SjB.' f WOTSHEyWlM ttra.Wfl ?1-T1 T '" ,7j-z$rm? Ifl-Hfj I EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 192 4-r- ;-fp m , -- '-'' ' . !w' "' rvr -I fiij :' 1 V H I ITS w? iT9i K?M 9 I It. If 1 m am "tl: i i fijf at i' ft ir: Mr; it c te M BSTATE FOt SALT! CITY Rms. Bath , 1.1 1 in a in n in a in i it 4 !- n it l in 9 N 1 In 1 ft 1 ft t T I 8 1 7 1 II 1 7 1 flprlrut Oarden , Hprlnr (In r den , ffDtlnr Oarrien I0M Bprlnr Qnnlcn is nprtnr oeroen net eunt Vernen eunt Vcrnnn Mount Wrnnn 0,1(1 Mount Vernen , , . Its Mount Vernen , . . . ISA Mount Vernen 1814 Falrmeunt . , IMS Frill-mount AOflN. Uuc'cnetl .... 1020-110 , leth, each .. lOin-iUS X. Warnock, Mil N. Utmr f4ft N. Uher rneh Vacant Rreund, flnul st., above Somerset at. DAVID T. NEVIN fl:0 X. 20TII ST. 1117 E. CLEARFIELD ST.. 7 room.. shd. else., nerch front, cenv. te main car lines nnd "I" 312 B ST., fl rooms, bath. (In condition. 24 W. ERIE AVK.. In room". Inilu includes auto repnlr . unrip adjeining: opportunity. 04il N. FHAXKLIN ST.. 7 room, shed. elec, h.-vv. heat, perch, excellent condition. I0S7 N. PAIHIIILL ST.. 7 rooms nnJ shed. cenv. lecnlltv, reasonable. UOO ai.KNWOOD AVK.. 7 rooms, bath. perch, corner, uaracc. elec . h..v. heat. 101O W. INDIANA AVI!.. 3 story. 12 room!-. suitable for lame home or npnrtments, 1033 N. JUDSON ST.. 1 rooms, renovated, cesy home. In Reed condition. 633 N. 7T1I ST.. n rooms, h.-w. hent. let 24x100, cenv. locality. 637 X, 7TII ST., (1 rooms, elec, geed con dition throughout Let us solve tern real estate ir. e smith. hop w, r.nm Ayn, 1819 SPRUCE. 20 room. 3bnths, (HH N. inth, 13r.. 2 bnths, double front. 3fl N. 17th. cer. apartments. 3 baths. 1522 N. Hrnnd, 15 roenn. 5 baths. 22x200. (161 N. Hread. commercial bl.lit.. lsxlUO. 1744 Folsom 8 rooms. . 12. cer. 21st and Rrandvwlne. 33xS4. 1(103-05 Winter, central dwelllnKs. 2041-2113 Spring Garden, solid brownstone. 1(118 Oreen. in roema. 2 lnth, lflKH. 23113 Oren, ill roemn. .1 bath. 11123 W I.ehlah ave . 11 room", perch inoe Mt. Vernen, corner tore mid iipM. 173ft Mt. Vernen npt . het-vviter hent. Minnnitn n wennrt.i. & re. ' x 17th cei.uiufn J007 N. Marvlne . 10 rooms nnd bath: -acant. . t . S424 N. Alder t . 7 rooms nnd bath 1944 N. Van l'clt (t., 7 rooms nnd bath: Vacant. DAVID T. NEVIN 520 N :iTH ST. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Bfe. sound and reliable: ceed conditien: enenlent lecalltv. ttnants nlwavs w iltlng. 210 per month Income en an lnctmenl of I42O0; drop a card and our silesman will call nnd ixplnln. h. k smith, oe w F.nn-: vn 19TII AND enEK.N. near P.irkwav and Ses nul-Centennlal ground"' large let sultabb for manufacturing of nnv kind, gnrane er-i lee station, mexinc plctute, no restriction JOSLPH rnLMMAX 200 Lincoln Hlds. 7S1 WYNNE ROAD Has handsome tiled bath. 3 bedrooms, all hardwood floors, hot het water hent Inclesrd perch, p, rfet condi tion throughout, easv wms Call 0er 0er 0er broek 8700. P A. M te 3 P M 1011 PU.ETHORP ST US RICHMOND AND REAR 1110-1121 HAMILTON AND REAR 1032 VINE MYERS ,t 1URTH. RllMiE VVF fr KITH PIXE. XEAK UROAD ourster house. eery modern Improvement. Including hot het water heat, electric light, hardwood floors. te be sold erv reasonable JdSEril rEl.DMAN 200 Lincoln Hldg 2210 GREEy .ST. Apartment house newly renovated up-tn-the minute. 34x177 through te Ilrandvwlne t.. wonderful penlbli.tlej. (5(I.U(li). woll well flnaneed. ALIIERT HALL INC . Land Title Hid. 1311 W. MASTER SI1 Three tv . 12 rms . bath: large let. must be told this wek at bargain price, as the owner must tre West; possesien will be given Immediately, as It Is vacant. U. F Kudzl nskl. 031 Fair mount ave. CORNER 10th and Cypress Four stury. 1 1 rooms. Including furnishings, fully rented. te be sold wry reasonable. JOSEPH FELDMAN 201 Lincoln Hide 6407 E. Albgheny hv- store and dwelling. 143: Penlar st.: IS rooms. baths. S58-BO Darlen st. and 243-7 Shell st 234 te 32, Inc.. CJaul st . 3 3-stnrv brick. H. F. nrPZIXSKI. r.31 Fal pn-nmt nve 2017 S. IIROAD ST S-v-ntn rooms, v.Tth 2 baths, het-water heat, electric, let 2'i 130 te st-eet in rear, geed cnndttlen, $21 oue W C. Hevde 13th and Sr.jiler ave CHESTNUT III3LOW 11TII ,3x2l te Sin sem st , wonderful central location mercantile business feri WKJSTNKY. :ea LtnerlV Hldg. PANAMA ST AHOVB 1HTH S-vernl prep- ertles; this Is te be one or the most at tractive streets In the city S M fHYLET llini Plre .t MADISON SQUARE. 2IIMI 1,1 cK 124th and Christian) Six houses seutu side .1 rooms each; geed residential section pri-e re.ien- able S M. Oavlev. 1' I'lne st I 1110 WALLACE 13 rooms and modern I bath newly pnnvat'd el I'rlee joseu I Easy terms LOUIS M MORRIS. Sr . 1823 Preen Poplar 2499 1737 WOOD 173d Carlten, l'usi) 11113-21 I woeu; iiii-i-z'j Laruen eiiiuu i,u3 ana l 173" Callewhlll. erh ltlxtlii HENRY 1. VINEY. 32'l N Filll st QUICK nes. 3723 N 7th 7 r , bath, perch. terrace front, hnt-watrr heat, electric, let 15,0 by 100 SHOEMAKER. 7th and Erie 1(43 N. 7TH ST 7 rooms, perch laundry. electric, terrace f-unt excellent location. 3100. SHOEMAKER 7th and Erie 1447 N. 2HTH Nine rooms, let: excellent investment 1022 W. Cambrts st : baths H-nry 1.-.V73 liecc. CORNER PROPERTY 313P stnunten it . H Jms bath, perih. J 1200, F. J Hunev 13. Allegheny ave. Oar 02D2 241S W. HILTON ST. Two-sierv dwe'llnu. 8 rooms nnd bath, summei kitchen. Wm Llnder. 132S Chestnut st 1432 SNYDER A E. Three ,t,,r 10 rooms and balh. growing business district, SPOeO Apply H. C Slnex. lem w I'a,vunk ave 1700 SNYDER AVE Three-stei ,- dwelling. suitable for club. Apply II. (' Slnex. 1010 W. Passvunk ave. 3J6 N. 1CTH Full 3 story 3 baths, 3 kitchens, electricity price right, poss. CRAIGHEAD, 173 0 Cnlumb 1 a av'e, 2214 S. WOODSTOCK ST -Pnrrh electric het-water heat. 7 rooms. 13 10(1 Heyde 13th nnd Snvder nve. 3036 S, HROAD ."T. Twelve rooms L' bath, electric hut water fn.i rondliien. fl.'i.ueii. iievee i.iin nnn 'nn'r aie 233S N. lliTH ST Three rum. side vnnl." ' large Int. electric light, bargain te Muse es-i late HERHEUT RIC E, Ilul'rtln Hid.- blO N 15TH and His llurns st . ldxlOD I SCOWCROFT t CO 214 S 13'h Snnn e 707 2300 HI.OCK PII.IU'E T.- Six room.- 1 11I1 laundry, elie , white and m iheg flnlh, excellent bone y v.v Clr'ilntn 117 s 20 i 1518 S 211 I'll e.-11 limns mil IcnrhiTi" Dutch hall, electric linrdwei.d floors. Im-! inMlate pos Jehn !) Islier u'2d and Tts)-- 1500 S. M4TH Four tsdr. e-ii elee vacant il mil TasUer jeiin pi:im:n 523 E. CAUOT ST (I5HII uulek -eile. J I'ATTON Lincoln Hldg Sprui e 7202. LEE 2803 N 2D JtS.Vm. ljriiems end b.uh, alec. J le-e Pitten I.lne.dn H'dc Snr72il2 DOUIiLE pr 'Prty 2000 bio. k O-rmamewn ave.: nulclt "ale. SRENCu. 21,-, S 15th 2107-011 BTELIA Twe sterv. nereii front 11025 each Craighead, 1730 Columbia uv, I20IKI lliinrrnft ! 2104 0 i c i, li.'iiai antt. Kane. a:a, x ?ntn TiegaH14n PORCH; ias 5 toetns .shed N i; section 12000. Edw M Orahun stru, e 7.42 LIST with us our sales and r. nt, WM BAD!. KR'S SONS '3'JO Columbia nve Alse sea itdtrrtlsemrnts In large tvpe In nreceillnc ee'iiinns. Hnlldlnr Lets. Fneterr sites. Etc Building Lets and Acreage Klmwoed ave and Islnnd r a. I in 73 Eastwlclt nvi- and Ullh st., I3UIK200 1 H acres. City LI114 and iventz uve Parker ve irb, 3002iiO Large corner 'l.enslde nve renr turnpike. Utrniuntewn ave a- Wisivtew 123x115 J A. PATTERSON. 