STOwOTii1 ' n ? I' Tiffi letters te the Editor iiHmtn Net 8ew te Respond WMer e tte.Bvmlna PuMle Ledger: Blr Kindly permit me space te aanrer a statement in your Issue of September 23, 1022, In refcrence te Stafd slowness e( Philadelphia Are i"? responding te flre en Mechanic rite read. It Is net true. Science In 11 its twentieth century brilliancy has Lt been able te achieve tne feat of fcarinf apparatus In two places at the 2me time, and Engine 58 being engage. In extinguishing an automobile Are at Lwlem pike and Bybcrry avenue, It manifestly and physical y lmpes. Jble for them te be at the Mechanics--HI read flre also. te reference te chemical Ne. 6, sta ... . T.,.tlten. it did net take Sen fifty.flve minutes cither, for they IL unaware of the existence of th J"" P"aw.fti nn niftnn was seundcil K Bex 4202, Bybcrry avenue and Bampton read, at 12:04 A. M. m,. la no mere capable officer in There ? no " ---- --. til.n t ran s captt it te i 5KSgSftttS PI .- tn. .clnlents of criticism te- ? ? ". """Th th. facts of the esjij St vu. " TuAAIB. N8" Bciend Alarmers' AssoclaOen. jjuTadelphla, September 25. 1022. Kn Ktux and "Race Supremacy" ft Of ter of the Evening ". """"Ai .lr," nro-nnizatlen. bOBBtS cent American", organization, deusx J ht it is the eniy lnsiuunuu ... .... actively and persistently engaged ?ifc. festerlnit of race hate and the e reservation of -white supremacy. BIwSrSranM this wilt sound in the years te ceme when men who nave en tr.15 i th. traffic of human chattels SrSpasacd away; when there are none commit the brazen sacrilege of offer effer taffus a guarantee of "100-pcr cent Americanism" their .""! Catholics and Negroes; when the Ku mix Klan and rabid anarchist, twin Sreduets of iniquity, have ceased te be festering sores en the body of our so cial organism and a blot upon the Na Na teon's honor? It is worthy of note that men and women who dignify by their contact are mere concerned about na tional development along right lines than they are about race supremacy. Race supremacy in Its broadest sense fa neither designed nor controlled by any human agency, but is a natural se se euence in the order of human dcvclop dcvclep nent and designated bv some as the Survival of the fittest." It may rest with black at ene time and at another with white, and the best that cither can de is te make the.mest of it whlle it lasts. But we cannot go beyond this fact and determine why these things ire, because Ged's plan of human re demption is broader than man's concep tion. We tee often attribute results solely te our Individual endeavor and congratulate ourselves en the magnitude of the achievement, but when our best laid plans miscarry we are compelled, though reluctantly, te acknowledge the ever-present and Infinite power ascribed te a living Ged. And se as te race su premacy, no vain boasting of ours will or can prolong it beyond the time limit fixed by Ged in His plan of human evolution. ... The darker races of earth were at one time supreme nnd gave the law te the rest of mankind. The tombs of the Pharaohs stand as imperishnble monu ments te the genius of that day. Sesos Seses tr's, Hnsdrubal, Hannibal nnd a host ef military strategists of the age of black rule equal in point of martial prowess the highest achievements of the subsequent ages. But Ged's plan, as declared in prophecy, could net be ful filled under continued black supremacy, end in His own Incomprehensible way He nrennred the world for the change that was te come, and He will de it again when white supremacy has served its purpose In His Infinite plan. Se why worry about the end of white su premacy or the beginning of the black? Let each race strive te de its full duty toward the ether under present circum stances, and Ged will take care of the tt. ELIJAH HODGES. Philadelphia, September 23, 1022. Again the Macedonian Cry te the Editor of the Evening