W "V-, rv" A'XO'-v TWW'1 ?;,-lf41?f ' km afx'.' rtir .,. t. ZJ 20 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEK 2ti. 1.J22. Geerges Carpentier's Defeat by Battling Siki Has Ended the Ring Career of the French Idel ywmrK m i p. M. I! CARPENTIER SOFTENED fr FOR BATTLING SIKI BY DEMPSEY'S BLOWS OUTCLASSED IF NOT QUARTERBACK, HE'LL BE A COMEBACK Hew Dees It Strike Yeu? IN LOUGH BOUT Geerges' Future IT erk in Ring Probably Will Be Only Reel Iieuts Retable Recerd of Mrs. Caleb Fex. World Series Attendance piKOIUiKS CAIIPFNTtFH'S decisive defeat mused by the terrltn body " beating ndt.ilntstpred by the slashing Sncgale, Hauling Siki. irliiallV an unknown, menus I lint the gorgeous one has jaij Inte ring history. It Id hardly likely tl.nt thr former wer'd's light hravyxvclght champion will ever box again. American f.in art net placing minii tnck In the African'' six round knockout against ('nrprntier. Many seem tn believe tlnil .lark Drinpsey pro pre parrel (inner for th qtib ! lictery nf SlUl. i amending that thr Frenchman hus Met r lirrn 1 1n same man. ph'sb'tilly. inner i defeat by the Manaa Mauler. A v. ireli'M from Paris, short') after tlir bout, minted Fram n, )frmi, C'arprntier's mntttigrr: "I 'arpciitter i through fntvx r. ' ' and the chances are that Itr ni'M-r will .step into t he ring tn bn nm ti unless if is in a reel con test, sine tltr debonair licnrges hn Hindi geed in the movies. The i iftr. f Siki will go n lone way in eraing tlir unwritten color linr, hlc-li ii,tiiii vcrv nun li In evidence after ,lcs Willard trturtird ilir ltravy Weight 'rewn In the t'auraslatt rare by winning from ,I;n k Jehnsen, Despite Ten-Pound Handicap and Knockdown, Lecal Lad Scores One-Sided Victory TOM STILL LACKS WALLOP CVree.uP.KiD, fiyrrSuiFFLiMfi- lVsJUbA TVAn SauEBTGO. if vtoeteffootviffWiwoBBUBfcAeeui;) Ge VWr-rAD HD ACfpep J0t At IT II Cloud LfP AuDRAiWALLexmfJ.TiJE " r I..,. ...... i... r I lev.". ll-NCB HJNl'tK..ArVPMlHlJ'rJiry JC( I Ann E'JEKv'.liwft- - BuT -, tVi&X GsTtJIg ScHm evmg ji 7 i;l!-li.ri I. wilrhrt u-rif rrhallii X niin hnrrr 'Mi rnu''r tn ijrt w.-i f,i ru lunllii p'lihcl en' nf Ihr )pi)ttiyl hauiiril !' nr i if'iilt Ilir H'linnn. hnrini htm by Mrs. Fex's Fine ttccenl US. PAI.KU FOX wa. enr of tlir tirt n-nni'ii In Pl'iiad-lpliia te Irani 'br ;ani" of coif. Sir 'enrnnl it nt a tim whrn th srraf iT'-'rt w riilb-ulfd thr crnrrnl imblb . Ulif Mr. I'-'t did nut mind tlir sfeffp:, and dr- tfrmllinl te irakr lirr',if pi-nfi'Mfnt a' it 'Ihr flf-t nat.nmii ?bii' li.iniiiienh.p wn li d nt Mradnw btuek :'i NerrmbT. IMin. wii'i tliivt'rn nitn'- Mvv K" was .n .(" t'irm. Tin I nil J BRtinnat wniirn" liampi"n-hlp .tirt,d ."trrdny at Wlntr Snlphnr .Spilue. W. Va.. ith nmr" than U50 iitnr. Aun.n ,Mr, l'e v. a- urn ii thrin. Sim has nrfr mird a i-liii:'r !iirnpi"nhlp leiirnamnt . and tlieitgli rbi lady fre.n lluntinsdeti Va'tfj hn. n . .iic-.rrdrd in . Iiimnj; en of tlim rh ha-- alvajv 1 n-i i in the rmininc always plaj rd tlir gnmi' n th bli. Yrtrrdav. i:i thr rji'."ilif ma rmniii nt T.li Sulphur Spring". he iltt(il her Kniur iit;aiiit tlnit of 'he hiflliiHit Mn-.n'.trr frdin till ei- tlir i'intry, a" Trll an ati.n.f 1 1 1 -- n'hfr umrn who ma' '!! hr rrear'i'd a" .'(up" in th" gniiie. I'd mi' ! -"illy i-.tlr ire'.. h'liind il..'" f lil"tn.i m ; tie favor;l 'c. uin tlir 'ininpienuhip. If Ka'' a' Mri I-'ex enif ihiMiiBh th. liiurnameni anil v- r hi niMrr than 'iM-t:.' .j t -1 1 . I inre .ln .;, "ifl.nl Is'i't vjie iMit'r''i! the fina' -n,md vi'li Mi' I - -i Hid '"t a iep tiuiti h 'J a'i'1 1 Shr 'i.iiimI ! a i Cell'M', win l- 'etil;r.l I kind rn.nish tn -' t thr noun ft iwmM ! rrr.fhltis di.tni"''. 1: TJndrrhili. m' .a-a .. MTN. I OS hut iron M-mrt nf r- finnr,' thin, l; Ihr 'w Irrtirt of i'(fOii; lti rmd tm t itijin'ii I uvtr . 