Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    $',-' Wl'-H. nWy--
Platonic Friendship Is Impossible,
But a Bey and Girl Can Be Geed Friends
It Is the Name That Is Dangerous in That It Seems te Call for
Mere Than Mere Friendliness and Loyalty
r- . . T7Z 7ZT7TZ f . ...1 ' . . FTI '..J' ' ' I II TZ,
V whether plnteule friend
nsks me
dshlp is pos-
lblc between a boy anil girl. I suy
Without hesitation they accuse the
L'Irl of linvliiff n "iimi" mi tllO boy mill
tiMH the boy nbeut tin- irl. making
'tliein se miserable that'll-- t.elf-defene I
tlm olilief hrenl: up the whole tnlng ,
nr t.iKc retuge m nil riigiigciui'in.
And se 1 :j "no" whenever nny
i one nik whether a boy nml girl can
And jet I think it is perfectly pos
Te explain :
It lu nor nessllilp Tin' n het- nml irir!
n linve a tilntenle frlrtiiNhIti' for n fcw'luive :t platenlc friendship.
Minple reason, the ehii'f nf which is; Tnl 1 nni lirmly cnninccil that they
Iiat when limy rail mi ordinary lllr- (..ni be geed friends- for a miinuer i i
ntlen bv a fntiey niiine like tliN they v.-nrx if thp don't call their friend-
fre bound hi spoil It. !s!iip bv nnv fnnev name that make
They will imike se much of their i tlipm rind ethers heliev" that love Is
platenlc friendship that it will grew lurking i-emewhere In the background
mere scrleit. or they will take it mere ' ,,( It.
Bcrietlsly right nway. i en,,,,... t t..t-n nf n,, Un.l In n bev
And It I invariably n lllrtntlnn which .. , i fli...ii,i I,,.." ... ii,ri. would
fatirt be apologized for in these terms. . b(:,,..n -1,1' a,i girt r a boy
I A liey and girl who are really menus , . . .
Wit iieut any planning or ne-uiing niieitt Th(. ,l(r,.n.n(.,, between this love and
It don't have te have a name for their t,1(, k,m, ,iat ,rn.A about engage
feeling, mi.tiiu wis neititeil mil clearly li.v 11
JttWfmL ""?.
xv: .... ."iVF ...?:-H
1 t i'i AwsraC2ru
id; T'n nvf
i ivuac 1 eu ivie
' What te De
l,ettcrn te Cutillilu reliimii mint t
U'rllteii mi our utile of the vavcr ettlu
nml iiiimt tie sftmed irllh tlie irrltcr'
lirll.if firtif iiiMvi.1 Ttid 1. - iitllf ua!
tip inijitirrt.l I ftp icillrr iIeps 110 U'Hi
.'. iniiepii ipkpm nml Jfrr wrilfPii
yn both itilm of the firmer ii'lll net ne
(111.IK (ir.t. . ItVilPr irhe vUh rrniinl
(MI.IILrra ihnt rnn li. ni. ii Ja ffm
reiinni trill vteatc Inek there, a rrr
e:ial letters are eulu tcrlllrii h'ipii
aftie;iifcu ncecsnnru.
A Felt Medel
"The Plebe" Writes I
Den.- 1 sntlil'- -Anetliec litiy epnatu. 1
Th put n,e c iy iimeii.
1 e linve heard time It wai said b
t ten 1 t i.til tin'i nil liciuty la of 'n.
Ulilne. vlth lemance. And. whereas.
1 miniice Is get In mystery, Mild niiriU-ry
Ii of r Fiirety KfeuiHleii In iKiiernrtee,
up Innocence, or falling that, 11 dellli
uiata velllnc of the eyeliall te that,
that W, tinvhiK In mind tlie knew-all
Hemctlmes called the flapper, write a
:03-went essay en "Yeunjx Womanhood
nr.. i.'M ;,,.,' n,l, f 1M tl10 i,r't U ilili of Kemance," ier
Were still having touches e) tomenow. iicniweri. n.neE.
handwork en our hats, carried '
out vrinchmlhj in effective'
He's Lonely, Toe
.,, Tl,r,t. ,l!vrUi ... ."'IT..' . Mrj..P" et uw
CtyV.lO X filll O LMll' sl WIV W-'V
All By
r ". 1 uy ..n.eir- 111
I They like each ether: the, iwi n.uns .,.,.,, n0V(,;ii, m fllIlc . et. 0f her ih this 0)10, WllCll IS VIOSt 0(7- i5? h?1!;' Ir-V,?.K!!' ,L"mnl? Sa
Well together; the re frletuN. ,,, ... .,.ii.! .,,(, 1 . ., , .. , 1 . t erlt hey sent Iite hy a tlrm en busl-
Andthat'Kthewn, itispo-iblefera '"i,,, .,m i lUn-' ulnar he- here- COniWff With tt8 (IrOO)) brim and m-s nml. "lien ;t hijiin." no one can
I 1.1.1 t . 1 t 1 Is HO vin in UMuiirt in; iii n m.iu t j it frrl P' Dili ha e lennlliirs mure tliUU
.ev nni! Kir te have a plat.nl.; friend- .. ..She ,,n0(, ,.nrK ,JUt she wn et l0Wf ,(.Iftf crOWll. Incidentally, r ivrhiip" U V eauied l.v the steel
.hip; they have merely what i equiv- , ,()V(, , ,,,. ... . , (.yawn has come () ,','l"'4 "cenv. ntlen" which l.eep me
Went te thnt, but the den t i-nll It by ,,,,, , .. ,rl .,. 1.,..., 1,,,. , a "' llipe OJ ciewu nap cumt ui, . , or ..u. w.. ,ne ,0
sia .
