mtw Si,I. ' ifiti n v..; tv 'w -.av . f 'V ' .'" r IF-iTi JB EVENING PTIBUO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1922 Rir' 'f-Oi "By" Dicksen Latest Addition te Penn Coaches; 30 PENN SCRUBS ON JUNIOR VARSITY McNamara's Charges Raised te JayVee RatingPlay Har-rlsburgTochTemorrow E0 FARRELL IN HOSPITAL ..- .t. nulla m tenm the "A ,! "" " ""' "' ""' ' "M1,. word, el Coaeh T.m ,, thirty men nrc te be known &bmialef footballers, believe Sf, " added Temmy. Frem new en it will be n mlsdemenn. .te call thin tenm the scrubs. Thh ST the flrit time thnt n Junier varrtty t, if" errninlw. nnrt a full schedule been SrrwiBf.1. During the week i hin they have net, a snme en til hey will de the' vity the honor te "npiBe them In bcrlmmage nml JHrcwre them for their contest... WThe "JunleM" open iv th llnirta krah Teck tomorrow nnd will ccr i Inly Elve the tenm from the capltnl 1 gnmc Unlit. McNnmnra'H cliar Uve given the varsity M-vcrnl tlreli-Uni- M fnr this week nnd nr- primed (or a foreign fee. Dicksen Assists The remainder of the Hr-ruli talent wns urned ever te Ky UIcUmmi, former IM turned ev nil II tie mcmiir, "ii" w "" - --,, fT with the "Sports for nil niewmyiit 1'enn, Coach Dicksen will nlii VpNnmnra for the remainder of the se" In developing n team te cope with the varrity in scrimumge Cech Hcismnn sent his varsity s-jinst the junlerH in the first offensivc drill of the sea-en y ester-lay, nnd iik n whole the team showed mere ability nil drive than nt any time 1iIh sensen. Frem end te end nnd continuing Inte tke'bnckfkld, there was n strength ind fight thnt will bear watching by the Southerners in the game tomorrow. There seems te be nn air of confidence ind "do-er-dlo" npirit nbeut that Ptnn line. , , The bnckfield was the Mine that tarted against V. nnd M. en lfibt Siturday, but they performed like four new men. They had confidence In their line and In themselves nnd run wild erer the Juniors. Net once wcre they held for dewnt. Hlg Tex Hemer tort through the line for us many us twenty tards, while Cnptaln Posh Miller nnd Sullivan ran the ends with -peed that they have net shown nil season. Strlmmage Surprise). The scrimmage came rather ns n surprise, for Coach Hclsinnn earlier In the afternoon had announced no Ncrlmmnge due te' the het weather. The linemen were sent Indoors for n lllnckbenrd talk, and when they emerged, the weather hnd cooled enough te wnrrnnt a scrimmage. Fifteen minutes wcre enough for the var sity te run ever three touchdowns and n halt was called for the dny. This het weather Is causing leti of room for doubt ns te the outcome of the game tomorrow. The Southerners arc used te het weather scrimmages nnd seem te thrive en It. Most of their k nines nr played In weather just as net nnd sometimes several degrees warmer than we have hed here during the past week. However, there is n let In getting used te n thine. They nrc used te it and teams this far north nrc net. There Is the difference. Fer this reason there has been somewhat of it let -lip en the Penn squad this week se that they will net be overtired for tomorrow's con test. "I de net believe thnt the weather will mitke any difference in the playing of our team," Mild CoeTh llclsman. However, the boy nrc net accustomed te high temperature in October and I would like te sec a cooler day for the game. Three Harks Out "All season we have had n wealth of bnckfield material, and there has been a question ns te the combination te itiirt I he game. Hlght new we have n different problem. During the Inst week we Imvi' lest several iisrt-clnss barks, who will net be available for tomorrow. Wnedard nml Craig are both out with injuries and Kddic Farrcll linn been te the henpltnl with n fever. We will net have se many mm this week, but they will be in fnr better condition thnn they were lnbt week." Fnrrcll is the latest less le the sqund. He and Pnpwerth hnvc developed the same symptoms, nnd have been put in the linspltnl under observation. Jteth hnve high levers and will net be re leased until they show signs of Improve ment. Kiirrell played nt it halfback lat Saturday nnd Pnpwerth stnrtcd at guard. Three changes hnvc been made in the line. Frank Ilcwhlrst, who started nt end las-t week, has been rcplnred by Fnirehlld, the big Westerner, who has shown np se well nil week. Fairchild knows the end pest nnd Is u fnr better tnekler thnn Dewhlrst, although net as heavy by several pounds. Dern Returns Jehn Dern, varsity center of luht year, has recovered from the Injury le ins Biieuiuer mm win de ut His old pest. , Frem this position he will call the sig nals nnd direct the team. Dern is n I natural