1,1 '" imt.nii'H no ft' iiti-i hem hf.i. Ihr titfr ,ic i net hr hri t 'hir irnt'. cithr hit Ifiinttnr rfeti I n '(;'. itnr he'rl' i,vr rrrnnl thn' i" wnriiji' in fi l.'n'lfii F'ntr' (' fi.tnl thn' ti' ii' i r T f 1 -7 tn p!iy mi 'lirm . I ' t 1 i'n7nr rni'm II r. CI ' Attendance Records Safe This Year T AST j".ir 'Jt'.O.OTT prrnn- j.a.d " m1" 'Iim anker', utid t'.ir limnts J-J cani'- n j(, World Sci!" Tl.r-i ncun - -rt a iww tifpnilaiu :. n for the fall i la-ii and .1 : iinl.lsli ilia' t It will b breken t'l'-i niituriin. Thr nrprasr rrewd !a-"t j.ar a " ' J . T " . and whib it in'iy br ih;i ' thrones w thr I'ole tir'i:tuN ihi" al .i'a en uid tin' il at! nd.ini' nitmlirr. will hr .b-. i pie krlliinik-. in' tl.r d .iiiiniii: th"' Hrjti'" and L'li." 11 tnl a ' 11"' k for aim hi.l! it n 1 Vail, ::."imi tit than ..epii fan."1- wlli b 11'i'inl 8C.0UH cf l.T-t 'far' fls'ire Tlir lini'tpn'd -rrir a -e il In Lf.f (Viehpr pIevm te .'J.",ii.(inii :is livn Earli Nit'iii'iat l.pasr.pr ipii'.viiI alunit 1 pti'Srntpil tn P,1r au!c. W.th thr i.nnp ' : "1 iei,ihnt'ii3 .": JCatleral I.pacup ii- 'nn' Ins f ! iiii'MIipi- ntl tl'fir p'.M'hms -t;iff and en pap UlSiiit; Mi j rn n Thp wnincpr I'Mjip l,a tin his b.lsr in )1ip ii'iinh'T of verir 'ion Jehn.')n Rthlrtp. I ar piiir-! fn "f tlir vpvcntprn pe.t -.-pn 011 'h.ii.ipliin-i pUyrd .!iiip IJiO." In cari'p mm ainl r ;n i errd I'fi'vi-Tir, i'.ip il ffpii' btppi t'ir tun irae in .. in n-li -innllrr 1 lip .Nnii'itial I'liiim s 11 fnrM siiph cnmr nsa:r'' fiftvtwn b. rital. but iln.pitp '1'p n'lvnni: i;i asn::it thpni :n lintnp.nr.'liipn. tlr lly LOl'IS 11. .1AI-TI-: WIIII.i: Temmy l.eushran mar -till lark imwrrs of thr well -known ' knnrkeut uallep. tin youthful Seuth t'l'H.virlphuu dikplnyrd bryend any, qtipviien that br h.ts iiunlific ill Jen, of .1 pretiu'slns fist mnil whrn hr romp! off with a rlinn-i nt. well-rarned and our- 1 -ided vlrieiy aRninii (ieorse Shade, of California, at thr 01; mnin laif night. ' Handicapped trn niinds. plus a fivr- ' ""rend knockdown. l.eiiRhran rni r'sht , en thre'jRh te a ilnrr'in; anil lnipirs.- fire win in his fc'li'duU'd eiplit-reunde".' I with thr rntivr fen. a sqtiattlly built. ( ' rushed and dani-ens piitii'liinc battler. Shade w,-,i outbered. outfeiiKht and out eut piiilchnl t The Sejth riiiladeljilnan, wlm will net tut n twenty until Nccniber, jlmwcil n imii h lietter varieii atlapk than rxer I before. b di"plaed a let mine .".K- , 1 ctfsivefie: and pf Hy wirb his riRtil band incrnnllv. a 'cvpintieii for bin. , in ndmiiilMerhi' a terrifie irminriiij te , 'he he.tie-; nf tin Three t'iylitiiii Shade.. j While Shade, weighing 17." peiMM. I Ind fiie iiilMitiiag'' in weight. I.eusli-' ran'-. bigir heigiit dtd longer je.ii h -ervi'il him mi great stead. ll'Mting tl.p t'alifnttiian t' the inincli nlnmst thronghe.it. Te.iiiv.y v rtun l! wen 11s nc ' pleased. Ferres right lug I'rein Openiii'; lirll I.n-.ighran iirir t fevcp tlie lighting' f-nm the opening hell He uncorked a1 rliii'!, of '"it .tali- and right irnt. una ngh off tlip i-cei Shade nppxnrcil be- 'Inzt'ed. i;et-gi'i nieisth n.irted te bleed in tli" initial enntn and it remained 0:1 until th finish. hl note hpine in th saui" i-ondrien frmn t'n third nnind en. I Virtually nieiui'ring Shade with an nvalatiehe of punclie in the firit three nnind. I.eugliniii appeared te be mak 'tig nn awful iiipss m' the man from die Wet whr:i. in the fourth frame. Temmr wri's clipped emitig in witli a right. I100V nil the bin. II. went down lie. Mfig nn at '.he ,'(uiiit of live I.eiighrnn j -IimwpiI n g' ml defense and be -cc -ccdeil I 'c l.c.ipli".' 1 ini'.-'lt' out of danger until j flip nd of the ppried. 1 I'l'ilt i.n ;;"!' hlnw fulled 'n m.iktf -I.e-.'lirat! wail and Torum. v.int afte-.