IK Giants and Yankees Tune Up for Opening of 1922 Baseball 31 PLAYERS NAMED ON TIGER VAkSITY SQUAD Coach Bill Reper Names Men Who Will Ge te Training Tabic Har vard lias Light Practice CLARK OUT OF GAME Princeton. N. .1- t. .IPrince tan' inHtr fnntlinll team web glvciun TC.t ,Mirrir iy m "'" A, ,,!,,B blackboard lecture mul n thoreugli Mr- n1 drill W the tnnin oieineinrt practice fur them. i.. Mnlinnrpr. star oil the Princeton iiv . tMIIH of 1011) mul lim nun ene 01 me greatest tin miters ever developed (it eici Vnsnu. Is new rnnchltiB 'he J 'Sr kickers. , , t toper has n number of Reed pros- , wets in this Important department nnd h ilrlng ihrm the best tnteiinR nvnl Im". Hrune Hills. pta ii of Up J'' i J,, track team Inst spring. Is the the llm lieer Hdtiml in P"""" ".'."-I. i .rl vmi crbig Is, n i'iikm .... ---. , , lilii heel" ..it will be Riven aiietliei tiiillM I'm Omelette.". "" ";. i. ltnnrr niineuiieed that thirty i..i l.nmi selected f 1 0111 the aiie men iimu c ' " ' . .,, Tiger squad te R te the tralnliiR lauic. Tliev are ns follews: ... Wlngate. PaRonkepf. Oerinnn. Bei rn. Caldwell. Kinery. Slcnves. eby, Ilain.Cru.u. VmiHerbiR. I'-nwr. J' e Stu.sen. Mc.Mllhin. Or Iflilli. A If en . niikemnti. Heward, Hurkner, "I rent. JliVer II IK. WHy''"-- 'lllli0"- Sle,,r5 Pmlth! Haines, Tyson, iray and Blliwiv. IIAKV ISU- Practice yostetdny was the enure session i"-"H "r ..i mi-ill i in i i ins. wiiiini ' . . . , 1.11. wppk Insiile the Stadium. ! l. cini'l.v llic center, whose l;ee wis fcuit Saturda, was nliuiil the licld ..,.', ntplips. bin It leeks new as if he ..mil,! be out of lhe game lnugcr than two weeks. I'eicy Jenkins ljur-!i hni been found te be mere serious limn at tirst was thought, and he llV be en the sideline a month. M.K siiirled a liRllt football week. ttIki Ii ilie eearhes propose te ibwiite ldigeh I" ilevelepnient of pieniisi'iR re le 'plaxets without regiird te the Netlh Carellnn game of next Saturdaj. Imi mUi the Iowa iiuiti li of the follow fellow Ing wr end dlre.ll ill ie. Y.lle rfE.niiN the N'nrtii Carolina matib as prnbid.') the llglltesl of the schedule nnd will u-e neailj two full elevens daring I' , ,, , Whether Captain .Ionian and l liar ey , 0 Hem it vull start will net be decided1 until laic in lhe week.; Head Coach Tnd .limes did net lulend l" start fliliei- ngalnsi Carnegiu Tech. but de I'lrleil at lhe last minute te open the cnnipalsu with Captain .leidan. He Injected tVIIearn into the line-up when the .skibes threatened te upset the I.lis mul ii Henin's gciieniMilp undoubtedly , tiitlieil lhe tide. IM..NN M TK That M '1 IH liaii in he ;m even gl cater lai'ler III i lie ';w ii-: ill Penii Slate this full tli.i'. a '.ear .ign i shown b.v, the c 1 1 1 ,i 1 1 sliil il ics, which indicate tint I 'mill Huge Pr.ilek' ppcii I riuisiiiir.iblx lighter tliaii in lltlll. when l we'll lliniugll I lie toughest sort of a li'liedtlle Milieul defeat. The line Ibis fall nei.tgiw IM", pun mis from i ml te vmi lull' l.p b.ii'klicld will cale only Hill n n'eie-teil pielaler .n llie Wil liam ,i ml at game mi Salunlay was "ll.igs Miule-a. i lie b1u Pitt-liuish I,,! ln pli" -i tinkle ill, .tile I'elin S'.i' n last e;ii' until Id leg was bniKi i ii) the liana, d game, lie was till ii-ii. g a nine. Inn icpeit.d that bis be in.w leadng iileiiR in line shape, ami In pects in ce-pnlei' I'enn State it Hie sia,i i,f ,ie sec mil semestet. f M) M. Head Coach Hr. Jehn II Price hud liis vpiad out for I'U'li'i' esieidiij, a usual. C.ip tain ii.irr. Cralgin. (i. Ilrewii. W. Hnvi i nnd Prank were net out in togs, lint rcp.rted en I lie led Coach Pl'icp I'nre.i dieii talk mi the I'enn game nnd I eiinsrd n genrial sinke-l,i en the te-m 1 lie mistakes of Snluidiij's pla wei. s.'iin ever and mri'rctcd. '" I'repniatlens for el Saliii'ila ' linn' nu iieiiig inaile Little is known e' e n n Manl'iud's stieiigtii, lur I ".,. h I'ri. e is taking no chain ps. New I'lraint "ii Mm irinl en I will, tlnce ilifteirri lifickfiehls. The ret of tiie praet.ir .is nient In Signal practice mid " rlinninge DOUBLE-PLAY HONORS GO TO WASHINGTON Clark Griffith's Nationals Get 165 . for Season vtatiiiiigiim, t id. :, Lxceding hj 'ii i ibi'iblc " hi I in ei ieiis punk of 1.1: plays In a season. , ,i.il,!l Ji..,l """I ' Iiim yenr ,v the Chicago Amer '" nn. I the New Yerk Nationals, ' Washington American, noenling " M'ltl.h. S I'.VI M Til '...I I, .,!.,. .. .... i . ."! ,,'.!.,,, n , , l ..111 j'T n.iui.e linneis for twin killings H'liuig tne sfasun vvhlch ended Sunday '!"' S'lllen.'il s total of 1,1.1 is Hi, high- . i i re3isien.1l ,v n lug Clllh iguc In. llll'lt Int.ll.. will. It nu. i-.,,,, ,le.l " I iili-ii'ii'Mive. .,, tli.v me lni'ilMied '' I'-vMii llevie, eilii.al statistician of H" Americui l.etiguc, show the lead I'R fains i the two leagues in 'llie "Miter el dnuhl,. ,,nji ns follews: .iim rkaii League -Washington, Hi.".; "' Leuis, Lid. Mil 1 ,", '' "'"" - ,lllPi,i Plllllldelpl.il l.V, l.VJ; GOVERNOR A MASCOT Kansas Executive te Attend Army Game Saturday ,, ""Pi'iia, Ivan , (Id. It. lioveinei "cnry . . All Inn. . .. . ' " ' "'" c 1. 