mmmmmammmmmmmmwim IIMWW eiv , 7? wiwrasPOT ffi I " ,. JiftCX? i ii ' r?.f.': M c ,u J t .1 tf I; I" 1 i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER , 30, 1922 WBAE MTATB TOlt BALD HEAL ESTATE FOR BALK -fvMrAWiA-wnwnnAw . I'KNNfmyAytA-tintmnAN SBAIi ESTATE TOB HALM . PKNNBYLVAOTA BUBtmnAW INFORMATION Respecting Exceptional Suburban Hemes and Building Sites at Moderate Prices v. '" Oenrwilently located among the nearby rolling hilte of Delaware County Is a Dovdepmont planned by leading Engineers and Improved under their supervision with fubstantial, 'curving stone reads designed te fit the land cape, cement sidewalks, water and gas mains, electric light lines and attractive planting. Bach building site within this Development is of unusual size te provide ample space for shade, shrubbery, flowers and fruit trees, and te provide against future concentration of buildings and congestion of highway traffic, which quickly transform se many attractive suburbs into closely built up and noisy places, with attendant destruction of beautiful surroundings, quiet and safety te children. 21 well-designed homes are new being constructed by reliable builders in choice locations for sale; none of these are twin houses. 8 ethers are completed ready for sale; none of these are twin houses. 18 ethers are being constructed for individual owners; none of these are twin houses. 68 ethers are completed and occupied by their owners; none of these are twin houses. Yeu can buy a home in course of construction and have the plans modified te meet your requirements. Or Yeu can secure at moderate cost and upon liberal terms a site for your home, have it planned and obtain favorable bids in advance of the rush of next spring's bidding and construction before inevitable shortage of labor and materials is at hand, and thus save money. New that the summer rush is ever, and before the spring rush begins, you can secure carefully prepared, close competitive bids from building contractors who are eager for work. New is the time te buy a home or plan and build your home under advantageous conditions which may net recur for several years. Few apprentices are entering building trades and increasing shortage of skilled labor in building trades is inevitable. Choice building sites convenient te 69th St. Terminal are limited in number; far-sighted people are acquiring them new. Prices are moderate. Terms are generous. We help finance construction of homes when arrangements are made in writing at time of purchase of land. The name of our Development is SPRINGFIELD, it Is, located en the Media Short Line, within 12 minutes and one fare from 69th St. Terminal of the Market St. Elevated, and enjoys excellent, punctual and frequent electric rail way service. If you are interested would it net be well te trolley or meter te Springfield promptly and visualize the -er-tunity which our Development affords you as a p. residence, particularly at this time and under pi conditions? State Read, a fine stone highway, branches south seuth westwardly from the West Chester Pike about five squares beyond 69th St. and leads directly te Springfield. Agent is at office opposite Springfield station daily. The