mww WW7 "1T ' - "' L.LJ-r .'. - -""V W..U- i y- Ml ML iWmfr 'HJ13R?:rL,,j:F'Tl V '-VM' J' ' V"'M', &,WBmTt?'l iVJ :e . ' k-x'v , i tf& n 'P I ,,'. ., ( ., , t3 MVmim PUBLIC ' LEDttJUK- Philadelphia, wedjsi&day, octebk , -)'2'2, B El ENROLLED AT BRYN MAWR MKAINN Dr. Marien Park, New President 0f Bryn Mawr, Advises Her Charges 119 N FRESHMAN CLASS , ,iliir nf tvlnenllnn n It " 7,", i lrr .WImp.I le;Inl fOtlfli' fc lr- lM"1r.'' 1BM,I, enrnr.1 K i Pr, f llrMi .Mawr i ii ' ... ..ii, i innv Iltrt C'lKMiii ; Miss .11. viii'.' I'"" S1 V, ;.. f IlrTii Mnr Thh Lm . efli'iII-nrfI",V tl!), 1UIH " ',;pll nn1-IC"MMl. MciitfrMli'"'"'" '',,.; t1It,pnN il,n l'tirK K" .-.i mum. iinii' v .i''" .i.M.fl nm' ' rim 'n . , , r tll).. M "f,' i01',1;.,! I,.'.' pVemHiB ml; ,,r-.1 I h iiiVImih l lirnrr-ie-lirnit l'"cdJ 'fn.Tnl lli'tis for Uic- werlil innn '. .!... fiMJTnt h;nmnn!m.lellr: nii, . - .,,, tn itiipi I'l'MliU '"" r5, T fr IiriMlf. l '"' . .,., ,.. Vnlue or r.m.i.""' -mimrlnB thf " "r "' '1" X?!'rB,hfr,,,,n,i,n"wl", V.ilne if I lie fur ifc ion r"u,' . I ,al.l : "ttU hrllrve lnjH- W'. mi lit rrril tl.e nnl.iilp weil. 1', Vnln "! fl-"""?. Vl.i he mii't WnrKs.-Iill'lr-" nrn--- ,;nn. "iffi "iVy nV f..rp mn.entj WRESTLING PROMOTER "".in., morn lisr-le " "" "n" . i ii -in inn. - - t irzt ii"'" . linn, imr .iff .ulilrr von ns net llnnrj iit'tiiltirs. Man.i b'btbtbtbbHP , , - - "BMHBBWBBMBWBt - aft"tM&F&S IHMnpnNKM A v- b C.aiKiHtia B "1 .tfABBHHMPMHBBHHtHiZ'HHHv'B? AS- IAHh72iih7v9s1 x r BBBBBB A sVit - tBBBIfll LAV I BBH BflBak' Bk. b"b"bV BHMBBffBBM BBBBl. bvbVbV bkbVbVbVA BVaVnaVarw '1 i bb"bH W?bhbhbhbI b"bbVP. -- I bybyH lr -bbybybybI V bN I I B IP ' 'fMfMVMfa WnbYbibibibF'T &m H' -H BbbbB ll-w 4HHl bbbF bbbbT KbK.' aBH'i ' I'-i-I bVbVbt' '.xVbVbVbVbT... wIvbVbW1 bVbVbbbk. ''i'S'Si V Tbbbb ' 'SibbW ' BVx'' ''''& BSfav.., Mn nur .fc 'vA. -'bbbwbbbbbMbkI BSi(l'i.'d3BWBWBlliiiiB , -Ji BfiiBBWiiBOTiiw5MlBWWHBwW" pii LACE DESIGN TRAPS CAR THEFTSUSPECT Peddler Arrested in Harrisburg When He Offers Stelen Goods Fer Sale MACHINE IN COLLISION HERE ROBBED DURING VACATION Man Return te Find Silverware Taken Aute Tires Stelen Sfvprnl reblicrlPH wei'p ifperlnl te tlm police tetln.v. Wllllnm IteiKiiniii, of WOO North JJrenil strrpt. wlirn Iio re liirnpfJ .veMerrtny from n eiimiiirr nrn nrn lien, diirevmii thnt silver In- MtliH" nt ?I0" tifi'I ImPti tn!rn from the Iieic-p ftein'n tlnie iliirliiK tlin wimnirr. Itiibbrr tlrrs iiliird nt S'JOO ;crc Ktelrn lt iilRht fiem the Hern of tin- iNnllennl Tlfc itrnl Jtiiblifr ninpniu nt Kltilt ( lirMiiiil "trrcl. J.ntriiiiii' vii iffrctcd tlneiiKli inr iloer. NAVY YARD PHILA. IS TO BE RETAINED Toe Well Situated Strategically te Be Disposed Of, Say Department Officers will be virtually no new building under under tnken by the nnvy. An IiiiHpiiiIvp of the hnnrd's lnl"ii lum te irlnln t he I'lilliididpliht Iiiihp, work bni Ihmmi utiirtPil til I.eiicm' IhIiiiii en wlmt will be tin' llni'it nnxnl cxpcrl niPiitiil lljlns lii'Id In Iho ieiiiln In mnklnc nnnoiiticeini'iit of tin1 pliu'i Heur Admlrnl Niillen snld hr i'Xi"i'tnl the field would be i-eiuplr-ti'd b "irliiK Tin1 firld will finer thlily nerex niid tile COM lll be nbeut J8'J."il.