X? Kh ? J- UK? W WW a-v-- Wi t ((''WWHfFSI mm V rfHE By .Iker of -vangcreus uaysr --ii,-- WHO'S WHO IN Till: STHKV .. n trill ;HHVT7.V:. e.lilcf i,l iiic-lfi 1 1 iri IJnurJ. " """ "''. '' '' '''" -luiri 'I Jiftrir cewerriiiwii iffiiitlf ut I tl eh bfieicn ncuniv iu m I TjITl' '' J llr. I,;eif( 17 cvruhthi l,i (0HI.I I,;. ' MVf;70V'. ' nil')'"' went. '"' frw ,s 'i i''". d il " '" 'i "'"'cri'il'i ( JL, ,, den te w liurK lu .'. ninrfe l( i'i'M Liml Iemi In order In bi'tlae the ''in. JK.i fu.l iilellfy nirl 'a Imulali fe.i'.i.w Surf ftfMiO i'l 'I'll'' "' "I "i rl'i wiry iini . J elfS'l"'"' rnrrrr. Hn fi , hit tilth ' rirHKiiiutm nt. ;.. II III) let" ''I" l""'' " rr'"' n u lielcsiyi it. utr mi:ill.y I1MSU" infirm, i Im, ( i iifiri I'teir, fii iiilrnl wn m n fiirieit Mil. 'I" li'il'"l I nun. hint hn Alie' In if trili, 'i "" '''.iri'ill'" lirlui"rf. Im ii trtnl Iml '"''' " ''' iivuua mnu aliiit , Jeiii r" cir lifrl till nuti'-nrttl I niirilif'l ' Jiml II I "(' Iir'nKlI li mrlrhril i n til J Jl'IH Mf (.'! MW.'V t in nil r, l I rs 111 ' f'll'H iri'irtirs tire h i flu i i n nl lll'l lOtld n.W'T! i in MMinTnifi'i. I'in IH""'tS !''' 'l' l.ll IllOllftll li 'ml (Iml. "" '' i" ' I" clrni" I'iiiei im, A'Vt. ' tiahrtl.'i miter, cm if rui-ieiiiit lyiKJ I i't. j rutin ir.i.'fl. .'ijeiv'i' i ijieiii'i i i-iei . "'.. IVI 111' WW l.l.t.'K. tuelral .liner Kill neiillH Wit HI' ' '' " "r'' '"I'll' H 'ei -r.-ri-illi "irl iiieIIit ii ' In Inn (u i.ifiir l,:ntlli. uilli idiom It. Is sii'ltiu. tnl!.ri 'rincil ilrfiliilelj In lltlNP X nliaiidnncil til Wlicclcc lieuif. Then Jlt( in Ihr" I'M'nlni; ll llirjisinr of II : nsterC(l wlirn Miki ami l.t-s'lf cITi'i'lrd a roreti' illation. H f"l!enl uTOtal li.nl heuii wlien Nina had let kcil Imr ilnnr t"-filiit tlii'in all. hut at 10 n't loci; sh" lent fei I.c'lle iiikI fu'il him Mtli ilfs pfrr T. hrr bfd. thm WO HI' lliinr ihl1 feU 111 1 I ilr- 11' I lit I . . , .. .i .,. ,.., . i.i. tni tlnn l,.lt1 Mill "" "'" "" '-"'i'-. iii'i"iipiir.i In Ninas n. I.ewevei. fee n, 11 VUpI llie". Iin-ll-il Leslie i-ntn-. .!., n tli staiis nnil later en moving about IhjKiii'n and pentiT wn.le whNiliii', oft.. 'Hi'; Ynn"-, ,nil s!'Wi r,n,'1 "' Mr ns tilled wilh the odor of l,,i,"- Inij Inea.l. Seme titnc liit;i Mr- ieeu" ;..iiting unci.sih :ti tne uppei rail, lielie il In v -eu-iu-i.iw eiuniii: up and ciimhu pieudl? a rr.n in wmel was mast of an luei dili'i- lil.n'.ne,. ana a pet Willi II alneiei lieUll nt le.l "I he niu lime -.eii'ie out of , feel., Jul send f'M.me." lie Pn til i 'iee fnllj . Mrs M heeler, full nnd eet"ilnw Inc with imlisnat'i n and the pie..' i.f he: Iniml -he had meint In ilelitii, ic iin'l Minnui-lird N I"-" hdme,.i. litet.ril night wh' n Vina liad llni'l. fpuiieu hi in iind had seitleij down for sjirp, 1 cs'ie wint down-tan-, fni n rlpii. te find Klinb-'lh -ittiug then rk'iie, a hoel. en hee lrre. fni down. I ml her ees v iMfnl .Hid witli a ipies. lien in i In m "Silting and tliliikiii". m j 1 1 t 'il-tin-rV ' lie inquired , "I w i thiuMti'.'." "Ah i3-ilcs, i li V AVt II. be mii con put ;'ie ilhi 111.1 1 in t 1 i!' il' He 'ill Inni' 111 Ii s ,t i (i fni Inning -till that, for il was fitiPiiicli jikil.c that Mills tinilh wis fil'1,'11"; .0111 ' doubt au ml Mnn - 1 hoi s'm the !'ie.wiM en mi! n f.. nrh' ri nte himliii" iir.iiind about Did." I.uing- i en ie iml we" i j inc .lien' SIKMISIIU' MITK rs. West Coast i fe Let Angtlet te San Francitce 18 days te Les Ancelei 22 days te San Francisce t" '""" .... ' nn.1.1 reiililn't h-ip It And I thought ..'. Sh r, -'. " K.?'. """L,VV; 7 7 teams ' n.,AA, nnmAmn r,liiibeih. putting cold (Inllis en he liked me. tee. that wn." Sh step- i' .,.,.. ... . ti.Vi,,,.., ...Ill nut en the Held this VI Ml II II I IIIIRII Ml IH I ,..,lM.r-s he,d s ,l,n lav en ,!i" 1 nnd ;,, h In. te if Jje ,',;,- .),,' b.'- T "" -inVe Krem the jpunges. te .1. . ,A l.nMMI fR W, ftl there i am- a Si owing conviction '. n ',""- '"", . ' i ,K," J'" ni n old tire stntle brf.i t he" fpericnecd. the entire wiiiuu pin . wwiivwi. i iiimvii in- , .datieu ,,twee , N , S ; " "": r':'--'!;, c love oMhegaeie and for the benefit nrnilWll nn Mas n .'eiiipiifnim anil -.-wiing n in i ie i nil upvunr-. aim nr j" n ,1,,, uhn i. t. J 'V;: '"."'; I IMIIH III ULUIfllVni mid that love anil hlti we-e '"" ". "" "' '" '" ,,' " hr.,,.- U'.f.,: 'l' '7 ' '"'""H m,.m't. .. . l..- enlnrnl ll.n IHIHIlll Ml III IIMVII1 :xguitxi'2r,&rj&- P&$ p"& zmte&vzr&i p A,,D,T,0X ": ,""',". i rr I Inn's: turtle. IXnheih." Ii,. sat "", following Sundiiv bi..ii-ht nothing ' Uern heie le n?"' ' lin I Vi . tent manager, tlie club Is fertu- (Imii en th. atiii of 1 .hair .ind loel.ed tuillur be smiui-ed that the p ""!. bav- ,;,.i: llt (ll0 j,vV if. i':" '','!! natein lu lug as captain William nr lifi. l.oel. I -'luii iilimii iiiv ni!.' '"t the s. ent. had been i.