Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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"Tati1;.""!4'45 WANAMAKER'S
' Stere Owns at 0,
Stere Closes at 5
m -f;
Septefnberls ScampeHnfftAway, and With It Ge the Household Sales
A Hente Ruled With
an Iren Hand
may be necessary sometimes, se let us be
considerate net te misjudge each, ether and
te held back sharp words and have pn hand'
at all times a full purse of soft words, which
may mean mere than geld totseme sufferer
who cresses our path.
September 26, lOSi.
Yeung Women Like the Sports Coats
of CameVs-Hair
They hke the dark tan shade
and the smart lines of the
coats, which can be had with
or without an inverted pleat
in the back.
The coats arc absolutely
plain and are lined with silk
Caracul Is Well Toward the Tep
' of the List of Furs
most fashienable this season.
Its softness makes it adaptable
for n variety of uses. It wears
well, tee, which is a point worth
Beautiful black caracul coats
,in the longer lengths are trimmed
with skunk, fox, lynx or dyed
squirrel, and are often caught at
the waistline with a silk cord
JlfCI if -
I 1 4H . 'u
Ready for the Bryn Mawr Herse Shew
New English Topcoats
in the Women's Londen Shep
Misty colorings and rough
woolens that make one think
of horses and hounds and an
early meet en a frosty morn
ing. Of the finest English mate
rials, they will stand rough
wear and rough weather and
are the ideal coats'te slip ever
riding clothes, te wear m the
meter and te all the sports
events of Autumn.
(The Gllery
Most Women Prefer Leng
French Kid Gloves
Even if the street dress is
leeved te the wrist, a long glove
pulled up ever the arm leeks
better than a short glove. And
with the wide and draped sleeves
uf most afternoon gowns, the
longer gloves are essential.
Fine French kid gloves, in
black, whitu and such street cel
"Spanish" Lace Veils
for Spanish Draped
Hut they are equally its pretty
Alum ueutid around a turban ami
hanging lu a Ions end down enf
All I'nr!n loves the draped veil and
t bids fair te be as much wepi
wp. The veils are In black only.
3.efi te t),D0 ii yard.
Mnln I'loer)
Paris Sends
Velvet Handbags
Picture a soft gray 1"P el
cliifTen velvet in which a sinle
lovely French rose is embroid
ered in the tiniest steel bead,
each bead scaVcely largdrjthan
u Pin point.
Or nnether gray bag with
lie bpurkle of mnrensite in the
beautiful French mounting.
Other bags show gaily' ceU
red stones nnd cabocliens in
the mountings and new ideas
"Hhe slender little handles.
The fur shades and black
a,e tlie most popular for tiav tiav
J'nie use, while for, evening
"'fro ure Mnaller bags in jade
i,i fwerry-rose, porcelain
"iJe and silver.
$' te S75.
(ttluhi I'loer)
through the shoulders and
through the
sleeves. S50I
Sports coats of double-faced
materials with aw Dlaid backs
have cellars of raccoon at ?C8
or of kit-fox at ?48.
14 te 20 year sizes.
girdle hung with heavy tassels.
Graceful capes, suitable for day
or evening wear, are also of black
The shorter box coats and
Balkan blouses are of platinum,
beige or white caracul the most
youthful affairs in a long time.
$395 te ?675.
Carefully tailored and cut
en the loose, English lines
these coats can be had in pole
cloth, tweed, camel's-hair and
Caledonian everplaids. ' In
grays, brown, tan, mouse and
heather mixtures.
Prices range from $48.50 te
Similar coats, fur trimmed,
$75 te $215.
ors as tan, brown, beaver, mode
and gray, are priced:
' S3.7G and $4.50 in eight-button
. $4.75 and $5.50 in twelve-button
, $0 and $7 in sixteen-button
length. i
Silk Underclothes for
Large Women
Tailored nlBhtROWns with strap
shoulders, lu pink, orchid, and peach,
.Step-Inn with lace edging, In pink,
in chid and white, $5.50. '
(Third Vloer)
for Trains
Fer draperjes, tee, and lining?
of wraps nnd fur coats. What
ever the weave, thore is one
thing necessary a softness and
pliability that permits graceful
Ueautiful'new bteches in large
Men's Handkerchiefs
With Initials
v Geed, sturdy Irish linen, and
there is nothing better for every
day 'use.
One style is 35c each, or $.'J.83
a dozen. Twe ether styles, both
having hnnd-embroidered initialh,
are GOc nnd 76e each, or JfG.60"
and $8,25 a dozen.
