TA85?! 'W ,v "5:pv, W "WOW ;iWI 'rm -' f v V 'i, i Y V ?S4 )N ' v , v Wt EVttNJLNt vFDBLIO LtiDGElk-PHILxlD.tiLPMl!A., TUESDAY, EPTEMBEK 20, 1 UOO. ft .1.1 WW V,'. I WWW$?WWww MK TIES FOS U.0FHIS1EN Somber Hue Befits Moribund Brains, Declare Sophomores, Who Enjoin Obedience NEW RULES ON POSTERS The rnmpus lit the University of i....! .lil.1i ,-,,iiiiiii Vrlrl.nv. Is l FCn" ' .... BrnBm-n te-.ny '" ' " " vhleh fnnl-onieres cenfltl'-ntU believe rrlll strike terror in every ircsiiiwin. benrf. It is the recurrent "open known" for jJjp 0.,(nrln" clnss. and rl'n snp'iomere ''rl'l'imtes' are prewllni; about the campus looking for youths of verdant mien who iieclcct te cover tncir cranium-! wtli tlm n"eeptnb' "Ink snot," Of ten spen rcn m or iuemi.v nw, vlmt mnv imTien in uiciu i ii-ns.- traled RriipM"al1v In the rmster. w-Mcli thews sinful freshtnnn belnt; whncVd v, lth n r,nii-stumiei emu inie mu i- . emlnlmiH sha'lews of the "fres pond." nnml Styles change, even ter ircsnmcn. aim this ynr's rcculntione enjoin upon them the wea-Ing of "regultitinn block cloth ties." Wue tics were the thin? last Tear. Black caps, black sex and black ties, constituting this yenr's sartorial symphony for freshmen, are symbolic of fii moribund if net entirely dead con ditien of their brains, in the opinion of , tncir eiaers, me i-.einuuiuru. , This. ear. ns usual, cnen ircsiimnn will cet a "students manual." better i knvii ns the "Freshman's Bible." but dm r.r. enllemn ei tins tiseuu tome tiui' .nnl'nincM linve etuletised the fresh man's rule of life into ten "command- ments," bet forth en the pesters. Punishment for Violations Violation of the rti'cs entnlls dir punishment, which may take the form of a ireg nenu uucing in uic umuii- enter me erapiev ei an uiburnncc com cem nlil Onrdens. or the milder form of Jianv. Toeeood wns president of bis being forced te make a speech en what" sophemoie and senior clas nnd a mem Mb'ect it may best please the sophe- ber of the football, cricket nnd tennis mores te henr their victim's clequcice. teams. On the clnss day of 1020 he wns The Hophemoro clnss will gie a re- awarded the class spoon when he was ceptien te the freshman class tomorrow eted the most popular man of his evening. class. unlit i i -3 it 8IXTY-FIVE YEARS A LEADER Harms eluticitT. confermi te the fizure. Ne binding, no cramping. Meaiurea full site, girutg the freedom required. MADE IN Flit Knit Spring Needle. Fine Wools mired with cotton. A Protection Aftalnit Celda and Sadden ChlUln ftb Bedy. Guamnteei NOT te Shrink Light. Medium and Winter Welchta El.tht Qualities S1.75 te $5.50 per Garmeat Atk Your Dealer Glastenbury Knitting Ce. (Jlastenbury, Conn., Dept.,83 Sample Cuttings Free JOEL DAILY, DAVIS CO. KOBERT Wlielfnale f( My The pride you can feel in an ESTEY A piano is the one thing ou provide for your home with the expectation that it will last a lifetime. It repre sents the largest single investment you make for your heme: Ne ether single rieccssity costs set much. Why