-Sham at tin start of the til'tli a- In did in ."'1 of f It prerlmis ve.'lieu. In tlic, reKiainins rniiniN. ""mvinlly tin' iwcnth nod pighth. Sbadi may have ft It n if lip iri In .1 gbue f.'n toy with 11 tleck nf tli in i t 11 - being i'lfil a lum from ' all Mdei. Ini:hrau nei nun il.rci.i li, at V I rc C WYB Wvm VOU CE 00 -EtiE AwD'i,LY WinlTHE vSCRUBS J QETTMU OWYeuia HAuDS Aw' kiEr5 r y pic. iw v$e Au t4e elbow Grease f , YOU'VE. SOT ! IF YbuR. WAtet) KwMj . i(CS C M7EEwT0i.'AwVT)RTYVaRK rS fA? AnV Yei BECOME A TlRST CLASS StRuB VljO- t -..,. -a tr nr-TUcn AOi t? f ft r - . . ' ' irti lOU'X PC DBM W. UIC 1U V.UCIVJ V cu liM Te VOLISH Him efp Te eJjPE MjM UP -V. V 1 7 j "ji" MJ 1 1 "X. WmMMMMMMMMM UAU tF "BDLLY"DID UWO WIT OuAerci?. bacv jftt. e 1TIAT "DOESN'-f-'PEpJe TA HeS "HIP Bes MAw Fea-WF'Pi.Aec AE6BY COACH"JlULF.rVlME'S Uks LOS OP OWEB. PBLLBCS HE'S BFI-BR A-r TaROVWAK?. iB BULL ' THAV PASSING- TWe BALL- 1 f 'te m SfJ&.P f Aaift,9AT-lU'i.AY ) r SCRUB - n , Vn r" REg'tAR. tVipPPC-R-UP?7 &P m mstf mm Geerges,' Slide Training tiiet Discontented Athletes By THE OBSERVER s&AiW- GKOUOKH (AI.l'KNTIKK linn taken a iiefe dive in (he eMecni of ,i, ffj countrymen nuil he. is Milt headed downward. Ker mere limn n dcratle In lias been n here In the eyci of the French nnMi and the world, tee. lie was "h popular In America nn lie was in his natlvn land Yet ever the world today, wherever tWtli atTnirM arc discussed the t ill Idel If. being condemned. ali After his defeat at Jersey City, (leerges' popularity Increased, for he feutU a rlcan, game battle and was beHten by Hiip.rier might. Carpentier had nothing te lese against Deinpsey, but IiIh only title w n Make against Hattling Hlkl. (icerges ntteiuplcil te protect his world's light heavyweight crown by foul tactic, with the rcMilt that he lest his prestige si well as bis championship. ' (leerges butted the Negro and he lilt hint low as he felt his laurels sllnnln. from bis shoulders, but what is worse Mill he took advantage of Siki's non. manshlp. . " At one stage of the bout Carpentier was flattened. Siki lifted hm te' hU feet and before he could take bN arms from around tile Frenchman te deftn himself. Geerges bit him en the jaw. Lew? Why, tenderloin sport smanihin Is a thing of beauty In comparison. ' v America was surprised te learn that the. French public had turned against Cnrjicntler, but would you expect a baseball crowd te cheer If Geerge f?Iler one of the cleanest and me"t popular of bateball players, by n sudden linnre In temperament would deliberately spike nn opponent while riding into Feeend bun PEN'S' football Irani Is home and lisril at work en familiar soil, man will point Ills squad for one game, I, c., our at a time. Helv fTJr.'irflf, tHJ. I11 fair ANOKA WEAK What Man Happen In Baseball Today N MET DOUBLES Bill Tilden Says Teamc Should Flay Together for Years te Obtain Results ANZAC SYSTEM THE BEST Py WII.I.IAM T. TM.DKN. 1M N.illenil lrnn' ( lianmlrti Af'erthiiiisht'i n' br!. and n I a:.l gn.ng te ., a few iiffer'lniiighl 01 fin1 Pa, s 1 'up lr.atcliev, in wlntii Afi'ilca let.i.ni'd bc c 1 1 for anellni i.r by li.'fitin Ail-lralia. I 10 1. The big tlniiight borne in en tn. lni-.iiily ln.'.'i:i 1 wax a victim of th all-pewer'ul AuMinlmn tram, vi,' th" rinvAi, i.kiei 1: Vin let l.f. Win New VerU M . ,ih I'illslnircli H .Mt.1 .. IiiU S 05 ..VMt ( Inrliinati . 81 u .iWn ,;,,-,.. I hip ICO H II ..','! limeuijn ti ;a .4ia .111; I'hlluildrlii 1 .. u:t .:if; ..IM iimtmi An n: ..110 ..it.-. XMI'.KU'XN i.iixr.tn Wen lmt I'.C. XXIn Nrw Xnrk . at .'.; .fii'l 1. ju .... HO Ill .AM intruii ... ; :.". .. I hlcaicn 57 :i ..MO i'l'rrrlnnil ... Id ".11 .son XVnililneimi an hi ,4-ll Alhlrtim l S7 .lit lt.n-.leii .VI .' .:et SOUTH PHILS MUST ix)p 1 ..MO PLAY OR FORFEIT ;j;S 1 Ordered te Carry Out Judge Patterson's Decision in Base ?' ball Dispute ..;' NORTH PHILS VS. DOBSON ami the ,'eiti tli. - .1 ?!. .ter' . but "' Ynnkcei 1,'ivp .ireii "li'i'i'.d hr better ab'e te f'.eii te 1: -maxlii's viilently weak- that lieergi gl.'ly in in 'ni In 1. tv. e 'I lie l'.f. 1ici 'In sreptiT '. men- nierlrau League. , National League. Ile.-e ."re 'lie tig. re" . eidej, Serie (",amps (iames Wen l-int Wen lnt liun i : .m: it :ii . . T III IT .VJ ipj;, rHi: hinhr'i 1,0 hi in- thl't I I'm fl 'III.'' ' ,'ei. rit n e i')r hi fill ' ni H "I I'.i'i'i fi ui'i .reivl per ijnnir i l.rM '.m'm tni'trtrd th'.i"- t - e'ifi i'-ii-fr hi y"i-e hi'tirt. Put One Over en Cliinti COI.nxilI. PHIL f'HIW. inp'eii. .s nn ar ite I'ttitin. ttirk; i'o.ehpI :, 'ip !ut u.ae te a liu.'l . Ii'if tlia ." ' hii u,,l ,1 11 ee :ice ;i -iin.i Und be vn i.ei relink te the lining man Lne'. :i i ann-n Plsnned a tr p W'jfitii.n; 1 ief)ne'r of 'he f.iir.m.. llimjai- S id. of Lx ;r a we.i ,i- . op-neiili hn-venin.!. The en :m iie "nrld "i,- -. . 