fV:.' - '.EVENING- PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1922 ' - j J1 . I !. tlr.l !-! U ...1!-i.. .1.1 .. . . -- - . I Wj mm " ' " iiiAftl ACTETD B FATALJHOOTINQ AFFAIR ..yi Betrayal Cau.ed Her te Fire Wy upon Stere Empleye Frank J. A "E ," ,,.,,. last .Inn;, wns cmple.vp. In i I'"'" f" w (.. Dunn. re:nrro.'e.l J", n nll,01lnMI, that cnici uui""j I fUnm JWH t" M"'I! I A Simple But Effectlve TrlmmliiB 1 Scalloped ttirka ninke very effective i trlmm liB fr ok.. vwtce nnd frocks. M.k n tleiib fc tuck, turnliw one edge in? ww. the "ther c.1kc the ether way. rren'e for nn enllnary MrnlRlit tuck, ami lnc It. Tnke four stitches along the Hue of b.-istlncs.' then one ilrtvii wr. stlfh. Till Inst ftltrli ratt'IiM nn the edse of the tuck, mill helps ? "form the flrrt wnllep. 'lake four mere MrnlK.it ulltriw .then nnether Sevnnnnl Mitrti. ( entinue this way until oil hnve scalloped the whole linstlMif the tuck. Turn the mnlerlnl ti(l proceed In the siunc nitiiiiiPr along the thn- e.lRes of the double turk. f colored thread is used the effect Is HunninR. MiUKA. ECZEMA PSORIASIS - ITCH Hf-nOS' nlll rcmerr, cter.T nit. Don't be BlifrnM'. A t" lrew nf IIii-Hem nr,l en the kin will Blp 5" ii'iitrnlniPiit nnd linrplni'sa. Tlit rf.illtillen i'f n perfect kln I worth a thetwtnil time the prlie. Atk je.ir DriiKulat SMITH, KLINE & FRENCH Wholesale Distributors Mr. Hcnl hnd been Imllrtnt hv thn Ornml Jury recently nnd that the In dictment had been kept secret nrmlliiK her MiiprehetiHlen. Hlie had been nt liberty en $ii000 bend. AIrn. Heal, neon after thn sheeting, fold efliclnls hhn shot Andersen because be Intel betrayed her nnd that she wniited te suve ether girls from jicr fnte. She sold thn sheeting eeciirred after Andersen hud told her the was one of hi? many sweet hearts. WOMAN KILLED BY TRUCK Mrs. .Icnnle Wrlghtsen, forty-three years old, of LM-lt) Amber street, died last night three minutes nftcr ndmlsslen te the. Kplscepal Ilespltnl as the result of Injuries from nn nttte truck, which struck her en the back of the bead as she was crest-lng the street at Let terly nnd Huber streets. The truck wns driven by'Lenls Muler, fifty-five j earn old. .of 1010 Kast Somerset street. ENDS LIFE BY GIRL'S HOME Passaic Man Has Her Picture In Pocket When He Sheets Self I'nssalr, N. .1.. Oct. 4. Frank Camp nun, Iwentv-etie yenra old, of I'nssnlc, shot and killed himself yestcrdny under an oak tree opposite the home of Miss t.ernldlnc (iadde, of Cliften, n tilin'to tilin'te jjnipli of whom was found In u pocket of his cent. Miss (Jndde Is the daughter of thn Ilcv. .1. V. (liulde. pastor of the Hev-enth-diiy Adventlst Church, of 1'nter 1'nter sen. Hhe Is sixteen yenrs old nnd a junior of the Cliften High Scheel, yim snld she hnd known Campmau for about two months. An unnddresscd note found in his pocket rend : "(Jive my love te all my family and (e my sweetheart, whom I did net sheet myself for, but for some one else." nr-i FIREPROOF The 20th Century Storage Warehouse Cannet Burn! Oppjute the Weit Phlli. Station sjii a rue r a r c r e" I.ImLS a JT -VXVJC rt.3 COMPEL SUCCESS Unchecked WASTE In paring vegetables Is Extravagance Continued Extrav agancce meana failure CLAD'S PARER turns WASTE into WEALTH Kitchen Equipment for Hotels and Restaurants VICTOR V. CLAD CO. 119 & 121 s. 11th St. i EiKU. itXSSS&SiSSSBSSSS "n You'll like 1 Bread Supreme 1 Extra Big Leaf 1 Qc Our Master Bakers' Masterpiece In all our Stores 7 ii W 1111 I: I j Radianifiip ' HrATreis All Aluminum' wi.ii. -ri i if iiisc npw Lait! With Handl e .MiMOttftw THtS ucriv i $14.00 $18.00 $55.00 '"flndlnt Solid Whit. Enamel - aplathers ljr; Panels nv, y Pan mnA - . , V f I W n l. r or" - - triiFiimn 0 nn r 111 Siiii guaranteed AU WHI1E OR CRAY ENAMEL y UANGES Including Solid Tep, GmSteam or Het JasuKS ,'.:?" .W?"r Moeter, MJ -;" "uaH Ktchcna. wm.Akers, Jr.. Ce Jss?3 SACKS " The Present Price Concessiiens Which Prevail This Week nt our NEW SALON Just Opened Strikes a new keynote for this institution . . . really a precedent, when it is consid ered that price is never the consideration with garments of Sacks character. GOWNS FURS TAILORED) SUITS WRAPS 1909 WALNUT STREET 1 a Mtkjmig SpecleK' s 1310 CHESTNUT STREET Three Original Dresses of Matelasse Erode This exclusive material, with its soft crepcy texture, has a raised self-figure, and admirably expresses the Parisian intent te give Madame a slender, new silhouette. The long Waistline and draped sirl here show themselves capable of three different Variations. $50.50 Celers arc black, naey and cocoa Mt: Anna Cenner Save and Beautify Your Hair With Newbres Herpicide Itcrplclrle Is best for the hair becaunecf I In pmltlve itctienln iienutlfyinK the hair, removing dandruff, .topping falllnn hair. After nn npplicntlnn of Herpicide the hich IlKhta of your hair hcuin te nleam nnd your ecalp begins te tutiei up and N'oemo hrnlthy. Inn few duja your hntr will le I'emplvtely transferim-d, Yeu will liave the lieautlful hair you havn nlwnyn leiiKed fur. Your ecalp will be free from dandruff. Your hair will atop falling out. Your uppenrnnce ill be Krcatly Improved. JVeiubre's Herpicide Removes Dandruff Steps Falling Hair Reud what Mrs. Annn Cenner (pictured here) nayaef Nwbre' llcrpiclde: " u h'twhre'i Herpicide daily. It It a wonderful preparation for the hair and acap. My hair teuchee the fleer". What Herpicldi, hn dor.e for Mr". Cenner nnd theiiHanda of ethers, it will nuri'ly de for you, llrKintliiuiiuef HrrpicMe today. Yeu will Ilka it from the first application. Kvery lKittle is iruarnn iruarnn teed te de all that is claimed for it, or your dealer i. authorized te refund purchase price. Sold By All Drug and Dept. Stores J Application. At Brbr Sheps S)Vedneday, October 4, 1122. Htnre. Opn. 0 A. M. C'le.e. A.30 V. M. M nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK -MdRKET 11!!, W STREETS L M 1 'l Our Millinery Section Is Featuring Today a Particularly Fine Showing of Becoming Hats for the Matren at $6 te $10 Mostly the small, close fitting shnpes that always leek se well designed en soft, fluttering lines, and dignified with lovely drapes, graceful ostrich, smart pins, touches of burnt geese and chic novelty fancies. Of fine Lyens and Paon Velvets, in rich tones of brown, navy, taupe, purple and SutlirMbmaS Second Fleer Stunning Cleth Dresses for the Larger Weman Specially Featured in Our Fashionable Stout Department Tonwrrew At $18.75 te $89.75 Weel ETpenge, Tricetines and Piqucttc Beautifully fash ioned en long, grace ful, slenderizing lines in accordance with the dictates of the new Kail vogue and art fully ' trimmed te carry out this slender effee with braid, silk stitching, side panels, vestees and metal stitching. Navy, Brown and Black. One Pictured. Excep tional Values! 