iffiM&ftftiflTStiF ww- f ri i.WMra jy," frmm? " "V I '1 yi, -. : Itf' -Vl t f J f 1 '9$?&m& t y '" ne UC1TMPR VOL. IX.-NO. 18 AND NEHF -- x- c.Ke 'Oame jalmy Weainer .- "--"" te Decide 19Z2 Bast.. Championship NEW YORK CITY TAKES WORLD SEHltfc ehuviui u0 Mad Rush When Gates of Pole Grounds Are Thrown Open Battle Array of First mg r ru.w YANKEES . ft1,' (HANTS . ". !" .Sh. .Ih. If. .rf. .!! ff. . .r. Ku ." 3,?' 'rfCJh- nth Ih. iifii" rt, tniinic " ;. . Vfll Mint ,p. urn. , 2b. uniilnelitim ,. ..miter WIN tell I. Bain "V 11. :riii : J .: ,ki m nlntr. Illldfhraml alBK "Uctermlck at second. JenH il third. By JOSKI'II T. MIHtlM vw Vera. Oct. I- - Tl.irtv-nve , ml sticclnteis. calm fnr n "er'ii r.r n,,l. filled tllO lWrWMI SCC mtics " ' . . Scries crew i crowd, tiled me ii-i-ni.. .-... and nVt of the WnApi; for e Si,e of Iho M-ieml fiiimly lnr twecu the Yanks and Oinnls for all's highest himnrs nt the Pole 'inns m ipenlng bisebaU's hlgl vOd i enthusiasm and mad ruMi nntici rlt Vns nn ideal dnv for tin; gnme. A copper) win giewvn . , - fly and. there was a midsummer h In (he (Irtnlier nlr. V M...1 Kiivh ,1., ..! . Ncir Yerk took its local world's nrlMralmU. A New irU loam was bound te win, .111) hew. mid there wns it nuid rnli ter me unrescrwn m-i-tten in Hie uplirr grnmlsinnds and Hriiher?. There wns plenlj of room (or the cailj ceineis mid Ihcie were Will tn Miare nt neon. The ic-erved KCIIens In the loner ginndstiind. w th timtitM wil'l. 'I"1 '"" "ll "P curi.v. p-reml. the usual brass band wns Tr'A. 1- 1 .1... ..! Af !.. nQnnu e muji iih i-ui,i . wm.-i -. . ed humor. Nick A It reek nml Al MiUfht did their baseball clowning HHCtien" " fciuii". 1411 the plajcis of the two clubs re re Iterted In geed lendltlnn cm opt Mc Quillan, the lilnnt pitciier. wue was iH(Jtlj: hurt by a butted bnll in pnic tfcf,'jf5terilaj. and the "stene-bniise llnv .Nehf and Hnsn. who nne Mint rnitniiMril friitn klt)tllnr llltim.ntK i their herN, and were 10 eh te n- L ..l 1. 1 I!...- t.lll racn wilier 1111 wic nulling 11111 mi .V RiMtln Italic Kraih UMV: IIUlll Hillll III H ! Ill nilll!.' IIP pllj ami did lmt think his wrenched Id weulfl bother him." "Let 'em stick the ball 01 or." Mild tat Babe, who liuMlul iilmut the club ktuM. "I'll swing all light. Same btU In both Icigiies. jnn knew, and It It Dkl.AT)i.,l Anl.l Km nr. !n al.... ... uavei ju.i as inr 11 1 get nelil 01 All nirial(.t..Ml lnk.llliiniilnl r,U....I I.. .... ..Q,..., 11 -i tiiiifiii.il eikii.-ii f Gowwer Allen ('. lUtdile, f M,ir. iim, IJretlier Paul, head of St. Mnrv's IMntrlal Scheel of Ilnltimere mid et'b- "nuiDe pn'-emeil te ll.ibe Huth be P the gnmc. Hmh went te school at w dial j p, Th (iiflnta ,. ... il.A ...l...t....i 1 fc.11. .1 ' '" "' """"I neun1- a the field, taking a long batting pnic- tki ri.-..'' " ,lrsf "ns-i'innii of Zt rt, ''. il!li in the J il,..! l,'K"i f,t the throng. Het11 T.X- " N,,1.f 1 ''"" I-- :- v. ,,. ,,. tTnCK(.-.S. leerrniIn iImhV .. .. . . Ittmm III . .7 " " P" "1,lt t 10 '(wans like tn in a- ni,... .... rKI!L-r,,ke,,;the .;;! t' ." rr"-. .""" t QOBber mVt. V l"eu, II me latter Lu mayet pree necessary. Ha (I,;.. !..l,l l snmes enrried off u2$, '?, W J".'"'? "Ml- "ligger" hi, d a" :" W, " wt tlint the com- Th...... ," " " "l' lugger. iS;;.V!0":n?u"l rnlllery thnt ia th ;;."'," u,.l,:cl,n'' fns gather Iriili k;. i" s"m luiiuer. "he rich Brete ,usf M,np "f ''" C libeut, ' fc"'icthlr.g I,, Milcker f And the Sealers Dtiml .1 Proximity te the inrk he a.,erll, mn ,0 hv ,' " n .' 'Viator, rc;;,,b;, ' "8hty few etw about hi 1 1. S'i ,l,Pre W,1H "S.1S: i :?"' .,,H ?t0' the- tlckeu V' ' . Ihl,t " df k.. .;. . " '" Lite 111 ! ,.iu .. 1. X,w,yT,xlll,,;i:'" N-lunrters' Ntnrt wim1'"""1 ,'pnK",, Nbuting tlckcN nN u" H "Wit SpMnnuTelrr'1''''''.. wpensui i.i . l,'rrl the t c(..i ...... . ' nn" 'riisfwl ,.'""' ""'i en .. v.".. -Zl te'l.SS2... r.w, ouertUTED Antla..i.L y 5meke Recalln te.'"" ,n and Seunria a.,... fe'wt nlK"7 L"st l"el.nm!n !XrleUt'le', ffl ',.. j': ft'iliiil 11 ."Lui oei. u.,,; :,". .. .mint s a, ,,p "-w .rair Mrr 'i..:.ntiBte v."'"' Itrm. " , "" "reel ami T,"..'. ' ""-'. N. in'V01"! ' no miT, " ItW.'. 