V v, KK I'Ali A. w BMi.'Sti' 7- n? i K'V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1.922 re'.? BaMBBiMiimiu urn ijDWBnHBaOTsraBiinjj Se famous that peoplefergethewas born inafeuntain pen! N i JT niw Ricks the dw;' "HMtifl Old Man of American Fic tion" is in book form at last! A s k a t ani boeht ere for. CAPPY ! RICKS RETIRES Tfifi book that could have been h written only by: ;j t Peter B. Kyne I YOU'LL want Cappy per manently en your book shelf, within easy reach! He's the best-knew n character modern fiaien has produced nd this new book takes him through the most exciting years of his lifr. You'll still be enjoying and lending Cappy in years te come. Order a copy today! Whtrtvtr books arc seld,$2.Q0 II r sraopelitan Boek (Sroeration n nwii. rimti" J'm, t.i Ye . It's another Bur roughs book as geed as hisTarzan tales need we say mere? h xne It takes you through terrors merr weird than any dream, yet vivid as the life about us. larthk All the mystery and strangeness of a Jules Verne or Rider Haggard tale are here and then some. tore Amazmgly lllaitrated by J- Allen St Jehn A. C. McClurg & Ce. Publiih et At All Bookstores m "w.; U. n the Whelps of the Wolf By G'een.'c Ailker of c Marsh 'Teihti e if the Tr.SI. .,. I. '" lll fnlU , . '. '" vain Jci g FIcur i. j M,r u,1, ''i the White" bacl-e, ' thren.!. V ' ?lieni LlKhta i,.,f.: ;er0 thy M,ll(1. U k... I le"tf snewl: rVlnK ,nom,s t the ftSS,f,,rtni,h?bu-' I10rilie 1. h. . l,l 'I llllllsen'u I.... our bl piu "G COMPANY NEW REMINISCENCES AND ESSA YS CHESTERTON'S VIEWS The Brilliant Englishman Has Put His Opinion of Americu in a Boek It Is Impossible te rend (Iffy tmgci in Gilbert K. Clic&ter'ten'fl "What I Saw in America" (Dedd, Mead & Ce.) without being Impressed with the fncl thnt n book of travel depends fur Hi i !.,., cf sr ., nhnf trnvnlnr tnkes with him than en what he brltisH back. Chesterton brought te America with him nn informed mind nnd certain well matured reclnl, political and moral theories. He lina tested America by thee tlicerlcH and written liln conclu sions) in his book. That It Is brllllnut geei without sajliiR. That his con rlusieiui are Hound will be admitted by teme nnd disputed by ethers. Hut nene can cscnpe tlie charm of his man ner or the wit of lita scntencr.p. Take Ills discussion of prohibition, for example. It Im tinafe for 1111 Amer ican te my mi thing about this subject, for It is certain te lie misunderstood. Yet ene may rtafc it In mnimrntlng 'ii wliut an l'ngllsliiunn litis said. A riiestcrten Is n bclleter In ludiIdual liberty, every lnw Interfering with it Is offensive te hini. He bnes his eh- I jprtien te our piohlbitery lnun en tlie ilieeiy that they were passed en the demand of tlie employ era in order te mukii labor morn vfUcient, and thus niake tlie cmplojera richer. Uu seys ilic cmplnjers nic net willing thatwork thatwerk men should lme fun, "fer.luu only In "Teases tb' liuppintvsn and net the util ity of tin- worker." He InMhtM that the fact "that tills Idea should be taken i ...1m-.Iv. I.v Itself, ns 11 test or n mob- ilr-m of liberty, is in Itself imnl tcstl- I " nmiir of th.jirese.iee of slavery." nnd , inntiniiPH. "The very test adopted has ,11 ilm unrtli. inn ra mi : tie test of '....... ... .... .t ,...t .. 1.1... I... ,...! 