1 ' 1 j -i-r ,-' lipjtij tnuciicu I apppnc'I. 'i . jeung man d'eppeil It. I Vie, :,ie Winiuinc Mi t'nn ,iTa'r. and ' I. int 1 1 'i Mr. I'ne. :n en ( ,e,inr ( 'ninn and het eiii.in. In, irlenial'v ;-,.pi iint ce'nnp; 'liin 11 lp pre'eriti'd ill. nn .Hi a huge elk'- head wi'ii 1 ao-nieiis ant'nr and rug iiiadp of I'd. nt .kiti -i a pin-ii' frmii i'ne. Hi nit:nn was e Pinplev four ir.iniPii for I'm- ( Vit,.e, ,nnl; A. .1. Stafferd end 1'i'er Shrrirl.in and I'm eflirr tr'iincr i!nniidiiinlj enib.i-ked for tee Winning ran' h -and are there jc. The .t ranger gave I 'olene! I'h!nn a riiei , for ,-0l) te par eineneq lie. k f"- ;.'iii. nb. li tl.f Co'enrl ! nd f th" iinr-"mii 'leitwnrd Then e ,, ( 'It.!!'! I tl . Be hii'aiiii in iimng AN HI' foil !1',r , i Witt Hit n r'1 11 ' il"i 1. ifinnii 'ft q inl t rn f' . 1 H t it ml Hi ihc I- if !, .. 1 ,-ir.iiiier ire hail mi t, i,, iP,, ,,. ; tr ,,, ,,,, if iin.pnri! nnnptrtri'. fir.,,, vine, f'nli,.,,' 1 ii ,1 fi .1 (.I. ,rhr,r I: r hnpr. tu Vllft l.lt r ' "1 I'm; i.hr.r hr wi thr anl!tr. nnl mm ALL SET FOR OPENING GAME B ft tins Scored for Week In Twe Big Leagues XIKIN XI XI "Beb" Evans Has Assistance of Twe Other Coaches at First Scrimmage OilJI riiiOiiircli l!riMkt 11 Sew- Xirl I Inelnniiti I'hlllle-. ( lilrncu IWi-K.II I.KXfit K r. h. r r nek in the lend, switching eilii tn tin bud-, and llic ei'i'd Shade fi m bold i.'l t rounds. Menlieal Wins After Ueing llrnpiieil Af'ir beMig knni ke! down 'or the1 count of n'.'ie ,11 'l)p open ill" muni anil also bring si'.ied around in the .ciimj and third period--. 'I'eung Mentreil. 1 I l'.i. 1 i tin k'k i'h such .1 hurff of I spre.l. i leierni'ic and (inrk pint'bing j hat In took tlie 1 etu.iining live frames and tin bniif from ,Iee N'elvn, PJ4. Xlnn'real .i.fferiMi scmip liarit glows In thr early rer,r,d bu hewi'd lm effects 1 from ihr fourth until thr mciivI of the fiii-il gong When Menty innllv get siarinl In ira'b Ihr Im'it leek like ii ia r between 1 tiinreughhri-l and a selling idatrr. N'eUnn mikseil hefty wnllepi. while Montreal cnnnr.-ied with a iiunurrd and 01 puin he- ,inl s. Inn',.-. uipiri uts ard right crsi". .Ien gamely t rh'd his I'liie-t te g'- .er hi vi' 10 is riglu, ,ii tlie Providence iiinelicr had the . 'a-- and Mie.vrd it. The r.nl rrani'c-Krankie I! r fme.it Me. id iiiit.fi!.'tnrily and -uddrnh whpii a 'nw jiiiin-ii b til" lifiltilllerean in Hie se. oil'! nuinl hint tlie ( 'alirerniiir. a,, le-fiel, lPieuld nor MUit'inie. 'I liere in- nn dniihr tnat Fvance had b en hit with a foil ble.v hence winning 111 the ipclin.i'ali'y. Itslnl Defeats Mil.stit utr H.iiltiian Subtit-.rnig for llehbi 1! irum L.trl Hariman. 1 la'.mant te the junior light. . glit championship of Prum-; '.xania. "a- defeated b. Laid Illlild. iinntiii-r n"-v from tie Pacific Coast. It, il,e .-1 , i Hindi Inrtman held Idse'iu. 1, ,t I'.e.rd get working fast aim :.i-a' 'ii" ii"nh had Hurt ma 11 111 pretty bad .'uipe I'nd'r lie cit-i umstani'i'" llnrtman. who a up ngalnsf 11 ni"ie riperleneed h'ij.er. jolt up a fairly geed n-n'ci. lcsengfr 1 iller and .limnii Merine opened the hhew. with the former re tMiti'ng in ''retit. It looked lad In- U,e Messenger in tne early round-. In n lm en, i necked woeuv by '1 rich fn the lim. but Miller 'liter pepped s ifVirnt r gli'-i M r.im's jaw- te win tl.e .e 1 Isif'ii bv n innrgii). 1 fan if'! 10 1 1 II a a xi tin i n i.t:.xi.