'il: Wulmi felt ;.: "- ""',l"' Htles-'C" Shen the nhTrl'V A . -'vi,Uu. ""vinnr t'.s. tl. (ill CHID SEES rr ... m FIRST GAME ML . I 1 rt I 11(11 III. 1nhcbr..l 1"0 thny left IT InM Ker "hen the Niitlininl l.cngucrs off he Mery in eight games 'Among the "." w"' bundreds of TteV. Visitors here in Manhattan tar the series. lm ''i" -emewhnt sur- Uunfi Hntereil as Pecenibrin; Mnlter nt the I'eilnUUp lit Philadelphia. Pa. under Iho Act of Xrarch .1, 1N7U POLICE GUARD HOME OF JUDGE M'DEVITT Jurist Receives Threatening Let tcrs Frem Drug Peddler's Friends Threats of bodily Imrm and, the de struction of his recently acquired home nt 811 Wcslvlew nvenup, (lormnnlewn, by nnonymeus writers itssertlng te be friends of drug peddlers linvc resulted In the police eMnblishiiiR n guard around .Judge McDevltt's home. Numerous letters linvc come te Judge JU'Devitt with every mail. inet nf tl c m reuehed In terms t lint lead offi effi i inls te believe they should net be over looked. Judge AlvDcvitt said, how ever, he Isn't n bit worried. Fallowing the Bentencing of .Tesepb Kollenn and llymnn Oeld. meinbers of ihe drug ring, te eight jears eeeb In tl.u county prison jcterdny, rumors spread tbet femewberc within the inner circles of the "ring" n rami has con fessed. "The sentencing of these men Is net the end by any menus," said Assistant District Attorney Corden, who has beyn lending the drug prosecutions. "It has been mero or h"-s reiitinp nml Is simply n beginning of u cycle which Is growing larger each (lay. We already bavc gene fnr beynnd these peddlers who nre being punished new. It is only n question of time." ELOPES AND IS WED Daughter of Deputy Attorney General Cellins Gees te Bal timore Instead of Elkton MARRIED TO PENN STUDENT Miss Helen Cellins, a Swarlhmeie junior, and Chnrles V. Speaker, a for mer Wharten Scheel student, eloped te Italtimeie jesterday and were mar ried. Tile young couple outwitted their parents in eloping, ignoring Klkten's "marrjlng pardon" after they learned that wind had been spin te the Main land State police te prewnt their mar lingo in that town. The leipicst sent te the Maryland authorities te watch nil leads and pre- cut the couple from leaching their (iretnn (ireen reealed the elopement. The 1 court of the marriage was ieri tied in a niessnse the .eung Mrs. Speaker ent her mother last night. The bride's mother. Mrs. Kmersen I., t'ellins. wife of 11 Denut.x Attorney tieii ernl of Pennsylvania, snd today that she believed the elopers hud 1 chimed te Plillndclpliin. and probably will mnke their home here. Although the plani for the elope ment were inrefiilly gunided until the Inst moment. Miss Cellins told her friends of it just before leaving the college yosteidoy in n note she left in her loom, which read : "t!oed-b. I am te be 111.11 1 icil to te duj." Tlien she slipped away, taking the 7 o'clock train for Philadelphia. The girl was missed in the afternoon, and Mi-s .Initet Krnll. her roemnmte. found tlie note. The college nutlioii nutlieii ties ueiitied Mr. and Mrs. Cellins. Speaker also left a note for his friends nt the Phi Signin Helta Heuse. Thirt.v ninth and Spruce streets. He Mild he wns returninc te Ills home, but would lie back in Philadelphia within a week. Speaker Is a special student at the Wharten Scheel. He returned te col lege this jur, but wis offered 11 geed position mid decided te j;ivc up Ills course. The parent of the lepers, mere than surpri ed at the marriage, objeel te It m)j en the gieund that both the iirtde and the bridegroom me tee jeung. Mrs, Speaker is only nineteen .ic.irs old. The eung couple hac been sweet hearts ever since they attended si hoel together In Wllli.iinspeit, wlieic their families live. i Although Deputy Attorney (ieiieral Cellins said thnt, be knew .01111g Speaker we'l, and could "see no icn icn seii for 1111 elopement." the bride's mother eiced some objection because of their jeuth. "Nittu'rnll I was surprised," she said today in Willlnmspert. "liut m.v only objection is their jeuth. Freil Is a tine bej and will receive the pa ternal blessing In our home. My dnuglitcr will ne.t go back te college, of course." Mr.s. Speaker expressed greater dis pleasure when told of the elopement. "I most certninlv object te my son marrying just new,'' she said. "He is inerel.v 11 college boy, and Mls Cellins Is only 11 college girl herself." GANNA WALSKA NOT READY TO BUY ANY THEATRE NOW Will Walt Until Her Fame Is en Assured Foundation Paris, Oct. !.- "I shall net buy nr.y theatre nor an interest in nnj theatre until, bv actual public recognition as a great singer, I lime silenced the grat uitous criticism leveled nt my olce bj these wlie never heard It." Tills was the statement made te a close friend bj liiinmi Walskn McCor McCer nilck esteidnj, when shown 11 calile dispatch from Ameilea. stntli.g thnt she hud bought the Champs Kljeees Opera In Paris in elder te bend her own com cem pnn. In which Muriel MoCenulok would also make her debut. She went en: "I have recently refused an engage ment te sing In the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian 111 tne ciiumps M.isee jiit bocnuse I de net wish te spread the wrong belief that I have an 1 11 Iciest ii, that tlicntte. ,.,"",.' ".'",, ".K " "1,K"I,:, nl ':' ....... 