(Main fiat)
Paris Gowns, Costumes, Wraps
. Continue te (Exhibit Wiytiv
Eebeltne tn tlje jfaten alen
Orginal Medels Frem Paris Couturiers and Exquisite
. Reproductions of Seme of Their Other Most
Delightful Creations
'THE dresses of-one's dreams! The kind of clothes one would
love te wear always, because they express the most perfect
beauty in color, . line and fabric, and the most perfect fitness for
the occasions for which they are intended.
Here are the original models of
Jean Pateu's lovely "Geranium" gown
Lanvin's exquisite "Cyclamen" gown
Pateu's glorious Persian gown, "Ispahan," one of the
most talked-about models in Paris
Pateu's demure "Mitzi" gown for daytime wear
v Werth's wonderful "smyrne" gown
Pateu's enchanting "Thais" in blend velvet
' i Jeanne Hallee's surprising and fascinating "Cam-
bedgienne" gewn-r-
Pateu's gorgeous evening wrap, "Semiranas," and his
novel idea for skin coats.
TTje collections of Pateu were among
the most comprehensive shown in Paris.
He is well represented here. Lanvin,
Philippe et Gas'ten, Cheruit, Renee, Werth,
Molyneux and Jeanne Hallee are also all
well represented in original models fresh
from Paris. ,
In copies carried out in the identical
fabrics and colors are shown also" some
Ne. Less Levely Than the Imported
&xt tlje beautiful JfurErtmmeti Wvnpn and Coats
Jfrem Ijisi &ibc4fje &ea
OARIS inspiration Marvelous materials. Handsome fur trimmings
-"some' of them half of fur! ;
Effects se rich and lovely that it would be difficult te see hew anything
mere regal could originate in Paris itself. .
Fashioned of exquisite silk or wool fab
rics satin cleky, matelasse, duvetyns,
belivias and similar materials in con
junction with kit fox, gray or black mole,
monkey, natural or dyed squirrel, caracul,
New Mourning Millinery
Marie Michel, ' Hermance, Lucien
Tevy and Alice & Henriette are the
names in the. crowns of some charming
black hats, each name a cachet of
Small hats and large ones, with
wonderfully graceful brims, are of un
cut velvet, crepe, grenadine and felt.
New Silks
and Panels
dcs)gns and most gorgeous color
ings jatle, red, brown and deep
blue, 40 inches wide, $6.60 a yard.
New printed liberty satins with
huge connected clots in n strik
ingly contrasted color, J0 inches
wide, $4 a yard.
New Corduroys for Housegewns
Celer is usually the most in
teresting point about corduroy,
and new thore is. n wide choice
navy, brown, wistaria, logan
berry, verbenn, mittuenettc,
cherry, pheasant, bluebird, por
celain or white.
MM -!?
2-' H I' I - -,
EM7-4 V arci"'
T li
. w-31 ;-
t ' i If VKJ
of the best creations of Jenny, Callet,
Miller Soeurs and ethers.
Please enjoy the lovely things. Many
will wish te possess them. Many will buy
them. But ALL may enjoy them while
they are here.
N. B. Nene are being worn, in order
that their purchasers may have them fresh
and new.
(First Iloer)
blue Iceland fox, kolinsky, golden beaver,
silver beaver and ether furs.
The fashions are unique quite differ
ent from coats and wraps of ether years.
The colorings
And prices
(I'lrt Meer)
Stamp of Paris
Especially interesting is the variety of
ways ki which ribbon is used en some.
Others are trimmed with folds of crepe
or with exquisite hand-made flowers.
Prices are moderate, starting as low
as $12 for an American-made hat. and
going te $35 for the finer French hats.
(Krceml fleer)
A Few New
; Georgette Tunics
arc particularly interesting -n
account of the new designs in
which the beads are wrought
one consisting of horizontal
All the several styles are copied
from the French, and the tunic
come in brown, black and navy.
'Prices are $20.75 te $48.73.
(Main Vlew)
02 inches wide at $1 yard.
A new bleck-eiTect in cordu cerdu cordu
tey is in white, orchid, old rose
and" cerise, 36 inches wide,
51.25 yard.
-Softly colored Persian pat
terns, SO inches wide, 51.60
are lovely.
go from .$150 te $475.
With the
Women's Silk
Sweaters Down te $15
A ceuiilft of liuiulreil iiHejietiifr
Hiul n.anj. hunufome eiv ) anions,
All ajv the pure h!ll e' t.ic IlnM
quality and tlicifl nu Ut!i tuxedo
ami sl'.p-en su!rs in all tulet
(Tlrit Vloer)
Fine New Bathrobes
for Children
whole hi ulilpment of wa:mi;r
Hathrcihrn ter cery one, from bain
who wars nl?.n one ye.tr ui te I'pv's
ar.rl Rivls of W, J'.' -"i te ii.
tThlr.l I'loer)
New Chamois-Lisle
Strap-Wrist Gloves,
$1 a Pair
In nil the Autumn llntn th.it wenii'n
want. There me Htyles wlt'a.fcpcai
pnlnt nnd embrelrlrinl backs mirt,
altogether, jplenrtlil cltceilntr nt u
flellnr. The kIewb fit fe well nnr
iTear se well that U H ft satlifactlen
te own fievet'Rl pair,
(Mnln Fleer)
An Adam Dinner
Service in Silver-
Plated Ware
Everything fjrem the tea set
nnd after-dinnei coffee down te
the smallest serving piece comes
in this delightful pattern. And
it does add se much te the ap-
pearance of the table te have the
silver all match.
