Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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JrTr. ..
i f
Will Put Students en Rec Rec
ord fer'Mdeals"
r.bJ,'CAel e?d 'or the high ghoel
feted a n";eijeW Jersey. Prof. 'Bedes
Sadents of New "' ded t0 mnke
I th
anaiiaker's Down Stairs Stere. Opens
iwsitien and Sale of Tieusands of Antunii Coats,
Dresses mi Suite at Law Prices
'ZVmi High Scheel the model for
t. .Hi i well as students.
""..'in, is the creed which each
JffS & Bln en Men-
dT.f bcllerc in a hlfh school education,
,nd that I am net properly prepared for
",f.Iwlb&Uthat I ewe It te myself
A te my parents te de all In my power
JJ,et th most out of my high school
""fl'b'elieve that It is my duty te mnlce
, Mull school the best possible, te be
?unctual n attendance at all Ita scs-
32mlattens; te influence ethers against
"", ;.i....nt nl lie mum rtilpn. nnil
SVhew proper respect and courtesy te
11 teacners uuu .......... ... ....
' ' 'believe thnt I should enter Inte nil
.... .nuMtenfi. sunnlr any inferma
tien posslble te help my class and
teacher, te prepare myself dally te re
cite In each class and te render such
ipeclnl scrvice te my school as I may
be called upon te render te the best of
'my ability.
"i believe I should take part In
school athletics, support all teams of the
school at all times, join the athletic
tuoclntlen and de all in my power te
upheld the honor of the Cape May High
Scheel en the athletic field.
"I bellcve that it is my duty te re
frain from defacement and abuse of all
school property and te protect it ngalust
Improper usage by ethers'.
r'I believe that I slieuld be a loyal
member of my class or ether organiza
tions te which I may belong, submit te
the will of the majority and assist as
rech as posslble in carrying out ItH
purposes. '
Director Back Frem Inspection
Tour of State institutions
Director Warburton, of the Depart
merit of Welfare, who has been en n
tour of inspection of the various In In
Ptltutienn for the insane and Indigent
throughout the State, returned te this
Cltv jesterdnv. The object of tlm In.
MAtpectien was te obtain ideas, with a
H ' (am. ,rt fl.l.lst... tnianAn.n .. . .1
iicit iu imin.iiH .iiJiu, iriiiuim iil II1U
Heuse nt Correction in this city, that
will ma lie It one of the most complete
Institutions of its kind in the country.
When the plans for improvements
at HelmcMburg are completed, City
Council will be asked te make an ap
propriation for the purpose.
Six Countries Are Voted In Upen
the First Ballet
Geneva, Sept. 30. (By A. P.) The
six non-permanent members of the
council of the League of Nations were
elected today by the assembly. They
are Urnzll, Spain, Uruguay, Belgium,
Sweden and China.
The vote was: Brazil, 42; Spain,
10; Uruguay,' 40; ''Belgium, 80;
Sweden, JU), nnd China, 20. Forty Ferty
fiVc States voted. J
It was the first time Biich nn election
has been decided en the first ballet.
The assembly also adopted the new
scheme for apportionment of the ex
penses of the league.
(Wife of the candidate ter the PrrM-
Puree of Tapioca
One cup pearl tapioca,
One teuspoenful flour,
One quart milk,
One quart soup-stock,
One cup cream.
Seak the tnplecn overnight : conk it
In the soup-stock for one-half hour or
until the tnplecn Is clear nnd then mid
the milk. Thicken with flour; salt te
taftej serve.
Tomorrow Prune Moonshine, by
Mrs. E. Lee TrliUilc.
liy Hareld Donaldsen L'berlcin
at. Z
Hanging Pictures
The iirlnclplcH of placing plutuir en
tlie wall art', of ceurM, these of bal
"nil generally. The naturat height is
J'Mnll Hint of the cje or a little above.
