Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    mFmmimi , an
WWwy-'.' i' , raws
WflBTmt jJ't'V! '"ff amM
s'T? v;w w. ipAs
ww "" 'fi 'flxpra
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'4' ti
1T vfej.
I Six Trenten Youths Are Taken Inte
20.Arwd of : Rt-'lmal Thought te Have Escaped Ship)
truck of theVhlllipsi wmlnm 15araanl, a PcnnJvanla
f, J'hllndclplila, Hlx jtallread ferry master, captured a1
Aero Club's Ex-President Ex
plains His Conviction for
WOULD PROTECT $20,000,000
Snv Tork. Spt. M. Hanty Weed-
hensn, formerly president of the Aero
Club of America, filed nn affidavit nnd
photographic exhibits in the Htipicme
Court jcstenlny te show that his in in
Innetieii proceedings npulnst the prcs
t trusted of the club are brought te
nrevent the disposition f funds of tlie
irinnizatien nnd the disposal pf cvi
SJSte which lie dpelarra is in the club
Sirs b'arinK en nlrfrnit frauds iiftnlnst
th I'nitiil Slates tfevcrnment tetallns
120,000.000. ,
At ctrrdn ' beaiinx Mr. Wood Weod Woed
i,cun' "ailnillti-d that In 1l'0" he was
i-einicted of manlauirhler and hed
mrn a term in Daunomeia Prison.
That mtiptcr in Ida llte was brought
Inte tin' hcarltif? by rhcMer YV. Cuthrll,
ceunvel ter ene el the defendant.
Mr. Woedhotifco said the killlug oc ec
enrrcd wlille he was working as n cook
endcr his right uame, Casalegno, which
In his nalive Italy means the same as
Woedhousc. Anether cook working nt
the name place was In e had humor,
he added.
"The ether cook said seni'thlnx te
me in nn angry wa and I simply Mtld.
rh rn nliinir.' " the lernn-r iivinti'Ui
..aifini tp4llflpd. "lie JumiHd mi nn-. I
I had a I.nlfe in wy hand with which
I find bten working in tli kitchen. Aftr
he lumped at me, the next thltig T knew
he was dead."
Woodhouse dercrlbes himself in his
affidavit net only aa acting aa chalr
mtn of a comn.lltee cheBen at a ape
ilal meeting of th Aero Olub of
Vraerica te inrtltate lejral preccedlnga
te protect the funda and properties of
the organization, but also declares he
ii acting "aa chairman of the commit
i! ro-epratlnB with the United States
Government in the prosecution -of air
"raft frauds, requested by tbe United
tatce Department of Justko te trans
mit te the department certain docu
mentary evidence of aircraft frands
hM in the records and tiles of the Aero
Hub of America."
Filer Leaves Haiti; New Engines
Have Been Installed
Tort au Trim. Haiti, Sept 2C. -1
initenant Walter llinten, th Arner
i Ati miliar who Is making a flight trera
r ir Yerk te Hie d" Janeiro, left her .it
'lavbrcak ted.iy en another le of his '
lllilit. , t
Ills henplanc. the banipale Cerrcia
II, is working pcrfegtlj , the new engine
icently installed functioning in geed
Trenten. .Sept. 20
tempting te loot a
Trucking Company
Trenten youths hnve been taken into
custody. The alleged crltne took place
along the llmnsnirk pike, near Bilkers
Jeseph llaker, T,hllllpa acnus, is in
jail in default 01 ball. Tbe ether nt
liberty under bend nie Jeseph Tenwme.
Utitler stieeti William Puck, -ill
JJhlttalter avenue; Joeph Clende, f0t
W hlttaker nvonue; Antheny Regan, 127
I3rj?,H,,n Btrcet' nn"- T" Htancenie,
2ae llutlcr street.
Orltlnh Aviator Would Take Reute
of Majer Blake
Victeria, It. (J., Sept. 20. -(fly A.
1'). Arrangements for a flight around
tha world, from Londen, em bring
niade by Colonel I. 13. IJroem, an avi
ator of that city, who has urrlrcsl here
from Jap.m. Colonel Itroenis said the
flight piebnhly would take the route of
Majer T. W. I'.lake, whit ns forced bv
llltiei-a te abandon, in Indl.i hit Miin
iiirr, nn ail plane tilji nieinul the world,
Washington, Sept. 20. The annual
meeting of the National Kdncatinn An.
eociatlen nnd the World Conference en
1 of Wills and will ceme before the Or-1
!. rVi.-f Cai. nrltiifllentlnn rnrlV In
IN NEW JERSEY WOODS October. The estate, according te the
accountants, amounted te RmU.oei.