111 ivrnih.ib titii 1... , ... linll .. , lx"l,Hils l nlversily font - ball lea,,, when ,t plays the Aimy eleven west Point next Salurdiiv. The '"lernui' will .,,,,, w... ' ,'' ..",'. lefnr.. .1" I-,.. '"".."""'"'wiaj nignt ,... ""' iMwnuis I lull of New erU, inu "KiTl1,"1, l , 'be convention of dav .' ' ,,.,".,,l,"rV A"w'"ln""i. ml 1 he Pri , ,," iieiry , en .i 1 ' has vv ,,,, ever, gain.. . minde,. a uiiini v; . .:.""" "1 '"' lx. I uneel . e lini .Uanntmi... ' . . ', ,"". ' . c.e upon Ids heel". Mtieu ei me r uit for Princeton's victory ever Hop Hep kins bv .10 te 0 Saturday was due te . .unorieritv te exchaiiKliiR P'liif"- or IIP''"""; ., .. i , ni rll flip. Ol nrPsPiii. nuiiiMiKii .........---- . ... Vraterilav I ne Vint".' !" "i , All Atin TMIM'lllllJ'W II a.v.aM.- - MT1U1IIHI fcJ nni inn . voted te lmllvldtial ceac. ng am Remgi,, ns )( ,,1am len Catll0,. fefll. r.ri,- i In. iniiiir inisiniics linn ' ii.m... I ,...,, . ,, ,.:. .... ,... .,., " ' - V,,', ...- tp .. r,,.l mul ' mil U'lllll u I ir III' 111 ll'flll, UUKi-f In the Mldillebury game The fi.s miiieiipipiI evervlblnc In idelit SnVi X M-Viil'is wl" bnve seuip bat lies fair Mtj. last yrnr. St. Jehns is out i l.nmi. Pishcr has dis-idrd te I" Rain further honors, filll m t what in ill- ..eiv men , Willi,,,,, McCuIIeiirI, a native Qua- ' .i.i ii'v Cress came, and said ker. who entered St. Jehn s n few years c a er.v iiiisj I ' ""I'S'Sllml Ids mascot eunlHIPs u It ern Inc fler n ahen lllnea. . Ileaid.H ""I'l at West Point " ' ,n,n,ci wlllll"rH.y. (uur chlldifii survlva lh boxer n ' wit. .... 1 . 'lif r I 1 P . "Hi, TOwP'Wr Even Ruth la Turned Down in Ticket Quest New Yerk. (M. .'1. Yankee mul Olnnt ellicials today announced n poll-out. In reserved seats for the first six Raines, with thousands of unfilled Applications. Tills Is ex clusive, liowcver, of ".'J.UOO unre served scats in llie bleachers mid upper tier of the Rrandstnud, wlilrli will be en sale wli day at 10 A. M. Kven Ilabe Jtutli was tumble te sntlsfy a last-minute deMie for tickets. The Yankee slucgcr ap peared at the, (Hants' offices in his illicit. "Serry, Ualip, but there Isn't eien n bone left," he was thl. lip was but one of many. SEEKS CLASH HERE Jehn's Prep Would Tackle Best Schoolboy Eleven in Quaker City TENNIS BATTLE ON TODAY Hy PAUIj VKV.V flip fourth game of the j U7IHU-: ' W Werk Id series being played under L'oegan's IlltifT one or our well known scholastic football teams proba bly will be battling St. Jehn's Prep Scheel en Kbbett's I'icld. I'lntbuMi. St. Jehn h Prep, of Ilroeklyn, is ' ! back mid graduated te matriculate at 'Fiirdlinm after making an envlnlile ithlellc record, has been sent te'Phibi- (lelpltm te arrange a riiiih (emu. a gamp with u local Wee William blew into UunkerWIle a day or se age and has been working hard te arrange a game, lie says St. Jehn's has an exceptionally strong team this season and nlse an open dale en the schedule te be filled. Doesn't Want le Play Peer Team "SI. Jehn's doesn't peer tenm." said Hill. want te play a "and I'm leek- ' s I he eleven BROOKLYN ELEVEN has a great record and we'ie net going' in great shape one of the groan's, te take on-secend-ralers." pitchers I ever saw. That boy has mere Hill, as wi. gathered from, his talk, stuff thnn the fans think. 1 Intend le intends te book a pa me will, the best send Heb Shnwkev nut for the second that inn be found in this city. He fr the third, tir 'maybe. Waite Hint, wanted te arrange a contest with West . nm ,f0nis is net exactly in lop f.iim." Philadelphia High, but the Supervisory! .... Heard's rule would net allow the eleven Nehf for (limits te go out of town. Mcfiraw still was net ceiiain wlie However, there arc a fleck of ether w lild open the series for him. but iudg iudg iudg goe.l tennis in ibis city. MeCulleugti ing from the fact that he worked Art mentioned seietal mid seemed te dwell' Nehf. Jack Scott and Ilughie McQuil McQuil eii St Jesepli's Prep. i,.vn Athyu'lnn three innlngi, each in the second A'jadem. illaneva Prep and Catholic pimP Saturday, l.c is debating which of pi i c. . i 'be ,r'" ' stall. Jess Parties, here of the dcreat of St. Jeseph s in this.tbe ip'i t,p,ies, who wen two games in city last seas..,, probably eliminated that 'which Fred Teney was knocked out. has tea in from the ellgl lie list. Hut it is i weiked in some time, and we doubt almost n certainty that one of the oilier i( Mctiraw includes him In his cnlculn hree mentioned w ill be approached- , Il(ms