football player nnn n student . of the game. He has the knack of call- ' intr the riirlit uliivs mid from his nesi- I Hen at center ean leek ever his Held te advantage. Frank Sutherland hni the call ever the ether candidates te 1111 the vnenncy of Pnpwerth nt guard. Sutherland played this position en the varsity last year and will lie an utile substitute. He was Lite in reporting this season and . this is the only thing that has kept him out of the regular llnc-up se fnr. When , h gets a little mere conditioning he will be one of the best of the Penn line. The remainder of the line will be the same as started last week. Thurman and Knuffman will be in nt tackles, Kelly at the ether guard and Urtrcsvaag at the ether end an running mate te Fnirehlld. . . The bnckfield, with Captain Pest Miller nnd Sullivan at halves, Al Veo gel In nt quarterback and Tex Hntner nt fullbnck, Is also the same, except that Sullivan nnd Miller have shifted halves. Miller will nlnv nt rls-ht In stead of left, his old position. Sullivan will piny back and take care of the kicks. It is nlmest certain thnt Sulli van will ftlse de the punting. CAGE LEAGUE REORGANIZES Manufacturers' Fives Have Many Applicants for Franchisee The Philadelphia Manufacturers' Basketball League held Us reorganisa reerganisa reorganisa teon meeting Inst night nnd among the teams which applied for franchises were Colenlnl lee Cream Company, National Metal Edge Company, M. Ic II. Company, II. O. Wilbur & Ce. nnd Stecle-IIeddle Company. Of the old clubs, Dobsen, Flelsher, Monotype, Art Leem and M. J. Dough erty will likely retain their franchises ler the season. Nothing definite was decided upon ns te the circuit and any ether manufac turing concerns who are desirous of making application for n franchise can cemmuniate with Cadwalladir 13. Franklin, 1227 Arch street. Phene Spruce 20.11(1. or Joined Hunter, care IIoepcs & Tewnscnd Company, 1(130 Kuttonweod street. Pheno Poplar 22-08. COLLEGE FOOTBALL University of the Seuth VB. University of Pennsylvania FRESHMEN ts. DEAK ACADEMY It Moen FKANKLIN FIELD. BAT.. OCT. 7, 8 10 V. M. Reserved seats, SI tnd 74e new en sal at Olmbels, Stikldlns and Athlatie Council Office, 3305 walnut Btrsst. Otnsral Admission (1000 laati), tSt. Mill MILNE'S HATS. B AT Lehigh Ave. at 5th If Yeu Want a "Little Better" Hat Here's a Geed Place le Get It 4349 Main St. Manayunk E 4610 Frankford Ave. mmm F3 'inut Parsee Prints $2-00 wearing per- Milne's Special at $4.00 S Others Frem $3.00 Up 5 Headquarters for Stetsons B Siiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ELPR00UCT0 WftatSizePlease? Puritanes Fines? rp LThls 2 for 25c !i haa a bottef (tcadrfallewara who hT found El Producte'a dlatlncllva character te tbalr llkini. ra!rat$S!l wJSHbsK i' a .?zi ifrxMsn. mn-rJsri-ctiikQn vii-Liwa. tziGwstm&mm r Escepcienales? kl The famous 3 for SOe W alie-a bl full amok HSK. ins El Producte wheia Apepularlty la trcmendeui. D . v r Beuquet: w I for At each AR THEXIEWSTYZEm Arrew Cellars Cluett,Peabody &Ce.Inc Leng cale. Neatly patterned Woven for wear Printed for econo my Cut and tailored as well as the finest Eagle Shirt. Priced te give you the best possible value for your money. Hasan E SHIRTING SUITS $ TO ORDER 18-00 Reduced from $35 & $30 Blue Serges, Blacks, Grays, Herringbones, Browns, Pencil Stripes; Alse OVERCOATS See Our 15 Windows Largest Display of Tailoring in Philadelphia PeterMoran&Ce. S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts. Established 50 Years Open Monday & Saturday Evenings Till 9 o'clock TKAMSIIIP NOTICES x white Star VISIT EUROPE NOW while rates are low enllAMI'TON I Die I Dae. 16 WTKAHWtr WPTICTW 1 V. TO L'lllCltllUL'ltll Kjlll"l,IIAMI SekJjUO (n'e'w) .' .' ,' .' .' .'Oct.' 81 Hei'. It ATZSTIO fw1 Oct. IS Mav, 26 H. Y. TO CUIIII igtltlKNHTOW.NI ANU t iiui iifiiii. Oot, U Net. Dec. I Oct, 81 Nev. ! Dec, Ji V !? I !"' 71 I ,,,tHOt, ose. uec. ev (Mil. BALTIO . CEUKta SB VII1IK TO AKIIIIKH. I QtnnAI.TAU. .N.M'IXH AND (IKNIIA ARABIO Oct. II CHETIO Ner. 11 .V, Y. TO JIHKMKN tin CIIKIIIIOl'llll AMI' Knt'TIIAMPTON I PlTTSBUneH Nev, 9 Dee. 10 Jan. 2', OANOtlO I..... Ne: 3J Jan. 8 Feb. 0 ,tll . 'HII.AIKM'llIArl1IVKIll'OOI, I Nltenlan .Oct, p Nlnlaq Oct. 2S , lEYtAND LINE I l'llIf.ADKI.I'lll MANI'IIKMTKII Mltenltn Oct. 0 Nlnlan Oct. 23 Winter Voyages te the I MEDITERRANEAN ' Madeira, nihtelMr, AUIith, Mnnare, Nuiil Alemidrla. Ilnlfu, At hern ADRIATIC, M.M1 ten.,. . ..Jan. 0 7et. 24 LAVLAND. ll.SOS tern Jan. IS Mar. 10 Red Star Urn, S'.Y.. I'liYMOL'TIf. CIlKItlKH'im.'ANTWnill ISTHMIAN Steamship Lines Philippines'Eut Indian Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM PHILADELPHIA te DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Pensng, Belawsn-Deli, Pert Swtt- tenlism, Singapore, Batstia, Samaranf, Seerabaya MANILA and ILOILO S. S. "Mobile City" Oct. 15 S. S. "Steel Traveler". . . . Nev. 15 Ter ratct and particular! apptr ta NORTON, LILLY & CO. TIMiriA Bkfsr Lembard 8076 JMaXM. P. M, I., eintr, at hli !