( 1: The Celwvn A f. foe'b.ill 1 en held iti 'acr icrimiuagi pm- t Opening V.aun of Hip seann en Sa1 at Fourth etipet and lllli niiue wyn. villi tl.e Viii'.x fuflmlic f' .1 tin irdav . fel-lub i 1.011U lieiriilt 1 .ntlitnrtr n Xthlrtlrs f hli'Hiie t leieltind llo.ten Sew Xerk nn' ulul M U I! II ir, a e 0 le f'each llnb 1'vaini. fmiucr 1 "t In . h.ilfba'k. w.ll pu" 'In be- ''- gh a dhert ilgnal driM fpwrfil t'mei hef,,i.. tin game mi Saiurdaj. buf tm mere hari' work will be nl tempted Three fiinche- were en hand for t ii r final m 1 liiiriirge. namely, tin regular coach, tegt'lln'r with Shainlin. nf j.p. high, x he leek 1 barge nf the line, and III. Knr. coach of iiu!ljerii High, wlm Is a resident nf Shanm Hill and who directed tin end-. Fwiiik gave hi, at tention In the ends. The team ler the opening game ha net yi't been ileliniti'lj seltled. but ev erul playert. stend nut pmnmn'utlj . Among these urn Frank "I'ul.e" Kane, n brilliant halfback of Uarbv I'ire Com Cem viany, 11 wnudei'l'iil jiliiiigir iind 11 rat tling geed punter Mrfaun. xihn last year xvas con-Id-red the he't eimrterback in Helawnre C'eunl.x . will held down a halfback poi. tlnil. lhi.tb. of Inst jear's Mpiad. who Is a wonder for backing up the line, h in better shape thnii former yearn, due In being fifteen pounds lighter. He will battle It nut V'ith Knue for muting koners, but Hit Inltcr will du the drop (,(,l":- Det" Chainhrry. n Hhanm Hill as- plruul, mere recently of Drcxel Hill. ' I F.'iuii'l. a tin K'l Se'genlus.. i',M-ni"l 11 - t'n at I'enn .1 few I'lle nai'kllel ' I 'II ti,. fl!b,-, 1; I ; - I 'inud. ('enm-llv W'sh and Ueiiurig. wlie fin!! -.vIuIp a fiesliiuat, years 110. I i II 'e-iMIII. en. il sel Scraps AbeutjScrappers Sam IllvuliUtiin, a. erml'in'e ,.f p, t ., r 1 lj- . " Hiler. h an,! 1.1 ill- ' ,.. ,, .,., -.e-- vemrt i vl mldi.'" '. .!!, ' i lie St,.1-- 11 11 J t- ill' till' i !.-; i, t ,j.. ' ir mi ..'. I" prefej.. ; 111. But IiIa'm 11.1 ' I" mi't Junnnv ,f i.fiKi, M jn he 'tut in 1f a mew lnr.ns h- 1 , ., lluiti-s .11 'i'i inuimh! ' 1 vi,. ,n, lietmen Ar'ie M'l'nlin sr.'l J'JiJl'e ltlr, ..;; IM rr--re 1 In TumtllV Ul'Hl r.n ui.r iminuii r-li MMlvr x i;i I' - jn Urimin lm- '' ,,,eW, '" 1 KunVt' l. ' ami Ma 1,ai it rir. piU. i I'm t-'nl-,.. Ilee'l ,f 11 ti'ili.'itllig mi ,iitniiiiy nnd Siimlii ll.illi.eu. IIIL'1. tHL'kle. xvlU be nt center, winch I.111 bien left meant thieugh iiiOwn entering P. M. ('. '1'he ctnlK will be taken care of b.v Slngiis. Hum. pnrie-.. paxiN 1'inl lriiilf. 1 h appureii'lv Improves with 1 ..1 r .1.. - .... neee ii no iiiimt wi in' n;iini ter iiltceu .xeiir. The liueuiMi ate all geed and con cen sih nf Jiiiugheity. who wlil also act us i.-iptiiln; Hewelin. Hull. William SeigeiifnfcH. Mink, Terpey, Ilreen, Mitrhell. .Maruhna, Orimsteni and 13. Deyle. Miiginniii, a new mini. repertH ' .Saturday and will no doubt be placeil nt end. I'elwjn xvill piny nt home en' Saturday and uway en Sundays and httn all SunduyH In November open. Ad dress F. ,1. Cuiry. HK) t'lientnut street, Celxvjn. Pelaware f'eunty, or phene' Darby .'ill. after 7 :..0 P. M. Tulsa Wins Western Pennant Kun.u. City. M" .snl. 'Jrt - 'flie xvuiern I.eavuK aca-ieri dote, today with ivre (e.riii .cheitulnij neltli.r of xvhlch will arteet Iho I (tnaiUnt of the tcanit, Tillei wen th? pn umit. -f)' ' An IjiterimtlmiHl litlitw. -' lie i,.iliirr ft il ( nm'.iru T'linir '" ''' "' Minv'in' l(. ,. of Kr.atlaii't. m i-nr.ti i-.e.iih Muria- r .-. I'i 1'IK .l'.li-.e, - X. I kll-- N I I IU11. -imliin ' fliirler f're.x Imi siinmel .1 , , . ivlitr,t '.H le-"wi-n J..i II, -.. 0t , l.lbV'J' for '.hi wlrl-iil i hi '., 1 rl ,!if n:h I.ibby linn lf'i uni l'ia.;v eevei- rin i'r ire.- ! : ..,.. ''i" "' llminv .XI'. Hit. I', anrt II : U'. Uif. ,l id 'I, iruh I "j .III. - ' l .1 ' .. 1 har.e. Vuung aemine ere te I11 ml-flr.tillait Other latter ''i.i-- H.n,.fll 11 VuUliJ Kill ml k-i.i age mid has Dax'.i '!i;' ,lr"n " .10 rn. fur.J Yeunr I Tnllr that Aii'erirati ileiib'es me iv xve.iV. If is b. story t:,it A'inu'e Ipehardi land I went down 'e eriif-'ilng defeat i'i l three .;, (i-I, ll-ll, (!-". It i alie ht-terv that for tr.-n yeai-i Vmtiie .ind J I nave preveii nu"i.'l. s cein'liiiv'y the lies' tram in America. ! Wp Imi-r wen the national de'ib'e-i champ!"iihii tx'e years in sui'ie'isiim beating all comers, including Wr.";' , Washburn and Dick WllUnms. fjeln- : land Heward Kinsex, I.:nle Itill .lolin .lelin 1 .t'Mi nnd Wal'iice .101111011. Xen'.'i 1 Shlmblzu and Frr.nl. Hunter, and miii.v in i er- 1:1 tlie pe: ind. P.ei'nre going I'i'rther. let nie s'a' :".ieserxedlx that Uh'hards and .ver., net off fe-in in ihe Davis I 'up maiih. We did net appear te I" playing x ell , b"niii' tin Ai.siralians .! ieinpl"ely n .t. 