-vV--x.. jpjtWfrWiVMWu... .UIJiUk'WlWl .f., , i1, dkH'7'i'l'H i r?s .v 31Ifi 8 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6; 1922 SJ5P!5!55! nxt.il. b& W ir,X' i i ifil itt J u"' r .. I &r.;. BtM' fiV f - The Life and Letters of WALTER H. PAGE By Burten S. Hendrlek is pub llihed today. There are two editions; n lim ited edition of 877 copies at f 25.00; n regular edition nt 110.00 composed of two very handsome vehimes a worthy attlng for this most impor tant work. These letters have appeared only in part in the world's Werk in the United States and England. There is much ma terial in the book which has net heretofore been published. Doubled.!-, Page & Ce. 3D FIRE IN THREE DAYS IS MYSTERY Anether Large Barn Gees Up in Smoke In Central Glouces ter County , HOSE IS RUN 3000 FEET W mWL- A JP .W 111 IB kw m - i Deritkf that r&h continue te annoy you What a miserable little biting stin? there is every time you touch that eruption 1 Kesinel Ointment is what you want. Thousands have proved its unusual healing powers by tisinpit for the most stubborn cases of skin 'affection with prompt, beneficial re lulls. It seethes white it heals. Rnlnet Sharing Stick ti been te tender tkinil Rulnel pro duct! at alt druggUu. Resinol Gifts for the October Bride Loek Over the Suggestions in Our Leather Goods and Gift Departments Before Making Your Selection DESK SETS FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS BOOK ENDS SOLID BRASS CANDLESTICKS FITTED BAGS SUIT CASES TRAVELING SETS FOUNTAIN PENS WRITING CASES MEMORY BOOKS PICTURE FRAMES COLORED THERMOS SETS T&eKIjvl ,904-906 Chestnut St. Stationer I'rlnttrx Office Outlltttra I Sewell. N. .1.. Opt. 0. The third of i ii erlr nf ill n t run s fnnil tire", wtilrli llinvp occurred from uiotprletis origin i en reiiMvtitlvp tiny within ti lwrt 1 r.iilhiH of nirh ether In ccntrnl Olou Oleu ceatrr County, vet-trrclny ilpHtreycil ti larjp bam Mini outbuildings' en the furm of Jnmps Abrntn en tins Sewell Iturfvtllc rtmtl nlxiut u mile from Sew HI. Kin oemimnlcH from Ave town, Sewell, Mnnttm. Wimenah. Jlnrnrsberi) . Htid I'ltinati, with their meter apparatus! kept the llnmcn from mireiuliiiR te the f house. ni... rt .... a. 1 .I....!... tin. Imnt i lie iin- rtuuwu uui.i'k " - of the ilny, just nt illil similar tin"' ' that dwppt ths bulldlnp en the furm ill uiriinm i.vnin. 111-4.1 . n" .... ami Harry fi. Alhrnlth. nl-n iienr L! II Tl.' 1.,, hiiii 1'iiLliltnl 'u Hril r'rweii. 1 ue 11'"" n"in . - ' "". . putlmittpd at S10.000. hrlmtliu the total lnM from the three farm fire up te . StiiUMKi. , i nxtreme heat for tills (.pann of the .pnr whrn liax l being -.tered. whieh micht he the enti'-e of hpontaneeiis com- , hustlnn. In the only r-elutlnn farmer" are able te cive te tliese HtraiiRe tin. Jehn Mrriearv vim werklne In n field near the Jampn barn, when lie aw miieUp pemlni; from the roef: lie ran te the barn nnd found the top ablaze. Mr. Tame' and her wn. Charles led out four hoi-e" and ether livestock and tiplslilmrx aved Mime of the imichinerv. The Haines fed nn 100 tntt! of hay jif-t stored la-t week anil tuirnltiR embers spread ever tlrj IleliN, but firemen ran treatits nf water "000, fm.t .. (J.111 nil i t-wl unt'n.1 ttlrt IlillUil H'l'l I 1 (fill PV"l II (I It I I -l ' M ' ""II -I I The barn was one of the best built In this .section anil wits ewneii until re cently by the West Jersey Marl and Transportation Company. It wits pur- I'nuseii recemiy ey .101111 ixenj, 01 ;wu len. WASHINGTON TAKES ON ASPECT OF BEAUTY, Party of 320 We3t Philadelphia High Scheel Girls Touring Capital The slfht-spein? tour of the ."'JO West; I'Mlnilelphiu Hish Scheel RlrN In Washlturteti took them Inte the Na Na teon's Capitel and the I'etanical (iar lens this mnrnlnR. This afternoon the i;irl plan te visit Mount Vernen and Arlington. Tlte will Ws'tt the White Heuse tomnnew. The rls reached the capital city (esterdny for their three-day tour. The party Is in eharee if I'arke Si becli. til'iltrlpal of the schnril. Arrlvini! In WnliinBten at 11 MO . M. ji'sterdny, the tfirN were initne 'lately Inaded into sliiht-spetnt; lmsi. for an ltis'i-etien of the Lincoln Mr Mr it'erinl. the Washington Monument, the Pan-American Hiillditii; and the Cor coran Art (Jnllery. The tour included a ride te the top of the Washington Monument. Croup raptalns are the Misses Asnns Ilanhewer. (iertrude Shaw. Zarenk Y.n kian. Mildred Ilewmnn, Cenevn Wheel- r, Margaret Wii-.'