-lleil off. menl ' a ,tls"ril.v r.llmere. one of the best halfbacks in I'le-iei.: menu-, i tie cm;, stoic wn, cie.m ter ('iml; Dime ( ,. irTe ,..,,i ., . e t ,, i c., at i-,.ii ..... "lafiunii. eunnis, are lie nut or; tie "I den, beice if. t.ue. n",d i, the time Thee lud ,un let of pi,- l.w, nTl (..idiii in liter te me nuiliew " "' f II1' ' however, and sonic one , miles. The len.l'L , . i J ' " ' J Lr ,J'Vi i , ,t ie .n ;.,Vi e!, ul " the posit -ms named. 'f lforce,,,."h,,.'M;i,le!;;ri,V.a.,d '"'' ' '- -' "rmuall,. but a f,'Ls ,, CQ Zi,L I,'"' U S"HlXl."dnVein, , 1 euu'rwV ' .'Tin-lpnl Cnnel, D-er is confident he .-or im. "wii better ! te bed niMn- s'cn w.is piutt cold iii ten eat. The I .... , '"" ""oeiu held ( ii ns aieiu win ",'s w- c ill haven geed t-.im nnd s satisfied lldc " I. - el! .01 midn la h I - ' ' '""' plf" ""l ""H-'. " 1 ! ") ! leirne it 'n1"' ,V,at ll?9, nn ' t'K' ' .''tthenr-" m ifertn in tl m- ilavs ? ,,h. tllP out'" k"- " Ilul altheuBh s!e tese she made no ! .! ice jmii ng.i. and the old ' fn" I0'1 'f Ba-,ett -nW udmn - 'were n Ll g.itl '""T" ',nr","1 fP ,i!1',1 .''" battle its way te a (lock of vieteries U- futil.ei tn., e te go. Mttbis had. a geed mini, of them. ., . "'nt, the devil'-, the t'lmv 'i','i ''k slMl,J,n- ,u,s " i"hl,leube fore the campaign comes tan close. "Wli.it I mil wemin" ibntil U thi i.ishul ii and moved .iw.n. 'I he town r I- , , ' " l,'. f"'ienId J ,n title-1 stnr. Ulle' 'll,. inii "hen!" ;;' ''l,nl" U ,h"' b.,1 ,.-.... liKe. all oil tev r,s l. he nchbd. "the, ,ene ,. 1 (, , ,,,.. UllP 'XZwTWe ll.isse t w.n in D content. He tools, ""' "- .. . ..... .. lur.ineuiir I ii'e lin' night tniii out of Ohting" and, 'bony." 'I he eleiK loelved at h.iii K -"-"'' " "' ". " ''" Abington High Si bee' is loeM-,-; for- The enh ether gamy played in eith. . WKKgmmmmgfammmtmmsm sp'Mit the "iet thw cressnK Nehrasl.n, , sharpie . was "-ntistled and picUd up XJ 1S " r'1l,'l',l, rerwnrd Hue, nub id te another feet bull e' fj Innship. league ve-terdn) saw our Phillies fni K-g-t-HH-jjHfglyg&NHgnflH futile, udi and Intursting. On the )-'ti. "You'll hear the stei.e If ou (cerge Hlueit. Der.in I dwurds. for- L-ist srnmn the e'e e , ,! , .i the sub. fi r the second time before the ds who TViQOQHfBMU afternoon of the second da, h" left the ' stay ureund heie nnv tunc. Aintlilii' nierlv of th" f'lecer ( lebj 1 liemis Cln. tuban diiidem nfti r Inning nine of the I tire making n better fight ter third jR yBt&Ss&E9rUlPri ''"'", ":"' '"'v ,l nnn'''1 ll"0 tewimj I l can de for -ten':" " derne. of Ken-lngten ('oiisic-ntiennl ten -"nines t laced. 'money. Tl elr ciiterv combine d with KmtlklKilwimWjWWtiwWtim "i' '"'"" alA "er"dn. uml from "Ye?. Ilrc the cook," J'asiett said. Mnn.icer Hawkins and .Jehn IMwnrd- ' Abington met Tie.iy,1-li. Hnsttecvn In "'" (,fir''i ' tpnl pu,s '"' two 1P,ims "' - --...... i , . . ... -a . ni i ii' a im le i i iiimiiii r nn lenm . . . . imw--T- -1L i -JT fM M - 'A ' IT iTl "I ' 41 ( lilll'" I'll IIV IIM'lllll' II II IlIM.iriP. Ill- tlliu IIIUII'II IIU'H .11111 II UilMli ilU'Mini it'lti-illl llili- lift ntlilti f ti rntus-. ....I -a in. nenn hnv.1v t Ut TlinrniTllT Willi IIiP LBaflLallHIBaal! ii'ie-ii'ii nun Keiiei.iiiv c l'.Mi'-smekinj- im spent tile evening m goingNevcr '"''MnBSHUHliHKaHSGfaV lneii'i'i:.nien in ml. c 'his notes .'iml mm;,.;,.. -, ... LHKSVUWPI(skalLLLBaLBalLLBB&3SHqLPKaTS Eiprcbs rreight Steamers, semi-munthly from rhilaiflvlphia ia Par.am.i Canal, te let Antclrs. San rVnurUce, 5" S"l.,h - 0ct' C b. b. V abash Oct. 20 learn frclsbt rtci-lccU ii,illr nt !'lc-M9 Ncirtli (Teet nt Vine Si.l Assistance given In discharging Team Freight NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. nr c T- ?,""i7"a nLd..Aeen", -7 "PJ"4 "' Steamers iae is. Fourth St.. Phila. l'liene Lembard 5791.-3: Main 77S1-J 7 BAL.TSIV.ORE LINE Regular Service PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW & AVONMOUTH USSB-S 'S "Monmenlh" Sept. 28 USSB-S S 'Tuget Sound" . ..Oct. 14 GEYELIN CO, Inc. , , 108 S. 4th St., Phila. tomearrf 5144 Main 7791 riillmUlnlili Arenta fur BALTIMORC STEAMSHIP CO. Operating U. S. Gov. Ship, fjVSALLOKY' iKANSPORTLINES,lnc. Operating U. S. Gov. Shlpi GENOA , LEGHORN. NAPLES MARSEILLES ' USSB-S S "Sinsinawa" Oct 11 USESBs'-;PL?"?,"BARCEL0NA uB S S "luipalile" . . .Oct 25 GEY"-'1 Lce- '". '. ;uta 108 S. Fourth St.. Pl.iU. Lembard 5144 Main 77.0 1 t KERR LINES Operating U. S. Gov. Ships Sailinf-s Frem P.'iiladelphia FOR" HAMBURG SS "Chicka.iw" (USSR) 0ci i HUDSON .SHIPPING CO., uc.. A-l ,128 Chestnut Si.. PKII. V-euibarU G204-5 Main 7311-12 M YOUK TO UOTTr.UDAM Ala I'lsmuiitli, lliiiilimne-snr-r,, , PaiirntrVifl.'.'.'".Vl 'J,. '.'.