w ?wJ.7c&, Wr fr-y C'W y- w JfK .K " v ii t '. i ' ! '! 0 ? I ii'i l t fif. s fc tl i V" i hi'l ri ci fhientng Public ffiriiaer PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1022 ci? -- KL2rs;s3ar '?25iizzu.?z8m immizs&immm&Msmmmmmmmmmmmm ' j ON THEIR WAY HOME AFTER WIVNING BLUE RIBBON The Meadowbrook hei'nds be'ng leaded into wagon at Bryn M.lWT WILLIAM n. WANAMAKER, Miss Louise Wanamaker and Miss Alma Wanamaker at the fence SAILING OVER THE BARRIER. Rebert E. Strawbridge, Jr., In ene of the- hunter classes IN CUSTODY OP THE NUMBERS. Ray Weed one of the busy men of the show SEEN THROUGH THE CAMERA'S EYE AT THE BRYN MAWR HORSE SHOW DOING GOOD WORK AS JUDGES WATCH. Miss Helen Mary Cassatt en Sunnybrook Lass SSf&JJfe srt ir i.zf7z,fFi'rTvrwmBiiSLT'W'u r.vis vnM v. i.'m-ck.cta" . -tt fc.iA-'f 2-jiiTT!4.sr.tm.,sJ,r"jri ?2Z5E?iirjmuaK'&sjz;t "&Lmrjrmn.2itfmtrv?'.. 'it; :.' v '.. ii",-?wzij$&kK!-iZi.j&.ixa2 -''ter,ftfi'f.t W .M.- , vs Sr?i rS2'?lJl wr'Jhv'XS --y -i ss,,',t:ftvj5tAiM - ' - VWJw .-' s -."S " y 1 " A"s"-i?VivX')iVyV "'. .SS . .fc!V'J5SfiRZ sass&isS's&s.T? MMMI-MMaMWpHMMMMMI CAPTAIN FRED SCHANCHE. the winning P'lnt MAKING NOTES ON WAY FROM LUNCH. Miss Edna T. Patterson, a clerk for the Civil Service Commission ACTING PROVOST PENNI- MAN of Peniwylvan'a, wa a very buy mnn as the term started Eaiy term ' " . $ W 1 y fit a ssy r m - m , ONE OF HIS MANY GAINS. Martin Brill, of Penn Charter, was en his way for a touch down when the camera man caught him with the ball PENN CHARTER continued Its winning streak by trimming the Central High Scheel eleven 51 "A N D Y" SCHROEDER, captain of Central High footballers 1 ' - . ' ".f " "",' "s--'--..i'-wvvvijt;va"'.."r5va nrnKKKW.'!?;. "..T!X"'!'-' r;srr","P'v,w'M'?""!;?Tj"",s K'.rs ?rtw.v;vr.wirTj MADAME BELLUIEVA, a Russian dancer, who 13 visiting Philadelphia BACK FROM BRAZIL, Almest every member of the Maryland crew brought back a mascot THE SCHUYLKILL NEEDS WATER DO YOUR DUTY, MR. .TUP. PLUV. There is net enough water In the river at the Flat Reck dam te supply the canal and still have enough left te run ever the dam. The dam and a part of the river bed north of the dam give a geed idea of the shortage of water NEIL CAMPBELL CHAS. ROSNER CHAS. YHEALON BANDITS wrenched a bag containing money and checks valued at $6900 from Rcsner, cashier for Wilsen-Mart .n Company, at Thirty-sixth street and Grays Ferry aenue. Campbell opened lire and the conductor helped in the fruitless chase f'iii 'J ' s "" 'i y,. ' ' '"' ' 1 I v ' KENNETH E. EDWARD LINSAY MAR JORI BANKS, leader OXFORD DEBATERS. They are in this country te represent thi ringnsn university m denatlng contests MABOOL lit a tufnnn native of India FAMILY OF ACCUSED MAN AT TRIAL of William M. Creasy, allegfd slayer of Ed th Lavey, Frecpert BeSu'eaeher. E' h"ig shows James A. Creasy, F"rt Th' tra, Ky , father; Mrs. H. Ii. Warriner, Richmond, Va , si'trr, Aust r, i" i Jamp, Jr. TURNTABLE OPERATOR. Yan Smellk wnrki fr thf Pi'i jflphta and Ren'ing Rii'rtay at Nith an' Grcen fltrr T3 WDLL RETIRE SOON. W. P. Giles, for many years the lock tender at the Flat Reck Dam, will retire this winter. He's building a home along the Schuylkill OLDEST G. A. R. VETERAN IS 102. He is Geerge Beyor, of the old Third Illinois Cavalry SPEEDING AROUND THE TRACK AT HAVRE DE GRACS There were many folk present as this and ether races W contested CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? 3 WMSBi Ww"'l ? . $m$A te.jg JSfi W " . 1 tA 1 j. -'MbT" ' ' felate, " - . rw-HV ' is?- ? ' - .vnLa . . WTtVjFBTak t u. ! '' -fim m "MhwJBK f 'KwA.. t -'y' .irirn w ?T " j j . - ; - - ErfftV t "s-lt-wsb1-' ? ;-; -... iM3n" - fc THE COOPER & CONARD STORE, which steed en the southeast corner of 'Ninth and Market streets. When the building was razed Granville B. Haines & Ce. placed the present building en thf site. Twenty-eight years age Glmbel Brethers took ever the property and made it a part of their Market street atore KNOWN TO THOUSANDS. Charles Mc Laughlin, private secretary te Captain of Detectives Souder. He has served under many captains COON, n former U. of P. football player, is new with the Franklin and Marshall squad THE PITTSBURGH ARRIVES IN POUT, 1URGII ARRIVES IN POUT. The beat was pushed into its ,innV v . .nn Bradford is with hia mother, Mrs. C. II. BradfeVas tiif wait t U? ScVSeliVia tfiimil i -, ... vwy fri- !" " i'iU