1 11.11 .1 .nil K" 1 "" e. .mil, iiisit-.i'i ..V .... ,Lt' t h.. i.,f i. ..,., f life." It Is net nccess.iry te agree with this view or te attempt te refute It. It is elieugli for a notice of the book te call attention te II. Then. loe. Mr. Chcterteli ropei t1" . I. .. .1... i, I .n...ct tr m.ian(.n . .llmte ' lllt.L 111 .1.1' iii..e .'J niiniifi'j m.uu mi woman suffrage between him and Mr. Itrjun failed because Mr. Uryan was unwilling le ilebnte a question which had been fettled, nn though, Fays Mr. Chesterton, '(we eilueateil inrii ! uere forever forbidden te talk sense shout paitieuinr tepii because n let of ether pople had already voted en it." He hni chanters en New Yerk hetel5:, en American cities, with some interest ing remarks ubeilt l'hllmlclphiit which were leprinted in tills newspaper u lew lays age. about the Presidents and their nrebltnis. about Wells and the world state, about the spirit of America and I no spine or iiiKiiieii nun ins iein-iiiu-Ing chapter is en the future of democ demec democ r.e'.v. Tli" book, en the whole, ti very inm'h wet tli while. c7 Inierlaken Lifcraiy ALTHOUGH present day reading interests vary widely in regard te subject matter, all booklovers have - one taste in common the desire for well-bound books. In two particulars, therefore, the editions listed below are noteworthy first, they cover a wide range of popular interest, and second, they arc bound in INTERLAKEN the book cloth that .insures sturdy wearing qualities and dignified color tones. MAN and THE COSMOS Jeseph A. Ltighten Mi Introduction le rnetaphtsks A new statement of philcephkal truths Jnd Ideal" In terms that take jef eunt of the progress! knowledge jnd icnditteiu of contemreMty in' $4 50 D. AVPLF.TON c. COMPANY NEW YORK SELECTED READINGS AND RECITATIONS Olaf Lysncs Suitable leading for Christian euns people utitten with special attention te the hell- da of the rhurch ear AUGSBURG I" 'BUSHING HOUSE MINNEAPOLIS SEX WORSHIP AND SYMBOLISM Sanger Brenn, II, M. V. " eme of our present day ymbehsm. Inrh we leek upon a innocent and without special tlirnifcanre really ewes lts origin id .indent religious practices." Net $5 CO RICHARD G. BADGER COMPANi BOSTON THE GIRL GRADUATE'S RECORD BOOK Victer de Rubtnyi A bonk of nchoel record and euvenlrs v 'i artl'tlc page decorations PARSE &t HOPKINS. NEW YORK CAPTAIN SAZARAC Charles Tenney Jacksen romantic neiel tinged with hliten di hrie tale of a time and place uhei Rr mance still reuH alk abreid and ad.-n t ire take the air $1 7. I HP. HOBRS.MERR1LL COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS THE CRITICAL GAME Jehn Macy Th rteinln.nt iheine of the book- Is t'it luerJturc Is lu Ir enjeved and that til nbeut literature is of no alue unless it Is r 1 1. jevaHe, unless it is iclf literature HONI & 1 1VI RIGHT. NTW YORK HISTORIA AMORIS Kdgar Saltiu I he history of lese from the wild orgies of Balslen te modern romance. Saltus. tn in ster of style, shows hew trem the ujli ness of barbaric life, lese has been developed as a faith and an ideal $175 IIRLNTANO'S. NEW YORK TWO SHALL BE BORN Marie Conn ay Oemler The churning love story of a millionaire Nu, V..nk Policeman and u little Polies I tin ess entungled In jii Ii tern itlenal ihrleniatii r'et. B the sutlun if ,lhfry M tife $1"0 rill, CrNlURY COMPANY NEW YORK AROUND THE WORLD IN TEN DAYS Chelsea Curtis Fraser An ficltlntj ttetv for boys, hill of adventure and reliable information THOMAS Y. CROWI'l L COMPANY" NEW YORK ontTptee A Romanceef the Redwoods Stenart Ednajd White The breath of all outdeots is In this remanti,. stt ry with Its unutual element of Unaginatis e inystetv $1 75 I.LORGE II. DORAN COMPANY NLW YORK Yeu may purchase any of the above edltlensj from your book dealer with perfect confidence that their bindings will wear satisfactorily and