cupi Hear the Ileturna of the World Serlet by Innliifi RACES TODAY HUNTINGDON VALLEY HUNT Meadowbrook (Near Jenkinlewn), 2 P. M. HOMlKItl'I I, f iioss.cerNTnv HOUSES IN Ill'NTl.NdDUN VAI.I.K.Y rilAI.l.hMit rri' it.c'K nvr. .Mr.TitniMii.tTAN staiu.ks I ItKrilKshNTi:! 1 Hrre'N jour linnce. te utei rietiie flu rurliiK. , . I'nrklni: spnrPH. Sill. .Mi, Inrluilliie sit at mlsuluim. Ailiiiliidnii llrkrls 2.HI). , , ,. Take ism train frnni ltrurtlnc Tennlnal tt .Meiiitu liruti. tmaumtammmmmmrmarm ATIO N A BOXING 1Kb & Catharine N L bat. Eve ti fcur HQlltl Oot. 7 J0KN MY McLAUOHLIN va. fiPllO OAHl'O T. tDDIE IILMPSEY Vi. BATTLING fKISCO VI. EARL 1MAK0E vi. WALLl HINKtK T0N4 CAPON' HAT IdlTCHEU JOt DUTUR Tla. DK0NEY nn ale Tendler'i. 7au Market I Denashy'i, 33 tin. 11th. hricet soe, SI and ii.eu OLYMPIA boxing r- ' Bie.d A Bin.ridt 'V BF.ICHT-ROUND BOUTS-8 WH1TKY FITZGERALD vt. JOIINNV RflEALY RI-N0 VS. YOITNO EART. MAHONEY vs. FRANCE f Ai vs. deHSEly SSiANkY vs. 0fflM I'KirnN. nec. ii."', "", th,r Vt f.ft 9.1 II UU tore. 83 H. Ilth St. "" ""' n anil kiiiiii iriniri --. tl -"--. ... .A II17V, runiilnrhum'. 10 N, 011 91'. .. TrndUr'. 1-n.il I'nrler. 780 MHfKft gv. Sliutin'. H. B, Ter. Sth ''" "" Mnr.illAtlBII. 11'4 ruuin ci itr r-r 3 3 jr .... 1 .'.. h vi ":i 6 . vi yws.yii, J a'-ty7!. . t . &a"