'. aw tlicut Ik neatly alun wune
Ii i, . f,lr"'ture below, the piituie
niiiilil lie in due relation te and feim
"e sietip with thnt object and tltoxe
eiIm'Ih Hint may lest upon It. The tie
i?Trl,.'s, (,f tMS- candk'btlcks nml kin
"red obJecjH thnt iiiuv htund ui.eii n
innse ,., ,.h.t or highboy me of gicnt
in, n,'sr '," '"K leuether the pie
inres m M( fllniltlllCi
, "' Proper relation of the pictures
ii,.. i '"'"""re or mantel below It nml
i in Lest arraiigement of gieups are ens-
mi)kMl,nul l,y lhe fct,ldy uui1 cx
& i 'i1,1'' uw;,, '"' lhe tops nf pie
A i I",""."1 mt '""'BO"! 'reni the wall
n. L. k '''l "" '-" l.llu ",L' regnnlliig til
fiau ii 'V u,c iwiiBliW of e
the fi, ,'..,, ' i M' converging line, el
JJnmne mU it the obvious airunge-
Pe'uin,1V1,M,,iKlj,S et nl,'reH with twe
lllr wires Is the simplest, nml
efliii i. ? ,r."'!'0 s "bvleiisly heavy It Is
'"l11 dewce H well as a deun-
AZZZ '"ct"rd ,,y ttt0
A Smart Sivcatcr
a VZ !' ,l,elihtf,,l y et mnkliiR
fi,i,u,t .l"1"' worn with n MieitH
nn! n . I. "u H t0 lmvfi il nt u mixed I
"" ull t. "H ,K'".,m "m' '''". llue
till. nut. , ' ."" " WIIHI1, 11M'
,,i.' hn (meimlns the wiltl inuv Im. I
for berd ,wrrew b"",,s of whitu weul
- Rugs
Seamless velvet, seamless
tapestry and Wilten rugs
mostly in heavy and medium
weights and "priced accordingly-
Geed staple patterns
and colors that people who
furnish their homes te be
really lived in, seem te like
best. Rugs that, if they de.
get a let of hard wear, aren't
going te, Bhew it very seen.
Seamless Velvet Rugs
6x9 ft. rugs, $20 and $25.
7.6x9 ft. ruga, $32.60.
8.3x10.6 ft. ruga, $32.50 and
9x12 ft. ruga, $35 and $47.60.
Seamless Tapestry Rugs
6x9 ft. rugs, $16.50.
7.6x9 ft. rugB, $20.
8.3x10.6 ft. rugs, $19.50 and
9x12 ft. rugs, $22.50 and $30.
. Wilten Rugs
6x9 ft. rugs, $39 and $55.
6.9x12 ft. rugs, $72.60.
8.3x10.6 ft. rugs, $65, $80 and
9x12 ft. rugs, $67.50, $84 and
9x15 ft. rugs, $100 and $130.
10.6x13.6 ft. rugs, $135.
11.3x12 ft. rugs, $100 and $125.
11.3x15 ft. rugs, $125, $150
and $160.
(Down Stnlrs Stere, Chestnut)
Weel-Mixed Blankets
$6.50 and $7 Pair
Doublc-bed blankets of mighty
nice weave and weight.
$6.50 for plaid blankets, 70x80
inches. Blue, pink, gray and tan.
$7 for white blankets with pink
or blue border, 72x82 inches.
All-Weel Blankets,
$10 Pair
Unusually geed value in white
blankets with pink or blue bor
der, or plaided ones. Blue, pink,
gray and tan plaided with white;
red with black. 70x80 inches.
Weel and Down
Filled Quilts,
$10' and $12.50
"Comfertables" just describes
them; warm and soft and light,
filled with pure wool or pure
down, and with firm flowered top
sateen covers.
$10 for wool-filled quilts, 70x
80 inches.
$12.50 for down-filled quilts,
72x72 inches, made especially
for us, and geed.
(I)emm Mulrs Stere, Central)
New Drapery
Sateens, 55c Yard
Light, darker and many
wanted black background ef
fects. Printed in gorgeous
floral, conventional floral,
chintz, paisley and shadow
cretonne patterns.
They are washable and the
colors are net apt te fade.
Nice for draperies, lamp
shades, cushion covers and
quilt covers; the heavier
quality is almost "down
Standard Size Window
Oil shades, 60c, nnd hand
painted shades, 85c. Beth grades
in six colors, stock size and com
plete with hardware.
(l)imn Slelm Stere, Clieatnut)
Novelty Crepe de
Chine, $2.50 Yard
The "something new and
different" that every one
wants for dresses, trim
mings or bits of handwork.
Seft 40-inch all-silk crepe de
chine in, unusual patterns
and dark Oriental colorings.
Radium and crepe finish.
Panne Dress Velvet,
$2.50 Yard
Seft, thick silk nap and
strong cotton back combine
geed leeks and serviceability
in this 33-inch panne velvet.
Luscious black and brown.
(Ien Htiilrn Mere, Central)
J ,
There's one difference in a Wanamaker Sale of Fashions. Women can count upon the fact that along with low prices they will
also find that materials are first rate, that styles are geed and down te the minute, that sizes are correctly proportioned and that the
workmanship is satisfactory. The very cheapest dresses here for instance the $5 dresses why, they are amazing when one thinks of
the cost of the materials, the time it took te make them and the art it took te trim them!
All the hundreds of new Autumn garments described below are new special purchases at very large savings.
50 Styles of Dresses, $10
Extraordinary choice of GOOD silk and
cloth dresses at this low price.
