Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 02, 1922, Night Extra, Page 22, Image 22

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wprcr "s?w!nwwjy yt
Investors should ask
for our October Bend
Circular. It lists ever
ISO issues which we
art recommending at
this time,
Harris, Ferbes & Ce
Pins St., Cor. William
Widener Bid.
Telephone Spruce 7040
Take Aittantas-a of All Recent Rullnrt
I Become a Ta Consultant
I Inttructer, Jehn 0. llernden, Jr.
I Visit the Clin Oct. 4th
14S1 ARCJt ST.
Lted Title Bldj., Pbila.
Finance Bid., Phil.
Certified Public Accountants
Orexel Building, Philadelphia
Means 25 Saving
Pennsylvania Indemnity Exchange
La Bread St. & Se. Venn Squire
Bends for Investors
Reed A. Morgan & Ce,
ilmt)m of ti PhllA Htecli Eich.
West End Truat Bldg., Phile.
r 1Sln'ln Fund nf Superior Slel I'orpnrallen,
th follewlnB nurni .ire appllrnblc te the pur
ehnni of tfiara of Flrt I'ri-ferr! nwl Sec
ond Preferred Stock of the Corperation:
I.11J.M1.84 te the purrhuM
of t'lrat Preferred Sleck,
$.13.tWiVl te the pun-hnje
of Second Preferred Stet k.
an4 that Superior Steel Uorpnntlen wil' ue
and applv nuch funds en October 'J.'ith. lfll'J
In the purchase of firs'. Preferred Sleck nnd
Second Preferred Stock as preldel In tli
Certificate of Incorporation nnd the H law
of the Corporation te euch extent us the
funds In the Slnklnir Fund may permit, at
the lowest prices at which surh shares ma,
le erfeml for nale te the Corporation, but
t a price net in eecd One Hundred and
Flfteen Dollars Ull", OOI pe- Ktiare ind lh
amount of nil unpaid and accrued dlvldenli
Sealel nrterlnus plainly marked "Offer of
Flist Preferred Stock or "Offer nt Second
Preferred Stock ' are h..reh Invited te I
made te the Superior Steel Corpnritlen et
the efflre of its Transfer .Bnt HO Hroad Hread
way. New Yerk f'ltv en or tWnre Octulier
1th. 1UB2. Such offers should stale the
numher of ahares for s.cl and the prke .it
1 ,chl(i eufli shares are se offered, and aheul 1
be slimed by the owners thereof
The Superior Steel Corporation -vlll send
letter of acceptance or relectlnn from their
ber.ie office aa seen as possible .ifter the
date en hlch ruch effera are opened
suPEiuen sTKntj conpenA-noM.
Hy Columbia Tmst c'empinv
. , v, ,.,"' Transfer Aicent.
Dated, New Yerk. September ISth. QT1.
FUND fiOLI) 1IO.NDH, DUE 1037.
The underslned Invites tenders of the
above bends for sale end delivery aa of
November fl. iO'iZ. at a price net eiceedlnic
103 and Interest, te absorb JIT HH.70, a
Bum new available In Slnkln Fund
Seated tenders, atutlnir number of bends
effffed, addressed te 'illlAlllJ TIll'ST COM
PANY. Trustee Sinking I-und. Kalrmeu'nt
Park Transport atien Company First Mert-
nKn fe- I r i-eni silllKinir i unit tleld
iienan, win lie recenea until l ,,l
Philadelphia Pa . S'eplemtier 3e 1022.
The undersigned invlta ten.Iers of ih
sbove twnds for al and dell, err ns of
Neremiier 1. 1D.J2, at a prla net etreedlni:
par and lnteret, te absorb t ft7S i'S a
mm new RIIfible In Slnklnir Fund
Sealed ten.Iers. Marine numbers of bends
offered, nddressed te Olr-ird Trust C empnny
Truitee Slnklnv I'und. Pittsburgh nri y..l
mereland Ceal Company I'lrat NrorleiKe rive
Pr Cent llends. win be receded until 12 M
October 10th, 1022.
Philadelphia, Pa September "0. lnja,
Sinking Fund Netlre
Sealed proposals for th nale te Klde'lty
Trust Company. Trustee under the mertgaKe
of the cllrard Point Storage Cempn, dated
April 1. UUO. of n sufflclent number of
bends lnued under mid mornings te Invest
the sum et U'1.:i!0.7:. will be rereed at
th office of aald Trustee. .Ven. .T.'.'.Oai fheat
nut afreet. Philadelphia, until Monday.
Oeteber lSth. 1022, at IS o'clock neon? The
rlht la reserved te reject nny and all bids
WM. P. OEST. Prenldent?
Philadelphia. September 2S, Wis
I I'hlladelDhln. October -'. 111'.",
- . . - " . T. ... - . . ..--,
Beaien proposals ,, in i rcei-iveu at this
nfisl. neon, 213, City Hall, until 12 o'clock
mi, Monday, October 10. 1022, for the
BUREAU OF FirtK: Fer furnishing and
tailing; one (1) ten D. i Klectrle Cable
eltt at repair ahep. HIT Heed acreut
Specifications te be had at l-'lra Head
quarters. 132S Rare street.
Tna Director reserves the right te reject
any or all bids or parta of bids as may be
tUaintd beat for Che Interest of the Cltv,
. SU 1'ass.Tunlc. Airnue,
1 I'htladflphU
Hepltmber 20. 11122.
Al meetlnr et the lleanl of Directors
' held tieplcmUr 28, 1022. tt dlvldencl of 81.1.1
. tuiirv wa urriaccu en imh j-reif rreu
k of tht company, payable November I,
it atoeknol
ualllsia Uctebtr 1(1.
Here c rereru ac ine cleie
Checks will
.Short covering played nn Important
part in liringlni: nlmiit the rcvlvnt of
strength throughout the stock H-t last
week, nnd while mere of this sort of
buyliiG muy tnkc pliii'i during the next
two or three days, the general feeling
in flnnncinl circles Is Hint the ilewnwnnl
movement has net yet completely run
Its course. There no ileuht nre n num
ber of issues which nlrendy have touched
their low levels for the present time,
but in the main stock arc thought te
be in line for further reactions before
the end of the week.
The Standard Oil group of iw""
commanded the greatest degree of at
tention last week as n result of "melon"
talk, but when the announcement win
madi) that the Standard Oil Company of
New Yerk directors bad transacted only
"reutinu business." there was n less
bullish feeling with respect te this group
than previously had been In evidence,
many entertaining the opinion that per
haps there has been mere smoke than
tire In the multiplicity of rumors of the
last fortnight.