( raaldane. ninjN. int. brivan. iwn ittisuiUiJ .KrsssV In .Sa.-;.-i" SSSwrivAa IS."-., 'M.l IIP.VKNINOHAM. Oct. , COnNKt widow of cnarlaa Havaninsitam, wy. ftelatlvea and (rlaiids ,'liyM , 'fff ervlc. Ft)., 1 '. M.. I, O. I B. A. !!. lu. Inl. Ileulah Cm. ' . twit or latlSM llOM.ANP Oct. , .KATrv "1& Hrlrk iVelland ln BMnriah). ftal id frlinda lnvIM t alland funeral. Pa an StfO liw. I;dw Snlcmn mat) Al. A, M.. from realdance or nr WtH ivanl Mettnivrr. n ".."l'i. ri of reeal'm ii t Church : of mi, uamejirmi Trnnnllzuraliun. iv a. 4(jINRnK. en. f.. PAHA1I 1. Inea flSJ" n). wlfn of Charlei A. , JuHtM jnhniikii. nt" 79. rtelnllvpj and fVlende re Inlifi attend funeral se'Vl'ja. Biin,, fJSri I A.'M.. ecn'a reldne.. ir. C JwrJ'Ji Hnlrd ave., Camden, N J. Int. Old Tlaat(t m Hm. N J. . ... . KRI.l.Y. rt. . I'Ain n. J. Oot. 13 T)n. 38' 'LAND Nev. Dee. OOTHtAND (Direct) Ket. 11 Dec. 16 Oot IS Dee. 8 Jan. 0 Oct. 21 Ner. 34 Dee. 30 is i d FINLAf ZEELAND KROONtAND 1'HII.A IIAMMI'ftll I.tllAf IIANZtd Hflmlend (tlilrn.ilnmi MniKtri only) Nev "rreiini Ter iianriv inir, PIItl.Atir.l.VIHA -ANTWKIII' Mlcblsan . ...Oot. 7 Mlueurl Oct. 30 American Line I N.Y. TO HAMI'.fltll On PLYMOUTH AM) t'llKIIIIUl'Klt , MINNEKAKDA (id clan) . ..Oct, 12 Net. IS MAKOHUnlA . . Oot. 2 Net. 30 UONOOLIA Het. 8 Dec. 11 1'lI!!.AilKMMI!A lUMIKItl) Mlchlsan Oct. 7 Maryland Oct. 14 I 'Montauk . Oot. 21 I Vl.i Ilrmien. ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE , Villi. Alir.l.l'IIIA UINDON I Mackinaw Oct. 7 Mlcnuri Oot. 30 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE t PHILADELPHIA IliirrilllDAM Rroedrk Oct. 13 Slrdtndyk . . Net, 0 i International Mercantile Marine Ce, 120 STEAMERS. 1. 300.000 TONS Pawner Office, 1310 Walnut St.. Phil, rrelcht Office. 403.414 Beurn Did.. PhlH. Oeneral Amn'.i I Phlladelehla I Main 2445 I n. 27 mil J lSUafAaUSjeUta' f '0 I 0 . Ctn .infjT rmtif uflTU fftfl T itaaannn AupeisAtJ i me T aiinHnnunv rmcruverui unt hi TO rLYMOLTH, BOULOSNE UAMBUlte Kt Ken Aaarrlean Flat Steamer REBOLUTE OCT, 17 RELIANCE OOT. 81 TO nAMIUIRG DIRF.CT i httariint nf Ailci A. Kelly Inw linwjl, R.if lff 'an,I f Henna, aien ni i.-nnrir. limy .mn n Jlrtv. H. Mary'a lleneflclsl Kecletr Ml fe'irl fulewarr. Ne. 87, if. of A.. iM emptnrM of t'' Heuthern Trarilrn ar m vIlM I" nttenil fueeral, Mnndar, Ss80 A. M. late rrlrlrtme, 103 I nlllmere ava,, rilflim Helxlila Hnleinn renulem liiaaa Bt, Charles l-.ui"l). Oak View, 10 A. M. Interment lit. Charlea f'emetery, KILP.OY. Oel. ft. 1022. JOHN A., hlU-lian-l of Kiln Kllrny (ni lliickley) nela. 'tle nml frl'nda, nlmi empleye of P. II. T. I'd., Pre innril l" iiuirrni. p.1.1 e...-, n, ., lnti reililenrr. 2403 H, lluntlneden at. Solemn re'iuletn me at Ht, Ann' Church IS A. M. Jnt New Celhrdral Cen". Kuril Oil. 4. U'22 WILLIAM, ann of the late William nd Careline Kech. " (Hm nnd frlemle are Invlleil te altenel fe "era I rirvlcee, IVI . S P M . at hla at tre'ilenre 2310 N. Sfttli l. Int. private. KnALLK.--Oct 4. MAIUi: Dtl datishtsr of Antheny It n'1 Anns H. Krnlle inae ! In hr 2lel year. Relatives an 1 irlenda Invlleil te funeral. Met., HJB A. M,. ' from reeldence of tmrenle. 03, N KraJler si. hUli reiiitlem m'i t rhurcti of hir Lady of victory, j'i a, ji. i, i(ini". ..v.. ,.,- v.. I f..m I LAMIIBItT. On Ort I. 1022. r.m.DA I.AMIIRRT (nee fanmlieilf, tr'eteil wife et Jehn Lameeri iieiaiuea ann. inmin r Invllfl te th funeral en Frlda mnrnlnjr. in S;30 o'rleek from her late residence, 4SS M. dint at. flelemn reiuim mae t our i.iitv or Knaary t;nnren ai in a. . "- r -'- . . - --. ... .. t Sailing, everr Thursday, br the pf.D lar ateamrra Mount Clay. Mount Car roll, Mount Clinten, Hajiia, Bayern, tar ateamtra lull, mount ui.L. ..., uwymTnt Wuerttembers, with special cabin and ImpreTfJ third cuss accommodations. United American Lines, int. I'J Urenilviuy, N. Y. or Lecal Acenla rrrii at New ra',rel remelery. LANH.O-t. 3. Tli;N"IH. lieleved lniaband niivr pnn iepm. and rmplee of thai ve. and Cumberland ,t. al.en.' Invited In funeral. Sat. I-J0 A.JI, from hie lute reeld -ne e. aiS7 N. 2d at. et Int. at Mw JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 Cheitnut St. e LYMPI A BOXING .tTTL H0et'E9T' B,0"! & Biel,rl,l BertE"' 5 EIGHT-ROUND BOUTS 3 WIIITKY DANNY FITZGtRALD vs. RODGERS JOHNNY .I0K MEALY vs. RENO YOl'NO Kni. MAHONEY vs. FRANCE 1'I.ONIK JOHNNY TATE vs. DONNELLY fir.eiK.r. k. n. shamcs CHANEY vs. O'BRIEN Pllin:s. .Mir. SI. SI. .VI 1 unil n hratf ii n enle. Mi In Oitlre, Celrhrr Clsrr Stere. 