will add te the appearance of your library table or book shelves. INTERLAKEN MILLS, Providence, Rhede Island Interiake Iho HE SAW MUCH Henry Mergenlhau's Reminis cences Touch Life und Pol itics tit Many Sides Henry Mergcnthnti, funnr Ambas ender te TurKe.r, lma toticlied Ufa en fn many Miles (lint IiIh hook of retnl iilBccmv. "Alt In n LIfc-Tlme," (Dntilili'iln.v, I'iirc . Ce.,) written in rnlllUinril 1 1011 Willi I' reilCIl rsiinilir-l . (annul escape being Intensely interest ing. Mr. Slrether's part In (he work was deublle-s thai of an editorial guide who drew out from Mr. Meqjentlmu the knowledge which lie had and then told him what te write. If this method wrc pursued morn etteir lit the ease of men who lme had Interesting lives but who are net profe'sslennl writers their remiiiKrenciH would lie mere valu able. Mr. Mergentlnu tell.) of IiIh early life in Uermiuiy were bin father wan n manufiieliirer of cigara for expert te Amerlni. 1 1 In father was financially ruined because n tarlll was put en cigars! while 11 shipload' of them was 011 tlie f eeenn. Tin' father eame te Ameili-a le, stmt anew, but did net succeed in nd-j lusting himself te (liunstd surround ings in ji strange Intnl. The boy lud te help Htippett the family. He became ai law jit and then n real estate expert and he had intimate relnllens with the big busmen., men of New Yerk. Wheiifhe lud made n fortune he Interested him self In poll t I'M and tools a pnrt in bring ing about the nomination of WIIen. He assisted in the discomfiture of (ioverner Suiter, of New Yeik, for one of the iliecks Stilzer received during his cam paign tint he did net report In hl statement of his campaign fund came fiem .Mergenthau. He wuh oppelntcil te the Turkish embassy by rreslucnt " n ns a rcwuru ter ins c: 1 npuiKu services and ucoeptul reluctantly. He ens nnlinople , iluring lie wnr "'! Dlnyed his part as the nge nt of this ""ernn-ent. He uent te 1'el.ind te '""'" "r. "Iv' '!"' """ He lolls of nil these thlnga In an i . . 1 .1 'iilertainiiig narrative written in n imple nnd colleiiulal manner vvilh nil adequate atipreeiatlnn of Hie Imper tance of what he did. His book is u val uable contribution te t lie history of the period which it ceverx. And it nlse lows what a young immigrant can de i a country of great opportunity. MAURICE LE BLANC TRIPS OVER HIS IMAGINATION Mnuriee Le llinjie, the author of "Arsene I.upin," hns tnken n leaf out nf tbi old notebook of H. (J. Wells and by iinaglulnghemethlng that i,cien lists sa piebnhly will Inippeu some dav , lias evehid "The Ticineiideiis Invent ' i The Macaulu.v Ceinp.mv I This "event" W ii tct-iiii" dibtiirbani'e that brings te the "iirfaie a new link be tween England and Trance and destroy?, ilie present .limine). Mr. J,( lllane attempts te weave the s'deiitilic and uniieniil impeituncp of this event Inte i loiiinneij that ciciks and means at LIGHT INTERVIEWS WITH SHADES Rebert Webster Jenes Rrlgham Yeung, Captain Kldd. Hippcrates. Klna Solemon, William thikespeare. Jehn Taul Jenes, Blu-beatd, et it tilt for publi cation en topics of the das 51 .5 DORRANCE & COMPANY PHILADELPHIA THE ISLANDS of MAGIC f. S. Celts A .Election of lejen t. folk and fshv tales from the A:etes HARCOURT. BRACK & COMPANY NEW YORK PRINCIPLES OF ENG LISH VERSIFICATION Paull F. Baum An aCLPun' of setse and versefetris, based rn the htest enperlments and di'tesetles In rvrholeg t2 CO HARVARD UNIVEHSsI rY PRESh CAMBRIDGE THE LAST HARVEST Jehn Burroughs A final collection of etsavs by Ametlca's gtet naturallsr, including two