Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1922, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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e -1, i
J -
Relieve 4.
If it's done by
Kuehnle, you knew
"Save the Surface" c
Vine & 17th. Sts.
senucE J44 ruce 7749
. a
mere ;
Extra Big Leaf
I Bread
Supreme ieaf
It stays fresh
In all our Stores
Teach Children Te Use
Cuticura Seap
CecsusK It Is best for their tentltr
sUins. Help it nor and then with
touches of Cuticura OmtmettnppUed
te tirst signs of rednens or rough reugh
ress. Cuticura Talcum ie clse excel
lent fe: children.
)ajUKt!ir.tl7Ml1 AtMr. "CstltiTi.Ii..
n-.eiiM, 11.pt m.Mtlilm'r.Mut " Knicmwrj
J" Fdc. Olitwent SSmrltOe UlrunSTc.
fB3 Cuticurm Se&p shaves wilteut nun.
Fema'e Petruchie Center of
Serious Nevel Verging
en Burlesque
I he Ideii of n fomnle PclrUehln al
ways unvers of burlesque. And n1
though Nervnl Ulclinrdhen linn ap
proached hit "Cntc Weinnn" (Hcilii-
iit) In Hip most set ions of mewN
and has inndr Iter Hip mitral figure of
ft Kill liutnmi trngrdy, jet keiup of
ir-r Dprr-rhe nnd M-cnrs In tlip most tell
iiiff parts will biinc rlmckle rntlicr
Hi nn trnrs, 0
Te thp Island happiness of nn Knc-
Hi niither nnd Ms wife and t'lilld. liv-'
ing In Cnprl, remes "thp mve woman."
n fem'ful if uncouth widow. Hp fulls
, in love with thp niither mill hy incnns
i ur-r pnrf-r- mm 11 series or 1 overt lierf
I muses nn cKlrnngement. followed lv thp
, supposed sulelde of thp wife. Then sli j
weni-ii the Midilened widower In Mieli
' wnjs as, "Loek Iieie. Don't be n feel.
If ou rUe tnp 11 etinnce I'll make you'
leve hip. I'm net nfrnld te frv nnd I ,
knew hew. Think wlmt I can give you." j
And thp niimby piimby npeiiKP mutters
KeniPthins about wanllns Ins wife, nnd
"Don't think of that. You're tee
yetiiiK. Don't live in the past. l'e
Ret mere money than I knew what te
de with. I want jeu te help me spend
it en jeiirself--and en ynur little girl."
When the laughter bus dlrd down,
lie marries the care woman, btift of
reurse his wife wasn't dead. She milieu
b.sek a la "Dndt Lynue" and the "cave
woman" falls ever n cliff ami there
jeu nie. 1
.lust half n deren pnrngrnplis and
"The Cove Weman" would be one
jftrnntl glorious Imrlevnie. l!nt Mr.
I Kit luiiiN'in nppnrentlv uniits it lakcn
serlenih. I'lebnbiv it 1011I1I be bv ,1
I djapeplii'.
Pinte Peny's Boek Reviewed ,
by Literary Editor's
"Told I ndei a White (ink Tree." bv
11(11 linn's Pinte Peiiv. with elRfu il
lustratiens .Inmrs MiiMtseiiH-r: Mitt
1 linucriitnu Mifflin Company), N tipt
',out. We wish te te en reierd ns be-
'lining tliat If a pinto pem can write
',' i .1 re'm book (and the book's worth It
;' ' here mticedrd) then u lit"i.ir. centl"
,', man's favorite seldflvh eiijht te be able
f. te re-.ieu It. Very well. then. W'e are
,i"S!$?4,?Y.j: V,-i ."? ' the t miliar book teviewer' linnv friend.
. Klnlleii jeu" ear mjalnst the side of tin?