1 .. ill .1 ... 11, ... ... ' 1 in is wperu iiinise in in cemiier. II being 11 state theatre, noliedv can sav that I have iiaid fur an eiiL-iitroineiit " BOTTLE CAUSES DEATH Camden Child Fatally Injured Fall With Milk Container Surah Pnttni, tluoe .veins old. Ill's Hndden avenue. Camden, died In of ill the West Jeisev lliiaieepathii' Heh- liital t ml n finiii Injuries rectdved vi SWARTHMORE GIRL tenia) when slit ftdl while cair.vlng nrprinev milk bottle I lie chihls abdninen was h i tevciel) cut. Dcnlh wan iniicd b) sliec'i tiuil htmeiih.igis. Escort Pays Actress' Fine New Vwli, Oct. I Heiiiln llc.iin. i burlesipte nctrrsN. wns liiml .l!.'i In lis-1 sex Market Ceui't ycnUrda) un 11 charge of disorderly conduct. An escort paid the line for her. - Euening public I ILL BAR ELOPEMENT PLAN N QUESTION TO STARS If the Minister Gees te the Ori ent, Shall I Ge With Him?' She Asked Astrologer HER ORIGINAL LETTER SOUGHT IN SAVANNAH Aute With Twe Men and Weman in Pole Ceat Seen Near Scene of Killing lu n Ulnff rerirMiOiirffiit New Itriiiisulrk, N. .1.. Oct. 1. "It Iho minister gives up the ether woman nnd gees te the Orient .-hall 1 go with him?" Tliis wns one of tiiree questions "pro pounded te the stars" by Mr. Klonner Itelnbanlt Mills, murdered September 14 with the Hev. Kdwnrd Wheeler Hall, rector of the Church of St. Jehn the I'vnnielist, where she was a clieii singer, nccerding te the detectives in vestigntiti',' the crime. The question, they believe, cenliiiii bejend further doubt the oft - repeated ( theory that Mis. Mills and the clergy man had talked of eloping te .Inpnn. This latest information en the pu. z'.ing case, which the autlieiiiies of Somerset nnd Middlesex Counties have been bungling for meie than two week, came In a letter from "Dr." W. C. 1 1 1 in 1 li 111 , an "astrologer" and spiritual- ' 1st. who wrote for the first time secnil. The action of Magistrate Stevenson ilas rge te Jiiines Mills, seten of the in illsrliaiging Squire Vetkes, of Mill church and husband of the liunderud beurne, en a 1 linrge of lelntlug the woman. Three Questions Propounded The "star foreteller" wrote te the Middlesex County authorities impart ing the ndditiennl information which new bus become public. He declares n "Mrs. Mills," whose initials lie did net remember, had written te him in I'Vbrilury of tiis jenr. lie is new at Miami. Kin.; he was then at Savnnnnh. (in. lie wrote the polite that he had been udicrtising te "(iiiide Yeu by the 1 Stars" in pniieis thnt would naturally ionic te Mrs. Mills' notice. Himihia wrote that Mrs. Mills asked these thiee questiens: "Piist. Will the minister get n til- veree .' "Second, count rv? Will he go te n foreign "Third. If he gives up (be ether woman and gees te the Orient, shall I go with him?" The "doctor" replied, lie tells the authorities, that If Mrs. Mills would buy his book en occultism he would an swer nil her questions mid give her ndvice "gied for jeu mid the minis ter, tee." Original letter In Sa.inunli Mrs. Mills never replied, Himiliisi declares. Her original letter, lie snvs, is with some papers he left at Himinunli. The New Brunswick authorities have sent a lequesf te 'the chief nf police of SiiMinnab te go te Illmihin's former office and seek the letter which Mrs. Mills is said te liae written. Apparent!) bearing out this elope- I nient theerj is a line from one of the I letters said t" liine been found near the bodies, also gixeii out li) the tp. teethes tedii) . Mis. .Mills wiltes in tliis: "Oil, for tlie time when I can de )our mending." This letter, (lie detectives think, was written the da) of the murder. Mrs Frances minister Stevens Hull, widow of the 1 told the police that the lite- Minis ilny, w lien nor liiisiiamt anil site, with Mi. and Mrs. Mills and ethers, went in an automobile te Lake 1 1nput -mug. Mr. Hall had lipped his clothing en barbed who, and she hud made tcm tcm pernr) rep.ur.s with lien owed needle mid thread. The police believe the leference I nnllniiiil en I'liltl- I'mir. (cil'linii Oni KLAN SESSION AT BOSTON Heeded Order Invades Every State in New England Hestoll. Oct. 4.- (Hy A. P. 1 Tlie Ku Ixlux Khni invasion of New Hug lllllil ll'is bi en exleiuleil In evci) State, it was aiiueuin cd at the lust pnhlic iissimlilv of I In' eigauiatjini 111 (iicaiei 1 1 .s-t I 111 Dr William Maliime), of Augusta, (in . announced ns the supreme lei inter, was .1 speaker. The imcting was uuiikid h, die usual Klun fiatuics if uliuc lulu's, heeds mid musks and a l.iui illumiiiated 1 hiss. LAWSON'S FRIENDS BECOME ANXIOUS OVER HIS ABSENCES Financier, Last Heard of nn Monday. Had te Sell Dreamueld Estate te Pay Stock Market Lesses Hestoll. Oct. 4.