(HMI. In I lie iie!iinlnnr, work new niifler wny the rllle bulls nud oernl biiilillnc n if beliis moved, nnd I he neTt te K" will he the tmituirni bfinnek ji'ed hi lbi nl!ei inil ninrliie n l'.ll" before tiny M't .i 1 for Kriince -4 wjkmi FIREMEN TAKE EXAMS ;BU,LD BIG FLYING FIELD LEFT S500 TO SEMINARY Vines ClniKiil. of Pbiliiilelphli. at left. rcIIIiik ,i prrtt ;irful of infnriitiillnii, prrlmps about Ibf- nebular lipnllirsis. from her rellrge (hum. Helen Hue. of New linU City The ii ii i ( it e (le'lun of i-eierul pieces of lnce led te Mie nrrevt ()f Onuinl I!, nn Arinrniiin, of llnltimere, chniseil with ftrnllic no automobile nnd luce mined nl S.'JOtiO fiem A. Hblkndeh. -'."7 Xeilh rifleeiiih Mreei. Pescrlpllen of the stolen nil Ides wns !,ent te feieinl denlers ill Miileus rlle. l'n-..q trie,) te flNpose ,,f dip material in IlatrN'mrR. A dialer reingnlxed the deflKii and told IJasvi te rail last night, when he Mould buy It. Meanwhile, the llarri-bure uenler cot In touch with the Clt Hall I)e tectUc I'.urenu le!ef(ive .lolimtell Wat sent le llaiiNbui'B, and when l'ns'n called te ln'-e llie he was nriested. Kii".".') denied Klenllns the innlerinl but eeiihl net explnin hew he came te lime the nutninehile. .lehiiMin com cem pelled the Arinfiiinii te drive the rnr bnfk te this illy nnd the detective nc nc cempanied him. i i liilc reinius flown Itreail street lo le da en the InM ley of ilie trip, the ear ilrheu h I'nfsn mis Mntik liv n meter cjcle ridden by Pntreltnaii Wiscanl. I' wns ii renr end cinMi linked wlien Knn stepped ion siiddenli nl WinKolieckinic Ktieet. WlKtcaid mis iliruun fiem the mIioeI nnd refeived severe bodily In iuries. He win inken te St. I.itke's. Ilespilnl. 331 Aspiring te Be Lieutenants Undergo Prometion1 Tests Nenrlv two bundled 'il fit emeu as. einbleil tu the William I'eiin 1 1 iU Scheel for tilrU today te lake liul pervlfe iiiometioti tc-m for the milk of lieutenant in tlie hiiienu of lire A total of !!!!! Ill emeu applied fei the examination, the laigest class In the citi's hister.i . As llieie l nut ulh- flenl snare, in loom !"". fill Mall. 1IMI el I lie men lieie e the litall mIioeI. The snlnr of a tire lieiiten.iut is 'MW and bonus I Veteran of Twe Wars Drowns i The body of .lelin l.eftus, llfli-tue enrs old. of -I l!i."i Viitli (irnl sirei" was found jevprihi In the Di'lanate ' ltlver nt the feet of Deck srp(. l.efliis was ,i M'teiiin of tlie Spanlli-Atnericnii nnd the World War nud was the holder of a will' for Rnliaii'rv at San .luati Hill. The I'hilndelpbi'i Nnn Yard will I"1 erdeiTil letaitiPfl hi the special benrd of effii'er npiieinled hi Sei'iel.iiv Den bv te inrestic.'it' tli" peiinauent neeiN of I lie nnv.i . This infermnliini was cniiied fiem t nnial ellicinls in Washiiicteii. where llie benrd is iiieelinK Afcetdinsr te one, ilie I'bilndelpliin , N'nv.i Yard i ioe stmiecienllv Hunted. , dot Ii ns te it nduinlnses in waitlinel and In inspect te indiiMi.'