It is a high-grade electro
silver plate in a soft gray finish
. with just enough decoration.
The five-piece tea service is
priced $12.'J; the coffee urn, $100;
the kettle, $63; a four-compartment
vegetable dish, sulnd dis't
nnd fruit bowl, combined, 01,
and se en.
(Mnln Fleer)
- -. . ..
Jewelry Frem '
the Orient
Every piece is se exquisite in
design, in color and texture that
one does net wonder at the grow
ing favor in which such orna
ments arc held.
Of J.lflr. S75 tn $450
Amber, 60 te $KHi.
Ceral, $'J0 te $275.
AmethVHt, HO te f J 10. '
I.aplfl lazuli, 5U""i.
Tourmaline. $275.
TurquelHH matrix, JSft ami $r.g.
('arnellan, $tfi le JC(.
Malachite, ID'i,
Ivery, plain, J12.50, cirtii HO
and $"u.
V.lue chalcedony, $(e
Tade, $43 te $115 a. pair.
P.O'jlt crystal, $21 te $33 thi l:t
combined with rarnellan.
Oxblood coral, $2!i te 55i.
Topaz with whit'j cold. SZZ
Tepuss dreiia. J3C.
v Amethyct, $42.
v f.aplH lazuli. $S2.3e te 5C4
Cnrnell.in, $2d te J'Ji)
Cmbuiic!L, .5.
(Main Fleer)
It Is Cretonne Season
Bright new cretonnes for every
use are coming in. There are
hundreds of patterns from which
te select. 23c te $3.75 a. yard.
(Fifth Fleer)
Fresh Flowers
Frem Paris
It might truly be said that
they are the prettiest blossoms
ever produced by French fmseva
from metal gauze and tissue.
They arc intended te be used
in fasten!!!.? d: aperies of evening
gowns or as hair ornament?.
Seme are in bright or an'.iquc
geld, ethers in steel, silver or eld
rose color. Single flower. or
.-prays, Sec te $3.50 each. re: re: re:
toens by the yard, $1.50 te S12.."0
a nrd.
(Main Fleur)
The Lew Prices in the Sale of
Fine Individual Furniture
new' going en in the Little Heuso are a delightful surprise te
The collection is composed almost entirely of treasure
'pieces, but they are priced en a level with the ordinal y
commercial types.
A hand-painted sewing stand
in old ivory enamel, blue and
geld, with ill. sewing bag, .SU.."0.
A hand-painted niaplt scning
1 table, with blue and geld cur!
maple base ."51.
A scoep-siat armchair, a pine
Chippendale t.pe, in mahogany
with daiucik cat. $"-.
A Queen Anne writing table of
(I"f li
Many Beautiful Oriental Rugs
Newly Arrived
New Scrap' .ig- of lemnikabl;
fine hcavv qua'ily, from ll.ItK
8.1 ft. at ?2T" te i:;.lx!.i 11. at
New .Malm' i'ug, exeelien'
grades, going from 10.4x7." ft
at .$185 te l'2.:.M ii. at $2S7.
Blankets $10
Rare Value
Through and
Woven warp and weft
of pure. l')i)g-taple Cape
Colony wool.
Construction is the best
known h the blanket
Size 72x8-1 inches. In
plain colors or plaids.
Satin .bindings. S10
each, and here only.
Cost in the country, we
(Sixth Fleer)
Every Man en the Street Has a New
Swing te His Step
It's Fall buoyant Fall, with a chill in the
breeze. The whole town's up and doing and men
are coming face te face with the fact that
A Geed Topcoat Is a Mighty
Necessary Thing te Have
Warm enough for ceni-
ferl. yet light enough net
te be a burden.
And what topcoats they
are the new ones, at
Men's coats through
and through.
Youth, energy, vigor.
Every line of the coats
fairly talks it. And back
of it all is that nuiet dig
nity that gees te make a
man "well dressed."
(third Fleer)
There Must Be Stiff Cuffs en
the Fall Shirt, Men Say
Straight, stiff cuffs attached, naturallyNef the same
color and pattern as the rest of the shirt.