'fi-jcpd us. 1 am 1 envltn rd that l.,t l!e It 1 1 and I would have met tin' aiiie fate tha d.iv if we lind bren ' pa'-i'd. Tltr-rf since our best team is !,,;' gei.il rneugli, : I- time xm milj v.liv'-" Dnulile Net Popular . Amrrii.uiN iln no; i.'ideistend unubles, Iar0'" v liecnu'- thp majnri'v de no' like i" Thn 1 1n-ill nf tie OitflrM game Ihim 'I'.seii u.-i te oierlnek the science of de ililes. Th" fundamental i-nnM of our downfall In deiili'es is 1 h :i t ihe fpturn 1." seiv.fe .. H l.-,t- ,,,( ,f indeed it i-.-i- was known. In America. The majority of Anirlcun cannot ritimially bring their fast sliet creh , ort and low. The Austrnlian-i haxe -perinllzpd in this shot, se that the. set ver Is fnried te vellev up. 'j'hl al Inws the partne:- of tlie reecirer te itiind 111, a- does thp partner of the serve:', and thus he hns 1I10 same chnnee te volley tin return from tin servri liat the net man has from the v-reiver, I was il" irinarbablv an .irate 'ew f irns of Pfii'.i '''ii off ei'r 'ervrs that r, lowed 'Voeil jump in nnd nil nft '.: returns for earned point. The Anerican de tot knew wlier re ' peach" a" de the Australians, The irn ft hi "down under" jump in when, ever they see a chance te kill, even t ' rues jumping diiectly in front of ihrr t artnrr. Anier.cans seprn Influenced by hf French pnllteiiess of Alpheiise' and ' fi.isten. with ihe result that often the jlall passes merrily between llitm 1 I '(new Vmnie nnd I were nowhere in the flns with Patterson and Weed as regards teamxi,erk. but x-e are certnlnly th-i eipial of most of ihe American t teams. What i te be dene'' ' Must Iearn te Peuih First. plnyiTH should siav together for veins In-teiid of changing cunbina cunbina Iieiih every Feasen, at many of the lead- I ing nars de nexv. 1 Second, the teams theuld attempt te learn tin Australian formation, xxitb 'tin rei elver's partner standing in at the net. This will force the receiver te drixe low 111 meet defeat. Third, the American tenuis must lenrn te 'ake dinners in "poaching." Fourth. n must leain tin u"i of the hob and tin bob volley an an nfjn,-i.c nliii'k lather than a difensixe i-irnke, iti system tlnil is ',1'ldem seen 111 Ann'ri- can tennis. , I am net a person te praeh nn doubles. I 11111 one of Ihe xveist double ! plains 111 America and admit it. Hut I knew hiiinetblng of hew it should he pbivrd even if I can't carry it out my self. There Is a hopeful outlook for the Such young teams as Arneld YESTERDAY'S RESULTS XIION.U. l.l.'ARl'K Inilnn-itl. Ill: filiates, :i. N Xe-k. .-,1 "t. Inl. 4 110 limine:.) Other ilnbs no; ucliedtilril. XXIIR1C.XN I.K.Xdl'i: Ni, caiiies si'hfiliileil. XXir.lilCXN Af-fKI.XTIIIN l. I'ni'l Hi lnillai"ie!U. e Kkiis.i. (Il. Ill; Tele'l.i. -. ililnr Iri-.n. nut i luilnleil. TODAY'S SCHEDULE NxrteN.xi, i.K.xc.rr. Iliiiinniitl at I'hlludeliihlr . II r no VI rn nt I'.e.tnn. fin It e.i nies lIs'tMl. xxiriRH.w i.ri.xtiri: Ne rwines wlieilnleil. WOODY' BONSALL COACHES DELCO FOOTBALL TEAM A week has elapsed since former .luilgi Jehn M. Patterson, of the Heard of Arbitration of the Philadelphia Hnso Hnse ball A"-sni iatlen, rendered bis dei isleu ri'i'ariliiig the pinlested game. Tin Siniili Pliils iipiiciled fre.n Ihe pi'evieu-, ruling of the Heard of (!o (!e 11 tuns nnd announced that they would abide bj any decl-ien 11 inured ny ilr iiicmliei' of the tribunal. Hi ordered tile game U, be p'uij'-il nxi'i and tin teams te share like .11111 ik" in tlie receipts. The Seuth Phil, have made no effort te stage Ihe game and llicv have brtn given until tonight te rt a (lain for the 1 euic.it te be P I til-id net lsiinr than Saturday or for feit ihe downtown title te I'leirdu r. The gain" between De'nvni and Ilihlesburg laf Saturday was ic-clarid 'no cent'-l' mid stiickrn tiem tin rn nrds, ns Hridesbitrg plu.xed ineligible nnn Tile contest was irraicil fe"- The 'IValnluc DIM COLLKtUO coaches til! ever the country arc laying down