Pubiie Ledeer: Sir It is the duty of the American Seople te ceme forward liberally and e ttemKhlne for the sufferers from the latest Turkish atrocities In the Near Bast. Christianity must make amends for what Christian nations have per mitted in Asia Miner. The Turk is te Mame directly; but without the con nivance of Christian nations it would have been impossible for him te burn Bmyrnu and massacre the Christian in habitants of that city and ether places along his route back into Europe. Selfishness, n narrow nationalism, national jealousies, have- made possible Turkish atrocities in the last century which have called for the sacrifice of loilHenH of innocent souls. AmHcan aid must go out te the prewii sufferers in Anatolia and ease their burden. Certainly this is net the first time thnt appeal has been made for Asia Miner but the American people cannot close their cars and hearts te the cry that has gene up from Mace donia. MAURICE HORRISON. Philadelphia, September 21, 1022. Cost of Ceal te the Retailer l the Editor e the Evening Public Ltdaer: Sir According te today's quotations for coal by the Reading Ceal nnd Iren Company they have fixed the price of stove and nut coal at $8.20 at the mines, and the freijiht from the mines te tide water at 82.34 a ten this is cost te the tttail dealer of $10.54 a ten at his yard. Wncj the war prices were fixed the retail i taler was te sell coal te the public at cost at the mines, plus the height, with $2.00 n ten for handling expenses and delivery. This should make the present price of coal te the public $13.04, nnd why should they be allowed te charge the public any higher price $14 and ever? During the war the retail dealer claimed that the high price of herse feed increased the cost of delivery. He can taake no such excuse nt the present tlrae, as, according te today's market quotations, com is quoted iu Philadel phia at seventy-five cents; eats at fer-ty-n ne cents n bushel; bran $28 n ten; 10.50htey$lf!5 t0 ?17 ' t0U! 6traW' In addition te the above, the retail aler makes nn additional charge of wty cents a ten for carrying in, no SSmi.1' M',0 bln, J? eaiy fifteen feet irera the cellar window. Fifteen tens 2.iiceaLpJ ,n the cellnr net" the re "",57.50 extra profit. R. V. W. Philadelphia, September 25, 1022. The "Common-Law" Marriage a,' r4u0r 0 "" '"e rublfe Ltdtttr; . Bir Seme writers nre nfrnlil tn fpnr. in. allna,t ln u ls fr for of offend- ftLhiti m"? lB n n,est "Wed te fn i..,""',1 cheese Ms words carefully nth J5fi,en "B d'8 B0' ,mrae '" 1 &. ." . wit", their F thnr. i ' f"-'Bvi Dciicrs nnii, r".u ,. Meerles hem and haw and cough wbcn'jlll PEOPLE'S FORUM they should declare Him In stentorian tones. This Is the condition of the world today. Ged Is hated as was prophesied centuries age. This brings up the preposition that JlO created Adern tileee1 Mm In Hi. Garden of Eden and admonished him te be ffllthftll Ttiif AJ.m 1t a helpmeet. Se Ged created Eve. Then and there the institution of marriage wna established. Man did net estab lish it, a he seems te think. Ged established it and hallowed it. Seme time later Satan came along and sewed his seeds of rebellion. Eve succumbed te his flatteries. Bin was introduced Inte the world. Corruption prevailed. Then the prince of dankness extended forth his hand toward the sacred In stitution of marriage. Satan has al ways worked at cress purposes with Ged. Everything that Ged has done te make man's let en earth a happy one Satan has attempted te devise some means te counteract It. He bated the Institution of marriage. It was tee sacred. Se he get his wits together and invented a substitute. He called it the common-law marriage. . NONAMB. Philadelphia, September 24, 1022. . Unity Rather Than Obedience Te the Editor of the Evmtne Pubiie Ltdetrt Sir Episcopalians ln the great Gen eral Convention assembled at Portland, Ore., which ended its