SPRINGFIELD REAL ESTATE CO. A. MERRITT TAYLOR, Preaident 610 Commercial Tre.t Buildinff 15th & Market St.., PhlUdelphU bem, Bprmee 1S eprlacfleld Offle-, Bell rbene, Hwarthmere UM lrf .'' .'TJvVf rmm SEAL ESTATH FOR BAXB ' rKNNBVT.VANIA fltJBUBBAJf BBAL ESTATE JOB, BALE fRNNWytVANlA HUBtTKBAN CTMMIMIIMMfflWlBHM Wynnewood Adjoining Merlen, 1b today one of the very foremost of the beautiful Main Line SuburbB. Deman'd and activity In development In thla aeotlen convince- tie that the purchase of a home In this section Is a real Investment, besides the many present advantages te he realized. We have been appointed exclusive acenta for several new homes Just being completed at Wynnewood, and while they are all detached en large leta, the variety of design, price and size of thesa different offerings will meet a wide range of requirements. Prices 126,000 te $80,000 Representative en Premises Sunday After 2 P. M. Plana and Particulars at this office Smutfett &Bami 'laet-M LWaKTY SU I LOINS, BftOAO CHKSTNUT) PMIWKTB SAAMaH BXCMANOS.. LOCUST 7OOl niinBiM REAL ESTATE i FOR BALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALS H?7..,hM k?ri''f PKNNEV I.VAN1A ' ItllWBIIAN FKNNWY1.VANIA BtlBUKIlAW "; TO' W Fergusen's 1 .". -je. -i r' Irevese Bungalow $50 Up-Sites-$50 Up rniB TTTLO INBURANOS umu 110 DOWN IS PEh HON A A btOtif Ol B(W tMCt of Unit In an a14 m.Mm.1.1 l !?."'' -.WA'J"1 sreund, aurreunded br natnineant ft l-.m.HS. "."S- m"' .m" "" ! bats V ( iJnimtrlnf la Treroie for the tmit BO jreara. Sixteen Miles 'wm the Retains Terminal, Juit eff tht new Lincoln Highway. . . . . COMMUTATION 20 CENTS . 0n,,'mi?at?i ill from ttttlen nd within thert walk et Pj'S?' I,!,?.am.,n' Creelc, where there la beatlnr. bathln and flihlnr. Thla la our SIXTH large truct we hare opened In thla lectien In 2V4years. i'DONl) DIAMOND 1E0O Fergusen, Frent and Yerk Sts. Without any obligation en my part, kindly tend me free booklet et rerguten'a Bungalow Hltca and 1'lana et Ilungalewa. S'ame NORWOOD "Style Built Hemes' NORWOOD Ideal Location Price $7250 COIINKR BYLVAN AND LIION AVUNUE3 ONLY 8 8QUAHE8 TO V. R. It. STATION 32 TRAINS DAILY TAKE CHESTHR 1'IKK CAR TO NORWOOD HANK AND FOLLOW "STYLE 11U1LT" SIONH DIRHCT TO HOUSES ONLY 6 LEFT large garages SELLING RAPIDLY, ACT QUICKLY INCLOSED DETACHED PORCHES HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT HOT-WATER HEAT . .''E FIREPLACE REFItlOERATOR ROOM RASEMKNT LAUNDRY ATTRACTIVE SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY rilONi: SHARON HILL 3B0-W FOR APPOINTMENT C. STALEY BUILDER AND OWNER 104 CHESTER PIKE, COLLINGDALE H.T.AT. TAT1! lteR UM.$SiM " - - ' - J. i." prNWVT.vAWtA--riirmiAI. LjpayaoiaMieioiii CYNWYD 16,750 9 NEW "SINGLE" HOMES FIVE LARGE BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS A FINISHED THIKD STORY 18 MINUTES TO CITY HALL LOTS 52 x 155 FEET TMVYT-" (1) 3"xl0" Joist. Have Them) (2) Cellar Walls (Imidc) Cemented (3) Tile JJnth Floers Heated (4) Copper Gutters and Rain Spouting THESE VERY UNUSUAL FEATURES Every Heuse Should (C) Het-water Beiler Covered With Asbestos (6) Clethes Chute te Laundry (7) Ne Charge for Small Changes Before Completion (8) A Finished Third Story SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN, ON LODGES LANE, WEST OF BRYN MAWR AVENUE J. H. MECKE, JR., BUILDER and OWNER or JAMES E. DOLAN & CO., Agents, 123 Bala Ave., Cynwyd, Pa. PHONE OVEimOOK 4383 RfS&ESBSSiESESESMaS IVVWitM B1 v m'l'H wmwmmrmiwM n swAitTiiMenn VKKStiYt.VASlA StURIlAN HI!!lll!lII1iraiB!!inillllln!'llilllllJ!IIIJ!!!III!l!n OLD YORK ROAD ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL HOUSE H of brtek. 