- . ... -sv, iwi iiHiuui eiM i nua, v EEAKING Mary Rofeeirts IRinehart -4nr Amnztug inter ..,v, a,.- Manv etiVr cnptmeht, t!SS, ly C'.nrec 11. Dotan Ce. '"Ihr tiilk n.'imml hcrr Is Hint ..lie's liren u(T her lirnil ler the last year or two." "(In In-s l.rard It, honey." II" had en'fiMl lit r te IneU alnriucd, hut lti'-tend "hr. tthnwed rellrf. "I'll 1 oil vui the truth, f.ci." she .'id. "i v.!!" wnirvlns. I in ("riibly 4,,, , ! I r 1 , . 1 , . "I'oerrlOMi: ' r.elle Mild, 'ou see. hev n unpleasant posit en. le s.iy the 1mm. W hrie'i n thought te pi t slre., nn If ,t. V l.,i,l,,.. out of ieiii wnv. net bn.tusp he cares loe Utile. .m l.etnuie lie ca.es tee mlll,1 l.nng after a jcpenlnnt r.nd . hnstene.1 Leslie hud gene ie sleep, bi arm ever N1I,.S ,0.s,leus r-J.eiiI.ln . r.ll-abeth Meed wlile-ejed en Hie tun D.ilceny outside her toem. from It in day- licht --he leuld sp,. tlie Livingstone pl,,. jmew vas outlined in the light neii"-e .new it w:is invi-ime. nut nn m Mich she kls-eil b'T linger lips te it. ' (Sned-uight. dear." -lu- whispered. I.enls lPn'-elt bad left for Netud.l the day aftei Iiivld's sudden illnc-s. hut ten dins Liter .found him eniv as tar a- I'hii.ign. ntiillill up tn his hotel with a sprained hive. It was net until the day Nin 1 went back te the little house in the Uldgely re.ul. h-r.ing l .lined the lirsl '1 .-en "t nuur.eil life. that men must net only be rinlured but also held, that lie was nb'e te tettnne , a . a I ills jeurnej. He hid i hnfed "ireteliciilj undet the dela." . It wns true tli.it netmng In the wuc of a -teiy had broken mi, 'I he I'l liMinc had 1. ii 1 I'd :i pliotesiijil. nT the 1 il in whir" Clnil, had, mc-ifdiiig te the Donaldsen woman, -i"'ii the . eiilif.icd V eM '" I"-'"'-' ' tl.ls he'eie .f 11 ill Oiue of i he etibes of .1.. , II.. . . -. ...I ,...!.... ,. I lie iciillll jiuiii'is ,-llni li-OMiii; up eiit st r.vMMtiif Miners Freight 7.4 days te SratU 25 days te Portland OiLlanil. Iriitllf. 1'iirllanil S- 'S- C",(1 "arbor . S. S. Illtie TrianRle .IS'ev. ..Nev. 6 20 ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP LINES Philippines East Indies Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM PHBLADELPHIA TO DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Penang, Belawan Deli, Pert Sw et tenham, Singapore, Batavia, SaniRrang", Seernbaya, AND MANILA and ILOILO I 1 S, S "Mobile Cily".. SS "Steel Traveler" .Oct. 15 .Nev. IS Ter ri(c imit enrllrnl ir applf tn NORTON, LILLY & CO. GLNERAL AGENTS Bourse Hide., Philadclphii Lembard 8076 Main 2445 fBLAE LENES1 Regular Service PKILADiiLPHIA te MANCHESTER USSB S S "Weit (.olceiiU" ...Oct. 7 GEYr.LIN & CO., Inc. 108 S. 4th St., Phila. Lembard 5141 Muin 7701 I'lill i.lrl.ihln trnU lur . . Ill IT .(,( II., Ine Clj ariili.m ll. S, (InV, .)Aill diiiiMi iti'titt nn; i ninim.i, tni's ii ,s il ilii m i r s i, ,s. or ii i.e.. t r tlisi kiHil.'Ui ll"' h lira- alieiu icaily te batlle for auiireiiiacj. Neic.i frinn tralnlns . quarter acuuraliily an-lwiu, will lit prlntisl -ry mernlns In I ha Bnerta Pataai of tha I poriue lxecm. "Mak it Habit." Jde. "Mak It Habit." A4v, s- LJJli f.Mi.l f l.i. ti t. ..ii . .'.:'.; "."- .'- "'" ri"-1 s eecn en ner -. i i i i j -i t in- tiii iii uiilt i iinnn ion i .. & i -r i i. .. l -.11 .inniiiiiiiiru iiiivu i i- i imin " - :. "' '"'ni'i ni'.ir. e - r i MnrL-ci. " 1 1 iiiivi'ii i-.ain- - - - . iiiii nil i ill in .'EVENESt BUBLIO POINT .trifcl nrf ecjut novel. "Itnllreail been here long?" he nsked the conductor. "I'eitr yenre." "Nerndn must have been pretty Iso lated before thnt." ."Thirty nillci in n leaeh or n Ferd 5i(r." "I was rendltiR th" ether day," nnld !ii"-ett, ."about the .Ittdseu C'lnrk cat-c. IIne n clgnrV (let time te Hit tlewn'l" "Vui n iicwypnpcr man?" "Oil well Minplles," nald Uui-sett eaMlj. "Well, In this article it seemed Kimie woman or ether had made n con-l'f-Ieii. It Hounded fitiliy te inc." ''Well. I'll tell jeii nbetit that." The inniluctnr int down and bit off the end of his cigar. "I knew the Don Den Don nld'eiH well, nnd Mtltnle Donnld'en w-bb an hene.t woman. Hut I'll till you hew I eplnln the thin. Denaldwn uri'il. and thill lefl her pretty much nlenc. 'I he ceiitei" of the Chrk es tiite kept het en the ranch, but when the estate wan settled three ears nse hhe had te mew. That broke her all up. lieV nlw:i. said he wuhii'I dead. She ,i jit the hnut-t" jut .m It was and my.."lf ,i,s'sL. hii'l his clothes all ready and ccr,-. tiling." "That rather keuihIh as though the story Ih true, doesn't it?" "Net neces-iiiily. It's my Idea fhc pit ficm heplii: te moping, no te r-peak. She went in te town regular for let ters nr ten .eais. and the peMmnstcr nys Hhe never get any. She wan hurt ireni et the postefficc. The talk r ... ,,.