y P1wWh'W ,"" fcr J 7T-9 MYSTERY GIRL A Fatcinatlng Remane of Baffling Plot and Throbbing Leve Intertil By CAROLYN WELLS CetlrieM. 1M. V i Wltee Company SerlelUdd l, 7,frfep Swrffeate. wiie'h who IN TnK M.OT Pit, WABIS'O. elided trllfttf, e Corinth a Mllrr lieht and victor ever ... rtrif. ir is feuMa iffnu. 'X-li.n.. niter rtve xsi); in e . u:...r.ii. in nu leexru tunu. Jflln0 or, M nibv rln. a num. 0 r.iii Mhi-h ninWj lift heir tnenev ana a VBP EMtt.Y BATHS, chapnine and eut- ,irti who maintains h has been murdered. ., 1.. . AHtTA AUSTIN, a Dftinurui "" ,"ffn rfflinff Oiri ibhb h tmall. colleee ryw" "V. --i.Z ........ Bhn intern n r feum, Shn Iekm a I minted interest m r. ihmii J !..?. iha ramiwtie (uteres of ir, Warine who has I I anRDON LOCKWOOtf. U'nHtie's eon Men I In I teeretari a coM-amearine. nniKirrtitli Ir- SaehabM uoune man. 8em 0 his cctlens eirtl the lusnlclen et BtTECTIVK MORTON, who reallu - ileAn 'thoueh convinced 0 hi eteit clever, "til. lit rtluses anu suicide theerv. as iee$ PAYS'R. a oeod-looktna freshman, jinmf thlnn Snhew of Mrs. Bates, who is aemtlhlinj i) an amateur sleuth. lit if smitten q bit SKLEN PEYTON, the levelu niece, of rs. PEYTON. iVarine's heuickrever. who kes somewhat disgruntled at the cnaaaf 1 ment teblcb lest her n Iticratluf Beat. went, a new Oriental butler, who dlsaeeeara , tM nteM 0 the traetdu. TTO. the hevfrman. CRAY, nrnsteutlne atterneu. '..m j m 1 ire tMf hi ti.it. mhn tteen n ieleet beardlna house and are he teien pessttn. MAVBtrn TltABK. ttlttcktne leaal heir of Dr. Wartna. tltA UASCOM. town Mnubiirfu. who find) Anita Is Quizzed 'nrjURB of the number?" he enid, "I ' Oknew Indltinmiells prettj well." "I'm wire," wm the cool rcjily, and Trask wcnt en' "Knew Docter "Waring before you (me here?" "Ne." "Never enw him before?" 'Never, te my knowledge." Teu didn't kill hlmV" Anita only Bhoek her head slowly, tut Trask did net press her for n Terbnl answer. "Yet you were there that night. Hew. it's usoIehh te deny it, for the; Brlnts of these doodads en the bark of tnflt very iiwl ;w - en tne piuwn uuitr i. mv . ." ..f In. Y OUI12 JjnrKWDOU MiHMiiin-u them away Ienl Knows wny 1 mint Biiincet you, I sheiild. say DKb " - 1 . Up nml tried te rfileld you that wny.' TeuM he?'1 asked Miss Mj'Ptery, I 'Teiilil he shield you? Ne, my 'child, he couldn't, but I cnn. ehi'iui trust ynirsclf te me. and you 11 have no trouble, no trouble at nil. Ymi vc et Mr. Snltenstnll, here, and me for friends. SomethlnR tell me you wen t need nnybedy elxe. We'll pull you threiiRh. eh, Old Salt?" ' Theusn nrrustenirii m i'w iihi.m.uik' from the townspeople. Mr. Aiming didn't relNi It from till" Ftrnnser, nnd he merely paid. "I'm MIsh AuMiii friend, be sure of thnt." "Se'm I," Trnsk deelnred. ".New, 'llttle ln.lv. you needn't tell all you knew, but some thinpt you must tell me. lAnvbedv nmenR your relatives named 'True-dell?" I Only a quirk eye could have caught a (lectin's leek of dismay en her face, n Anita promptly responded, "Ne net that I knew of." ...,,. "Falsehood number one, snld Tra-rt te hlm-vlf. "What the. deuce ix slju up te?" But nlnud, he only said : "All rl?ht. New, why did you come te Terlnth?" "Te l:eteh." snld Anita clibly nnd nmUlncr nt him. "I'm nn nitlst, you tee I point