V V 'VV&t'XS Jtd'"'Y''JK&i i!B5?W jwsTn-fW' -. .-' 'v irtTFT, wmmm : i-W W W1 " lfl "TfVJ Til WTTnwWTrf''' VT'irV.1 i. . yJ Mmm. V . E iMtH ." -i T iivr'y H UiV4JiJ5llJWWr 1-EDGEIPHILADBIiPHIA. sMONDAI, UUTUUJiiW z, lwsz i yvtffw. v IHW(apHHpiHpnipHpHBniHpHIH ' Bff 1 ! - A rt 111 r i uf f IV. iJ'rf t. WKi 1'K'J' - i Ift MM Ml NAVALHERO, DltS Commanded U. 8, 8. Oregon .When That Craft Rounded 'jtt Hern in War With Spain ffcAREER A NOTABLE ONE i;)lle.rAdlrrtrlB.a.Y. V N.. wie cemmniim.il , " ,, " $.. -1- n its fninetu veynRP from 8?" I ., te Krv West nnd Inter in tne ' Kh.i of, tit- .lmiuhter, in Len Vr 0,m, ., hnrieil tomorrow niter- 1 . i, iiemp of his daughter, T iST cwh!n tlmnte friend,. IHrt Ith only ,CV, ,cint. Heet, present. c.fflcer'f ,Mr.,, , clnrk wns mode Inin of the I-enguc Nnvy Yard, and ipW'".0'.1. ..k. in chiircc of the ,-J : v MissirtgWife dsmsmsmW;'-:' i'iyBt smsmsmW' Z'f'mmW maBKfii ''' ' JHEmmi PPpV '" ,vPPPI V" M.PPPj ppppppT ?v 4wypjMppppppj ppppp ' - '-ppppppH ppppflr l 'y fpppppppS PPPPPV, erl.A PPJPPPPPH PPV. ; X'rWPPJ bHHHIIIIIIIIIIv' . . M .HIV . ' ,. f, ' Vi ',V:'!;:M r ' f ' , . .- -iissmmm P7" ' .' "-WfsM v ' ','. V ' S Jt V j'-'f'H mSmWi-?' y ,!?,"' ' ' iV' '-''B PJHV- '? -K? r&fr&W Pta "i.u ,.., ..iitlv in cluirBC of tnu Sfl8, Vnr SavilVetcrnnH In tins city. Heme for isuy ' p.ometetl te In Jl'ic.,i,0-t rnVtlie was made SSSftl WnBhlnn. He retired e, en SIRS. MABOARET POJIATO Letter from New Jersey deepens mystery of woman's disappear an ce. POLICE TO QUIZ WOMAN Think Wlnslew Junction Resident May Knew About Mrs. Pomate City detectives went te Wlnslew , age AB"?t, T. rinrb who culil"! the', l;"-v uctectivcs went te Wlnslew vlt w Admlrn ,1 Clark no 7 'iiJunrtlen today te ..estlen ,n "Mrs. ; battle P O51; wlUf wnyWlllininM.nf" who. they think, knows reunil . t ie ' "" ' nchincry. $ T n rknble race occurred dnr- was tin i"1 ."'" '"" Antheny Pomate from her hnmp. .1741 North Randelph ctrrct, en August 28. The detectives yesterday fetuul n let ter in the l'omnte home. It Imd been written by "Mrs. Williamson." mid Hn Milled from San Finiu:sce Slnrch, Wns postmarked Wlnslew Junction ' 10 nVtueen him and liN destliiiitleii , August i!8. the day the woman disan was the Continent otswuV1tref nc,im1. It rend: "Learning of your the eale. and the turbulent wntyrs of MdneM 1 would ,lke t0 cnrc fef ' p neither rich nor noer." letter wns received at however, hnil been . I'omnte's chllilrrn neon of tnc bij-"" "'" "T u ' before It had been enencd. Thern ,r. ' he Straits of Magellan, where a Spun-1 clli,,lrcn. i nm J-iT ...ne.inhnii lurked, and n llcct.ei. , i,i ., .formidable .SP" ",1n"hecrMj Saturday. The first. V k 'in the Caribbean Sea. Oil the 'after , neon of the sixty-seventh ilaj i.H." taefore Ir had hpn, nn Jnir the Oregon steamed mm ;ii'" Inlet en the const of Flerida, unharmed and ready for battle. ant in 1S, At the age of twentv . had been ordered te the west jiilf four children lit the family. tnent L 1.. blerkndlng sqund-en In the Civil War before he had finished his second year . tnnniinllQ- A vrnr IntiT he was fel lowing Farragut ever the torpedo beds) anil past the forts in tlie Dame 01 Mobile Hay. Clark's naval cnrner wns varied. lie as shipwrecked off the