. te be dis posed of. Trie beard l etpei led le decide that nmrli of tlie leneii- neik new dune nt ntlipr miMil suitlens will he sent here when these plnres -ire ilesed. Despite, this fact, there will prebnblv he fewer men elnpleied bete Mien because there LEAK HALTS SPRINKLER HELD AS DRUG PEDDLER TEST IN CONGRESS HALL '""Yeuha" leiri'-'trrrd veiir helmf thnt j Jehn Organtlni Taken When Agents Tryout of Fire Prevention System rur ''7l,olel,;'en;ril!Miouni1M Raid Restaurant In Reading Otherwise Is Success W """.,' i. that it will iPr" b.i IViIcliI :i''enl fiem liie nnicellc sec- A pieliminni lest of tlie sprinkler MteinK. I,nt i''"'11 llr',l';lr'., )nn fefr ,, lien of Ihc riiil.idelpliiii office swooped syteni en the Independf nee Hall croup life eiilsMn the ''''(f'.;n,'''11li:'',,l,,iV i',nii"if ,,,,VU1 "" n S"ll,h f'r"11 f-11'0''1 ""'- I of buililiiuss was interrupted today when and anient niiil ''"l,,',,, (,lP i,umh(m ,,f' innt in Heading tbi- ineriilns nnd ni- water leaked tlireiicli the reef of Con Cen Ji0'1 ''"Vrkl 'earlier. 'listed Jehn tTrjriii'ttni. of 1'oilslewn, ijiess Hull. Silli and Cliestnut Mreets. ,.,,11i f,. ( nnd I'.enn.i lauilUiii. nl .eu kmi.. fotnmeii (.reunil lei etu rive ()UIlpSi ()f ).,; Wcie 'found en "Mv ffinihi-'ea ha" h-en ebinuis te )p IM .lfl ,.re tlllP , t Itl fill. Mii'nil fretn lP he'ilniiiiis. Im i l (r8niiiiiii i ebaignd with censpiincy in C ur (enunan Bi'ind for weik te-, i,.,,,,!!,,, ,r ilums nnd lannu.i i-'V-r-tlie b.i-H of our i.i-cnss..ns ami , )m,.Keir with trnnspertinc diuss alid niir (lcciins- Tlie juuriiei ,it Hie jcar , lvill;j ,,p, j t pesscs-dmi.. I,,isrted a-id from tins tune .in w" (i,pl.iiini is well known in sp,t FIRST PENNYS. savings bani 2rG,tnukfiS JlinWanmVrA.wi-''rr- . in Vs. He lia- jiroinetn.i seerni wiestlliis'iiiat.bes for cluimpieii'-hips in I'hilmlelpbin .mil lnt"li lias owned a fbniu of ii'st.iuniiits in Uend.ns and 1'ottsteuu. t ".'.i.... .. .n.Miil most of our ion KiintT..nBiiiirft.rilie.l.'t.i.U..f ,le ,hj. no' in 141.1113 about our Mtliiatien.;; , TIitc win . I""".' "."; ..II. . nrilllll tOliav IIS1IIC II. 'ill nil- " :". " i-nrl, tuiiiebl theie will be ,tU" '.. 1... ,'t, linle stllilelll 1 . . t , ,.r ,1... i.iff..iiit nil b, "the sii'sms 'f "cw te"B Hnl"'" Lawn Party Held at Heme of Mrs. htbefrcsbmen. J Miller In Oak Lane '"'''.T: ,:n,l,: The e,e.idny atmosphere of a Heme innr i ' i "i' .4.,.