KY" '" ' vwJgRiP "x1 ll "u ' - L' I KjIWOOOFOHNEW i RKSN FEDERAL BUILDING Bi? , fWs s he Besf I I. mb low r rice a car made M m u vyeud no se7 . D l. 1 leus C. Bleck, I Cor. Bresd 6 Race ' H rf -ME i F5l ,'j 'K 'nKHBBHBBI vw &rasrrrfv V.TOKSffBWETOra EVENING PTJBLIC LEDGER-PHIi;Al)ELPmA WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 10)22 WJI v WWWJiP i it u iu r m Bill for This City Included Among List of 72 Frem State te Ce Before Congress ESSES Corned Beef Hash Tasty cneiiiih for the dnintirit jmliitt. Nonr Nenr ishiiifl rneugli for strong men. I se plenty of potatoes untl herbs ane season mi ACTION DECEMBER TWE OSIGIN&' WCaCESTER5M'eE J& f C,x. J, ITT". Special l'WJ Vcu CORONA TYPEWRITER 11,1 i,.,. i -. l'ir k di i 1 1; in i i i wi hi STANDARD TYPEWRITERS fiem $fC-00 up Guaranteed one jtar LIBERTY TYPEWRITER CO. A (, )' l 1 ill r I ITU Lift 10. i ( . i it M 1 'ill i I'h tip 1 rrt "." .Ri iTAe rVrjenal Writing Wacrmc. V?, S7 itfW I FOUNTAIN PENMj It't Made te Last S.tti'7 In ft" n ' or Xl'-irC und r ." $& tlens T ! - 5iV,TS' an J v . SO?n .riiou,v .riieu,v .riiou,v ma " Is t ) te of e" J f - A,S7 ' -" fjviy as X &W end up &X pump FLLZQ Ne Rubber Sac Franklin Fountain Pen Ce. 51 N 10th St. SOLD BY ALL GOOD STORES j Frem a Ptaf Cerrfwrulrit I Washington, Sppt ''7. I'hllmlplplui J and nmre tlinn n store of otlier Vcnn i fcjlvnnln cltle Mill rroehe cetisulcrntlnn iTi'un the IIei- npt liorpmber umlir I tnKpK the prepnntmii "f n puhlle b'lil ! nu ! Ill, l he firt tliu'i- U'l 'J. With lull new pcnclln; nllmi: f" ii iiliin (if ilellnr In i titTiinri it mix fr Tipw IVih'rnl luiildlnc", nml part Irul irlv , t r n lihtenil iis(nl fat llllir. it 1 rin s i iW iPitiun tlmt i'i mil micIi mens ir 1' iiii. It mii't will -linre pruper- ' nat' mtb nt'nr Sntff In whatiir I pie'iri itleiis nrp anpr'nn If tl-p e'i! ruli nf "two pntnfRee n i't:i't" bi fnUiiel lt 'm- 'm- i il' crt n ti t ii "f U'H I' -' 'I in n' -nin ni'tt luiil'llnc- or ti v - t t t t lis r -ix l! in I iTUir-" V " t'n fir t'w In mini tw '1h i r rn nt lt If l i ri ir ' t c f 1 n t f tl in i-iirc 1 he TriT-im iPinur'i "lit uruiiu th" iipp I "f in w 1 ! i il h n' 1 i ? ri n nun hi t ' n 1 I e I'i -t (Hl'ii 1 purtmriit h'i 'i i-m-iv irvn u'i i 1 n pf' ' "' !"p"- I . t "Win I llljv ( f ptll 1 Hi' 111 C w i r 1' ip "" l'p (Jim i nnii "t n i i !,.,.-. i in ii ti nn ! mi r it f mw pre'iinil 'e join v 'h tip Tti i.ii- I) pir" i nt i'i rnni 'ti fi nril' icti "i liv tiurpi nn n ! til !ii' In I il ns 1 1 T'l' i' -ittit 1 1" '! in' id il lm'ir t wl'l '!" "" !l t'1 dim. tint tl p ' 'K.'.irrtl " '' i " ' , rn in l! h ' - ir-1 ,.t thu w .rt ( - . ilh nr- i inin mIi ti - 'il- I'nin Irani i'i N'edi j 1' nm I i n. in l' u wU I i . no tl irtv lillis .ii n I i m- 1 ' I O. i r i n'l fr p ' ir 'r i t ire 'n .1 rcj lip'nw ir- .,'1 a 'juii ti; s'ltP- i ar p p'ponhe' 1 n ip C in -i PmMip I'.'i Un.- mi ' . nl. .1 1 i- ii n - il ' . n. I' r imllvilfal h.' - ' ' i"i ! . i ! n"r il r inurp n v i h i" '- IPP'1 ill prnJP' l ' ' I i - 'ifpil ns nen'.u i n. n. , r i n t- i-y.f i ii rpnn-Ui' .1 r.'P- . r-n. fr in .!) riim . . ' i. 'I nit nt i e-t nf tin- M Im i; r. i.-t t'. ii 'nhnrh ct !'