impertan' "tudles of Emersen and Thoreau. $2.00 HOUGHTON MIFTLIN COMPANY" BOSTON HOW TO TRAIN CHILDREN Lmma C. Hen ill l t j art. ular salue le voting methei. al Kelpnil te all Methets who wish te gne then ihildten the best ptepatatlen possible for ihrir fututc contact suth the world. $ 3 UtORC.t W. JACOBS & COMPANY PHILADELPH A MISSIONARY'S NOTEBOOK Re. Riihard T. Alexander I ather Alexander has recorded lets "real life" hippenlngs ind they an" well worth reading They ptea.h net tut no better sermons ssete ever written. Net $1 25 I'. J. KENI DY Si SONS, NEW YORK WONDER TALES FROM TIBET Eleanere Myers Jewell All Anietican buys and girls will be Intel rued in these delightful and uendctfiil tales told t y Mddl Kur Illusttated in color by Maurice Dii $. CO LITIXL. BROWN cl COMPANY BOSTON THE BOY MAGICIAN Rymond Dixie lltge asie'tnitnt of ttlel s with fltds. coins, palls, handl ct. hlets and ether armies which any boy can de and whlih will battle esen the t.rewn ups I OTHROP, I! E & SHLPARD COMPANY. BOSTON PUBLIC RELIEF ev SICKNESS derald Morgan Pisv isses lull, the meutaii inrth Is of tash and medi.. 1 tetiet. alu. de.cnre. i -s-atleua I urereau ss teu.s especially re'e Ing re the .fiett n inltig i el their tne 1 .al icilef. $1 50 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NLW YORK D W MMDWL standard $mc 1883 Its patent artificiality. Wild Indian'", I beautiful Indian prlnccBSOi, pretty Kngllsh heiresses nnd that old ulundby of t hue-pressed net citate tlie deuble' Identity nil nre rnked te the fere le provlde action. ( f1ujious$eol(shoj of the akweak baptist roBi.tCATie tecisrrr Rett rietlon-JeTenllellooki-OrtetlBK Ctrll Cnertt nJ Rt'liieui Dseli of til publisheri. BiMefc Testaments, Church and Svmdajr Scheel Supplies 1703 ChMtnnt mirrmt (X. W. Cerner) Quaintest and Jeit IntereiHny Kemnnnt of the OH Seuth I I THE BLACK BORDER I GULLAH STORIES OF THE CAROLINA COAST (WITH A COMPLETE GLOSSARY) By Ambrose E. Gonzales A, collection of forty-two short stories Illustrating t1i life, tiumnr. philosophy, nnd quaint speerh nf these little-known, hut unique anil Interesting Kesrees of the Seuth Carolina rlce-tlehls niid seiv IntanOs a persisting remnant of the earliest laro-nrKees from the ViVt ( oust of Africa.. Cleth, Hte: SIS 1'agei. .53.00 AT ALL BOOKSTORES en mew THE STATE COMPANY, Publishers Columbia, Seuth Carolina CERTAIN PEOPLE OF IMPORTANCE Harry Leen Wt7en taya: "It is mx. ideal of thn novel, the thinfj I nm always looking fort This is the best novel I have read since 'The Old Wives Talcs.' I hesi tate te say it is better be cause I am se fresh from reading it, but I knew it is es geed, and I Knew no warmer terms in which te praise it." By KATHLEEN NORRIS At Every Bookstore, $2.00 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & CO. OLD FASHIONED FAIRY TALES "This carefully selected collection of stories lscrvesaplaceent'ie chi di en's book shelf Here are the old fas or tes re-read. re told and J'irnatl:ed by eavh si.ciecding generation THE NOURSE COMPANY NFW YORK POLLY THE PAGAN Mn. Larz Andersen hiaSly entertaining story of smart European hfe and "hish eeclet ' The heroine is st and s-ivarieas American Girl THE PAGE COMPANY, BOSTON The TRAIL of CONFLICT L'niilic Loring A nutrug- et lenvenienre ef th Last be erne a m- . g 1 jv. a lr-i i r of the West. Win'- winemj tight against great odds i- e.ips the lese et his .site UM 1'INN PUmiMIINCCOMTANY PHILADELPHIA PAINTED WINDOWS "Gentleman With a Duster" I he p'eblem of religious thought in England an identified sv 1th Britain's leaders, repre. entlng all schools trem Reman Catholic, toSa'satienlst r.. r PI 'TNAM'S SONS, NEW YORK MEN WHO CONQUERED Jehn T. Faris 'i ' men of modern day such as Vilu-i u Dedge, lareb Rlis, Charles .tinsn Isac Pitmaii. Geerge W. Child', Jr'm 'lulr, eti III MING H. RIAT.LL COMPANY NEW YORK HISTORY OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY Herbert H. Whettcl Tirl Whe.