1311 S, 5th st. FACTORY SITE, lOO.OuO square f"et l'enna. It. R. sldlnK all sinet improvements, deuble-trnck trellev. near I i-ankferd Mutlen WILKINSON, 18H Chestnut M BITES, railroad, l'enna and Reauuik-. S2UO0 per acre and up Dleii rich 737 Walnut faeterlK, Warehouses. .Miiniifnrlurliiit Floers WAREHOUSE Large warehouse, sullnble for the heaviest .sierage; 11, it. snune end or bun. litis; mud construction. P 1022. Ledger Office. ONB.STORY factory, 10x02, with I at 30x75, at Emery, Westmoreland und Salmen sts . Xes. 3231 and S3 Salmen Aithur lluswell, i-aa re. tain si .VAVTOIIIKM, wareheu(e railroads, can nnsni'e. DIETERIL'H. 737 Walnut st, . Alse see uuverllseminls In l.irie tine Ul preeeillna columns. , lliislness Properties! and Stores KtVKOOOD CORNERS B. K. cer7"20th and uaquehaiinn, N. E. cur, 20th and Mnut Mnut cemery, 72x110: N. 13, cur. Slat and Dau phin. S. E. cur. uth und Monlt:emry ave., 3.H18 Diamond st. a SMITH i:nA.uiiii',.vu, neu ceiumuia ave. .1 '' Hlnre nnd llwelllnes VM eS- .,K, V , lb I'll AXI I, hsj.iii- lirlvu t'liv und l VXD .ml i.rlLLAX I- Psyiir eiiv u.ui u , v.ur iir v.n-i-' iic bu H.v 1 leif.1'11 t r i I I. ,iilc. Aim it ; ir ta l'i leilr" " " 1'-' . is h nml M'ir.l. v. Hr (ir v.lth- !.' rt.r. 'I... . ......... . .. . ....a .... V rer.v.a ,uuln nlv.: elec. h.-w. heat: eerf V0IS1I CiiMifllilllllll eii.e "imii Sim .!, M.i lWrV, -ine, L Beiusrs, iuin anyutr. REAL ESTATE FOR SALB WBSTrUlKt)El.l'IIIA l-AHCIIVOOt AVK, 13th te 40th Heuse, nearlnn completien: 2 ttery. north aide, eutherii expesure: 13 minutes te City Hall: In larva roems: eerv modern appeintment: Inclesed perch nnd Karaite: parquetry floera throiiaheuti 0 larve closet,, aecend floer: .1 en first floer: plana deccrlblnit eery detail of ntlie house, can be seen at operation. Repre sentative there dally, Includlne Sunday. 10 A. M, te r. P. M 5420 WOODBINE AVENUE (Cn.VWFOIlD 11UII.T) Ideal home. Thoroughly modern SW bedrooms. .1 baths; :-cnr Karase! all all all Mone structuna. Inspection by appointment. Linvia a. TAtn.ANi:. iibai.teu nifl WALNUT ST. , ONK OF THR best 7-room houses In West l'lillndetphln. csjutnlnlmt het-water heat. electrle light nnd gas. new reef, papered nnd painted and In excellent condition, can bu tieught for $4(100 It sold this month, owner occupies and possession Is guaranteed im- . meuiiitpiv, fall between ti A. -l. nnd r i: M.. at 2217 H. Unnnffen terrnce , 33d & Baring, Apartment Heuse Let 30x100: 0 npts, : modern heat nnd lUht. launury lutis and separate lecuers in pase- ' mnt. Splendid Inxestnient The price Is I lew for a quick sale (1. A, ANSI.KY. 121H CHIISTXHT. ST 0.3.T Ttuconeni: avi; isit.-e. 373s rw K'vS'SfUVrJ ,t.V 'i.x $: nut sts , in,.ini. rt.'2S Kllswerth t.. jtSSOO. C02(l-ne2s I.ansdtwne ni :ti).ihiO 1,1'linv W'diUIKM norm Mirket t I22S PAItKSIUi: A P. I F.ielni Fnlrmnunt Path, 12 rerms. 2 baths. , het-water heat, electric: Immediate poss ; beautiful home, mngnlflcent hardwood llntth i threuahnut, J22.iif'). term-. ! PWneSH "27 X 1"th Pe'ilnr 3000 LOT 1211x1211, Inclnseil percn; nix n (lreplnee; side 'nrd. breakfast roem: 2-cnr garage: crlre SIS. 000: oNcrleoks ArenlmlnU Oolf riub. Walter A. MeOlatchy. Tth and Mar- het I,andnwne 211111. i'.iitii srnt:i:T srcTtex New twin, lowest-priced new home In this section , $sl00 Walter A MrClnthcy, 70th and lliirketsji Lajjsjjewne 2004 , fi'.iTll ST. SKCTION New twin. 4 bed rooms, attic, noun casn, S'inu ni,n.n Mct'LATCIIY, 70lh and Market. Litis- tlewne 2004. , Cult, iitsf AND l.Ofr.sT Thoroughly modern. rooms and bath, rlpe for 2 basement st'.re and aarnge M, N. SIL- Vi:it INC :ij S. jOOth "t. thrwoed 2ft.i0 3737rKi).ir .i: Four beilroems. vnh front Must Be wiiii I rVI-i iMIIKN 2d 17lh iyn1 V lnbr'dg -i 1nvr111.v Tti-ln U slerv. financed" WAl.THll A Mct'l. VICHY. 7 inn aril Market. L.injdewne 201.4 - 3027 HAI.TlMdRE AVE Threv story elee , near F of P . term te suit A !rt F Rrnwn 31ii Lincoln Hbltf Snruee 73ill 52(111 W.iU'K MHTM Eight rooms and bnth. modern M. X. SILVER. INC . 32 .- rtOth iherwed 2S30 5300 LUDLOW T. Colored, bath, bargain. $3n00. M. 5 rooms and N SILVER. INC , J2 S "Qth, Sher. 2".ei.. S E. COR 00 h and Sprlni-fleld av stvain hent electric mII mudrn. S rooms und r.Tri.K". chap. SR13NCO 21A.S.15th N E. COR." tieth and Trinltv . st-m hat. electrlL, all modem, x room and gaiage, SIlENCcl. "15 S IMh . - - - WVLNI'T ST.. filiiu HLOt'h Modern hums; barualn M N SILVER INC.. 32 S. COih Sher 230 , FOt'R-liedroem houses f.'.sen te $12 coo nth-r I -s YtI. 1 N 31t nnr 12l SINGLE stone h'use med . enc. pch . owner leaving eltv HOFFMAN. 5'27 Olrard 5101 WALNUT ST II 1-. "electrlcltv. $75(10 S C Adams drts I.lne.iln H'd Stir. 4275 teres and Dwellings STORES Bix ihed In wonder- sinss location of Lebanon nve west of rVh '. MOsiS k TAYLOR Rui ,lers -inl Owners 63th and Haddington streets .le see ndvertl-ements In laree tvpe In nreiwllnc ee'nmns. OIHIMANTOWN LARGE P1.CJT of bhiuihI en Upper McCnllum st . 5 acres, ene1 ru-ht te !(- entate, several elbnis for hetnei and building lets In this rctlen W J. JnllXsuN. Heed Rl It. spruee 1" 17 Jii.-iiiu .-.nerTilce, (IJ42 N 2'th. I.'.ihi und. r price il rms and Hath. Ire. pnrrh. h -w heat, hdwd tlenr, . gira.-e prlv . I3uu under nriie Kane 3237 N2e.thTI '?a H1 Id Ur.V. 2134-3I1-3-. iliiDFHrY A E Pnrrh il rooms .rnd luth but-nlr h it 1 or all. I30O0 ench will flinn" . ."0 cisn 1 v-acnm v ""' "nn.r "? '." JjJjJ-n. j..v ': son lii.uv iv neraii i i n ui", inrie-ni lereh. hef-water h at elertrwl'v. laundry hardwood fle' r- irira' , Inimeil ite pess'n. ---'-i-'-'-S-- ' ---'-- ""'"." J300 0 RM.- and bath nice loentlen; mn he flnan. 1 with s nn'.l a-neunt of cash. J 11 Diinnellv I'i'.'.i E Chi ljnevj OTN Ore. ne anil Tulpehnken tt Ten rms 2 baths, with gar s.nn he couple left Drebv j Eii11 1Q! Lln'eln llllg JTone DET h'.me 1- lUtliulTv .1 rated all conveniences 'iw vnrl 1 se t,, irelle. J n I'lmm'iii in- i, nnen live IX reims und lath 1. 1 lHxl7u ft i.'Sno, nelghliorbeo I i 'h, w .rnd la ust ave J H. Onnnel' I'i2( E ilvlten iv 124 E PI.EV'i INT T-'l -I'Jreh front I M- rooms na c invmen es. E J. MARTIN, 115X Ji4th' Phiin Jle rvint 30M MODERN semi-d-tath, il ten. led tile, ,',i) ft front, iieirm, 2 bnth,, girnge fine ennd IJs 00i'OM Ratjdb iaei f.erust, HOfsi'f'iir. II 100 up geed let a 1 enn tlname J II 'Venne iv 1.; J3 Cbelten .rv, AImi see adverttseiiiMit, In tnrre trpe In nreredlne (Oluniiis (II lTN I T HILL HIGHLAND AVi; Tlir-e sieiv. stone. ,,ate renf 11 rooms 3 taths. lut 30x13.1, hard wool llnnr, I'lCtric lUhts neve'v liatier.d nnd painted, near trains nnd trel.. $13 0 10 RT. 'Id L I. , Lam 1 Title Hldg. 1 pr 7 4 'O. CHESTNUT HILL ec . semi-det , Colonial hall, il chamb. . elec , h. -w ht . exception exceptien sllv fine cend . 