then net get a piano like the ESTKY that will he a source of lifehmg pride? The KSTKY will constantly (ill juur cje with admira tion of its beauty. It i also a musician's piano. Your musical friends will always be eager te teat themselves at its keys. Moreover, ESTKY is a name in which you will have unbounded pride. It is a enerablc and honored name in music a name of solid worth such as you will be proud te have seen en a piano in jour home, much like having the mark of "Sterling" en your silver plate and the names of standard authors en our books. VXTUY best-known musical riume in the world. Mera than half a m'lllun ;iluies nnd organs have been vintlfl find are In use in evenj country en the jlebc. HI Cll .1 lll'.COItP JXSMltUX COXF1DEXUV. 'the l.ttcy i'iifijMJ(iiiiif nt jj'iih makes it possible te airaniie your uiuh terms te thin reason. Used I'lrm.s lU'-iiitnl In tatniiiiu an partial payment. "TrKe.l'itilOH Jlepreiluc ntf 1'ianen, I'laycr.l'lav.es ami listen Oipans, Victer Vlctrnlai. tinnera Tiilklnu Machines, Cheney Art I'honeyraphH ami Victer Kvcertla ESTEY COMPANY . . ESTEY HALL Hi iin anu vvauiut zjuccia At 7:30 the "frcMi" will asvsmMe In tlip nunilranRle of tlip dormitories nt llilrty'Kcventli Ftret nml Wood land nvenne. Hearted "by tlir rftlrlne prtsltlent of tlip roplinmerc cIums, Frank it. llnltcy, tliey will mnreb. In n body from budding te btiilillns nn the enrnnu. ltniiey will be insisted bv incmbcrH of the F'lni-q mid Sphinx", senior honorary podrtles. The freshmen will ha't tit each build injc and will be te'd Its history. When the tour has ended the rcll of the clnss of 11120 will be taught the freshmen. Each clnss has its par tietinr yell. The "fresli" will then proceed te Wclshtman riall. where every one will be forced te kiss the feet of ncnjitmlii Franklin' t-lntue, which is in front f the (?mnaslum. They will then enter the gymnasium nnd meet (he sophomores. Durlnjr Inst year's reception n corns C C B C IU of sophomores were busily operating idpr'tl - ln flTniiPCfl nti llm l,nn,1 nt ,nnl i frclYmnn. The citric cIIdpcm nit ' ;,u.atll tic wi(jfj, of tj,c Hipper down i tin? slile of tlic "fresh ' head. Tin- nature of the first greetlm; for this yeur's clnss is net known, but It pujs every freshtnnn te attend the rece'itieu. After the first greetings arc ever the two classes usually proceed te Franklin Flc'd and under the glare of are lhhts intcrcltvs wrestl'ng matches, tu?-ef-war contests nnd ether features are held. Ah the new stadium at FrnnkHn Field Is net niiltc! cempleted, the Intcrclnsa contests will p'ebnblv take rt'ncp en tin? Held in front of the Commercial Museum tuts time Official reaistrntten nt the University of I'ctmsjlvaiiia began this morning with long lines of "students, mostly freshmen, awaiting the opportunity for enrollment.. Tt is expected that at least 10.000 will register nt the bursar's office. The total enrollment win pass the n.uw- Innrk. but many of the upper classmen registered last year. . , Ai-uivim