-. . CHINESE FETE GIVEN Tlie le-ik. winch w.i-, sli-lit. wu thteugli seieial uciiies in the hitnri' strticiuic wlieie WaliinRleu was in nu'.'inatr.l for bi s'.end leiin '111" tt t was .3!inhd ns a nunplete su. . cess etlieiwi'e. Curtnins of water .an lie let down nlnns the walls nf the croup 111 the ei.'iit of tire and wnter can he sprajed 0er llie 100N nlse. Clib'f I5aier. of tlie Kurenu of (Mi I'lepeily. said wmknien were ceinj: nier the ioef cuelull.i and that nil icvh:cs will h" filled. An efheial test of the sprinkler siMcm will lie inn.., in a few- dajs. rnrds .111.1. if successful, tlie Sephs will sin. dm sniiL' theniseiies. Tlu ri fnirl te he lOtice'iled in a certain rk In r"'50"'1"1 of ,,,r fr,"mn''n The juniors lire going i inh :i iiann In the notion ami propose te help the frfhiex. , . , lulrnl iii their hotkey suit'', the jtmlcnts "ill parade aciess the campus te the hfiikrj field. The pnimle will lie liriKliieneii 0.1 terrhes inrried in Hie jiuiier. Thorp urn- few. If any. snerr skuus took en a festlie uir this nfteruoeti wliii' there wni li'lfl 11 Cllinese fele en tlie lawn of the house of Mis. i:. Claicuce Miller. Onl: l.anc Theie was a precession of the Mraen and I-'enst of l.anteins. n Chinese cus tom handed down for ages. The lawn parti was held te Ret funiN ter uie luiihiinu' of n new 1 lubbeiise for the 1,'eilew ' lub of U.ik I.ane. The children took p.nt in the preces. sieu 'p the nlternoen nud tills eienins tiie elder people of the ceinmuiut v will fellow the vimbelii Di ncn with In ern I) 111" Mudnt.f today ami 1 .j i,,,..ith of tlame i;h nl'" f'w bobbed-hair buK , 'n, tiiililin? site Is nt Lakeside live- Oppose t'ap ami JJewn nue and seventieth , street. Mrs uiiunm . , ,, , ,, 1 . 'II. She 1 is pre.-dent of llie cub. Tneidentn i I was whispered tliere ' In iiimdnrlit n feet 10 wenr .up audi ..., nrpnnt nv AiiTn own te elnsves nt all times. While IVIHnJ OinUsi Dl HUIU ionic of the .mime women favor this1 Hm, ethi'H aie nietiBiy npuse.i. fie- Sustains Leg Fracture While en His ilarlne I' would net he consistent ... . ..,.,. r-..i u...i Idea-of the way ie wera-unvti nB,u., fiere Hie JitiJ Uuitcreiniiuaies nilil enu 1,, i.eneiy. iiii,i-m in .bf Kiaduate studentb teeis- 1'Jl 1 ' Hldpe nirnue, was ipjured tliN t'rcil, and Ihe freshman cla-s nuiiiheth niernlnj;. 11s lie was .fii his waj te work 110, file mete than last jcar. Of the 11 lieu 11111 down by an automobile nt tlie lumber, H'J :u e lesident students and neithein tf 1 minus of tlie Main street Mten nen-rrsldpnt. There nie eleen trolley line. Miinayunl;, south of Lev 11ns treni rtilin.leipiiin, t".-. from .Main irinsteu aienue. He was t .11:011 te bine towns nun nine trem oilier imrts 1P)111 Hospital, whete it was feiiuu M rennijlinnia, n total of tbnty in M,,, iinPS n the lower pari of ihe tiplit leg liad been fractured Andiew .lanucek. iblrlj -tin ee, .''.Tf I'nrker aienue, diher of the inr. wa Hrrcsted and will lie Riven a liearltiK tedai liefeie MnBlsiiate Derln. Lew ei.i liiul left the tiellev ear. it i said, mid instead of ceinc neitli te (he ctess. ltiB. slipped between two lines .if wait- I M IT'S TOASTED I one extra process H H which gives a B H delicious flavni H IBBiBBaBVKWVKiaBaaA ' BllllBlllllllllllllllV5BlBBlfi9sBBKBllllllllllllB t WLUCKTM liSTRIKEJB 1 WBSKBISSm the ( lass.' I.ile etlipr colleges. ISiyn Mawr lufs til mere students