These best posted regarding the
Standard Oil group of corporations,
however, still (irmly believe there w 11
be splitting up of shares of many of the
large companies and stec-K uiwiiciiu dis
tributions made within n comparatively j
snort time preu.mi.v raunc wim
reassembles this fall.
llc.ictlen in Liberty llnnds
1'rebably tin- most important develop
ment in the bend market during the lat
week was the reaction in Liberty Lean
bends which created (ensiderable com
ment in financial circles. This untitles-
I "," ;i.V.'. " """w.:..V.i i:,,.V I
i I llllllllll t 1111,1 III irilkll L III"". '.' " - I
public discussion of a large new (!ov (!ev
enimeiit long-term lean which, ncc-md-lug
te reports, is te be brought out en a
4 per cent basis. The manner in which
Liberty Lean bendi declined, however,
was Interpreted as indicating that per
haps such new issue as may be put out
h the Cm eminent will carry an in-
terest rate of 4'j per cent, rather tlitin
i per cent as currently reported, .men
was considerable diversity of opinion as
te whether the Government would be
able te successfully fiuat an issue at par
eanying a 1 per cent coupon at tins
While it is recognized that such new
timiucing will in ttie main nivem- m ,,-
change of new leng-teim securities feri
the nearby maturing virierv . s ,.. ,.
treasury ccrtil cates. etc st II lie a i
remains that the "iTering e a "' '
. IrZ ,Z ,m rile slcmiiar set
te create wni PI r-1 u '1 "
Z XuZ n ng8 f new me ey I
the .letual rai; n e uw .luui,.
bankers as te the extent that exchange ported. aNn from heir position., In f.,u, u Jl(.,.,,tll p ir,,i by a 1ils.in ec
will be made for the new long-term ('han.ik. is accepted as , proof et lie rfi a nuWlM mtM ,, ,
bend bv Victory notehelders, because ; Angera Government s readiness te com- ,
tli.. tiM.ilm nre known te bold c'.tl'eineh
large totals of these maturities and sue
net mix eus te talce en any mine iemi;
erm obigatiens than thev ate obliged i
'"' v.. i?" L I lw , , nffi.li.llv1:
HI, iVCIIUIpH -." " ' - - .
announced regarding a ferthcniiinm
large long-term (ievernuient bend Issue.
i,i in ii,n S!tr,...t mien ilNcussIim is
beard regarding the matter and in most i
circles the pren.iUlllty et such an ener-
ing in the near ftituie is accepted as a
Meney taaruet cotmitietis n. ,e u. . u
.... , I.-... '
Kundainentul", are satisfactory and
tills i-, an element of Impi.rtanee te he,
considered by any one enile.minim te
properly ptogneMiente the future coins,
of juices r.uMiics- renditions are
ftrndtiatly lmjire.-ii tlu-oiiclieut the
country and he feri- tli- peak in thN ie-t-pcrt
tins been readied stock ni:irk"t
quotations will have discounted mi, i, ;i
situation well in mhnnee.
Cerelsn Kxrhanse Net 'TaiiiiUy"
Although lb'1 news from the Near
I'as-t at the end of the week continued
of Rrave import It could net be slid that
the foreign exchange market, save an
indication of panic Te be sure, the
market was weak, but an actual pros
poet of n clash between the llritish and
the Turkish force was net indirated 1 I
quotations. It is admitted that then
are danccreu- jm-sibilltiec. but If the
Turks ate actliiK in Reed faith it is
lrtually certain thnt a t-emjirnmi'-e
will be" reached thiuiifh diplein.it u u
ceurses. It lin been a matter of daily comment
of late that sterling h.i-t hem affected
enlv iiartiallv by the war ecaie. Neail
all of the ether nations are belus com
pelled bV their absolute Hei esMties te
purchase article-, i c-quir--l fietii rniled
Stnte, including the Kieat naplet of
wheat and cotton, (ienn.inv icuitiiities
te be leperted, a for several mouths
past, a cash j,uirehuer "f our cupper.
"e better authority than Sectet.iry
of Ceiiiinercc Iloerr could be found
in relation te tin- dependence of for fer
eiitn eutintries upon the Anii-in-aii mar
kets for toedMulTs Mr Hoever lire-(llt-ts
heavy bu,lui; li'ie as s-ion as
the meaner fereusn slecks hae ueeu
used up. He deelnreh liat I here will
he a shertiiKn abroad en the Continent
of mere than Uift.tiOIMtOO bushels of
wheat nlene. The Department of Coni Ceni
merre is tlie nutlierity ,-iIm, for tlie
Htntement thai Mexico alone miisr iui
pert from the I tilted Mates c.u.UOt)
ha cs el cotton in tne curie nt yeni.
Sterling cables en the vvee! showed a
less of -fsc le the lowest level since
curly sumiiii-r In lh-- ether e.c lianges
francs arc- less than a point under the
previous week's lin.il . llelgians were
down 7 points, lire were down 1'1'jin ;
SvvIks down 1. pesetas down l'J and
Danish down '(). Norway actually
shows a gain of lit points and guilders
arc only down. "I tie.nts.
Annual Mretlni:,
-" (3KNKHAI. MKIITINU of Ihe slmre-
holders uf The I.iilce siuperlcir Ciiriior.itlen
will be nein en ni,iuii,i), Till'.
KII'UTII DAY, Ol' OLTOIIKK. lllji. at thai
hour of 11 or lock In the foreiinen. ut tne'
iirlneli'Rl oftlce of thn l'empan Xe. 4 ID i
the purpose uf the election of Dlrettera. of
..uiuim, . n1 1 annim.r ...r.ilp...... . ...
Market etren. enmeen. r,e jersey, for
ir,)iii ...... .. ..,'..... v. ,.,, i, ..,,,, M ,,r
report of the Heard of Director.! cf ili8 Coir..
ranv for the llacul year endlni; June aut.v.
11122. und of censlderlni;, and. f uppreved.
rutifvlnu ami cetillrmltiic ull the n,.i eK.i
proceedings of Ihe Heard of Directors of the '
c"on,Upa.lnynCnn-"Kferf ita tVlwKSiSS' 0?' ai?,
company uecie aim iaen suire tne lust
further and ether business us inuj prupcrly
The etiick trnnjfer henlis will be closed for
the puriio'e of such m-i'tln fieni ami .ifter
the lath day of September, 1028 a( the hour
of 3 o'clock in rtie nfternoen, until the Oth
day of October. 1S22. at the hour of 10
o'clock In Ihe forenoon.
DATED, Toiento.iCanarta, Aur, slot. 1022.
ALK:A,fTAYMR, Secretary.
Ijrce Surtdus of Idle riinds
snmewlint irrezil ar during llie uvt ' , . .. 1,,u,i ,, l,!i, i,t , i.i.i frr.,,. I."l.... n.- ... . ' nerinlxsiell te exlllllil
week, the rate having advanced rnther'a ; . - -;-; --, --, - ;,,, .xlllllI1.ltleI1 ,. tw ,ke place te-
sharply nt times for call acconuiieda- i .'','u,tv A, the" vsime time Mustafa i twelve. Miss Duncan has been in Mes. morrow.
tler. and near the c lese of t he wecju : j,P(1 for having shown a row for mere than a year at the invf- Jtll,, Khheis Suspeclctl
there wns calling of leans prcsumablj " " '. , ! .,it.i. e. whi. ii. it is hoped. ! ttlmi of the Soviet (Seyerniaein. having , ,i, :,,, ,u lmn tIlp.