1-car gir. , let 45x030 E Berry, 1027 Real Est Tr llldg Wal I7rn llullillng Let, LOTS In ErUenhem t r all street Improve ments, cuneret" walks, low tax rate will assist In ftnanelr.y an 1 for build nc, Satur- dn afterrenn and Sundnv by apii ntment. JTZNKINTOW N JVNJAXpTItl r CO ( Heli'1'3 building site, in Wvnilmoer Vpplv t JKNlilNfeWX ISNK. AND ntl'M' i O JL ONLY eni unsold, who gets It open datlv se It ,eeplngnnr t lies garage, ucle-ed frunt perches nn level with the living rooms; l French denrs between brbk flTep' and eareful attention te detail, whkb ,dl ti th' sum total of a beautiful home ,-s7"0 Sleo rash Kith below Wi n ing. Jut above lluule anl and Hun ng i'a-K i rm, arranged ,s C AUERNEl'HY 132-5 C.iestnut H . 4024 N luth st . I 511114 MARVINE r - rwo-sierj pertn-iruiit I di ellni; mud-rn HARRY G.C.WILLIAMS Wai HI.v I) oeV Mimi-lsiai heil vacant uv rlu..l.iiitt Huniln I'.uk earain fur uulek nuunas'T worm in. 'tisutln? VVvn -il.'O H . ID'iif n" '(Til Six loe'iis uid tiled hath; pur' h modern exielie-ii funditien. 17500 ' BDW M. ORA11A.M. Sprui e 7542. 1130- WAONER AVE Let 2.1x100 semr. 0 tafh-d 'mH n-f 101 t house eisy term, .Vithur lli.Hvver.2.t3 N JJth st 5237 X WARNOCK 3 riti b neh . elee., h -vv ht 11'i.ine 1(1 .7 (Jin a Tin J173l IIiiIIiIIiik lads OTH and Hutchinson st. ubeve ;,uliiu W'ii 1L 5"i3 N li h Duneannen, si HFNTI.Nd I'AKK jStures and Dvvrllliuia N k" C(iR 7th and Pike sis - Six rooms, ' bath and larse steri, elee. h vv heat let 17x100. Smex 500J N 5th st. We St73 W -1 J. ....... TTZ: ZZZ"J- VV ... n ,mrf'. U. uai r. "" "- " i "J ' .: ".' :. ' : jjlw-t z- j INrc.r"2SeV.eYhJSh;V2W ! re.frjU SOT7 Gin j5ve.T.0ga m3t ?,, , mpi A-en ;vglenl jJX tsT A mmrsT-lYcfldN--:TT73 m.h. I bed- sTmw-W-. 0'i;VM:efhoTeh-r?e;""!.r-xCnr'- il"!'. lpen eve?y day 70th and Market l.andewne 2nd I LOT et ground ceed for factory or stores. !. ?,"Yenneny ie-'l I? I'he ten 1 A". rrJiSS- h2me,0newi;r r0nn,"p9rcIn..e,;,,h i-hSe'e I " " " eusi! lW?WhWy. "il'-S J k' n n'S?' THE DOO DADS Stung! C These anmau& haven't 1 JSmT ( VJW-N they behase 1A v- v-. v- J'X . c-W' 6W 5 ( IVEN ME A BT OF TROUBLE ) r? THA WHOLE VORLO J $J Rnnail 17 l (TCQl -vS V Vlatelv. Beenaoed as f f is rosy. They're ,-w X (0)(l))SjVllX XT) ACeME down) SivM 'Cl. COULD BE,- I S'POSE Wf S S NOT A BAD LOT,-J fl i "-6 srf,, CW2fX$HrS'c4 fe- VT kindness has wer- I NjUju 5,rC5' s jSvij vv---tr rpi tTkanI! ; UiVl V V - ,r ! " - h.wJDJ'i'I --. ' - r . w, '.,.. , ,,, v X mi -' - , - ' 'f i . j1j .. ff !... .v Hi REAL ESTATE FOB SALB IACONX 13000 Tnln. 0 rooms, bath, plpclesa heater, elec.l garage prlv.i 1300i frame house. het-air hent, gas: let 73x170. WILLIAMS A WILLIAMS. 0113 Terre?dale ave. OI.NK! BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH OAKAOt? , Six larue rooms, bath, het-water heat, elec Irlc. hardwood floers: line locatien: 227 Man- KTIlMA,'Nib"llKl!lNp1 HTS. WYO. 2m J5oe CASH bua iieautlful modern hegne: 230 W. Fishers aM'.i close te lncnrna lncnrna Hen Church. 7 rooms. Inclesed Perch: wldn street: geed rcctlen; easy pajmenta; 47 and 75 trellAy,fcnN.RT,tg u;8 chestnut ,'n Xt t-IUII1?II AVI"! Immediate possessien: ' rooms nnd bath, electricity, het-water hent. hardwood floera. fieciricuy, '"' """ ' nini (.. tra in iinii trel I ljacjoUihmcntletrnin ami trei sl 1 0 N ille N. .MASCHKlt Six rooms, bath, elec... h.-w. hardwood floors, let 10x110. Ilnex, 3IHI3 .V. Bill st Wyoming S173 H. ... HI Stores nnd lwejjlne 5058 N. 5TH ST. Stere and dwelllns. desirable business location- 7 rooms, l'.ith hel-water heat, electric, "ffijOL.NKV AVi: WVOMJXO 047 0LNEY STORE Dwelling rooms. I.ath.electrlc. h, heat, laundrv nvrellent loentlen. HAI'P. 3II0H X. .vrn ST. Alse see udertlse:nrnts In laree tvne lnlir?mllKrj!!!mnj. TIOOA "TI0DERN CORNER HOUSE suitable for dentist or doctor. 0 rnu., tlle hath h -w heat, hardwood floera througheut-ntif- elec washtrays In basement. Bar prlv. II 1 I.lcbm.n.717 llutler ut.TIOKa2n48J. liisiNtl Sl'X AVIJ.. Ontnrle li 12th Bts. , 2-StV. llrlCK OOIH., l-l". ,im, huuil IMf iTVk fZvNi: I'AHlv Modern (let. dwg., 0 bedrnis.. 2 baths, white and mnheminy, h -w floors, perfect condition, open fireplace. -car tinted parage, i Id shade; let 00x217; I T.'iil biirgaln. ShledH.M00orkread. OAKTl-ANII Fine cer prep.: Southern Colo nial dwg . center hall. 2 open fireplace,, h -w floors white and inaheganj, 1 bedrtns.. 4 b, . will sell uciw mil, ..niuc, uq.iu iurK 0TK LAN!: T530H 13th st , aetnl-det. dwg.; p.-rf ceud . H beilrnis. .1 2 b . h -w. ht.: owner lenv. rlt, will cell cheap. Shields, r.snti Yerk reml . OAK I.ANi: New7 Colenlil center hall dw.. 5 bedrooms. 2 oaths, h.-w. floers: white 4 muheK. enl one left. Shields, ilaOO Yerk rd. lltANKFOltn HANKFOHI) -English dwgs.. Pilling et.. bet urtneiK.x anu .rr 1 i. uieck-m wcbi ,n Fiankferd ave 1. let :iuxl23, garages; low prlc-s. inall amount cash req prices will advance. ,lu te ep.'n:ng of Frnnkfnnl 'I, Preliv & Evans. 1007 Llmeliilllilg Sp.3M). 1332 ORTHODOX ST. Twin. 12 rooms. 2 bath, electricity let 4iixll te rear street; 1 uit doctor or dentist Immed pos Kuhn . levvery 4I.H5 Pnul st Frnnkfenl .ll -' NORTH WOOD. 1313 Djre. new house. U rms.. tile li.itli nvd Ills , n -w. ill imerniM. Idrv Kuhn t l.ew-rv. 4 Oil,' Paul Fkd 3141 fcS-".,fe"rVi ",':.' : J" W .-. x t . wiunm iv- "; .. - 1 lil 'U.I.-.V, , '.-. .,ul..- w, ..., - -. . . . house. 0 re(im. bath and launnrv. electric lu-hts. running water, let 50x243, or ns murh ns su.tub'e $r,50U terms u suit, also t.ave 7 aces or land, runreau ireni. eiiuuiiiu , lets watch ua trew. Mux. c. 11 vvanerer. Pullder. . 1 erilTEI-N-ltwuvi "l.uisien en nit- -- Chet.-l plki-. hlghtst point. '.'I. u res cf, land fine lawn, (.hrubb-rv and fruit, private I stable J parages house has all modern nHiiHTies cult iliK-l'T i I'li.inr , in.. , v 111 sHerlliee en account of sickness. V litis... 1 Sir, tteil Estaie JjbUr Clie, suit: ACRES of ground, with buildings, '.;-;""..".... .,,.., r ...nllarlum: 311 esinie or nam. i.u.. min rntn I'llv III . mill warn nole - high-sped tre.ley lines i.eerge 1. liarnes. , 120t Chestnut st Walnut Ula or IIlRhland , Pirk Llamrch 730 trT-f r-- IMPt: e!tnr- atone and snin- "iwi'if .'"".TTr 'I. ....... ..-.. ... ia. .... ule dwelling 1- reinis anu i'"1. " ..-'.. floors, open fireplace elfctilc light, het-wnter he.t. i in I,- purchas-d at u. ver reasonable pr'c'ra'i:n" T--Ull'' Mern.ni4r. a, .i- ,. St n..- -timmer bunvnlnw for no YOU vva"nt a new summer bungalow for t'ue te l-.MJO including 3 fine lets, with fruit and shade trees" Near Neshamlny l-,tl aft nllirktV. M Ul1.LdCer Office I OLENOLDEN Fer sale 7-room new dwell ings all modern cenv. ex. light, open tlre;ilai.e. superior construction AlHLIt, ' Parker ni" and (iakliine IJarbyP O. KIRKLYN op-n "tednv county line reml and llright.n nve un-xcelled lecat'pn I beautiful view sple-id d new hume. le"UO Wurrell Oisiii Market t HIOHUX.N1. PARK -VUI. detached heue. Jut being c mpleied. lllghlnnd nve near 1 Merlen rd I-"RjvWe.rrejj OeOil Market st llullillng lit, l"73 HUILDINO LOTS en Moere. Mifflin and McKean near 31st t ' WESTNEY 203 Lllerty BIdr. ARDMORI'.. MODERN h'Hise rooms het-water heat, select nelghborhuel 110 djl) ensj terms. 