-el divider his mbltt Inte Lras .nd fetieds Kises i t imnsarv et each, blex- i.ihy "Vctchej with portraits and cenui- - nmaties of cai li Tern d il 00 net W B. SAUNDI Rs COMPANY PIIILAD1.1 PIIIA INDIVIDUAL INSTRUC TION IN RIFLE PRACTICE Cel. A. J. McNab, Jr., V. S. A. "Anyone who alms at prencl'ncy with the title or teselser will find his sheeting bene lifted bva knowledge of the methods se well rxpennded in this handb. ok " Scicniiri. Ameruars $ "5 STEWART 6a KIDD COMPANY t INCINNAT1 THE BEST PLAYS OI 1921-1922 fiKrru Mantle Tlie annual standatd year book of rhe theatte In Amerua, an absolute necessity te all theatre-goers and students of the drams SMAI !.. MAYNARD & COMPANY BOSTON The NEGRO in CHICAGO The Chicago Commission en Raic Relations ' issesMens I. pre enting future racial di9i .ultles in the nirt'ma -tery of the fhicag i i et as told by the investigating cemmissi -m. appointed by I met liesermv tow ten Illusttated. Nt' id sO UNIVERSITY Ob CHICAGO PRESS l HICAGO JrL AVE YOU READ" THE' BOOK OF THE HOUR! "Day by ly, In every wny I urn (ettliiK better nnil tiptter" SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION by KM1L COUK Price $1.00 tin full leather, SI W All all Iloelrtnres or inrect from publMierii AMERICAN LIBRARY SERVICE 600 Fifth Avenue, New Verk "HAVE YOU READ SIMON Called Peter By Rebert Keablc Auther of "The Mether of All Living," etc. I 'I' TU MMnKnM.. IL. 1 x 10 uiuuituiy inu must. widely tallied of novel published during 1922. 32.00 (peetayu extra) E. P. Dntten & Ce., C81 5th Ave., N. Y. ACROSS THE MESA BY Jarvis Hull Auther of "Th,reigb Mocking Bird Cap" A hi hrcery -,tcrv rf tlie South west et teelav full .f inrldent und thrills with a pi t and leve story that will held any en- t the cild. At All Bookstores $1.75 Net THE PENN PUBLISHING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA . fmf DELL'S I1 CARGOy Mshy Ben Hecht, the has just been published. Wc refuse te join the Lily-painters' Union by adding te this statement one note from the paean of praise that is already being sung all ever the country. nm i wn iw im i ii rnriii iiwmiui i mi i iiiiiiiiii fjS'TJmF' BOW8 T UVGRIGHT r3BF fHUtusntrs et jTi.TflhLm'..TLaM yer , ,,, Chlmneysiniek By CHRISTOPHER MORLEY, Auther of "Mince Pie," "Translations from The Chinese," etc. A delightful pocket edition of Mr. Merley collected poems. AH the- favorites are here with everdrawings in black and white, liningpages, frontispiece and jacket in full co!or by Themas Fef?arty. A beautiful gift book in convenient size. Cleth: $1.50 Leather: S3.00 Admirably adapted for use in classes in contemperar English New Yerk" GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY Publisher! One pt the most inferfinu chare.tfTii; America today NacJa--tic uildcmess girl of James Oliver CURWOOD'S .great new nevel: The Country Beyond THE story of a fighter's redemption through n woman's love And the su preme achievement te date of an author whose books have sold te 2,000,000 readers. Whatever tlscyeu readthn year, 'Don't let yourself miss this won wen derful tale of wilderness love. At All Bookstores -$2.00 aofe!!t2n Boek crstien S !, JSe, H'c Have Ml lite Newest Fiction at the Booklovers Library . 