nift of Itrltish Columbia In ISftS wlnn '" Siiw-n- foundered, and through the less of his snpeiiei- officer became 'U inlander of the thirty-three survivors. He or,- cniiiud them Inte a defensive party te I held off -100 hostile Indians until rescue I arrived. lie watched the Spaniards i-aIieiii he wa Inter te en-n-je in buttle. bombarded Valparaiso and Unllae; he 1 (served en tlie raclllc, West Indtis and Aflatlc vtntliuis; was nttached te the Bmekhn. Mare Island and Portsmouth Nnvy Yard", nnd Instructed n class nt Annapolis. Uc spent three years in sur vejing the North Pacific Coast, and four jenis in Inspecting lighthouses. j. He, en beard the Oregon, helped te arstrev tne spanisn neet at Nantlnw. ATTACK STORY I0LD BY 1 BRINTON Cook Is Unmoved as Wife of Noted Physician Tells of Brutal Assault Staring ste'Idly nlieiul. and Utlmut DEMOCRATIC CHIEF TO UPHQL D PMO T Jehn M. Flynn, Minority Floerj Leader, Pledges Support te Ferester's Program REFUTES McSPARRAN CLAIM Glfferd Plnehet. Repiihllcnn nominee for Governer, net only hns the support of Republican candidates for the Leg islature, n fact challenged by Jehn A. McSpnrran, the Demecrntlc nominee, but he Is even making Inroads among the Democrats. The most conspicuous proof of this Is the support pledged Mr. Plnchet by Jehn M. Fiji nn, of I'll' County, a can didate for the Lcsislnrure who has been Democratic fleer lender at Ilnrrlsburg. Mr. McSnnrran, In 11 speech nt Wll Wll liituiApert Saturday night, said his Re publican opponent for the governor ship would net linvi1 ; slnclc member of the Legislature te support his plat form. Mr. Pirichet, Inter the same night nt Wlllinmspprt, blnstcd McSparran's contention by making public u list of forty-seven prospective lneniberc of the Legislature who have pledged their aid. Mr. Flynn Is bellevsl te hnve prom prem ised his support te Mr. Plnchet en Thursday night, when the Ferester was nt Dulteis. The Democratic leader called en Mr. Plnchet et his hotel and Inter attended the Republican rally there. Mr. Flynn has been n consistent sup porter In the Heuse at Hnrri'burg of Jeseph R. (Jrundy. president of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Assocln Assecln t en. Mr. (Jrundy was one of Mr. Pin Pin cliet s supporters in the primary cam-pnlgn. murderous Tittuck he made en her ln.t Ju'y. S.ikmnl Is accused of aggravated ns- find nns ndvnnced six numbers In rank win It nnd battery with Intenr tn till. I (or his distinguished services. At thille is also chnreed with nrsnn. Af...r age or ii.ty-ninp lie again was adMinied , leavins Mrs. Ilrlnten uncus, inn., mm,! rank, seven numbers, ami promoted Knocking down Klbnbetli. her daughter, rear admiral. , j SPt lirp t0 ,,, he "'"" ASK P ERCE TO PROVE tn'.''." ,lntr,, Phyklclnn. said the cook -J- .. .r L . . Wl" jnsked her te leek at some butter in the PRE-WAR RUM CLAIM 'Igerater shortly after neon en July , (,, rnt HHn nUIVI lUHIIVI M7. The man suddenly gilpued her head 1 . ! with both bauds, she tnld. nnd then i (If He Can Satisfy Dry Officials) His,"f,p,'1 ll(;r up and down bv the hair. . I RterW will Re D...rn. J,"s- f'rinteii continued that the cook I'-a .1 n ,, , SKLd, necked her de.vn and jumpcl en her k ;Arlmr C. Pierce, of L(W7 locust