aptil.ilii for entrance tin jeur, nnd in ether leais. as well, than inn he nn'omniedated. tlianses In Vacuity l'cull changes nnlude tlie ap ap Pelntnipnt of Dr. Thcoplule Meek te JUfcecil Dr. Ceorge A. Itarten as jjkj- KSiOr of Senii'ii' truir-iinvn -in. I I. liltratiire. Ur. Ikitien leHicned te ni- M'pt an appoint iiient nl ilie I niieislty - mi'... i .nun , U'tmntng lii the rellee after a eni's Ire of nh'eiiie are 1'iefs. Ailliur L. Uheeler. Tlnodere de Likiiuii. Matllde itre. faimiel Chew, Susan M. Kings. .TO and lnmes I.euln. I.eaiiia for r Mbhimal ears are l'mf. MI.V M. DennelU, licid of tlie Kngllsh lll rturP(lciiirimeut. nnd Dr. David Hilt bio""'"'' '1C'"' "f lllL' lpllilrl"","t t Dr. I)enr.nll 'w u,..i ..ill i 1..1 ,, I... ;. . ,,,u " i.iriifii v.nLP1"- ,u'1!"'Sh"1 Hughes, latel, ,,f ellcjk'T, and Huh of ),-. Tcnneni !,i fit., i?"" S,llnill,,r and Hi. Anna 1!. ten" i'-1"1'1, 'Dr ,I0W "I'lwlnt- ItiH.'nyjer V. I!"ll0l- asse.late In ml Ms. TIel..n , "it ,ll' ''J ,'.,,'"' -V HrilMni.j I- i, ,,,'"" " 1'IIIIOCh, III- With it rn '-"Kll-1' 'tiii..itleii ; Miss litrr V. ,-'""" l8ruit..r in diem- ffi:Br"'7. 1i-ra".,:('? "BKHi'eii ruller. 1W. u 1 1 s"" composition; Miss M !" ' Sml11'' "I'Tueter in Pie it-1 Cm""".";'11!''. Instr,.,n" n - (ii n 11 1111 iii'finniiit. ...... . . viiwtll.T rhllailelpbki Kresdimeii Ph llnrlr.l,,l,l .. 1 . . . l.,;Vr u...VV? i .". ri"s.nnn If"" M-lT'nV S.rf 7 ' NSK -!!!'lc:, A'-''' Adams; Harris. i i:rW",.M '.'!: lMltli Frances a. KinJ in- '" '.": I lnc liellej! moteiiat and into tlie path of the THE booklet you've been thinking about will have real sales value if we print it for you. m The Helmes Press. Trinttrs 1315-29 Chcrrv Strett Philadelphia it Ii l.'tlU 1 7 III "tetbrni.l.- .,,'"." '""' ''. ' &1 Oi rlrnni- " r'v n,,,1,l;l Linn. Slnia V v rll' H'ead street . Vh - ' lier !7 ",i" Ne,,h '''' el. M.'re. '' 1". IM Wl Ilert- ret ni V Uhr?.. I""'.""- Main Line aie i:ii.i. 1 ill It Mar 'I'.i... ' , linn i.i,,. ,,,. ..-".' i. "ewiiunii ' i .:. v ."iiiniii . ,..) I . 111111 I III I till II. ,il .. -.-'nil 1,111 turn, e ""seiiumi Jhi t. ,' ":.'' :fr. Ueymn. '" i.."1' : I'lL . .. Ill" ' ifarcrfer.l pi , X)l ' ''"""'il' Will.ur. "tner Itn . i 1 .? '"'"'K. Jte sftiient : Dr ii " j '" ' " .uawr. iiyeiiliw'.1, u" iiuisiii.,t,..i fe,. "lle bv Ii.. " Addifh-es will , "r Cumf V V'w,l.'1l""-llei.t et uie WW?ii ' 'n:1"'" '"' Have, "en ?r;-s .l.mi, ,..,',."".' ""lilt .r"le lueiili'ii. ei.lelv mi f SEES MAN STEAL HIS CAR He Phenes Police and Cycle Men1 Recover the Aute Silting in his home nt Dliinlti place I rnd Woe'llnnd aienue la-i night. .lelin . Wilsen saw u ninn leap into hi.s niilo niile lmiliile and dine II away. Wilsen tele- . phoned the Sittv-fiflb Miect and Wood Weed land iimmiiip peiiie stailen, from win. Ii l'ellcemen McKeiiua and Meirls wen sent en a nioterc.icle te puisne the stolen car. The policemen c.une In r.ichl of 11 en Woodland nieuue. a hhert distance from ! Divinity place nnd. after a het chnl in which