sessions last Sat urday, decided te emit the word "obey" from the marriage ceremonial. The formal action scarcely was needed, for, according te the beat understanding, the word has been but the expression of en obsolete formula for a long, long time. Obedience ln these modern days ls a question of choice, rather than of com pulsien. The wedding ring, said te be the modern relic of the shackle by which the medieval or prehistoric (whichever It was) bridegroom bound his bride, persists net as a symbol of slavery, but in the better 'significance of unity. Furthermore, the proceedings at the altar de net always fully deter mine which of the contracting parties ls better Qualified te direct the busi ness of the 'partnership. It is well, therefore, te let the logic of events set tle which ls te lead and which te fol fel low. In that event, the "obey" part will enter automatically, without ex pression. Like the suit of clothes in "Sam'l of Posen's" expense account, it will net be visible, but It will be there, just the same. BEN E. DICK. Philadelphia, September 25, 1022. Questions Answered Mountain Climbing Te the Editor of the Evening Pubiie Ledetr! Sir Kindly rive ma full rtim1m about the Amundeen expedition and hi as cent or Mount Everest aoen aa possible Thank you. ROSE BOSNIAK. Philadelphia. September 22. 1622. Reald Amundsen I a Norwegian ex plorer, who gained fame by his Arctle ex peditions, his discovery of the Seuth Pele and ether feat marked by superb courage, endurance and ether attributes that have placed his name high ln the roster of con temporary heroes. H Is net a mountain climber and never ascended or attempted te ascend Mount Everest. Teu probably refer te the Duke of the Abruzxl'e aeeent of Mount Ruwonxerl. In equatorial Africa, In 1906. when he climbed te the loftiest peak, 16.600 feet high, never before, se far as known, touch-d by human feet. In 1000 the duke established another record by reaching the eummlt of Mount Austen, In India, one of the Himalayan range, a height of mere than 24,000 feet. Earlier In his career. In 189T. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiH m r EVENING: .BUBLIOlDiaERr-rPHIIiADELPHIA. .WEDNESDAY. he etlmbed Mount St. Ellas. Alaska, the hlshsst peak In th Reckies, M,000 feet Mount Everett, the niftiest known mountain In th world, peak of the' Himalayas. In Nepal, near th Tibet frontier, rlaei te an altitude of 28,000 feet, and ascent te th top eae never been achieved. Th laat expedition Dr th Ryi oeraphica Beciety of arest nin wu uniuccesaiiu. out ine aiwnyi nu. r repeated next year, ine cumeer putting In the Intervenes period by train In in th Alpt before stain tacktlnsT tbtlr formidable task. Giuseppe Balaame, Alias Cagtlostre Te tht Editor e th Evenlne PuitU) Ltiairt Sir Whet was th riant nam af Caalle- atre, the charlatan, and In what period did O 1IV7 JUU1H CAIITWIUUHT. Philadelphia. Baptember ss, '1B22. atuMpp Balaame, alia Count Alenandre Catlloetre, Italian Imposter, whei trie We and alleged marte aatenlehed credulous per eene In Europe, eepeclatly In Italy and franca, wae born In Palerme. Italy. June 8, 1143, and died In prteen at Seine Leen, Italy. Auruit 28. 1T9S. Natural Qas Te tht Editor 0 the Evcntne PubHe Ltdatri fllr Juet what li natural cut A friend and I were dleeueetnc various thlnri th ether niaht and thl queetteu pepped up Neither of ua could aniwer It. and w de cided te aalc th Forum If It knew. Q IN A CORNER. Th editor of th Forum was "itumpad" until ha eentulted an encyclopedia and this Is what he learned: Natural ta la a taeua matter ef tn paraffin aerlei. petroleum Mine a liquid member and atphalt a solid en. Natural taa la made up chiefly of marah fas. er me thane (CH 4). which uaually forma ever 80 per cant of th entire raj, th extremes of 4? rrmw&b ieu tr-wetUbU I Chartered J HUDSON- Prices Reduced Effective September 22 