--IP.) A. P.I-Seme anxiety was cxpicsscd bj 1 lese friends of Themas W. I.awsen tedii) as tune jientiniied te pass without word of liiin. 1 The financier, wlie has erdeicd Ins gicnt I Seuth Slmic estate sold te liquidate I 1 ,. I 1. ...... I,.,,, ,.1 , since Men.la). when lie left Southwest I MM IISSI'IS. mis urn ih-.-ii iiiiiki 11,1111 n.,.i ... i "",. Hill bur, Me, 1 riends centinucil xpics Ultllllled In expiess belief llllll III wns oil tin1 wil) In (hegnil tn visit his daughter. Mrs. Ileniv Mcl'all. These interested said last night that, upset ever the less of the homestead which he built and furnished at 11 cost of about S.'l,.iO().(MHI. and ill which he lind brought up Ids faiull.v, new scat tered b) death and marriage, he hud tleclilcil te go semevvheie for 11 change of scene. Tim iiincli home of his daughter. Mrs lleill) .McCnll, .It tiiiiiviiiii iiii- . 11 un 1 lrii.iiii villi e. i no , was censiiieiui me ...,,,.1.1..,. .1 With the limine km, who is new In hi fi.t,v -liftli vcar, is a maid of mail) .viars' servlic, who alvva.vs lias accum 'panlcd him te inn for Ids things. Ills hcallli had 11. I been of (lit best rctenll) lleiacc I. I egg. one of the tiustees, said he thmijjjK Mr. I.uwsen was 1101 III, ami .suggested he might have decided te go te Orei eiu te nee PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1922 Duchess in Politics ilKK (iHAC'K OK ATIIULL Who Is snld te be preparing In run for n seat in Parliament, nnlultli- standing (he opposition of her arl- (errntlr friends F F Keystone Aute Club Head Charges Squire Resorted te 'Inside Pull' OFFENSE A MISDEMEANOR automobile Inws jestenhij was "out rageous" in the opinion of ,1. Iiorten Weeks, president of the Kc stone Automobile Club. Mr. Weeks said today Squire Yerkes resorted te "inside pull" te free him self of the charge. The Ke stone Club, wblih lias Its liendipiarteis In the Hetel Adelphin. was lespenslblc for the iincst of Squire Yerkes, who. it claimed, was driving mi automobile hearing Hi ense tn made out in another person s name. After his ariest the Squire was brought before Magistrate Stevenson nt the Fifty-fifth mid Pine streets station for a hearing net until, however, he and the magistrate liiid had .1 secret pow-pew in tlie latter's etliie. After 11 fort) -tiee minute talk, nc nc lerdlng te the Ke, stone officials, the Squire emerged from tlie secret cham ber with n grin that grew broader as he listened te the vain attempts of the prosecutors te mm line the magistrate thnt Yerkes should lie held. Magistrate Stevenson, after hearing , tlie chin s tostiineii), discharged icrkes 1 with this leinarl; : "A man should lie warned before he'.s arretted en sueh a charge. It wes a lentemptlble trick for vm fellows te lie tn wait mid an est Squlie Yerkes." Spectators Conceal Washes Whereupon the spectators who have seen in action the notorious Squire, who wnrtieth net and walteth net. turned their heads te conceal a few modest blushes. Tliis statement was made by Mr Weeks toiiewlng a conference with .1. 1 FREEING YERKES TERMED OUTRAG Maxwell Smith, executive seeictn'V of 1 ing these nlm .hiip It with oppertilllli m 1. ill stcillii I 'lull fl'l.n t.wi ., f T r..n the Kev stone Club: Themas ,f. Keefe, ndvei Using manager of th0 elub's metithlv publication, and Tedd Daniel, nttnrnev, wlie were all present at file liearlug . .'Clw. .,.,tl,,. .if Vll,l.t.l.nln f -11 Ktn. t,1M 1iu,.111'r i .ri.' .,r ,1... !.,,.,, x. ,Tke.s notwithstanding Neikes' , eeiifessKiu te City Detective Celllesb ill tlie presi nee of ether witnesses that he was driving a car bearing improper tags, is nothing slim t of outrageous When Wkes was stepped bj the efliier m ceinp.iuied bv Secretar.v S111I1I1, of the Kcvsteiie Automobile CI11I1, lie in stautlv admitted without leaving the ill Iver's seat tlint he had the wrong 1 figs en the machine. Detective Cel. (eiillnui'il nn l'iiB(. Thu. iilienn Tmir DECISION RESERVED IN STILLMAN SUIT Confirmation of Divorce Repert Aeked by Referee White Plains, ,N. ., (1, 1 ) ( tv A. P Supieme Court .lu-tii Mor Mer sebiiiisii ledii) isirved decision en mi iipiiliciiinii fur continuation of the ic ic lien in.ide bv Hefcice (ileasen In the In ilmiglitei Mr l.nwsnii had been Sunt Invest I lilt hoc ter scveuil weeks it The great Dieainwehl piepenv built in sitisfj a wish of his wife, had he- first I h and then 11 linamia! Inirileu Siiiuidnv night the wind went nut he was seliinij Dreaiuwnld te get inniicv te meet his debts. Siiiii,i.v