'tlVINf! name te thing i a dan
'VX Reruns practice.
As seen ns nn lnipreiiletmble ymins
Jiilnd ste) held of Hemethtnt; like i 1 .- -tonic
frleniNhlp," a name that brinK a
rttienl Millie te tlie lip of e'.ib iv
pen. it begin!, te wonder.
Before long It will endow it, bntm
e"s friendship with lntevi'-tlig cii:iii
jlei which It dei'M net pexse-."
-The mere naine will make an affair
put of something that might lii.u been
ft geed, strong, line i(pmlh!p.
THEN", outsiders are hard en a phi phi
tenle frieniKiili). ji. beesiif-i' the.
knew It i called that.
They hear that i-emethlng of the kind
la being .attempted, and they have no
Jnercy or sympathy.
friend, but hae no thought et him
as a lever.
THKKE is nothing liner for a girl or
1 1 tier for a bev than a lnal, firm, j
eii-enial frleniNhip. 4 '
Tin- glrK lcurtis .ianilaril e" honor '
el -1 iirt-inansliin the lmv lwrn- lor ler
U""'in'e and celitleues-!.
T'-ey 1 an IipIm e.u-h I'ther err the,
reug'i tilaee- that "nme te both In
their si-hpnl life. Their frleniNhip max .
, 'e mm after -hnil until one or both
lii-ii--. some one i! te confide In and I
love .1 ml mnrr. I
Thev may tiinl each ether: this feel
ing often iIepr glow into love. ,
I.ut It "tnrti as mere frleniNhip. nnd
It can continue a -,icli for 11 number
, of e,ir. unless It Is labeled b that
ilati reiei.s, h iiecvltic.il name "phi-
1 tonic."
tje te ft movie or show alone.
All uy .Mj.h if iielit'V. a
jila tonic
Mrs. Wilsen Explains Feed Content
of Various Kinds of Vegetables
.I.LIll ! .-- -
AmlTclls flew Leitg Each Should Be Cooked in Order te Be
s Thoroughly Dene After Beiling
Mrs. St. A
1 rccrvfii
CepurlaM, 101S, hy Mr. it. A. insen.
nema 1
A KNOWM3DOK of ths feed eon-
tent of the vnrleu
ieus ve2."tables In
necessary te the housewife If she Ik' te
be able te balance 11 ration properly. Se
for thH reason (he lessen ledny will
discuss the uirleitu cetilentH of vege
tables. I
1 V11tfr Preteli. l'nl Car- Asb
1' behy.
I I.lma Jleatis W."i r.l ,7 !!2,n 1.7
I Teas , 71.11 7.0 .." 10.7 1.0
Spinach .... a. '-'.I .:'. 5V.! '2.
t'abbage ....77.7 l.-l .'J -1.8 .1)
String Henns .SS.O li.li .ii 0.0 .7
1'otateei ....Oa.O 1 .1 14.7 .S
Snual 4'4.U .7 .'J 4.0 .4
Celery 7fi.ll .0 .1 7.7 .0
Tomatoes ...!U.t5 0,0 -.4 il.O .fi
te flve Inblespoens of geed butter.
Shake saucepan nnd stir, gently until
boiling point,. cook slowly for live min
utes nnd .t-erve.
jr .iit.
; .'-r; ryyt nr r,z
lzxw- m
threeMiimHera cult Or iiutf for pvumi a
eitp of Jtili-6 nml P'uTti. Still well (0 ,t;
i.tuMhi, '..i..t I....A iiTilt '1i1i1.it tit- : i
jntin Stere lp the tiHunl-jelly'-mnnner ''1
Teennlly,! mnKn both the. Jelly nnd
jnnt from the one reelpe. nslng thVJuc4 '?
for limiting the jelly, und the 'thicl; vJ
lllii mi iiiu jinn VKnini": eillicr. J
spk'e bag may be ndded' if ymt llk'e 1
stilee flavor. - IJIiiee In j)lec.c of i,'hceo i,'hcee i,'hceo
.eloth for fplee Img
One-half cup nf plckltnij spices,
.removing the red peppem". ' -
One tiaitpoen.'ofcitiiiation,
One Irttxmmi of mil mm.