'ft ! ' 3 1 mi ' ' ' 1 m 'rlK ' 11 ' All made ever the famous "Sveltlinc Svstem of Measure ments" Sizes .12'u te 68' g. SnLLI CNB'JRijS Second Fleer 1200 Pairs of Women's $1.25 Gorden Silk Stockings 75c Pair Heavy quality thread silk and fiber mixed stockings. Black, cordovan and gray. STTFTXrr.BuR5S l'it Fleer Decidedly Special for Thursday! Fast -Black Gleria Silk Umbrellas Fer Men and Women at $2.95 Various Smart Styles in Handles TllK WOMEN'S of full length bakelite, or hardwood with bakelite rings, ferrules and -jing tips te match. Many with swagger leather straps. THE MEN'S of solid hard wood in Prince of Wale-? styles. .1; ftlranply cnnstniclcd of line qunrnnteed fast-black nilk gleria (a durable xiik-and-cet- ten fabric) ever sturdy Paragon frame. Sr.rf''NrVRuS l'"'st Fleer In Arcade Candy Shep, First Fleer 80c Chocolate and Vanilla Butter Creams at 55c lb. Seme Places Ask $1 lb. for These Smeeth, cream fondant centers mK-r.fl with nnm creamery butter and coated with lu aw chocolate liquor. One of the popular confections, exceptionally well made. Vrv ilnrnMniia SNtLUNBURCS First Fleer sfA t if Y AY iV Mb Very delicious! m r n t. - r-.l ci i. . j a i ciriviiuuue rittuee ui c iniuiui a &ui yiua muun, 4J zne neasen rer i ms rnenemenai Mr v Wl BMBBMlIlifliilll)ffliiliglJMrA Twe Big Linen Leaders for Thursday! 600 Dezen $8.50 All Linen Dinner Napkins In 14 Levely Patterns Snowy bleach, fine long pure flax yarn damask, with satin finish. Size 22x22 inches. Nete the Saving! 500 Yards $1.00 Mercerized Table Damask at ... KCkg Yard Snowy bleach, splendid heavy quality, with a per manent satin luster. Pretty patterns. 72 inches wide. Clese te half price! SNELLEMBURflS Seceml FIoer Our Sporting Goods Stere Places en Sale Tomorrow a Just-Received Importation of English Sports Sweaters, Cardigans and Gelf Hese At 25r'c Less Than Such Garments Can Be Had When the New Tariff Gees Inte Effect Anticipating the change in market conditions, we placed this order early, and are therefore able te mark these goods en the old basis of landed costs, saving you exactly one-quarter of the purchase price. Every garment is right un-te-thc-minute in English style the last word in cer rectness for sports and general wear. Scotch Weel Sweaters . . . Light-weight brushed-wool sweaters, warm and dressy just the right thing for professional men, motorists, golfers for all outdoor wear. Sets .Cmdigan $5-00 8nd $5'50 Finest Cardigan jackets made. Single-breasted style, in black, green heather, brown heather and dark gray. Scotch Weel Half ttO Afl Pair 47"".v gaieef Mahogany Clocks At Less Than Half Regular Prices Here's a wonderful opportunity te secure a handsome, dignified, dt pendable clock and te save enormously ! A lovely gift for the October bride. Mahogany Tambour Clocks, $6.95 8-day guaranteed American movement. Strikes hour and half hour. 6-inch dial and brass sash. 1014 inches high, 17 inches long. Mahogany Gothic Cleck,$5.45 8 - day guaranteed movement. Strikes hour and half hour. ?-inch dial and brass sash. 13 U in. high. Choice of nilver or white dial. Mahogany 8-Day Boudoir Cleck, $2.95 Guaranteed 8 d a y movement, fitted in solid mahogany case. 2V-inch porce lain dial. 4 in. high, 'I'.'t in. long. SsFLZnTsjRcJS First Fleer We've Absolutely the Finest Li fie of LongTreuser Suits for Students $7.50 Hese $4 and $4.50 Pair Scotch Weel Gelf Stockings Genuine Scotch Weel with hand woven top. Sni '. ''''B'JRijS Third Fleer Ever Offered Anywliere at $16 te $30 Fer High Scheel Beys Just Stepping Inte Leng Trousers Get that first long-trouser suit here and knew it's right for we're specialists in this particular line of cloth ing Many With Twe Pairs of Trousers Wonderfully complete stocks that iliclude newest materials and smartest, snappiest styles. Expert tai loring assures perfect fit. Every suit finely finished te smallest detail. And