't?W All Mil , m& Wilsen Gets Recipes from man v rr . .r??,"r tfcck-tindS Miaews mm iv ' Concoct Really Geed Things , MHS. M. A. WILSON D' "" ... ... f a. ii'jiiei fewrteM' '"riahts reserved ,r ninr Mrs. Wilsen I see tlmt w r i- nrmltfpd te ceme ami take Birt?'",.nnnif tl.e contributors te h ,, co lumn, and wish te give you a J?menU Hint I cook at our boat beat ample menu i . .uPr ,..,,, we KJJmennyr We'nre n party of Hve .-. ninrrlwl mm who P every e ritiny ?. '.hoiise nt the 'snore. Of 1 .. tend the mndnms home te S?MdwS bach U.forthe week- rf'' inaEPn E. EARL13. SUNDAY IIREAKPAST, 8 A. M. BU Snmmer Apple Satice k Clam Fritters and Bacen , Sliced Tomatoes Coffee BvUsliea DINNER , , Garden Onions rMednw Bummer Apple Tart Coffee SUPrKR. ABOUT P. M. nacen and Cheese Sandwiches u Petate Salad .Sliced Tomatoes Botheuso Glnjfer Bread Tea Fer fire persons you will need : r.nr neuna 01 cuiuiuct mrinv. . . One een clnms Twe bunches of radishes rwe bunch ss of Rrcen onions . . .. One small head of rnbbase 5ne quart of ureen string beans . One bunch of beets One can or five lnrpe ears of corn fnelve nice solid tomatoes n.. nAtmd of bncen our peiimW stewlnp rhlcken ... . . ' ..u.t twill MrtHl.' One-nan pemm ul ". i fine-half' peu lid' of ViittnBC eheese One-half pound of ftuts in shell . Parsley and onions ............ One and one-half pounds of po tatoes One-half dozen crrs One bead of lettuce r. . $ Total 51.31 Muter Itoalheuso Clam Fritters Mince fine one dozen clams: strain off Ithe julce and add sufficient wnter te Juice te mnKC iwe nnu nnc-nnii cups. place in nimnR bowl. nnu ndd One small onion, grated, Twe tablespoons of finely minced f"?JfA ., ...... Four cups of flour, Tice leicl tablespoons of halting note- V". . .. One teaspoon of salt, One-half teaspoon of pepper, Twe egg. Heat hard and fry as for pancakes In Millet with a little smoking het fnt. Hoatlieiuo Ginger Bread Place in bewl: Three-quarters eup of bacon drip- fcrrtJJ, one cup or sirup, One tablespoon of ginger, One teaspoon of cinnamon. One-half teasvoen of allsvice. nutmen W cloves, fine cup of sugar. One eun of black coflee. Three and three-Quarters eunn Iievr, I Ttce level tablespoons of lading pote- Vtr, Tice eggs. Beat te smooth batter Mid ' ' one hpef chopped nuts, one cup eded raisins : bake In snunre or e'i nr nnrm or forty minutes in 300 degrees of Vat. EVENING PtiBlAb LBDGEItPmiBLM frfllDAY, PTIBE 291$22 "tm f te fl P VSfctfAiiA.) MM Ckcateui Mlfwl ms .21 . a llrnutlfnl new cITcctn inr percn or Indoor ue. NtwMt ilrnlxnn nml bent Mnrkmiirmhlp, Held direct nt makers' price. II.1t.Dem. Chnlrn, J5.50 Hid Arm t'lmlrn, 7,59 Ht.Gteree Clmlrn, a en' NeTcltlcs In Beliefs, tuhlrs and table nnd fleer luinpn. Glauber Wicker Mfg. Ce. 20IH N. Frent H. Free Delivery K. pin j.n. i-nine innmnnii ssna r yPTfiT !? f Yeu Don't jm. 1 J Need Cash J for Your ,A Tm I Fall Clethes ?J$E2 Your Crcillfn 11 LiHjR Reed us money flH pick yHy Cletlilnc, anil iiuy tB&VBH "Clinree It!" AgnaOH New Spert Coitt Hey $17.50 up HI Hutther and pole H r S.M L M ierri, tricettnes, UA mm s i 1 $25 te $SO bnep end s,yI ,or I M younger men; ebcr $ 5 SI H A Great Fashion Day Saturday in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Including Many "Specials" for Yeung Women Seme of the Very New and Pretty Dresses Are $10, $12, $13.50, $15, $20 and $35 Fall Dreatea $12-s up Straight lines; iirrai, trlcetlnei, Felret twills. Men's Suits & Overcoats $25 te $50 bnep end s,yI ,or younger men; sober colorings for mera conservative tauten. WEEKLY B00N rAY9 THE BILL Heme 619 Market St Credit Furnishers lV marKel aI- Clothiers 3 Open Saturday Evenings '.','.'