fr ,,e first two gnmc. Iliirues i-i,? " , "ilv,'n i "lm,,'v-n."d I-bbefs mnv be held as an "ace in the help." .,., ,.n c "'.i1 n S,"''n" "' " 1CI'"" ns 'he wae last October. The chances inter-city football game. re thnt Nehf w ill face P.ush tomorrow. " ,s 'r't'e Thorp me ninny factors In the redtn- te He I)e'ldel ,tien nf the odds today. The trouble The Intersclinlastlc League tennis' experienced by Huli ami Shaw key in tille will iie decided this afternoon en ' Hosten their being bualen en succes the cluy leurts of Northeast Kiel.T i sive days bv the last place Hed Sev- wenty -ninth and Clearfield streets west liilladelpbin High will meet Miriiieast nigli for (lie dlaileiii Northeast High and Wes, Phil.idpl phia have Iippi, mopping up pvpi-v oilier lean, in the i Ircult this venr' Ami new. lied for the lend en lhe hist d.iv of the IpagUP season, tliev meet fur the net title wen bv the Sppodhevs two years jige. " I The Orange nml Hlue pielmblv will i retain the crinvn for another year al least unless f)d .-Man Hepe gets socked en the w hiskprs. ' i've oilier mnlehrs are si-heduled (ieriuantevvn High meets Frankford Ulgi. while Southern High and Central, High ems.; racpiets, Neither match is' .important. . VINCENT TAKES SECOND Wins Runner-Up Honors In Billiard Tourney Leu Vim put clinched se M par(. In the pocket billiard teuiiinmeiii at the Ueceatleii Acndemy IiinI night when he defeated Frank Fcrii. 7"i-.".!l. Vin-, cent had a high run of IT! nnd Fern's best was 1 I. The defeat placed Ferri. I.., t;0Id I and Itussell in a tie for the third and' fourth prizes. jv,... w plnv Hnmll tnn tonight In the final game and if victorious will gain thlnl ptle. Scraps and Scrappers , Mll.r siiliiiltr, ferine j 'i',,m siiaik rind icinniv " iouie ni nineri.i times, mil ,,..i lili llil!g-2.l Jtnrl In Pliilji,Hi,ilti en n, , i Uhi. He Will iiBlr with h.ini uin,kiMnri .In thfl vrhM-iip nt llie fnnilnln. .tack Mm mi - Johnny DeiuIitiv It Hie t.ln .who I.imiIu sn.n Vm I.i ta 1.....W.. !-. ilfersl" NVilnn v Willie' ratiernui i'."n 1 I'iiik Tnt Dl k ('ran- ,.,,,.,, I League seaen within foil, teen panics, et temM Rnl phi.Miig in 10110 censevunve Hii im eul I liK" te 1.-1 KttiM-.i i, pi,, , miner league ieliess .lelphii ukaIii neainn ,.uv r m, i,ai ,-j-, His meal; nf !lsi siiaiglit games fa i r'J'"""'r'' beyninl all pieviniis receliN, was si.nleil lVilrii .iiiiim ii no or ih f fuip.ni .lllllc '.'II. 1111(5. with Hosten. Ie was atnin who aie nuMiig K.i.,.1 i-...ir.i ,m ,, with the lti-il Sex iinlil traded te New I. in I'di'iinl m Iho leml In ih K..r Piaine. ""',. ,' ' ' .',.. Tun lreii" hem nt ili rem', li In ir nf iliel '",lv ,!,Hl wllltei. .S.itl.niKl I lull. I,. Im kieivn in, Hm .VmiiihhI ' Tiie re. 'old inaresl le S. nit's is ,i77 mum tine I'luh. mi .SjMur.lHv iiirht I games, made from issr, n, 1SI0 m the .Urkle H.hrl. nf .Minmir r, t p,,.!"1'! Amcrlenii Association and National purine I" e.,in t.i I'hll nlxlplila for lie.i. League by (iPelge H. Pllicktie, nt wiili iiEtiKieiKiits hen., inhiiin- niv. 0 us. llroekhu. Fred Luilcriis, PX-Pllll, hehh ,, under. aUi. i.liun. te iiu.ila tl,M rltj ))p ,,. National l.eilRlie r.verd. .Vl.i i.ttilf Jfir. ft liiiitimeir h, ,err , 'Rames piny ed between 11MII and 1010. wlih .i .I'l' ' I'ni'cli.i Vliln Mux Watnian, i Hie f.irnim'N nianntfer. s ,i,.,.n liave n ..,.. unninre llir-r im. i.ff ....yvh i'i;.i.i..te.i a. Miinme... ,u. SERES UMPIRES NAMED If mi I 'Uin'i l .i df lump, r.M tri 1 t eip)it t hainplenflilp x M.Er., lUhinricht ,,,.i,i i im'dr. i,t, Klem. McCermlck. Owens and nt iiu ui'i leu .hi" .. "i'l 'ijiav titchi Hlldcbrand Will Officiate Lee pntn.ri.en. llalinwlsl'i .lun.t'lnii of iin , ri"vn.u... Ainirl. an I". r in, trine'e i (hluie,t ( yPH Yerk, Oft. ,5 . ,1. Ixlcni and nie"t .lehniiy ilarillnler Iho neiul villi i,n ,,, ,,,.,, r . ,i .- .. KM HiiiniM m1 -Tucic Tmnpei. i'ritn,as W, Mi Ceruilck. for the National Lew htlnuer a. rmnev luii.i-. lUHIiin I. .L T.-..I lliint.p ..nil .ltmnic UM..r 1 I'.'ni.'" . " -'. - - ,t..uii v Amlv Murray Millie jurKann win n in the i.t lenighi ' have been seleu'ted as the umpires for Up I. ailieiliilKit te ine.el W'lllln Meji, in n tin, We, hi Series b.v Commissioner l.an-twilve-ieun.l heut nf Ncivan. . ,T. ' dv u.i.r iu he iiei.i n Sitleriai a v ' Fntil last xear feiiileeij unipites ,n, Hi.' Miinna) A .,.( Him preient ,u llir.n ldi;lll!l .1 I. 