chest, sheuting: "This is the urn k I irrcet. will have te prove te prohibition ' Japanese men de." She said she le't I agents that he owned liN SIO.ODd stnrli 1 nnnunui,.. ,.,,,1 .11.1 .,n. 1. ....... .i. I 7 ,1 , t , . ,, . - .... , 111111 .1,11 iiiii nui. III.' D1.IKUII1H Ill'Ilin1 , into 1 b PICKPOCKETS REAP SUNDAY HARVEST Twe Men Who Attended Lansdale Dedication Repert Less of $660 Pickpockets took advantage of the large crowd which lammed street cars oi,xeute to"lle .t..ili,.ni;, .. n, ...... Int.fitute for the blind at Lantdalc yea- j terday. n.-iiJve",cn werp reblwl of 11 total , .ll(0. Ocerge Heim, of Itridgcpert. Pa'.. wi-'i'iw-it-ii nint ins wnnet wns missing when he reached Lnnsxlale. It had con tained $(!()) in cash. Carl Markewltz. of 1710 North Sixth street, reported the less of his pocket book with Ijilil). Reth men think that they were relieved et their cash while being jostled in n crowd nt the Krden- lll'ltll Pni'linniii n.l.HJ. tl i. counsel. Tntsnvi Sakn.al. a Japanese ing cars. ' "",',',m, ' " cook, sat unmoved In Judge Jehnsen's The robberies are believed te Iinve ec- I renit nt Media tednv as Mrs. LewUl," rr" ?" a ''ermaiitewn car and the llrlntnn. ..f n...,.f .imii.-.i .i. I i,.""inn,own JM nre aiding the ........... ... ....,...,.,. .... uouiKemcry county authorities in the iiivi'suxniieu. Herry Wolf also reported te the pe nce today that he lest his wallet, con- I mining 'uu, while lit- wns walking In u crowd at Eighth and Cailewhill streets jesterday. He believed that he was robbed by a pickpocket. ' Oqtinis before the "dry law went cook was stabbln-: her with an ice-plck. nte effect before it will be returned te 1 Miss Klizaheth Hrlnten. her diiuchtei 'Vri rr' , 1 , 1 testified she heard Sakmal give 11 loin Tlie liininr was lie il until vminnlnv ' ..n .....1 ti.r ..i. i... ... ,, ,, . "... ... .' I turn 111111 nin- rn lll'I lIMIIIII'l Oil- by the police at the 1 ifteenth and Lo-M'e-iseioiis In the kitchen. She was ent streets station after patrolmen hnij 1 knocked down after wresting th Ice surprised robbers Saturday merniiiL' hm niek nr 1.1... imi.i ti... ....... - .- they were lemeving It from Mr. ! stairs when Jehn MnlHimi.. H.n'hi.n.i- I robibitien agents went . cnteied the house. STOLEN CARS FOUND ' m;:1 itV $ !;r-0ll,r',I"!",: in private garages Will petition for its ictiirn." Prohibition nirnnru 1.11I1I il.n. .!... i..i net been told of the seizure by the 'police. Peliee said they had Intended t9 return the liquor te Mr. Pierce wlth- Pieree's hem te the pellie station anil .seized the en tire stock, consisting of slt.v-feur cases OJ OKI wiiisicy, 1 Slit question. MAN HANGS HIMSELF AS ASYLUM LOOMS Police Find Owners for Four Ma chines Garage Lessees Vanish Detectives today found owners of four automobiles which the iieIIcp efll- I cers took from private garages in Ilerks street, between heventli and Frnnklin stieets. .Saturday night, where It is I believed a gang of automobile thieves stored their loot while the cars were camouflaged. ' , ! Although the owners identified the Found Hanging te Rafter Arftep'nr,' ir w,,s f1"'1 ,lmt Jn ,'n'1' ('"se the Biarn, rr 11 . J. . , . 