10 rooms. 2 batba. bard (y weed floers: nil conveniences; let lOOx no, unce iti.vuu. HERKNESS & STETSON 18S1 LAND TITLE mjILDINQ ifcmiuiiHaLJiLiijiniiiiiuiJiiHJiiLiuuuLiimin'uiiiniJiJimiihUiinimuujpiuniMnuiniwi DARllY vnaiiiililllillil I: Eininiiiiiii OLD YORK ROAD Stene hound, containing 12 roema. 7 m bodreom.i. 2 batha, all mednrn con- R venlencfla: laree let. old Hhitde; wmall g erenheu: gnrnBe: Jl-S per menttu 3 HERKNESS & STETSON I LAND TITLE I1LDO. g ;iiniiiiuiiimninm.uiuiiiu!iuii:!iiui!ii:iiiiiaiiiitii!!!:in!HiiiiiiiHiiti Get Settled NOW Pheno, Call or Write Tell Us Your Desires Will Send Special List Delaware Ce. Properties SW0PE feS 516-18 Main St.. Darby Member l'lilla. llciil i:tnte nennl ;:iiii:i!ii;ii!!iiBii! DD!lllIII!I!l!ll!llBil1l!i;illI!l1i!i:il!ll!in!lllllIIinillElia!ll!ll!;i!l! WYNCOTE Seven roema, bath; het-water heat, eleotrle IlKht und Ra, open flro flre plnceaj prle 175 rer jnenth. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLi: IILDO. sinn ion - i l&ratmi iiBBinuy : " li. 3 1 l! S Si i WE WIU. HELP te finance you In the purchasn et a irniall up-te-date, excellently 'built heUPO In beautiful Swarthmere: every convenience de elirncd le reduce llvlnir expense and jet meet modern demanda for utility and comfort. M Dullt of hollow til". B rooms and bath hnt-vater heat, poed-alied let at $"2.'.0. Icatil Tale and Tark nves. (if any real eetnte iiRrnt at Swartlv Swartlv inere It. It Station or telephone n. T irlDDLK Swarthmere fll'l W for aiipelntmcnt. fS'funumniiinnmnmm nniHTiii it m imp u j mi i : in 11 s : n:m ri n i iirnnTi amnniii n n itti1 i ni1 t r'M ' .: t f 5ssi 1 b . X.-,TT,'TiO. 4 53 - AdJ," iM E m mWMsA S ' tfM IBJJJ, IDH mPW3k I ;iiiraiiiinriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii --- . tr .mrm r --e. & an Fi'nn lull it u 1 1 i -i r HlTaaMjpj ,-,,- ,f ,1 gBJat MR g i fa cash fj SlSfl BISlHSraMR I'l $1250 , 4i, Tml Imimm r 11 p Hi-ja-aWiKjas; g awii'i'iiiiiiiii'ii REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY MORTGAGES OTraMnMiMMM 1 17-19 S. 17THST. LOT 31x0(1 Improvement Lease h C R Simnn. 117 S. 1 fiih g, . . . ......, . . - w. . w. r-. iiii'ininiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiii nmii'iijmiuiinniRicininiiiiKciiuijnHa 307 S. SMEDLEY ST. (ietii and srnucK) Small reslden'e. 7 room. 2 baths; complete In all n-ppelntments; at tractively decorated, moderate rntal C.F.Simen. 