'Hi .en llliiir Peiu. me i" e em "ti vednr frl'lnv nml felunli' 1'nt Ilrrtflky. l.lllir.Jiai lrr. Ik iiieuui . at. a trxalai if Ilia U'lff H IH 'l'U JIMfH II mmwwfp EVENING' PUBLIC Miller Huggins or Jehn McOraw Net Confident of Success BUSH VS. NEHF IN OPENER New Yetk. Oct. ft. It's a rather pe culiar 'World Series which will break into liasebfill history a I the Pole Grounds tomorrow afternoon curtain at 2 precisely. Neither Jehn J. Mr tiraw nor Miller J. IIurrIih today veuld re en record with n prediction of siwerss for his club. This sets a inaik for inanaRcrial sliyncps and conserva tism which has net been approached since tiie memorable classic of 101-1 and which Incidentally liaii some little Inlluence en the reduction of the odd. Preliminary te the serlp.s of 1UM Cennie Maek, the tall Sage of TIerii. was as tnlkatlve and as communica tive as the old Sphinx en lRp' sands, while (ieerpe T. StnlllnRS would commit himself no further than te claim that his llrnves really were in tlip IiimmIp. It will Iip recollected no doubt with poignant prlef by iiiatij that the Itoitens took the famous Ath letics for four in a row nnd knocked the baseball world deader than a door nail. lliiRRins made it dear that while he would net be at all surprised if the Yankees wen the series he did net think that there might te he such things as eilils in a scrnn for t lie world laurels. I In t lii s he Is Rtmnerfpil bv MctJraw and many ether old timers. Odds are very interesting, but when the Isiya get out en nie neiil niey very one,, snow a i-.i, ui utji (iisrcKiii.i ... tie' ,,., ...,- ," - ting went and the manner in which the advance dope nu stars mul tennis was laid out. YntiUc tl.it'n iiiuul f'ltl'llel's "We hnp a great let of pitches , we hnxp a terrilic hitter in Iluth we Iimvp ii f-nnip linn) l.iltiliL'. tichtlnir hall flub a fsr better team tluin the one the Giants beat Inst jear. said Huggins. "We linve eierj thing in our favor. All the men are ready, physically tit. men tally primed. We just have come out of the toughest fight ever waged for a pennant a far tougher battle than tin fans realize. On paper we leek stronger than the Oiants but World SpHps are net wen en paper," and then Miller chuckled. "J would be much mere optimist iiN if we had te play half of the series nwsiy from New Yerk," Huggins continued. "That may sound peculiar, but it is a fact that the Yankees linve done their best work against howling, razzing mobs. , When Jtutli fans en a foreign field and the fans begin In inzr. him the ether boys get fighting innd mid battle like blazes. lint nt home they are net s() aggressive. "I will enen with Jee Hush. Jee i led many (iiani supporters te cenip mi of their burrows with their money. This rush of N'allniial League cdu helped te paic a point oil the odds thai in spue nt lhe fact that the games In Hosten pieved untiling at all and had absolutely no bearing en the World Series HARRY GREB APPLIES- FOR REINSTATEMENT Pittsburgh Boxer Appeals te New Yerk Commission , New Yerk, Oct. Ii. Harry llreb. of J Pittsburgh. American light heavy weight i champion, has applied te tiie New York Yerk State Athletic Ciiiumissieti for join jein stalein. 'ill. His application may be noted upon at a meeting' of the commission ' tedny llreb was suspended for failure te ac cept a challenge te box Have Hospn Hespn beig. of P.n.ekly ii. for llie middleweight liiiinpiensnip. , itespiinerg also lias neon suHpPiided and Hreb has agreed te the . commission's counter-prepo$al that Ins p.ix .leiiuny vviisep. in n.isi.ni, ier inu , uuildlew eight- title. Wilsen has -net n yet consented te the match, it was s.iid, Iml In the event he tgneres, .ree s enniienge tne ceinmis- v.in nns iiiuiciiieii ii win icsiere i ne Pittsburgher's license te box in this Statp again SCOTT NEARS GOAL Yankee Shortstop Within 14 Games of Desired Recerd New Yerk. Oct. .'!. Hiereii Si mi. , ankee hheitstnji, who will take the held tomorrow hi the first game of the World Seriiv.. finished ihe American i LeaRiie, and ( . 15. ttiwMis and tienrgn i .,., nnil (' ,; (hv.'ns .Itlli I.OngllC, I I'll ' """l1 (iltu ! Illldelirnud, for the American League, iinrliciiiated ill the World Series sine. Ilie Hist was held in 100.'!, At that time only two elIieliilN were used, one behind the' catcher and en the bases, ns in all ordinary major league games new' The first Iwn) were Henry "Iltink" O'JJnj And Ii'.".. Ceuimllj, ' NEITHER MANAGER PRED CIS VICTORY LEDaEIVPHIIiADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FAMOUS PITTSBURGH REVERSE PLAY The diagram shows llm reverse play, Pittsburgh coach. The fullb.