'Engine number had been changed se as 1 blackjack Falls te End Life 1 te prevent detection through the State I On the eve of the da when he wan Highway Department registration bu 10 be removed te the Suite He pltal for r,'a" we iiisin.. at Trenten. Jehn Shem- T!,p lllvt of "", f"r machines te be .it. vV '."'' ,en''' 'd. hanged him- ' claimed, that owned by Merris Shaw, u at Ids Leme near (Jieenlech Lake, -"-$ Kensington avenue, was discov discev iiiriienllle. ,. , ered bj tl - owner this morning as he 1 m. . i"",n '""' ,"'l'n '" " dlserdei-ed1 "as walking through the City Hall "51. t,,;l, ""' "'"e time. A few courtyard, where the police held the 'll if"n ' 1 " ."' ,,f I'deiice. he forced '"'rs. b.i 11 "p '""'niece te take refuge with rle garages were owned by Miss Jiehn '1 ",ls painined bv pliv-1 Raehuel Cernell. Seventh and Perks 4 i, 1 ' .wl'." ''sued his commitment 'te streets, who said that she rented them hip hospital te mpl knnwn , ,1(ir ns xrerrU Smlth . ttXilCtnJn'tt.,nj:lFlibnr i"1 R!::! J.,,i:JI.i,.i:r' 'i!iicrf Tl,c ,nen tn rnL,. lm "',"u"" Ull lOnilllS ,,"' ""i" "p" ' 'nuni, W liikC Sliei-nlwi..,. ... mi. . " 1 T..1i-. . ..i.t.l i. ntti a wm 1 nitiKii 1111- hS "H IK' flic fniiii.l i " " iii-uiiiii, ne 1 . nn..! ',..""" "anglng from a rafter I that stolen cars were stored thrre. 'I ti.. i:,' i.llP, "ere ei(iences that he. I three ether cars were owned by the J hn benin, n"' Vi'"1 ,ixP'1 tlp """"e he A- Parage. Thlrty-slvth street a . Mlia p",biinself !most senseless with Woodland avenue; the Kensinct r -"surK. . .Supply Company. 11127 North Nin ml cten th street, nnd Merris Medline, ,ri(iO(l Pliur cet. ?m?JJMSRA,D SYNAGOGUE l wumnu nuLiUAY SERVICE, NEW CITIZENS ARE MADE w. Kef use te Prosecute Prisoner ' . Durln3 Yf"n Klppur P.erled K,in,:nsV.:!f.?::'i,1-li-''p"i'.t.eYe,n snci rercl unmrliiewii poll,.,, urn Ilrien, Lll'I- ill c lied I in ilU 1. m. nur in 1. n 1 -11 - 11 hi 11 ln Wed ;j "I """ w further he...- .IttCOll eengri tnat 'iMir M-rviie in ,1 suing,,,-!!,, at Ninth irlitnun iw,ii ..,' ""' "1 till' ''Sa;"S"!,i"'v;'."" ',':'"' 'il' ?:; """ '" " '"'""" '''" sS:-?"!: EESfiKSSB Among Them Salvationist Whose Journeying Had Barred Him Captain Hugh Mcllvar, of the Salva tion Armj. which known in Camden, wns one of '2'JS aliens admitted te rill 7enship today bv Judge Shay In the Camden County Ceuit. Mcllvar fermeilv had charge of the Salvationist work in Cnuvlcn and built a .f.'iO.flOO citadel there. He is new sta tioned In Atlantic Cllj. He was nn Lngllsh subject and ha" been In this country fifteen jea.s. He never before was stationed in one State long enough te qualify for citl.ei.silp, he said. ABANDONED AJJTOMOBILE CLAIMED BY PHYSICIAN j Media's Coffin Mystery Resolves It self Inte Bootlegger's Trick j The mystery of a sedan automobile, ' found by police abandoned last Wed nesday en a back read between .Media and Chester Heights. Is expected te he solved today with the arrival of Dr. Jehn Hella, a physician of Yenkcrh, N. . Dr. Flelln identified the car as one stolen from his parage after District Attorney Taj ler. of Delaware County,! had notified him that several of his , cards hnil been found Inside. A large coffin-shaped box which was1 seen taken from the automobile, con tained a quantity of liquor, according le the District Attorney. It