. . , SJ t'1" ' i h ' " i-. in l"n' n' 'ph!a imi T - K i '!' ' !' II"''- ' ' 1 1 " , ! - t!" 1 lit O" "" '' , v ', i n r.l. ' I! , , inn i i r :i m m 1 t 2he Saddlers Belt ANe nltli innp Je n iiucVic PHS A GENTLEMAN'S BELT TllC Saddler$Belt" Fashioned from a solid piece of rr- ' best quality English bridle leather. Better leather cannot be had. Ne stitching. Gives no tac- end of wear. Keeps its shape. 1713 CHESTNUT. PHllA., PA. nk pn jrti!i!i ft s mi nT -"-y Mn Martin fMAium Inc. SADDl.f.K.& AND LONDON r J WSSSSSEm Your favorite flavor 13 among our five delectable blenua. ALSO SOLD BY Ivwliir & llowker. -Ur He rr. Ge Marrtull. A f) vPrtl ' n l're Ak for "THE SADDLER'S BELT" Killn (triil' tmr'O Bt impel en cprv en There's a Touch of Tomorrow in All Cele Dees Today I ECONOMY Beyond What Yeu Expect in a Car of Such Size and Luxury KEW SERIES 1 ii -i . i i ip Step Laxatives II Inch (Jiu j Irnra'utc ta'ty Hitiii- fi'n ii Xujel is a lubrn int nn a mcQicine or kiiti.e no tannuL Knpc. wj i nen jeu are constipated, net enough of .Nature's lubricitins; Iiqi.'d i-. pro duced in the b el t cpp te feed nsic s ft and meinj;. Doctors pre -tribe Nujel f it an-, lik ijs this natural rijj Itbi cant and " ' 'i it. Tr it te day. r p .1 - 'Hi ' ' i V . l. fop' i i ii.ii,v- ' 'i l - .1. . (. II. n in . ?nr , M, . i If im- ' i'"" - ' Ui-ri;V ""- R.n.W-Ph.'n , t r '' a' ii te -tan r"a-ir . I I 11 (Hill it .r.-.Tithp r i-h'n-l'S"- i ',- in - s"' " " iii-"fi " ' ' '',' " I 'l; ll" l'1" xl nl " ' I- II'" ti p T" mm !;,iriM"i"iii' K' i" v " irT f i ;: r in ! IVt'"- Tmn i n 1 !i V IJJLc, J Eight Ninety TWENTY thousand miles en a set of tires 500 miles en a quart of oil 20 9e increase in gasoline mileage unbreakable springs simple, accessible construction. L. S. BOWERS CO. 245 N. Bread St. Bell, Locust 50 55 Kiyitenc Race S.W fi- '21?, iSftt.. SZ tt XSSft! i LUBWICAN-NOT A U.XAT VE (S2SXZV5X, v- -'- 'f JlUi &9 PRIDE In every' realm of acliievc ment there is one heroic figure whose glory never fades. Among American meter cars that distinction belongs te Stutz. Its ownership is mere than the mere possession of a meter car. It carries w ith it a certain unmistakable pride and fascination that few cars can arouse. Touring Car $2640 Keailtter $2450 4-1'nncnicr SJTO Uoupe . S3490 All JMie e. Ij. I .telery S. R. Blocksom Moter Ce. 6G7 N. Bread St. riienei 0393 0393. 03 J5 KTUTZ MOTOR CAK COMPANY of AMLRICA, Inc. InJIunupelu, Indiana, U. S. A. 0 I II II I it'l i 4P 5',iM nyil . '-hinu'i'.. a!., 'a . i i i 1 1 I' j; -.r'i,i ,n Kp- '"-v r .n e V I . . in Ji'ii ! 1 1 I 1' ".t'i . Il V W p ' I'I 1 -" !'' " " I il - !, 1- -P I!" i r It'll b ... !.' z and ' ,s" "'"' I . ." it.i i'i 1 -'p- K K . - ' i-p ' v '' ; . r y s t , ie ''" full) I i 1 "; ll I "' ;,(ii) line fur I'ltt-lmt s.I i i: - - i m t.i r 1"- l . . v Hi in I II III i" i: . .. v 1' - I"t-!i v.' urn Ij.i.'a, .1. ri a e in t W" IMMl f K ir-i irm T '' Canens- ; ,tl 1 - -17" IMMl. I K - - r ii n K i- -Cerner 2 inn! -i "!-" ""'. I I: r-i ii' I. - Trnn i ' -i "1" ) l Kvin-f 'i i - . - i ii in 1'iarnPiberij, IT 1 .' -I -I -Ml ! lii'ti- i '! ns Kittan . i nriij -.'p. "I'H i0. J 1.., - -.,'. .. 1 n. I'hillps- 1 ' ; . , I . 