-Kk (I) receives hall from center; runs as though nu ofT-tadile piny, hut hands ball te right halfback (.1) at point "A" nnd continues en te tnlm out opposing end. Ift halfback (a) feints te right, but turns and Interferes for right halfback, who carries the ball te left side anil smashes between tackle and cud at point "It." The right guard and left tackle, who has' shifted te right side of line, come out of linn and get Inte Interference, tailing out opposing right end. (tunrtcrbai'U M) helps Ills left end with opposing right tackle. Men remaining in linn fill up holes and then go through te take out sec ondary defense. Mark figures show players before play starts. Outline figures represent positions of players after reverse. Is under way. Dotted lines and nrrews Indicate direct Inn followed Heine Miller Describes Famous Fermer Pcnn All-American Which Made Possible Success of Glenn Warner. Perfect Timing and Teamwork Necessary Hy HEINi: MILI,i:i I'enn football Cantnln Hint .Ml- .inci Iriui I .ml T ernii'r O'V" "f ''' KJ lar play e mesi crrrctlvu and pepu- s m luetiiall is llie reverse. made famous l.j Oletin Warner, the Pittsburgh coach. Hack in the days v.-heii Warner whs coach of the Ca, lisle Indians, he urd it with the Redskins and it was one of the most deceptive in his bag of tricks. At Pit'-burgh he mntlnued It with eii'ial success. The Warner reverse play i known h all the Pittsburgh opponents and yet It continues te gain ground, due te per fect timing and splendid teamwork. Olenn Warner ewes much of his succe-s te this play. Other conches have adopted the re verse, and last Saliirdny I noticed Hint 1'ennsylvniiln used il te advantage against Franklin and Marshall. 7 ice linnitru nnd tuairdiirt Ihirr me brought, ltn Ihr inlrifririirr. vhirh comes xirrrpirii nrniiml lln rud and Itiinrk Ihr ii;,;iesi'ii.j uiiiqiitilii flat en i( burl; nnd mmjilrtrln out n f lhe piny. I l.ntm nb'inl thli. for 'iftin I hiiv'r bm thr opposing rial. Tin: was first time I faced the reverse I -L was at Pittsburgh in 1!ljJ. Slither ! land nnd Tliernhill. two mi foer and I -00 pound linemen, were the gentlemen I selected te come out of the linn and take care of me. Tiie first time they hit me I I thought the stands of Ferbes Field had crashed in. When they, put you out of a play you stay out. The reverse is run f 1 run nu un balanced line, tlie left tackle going te !the right side. The ipiarterbnck calls for this plav after a few inns have been Hindi' off tackle, iiiesp off-tackle 1 inns, of ieiire, pull ever the opposing MISS COLLETT IS .United States Champien With draws Frem Berthellyn Cup I Competition at Neble ENGLISH STARS PLAY field (Oinprlsing dose in one hun- u .i of the best women golfers in rbl ditiici teod off ihis meTning nt tiie Iluntliigden alley Country Club in th .iiaiiiyiug inuiiil of the lierlliellvu I (nurumiu.'nt. ui The competition was given an Inter tin t fi mul flavor through the pretence of viis j.uitn i.pjteii and Mis, 1 Inn t DM mhis from Fngland. Miss Cecil l.rlteh, Itriiisl, elinniplen, was there, but was unalili te play owing te an iniurv te h ligament In'her arm. Much disappointment was expiesseil ever the failure of Mis (.Henna Colletf. ine new nnuenal elinniplen te temppte. lhe li'evidencp niaid. wlm ilefenie.l Mi. Willimn A. (iavtu, In the linnl ' round for the Fnlted Mtntes crown .it Whim Sulphur Springs last Saturdav. wiimI te Mrs, Caleb F. Fex .-he was in nie.l of rest nnd would he unable te take pan in the teiirncv . Miss Col Cel l let wen thn Herthellyn Cup lnt cal. I Mr.. Dorethy Campbell Hurd! who .was the winner in P.lll. was eiip of I Hip contestants. There was much in I terest in the appearance of Miss Ln,iie I nrdyce. the youthful Ohie State cham pion, who is pl.ijlng in her feunh tour teur nev . I Si'e. e : mi I. i. ..I.iui ri.l. nj'h ti IlnMiiend Slone, IM.iimmi .i .1 W lurnbull Crl, ,i .- l" !.' .''T.1"11 HuiiilnK.l.in V I Mis J". 'I' I' IVrrv. Hid X'eri. n i OUT OF TOURNEY it. '.. !.., ally is ben, Im S" nf 'heugh the ii ''i .".' l"i b.v 'he ( Jet i i ;" xs ,ti ,.n( ... I, 'J 1 I s .VI M. I I s Mm .M VV WVaxf limit .. Mt - V IleM", Jluni lain WILL RACE HOOVER FOR LEGION SCULLING TITLE Granville Gude and World's Cham. et i Nev ..,,, plen te Meet af New Orleans New Orleans. Oct. . -Granville nude, of Washington, li c, ,Ms ,.. ceptnl ilie challenge of Waller Hoever of liuluth. Minn., weihl's chnnipnui single-vull oarsman, te a s. tilling in. e ler the I'hiiuipleiiship at the Aim rieni, Legien national convcniieii lieie (,,.. toiler Hi-".d The race will be rowed ever a mile and ene-nuniter course en Lnke Pent chartraln en the new bnslr, canal do de peiiilllig en water conditions ',;1(t wins he will have net only the Amor Amer lean Legien championship, lut ,, world's title as well, since the Seulliern I I 1 1 n L. lllll'.XIIn.iA.I . 1 . . . . . ii" emiiimuh ru nu irciihk l t.n I ..i .. .. .,, .