130 Grand-lew rd Phene Spruee 411 4 I 1 1 my fflF,, 1 TRACT of 10 acres nn the Reading, near 2 s,aMpisW.'RRj:l.L.355N 17lh. "" IIR"N MV1WI MiDERN 3 ster. 10 rms , 2 bnth garage, suitable beaidlng hnu'e. imm. pesi , sacri flie Ciee MAmun'' -Jens 1211 1 bstnut. mTTacREi "Untrv p'ace en Sten lane nenr " Wains MaeVeagh estate I'OO per acie. E.rNKY 2"'1 LiliertjII'dg 1 llullillng Lets ; . 1 .WV-CI lnt en Montgomery mi. c .'.,...'-.-. -"-. ," - , en UAl I ill. IV .sr'UU u 1 je iJJ'i. ( OliUYN ."TiT- 4TH ST Extra fine, 3'a-stery, side va'rd 11-room brieg home, exclusive loca tion eiei trlcltj f -Olie. SWePE& 3H1 Main st Dsrby. DARjIV IieK 'em eyer teda Urand-new homes. -th st below spruce ,t (beiew hiuh srhoe.l. water heat electricity, pantry, re- frlnerater room, laundry tray, detiwhed per he, si $4500 ..ih,, driveway f'ir auto, etc $0200. ' mvupi: i son 10 Main st Darby. Convenient tn 7 large ruii'i , U100, stores, etc.; let 20x100, heater, bath, Has. etc i)PE 4; S"N 510 Main st Darby DEI.AWXEE IIIIMI i,EN"l I.EM V.N s Haiti iiintrv home, near Mtufiuti 12-room in idem house biths, 2 flrepiaie" Spencer hut-wilier h- it Raraire, lirlnKh .use lari-iln I'HE-TER 1 sUeRNE, I 'J 1 h-nti'i' si I.inu-l ,1u37 dii i:r.i llll.I Drexel Hill Itetmifu! new stone and (tin ii res.deni e Kerry nr Edmendi ave. one block Drexel Hill Stntlen, ,'aiiiu' evrKiiin for uulek n.i e n-einent A i e . Ituildi rs North All! rli an Hldtf, iTi:rAi'HEI' stone dwe.llnr lenttal hall, I) riiuill" tile ba'h, 1- ir alai.-e. KMvlOO ' I.viiell l)reel 1111 LansinvvP' 21S2 Opei nlTUs NEW 'leiariied hum1 -slv runins tile bath; ulull ilii-H fur paja rlll' anu nxiures 5u I inn s'hiiKi LYNCH Hrexel Hill Iindewne 2182. 'TlIUEE l,u:.i.lfies with w ruses, best luc'i- lliin IIL5IKI and 1 12 5nn J.YN'CJJL IJi'vel Hil. l.ativ Ir.wne 212 Mel 'I UN Colenla. 'enur hul, I ehnmb' rs i-ir.iKe IIIIIL.MMER 2'i.' I.ils-itJ Rids EI.KI.NS I'MtK ELKINS PARR N. w J baths center hall Colonial 0 chambers let 35x125. med rale prlies will tlnanie .Mi Cnrmick 4 McCcirinb H 1'iirin 1 1 Lincoln tilUK sprui e ,u,-iii or i;iKins nrK 11-ROOM" 1,-twln d vei.ttii:. all nienl. let i'iOIS.", vv-1 1 h; 'le-e In JLri,'ri'i!i-C' S'C"XA-ARV. s ltTails and lu'ih 1 i.rner brb k ih el 'nrc let 12a-.12"i Willi p r.u-e In F.ast I Ik ns Pa ik ( Q McNAMAKi . . t. 'in J MIH n n T-Irt ,1-TH I I I I , I . . .-s 1 I I I . I'A - REAL ESTATE FOR SALS rKXNBVl.VAMA StUltlBWAN, pnwtiM 7-neOM HOUSR Electrle lluhta: naar trol ley te Chester, Kddyatene and Philadel phia: 40(ie: easy terms. FAIItHnOTIlEIl, Folsom. or phone Spruce 4114. FOUT WASIIINOTON LOT, 50x400: 10 rooms, laundry: sarage gi nnd gas: old shade: nil kinds fruit; nenr train trelley: 020(ij small nmeunt casn J. II. neS'Xr.l.l.Y. 1H23 H. Chlten ave. FOX CHASK FOX CHASn & I-nwndnle New A 2d-hand . homes for sale. lI.J.Tunstnll.1008 Cottman .OI.KNOf.DEX OLUNOLOnX We hae nil the new oper ation of heues. bungalows; also old house, some with acreage: ntse building lets; all prices: some ncantl nay depetll and move rllit In: located In Sharen Hit!. Folcroft, Ulenelden, Norwood. Moere and Rldhy Park: open Sunday and eery day. M. J. Min.HOtlN, Olenelden. Phene Shnten Hill 47. QT.F.xsmw DFAltTlFUL bungalow. JH30O: llv. rm llreplnce, dtn, with French doers. Inrge din. rm med. kitchen. 2 bedrtns.. large closets nnd bnth: unfln. nttlc. vapor ht ! In rite let: built n miu would build !.ou ewn: elect neighborheod: 70-ft. wlJe St.: ethers from $3ii0i)-$3nen.jn500 up te $12,000. Wni. IT. Mr llebeits A Sen, tllensldc. Pa. Open uer day. , FKAt'TIFL'L corner Colonial dwelling. 4 I bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors, het wat'T. etc ; price, $13,500. RENNINGER & RENNINGER Olenslde. Pa., epn sta. Phene Ognnt n70 . KIIY FIXF "Ingle dvelllne: het-water hent, open fireplace, bultt-ln tub, hnrdwoed floors, let 53x173. price $S200. RENNINGER & RENNINGER OPPOSITi: STATION . IIir.III.ANI) 1'AKK MOOllltX dwelling, 4 bedchnmbers, llvlnc room, dining room and kitchen: Sln.nen 0erge I Itnrnes. 1201 Chestnut. Walnut 40S.-I and Highland l'nrk. Llanerch 730. MenilllN dwlllng. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room nnd kitchen. tOOOO. GEO. I.. 11AUNKS. 1201 Chestnut t. Walnut 4083 nnd Highland Pa rj Lla ne rch 750. JEfKINTmVN ' J K NK I N TO W N 103 Summit nu Stene Colonial detached residence: exclu lely located, large let; shrubliery; ,0 bed rooms :i baths nnd shewer: modern through out, ienentent te trnln. . JUMilXTOWX HANK AND TRUST CO. Jenklntewn. Pn CHOICE" HUILDING HITS, en Wn-hlliKten lane best revldenllnl section. j'i;nkint(wn hank and trust co. i.axhuiiwxe bii E. STEWART AVE . cerner: attractive detached house. 0 rooms, tile bath and laundrj. hardwood floera. price $15,00(1; Ill dimes screens, shades and awnings: pos- session November 1. CHESTER OSHORNE. lr,.M chestnut st Locust TM.V - -- - - ( LAWNDAI.E ' BEAUTIFUL TWIN HOME ' Sen rim. tmth. h.inlwoed. floors. het t r ru.if 'eletlrlc; let 37'sxlOU. with ga- ' 6th U-I'HV .t LOWERY and Reikland sts Vyemlng2038. LAWNDALE $6000 , ,eml-del . 8 rooms, bath., else.. Urge 1 fn12hfmmA trellev, llapp. 3008 X 5th st - laviltrHI1 PVKK I.OMI.UKl.J .VHlt I.ONOACRE PARK ;, Cobbs Creek section, attractive Mrlety n- modern re-iiiencff. I..-IIll-.JVlll .IT'., ill! renvenienees and no coal troubles- heat from central steam pmm. sniun iimuuiu ut mnii , requited price, $0730 te U'.-.?.?,'..le;?,t,".,.n Woodland 4130 R. 70. 7 luntrv place over - ever - ...i.I.u T. tin It 11,1 Inn ' cost of pioductlen 1'HOW vv oeuianu lieu , . ":,.. v:,::r.i!. -,n-n "!' !-:... MEDIA UPAt IMe't'l. l.iiere count i , I .. . .nn,l. .,, fiimimw Tilln.vllif Ifin i ,.,.rrl.,m tinne ilwelllni;. ' baths, 2 OreplaceH interr. price J1H.500 for uulek sale. CHESTER cHOH.M3iri24J li iej !inut st . , ilbqh- parr ' Mi-t .imsi-T PARK 1J04 Melrose ave.. det haruweiiil noers inrouaneui, wnue eiiainei I MELROSE PARK 1J04 Melrose ave.. det , 13. r dwg., 2 b . beautiful let, 140x140: can . be bought cheap, barg. Shields. 0SOO Yerk rd. I DREAMLAND The Prize Winner Bjr DADDY. .lark and .mirf and Divlily Dny 1 tr10V irhoel (70 te the fair, taking with than Itcnnie llieirn'i pi'J. ! runt 11. The hnpn tn irin a prise u-ith (iruni'i hr will net havr te he sold te the hutfher. (it until seems te he thf fineit of nil )is, hut Slid. iiViij Snuikji Shaiper'n pi'J Puiky lireu-t (iiteninhingly lt and mini;. inylil luiyr. CH,I'TEU VI l'erlty's Thin Flit JVCK "iiul .luiu't and Itcnnie Tlrewu . ......l 'l,,.n tliev Winked Inte were aiimaiM whi-n tliev le, Keil into Turky's pen IJdVV iliiu 1 in- l"K h'"'" se fat ( suddenly. ... ..1 1.:... ..... ivlrf fnnd. 1 mi in." 1.) - rhueUled Sneaky Mu.rper. una you wi-h you had Keme ier our lB- , .1 r.. ..,,n tiieV" .lack nnd .innet nnu jieiwie ueum nm nnhvver. They were tee much niten- ished. There wns n mystery in this sudden fattening of Perky. The judRPs ioekou upon i nay ii - I nrfivin"lv. Then they went nncK nnu " . " iocend leek nt Oriinty. They t'10" , ".', ' 'la men tnej v--iii mi " shook their heads. This second pig is fntter. they said "It 1" t,ie fit'01' I"B ln n11 th0 fair " I KiKlit then they would have given the; prize te Perky, but they happened te letneinber they had net i-een nil the ' ...... ii ti. se went winner minis "" "SJ 1... CJI ..!.. line of pell". MieilKJ niiuipi'i. wm ,,,,,8 with victory, went with them He knew they would net find n fatter lif , , Iiul .Tuck am) Janet nnd llennli . . , fl'l ... ,.ii.,-, l.v -titvi'il lielilini. 