ecuntini kouelu ine I'jxci'iiuve Lemmmre ei ine Aluinul Association nml Beard of Man agers of Haverford College tedny an nounced the selection of Granville V. Toegood, CIivs of 1022, ns alumni sec retary nnd assistant te the president te fill the vacancy left by Albert T. Itedgers, who resigned October 11 te i " i im KE1S & CO. Distributors The Estcy Euan-Payment Plan makes it possible te arrange your own tcrmu within reason. Used Pianos accepted in ex change an partial payment. a piano 8 Dr''laaaataBlllllESat'lllisBBIII LOOK at our ADDING MACHINES before you buy All Makes, Lewest Prices COLLINS, f 31 Chestnut St.' j rhone: Wilnut 3113 Li i eSSHSESS5BScSH5HSH5Z55HSHSZ5HSEj MICHELL'S BULBS Hyacinths, Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, Lilies, etc White Narcissus Fer growing in pebbles and water; will produce in a few weeks a profusion of beautiful flowers. Sew Gress Seed New te cover up the bare spet3 and crowd out the fall grass. We have mixtures for every purpose. OATALOO FREE Stere Clceet 6:30 V M. Sally 518-516 MARKET ST. mnPurchaiinK AgenU' Ordera Accepted mDBMail Order FilledK!K Send for Fur Catalog 1 1 WIS Chestnut Street. 1 Last Four Days Of OiJliANMJALAmICE! AH Odds and Ends AT HALF OFF!! TriauBeu" ;&Pf?. French Seal Tz-i h...... . - ty..v.W: Cape ,, ..'.:v"V 175 00 : i iS$??. ,: ? Ms. Winter i-;v:..:;n "''''' -.S' .. ?.:..:.:...;.-..: i'rlce t'-"":-" ,::...::."" 'rice ...::.:.:..' 'nee :?:.;. ::;::. -':s ;'" ' ' "" SoO.eo EVERY ODD AND INCOMPLETE LOT MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY REGARD LESS OF WORTH, COSTS OR PROFITS. TT Fer you, this means colossal values. Fer, you, this J means Furs at half price; for value is the route H by which we clear all odds and ends. As the lets are strictly limited, we urge you te shop early tomorrow, for each and every item is a me3t remarkable value, offering the greatest saving opportunities of the season. A Small Dcpeiit Will Reterve Your Purchase in our Storage Vault until Required. Storage Free. Ouunllly Russian Peny Cedls. . 7 French Seal Delmans. 6 French Seal Coats. . . 5 Russian Mamiet Coats 6 Fitch-Trim'd French Seal Coats, 40 in. long. 6 Natural Muskrat Coats, rmdc of dark skins. 4 Seal-Trimmed Leepard Cat Coats, 40 inches 5 Natural Raccoon-trimmed Marmet Coats. . 7 Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats 200.00 3 Civet Cat Coats 250.00 4 Black Caracul Coats. 40 inches long 250.00 2 Scotch Moleskin Coats 330.00 3 Scotch Moleskin Capes and Wraps, full length 350.00 3 Caracul Capes, Squirrel-trimmed, full length. . 390.00 4 Natural Raccoon Coats, 40 inches long 4 Huden .Seal Capes, full length 3 Hudsen Seal Coats, self-trimmed 5 Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Ce.sts, 40 inches 3 Btaver-Trimnicd Hudsen Seal Coats 4 Squirrel-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats 4 Natural Squirrel Coats 2 Alaska Seal Coats and Wraps, full length. . . 