Ihe. law of the rrtn. ing table te their charges. Should they at. any time xvnnder axvay from the protection of the special ilit they are Instructed te adhere te the menu of the table. ' (.'eaehes are very careful te see that certain feeds, pastry, fried stuffa anj stimulant! are eliminated. Smoking is tnboe and se is "hilf of 1 per cent." A famous trainer, knexvn all ever the country, xx-,is talking en this fubject the nt her tla.x. "Senieiiiues the diet for athletes," he said, "is tee thorough., A cfll(j student r.l the nxeragc age of twenty-one years, healthy nnd strong, should b aide te digest iiiiilf. While it Is advisable te avoid feed that is heavy and net easily digested, jet it is a mistake, te take Middenly from a man xvhat lie bti been used te for months." As 1111 example take coffee, a stimulant used almost universally as a brV fast drink. The average foelbnll pln.xer ban his ".lava" every morning from Ihc day after Thanksgiving tititll be reports for fall training. In this stretch of lm months his system has become accustomed te tilt mild "bracer." Il is 1101 wise te take it from him. BAH wi AHNKY DHKYI-'U.SS has denied the report that Waller Schmidt rill manage, the Pirates nct scR.snn. He h.is Issued a sltfmiiit Hint Hill .McKecbiiie xvill he the boss ailn. And why net? I'ittaeiirRh, under Mrlieflmle. went like the proverbial house aflre this year. Concerning Kail Players Wlm "Iiy Down" ONF of tin gieai evils of professional baseball Is the, player xvhe, threiifh a desire le be traded te another club, fails te give his best efforts, Kven this season sonic Athletic and Phillip players have been acntifd n "lsying duxvn" en tin job. ltancrefl. Witt and Dugan were sent away from Philadelphia for tlui reason. Verhaps there are ethers. If there are they, tee, should be shooed axvay te ether cities. Iiimcinft. Wit 1 mid Dugan lire tlnee great ball players and their presence en PhiTiiilelphln clubs would aid materially in lifting this city out of the. rut, but Hilly I'etiii is far belter off without them if they breed dlr-centent and hull, hcnrt'sl effort. Tin players who fall le give their best offer In defense an argument that Ibey am net paid according te their ability. Tins may be true, but it does nit exonerate them from tin crime of "laying down." Hasebnll Is a luisliic-s. but It is a spurt primarily, and wherein de .1 ball player show spoiling spirit if Inj fails le give every thins he has all the time. Whether mi athlete agrees te n 5-00 or -S t'0 11 month salary, he slieuM play tin game continually te the best of ni.s ability. The salary argument Is between the player ami the manager, but the sport ing angle concerns the public. OXDMIl what would he the standard of colle.'.'e football this season cry transfer nthlele xvcre barred from the gridiron? W.N'm " if evi Archie Walker Scores Knockout Takes Charge of Darby Eleven Dur ing Illness of Billy Starrett I'll Delce football eleven, of Daibx. is all primed for the opening game 011 Sat 111 day. but has xet le ccure 1111 op ponent due le a iiiiMiniierslnnding wit li 1 lie Di'lame te.1111, of Wilmington. The club i. bring directed bv "Weedy" l!enall who hn.s been S" S" S" oiiiefl ns coach during the i,lm,.., nf Hiilv Stnrreti. The team will held several praMi'V sessions before sninnta,. ' ceiiirst when the payers will In given an hour or e nf ii ni hard scrimmage. An) first -class eiMeii wishing te play Din 1. en Siitiirda. -iie.iid gel 111 tninli xvilh J. A. Spain, phone Darbv HU be tween T and P M tonight. New l'erk. Sent. Crt - -A-ehiP XX'allier, ! Iinit welterweight, kneekecl eu' .tnlinny srnu er,!, nf Jliiilmid. In Die fifth rntunl m i" feiip.l -nnl iliiv em.,, m-ili I'M,., mil r-nepiirt Hiierunc i.'iiiu. 1 lie rerer-e ninj.iv , l'lP .11111 Mils gave NOItll 1 IIIIS llll.l l,,, Ji.-,,,,..,l ,,n.r.i, K.ne.u-ln.lii,. I mi Dnhsen fnur xvllls nnu two lesis lulpnim I'-illl i ami rriiriM- XX'Rllire In' ih-i the Northern Seclimi lin'i'l. ut 'ilen xx'jllae .