112S. 16th St. sciiiiiiicnijiiiinriiiKmiiisffiiTJiaiEiiTiiEifiH THIRD MORTGAGES It will be te your Interest te see us before placlnr your Mortgage elsewhere. We Have Our Own FUNDS Qulek settlements arranged for your renr. Alae fundi for 1st and 2d Jlerttsfea FINANCE REALTY (QRJWa&Tc tm m- Furnished or Unfurnished P 3i i; mj iimi jai r mn 1 nui i ! aTuru i en ' iiiuj nnjj ihipl rii'i;' lumaiirainn 'tiia 1 804 S. Rittenhouse Square THIRD MORTGAGES NO RED TAPE; QUICK SETTLEMENT WEINBERGER & CO. 28 S. 17TH ST." RACE 2026 J10DKHN 17 ROrtMS S HATII3 Ci:i.LAIl 11 LI. OF COAL 2.14 S. lSih st. e7f;iii:iannrnrtnuniindn;uia:iiin!iMin;!rnt!:i.ii!:ni!i:iiinriTin:miiii:m!:jj,!i:iu: MEARS & BROWN HI OFTICIiS. HVStNIX ROOMS. KTC. H i 31 . II II 'UUlillluuillliUllwi'l'llOTliTluvuuraii il la n. itir ui i.j . jjj ItHsimnmnra-mnnLriirnnnramEiriipnaiiTJianniimiiHDiimftimnii il MORTGAGE MONEY !r 8 i h mrAD r rencc 3 1411 WALNUT ST. r.r i i i n ii, ' rn i rum m! irairnm'i! iw uif i; en ai rrunm mm ' ruhinnimnmu iimi Vi", SI'UCIAI. FUND Available for central properties for i)u-e of vanie AIe see nrirrt1emrnts In small type In following- leluinnw. Tltr.NTON. N. .T. a J!nn3Tninmunn!iinnrji!iniiiUinni:nm;u!n!UiU';iiniin.ri!nTni;nrmnu:nniTEiii Manufacturing Plant Substantially constructed brick build- w Inir, suitable for carrylnB heavy me- g chlnery; corner property, en let lOOx H 200 feet; 12.000 square feet en first, p sceiid and third tle .rs near freight U station nnd public sldlnc: was, water H nnd electrlclty. 1'. O. Dex 401. Tren- y ten. N J. t. MiiiicriirinKiiiiirrajiiirrJricmriicraxttBiitiKnK CENTRAL OFFICES ROOMY Best Light and Ventilation 15TH& LOCUST STS. NEW BUILDING ALLEN & REED I h 1504 LOCUST ST. T.inyini:;;!ni.i;iTi:'Hr!nfii-:in;,t!'i:ir:!iiii:n.n:(.JiHiri:i:niniit:i.ifii iiiiiawu $15,000 Vt'ell-secured first merteaite at 8W MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. ! N, Ii. Cor. llread and Chestnut Ileal oetate security. Immediate settlement. Interest en eaUUs) $50 TO $2000 EDW. M. MOLL ffA AIhe we adrrtUrraenta In ttmal Hern in folleulnir column a. APARTMENTS R. E. SALE OR EXCH NGE Hare rlenr rtrend Bt property whlrh I will ecll or exchange for J'.''. HMO h III. Hk Us r.wk. Melreo r.irlt. Wncete, ji ui2, LUiKihit erriri: 15i:iii:i"!ii:.!ii!i'!ii;i;iJ!,iniil:iiiii,iii:irai!iiiiii!iii!Tiiiiir : 1501 SPRUCE ST 3 II EHIBIM iri!JiilM;iiliiiiiniiii!iiinimi:!iiii!rai:'ii!iin"i ' ' ' U,,,,,t 11 L 342 IDRIS ROAD One block from station; stone dwell- ii I Ine with cnraite, nttrnctlve grounds; B' modern, Immediate iiossessten. Lg B De'ral-U' 2-ri'em-nnil-Unth nnnrt rnents. lirse lenm.i. ee- ,nt IlKht; phjvlimnH or dental 'iM'.ee In at traeuH 2-room hints, pa;erlns and pauitlni; te suit tenant. EDGAR G. CROSS Hll WALNUT ST. Eli muni! Iii3 AitnMimy. i L New semi detached homes new " belnfr completed; all modern con- venlenees with rear street for Karaite possibilities. $9900 nans and particular with the Merien Title & Trust Ce. of ArdmerC Phone: Ardmore 1S.10 $11,000 JOHN A. BARRY LAND TITLE BLDIJ Locust r,045 Jtac ntJ30 :iiiiiHiiiM!iiiii;ii;iiii!jii'iii!!i!;i;!iiiiiii;iiimiMiiraii'iiii)M REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE IViliBiaiMlliilMllilliraBllllil!!!! I repre nt "cveral real mi iti ir n"ri who weu'd consider an eirhanue. What hae ou te eftei . MiiRItlS A SARSHIIC 1201 Tenna HMir Locust 7730 S'tlTJT. TJCTAIPP .rt iimmiiiiLtu!iuuBiiiinnnraiinmiiriLifrainf.ninnimpiii!i:RHiH3iiri'unainfuiBi H Detached Hellew Tile Heme SALE OR RENT CITY DESIRABLE OFFICES EXCEPTIONAL LIGHT. ALL MODERN APPOINTMENTS FULLER BUILDING 10 S. EIGHTEENTH