3 Persian Lamb Coats, 40 inches, skunk trimmed 2 Natural Squirrel Capes, full length 2 Broadtail Wraps, full length I Ermine Cape, full length Natural Mink Ceat, 40 inches long . Chokers, Scarfs and EXTRA LARGE SIZE COATS AND WRAPS UP TO 54 BUST HaJien Seil it Dyd Mmkrat fr'"rS SH h Dtr! Cirr HnrT"''lt""nT,l''M"fll clr8 Purchuea .Billed November First mimmaj ;i y" Sii WS 11 i ZZZ, nt&tyewl&me , ' C SI I COMPLETE satlif action win M J JSgfcw Jmk"i&V2itv In I a jeurii ns te material and work- 7 I (ZLKjrH V'Sr'lr'lfiA.' ril In mafh n.lf von tiu . your II UkSSHbI jSK?J2MOTEVlk ffl U Lighting Fixtures i jgfflfgggggg n! IU We ffufrrtnt absolutely (ha a I II 1 H 9jH2p SSSBSSUS V S K I 'Irelv rif 8e1lit brass), whtls tlm U I1B ataM5flMS,I7.,BNOX. pj I OKlirnVi no erter are unlque and 9 TtTrr!cJgWaZg3iBPrBL )f)'flHSS V a iU -r,n r"5" """"" ,DU" IU lilll- " ill WIWII i.ga P IB JissrS, I SL' my.,, w.n n VBrnssasp jssadmms&smrim&ttnb m rwm& : rv pMQNt-tomwiAiei. nil' g, , ...ii L-jtimi.i-. u km w jz2&l t 'r' i '.rs Nnjel is a lubricanfc-net a HI7PWRHOHM medicine or laxaUve se 'iiIv.yv.p :'.. M cannot gripe. taiffi:S'SfMfc ' : y'"' ' "' iWPPH1 lIFwS--' ' '- ' When you are constipated, I ilg& t net enough of Nature's ' BKBRBh lubricaUng liquid is pre- fflB!Mp!K!Sffi duccd in the bowel te keep I th2!$Ea$R TVM'iTO'lSftSSJii the feed waste soft and L4flffiSlliX moving. Doctors prescribe I KJjKg(lBrB Nujel because i 3j38tfflTC4fJStSagT ' h acta uke I gamayefaQra 1 j v this natural ' K2ailSTii?tK 9 r lubricant and ? XJWKJ&&i?AL-?2ira U tbfK,'VZta ZV" tts3Frtf9nVxi'Lj- tvitdflil thus replaces HaKJaJSKwC-lc3L T M-$2g&-t 55 x'lS'c2wWCf,V, TiBEVhH yps&w S TV "nzP? f"rwf wh Clever uay p ' V Te-morrow && l&Ll Repairing and Remodeling done new at one-third below winter price Pay for work vhn d'l'vercd. Winter I'rke 120.00 120.00 120.00 140.00 140.00 160.00 160.00 180.00 Salr l'r'c 59.50 59.5C 59.5 69.50 69 5" 79.50 79.5 89.50 98.5" 125.00 125.00 165.00 175.00 195.00 195.00 192.50 192.5 245.00 250.00 295.00 345.00 395.00 244.00 394.0 495.0: 495.0' 390.00 390.00 390.00 490.00 490.00 500.00 590.00 690.00 690.00 690.00 990.00 990.00 400.00 695.00 Steles at Half-Price STRyWBRIDGE & CLOTH I ER nun i''- 1111 iiiiij-ttv-v iiiBhUB .-, -iff-iwi w m b m . . mttH n ri jrr i. .1 rii .iA I i i I And Anether One Thursday An announcement that thrills every thrifty woman! Clevej: Day is the most famous and most widely imitated (in outward form) economy event in the country. Originated years age by this Stere te promote the clearance of month-end accumulations of merchandise, Clever Day, through the character of its values, has grown se universally famous that new in addition te season-end clear-out groups we are constantly acquiring many manufacturers' surplus and special lets of advance-season merchandise te sell under the Clever Signs, at prices that reflect very great price-concessions indeed. That is why te-morrow in addition te the hundreds of ether value groups, you can cheese from excellent assortments of fresh new Autumn and Winter Apparel and accessories at