in preparation for October 1 Pajuwnt-. ' -J w, , ove.leok. as the , established a school f da-uing ,i n eenneeti ni wi i the m t an the-
Hut. In tbc nmlii. It wns Vr7 VM Kpm"ll"t"viU liute t.vnw.nte.1 tb. neu- the auspices of the Ministry f Kine "r" . ll,p. ''' ""1U; , ,r ', 'C ., )." " ,,ee
centinu.s a large surplus of idle funds, Pm'1-. i,.,.h eflicials arc anx- Art-. 1 out!n who are said le iiuc been
which must find employment, ln "c I ,, ' tl,.,t (ireat P.rit.iin will find n' -Thev -ire wonders " she ,-n -n.,t 'encerned in a bank rebbeiy some
channel or ,. ether in such rates a, are unlMi Turkish public opinion. tey11 ZAuhnVliu TJ 7 'wh'en 'fTr wr "
ffifn'g bankers say that while there France Accepts CM. cMMr .... , -;;;j;ri.-!:'r-, I:" "et5,, 1 lic ec,
probably will be a hrmiK'ss in niencv rates T1 e.,u for tne co uerence a reauy housed in an old tin ilile.W-n ! frmi their homes.
ever the nt tt tew weeks. ,,e xtlffcnins ha, ,en accepted by 1 riin.e. and it Is ,. " J ' ' ' "X" ' ' , ie of these two men is said te have
will net be cuffinc-nt te warrant calling , ,.,, here tJrwit Ilritinn and Italy ' " '- ! ,, ' B" ,"f ;';,'", j told his friends ,,at he was going away
of money tight. It is reported 1 liar some w UlP haM net already done e, will " '',;" J , i,,,,,, he was afraid detectives would
of the banks ar elhng Liberty bends, j u.lv f.ueiabh te the it.Mtatieu te Vn''ni V.e,ld all.."- lis " ' question hlu. .ilinut the nu.rdvr
but Inquiry m leading limincial cire'?c ,lttend. , P.nt it is Imr marri'ice -i'ihI mrtle,, ! Twe of the detectives, l)-iwd and
tailed te elicit any continuation of -ti.-I. Acceptance of the mutation by Great '.'1 s " ; '";;, Parte i- I ...turn-.l lu Uiu o,urtl,e,i,e nt
leperts. Se long a money rates con- Hrltaii. and Ha v I" considered se sure Y(l, ,. n si b,,': "I ' Ni P.runswick n.st evening niter a
tiiue no higher than these ,- tl.v re tlmt it. .V" XL ,", lu '" '' ",rt,73 ,, ," n I,. ' -1 J f ifi'1 nns.,-ieus nip and did their best te
corded It is r.g.mled as fair te assume, ben nenl 11a r iiglen will l,e the '' ' . ,.,,. t.i .. J,,"."1,,,,, the inipi-ssien of i heerfulne-s.
that In- seuirities nnirket, will con- I lritlli ff "' ''7" M"1;; ,", ' , ' ''of '" ' a J a-e e I s. . "i "W h.n'- 1 -.! a man who we be-
,... i,ni,- ui.wnrd trend. I belli will act for t.ily. 1 i.ince has '"' .-..., l "-' "t usa and ... .,.,,. 01 ,1L, lml
--;SF.r"f 'tv "'?:
"Heartless and Cruel," Says Londen Magistrate in Sentencing
Eight-Ycar-Old Girl's Father and Stepmother
I button, Oct. - Sentence of two
months' Imprisonment wns given te
Oeerge W. Saunders and ills wife. Oalle
Saunders, fee willfully neglecting nn
eight-year-old girl, of whom they were
respectively father and stepmother, by
leaving her alone in u lint for u day
anil a half.
The child. .lean, was found en the
deer of the Hat In Jenny n street occu
pied by the defendants. She said she
had been left alone, that she went te
the park te play anil lest her key, and
that there was no feed.
Mrs. Saunders explained that she and
her Imsband had gene uway en Satur
day Intending te return the following
night, but had missed their train. The
magistrate before whom the case wbh
trletl strongly commented en the con
duct of the couple. "It was mere than
thoughtless." he said. "It was heart
ies nml cruel."
I'nrly In the proceedings the magis-
trnln nbl'nil In wi-rt llttll, .Infill. nfld till1
child tpiickly appeared, smiled at the
Kemal te Insist
British Quit Chanak
Continued from race One
however, that (ireat Ilntnin will nollslen ever the Near i.ustern situation,
consent te such a plan, especially nt a The despondency which has muYkcil the
ennfi rence at which there is no pre-1 press ceinment for the last few ilays
vision for fiivek lepresentatlen. i pave way te hope today, although net te
l'nrther danger te the success of the1 absolute confidence that war has ben
ennfeieiiie Is seen in the firm decision I averted.
of the Ilrlti-h net te retire from ''he bulk of the press opinion is that
ft,ni,.iir mni fclmnlil ilm Tnrlts make rtnimriil 1 1 M rl net nn has saved Orcm
this retirement one of their conditions
it Is foreseen that an agrcmeent might
be Impossible.
tli - retirement one et their cnn.iit nns
' . . ..!
I. . j .. .1. a. .... .. .. n t III I II h r
Approval of the Turkish proposal, it p.ft a tree iinnil te ileal witn me siuia
is pointed out, would be a substantial tiun until it Is settled,
f-nncctsten te the Kemilllsts. lis tm- '"
alii"d Powers in their note made the'
neutrality of the zones of the Straits!
one of their chief condition
IS-Heur Hrrathlng Spare
In well-informed though unofficial
quarters the most that Is said for the
decision te meet at Mudania is that it
hrnneht about a forty-eight -hour
lireathlus space at a moment when hes.
.nn,,., r..uv...M. tln Itrltisb and TinkslnuMes as If she were wearing tisher-
seemed Inevitable, and that it new iv-
. ,
' n " '
mains for the conference te promote l lie
further removal of the conditions which
pMnK , r clnvh, ln tnclal cir- ' si,e would Ktay en the 1'aris and return
htt,.vi.r. the expressions wercM ,lt, .-micll n,,,,,. rnthr tlmn R0 ,0
mlll.h .ere eptin.istle with the relic f. ,;, ,,,, -,,,.. ,f ns ,1V
indicated that the danger ei war mm ,
virtiinllv disappeared. !
The withdrawal of the Turks from
M.,. officially re-
,.!.. till tin. nllied desires.
'it is explained there will be two con-
f.lJsl, Mudania. the first between .
;,.0ral llarlngten. the 15rits, com-i
... .Vi. . ;,.,l t,.ef Kemal. Turkish I
UlitM'H t "
nntienalit leader, or bis reprcsenta-
tj;0,, alone The will settle tne ipies.
,,!,, ,.f iientrnl ynne en the Asia Miner '
s,j,, 0f ti,e straits. The second will be
qUt,. ji distinct ceiucreiice, nun win
,1,..,. u), a previsional statute for
'Thrace, the allied and Turkish generals i
being present. j
,.:..!.. ! ..1,-nM .rn.t.f tn I
I iee'll lirn.tl l i .." v. . ...t m
..m..,.,i nnnrteis with havinc held'
,i..w,i.reifc (iencrni i narpv
The tet of Mustafa Kemal'-, reply te
the allied joint note of September L'.'!
was made jiuhlie last night b tlie- I'or I'er
eiun Office.