- iwwmii ii near, nil r CinrL-ci.' tne camera and I'd he runnlnc ie- if I i - ......vui, (Wll r hadn't cenie te !nli,in nil,,' m...a ,-. .".,. . .. .--- -i Wlien hP had liene ;' en deep t leughl h" I, A; iJf'1, ."'" 1....1 '. .""?.". rt"."HI'S-ic Uelinld'On He "tried te "viliinlleCfiw!L,Ui!.i'ii rri wearisome jeumeJs, through "niinr mud uml ntw miew." alwny I tllPe nd " . wijs hopeful. Jfe di'l net Vei ii me- '"'t bclicic tl ni sc bid jene off her ''.'' lsiinlixe these faithful, f1'" uau neen raitliful te the end ns enie women wcte, and in the end t,,0 ni lias happened before, her faith , ""' -"i."ii ner. And ncnlll lip nnmlei..! ... ,t. ... l,lll, 'i " '""'"i.uiu ini: ruiieila amiltj of some men te scciire loceity. Ihey might Ke through life, tearing down ideals and dest.ejlng illus:en, te fn thful hand te rebuild, sjmc faithful si'itl te worship. lie wn, simewhnt dnunte.l at the size I L '"""" '"'liMlJ of Necula. Its Mieets were paced nnd wel-iiK,ted. n,ur,u"r,x," ,VUTk u,ml n "lW" library. II 11 f I Inn ..Inpl ... .1.- t . .. !.-, ,'-' "i 1 in- uinuieuiai ill- .',.,,. .""! lf. ' wi-he. n nriin'" ;';;. '"r ,, ileyelepinenl was he'p llll 111 niln II in. f...l. 1 a . mi in one wnv. In the old Veraiin ,, newi'emei" lnnrlit lmv., hnn i.j. ..... .. r . ,. " " ! "i'ii.tii ie n frieiiillj but imiuisi-ice inteiest. in thl-i grown-up and self.rentcied com cem inuuth a man might mine and go mi mi netjeeil. iwiu ne nnu ether .nhaniatri.. The i ne i tunc cntitid "I mine heie i,. njer iw .1 ,i f .nl "1"! t,,lc nL'xt ' ,ln stumbled en u bit let link. Jit- eldetlj cl.imbtir.iaid had u'Hii in ami areut.d the town ler venra. "1a er hear of any Livingstenes in these part-a-V" be a-,ked. That duy Uiist.ett tngnged n tar by iiriiiinn imn r. ll a . ? m IP.J l J . IIS 11 I in nil 1. .1 -I.. . . I..I . ..!'.. V'n. .. I.. I in I llllllll nn c ir-i ...'e. I m . " -w-t- rn I I.I .... .. I... I 11. H Ull Vlil.v. res. Tk'in nuil in l a I.,. nouse t-i.-.-e ... ."- '."'.""'-"" I.ml ic I initnln I. ll ,i..,. .... ,L in-Tslim- ranch nt Dry RUer." she Tr, " nlTSTh! rf,h( fn,"euV ' ; i" S ', Abg earM age for two thousand dollars, ,,ew" J nnh ?u.rS cl j " n" " ", '" 5rn! tne renin mer of the b tcktie d -3iftft IhHE as5 &&:sz J8$&&jr ,Twrt.v-v'h'-i"'.,5 the -,, ,,e te clriie U liinis.-lf- a,,J , b ,' r ' VcelVetlil U ' n ! v 1,,;'""""' il,c ta-,iiif i'-, -i ' Tl , m li I,, te s.x .i .,'"' the fifteen s)Knn,pinceis hec. ,,1, eel tl,,-, n - ,s !,!,,, ,hl,U' VM,'tr w,,h tl,t i'lliUlfe'i i. many, he ewnei au, ns he tt ed the sear.. . ije.iri. I den i Itneu .,., cU',0 B0InSi ,,,, ,.., ,c . . . , J it .s net eMietl.c ni business. Here m llm nil ,,,illl,t, i il, ft... ,l..... ...j.i I I .1 '' ""s.v- sus-.i jl- I III,IIMV eai'h et .er t, thte.it-. for nec luis.'s i "" ' "". "T u,lm " f,,r' "" v '""' lt n mat. none lit f i , "Ve i ' L""'m" '". I,0,,,IK a,s " J' 1.1c, of t.,l,,If. ilut carW the h.i'u tZ s X'lV "' """ ,lu' I rend e the old lire htaliet, where .lud,' "' "'c 'UT' t Inik's. suiipeseil te htne t-peut the winter. Ill jus-l s,u t,. l,", ,,; Im s'tiek up there ter a w-ee .md the' "in., ss.ij, i ris- iu I,-.--, nielli IMUs 1B .1 im lone. ! I'm geiiiB te Dry Iliver," Ilns-ctt laid f-hertU. "Du" Ifner'i rlcjlit, if cni'ic loeLinc fni i il ! (le e.,.sc en the brnltcs. e'd num. We need em in uur biiMurf-.." Jll.l ItlM'l" WHS ii sfuiill sittfemAnr ..I - .... r . .... ... .. . . i . . .iwj-.freiiithuiiillry.il). It fensiiiul of Tem Duaean Savs Montreal Sta lM)iiit.'rM',tiiifi:iiupiic'.lMreeti, d0en ., " .y ,v'entreal &ta" cu tc Jieuhi-i, u ci'esed nnd emptj s(. eium Net Sold te Promoter loon and two uenual btercs Ile'ehiLf , .Mentieal, Sept. "2t. - There Is no en at illinium nd found Hint the old truth In the report that Tc Hleknid, l.t incKtene plaie uail been .sold ten I ''" N1"' Yeik lmxinc promoter, has -in,-, .ih", t''u in' in nui ei ni, ewnci lieiuv J.IMllKMOIIC "III u. nreuiei neni tlie i.nst iul-.ci'- ' Mr-' lire-iiieiu of the (empap) win It." Mtiil the "-tete's' ejiei, 'lh!ew:iM the nreiui. stilted t,-.ih. 'lull t ited etiine nnn sold our. luck, uteris and ' nurei. .sen mar mete was niue h V r. it.. ,,...1 l,..i.,.u ...1 .1. . ... i ,s, .i,i,ii- i. in, iiui.-, .inn mi, Niuti tn tin ninth hetiM. whnh wasn't calmiblu. Mendn niKht ter the purpes,. of hnld "Ihere wele n let of books, nnd the ' ' '''''"S evhibitiens. Tlie number of iiniier K'ne lneni iei ll iituniy, but wn n n't !iii building. The railroad isn't ! or Hermit uen neen uetni two dncn before tun one knew It. Mj cille en nut when thev found him and uet iim u nh for ihe funeral. He wan btn-lnl before the blether Ket here " He ulnnm! ,il ll.issetl eluewtlh, "' lie i(k,s la, bi-iii priispectcil fin ill. and tlietiV u wife nuture'h llke tlie inilinai) lll.S flSIIH .'II HIS' Ill-Sl J.llllll. J .l I,,.. It illlt ,' 1 I; bcfoie It et (Ilia fttr. nn. , ,niinmA i.,,.. " cenunued tomerrot ti mint li'is nir -CI, iiiki unless we cei ""'" -'r" Uiehnic s "Uterpt hve n ,,'n-' "":' Ml h h tl ch r"i,ni- mi i ""'"" ,"inueil et tne "'"," s.,',.,, . r ,,. . "-r oil hue it won't be." Ut the Montreal flKlit fans 'J he r ...1 hi I'ilTne-'mle'it's ,',"" ""$ "' I UWi , h.V ,n '' "l,s ',la1'1' thnt It 1.1 .Si'". , n, ' 'wNi,.",,' "The bieth'T inluiited it. elP I), "' "-"I".'' S of about 70(10 ' ' "' "' "l-0'-' "" "m. n, ic.., j s felt that this enn be elianKed without fn-i'-i 1 sii. .