One taMaipoeh of ehipcr.' '
''....i. tfiiift' fpnutinmi maI. a1 ti
m.l 1..... f ... ......a lmm, ! .' "" .'".'.- '"""" v"v" " "
ins iiiciiiuu ier i.inuir, ..jii, ......-., ifiHtcr nnn cierc.,
cnullflewcr. brussels spreith'. beel nnd Tlp j00,cjv ,MO
xcgetabltsef like chnrneter. I nmetint of "spices f
It's the sort of one that the
girl who gees te high school
mill lil'n ft Int hfir.awtti tit' ft
e.',., ,.;, fni. nttrvtihnrlu , 'Hie method nnd time for coeklnB me
otmste ftcicijrc "' w" uvui nn lellOW
All veifptllhtcs ! tilnpn te
and yet the twistea eanu ej com. m ueiung water, covered ciesciy
.t.;f.,.,; tUi thnt ! f mill cooked at boiling point until tender.
varicolored felt that qui s,Ut jllst H ,(tl(, lHng wntcr ns )t
around the brim is goed-loolc- is possible te cook them in without
ina cneuah te make it distinc-, ln'r"I,f L ...,.,. ...
f , , " ..., .1 I. uiuiur.-t inust uu ruuiuu Willi inu
ttve. Gay little tassels en each i i,0iiinS wnter while looking, us must
My dear Mrs. Wilsen Could you
!., ,. ....r.1,1.. r..,- Vni'l-slilrn tiiidillii':'' I
MAMMA . 1).
Yurhhlilrn I'utldlng
Place In mixing bowl
Four rfl., v.
Ttrecups f milk.
And beat with rotary egg beater for
n live mlnttles. New measure
V, I 7'ire nml tiiiC'luilf cups of slflcil flour
One Iranpoeii of )((. 1
Onc-imirlcr Iratptmn of irlnlr peppei
'I'ice level tcaip'Jitwi of bakUi'j voir veir
ileiu J
cheesecloth. Tift.
for ten pounds -hi
" frieiulsliliH arc 1 erslble and cites the umithftll nsteell as n'l root vegetable..
T7. C -C- case of hep Khi frlcml nnd 11 boy pnl.sla a'c U0'""lm as.iveu no .
ne dUperiOr OCX ', tee. think It ,.J7H.le ..ml .Je,lrn ,le . eniaweMfa. . ' lVZt' fren? " 'in
' She aJs, Oh, where l Just such 1 ottuees, ireiu u 111
The Weman's Exchange
t Svimming
Te tha Vilitii- 0 lt'einnn'9 Pas':
, lvar Mailam I'eulil ou jRgest
.eine exercise-- that would hlp te
'lenBthen one's limbs" T haw v. r
.short lens nml tlmUBlit prebublv etl
we tbl knew of sum.- exHrelaus that
Jmlcht help me
I am almost twenty-one. le inns'
Ipeeiiln step prelnp at this age?
1 Alse would you susb-si swimming
fta n geed exercise for above?
j nissrcrKACin-
I ne swmiminp weuiu ee n kheii p
e'clsH for ou. altlmiisMi there is n.
neflnlte way te prev.- taller. Yeu
either de or ou den t. A imysh.il In
ftructer could receimuenil sum.- eter eter
clses te you which would be nwed fe.
Aeu te and will tend te d-i-h yi.u
There Is no certain age ut which pepb
step prewin?. as ut; imlhidu.i
Bazaar Tables
Pe the Editor of Ifemuti's rif
Dear Madnm--Our church ' c.nnc
te have a carnival i:.ii h class is
take charge of a different table ()'
iceurse, most et u i i" 00 uojjai"i uejjai"i uojjai"i
iPrevlded by different ppuplc.
i Could you please tell me of a" odd
jboeth or tabl illff-rent from etliers"
iTen't glxe any of these mentioned, nfc
they have nil been ta!:?n: Tc cretin
tearidv. cake, oft ilriiil: -, '.n-n werKt
Jixnd revelty table-i
5 Couldn't uii tell me of any oilier
'tables? Of course, no one would MUe
te have two of one Mnil J '"
i A table of used book" '. .1 jiepular
jfeiiture at 11 fair, and veu i-mld easily
fcet a let of people eai 11 te contribute
several books, whl h in.i or may net be
recent ones Vnturally ou will 30I1
(them cheaply. Kfns te dispose of all of
thorn r
' Then xeu could have u tev i.ibl.-. with
dells In cunning dresses, and all kinds
jef ether things te amuse small grlrls and
small boys. tee. It would he nice te
(decorate this booth with hriuhtly cel-
1,rt.il hfiltnrttis wlil.-ll r-rin Jllsu he sold.
77r' Fichu Adds a Quaint
Touch te Many Frecks
.Inhn Steele Mfr.i tunc Temple
Kovir trilh him en n .itermil niflhf.
1 ickii hi ;,i;l ,r,- ailctp In hii lari,
Munin state. Inhn'.i mother, hn.t
I aluiifi nnltil him le mnrrji
KalKciim I'hvtlnnil, a iremnn in
their uirn .it I, and .the is afraiil that
' Jehn mn 1 heentne tintluly interested
in the .itranyer. Ihirinu the hattle
for .-Imie'.j life, Steele falls desper
nlily in love with her, hut when he
inks h,i te be hit irife, the refttsen.