night he leleihe I 1 1 1 nil Southwest '.lt hoi te ask hew the public had taken the news. The nt M llav he left the Mimic town, sav Inn he was net certain win re he would yu He hits net been liemd from sluie It was thought lie might B direct te Dicmiivvnld, but inqiiiiers. (Iicie wcic told h) tlie triisiiih who are )irepaing the sale 011 the auciieii block, they had no word of Mr I. a "sen's: wlieieabeiits At Yeung's Hetel 111 tills cit.v, where he has maiiitaliicil ellices for venis, wltli n sceieiniv In 1 linrge, it vvas saii'l ilicie was nn liii'iu unit Inn fiem t (,,, 1 Incf " Hcilil, Die, Oct I lliquir.v at the i .vlcl all imiiil. mm I'l'incv ill, icslerdnv itidicitcd no wind has lieen lecelveil fiem Theiuns W. l.awseu Sirs. Henrv McCnll, bis daughter, dcclaird if he'r I father was en his way West she had re ceived no intimation of it. PRESIDENT ASKS BANKERS TO BLAZE El Harding Sends Message te Convention Asking Aid in Reconstruction POINTS TO LARGER SERVICE AS WAY TO PROSPERITY Reginald McKenna Says U. S. Must Give Debter Nations Mere Time By .dMOclaffd Prcii New Yerk, Oct. 4. In a rnessnge te the American Hankers' Association in convention here President Harding to day urged that its ineniiicis "must lead in recommitting our people te sane ex penditure, te wins of economy nnd thrift, te the consideration of miinicipnl mid nntlennl piob'ems in that con science which builds the temple of ou eu lidence." The message. nddreseil te Themas It. McAd'ims, president of "t lie b.inkei.s' as sociation, follews: "Public duties nnd personal enre seem te have combined te rend'r im possible once mere my acceptance of the invitation te the annual gathering of tlie American Hunkers' Aeiintinn. My regicts are tlie mere poignant because I hoped te be able te sav some few thingi" te )our iiiemlieis mi this occasion. "I hnve se niiinv timis cpicsscd my admiration mid appreciation of the part which tlie hanking intciets pluved din ing mid following (lie win that I de net need te retninn vmi of m.v summon in that regmd. K.illicr. I wish te ap peal te jour grent organisatien in be half of my conviction that another, 11 mere iiulusive. and pcihnps a mete diflicult oppeitunii) of seivice is today presented te j oil. "Te the iintriellsm, stendfnstnessnr.d right-thinking of Its financial leaders the country had owed er) much In con nection wltli financing the war. later In restoring stahilit), confidence and security thmuglieut our ecoi.emic struc Hue. Tlie banking eeniinunlt) has al wn.vs ro-epeintcil splendidly In dealing with these problems. "Hut tedii) our ceuntr). tlie world, all human kind, are demanding that this ' 1 o-epi rolieii he eteuiei te wider rtalms; n these social, moral, ethical ' prelilcms which me en ing for under- 1 standing .itteutlei,. Tlie) cannot lie de nied : the) grew iiieieaslngl) Insistent. The) call fei an application of tlie s.inie spirit of wise mid willing co-operation which Is the very basis of tlie bank. Ceufldriirc in I!, mils 'I I lave nftci, thought of the llMIlk 11s lirst among modern institutions of so se clnl unification. (In the basis of 11 complete teiifideiice in Its intcgrlt.v and aims, it aggiegiitex together in' vast mailable masses the Mwittrird hits of credit ami resources which otheivvie would be nnavallabli' for great inidei -iiile 1'iici iihmIiic- "iMngs nml ninUe pn lug nrgiinlrntleiis wlilcli chnrncteri.e the uiedeui indiisirial cemuiunlt) . vie nave 1 nine te times which p- 1 quire a like aggregation of the social I sense, the ethical ideal, the moral in- 1 spirntiens nml the best intelligence in j order et promote the true welfare of 1 men, individual!) and in ceininiiuities ' This I have 1 euie te regaid ns the most pressing rnpiin-mcnt of our ila.v . and te its accomplishment I invite the us. sistance of .vmi men who have been foremost alining social 1 n-operntei s I he vveild is net given te reward- for ease and pleasiue. Instead en tlini who have in en tested and found useful It is went te place .vet grcutei burdens. Te full share in these elilig.iiiiiiis I am new urgentlv inviting .vmi. IU ixpeiience, knowledge Cenl limed nn T'ce The ('"Iiiiihi I1vi FLEEING MOTORIST SHOT BY TROOPERS Chester Heffman Refused te Halt Near Abington When Ordered Chester llefflni of Wan illgteu. j Pa., was shot in -Se right shoulder bv ' two State policemen while he was driv ing along the K.isiiiii highwnv. 111110 miles north of Abmcteu Inst night. Heffman was ml,' n in the Alnugteu Hospital liv the ti iqieis, w lieu 11 he is 111 a serious condition Heffman nieusnl the suspicions of the State policemen, who eiuniiindeil him tu halt Hi paid nn intention i() ,,. hoepers, thiv ni). 