12" DOO i 1"0 (inn Ilnllf tun'p -'" Ml I . , t , ,ep, nuri I- - " I im lil , -1 i. , -"' - .SI.ijoii.ike fur tl.uilit Cilv I i ; ' v Jer-iy lu I i - i i i r ' n I! It- i ' ii Mi'l.iriph Vi. n- i 1 1 it. 1 1 if - ." (fOO ; M -ir .5""i hhi tlnnue i 'j I linn,',l nuO.WO ' i: i iiitpvi'.v V i n, 1 i-' () '1 e te, l"n "(0 J .hi S'Od.imiO l' Iti t ii ' ti' i i' l'utti r-j Hid 2 nj ' t T"j 'hi'. 1 ' . ' i ' ' nilinn f 1 1 a ' pot pet i' nl) iii-f I' He 'i Mtnti-p I.nvren fiwirire t ir bi " n? ami t'.tp, ?."' eijO j v nrk ! n ilinj and "it, I0'iCiO, Iw jiptiin, bjiullns and plte, ?100, i uu. TRUCK DRIVER. STRUCK BY FLIER. IS UNHURT' L ghts Cignrettt and Walks Off I When Fast Train Steps I nit Inn ill, U npi - - O'.v I" u 1 . ii ii .ill th' ri U te It, 11 i t II 11 Mill I I pi if" Of tin Ok't i 11 u' ii ' innu -l in, rn hp lit n ' ii tin ami iiIVpI away. In twllt iiiinutis il,n rppin'ns of 1 u' wi- it i ii fi' hiitr p el i in i i i uri'il fr im tl I', r i-l- ! v in l tl 1 nr il tl . , I; I i i ' i n 1 1 -l u v'iinp 1 1 i iii- hip I'm 1 ,i'ki ' , ri i I t' i i ii.' M pi "Hi 1 1. n f 1- 1 i in l I' I' k I t br n f t it In L" in nn-l! in' N s im hour nn'l net a M I Itl ll " 'I i i ii etfir'nn k whl"b Puinran wn i Iruitu w i- lit bv ii iru r. wlun nt Ki-irf. M " ii , -' i bn 'II ,. men . f ili H'i l 'wn threw ii in ir tluin Jin f'i t nti'l ti tru'l., fill' I nit1 cr i 1 1 I v n ill i,:'i (I a half In Ip win! fi(. I (tiCiiippi iikiiIp fin ii tic itTerU te nep i tl i trin n In-t' nl iif finilln.' Hiinniu'w luilr n thf ppntPil tlip tiimi i ii w fminil I 'in et tbi' PKWi'.tti liPr of till' i'Ii'Hip nn n jnidl ' 'I b ink- fur iIip frfp i 'ih nbl mbl Itntunn ns ptis-i tii;pr-j anil ti.iin 1 1 w rubbf il i Im Ir cii'i Cele Moter Car Company- Indianapolis, Ind, JIJUIWIU LLIiJJJuaiJlJJJ TWO HANGED ON ONE TREE drrtUIII. Ml'.. Si pi 1.'" 'I'llP Im I p of two min pii't iiiIiIiIIp lift, nii'l np piinntlj l.retlniH irt iIishjmki (s tirihii IwuiKiiiK from llmbi of n pmi trio in n fnri'bt ninr lipre The nil tburitltH believe the- committed suicide. Hew te plan a trust fund In setting aside money and property in trust, you will find it well te censider: . Who is te Receive the Income? Yeu may endow anyone you desire your wife, your son, your daughter, yourself, a charity or some relative. 2. Hezv Len is the Trust te Last? e Yeu may wish it te endure until your bereficiaries attain years of discretion, or throughout their lives. If you prefer, it may extend te ether lives within the limits of the law. j. Hew are the Funds te be Invested? The income from your fund will depend largely en the written instructions you give in this matter. 4. Who Is te Receive the Principal? Is it te be distributed as your beneficiaries may direct, or is it te go te some ether person or purpose you may name? A trust agreement should be drawn only after careful consideration. Our officers will be glad te make suggestions which may prove of value in planning yours. They will be pleased te confer with you, in your office or ours. Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street IJread and Chestnut Streets ii Mixed Old Country Style ! fUsaJt lE 1 ' J 111 1 KMKK 1 llll l TEA lly 1 ! "l 1 m jjndia Ceylon Black mce Tea a?12' 2-lb pkg 23c; Ib-pkg 45c In all our Stores fURbVltK MAGEE Ce. Fleer Coverings Exclusively for Almest a Century PERSIAN and CHINESE RUG& Lewer Prices, Greater Assortments, Mere Beautiful Colorings and Dis tinctive Designs Than Ever Before " rwaj UREMICS 3 the Wild The new VIM Truck will outperform any truck of similar capa city in the world in speed, hill-climbing and economy of oper ation. We will prove this by demonstration or competition. In terested ? Vim Sales and Service Cerp. Bread and Huntingdon St. WJgNEW 1 a J 2 c 8 ' 'www i?$w$r Particular attention is directed te the many real bargains new available throughout our Oriental Department. There are small rugs and large all colors and veaves rugs from Persia, Turkey, China and the Caucasus offering a purchas ing opportunity that is possible nowhere else. BEAUTIFUL CHINESE RUGS Highly decorative and richly tinted grounds of rose, blue, tan, etc. 6x9, $115 te $175 8x10, $190 te $275 9x12, $198 te $375 Representative of the wide assortments of weaves, sizes and prices of Persian Rugs we list the follewing: 12 - 34 TON TRUCK Weave Size Sale Price Weave Size Sale Price Turkish 6. 5x10. I $100 Kirmansha ... 9. 8x12. 3 $675 Feraghan G. 4x10. 2 175 Lilahan 9. 2x12. 1 550 Mahal 7.11x11.11 250 Kirmansha ... 9. 6x11.10 475 Sultanahad ...9. 1x12. 5 2S5 Saruk 8. 9x12. 8......... 775 Hamadan 8. .1x11. 0 225 Kirmansha ... 9. 3x13. 1 675 Mahal 9. 6x11. 6 215 Kirmansha ... 8. 7x13. 4 485 Kirmansha 8. 8x12. 4 550 Arak 11. 7x12.10 450 Melas S. 9x12. 9 285 Sultanabad .. .10. 5x17.10 550 Serape 9. 6vll. 7 225 Turceman ....11. 3x17. 7 475 Savalan 8.6x11.4 265 Lilahan 10.7x13.10 775 1220 Market Street wsfav&mttte Stand, arxqftne World. Mere and mete Buyers are attracted by 2ype 61 Wue THERE is one very safe and What is even mere important,1, sure guide te fellow in select- sales of the Type 61 exceed these ingaqualityautomebile,andthat of all ether cars combined selling is the number of people buying it. at the Cadillac price or higher.' In this respect, as in ethers, the ,Such a conclusive expression of majority is usually right, and its fef the new Cadillac, ym rhnirft nf a flualitv automobile Dcneve, nas a signiiicance wnicn is usually the right choice. One need only refer te the number of people buying the Cadillac te knew that it enjoys this majority preference. The fact h that mere people are purchasing the Type 61 Cadillac than purchased any previous Cadillac model. cannot well be mistaken. It means that the public receg nizes in Type 61 a new hign point in Cadillac efficiency and value. ' And it means that an ever-!n3 creasing majority of buyers of high-grade cars regard Type 6l as the greatest automobile valu in the world. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPAMY, DBTROIT, MICHlQAtJ WHHmi 0artl if tUr Cr,rt ' ' ' NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Phene Spruce 0210 Branches: Reading, Pa.; Camden, N, J.; Peltsvilte, Pa, c AD L LA C Touring Car Phaeton , $3150 S150 Twe Pass. Coupe $3875 Hve Past. Coupe $39S5 Suburban Victeria . . . 3876 Sedan . . . . tmn r.' ii i 1 P.T.CO. ReadiUr , 4650 S100 J. 1 .. . ,-. . -. - r t Imttrial Urn. 600 ' .-,