Uarcitt, nnkiwien te Jehn, has or er
ramed for nne te take it position as
govern) si. hut in ipite nf the tiri's
tef.isal Id i.irrry h'r.i, he icfttses te
til let ie. The merninii after hit
proposal nf mainline. Anne disap
pears, hut "he letitrns that evening,
and telh Steele she hut iieensidetrd
tf iimi leill be his irife.
niieth.'r glut ieus hey waltlwr for a kI.I1
whose hungry nrart cries out lei-iiun.
Pen't le" heait. cheer tii: you may
vet h.ixe occasion or cltcunistances may
bring .-buut our meeting, or perhaps
one of the type you nsk ter. Anyway,
wlun 'S re's life thcte'a hope.
Leris 1'
ls. ItlBKSCO
Itv I'KINd
(I)nuhtrr gf Xlureet Asinillli nnil wire of
Ihe Hiiiniinlin M nlst'r te tile
Cnl 1 1st states)
Sift twice and then add te the ipre
parr. egg nnd milk mixture nnd befit te
smooth butter. IVittr three-qunrtera eup
of Ihe drippings from the roast beef in
baking pan mill heal until unite het;
pour in the prepared pudding and bnke
In het even for twenty-five minutes.
Tim pudding should be nbeut one Inch
deep In tlie linn 'before baking.
My de.tr .Mrs. Wilsen Will you Ive
reeipe for grape jam?-' '
MItS. E. D. 15..
firape Jam
Wnsh cranes and remove from slems,
weigh nnd mid te each pound of crapes,
Sold Everywhere
Cheer Up, Says Nubian Knight
Iieiir Cynthln- -.lust n few linen from
a Clin 1 ful cuss w .10 wishes le shut e hiu
1 snides with the le leseme ones, t am n
firm buliever that nn person rnn malti
of himself what he would wish te
be If a man w.iuld want wine certaii.
thine would he say t.upe. that's net
f,.r m" A ciultter. yellow as he may . . . s..in.is 1.. ilc world
t -
Intttes te 4." min
utes, size alone determining time, drain.
cover wlin cloth nnd stcntn for lew
minutes, then season.
(IreetiV'eni, .s te 1," minutes In boiling
Seme country housewives cover corn
with cold wnter and bring te boiling
point, cook ter .. minutes: mis '-, ,, clip ,lf Wllt(.r. ,,in(.p pieservlng
ml may be used ns the i rn is , fe j nn
uncased in n little liber jacket, an lei A , , , fl . ,
i . 1101 iii-u iiiucii 01 ns Mine... "'V;, ."Measure this pulp and juice mid re-
.t.w..,. s,.,,,i ,VT' ,ls',,,,r"K"H; V",nj:. ,u.r l Tninn "lr l'i ll,u PreM-rvliiR kettle nml add
ItlbcM'ii !-:iiaii U) carrots. 18 te i!0 minutes. Jeinii- t
Hell leeks; once bulled, hixtrv poured tees, splniieliA celery, squash, oyster , t . -
ever them either l't eh dressing or a plant, and vegetable greens of like cunt jw;-. scr","S5'
innvennnise. It Is siippeeu "' ok : ucier. iki 10 -u iiuiiuie-. - ?,
String benns. limn beans, parsnips,
onions. LTi te 4." minutes. Large tttr- I
h, . he will at least imike an attemp
.V.. ftiA ,tn-if tr.lintlil.i IT lit Im. litlX- KTllltll.
nil. Therefer, ye of little faith, try . Tomorrow Miner's Lett lire Milan, ny nips, old beets, I Heur.
Five delectable blends:
tJene Strntlen-I'urter.
Mareia 1'lays the Game
1 rn AUK going te be married im-
" mediately."
Adveihuivs if ith a Purse
YOl" have ever used it I'riscllla
nc table ii
1 .....:. 4. .Mi. it i-i'iillv wnn'l In
necessary for you te .end this, but if
1-; smile. If .11 cunt. Det row oily.
Ail mm .tin loin ftiual. 1'arden me
the ones that are no' born equal lire the
mintally and physically unlit ones and
the et.es that ere born dead, "fJed pity
them." Theiefire, de net be n grouch
The world has little use. for n man who
irt'l. knocked down and then can't pick
himself en. Sinll.' if it kills you. bc-
Steele merely nn- j cause jou're better dead If you're a . nl, 'haven't w pll. nfier you hne en
neunced tlm f!K-t te his mother, but jreucli Wehavii snort time ie ue 0-n W0Ii(.r hew en earth you eve-
turn-lulu .....r ...v " -" ' ,.i ,,. 11,... 1 n,i. pnrs w-itl 01 L
, .....I mnL- ntf fi 11111 sn nrn ur.e- k'llpp lllt'll. -I lll'i'll lli Willi nil' umii-
Mnrcln hud come home late that eve-, ,,-., inline un into years. Have we ' nnrtinents one en eai h sldeVf a handle.
ning. te tind her son waiting. for her wasted all our time? Make our short A.nd when veu sit down te sew you
in the library. Quite simply he nn- 'stay en this mundane sphere a happy ...... i.....,, I., ,,( ,, uealn ilud the
bounced that Anne hnd returned, and, a one as we cnn. a citeeriui wcjui or j , .-,,,. (ml ,,UK,vc
woman. like. Mnwin pressed for details, a hi. le Heme "";-Jj ndle-. . ew 1 ones. , m,au w, lmv
ii.iuin-,-i in" IIICI le III" luunn. . ""s, "--"-; ,!. ., r-i,.et f II Tlw .lull II WOIIlier ll" " w,... ......