typical Clever savings. A Few of the Clever Day Specials Fer Children and Misses SECOND FL.OOK NEW COATS $22.50 I MISSUS" Winter Coats of soft all wool cloaking', lu tan, cailftt blue or I gray and Kiecn double-faceJ cloak I lug. Klzes 11 te IS .e.u-H. ! NEW DRESSES $22 50 MISSES' finely tailored Drcffes l with bell Mccves. Uce vetoes nnd braid-trimmed Sizes 11 te IS year. ' NEW DRESSES $13.75 MISSES' Dreads of I'elrrt twill or uoel epenKf, In lew-walsted tin belted style ulth ln--rt pwkets, I colored stitchtnK or br.ilil trimming. I Sizes 14 te IS year.". COATS $7.50 TO $15.00 1 liini.S' Coats of tweed, over ever iilaldH or of tan or cadet blue clonl. clenl. inpr. Sl...a 10 te lfl years. WASH DRESSES $2.65 i CURLS' n.'W Dressen of checked arid plaid gingham and plain colored chambray, In stralglit-llne rtjle. Sizes 0 te 14 year?. THIRD KI.OOH 1 COATS NOW 54.95 CHILPRKN'S Tailored Coats et chlm hi. la cletli In oiniuinerr brown and tia;. Sizes 1! te i, jcus 51.93. i l'ole llatf. te match, ICjc. INFANTS' KNIT GOODS l A wonderful let of Knit Goed3 ' Sacqtie.i, Cap", Swwitrie, Hooters , greatly under prlM J5c te :.GU. I FIRST FLOUR UNION SUITS 50c (URLS' White Clauze Cotten Inleu 1 Suits, low neck, no sleees, bloomer knees. Seconds. WAIST SUITS 39c CHILDREN'S Ribbed Cotten Waist i t-- ii ml r price ut -.Sic. CHILDREN'S HOSE 25c TlTf ar er Inttth of rlhbcil tnt-rcei Izrd lili! with bread ribbed turn-eer tops. Thy are "imper feeth" of a quality that tells for double. STOCKINGS 20c Aerage half pi Ice. uf ribbed cotton lu black, white ami lonleiati I Secendc MISSES' SHOES $3.15 Tan calf huv nad patent lac Slims fiem uvular i-tuck, bread, nnturo-thane l.it with oak-tanned welted -ok. All 'fs SHOES NOW $2,15 CHILDREN'S tan calf bu t n aid lacu Slims and brown kid button Shots- bread iiatii'v.hap,' Hm.- SHOES NOW $2.95 VUCNU (URLS' tihi.fs. broken hlzes and tln-rt-fere. n-e.itv r.diaed SLIPPERS NOW 90c MlhSLS' I'lnk Kit Mlimerx will comfy i- ! " mull r'ei ii,,.. ,, i,, SWEATERS NOW $3.01) Children' Wm.l mi at.r, iiif0 in ball' 1" cm hi (in Fabrics and Trhmninns FIRaT FLuuR Weel T'-ieetiiif, .lU-iiifh S1.C5 oel Checks and Stu'ius, inrhe-s wide l '.)" it yiinl '"'iiiitiin C'tde, lll-iiu'h 'Jii.T.'i Viuliu-i .jik. -lii-ncli $'.'..S.i Hli'ck i-';ii'ii (i 1 M p SI. (J.i Cliften V"Uvl. hliieV $,r..bu i Silk-iiinl-C'"ttnii I'enl'n, for T liii'iiKh fee ii yard leal Pccale 'n m-nt rt'in-u jsc Wevpn M'nl"af ;!hirtiuir li.V Knenuii Si'iti'iR:, pliccWed 5Sc Stiuv'i'vd l"iryb '!i'i"f''atu '-"mY I en'-' C'ctli roe'I 'tiality Mc White c'li-'rnx -'hi tin" '("c Torehnn 'ace ''c; VA va-ilh ' Snunifh 1 cc li'leiiii"inirn 'A.'A,i "e'i'u Hlbben. GU-li.ch 38c '(. Women 's Apparel at Clever Dai Savings Si:COND FLOOR DRESSES NOW $13.00 Crepe de chlne In black, ruixy blue dark brown aid uhl'c, plaited model with loose beaded slf-es, vestee. DRESSES NOW $18.75 t'npp df chine In black, nay blue, daik brown and white; plaited and paneled '""'it-Is SUITS NOW $24.50 Nearb one third less thsn