ST. The SWARTHMORE 22D AND WALNUT All outside rooms, southern and western exposure, modern fireproof hulldlnir; convenient hlrt-rlnss loca tion and JUHt far cneuih away te b lulet. suites furnished or unfur nished of 1 and 2 rooms and bath, 3 rooms and 2 batha or lariter. by the j ear. Maid tervlce. linens, etc. Leuis H. Cahan & Sen, Agents 1324 Walnut St. Locust 76-80 STATION CYNWYD Dliilliiiiilipeiill ONLY ONE LEFT BALA-CYNWYD 129 HIGHLAND AVE. A new solid, stone slate-reef heme." hardwood fliiers, open lire pint e. het-water heat. 1 bedroema nnd bath en second flier. 2 bed rooms nnd bath en third fleer; 2-cnr Kiirnse; let l.vixlSO; prlce (23,000. terms te tult Q. M. LONEY. 202 Lincoln Hide. I'hene dpruce 7210 illllliilMlililililllllll a Let (lixl.O; r, behoems 2 baths. In y closed and sV-ptru perches K.irace, A VALLEV HOAli N-KAli H'l g i.MMnniATTE I'ossessie; a PRICE, $17,500 ROBT. A. NEELY Bj 1420 CHESTNUT ST. Miiiimniraiiiwii'ra iiiiM'iiiii!ii!iij:urii:iiiiiiiiiii'i'i:iii!iiii.ii!iLi!;ii;:ii:!;iiiii:iii.i:!!l!iii;iiiii 244 S. 2 1ST STREET te Van Pelt st : 4 k sterv rem!' nee. II rooms 3 bnth t let trie H Eiwunjiniw 1 244 S. : g S Let 22.7xlv.-..-i i I- nte. 1 Let air hea'.iiw. S) IlithtltiK C. F.Simen, 112 S. 16th St. p frirniXi7;Tnnrn.rinjinnii.n;ihnnitnjnjiFiirmjfi;n'iHiiiu'Hin;)'isriiJ!iiil SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street jt";t a hi-at. qoen nrpirr nuTT.D'Ne AUe ki'e itdii'rllH'nu'nts In small typ In fulleulnir teliimns. 58-66 W. CHELTEN AVE. 2d & 3d Fleer Apartments Uenlrable 5-room-and-bath apartmentaj team hent, electilc lluht, Jnnlter anr Ice 1 block (mm Reading" station; caa be seen at any time. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1VTH AND CHESTNUT BTS. OAK LANH OVERIIKOOH H . 111111111111! in (tftfi fft PPD lUnVTUrmmiww K a,.......u.ww , "UUU.,111- A ,rnl-di- fa tac.itl. ii .uid 10 rooms. metJcrn. ci- P UWMJAI.n LAWNDALE NKW HO.Mi: 0.313 ntNOHA.M ST.... Two-siery, ircn-rreni neus' $0230 neat. electric, hardwood floors stitlnnary tubs; h.-w, nnary open for Itispei'tlen: route 5' te Hubblns uve. ULINLY KtALlY LU. 5THST. WYOMING ,8240. NOKIIIWOOD ONLY BM0 N. LEFT Come tjd.iv te lra,iutlful . mastercrari no lerch, hurdwoed irthwoej nnd sen a mastercnift home tl lunins, bath Inclesed t noers, einiiic, iiei-waiei pi f.imple Heuse, r13: .''uul st.. or rwi lieat. deeti lets Karate tlllei:e. SMITH & SCHMUNK B00 W. Krlu nve, auiminiiiji'nii &i 0VERBR00K rpiIERE ia a stone Colonial house, quite new, in a beau tiful part of Overbroek, which has a wide lawn, well shaded. Center hall, dining-room, large living-room, incleSed perch. Six bedrooms with thrce tiled bathrooms, handsomely fitted; central plant heat; white paint; glass knobs; nice fix tures; hardwood floors; per fect condition. Immediate possession. Twe-car s t e n e garage, heated. $35,000. W. GORDON SMITH Many ether fine homes for sale Overbroek 8700-01-02 rilKsTNUT HILL VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES runNisHHD en UNrunNismnD JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHESTNUT HILL. PIIILA. Chestnut HIM 1.TI7 Ci,e tn it II I 20.V REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY no block Oirentz axe raKe. leise