'Im knew by the tone of his voice thnt K,ftr ,rowneethta enrti. very managed te live nil ll..-.. years , w
it would be nless te nreite ' 'lowly, sixty te a minute. Like atoms one. Made of mahogany, it am
,. Is-'"'s l0 nrgim. jiiiinc and making t. hill, se are sec-1 knee-high, a deep be with two
se Kt's all pull together and tfiake it
sunm- for all. Nl'BlAN KN'IUIIT.
picked tip the I'riscilla by the handle
and nlneed it by your sjile. 1 saw one
specially priced in ii new very exclu
ivc furniture shop for SlU.eO.
...... -t.1-1 1 t ,1 I. l.iu n,-l i.
jsail nulled neieie inc n-ni'iuun - - jj,
cooked will niake tin in tough. This Is&
one of the rensens why. when ndding i
uli 1,,. .,,1 .,. ivn.t nml i.tlier pi-een beans. . n
(lie beans reimire a longer time te
cook. Snlt nil vegetables just before
serving. Select vegetable of uniform
'What did she" sny. what excuse did
she make':" she nked excitedly.
"I did net ask for nn explanation. : ,. ......... a..u..
,but she has premised te be my wife.'" Afraid te Trust Anether
i "Yeu didn't ask her te explain, you j Dear Cynthia Your columns are the
don't want te knew where she was nor I most Intertsllnp part of your paper
what reason she had for returning?" ' V?Ti, M eTerv Z a e , nway some velvet or felt hats which you
"I want her. he said nlmest tone- i T return from a '.ens; and tiresome day are new pulling forth nml dusting, we n
lely. "le wanted her from the first, it weri" .lerliiB if you can't wear them a while,
thnt's nil that matters." Ker a xery '-.ng t.me I haxc con-, I'm ispially sure that you can wear
In her own room Mureia gave way , templntc-d wrltlnif te veur page, but them If you just try a bit ei liMng up.
I'm sure that last year you tucked
-"i,i,ih. ,-, , ., .i,,,..,.....- - ri
st-e. s,i ilmt time iniiv cook evenly nnd i n
In perfectly fresh condition. Old. stale , 0
vegetables are unlit for feed, ns are f
vegetable that have been soaked for I fi
long time in water te freshen. The ft
process of cooking is used for the de- k k
velepment of flavor; te soften the cellu- U
Iesp nml te retain the mineral salts. '
The vltamltie content of all feed Is mere
or less injured by heat, nnd when this
lu.nf 1 1 nl bnlllnr- lielrit fill' l-OUSlder-
nble time the vitumlne content i net te
be depended upon in the feed cooked.
nnd must be supplied through uncooked
, feeds, such ns salads, etc. Ilrussels
sprouts, cauiinewer nun iiriu-inm;- mnji
members of the leaf or cabbage family
nnd are cooked in the same manner ,
for the same time period. After sea- H
soiling vegetables they may be served s
with u snuce of dressing or with the i M
addition of u small amount of butter
I ounnet i fi
TEA !1
I &ri lift
ij, i , ypfi
t 1 IJf h
V. y
Vi i l
1 i
'X I .
"Pink Wrapper'
a cake of pure, delicious
vanilla sweet chocolate
equally geed for eating
and cooking. In half
pound cakes 40 cents.
Alsq in 10 and 15 cent
2-Ib pkg 23c; Ib-pUg 4Tc
ill $&&&
1320 Chestnut Street
10 tears. She rarely cried, partly be- haw JE ""':' " '" ' "euId a"" K"r one of in ine I bought a Mlvw-llkr TI fc . t 1m, ,)0 11K0(1 y
aue she was tee proud and sclf-een- ,,l?rm" f un i'rs e 1."' Just'nn er.ll- 'lnt yvl ,w,,h ' lai,'!ul ', tl.lp k,.ni,,.ti?l I In place of butter. In sp.elal dietetic
.ained te yield te emotion, but- there n.,1' iewS? Vr but Si .? f ' k' llb W sciie ve ve v n IHtens the ,eetnbles are cooked in J
was also another reason. appear as neni as pessibl... My mother lightning painted across tic vcle l,,,!.' seasoned lightly, and plenty of ,
But tonight she threw discretion . is a lovely si-wer nnd has made me , blackness of a night, and it was en,J butlrr ndded. ' h'
te the winds and wept openly for a long quite a. few pretty dresses ; that Is te , tifty eents. I litre weie several styiO vlctnbleK mav be cooked In ens- jl
time. iiiMi, inter u was nn ever, pup , - y- rj 'M " " ';":'V' . .".i;- n.V. i ,,,,, ,,," 4 ' vnmin in t n nVen. nml m is a real
1 nf r ' urf l ll aii lu nn urur im- -- ..w. -. , ...