It is dated September 'J'.l and prom
!ms liainediaielv te slop the military
operations which have been dee!onn dee!enn dee!onn
tew. ml C.ins'iinMnnp'.e and Clianak "In
iiii.-ii t of the J reek armies. aciejit
iti" the jiropesal for an nniii-ipe con-
Dealing with Thrace, the reply is '
weri'.ed h marked firmness. It credits
tin- r.niente with sentiments of iustice
toward Turkey, but demands Thrace
shall net be left one diiy longer under
th'.. Creek army, saying it Is indl-ppns-ahb'
ili.it Thrace shall be evaluated
iminfdiiiielv and restored te the An An
eora Cevei'iment uji te the west bank
of the Mantxa Kici including Adrian-
'iui-, .... ,i v- i
The note, which Is signed by 'usstif
iemal. Minister of I-erelgu Affairs.
call's bv s-iylng ';";""" r,,l,IN ,0 !"'
;iiinites nun- ,-i'i " i. '"
cliivs bv I
Cor a 'Must Peace"
"Cetifulent In it'" assiiiauces whdi
M I'lanklin-Houillen has given the
ceiiiaiaieler-iu-'-hief of the Turkish
armies. In accord villi tlie representa
tives of Hie Kntenle Powers meeting in
Pails and persuaded that negotiations
will tit mil" be juni ceded with te es
tabl s, a iust jieaie." the note continue-
".in order has been given te
Mop i-i mediately our military move
I, n vtiidi have been nti eiisinglv le.
vel., j ,ng i-i tlie direct ion of Contantl-iiepl.-
,iu I Ch.iiiiik in piiisuit of the
I- armies.
Iln- .-insurances given bv M. 1-rnnk-
lin P.Diiilleli have eslalilislied the sentl.
I tnciiis of jusiiie with which the (om (em
I positions of the Kiitetite are truly in-
kinrcil w tn a vie,, ie .isiuihh- nn
1 1 .-lit.
Igiits ei inn.--- ,...,,.,,,.--, .,- in-
iiiilnteiiance of Ibwue. If only for a
. , . f f- I.a. Vrt. n. , ... n. a .. u .1...
malnteiiiiiici "I linaie. u only ter a
idav mere, utub'i' the ailmtntstratien and
- ..... . .
i nlen el llie tireei; Army Is a
cause of (lunger of every kind and grief
te Turkey's jieeples, ir is iiidsiensable
' t,,it Tlu'ace ie the west of Murliza
' Kher, wit h Adrianeple. be eviu-uated
I luimi-dintcly and n-sleied urgently te
. the Government f the Great Nntlennl
Assembly of Turkey'
,"," ... . ., T1
I UumIeii. O't. Illy A. 1 Ihe
Turkish .Nationalist assembly at An-
The Seng of the Mem Vamp -y '. ' ey
T AM tlie Moving-Picture Vamp, In
sidious and tropical,
The I.erelel of celluloid, the lure kalei kalei kalei
cloucepicill, I ("nlerifle and sinuous, voluptuous and
. ...", ....
,nd when it comes te picking pals, I
ain't a bit particular.
M times 1 loll in languid case, at ethers
I inn siiulrinlcnl
My art Is unuteniical and also epider-
I vamp the silly single cuss, I nlte viunp
the tnarricd man,
The placid, the teiupestiieus, the satla-
Heil and harried man.
mnglstrnte and went away again. Lnter
she gave evidence In the witness-box,
lull her statements did net appear det
rimental te her parents.
A constable testified te finding the
child and te her declaration thnt she
had n key te the house where she lived
but that she lest It In a park.
The father denied that only bread ami
butter were left in the house for the
glri and said who wns unite able te
leek after herself. He ale denied that
his wife had taken n tlNUke te the
child for telling fibs, asserting that she
wii.s very fend of Jean.
Mrs. Saunders herself testified that
she was affectionately disposed toward
Jean. Anether woman testified that
Mrs. Saunders was always finding fault
with the child and criticizing her.
"It seems te me," said the magis
trate. In summing up the case, "te lie
the act of people who could net possibly
have nnv svnipatliy with children.
Netice e appeal trem me rc-hicuci:
was given
I gera has unanimously approved the
1 action of Mustnphu Kemal l'asha nnd
has authorized the dispatch of dele-
I gates te Mudania and later te the peace
conference, according te a Central News
dispatch from Constantinople.
1 d'l.n,... nut n ri'lnvnt inn today of ten-
Hrltnln from war thus far and there
are many eulegisms of bis tact and ski II,
the hope being added that he will be
Isadora Duncan
Halted at Pier
Continued from I'nce One
half -bat baric Hussien costume of bril
liant colors. She wen- bright red Hns
stall beets which Hopped around her
men's beets, and bells clanked w hen she
.t first she stamped her feet and said
thp ,ine 0ffleinls she had changed hei
milu). hut bail determined net te leave
. .hip until just before she was called
before the beard.
- the Paris wn nearing the shores
of. .'" I n.tcd States M,s Duncan
sn,u ""- "'age .e America was a
rapprochement of the people of Hiss4i,
, and the people of the L'nlted States.
.mst llKe woman as nature se.ups in
have intended her te be, Mis Duncan
pushed her husband forward nnd wanted j ;
mm te siu-m. iui u.i , vira unnin sue
Is engaged te dance in tin principal
cities of America and is bringing her
sciioei in memj-mt; nuuircu stnugiu
Ollt of ItUS'-la.
The i hibiren were net en the Paris, lint !
Peet of New Silioel i
. 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 i I . " -
As for Serge Hssenine himself, lie he was or whether lliey had questieneu
barel.v leeks In, twenti -seven 5enr, ' him "We knew we can lav hands en
though he was severeh wounded en tlie, him, and we -belee lie will aid us te
Ceiman fietit in the first two jcais .if solve the lu.Wi i ,' s.iid Detei live Tot Tet
the wai i i.il h.is -.ince traveled the ten.
! 1(100 miiis mieM Ktirejieau and Chemistrv is te be ai tlvelj emplejed
Asiatn- Il'i-s a te Vl.idivo-tek, most of te selie the msii-r -f the niurder.
the way as a vagabond Jieet. (The dirt where tin bodies lay Is te be
With bis sjieck of bcavv blend hair analved te deleiinlne whether the vie-
",''. "
lue eves, U is net hard tnilini, died theie. or wen- cirried there
believe he belongs ie the Wliite idiksiuu i after death. It is pointed out thnt
race, though he may be Heil m jielltics. 'Mis. Mills must have lesi a great quail quail
Sen of bumble j,rnsants, he began le I rity of bleed, prebablv n quart at least,
compose verses when he used te hear I fnim the wound In her threat, which
tne wanecrnig jeeis recite their himjile
lines in his
iiinne village, inn new i,
considered the
hlef et tlie new school
of Hiissinn iinngist poets.
lie sits or walks with his head bent
forward nnd n-c-uis te iersenifv the
iiussi.iu peasiini as we nave Miewn hini
ln k0MB mill i,.s,MM. tlie Kiissin peasant
bl(WIi ...j,,,,. lll(. HI1(nVH of ,,, R.(.n(
Hussi.in jieasnnt as we have known him
steppe, or en tin- defensive le avert the
i blew of haisii taskmasters,
i -,
Washiiigtcin. iici 'J. 1 1!