water-colors." "Xct I i-p. New, jut why did you hide tl'iit otl'ette of jeurs?" "I was frightened. I was nfrnld thev would think I killed Dr. Wni-ln." "Why did you fear thnt?" "Oh. I don't knew." She was p.l p.l tret fllppint new. "Thri'-e deteutives are se ijiicer, they re likely te su-pi'ct anybody. And tliev snld the weapon tiEcd wrs a round, sharp instrument, se se I hid the thins. " "Yeu didn't use thnt te kill him?" "Oh. nn!" "What did you use:" "I didn't Mil him." "Who did?" "I think he killl himself." "Mr. Adams," Trn-k turned te the eld man, "p'en'-e leave us two nlnne for a few moments. I ask you as a per per fennl favor." Without a wcrd Old Suit left the ,room. uw, iiiiik Mi'ic, .usM .uun, Tresk said. In n determined tone, "I knew you killed thut man as well as 1 knew you're here. AKn, knew why. Or, at least, I don't knew exactly why, but I have knowledge that will lead trnig..t te a revelation of the whole affair. T knew you are releted te the Trucsdells though perhaps you don't knew thnt yourself. New. bere'a my preposition. I'm a lawyer, and I'm I known as a shrewd one. M'iny n time I ve made black appear white and I ean de It In your case. Hut if you'll ttnrry me. I'll get you off. Wait n minute don't speak yet. I'm net bad looking, I'm kind-hearted and. by my cousin's death, I'm n lieh man. "Yeu may net love me yet but I'll riarnntee I can win your nnVctinn. I leu in levef with you the very minute I saw you and 1 want you for my wife. Yeu needn't marry 1110 new wait as long as ynu sny but give me veur premise, and I'll clear ynu of all suspi cion In this terrible affair. On the ether hand " Thcre aid: was a pause, nnd then Anita ( On the ether hand?" I shall tell what I knew about you "-and, well, ynu knew urMf what Chance jeu will have then of getting oil scetfree!" "A threat ?" and Mhs .Mystery Hung op her proud little head. Ne; don't misunderstand. Net a threat, liut I admit, a bribe. Marry f. and I'll free you. Hay no and 1 1 011 t have te de a thing The law 1 de It all. Yeu simpleton! De e,i juppnse ynu can keep ynur secret once tiie law really begins te hound ou? yn.v Is only just opening his eyes te jour connections with the case. I.ock I.eck I.ock weoil lms realized that you must be guilty, though he's trjing hard net te oelleie it. Old Salt only befriends jeu tecuime you're helpless and prettv net because he thlnku you're innocent -any mere than his wife does. , U'B J we I'eytens hate you for rea rea ens of tlicir own probably because wm 11 ' ',MK"0(I 'eieii. Hut nni Witter m ..f t ,.e.. .1.1 ...in uni'i iI'sk t iiiiii! 1 1 1 ere was time it -v -7A r. 11 11 y w 1 fj s " , v m ' mewjMzrfjjnLKt i,v -v If vnn i,,i, 1.1 ." ..n ... ...nilil renlU l,n e.'illei trnsli ill the War- 1 XHttXiH XV '' -? CI I y 3 W J t. " V O. iOZScSJC&SBSB&ra VlSWi' I III Yr.V,rV5' J0" tlireiiBlt Mth HyliiK eil.r.s. lug library. ,,..,., I J8&rW$mXmr (it V&T G JSi-v Jg&S&I-S&Si ti!$ Q' "J 'mt only freed from suspicion ,5''. "Vuii!lh-.1S V ' I - sSp (ifl fy (TM L TQih tllij "fv fceiturV ',"'""ll" w&tVJlun& or ''IIU"fc'(' .,,. ' --s--i'"" l ,,lur8t CONTINUKD MONDAY -1- -----?-ssrr-J s, fflW&."' ' ' " 1 ii N 'J . 1 : ii ,-... . - -- .-- -- .. . . . . , . ,. .M.. . A .. , jiufi fifiil JJ I1II1L till 11 I I I 1 IV III! I'l . .... ...... .T --- -....