they fired sclera! (duds, evei took it m Thirtj -"ecend street nnd! I'nss.iunk nieuite nud urreHted ihe I drlier, who Mini he wns Jehn Mc.VpIih, twentj -eight enr old. of Cnthaiiue Mteet neiir Twei'ty-feurth. CAMDEN CAR HITS AUTO Girl, Thrown te Fleer of Trelley, Treated for Miner Injuries Tn ,i collision between a trellej far III..! n ,... ....I. il.. nl O'l.l.l, .llm.l ui.1,1 I.IIM IIHIVIII'II'IU .11 . .11.1., -Illtllt Cll i I I and We.stllehl aienue. Camden, la-i night. Ilnttle Allen, (went) -two jcii"' old. 11"1 Seuth Second Mreei, a , senger in the trellev car, was I hi own , , , , te the Iloer and Injured j Men WllO leail toward The automobile nnd tlie tiellev ur ,,i:... :.,. ..4...n.. :., inn together in n i.ead-en collision. quality just naturally 111- imt as neitiier wns going ,.t high speed cline toward Philadelphia's no ether pi'isens weie injiiicl. iillheugli inaiiv women passenger-, Mirfucd fi em Headquarters for Rogers driver ..r the automobile. iMuar.i , Peet suits and overcoats! N. .1 . gaie himself1 The 1-ialM-iTT enmbinnfinn I ..v ..wtj, v.4.....s.s... , of fine fabrics, expert tailor-1 1 ing and moderate price prices here are exactly the shock, Tin Heff. of l'alin.ira, N. .1 . gaie himself up te the jiellie, but was lelenscil 'Miss Allen was taken te Coepei Hos Hes iiltal and tiealeil fermiuiles ahmit tin ''wiwul. ''ad and In tisc.l lied.i . " .i ' . i . .1 . " " 'ii ii ii ii H i I' ""Ill ail, Mil ., , ...... .en., i -"". vas n, ..." '" "se in u hi, i, ntiioe ;,v,,1;'y "'i'r ' . Sffliensf'r"'"-' .'tl's father." U, Buil "lilMt same as in Rogers Peet's own stores in New Yerk. Fer all weathers 'Y'Scetch Mist overcoats! Ilee irmil .inlruiniU fur nnB'" l'i I f .1 rwi iiner .r eiiiH ef r't ti .sre lull sli i 1 lint ii'is'li'uf ! FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Vcct Clethes Exclusively , Chestnut St. at Juniper MacDonald & Campbell Men's Autumn Tep Coats $27.50 te $65 WwbBBb i bi BbbbbKhMbbI I'ull-Back, Kairlan and Nat ural fiheul(lcrs ami the ultin fashionable "a i 1 ureund" Ucltcd model. Our top mats arc exclusive production'? te our special etdcis b;. America's finest tailors and Burberry, 'J'hcxten & Wiipht, Lo'tden. These ceatH nic for men who appicciate the utme3t in fashion coupled with lefined desipn !f you are such a man wc luuc your coat. Canterbury Cleth Suits the very Until English Woolens, the perlec perlec (ien of Americnn Toilerwi;. Only one sail el each pattern, the finest Fall Sail that money can bny 1 334-1 336 Chestnut Street llili f ",'&f iw BBHtL. r n r- iiii "-ZL ..