- '- tiiiuerliim. give herd nnd lerpend
A bullhead (whose er.uitv l'i tin
j questioned and fur ulie'p iudcmeiit we
I have great rcspci 1 1 one.- told u thut
I net mete than ."0 per rent of books fn
! terert by be.i" wre designedly written
'for boys. 'J he ether 511 )ier rent were
'written for omebedy elv nml adopted
b bnR. He mialit haw !lcd "Told
i 1'nder a White Oak Tree." The book, I
the nifr Informs us will delight the
J inn' ie enthusiast and the buer of here. I
i Certainlj. p.irtleularU If the n-ev ,e en
1 thusiat and the leer of horse In a,
ihe. It Is n bej's book fre.ii cover te,
' ever,
j And. bj the same tel en. it ivjM
take a bev (wlibh. alas, we are n ti te
I set a thilll out of the stirnns aihen-i
lines .( Kinplilealb1 told. frtke. for
I in-tmiee. Cip llt fur life In an tiei- ,
r. inil rurr. There's a seene te stir1
a bnj ! Hut a en iaii' epp-t It te e.
eile m Beldrlsh. Ve could make that t
tiii villi our lins belilnd our baek.
oe!lsj. v be vrrk te antu Irate or
i in feiv the nnblie's ipiidlng inclination
Ions nse decldeil the time wim ilpe fer1
a 'vvhal of the remtintic ehoel of,
,hetinn. inl se writer after writrr,
has turned bis or her pen ter-nrd fan- ,
eifiil tales of the s n-li!ick!ln$; .rn.
Hut se far the iailin-; nubile has ie-ii'-ii'i"!
np.ubcib' le the de'iige nfi
.leriwlc ui'd silken duilil"t and swish- i
liiK iii.kk . ill" answer preii.ililv is
I lint sonic one will hne te stilke jtisf
the proper i herd te sain th" cvneteil
i i repene. Anl then will ( enie thr teal
1 leluce
('"tilde 1-rnvr till.es .it the pert.i'
with "M'l.eid of the While Itead"
' Atii'ieten I. and altheiich he brines te
ir for. all 'he tlme-l iniei.'d tibks of
till' 's'iIcntli-ouiids-eiIds bedkllis'
i rn-r sr!rr. li" dee- 11 1 1 Ie nope thnu
provide li star of pn'sabb. imprest -'one
reh'nx mete upon its nrmn-pheie
i te Inlti-jii" than upon neidty of i bar
n teriTititii.n or situation.
True, br lias pi iijcil e "M'l.erds"
jlike at two peas in fniftiie. but. el
.e'irse. .ipnrl as i lie poles in ibaracler.
1 The leal milord bees his lifr. pud bis
pine" s taken In bis double, who also
tinds himself Ini'li.tf tin pre pert of a
.trip te the altar. Ilc'iue lie eun foil
the i.isenl'.v lel.tt.'ie nnd win the i;iri
i fill- himself under bis true color lie
hue te tight a half -seme of (jupli
and m . et eurti. bis trustj rapier i
.lever ' ' liln. in hW ip-iment of need.
Ami ns all t lit' old stanii,.ii of "(iinnnee
ini I fine trotted out. the final iliaptrr
' show s him ie be the i r il I el.
! bl Kuiepc's Suiiide ' iThemnH
'.srliir I Hiupnn.i I is n er itiipeitiint
, li'ek en lis inn nicill and hlhlj slK-
nilii.itil in vi"v of its miiiic. I'er the
iiuiliHi' Is none ether than KriKildier
As an addition te eur'scrvicc, vc have
arranged for the Attendance et
Dr- f. a. husk
He will be at this store every afternoon of
this week, and will give, v ittern eWt'tfdiicm,
professional advice en all f6et troubles.
Hours 2 te 5 Pi M.
38 Seuth 17th Street (nenr Ctcstntit)
Yea, Be! If you
want 'em te yell
"Attabey" in
stead of "Take
him out" lim
ber up these
stiff joints and
muscles with
Constant Raids Demand the Attention of Every Thinking Man
Contractors and Ertfinecrr
:12:MMJ MARKET ST. Pa.. Wcr. mei
Fer .Hotels, Offices, Dining Reems, Institutions
One-half inch thick in any color ever your old floev. Chcaiie.r
than best fjrade linoleum. KryEtene compeaition flooring is easy
te the tread.