was nt first believed te held the body of a bev, ' brought there for burlnl. Police of Radner Township found n ' second automobile abandoned In a blind lane leading off Straffeid avenue in Wayne. Its nwiiprthiii hns net jet! been established. I Notified that the car had been stand- I ing 111 the lane for some time. Cnptain of Police Sweeney found it almost con- , cealed under two trees. The automo bile was undamaged and in the tank wns: considerable gasoline. The ground nearby had been trampled as though from a struggle. Nearby b.j .in empty boxfer .."l!-callber cartridges. Inside the car were found twenty-live blank subpeennes of the United States District Attorney el the Southern Distill ,.f New Yerk. lhe license tags bore the New Yerk number (iU247ll. Inquiry of the New Ye.k City police revealed that the limousine was the pieperty of T. J. Ward, that it had net been'reperted as stolen and that Ward could net be le cated. fBTOHK OPKNH DAII.V AT 8 A. M, CLOSK8 AT 8 1 SO V. M.&ss Jimmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmimmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmtmmt fr MHOrderi Filled HATSWR1MMED FREE OF CHARGE Phene Order, Filled w . iir "lS'ii-mTMi JM iiaii J rf In I Yi tvm VAX .. vl vAXn l.ill IfellVSS Ul ffVl f0Smixfim mw tw&iMZi vsy fmrmvisjyr'm i Market I ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH Eighth 1 EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh Specimens of the Excellent Values Always Offered te Shoppers at Lit Brethers' Stere These lets are Tuesday's offerings equally geed ones for ether days. n I I m 5- Special for Tuesday Only! Women's & Misses' $25 te $30 Fall Frecks, $15 Most exceptional let in ercpe-back satin, Cnnten crcne. crcne de chine. Peirct twill, tricetinc und PiquctinUt Navy, Black, Brown, Cocea and Java Straight-line styles, exceed ingly smart with the new one-side panels and trim mings of novelty braid. Alse graceful models with loose plaited panels caught at the waistline by unique buckles. Fashionable basque styles included, tee very smart and pretty, with novelty or nament trimmings some beautifully beaded. ll Specinl for Tuesday Qniyl $ 3 Silk I.U Drethem SECOND FLOOK: Chemises $1.98 Three pretty styles in unusually fine quality satin stripe tub silk flesh and white. Step in model, attractively hem stitched or lace trimmed. I.U nretlier. SKCOND VI.OOR SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY! 1.85 "Harvard" Sheets '1.18 Wanted 81x90 Inch Size Our own exclusive biand famous for its matchless wearing qualities. Only 1200 in the let. Made of well-known "Har vard" mills bleached, seamless sheeting. jl I fi'i 'AnvSrJTI rut nretlifr FIIIST FLCOH, NOItTH: SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY 1 $10 A i '-Weel Blankets I -zms: -Li-J'VTZS- Pair $6.95 Only 200 pairs in thn Int Warm, heavy, all-wool blankets soft, fleecy and very attractive. In pink, blue, tan or gray block plaids. Deuble-bed size. Weight 5 pounds. Ne mail or phone orders. -1-1 nrelliers First Fleer. Vartli SPECIAL FOR TUESnAY ONLY ! Men's $5 Imported English broadcloth Shirts $2.69 White, Tan and Cray Seft as silk, but with many times the wearing quality. Custom made throughout; perfect te the Inst detail. Pre shrunk neck bands; fine ocean pearl buttons; deuble French cuffs. All absolutely perfect all sizes te start. Ne mail or nnnnn ntvlnre :L!t llretlirra 1st Fleer, 7t'h St.r be worshiped , u 1 Jn, "''n' ' hurled ami the ,iu&1 l',rlel8 Wtr, Jnagegue "WurlierB Invade,! the Delay Irked Autelst ," siMIIOIlM , '. . Ml" X.lle h ll" W,"h r,W,B,lt a...,e ,..."'