33 M. lltli t. Wiinul 7.1JU. Cunnlnahnm'a. 10 . AM SI. TrniHer'K Peel Purler. ;::n .M rl,et SI. SlnmnS. S. I'.. Cor. Hlh A Me. .tin uiiniisn, in: 'niiin SHBavaaaanaaaejajaaaaaaaHajanaaiann CUNARD and ANCHOR UN6S V. V. In (Mu rt.enrir aV .Miitli:ittintriu FASTEST MAIL SERVICE TO EUROPE FLORIDA 11 Y SEA PHILADELPHIA TO JACKSONVILLE (VIA RAVANNAH) One War $34.38 n'""1 T"P S61.88 ' Intituling mnile nnd eMtrremn ntionimeilatloni. Kx'ra i Mars'-H for lirrfiTred njuir, Round-Trie Tlcketa OeuJ ti Uetum Until D T D F N P A I? I A Steamers Wedncidays and Saturday, S P. M, Oct, MAURETANIA AtaUIXAIlIA 'I'llM Ml V V Ii. IMvitiniith. riinrltiinrL & Ittltnlllirif ! SAXONIA ... . Oct. IS Nev. 23 ' N. V te I'iiIiIi iiiiii-iiiIiiiii "nil Lhi"riiiml I AUSONIA . . Oct. 19 Frem Bosten Oct. 20 I BCYTHIA (new) Oct. 23 CARONIA Nev. 4 Dee. 2 Dae. JO I TYRRHENIA (new) t'Nev. 4 Dae. 9 SAMARIA .. .. ev, is 'Hulllnc frnni Iti.itun Jfiilli at llallfiit. New ixU le I.enili n ALBANIA . ,.,Dec- a IliHtnn te I,lwiiMi. liiiilun lirry A (!Iuii.m ALOERIA . .Nev. 2S N. V tn ItinliTi.rr ,v i.Iiiii;ew CAMERONIA (new) Oct. 7 Nev. 4 COLHMJ3IA . Of. 14 TIev. 11 D'c 9 ASSYRIA . . Oct. 21 Nev. 20 Jea. 27 Hnll from lteitui .Inn ". Nim Vnrlt te Medll'rrjni-iti Pnrti TTIFCANIA (new) Oot. It Dee. 0 sriVTVff A (nivl Nev. 25 . I CARONIA . Ycb. 10. 1023 lii.stm M I'elili (Oueeiiii'iHiii nnd l.iii-rii.iil i TYRRHENIA (new) 'Nev. 4 Dec. 2 ('ill1 1 nt HellfiM , ma l from ll'illfir ! jeiir I.M'iil (I VVIID .int ii' 'villi" CUNARD U ANCHOR Make llenerratien Xew iA,?M.vNr7eNaT.888Dae. is Mcrctiants & Miners Transportation Ce. m;',.-JM! ?n.XM?,e- 4lrrl8..DM.Ave. Tel. Lembard 18S0 COMMERCIAL Oprrnflitf; I'. X (7err Rhijis) rillLADELfllU. 10 LOi.liO..DEKRY. Utl.ii.BT. UliliLt.. n Ld.l.k B8 "KERHONirBON" . Last Helf Oct. riiumllnuvlrn ami I'.ultu- Vel la BB "KATIRAH" October 14 Otlur Ven? im Hi till ( or ("aree Oltr MOORE and McCORMACK, INC. -144-4G Reurae Dldg., Phil. I.einl) OriS.. .'Main 7-r.1.l ycntljs ?3sseiircr OrTtCe. (J T'r flit. Eve, Oct 7 JOHNNY . , M'LAPOHLIN PEPRO PAVPO EDDIE DEMPEY ?ATTHNO RTCO EARL IBAUUi. ATION A BOXING Uth & Catharine T ( I " T.'il lit f II 1 rin.i I'TrAMbHII' l.?" Olemle. nl.u le ill 1303 U'alnut St.. Pblla -ii-. BMe.. VhlM onenoi: iiu-iieni ei '.i, .ill". I'.-laiV i" '''"I i'Ui. N '1 S TJenti WALLY v. HINKLE TONV vs. CAPONI RY vi MITCHELL JOf vs. BtlTLER TIM vs. DRONEY Prices 80c. 81 and SI. SO. en sab Tendl-r'i. 730 Mirlut; Denaehy's. 33 Se. 11th. Newl&rk te SeufhAmerica 0 1 u. Qevzmmen tShips jj STr.AM:ilUPNOTH'KS FW-'yiiM.jJ'l Standard Gas Ranges and Gas Water Heaters Gas Savers Laber Savers Time Savers sssssssV5n i7jii1 . J- i . , ' I H ssssssssfJ'C&JrC JspWWsjJ sH tj At U. G. I. Stores Frem Representatives THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. I l""unl H. .Mali !.-. SO.NU.MA, t..MLll.V. 1 lU.uuu tens. Lled'a 1U0 A-l. lellniful ' r i ice. iiydney Miert Lin., tiaiiu Viie.i. Ui.Ua.U S28U It. T.J PACU-'IU IOU1U. tiHS. lat Clara. SONOMA rail Oct. 17 I VENlltRA ealle Nev. 21 Oreanle l.In I ; Pine St., dan Cal., or U V. A at 17 Unitary t'laee. N. f. -New Reduced Rates Fastest 'lime toRled-lane'ro.Wontr'dec, an'i V Airei. Kineit ei Iri A:nencn ervi,;e AinencanJ-oed Atrcr cancoinlerss Sall lnc Ircin Pier I, Kohe'non. 8. 8. Southern Crca . . Uav. lth S. S. American Lorflen . Nev. 25th S. S. PnAn'erica . . . Dec. 9th S.S. Western World. . Dec. .'3d Pertnlshfr thereafter Par ('in riprmi te; 'rt, fltrs. Mimsen Slenrnship Lines 87 Wall St New Yerk City Dr xel Fl.lir . Th 1... pa. Warsaw uoerare's for U.S. Siuppinc; Heard KDlTATWNAij, Until Weea i:d: i atiiinal llptll I'M". Why Remain a Stenographer? An etnlnu ircrctarlnl or builnr ni'irnr hi the I'lri i" ht.ienl will nunllf) en fur n murn ntiracthc und nieri" I'leratl.e imiltlen. nnd Lvenlni; ("I "sea New Oprn HYIte or iSlh Year Boek Peirce Scheel of Buiinen Administration Vine S. Went of llrnnri Wherever Yeu Stucty m f enrw"?. "ZftvaG uiTure i imii:;ryan InJ!S H0inuw -finuisis -" j-J3 toneoraDhic uccGjrj0 - A. .M. Inliii II i: liiini A !Jiie. ami rn :her fiv '." of I. ie v.e a mnnwi. Irivlip.l in niiwinl f'-ii" el 4rvlee. .-'i -' '" I' ,M . I.. I.- i,- ii.), in... s.Vj i:. Thellll'rOll Int. prliiite .".'ur h i" Hill e n. tilmii m.ij eall Kit . I f. .' 