- ,.si ,, -""" !nTi mim";?''', ' -'"""1? ''"'""- .enWMI r0'"6 t0 Klnrni' "gr lt,nt- Strayer's Business College "The,, ,i,u ne,,., i.hinsstene wm,', Hitter hYvainr ' ' - "H" ' ' ' ',: & -'V ..Vn'" l Leading Hitters iitirrli'il.' th at i"jim had no , hlldiei,-." ' ntlieiS III JiajOi S f. v '. mi ir an,"';, ,V, "l,no in TSnU 17;.. t "lie wnsn t iniuriul. Hewum.Ln.. - - ... "' """ ir ' L.VUUUV THF. EPISfOPAT. .LEDGERr - PHILABELBHIA. TUW, . N. Y. Giants SEVEN SOCCER ELEVENS FOR LIGHTHOUSE B. C. Over 150 Candidates Seek Berths With Uptown Club, Beasts Fine Recerd Cov Cev ering 25 Years IS CENTER OF SPORT Uy WIL.MAM S. DALLAS THE Llghtl-eUT" IleyH Club Is situ atejLln KenslnRten, at Mnscher and Somerset utrrett" te be exact, the center of fcoceer-football Interest in this city, i With the srnMin elese ut hand, it Is net unusual, thereto e. te nnu is miiiciuh and cearhlng Ktnff thinkiiiR In ttims of soccer-football nt this time. A background of twenty live year of successful soccer in the Lighthouse prompts; them te use their extensUc fa cilities te produce teams this jenr that will uphetd their cherished records of tlie pust. , , rncxrcllcil training nunrters and, fi sixteen-ncre nthletlc Held, together w th n competent coaching staff, malu- Mr Mr terv possible; the plaj"is lilgh spirit and uullRgglug lieiermlnntlen fyr success make ictery prelialile. i iiie.i Ani"rini Football Assncla ..,...,.........-". , Hen, anil tne clnb nianageineiu win -.ndemer with Ihene team- te provide necrer loving fans with an exhibition of clean and scientific soccer TWO of the younger teams bace en tered the Philadelphia League. whili the rcir.niniit-s two will piny independent ball. The Lighthouse irallre- it- fu tute in soccer rests with the -.niiuger pin veri. and for that reason centers us much attention en its younger learns an it does en these tenmn that cnirv it color-, into the larger nnd mere expe rienced circles of competition. Poached te piny the bnll nnd net the man, trained te be gentlemen en ns well as off the field. Kensington hns every renien te be proud of Its soccer pner preuuteu u mc- ."-uluuu-c ri. .f 't lt,il, .,iiu"e irnm in (lie see. I " ..'".. " - ;, iii." i . football A-soeiitien opened its sen -en OllU C1VIHMI III ill'' UiliU "'"' iiwuil en Hnturu'i. nisi in an etniunien m.iii-n i Willi AUtOeur A. A.. 'J iui" nrei nivi- sier. of the suiiie association, at I'rent strce' and I'rie aienue. defeating (he latter thtce goals te one. Having been elected "(resident of the Allied League. ,i;imer Schiecder who wan nhignei te mannje nii'i leaeu nn ie:iiii. was forced te tin ii eci" its affairs te Willinm II:wKins, wlie suceesstull serrer in thli illv. ' , ' i , be ns''ed bv lieerg" '. lt,l,.,e Vn imnble tn ienert Hnfur. """"-" ,-, V ; -; -, . ,bi due te bleed poisoning in one feet VAxht of the thirteen men signed with the first team received the Breater part ' e their training at the Lighthouse ! n..,' r-inh. Like the first team, the ni.ti'rltc of' I lie llorseniiel nf this i.,iirl, rln isinn ' A'lleil f.ensnt. tetim, hns nui been lie-I ,d-i. but the tr.nn is etr ni' ler- T IKK the ether te.uns. there Is a-i abundant maleri.il frnm uhlili in f-elcct n wlnnliii,- elecen. .mil these bins s tniihl de well in upholding the (nidltltms el (he I,i',limui. lines' Club. HAS NOT BOUGHT ARENA i ,...t ... ajis nimnc promoter, nas takrti eccr the Mount Ileynl Arena here. Tetll IJlliriltlll. m.inmrlni illris. tni- nn,l leli he "i' hail net been sold nnd w "ild no " n, in. ,!.. i,., i .. .. iviirv.iiii mm ji-iitii me jiii ter ea ii Meui'ii". nimu N "' slefinite. N TION I. I.ltAi.i i: llurnslis, SI. I en I , ttlllluma. I'lillllea 1st lis .Vims iirl. I im.. I'l Ullr-H Mi-iisfl. Sew erk ttlirnl, llroeklvn MI 1(11 I vi, Mini in,., -i i iiis a "1 11 III 111 JUl.li New Kilmimi -.liliki i- Mini, ir. 111 .I an li.ru llrlrnll aTO'i-r. .tllib'lim .... f.ike the first team, the second Light- "in 1 V r,"cclen '"-' nSBreua . -i . i.. n, ., ii.:.. i ,i:. .li.... iien in J.'i. ciecen. - s tne arena Is leitRed' ' ' m, V7i '' '"M "liiTii.tit i- -knk,i-'i ' r ., nnd will d'j.rnd e ,,e . nnitev Prh lr- M. .. bri,h lht".Pnr,..1,A.'h': ""'L'Wf.V.' '.'"' '!. 1' ..'