Laber Dip.ntmi-nt citlic-iaN
today that I-adeia Diine.in,
claiicer, S'-ige Vcs-enln, her
A l'i-
e,.,lllll d
Itus, inn
poet 1iii).iiii
pnrtv Wet., i
mil ether mi'iulieis of lier
i iillevvecl te land mum
at riving at i vv
Yerk vcsiii-dav be-
cmi--e of i. uiu. mallen legulaiiens pm
vicling linn .ill aliens must nppi.ir lie
fmc an in initiation beard of tevievv
in ler i In.issien and because thi
beard de, . .,.,t held M-sieii, en Sun
day. Illbci.il, i .intituled le iii.j i ii t ii i ii I lint
.1 , t ... i
II" (Mill . V',1,. issued fl'Ull Ullshlllglell
with iispeci te Miss Duncan and
, ;
idary Unvis n serted that tin- depart.
llient biul no I hi en advised of the s.,,.
ing cif il... ijinc-'-r te the I nited Stales.
The Si. relary i-Milaiiu-d lint the
' '
I . .. . x
iiancer aici nil memiiers et iier jimty
u,,iibl In lee'ilred today te appeal hc'-
f,,r il,,. I :.i ,.f ....,.!..... I ..'..... ..n
;,.,', ,i ' i i , V ""its say. in- witnesses wl knew thev
,es ie s ei'liuaillv j..-. nded tc j,,,,..,, ,,.,. ,reug, pelic- culmination
.' ..''"'" ;!'::!!! rr .,.,.r,,.,, " ""!...i i...t uruut.. .-.-,' ep,ie. n. lwn
--..... i H'"lll It H I1l"ll 1 1 ' ' 1 1 I I I I
vvny iney. 111 me opinion el liic hearil,
should be ilch'ii-ml, they will have (lie
right of appeal le the Sec-retnrv of
T ..1 ,1 . r . . . t ... i.i . I... . . '
i.iiii'e . .-ii w,i,is sum com sci tar as i
lie anew nieie wns no icnseii at this
nine way nn- jinny hueiiki net ijc m.
My eyes are long delirious eyes, liqu
escent evis and luminous.
And when von leek lu them you feel
just like you're ill a Htevvinnus,
I send n ripple down your keel, I ugltate
your livah, sir
Fer I am most ccpiivecal with the ac
cent mi the ciiivuli, sir
In short, I am the movie vamp, the
siicwaheara trepica
The Key lb. of the celluloid, the lerelei
vex pepidi
In turns I am demoniac, nppealing, sly
und i lerical,
Ambiguous, sephlsticnteil, wistful and
While new- and Iheii you'll find that I
am rather leiu-aiid-jerrycal.
Recter Lured te Death,
Bishop MaWiews Says
Centlnuril from I'nse One
morning, ready In get started en n hard
day's work. They Intel n geed rest te
begin their day. The three troopers
were waiting for Prosecutor IVjcuinaii,
who enmc ever from Semervillc, bin own
county sent In Somerset ( eunty, ni
half-past eight. Then, while H'O troop
ers continued te wait, he conferred at
length with the two detectives. .
The State troopers, who refuse te tnKc
any country official's sny-se, wantw I te
leek nt the clothes worn by Mr. H""
nnd Mrs. Mills. Later the """
were planning te go out te the Phi Ips
farm and leek ever the ground where
the bodies 'were found. . .
When Air. lteekman enme out et lis
pest -enrd conference he was nskei if
Ihe two wells en the Phillips farm bad
been dragged in search of n poss lie
weapon. The prosecutor seemed Mir
., ..' i ... .i. .......ir,n Tin beamed.
"Well, that's n crackerjaek Idea, he
said. "I never thought of it before.
We'll have that done at once.
"Ne Arrests In Sight"
Tl, Silnln Crnnnera xnlll tllC.V nlrCfltly
had made a preliminary examination of
the farm, which Included n glance at
one of the wells, tlieugn net n miui.
n ntiilltl t Intl .
Mr. Ileekmnn was asked If there was
any truth In the perennial rumor that
,.'..n.i. worn merely n matter of
lii.urs " He shook his head.
v., lie mill, "there are no ar
rets in sight. Nothing anyhow for the
Immediate future.
ii,. .. mm nut.-eil If Mw. Frances Stevens
ii. ,ii ... ,.!,,.. nf Hi,, iiilnlsler. and .lames
Mills, husband of the murdered choir
singer, had been eliminated. Ne, we
are net 111 a position te cuiniiiuic uoj uej uoj
eno." ,, ,,.
Tliengh the county authorities ex
press tbemelves iiesslmistlcnlly .about
the case, there are certain elementary
things thev de net ceem te have done
looking tewnrd Its solution. One of
thes,. concerns Mr. Hall's watch. Ail
nilttedh be lest nn old-fashioned geld
watch.' which had been changed ever
fiein a lce -winder te a stem-winner.
.Inscnh V.. Strieker, the Prosecutor of
Middlesex t 'eunty. vns a "filer" has
been sent out for the watch. Whether
or net he did se. It is known that no
"flier-" was received by the pelUc In
Philadelphia. Apparently there were
manv ether obvious measures le.t tin
taken. The Somerset County aiithoti aiitheti
tles are reported te hnve emitted loud
ells of delight when they were told the
'Middlesex County officials would help
them, but the co-operation of the two
forces does net seem te have get the
case anywhere.
Call Daughter Frem Scheel
Charlette Mills, t lie murdered wem
an s niteen-jear-eici uuukmkii " "
Mimmened from high school nt 111
o'clock this morning, taken te the
courthouse nnd questioned for nearly
two hours. She was tpicstiencd about
where her father had gene Thursday
ceiling, September M. thn night of the
murder. She was bieiight in the front
deer of the courthouse and smuggled
out of the back. The authorities would
net diwilge what I hey had learned from
lur if anything at nil.
After the girl had been questioned
Prosecutor Ileekinnn nnd Assistant
Pit time Toelan. with Detectives
Ihiwd Kit y.pat rick and Tet ten. left in
a limousine bound In the direction of
the Hall home. Thev said tliey were
"going for ii bit of lunch."
This afternoon Hctretlve Iergusen
ten, te Vmv Yiinrk te meet Assistant
I UMrict Attorney P.rerthers, and make
'application in the Supreme Court for
e Mr. Man s ueiiy.
'I'll,, detectives refused te say where
severed both the .uigular vein- and the
cmeli niten. It tile uituder was
I commit ted wlieie the ImmIics were found
i be soil will show, by chemical analysis,
thai it was drenched with bleed.
Captain Weimaiin is bard at work
with a squad el Slate tioejiei.s trying te
overcome at tills late date the bungling
Mart made by llie county authorities.
j (iovciuei- rdwards nistnietcd the
troopers te Use all their ieeurc0.s te
i final ihe iiiiudeiei-s. 'I'll 'v have begun
by thievviug away ait tne theories of
tin- ceiiiuy ii.M-sg,ners ind making a
fiesh siatt.
I They ale going te bn e their iledue
I tieu en ficis obtained at tiist Imtid, and
' for this Jliirpese nie gllthi'lillg In with
'the utmost cue even llie most ele-
nieiilaiy fin t about the clime.
i They are ludng ii'ieinpanled by
count detective, until they fninlllnrize
I tlieiiisc Ives Willi tin- locality and the
ivaiietis i,-isens who might knew some-
Ihlt.g about tli" crime. The county In-
..t 1...... .., ,,.! ... , ....H. ..!.(....
esuiiu'es inn.' ...in'.i nt' ,' II ,, II1IOK
., I..., I ,,. ,l, S!l. ,.,...e I,... .1...
iil"', hum " i'i- ,l"""t,i nm, iitv
In i i i- fi imi mi U I tl'f nil. I, nint ni'iivv at nn
( II , i' t ii . n i ci-.p
liiliile liy Hie cieieciives.