P. R R. Ferrs, Mn.ter Stalk. Anl. "f liWl h0 remains .undistributed
-' ---- iinrlAv llin ImstilB nf Min Will .MHHl.-lltJstJQi
Houth American ant-eater In the weeds
near Woodbury, N". J., yesterday.
Barnard was gunning when tbe long
tailed mammal ambled ever a path.
The ant-eater was aa aatenlshed ns the
hunter, and ecurrlcd Inte a thicket.
Barnard stalked the animal, seized It
In lita arms and took It home. It Is
believed the ant-eater escaped from n
Heutb American ship coming up the
Prienda of the ferry master suggest he
cresa the ant-eater with n duck-billed
mongeoeo and breed a race of 'ekeeter-catcrs.
Marka Fiftieth Annlverery of
Start en First Building
Commemorating the fiftieth anniver
sary of the breaking of ground for
the flrnt building te be erected en tha
present factory stte of the Henry Diss Diss
ten ft Sens, Inc., a cornerstone te
mark the (.pet was placed today.
William Hmlth, who nested Henry
IJlsstmi, founder of the firm, In break
ing ground fifty jeais age, took part
In teda)'?. fcrcmenles, which were con
ducted b Jacob Dibsttm, Sr., son of
the founder.
Ivlns Estate la $730,000
Vho account of the estate of Eugene
Samnlea en Reaucst I
Diane, 1ftfiut 8010 I
Bet Heme Treatment
for AU Hairy Growths
Education win. no icih June L' te July , Iv ns. of the Arm of J. S. Trln. A
0, Jl)2.1. nt Oakland. Calif., It was an- Sen, Inc., bakers, who died In January
neunced yesterday. last, has been filed with the Register
Shoes That
Make Active
Days Pleasanter
ll days nt this season of the year
no adive flays for the normal
"enian. Days fulf te the brim with
"erk and play.
Seme women de net seem te knew
nliat it means te bi tired t the end
if an iu live day. They nttack each
new duty, they clmiiRc from one
form of activity te another with n
reliwh. When routine work is done
ihey nic icady for the recreation
'hat is just another form of enjoyment-
that enables them te s'tore
ip reserve, energy for the dnv te
Aelhe days are plensanter for
note who wear the
Tat, ..etielaul bvtusflt trrlcd tiem
nuwlnj. CititlKner hheen lb due te the
et tli.a tiu uiiyltldlug infiul is uenj te
"vi-ni. ir.e ere u or the feel 7.uui
''urs ," uiea In te lit enuKly, nd ,
wueily Bupperi the Inner nule of tlin I
out a tli, whtclt is tlnj wiuktr tlile.
I" .no net rlirld .it tlie -luiik (auti)
at . uniiiieiy v-lie. s Itibtiiiil, tlie
li i tl.Mlble and allows tlie feet mui
i.fi i,, fvirclee .mil rtguln or ictiiln
ion iHirmal HimiEtli Tlw preperlv
I'Jci-il I,, u i,ar.s ii.e Htriiln nn 1ib
nrtc .3 .l,J?a ,1Bl1''1 U','I ,llu ,,0(ly In
.inA"."" " ,!l" nrlnl ' the normal
'"ire tool Tile tee l.i trier. v r.mmv
ou iiu (intllcer Shoes for .
neir g ,e.i tyl .ta well na their wonder- '
tn joy in e rvthliiR- jeu de by huylni;
tan of ( aiitlleci-s at the nearest
""jlr t tomorrow.
"I'IHih AAA A te i:
1300 Walnut Street
0er Cunard Office
iitllfifri ure uUe en Mile In mnrbi ililx.
1 Ull I I lui, .1 I. 1 i .1... ..
' ,.iTt'"",n, ",",, i,J. '"..U". ''
. .- " ' I'll'IU II - I I 1 (II II
110 I iron i
m6ii Slai
rr.in j MiU ,-i jih
Hi iT V..,. "4..1 .'-' ei tl.i..in .s
i " i J?iV. i'"n n"H? ''' s'
(The Modern Beauty) ,
liven woman should hare n
mall package of delatene handy. I
for its timely use will keep the skin
free from tieauty-marrins haiiy ,
growth. Te rcmec hair or tusi
from anna or neck, make n thick
i)ii6te with home of thu powdered
delatene and water. Apply te
hairy Mirface and after two or
thrte minutes rub off, wash the
vkln and it will be free fiem hair
or blemish. Te avoid dinuppoint dinuppeint
ment, be sure you get real dela dela
eone and mix fresh. Adr.