.. .,'.,. .'' ''V . " "i Ready for World Series I . -t il.j t; KLMEIt A. .srilKOKDEK President of the Allied American Football Asse'intlnn S. D. Dever, Head of Tredyffrin- Easttewn High, Develops Winning Football Team EIGHT FROM THE 1921 TEAM Ity TAIL I'KKI- FACI'LTY football coaches tire nu merous in sehelnMIi- ranks, but rarity Ih theie found the dual chaiai-tcr of cridiren tutor and -i hoel'iiimiii.nl. Under thf training and coat hlng of I st. d. D. mt. prim ipnl K. I). D.mt. nrtntliinl of the Tredr- ffrltl-Lasttew tl High, til lierwrn li i it , . i. i . i . . .1.. cridiren for the last seen nl can ' '-, inj. -,-". "i'.'--a vii !- Mr. jfl er spend' hii m irnlngi nnd enl afternoon lu r-t. ntr t' e li.eitlnn if the students in tlie il.is e rns .iml then in Ic late I' M limb I'nl c te tenili bN ihnige til" lessens of foothill. Last e.iseii 1 fihftriu-nnhitnnii Hi; It v is ri pp -en'ei I one of tne best tiams in I'lill'idelpnt i siihnrns nnd iire- icrts fet nnetiier winning -aeu aie luight. I I'lght members of the IPtll team are I leu U Three of these nre member-i of the bnekfteld. while the uie linemen. I fienunn. ipinrterback : Leahm.iu nnd , C'el'Itis, " hnlfbacKs; Captain lltnery. icriiter: AlleMi nnd Harten, tacl.le-. arid I" reastlale anil tlarwoeil, ciuH, arc the Ijeungsteri. ueiKins. itiiinnci:. unci lenipklns nnd - ',... ., """ '".Mopped ii-i. .cii'r mar it cci'i just n ulrln- lf in, ,,, the , ,)f , saset, " T ,, , ... , , ' "' , ij,"i V" '. ,tnrmrr VJn ,"nter, K uT'uv" C,'!L " nn T". p.lst'" r- ". - Iialten, v li0 coached rTCP S Yt 1'attet - - ..'"""jnle'in Hljl. .nfpBt ! I D. T " J Mnunt lrv Bm S011,l" JJ sh tieil Cannlen II-, e te it wl I'ere.st Hill. ,,!. '-." ,' " ?' .. ." V".'.' uillllL-ll. in two nrim. t. - '.. ".u!'",,t,,'ll .Ka,nf"'. I'-nKd esterll!v Knrhnrk. echo plnjed" nor.,l iini, .V ".' 'luanerhaeh, Z?h iTllm,"l,eln,sl " heCthe t?''?!;,","'1 lirthts. v 1 l, (',i, e, s t V in,; for (-a"""(,n. ssss? s 111 tv ' Ji -c Ne c rsH en-'a ITIills .-.n 7." '",r",, rr( -flri- .vk, -rtiti Je- -i'hiuirn a T - -H-.I ... J, I . in .n tiluv mi "i en haji i n ,, fu I'ntin i. .sriititen-ihip clunc tj in it iclris (ethnltr lllirh CnA-iii f-,. - . JSS'-k.1 ."" ' t-im .' 1 ip- f' r th uih ih.r,..r.... '":"''' ""?ii ai- r't.ihe'1, 'Ml Plaer ar. nc.,1 ., l;,'"'uaI t-w If s o-tmaer, ., I Hell . UL',2?,"'r . 1 h. left -I P'ulns in his Prat ,,, i irtns I .fk s. it riji..t ii,,!, "'"J ' ill in. lis ..i.rrt ,, ..,,,,, '".j l -n'in,i.M f .. ... i, .. jm ,, ' ; I I a 1.0 1 '. if f ins.ir 1 ,... ' " is nuki.- if f ins.ir I iiaar-, Mliintlii Its niutiil a i itenaill Mil i p iti'lslna I, i ' t ' 'i aKe ire " MeWlrec'n iml li i nui ' JiH.pi, p,,,., ih 'iiilrnl M-hmi n ', l i. l-i.i at nrnit rhunre i llu Injury tn ci..,.. '.n?lr.'V,c.'.''.'? h'P lilm out of the nam unit I Ce, h Uiilph llaicecirt la making rurlit MrM-s ri-tp.rlin- hla t9,rn v. IU7 jy itinii itfiiiir -mw m m r m m m ana a 4 Imr.l in nn error' te -. ",h"' U.m rtt,ri;rV,."r I f ""'V ',nn""r l "l-bOUt ratlfjinS 1.0 11.21 s.ttrw Th. J'lenra scr"i''.,kf. 'IO ,ion b " untceiMt bmlj iVi'rh-!?sTeJ'7hin,h."sr.,'r. ,Je'' V" b'" "" "" . , The "KU'eiuc" I v as made by the pr. s-n'k-c ,ha" ;'r tu mak'' lh6 "' a Sclents of the three '.nicersltles. -tlntr m nleii lllrli llsr. uii,, ,. SEPTEMBER 20, 1922 E Eighth Under McCraw Cemes When Cards Fall in Tenth Inning en Kelly's Hit 23D WIN FOR EPPA RIXEY FOIt Mie tenth time In the ln-terj of the National League the New Yerk (JlantM lime raptured the petiirint. A tcn-lnnlng -.letery ever the Cardinals jcsterdti) nrithcrialirall elineiKd the ling. After a sen-en In cchldi tlie I nrds fought nllniitly until misfortuiie in the wnj of Injuries te star players forced them out of it nnd Intel), while the IMr.ites made n d termlm il fight, the (flitnts haw finally wen out by dint of .slugging rather tlinn geed plti hlng. Ill the ltiht three Wicks, whether by design or force il b the exigencies of tlie game, Mi draw hn lucn using two te the Imrbrs In ecerv contest S,ldetn hns n (naiit Jilfi her been "ible In an 'he full route In that time. Yesterday Mc Quillan started and was mimced b n plmh hitter. I (.can lluishliig uml g'HIng credited with the trlumpli The Amrrlmii Ieimiie tennis are idle tednc. lntt tomorrow a -.ietnrc fur the nnkees will mean another home Mri for rather Knickerbocker, or In the event the Hrewns lo-e the title ceil) be' , inntheiiiatl"nll.. clinched by Ml'ler Hug gins. The triumph of the fiinnts with mere t linn a week before the first gnine of the series s a fortunate break for Mcdraw. His huilirs are in pem ennditlen at 'he present time nnd with mure than a weik te rest up should be in prime fet tle when the wrles open. The remain- ,iiic games en the schedule will prob preb i ablr b P n.cd with tcce hurlers a game. Nehf. .Miljuillaii