The troopers premise jilenty of no
tion le tin' people they Interrogate.
They bave started out with the jileilgc
I hat no favors will he shown. When
. tuey iii"ii"Siii-; "ii I',, iiuciioep-
sent from Trenten an- among (lie best
inn the force, used le uniider luvesti
Krauskopf Haps
"Reifjn of Pleasure
( enliliuiil frcun I'liKi- line
shockingly louinien as ihcv are lednv
. iiieng our se-called top-most of so
ciety. If, as has fieiiiciitly liappc eed
In fore, corruption nnd decay al the lop
mtiMitutc the beginning of the end.
tlie end cannot be far distant.
Old Leaders Arc Itest
"Where llieie 1, no respect for
aiitheilly tlicm can be no legurd fur
icctltude. We are best led by thii'e
who nie Miperler te us in wisdom, liesl
held in restraint by I hose whose long
observations ami experiences have been
enacted into safe nilei of conduct, in
laws, Whcic these nre spiiincd, when
but the blind Impulse of tlie moment,
the tinrcusmiing Impulse of tlie lusts und
appetites of tint llesh held sway, there
must bu as a ienseiiieiict' moral decline
and physical decay.
"It may he a nicre platitude te say
I .In .
OCTOBER - 2. 1922
that probably In the whole Wtwref
mankind parents linvd wielded an little
authority ever children as they de nt
the present time
"It wns but the ether day that a
mother, whose children are still in
their teens, nsketl me wlint she teultl
de te get her children te mind her, or
te heed their father's bidding. The
eldest of her children, n girl, she told me.
openly slated te her that she propeosetl
doing as she chose, net as she wns bid,
that it wni mere proper for the mother
te dress ns the daughter tlid than it was
for the daughter te dress us tbc mother
wanted her te. Her son, a mere snip
of u boy, told her that It would be n
geed ileal better for her te take up
smoking, ns ether women did, than te
try te step lii in from it.
Such nttltudc against parents is fnst
becoming that against all authority.
One Is inclined te believe thnt there is
no lunger such n thing as sanctity of
the law. Never before hns there been
such a revolt against obedience te It.
The greater Its rigor, the stronger the
dcslie te dleebey it. or te circumvent
it. Disobedience' te It hns become a high
art, one of the most profitable pursuits,
Is uractlced even hy members of the
clergy, bar, nnd mcdlenl profession.
Violation et the Income Tax Law. for
instance, Is practiced by men in highest
positions, by men looked up te ns lend
ers of society, by" men who, notwith
standing tlielr great wealth, lie nnd
cheat ami commit perjury te defraud the
Government of the revenue It needs.
Crime Is Heal Huler New
"Lawlessness has. in consequence of
such disregard of authority, become the
outstanding crime of the age. Our crim
inal courts have never been us busy,
our penitentiaries never as full as at
present. The streets of our cities have
become the Held of operations for the
footpad nnd highwayman. I.lfc has
ceased te be sacred; property Is no
longer secure; the police confesses it
enn no longer cope with the onrush of
crime, which is net n little aided nnd
abetted by corrupt politics. The very
men sworn 0 obey the law tire fre
quently Its greatest violators, draft
besets our cities, States and Natien.
The losses sustained through it run In
tun mintireds of millions of dellnrs. It
has been estimated that the antiual
profits from violations 0f the prohibition
laws have renched $100,0(10, OOfl.
"With increasing numbers, self-seeking
nnd self-indulgence hnc heroine
mere and mere tin. seln nim of life.
The Mosaic cenuunnd : 'I.nve thy neich.
nor as tnjsclt,' has probably never be-
lore uccn ns little heeded ns It is at
tne present time. Hatred of mini
against man has probably never before
been as bitter. In it and In self-seeking
lay the cause of the World War. In
them lies the reason why we have net
yet pence, and will net have for a long
lime te come; why c are building up
armies and armaments en u larger scale
than ever before.
"And both of theni are mightily ac
celerated by abnormal aversion te work
nnd excessive thirst for pleasure. I'er
the average person of today, the goal
of existence Is pleasure. The slogan of
the ancient Uemntis, in the dns im
mediately preceding their fall: "Km
aim iirini; anu ue merry today for to te
morrow you may be dead." has become
that of many of our people. Kvery ob
stacle le the full rralis'utien of pleasure
is trodden down.
"Werk is reduced te as few hours
and raised te -ns high a wage as the
market will bear. Wink for work's
sake, has ceased te command respect.
Medem man pays little heed te (he old
dlctltn: 'Honest labor Is Its own re
ward.' It was honest unrk. nnd hard
work and Ieiir weik thai made possible
the rise and growth of out- gieat Ilc
public, in fact of the whole of our civi civi
ligatien. The i;ieatest civllizers have
been the hanlest workers. The niesent
day lintls as much delight In shirking
as our f.itlicr.s found In working. In
stead f twelve benis, wlili h al one time
constituted. a working day. piescnt-dny
people demand ilht hours, some cveii
six. They want lielidms indent, . nml
tile mere thev g-t of them tin, mere tin..
want. The ceiise(iieinc Is a bitter Mi-ug'.
gle bet weiii cniilfil and labor, no end
of strikes and lockouts, uupn dented I nations of the world en an equal font-
high lirices miiidei-eus ns.iults upon ing. This is consistent with tlie gen
Ivrile willing t.- ilay less and nrkiinl Ameiicaii ielicv of maiiitainlng
iiierc. ami at wages satisfactory te , tli,. open deer every when- and of equal
1 '"' ' oiiieitiinitles for trade in all quai'lcr.".
I'leasure Is (iciieral Mm i '''","' r""' ,lu' '''"itcd Suites Insisted
..,,, , . , upon respect for the rights of ininerl-
Ihis thirst for i ensure had readied ties lu the Turkish dominions. This
out le llie tanner folks, has lured fiein, Was in accordance with the tirinciples
then- blessed ag. ieiiltiual puisiiits l lis ! n,le,,te, at the Paris Peace Conference
v w, I Vlie ra ks ! r U f,
- i. in- ii- i t-ii only i.i per
cent of tlie population of the I'lllled
Slates IIm-iI in rllles. S., ..,. ,.ct dwell-
ed healthily
I, en f.irms
and usefullv and contented-
Today T,'J i em of ner1
population lives crowded in il in.
......... .... I'.l-.lll.flOOli., . . , , ,
engagi-l in a keiu ceinui lltlmi for ihe!s,"", "'l"iitiueiit mcil its moral intlu-
i 'itsl bite of bread nnd fin llie tu-i s- ""'-f in the behalf of all minorities,
siiy loom te live in. while ill the cenn- ' whether Christian or mil.
try farm buildings an- abandoned and' 'I'heie is no disposition te held the
retl'-ning. and wn-ds cover tin- biead ' Turks solely ie:iunsible for llie plight
and fertile and sunlit acres that nir- ' of the 10,000 icfiiRees nt Saleniki. All
leiiiul tlicm. "A tun ri is a feel for' the iiiforuuilieii hi ihe nossesslen of
staying m Die eeimiij, said te me one
day a city degenerale, whose grand
parents had made a geed living in a
rural community near Philadelphia.