Remember, Our Maker-te-Wearer Policy Haves ieu 2.5 r'r te 30 ri Wila'iWf Mm mm wm l fflv BJskV ' In 1 ' Wi Vb Third Fleer 5 Typical Values in Tomorrow's Great Sale of Oriental Rugs Selected at random from our tremendously comprehensive assortments, including practi cally every wanted kind of Oriental rug, but which, owing te lack of space, we cannot list in detail. Sareuk and Kermanshah By far the finest modern production of hand work manship coming from the Aedelen Province of Persia. Every individual rug a masterpiece of Oriental art. Sizes range in variety from 10.2x0.9 (PQ1 E te 14x9 ft. at.. P013 ft. at.. $4.95 Extra Persians $825 We still have an unsurpassed collection of Arak and Muskabad rugs in every conceivable color combination. A wonderful collection of Oriental designs, appropriate for most any room space. Sizes range from 10x7 ft. at 0JO1 K te M.(.xl0.5 ft., $215 Hall Runners $450 An unusual let of Hall Runners, representing a dozen different weaes in a wide variety of designs and color effects. Seme as large as 4x1(5 . at $59.50 BeloechisiiMis A splendid variety of dark, rich ciHer effects in rugs suitable for the roughest kind if hard ;,"-vice. Average Size, n.tixft.ti Special Price $23.75 Chinese Rugs ,Te meet popular demand we hnve made a specialty of carrying the hotter type of Chinese rugs. Each Vug individually selected en its own merit from a mat at $12.50 te a rug as large as $450.00 N. SNELLENBUIIG & CO.: 11x16 ft. at All the beautiful blue, geld, lese and tan color eiTccts represented in this showing. SNcLUNBURdS Fourth Fleer Marvelous Sale of Beys' Fall & Winter Clothing Offering the Finest Fabrics and Newest Styles at Absolutely Unmatchably Lew Prices The proud product of our own factory cut, tai lored and finished according te the high Snelleaburg stand ard which means service and satisfaction in every gar ment. Hundreds of snappy new styles in the choicest materials, patterns and colors. Parents, Take Advantage of These Extraordinary Savings! Beys' $6.75 te $7.50 Neveltv Suits Of all-wool jersey and knit cloth, all-wet, 1 tweeds and all-wool blue serge. Oliver Twi.-t and Balkan models, with saifer cellar, smartly trimmed. Sizes 2'- tuS years. $12.00 Corduroy Norfolk Suits fl?0 jTA HVZi Twe Pairs of Knickers, Full Lined Of best quality heavy-weight corduroy, the coats lined with khaki. Yeke Norfolk models, I'ex pleated hack and front. Best uit mode for hard service at school. Sizes 7 te IS years. Norfolk Suits &le.50 ITi'iVi Twe Pairs of Knickers, Full Lined Of all-wool fancy rheviets, tweeds, hemespuns and ia.simcrc.s, in tan, hreun. gray and green mix tu res. New sports model's, also yeke Norfolk suits, box pleated back and front. Best grade of tailoring. Finest showing ever offered at the price. Sizes f te IK jiars. DX 810 SIS Mackinaws . Heaviest weight hh.nkets made warm, strong, serv iceable Big assortment of pattern. Best make. Cut full long and roomy. Big muff pockets, lined with corduroy. 'Sizes 8 te IK years. $10.50 $1."j Regula tion Reefers Of all-wool Ii'up L-heviets, lined with all-wool red llan uel. Nay buttons chev ron en sleeve convertible cellar - double half-belt i muff pocket.''. Sizes 2& t in years. Mi i I $16.75 "'$3' Large Beys' Winter Overcoats Bi". roomy ul-ter- of all-wool fancy overcoat double heaslel, with lnuir pockets. Be'ted all nrei h.eiy tiv rceat guanmtcd te give entire sulisfu") Sizii l!l te 18 years. ' c:,,,:,', ,., ,,,c tui.j , tibM,uitiyruj.j eiru " .V -J m w. . N. SNELI'F UKG & CO, sssF .r vfc .Vk ww . .-A fV .V s rSww'vvv u?tf: 'am vi JPM