nnd J'ss Humes have been ecerwnrked since the les-. of 1'hil Dettclns nnd enh the bi'illian work of ,Iehnn Scott, the cetiie-bnck hurlrr.Itcitti .lennard nnd irgll Mimes, rookies, has kept the (limits in the W.iul Hill, the Iiidl-iiiipnlt recruit Insn't bren the Miceess predicted for li I tit be fore joining ' champie'i-i ' I Eighth for Mrf-rau i The jH-nnant was the eight brought , te (iethat.i h" .lebn McCraw since 1 I started h's managerial cure r in the , motrepoi.T..n r phpk in i""-, rum th sceeinl time ".line 11M7 thr.t a Nntiutinl r.e.irue team h.n repented its triumph 'f the precie' s si- l .TtfT 1'f'ffer i,:teii-s.l j-ned bull, but1 wnnrfil ei 'i''i. nl time when the ("hints in ie (' ri'itgh wlfh the bits, iiii-emnr I"1' ".icieic Tie 1'anN weri , ie'ding bv "i run - 'ilia ml" 'be 'until. jrli one mi In- 'l"ine nin tin- bases filled and I . ''"" Cards pi"" cnted futther sering an I forced th' ' enme Inte extra innings. In the tenth, with Frisch en base. I'feffer purpose! j pnsed Yeir- te take n ehancc en Kellj . The elenKiited first sneker drove out u lingl" that sent l'rlsch across with the winning run. Casev Stengel strained n leg mucle during the enme, but. nc-erdtng te the club pbesicinns will be abb le play In the world's series. The Cards" made eight hits efT Mc i Ouilliin durinir t - nine rounds werkisl. but failed te garner a afen off Ucan in the tenth. Henibj let with the bti k, getting n triple and twr singlet. Kfll, whose single wen the gnm" wns the (Hants' luminary with tl. bliidgien. He hnd n homer and nnethei sin;.''e in tulilltlen te IiIh icorieus bmc. former bniins ttci and the latti-r three Mines Mill te iila v IV te It.'hun, v. he hns been nhevrlns nrtistienll.c sine" h- reported the tlret of the meiith. mv' ha, left his bnishfs ut home for lie lusted just fem rounds. mx runs nnd b'ceti hits) belnt- made off hi-, delner.c (ieerse Sinith, whn rfueeeeded the sll-er-thntche,l warrior, uni found for nine hlti nnd f'Mir tiiarisers. The I'hilli" hnmnipfcil out nine Iut ' off l'npn Jejulin lsixec, echo once served them up lire, but scored enl. three runi, one in udi "f the first trio of inninss. Wnshtsiene, Rnpji nnd Wal". Uer each had a pair, while Williams nnd Pnrklnsen and IVteiN eds"d in with a blng'e apiece. It cent, Ktxei's' twenty-third tiiumph of th' t-e.isen. i which puts lilm "n ivn terms with Wil bur Proper nf tne l'lrntcs. The Tiers in their first visit te T'ittsbnr.h -ine, the niemernble lfiOll SClies defiT.te,l the Uiii-N in an exhlbitl m 1,-a.ne. Of the two tennis that bat tied thl'teen ii iri iue enh Habe Adani- and Tv Cobb r.inain dams did net pitch, but t'ebb. afti r the cintreicties of the crowd did a pmeh-hittiriB net, u'ct tine n rdncle The Pirates eet but two hits off till hnm in he irninKi and arv n one i tT Hallow av in f ur Mjrl Hrmiu, the former Heniiing luaver was found t r twelce hits in eight innings nnd Ulh7nr two in one "BIG THREE" PACT WILL TAKE EFFECT JANUARY 1 Changes Regarded Net aa Drastic as Seme Had Feared New Mac en. ( enii., Sent 'Jtl State nicntN bv ali- I nicer", t ertu nils estnli HhIi the fact that 'he nec nthlet c asree inent ainenu Pr nenti n Harvard an i i ale, annniiniid vniurdn. will co into In eonsultatieti u tli the nthli.tii, l.n.lii.u and the action wns tinal in effect lienernl Mitlsfnet' i with the reforms mnile is exju. hm.,1 i ui, n)ilm,Ui w,0 point out thnt tin t ... s de net enilmdv us clra.stlf c"haii-;ei. u t-'ine lud feared (Jenernl dHmiuul tnr elimination of the iibuncs whieh Imce been ut'tielied hR iii-t-ii rapresjHeil I) tne Kriulltuteh who 'JM AMKHH N 1 I (.l I A II II .( . i:ih .,;.-, jsa .nii st.lrr. St. I.eul, (vl.li Ilctrclt e liter Clec.li.nil lleltiniiiin, Ili-tnilt 1 1 1, I'l M U.uU NT(N, lliiriishi tat. Luii-,, Ikliee. I'llUlnuKi, ; llllla (llllllk-e M.lllrr. ( lileisn Tlrrnr), l'lllaliiirch I s ,ii ;J7 l-'J 417 l-.H t ih r.-t mi 1 1 1 nin "n.' nn 17t in I l.tl.l K. Illi im tiii nu; 1 1 im as i i.u im -t !-i i4 inn nn 4J? me :Vi i.ii MS WIN I NTH NATIONAL PENNANT 1 CAMBRIA A. CLUB Y"H:r"t rrldiir Ernnl-ir, 6eptmbr 29, 1928 TOMMY CLEARY Ti. MATTY BROOKS Four utlifr H'nr nnuti HFFnLT, TOPAr, 1:30 P. M. NATIONAT. I.EAntF PA11K PHILLIES vs. CINCINNATI PFATS AT OIMPrT.B AVT) TALniWO "bexTngIshanahan c. c. 4CTH & LAJICASTFH SKPT !6 Sim Blacklsten vs. Johnny McLaughli.i S OTHEH BOWTH ADM Wr tt M 236 Se. 11 St. Phene Wal. 1892 Bryn Mawr Herse Shew ' Bryn Mawr, Pa. M-.l-TI.MHI.lt .'T. !, "JO nnil .11) VnlMii li MTItlMn 10 , M Wll ". M I Mt ". T Meets At II'; v ,'" H I t I Of 1 1 IT i h'nut li i-reurel . 