G0MERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Sales Roem, 128-140 North Bread Service Station 2400-14 Market St. lillllllllllllH auabtr of aaalyea ef United States ample! twins iS.M (Ala.) sad 14.18 (Dm ter, Kane). In this earn terle carbon dlerfd ransM from 0.05 te 10.40 per1 cent i nltresan from 82.70 te 0.80 per cent, exyaen from 'a trae te 0 par cent. Other hydro carbon are usually preeent In email amount, but rant from a few tenths per cant up te 30 or 80 per cent In excep tional caeee. The rare element neon aa wall aa helium has been found In Kaneaa aa. Poems, Songs Desired "In the Afterglow" Te the Editor ef the Evening Public Ltdaer! Sir Seme month age you publlehed In your Svsnine roaue Linesa Forum a poem "entitled "The Afteralew." I have mletald the rllpplna. but I think th author wae a woman. CLAItlCB A. HOLLAND. Philadelphia. September 21. 1022. Perhaps this ta th poem detlred. Tha author's name li unknown te the editor of the People's Forum. IN TUB AFTEROLOW Mether e' mine. In the afteralew Of methertne: yean, I love you no; Fer loving- me e'er life I knew, When next your heart a new life ax, Leving- me en Inte fair childhood. When I se Ilttl understood Th enc..ard war w all must se. Mether e' mine. I love you se. Leving- me, tee. when life ee wt Tempted my wayward, rtrlleh feet Away from paths of truth and Uht Te path that lead te aln's dark night. Winning ma back with levins' ten Te way that you had mad your own By strucsl and atreea and pain and prayer) Br love' own cords you held m there, t Mether e' mine, 'tie mine te take The burdensome lead, the stress, the aeha. That com ln motherhood's fair year. r Robbed 'TODAY mere ortey-Stecking through inexperience than through the attacks of highwaymen. A wife, receiving the proceeds of Life Insurance, is confronted with financial responsibilities which you have always assumed. Through her lack of training the money is often partially or totally lest. Our Booklet "L-3" tells what may happen without proper protection. Write for it Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Ce 316-18-20 Chestnut St. 1415 Chestnut St, ESSEX Get These New Lew Prices Before Purchase of any Car The ter. the' pain, th love, She tear l 'Tie mine te siv you what you sav ma. Mether C mln. f would faithful be Te th hlgheet note In the eons you tausht My elrlteh Up, the musle fraught With all the mother hepea and fears, That fill te the brim the metherlns years. Mether e' mine. In the afterglow Of motherhood's years, I thank you ae Fer slfta te me from out your heart At thoughts that rise my het teara start! Oed sire m waya te mak you knew Ifew great la my love before you go Away te reet from your mothering s I would remove llfe'a every atln. And give ycu reet In the afterglow. Fer, mother e' mln, I love you se. ret Hirte'a Humorous Verses Te the Editor of the Bvenlna PubHe Vedeerl Sir Will you pleaae publleh Bret Harte'e humoreua Veraea about the atranger who told a farmer he had been with General Grant, and waa rewarded with a beating. ALLEN GIBSON. Philadelphia, September 22, 1022. THE AQED STRANOER An Incident of the War (By Bret Harte) "I waa tUU. Orant" th atranger aaldt Said, the fanner, "Say no mere. But rest thee here at my cottage perch, Fer thy feet are weary and sere." "I waa with Orant" the etrenger said; Sa Id the farmer. "Nay. no mere I prithee tit at my frugal beard. And eat of my humble ater. "Hew fare my boy my aeldter boy, Of the old Ninth Army Cerp? I warrant he bore him gallantly In the smoke and the battle's reerr "I knew htm net." said the aged mas. "And, as X remarked before, I wae with Orant" "Nay, nay, I knew," Said the farmer, "say no mere: "Re fell In battle I see, alaat money it 9 Se. 52nd St. SEPTEM6EB 27, 1022 Theu'det smooth the tidings e'er Kay, apeak the truth, whatever It be. Though It rend my besom's core. "Hew felt he with Ms face te th