11 heri upon one Hi oil eiiei 111 1 In- mr 11111I t'lcti al the uiitnmo uiitnme lule The bullet t , I, Heffman in the sn ul.ler. , I UNCONSCIOUS DRIVER FOUND IN GARAGE Man Attacked by Bandits He Says ' "f a liakeiv I'S lolls lit ,"l I I lie gin age Seuth Twen- ebbed of $41, .liilill Deiigheili tiiick. was feiini 1 a nn e'l let k tills n, ,11 n ig of .lei n A Meck li Iv -hist stiei I II he had been att.ii k robbed of I1 Dnugl'i it) ,s tw mid lues at L'.VlN was teillltl liv the I. in bv r "'III pelin 1 we men '' " 1WMI an -ix .veii-s old. s. uilh street, e garage lironrieler. mid a)ipaientlv wii- in'imiiig en his mute w In n iiincked taken te Si Agie - lleiin stint lit was FIRE DOES $5000 DAMAGE TO MILL Dryer Roem of Cellins Alkm, an I Is Destroyed The tll.vci loom nf the Cellins Aikmmi plush mill ,n Flat Keck reml nml I.ev'eriii.'leli nvil.lie wnu ,ln i.ll was destrevpil Wi's meriu'iig SONOMY TRAILS b) lire at I :'-' e'.4i i k ils mr,,i'llir I The will as it staiidN would m ike I d The less s Snjllltl h win S Du Cliplle. of U-vvign x, , It is net klltuvii lr' the tire started ' "ml ""'"'''' ' '" ''belle n Mil. Unn, but it Is theug'it em of tlie large In. I MlK" ' ,l"' I"11"-1!'"' ," " "' '' " closed drvers lui. iiii nvi'i heated durlin. ' t t lilt ulivlil ti mi I drti l I '.I the ,i i... i " I Hi- mill Hint 'i'" tallied I'l'isu it con- Tills loom is en the lirst llner of ii.. unn hiiii'ii is ii i..iii- suir) iirick mil stone stiuitiirc I iicineii munu';cd te cenlinc ilie tire te th" tli)cr Ie)urUuLut Wlini run iMnk nr nrltlaa Whltlnif l"per Cempuny. . Atv mmzt I'uullihed Delly Kxrert Hunday. LAST-MINUTE NEWS r JAPAN CABINET TO ACT IN ARMS CASE TOKIO, Oct. 4. The CabinU he.b dtciUtd te take diiie'c nctien nyalnst thefec lcapensiijlu ter the ditpe&al of quantities of aims in Slbciin. The nnns in question belonged te the Czecho slovak Uoeps who evneufted Siberia two yeais 1130. A formal pretest nml claim for 800,000 yen have been filed with the Jap ttiiesc Government. 10 YEARS FOR KILLING NEGRO OVER CRAP GAME WILMINGTON. Dtl., Oct. -1. .Kuv.uid Iltddin, Negro, waj SLiiteneecl te ten years' iniprisenmant and te pay 500 flue for the killing of James Smith, also Neg-.e, en May 30, following an argument ever a crap game, by Chief Justice Fennewill in Court of Oyer and Terminer today. H'; pleaded g-ulity te manslaughter. 200.000 FISHERMEN'S LICENSES ISSUED BY STATE HARUISIiUKG. Oct. -1. Resi'Unt tislicrmtu's liCvii3f.- :e 1 te tlie 200,000 ni'.i'i en October 1. Lutme County leading m tin. nuni'Ki of liciii-. issued, having le.OOO. whi.L 12, 000 w 1 issued in Lickaw .1.111.1 GO00 111 But- and 00CO each :,i Alk 'heny. Laneaste-i and Lycoming. Counties having: i.ieie tn.iti dOCO weie Blah, Cainbiia. Dauphin Jiie, Schuylkill and YeiK. It is piebalilc .1 mevs.menl will be staited when the, n.-xt Lcg islatme meets te itstere the original provit'en that tvuiy pei ,uii ever sixteen yen's of age must have a license. The LegUIa iii. made twnty-ene years the limit. HOPr. TO FLY ACROSS CONTINENT IN 30 HOURS SAX DILGO. Calit.. Oct -1. Lieutenants Oa):Uy G. Kelly and Jehn Macuady, aimy aviator-, expiebsed confidence today that their pi opened non-step flight from San Diege te New Yerk, stalling nt dawn tomorrow, would be a success. "Wc expect te make the tup within thirty hours." Lieutenant Kelly said. HONOR MEMORY OF EX-PRESIDENT HAYES FREMONT. Ohie, Oct. 4. People et all -w.lks or life wtie gathered litre today te honor the memory of Rutherford B. ITaycs, nhutecr.ih President of tht United S'ate , en the centen nial anniversary of his birth. Mi'agicJ -with local workaday folks, some of whom remembered the former President as a boy, weie the-e who weie intimate with him in his manhood and who h.icl come fiem afar te his birthplace te render homage. SOVIET REUS IN CLASH NEAR VLADIVOSTOK ;rw TOKIO, Oct. 1. Twe ciuiseis and four destroyers have none :e Vladivostok te cover the wvtudrawal of the Japanese troops and te protect nationals thercuiter. as u e feared there will be luavy figlitnig between file. Soviet ited forces nncj-thc Whites, ,".- anti-Soviet troops. Tuerc Lave already been- engagements 11 Lak lJjn';i abeu out huu'lre'I mlks ucrth of VIqIivo3teU- fATf nr rAie mav miLui iniivmni BE DECIDED FRIDAY Directors May Meet Then te Discuss Stotesbury's Repert en Financial Situation 'NO HELP FROM ABROAD" Colonel Ftnnk in !' ' ptosident of the Scsqui -( 'i nt nn il ssm nit lull, who was expeited ti 1 mtir tmlav with I" T Stoleseutv nil ' C'llttlr of laiiin hlng the piupused viisiinii. an an iiniiiiieil flu ie would be 1 il.