-.. .... ... ..--. .... . AMAM II V-B' I I . - I MV .. I.m 1JWWU r vrvijir1Lrf. .. - m And in n white heat of auger, Trisk went. "New, denrlc." Mrs. Adami snld, coming in, "I don't want you te tell pie. anything. My husband bids mc be friend you nnd I will, se long ns your ense is uncertnln. IJut if you're proved te he guilty, I " "Oh, don't fall me," nnd Miss Mys tcry threw herself Inte the ether's nrms. "I am se lonely and se friend "Why folks?" are you? Where's your flicn Miss Mystery drew herself up, with a forlorn little attempt ut dig nity, nnd said, "I'd like te go te my room new, please." Upstairs slip went, slowly, nnd n she nenred 'her own room hockweod met er in me neil Count me venr frliml " lm snld, Bimpiy, nnu neirt out Ills liand. , , , f- --.-...., nv "l will. " she replied, putting her June unnu in ins, and tlien, with one deep glnnce, cadi knew of the ether's love. Lockwood's was written plain nn his race, and his eyes, usually se calm anil cold, were lighted with the Intensity of his passion. This Anita rend, and her own re sponse, was quick and Inveluntnrv. Ierhaps it was a rebound from the awful proposals of Maurice Trask ; per haps it wns a heart finding its mate perhaps, remembering Miss Mj si cry's ways, it was mere coquetry, hut the glances were exchanged and thev knew. Anita went en te her room, and throwing herself into u chair, sat long in thought "Whnfsnnll I de?" she asked herself ever and ever again. "What can I de? if only I hadn't taken the menev nnd the pin. -Why did I de it? And he said Iruesdcll! Hew dare he knew? My eyebrows, I suppose. Thnt awful man! And he'll tell eh, yes, he'll surely tell nnd thnt will poison (!or (ion s mind ngalnst me eh, was any body ever In such trouble as I?" A tnp nt her deer announced the maid with a note. Alene ngaln, Anita read it. It was rrem Lockwood nnd begged nn inter view. "I'lense let me see you alone," it snld; I don't knew hew best te mnn nge it. Will you go for n wilk witn me new? There's time for .1 short stroll before dark." Hurriedly Anita flung en bar nnd cent, nnd opened her deer. i-ockweod was en the stair. ' 'Going out?" lie said ensualh sually, "may 1 warn with you?" "Please de," said started out together. Anita, and they 1 m sorry oneu',-h te de anything that seems clandestine," said Lockwood no they wnlked. "but that feline ladv. MIs Hascom, Is watching veur every move, ami I can't Ic her get anvthlng te criticize you for." A grateful leek rewnrded him. nnd then t.orden went en: "Tell me, did I read your eyes aright? De you. can you care te knew hew I love von? "ew I linve loved you from the mo ment I first saw you? De you care, Anita? May I love you?" , "Hut you don't knew me," she snld in n spft little voice. "And veu de knew dreadful things nbeut me." ,"I don't care for any of these things. If they re dreadful, they're net true." 'xes they are true some of them. And there nrc mere dreadful thlii'js te knew that you don't even sus pect Oorden." The last word, spoken In the low est, tenderest of voices, cemple ed Loekwend'H infatuation. Had she net said that, he might have been deterred by her statements, hut that softly breathed name stirred his pulses, and in the deepening dusk he found her hand nnd said : "Anl a, I want ynu I love veu none of these things count. I 'knew jeu are In no wnv guiltily connected with this crime If ynu are mixed up with It, It is through force of circum stances, and anyway. 