1' M. ASIIIIV Oft .1 liUNJXMIV I, huslmnij of I.'eiml." Aeln Mui" I I"ii7li"l i"l. "" UI l ainr- "f an.: Hi, l.i." Alt.ei K. A-iiy. '"' ;::i r.elaiii... . i.l u ie, nmu Vll J rrlan I'lvn I, i.inl Kutltllll Si tl.e Ceitiini"! n Irinji, vt Phi'"' . '," n' lt'U in -nr,l n. but .HP II . a lil .He re.liltur Li-vi-rlv nml. liar. in. en N J Inl :iill C "in. HAIIU.V ih .",, lli.'J. M.Ui'. M1(JN; NI'I.L. w J. . .f 'ihnnni. ILilien in Ii r r ir I'uii' fieni tii-r n e ri eldnn" '.'13 J"."fferi.en uve.. llrlslnl. P-i tiivliea J -l .i.iiiJ.'h Oitiirii, llrlltu. I.i. Al'n. u ' r in A l ,t. .it fti il.rU'a Ur.i., .Td. HAV.Iini: Hrt. '.. VIHUIN'A ': . d.sniilj' ter nf V.'.ll rlinln.. nlnl ll- UK Leu'a J H.irlir l: i.itS n .m. ilii,lr. alie ii- IUi).e nf lr 'rt''ii -v ' Invif'l ' fun' r il ii S.'i.. "" .in v M irein lr In r r.,i,!-"i y'.'T V ll"MI. l . ",! ! rrr n i civil, in itui"' .t In, u nal " l"i. in i III A M liurrin in il I ' n"- HA1IXIN un iv .",. I'J'-"-' I' LUI'IrtV l,,n u( i:.r.r.I I. 11. rin nf " Vi.".l tlne un. O.nrlir',.; ;.e. s4 )r.r. Il'l. Hh , nl fruin ii- niii'il te I i" "!" en .l mmI ndimn'O. il k.:i i''cl" . ft tl Hli. It ll.ih illil" . lsl) Cilfklli'l! " lhtr irni i t prU.'i i invi'ii -hi t a. 19J".' Ji -rvii 'v., ii. I vi'd liiul.aii' nf i'e r llyr 'i " Ma) mr' IJeintli . ml irl.mla rr Ini '! 'e ni.'. fini', 'J'.t . v A M. fr im nl latr re-l-iViir i.7 !, i,li si S'lli inr in.isi. nt re . U-e." ,"ji' (."Limn I'J A. M. li. Ill 1 . l-r Crtrl III ncMICAMV r. i 1 IIV.NHY IIM IDI" KAMI' 'lute n( all Vire i. l' .Mil I'lriiil' nri- In. It. 1 M aiU'i .1 ititjI, ' n in A M fnni N 11 cur T..I nml V n r'w. ii'tirn rr'itrrn irni ni J't. .1 i-rth'" I'li'irdi li "'ill A M Inl. Nev- Oailiednil Ccm. IIPAHV Hi I t ACNi:s "l'e uf Il-rrini-.l '.nut." (ii'. P.,irmi. lt"lil,in'a 2012 S l!r II 'il 11 Null " nf III IT It'T HIlinVN "I 3 ItnlinilT I'liniVV iemn hle'i rneee of requ'em nt Church of tha IVIsltnllnn In A. II. precUeir '(.nit""'"' rem J.RNTZ - Permerlv of main? Bun. Oft. JI, t()Z2 JAMKH V . tiii'liind of the lata K'ra leltiA Lnt7 fne I.ewl). In hla 70th rnr. lleltlH ami filenda. ulrn memni-ra of llar I lendrrv 1'nlen Iirnl Ne 113 arr Invited In ntlend finrnl Sat k' I". M. from tha nnrlnr" of Jehn ,1. Herkrl'jnch. .1730 7er- lir.nieivn ni" Int. prlvute. Krlenda may rail frl . 7 le ) P M I.UVEJOY f'Ct. 4. lfii!". LOnEVZO V liali.iml of fi'dle '"irr Ande-ennl. Hriatlves jnnd frlende. nlre Yellow Cnl Ce.. ere Invltef le aliend funeral ervlce Hun , 2 V XI . lata rirldenre. 2H4 II. A-'rena at Int. iirlrntt. Ml Meileli frm. 'llns' Sal rie. MlVllTr, P-I.i'i'. P'.. Tiitli month , Mil 1022. IIUNIAMIN T h la'irnil nf Abbta r. Lewtl .1 hi 77lli (.' Hel'tives and pjrnil Iriilinl t f'in--I r'Ire. at hla I Intv rreldi nr. 2" Jr'reraen ae., Tenlh i month 7'h ni 2 P. M. Inl. print Trlenda" , l'n'i"' (tie"i. Uriel i'. I" MfMVI LIN.OC. 1 THOMAM linVnn4 of' late Ililil"" MeMnllln ne"nt' and frienila. ile t'phnlatei" Veere" I'nlen. I Nn k'.', V T. w. of lniid le funeral, (lit 8"30 A ?l from r'.'deilee of his ,-fueln. lamee I. Mi-A'err. 20SI .Vrrrv at. el'mn hi il innaa of rcinilrin at t hnrrli of M, IMmend'h 10 A M. prrciaelv. Int. at i ulhi-d'al (i-ni. i MfllP '-Y -M-trt.l-nlv. O.-t. P. P'tIrK A.. mil nf t'Jirli'i k ami H'e 31 rK-er B. Unr'ai. ni.'il 2V irar.. It'l.-iil'vi nn.l frlemla. I'hl'i I'lrc Ifit .".1 UK" li A It II.. nra inil'el i.. ntienil llie fnrerel ,M inil-n , S;)0 A JI from f'liher'e reildenrr l"H! N. Uth H .-Inl inn hlh rrintrni mi' di Milnrhy'a fhiiri"!. in A V. Inirinvnt lluj Cree. cam vnvil'i. i Haln" N. J., Oct. S. .MUS Vl'.wni.l, mil 71 I'unrrul rer a .III 1 lirlcl et rf'M'n.r of Hen-n-'". Oats f r,l W (Mi. 47 .Merk". at., Halrtn. N. J.. ut v P M . v.liheU fu'ilip- nni'i Int. I'n'l Vim fem. fc'ulrtn, N. J. ,--4 quriden't- rtn. 3. rOV W. Kiii'l uf Ani nvli Nuai rtr'Uivre nl f ll iN lan -oel.iveii nf tll Mnndard Helier it"iirln" U'n'l.e, nra Invlied te eerr- 'eia :!. .'3(1 V M l I'la lite rl.tena .'.71." I'.-' at. In' ii-tvnt Mount Mnrlah i'pf I'-li-n!" mi '.ill Prl r ' i'-I'iiun.' Oft ::. ii H'i', T"r.. .MMtV .UllnH Mlf of )-Md O'ln-ra fq. ii.-'rl iii"" Iit Simile)'. .1 V M frii'n l t I'frni of iiin. Ch"Mr O'Ihi-pp 4 Oii'n ai-.. r.nMl"vn- l"i ln. A'llnsten (ii.. firivi: --" :i it vi'iioe,i, v. j. (tnHIVt tV. 'In H!i"i- nf 'nn- Aa anil l!Hn tl.rt'1 P rrr-. Ilur nn'l'i" of fnnr-nl will - .(Urn frim V. II. Unl u U A Ann. Ki.'t N. Ill' nt iljHtl.-tin gi'lOi.lV- n e-i . lfik2 r-".iinr-.r. f. line, luliir..l of Jlin i: (ju-lij ltr.iii and f "-ii.ij .il"-. ii ml r- i.f li. ii- I. I. nrn uni'"e nf P U. II . an- Inllnl In Ilia ,rlra, ,,n ;imiit'i ivuiilnff n 1 '..le nVecc, ,it hie Ir'e re e, '.V.' N ."''..I ' Inler inrfil e; I nnlriiifiv n N. J. Vh ,nc Hijndsy rvi n'l k TP'itten N. .' . .11,1 ' 'itewti, N, .7. p.'iprl p'au. lnil" v'MNN en )'t .I.t I'.i2.' Ti-'HHHNCB .1. )' INN' K'in-'.'l j.i., il.t 7 In A. L. from hla Inr rrJilne Mlnrrnvllla, ni 'im 'kill Cennti Inn m nt prli.ite. P.IHI.LV. C)i I 2 in.'