GEHLHAUS - 1 IT rhnlfan ti . a (fn f-.U A ' n.ik T.nn iMii.'i nnif" t 'tTiA rtriT f3 ! AUm lll'lllllili'iil II iiJillll(Ul'Iilli!I!!lil!i!llill1Ill!rililllliiltlllll'!i:iiilIlllliilf1i;i I'KNVNYI.VANM vVHlHHAN RENT FURNISHED GEUMAXTOWN Twe t ir h ''lie 1'iuit imnK 7 rooms, shed ml lii'h Miuil in 'I rn w th Ivtwutir h tt lectri.'Mx ind all renenlenees, most 11 r.tetiwl fui n he.l t'al. n.beri 4 .!ij for appointment. J I" J Xi'KsuN en , (' 'estnut ,i 13tli "H'lUiCn 111 ;i it. iaisixiiniii aiiiii'i,niiiiii:iDuit!iiiBiii;iiiUi!iiii.iiiiii:iiii!!iiii!iiiuiiDiiiii HOUSEKEEPING APTS. AND .1 RODMH WITH 1JATIC, 1H20 fipiturr: st. iiii apitucii ht. ISMVJ TINE 8T. EDGAR G. CROSS" 1411 WALNUT ST n AUe aee nihrrttaementa In amall tye In rellnu Inc celumna. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS iiiiiiiiiiiinii a ii.ii ' siiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiiiii.iii:. uiii'iiiiiiiini'i iiiii'iiLi'iiiriJiuiuiijisiiiy ' 1 HFSTRARI R n JRNISHFn &' fc-MW.. ...M W ,.M. 5 MORTGAGES RESIDENCES 1712 LOCUST f 11 no 17-M riM sr - l! re. n" 3 belli 2 bathe. 12 r , 2 baths 03J HP.STNl'T .sr. I C. F.Simen, 112S. 16th St. liiiiimia'raiiiJiiiuiniiii'!iiiiiii:i!''iiii,,i!';iiriiiiiii,iii,!iriii'iiii,iiiiiiii!iiii!iiiiii'S H ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD O.N TUT. l.lNl'utN IUi;llAV t'ltl ind '-'iimi l,n I' miliitu'd Me.t M.. '.in II. .n es $90.00 $100 S125 Lnrr-. lt. nt i .i t .se i nil.- Mitli or wlUleui k.iriue Iril'i .ml 'i , W s. n Ice, GEORGE K. KLIXGLElt m.u .v 'it i ii mii .sriti.ur v 'ml'ie T.tO'l BUILDERS' ADVANCES KUMit. Mil IN'Vi:.l'.MI'NTS IN nun ii ji- dvnib M.iitiu mh:s I.AlUin UK Si.MI.I. N I'm FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 518WelnutSt. llillVilllll'lllllliliilll'llli'UliKiilllllUlillllll!!!!!!!! 'd 2013 CHESTNUT ST g 7 IlOfiMS. 2 l.VTHS, KITCHUNKTK H UNTIIIi: 3D AND 4TH rLOOItfl H M HH'.ltN UFABONAHLU KENT 1 MEARS & BROWN At. a ji'iiiiriiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiii'iii'TrairiiMiniiffliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!:! FOR RENT FURNISHED CITY jy!lllil!!ili!il! iit'lliui ii.vl.t;: ' mi il"llllii,l,l:i,ill'lllli;ii;i,i!ilJ ..!i'illM,i;, I $500,000 m l'er llrt ar..l r, . und mertitnsei en ft iilnrtn -nt h u- j malum ' AUe ve itdrrl I vincule In sin. ill Due In f illumine tuliiiiinn. i Mi UIM A -1 12il'l r.-nn . I .ii.. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ijiLiiiiii1 SAllslllK .'iiiaiiiiiii,i!iii?ii!iiii:i:iiairai,ii, u in icaMunw iiiii iiniiiiiii.'L'iiiiiiiii.ii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FURNISHED CENTRAL RESIDENCES l'OFl WINTER SKASON lOB.'l LOCUST ST. 172-, niTTBNHDlTSB ST. IHO CLINTON ST. Sine, DH l.ANCI.Y I'L. 22"U PfC I.VVC.'V 1I. 21112 HI'HUCi: ST. voe i si'ituci: ar. 2112 PINK ST I'll". IllTI'KNlIOUHi: ST. EDGAR G. CROSS ijiiuiSiiM , r.u 1111 WALNUT ST. ninwa HAROLD TEEN This Time His Disguise Was Complete ( we 6eeM ASte. s n MiikrTrr t C 'A WB.W' Ji ' DemT kmew vbu l Se?- w&wv j nn i , rj a kwpA) I ;,b; J lr,;' T&'s! . ijjFwt.A m k 4 1 1 W i t 1 ' m i I aH ' 1 4 : I I I ;! m 1 ; i - J J l? A "N n Lii.' r it ' n . J , , t&i. KlO: SIMS "M'&jit -i ,w . . , A , i i Mil m . i. n,' ! fc t f e i