. Mum Spool e -" BIO CHESTNUT STREEE Saturday Will Reveal Wonderful Values COATS AND WRAPS Women's and Misses' Distinctive models, luxuriously trimmed with fox, wolf, monkey and ether furs. Interchangeable as day time or evening wraps. Their beautiful folds show off the fabrics, such as Marvella, Gererta and Panvelaine. 75.00 and 99.50 ON THE"DRESSBALCON Y" Misses' Frecks Reproductions of models made te sell at double the price. All the crepey fabrics, featuring draped and circu lar skirts, long sleeved and sleeveless models for all occasions remarkable values. 19.75, 25.00, 29.50 CLOTH DRESSES Women's and Misses' A complete assortment of the season's authentic models,. The lines arc long, and brightly colored trim nings relieve navy blue, I'eirct twills and tricetincs. The sleeves have been given particular attention. 29.50, 39.50 te 89.50 SUITS Women's and Misses' . Suits ranging from the mannish taillcur te the fur trunined three-piece costume. All represent the latest developments in the art of tailoring. All arc practical ami wearable. The materials t-tart with tweeds a-ul end wuli French Bread Tail. 25.00, 39.50 te 99.50 $8.75, Tim 55K flnnacj eWLilmrl ie nnn r.f e -Te eViinn eliln rrrniin rlnairrnprl nsnnninllv for vnillllf Women Who WCai siZGS 14 te 38 They are long line artistic creations of rich satin-back creptf. They arc draped most effectively or have flowers of imitation jet or tortoise shell .v.M,n wur n.n iiin-Vii fniitf inr! i viflii nl nnfl mncif RiiiTMiincrlv lnnxripusive for their style and quality. Only one or two of a kind. Seme are adaptations of French gowns. Weel Jersey Dresses Quite Different at $8.75 te Silk Dresses, $25, $27.50 J OTllVV ... IT ( ; MHiMiHHMMlHHHHMMWrj l"i"i""".""i"""i"""""J One $8.75 dress sketched comes In brown, hrnnn, Copenhagen and reindeer nnd has the extremely low waistline, pleated skirt nnd many buttons. $10 wool jerseyfrecks have nnrrew cellars of lace and pleated skirt. $12 wool jersey dresses are pictured nnd they nre as nice ns pessible with their Peter Pan cellar, long sleeves, contrasting bindings and combination buttons. $15 dresses have the bodice covered with Chinese picture cmbi-eldery and there are Peter Pan crash cellars. $18.73 dresses nre of wool jersey combined with wide stripes of artificial silk in jncqunrd patterns, these are in a two-piece surplice styfu or else in the ever-blouse style pictured. Sizes in these useful frocks are mostly 14 te 38. Designed Especially for Yeung Women Charming crepe de chine and Canten ercpe frocks with the most intriguing touches of color or drapery. Black ones have padded cording at the low waistline and deep black lacu Pertha cellnri. Canten crepe frocks have quaint lacy patterns appliqued en an inset of orange or rose silk panels in order te give a touch of gayety te otherwise somber costumes. Peiret Twill Frecks, $27.50 Sizes 16 te 4-1 in thee charming street geurn of dark blue twill with combination leather belts or attractive braiding. Twill-Back Velveteen Dresses, $20 hnter new distinguished frocks of velveteen in navy and brown ft ! $38.50 Special Silk Dresses, $10 Black satin, navy, brown and black crepe de, chine, navy and black Canten crepe and soft crepe me teor dresses. Sizes 16 te 42 Special Cleth Dresses, $6 Navy blue serge in five