1 in-. - in,......., .... I'erkv'-c udden growth. They studied blni ('iirefull.v. , , . . , l'urkv seemed te tje uncomfertnh e. t (hif! (let: I have a stomach ache, he grunted. Yeu ale tee fast." said .Innet se- verd.v. "That ii why you have a teiniii'li aclie. and you dc-efve it. tee. ' "llef: Oef: I feel ns thought 1 hnd colic," groaned Perky. "Thnt Is the way our baby feels when it lia-c wind en the stomach," S.11I1I llennie Iirewn. The moment liennle Hrewii said "wind en the stomach" .lack's face 1 llclited III). . - . Ah." he exclaimed. "That Rives me an ide.i. Open jniir mouth, Perky: Perhaps 1 can see the caiw of jour Btemacliaehe." Perk.v opened his mouth. Inside of it Jack (.aw a tiny tube. .lack pulled : ; : : : : : Bu ArchJBale REAL ESTATE FOR SALS rKNNBVt.VANlA stmtTHnAN MERIHN EXCELLRNT homes, lence, also jrnrngc with every eonven eenven ranging In price 10, oue 10 -'U.U0ll, TIll.AI & TltKAl. wayne. -w. NT.W, detached, center-hall. Colonial house, 0 chambers, 2 baths. 10 large closets. 1IOWAKD llUTLRIl. Narberth. Ph, 12112 J, NARIU.nTII . CenNEIl house, tl rooms and bnth. electric: price $5000. OKOllOt: A. W1TTH. Phene Xnrberth 17110 .1. OAKMONT OAKMOT. PA. $13,000: brick nnd stucce: 8 rooms nnd bath; het-water heat, electrle, all hardwood floors, 2 epsn fireplaces; let Bex 150: large listings of ether homes ateny the Main Line Hnd Delaware! County, Pn, Phene VM, A. McCHEA, Ardmere 270. Office open Saturday nf lei neon nnd all day Sunday. ovEKimneK A REAL HOME Overbroek Sections corner property; front nnd r'de perches: modern In every respect: garage. Call Ilelment 40511 It, itrm.Ya IIOSLTX homestead, bet. Olenslde nnd Wil low Greve. Heme Xe. 41): new 0-nn. hun hun ?alew. Just romp, :real design: let 30x175; 3230. nlse 8-rm. Colonial house, larBe llv. nil, with open llreplnce, h,-w, floors, h.-w, lit., let 30x223, n rcnl buvj nlse sexernl ether designs $0300 nnd upward; de net delny te ten these properties. Jehn 1'atnne. Pheno Willow Prove SI . nnsi.YN l'Aitu HOSLYX PAltK. nbeve Olenslde, near sta tion nnd trelley: take car 40, ct off Easten read Itenljn: only $300 for a 40-ft. let, with water, gas, electricity, Improved reads; (he biggest bargain In, suburbs; (10 new houses built In one ear. FEIIOUSOX & JOHXSOX 2030 Oermantewn np. Diamond 7153 SOI'DKRTON SOUDEHTON. I'. Fine stone farmhouse, 3 large building' lets, . minutes te train and trelley: sacrificed ut $5300. WESTNEY, 203 Liberty Did. KUTI.EIXIE nUTLEDCUV Det , N rms., fine cend.. train and trel. let H0xl75; elec.: 17 President ae. ST. DAVIDS WB ARE offering several attractive, well located houses rniiElnu In price from $7300 te $0000. TREAT & TREAT. Wayne, Pn. WAYNI AN OPPORTUNITY te purchase 3 te 3 acres of high around and build a home. If the requirements de net call for mere than 5 te 7 bedroeraa, 2 te 3 baths, for $25,000 te $30,000 complete, TREAT A TREAT. Wnvne, Pa. WILLOW (1KOVE TWO lets. 23x125 Summit ave. near Welsh rd.; SOOO per pair for cash, T. H. DONNELLY. 1023 E, Chelten ae, WYNNEKir.l.D PROPERTY WITH GARAGE 5103 OAINOR ROAD Alse see advertisements In small type In following reltliu'is. new jEitsr.v si'ittitnvN HADDONFIELD S rooms nnd bath: ther. med.; cenv. te train, trolley, stores and rhurch"s. Dale, 44 S.mner st., lladdenfleld. AUIH'IIOX SEMI-IIUXOALOW. hilf square from White Herse pike; 3 large bedrooms, bath, large dln'ng, living minus, kitchen; best buy at J3."00, terms te suit, PROVIDENT REALTY CO. OFFICE AT STATION HEAUTIFUL corner property, 11 rooms; let 130x2111) ft , alone tire place, Hardwood floors, conservatory -n Inspection will con-I vlnce seu; price $15. "Oil. I OIL p J II. I rxaipn U. Van Hart 320 .Market st. I camuen, N. J COZY little bungalow short walk te trnln Hnd trellev , let 50x1(10. 5 rooms, bath, all conveniences; price $:is(m. PROVIDENT REALTY CO. OFFICE AT STATION P"-" ' buiwil.iv, new r. toen.s nnd bath; ' ,,?r ii,"',","nr,!: in heart of town, prlce i "" pV mv,.1Y.p,Tv7',T 1 1 tM-Pjt I. A JJJl.AllON I T IIIUl.l n.r.L.Hn ..... . nl,.n ,-nu ..I. .1 RI3TT7 bunaalevv new. 5 teun.s nn.l bath: 'T-IMHIVt n.r.(.,.n ..'.-. nlnn ulind 1 M Daneer il'JO Mnrket nf . Cnmiten .' .1 I " UiTei Ht I1ROWVS MILLS llullillng Lets -3IGI1T corner building lets, located nt 1 Hrewns-Mllls-ln-tne-1'lnes, very reasonable 1 Reply te Cha A. Scnait. flal A st.. X. E.. Washington, D C. ADVENTURES .1 1 c .1 .- .1 . e . , 'flOOn septa rn feet est l'hllndelphla pre-' 115 E. .MT. PL 3A.4ANT AVENUE One of the Plld of the tlliy tube out of Perky's ferred.J. Jl,Mnsseyj: Sen.Ulth and Oreen la pnlr. 7 rooms nnd bath. 3 op n lire mouth. I i HAVE MANY CALLS FOR llO.MI3Sfrnm ' Plnces. electric light, het-air heat; let 31x "I enn c-lire Olir Stemncli ncllP," WOOO te ..0HO. What have seu te offer? ! l.Vi'V ;f.nt sciioe'r inAXF-One of a tnlr tnlr lnilBheil .IlK'k. He took from his pocket , Fur ,,crfff iV.'WVR' aTi'" me" ' -eniVr &".lt room's nnJ l.u0ll.; liitJiTx in Hie end of the tube, ( g, ..u'ck action, no charges for udvertls-i ernuniTniviM Tni ict nr The jiidKi-s were ce.ninR back te UJ. J-'L'iL Li. ' GERMANT0WN TRUST CO. l-eri;y S pen te give llllll the prize. They hfid net found 11 flitter iili:. A little strliii; was wound nreuml the end of the tiny lte. Jack cut this MriiiB with his knife. Instantly the squavvker at the end of the tube jjave un awful bqiiinvk. And nt the sum I m"""'"t '""ky miupiiIi-iI. The iiimv nn(, t)u tim,al ,)re,Ilt th jmKH' ,. me k j JUllK, They never hud heard such 11 queer noise. They looked into the nen. Aim lucre iiiey mivv nn fllll.'izinir SIRHt. I'erkv was siluavvkltiL- 11111I Kniienli,,. , ,u (,ip -, , .An(f -- , ,. .1 ,.,.. - ,. , - - "- nnd squealed his fat melted nway. He , wns tlnttPiiinr; out like n toy bnlloen w, a i,0ie in Jti , he wns l,s UHUni size, which wns much smaller than C runty Pig. i out; ne (,'runted. "Jly stomach nene i cone. I "He hnd wind en his stomach." anld .Inek, Ri'inning nt the judges. "And ,hs is Imw he get il. ".Tack held up the blejcle pump, which Snenky Sharper had hidden under the straw. ..., ; t Wnt, u iriek!" cried the wlsest of the judges. "Tluit rascal boy put u luilloen inside this pig nnd blew 11 IIP te loel !s "That win his maL'lc nip; feed." snid .laiiet. "We will (jive him a mncic trash Uvi," Mild the Jiiilp-s. Hut Kneakv hlmiper was lar away, running for .1 ,1.. 11.. 1....1 .....'. , .. " . ( iii-jii- iiie, hi- nun Miirieii un henn ns lie ii heard Perky's Miii'aling-MjunMk- ' '"' Se (1 runty 1Mb Ret first prize for brin the fattest and iincht pig. And just us the prize blue jibben was- being1 tlil around Ills neck. Farmer Urewn , inmi along. ' 1 "Xuw, I will net hnve te send' (irnntv Pig te I lie butcher," said runner Urnwu. "A prize pig Is wertli ,,.,. ,),., mm nni) ,iirkeheiis." 'I'lmt mode Heiinle Urewn and .Tnck and .Innet and iniiniy ueg s scnoei shout with joy. Ah for (iruuty Pig, be munched en an ear of corn. "I will grew fatter nnd fntter." he grunted. "I will win it let mere prizes and then I never, never will lime te go te the butcher." Nrt weclt will be told n story of an OM-Itiiif; rlde en flying leaves. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE nkw jbrsky siinrnnAN ceM.iNfijmfinii BUNGALOW 8 rins., tath k pantry; newly paperedl flreplacu; large let: near park; 680011. Severn Tyler Agency, 720 Hndden ave. IIADIIONFIELD VERY deslrnble residential property en Klnirs , Highway, near center of town, with abun dance of shnde trees nndnhrub,: let 100x400, JESSUP & SONS 333 FEDERAL ST.. CAMDEN, N. J, HADDONFIELD ESTATES Mineral stucco house, asbestos shltiRles with copper flash ings: 0 large rm., nlse breakfast rm. k pan try, h.-w. heat, fireplace, hdwd. firs. A Inun.: price $8500, I1RAXIN & HRA1SLIN, Smith Austermuhl Rldg.. Cnrnden. M. J. Ph. 3114ft. MERCIIANTV1LI.E 672300 ROOMS and garage; 1 block te station nnd trelley: ciu'ck possrsrleni old shade. J. M. DANHER, 220 Market st v nmucn, A J, PLYMOUTH PL..1 $200; 7-rm. bungalew: 2- car gnrri easy terms; nlmest new; elec. J. M. Dnnser. 220 Market St.. Camden. X. J, 5IO(IRETOWN MOORESTOWN Slrk'tly modern, 11 rooms; Knrazc: I a run let: shrub, nnd old shade, JESSUP & SONS 53.1 FEDERAL ST.. CAMDKN. X. J. WESTI'IELU SAVED, JJ0O0 AND MORE Get tho-fnets, then you vlll knnw why bungnlhivs of 0 nnd 0 rooms at Westtleld were bought by keen buyeri; sites 40x100 for $320, Improved Illustrated circular en retiuent; located 34th and Westflfld ave.. en (he State Ilrldge and Tunnel Highway, 15 minutes by Pensaukcn. Trenten or Wcstflcld trolley or bus: 2V4 miles by nilte irem ferries. Hell 3S40. CRAMER. REALTOR 307 MARKET. CAMDEN Alsn si-e n,liprll.ntii.tit. In Inrmat tn. In peernllng reliimns. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS COUXTRY home nnd modern commercial chicken plant, 40 acres with stone house, 12 rooms. 2 baths, het-water heat, poultry man's house, 8 laving houses, capacity .'KiuO birds, breeder heuse for (1000 chicks. Incu bator cellar with 0000 eetr Incubator. 10 cel. houses, timber, ereh., stream. lli,000. .1. M FROX EF1EI.D, Wayne. Pa. MOXTOOMERY County, country sent In Per Per klemen Valley; 38 acres, with stone heuse, 8 rooms, bnth, Dutch kitchen, living room with bU old fireplace: barn, outbuildings, vrnvlty water: 612,000. J. M. FRONEFIELD, Wayne. Pa. $1200 OR HOUSE hiivs 21-ncre farm, 7-room house, barn, out buildings, $3200. HAI'P. 3008 N. 5th st. 73 ACRES; 8 woedland: large stone Colonial house; large bnrn nnd numerous outbuild ings, stene 11 ml, Philadelphia 10 utiles. WESLEY MIILI.IX. Mnple dim. Pa. NEW .lEILSEY FARMS FARM 5 aires In town, en concrete toad. Uus passes deer. Clee te station, stores, schools. Fruited. Geed double house; 1 envenlences; one side rented $12 month. i.nrgn piarzn Plenty shade:! ', acte strawburrles: barn, nnrkshen. vvatren. sued. iHiultrv neue. tin v !H..l)li: irtn WALTER DeCAMP. 27 Cooper st Weed bury. X. J. FAR.M HI acres, crops, horse, cows, pii.1 tiy end Implements: nre 8-roein lieusj; Plenty eutbuildings: line liwn; bulidlniu and land In tin ht of coinlltlen, an Ideal loca tion In Hunterdon Ccuniy, N .1 . geed neigh, borheod; price for evcrvthln" cemplele enlv n."i0H. Jes. I). Wilsen. Reute 1. Tienten. X .1. Slioen COMMUTER take netice: 51-acre farm: 31 mln. Phlla , 'j mile sta. shell read; large Colonial house, open fireplaces; shade, lawn, new barn, garage, peultrs houses, cetncrlh: fruit stream. ALRERT DRF.SSER Ilurllngtnn. X J. -- REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PllOPERTIES. all " l7cn"tlimsT Ter-mange. Merry. 1027 Real Est. Tr. Hldg. Wal. 178U. . ; REAL ESTATE WANTED WOULD Ill'Y 1 A country seat or ; Mrni .or vacant tract or '"",'. ',,...'".-'.V.." ".."L. .V"'.' ,"",.10n .,,, ,. t0 ,ncatl, en (l nmln highway ut ' r0.m,r of m K1H,d automobile reads; would I l'r"fl;r n""'"3 of from 1" te " rm"" Improve.! sir.-, te steam ft tiellev renils1 . nkni,l. nlilllr l,l,B ,ll U nln n..a. I.- . ....!, schools, chinches sti res. etc., must be within 10 miles in iuy nun, r inn l.eiigee Ulflce, HAVE A HOUSE or several houses In Seuth Philadelphia for sale Nte. phone or writ PHILIP E. OSTROFF RC A I ESTATE JeLi SERVICE S38 SNYDER AVE. QREOON (i90l W. REAL ESTATE bought nnd srld In all sec tions; ients collected; mortgnge leans. AUTHUR B0SWELL 23D X. 13TH ST. WANTED Te rent about Oct. 31. beuse with garage In northern suburbs; at least I bed rooms; net ever J83 or J'JO. C 127, Ledger 1 office. WANT TO RENT small fnrlnrv ne ...:." 1 1 ----- - ... ,1 1 . . - - r ... "Hit;, heuse with railroad siding, net less ihm WE ca.n ni.i, . ui.u property for you in C.'HSCe.M 21O0 Calbnrlne st' locust M"n a-ROl-ND s-ul.-l.le Mr llldhTg .-eT, dwell. ngs submit . Prlc sUe and loentlen. PHJ4L Leiigerjmjfe hl.-Reii.M ihvillliiK, luich preteired, city or suburbs. P 102S Ledger Ofllce REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CUV Suit Automobile Agencies Near '.'0th and Olrard nve , 15.000 sfi, fee HUh iiul nirnnl nm 1 . nne , .. ,'iiin aim v.iraru nve , i.i.euu sci, feet. . Mth -Suu.i.i 4 -i., '.'' ! ',; nii'.tui- "- ' v. ,-.....-.. .-... .., . ,,.-.-, ni . se ft. 2 ether larK" hluldltucs, possession January, J A. PATTERSON, 130 S, 15th M . Fer Gasoline Service Stations 01st and llnltlmere nve. Parker uve. at Chester pike. Darby. Erie ave, nenr Oermantewn nve. J. A PATTERSON. 130 S 15th st 1023 RACE, 13 rooms, 2 baths 2313 Clreen, 12 rooms and uarace COIN. lHth, corner tip irtments ... llli N 111th, V rooms 2118 Ilrandvwlne. V toems, renovated HI11IIE1H U WORRELL l"a, r1a N 1125 . 140 1 50 33 40 .'-i'J. en. 13:111-30 HI DUE AVE CiOi:ie, automobile salesroom, set ice station or Kariinc, 1 ire show vilndevyy unusuullv imud lluhl: every' '"L cn'"' "'"" ' siundeis ;ii SL lhth 1 JU'ni ST . X , 7.V.I 12 rooms, 2 baths, ' electric, venrlv lease. DAVID T. NEVIN, 521 N. 20h st. 1112 MYRTLE ST. 2-sterv mr. nnd shop, j suit, fei cjntnictiir, pa.nt, r, etc Albert F Urewn 310 l.lme'n 111. Ik Sniuce 7301 20TH sr 7311- Twclve looms. .iTurlc. eally lease DAVID T XEVIX, 520 N 20th st. 1700 COLUMIMA AVI'. in r, 2 b.. dws.: $85. Wm Sadler's Heiis. 1520 Columbia ay. Alse see advertisements In laree tin. In preceding iuIiiiiiiih, llusiness Piiiperilrs nnd Meres 904 WALNUT ST. LAROE DAYLIOHT STORE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Entnteer DAVID M. HESS. 1101 Wnlnut st. 2..I0 FAIRMOUXT AVI". Slere" end" lefts, 121 X. HUh, lecend fleer, 10x01 212 N. 2lttt, 20.XISH, all su table fur any business. WORRELL, 3i5 N.1 7th s'lORE, vlclnily 12th nnd Walnut -- Lew nmtal, new, thoroughly modem. Ask for Mr. TewncH lmliaid (illilil 132 S Ith st. PIER 12, -North Whuives Whuives efflce and Heme illeds. 1011x750, with st J A PATTERSON, IMS, 15th DUILD1.NI1S, sinus, unruKcj, etc., for rent in cenlinl locations. ARTHUR IIOS( WELL, 233 X 13th st. HROAD ST. thiel fleer. P22-R21 X. fient, fly ft. deep. Poplar 0007 10 ft. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT cm Factories, Warehouses). Mnniifnctiirjns0ifj r-(iMriiM'rii'"vi.fVfvnfl.iatn.lfl2f) Cherry st, 18,000 feet fifth fleer, 12,000 feet baae ment, light, h.'nt, pewer: 4 elevator. ljAfmmu, jii n. luin mu N, W. COR. 1IROAD AND VINE 2d nnd 3d floers: 3200 square fret: reasonably rental, HAMUEIi COHEN ft CO.' 223 H. Ilread . A FACTORY, vvorcheusn nnd fleer specialist. ARTHUll 11, FIHHiili. .'1 . in sv. WILL ERECT building. 30.000 te 100,000 SO, ft, . D1ETER1CH. 37 Walnut St. OFFICES. tlUSINESH TIOTM.ETO. 1131 RACE Deslralile stere nnd third fleer, suitable for light manufacturing or efflces: suit any business: ley rent. Apply 022 Chestnut, second fleer. SUITE In Pennsylvania Hldg.: rent 61001 If leased promptly will Include nil carpeting free. Inquire 1208 Fenntfylvanla Wdg., Hpruce 3502. DEHIRAHLE office space, fireproof building: elevator service: moueraie rem. im 13. J. ELLIOTT, 1114 Chestnut Bt. SUITES of efflces suitable for 8 physicians: second fleer, 1820 Chestnut t. I.MLEN A CO. , 1420 Chestnut, ESfTEY HLDG. All eutside: rent reason able. Apply Estey lilds., nnd Walnut streets. AIlllOTT HLDG. Desirable nread st. rrent corner effice: rate reasonable. N. B. cer. tlrnad nnd Race. CENTRAL OFriCES: geed light: reason able. Wllils-winchester i.e.. ga n. i"in st. OFFICES ami sample spaces: phone service; lanl'nr, N. E cer, nth nnd Mnrket sts. OFFICE Land Title llldtr., furn. or unfurn. Apply Roem 810. Alse sns nflverllsetnenta In large type In preceding columns. Oarages GARAGE, rear 17.14 N. 13th st.: room for 4 cars. E. H. Riddle. 1734 N. 13th st. Diamond 0038, Stables) 2327-31 S. ALDER Desirable stable, and wagon shed: rent $03. Apply H. C. Slnex, 1010 W. Pnssviink nve. 'WEST 1'HII-ADKI.rHIA 6217 SPRUCE STREET Modern. 0 rooms, het-water heat, electrlcltv: A-l conditien: yearly lease. C. COULTER HENKHRT, 303 Liberty Hldg. Locust 2032. 35TH A SPRINO GARDEN Newly equipped 1. 2. 3 rms. with bath nnd kitchen. Albert F. Hrewii, 310 Lincoln mug, wprucn 1001. 5200 .IEFFK .SON ST. Twe story, perch front. 8 rooms- nil cenvs. ; $00; open for Inspection. XEAI.IS, 010 S. 12th t. Stores nnd Dwellings 4WTII AND FA1RMOUNT AVE. 0 rms. and bath, elec. h.-w. heat, A. F. Drewn, Lin coln Hldg. Spruce 7301. OKHMAXTOWN OERMANTOWN Detached house, garage. S bedrooms. 2 baths, sleeping perch, mod med ern: exrellent locatien: neir l'enna. R. R. nnd trnllev: $200 Per month. SMITH, DAI.OI.IESII A RUSS T.001 Oermantewn nve. LINCOLN DRIVE. 7200 Three-sterv stone Rher- dwg.. prlv, ear.: new nnd rtesirnnie 1 weed Anartment Agencv. 1334 Walnut st. WISSAHK'KOX Six rms.. 2 baths; slate reef nnd larire perch: situated en Queen i line. Casper. 0230 llnyerfnrd nve. PENNSYLVANIA- St'llfRllAX HOLMES. PA, New: 0 rms. und bath: $80. Jl. W. Moere, e:S5 Real Estate Trust Hldg. Walnut 0707 , ARDMOKF. MODERN heuc. 7 rooms, het-water heat selict neighborhood. .147 Orandview read II' Phene Sntuee 4114 ii i:iv iiik ' i.i.i.ri 1 .viii , EI.KIXS PARK Will rent furn. for 1 pr 1 I yrs. line country estate. 1 1 acres. Colonial, , ...i divi;,, it rs,, 5 baths, well heated, elee & gas, car & eutbldtrs.. large lawns, truck l ii JIi!llj KAllXflTt OX XEWTOWX ROAD Colonial house, tin- I furnished, convenient grounds, irarnge for I I enrs and chauffeur a cottage, garden, etc: I master's house, contains 11 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, hall and drawing room, library. ', SSiilnS room;' ikumlrV In basemen.: sunny In dlnlni; room, pantry, kitchen nnd servsnt'a i w Inter, cool In summer. (Jirnru Trust Ce.. Inter. Phlladeliihla. NEW JERSEY SIIIUnilAX WEST rOLI.INC.SWOOD FURNfUHED, 7 rooms, bath, garage: $30 per month, LOUIS H1.ASE.400 Rlchey nve. TRENTON. X .1. Fnrjnrje;. Warehouses. Manufacturing Floers "MANUFACTURING PLANT Substantially constructed brick building, suit able for earning heavy machinery: corner property, en let lOOnSOO feet' 12.000 square feet en flrt second nnd, third floera: near freight station and puiillc sluing; gas, water I and electricity, I'. O Rex 401. Trenten. X.J. I FOR RENT FURNISHED OKUMANTOWX 4033 RUHICAM AVENUE One of pair: 1 -j ( 1111 lit - i"i" .-...., --.,... Uun let 30x124 - rent 00 per month h rooms ami nun; electricity, het-ulr cHLTfiNANnUI3EMANTOWN AVES. ' "1 1:- WASIIINOTON LANE one h'uels I JX"' WliyJiX 't bedrooms, bath, living room en second 1 fleer, pnler dining loom and IcIMien en I "rat fleer, het-water heat, elictrlc: can be 1 n bv appointment enlj. 1'nem- German- ' town 51127 FURXISHED reasonable det heue In suburbs; rent Call Ardmere 133 M PENNSYLVANIA SI'lll'ltllAX RADNOR i iti.iN i rreisiieau iiuuse w i uaaner; ,en.. ,.,. ,,h v i. v..n.iie.. vv....... n. SEW .1 EUSEV Mill KHAN HADDDNFIELD OWNER'S beautifully located modern home, furnished, reasonable rent. Addre'a J. S, Mnkln. 310 (Vntr st., or phene lladdon lladden fleld. N. J.. 172 R. MORTCrAOES APPLICATIONS wanted, mortunne funds. first und second MAGEE & R0DGERS 1200 Locust st. Phene Spruce O2OS-0207 ,!- IH'lllll'CI'V'l' tl ! !.. I.. . ,...!,.. ,, , !.. ,,,, ....-,-.. , i' i im iiime-u eunniim and lunn astciatleis nnd desire uppllca- Hniiu fi..- tlmt nml ,ml u.,11 ..,.-,..,,,... n un secllen of th- cltv m' suburbs wii.i.iam JAMES KEOUH Land Title Hide. " FFXDs FUNDS IX ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT Hl'II.DlNC. ASSOC VTIO.N MONEY DU.MI'SEY it CO . 27 S KITH ST. ' MONEY FOR FIRST AND .SECOND MTGd LARUE AND SMALL AMOUNTS ALLEN & REED 1504 LOCUST ST. l'CND.s" fur fl.-si and set nnd innrtir.n-ea any amounts, reasonable tales, uulek ne tlen Fremont I. Ce 1 uij Nunh Ainerlcii llldg Walnut USUI. ""I'ncai MORTC.AOKS ANY AMOUNT LOANS ON INTERES'IS I.N ESTATES J(JIIN V HARRY 1,'"f, JAlin'!IJL!I0 .MOUTH flE FUNDS ARR1 WILLIAMS Walnut HAS our mertt-iKe Urn called Funds for first and HHend mertuaRes alwavs en hand IL E. Smith sne W Lrle ,n FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOES LAROE OR SMALL AMOUNTS SAMJ'i:i. HOLDER. I'INA.Nl'i: 11LDO. l'LDO and llean first . lerlur.Ka'fund nni'lTl per tent. 110 preiniui is tu I1.1111, liiiv.r. JesAi.i.i3Ni'(.rrs 11.113 un ' V , 'uy"' MTO, mom y 1h. & lm" .mei." Rerry. I(,27 Rial l.M T lld.r. W "nse SEE MAURICE LICHTMAN MOHTAAnva IfAVB mortgage fu'inis. ' 1st una .. -U lean Asse. Chas. AVIIsen, 121s cP'?. knre5, ..w. "H' BALI, BOM 1" 8I.AD TITLf&'mjvj ' -. .... "mm, ueun iur uuiiuiiib operations ih, " mertenaes. Aberneihv. fVsS?n,l 1 WE have funds for flrstlnlarTr?-! Iihrth, Ridge ave. and inn? .. "' ""rtj h:. ..:;, ,.. H-s--z-sm r UNDH for mtffei. nnd nuJ ihiiV tmij 'i4 --- - 11 --., B1. m 0. Kiiffene li Tewnnend.404 tff?l iVr-ftf-ita i-a --- .. '1 ' Jl Ti'. M'...."i'e'"r,i".mJ?.0.-: ick 1 - .,..-.,. .... ,..iHte Trust a MONEY for 1st or 2d mtgs.. cltv ne . n, TAYLen MinpLETefiJantrj t 11 iii 'mi . eai I a ..,.., ,,v,,n.u mr urai anil eceni1i; gnges. cly or count rv. A nm ..5a "l .. : ,- .... -"ffr nm preceii nisn see iiuveriisFintnts In large ( ecrdlng columns. " ""j ' APARTMENTS "LANTEnN T-VNE" An attractlva wiin Knruen waia. ai ism at . t. kel nnd CThflslnillf hael, n utj?ll"?i , Individual homes ep-reted at apt, ' 7 f bath and basement open for lnseeetinA0l Hldg, WALNUT ST. Sill I II if ltlttenheute BqturV l Thrce rooms nnd bath; very choirs i. .'-, B. M. OAYLBY. IPeVl'inP.r1-.