I Special $5.r,e
9.00 and $10.00
Satin Slippers
WM i
$10 Beaded
Satins S5..5U
On Sale Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Madam! Here'n the greateit value-giving event we've ever put crei! Coming right at thr
opening of the Fall scnien, thin Sale i n mastcrstrekr of merchandising!
The finet, .imnrteit $9 and $10 Satin and Brocade Slippers in the neweit and moil fashion-
nble tylei here new at $5.50.
lieai-tiful Colonials with bended or brocaded tongues; exquisite Cinderella Strap Pumps in
Satin or rich Brecade; dainty Cress Straps in newest Parisian designs!
The Style and Quality that all Philadelphia ground-tleor shops have priced $9 and $10
sr en sale here new for three daye. in nil sizes and widths, at this special price, $5.50.
This Special Sale Event is for Tuesdav. Wednesdar and Thursday only.
Conic Early for Best Choice
pair seW with inlisfactvm fully guaranteed or mourn bail:.
Royal Beet Shep
Fer Women
Style Character Service in Foetwcai
120810 Chestnut Street
S'teiuI Fleer Take Elevator
1 A r
Ml lii'fn
A rorce''dnHUk
fiffiewfr Satint. f J.J0
fcSfefc-- --rr
'liBBBb arJ'k ai r-HPaKaamU aV I M Un&1PMBK&HKvm2&fjB'
The case with whrrh it can hr prepared that's eiv of tbe reasons whf
ncarcblcy's Sf-rrddtd Codfish is such a favorite vntli thousands of women.
In from ten te fifteen tninittrs yen ran have :i delightful and whstrtmulrncal
ready for five people when yen tine Heardslev' s.
And don't think ter a irtinnre that yen jrc Irmrtrd te codfish hjJls u-hen
you buy Bearikley' s Skmddul Cedfibh. Te thousands of people there is
nothing better than codfish b.dLs light, crisp, fried te a rich brewa- jrid
djsh of c.usnp. Htrtvaricn always help Artdvarfety you rt Wxh SJirrrfdid
Ask your ipwer for our rccjpe luieL, The H.iilv Quest ion". It wes
reripes for feiirfecn dclijjlitfnl v.nset prcparitiy; Stirs fata C'edlijili forbreak ferbreak
f.i't, luncheon .ind dinner. It wjs written by J.tnet IcKenie Mill of the
Hest en Coekincj Scheel, one cif America's foremost cooks.
Bcjrdsley's Sirrddrii Codfish conies in the nacJrge wrth the red bund. Onlv
1 S crnts. A rnejl for fire peeiile. Cet SkrrJJtd Codfish front your grocer
today and don't fercet the redpr bKk.
J. W. Rttrdsler't 8ei, Newark, N. I,
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
$2.75 $2.28 $1.35 $1 $2.25 $2.75""
Fer the Whole Family Wednesday
Women's Shoes, $2.75
Men's Shoes, $4.75
Beys' and Girls' Shoes, $1 te $2.75
hi 1
What a time for buying shoes! Geed, reliable Wanamaker shoes that have been selling every day
in the week through the Autumn season at mostly a fourth te mere than twice their prerVant jupt-marked-dewn
The shoes themselves are of what we like te call "Wanamaker quality."
Substantially well-made, geed-style shoes that will give satisfactory service: te the very end of their
Shoes for every one savings for every one.
Seme of the shoes have been reduced before, and in such cases prices new are meetiy leas than half.
All the pictures here are sketched from the shoes of which we have the largest qnentity--but
there are many smaller groups which may offer even mere exactly what you may like.
Women's Shoes Marked Down te $2.75
$2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 52.75
Shoes for dres, street and sport wear. Accumulations of styles and pfres from our earlier-season stecks: com
plete lets have been here enlv a few wecka: special purchases eritrinaJlv priced vcrv low new all leveled te this one
nnce :
Savin jrrf of :t dollar and up te mere than half price.
The Styles
One. two and three-strap pump-.
Sanda.1 pumps and two-teno neveltic.
-'trect. drivs und .sporty oxfords.
The Seles
Wijltcd. Turned. Fiber.
The Leathers
Tin anrJ hlaek lrat r;r.
Tan and blaf.k calf.
BUcl: Wdikin.
Patent Wthcr.
Suede (ornbimtion (ernbimtion (ornbimtien
Black ,-at'tn.
Every regular be and width in the let, but net in all styles.
The Heels
Lew &r.il bread.
Military or walking:.
( uben with robber heels attached
Baby Leuis and hijrh French.
Infants Shoes, .$1 and .$1.35
Less than half tbe original price for little sheca in
black kid and patent leather. Limited quantity. Sizes
among them 2 te 5.