regular, of ulama cloth In black, nay blue, dark brown and Sorrento blue. Leng (cml-flttcd coat, full cellar, detacli uble b It SUITS NOW $2G.50 Fine Tricetiiin Siuth In black, navy blue and dark brown aemi-llttcd long coat, wilh lashtd seaiut.; may be worn ",,-i or w "ie"- b.lt. SUITS $7.50 TO $15 HALF PKICi: .Medium -weight Suits, of worsted ji-rsej . linniespun and tweed. Net tl sizer. In each material, but all t'.zc.i from 30 te lhs ' th' let COATS NOW $22.50 Weel veleurs, a ! u of Uelivin: made en Imig. fti ng'ii litit'-, belted all nmunl, b-aiitifull : ilk lined throughout .Mi a am and daik shades of bruw.i .V irlv all hae fur U COATS NOW $17.50 sports dial--, three qua' ter length, full, unbelted back, beited front; Raglan fie, w-,. K.l sli.m,, at hand, held lu by i'ar. if ib sired. Dark lnlxtllie.- and tan c1 laklng- III plaid effect be i, ,1,1 .' v ' d, COATS NOW $12.50 IIALF-FRICi: iLr:RANCi: of llcht-welght r ips anil (eat-, cluetl; inie uf a kind All high-, lass gar liieilt.", eilgn,d'.l. i.i"ie Ui, m double DRESSES NOW $21.75 Feiret Twill Drcs-rf In coat, vedlngote and panel ef'ects Black. nay blue da-,, brown one-third l''-3 ll'll" IVll"' NEW SKIRTS $5.00 Ww ailt'iinn klits plaited rind plain hpeit n " b -. m tin- fashion able blue-aiiil tan ,iid black and vvhite ilii iil.i .ii. ,1 -iniie" Werth "EVLNCOA'I'S NOW $6.25 Rilbbcrlzcil i ,n t ir ' 1 'tli I'eaTi in blue and in t in i ,i,. in m, in belti-1 ttjl" W 'tl. III. -I. -, - . , ,11 ,. MINK SCARFS $25.00 Twe-iikm M. it- 'i te-- r . b lin w i tunc ' i1- ' ,; ' " niv FUR SCARFS SI S.75 Canadian W lf i.arfs In the open animal Mjb, lm.il wnh tlne crepe de chine. Ulack aid I u ii hh.idea et VVU COATS S135.00 wonderful nli itmra Mu-U iril Coats with cm- i .- I.n and deep eff.i of the musk , 1,1.1-ian 1, - i ,,.it n-'.i. ,.i- , . i(UM, PETTICOATS 53.85 WORTH Ml i II M"Ki: 'K ,aiej, lafffia. mi, ,i . t,,p Mm, tafleta lleuiu e. Hi i, k ,1.1m colors and ""11 ten , if n-'.. TRIMMED HATS $3.85 Hats of the t.i-n 'i ible bke k 1 a"iii vn'V' wMiai-i'v i.n ,.,1 TAILORED HATS $2,011 Ol Mlk-tll'-nil 1,MI- t! 1 i.K'il W.I, I . ' I tab" e- b .w - TAILORED HATS Sl.00 11 ue half pi ice ui. 1 U .1 1, 1 1 -rutliilCllt lain 11 I i,i 1 i.i i.gul.n BLOUSES NOW $1.95 meri; than e n i:-'i h i it i 1 NDKR I'RICU. Uaeutiil IIIeus.m h, whltn and In black, la.leied and' cinl-in'ler"il BLOUSES NOW 50c Half prien for these- Whltu ,ille Rleuses In 1'eter Fan s lr, ake a lew in fr"l --,,.( j., ,,,, , BLOUSES NOW $1.50 odd let.-, grentb hJikiI Wl.lt. v'e dbulty, eigii.u ,ti. i ta mivd ii id trlmnied Alse imi n,i Uleuw. b and Over.Uleus.ea ia u,e jui. IS THIRD FLOOR HOUSE DRESSES $1.95 Levelv Freck of Impetud gitur ham lu black, blue, brown, grefii am red checks; organdie cellar and tuft tuft tuft soine with eigamlie s.ihhc, sues ; ' te 10 UNDERWEAR $1.85 Philippine Kmbreldeied Nigh' (iewns and Kuielupe CUmihsee e.v ellcnt value CORSETS NOW $1.S5 Discontinued models In S ,v Spt-'lal. Neiiin, W 15.. and ether will known makes Many