fee. Upholding the flag he bore? Oh, Bay net that my boy disgraced The uniform that he were!" "I cannot tell," aald the aged man, "And should have remarked before, That I waa with Grant In Illlnela Seme three years before the war." Then the farmer apike him never a word. But beat with hi flat full or That aged man who had worked for Orant Some three year before the war. . The Peep!' Fernm will aepear. dally In the Krening Pnblle Ledger, and ale in the, Sunday. Public Ledger. Letter dlacOMlng timely topic will be printed, a well aa requested poem, and aaeetlena of general Interest will be answered. SALESMANSHIP RXlESMAMSHIP Theory and practice. Ight claieee. Taught by an expert sale man. A geed thing for ambltleu young reen earning less than ISO a week te learn. APPlr at once. ,. BTRAYER'S nCBKTESS CQLLKOE .. 107 Cheitnet Htreel W-lnnt OS-M WTKAMSHtP NOTICES The Popular Reute te tht Mediterranean PALERMO NAPLES MARSEILLES In .Winter Bensen steamere Call at Algiers and Vlllef ranch (for Riviera). Splemlld accommodations en the mag nificent Fabre Line veieel at rates within reach of all. Theee steamers are well known for their homelike atmosphere, excellent class of paeecngers. and the courtesy and theughtfulneee of the service. Delight ful eurreundlnge. Noted French cuisine. Pntrla . ..Oct. 10 Dro. 0 Feb.lfl tApr.lS Cnnnda ...Ner. 13 Jan. Dt Providence . .Net. 18 Jan. 11 Mar. 21 tSpeclal Crutae .Sailings Calling at The Azores, Algiers, Palerme, Naplea. Beirut, Jaffa. Smyrna. Piraeus and Mareelllee. Other sailing direct te The Atom, Lisben. Beirut. Jaffa. Constantinople, Cenatanxa. Piraeus. Smyrna. Fer ratte, reservation and further Information apply te Jamm W. Elwrll & Ce., Inc.. Oenl. Arte. 17 State Street, New Yerk City, MflliaJlafilTIJ.JfaVJ m nnsminniTrn SalVlBBBBmMMlLMJSlBBBBKrSUil joint jf vc tvrw .HAMBURG AMEWCANUNE, TO PLYMOUTH. BOULOGNE BJ New American Flag Steamers RELIANCE OCT. 8 OCT. 31 RK80LUTF, Oct. 17 TO HAMBUBG DIRECT Sailings every Thurtdsy. by the popa pepa Ur steamers Mount Clar, Mount Car Car eoll, Mount Clinten, Hans, Bayern, Wuerttemberg, with special cabin and unproved third class accommodation. United American Lines, ma 20 Broadway, N. V. or Lecal Agent (COMMERCIAL aisnrfianir Lirsba (Operating U. a. Qevt. Shiva) PHILADiLriUA 10 LOWDONDEEaT. BELfAST. DUBLIN & COSK 8S "BALSAM" "...".SeBt In BS "KERHONKSON"' '"'Xiii Half Oct Beandlnavian and Baltle Perta SB "NATIRAR" f. .. .T.T.eTteber 7 Other Ports as Sufficient Carge Offere MOORE and McCORMACK, INC. 444-46 Bourse Bldg., Phila. .Lemb. 0585 Main 7513. llllllllllllllfl ffl FABRyjlNEJ 1 i ' ' .I.-. .. . ..If .J MI'.. wTKAMMttr wencM ,1 9tmm'tr!inx-m'''u-,i i 1W -V A- mkM -r - 'MEDITERRANEAN ADRIATIC (24.S41 tent) Jan. 6, Feb. 24th, 1923 tAPLAND a,JdJ font) Jan. 18, Mar. 10, 1923 WorM'fsmeue for eteadlneti de luxe quartert, culilne and service. Fer travellert of die crimination. Ample time for delightful vlilti aihere. tlletrerj: Madeira, Gibraltar, Alglert, Monace (the Riviera). Nanlet. Alexandria (for Eavnt and the Nile), Haifa for Jeruialem.and Athena (Phaleren Bay). WEST INDIES MEGANT1C (.20,000 font ditplactmtnl) Rn. 15, Feb. 17.Mar.22, 1923 agnlheent crulilng elilp of admirable construction for tropic veyagee. Premier steamer. te the Wett Indict. Ratti $2S0 Upward! Itinerary arranged by Crulie Department of mere than 23 years experience In the Wcte Indict. Frem New Yerk te Havana, Haiti, Santiage, Klngtten, (Pert Antonie), Panama Canat (Panama ury). La uualra (Caracas), , Trinidad (La Brea), Barb.1 def,Martlnlque (St. Pierre), 8t Thomai, San Juan, Nas sau, uermuaa. It evrr for BeeiUti and Detailed Information tkWHlTl STAJt UHIST ttas mrnSSw 1S10 Walnut Btrrtt or Lecal Acenta few Yerk te !euih America onuS.GevernmentShips New Reduced Rates Fastest Time te Rie d Janeiro, Montevideo, and Buenes Alree. Finest ahlpe American eervlce American Poed American