-. -- L 1 It He Who Pays Toe Little Pays Toe Much J Save en your clothing expenditure by all means, but don't confuse "low prices" with saving. sjjf Clothing thnt is really economical is that which costs you the least ultimately net in its initial price and geed clothing which means well-wearing cloth, geed linings and canvas, hand tailoring and thorough work manship, cannot be bought in suits retailing at $18 or $20. This is true, no matter hew large type may be used in the papers te tell you the contrary. Wc have a reputation te sustain, and won't jeopardize it by selling garments that we cannot thoroughly approve and endorse hence our safe starting price is $30, and we want te compare our Suits and Tep Coats at that price with these shown by anybody any where. J At $40, $45 and $50 we have the best values that we have ever been able te produce. JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 Chestnut Street 1 1 1 ii St. Vincent's. Germantown, Is Bene ficiary Under Will of J. J. Dunn live hundred dollars f the S2.1 (Kin fsinte left by Jehn .1 Dunn, who died ieciitl.v in a tanltarium in Cerinnu town, nn heiiientlieil te St. Vincent's Seminar? , of (letimniewn. The iet of the estate, ne.etiling te the will pro pre bated tedni. went te i"lalives. Oilier 11 'lis piebnte.l weie llme of Rllrnbeth J. S oil. si:l Seuth Ptfty sjTth street. SMKlil, and Agnes M Wnl Wnl .sen. l-i Seuth Lighteentii street. ,1." -(KMI. Inventetles weie tiled of the pei sennl estates of Jrremiiih M Ktffei MUSI ill. and Virginia 1! iMte, JS'.I,-i'lin.l.'i. " t.1' jkjjjl; r. i:"n m.... is . i- "' i ,i t i .4 1 .i tmm"tj ' . it i . ,v -i.-.i vim. K THE PUALITY H! or A DIAMDND cempriiei Perfection Brilliancy f.oler nnd Peliihinq. POLISHED GIRDLE DIAMONDS noted for Supremacy arc sold only by tnij Establishment. Linde Fall Clearance Sale Furniture, Rugs, Lineleums One-Third te One-Half Less This annual event, always gigantic in extent and startling in its values, this year presents greater assortments and bigger bargains than ever before. The reason is a deep cut in prices en hun dreds of suits and single pieces in spite of the fact that prices have greatly advanced during the past few months and are going still higher. is a fixed Linde policy tn fivc customers the greatest values in Philadelphia. These goods were bought away below today's cost. The price te you is based upon what we paid net today's value. This means a saving of at least 0 per cent. Comparison will prove it. The enormous showing; embraces hundreds of Bed room, Dining Roem, Breakfast Roem and Living Roem Suits, Brass and Enamel Beds, Sefa Beds. Day Beds, Library. Console. Gate-Leg. Davenport and End Tables. Tea Wagons. Spinet Desks, Odd Living Roem Arm Chairs and Easy Rockers, Secretaries and Boek Cases, Odd Dressers, Chiffercttes ard Vanity Tables. Reed and Rat tan Suits and Single Pieces. Don't fail te take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity. ( ;ij L. I I : " i i ffw frTri ??-Tr-TT5tt f& - '. 'Sl-r? ' ! .T . W - I Large, Comfortable Suit Tape-try or eleur. Very roomy and luxurious. C -t c Davenport, 87 msiies long. Full spring seats and backs I nd loose sennf; cushions. -if vf "s . JUT 'ii W- ' IbC IT w Til rn V -ft 17? '" i i t- ' "V '-J- -i'i ' .'$& ' -J(-!aEai ' vfSJ. MbI BH bW .