.'tnd. .Te.m tiarditnT. MRS. CATT GOING ABROAD TO ASSIST SUFFRAGISTS Will Leave Tomorrow for Reme and Other European Cities Wn.shliiKfmi. Oct. 0. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt'n European and Seuth American tour, en which she starts from New Yerk tomorrow, Is being watched with keenest pxpcctatlen by these women voters who nre hoping the I'nlted States ngaln will resume Its rightful chare in world affairs. She sails for Heme te confer with Italian sitlTraRlstH en their preparations j for the International Weman StifTniRP Congress te be held there In May. from Itnlv, .Mrs. Catt will travel through Juge-Shi'la. Czeeho-Slevakia, Aiietrln- 'lliingary and liennany te confer with iiinrragit.s. I In November Mrs. Cutt will address the Trench Suffrage Association, full suffrage rights weie grunted In france J by the Chamber of Deputies tliree jeurs nge. Ever since, thp Senate has been btnlling, but If the anticipated entrance of former frontier VIvIhiiI into the Sen- lite bears fruit, 1m1nlclp.il suffrage tit least will be grnuted the women of france in the near future. Madame SehlumbcrgiT. granddaughter of De Witt, for ten years Premier te King I.etils Philippe and french suffrage leader, told the writer In Paris that Premier Poincare was with them for municipal suffrage. Frem france Mr". Catt will go te Londen preside at a meeting of the (inventing Heard of the International Suffrage Alliance. At the same time will be held a beard meeting of the International Council of Women, with a view te ptjscible union of the two beards. BOSTON RAT HOLIDAY ENDS Pay Scale Agreed Te and Catchers Ge Baek Ce Werk Rosten, Oct. It. The rntn' holiday In Hosten ended yesterday nnd wnrfnre en the rodents wns renewed nt night n n result of the settlement of the strike of rat-catchers of the city. The '! "en incn v.'h'i - en strike several days nge for mere money. shorter hours and Sundays nt home ' compromised with Hm two companies employing them, agreeing te continue nt the present rate of 112 1-1! cents nn hour for a ten hour night, working Suit- j days, until January 1, when an eight 1 hour night nt SO cents 1111 hour will lit given them. (IN SKCONI TIIOfOIIT A dully column by .lay K, limine, written alsiul th Ititlmat things nf life, by n nmn who rnnslsttntly refus-s te be nny one but himself. It "III Ik? found en the e,iterliil r.iKn cf the I'ltil.li' I.uixiKK, "Mnlte It 11 Habit." .l.lc. WHEN YOUR ROOF LEAKS prompt action must be taken. Is it advisable te repair or te rc-roef? This FREE BOOKLET tells you what is the best thing te de. A postal will bring a copy. Tiega 8700 Jfemiam fazsutafien nm-m 11 niMl Ilia Iteberfs Ave, nnd Htnkley SI. IT IS NOT EXPENSIVE rrr vrcD vruip n ntucc Dtrn . IU IUiW wr. -W.--.W l-rvj Ilan WE CLEAN MEN'S SUITS for $i.s0 LADIES' SUITS for $3.00 Just Phene Us Poplar 7660 We'll Call BARG'S Cleaners and uyera Main Office and Works liw fflnu't a. 1618-1628 N. 21st St. 5557 Germantown A. WE CALL FOR ONE OABMfcMT OR TWENTY Te vwmWMMVM Valuation Experts Ask $50,000 The city's valuation experts en the P. 11. T. property ye-rtertlay asked CJt Ceiindi for !?."(!. (XV) mere. Te date. ...ii.fMt lii.ii.ift,' !,"l-, IH t.nu lu.iii. wl.t'llf IJ'l'.w Mtlllltl.,.. V--"'""" II"' i'HH .