- '""" " "..." i'l win ie of liclal. Last August (iiidp. who has be,.,, scullinR only six weeks, wen three fventn In the same afternoon nt the Middle Htafis Uegatta. ft 1 , li inade famous by (ilctiit Warner, Reverse PlayB i End Explains Formation defense te the tight side of ill a l tack - Ing line. The fullback stands direct I j- in back of the center. The two halves are in front of him. but te Ins light, the right halfback playing fairly wide, nbnut between the opposing tackle nnd end. The ipiurierba.'k is te llic left, out a bit further than his end. 7ic fiillbai'l; )itrurn lhe hull jmia Ihr mitrr nnd ifntti ? though en mi nff-tirt,lc phi ii. llr hnnr'll Ihr hull te Ihr right halfback cm hr Hi'n nntl tentlniiri through le blm It ihr inruthivq curl. Tin-: but left halfback feints te the right. turns and interferes for tbp right halfback, who carries Hip ball te the left side of the linp and smashes be tween the end and tackle. The quarterback helps the Ipft end with the opposing right tackle The left tackle, who shifted te the light side of hhe center before the play slatted, and the right guard come out of the line te take the opposing right end. The man with the ball in the men nt line Is os and bidden behind the Interfer eni e and the defense does net knew where the ball is. The linemen nor in the Interference fill the holes left jn their line nnd then go tlierugh te take out the serendarv defense. Cem h Wuriicp has always had n big siilftv I, no and his fei wards have made the j. lay a success. And ns 1 said before, through all thesp'mevps the timing must be perfect. This is the flist of a scries of articles by Heine Miller, describing famous plays, riiesp articles will appear ex clusively in the Kienlng Hiblie ledger. Predict Fine Weather for Raseball Classic New Yerk. Oct. ::. Geed went her is premised for the ..pining dav of I lie We, Id .Series tnium row. A Hiding in lheWelithcr Hureau expeit ,he present snlubrin i weutlier conditions will pievnil en Weiltiedar and possibly iiuuvday. Later in die week, however, there will be n change te cooler. ' With this change thpre is n possibility of showers. WONT RELAX VIGILANCE ON BETTING AT HAWTHORNE1 ..,..,.,, ,. . . ... Arrested for Placina Waaers Five " at Chicago Track (Iikngn, im .'.. -Yigihiuce te re- strain wagei.ng a, Hnwtlieine rice track te lhe oral i.vstem will net be re p"1'' '""" ''""' "-'"" li.x.d. according te IWlfrt r. r.TZZ States aiteinev, but, he added. w.v was tossed ever the in,, can net m jusims interfeie with tne of the backs would kim 7; M ,;,,h ;"'"' '"-" "' lZZTui Im'uZ if is tremendn.isly l.nnl te gpf cenvi- ,),,. varsity up en its f i mill is guillg nil tense. Mr. Clewe's assistant nml defp. Uis While the second-siring men w. re found a few a.hged beer at th . ,,-'. ll!1"!"ie ""ll ""' ",",'s- "pl""""i w is . . '" ' teaching the xttrsny s,.pi.. new wrinkles Jliveuated race ...ui'se yesterdnv. vvh.". 'j,, n(Tenslv.. plav ard dia.-ing tliei.i some 700ll jip, sons turned out ter 'he through signnl ,r'll lie varsity was second day of the tvve!ve-di,v meeting complete w ith ihe.x ' i ti..n of the pi us. I we men sanl 10 have plnce.i In is vei.. da. k Hern was ba, K his old pest arrested, ami three men rhnrged w nh , snapping the pigskin ba. k while the i aecepting wngei vveie taken ma aider of the line n tiie same .is v'liserveis s'li.t mat ernl belting was the stiict iler vesterdav. nnd tl.nt lilt few paspi. In iiis'iinc.'s wpre evpn a rd Illsterii- II iw thorne, unused is a race course ,. nearly nu,nn 'en Pf.'ppi for a lew d.ns i il(i. e'rml,,.' I"it into cniiditien. al- II l(S I I's war-tu ie I... ,',. -nil arc very ,v ,,-u NO CHAMPION CROWNED IN SOUTHERN GOLF TOURNEY Three-Hole Playoff Net Sanctioned by Association Nashville. IVllll.. Oct, ; , v,he Mililipll. of Fngland. and Lee I n g.. "f Nivv llrlpnns i.,.av are vvealthn r bv SF-'.'.ii each, a s.,1,, f t,,.st and s , price lllelli i th.. op ,,,, , llf ,M, Snulhein (...If As.,1, i.iti.in. , . ither acii,,re. tin. title liie till pp. ,,,le plav -Oil the men ai.1 ec.l en when tliev still were tied nt the end of a thlrtv -six-hele play. oil w ,s net sanctioned bv the association, nnd theiefeip Mitchell' who took the eun three holes in eleven stiekes te Iiiegel'i teiirteen, will net be lecegnued as b.iviug n cqui red the chain chain pieiiship. The three-hole aglceinent was s pii- . ., . ., .. ..".'" "" " imii ...i- in i ...ii;,-iii'-... WIIIIOIM 1 e "i '"ii- isiui'ii lulu Asseciiitiun ir. cording te a siaiement 1V . j, s',' ,, president lie points out thai m b'st .ciRhtccn holes should hnve been iilav'e.i e entitle ruber te the claim of irm, plen. ""'"" OCTOBER 3, 19,22 Classic at Pole Grounds Tomerr STUDENTS AND GRADS KEYED Enthusiasm Taking Place of Pessimism- of Last Twe Years New Fool Feol Foel ball Committee Member Thrilled at Amount of Material King Reports DERN BACK ON JOB V,y .lOSKI'II T. rjAftril.M THIS Is the optimistic yenr nt the University of Pennsylvania. At least, at thi tune of the year It Is. i I An observer walking around the Tnl- I verslty cnmptii yesterday afternoon or spending a iinlf hour or e en Prank-, lln Field would have been moved by i the exuberance of hopes manifested by! I (Undents and old grads. "Leeks like our jeer." said a dis-pi-pp! rnier. ''Team leeks like some 1 of the old ones," said a stnid old Rrnd. , And thus it was wherever the wetd football was mentioned. The pfa.wrs have caught en te the , Idea and while they haven't reached i ' any oer-cenlidei,t stagp. still thpy .seem i pleased with themselves that they de- J I featcd Franklin and Marshall. I'nlll.c ast year nnd the year previous, wheni ig sceies were made nnd victories med In with ease, the spii-it is differ ent this year. Mem of the plnyeis nun, it traiiMy thai tliev den t Knew-1 ' ,;, n)VIseiii en(i of ,,.,..' sistants two years age made bis first l milium 1 ield practice appearance yes terday nnd gave vpiit te some cnihu . sinstic titterings. 