comforts. Sail Ins from Pier 1, Hoboken. S.S. American Legien .Sept. 30th b.b. fan America . . Oct. 14th S.S. Western World . Oct. 28th S.S. Southern Cress . Nev. 11th Fortnightly thereafter Fer deecripUrw booklet, addnte Munson Steamship Lines Drexel Bldg., Phila., Pa. 67 Wall St. New Yerk City Managing Operators for U. S. Shipping Beard ROYAL MAIL "Comfert Reute" te EUROPE New Yerk Cherbourg Southampton Humburg OROPESA Sept. SO Nev. 4- (IRIIITA uri. j xev, xv uan. ju, URDL'NA Oct 21 Dec. SO Jan. ai WEST ENDIES Twe Cruite de Luxe JAN. 2 FED. 21 S.S."0RCA" 25,500 Tem Diiplscement Largeat. newest and met luxurious ship engared in the West Indies Cruises, call ing at Nassau. Colen. Barbados. Havana, La Guayra. Martinique. Kingsten. Trini dad. St. Ttoemas, San Juan and Ber muda. Rata S2S0 up. BERMUDA The land of colorful sunshine, bracing air. wonderful coral roadways. Regular Weekly Ratlins Beginning December ralatlal Transatlantic I.lner "ARAGUAYA" ",500 Teni Displ. Ne Paasperta Required The ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. SANDERSON & SON. INC . AQFNTH. SB Hreadwar. N. Y.. or local nEent. CUNARD ANCHOR L,NE N T to'Cherbeurg and Southimpten TASTEST MAIL SERVICE IO Etjr.OPE AQUITANIA Oct. 3 Oct. 24 Nev. li BERENGARIA ... .Oct. 13 Nev. 21 Dec. 12 MAURETANIA .Nev. 7 Nev. 28 Dec. 18 Tlieie stesmeru Hall 10 00 A M N Y te rijineuth, Cherbourg nnd Hnmhurs NIA . . Oct. SAXOHIA ..Oct. 14 Nev. ? . v te i edr itjiieen!ewni anu i.iternoei LAC0NIA (new) ... Oct. 5 SAMARIA Oct. IB Frem Boiten Oct. 20 BCYI1UA (new) .Oct. 28 Nett Yerk te Indnn I ALBANIA Nev. 25 Dee. 30 Bosten tn Liverpool. Londonderry and Rlasew I ALGERIA . .Nev. 25 i N. Y. te Iindenderry end Glasgow ' CAMERONIA (new) . .Oct. 7 Nev. 4 COLUMBIA Oct. 14 Nev. 11 Dee. Si New Yerk te Medltertinean Pnrts I TUSCANIA (new) . ..Oct. 28 Dee. 6 ,, 1021 BCYTHIA (new) Nev. 2b - - CAR0NIA ... . Teb. 10 Bosten tn Cobh (Qiieenstettnt and I.t'erpoel TYRRHENIA 'new) 'Nev. 4 tDec. 2 Calls at Hallfnv. tSails from Hallfar Pen j-eur Ical ("WARP Atent, nr write. CUNARD Ic ANCHOR STEAMSHIP LINES PMienrer Offlce. 1300 Walnut St. Phlla. Treleht Offlce. Bourse Hide . Phila. N. Y., Plymouth Havre Paris PARIS Oct 4 Nev. 1 Nev. 22 FRANCE Oct. 18 Nev 15 Dee. 6 BOCHAMBEAU Oct, 19 Nev 23 Jan. 10 NEW YORK HAVRE-PARIS LAFAYETTE Sept. 30 Oct. 28 CKIOAOO Oct. 6 Nev. 11 LA TOURAINE Oct. 11 LA LORRAINE . .Oct. 14 LA 8AVOIE Oct. 21 Dee. 2 Dee. 30 ROUBSILLON Oct. 28 Dee. 0 Jan. 13 LA BOURDONNAIS .Nev. 2 Dec 27 N. Y. Vige (Spain) BORDEAUX NIAOARA . Oct, 10 Nev, 23 Dee. 28 Ver full detail mnult the Frem h Line Aecnt In our city ur ttrln. i Emile C. Geyelin, General Agent 1335-37 Walnut St., Philadelphia NOTICE TO MARINERS U. 8. ENOINEER OFFICE, 815 Wither. ,w.'.r" xj-.. v wnner r,, Phils., Fa., Sent. 20. 1822. hebv siven that the ancherass taDllihea by the Tederal Oevern- vuen uiuih mils., rs, notice u herel sreunds establi ment en Ausuit 23, 1018, In that portion of the Delaware River lylni between the northerly limits of Philadelphia Harber and the southerly limits of New Cattle, Del. are hereby dlicentlnued, and the rules ami res-uUttens relating- thereto are hereby reminded, te take effect October 1 1923 On and after October 1, 1022 the anchorage rreundi for the Pert of Phlla. lelphla will be under the Juriadlctlen of the Deard of Commissioners tf Navigat'en for the River DeUttare and its navlaible tributaries. CUmDveu Kst v'. S. Mall 8.S. SONOMA. VENTURA, 10.000 ten. Lloyd's 1U0 A1, Uelluhtful service. Sydney bliert Line. Hamua Uiu.N. OLULU li'20 R. T.). PACIFIC TOUU3. IOCS. 1st class. BONOMA sail Oct. IT VNTURA sells Nev. 31 Oreanln Lin 2 Pine St.. Ban Francisce. C1 or U. E. DurnetL AL. IT DetUry Place. N. T. j(5 lGM Ml LswVx v n T vl I fti--A 1 f . " yjltmmm a' 4 ' ' ,'iSlTi "reftwv:'jsr.a . Mil - fc--r r 3smaKwvrfar tmvmm- :;i. frvaiiji mtimmimd VISIT EUROPE NOW while rates are low NY. TO CHERBOURO SOUTHAMPTON 'WJERIO (new) . .flept. te Oct. ifHv. 11 N. Y. TO COBH (QURENSTOWN) AMD na.r. LIVERPOOL . M CKLTIO , . , ... .Oct. 21 Nev, IS DM. li fNftV YORK TO AZORES. ., An?i.'