1 don't care who or what you are I love you, I be lieve in you and I want you." "Hut it's all se dreadful and I can t tell " "Don't tell anything you don't want te " "Hut that man will tell. That terri ble Trask man." I.nckwoeil didn't waver in his fealty or loyally, hut it was a blew te learii that Trask knew something of Anita's secrets. "I don't care," he said fjrmlv, "I love jeu." A Rrlbe Maurice Trask took up hh reins of government with n firm hand. He left all housekeeping and domestic matters te Mrs. Peyton, but the business affairs of Dr. Waring he concluded te clean up ns rapidly as possible. "It's astonishing," he snid te Lock Leck Lock weed, "what a let of varied interests my cousin had. This morning's mail brings all sorts of things from Hare Heek Catalogues te Mining Prospectus es. Hy the wny. I think I shall have an auction of his rate books. Such tilings don't interest me, and I believe thev have a big menev value." "Seme of them have," Lockwood re turned, indifferently. He could net bring himself te like his new emplejer, but as he had agreed- te stay witn him ler n time, lie did his best te meet requirements. "Take this let, new," and Trask indicated a bookcase full of old volumes of the classics. "They mean nothing te ine 1 can't read Lai In or tireek. and weuldn t if I could. My' geed 1 heavens! Loek at this one!" Trask had taken down the volume 1 that had been en Dr. W.iiing's desk the night of his death. As he Hipped ever itne pa::es, two were miici; together, anil , I the ghastly red stains showed only tee I clearly that they were the spilled bleed 1 of the dvlng man. I I "Tgli!" he said, hnldin.'t out the vel- mm' te Lockwood, "burn that up. Hew 1 could mi v one have put it back en the 'shelf? Never let me see it again!" The secretnrv took it. noting that it , was a copy of Martial, te which Dr. Warlirt had been greatly attached. In- ideul, it had, te Lockwood s knowledge, lieen Ijlng en the doctors de-lc for n' week or mere before his death. Laying the stained volume nide In his own desk, Lockwood proceeded 10 assist in the I'Xiiin. nation of the honks. He was net at all .surprise te Inn Tnuk discarding the ones he would 1 retained and Keeping the most y irem tlie lovely 1 i'i',''. .""""." ","" ,'" ' i"" ,'" , "V As? J) Q 1 1 Y ' Vw .y M ". -v TTT " jnaatTtmCO-iA. V 7 1 ......1 1 n...l I .....!.. 1I1., 111. 1... k r - -1 I U 11-. yx yV II f ' T. - S ..-T7 I A I I I XJ7Hmrlk .. ft 1 II wEWP? EVENING PUBilO LEDGERS PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. THE GUMPS One Suit of UTTEM- 'M 0W WttU INTO "MS CJUMrMbtt I CANT STKMT foil TWt CVtttCVSKA UT WCV)LE V'LV AtMT I'M TOO THIN SK1NNCt Ofc ft. veuueiA.N- ' I 1 Tj I . SOMEBODY'S STENOGTry This en Your Employer s55S3?2 -rAH? THIS L.0AFW6 ALReAD MlHAJJpertMVAClTl y - - 1mC M IV " WVtf ?rr, y AW' 5 LlKt w yyQv m r: n The Yeung Lady Acress tha Way The jeiing lady ncress the way tajs she lirnily believes In the recall of public officials, if they'te ren dered geed service. PET EY Right Yeu Are, -I 50PP05E VslE WllCHT A VJELL SEGIMT6 ?ACK UPAUUTIe I I iHIWK UWCLE PETey Lmkt Gi niree-D rm UIS PESIRETe HUWT JER AFfeR UlS EyPERlV4CE.NE:STeRIAY vP- VEr&r TTpV r9?S?if Wv . wv fSSIi imiin -I'- wE4 -i' . gin s& me.