In all our Stoics
n stebbp ;co
ut l I
J. r Speciat this .
:: Giocelate Caramels
? 1 y 75 cents a box
Parodying "The Mikade" we might te ,irilu
bathed her eyes yith cold water
fftced the situation.
It we i;mn where sue liatl been te- resnecta
dm." ran her theuehts. "we'd have .ret meet a centleman of th- same char-
the kev te the whole situation." Hut acter? 1 can dance very well and de
hew te find out. thnt was the question t dance- at least once a wee!; but have
, ,. , .. . . ' . met yery few of the se-callecl gentle-
anil 11 was ieiess 10 epeci .nine ecr , ,,!,., ,..pn i inv llfeilme
ii hop
sii that there are many geed fichus in
the season which haxeu't been caught.
However. wh"n we leek at tlm vaneP
of harming lit i le cenlng frocks d -
signed for the college girl and debutanti
my light en the mystery.
hope you re ery euccesful with your j et this fall, we are finlited te sny that
Working at Heme
Te 'he Editor et tl'ema.i's I'ane:
lienr Madam Could 5 ou nlca.e te.l
me where I could Ket something te de
at home" I wrote te six ailures-ung
companies for nelupes about three
weeks age, out nae reeeiveu no replies
Is there i.n.vthliiK lse I inuld de
Alse I am live feet three m.-iicj in
height, weigh n.nety-si and a half
Bounds- In that correct weicht or should
II weigh mere? If s(1, hew can I uuln
weight? A i-TKAiiy iii;aui;i:
It yveuld be wise for veu te no "
thce (empanjes personally and If i!-ey
have no work for you ut the prrsee'
time you can see that veur name hiui
address nre put en their files, se tha
they can let you knew when tin- .n,
have some
Are you clever .it n aMaj- tl,(iiK3
Because there Is the Weman's 1'cIi.iiikp
at in Seuth Scy-nti-enth strr-et The-
rpII nil kinds of hanu-'i.aue .uileler
theie en n sinall umm'S'iun basis Or
if you can make geed fudge or temk
1...1.... t !.... At i.. i. . ....i
Ullll'I tlllll "1 llijlli--iij.li,, lll-l. .11' I
could place It en sale a', sunn- shop neiv
your home If you u'i paint at all
the little loleu-d tally-cards and plae
cards are popular and tin- s.in, ulie,.
weuhl mere than ldnly take tnem
Yeu see. I le nut knew your apabiit
tles. but I hop- thai you 'an Jin 1 a
useful sucKvstten among th eruj I'M;
griven you
I Mnnut tell you what m sbeuid
Welglf beenjse. I don't knew hew '!
you are but the ierrect rumlmr of
jpe'jnds for a girl "f your lulgi !
Jtwcen the ages uf fifteen and idnetecn
Is 12e. Se juii see Mu are urul, i
iWelglit tJr.nk n glass of ml,,, n Ith
each nual. taking trut the end n.. rli
It will In- add. d nnirlHlin' '.r i .1
of course, at p'irij of pla i noun-''
, Ing feeds. i:eivisi-. dei p bn-athiii
ami leis ei Mi-'t-p in iii,s in rp iuu itii.
tin Helen Preie
the rieli are already full. Fer the de
mure neck finish of our grandmother's
day rivals the wide bertha as a solution
for finishing the neckline of the tight
little bu-que.
Today we show a leyely dance frock
'or the young woman which i carried
ut in platinum gray taffeta. Th"
skin, which is quite full, alternates
hands of pin tucks with Trench knots
in matching silk, lietween the knots
eiciiis n sawtoeth arrangement of tiny
As p. the lielm. that is made of corn . gest-d t'lr' she and Anne go
nn irimmed with ruirie, of yalcnciciines inimediut-'i' after breakfast.
and he.d U u teplicn of grandma'- sl,,"'C e'.ter.il the room te the sound
no. '.'. The iiespg-iv includes small " '-is mother's gay Inuphter. nml
faffeni (lowers jn arieus tints. a,i i Anne s fa-f that saw raised te ins wen
from if hang old rose ribbons,
- - . , , .
economy, us three or lour vegetBtiiesi
may be cooked at one time wiui iimi
same amount of fuel. Vegetables conked
in the even will require less water than
if they nre cooked en top of the stove.
Sufficient vegetables for two r mere
,,.nlu iiiei- 1m fi.tnbflil Hi- nlli time mid
uirn 1I.L Llirn. .tl.i.1.- .. Httll ..11 - ..... 11111-11,-1 ,ll,.1 11- v.""... 1. I"- W-' .....