- bv the citv In Its valuation cum-, new j lliig heard before the Public Service ('mmisMiin. At recent he.tring". many . errors were uncovered by the P. It, T. The new funds n-ked are Mild te be fnr a D'chccklng of certain phases of the work. I Advertising and Sales Promotion Man ulth brrjtit fjperlenee etvl Biircefiil rei-Til. nje 35, mnrrlf'l Cn yuii e liltii C 402. LEDOEH 0IT1CE MR. UMBRELLLA MANUFACTURER T CAN ev yni a ni miib't fnr iur koe1h. 1 Ih'c ilnne It Nfere t can tie It iifiln Ni llOvnnrrs tin iviItm n rx pr-ni. If you bni' tin' ff'wMs I .in t'liiri" tlifiii. tjulrk ai tli'ti niw me.mi freflt fr u bnth. Write or wire. C 407 PUBLIC LEDGER I'mlly Ciintiiii.'liaiii, Marian end Helen Cunningham. Cliffun' "Brimful of action, of novelty of scene, nnd peopled with charac ters thnt live." Philadelphia Public Ledger. FLOWING GOLD BY REX BEACH "The best story that has come out of the region of oil wells and oil stock booms. There is the vivid picture of the Texns oil country, splashed en a big canvas, but with no detail neglected. It is an enthrallinp; romance, nnd Mr. Beach makes every chapter thrill with action." 77ie Hosten Herald. 52.00 Wherever Reeks Are Sold HARPER & BROTHERS Established 1817 New Yerk SHORE BROKER ARRESTED Geerge Arene Held Under $30,000 Ball at Baltimore Atlantic City. Oct. fi. Armed with u rranf" clutrslns (.purse Arene with "ellinc fictitious stocks te local Investors Icteetivew left here this mern'ni: for 'ia'tlmerp. where Annie K nur under :tn,000 ball te await the arrival of the ilficers. According te the police, between 57.!. (Hill nnd $100,000 was spent here 'hreiiith the operations. Arene has maintained n home en south Massachusetts avenue fur sever.il vears and spent the greater part of the -uinmer season in this city. Kxtrndl- Ien papers for Anuie's return were lulled b Cioverner IMwiinN, nt Tnn- iiii, estenlny. 0 NEW YORK'S CI.U1J " LIKE HOTEL th fjermitag . Times Square (Southwest) INDIVIDUALITY EXCtLLEMT CUISIKE Reemi Sliilf. 3 03 te J5 03 IMPORTER CUT OFF IN WILL Business Differences Disrupted1 i Groavener Nicholas and Father I Hlverlip.ul, N. Y.. (cr. (!. Huln's i difference, which dlwrittited the part I uershlp of (iriisvenur Nielielas, ve.ir,y Importer, and his l.ttc father, (Jenrae t !" Nieliiilas, eight jcars age. r"- 'It. ii I in the cutting off of the son without i i pennv in the will of the .diler Nicholas, 1 il'd mr probate ber jesierdav. "I puriKisely make no pievlsinn for 1 my son, CJresvennr Nichelns, (ir lns ' children," the will said, "because , f his unlilial attitudu toward me for I man) j i-.iri past." ' Pretest Against Cemetery Stable j A cimimlttee rcjiresentinK the North - , west lttistni'ss Men's Assoelatien i all oil Pleslilerit of Cei!i-l Wegleln te protect ugalnst a new nty ht.ibl 'which is te be built in what I new (i'enwoed Cemetery, It was decided last niicbt at th" reuul.ir iiimnhl) meeting ..f the organization nr 'Jl'l 1 Columbia avenue. Charles I.. I'luck presiib i. ' rPEWRlTERC fiti I Mt w K Only ' Standard Make CQ 10 Days' Free Trial OU 1 Yenr Written Guarantee DSAI.ERB IN AU. MAKE 0 !00& CHESTNUT ST. w.j, BBNDy TYPEWRITER CO. Aftcr-Dinner Tricks Seat Style RED CEDAR CHEST Size 45x21x21 $25.00 Whit Thty Last Made te Sell for $35.00 We Imve contracted for 100 of tlicie Red Ctder Cheita. Cdr tray In cluded free, A tmalt dtpe.lt will re terve any one of thtte cheitt, and a mall week ly payment makta the chett yaura In time ler Chrlttmae. BAY STATE FIBRE CO. 814 Chestnut St., Phila. wh'J'S.:rw ' DIAMONDS- Cun I it I'un liaspi! mi our Confidential Credit Plan 'nimtf'i'i'c iwieilnii ui'li h tnli tt.ii Klj or monthly ji j"" li T ,e buylnff ieir of our two rK" stores et.iul. ji te t.uy ie (it al)"elut( asli jirlcts will. .