Send for Our Estimator Belmont 0407
Dall players, tennis playcn, bewlew,
golfers whatever your Rame-r-Jurt
ay Ben-Gay at any drug store and you
will Ret a tube of the original French
Baume it jut naturally knock stiff
neM .nd soreness Jeun and our. Keep
a tube handy for Sprains.
The. Lttratnf & Ce., N. Y., Amer. AtenU
must he sold at exactly price. Regardless of cost or make. This includes
SIMMONS. BARCALO,' and ether well known makes. Seme are slightly
A damaged, but most of them are new and perfect. It will pay you te leek at
tnese wentieriui values. ju goecis marten in piain ngures. une price ie
all. Just deduct one-half from the original price. Yeu can also take advan
tage of our easy terms.
Helitered ir
syyia-BfcPBfcSSwdtiMgaWW li
Price $16.50
A Complete
One Simmons Bedstead
As illustrated Reed, strong, scrTiecable anA
comfortable. Clieicp of many beautiful fin-ihc-,
in all standard widtln.
One Simmons Bedspring
The galvnnied, twialrd link fabric type: flat,
nen-sausins, rt-silienl, quiet and restful.
One Simmons Mattress
Of nure, new. .'Iran rottnn rettnn
spei'i.) ""Oil-proof ration roll.
UeliTcrcd in
This Sale Alse Includes All Odd Weed Beds
tllMfilH WBflKffWft.yWSeM
h Sfc
sB& &&'
Standard Gas Ranges
Gas Water Heaters
Gas Savers
Laber Savers
Time Savers
1 1 j iy!?rrs
At U. G. I. Stores
Frem Representatives
uBM rcww
The Beauty of Detail
nfierded te 'isien by
polished plate fjlnsa
means much te the
owner of a home. It is
net expensive nnd lends
itself with equal prace
luxurious dwellings.
Lit u make meecttient
K.ended IBM
Hires turner
glass Company
Wrji Anna Cctinrr
Save and Beautify
Your Hair With
Herpii-'dc ia be? t for the lialr beca'M- of Iti
poiitwe notion In li" ludfjinu the lmir. remevini;
ilanrir-ff, n'.bDpim; fn'.lii's Iwir.
After en pppli'Atlen of Hr; picnic tlie liitrh
liclilN of jejr l.iiir in'jnn tiKlnm nml jour ncaly
brriwi te tone up .irnl lfonie henllli". In n tisvt
ilas yeLr lmlr will 1' ceninlctcly trmsfernivil.
'.en will liavf tli lKaiitiful lmir i" i linvr,
alnay.' teiiKed fv eurnjalp will bv frai from
cliindnifT. V'lirlm'- will mop fnlliniru it. Your
cipcAia:ic2 will In rfn'utly improved.
Removes Dandruff Step Falling Hair
Krd whit Mr?. Anna Cenni'r (pieturcl
here) Fayn of Kt.'bre'b Herpicldi-:
" ute Netvb'e't flrrpicldt dally. It it a
wendnful preparation far th hair and scalp.
Mj hair feucAei tin fleer".
.Iiat Hffrpicide hat dor.e for Mrs. Cenner
nnd tlDuaamlsri etl.rs, Itwill mirclviie for ou.
Hcrintlioufeof Hirplcdii talny. Yeu v ill li1 nit
frnmthetlritni plicatien. lAPrybottleliB inrm
tn'il tedunil th itm claimetl fc r it, or jour denlur
i i nu'.nemui te refund purchate pilot'.
Sold By All Drtis and Dept. Stores
Applications At Barber Sheps
I 11 II ail..1 i I I ! im I rjljuajiM'tVi ' ' '""
A 10-Day Test
Te hew what Pepse
dent does. Simply xnaS
the conpen.
Then yen will knew
that there is yr&y te new
beauty, new protection,
and no one in yetrr horn
will neglect it
Send conpen new.
The prettier teeth that show when you
are successfully combating film
30th and W.tnut
tii'iii'inl t'lniilfs ilii'ihvoed Tlinnisniti.