different med tli, wnll-bened. lightly boned and tiaptle-tep Seme, wel Ui umte than deLble CORSETS NOW $3.95 Wendtrftit values ill S . C. Sp"- Iril. Smart Set uud ethf r make., i-hiell in ' ink brocade. BRASSIERES NOW 50c Seme worth trebl Heek front and hook back, pink and white. Mau lace-triiiimed NIGHT (JOWNS 95c Vlanneitn,- N'igbt downs in pink and Idii" 'ripcd iffect-j, and whit, Naln.ioek Nigut liewns. trimmed wl'li embreldrv nr In lust.iching ODD LPTS OF MORNING FROCKS 95c TO $1.95 unlv ui" of a kind in Mime n stanct's, but a 1 Dic-i-s worth nier. thai! duUbk t!e. l'Ues Checked, i trlped ami 1 laid gingham and plain colored ch.iu hi.iv !- zi 3i te I'l e lh; let. bin i ' in tacli stvli CHEMISES NOW S5c Lne'epe i h, ml-.s of nainsoek trimmed w'th ,ac- and finbrel ler . MUSLIN UNDERWEAR UNDER PRICE A tnanuf.v tin-i' mp p'e Ik1 of Muslin Cndi-i w. ,i , n ludlng MglH i -iewns. Ln, In,- i- h-mii" anu ''estunie ii's, ii - f'.urtU unIr prue. riRfT 1 l.i'eR (JLOVES NOW $1.25 l-'inc Imported lil.i'- I imbskm 'ue,s. in tw-e-i'lasn '-ijli-, b! i-I, n idi- t.ui brown and i"ij. LACE COLLARS 10c lllipiiltid VflllFP Lice "'iill.n 111 lvtfr Tan, 'Iiitde nnd ilai ttlr, tk, :i anv jiatii'iii-. i,, wh t. and i-cru HAIR GOODS $3.95 'I i i.l. ti in wlttiirs In tin- Jfi mill biig.b. ,,i.d ..-l.ch Waiv Transfei.i. itiu -, Mjiu of c.uh in M 'VESTS 3!c AN'D 45c Fun- r.ililnd cm mu V, -ts hand t',i ,uw ii, i k i , '-r.s, Ugulur . izi r ''lie tr i si- -Lie COTTON VESTS 12 ' 2 c liibbed i i.tb n n !,iw ut. "ill li BE D "c'OTTi U N ION SUITS 38c AND 4."ie IkllHl tuji, I iw In , k 1 ., s' i If tight or Iiiiki- liiuf. Riguiar .-i'.is "' , i'ra sin-. -1.",. STOCKINGS 50c Full - fashioned in. i.niVi-d hsk, in b'i,i k ai'd .', us STOCKINGS NOW $1.0(1 I'ti'l-fasliinm-il i. st, ..'iiu.-, in STOCKLN GS NOW' $ 1 .35 Hiat i.-i . un, .1 ... si, j, ' .Uf, -, w i ii f ml i .. i i d ,1 . ', . SWEATERS NOW $ 1.35 ' bur J -d ', In, Si.il I- i i at ui III '" r lili.f- PUMPS NOW $IJ95 'iray UiKlc-kui runip.i 1'laln 'e. s twn - urim pattrrn. light - wghi weltrd selrs and cow-red Leuia hrtk". All I ui"' wld'liw SHOES NOW $3.25 Hlack lil.Ufil KnU'ii I.inv Slnn-f, 'or t. ndt i i ! ii. ml. pc in ni f' 1.111 111,- ,1 I I' , , Mi, , Ilia k Mil iiNfn'ii- w ie I sou seu and milium i i s m i in in- e feida with Cuba i h. i U , also brown ffluziil Kid.slUn UNferds. Fer Beys SCCOND FLOOR SUITS WITH EXTRA TROUSERS $9.35 trt.nflv inatle. n oil-cut Hulln in 7 te l rar" OVERCOATS 57.75 firm Ceals of clilnihllln cletli tly tullet il, fcr lieyii te 1" nt ngi Small Beys' Suits $2.75 .tiinmr iiulis 1" Cdlyr Tuit l,i;I5. villi Mlll W.'llf nml tn"I tieti.'"f-. ?wt ,,j s :'nrn. r.c-illeiii I Milur. Autumn Caps 65c Werth mere tlian Oetiblf. Smart, practical Caps or ivfet ni'l HlltlUBS In n ' ' x.ety of xliails. Percale Blouses, 50c Fane:- 'Urlpf-s m vark.u M-lths ami Kliades. All "' f.ft uttaclicd cellar. I-JUteT FLOOR Union Suits 50c r,hhb' "otten 'iauzc itjiif". . ends of ii Krurle that M-lli 'or i.n--li:ilf mere AiliMii. f. Ir Beys' Shoes 83.45 In a variety of htjlea from our rcRtilnr stock, net all vlzs In any one sole, uertii ene-tlitnl mere. Bevs' Lace Shoes $2.95 Werth etir-li.ilf mere T . Tt alf Inc Sir hi "h brea 1 off ik-t.innnl ,ilea anJ iiibL.T In .!.. AH t-lzc.