'That team looked like an old-timer." aid Hv. "Tin v seemed te have the stuff the last tw .years tennis lacked. I mean by that. I that Pleven men seemed te be working 1 all the time, jiartn ularlv In the pi- end half. ' T, Iflj Hnr i . irnl nnr liein tnrl.lr UViw. '. nnd M. reuldn't de n Ihwj with them. 'Ihr hnrhfirld material m numerous nml nil el it rrreltvnl. I tcj. greatly in prcmril bg thr ping of lhe team. Dickse: livnn. SON" thinks thnt Oeergc Sul- w hose nil-mound iiIiimul , cause. no end of favorable comment, has the makings of a great jdayet. , "That fellow Sullivan surprised in". He is as fast as bgiitning and can thud; fust. lie leeks like the goods. Hnmer. tee. is ripe for stardom, and if lie cor rects a few faults will rank i,p anion.: the best. ' Played With Pepper Heherl C. II. II. the milv oui-ef 'own .member of lhe Football Cniuut,ee made his tiri pilgrimage n. pra .e yesterday in many .vents Mr II ' who is a i Yeiker. i th" n est ' member of the Oridiren Cennui'iee IF is a practii ii man. liavmg pl-ve.l en Pcnn cloven back in l-1.". 1sss p) , iSD. In hi' Inst vear at ir.ilege ,,. calitnined the Hed nnd Hlue. In l.ssl Mr. Hill ani Senat. t.eerge Whnrien Pepper were m, the .sain teain. "The Senater e-ini t re play football." snul Mr II, II. at. I 1 understand he Is playing I lie gam. politics the same way." The brilliant nirav ,.f n.arer sinmperins all ever the field norm. t!ie afternoon soeme.l te cempleti change the complexion of things fei Football Committee member aim fm lii in te leek back te his days and n .i comparisons. "Yeu knew back when I plnvel t . gamp wp were fortunate te have r . . one scrub eleven te give us prncine. and this afternoon I see ilie malum, m three. This sure is wonderful ihe . numbei' of men who tuin out for n. game. ' Mr. Hill was asked if Hip s.niads ,n thp I'lglities veie huskier anu lu.-gei than the gridiron wnrrini of te. lav "I can see little difference." he tn.il "i'hev all -eeni te be lhe same Smne of the men heie tins nftrirnoen ,i.e Im. fellows bigger ili.u, we had. Ne. I cannot snv that they were anv hig;ei in my dav "I inteini in go' ever hpre te see i,e team pracine ..n. e or twice a week , from new mi I aw Saturday's game and was vet v ie nil impressed " fJ'..si.l if" 'i" irnty mm n M Ifd irilritlm, hut .Vlif thr if. nnd ttriwj yruldeii m artieu nnnni't the friubi. tinutnril hnd his Irnm ttrnuijrr thnn err nnd using plni Ihr I in'eri '(' n' thr Seuth hit m its Ima rnndr sri r,i ennn ngaimt th I iiiii'ifi. , rpll IT defeusir,. JL string n,e a. was part teiilativ . of I lie e. end 1 he ferwHr.l pas-, thp backs and gelling lllpi'lgn 1 before be cnill,. 'hen tiie Im 1 one or the ether . k It te earth c 'ice was a huge 'le than liiusn "I wai.l-p,is lie- started the game Sin ."im The Fiul Situation Ted F.iirchild a I funnel' Westerner in I Tiiniiv star, occupied I 'ill I Lstiesvailg, the v ' I we seasons, and l'i .m,. .lohn'eii. Mi. the In i ter th. ie wing pnsis ' an nf the i W evv hirst w In. i iml ,i ' "id V .11 Sl ( ' tlur he li ill suited ag.inist Frai u shall, practiced vv nn il Ile,inau would n,i s.i t . i.e. 'hie. en a i bange, h. . likdi ibai under the u used that the hri pan- i m the call in l he linuiedis', t is though' -v tetn being d w ill hut.- '."lie. flin rnrsili hurl, i Id nt Unmri . ' Millri . Sullit nu md 1 nrgrlnt tr f in i le tm'f Ihr lnii'i e1 rir . nnchri. ter Ihr ijuarlrt tnn ihiiirn ..rf m nnr i nrnrr i sti rdnv. s.'..,ii i;iru' nie,t e Ihr nth i nneii in inn nnd iiiuiiiii. hnr! fun ill mim( ,i hnldinq Ihr hull pinprrhi '. i' i..ir.j. T Hi; entile s.u,i, pie.. 'tiled itself yes. dilien with two excepti .ns, .limniv Pewhirst and Clnrkn Craig Heth ere suffering from boils, pewlnist en Ins legs and Craig en Ins nrm lMdle Parrel I has nn infeeted tee l ,r it will net prove sufficient m l'ep him out of practice. Tummy Krnll, the hukv Iandevvn. lad who played with the iaiity lnr leir but who was shunted '. the scrubs Inst vvpek uinx be out .t ihe game fei the remainder of ihe season The siibui ban lad fractured Ins light wrist yes- , lerday. llusliU Kill', rated a thv ftblbL w ;i.siniffifnrwF7wr sy-T4fr'riWM 1 ? 