'What has the country te offer him but
icing Hours ei vmiiuy he continued,
"while city folks have niuplc time and
oppeitunity for nil kinds of pleasures:
theatres, daurc li-ills, sports, mid what
not '.' Te which I i "ill led : '(in. nnd
pel simile these still en t lit farms le i
leave them, and te seek lives of erse
and pleasure m the cities nnd It will
net be long before you will either lie.
t the country te mis,. ,.. bread en!
which te keep alive, or continue living.
in tin- cny ami Htatve.
"In the icpudiiilien of religion bv
large numbers, of people ,,.s another
reason for Ihe deiinirallMtinn of pies,
ent-ilav society. What sap is t the
plain, religion is le iiieialily, Civillica-
lien is dying because ie itien Is t.illlni.
ii ...!..:. i 1 .... " : 's.i
I,., ii-nuiiui;- me laiier we i eulil easily I """i" "' apiaiii i , .vi. Inzer, ion-lestei-e
tin- vilulity of the former. Were ' sistetl of the Hepkins I llugshlpi, Hut
Ihe chinches ,,f today Idled as iln-v ' ficM. Gilmer, Ces, Kane. Mi Pni-lntul,
were in tin- years gene In, ,cre people I Overton. Sliirlevant, King, Ilaln Ilaln
ef our generation as fend of attending bridge, Gait and Hairy. The twelve
divine services ,(s wue these of ihe destieyiTn were assigned le three
geneiatieii past, we weuM hear little of divisions.
ii decliniiig c-lvlliz-itlen, little of moral
decay, little of the passing of aullierllv WHAT'S HIIATIN l'OI.ITICt
of hatred of man against man, of shirk- lliere nn- lets nf iimi.i" pinvs in-ne
ill" of work little of ..YeesJl,.,. 1 1 . i I voter" la net f.imlllar. Odell Huser Is
, " worn, iiitn ei excessive tlufsl I ,,.uuliiri, prHseniinn nim or lucne of n;.,,
ler pleasure, little of Sceililng of i hi, ' under the eurfa-e" moves In the columns
niaiulalis of icliglen " of the Pliiliq Lkhukh. ' Makc It n Habit "
Zr-' Of I.
At Cost
Tli' remparntliely Kllulit .Inuifiur il.me te sem
of our ini-reli-iiii)Ui nnd the fnc-t Unit th
..111-rii.v ni ii is miai-i. innkps this silli
er the most nutc-wnrllir i-vc-nts of our (n
lioiiiiretiln hushii-ss c-nreei.
HnJir, Tail; flam, llouJeir and llta
enif-ii liihlliif I iiluiei e firry
itilplten demtl, ihatltt, brenti !i
ere und imell, thttrttat appllnnr
naintnf ernllfril.
.sic If
1 1 Murl,
I i, .Mernlnii nt
H:H0 n'Cleik unci
H n il a Kul Urdus ,
(Icteher 7, 0 I'. M,
A. C. Yarnall Flouts
Aute Rule; Fined
tenllnurd frrm Pa One
Mnglstrnte Dugnn. "This officer wanted
te show his authority. .
The patrolman then related the Inci
dents of the arrest. t ,
"New, you sec what you're arrested
for," said Dugaii. . "It's for vle ntlen
of the traffic laws. By the way, where s
your license?" ., ,, ..
"I left It linmei" said Mr. lnrnnll.
"That's another charge, driving
without n license."
Mr. Ynrnall's father objected, with
his son, te the whole proceedings.
Alexnndcr Yarnall said the story re
lated 'by tbc policeman was untrue.
"I'll fine you five dollars and costs,
asserted the magistrate, "which is
seven fifty." .. , , , ,.
"This Is n held-up," exclaimed the
society man. . . ... ...
Magistrate Dugnn reminded him thai
he seldom lined uny one, and added,
"Kilt as long us you think It's n hold held
up I won't turn this In te the Cltj
Treasurer, but will buy my wife it pair
of shoes with it." . , , ...
"I don't care If you buy hooch with
It," sold Mr. Yarnall.
-Ttatlni. tank nut." cnul encd DilBni).
"or I may mnke it twelve-fifty."
This silenced Mr. Yarnall, who made
n quiet exit nnd rode away.
Says Testimony Was a Lie
An entirely different version of the
affair was given by Mr. Yarnall at his
office, .10 Chestnut street.
"I did net pass the policeman when
he told mc te step," he said, "and I
stepped the enr as seen as I could.
My car went less than ten feet after
he called te me. I was still n geed
distance west of him when the car
halted. The whole thing Is ridiculous.
It seemed te me that he merely wanted
te be officious. When he nrgued with
mc I did sav, 'Oh, you're crazy,' nnd
I supposed that's what he arrested mc
"On hearing his account of the In
cident le the magistrate I said it was
a lie because It really was. I noticed
incidentally thnt the policeman didn't
give his testimony under oath. The
magistrate said he would fine me $"
anil costs for contempt of court, which
shows. I think, that my arrest in the
first place was unwarranted.
"My father was with me nnd knew
that the version given by the pelieemnn
was untrue. 1 wns naturally aroused
ever such nctlnn nnd expressed my opin
ion plainly. I wns in a hurry te reach
my office. It struck me as being a let
of fuss ever nothing."
Had Keen Arrested Before
Mr. Ynrnall was arrested with Wil
liam W. Hotline, of Vlllanevn. and
Snmiiel Hulen-Millcr, Ardmore, in July,
Will, en the charge of speeding at
Kidge avenue nnd Francis street. The
police mid nt that time that they were
handled roughly. Each of the men were
lined ?10 nnd costs.
Mr. Ynrnall is a member of the Mer
ion Cricket Club. Radner Hunt, and
I larva nl Club of .New lerk. His wife
I was Miss Klisc Hepkins
U. S. Aids Allied
Move for Peace
Continued from Pnge One
for hundreds of years. The Adminis
tration will net listen te suggestions,
ell her from Kurope or ltilinji Cannen,
that the lici-jilng of jieaee In the Near
i-'ast is its jiarticular job.
Te I'reterl l'nlted Stales Interests
It intends fully te protect. American
Interests lu the Near Kast and te use
! Its moral inlliiencc for the iireservatlen
of jicace. He.vend that it docs net mean
te go.
The tepresetilatinns mnde te Mtis-
laiilia Kemal are understood te hnve
, been nn usecriicin of this country's In.
, letesl. already declnred in a teihlle
stalenient of the State Department, in
, the keeping mien the Dardanelles le the
J V SZVuS? $1,Z
I ,.i, ..,- .1,.. ,..: i..i ...ii..,.. ,
' V L ,i, . , ujesuuciii.s inane
' "",, . "" ."'".'.. . . .
, ..." ' " """"" '"';. Il.0a.nl fl'' "
" asiniigieii ale tne ( liristian nilnerl-
""' h.m " ,,s "", ruieni.ins, nut in,
the (leveiniucnl Indicates 1 1m t when lh
Ci eek Army in Asia Miner was de
feated by Kemal and wltbdiew, It left
behind It it devastated area and large
populations without feed or homes.
When the Turks advanced ever this
area they n-iietlced many cruelties.