different styles some witli braid. Seme with tucks and feather stitch ing. Sizes 14 te 38. Special Cleth Dresses, $10 and $10.75 Tricetine and Peiret twill frocks mostly in navy blue. Sizes 16 te 40. Specint Sllk-and-Clelh Dresses, $16.7.) Tricetine, Canten crepe and satin frocks in desir able colors and styles. vests nnd edgings. Delightfully becoming and in all sizes from 18 te A'l. with duvctyn Special Tweed Coats, $19 and $12 Women's and young women's warm Winter weight tweed coats care fully tailored. Leng French Gloves of Lambskin, Kidskin and Suede Specially Priced The Down Stairs Gleve Stere will show tomorrow a collection of exquisite long gloves te wear with the new flaring sleeves. Because of certain trade conditions we have been able te secure them at less than the standard market rates and also they arrived before the new tariff went into effect. French glace lambskin gloves, se fine they leek like kidskin, have Paris point stitched backs and come in black, white, tan and brown, 12-button length, $8.75. 8-button-length French kidskin gloves in black, white, tan and gray, $3.75. 8-button-length Fiench suede (Demii Mulrs kidhkin in mode and light gray, $3.75. , 6-butten-lengtfi French lamb skin gloves in black, white tan nnd brown, $4.50. 12-butten-lcnjrth French kid skin in the same colors, $4.75. 10-butten-Icngth kidskin, $5.75. l(5-lnitten-length suede kidhkin in mode and gray, $5.75. Slure, Central) Pretty Frecks and Warm Winter Coats for Scheel Girls New things for school girls are constantly arriving, but this Saturday's news seems te be fairly bristling with interest. Serge Dresses, $4.50 te $8 One style comes in navy and brown with crimson pipings and stitching; long sleeves. The ether comes in navy blue and is trimmed with tan or lighter blue pipings and crepe cellars, cutis and pockets. Sizes 8 te 14 years. Serge dresses for junior girls of 12 te 17 years are $8. Pretty straight-line styles with ciepe piping. Jersey and Weel Crepe Dresses, $6.50 te $10 Ulues, tans, browns and henna. Sizes 8 le 14. Tucetine dresses for junior girls of 13 te 17 years are $13 jil. They have the new long "bell" sleeve trimmed with braid and tailored braid pipings. Flannel Middies, $13 and $3.25 Many, Many New Autumn Hats at Special Chinchilla Coats, $16.75 Tan chinchilla, silk lined a n d surprisingly geed at the price. $6 V '$' v U 1 K U I w - .J, X 7 $16.30 U. $ 1.30 Tweed Coats, $11.50 ! Pelted, rnglan sleeve, pocketed . style, lined throughout. Sizes 8 te 12 years. , Chinchilla and novelty mixed coats for girls of 8 te 14 years i nre $16.50. The chinchillas have ' led flannel linings. The mixtures hnve quite large cellars of beaver- dyed ceney. (Down fitnlr. Store, Murkct) Red or blue regulation style flannel middies braid trimmed and seme with chevrons. Sizes 8 te 14 years. Tweed Knickers, $4.75 Gray and brown mixtures. Cut in very full 14 te 20 year sizes. U4 v Black predominates, but bright colors are here, tee. Sometimes an all-crimson hat ; or another of soft tan ; or another introducing a brilliant touch in a band of feather trimming, a metal cloth edging or a daringly embroidered crown. Styles .seem te have takiMi an upward turn. Quite small hat? nre enlarged with sweeping trimmings of imitation paiadie. Close Clese fitting hats attain height by taking te wings. Large hats achieve heftness by the use of eeque, hackle or ostrich bands and ftincies. Xew and different and mere charming than one weu'd dare