-i'iissinu nf the subjei I until til HI1S of the Plans and Scope Cnmnui "e pa 1 1 nf this vv 1 ck 'be latter Mr Steteshiirv . who fiii' 1 11 serv mg si, 1 latlen's k from a -a vs. timt ie te I also , poMtlel). -lies th.it i.'d mark -inning of in It is -lunilil be 1' affair. in lmt 111 ill t ve in- v 11 I'lnieil 'is 1 limruiaii nf the n Finance Committee. Is I 1 I'urepenii trip iniivinced. hi Pllilllllelplll.l will lint be ill sufficient funds te stage th. While Mr Stoteseii v some snrl nl 1 elebl at lull s the l.'Uth iinmversnrv nf t' the I lisdni.itlnii of Indepi 1 his npininn tilt- iibservmn 1 cnllfllied te a State nr ' lainqieaii iinlieus, he ii.. tinani inl shape in mke ,m lieiest in the lug prejei t lis 11, (initials Mav Meet 1 nda) Colonel D'l Mler said this n ining he uniilil lather withluild nnv , im hi mi the statements of Mr. Met -I iv until 'lie bus bail uppiirliiuitv In t 1 nvii the, -IlltJ'-- ' . .. I. ... vv nli the linaiii'i.'i t nl . 1 1 em- HMS f the i iiliiiultlee mi ,i , lin, Plans ivpiesseil siuubir views hev ( oieiiniril nn Tiiei Inn c ulimin Hve APPEALS FATHER'S WILL Pauline Frederick te Make for Parent's Estate m with, I null., tit I Henirne Itiltherfnid. I.ll.i ki l'auliiie Fiederii k. .n in ml pictuie star and fmii.er witi ,t Fight P inline ,IV 11 ii s nml mn U illnid 'Mack, vesiirtlnv tiled no ii .i I fieiu Mack, vesiirtlnv tiled no .pp., prnbate nf the will nf In r fntln i Iticli Mll'd l.lliti). nl tills tin, wlm ilied i September l Ills estate n v lined al I Snll.lMHI and cuts off the ihtiess withmit beeiicst irxr-r-rr ii i Tftri Tn nr i a jurrc, iuu, iHrxcp. lurcMmu Pl'MllC. Hit I Adult l..fl md bete vestptd.iv ft mil Clini, ,i,ng mi lei the i an of (iirman plivspinis Hi Is sulfcrlng from heart illseasp ni. pieiue pneumonia iustrai) of l.vidieid lleuc tlie Moscow Peking negotiations are in defrtltely pobtpencrl. rlr .fl a X. car liy Mall. mi d p h. i.u. unnu hi MAY LOSE POST Crissinger Rumored te Succeed as Head of U. S. Re serve Beard WALL ST. PRESTIGE FADES Hv I.INTO.N W. I.IMtCHT "lift I nrre'innipp I n-nlnc I nlilie Liricpr ll''ijl' I'i'J. I 1 1 ir ' :lprt 1 0ll1;mi,,j W ii'liingleu. 1 li 1 ' I 1. farm h'm lia ni iieinlv lii.itui V P il lliinl lllg fnr (iiivel'linr nf 'i Fisliiii Deserve He nd A little wbl'i I'.'n II m is il'iib-i . lsii.nl ', be Presnl. 11' llniiliti.'- inien inien lien t,i r.nppnint I, v.-iiim Hiiiuiek dining the present reee-s ,f I ligress. I The apPnllltlllelit bus n .' bei n 1 1 1 j I i ' llllll fl.tUI till i h i 1 1 1 ti s i n 1 1 i- Hie I ll that thl lib in I as mgi lllitld 1 1 is new w ill in ike i eb llnll 'I') imiiil giving '!iei mi i ai , IWili.illllllii lit e'lei t nf I In , 111 Use en) i i i,, I Vesnll Hi I 'll fl r ' IV is 1,1 tl.u. 1'linr I tunings iaits,s m i )t. tin n. dm world m tu the inihatilnl inm. , who lire cppns.li,. hi'll Sn hhl'. Is l ,. the iniilesi i.ver this pine thai tm -ip pelntiiient can imw be iin,, n , ,, would lint .it'll t votes nr i.'iiiipa gi , ,n n minimis , i- in leas' i ill liusi.isiu the I'liining elei i m, in itli the riqin t thai I I , i- I lllg s plnsp, , is, hip lui liuiyi l g,i , , lllsu the lepm I 1 1 .11 t ,e ", . ,. ,,( llllllll Ills p, s,,M I,,, ,,, , lll( l( nf tin I il 1 1 In v I i..i,i,'i in 1 1 i pnsl ii I lii F. il' fal Ki s, i i, ! .,,, If (Iim i cm 1 1 irding is si,, i , , ' ( milium il mi Pncp ear I iilienn 1 tirrp Ex-King's A bdicatien Document Disappear lhens. I I. i 1 , 'A Constant ,,,. H ,,, , ,,r ni,, ,, , illsappeineil Th. de. iim, nl i tn b.ivi Inn si I, d ,,v m 1 1 it ii ceis s niinlhiiiig with Hi .1 i i ' s nth Jin e nimiari'li in an eflm t in -m , lum his throne 'I'liese eltn rr. uei mil, it is satil, tliiu the rcii.liilinnniv I ps would adhere tn ih,. ,.ld king vvbui tliev lauded In lireeie nn arriving frntii lb- Aegian Islands, whin, 'he leveliilinn Mai toil Fermei PiPinlei ')'i innlnhlhilnn spin the migiual din union! (l ,,. nctinii il pi intiiig plum but me eih- rcis pn vnilcil its tepi iim, nd it is assumed mini,, hwiiv with u. M 'I iiinil 1 11 ! I.i I ns , is ,,, s,., i,', give mtiiig Premier Kinknlas a In icr seni nun n i-enstantinc regaid- ing his abtlicHtien. Kiitisrrlptlnn Trlr .fl a UADMRIP NIGHT EXTRA PRICE TWO CENTS E TO IN NEAR EAST Protocol, Drafted at Mu- dania, Expected te Be Signed Today ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE JOINT ALLIED NOTE Conciliatory Attitude Marks Meeting Fixing Basis for Peace Conference NATIONALISTS MAY END PACT WITH SOVIET RUSSIA Venizelos Asks America te Re quest Allies te Occupy Thrace Iyimlen. Oct. 1 An agreement hni been leni'liltled lutween tne Allied gen 1 rals and Isinet Pasha, the Turkish Na