.' I'ltANi i ,s. be. ',. nl ilnitihi.'i nf .' iri" ,i i i ,a. the In,. Tie"ie I".- I." nn ,1 lit. I(rliilvs and i r ":ili Mi In I'r I te Ttritil fijitrr I Set., ""tin A M . .Mii-r'i t, "'iirni"!' I'lL'J I'nl.y I , lriirikf"rl II th re ni'etit in i ..( jit. .'etirliltii a i.iiurih Hi A. Al e " 'rn, Int. i; liniiiln'i i in , Hn'tii" 'li'ii..- 1'e nei.lii.v-' - i'i'i I. 111'..' .i e I.' r rai! ili in -. 4ii,,ii ' i .I . i i.lMllii." . e,nn nf I'r.t'U It-.iii Ina .ii,l I'tm,. Itnhi Ina l.f. iniil. Ilea lie. ' .1 fi.'ixlk . r invlleil le l i" i f il i ' "' ' t lh" pirlnra ( b.imt.i1 U . Ii.'lir b ,i . ?; .n, 21bi nini III nn nil I""., b. "J I' l. nr. t-ly, I i I I l i 7 ' li V .M i:ei:hm - 4. iixn.wwi m .f. i-'.ir. In l lif if MMih It. It .' in I, "In l Jd I.. -.n nr, ii, lla, I tn nuflttl fMtrirt, Hit., 7:.:e M . f "in hr Im ra..rni IH2 All Vfl'nni M Ml'! it the I'u.lii" Ir it !l . M. Itni !:. oil ." I.Mil.V I ... of ",.ti." l) Vht I'.i'U-." tl i I.-iimii i nn, ;.i ti ; i niiiiMi 'li, Vi ii.i'VI.':V In Venin ir .V J i r B, rillUiilN: i flT'n. nlfr gi I llnnaell It" i I'M" i' I ".( i .mil iru .it i-jii. r im.! n i ti Ill'Mbl'V. - .M r-lm. N. J. Oct. f. 'lir'i((i:: A Itf.'Ibl'V br . Sited se llcla- i t ei anl filii"l mi.. Imlle.l ie funr-ut. i -ii . 2 V M .m i hli lire. k'Si II. llred- a,. .- rni N I. bri.nea bt. Jnlin'e I'Ma- i.l Unui -ii - .ID V. .11 of IVilila l'l'tr" ni'l- r nml llni Hie Jehn Si I M:l c I i'.ij: ll'nwti it. li ' 2?ih i -iir. i:ra,.r niu ' r ,1 nf li . V'O' I'" nl'n "tfnil'erB nf Withlnc-nti ''""' ! J'nt'' .md fi " .i ti,l V ' i- .if A. eii'l riniiej-i. 'f ! r h1 , hi in- t ur nl" "t i'.'.i ("..' rl tlii'" rrf tn nrenl i ,., i a . Kn" "J I M ' Te-Night At lOcarematkable value in the El Producte blend that can't be copied. And thcra ara many ether else te choeia from. ,G. H. P. Cigar Ce., Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. Mlgrt. Baked Halibut with Spaghetti and Stewed Tomatoes for Supper (except in Automats) real enjoyment The New VIM truck makes geed, drivers The new high-powered, hili-climblng, traffic traffic dedRliii., duty.dellverin-5 VIM truck is -sl;ned te make driving easy, sale, tconemleal. It fumlls every countasne ether truckef likecapacitycan ua. Prove it by test today. Vim Sales and Service Cerp. Dread and HuntinRden Streets L 2'rW,9lfew NEW YIM 12-34 TON TRUCK le. HORN 8c HARDARTi it IL fm mAJs ft iv 1 M&eVZ-Wh Baked Halibut J with Spaghetti and f I and Stewed Tomatoes - . BANKS ' BUSINESS Commercial MTjLEGE Cenrt. Ter men fii'd omen "hn tn Kiirrced In liu-lnei life. Ill) -irlieiil Mslit heheel 1J0O W.ilimt street. Vlilliulrll'lil r HH.ItUll -II' H lllllll." t. I'll , i.i'-iniijr t'euraei In uranrliea) t.klllf'1 Jllf llHIlll". I'i A I-"1 Lnslneeilim '-", '.r ""'VI1' At'inehll'' II' '.'' '""H burase Ilillery "(! Ti.tlr nil I i'""111 1' bi'icltil IIM- Print lt-'i'lliu jnra"-dim Minlnl '"ir" I" "'" "r'l Writ n :-sun THE PHILADELPHIA HrCHANIOAt ELEC1R1CAL, SCHOOLS & SHOPS. i.V(? UreiMl & Spttne Oirden Sts. I'll' li" Vi'pku '.'.''.I Market k'.'k'l OITHI". THAIMM' IIIIl VOl'Ml WOMLN ;.r..T .... ir... in aieiiiurmili). iiufuritn. I Loekkei lilnK and ' niuin. aie nrraime. .e aa In ule our elud.niah.-ther ,, ,,j or evrnlni! clai-ste-the mini nru.ii., urr,. lialninx pes.ll'le Me U.;cH Urejj. ,. epeedy aheithan.l ."" In a IMman InJlildunl inairuitnn i II-llKhiej tln. 'I lit i-AKlNUM bCHUUL liiiu vim: t. Will Kriiiirn in Mnmlnf, Orl. ?d l.'rl . I Ktlr 1'iin I. "ifrrr irtr.i Palms Business Cellere '-',..!?uln e2i bl bhurtiinl nk rii t i" r'lirlal Teu, n 1 p.i' r'tln j f ni f j 4 'n 1 1 tn.ttii DREXEL "INSTITUTE Ilerrsanlii'd. Knglm rrin." il I.i'i'tinralr. 1 'hi irtMSileim. mi i.-iiir .11 Ij I'Ui. -li. 11 Ml",-, HHILir.'KllTriHirMlllllls bilinel of Finnish 11 mil ".I ste Art 171 1 irarmt t ti"" 101 ""irurr .-til'; fliinr Mnmen mil dlrl NEW CENTURY GUILD' 1307 LOCUST rT l'...,ili-. .li..,. In Mill It. . ''". ..---" ...I, rl. iiri'.irii k 1 11 r ' ' "IIM atrll... ' " ' " Ann inii;imu"i"" inn li.- iiiHlr.HMriiH licinnltii; u t r i !- ni ir Tin. puiiniii.s ( iioel 202.-1 N lllinil 'l A nn, l-r- n, I,., , 1 J'uhu. brliii"! I'lirrn ulitlti shmi n, .-, in.n. T,. .. 1.. .,....., t ... a.m. ...... 1, , .-."" 