-, wi ' I I 4-Piece Full Vanity Suit This is a lary;c walnut Queen Anne Suit, with bow- s -j nf end Bed, Clufferctte with trays, Vanity Dresser -IS in " I XM long and large Uurcau. iJs - ....t -t - - - lL' i - SJSskj' iri - ' r. X-ff r1 w f;, t-.;-..... -" I pi ''4. 4 ' ChniH inches 'l-Piece Queen Anne Suit American walnut. Buffet. 60 unlies lenj; Closet, 40 inches lone Knclesed Server, 38 Kxtcnsten Table, 5 1 n 4 nuhes Rugs and Lineleums Save 33 te V2 137 11 x 1'2 Hugs Superfine Wilten Reynl Wilten High-Pile Axininiter . Standard Axminttrr S.:i x 10.G It u w Finut Wilten . . Iteyal Wilten High-Pile Axmintter . Ilxtra Velvet Standard Axnnmlrr $92.00 f.9.00 15.00 J9 00 $85.00 65.00 12 00 14.00 27 00 r. .v v iiugs Ueal VN ilten $62 50 Het Axniiiutcr 37.50 Kxtra Velvet 2(5.50 Standard Axniuuter 2-1 00 Tine BruseU . 16 50 Linoleum Heeiy lnleid $ 75 Hxtra lnlnid 55 SpcLial Inlaid I t( Cerk Linoleum HO Off ' I' 1 if'11 1 i'i rn , (j 4 HENltY LINDE 23rd Street, Columbia and Ridge Avenues v " ;rv A Big Idea that has echoed Veund the clothing world "Your Super-Value policy is the greatest idea in the business." said a widely known clothing expert te one of our buyers. "Hew can you de it?" asked a banker, wondering at the lowness of price. "This just suits me!" exclaimed a cus tomer, seeing the tangiblt evidence of Super-Value. Over 9000 Suits and Overcoats at our Super-Value Prices $28 $33 $38 & $43 Great Cheesing in Fall Suits Our whole first fleer is hrim mint; with all that's new and all that's geed in Suits. Yeu can't help finding what you want and you can't help getting a Super-Value, for every Suit is priced te save you many dollars. Our Super-Value Prices are $28, $33, S38 and $43. British Topcoats Made in Londen and imported directly by us Sold at our Super-Value prices, beginning at $28. Se low a price is simply bewildering. Evening Clethes and Tuxedos Where else is elegance of finish se necessary and correctness of detail se important? Yet our Super-Value prices for Tuxedo Coats and Trousers are $38, $43 and $48. Evening Clethes, $45 and 553. Final Selection of Silk Vests Ever Gathered Black or white evening vests in amazing variety and me-jt beau tiful patterns. New V fronts. Alse double-breasted models. Ou' Super-Value prices are $8, $8.25, $8.75, $9.25, $9.75. Our large stun" of cour teous salesmen con stantly at your disposal te show you the finest display of Fall Clethes t ver set n anywhere. Loek then compare at tit Inr geed stores. Perry & Ce. Kith & Chchlnul SlTKK-YALI'KS " (' lellies for Men tf h. NI'W i)H ( I I H I lhi: HOI 1:1. ermitage 1'iini". Siiarc (outlines!) 7N 1)1 VI DUALITY ' xi Li 1 nt cuisjsr r 1 s nj.e JI 00 ") t1 0" X- r.irst: uf ''. H l-lll.ll.l.ll WIT nnrU lnlallrd hi 11 rrli.ililp Iieii ruaran trpn kritru 11111I nntlifurtlen, Hill luur Lighting Fixtures frnm llir inaniir 1, lurrr flrlclrmt mill ilUlIni Uir ilrslcm In Kulld lir'ss nnli A Year le Pay 1 Ynu Detir fi 111 I ic. Ill III I'm ljy, Sromiind&Sen inn (II KMASTtlM NAVT. PH3MCOlUIISIOl tk PH3M-I t J ti 4 M -TJEgHB5gOajIigg , b ' -,4 L !m . ..