hope at this price! New Hats for the Mature Weman, $5 and $6 Ulack elet model that seem te freshen complexions and brighten eyes by virtue of their rich softness. .Mostly small, toque teque like shapes, with feather trimmings and n hint of Vlve'r. (I)rvii Malm Stere, Murkct) New Pearl Bead Necklaces a Surprise, $1.50 24-inch length necklaces in the favorite graduated style, each bend round and softly lustrous. The clasp en each string is steilmg bilver set with a "brilliant" in gallerv meuntimr. nnd the catch ha.x a snfety device such as i usually found only en much higher priced pearls. These are imitations of Oriental pearls, of course, but their luster is levuiy. Earrings, 50c te $2 Imitation jade one -imitation pearls imita tion corals, jets, crystals brilliant red ones and blue ones that reproduce the shades of lapis and sapphire. Hall, pendant and hoer effects in almost endless variety. Jeweled Combs for the New Coiffures, '50c te $5 Gray, black nnd imitation tor(eise hell combs in every new style from the small "pin" te the flamboyant Spanish fan. Set with brilliantly col ored stones in intricate patterns -red, blue or green. (Down Stittri Stere. Central) Women's Sample Suits Are Beautifully Tailored at $25, $38.50 Suits at $25 are of salt-and-pepper and "pebble dashed" tweeds that have far mere distinction than usual sorts. Alse at i?25 are a few line pencil striped dark colored worsteds of decided character. Suits at $88.50 are of tweed with Australian opossum or natural raccoon cellars. Beth of these groups are designed for young women who wear sizes 1 J te 20. Therc me 'eire fine dark blue an-i blac1 tricetine suits extremely conservative in tle ami carefully tailored a!-e at $'58.30; these ceme in sizes 10 te M8. Only ene and two of a kind, and all are- fully a third less than the standaid prn.es. (Down Mitlr Merf. Market) Warm Winter Capes With Fur-Cellars, $38.50 One is sketched te show its immense desirability. Made of heavy soft, mess-like coating in black, lined with self striped gray silk and finished with a luxurious cellar of black dved caracul or wolf. Limited quant itv. Tan Sports Coats, $13.50 te $45 Pole coat- with 'i0'le cloth or silk lin ntr are in s-mart mannish style? at SI'! 30, 10 '', $'2'S.3, Sj.", s27.3e and up te some with nutria cellars at l.". Women's Coats With Furs, $32.50 Made of a fashionable tiadeinarked eat.r" which is soft nnd luxurious te the touch. Kichlr "mbreuli red and with cellars of black dyed caracul. ( eats without far ar s:,J."0 nre of belivia, silk lined and embroidered. 'Dnun "(!jr stur- 'MiirUrti Women's Silk Stockings Specially Priced, 50c First quality pure thread silk stockings in a smooth firm weave that is surprising at the price. Mercerized cotton tops and soles; seamed backs'. Black, cordovan, nude and black. Sizes 8V2 te 10. (Down Stiilrs Stere, t'entrul) - Sale of Women's Peter Pan JBleuses, $1.65 Every single ene of these attractive new Peter Pan bleuc? in five pretty styles would be decidedly mere at regular price, hut a special purchase makes this low figure possible. Tucked batis-te, novelty satin-striped voiles and self-striped white madras. Sizes 34 te 40. (On trul All) Here Are Seme of the Newest Autumn Shoes for Women, Lew-Priced at $5.50 te $6.50 With the new longer skirts and the trend of fashion turning te styles of greater dig nity and elaboration, there is a quite per ceptible change in the most advanced shoe models for Autumn and Winter. Heels