A Cievd Boek,
a I'rvttu Lamp,
t Vvmfu Chair
h s ciieiii-li te m.ke .my.
bedv want te Uy nt home
'liesc eliilly, Hiitwmnnl
Inrini rl;. nt ilif Hillisli cinrrnl tuff and '
" nf tin- SnpiiMiie W'n" t'nimril !iki nn I
- -.r.-; , initlii'icliip ""I eilli renfi'rs Jin'-'tlKO mi
ill tin1 iiiiiiMinl leiifiits et a biinK whiili
ii i e siiil.inuU l.llii'iul w!in. Terjlsm
nilplit wi'll In- i'pi'i'tid. lint nls4i stnnipv I
It with niitlinrit . simp tin1 .nitlier n
nn iiupiiitiiiit mtei in tin' scenes he di1- '
ll'lllus, (
"(lid Kiiupe's Siiirlile," 1' n piunt
I'd. pun,';' in icnnl mid Intorpietiitlun ,
nf lli lsiix tif Kiilupp dllllliR tin
lllini I'll'J.II). 'Illlls tllO l)ll(l', ) 1. 1
iIhuikIi H is. Kiv ' tip" nntiivdeni mm- ,
hli'v tlim fni'iiiL('Mi'd tin' i fit:ii Ijmii i
nrl'l Win. in "oil ii" tin' li'irntic iv-
ll)0lS (if lll.lt tltlllll'' I'llllllil't. il'll(l',ll
'I Iieiiimiu's lienl, is ii..t fiirmnl liisteri .
but it is I'istnrli'.il In inti'iit'iiii. In '
m dit'mi tii lui dlK'iitluiis nml levfln-
illinib i'iiiii crniiii; iniliifii, tlitileni.i 1 1" t
nnd pnlittuil nftnir', lir has ski't'dii'd, j
ivltli I'li.iriniuu' linprrssimilsin. plm-rsnf
I life and n'lif iiinniis Hi' linlkiin ppo ppe
InliSi. wlin'e lut nod dmiK'Ts lie sluir"d
i He I- n snldlfv nnd rn nlisfrM'r. nnd
Minii'tlniiK ini"1' fl"' I"' Im a social I
pliiln'iipliv Mm) In' Is .t wrltt'p pos.
1 ,c iiu I'l'i'i iIikiiii. vlK'M' (ind jrni'i
ll'lll' H'I Mlll'li
I l,nii nil 'riiiiliisini Mils in tlie liiiti'li
We, Ollii'" 1P11-11. nt Kencriil head
ipiaili'is in l'innci lfill-1."; Ilrltlsli
inilitnn it jin cniiiilvi in tlie llnlkmifi
I'll." IT. mid mi nt'iiidn' of t lif Supri'iiip '
Win fiiiiiii'll nl Nr.s.nlli'S r.tlcUI.
Lighting Fixtures
H -rocket model
4-pe.l.ct mndcl $8. 50
a Tem
Dais of chill will 1)(
flays of Ihrill if yuli stt'p
out briskly wenriiij,' a
Tem Wye instead of an
Yeu will hi joy the
freedom and warmth nt
this, at t motive jiiflcet.
Slyli.shly tailored, it i.
neal ami Miiart in appeal
ant'L'. Never bimehy, al
ways in .-hape, imj,'
warmth without weight
Twe styles in beautiful
heather mixtures. w
At men's wear nnd
sporting ,'oetls sten-,.
De you renlkc that men and women
million's of tlu"-n have found a way U
whiter, prettier teeth?
Loek about you. Nete hew teeth glisten
new teeth which once were dim. Se it w
everywhere. Careful people of soma fifty
nations new use this new method, largely
by dsntrJ advice.
If you don't knew this method, wc urge
you te make this test. Watch the delightful
results. Yeu will see and feel some new
effects you would net go without
Combats the dingy film
One object is te fight the film en teeth,
that viscous film you feci. It clings te teeth,
enters crevices and st.ivs. Feed stains, etc.,
discolor it, then it forms dingy coats. Tar
tar is based en film.
Film also holds feed substance which
ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid
in contact with the teeth te cause decay.
Germs breed by millions in it. They, with
tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea.
Under old methods, all these troubles
were constantly increasing. Fev escaped
some film-caused trouble. Beautiful teeth
were seen less often than tediv. All be
cause the ordinary teeth paste cannot effec
tively fight film And film is the cauac of
most teeth troubles.