1619 Sansom Street MemWihtp Ten One DelUrt enttltet you te rent the newest boekt for 2Ce each. ?S5 STILL THE SEASON'S SENSATION jhe GLIMPSES OF THE HOON r EDITH s wjv" x ivrs.1. vji v?5 wr The belt teller In 03 out of the "3 Urget cltlei eecerritnir te the meat rerent tble compiled bv th Tub Tub Unhere' Weekly tt.00 at all boetueRert This Is an Appleton book. JUST PUBLISHED The Heuse of Delusion by Rupert Sargent Helland The leading mystery story of the year. At all boehitorea, $1.75 GEORGE W. JACOBS & CO. Publlshcra and Booksellers 1628 Chestnut St. J Thrilling Vcv iVevcI by the author f "VR. WU ' THE GREEN GODDESS By Louise Terdan Miln "Guaranteed te previth rngressin ontertainmenl te the lever of adventure and tnv'tTv "' .V. . Herald I'renv Tt'iIMar. IfJit'i pte i of th-, aaw rtfm' $1.90 STOKES, Publisher w & 'w. mm. Wm 'g&dr A Devastating Weve? author of Erik Dern, .$2.00 everywhere 1SS" wnsaimuijij.Li'jLWjvjnw )JUi.Jiaussss NADA 0am li'mmmmmsaaimmmaamimatmm A ili L H. romance mac nas uu ie cnurm vi PEREGRINE'S PROGRESS mi . JEFFERY FARNOL K'M nt Ml Itoeksrllciy Bosten LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY Publishers Can a woman of sixty win the love of a man half her age? It set Londen by the ears, this sudden withdrawal of Lady Sellingwerth, the social dictator and beauty of her day. And what was this whispered scandal of the missing pearls these fabulous stones? And what of Alick Craven, vigorous, thirty, handsome, decidely somebody who appeared frequently in Berkeley Square? ITW.V1 Mr' Hichcn dcals witfl this romance of a brilliant QlgtSa 'van a f8"re in Londen society, in a manner " ft"..,. 'I that suggests the sure touch of "Bella Denna" and "The Garden of Allah. " DECEMBER LOVE By ROBERT HICHENS Auther of "BELLA DONNA," "THE GARDEN OF ALLAH" "A nholcsemrljf rradablr r'ery. Mere, a thnllwy one. - Heiton Transcript. HONORE WILLSIE'S Strongest and best romance of the West JUDITH OF THE GODLESS VALLEY R the author of "The Enchanted Cannen, "Still Jim," etc. The Transcript ranivic "tu-h ihaptcr of tlie tery is vital But there ure threr , hnr i line Doup u"v seanh for Judith a!enp tin t ',vv-covered. tempest-swept tra 1, vh h have '.t hnen excelled i" desenptive or emotiei .1 power m a'r of theso -tones which havp ma J. Mt M ifl'i , dfservpdlv popular n nevclis' '' '(j'y 443 4th Ave. FREDERICK A. pzrzjz rpf "T7f CALES have jumped from month te month, as ' j above chart shows. This is why the book i .iw going into its eighth large "Ne book this year has established a better claim te enthusiastic recognition." Brooklyn Daily Eagle. 6ABIL by Jehn Ceurtws BON! &-UVERI6 mtAhUtvxr - 105 Wut 40 St tVw !! I I III, !! II I ! I m llll 1 7 II iL- L . . J 'The Bread Highway w De you remember JelTcry Tamel'ii most popular novel, "The Ureail Hlgli way"? At l.int Mr. rat no lias written another otery of the ranie period and nccncii, In which you will meet nifaln the Tinker and nllnr well . cincuihercd rharaitit ' ! regrlin i rregrccs"' la j 1st smh another delightful tale of nvslde ,i'hi nliiri , wiiii a lurelnc i lit. ih r.ipiiv.nliit; as the chaiiulnn i f "'II.' Hrend Ttlgh ,. You'll Enjoy Reading STOKES COMPANY New Yerk HP STREAM An American Chronicle hij LUDWIG LEWIS0HN "Far mere palatable thisn mnrteen out of twenty HOV'li.' ftu.irt p. Sherman. hy printing. $3 BEST BOOKS of all reputable American and Enalish publishers PRESBYTERIAN BOOK STORE WJthci-anoeti Bti r filial I Wi .1 Mi i "'I'tilH I (Hlai llan-l -. .luiuprr irni Wal JLi'' ,1