Thus the refugees at Saleniki are the
victims of both Creeks and Turks,
Norfolk. Vii.. Oct. ''.( Hy A P. i
The twelve Aineilcan destieycrs or
dered le the Near ICast "te" jiretect
American Intciests" stnrted today en
their trans-Atlantic voyage te' the
The Het 111:1 . which is iindet- i.,,m.
--, ... . .- .,..;,- .. ;:
OWING te the recent fire
which damaged the fleer
above us and most of our show
rooms, we are offering our
and Belew!
" IM I 111 .
tlte cr-y II
d.. n If'
ri - -- l
On Eve of Banishment Exited
King Urges People. te
Aid Sen
Hi AtsecMcd Frtta
Athens. Oct. II. King Censtantlm
In talking with his friends before .,'
barking Ver Palerme, Itnly, where h
is ie iuhkc ma neinc, iiinec u piea thlt
hearty support be rjlvcn the nfjw Kin
nnd (juccn. He ndded:
"I have lint! some unhappy days anj
fin nnf rtlrenl Itilu 1'OVAlilllnt, 't
Ills rnnsumine nmbltien, he cm.
eluded, was te return later as n elrapii
citizen nnd visit his son-, the new Kin
This request wns submitted te the R
oliitlennry Committee, which declined te
sign a document empowering Ills prlvati
One of Constantine's last acts u
te summon a lawyer and Initiate ltfil
steps te nsstire tlie fortune of the widow
of his son, Kins Alexander, who mif
rlctl Mme. Mnnes, n Grecian wetnu
net of reynl bleed nnd by whom he hid
n daughter.
Fermer (Jtiecn Sephie wept un.
strninedly en the shoulder of the new
(Juecn, whom she commended te theleri
and support of nil.
King (icergc nnd Prince Paul, thi
latter of whom will henceforth by known
ns the "diadentic," or (Jrewn Prinee,
both metered te Oreptis te bid (art.
well te their exiled royal parents. Tb
party en beard the steamer Pntris in
eluded twenty-four persons.
It wns understood that Constantly
nnd Sephie would travel ns the Count
and Countess of Achnrhen or Menlitl.
Acharnen is tlie name of a Tillage near
Tatoi, which is tne seat of the rejil
summer palace. The modern name et
the village is Menidl.
At the elections In November. 1020.
by which Censtnntlnue was recalled ami
Venlzeles defeated, of the 1000 yetej
east in tne village nt .nenun, tjensun
tine received nil but 118.
(Jive, Him Meney
Itcsldes providing an cscertlnr rii.
slrever for tlie steamer, the Itevnln.
tiennry Committee placed C000 peundi
sterling nt tne disposition of the abdi
cated King, 'llie passports of the trav.
elers were visectl for Italy, Switzerland
ami t.zceno-s)ievnnia. xnc separation!
of the parents from their sons who re
main was described as "affecting" by a
number of the friends of the royal exlltj
who witnessed the departure.
Colonel (lenatas. of the Exccut.Tt
Committee, informed the correspond
that the decision te deport the meta
bers of the reynl family was net there
suit of intervention by the Powers, be
cause of fear that their lives would b
Imperiled by remaining in Greece, but
was the Initiative of the ltevolutlenary
Committee Itself, which took the nctien
lu the general interest of its cause.
Assurance thnt Constantine's nbdlca
tlen from tlie throne of Greece wns sin
cere nnd final was given by bis son and
.successor. King Geerge 11. te the mem
bers of the Uevolutlennr.v Cemtnlttet
whom he received lu audience en Sat,l
The King Is also understood le ban
had ii private conversation with Cel
enel Gonatas, one of the Kxeeutln
Committee, at which be acceded te the
bitter's request that he use nil his In-
lliier.ee te jircvent any attempt by Con Con
stantieo's friends te secure Ills rein
statement. Colonel Gonatas told ths
Klne the committee was determined te
smush mercilessly nny reactionary
movement, from whatever quarter it
In his talk with the full committee
the King e.ircsscd admiration at th
manlier in wlilch order had been mains
tnlned and praised the committee s
fort te save tin- country. He said the
committee would always find him by Its
side in the tnsk it had set for Itself.
PelillnR De I.-i Cruz. tr.liS Federal at., ami
Mildred H l-'reece. ltl'JS Alter St.
.Nell S JelinBlnn a-.'O S. l.ith at., and LyUH
C Crease. IM07 Green rt. .
CleniR-- I Wilsen. St.'IS II Nerrls at., Ml
Annli VVeiul. '.' 1.1.1 II. Nerrls at.
Wllllnni II. Sinltli. Cnmclrn. X. J., nnd Anna
X Jlacl.. Ciunden. X. J ...
Henrv Jenes, ta.'I'J Hedman at., and Wilf
nanus, lain m mc ..
Jullnn C llWinii lil'ja Montrese at.,
and IneJ
llevd. ll.L'L' M lel sc.
timiine Cli.ilinni, 'J'lOS Federal
at., ni
Annie 'I henns. '."Ins IVderal et.
Ames D.inleN 15.10 Ilalnbrl'lBU st ,
and E4
V run en unntir c nv.
Ike CiilruiHu. 17'Js V Atlantic St.,
and Rem
l---eelv, L'U'j.'l lUrKlnsea et . 1
Hurry W c'oerer. :T Jniacstewn at., tun
Small I! Kniipier. BU Maplewood ave.
Reljert c'nlne. L-H0 I'. Hrlnehurat t., anj
cirtrude Itelffersrheidt -144'.' X. Iflth it ,
Jehn McCie.-nlv. leai Itcne at., and Luclmla
MnntiM, lOL'S Ilcne st , ,.
Jeseph C llellik-1. JIH .Monre St.. and Kunlcd
I. clnrclv. IS.10 i ".'.M at .i
Tier XlclceiiR 1UIS 8. lUth t.. and Dbri
--..- ...... . ...... .
Jelin JIui.lv. 'Jt.'H .Mnrvlne at . nnd nuana
.lel-npcin 117 nilsvvnrth at .
Itenlnnln It llacen. ".1.1.1 X. Olh at., in
Kllzati-ih Ii. Kecnlir, 'J.13S V Orkney st..
Willi. im II Jelinann "d'il S 10th t.. M
lie,-. lL-i-s st r.iin si, . ..i
ltc-icrri M rlc!(lnen. 'HViS S. Iflth at
1 1iiils llel.esh, lilts miner at and OelaH
I HiiniMlirinunn. '.'2:i S nth at ..,. . lU
liii'vin x weir, iirii YerK at . nnn r,insum
r nurat a34 rnrlc hve
f y """" wnW w
iMPsW VI PftmVl-'JW
'Mfc.TTLSa Sf r .J. AiMI
The Opening of
Our New Showrooms
OCT. 2
Exhibiting a Complete
Line of Electric Light
ing Fixtures and. ;
Household blec-
i 1! I
trie Appli
KfieL A, ATA
zr'" - sO,
On nil our display Fix- ;
turea at our Dresent le-
i catien, 23 N. 10th St.,!
2d fleer, also at our new
address, en these dates
nrrrnRRR 01 a
-w w-eils , w, - . ,
A 1 1 1 ?l m fl I
laeipma eaiet e.
ti Ne, IPin l
5 w
;W T
ssCAfiu (Sratt -Jhm
J ".