I I'uve only hud three steady fellows, worn this winler. And the botheiseine r,.ientc,i ,, .sauce, of just u little wnter
and butter nnd then seasoned. hen
placing vegetables te cook, after water .
js boiling ndd the prepared vegetablu
and cover, and wlmn it is boiling again
tediiee the llame Je that the vegetable i
Is boiling gently and net jumping '
jrers as te my appearance, hut It's just rer Dnnie et shnnii iiiMrr.. Wenmn'n Pnte
this, dear Cynthia, hew is it that n nice Editor or phone Walnut anne or Main 1601
te- ! respectable nnd leflned young lady can- ttncn the lieum of t nud 6
TheJiateau Neck
I'Tishlen iicrlims that it Is still te he
68sme;kkx' '-' 88" - ,-b'
".lehn is s(J infatuated that he doesn't I although I was only in love' with one problem of camisole ribbons showing
even reane sue is marrying nun ier e. iia-ni uui,i e --ne ene ei n jem .un. staS yltll 11. i'ii uns limy ee i-eiw-u
ils money." was th" next' thought that ' a half he acted coldly, se I dropped lv'j, ..,nlllP expedtciit cif rowing -l
-truck her. boVer rtehWi" atuft- 1 almesa- M"l' '" '"" lnU" of "nvU s,"m,'cr ln.
And tl hke a Hash the id.,, or- a'll hut tl!.'.' nffalM.nJ .l"XruKd ' '- rc "'" .JliN way. and
urred te i.cr te go at the thing differ- nu. . girl annet tell if a fellow fastening the cerre-p ling jieg en the
ntly. te M';l her hostility and open her means well, cm she" If he has for u straps of your slip. Mere snaps may
inns te Anne. If she succeeded in ! whole y;ar and .' half moved a perfect i, minle te linet en the inside of the
winning Anne's confidence in an un- .gentleman, but. of course neer asking ,,..., ,) (he top of the brassiere strap
guarded moment the girl might blurt hir ZJlr'?' wbv -hn? . i,,," .'"Lih if necessary. If a ui.ilerm sbe is used
out something. It wasn't probable, . S'nVrek;,. the pegs en the s, will tnatch.the
Always Uniform in Quality
but there iciis a chance nnd It was ccr
tainly wer.h trying.
Se It was that en the next morning.
Mareia m"i Anne with a lace wreathed
In sialics. She took cbnrge of the en
tile itiuii. in us theugli she had np np
'preved from tlm very first, nnd sug-
With ene-half'up of well-seasoned '
Vmrw.li ilrpuvtnir te ii iiuart of cooked
altr.est be afraid te tnke a chance en fasteners en mere mail ine one- ores?. vegetables, this is particularly nice en
going st.adlly w.th anv fellow. They This deesn t tune mug hi no nun u s i t) j,rt.en, succulent vegetable-, such ns
seum all te want te wa.ste a girl's time, th" greatest relief in the world when I sp),,,, string beans, carrots, peas.
Dees it seem t'nt. v ay te jeu? ,,, i,Vi. it finished, for net only does iim i,eans. cabbage, cauliflower and
KDNA. ,ir prevent the strap- iiein showing, but turnips, when diced, etc
the shoulder.
Can Yeu Tell?
A. ttuZ I. II. nedmer
Ve'i should no- e ,nst-nt te go steadily al-e keep- them "p
with am man unless he has asked you .
te marry him. 'i.rls make great mls
tnis In giving ill their ilmt te one
man who Is nte l.i.uml te them In run
,-, i eien by t' put In v.eids mutual
eensent of m ngagenn-nt jr under
standing that n.i:ii.ige will be the ultl-
the old nixie-like expression. lie- mate result of tnelr friendship. Have
response te Ids geed morning was -hi. Pl"'.v (. '"f', " ''nl1 U!'1 "le "f't ne
luit sue s,-Pm,d happier that, she had ' "" "Nl1usI Vel-" '" ene
I 1... 1....I l..ini,-.i l.n n.,.l
: )..,.. uniltnni TTi. ivteild' n.nt-,. . Anether's Personality Abserhs Her bleuss well. The-, are carried out
I JUlit 11" 1IU- dUMHHM . .U.val(In. .- - . .. - ,
About lrurs
Short coats and long enpe- ate te be
yyern quite as much ns the long coats In
fur this season. Tin short coats nre
tnnile In the style et Hie blouse with
close-fitting bund about the hips, se
popular for sweani- nml costume
With a cream sauce made as lel- ,
lows, drain the vegetable-, icturn te the
saucepnn and season, then sift ever
carefully one tablespoon, of Heur te every
pint of cooked vegetable-, toss the
vegetables in the snuctpnn and add one
i cup .of milk (ene-hulf cup of milk and
I one-half cup of water drained from the
i vegetables may Jie used) and from three
lier tcie nun, siewiy enei ny hiiiiip
nw.ihmls be would force her te come le
him. lie had a sensation of power. n.-tr had urn i.asen te come te you expensive. I
,i... ,ii..i.. . ..... ,i,n. ii rn ii i , fr ad-Ice. M iiiether geneially ad- ...-in im. mole
r..e lei-i . "'.etter half." freene-ntlr .''.''.' 'V"" ' . ., ... T ...V... i.. .. ' , ' ' 'aes ine w.mt le de with my prel.lema. .tl. f,ir.