11' Cruui'. ei. iT4i .. Siii m ui i I I I It I ll'. l ll.L.t (.. t llHlnr blnlneani T " ,' ,,,,.,,ir,.' I'r'riiri nie'hnila 1'r i l mii l-rnari,,,,. Adilrra A. 1. Illm 11. I'rln II" T IDOil Vinr M ., 111., 1 , ' flllwl.ll .nr-li"' n". b't'"'-ilT. "J P. M . frnil Ills melliiT 1 rel.trii -." HIT Oarliy toad I 'rink In Pi In urn 1 1' ' Writ I..IU-. Hill (Vm Tr rril mi) till I'rhlay ennliii fr in 7 1.1 11 V M I7LTHHOHN net : .IMI'.IH r. hr. In'r.l ilauihnr or Anwia ar.1 'h' U'le Hi 'lelpli Ilurhliern r"h!mcr r.Qii y. Crtr'l al . tllrir). till." n'UVr "III l'i" Clvrn ItfUV," r' n h." r ill. -1. .",'I7 i'ln- ri' , '" i' a "1." KIW4I!I) II l M' lull n lh' l.i'.i- I'll rml Mir. ("I II I mi r !t HtU" "il "ml". "i It' ilird ty thr .t. - 'in I'r 'ti' i-flrrr. nn 11' 1 e i"'e.-l, i tie "."ir II Itn r IH,l.j IH'.'d Chrainlt rt In m'"i'" ri'ITb S1.M.1.V, A.-t 1122 r.rnltdi: C, i'MI'ds v.. I Hm- arnl frl-ml. nn. Inilr,l in a"rn I fi'.rrii! .rii'if. Si', i P. M II hl lit" rr 'la re 17n V I'm!. '"r at Li' pi 1 ii' N 'rih 1 r!ar Hill I'ern r 1.1 It ii.-t J ri '. XS.S'll '' H'l.r I It (n I 11 I ' 111'." I P'll ', lull" 1' ini"nl n.r'1'ri -it - P M it 1'. ' Mi'l-ltrr si (We 11 . 11 I'"'i"i'ni nin In. I... I I'ri ri naVL- On net 4 vi'.' isrP.TlflU" l" PtVIb ."-rr.'l - nn m' ir.ii .tifrr,.,nt'. nt V .l'i 11 1 lei-li til ll'H Oli.r 11 , ir in li.;il CheMn'jl el Inirrmrni iirhatr ill"e,t j inj.", arii'..",l" hi.hinl nf K'lznt rlh lllrr (ii Dlr'sl ntr.1 Ml . Srrv in t . 1 .11) V M rr''.1itis.. ; 1 ,-,.', I llarsnrl i lit iltenmejii. mm 11 .11 a Prl er. ii ri v 1 T1 :nl 1 N f'fn' 1 "v si . INIMAI.M h"l - i il-ii "i led flH. I li ajiir !! 1 of ere l-i."li.-l 10 fu it hit Ie . r.'l- Il . -1 lllllsld' I 1 SHI.'P.IUAN. Oct l'i 2 JOHN P.. bs- rd hll"l".nil ilf .tar; 4 ,."l.ln llirr Ve in).'lte mil t'lriina aim line limrn a ilrn, .11 mial P i't"Ct" Aa liiltt'il m r iera . rn s Vi A M. irim ills latt irM.ini.e. i'.,, W.T'n ri St. rmfl rrrjulrin lllaea nt St Aija'lia a 1 iiir-'i 10 A M Int. Cilurdral ' 'sMiiKVIN'A -".-t 1 1022 lili'Mt son 1 f Mniy an 1 IM" M iih'iv Mm 'c Inn H,la 1 1 . 1 ainl frirn-ln nini a an ri.i'lritr. u' ihiah In- nas a im" nher Inil.rt ' f.inr'Kl ..ti bat ir,ljv at A M (""tn hl in 1 nrr reel. I'lii..' L'TO H. It j it "ii;i."'i i ll'ii'iiin mats at bt Ann. 1 lurch Ini'Mii n" li I, Its- irrni-r I'rntrtrri. b'li:Alir -bein 4 1' I .I'rri. Pa.. I.l I. A SI brHWMlT 'le-ulrrr nf tlr late Mil lam A Bill Mnr. ! ,MIIr I'lnnal ,,rih will !' 1"M et I. anrrrh snurdlj', bent. T. Ji 11.10 M Huilal -rii.e at i i Laurel Hill et :i in P M "a'liiKIH.Y. net. fl i:lM1 l 11 if. nf Mteliell (nra H inn' llr'nlvea a'd fr'endN IriMinl 10 altrml firrrul eri" 1 r .sat IV M , int ;.v .;.". -;!; 1 N. i'tI" im' In! pill ite Wravn i."'"r Crm l"tl'iid finy rail l"r' . nf i 7 V M. 1 1 i'i.1 r'. "'i ii ' li lltl.. ,- 1 hui- ,,l .. '. r .'lif .suit'1." V.rMi im nnd .in 1 I 1 ,t'il ' r-" n.u In In K. .11. itn If 1"I7 Oll'l'tmr rl lit. Ml. ' 1 . I I'M ne 1 1 jtv:it Sept :in iii.'s .miiN a haa. I . ml if A Turitrr Hi" Hularmaiil and n.ivsTi i.v - Mi'NNrH.I.Y ll 1 niini: .Mni iiiiuw viiT.v", "iliii vr Ma, Vllll.l., prnpalr i.i" u. ni''e.iitnli,il nt . nma ir. 1 tm htj.lnra. w. 1 It I'llrn"' n,,"i I. 11.11, .a. -am 111. i.nrii ,1 1 I'll fur n in . il .sunn itear.i I' ' 1 .- hrk-ina 10..111S mitral im-iiii'.ii . imiuiii nr w,n known teaituia and up-in-date rtlioel nimp Afisiisa ineiil ('"li '" l'a kl w MlblPAL INrill CHUN VIIII.A. lU'-IMISS ('OI.I.i:K unu 1 niirtsr in t iinilllrrre 1710 IMrlirt "t.. I'hllndrliiMia THIS IS JUST ONK OF THE MANY SPECIALS ET ACQUAINTED WITH HORN & IIAKDAKT SERVICE TODAY (10RNtV(iARDARTKBG CO. The Stevens Schoel.Germnntown IS mlnut a fnni llmad btrert bt-itlun rifll'tiflli IMr. JireureaaUn dm rrhi el fur Sl'la KlndeHiuleti te cnlli-sa Cenernl ind eiilleK" ineiMrntery nmriea. Hey, eirlinl III primai v ili'im t lent Kiilluirliii" lv. la-iiirssa. M A.. 1'rlniliml 'ill Meat ihellen Avi'iiue ' Irlejiliiinr (.croiiiitnnnejjcn S""'rn AVenS '"" "f'1""! "f H111 ri-af ni I lv I - " btinlentii Net tip. ,.,,.. nt tlir imlrkiet u"l tlte iheaiet- It's"! TlIK HEbT. Uta sradiiatea de mere and hn irr nnrli.l H-u-l f"r H'"UIt eheiit ati,.t.eafu in.lenls or eall "nil er im nt work, """'"' Hi)7 I'llliSIM'T HTIH-E.T. ' TTTil A'TIXKLATim OP SVtTK.SS " for a lilah cli"')i !" "r elrl Ie a t,rlif Intenalie miainri.. ' ,',". iT'V1"" nor -hand. Tiiiichtnilin.- Houkkreplnif. becru tarlnl. I'a or nifchl TIIV TAVIOH M'HOOI. H"'"! Mirkrt ki. COMBS CONSERVATORYWUSIC A Scheel of Individual Instruction Dlailnculihed 1 aruli and 0 .1"lauil Tearnera, All biairiea in," Nermal Iralnltik- Ceuraee (ut le.hna win m. Miuclluil In a Orlllille in ll u.J .n etci citirru leifel ier w n it.iv ' al leacn'nx kiencnce. 1 ntnitj iee (01 W.'nien. He. fil'iecil ItelBllet a nun t'1111 rrany of I nun) li nn. 1. I'ul .tc lm , inu'lc uper. I'sien. bla biailena Injilit nsa i'ur 4 IJKr llluatrilrd I'. J, n I.V (rrr. l.ll.lll UT UAIMIIIIs (IIMIIs, liirf,,., ,IMIM-TIIATIP llt'lfllivn 1111 uni'TH eeniii arari'T ... !.. .. 