'OTA W' ii"i"fp( l i .?" ' UPATPENN "Riff Six" Will Sec Giants Rattle Yanks New Yerk. Oct. .",. -'Hig Six." victorious in the battle for life, is coming bark te the scene of his greatest diamond triumphs. Idel of New Yerk fandem for mere than n decade and here of one of the grentest world's series tri umphs. Christ v Mathcwsen will to te turn te witne'.s the battle" between the Yankees nnd (limits. It will be the firi real gamp "Matty" has seen in iliree jeaie, since, he begun and wen the light for health bnttpipil by war experience. (Jut of move than a decade of bril liant pitching achievement, "Mal tvV iceeid of tlnce shutouts in the 1D0." spries, hen tlip Oiants de feated the Athletic?, stiinds b.v It self In a niche of the hall of lump. He also was with the Giants In the series of liMl, Hill.' and HUP.. l.alfl.a.K en l-ratiKiii, i-ie,i , ear ii, -ii ii, i.ii... i.,. in,- 1 1 ,-siiiii,'n , im ported jesteidltv and will be given n chance te show home of his. -peed before long. At present Iip , with tin- var sity sipmd where lie will icmniu if he makes geed. Heismnn spent nmre than a half hour yesterday with Jack Kfngh's fiesbuiiin team, n'sisting in the offense. Tem Havles and iJr. Ilrap'r ale aided Keegl, nnd Helsman. The yearlings present a husky bunch. Tin- opening game for the youngsters takes place Saturday afternoon befme i i vnrity game with Ileaii A'(ideiu Jimmy O'Connell I ns Anceles. O i 1 Benedict ipf i I I" nutfipUl" of ,illi re n i 't . I'-irltle C s I .ncuf Mm .Nil! V." U f.ll'l i rtiir Mnrcir I'err. ' r p h j, r V i i Th. , - leim.j 'n Pan ,' TuT-h""''' iTar.cs., fh'n ' i Tem Maleney, -!m ''i.ui'''"jiawwKsij3yggg Mgr. P. B. White & Ce. Philadelphia's Largest Men's Merchant Tailors 808 Chestnut St. OPEN MONDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. -v? Soccer Football Basketball V-Nccl Sweaters of pure wool worsted, $8.00 Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Men's ilnrnrp.irniisi) Athletic FurniMhingt 724 Chestnut Street" Gaed QMsms Regular Fall USED CAR SALE 50 Cars te Cheese Frem j OIiImiiuIiiIi' ilial'i s am I'liiipillcd te lie up te OldsmiiliiiV stanilard.-. of oblij,Mtien le ciistomers. Ven can. thcrcfei'i'. be a.stiivd any used car benvrlit hem will Im ea-t! tt peprc'sented, and that we s-taml behind anytlini"; we tell ynu. We knew every u-vd v.n- biixer. if treated li'ht, mav lie si new Olthinobile pri)pctt. We want your jjfoed ill. nn- inc ci'iei iiu'iicc "i i ii -niini'is we ii.i i .tnaiiR. il these mi , in thd follewmj,' price jTrcup-, n. hi. line; ,., arh , t tmul.inl make of enr i $200 te $500; $501 te $800; $801 le $1100; $1101 te $150(1 SALE ALL THIS WEEK OPEN EVENINGS Of Course Convenient Terms x'.- lie Arranged f LARSON-OLDSMOBILE COMPANY , 800 North Bread Street (Cerner of Brown) 1'ep. i'W'V Stt X mO "!bZ 5". ODDS ON YANKEES TAKE SUDDEN DROP Betting en World Series Be comes Mere Active Withy' Americans Favorites, -6-5 LARGE WAGERS ARE FEW New Yerk, Oct. .1. With the epening1 game tomorrow betting en the World, Serlen became mere active today. Whcru previously there bad been a wide gnfl between the odds offered nnd asked thorn wai a tendency for the two camps te come together nnd de something; lie sides talk. The icsiilt. as was predicted last week, was a giadual shortening of tlm odds. At the close yefteidny the best available odd voie l te i. ci'ietcd b W. L. Darnell & Ce , the Yankees, of ceui'e. being favored. There weie e'her uager plated dur ing tlip day with the-fiinnts en the ther,t , rnd ,,;, ,0 10 0((N- Practically all of tiie betting was done in s,nnll amounts and tiie usual lug beis prp missing en tiiely This may mem, tlmi the three-figure I' ung'is tire holding back te see hew III.' opening game comes rillt or tlBnn Ill, 1 1 there is "ing i-i b- no big hcltlntf oil the eerie Only iii,. wagei vlnie ihe odds were better than 7 n, .-, ,n ,. ported. .lehii Il.iyl.. tihiird lln. a . "iiniiiissien ()f SKOO te 5!."llfl. Iee .lis.. Jilli. i-d S.'!."( te ii'Jei) with the America ii Lrigucis favored, .mil i.n freak bit ..c Si,.",i( t.. soe tlinfc Iluth would make at bnr .u," home run dm ing the sen... Jehn lj.ivtsen. it Mass,.piisptls t.m. was ,f In lirver j the Knh.'s prewe-s. i,,,, t It r- name of Hip skeptical pnrn was n.n disclosed. I'lr.l Shiinim, Mioek-hn stakeholder. iei..rted a few liris in ..mall figures at 1 1 " pre ailing odds EXTRA TROUSER SUITS Made-te-Measure $28 Mr. Manager: Compare these prices And remember, i net thr price alone that count It it the qunlity for the prica T, enrn pru Jersey Pants 3.00 1.25 4.00 6.00 3.25 1.25 Hese 1.25 1.25 1.25 per suit lettered 3.50 7.50 3.75 M IC 07 fflSt- 'T'S ..tw.. m i i A r i ; "irr?.; ....! y r,i V . i, .IV