.,SAI-'TAn' NAI'LKH AND afcNOA' . N. Y. TOBhnMKVvift niVHllBOURa'AD ,,,.,. SOUTHAMPTON . pa vniP,KRO Nev. O Dee. 10 ef. tf CANOPIfl Nev. iSJnn. J rib. nOT6"0" (new ' :::::::::::::: :88: J TINMAN ,.OSt. IS Cabin mid third. Ham pangers carried. n,. . I-KYLANI) LINK niman';; : ; :.:::::::::::::: .8: t! Winter Voyages te the MEDITERRANEAN Madrfrn, rilbrnllnr. Algiers. Jlonnce, Naples. Alemnilrln. Ilnlfn. Athena i Ai.f ViV .VA" ns..;.Jnn. fl Teh. U LAI'INI, 18,505 tens.,. Jan. 18 Mar. 10 kd Star Lime !:. . .Oet. 21 Nev Sit ftee.M .iifiiA-mV-J'.nt,na I'HJAU fiANZIO SemI;,n,lh(t,ilr,,-?!i,",n"wnwrs enlr) Oct. SS trclBht for Dnnzljt only. .MlchIcnIv.DecI' eAMCRicAN Line N. T. TO HAlIBUnO VIA PLYMOUTH AND .....,... CHERBOURO MPSSfl.MA..". Hct' B Net. 0 JIANCIIt'KLV ... .Oct. gfl Nev. 30 . ..,.., PHILADHLPHIA HA.MHUHO Mlfhliran .Oct. 3 Maryland Oct. 14 Montauk Oct. HI vis Hrrmcn ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE ,, PHILADELPHIA LONDON Macklnnw .Oct. 7 .'lleiirl Oct. SfJ HOLLANn-AMEItirAN LINK PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM nreedj-k . .Oct. 13 Hurrerdjk Net. t Mercantile .Marine Ce, 130 STEAStKRS. 1.300,000 TONS Pnen-ngrr Olllre, 1310 Walnut St.. I'hlln. freight Diner. 4n,-j-l14 llenr.e lllilg.. Phila, FINANCIAL TO THE HOLDERS OF PHILADELPHIA RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY EQUIP MENT TRUST CERTIFICATES SERIES "C." Netice Is hereby given that the certificates hereinafter enumerated. Issued under th Equipment Trust Agreement obeve mentioned tctwren Wm. P. Gt: Fidelity Trust Com pany, Trustee: and Philadelphia Rapid Tran sit Company. lessee, dated May 1, 1D1S. have, ln .iccordance with the terms and pro pre visions of aald Agreement, been called for redemption and payment en November 1. lftSL'. and that said certificates, being all of the outstanding Equipment Trust Certificate of eald Issue which will mature subsequent te Ne ember 1, 1022. will he redeemed and retired en said date regardless of the du date thereef: and all dividend warrants maturing after said date will become void and the holders of said certificates herein after enumerated will he entitled en presen tat en tliereef only te the par value thereof nn'A.,0.,tt Prmlum of 24 thereon together with the dividend due en said date, but without any dividends accruing thereafter. The holders of the said certificate are required te present them for payment and redemption with the November 1. 1922. and nil subsequent dIMdend warrants attached st the effliy of Fidelity Trust Company. Trustee. 323 chestnut St.. Phlla.. en No Ne ernher 1. 1022. from and after which date dividends upon the said certificates will cense. The rertlflentea k.m. ..,.. .t : x":- jss? ! j2?. )"' !&:&, r$& t. sm (HIST P.D.M.n Hi rt.M..... ' ,' . iV. Pertember in 1022 "' '"'"' rn"" I.- " nnd Petter Cemrmnr Flra Mortgage . (Jold Bemls. mnrPpn'J.thn S,ln't""t Fund previsions of the inB? ..7;ai'1 nrePnls V'11' h received ?hl' i? 0".crJi. nein' Sentrmber SO. 10JJ. at the office nf the Pennsylvania Company for T?f,itr?er"''f; 0?KLIV';, ?"'', arant'n Annuities. Trustee, fnr the sale te It ut the lowest price net etreed n 10S and accrued Interest, of a! many bends n J2S 521 40 will purchase. All propea,s should be addressed te the under signed THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR IN- SV&EES, 0 LIVES AND QRANTINO ANNUITIES. Trustee. B17 Chestnut st Thlla.. Pa. Proposals for Slnklns Fund Legan County I.lBht snd Power Cnmranr Proposals NOTICE SALE Or UNsKimCUVBLE STATB Th. Sunerlntendent of Pubiie nrntinrt mrvi I nuildtncs wl 1 offer at Public Outcry, en the Premises en Saturday. Oiteber 7tlt, 1022. at I ten ll e'lliwk A. M., Mie Brown Stcne bteps ana .ua au3 runidiiicu in tne Ap proach te the Capitel Grounds at Third and Hate streets and at Third and North streets. Harrlsburg I'. - The Purchaser shall ray In United States Currene. nt the time of sale twenty.flv (L'0Tj) per icnt of the purctiase price and th halanr-e lefere remelng any part of th material purchased, from the Premises. All of tl.e material purch.istd shall be takri down by the purchaser and removed net later than thirty dab after day of sale. Ttie rirfht ls reserved te accept or reject any or nil bids. WK. PJ.'" 2 ,h5 Bear.'1 "' Commissioner of Public Grounds end Buildings of tha Cominer.ttea.tlj of Pcnnsyltanla T. W. TEMPLETON, SA-MUELB rtAMBO. W"Wi fcecrf 'try. Auctioneer A. II. Ohrenk IllUHVU OF M'KVKVS Department or Public tVerks l'n.ladelphla. September 18, 102J Sealed proposals will he receded Bt Uo'em 210 City Hall, until la o'clock neon, en Ttiesdns. Orteber 3. 1022, and opened at that timu in Roem l!R City Hall, for Schedule A Hranch feewere. Inquire (it Roem 41(3 City Hall. FRANK II CAVES Dire-ter. Anniml t.lrfilims -? &Ol TIIH AKK TITLE ANU TRUST COMPANY Philadelphia. September 2.V tnf At the Annua! E'ectien held en trie 5th ' Inst., the inlien'ns ste. klieiders tter elected I Directnrs te n-re for the ensulnir yeur: WILLIAM A HAM1LTMV ' '' WILLIAM h FCItST WILLIAM W. FOLTLKROD. Jr. H MlKY OREEN jriEPH c TRAINER WALTER J hTElNMAN J MES A CLARKE I'll SAMl'EI. IMSENFELD FRL II WERT At tht meetlnc of the Heard nf Directors M this day. the fnllnuinr- nrrin... .Z held Ulian mnuslv re. elected. William W ,Tr . President Walter J Mninmnn Vine President Morien J. Klunk. Vlce PreKldent l.arl It Wert ecretary & Treasurer Frederick W. Klmmcrla. Asst Hert- & Asst Treas, Richard Mever. Trust Officer. William S Furst. Solicitor. E II WERT Secretary. Dltldenda SUPERIOR STEEL CORPORATION Peptcmlier 23, 1022, At the regular mettlnc of the Directors nr nte .-.uiirriur ruefi t orperaunn a QUar teiiy dltnlend of 2 wai declared en the First preferred Meeii, jiajabie Nntembrr IS. ' Illi'J. t'. htccUhnldcra of rcterd Notcmber I, I ! n.ANnv Secretary. J lltMtI.IS N.riOAirilAMt I I'hcMnul street tttst nf llread I Philadelphia, Pepi ,i in"" At the recular meeting of the, Ilosnt"ef I)irci-((irn if this Hunlf. Iuld thU day, at ruiarterly illtidrnd nf (j ncr rent wae d r ared. pstuhle (Irlnlier S. 1132. te stock steck stock he.ders of iwuril Ht thu clu of business. M'ptenilier 11" 11122 CWiks ttul te in.illed. ' ,-, ' )V" "AIHT. M' I'realdent ami I'aahler, I H'.tOPA (-(INSOLIIMTEII MININO i OIMFANY " I HIVIUENI NO. 4 Phllailelphl.1, Pa , Sept., 20, I0S" I A ditl.lend ull", en th Oapltal stock" of tills I'mni any has been declared, payable lonelier III. iUii. t Btoektieldera of reeerJ , nt the idesn of business Hrptember 20 leaa Che, k ttlll b mailed. The transfer book de ll"t Clese. 1 r H JEROME. Treasurer. ri.tVjIOUTH,CTIRnD0Dn0' 'ANTWERP .'AnTiiM'v..,-.;-,-'8",t'30 'vr. nee. 9 ." l"l " 1782. Inrluslve; due May 1, Ml NTrn?"i ,i,nu- '"'It'sl". Hn Mnr 1. xtns UDLLITY TIlfST COMPANY. Triiti. iu mii . inriiiivs. fit i or. 1. in? WM. 1 IIAVI K IIIIO".., INCOKl'OKATKI) I lilUdelplilt, I'd, H.'i'tui her JITlh, 10'"' Qunrterlv dltldend nf 2r en First and Se, end Pieterie.l mocks r,f this rorperallon has been iletlured payable en Orlutier ISIh te thu stockholder!; of lecrjid Kaplember 80th! 102.'. Checks "III lm mailed '"r w, HARVEY I.. 1I1HHT. Secretary, THE AMERICAN FlAH ' L(MI'ANV. ISA MHrket street. Camden. N. J, " 'Die llennl nf Hlrecters hate this day daw elated h illtldend of 1 per cent, or Mr stare, painble October 2. 1022, te ill. itSg, holders i'f rewrd at a o'cleLk P. !,. 2. uuibrr 20, 102:!. Chetk win b iiialUrf. JOH. II. TOWNMBNU, 8d, TrsMui. 6ptember 19. 1S2. ' ' 4r,MU f ltti l'04 lm 9 m -r -H:' ' --.i-itLU.a L-jwfu!lailtiifciiLm:, HlMMut, -, ':;:'' .L." ' '" r'i -rsTi"i f ifiiiiitfiiVsjiji J-w-wi,,';