Has tve effective ways
Dental science, after long research, has
found two ways te fiht that film. One acts
te curdle film, one te remove it, without
ny harmful scouring.
Many careful tests proved these methods
.'ffkient, thrn authorities endorsed them.
New leading dentist3 the world ever are
adming their adoption.
A new-type teeth paste has been crsated,
l-aserl en modem research. It brings five
effects new considered essential. It avoids
'svcral old mistakes. These two great film
combatants are embodied in it The name
of that teeth paste is Pepsedent.
A new dental era
Pepsedent. in essential ways, means a
nr-.v cia in dental hygiene. It does mere
nan fight film. It multiplies the starch di
pestant in the saliva. That is there te digest
stjrch deposits which may otherwise fer
ment and form actus.
It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva.
Tint is there te neutralize mouth acid,
the cauje of teeth decay.
Old method brought just opposite ef
fects. due te t,eap and chalk Se this new
vflv means a vast increase in Nature's
t loth-nretcctmg forces in the mouth. New,
these forces fight the enemies of teeth.
Nete Men's Teeth
Sec hew Ihey glisten new
Men who smoke axe new using: Pepso Pepse
dent te combat the smoke-stained film. Ye
will see the results if you leek. These
whiter teeth mean safer teeth as welL
Te children Pepsedent has brought new
protection. It is helping them avoid the
troubles which their parents may have suf
fered Under old methods, scarcely a child
avoided film-coats and decay.
Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Net
hew clean the teeth feel after using. Mark
the absence of the viscous film. See hew
teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear
Thit test will convince you that this
method should be used by you and your
Cut out the coupeu new.
Travel Sketches by James Dtyce
",cn erii'i f Twiw'l, ' lij Vlscnimt
ITmc, lll Iio p'ib'Idicd cmli In IllJ.i
m tli Miicpil'lnn i niiijiiiiK'. Tlirse oli eli oli
t.eiTHllinis nnd Impressions of ,i cri-i
inhli' I'lti" ii f ll'r "'.'M 'l "!'" tin1
Imp In s li''l llllllMIIll K'l'IICS nf tHIM'l
i(i I'i'i.iiiil. tin1 ni'iiintn'iih nf Pel ind nnd
.WAC.r.c I . . A
Ink s.,7 i... ."' 'f llinifi'iii. tnr aiii.1 Meniuiiins mm
U ----.! "ll.L.Jl.'jl Jul wtTi4'1,flPrftrlnTrttlrpw7iwry vt North
ite . l J
l j -. , 1 .i.' '-! i-: .-.
a i .; tii
-' i .....i. ,. bi iniwa . An
I fl -)SSSs7 neainer mixiures. w )i tfk "J'"gawicas,?333352Eaga PAT OFF ffi - V fl?
Z-!CK ..'i""."'1 i tf1!feSACLir1 10-Dav Tube Fv. -I 'i
I . "l'i ' 1 .-i"i 11115 nuuus Ml II"). I s H" w ' VBtSr V2SSW B V. Vi .
I ;, H'( H lank for the Tem U'nr I ' "w.v..,. ipwui h ! . , ii lagaagsnaSBiw THE PKPSODUNT COMPANY. I BJ
! i''WZV hbcl. ' The New-Day Dentifrice "--. " ''"I ."; A- -"'. "' 1
S'-'flv A W' """ I flail 10-fJay Tube of Pepsedent te i m
B W i a W I i r,.,m,i i,;., c,, ...... rr- . . , . 5 BI
i (U !B I Hebcit Rcis &. Ce. fl Leading dentists the world ever new advi-? tts daily use. All " " " , W
j W p Dhirihuteti j druggists supply the large tubes. J M
1 IJfi A k New Yerk City V ;, , ,. J M
4 ?& I p- Sfez li " ltmmm I M
J WbWjs my.... i s .' iimiiii'iiiii- vi-.jj , w , . ,, irr , FTO,, ,, ,,,.,,.,,..,,, ::z::J
Viiii - f J i Reailhe Ads .aa the . Classified Pages I 'i