Far tee many te describe, but they are
the long-line, low-waistline, longer dresses
needed right new. Sizes 14 te 42.
5 Styles of Dresses, $5
Navy blue serge trimmed with braid,
buttons and embroidery. Sizes 14 te 38 only.
25 Styles of Dresses at $12
Quarter te Third Less
Delightful dresses of satin, Canten crepe, wool
crepe, tricetine and crepe de chine. The materials
are the beautiful ones that a woman would naturally
cheese jte have made up.
They are designed with all the charm of the
Autumn fashions the longer lines, the low waist
lines, the ingenious girdles and trimmings, the
strangely interesting sleeves, the tassels and touches
of color and Oriental embroidery. Sizes 14 te J6
among them. Black, navy and brown mostly.
Joyous Evening Dresses, $20,
$25, $37.50
The prettiest of taffetas with silver ombreidoiy,
artistic flowers, frillings, puffings and fairy-like
chiffon". Just out of their tissue papers.
Sample Frecks Less, $20
Charmeuse, crepe de chine and Canten crepe.
Seme with the effective new lace-braid. Sizes 1G
te 44.
Extra-Size Dresses, $15,
$16.50, $25
Especially for women who wear sizes 40'2 te
Simple, interestingly designed dresses of superior
materials far better than one would expect.
Mostly Peiret twill and tricetine in navy, black
and brown, also some of Canten crepe.
Amazing Suits in the Sale
Three-Piece Suits of Worsted
or Weel Jersey, $7.50
One of the worsted suits is sketched te
show what a little money can secure at
Wanamaker's Monday. Netice the complete
slip-en sleeveless dress trimmed with braid
and the smart double-breasted box coat that
is silk lined. The wool jersey suits are prac
tically the same except for the coat, which
is unlined.
Sizes 14 te 44. Limited quantity.
Sample Fur-Trimmed Suits, $25
Priced Third te Half Less
A brown velour suit with nutria cellar and fringed
panel back.
A brown velour with many interesting tailored
buttons and nutria cellar.
A soft Sorrento blue velour with embroidered
back and standing cellar of nutria.
An embroidered brown suit with mole dyed cellar.
A beautful blue suit without fur is lined with
gray canton crepe.
Many ethers, only one of a kind, mostly fur
trimmed. Sizes 16 te 38 only.
Tweed, Herringbone and
Worsted Suits, $16.50
Regular and extra sizes up te 52V2!
That's geed news for large women!
Especially geed news because the suits aie of
remarkably fine materials and any critical person
would approve the tailoring!
All are in the conservative dark colors of which
one does net tire.
All are silk lined.
Everybody Is Talking About Wanamaker's
Down Stairs Coats, but These Are Even
Mere Remarkable at $12.75 te $58.50
Tweed coats at $12.75 ! Tweeds that are
soft and thick and woolly. Tweeds that one
never expects te get for se little. Really
smart ones in gray and tan effects and with
striking plaid backs. Any one who wants a
BIG warm coat at $12.75 will certainly snap
these up !
Herringbone coats are actually lined
throughout with silk at $16.75.
Striped tweed coats at $14.25 have raglan
(Itiiun NlnlM Stere, Market)
Rainbow-flecked tweed coats at $20 and $23
are beauties! There's a style and a note of glad
ness about them hard te equal at any price. Heavy
and thick, and yet net weighty. Lined through the
shoulders with self-striped or plain gray silk. Seme
with gaily colored plaid backs.
Tan Sports Coats, $13.50 and $20
Deuble-breasted tan coats with suede cloth lin
ings and patch pockets come in sizes 1G te 44 at
"Full-length" tan 'coats meaning that they will
probably reach te the hem of your new long dress,
are carefully stitched and silk lined at $20.
Gray "Krimmer" Cleth Coats,
$23.50, $30
Fur and cloth coats in the soft becoming gray
of the real astrakhan fur and with gray crepe de
chine, emerald silk or fancy white and black linings.
Yeung women will like them.
Velour Coats With Fur, $28.50
They are stitched, they have cellars of dyed black
opossum or taupe dyed wolf and some have the new
side-draped effect in front.
Beautiful Capes With Fur,
$37.50 te $58.50
Fine belivia and soft messy woolen coatings with
rich black caracul cellars. Seme are lined with crepe
de chine and ethers with dainty brocades. They are
most likably different.
Luxurious Coats With Beaver
or Gray Squirrel, $58.50
Fine trademarked woolens in wanted navy, brown,
Sorrento and black with large cellars of beaver or
gray squirrel. The coat pictured has both cellars and
cuffs of a nutria se fine that it leeks like beaver. In
this group are a few of the new bloused-back coats
with embroidered girdles such as are usually double
this price.