tionalist representative, vv he have been in I'ens'iltatinn at Mudmiia ever the que-timi of nn n 1 mNi ire. savs an Fix Fix I'liange Telegraph message from Con Cen Con 'tnntineple tndnv. It i expected. It is milled tlie pro pre pro tnrel will will be signed tedii) . Mndaiila. Oct. I -ill A. P 1 An nfhcl.il ''.rmiiniqiie is-qed nere. where the lenfereiice between allied military eliiilnls and Turkish Niilmnalist repre sentatives is in pmgress. avs the Nn Nn tleu.ilIts luive ncceptii) in prim iplc the jliicd unto. The Ixeninlists. it'd- tlie lemmunique, li.ivc reissued ertlers te the Nationalist jroeps te avoid nuitait with tlie Hril Ish. The conference was continued to te tl.'i). inking (dace nsheie. n it ilid .ves .ves terdiy. in the Turkish tievernment Huilding. Constantinople. Oct 4. illy A P.) The Turkish Nationalists have nc eeptd in principle the allied note re garding the Near JJ.istein sfttlcmetlt. it was nnneuined in 10 this forenoon. A ceniniu'ilfU issued hv (ieiieral liniingteii, the Itntisl cniiunonder-ln- clue', regarding the Mudanin eonfer eenfer eiiic. which he is attending. njs thp ii inforein e is pmi'eeliiig satisfactorily 1 ami tli.it Isinet Paslia 1 he .Nationalist lepreseiitative, has reisiiet ertlers te 1 the Vitliinallst troops te avoid all con tact with the Hritish. 'I he French eftit In 1 emmiinlque says: '.The preliiiilnnr) meeting 0f the nl I ei gemrnls vvns h'eltl at Miiilaula )ps nr.'av morning and c titled vvitli the ilraff of the protocol 'I'll. inks te tlie mii'ilintnrv iispnii n n luanifestcil by lii'tb s .ii s, theie was no ditliciilty In nn Iiiiij 1111 agiepiuint as te the ma im ttv if I lie il.iuc .is a basis fnr tile I uf.'i 1 111 e Iho imeting 1 ndeil nt s, ' .xi nml ipsiiiiml 1 li i. iiiiirmiig at H During 'be interval the allied generals ex. 1 hanged views tn order te examine tlie nmi funiliimiiii.il nbjoctlei.s nf the Turkish delegate The general linpres simi is verv sjiiisfni mi v The airlval of tli" lit. -ek linlltarv missinu. Iiieluiling 1 nlmiels Plnm.is and S.111 ivaiuiis, )s e ei ted i lu morning ' 'I lie Jmnl 11 1 1 led llnle tn Mlisfipha 1st I III I'.ls'll. tin Turklsn . it Inllllllst leadi 1 was ilispmcbed s-iptember 'J.t limn Pans, signed b) P101111. r I'nincnr fnr Fran.e l.nitl fuirnii fm (Jrent Itil'iiin 1 1 1 1 1 ( mint Sfnr.'ii fm ltalv In it 1 lie ihtee allied inivernmems inviietl the Atini'i ass. inbli lii 1 1 niifi ri 111 e nt X en 1 1 Isim In re with lilmleii- tun les of t.teit Hi nn 11. Fin e. Inih. .I:i,,in, 1. nn, 1111 1 iugn SI 11 ami liteece. Willi the ..bj. .1 nt n .'ntiatillg 'lll.il . Ollsnlllllltlllg II tlll.ll H'.'ltV of pi in i between alie i l'evv i rs Ueg ii'ding ill i Ik- nun staled "Tlie thru i pert en iv le Hh f.m i tin i e it 'I ' I in e llllki tiiieie and tlie tl I Ills fnr ! h i Meaty linn i nmi in. take thll dei'lare tlint tlnv view ib'slie nf I urki v te te as far lis the Ilivrr M il i it 711 ,iinl Inclndiiij iriiiieiple ' Tile net. piiillllsi tin siinpnrt nf lll rep l ievi 1 1 iiients I,, th. dinwingiif ll flintier Iim nn ibis leisis nn . endltinn lb t the Aii'iiii 'invernmi in did net sen I nuiiles imi, the iieimal nnes dur. lllg 'ii pi II. e iiegnlialli.lls Tlie imlp M ACRE ARMS deil.ii. I it w'ii ili I ,, mull r-tm i tint steps v ild In tnkin in qr nvlng s, I, ll 111 il ti s.il.giiird ill. interest nf I til Id v ill I hei i ulilmi bv ill iii t.ll llllg ' I I llll , - t I, i ll. i , I 'inlli I mi I' me I ner t iilun, i r4i) P. R. R. TEST CASE IN SUPREME COURT Question of Commission for Court Clerks Is at Issue Washington, 1. 1 I t ll A P i sun nn,, vim; j, I, mm imisldertl- iimi nf s i; I, it a mn stem nf Jaw I gi iv ii) .iinl iinpm Luc i tn all rnilmad mup nil in the I nlli'd stntes, has liei ii brought l.v the I 'ell II -v Iv nniu f i II luad in tin Supiiini. ( nurt tm leiii'vv 'lln is., . against thu I iiilid Si ites nml ,.ii"-t inn-, ,in order Isslinl bv the llepllt Inn III nf ,llSt)ee, ii nil it ulmli i links nf I edernl iiiiirtx lire n ruiltletl te .lunge u t ollllilissien of 1 pi i i ent iii iiililii urn te lines mid misin iiinl tn iliiui bv iiiisucceMhful litigants The 'i iiiisv Iviinin Ijn) loud plenilerl guiltv in a ihaige m violating the "twptm eight hour In vi "' in a ship nn nt of i utile, ami was lined 3100 with ,nss of Slii.il, upon which the clerk of the mil I iisnihsiiI in llddlllllll A iiiliilnlssinii whlih the lalliead wan rt qiiltnl bv tlie lower celli Is te puy, r.aliuer C'ranlwrrtr ra .net only K"fJ ItieinieivBj. t,ut llipv i.mi.v unim IOIJI1V IftMl " wascSB 'i'KftnrrU f ' SI .'4 l '''I M m w S'I I I u T .''1 t pj-i &1 'il H K' 1M V HI'M, s-,aMV, - . t . iM: