JtJST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of Miss Constance Redgers Debut ThisSeaseh-Tr-She Notes Costumes of Odd Slew Material Otlier Matters of Interest TnVEItr day I hir of another debu JL tnnte te be added te the tremendous Hut till1 winter (there ere mere tlmn a hundred new). The latest Is '"ron '"ren '"ron eon" Hedsers, If that's the way te spell fctr nickname, filie has been In Pnrli for five years at the Convent of the AMumntlen, and last winter was In treduced In Paris by the Cemtcw de Mertcmart. .tms wnier, However, the will make her debut here. She Is the daughter of Sirs. L. Wll Urd Iledgcrs. of 1JH0 Pine street, and a ulster of Isehel Rodirers, who Is Mrs. Aenew T. Dire. Jr., and Louisa W. rtndcers. who tr.nrrled a Mr. Cros Cres bv, of New Yerk. Her real name Is Cfensfnnce. by the way. and she Is tnll and fair nnd most attractive. She will be Introduced (it a ten which her mother will (five en December 4, nnd en Octo ber 5 Mrs. Paul Clayten will jrlve a luncheon for hcrand for Unbs Clay- I saw Babs Clnvfen the ether day wearing a very (reed -looking dress. It was made of the new quitted rantertnl "matelasse," I think nnd was blue quilted it! black made with short sleeves and long skirt. With ii sbu were a large, black lint. She nnd her imrcntR tpent the summer abroad) where she cot geme stunning clothes, no doubt. She n 111 make her debut nt a tea en Octo ber 18. OCTOUEK 25 Is the date which the T. DeWltt Oil lern hnvc M't for the dinner-dance which they will rIve at their place in Hnvcrfenl for Helen Hepe Montgomery nnd nunnv (Jeary. Mrs. Cuyler has been up In liar Har Har eor until this week, but Is returning teflny. I hear. The Cuylcrs nre great friends of the Montgemerys. I remem ber Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery gave set oral parties for the Cuylcrs' younger dsughtcr. Eleaner Cuyler. new Mrs. Joe Wulker, of New Yerk, the year she made her debut. The Geerge Drcxels' dance for Hepe will be given tomorrow night nt Wootten, ,and the Montgemerys will irive 11 dinner before the nffnir for Luelle Cnrter and Sam Hocve. whose wedding takes place October 14. DON'T you wonder what name they'll get next for dress materials? And, for that mntter, what further new ma terial could possibly be invented? I nm perfectly nghnst nt the kinds nnd Bpccles which are ut-ed every dnv, and they are all perfectly bcnutlful. Even If the color combination in some is net pleasing the texture of the stuff Is marvelous. Clekt is the latest, nnd it leeks like a piece of silk that'has been out-en the ssnd nnd gotten sunburned, for it's a sort of n series of little blisters. I saw 11 tenrf of cleki worn by one of the guests nt n recent wedding. The background was black and It had while figures nnd brown nnd tan iifjures en It: very large, they were, nnd I gie you my word verv much in the shape of ojster shells, clam shells nnd onions. New don't Inugh, bernusn it did really leek like that, and nt the same time it was perfectly stunning. It wis worn with n tnn restume nnd hat. nnd theiiEh t .1.1 ., l. ,.i. u ...u ...i, ,... thus rebe'd. as her back was turned te me, it surely was beautiful. Itutb Coxe Stokes was out at the pole ene day Inst week wearing n soft gray frock of clekl. Her large hut, made of gray nnd silver metal cloth, was very becom ing and in centrnst wlUi Mrs. Stokes' glorious red brown hairmest effective. JIMMIE'S mother has labored hnrd te Instruct her young "hopeful te tell the truth under all circumstances. She has tnlked and talked, telling .Tintmie: "Yeu must tell mother the truth nlwnys: ou knew j 011 mlfht iik,p11. anyhow, for I cfm see what you have done. I knew; nIij it's written right 011 our fore fere hrnd." Jlminle was solemn and silently nodded his head. T.ntt that day there nas n terrific crash in the nursery and mother ran upstairs te find pitcher and basin smashed and en the ground, nnd Tlinmie and small brother sin tilling en It.r euls'drU of the muss. "Who did thnt, .llmmle?" demanded mother. Tltmnip did net answer; he began te ery, for he was scared at the noise nny hnw. mid mother looked nngry. Again mother demanded: "Who did that, Ilminle?" And, with n desperate ges ture, he rniMd his smnll hnnd te his head and. pulling back his curls, said: "Cnn't j ou read It eij mv forehead?" NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES An engagement of Interest In this Jlty and New Tork announced today Is that of Miss Careline c. Prentice. nsugnter or Mr. and Mrs Jehn H I'reuuee, rf Vew Yerk. 23 Kast Sixty-ninth street; I pard, who have been spending the sum sum te Mr. Frederic Cromwell, mer nt their camp at Greyllng, Ken- son nt M,v cin.i M,i QnfniiiiiK i. rr.,ivi- well, ,,f ieu Kast Keventv-feurtli street, Miss Prentice was Introduced te se- cletv two jears age. She Is a member UHt:..f;?l0.l,- Club and Junier League, Vn... Y-.Y'"::. .".if """:' ..""".'"'"'V.'-1 ' Miss Kate Jlnirlsen, of this city. Mis' 'Vita dcKerest Prentice, her yeimger J-'sler, made her debut In New Yerk nst winter. Mr. Cromwell's fnther Is president of the New Yerk Stock Us change. Vr. nnd Mrs Jenn White lieary. of Hiinset mid Oermnutew t incnucs. ""nestnut TIIU, will glve a ball en Mon Men 'lav everling, January 1, In honor cf n"lr daughter Miss ,Mniy ileP. t.enry. Miss deary will make her debut at a ra union her paients will glve en Oc 'ober II. Mrs PnineiH T. Oeweii, of Decprtene, fnestnut Hill, will give a luncheon ou atiirdav. OcKrber lLIn honor of Miss llplcii llone MentgtWicry daughter of Mr una Mrs. Rebert Lumlng Mont Ment Mont ceiury. of Ardressnn, Villnucvn, nnd JJis Mary IeK. Gcnr". daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Whlte lieary of , niesiuut Hill, before the races at the vMiiu-inaiHu Hunt Club J Mr. Muscee It. H, Oainctt. of thin ft, formerly of New Yerk, whose nun -rige te Miss Carollne Hterker Bar 'liiy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs William ttleteu Barclay, of Chestnut Hill, will iJKe plai'e c ii Suturdnv, October 7 In Trinity Prcsbytcilan Church, Chestnut THIS WEEK'S BEAUTY HELP It Is net necessary te shampoo your linir se frequently if it Is en tirely unil properly cleansed each time by tlm use of n renlly geed slinmpoe, Tim easiest t use nnd quickest di'jlng blmmpoe that wn can recommend te our renders is one Hint brings out nil the natural beauty of the hulr and may he en en jevcil at very little expense, by dis solving a tenspeniiful of vantlirex, which ran be obtained from any drug gist's, iu a cup of het water. This makes n full cup of shampoo liquid, enough se It Is easy te apply t te nil the hair distend of just te Ike top of the hem. This, when ?;Wcd into the sculp nivl onto every strand of hair, clicinicnlly dissolves nil impurities. It is very nothing anil cooling iu its action, as viell as benctlcluT te both scalp and hair. After rinsing nut the lather se created, ou Mill find the cnln is fresh, clean nml free from dandruff, while the hair dries quickly nnd evenly, developing a right luster and H soft flutfinesu that makes If pecm very heavy. Atlr, H. ii 'nWlli.f.?tSr,nln I,ls ushcrs ftt tl dln ??r.D g"lay evening. September 30, at the Radner Hunt club. Miss Mary (1, Frailer ilnmrhtnr nt ut. ununes II, Knuler, of 172? Bpruce .& WUI eJ".erl5n at luncheon at Mu.hMi v,,.?a,t!K,da,inext " Hener of ?L 8 fabeth Hllimrd Tatnnll, daugh. a.-i. '". """m intnnii, or rau Archer street. Oermantewn. w1ieh rnarrMAe te Mr. William Powers YoniKstewn. O. will tnke plnce 11 e clock that evening In tlie'm. I.u Episcopal Church. Clermnutewn. marrUfic te Mr. William Powers of nt uke's Tht. fi. " .1 w.'" "'ciuae tne brldesmnlds. Miss Krasler will attend Miss Tatnnll us maid of honor. Miss Jesephine 3. ,Trns, daughter Mount Kemblc, Morrlstewn, N. J., will de the guest of honor at a dlnner dlnner dance which her undo and nunt, Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge It. Ccteke. of Dawes ftcld. Ambler, will kIve en Monday eve ning, October 30, nt the Itnhblt. Miss Jcnka will make her debut In New Yerk ttnd th)8 clly t)l8 HcnRen Hne will be Introduced here at a tea which her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Je seph Jj. Woolston, of alendeu. Chest nut Hill, will Ktve for her nnd for their daughter, Miss Nancy Woolston, en Thursday afternoon, October 5. Mra Ellsha I,ce, of 1709 Locust street, will entertain nt luncheon to morrow and en Thursday and afterward In her box nt the Uryn Mnwr Herso Shew In honor of her debutnnte daugh ter, Miss Dorethy I). Lee. Miss Lee will be Introduced at a tea te lis given by her parents en November 17. Mr- W. Hlnckle Smith, of Timber line, nryn Mawr, ciitertnlned nt dinner last nlRht In honor of the Countess de .Sarnmetid. of Pari, who Is the Ruest of Mrs. Itebert LcumlnK Montgomery. Miss Hetty Hetherlngten, dniiRhtcr of Mrs. I,. P. Hetherlngtcn, of 2310 Pine street, will be the guest of honor at n dinner nnd theatre party which her mother will give en Monday evening, December 18. The guests will lutcr attend the ball which Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Jefferds wilt glve that eve ning for their nlece. Miss Marguerltn Jefferds Beylo. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Beyle. Mrs. Jehn W. Celes, of 2114 Pine street, will glve a dnnce en Friday, December 29, nt the llellovue-Stratford, In honor of her granddaughter. Miss E. Thercse Tyler. The guestn will In clude the school set. Mrs. Celes and Miss Tyler huve Just returned from Prance, where they rpent the sum-1 mer. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Fergusen, of Semlnole avenue, Chestnut Hill, have Issued cards for a ten en Friday nft nft nft orneon, October 13, from 4 until 7 o'clock, e lntroduce their daughter, Miss Lillian Fergusen. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferd, cf Leu venlgh, 9230 Germanteuii lUenuc, Chestnut Hill, have Issued Invitations for nn nt home en Saturday afternoon, October 21, from 1 until 7 o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Ashton Little, of the Orchard, Strafford, will enter tain at a dinner en Frldny evening. September 28, befere the dance which Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hnrtshorne Wilsen, of Lengvlcw, )eon. will glve te In troduce their daughter, Miss Marlen Elizabeth Wilsen. Mr. and Mrs. r'harle R. Rosenberg, of Vcntner, N. J., nnnounce the mar riage of their daughter. Miss Helen M. ....-...-r ... .. . . ,u""' ..w nn nt ti.V. i.m ti,. .i wij t.:JJi.' Hoseneerg. te Mr. itebert T. Bryan i,"r,r...:"--;,".nnA',,""i' :?. ""Bvf" nnil Mrs. .Tnqpnl- H. Bryan, of 4200 Chestnut street, en ei'iui'iiiuer .1, in uus city. Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Barba, of Coulter street and Fex lane, nre rc celvlns congratulations en the birth of a son en September 20. Mrs. Barba will be remembered as MIbs Martha Purcell. of Richmond. , Mr. Jehn Wctherlli. Jr.. and his daughter. Miss Allce Wctherlli. of 1830 Seuth Rlttnhou8e square, wh hn been spending some -time. In North Cnre. linn, will en their return te this city occupy apartments at the Belgravla for the winter. Miss Wetherl'l will make her de.iut at a tea en Friday afternoon, November 17. Mrs. Charles Stewart Wuris and hr family, of 920 Spruce strfet, who have been spending several months touring the Continent, hne sal'ed for this country nnd are cpcetcd te arrlve In this city the latter part of this meek. Mrs. William Henry Newbeld, who, has been spending the summer traveling abrend, returned en Saturday te her apartments at the Corenndo. Her grandchildren, Miss Marlen S. Wurts. Miss) KIaner T. Wurts nnd Miss Re n- , mend Wurts, of 2134 Pine street, whe1 hae been traveling en the Continent for several months, are new In Germany, ' and will return te this city early In ! November. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Waring Hep- Mnsen and their small child, who have , been spending the summer at Bay Head, N. J., win return me mtter part of tins week te their home, 2122 De Lancey street. Mr. nnd Mrs Hnrilsen K. Canen. who have been spending the summer at their cettage nt Oaie May. N. J., will return te their home, 810 Pine street, the early part of next month. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maxwell Sheppard am! thelrdauKhtcr. Miss Carolyn Shen- tipbunknert ui'm w i u mi ii iu uiuii home. 2124 Walnut street, the latter part of next week. nr ,u vm O Oram Ring, of 1327 s,.?uV.Yreet clescd mer home In mer home In the Poconos en Monday, nnd will return 10 me cuy ier me winter. Miss Marlen Hei re, of 5715 -Torrcs-dale avenue, Wlsslnemlng; Mlis V. Mabel Andersen, of 1221 Kast Susque- Drastic Price Reductions en Decorated Furniture and Furnishing Accessories In anticipation of a very active Fall business we have during the past Summer kept our studio up te full est production en Painted Furniture and Furnishing Accessories. We have determined te sell these goods at once, and are quoting prices that we believe will quickly move them. This furniture is of a class quite out of the ordinary, and appeals te people of refinement and geed taste. It is generally after French linens, with glazes and hand decorations, produced by our own workmen and artists. Among These We Mention BEDROOM SUITES Antique, Ivery, with early French decoration, twin beds, 10 pieces, $638 reduced te $390. ' Naples Yellow, double beds, 0 pieces, 3188 reduced te $140. Antique Green, with classic rose decoration, single bed, 7 pieces, $28G reduced te $215. Direclelre Suite, replica of old French pieces, natural weed, 11 pieces, $821.75 reduced te $614. BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES Antique Blue Tyrel, 5 pieces, $295 reduced te $175. Bronze Green, early Victorian decoration, 8 pieces, $332.50 j educed te $250. INTERESTING ANTIQUES Old Mahogany Turn-Over Card Tables, $55 reduced te $37. Old Mahogany or Cherry Bureau, $85 reduced te $57. Unique Walnut Desks, $125 reduced te $84. Fleer Lamps, glazed and decorated, $18,50 reduced te $9.25. Parchment Lamp Shades and Shields $15 reduced te $1. Smnll Framed French Pictures, $1.50 reduced te $0.71. A. L. DIAMENT & CO. 1515 Walnut Street and at Strafford, Pa, ." v wr r l"wt !. EVEtfltf G , PUBLIC' LEDEKt-EHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. SOON TO BE itti t&jUtlV, ?vf'lv'V u.g i Photo by Marcrau. MISS KATHARINE CHRISTINA LEA Daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charles M. Lea, of West Thorpe, Deven, whose marriage te Mr. F. Woodsen Hancock, son of Mr. Frank Hancock, of Charlottesville, Va will take place at neon en Saturday, December 2, at Valley Ferge Memerial Chapel hnnna nvenue, nnd Miss Hazel MacKin MacKin eon, of 844 North Twentieth street, spent the week-end at the Hetel Bristel, New Yerk. Miss Lillian Blaess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August A. Blaess, will give a theatre party tomorrow In honor of Mlsi Margaret Mnglnnlss, whose mar riage te Mr. William K. OrlgBS will take plnce en October 7. The guests will In clude members of the bridal p.irty. Miss Cernelia Peele, Miss Marie Magitmlss, Miss C'onsucle Yeung and Mrs. Ucorge Bresettc. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Geerge Peters, of C402 Spruce street, nre being con gratulated en the birth of 11 son. Jehn Whelen Peters, en Frldny, September 22. Mrs. Peters was MUs Florence B. Whelen, of 5927 Osnge avenue. Mrs. Cntherine C. Clink, of 201 North Fifty-third street, announces the innr rlnge of her flautfhter. Miss I1 lu M. Clark, te Mr. Jehn A. McAllister, of Tiegn, which tool; place en Tuesday, September 19, In the Chutch of Our Lady of Victory. Mr. and Mre. Merris Epstein, of D901 Hncrferd 'avenue, nre receiving con gratulations en the birth of a daugh ter, Hannah Rita Epstein. Mrs. Ep stein, befere her marriage, was Miss May Hutkln. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv A. Mnckcy and their daughter, Miss Lernn Mnckey, of 6019 Pine street, hae returned from nn extended trip through California and the West. Mrs. Themas R. Burns and her daugh ter. Miss Constance Burns, of -ISIS Chestnut street, who arrived In Liver- The popular meeting place in Philadelphia. In the very center of things hns much te de with its popularity- but geed feed at moderate frices also plays its part. A wonderful 85 cent luncheon daily. Seafood Dinner, $1.60 Dinner Parhlen, $2,50 Hetel Adelphia Chestnut at 1 3th DaciJ B. Provan, Managing Director BjIfaK BUI It BMiltlMUU i!l.tl2llH MARRIED ' MMt&vMil 1 vrt 'tAt XvBHHHHHHHIHHHRHHIHH peel n few days age, nre new In Lon Len Lon eon, where they will spend n. fortnight, before going te Paris. wniMe ttuv vui Jein Mrs. Bums' son. Mr. Arthur Burns, and will remain until the spring. North Philadelphia Miss Margaret Clark, of 3SS1 North Bread street. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Helnrlch, of New ark, N, J. Mir. Ilelnrlch will be remem bered as Miss Margaret A. Carlln. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Carlln, of Mather read, Jenklutenn. Seuth Philadelphia Mr. and JIw, William J. O'Neli and their family, formerly of Ttlvorten, N. .1., nre new living at their new home, 2317 Seuth Thirteenth street. Miss Henrietta Sterling, of 1C12 Ore gon avenue, entertnlned Informally nt it home en Wedcs'Hv Menu 'in The guests Included Miss Clair Wlster, Miss Helen Shrlber. Mlsn Cntherine Shenantaugh, Miss Marian Landy. Miss Elsie Ridge, Mr. Frank Kane. Mr. Jo Je seph O'Neli. Mr. Lee Tellln. Mr. Peter McKeen. Mr. Flank O'NslI nnd Mr. Jehn Meagher. 1 Mr. Jeseph Jehnsen, of 2503 Seuth I Twentieth street, his returned from a vlelt te Audubon, N. J. Miss Peggy Fraln. of 1518 Mifflin Se it happens in the field of furniture. Only a chosen few arc fortunate enough te possess an original piece by Chippen dale, Heppelwhitc, Sheraton or any of the ether great English cabinetmakers. Though there may be no cabinetmakers today who possess the creative genius of these men, there are, fortunately, disciples who can equal their masters in the execu tion of designs already created for them. Fer a icere of years Valiant has collected faithful reproductions of masterpieces orig inally discovered in the castles and manor houses of England, the chateaux- of France and in the palaces of Italy. Kvcrv line, ever" carving, even- tiny flaw in the master's original work is skillfully repeated in these replicas se like the originals from which they were copied as te be indistinguishable except te connoisseurs. A few of these exact copies are en exhibi tion at the Valiant showrooms. Among them you will find, moderately priced, just the piece te add the correct touch of Distinctiveness and Individuality te our home. 'VALiAisnr 1822 CHESTNUT STREET 2Sf 26 N. Charles St, Baltimore. KsiSI FURNITURE DECORATIONS . "Valiant Service fa Cordial Valiunt Prices are Moderate" 'Y3'iiEl' iWa??? , ' ' ; jrn vi ' v street, has returned home from ft two weeks' .stay In Wlldwoed. , . . .. . . ., wMt Mr. Jdin Meagher, of 121) WOIj Bi eildsburg last week. Along the Reading Miss Mildred Irwin Lewis, daughter of Mr. J. Heward Lewis, of Elklns Park, whose marrliurn te Mr. Manley Oreen :ighmy, of Buffalo, will ake place en uctener 1, win de tne guest 01 nengr m a luncheon nnd theatre party, which Miss B Katharine Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles Clarke, of Lincoln drlve, will gln ut her home tomorrow nftorneon, Miss Kathcrine Marie Smith, daughter of Mrs. M. J. Smith, of 1329 Pine street, will also entertain for MIfs Lewis nt a lunchlen, which sh will glve nt the. Bellevuc-Stifttferd, en Monday, October 2. GcrmanteMi Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Ooedfrlend, of C81C Mnceln drlNe, have returned from n two months' trip te California and'lcl and'lcl and'lcl lowsteno Park. Mr. and Mrs II. Broekor Ml'ls, of the Wyneva Apartments, announce the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Janloe Yvonne MIIK te Mr. Victer L. ChUiuelne, of Ridley Park. Mnnlinlm nml .rnhn.sen streets bnve re turned from Atlantle City, where they spent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Mess nnd daugh ter, Miss Natalie Mess, of C62G Oreene street, have returned from Europe, where they spent several months In travel. 1 Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Ocorge S. Van Dyke, of ToTresdale avenue, nre receiving con gratulations upon the birth of u son, Paul Redman Van Dyke. Mrs J. T. Andersen nnd her daugh ter. Miss Oladyr. Andersen, of Orthodox street and Frankft.rd nvenue, nre spend ing several weeks In Wheeling, W. Va., wneie they are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald. Norristown Mr. and Mrs. Irvin J. Gotwals, of 670 Neblo street, have announced the en gagement of thelr daughter. Miss Lillian CHARLES HENRY FOX Tht Sign of th Ret Spm 88-99. 221 S. Bread St.1 vmmMMwM.wmmmwMMtsmx2L Baths of Eurc ameus pe Doer Tc v( nt our very It lan't n'ccnenry te run te Whit .Sulphur or Het Hprlnsa. for rlKht here in your own city we havn the finest Baths nnd JIpRlth Inatttute (exclualvcly for women) te be found unyXvliere. A heilier ou nre tee Bteut or tee thin, rheumatic, nirveus or tlugglah. let us ahew you hew te lav the foundation of Perfect Health and Beauty. Trial rroetmrnt Craft Cellins Institu'e Fai-ered by TMn.'a Falrajt BELLEVUE COURT BUILDING 1418 Walnut St. Sprue S484 w;MM.wjww;wMWwwww'wr 4tLM llln..tftl. r tli.rAii nt AfiP. West Stafferd street, 'has left for Mount J'wQr'1 " '"RcrRell, Mr. A. E. Mathleu. Holyeko College. Seuth Hndley. Mass., f- 1 R- Le-or. Mr. Philip T. Matt where she Is a student. SWnVSr'. & VZ wV.i Mr. and Mrs. Alexander P. Jenes, of fellow nt the Cvnwvd Clnh Wmm TT is net given te every one te own a Rembrandt. In a world where there is only one original of rvcry great work of art, there is obviously a place for faithful reproductions. I SEPTEMBER 26, l)22 J A. Jetw Ms, 'and Mr. Stanley Paul Kirn, r IKS,, ' Mr. 5 Mra- ? Kir. 0 ':"'zf"x.'"'. lne lermai Announcement , was made at a card narty which Miss Sfi?.11.". IIcJ,en Themas, Miss Suznnne . Pli1!"" Esther Prentlce, Miss Mar garet Hechner. Miss Helen NVImnn. MIh FlntT1'8. SnJitn' M'"" Cntherlne El Is, Miss Laura aetwals, Miss Jean Stauffer, M" ..avld M. Bauer, M-s ue Sriifi JIrB- Jehn lr- Heffman, Mrs. ?i ii i. Mufselman, Mrs. Raymond ttr i' 5.V-"' Harll I. Zlmmerninn, Miss iiel Thompson, Miss Anne Tnggart, Mrs, Charles De. Prefentaln, Mrs. W. Schoek, Mrs. Walter Shelve Mrs. 3. P. S11 '. nl Kathcrine March and Miss Ella March. Bala-Cynwyd ,lT; ftP.d Mr1' iWllllam Edgar Clear, or Bala-Cynwyd.-have issued invitations for the mnrrlage of their daughter, Miss Dorethy Butler Clear, and Mr. William King Allen, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles H. Allen, of this 'city, which will take place at 7 e clock, Saturday, October 14, ln Irc,,,'crlan Church of the Cove Ceve nB.,t,. Cynwjd. The matron at honor will be Mrs Benjamin Allen. 3d. cousin or tlie brlde. and the bridesmaids will Include Miss Dorethy Sutherland. Miss LIcnnore Onlter, Miss Kathcilne Thomp son nnd Mrs. O. A. Kennedy. Mr. Ben jamin Allen. 3d. will b his brother best man The ushers will be Mr. Geerge A ternl-v, Mr. Renald O. shrlHv M- Women's Smart Oxfords An oxford you will be proud te wear CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Fine Footwear Since 1868 e5a0&tf&&mrattWttKrari. lltRHTJ!:J'&.DESlaNBn8 .A'J.'.'i: '!UUa.'lr.' ""His j,il.h ivt nuuv THAN f m Q D euble anniversary Special (Fer Wednesday) Sports Coats Very Swagger 2.00 te rQ.50 Cut en mannish lines, with all the little niceties of finish for w h i c h "Harris" is famous. Every coat whether a mannish model of tweed or soft-toned everplaid is a style correct in every detail. A widely diversified style range. pp 0A Sports Millinery $5 te $15 In velour, scratch felt and shapes, Btyles, colors removed from the usual. We Specialize in Appartl That r ec MsnjmTg e mO CHESTNUT STREEX Special Tomorrow Unusual Offering Street & Afternoon FROCKS 26M Exact reproductions of models made te sell at 39.50, 49M & 59.50 Included in this offering arc dresses with cir cular skirts touching the gTeund; pleated panels and berthas; self-trimming cleverly applied; jncquard patterns, chiffon velvets, satin-faced cantons, canton crepes a truly bewildering variety in this one low priced group. On sale in Main Dress Department ,3rd Fleur All Sales Final Ne C. O. D.'s Ne Exchanges S. HUXOX VBtSEMTS THE RUSSIAN ORAKD OPERA COMFAMT "BORIS GODUNOFF" IKA BOURBKAYA. "Onait Artlit" rtimerruw Night. "Rulk" Tbunday Mfflif "riquw AJTnw." Frl. Nlfht, LllhTl). A A Hurht of Let" (Mstah Comle Optra te 3 AeU, by VtUntlnev. Ua, !! IITa SiiIvaII. ,,H... ... .ji. .,1., IJUItl Hut. Kr.. Lnut .BA.iia,ii.n '(Jtr i snot" In Benn. v.. "OiiBit Artitt." 100 Arll.lt. Or. cheitr. CDerui, Bllt. Tickets 11.00 ta S3 00, new en ile at Academy Hi ffeppe't, 1)1" Cheatnut St. K EITH'S THEATRE Mnl. Tmlir 5 P. )l. Tnnlcht ! Sf HII.I.1AM PAVlRHItAM In "A Mnrrlnirn Has llcan Arranged": JOB ItllOUNlNdi Heward Smith A Mil dred Darker, Jewell A Illta: Uurni it I.jnn, Others nnd Jns, K. 'inwARii a i'mrk-Etlielyn in enva by Mr Heward. PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA KAL.KOI'BKABON NOW HBPPU'B. T (;iir.in iu UBNBItAL I't'MMC 1 in f'ltnHTNt'T CASINO n ti viumut. ATa!, Today JOE MARKS fft "YOUTHFUL -FOLLIES" Tan arained calfskin with a stout sole and pronounced extension $11.50 MAKERS OF WOMEN'S AND S ut TlllJ lUnniJHT CllAIt TWUXTY-5EVUX YVAIiS beaver. Simply trimmed- Sltnderiiet the Larger Weman t e v a & 0 1 te Chestnut g Cerner iSA Twelfth gg Mm i tSS SSSk 11 fe ir.jn 1 "- l''1 lilt ... ' fr, P- : h 7 . mmrnrn ;: Direction Htnnlyy. fintnpunr of AmfrtaJV , ' 4. a ' KINttTERNTIt A HMnKfTr 11:30, 1:80, .1:30. 5:80, 7:30, .0:30 JOHN BARRYMORE IN I'ICTUniZATION OP WILLIAM aiMiCTTB'H TI.AY j "SHERLOCK HOLMES" AdiVd Admrtlen WII.T.IAM KIJUHM, DrmenMrnllnic the Klmlmll Onn STANTON! 10TU AND MAIIKRT 11 30, 1:3), 3.30. 0:80. 7:30. 0:30 WILLIAM FOX'3 Ifrxdnafc Dumas the weni.n l MINK" COMING a lunAMei'NT rir'Ti'nn CECIL B. DE MILLE I'lionucTies' "Manslaughter" ai.icb nt'nu jnt.i.nH'a KUNHATIONAI. STORY Themas Meighan Leatrice Jey and Leis Wilsen Aim in the cast ALE) IN ErS e.iKNtr.n I'ltoniTTieN "RICH MEN'S WIVES" imrsn I'KTr.Ht claiiid Windser nnsi:LitYTHi:iY iiahten elah r MYKlI.i:HTi:rMAN rilAItl.KS fLAKY CAIlOLIMLI)WAY MAHTHA MATTOX LITTLi: HICHAM) IICADKICK All of Which Speaks for Itself 12. Z. 4. a. a una in p rT.f-eVf"17 A FinST NATIONAL ATTTtACTIO fjUY BATES POST " IN J'irTt'lllZATION Or HIS wesnuitrcL stage srcrESS Photoplay of Supreme Merit PALACE 12M MAKKI7T 10 A. M TO 11 P M. PAHAMOI'NT P'PTt'nE RODOLPH VALENTINO in "BLOOD AND SAND" HALT" And bear in mind that "In the Name of the Law" I AT TUB VICTORIA S.nTlf ArAHKET ADfAniA 10TH & CHESTNUT iIVilA 10 A. M. tn 11:15 P. It. CHARLES RAY "ff- f A D1TH1 TH AND MARKET VrVl llVli 10 A. .M. tn 11:15 P, M. l.itnKiliin THE STORM Mr' ermUK'n GLOBE H'Nirnn AND MARKET ft 11 TU 11 0jaSf,h VAUDEVILLE MODERATE PRICES ALWAYS BROADWAY Urenri & ynydtr VAUDBVILLK nrrrv rrtlUIDCnXI In "The DC.1 1 I Willi Jim llenrir.l Wemnn" ALLEGHENY 1'HANKhXIIiD AND ALI.UIHENT VAUDEVILLE 2.1 R 7 AND 0 Anil , "THE STORM" l'liotepln CROSS KEYS 00th S. MARKET lil.V 7 & II VAi'nKvin.K PRIMROSE MINSTRELS FORREST Evg"' at 8 " I La,t ruivniJt Pen. Mat. Tomer. i 7 Tlmi WORLD'S GREATEST REVUE Valetki Suratt, Nan Hnlperln, Oeerd Trie AH-Mr Cti nnn a OARDEN OF EDEN rATTY CHORUS NEXT MONDAY SEATS THURSDAY . Mull erd'rt new. Brcure your etU and ave'd lueculatera vhe fellow this attraction from city te ettjr. MS Z1EGFELD triumph MARILYN MILLER LEON ERROL in GARRICK'tawe.i,.. Em.nu ., ?5P p.rlc8 Mat' Tomorrow hnm II Hurns Presents ROLAND YOUNG LAURA HOPE CREWS In CLARE RUMMER'S Comedy POMEROY'S PAST btagurt by Sam Ferrtit BROAD l"1 2 Weeka. Eva. J18 vv. mi(. Aoiuerrov. k:i9 TIm aarxt oeouMlr X rw ms Beeth larklniten DUICY "" LYNN F0NTANNB and a Brilliant Company; , BrMtfimyi' llejr SZt&rrien. 'CARLBCARLTONtanJ. 'IRBN DADADI5E LlEY iniv A MUSICAL ROMANCE 'OF MBVJ YORK up LYRIC wa.x MAT. TOMORROW t $1.50 "MARJOLAINE" A Slusltal Cnmtat "t Let and laimhtcr, with PEOOY WOOD I.KSNOV I'WVin F-IIAVK MOIILAN WALNUT"ntt?ee' "nljnUI 00c te J1.00 "UP THE LADDER" A Pure American Oemedr-Drama DORIS KENYON AWP OWIOINAI. N Y. OAOT' DUMONT'S m te. M EMMETT WELCH M.M&& Hatll-e-DOl'INU TIIB UOI'lWTCKel B tW HV TSHten 4f wP f.r r f i A I " if aa 7rl i v w kT 1 tl r L:(..KW.t'A .ift . . S d,..yi M$l. l-j f. -u&y . j j iJiu.rr,Mk.,.k,,iUiifiii-h,:J