-Ii values lletfnnS 1531 CHESTNUT ST. 138 S. 52d St. .Open Ever Evenlnc mmmmm J T9 Larft RttaiUr of Ctdar ,. (.ncf in cn rrena jf m i Ne. IW.'i rindlns Chesen Card A pack of cards is placed beneath a napkin, se that no one can see it Seme one Is allowed te put hlu hand beneath the nnpkln, and remove a card without i the performer seeing it. He is then told te replace the card and niuare up the pack underneath the napkin. ' Although the pet former has net non the pink, he rewires It from the nap kin, and turning his back, iiumediatelj finds the chosen card. i The ucrrct (n rinitf. miiIeIp u ....... .... I the card has been taken from the pack in- pcneriiirr rciii'iir.t ucmaili tile nap kill te "square up the pack," and In mi doing turns the pack ever! Thus when the spectator's card is replaced it will be reversed, or faced about in the pack. When lie rnkcM the nnefr fr,.tt, .1... ' kin and turns his back the performer ' ran inmiumy nnn tun cnesen card. l'utvruft, JJM, l'j i'taJKe Uiatr Cemganu Kt.t.h'ifV!,..l ,1-1, -a.. ..??. Quality Cleansing and Dyeing at LEWANDOS 1901 Chestnut Street Telephone Spruce 4079 Offltu In Most Eastern Cities YOU CAN RELY ON LEWANDOS" '. P -n'uerr I am A Jililill ' illnllnlWm-l 1 I II V 0 11 111 ' Ikv 111b I ! Mill M llelENlillllllslnicva uMu&zsaaS WM Ot rn&ux make it easy for you te be well dressed l(9awaamm(Mm JlmSlM& mzMM3MMm Yeu will be surprised, and delighted, with our wonderful display of beautiful coats and dresses, and the large variety of suits we carry. Alse at the low prices we ask. Dresses, of exceptional beauty, with all the smartest trimmings and in the very newest styles, at Suits, for women and misses. Fur-trimmed in rich Peiret Twill, Tricetine, and ether fash ionable fabrics. All beautifully lined $29-75 '34.75 and Beys, Toe She's a wise mother who brings the boys te Stern & Ce. for their school and dress suits and overcoats. As a special we offer Fine Fall Clothing for MEN Plenty te cheese from in our big stock of double- and single-breasted models in conservative styles, ft -4 f mp also sports models for the younger men. Our P I Sw & leader in suits is a beauty at Second Fleer Daylight Department A Twe Pants Suit that will wear unusually well because it is full lined. In cassi- meres and chev iets, and only. . $g. 75 ali aiaafrt. J Victrela nwm. e. a. sat. or. Buy It "On the Pay-As-Yeu-Earn" Plan At Victer Catalog Prices A hearty invitation is extended te music levers te visit our beautiful store, whether they desire a demon stration of the Victre la, or just te listen te some of their favorite music. We carry a full line of Victer Victrelas and all the latest Victer Records. New October Records new en sale. Ask about our convenient terms. We also sell Columbia Grafonelas and Strand Consoles. Our "Victer" Special $150 Ne. 100 in maheeany, walnut, and differ ent finishes of oak. Our Victrela Dtpartmtnt CenurnUntly Located en Street Fleer ifiBflffiflffliyBPjwH 1 4 Hi JEWELRY for GIFTS Here are some suggestiens: Mahogany Cleck and Candle Sticks :MJg.' INw jr i 2JT -1 LSfcJL $13 mm Diamond Elnt IT llKt, cold $i n C"! .H Hw. VI mounting. xZ, 'L jf b. Oy -S IIJI j & Rich, lustrous yl? iii:?i 11 I in- "'mi l Y $fioe h 1 Illinois Watch 0 JQ adjustea movement. Jv- ) 6q. Weman'! 14-lCt. WMti Geld Wrist Watchea Bimrnnteeil 15- C1 C tifi 'nK..H' 1 v?vr jtivwlcil raeveme Street Fleer This Is a Remarkable Value szZs Hi lis- afcsiii rM, Pmn This Beautiful "St. Regis" Suite '215 This beautiful Suite in SELECT AMERICAN WALNUT is an unusual value. It ii made by master art craft3tnenj and includes a roomy DRESSER, BOW-END BED, full size VANITY DRESSER and CHIFFOROBE. Fifth Fleer Period Suites Like This Are Popular HlfcUl l-tfjj& m&i '!!.,. .. i r.'zi9 ribH. ll 'IVr'S.. -i. .,,- ! 8:H:V .It Miifl' w 1 0-Piece Tuder' ' Dining Roem Suite 2miOD 10 beautifully and substantially built pieces in AMERTTAM WALNUT, including 60-inch BUFFET? OBLONG TART p ENCLOSED SERVER, CHINA CLOSET, ARM CHAIR Sixth Fleer Blankets Extra warm woolen. All colors. $0JS Second Fleer Every one of our 8 big floors suggests scores of beautiful furnishings for your hemt Stern G. 712-714 MARKET STREET RUGS Beautiful 9 x 12 seamless velvets. .JO Third Fleer $2Z I . &, &. ti:-?''Tii