-imtHlned n nn .s.eTiinr.1 . ei 1 011. ..,, ir.1i.e11 ii'i,,. tlin. lini l'h.llun wcUnirai Nl nn- in. s ,ji mi. rum 1, in i.ieiiMljl, u no ..out .en ltcil exltSO'Dteil Xd'Ol .Shell" I In .ix round" Jack uuica eutvainini neinmy Wilsen. Soccer Game Wanted flr.l '''h- renterilal .r.r teim p' the i. ..Inn. Alll-i! !.'"ICU- MOIilit like 1, -T'Ke -d t erne n- n . ram with "n- fi-.t-rie.s .errer elee'i f.(l tiurilfl', S'-pteniiier 30 A'Mrese .feme. S.ii-,Tre. rminager, jfifi Vii,t D.-ilal.e s'reet. f'hlUileliiil. for I he Phils wen and scire ten hii own ti'iim's, field ill Fourth and Wingo Winge hocking for the pla.xeff next Sntuiday at '. P. M. The i-y chanipiensliii will be de cided en October 7 and the limits singed en (Wooer H at the Philadelphia Hall Park if available. Bluenose Would Race Mayflower llillirni. X. .. Sept '.'. Aliens XX'.llter., sllnpe e' thi inhf.'-'ier ll'uefii.e. vhlrh hi.t :en- weri ilu nteinatien.il fiihermen'i U'. mi I te,.i' !i- ".J -"Ililnr le in n man-It ti''e v"h the (lleiieeifrtr ..rh.jriner xli, flnw-e -. wii'vU, w.i- burred from the in t 1 n iilijnal rare ln"i e.ir ai.-l ililn . hi. p yv ( ."leeH of the .lllfll fp- ri',J Cm,' Lewis te Wrestle Gardlnl san 1'rnnelsen, .lept. '.'.X - VM i Sirnnalei"! t.einw. h-av welffjir '.rlHitlll x cllamrlen of the wiirln a. 1, 1 Itenati) (iar'llnl. Italian eliain- men and rhall-ncei. in-ef h-re lfin-lil in n t SmB tlni.l t mateh. s!Al-e. The werM's ehaimi'iiishlD wl'l 7J' Mr. Manager: Compare these prices And remember, it is net the pries alone that counts It it the quality for the prica Team -price per suit lettered 3.50 7,50 3.75 V-Neck Sweaters of pure wool worsted, $8.00 Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Afci' (Inforpersted) AthUtie Fumiihings 724 Chestnut Street Geed Jersey Pants Hete Soccer 3.00 1.25 1.25 Football 4.00 6.00 1.25 Basketball 3.25 1.25 1.25 y Over 7 billion Chesterfields are smoked every year 20 million every day Ne doubt about it Chesterfields DO satisfy! KmUIr Ifc'U l'". ("h.'.r:v 'tan't ,i. f. fnv of iti' I Pi mile-, .Winni-I fnt ere A. l,er'Kin ie. evu. nntiii pr9. ... .. ,i i- X' 1 ncrabnni Hie I 11 . IM'lllsl ! '- f -..-- national iunler chamiileiH ; Miilculm liener Vrli-rtrn". """ N,v Te-k m. 11,11 nli llni-ry .lehnsnn. ihe iintiennl ' P."''.1r;- rXlV.? "' "' nveh with . ,.. rhnmiiieiis: Donald Stradiei, and' I Sandv Wiener. boy' Illinois State Leenard It m 1 h . i.. in tjtleh'elders. If tllf.v stay tegclber it xvll Cmln N .1.. uy"l.,m,'"'' ' Atlantic suretv i eve op real teamiverk, xvhich Benn.'j" ahV irVm.Ma ' . 1 s'the keyneti of doublet, success after Vlila. ... ' all. Jlma.tr l'rn.er. ..d. n. . of s,m " TlnpW. PM '""' CanW liueklaten nennv . .in 1 xui'.uin aiel I in.tn.'r u ,e;:,iWh,rIJ; Sweltier Gophers Track Ce.nch it uf t ne.i inuauie , Xllniieervilis XII1111., eit. Jit Sleili ' K,i. l.r lar mi" r'jnner hi 'lie 1 11c ir II, rl .MIlllieHO'H ,'f in. KIM 'Mi,-. Uia (hesteriield ii lienn- I'avi". mi '"' a Xat.nnil raiK "in 1 r-etl ei-niJ in lua. tn 111" h9Uldr. rrsnkle nnut ' Jrjrl,. I rrner will mt in thn .embfliial 'n the XVtlue Thomaa Thomaa Teun Jartf Dlinny l-out at Ilia Illleu 10. morrow nliht fn ether nun b.r In tn bj Many jiarrn va, . .naunms ulii heiniiiu 11 iiiefe'ifinai una lau in in roll of creavenuntr. reach for the Uephura, It wa aniieiincerl today. Jin will continue tils sturtlea liKing a senior. I''it er ln wai ciiulalii of the Cjepti'r tracK team. CIGARETTES sm 1H k Iwflrrr ft Mtkrs tobacco Ce. ( MAKE US PROVE ITTODAy) B ' ' ' H H I "T'WO thinsa you can be sure of In the I ( B 1 Paijje 6-6C appearance you can be proud I M of power beyond your need. I Call Spruce ItlO for a Demonstration I I 6UY A.WILLEV M9T9R C9 I H Pcfyt and JntHrti Dhttibutn BROAD STREET ATVINErPHlLAOeLPHIA I Wk Associate Dealers I B n. BBOAII hj. I'AIJIB .tl.l'.H CO.. II A INKS MTKMllN XIIITOR SAI.W Hx "H in IS rimilli llreaJ St. AND HFKVICP H -.-.. (jeuree liroclieisn. I'nii,, . 1 rrNCII, MOTOU I'IIMPASY. lr- lM' Sit. mid BUntvn Av. H - N"enh Q3d hi. aitSrXmSew. Suburban Dealers , I l.af!erExi!J "AWf I SORTIIPAHT fl.tn X(iK, , I H C''i("K'H (iAItAdV.. B M S. Klourlewn. I'a, X jj.t.