. "m.!,d !.' for T, '.! II I II linf .........' i'i-iir. - ' Ilk n-K-K-O-K-M Hri:i.iw i.xve... RbK&b s vEwnmu sSJI Fruit Bowls SILVER WEDDING GIFTS OF IMPORTANCE Tea Sets Coffee Sets Meat Platter Vegetable Dishes Salad Dishes benterpieces Flower Vases ilk felLTiASr IMilliiM um K fcyr,) m it's toasted M Ij (RrAM H ene extra process H Tl'ui B which gives a Dj ! ft')-'u-. H delicious flavor H1 V "VV us m- ie ;w. Bfcumniniiiwiiiiwi IB (( 11-.. KflEVBISSSSSSiSlHlHB 1 Vf ' HKVrMH i VMiV 1 LUCKY Yl I S II I VflPIIBH I II I ter Tiirmln.rt IVv"RIKEl a. lv lAlli llhit w I j J Subway Stere! -MCh m m I 1 W 1 v 1 1 jerKins j ; ) te 32 InelifH lone. I supwAyvrenK Special for Tuesday Only! Women's $4 Bath Robes 2.98 Beacon Blanket Robes. Most Ac ceptable October Birthday Gifts! Variety of pretty floral designs in IiKht and dark coleritiRS. Cellar cuns ana pecitets bound with sa- i T. I ... f098 M iecn' r,nn with cord girdle X " J Si7es Sfi tn 4 J Lit ItreUierh SECOND FLQOn M'KCIAT. IQlt Tt'l.sn.w ONLY ! -. jr: Sft U. S. Army Leather $Q CC ) 33 Made for trunspert tierv. ice erlKlnally cost hcv eral tlmen as niucli. Of selected tnn leather with O. D nlliWOQl hlanUct lining. Wonderful pro pre pro teetlon from cold, rain or wind. Slztn .IS te 4C :ie te 32 InelifH lone SUBWAV JjTOHK ;lS5l faHljiT "'iPH.J,!jJ $25 Wincreft Four top burnera. All fctar drilled lG-ln. evon. Connected free within city limits nnd Camden where fuel line runs te kitchen. held nn thn Cluh l'liin Lit llrelliiTH 3d Fleer SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY1 Beys' $6.50 X$Q.85 ChinchiUa Coats J Splendid Styles for Scheel Just Four Hundred in All! Warm, sturdy, serviceable coats that button snugly around the neck. Belted all around. Com fortable woolen linings. Venetian yokes. Blue, Brown and Cray. Sizes 3 te 9 Years Lit nretliem Second Fleer, 7th St SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY! $3.50 Embossed Velour fBii I mil III I yvnaaaeEM. Yard $2.19 500 yards of this handsome lnnn., fnliKin Renilfiflll flnmi UittJi:iJ XCUI1.. AuublAva. .aw. ta l and conventional embossed is .- - designs en high-grade ve lour. Fer furniture cover ings and cushions as well as portieres and window draperies. Blue, Rese, Green and Celd Ne mall, phone or COD. orders lit Kretlier THIRD FLOOR Special1 for Tuesday Only ! $4 Chiffen Taffeta Silk Petticoats, $2.98 Black, Brown, Navy and Pretty Changeable Effects Twe pretty styles, both in longer length. Strniirht. mr-dela with 599S rose quilling in pretty design, iiisu ueep uounce siyie. Alse extra sir.es. i.lt Ilrntliers SKCO.VD FLO OP w!cft i FT B 5 I h' i 4 H V H. V.U SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY $17.50 Winter Coats for Girls, $9.96 A -high-grade maker's entire sample line. Wonderful assort ment of geed-looking styles in wool veleurs, pole-tones, v'eldyne and ether coatings. Fur or cloth stele