Seme of the newest te come are of unusually .joed
woven madras in strines of every size " .' every arrange
ment. Every color, tee.
The price is .'.
(M:tin J'luw)
High Shoes Start for as Little
as the Lew Ones- $6.40
Men agree, it's mightv reasonable for such geed
Brogues, rather modified, shapely and fashionable,
of grained calf and marked everywhere with tiny per
forations. Along the edges of the seams smartness is .'rained
by the sawtoeth effect.
They can be cither black or tan.
plain Fleer)
early maple with floral hand
decoration, 21!).
A satin-weed desk, a little gem,
combining the roll and folding
top 10.".
A three-drawer satin-weed and
l:irtiier chest en ctirl muple base.
Hundred of ether t!elihtlul
things, all at half.
1 1'ier)
New Saruh- uf :-A beauty.
av( rag.'ng abejt .t.OxG.O ft. at
SI 7.") te e20(). Other .Saiul.e,
about e.(i::5 ft. ar S75 te ?Kk.
New Dezart-, Ilamadan weave,
l.tlxti.ii ft., S8." te S1U".
1 lenl I
The New Beeks
include William J. Lecke's book,
"The Tale of Triena," whieli i
a!(I te be one of the most charm
ing of all this writep elarni'ij'
stories. Price 2.
Otheis aie "The Heuse of De
lusion." by Uupert Sargent Hol Hel
land, Sl.Tfl; "The Cat's lnw," liy
Natalie Sumner Lincoln, SI. 75,
an 1 "Canine's Fell." by tiilbert
Parl.er, 2.
( Main I let m
Imported Dells at
Old-Tariff Prices
Hew a little girl loves a dell
with curly hair, "real" eyelashc
and eyes Dint go te fclncji! Here
are all full-jointed dells with
bi.sque heads and hewed wigi.
Hlue eyes and brown, dark hair
or light, according te prefeienee.
12 t-) !10 inches, ?2 te $10.
Kid-boil, dell., alr.e full
jointed, are 15 inches high nt
?2.50 and 2H inches ut f5.
BTfnth l'lter)
There arc raIan-cut
coats that arc beltlcss nnd
raglan-cut coats with half
belts or belts all around.
And there are the new
English-cut coats that just
hang gracefully straight
without a belt or any
thing. They have the
button-through fronts for
three or sometimes four
Full and free coats
every one. And reason
able, tee. $.';5 te SMS.
Littse TiiTse Left,
Sale of
12:5 if his Vyis.'x
Ju.t four days mere in
which te take advantage of the
real money s-avings in nearly
e.ery branch e. hauehe.d
Aluminum ware, iten ware,
kitchen cabinets, clothes
baskets, bathroom fixtures,
cut or j and .ce.es of ctner
hoiihehuld necessities a r e
marked at aeragc savings of
2 7 per cent.
Whirlpool Electric
Dishwashers, S85
Hand-operated Whirl,
peel Dishwashers, SlG.eO.
Other Electrical
Specially Priced
TdHttrr. R,S0
teillld l.rllla st
l-r'ip l'"rr,.lnl,ir ln,)!n
Hci'Miir Feil . n,.10
iirlliicr Iren ,j(ii 7j
I niniilrj Irim, 3.:5
The Lanw
Sale "
Seines Bnrisr
arcd Brighter
With New Ooeds
Constant new arrivals keep
ii bright every day, but time
i. running short.
ll nli Urr lump hIii1fm nrr new
lit rrniurUiililv leiv irlim 4.1e tn
'.'. Mil nlir Iii.m te .im,m. from.
rrei li.ini... for tiil'l nnd
'loer, ii, r enr-tlilril Irna, nun KII.7S
te KI0..MI, Tnrl i.rlr., lrtwftn.
Ml lurfH mrtiil lllirnrr
lamps .nmnlflr w III, indr unit
ill iinlpnifiil iiimi :,B0, h frnr frnr
(Ien of llir iirlrnnl prlrr,
I'em hrlilrr lump, urr rrnnr.
illi.nrj mine- ut n.ln, s.l.1 and
tjtif (00
Pisces of
Ditniner Wars at
MaSf In
the China
.Ia mltlnc lenl (., ait
null In 5, (I. 7 anil U Inili U(I,
t'emplrli. , Jllr,
Tlilnlilenii cr.taliil ! laai
blrm. iliolie of tlclit-rut
rliliril dei'i rutlent, 0 rath,
(Fourth Fleer)
- t.-
, Vn& gfef K, jiL-fi, r i ,
'.i Jmji t'.','A',V.,iiiitf.
v ii, . t f'Vfe . , (
Vir I.
, ' -.s a, kvsk I L -. t m .cu-f .-Vy,,. ,
.iXfiiA-if-M-X .)Vi-Js-i4j