&Hur-c m n (fesl? &w3r ) bfl I I . i c GASOLINE ALLEY Ceney Island Gets Avery All W(qm en Come em m Tne G&rTeei (?ID6 ON THE C(?OUNPSl s t7 xx - c v niiir- -r.cr - iZ. vr .a"' tn. ri v with imatj --5cs v" f r V ' V I'ifvic IMC ifc-uesy- X . - W- , .x 1 XKWW.sr -v. -v- i'y, va V X N y- JA - r .rVN aii V Ti73 fttVittj') (7irt7f9fl js-yr"f Armer for Andy .BUCK V)P- VAWKT'S TUe ll.-r-Ck UIrTJ WrM1 ivm 1 T C.TS- -w . . . . V SCAUt jOT' TO tXPECT WT- TWef S FIGHTING Tb QtKT OVI- TWA"' JbC;N. P' Z Tr-lEr?E. e VAA6 A ., 9 L n Willi I lie Hall en the One-Yard I , luppri n lm -fWjcfi. W w 1 , I MIJIIHI I II M .mimiwilll '"' . ..t. .I.IIW - II 11 I I J ' "fHe. UNSPeRTMAMUIKr: CONDUCT Op A 5MAI.U J portion op rue. crowd xe.PT Trie, visitiwg tcam ffteM POSHlKG OVER THe W1KN1MG TOUCHDOWN Bt-feRC. TIME WAS CALLED. Old Tep! ITS A VUOUDEP HE WASN'T KateD-lMEBuuET VJENTT?lCvn"0V BeueveIwere. IS ANVWAV T OFTREE4T6 O 3C1MC SVieT J f MS CAR TRest CARtacss weuTewsl s Ip- for? AtEr? J ? ri ITT? U"JJ ", n n . "f -... , N -TT I v, . e(b:: s- " K UlCELTeOMU,H ZZJHEReI HE SLIPPED M XMM ' . AieANO.teOO DlWfl- S )rJK CHANCE' . ' fMEA PLUCCED R '. X KXW ? yWTHtlAWWy 1 y -". 1 . 1. tit ss r 'J' j 1 " . s. 1 j j- . fc tw &... - ttwwik p'w'Kv- "VsyWiiiTp? 3 r ' "y-w xe feu yxm' f vev) UM TE.WTVOM TO TOU MOt TMfeM T-KVi MOO TVte BTTt CVKr4t. TVE.S TVH MCn'vT. CiOf- OOVAT. T'N'S NHN KTTtHTVON TO THCrA- A)CV ATT ' TVEWi r ) 7 fw a ,,. v"TMIAlk r dian '.' lr; ucv Vll Fif? rob ' r ILL ?i ''' , ' 1 i Line and One Minute te Plau POKl'7" "Ilet" Up C cmfe: Z Ll . y Vr5 wKlwA W-" I n vwww SEPTEMBER 30, tiTfT tlt NOV) tKT ? TWfc rrAs mevCi 7,00 MV&UT UAVC OOX X LMXU.OVTOF CRTCVNA Ht tVt, LISTEAI TbURSELF -Ge IA OC3IVA-TT iH.n ijal wi r 1 rv 1 m a 1 1 UOOK 'n. , -nieilWJiii DOWM'. FIST ,r" " hi a HEADACMc Hy Fontaine Fex SCHOOL ....( ..... Rli (LtftlX. rei "Yhyi 1 7 (7 "ZSS fm:m X 1922 TMNT" T BUT V )T Ittrtitered U. rtnt J-ljP AJh 511 ' - ' ikirAi S?illLL - - THIS DAYS i -i cow we, CJt. iftw We Wt AMS LtS XUMAH IHlLU6e,Hl) Wt't Bt L)U3 H A. CACVE 1 if 1 1 ill CDUUt UKVXiH AT XUKV MW SHIH A NUOUUO BE SO THICK T VMOUU (h I MAKE A. RmNOCtilOS' LOOK UKV J VLfs TQH VMAeqia-, p$Sr- ' iiflP 1 - ri P ' 1 Wf 93L ( ( tin vVHBHL2- Mrr g3y BEgS sr- Uae Mt ClMm. meTiwb., Oea. Til I 0Ewe evi im 'TOUR WHO 0 .,c, v-..- F,fMM. S7ai: 1 . WP WCttBO VOJ STRan HW im we wi c. vjha MCAbtl Vnl s-'' .A...an ,.n DttWK 'S? FiMr fiRiWe C"T m - D.en we CeRif? VOU COWi TO F,nI Sue CAHr vmh Svie's Be'' (J)Wiil 6e : TitKLED W A.U. OVt. 'eLX HWVIH MS- """ MCW 71 Mb CHOLARS ihe .- e WwmUftimktrl t 1 mi gji 1 ip m w-w-.- . - L WVX'X "W.'iBLV '' "' ViSiWCT r.vrv ,,7B By Sidney Smith By Hay ward Offlc ThiERBS a Girl Ver -rM' - She sure iximS HOVl TO KEEP BUSMESsTe6eTh- By DWIG T xwoeCT; "X v wc rvn. senietycc Usm car . rejiK.eMiw5i DtOffcit - . m.-.- . . I... Ki0 'JJ.1 r I. 1 V . I C I " I I' f ID jOtl I fiKy t , .... 1 f ! . .iK4fPl.l I I I m :n.ii I .Kij k ill 'v . ffiDferfll &&JCL ' M VSAf. KCLWC fV By C. A. Voight 0U HAMEU'T OHMtlVft rtu VEjouflceFeiwKa or us MCRCWS """ -" - "- -- -T-rinv- T OX By King 'T4l ?Z ;J i i f &&