cellars. Novelty pockets and criss-cress belts. Navy, brown, tan and rein deer. Sizes S te 14. I.lt Ilrothfre SUCON'D FLOOR SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY ! Misses' and Children's $3 and $3.50 $9 10 Popular pony cut lace styles. New shade of nut brown leather. Comfortable bread tees. Perforated vamps and tips. Sizes 8 te 2. Splendid Shoes for SchoelWear! I.lt IlnitlnTH FIRST FLOOR, NORTH l SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY ONLY ! $6 Velour Sports Hats $3.98 Smartest Styes for General Wear High-grade velour in new est shapes and most wanted colors - finished smartly with tailored bands and bow s. Jlats Trlmmrd 1'rrf ni i-i. ,.. .,. ' ". ..reinrrx ruisr 1'I.UUli, NORTH xTvO i.it Mb -js, s pidHJ Special1 for Tuesday Only Women's 1.50 Union Suits 74c Famous "Roulette" Brand Fine cotton ribbed; sleeveless; knee length; tailored finish throughout. Ne mail or phone orders. llretlirr First Fleer. Smith 29' IitImI fur Tueilin OnM t Men's 50c Fiber Plaited Half Hese Permanent finish, lustrous socks tlbej pl.iiteil en l.a st quality lisle Seniulers Den- uie ueeis and iech Black, Navy, Dark Gray, Cordovan and Other Celers Mt Ilretlirm .Flrrt Fleer. 7th St cr Over 9000 Suits and Overcoats At Our Super -Value Prices $28 33 38 & $43 Think what this means. Se many Suits and Overcoats you can't help finding one that fits and suits you just right. And no matter which of the 9000 you cheese, you get a Super-Value fine quality at a definite saving of $5 te $12 en every Suit or Overcoat. Fall Suits: A wonderful style show of new idpas. Nothing ordinary. Every Suit the best of its kind. Most attractive Woolens you have ever seen. Coats with the new high-cut, short rolling lapel and 4 button fronts and Coats with 3-button fronts. Suits with patch or plain pockets; Single and Deuble Breasted. Ele gance in every line. Wonderful Knitted Overceats: Brownish, greenish and blu ish heather mixtures. Our Super-Value prices for Knit ted Fabric Topcoats begin at $23. Everybody tcanta te knew hew ivc de it. Light - Weight Gab ardine Overceats: Ideal for Fall. Wear and rain resisting. Full of style y. Single and Deuble Breast ed. Kagian sneuiaers. witn and without belts. Philadel phia's largest selection. Splendid cheesing. Our Super-Value prices for Gab ardines are $25, $28, $30, $33, $38. Light-Weight Over Over eoats: in Tweeds, Hemespuns, Her ringbones and Coverts. Nov elties in everplaids. Richly trimmed. Gleve - fitting at neck and shoulders with graceful drape. Our Super Value prices en Light-Weight Overcoats begin at $23 and up te $53 for the imported Crombie Overceatings. The courtesy of this great store is yours. Come see the greatest display of fine quality clothes in our history and in Philadelphia's. All at Super - Value Prices which save you many dollars. Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men r7JnTTrriT X-hU '?"-i - " REED 'S "POLO" SHIRT W H White Oxford exact ly right in its propor tions, lits just as a shirt should fit. "Set right" cellar. We sell thou sands annually prob ably the most popular shirt in this country. 53.00 JACOB REED'S SONS E424-H426 dhesftmatt Street .22-v " V nl,h. ,e1'.' '1 th" MjLaiinr.,'irm.m"V 1 Util (j ll 't AN V . 'jd