- Fer Men snreND ri.uer. Brand-New Autumn and Winter Sruts "ALCO" llal.r $26.50 iJra.id-iicw Alce Suits m rlh and fabrli-a that unartl -dresseil eung mill and eld.-r men will be wearing the coming season at a saiing of Tbeut one-fourth as bar-oil en retail iirn-f!. right new Winter Overcoats $22.50 Men a and eung men's L'ltder an I T .Heretic uvt-reeats. of all-wool fabra ". t-.ci-Uently tailored. InO Spring Sui'ts $20.00 Mi'u ati'l ether geed makec A -1 ranee price lu runny Instaucce ler than half the former print. Suits With Twe .Pairs of Trousers $22 Worsted and cassliTure Smt t ( palri of trousers, In itl with ler im-ii and jeung tuui. Youths' LoiiR-tieusers Suits, i half price 10.00. Separate Trousers $3.7j. FIKhT Ff.ru r: IADRAS SHIRTS $1.60 , Ni.ineretii fi.ittt-rus en line-count Madras, v itli stuiiea nuien through. FANCY PAJAMAS $1.25 1 lese te w hele.salc prlce. Uf line materials. In fancy stripe?, well made, wltn neat tres trlmmliiB. All tizes te start. fi PAIRS OF SOCKS 65c of black cotton with extra strenu te-mfurced heels und tees, seconds uf i Brad,- usually nearh double this pri. e. riiztw i)i., 10 and lui3 IMPORTED SOCKS 50c , i 'f en tut-1 s-hnlr and hether- ' ii!ed. In siz.- 'i'. te ll'-j. FlrstH n ribbed wool, and well under prlc. UNION SUITS 60c Mhletlc s-tle. Of check naln naln e.ik. and wurth cien one-half mere. UNDERWEAR $1.25 lit white merino, fur men Half , P i . lin aus, tin .ir.--spcends. Made b tli. Aim ricaii IbKilerv Company in mml inn welKht- Mlitu with lenn , r 'Ien sVef-, and 1'rawera, ankle leiistn 1 .0 a R 1 1 iiir-iit. PULL-OVER SHIRTS 40c et white caiixi- cotton Seconds et inulitv iikuI.iiIv stdllni; at iniire than twice tlui "lecr price. Net all tiza. (i HANDKERCHIEFS, $1.15 I of plain In j. n p.r men. Neatly In nislilcliid I MEN'S BOW TIES 50c 1 all ,.iic-h.ilf null, rii-ntlfiil uJuntiKs ,iiid ileiium in s, I, ,. from, in, Ij.Iu.k dots, timiris unci tri;i(n, FOUIMN-HANDS 50c Half pi'.. I '.ilk-lit at ,i ,-p,,-la , ,i ,(. , ,ni,-. --siiiii fruui mi. et our lest Nt.ktl suppllcrp. LarKO ai 1, t MEN'S SHOES- -54.95 Werth ima- eiie-lnlf mere Clf hestnut biuwn nil, lac,- or bluchtr -tiles, Kun-i.n-t.il calf, an. or liluiitr sivle- and tan ami black -lain Iiie'ili- shoe- All edzts MEN'S OXFORDS $3.45 idd Rreupx if Shut, nnd ('Merdii Iijii leKU'aC -t.j, I, inlKlnally far inen than the I'mUr prhc. SlvCiiM) FLOOR MEN'S SOFT HATS $2.15 Less than half pi Ice. AiJ Mttn in a plentiful imuurliui'iit of coleru and kliaped. SUITS TO-MEASURE ONE-THIRD LESS $45.00 1 vh i ii miidf to-jeur-inciiHiiri 'i mu own Mtnlf of - untein tnllera nitll ou pattf-liM ur you te lit'lew freiu. . v .i-, . 'BWrz!j'-Mjftp' $ S,! 1 -il tl .!,.. . 7a. -Kf, . ... ,. i. ?.' j. 4.. iM Ail tV..4t-." it