are decidedly higher. There is a fondness for. combination in fabric and color, and shoes with pipings and trimmings come well te the fore. These new shoes reflect the latest style tendencies while maintaining an extremely low average of cost. At $5.50, two-button; one-strap pumps with military 'heels and welted s'eles. Black suede trimmed with patent leather or brown suede trimmed with brown kid. (Den n Htnlri Stere, Clu-ntnut) At $(5, black calf one-strap pumps with turned soles and military heels. Geed-looking perforations. At $6.50, black ooze calf one-strap pumps with Spanish Leuis heels and turned soles. Clever patent leather pipings. Women's Conservative Street Shoes, $5 Tan calf oxfords or one-strap pumps with mili tary or Cuban heels and rubber heels nttached. All have welted soles. Children's Shoes, $3.75 and $1.75 . Shoes for schoeltime, playtime and for better wear. Sturdy black, or tan leiUher high-lnce shoes. Black patent leather combined with white tops, black kid tops or black cloth tops. Sound soles, wide heels, bread tees. All sizes in all styles. A ?jJ A Mem Can Buy a Mighty Goecl Suit for $25 and the Best Suits Are Only $35 In the Down Stairs Stere for Men, en the t!aller. Market A woman may enjoy "shopping 'round." but a man likes te knew where he can get iu.-t vh.it he wants in the .shortest time and with the least treubl. Moreover, he generally likes te knew beforehand about what he is going te have te pay for any given article. That is ma of the big advantages of the Down Stairs Clothing Stere he CAN'T pay mere than $35 for a suit of clothes, and he is pretty certain te find what he wants within the limit of $25 te $"5. All Wanamaker clothing for men is chemically tested pure wool. Patterns are seasonable and geed. Styles are conservative. All-wool chmiet nnd cnsalmere suits nre $25 te $30. All-wool cheMi ', casiniere nnd worsted ui,' are 530 te $3f5. Men's Light-Weight Overcoats, $22.50 te $30 Conservative gi. AtenK, geed-looking neeltv miturei and home heather-trod knitted i'a'ius th.it hTum te crease or tumble and are prttty itrectiw m shi'ddni" dampness. Five Styles of Shoes for Men, Just $5 tips. tip.i. Blucher r,l tan leather oxfords wth shield Liliulier cut tan leather high hoi w.th shield Wing tip tan leather high huc.. Conservative blucher cut black leather high shoes with rubber heels. Conservative high hire black leather .shoes with rubber heels. All WanamakM -standard quality shoe that we holievo nre the best shoes t he bought am where at !.' The;' hae stout welted eles and aie m tin- cen-ervat ie and w iiii'cunen ative stles business men .-ee.n t'. prefer fei il.. in and-da-out wear Full range of sizes in eadi btle. Geed Winter Shoes for Hogs, $1.2,") Sturdy tan calf high hue shoe-, with jh rfeiated tips, welted sole and i ubher heels. Sizes I te C. Same style in m,:es lu te i:i's fur small boys. ?'.75. Men's White Neglige Shirts, $1.65 hite shirts can see no end of serwee and tubbing with out losing any of their first freshi" s, provided the material and workmanship are geed. These hnve the smooth w-au and careful cut that premise satisfaction. In neckband or attachable cellar style, with single or double turned back cuffs. Sizes 14 te 17. (Down StBlnt Stere for Men, en the flnllerr, Mnrknt) '& 'X mt "v ,M "M 8 -j t'l !l 1 ! 1 f i' U II ' Mi :H ' ; It 4i. Ul Attj ,. ' - NfcLkJte&rfltaUfc - fMf v . mr i -ttf&.'Ua,!.. . , . . . UptL, .i .-.). -J'i. . ,iy,aft;j.'.',,ija; Hl