Sample Coats, $78.50, $87.50 te $175
Distinguished cleakings made up in luxurious styles and richly furred with
beaver or gray squirrel. One of a kind only.
Utterly New Kinds of
Hats at $8
These new hats are as
suredly original and differ
ent and every ether adjec
tive that qualifies them as
distinctive and desirable
and they are all only $8 !
Who wouldn't fancy a de
mure little poke combining
shirred velvet with softly
draped duvetyne, trimmed
with four of the most adorably unnatural duvetyne and
velvet roses you ever saw V
Or a draped scoop in brown velvet and tan duve
tyne smartened with a quill-like trimming of the two
materials combined? Or a wide, partly drooping hat
of soft plush that leeks like caracul, trimmed with a
brilliant crimson-and-black velvet rose?
They all speak for themselves mere eloquently
than we ever could !
(DeiMi Mulrs Stere, .Market)
-reC- i .ix f jf ij )
Women's Washable 12-Butten
Length Capeskin Gloves
Specially Priced $2.65
Their luxurious leek is warranted by their careful make.
The low price is possible only through a maker's emergency,
for the gloves are soft and long and excellently cut, pique
sewn and with spear-point stitched backs. Tan and brown.
All sfees.
Strap-Wrist Capeskin Gloves, $2.65
Out-seam sewn gloves with spear-point stitched backs, in white,
tan and brown. Pique-sewn gloves with self-cnibreidcred backs, in
white, pearl gray and champagne. All we.
(l)enn MiilrH Stere, Central)
Sale of Women's All-Silk
Umbrellas, $3.85
Kverything about them is what's desirable and geed-looking
een te a completing silk case which holds them Miug and slim, 'lliey
open with a delightfully etisp little rustle; the silk is smoothly woven;
smart white bakelite or umber-colored ferrule and tips finish off the
covets. The handles are jiiht as satisfying bakelite with white or
colored ring, or hard weed or mission style with mannish leather loops.
Certninlv "finds" at the price. Navy, green, puiplc, gamut, brown
and black.
(Itenn MiiIi-h Stere, Market)
Sale of Men 's
80-sguare Percale Shirts
at Season 's Lewest Price
Mere than a thousand crisp new shirts just off
the machines. All made of the standard 80-square
percale which wears and wears! All made especially
for Wanamaker's plenty long, plenty wide, and with
correct size cellar bands. And we really believe there
are enough of the neat pin stripes in black and blue
and white for all the men who want them.
They were made te sell at considerably mere than
$1.10, but matters arranged themselves se that we can
offer them at mere than a quarter less !
Sizes 14 te 17.
(I)eun Malrh Mere for Men, en the (.allerj, Market)
--wwwww1-wwwwBKBi MMM---------- M .-M-Mi I
These Are the New Standard-Style Autumn Shoes for Women That
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Offers at $5, $5.50, $6 and $6.50
At Jp&
Tan or black culf one-strap pumps with meduli inn tee perfera
s, and militaty heels with rubber heels attached.
They are the kinds most women ask for when they go
into a store te buy a pair of shoes. They are, te the very
best of our knowledge, the newest and best shoes obtainable
at these, exceedingly moderate prices. Women will be able
te come te the Down Stairs Shee Stere fdl Autumn and buy
these geed shoes ; as far as possible there will always be a
complete range of sizes in all styles. There are kinds new
for every one. Stout "walking" oxfords for college and
business women, strap pumps nnd interesting novelties for
"dress" wear, quiet, conservative, nice-looking pumps and
oxfords for the mature woman.
m calf and patent leather Cuban-hecl pumps with straight tips.
mil or uiuck can o.Merus iin puriornuens nnd mil
ilitniy heels
with rubber heels attached.
Tr.n calf oxfords with straight tips and Cuban heels.
At $5.50
Patent leather oxfords with peiferated straight tips, military
heels with i ubber heels attached.
Brown kid oxfords with straight tips and Cuban heels.
(Heun Mulr httrc, Clichtinil)
- MMMMtlaaB
HfalilUjiliArfefc,vvt.f'v f ..,LaaA jJi .txJr-' -i . . . ..... .j...iJl'frf w
Tan culf and patent leather two-strap pumps with plain tees and
Cuban heels
Tan calf, black calf and patent leather one-strap pumps with
Cuban heels.
At $6
Brown suedc-nnd-kid combination one-strap pumps with two but
tons and perforations; military heels. Black suede and patent
leather combination ene-strap pumps, same style as above.
At $6.50
Black ooze calf pumps with Spanish Leuis heels, plain tees and
turned telusj trimmed with patent leather. M
,, .HJJmltte ... .itM
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