1. ...... I'll......... '......& tn.., it...., ... '"'I "' I"" 1 . 1 ni" 1 i.'-niTin .1 n.2 lll.L', MIY li.i.uhrj ami (1 Ien. In air Inillr.) in elt'nd 1 .l.'.i'llhti ' of M r ......I V.i h -in 1 11 1,1. I.i. bhlniirn iird Itear Il'ji-k ftr! L'I K'nthr. an. I ...a .Irnri. U".l N' ih li S .Irinn rmnl.m "e I'nila. frlemla sirn imlirl ie . a f'ln'-rni ..-v. ,,i, fiurrti of iltr linniiirtitnir Coin ptlen lira -n' , "j I" .11 il hrr lair rrr il-tii i' lu .11 mi lien- (.nn rrm 122.1 "aarinln al lnt r-lia'r !' "luiti VMllll net .1 11122 A S V M. TN- fain l"r',nii m (,j ran rn 7 tn n l II III H i lire llreilflrlill wldiw nf i'harrs A. IH'ITY Orl 4 HIM' pvTrtK'i; h"r. I i i '" ieii 7H Pii"rri errilrra ,i. i. 3 'lend nf Mu Inlr Anel D.tfv lii-iilire V M I'-' v' ' iue .nr (lerinaiii m n, Int. Mid f-ieila air In Iti. I tn ai nl f.inril irlulr i"i . a" -i .'i rmm ".nr i in , . jmn VA!-'. rir.itni. 1111' ini f, in" tlir....... u, W .'..rt.n ............ ... u . .. ., .. . . . . .... . '"I ll lriih,'h Chuirh 1U A. .11 Im lUly C'eaa (', tn. ii "i ''I Ml II V I'f . . f (!riH" IV l",,r l!rilh,n nil I frirnda 'rr l"llr(l . nri'fi. Jinn J p j i ren I'eiH'," 1 .l .1 llliiid al I"! ril ii. .ii 'i, I ' '''. '"'a I- I r,' rilt'HCn - Ort t I'llANN mn of late Jnaeph nini An'nnda Ivri"e tn;r. ,-,n K i iteral re" ice Sat . 2 V .11 parlor, nf II II ilrlullh. NorweiiJ, Va. lnt nl I'l-rnwoel I'rm r'llY imidililv Ort 111";-.". JiiltV teleirn h isl.nnit nf A'in.i. II 1 r Helen nini frli'h'!' nla, ulil mii.ri I'ap.p N . .'711 V (l b . f A !"li"l 1" iipinindai" . .n a P l H of A. nil I emnlii'i". of ll rr t Wnii'r It l r, I r I'rilt lr iti.'ll'.l .,1 r.iirrn b'lt "J P 11 lata rn.ti- . 1t7 Wvilhla. in iii" Im Wfiimlnatrr fm I'rlrn.N mui re 1 1 1 ri ei r " ' II IV. B. I'A J 1 1.' I - 1 f 11 r I 11. It -liaril and Mir) Wain Vi'.x H-nl-i ai bt Mark". hnri h U 'at ,'ii'ir lilih .i ii 11 a y., Min 0'" li Inl "ir,Mii WAUI'MI INN - " '.' 'I! 'P.'l'7 J Jr., '1 uf (! .rlailt'il M llrr .nil Inn 'Irn'lte J, Wnl enn inn A'-e-l li Itr'vlira nnfl f'lili.t." apt I'M in II S In 1 .r 1 Vein Ne. 4(1 I 11' A . In- l'"t m f'lirral rervlcel, ril. 2 P M rrslditcr ja.' V llrlaiins. ai It' prhalr WITT T On I 1 )".? ICATi: M.i dauuh'rr of Hir Hr bi .ter H II Inin W and .Maraarri WnU llrinilira a m.i frirnda ars Inilied te thr trrvltr en .iinitrilnj afirrnnen. at It e'rlnrk at thr rrallrn r uf hrr prphetir, Jehn W Wall '.. 1 Andlmn l liilerment iVlKdANP - n-l I l'i"j, rnKDIHUCK W hual anil nf Hirah H Wrjar.1 arl 6L lli'l.ill.ra ah'l fr'rnda nn- In'i" d '11 attend .......r,l .,.,.1.,. v.i 1. t. ai h. 1.1. i... UILUlUAY -.l.ld lnl O t ll(,,. , r,..,,r. ..r, .mi, ', , n'.il.l,,,, IlrlrhtL N J ini ".lirrnwui! ii nt i" 1 ivn rnila, WflOK nn ('im t 11122 ANNA lA- nni.t.i:. we r r birniri wii ii.ia. lla and frirnda hh- Invltnl in th. arvtis, nn balurdii) aftnrnnun. at I '.19 nclnek, at hrr lit" realdema I Ifi N Warne a).., IS'ivna, Va. lliKrinrnt prltnte 1'leasa mull 1 ' .1. ami nr i'iit i". an 1 1. 1. 1. itt in n, n, 1 Mi'Keliev I. He antra and (rlrmia n'n niei. h"r of Truck i'"e Ne 2 n'"l nil eih'r a.i- . rt.'tlr. of which he aa 1 mrm'ar Hre in Mted In funrrHl Sat fi ill A .11 fiern hli Parriim' realdmrn. PJIi Veiv Murl-.rt at 1 bi.'nniii renuli'in inna 11 r 1 nil of ihr Im- iT'liriiiaitl a. i,n,-.,i. .11 nt a .m Ihl at Hui LEEFSON - H1LLE .?& 15S4-:e Chestnut Stret 68th Avenua nnd Ynrk llrad National Bank Bulldlnr, Lamdewne , r'eiV.iiriire i"rm " "' I lterra, IIAIinibDN - ivi I WILIIAMf' .011 of. Yilt'NU f'M. 3 MAHV A wlfr nf Wllllnin ami Kitxaheu, llnrrlaen ltrVllra I.1"' ' ,"".", ??!$ J,4 'unyral aei nnd fnrnde nrr Inilt'd in attend funrral l'R' - ' "'' I'rnn n at, WU. TTlvtaf Tlir HATIONAL SCHOOL Or EtfirilTtnn AbTnkT,-V,U?JLln,v8r', phila; musical academy 11. 1.. -' rriutipai tirrmnntnnn Itninrh Via-atin SS.4 1 Kft i;,,. tVi'lnnl Lunr. Vhnnr (jn. .isti ' I'mariSSfiltlSs tmnttai-i .laaaiik V flr. m.' BUSINESS COLLEGE I mum,., onhkhvatekv ok minhj tw-riwi-iftT- k: i?srj.r" 30-DAY! lilt 130 A .11. 2.12t W rinr. a! Bn'.mi. iniulrm maai al bt. Oulumha'e I'hurch 10 A M Ini Hnlv Brpulchre Ceni. HI. IIM AN Muudiiil) tK"i 3 1022. AlmU'll huahain! of Aujualn Herman Itelatlia and frrpd Inillid le funrral, Hat '- 1 M . from realdt'pce. 2U2.1 . Judaen it llll lit Ki"in.imid Cam IIKinU'il'lt.H. Oct. 4, 1033. JOHN, hue. hand nf HlltaMth Heuliarser (nea rttlna man). ased OS, lUlallvaa an frirnda, elm rerieiiea 01 wnirn n. iaei a m.liieer. ara luiltrd te atteaK 'unsrsl services, Uat, 3 1'MmnTAKKrtis ii aw i li m SHUYLERS BaOs A8 IAMON0 ,!"! ti