-' lli2A AlT5'i oppeslts the Park itfaZ i N. 38d St.. 8 large eutslds nwrnf: 1Ui' percnes: excellent service: Immediii. : sessien: reasonable rent. jinnlJ iv1i,HeJfi or Ilelment 7280 J " """tUrf 1327 HWIUCE Hi'. (Nash Apts.)DSpC modern hnusnlrrnntnv ni. . A 'r,Irafl baths nnd 4 rooms nnd hath'.' vi,01? yearly 75 Apnlv en nrcmlses. ..I., .. -...-..- -.jr ! rooms nna bath, c1ccirlct team hat. ! weed floera; lieukrnnlnK and bach?li-Tt,l Ki'nivn ii a ijiiitm un n.u,i .. ' I'M ' II' i l4s- lllf Ft. 'JIlfK a 'vIli FURNISHED APAHT.WE.UB, 400 B ita Ilnm M. Longstreth. Phene lJ,V,,.Tr.?l 400 8. 15TII ST. seven rms.. batTiSi fleer frent: recently decorated Anil 3 premises. u' A IfS 037 S. 21 ST ST. north of Pine 1 1 rrS beautifully furn.: Just renovated n. "SHIM eacnejur sm ma u service, bam., ---v? .m.11 71t ' -j.twi' '., n,.u.ii t:BiiHDie new ft. nn ,.ilS t.n.1. ,n n,. ... .""" 0-rftl) I .im ...... mm.i. .uv leu.; oei-wnter h,, 1 I ardwoed floors, with owner, Ph. Tiega XtSft STH ST.. S.. 237 ATTRACTIVE Fntvk'l APT., 3 ROOMS AND UATIIj NRWl'Ji PAPERED AND PAINTED: MClfSnaw71!!5 3027 X. HROAD ST. Ssecond-fleor friml Llnder. 132H Chestnut st. " w' ; tllTIS.T 1.-AWW nn.M..i .-. .. , -". ".- ..,.. . .-., oea-rcortjm Wnyne nve. nnd Jehnsen St.. Germanism .;! Apply II. J. Jehnsen. Ballsy DMg. ww- fel 11ft M. ?llTlf A ttrnetlVA I..1..... ' . - water heat, electric light! Ma'gee i' ftS' h cers, 120O Locust. PhjJucj207Twegy li , APARTMENT IIEADCUURTTiTiT--'!- Apnrtmrnt Agency, 13.14 Walnut it. ncrw Chestnut jst. Hmlln & Ce., 1420 CheiSiiH ""' -. IllM.-.e-V Sl'IV. 'in.'ia Unfurn. bay wlnaef,1 opt.. 2 rms.. kitchenette and bath: nSSfi,?. ale rent. Owner. Phene Penlnr 0714 w LOCUST ST.. 2020-Onc room am kltrtSZ 1 prlv. bath. A. F. Urewn, 310 Llneal!''-1 Rldir Snruee 7301. A-mcei v I SPRUCE ST., 17111 & 2 rooms with t,rlf"' bath. A, F. Rrewn, Lincoln llldg, SnrWrt 10TH ST.. X.. 2120 Unfurn npt 4 rms bnth, elec. ennt h, v.; Owner. Pis, (tui i 2. 3, 5, e ROOM npts.. modern; Janlter' E. H. Riddle, 1734 X, 13th. -". WEST I'lllLADELl'HIA MOXTEVLSTA Al'TS.. 03d and Oxford iU. H Three rooms und bnth, housekeeper, lis. til new sectien: Just cempleted: eouelpped with Murphy-ln-n-doer-bed, elevnter; dlnlmr-roenF service nntlensl Phene. Overbroek .tfirtQ UXUHUALLY nttrnctlve. 0 rooms and ttlh: iiiuiun ruiuiii yieiiiw is.rcn; naraweM (nnr, umiiiIiiI llnM COA- 0-. Ma -m JnnlieV. 41 S. nbth.' ' "" """ "' DALT1MORE AVE., 403H Handsomely furtu npts., 2 & 3 rms. & b. ; net '.lkpg,; near 4 enr lines. FIVE Iarae rooms nnd bnth, epp. Park, 155 Key La Ceanct. 4204 I'arkslde ave. ' M FOR refined people Pre-war rent: kitchen, j living room, bedroem: J73. 4222 Pin. fl fir.BMAXTOWX S1O0 Efflciencv heusekeeDlni- nnanm,.. finished In white enamel, with hardwood." floors, built-in tub, shower, etc.: well heatetiv Pietitv or net water: boeh janitor servleeii cholce restricted neighborhood, with ever id ncre of Bround; within 1 block of irelf llnke' nnd country club: near It. R. station. Atralr Janitor. KOI Vernen read. MAURAN, DOIe MAN tr CO.. X, E. cer. Hre-id nnd Chestnut. WAYXE AVE. and Wnlnut la,, S. W. cer. Med. npts.: beaut, loc. : cenv. te P. n. H, ' Station. Drehv k EVnn, Lincoln RMir. AIT,. 2 rooms, bnth nnd kitchen; near P. 1.-' R. 231 W Jehnsen st. Otn Sildfl J, . TIOOA 2031 W. ONTARIO ST. Desirable thlrt. fleer modern npnrtment, 5 rooms and tui. E. J. MARTIN. 145 X. 54th nt. Phem Ilelment 30S I. OI.XF.Y 5 ROOMS, tile bath, with carace. Sinn. 501)3 X. fitl st. Wyoming 8173 W. rr.xsivi.VAxiA svnrniiAX OAK LANE 3 mln. te P. k R, sta.: apt.. very des. laree rms., prl. pch . hath, hskr. equip' t: yearly lease: owner. Ph. Mel. 133S W -ROOM funMied apartment: noed location. Phene Xnrberth 171R J. LAXSDOWNE 1ST FLOOR, 0 rms , med. home envlrenm'l, private perch. Lansdowne 714 W. NEW JKRXI3V EA SHORE ATLANTIC., CITY THE CLINTON Pac flc and Delaware avft. IIeuselceepInK apartment, 5 rooms ml bath; jearlv lease; fl.-st flear and third fleer, Apply at apt, or 02 1 Filbert 8t. Philadelphia. Alse see advertisements In tune trp In urerrilliic reliimns. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 257 SOUTH 1 6TH STREET ti Twe very desirable apartments one contura centura lmr 2 bedrooms and balh nnd the ethfr I Wdrnenis and bath. Apply te superintendent., ui prom I sea. HOI.MEIIUIIST ANNEX, Spiuce 1109 &( nnd fleer. 3 Inrjre rooms, kitchenette. Datm , ...1...11.. .....ini.Aa . ..!...,.. mn.l.rn 11- iieiiuillllie mi iiieiiv-ii, iifiie'i i. iiit ' prevements; lease il months or leneer: list ;-; per menth: vaeint October 1! einer. ; eles Fer Information call Spruce inl.. . LOCUST ST., NO. 1530 , J A few desirable npartments still avallaBIJji In this new lii-sterv nreproer niiiKr 1 apartment heuse: insneciien inviiee. CHESTNUT ST. 2101 TO 2117 A 'ff ultra med. apts. of 2 and 3 rms. all win full tile bath" and remplite percelnln kltcO' rtieita units Rlcbnrd J. Seltren 1 123 l-eru-ti DIAMOND ST.. 1703 Readv Oct Is til5; class apts . J115.50; 3 g, rms.. 1. nercn, rtrlctly modern, i-eml-det. hnu'e, let 23II owner lives en j)reinlsealies". I'll. inn. jv"iff. II3" S 101 II Desirable neuse'ieeinn-. sie. 4 rooms and bath, modern. 75 per eventn. Whltclile H McLinnhnn, 15th and Pint. FURNISHED APARTMENTS ' . 'ilirAXD De Lnncey Wcll-furnlhe.l JP-' meiit 2 rooms nnd prlvnte tath, 57a ret. .: 11,11. ...... -.U n.1 Din. . Wlllteslee IL .Vll'l.'Uinilllll, jaiil ami mr "107 WALNUT (lleth-Mlvn) -Twe reiemi ;,( nnd bnth' well quipped, fullv rerycej , ,.l rz "r.-."- '. 1 - .k... t. ,,,. Tm . I H, E. COR. 17TH AND HUMMER, rooms and bath. j"lV""Jir'',n'8e' WEST I'llir,AIIKL!'lll . . 10011 1011 t. IIO 'UIH, liei"-' "e," rooms, $35; medni: refined adults only. lyril ST Furn, likpu. nvU APARTMENTS WANTED . FURNISHED heufckeenlne- ant wanted W 3 adu ts rer u meiuus, auic n v. -- fore state price nnd location Aildreu P'. C It Marshall, llenne. Md. FUllN- APT or house, centra'lv hwltM i i iv.s. ' . i, .!,.,, fnl,,i ., nf 3 and mind: no I children. C 130,' Ledger OffIc. APAnTMjBNTHOTEt.S 'THE GLADSTONE 11TH AXD PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMEXTS. FURNISHED, UNFOBN'D LONO AND SHORT TERM ! THE COVINOTON CHESTNUT .yU 37TH ST3. It. V ENCiLE, MANAGER ALSO OF nMft 1'v-elT.l'MtnlV J1EACIIJIA VEXj X.J. THrDELMAR-MORRIS 20 MlXUTEs'v1?, BTAT,0M .., - ....n .,.1,..- h.niHekf eDinK e-i lieiei or I'liiuiii. bui..-. ...... j' TMiT-SWAltTHMORE. 22d and '"'.. Furnlb'..ed. 2 looms and bath. an. W and bath; maid service and linen lncJiwi- 'hnnoJ.ecut il ri! ' ri("lrlr'3L HUrirlPlX, 1312 Walnut et. A a1" Intel rtnulfy h'c..rrd. clean nd i ', I nt vuyj-enseiialdH dalli' nn.l. vvecjdyra!ii HOTEL HAMILTON. 1331 vv in n ui . j-,, , lieautiruiiy rurnisiie.i .urn wtm .. .. , TIIl7 SHERWOOD. 3Mh st .'SuA Twe looms and bath, alfe d r'-in . ' luitli, private hull: furr'-'-eO Amerlran.iLj t pNvi,vAxxji!r?B5nnr' j, -'Hii--nVrtTrnii AMI. ANNRX l.lvuu room bedre'ii. mii.I Im tie i l;r .' -, ,v" 4M labia the best. I'lu'ii swiiriinnuri ! y ri::in,iu,H,ii i ,l-i'- zrgt, i.-iiaji nnu vonueuonvry w'J'i.iie 8W I2d und .Muntuu ave.i sold J' Iff, mi? K14 I .Uiodllei cull offlce MICHAEL ',?'i SSJ Penlar m before 0 V. 'l""Ji''" rf fcUVVt ain il& ytsnM a Vvifm.-! 5?H!i3?ffii