Children's Shoes, ,$1.35
Seme net quite half, ethera le?s than half the original
price. Black or tan with turned selca and wedge heels,
Stze-s 5 te S. White leather-like buck, sizes 8te te 11.
Girls' Shoes, .$2.75
.Savings range from ever a dollar te almost half price
mi thrs tan and black lace shoes in sizes 2'.'. te 6.
Children Shoes, $2.25
Tan and black high 'dices in size.s (j te 2. Thee are the
end of a vr ry pc-ial purchase and marked still lever for
this sale.
2000 Pairs of Spats for Men and
Women, 75c
.Men' gced. quality doth f-pats in correct hades will
be found en the Mens Gallery, one flight down from Market
Gray. tan. brown and ether geed shades in women's
ten-button tpats arc in the Women's Shee Stere. Down
Stairs Stere. Chc-lnut Street.
'Heitpi Mairj ierf riit.fnnt)
gOi It
On the Men's Gallery, Men's Shoes Down te $4.75
Mostly half the original price for oxfords of real cordovan and calfskin leathers, as writ a- patent and ether
1G3.T. ncrs.
Tan or black in all sizes and widths, also high shoes in tan leather in all
Beys Shoes, $2.25 and $2.75
Sizf.s 10 te 10U. at 32.23: Mze I te 6 at S2.75. Either black or tn U-atheie nd all .1-1
grades with sturdy soles, cut blucher style.
of uur vugular line
I'"" -talr tr ter Mn en tlif .llfr MurUrr
$2.75 $2.75 $2.75 275 "
7Kr C,
A Big Mark-Down en Women's Pure Silk Stockings
New 50c and 75c
All First Qualitfj s
i we nil? jets ei MiK ctqckinpra trem our regular tuek'. home v.. v ..eecial .it third inm-. ., .. . v..,.,
rer se liu,c 50, a'l 73e and they :.ic certainly rentyi-kablu (iLalitui
nally double. First time they have been here I
at these prices!
At eOc, tirm. ccnly woven, light weight, pure th'ca.l sill. jt.Kk
!); with acimed ImcLs nnd mercerized cotton t .p and -ule. ; liisl
inliccd hcels. IJldtk. cordovan. ;jray, bronze hih! t.U'1 m a .-mpMi
lnnuc of vU.a, 8'-j te 10
U Tee. 'crt'til
Ceried tiiris am?
.tripe thread til
."(i.m'r I i' '. 1,1
and huie-,. lilac ;. vhlte. ele emv. l.,t. I!i , .
i A "H i i ntiA r . ,.1. t-1 A.rt .1 ....
"' " "'' . rui" ii u 1". .;-e rTl 'I '.' hm nn
npt' n'u ho.e, .nmcd lia'k- nd m . r ''M t .n . ,,
turn n
perti' teTcr.
Imr '(.ir, f fntrn
Women's Cleth Dresses Featured at $6, $6. 75,
$8.50, $10, $10.75, $15, $16.75, $22.50
in a
CensLtetit planning te obtain really geed materials in simple well-made frocks at low prices ha- r-ulu.d
remarkable collection et warmer cloth frocks at these low uric
Nice soft serge, geed tricetine and I'eirct twill almost an Ikv te the touch -is silk w -.11 m h,. i,.t .,, ,i....i 1 1
ms wfil un ftemctimeH n hlnr-lr nml 1i.A. t .A,.ti,. ,i,.., , ....'.... lV.l"c . l0Ut" .' ?ni le i!1 l0 K !.' ' dark blue
,.. .... . - . , ... - ..... .. ii vn 11. i.iii'i din uii.iMi ri 111 iniir iiiiTiimn t i v-t i.Aa(t a -... u-i- .v..i 01111 1 1
-- .-...--..-. ,..'...., vfc nil i iiiLiiiiiii - i v i " t'iiviF'ir aii -j r i --.fcii .
'.-" .WV, ..... .,M ..W1 V -.W i
dreds of dresses!
-and hun-
Women's Coats Featured at $10, $12, $13.50. $15, $16.50 te $32.50
Extraordinary choice at low prices in the Down Stairs rw cfm.
1 weeds, deublc-iace niaterials, plaitl-bnck coatings, tan sports clc
ite camel s-hair color, mannish herringbones, and a large number of plai
All the tweeds are entirely masculine in tailetiue. but the plain cloths
have fur cellars.
clethb, wool ami camel's-hair mixtures in the favor-
am oemin cjetns and veleurs in fashionable colors.
are iiKeiy te ne emDroidered, and quite a number
(Down Stalrt Slew, HltM)
X I i 1
r u i
Hvn Ten'
is t M i Vvl -J-.