'it J Xinfrlen's inet Hiinilrrfiil lieic herf Iicm.Ii" rcrnls. In HATS SO CH ORUF.OTfallstvIes ,n L-ww Derby? and Seft T tE, inn ie tn all the Orrtfr lif Mall new ihndes. A. M. DAVIS, 131 N. 13thStreel Otxn Kcrnlnr M rhpc, si LANCASTER FAIR 16-17-20-10-30 Come te the Big" Fair! KxlilbltN of rineat Mca-stnrk, enilerfiil I term I'rinliirtii. (irnnne uml Hnnie I'thlhlt. IIOIIM. KAI INC. JO rai-,. Unlit lliiriifsH ii 11, J llunnliii. Itiirrn. Illic I'urnra, l TllllllllII r. II ( lr. Siitur Int. .s-pteinlirr 30. Dm thrilling Miite rnern with tnr ilrlcrrs rnmprllM? for m-li irl-r lipid nnilpr tlie wii'lilre of the . A. A. C, nitt uitiniiti! acts Chita &&s JaAjAxfai AnVPU-rsTF Arrew Cellar A COLLAR THAT'S RIGHT FOR THE KNOT THAT'S TIED TIGHT Jt JiJ 34 ClueltJ'cjbedy & Ce. nc.-Trej.y.V 1 HI ( XT'ON M lie h "wen pnnmirf 1 1 WIGS-MASKS etc TO HIRE It LyuTurJM II U MILLER- COSTUMIER P M DAVISf- Mmgs v kr MJkWJCJS M ""I VTk TSmrfWWTWX jnr 'MnBP" day school I 3U&H&j3& COLLEGE FOR SUCCESS fW J... ;u' a V Y mu' "'ft- t V in 't f r a u A.N ACCRLDITI.D COMMLRC IAL SCHOOl 1200 WALNUT STREET BOOKKEEPING AND PRE ACCOUNTING for Men and Women An t!-,tr. ia i f t a aDc'a.llv , irepat-il r r ia . - a t en fni fe "r'c'.r "n .b,",S.r.'7. r, Vn"y& fcVne tn rim- --i' p r- rn ln'' "" " ' s , ,r.v ."""' Lf.a. upeniej jar sfr""1"'' "m is-nd for Cat it ,ni Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS H21 Arch St. 1013 Letugh Ave. 52d L Saniam Sts. Arc Yeu Grewing? T li IP f f r I il I t rfrr hi is , 'i.tri tl ii i1. i il I I lias tni Ltc i.g Cuii' Nun Opt i PEIRCE SCHOOL, of Business Administration tVrire 'ir rit 1 rnr hn i t'tn -t. Meat of Urn a y Business Education l-i I'hili t p th kiiirlerii' f M k i r a Ii It i i ins r i i. ,la7 i r pti in , t , i ir siravpr lef ri" ink nj, innil still ACADEMY or 7Sj, Ovurbroelc A leuntrj-Uay bichnel for Heys Greville Haslam, B. S. lirudninitcr i M is -. n i N2ANLIU-J ri,";r 'l ' ii i,' . . i f. I'lfli i r i I e r i An Hla ll in r.ialieiiitv i'iu!iiulit hi tuli.inu. ft. H airan. Alhlaii(.a IiualnaaM .,.,,.... Junier Scheel. Ter 111 yaara under OI1V i Wit. Emu-UK. J-,.. c j7.MinliU3.N:y. ' w T II . t'l. rnBTAniV. At.I, RTKRi t'heni mm, tin: or write fur price, "QUIXET" GARAGES H. F. HILDRETH 205 N. 3RD ST, PHILA. AKftit for fdr C. D. PRUDEN CORP. RACES TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE SEVEN RACES DAILY sp.rlil I ent lc ml i It It Iriln lain Urn ill -I siii,,n U'll I' M.i lle.1 1'hili I J I'l I' l illrrrt te ciMiraf 'I lerii -iMiilinl Tin-I sppflil 11 ll tr.iln lnicr Jltli unit (In -Uml w I 10 I' M l.iM-ru s( mil irii llmr I 1 1 lur ami lllnlin; inr- ilnilalnn (,r in'lal mil nnil I'ml. 'irk, Jl Ti. Im hiillnc (lOKrnmmt T.I-. P. i ntsr itti. i . in r t. gj,'-?rB,vtg 'mrjaiFvi3 Topcoats for the temp8ramental,? Ye., we are tfluil le makp Topcoats for men who lme suggestion-, of their own, althe me.s,t of our customers put flic whole problem up te iif. Satis faction is our goal. C ir rrlii Am Mede-?! b"il' an 1 TepLOiU $50 arel Uuvartl '3 Cn- Custom 'tfailorsSirrcelSTe U16 Walnut St. Tl-Oiuerr-; a SpecUltyj Everything in Radie We Guarantee Every Article OUR BIG SPECIALS Variemeters .. $, !2.50 Vario-CeupIersS " "B" Batterin, 1S void; Rfr. $5.00 $2.35 Cryital Detector-, glass inc. Reg $2 .88 Nacy "E" Tubes; Reg. S10.00; new $7.95 "Mesco" .1000 ohm. Headset; Reg. $7 $4.49 Frest" Single Headset; 1009 ohms; Reg. $2.75 $2.24 Tbordanen Transformers; Reg. VI. 50 $2 95 Scckrts , melded; will net burn, Reg $100 .40 .25 .12 Dials 3" Cnmpe.; Reg. $1.00 Crystals, Mounted & Lnmeunted I M-rt II ,illn Xilclee MM' drill r l-ruin 'tis Illleil "Watch Our Prices" 502 MARKET ST. (itM'n l.ri'niiics SI)1 rxTiewi llelli Sp NIGHT SCHOOL IN BUSINESS LIFE Mil XN C.l-T l.tutl) 1'lllM, POSITION "muni ' - urn'-i J r s . IH ' kirnl v ' ' a cjil M j. ' Nl.it s , . ' l l j vsr .- i ..III .1 I .lij.1" nl I i r, l.ll' Miirl.il -I l'llll,.,,h'i Friends' Select Scheel I ur 11 ya T--.rarkvs.as C'l-rrc an I 10 M,. ' ' 1 . . ' ' ' ''v '1" il Hirli J (U' 1 I , M ! Lt. I at, ii I O r i v LfiMC "Vl-r V Tti, 1M t T"r ,. p, MISS WHARTON'S SCHOOL I5lli i M i im ' III III I Ns in r M IITTI r lin-.ra "tuiinir Mi ' ni iiiii) l.lrl. Standard Scheel of Filing: and Indexing 1012 Chestnut Street Die Glebc-W ernlcke Ce. I -a ,I1 ii -"lO'ti or l) 1) j.tur The Gorden-Honey Scheel lur I trl. llli Sumr Srrrt Ml -II I ICs . v COMBS CONSEftVATOUY''MUSlC A Scheel of Individual Instruction ',' .ll ..!alnnt v, I t. , ' '''1 arn 1 if l nuiat i a- Ibi'y of it i ii s a I i I I i i,! .ujvr. 5 I n ' Jl I.. II III It t ,,.'" A' ' "'l'l"llrrrli, 1 Ml I Ms. 1 II l III lift I Nit '""' "" tt ,'li'ilti silll'Jr Phila. Scheel of Dramatic Art , ' epur. i-'iirn Lit.. ' 's !H7f i.i.sc iii.iiist m limn, (l" ...,. IIAKlll.ll .NAI.ON. IMrVrle-i " i ., .""".T"., ;al''lier lHtii rtrlirllikr Mflhecl, 1711 Cliralnpt filrttl U-C - -J --Lr-l IP . "--r'3 WW- ky) QHUHHuSi jf XLe: sr-, Ul. "WAFER'S" J'W 'v :u i ! u v ! m mii k JL a T-ii sa