, ji IlliltlU 1-' " 11' .l-'-.S-. ... ... .,- tF - "
ness wernl he would brine te bear en
The Ori-ni of the Term "Hettcr Half"
fail In Jr Wir
A really i msldernie woman rimtii"
hmds tht meaning if th old m il.c.
"Put you. self Iii his pki'C Se. bear.
Ing III mind hew distressing n tiresem.
visitor may be, she never bores anybody
by prolonging a call beyond all ivuseu
The time-tried rule which allots but
ilfieen minutes for u casual call, or
rtnlf an hour at the most, has no cr beei
I tedi' .ii leftrrlng tu the wife, was
fen, iily ii cii lpllnieiit.ir . term nppl'd
te i r J -1- ' 11-li.iiiu or wife. At inifs
nl-H it w.i- -sin lp the .uiiii' sense ns a
ceiiipll.i" nt te a ery close friend. O.-ig.
innliv it tneaiit "greater ntnettnt." the
mere iicci.rnte meanin,: of the expiess'er.
helm, "ihe lietter part "
Tl e lir-t Kugli-h use en record Is
found in Sidney's "Amidln." when Ar-salu-
-(!. te Pnrtlmnln. his wife. "My
deal' nn better halfi . I find I tiiu-t
neu l.-ine thee." Tin ti rni was nlsn
e,-i..i iic-ii.i:s te that time, but hard!"
,ii ihe ry enily days, when weruni.
yas i psldi rrd ii tuiii n inf. rier being u
man for in the yen cn-lie-t marriage
the wife became the daughter of the
husband In a legal si use.
It required a great main years for
ninan in begin tin long ehmb toward I
1'iunllt; with man u-nieh Is her privilege ,
today. I'er in.im renr- 'lm yvn far
from be'ng am thing like the "better
lia'f " Kven the law of inheritance
tenia! I'lie- ti.i wife only eiie-tliird f
her I r n ,'.s estate at his denth. Th.
i- f'i,' from half. The old law. cr
wlr-1' the Ulghl of Dewer i still !.
efTe '. g' "'' nil of a wife's, pieperty at
m"er.-ige te bet husband, mid il.e en!'
r-ei'eil one-third of it upon his deatli
The Klght of Dener interest wss orlgi erlgi
tmlly written into the Kemnn lnws by
the I'fTert of the church. Ter two or
three centuries they made it one nf the
mniriage vows that the husband should
premise te share his property nt death
with his wife, but as these premises
wir" lnrgeh Ignored the ihuKii fiiisll
sip. ceded in having tlm Dewer K'eht i
of one-third fixed as an Income-table
pari of the laws et Inheritance.
.. ....1 Kin 1 ...ii. in t ilnlln (I'liA I
!.,... .ni,i vt- !.,, i,-. t l c nn'in i'" """ .nnil.. a iiv
I -fill t 1-iJii' "HI wiillMH 11111 III 1 I 1 i
rr ktr.rl mi fi.r u'illn .a fnu- u,ir." l,,., ! wrai IIH- l U HI I IH 1 1 1 - MUll, Of COUl'bP.
. '. : . " i. i. !.... .i i i t i. .
XIJPIlSlV' IH'JliK Ufvrij(jr(i m hi'lli;'
sKin m ii- -Huii-riai inniiTiPd
Knl V -.. I., n.-,.. ., if. in hnn i.(tn . ....t. " ' "-
irii. )..'( I' in ".'.i-- -ii- i-iuiiiui. -iilirj UIIUTJ1
Sfetet lcuud'f!
Anne, Sm would never knew it, she
weulil t.ei r !r in the least aware of
ii. but -in- un' hi- nnd some day she
would lee him
At the thought, even ln the calm
brightness et the murnlng sunlight hi-
pulhcs leaped, nml his eyes
re-ted en the small head with its
clustering curls of taffy-colored hnn
held tlm leek of a conqueror in their
cold, usunliv inscrutable depths
Tomertinv A (Julet Wedding
Things eull Leve te Make
j ' i j-Ulil-U,
; ii " i e v ' -s
I L&rrSseL
IF U '---Vy ' . ' I '-il Zli
st.mrt Kj If you cap make It out I
hept. veu can.
When I Wat tweiie yearn old I met a
g'i .. M , who was two years my Junlei
I didn't bother with lic-r. as ulic, ini
pressed me as being a very spel'ed child,
and I hate spoiled children.
Twe years later I met he-r ngaln nt '
ns iney i ... ,... i,i, ..-.j i.irt ,.... Vi..
-ii ..ua t ti...i n--- .-V.W-. ...i.-, i, t, it, Mt
dhln't win te mutter. Shu ran after
m- morning, i.oen ami night Sic- ;
dragged nm ev 'ywhere she wint Hei i
mother seemed n, be qulte pleased te j
think her daughter was being chaper
oned he an elder girl New I didn't !
in. ml going wit. la r bec-itise I llle-d her
ut when I wa- with her J simply he-
eaiim Kini'i one lv She, led, she did.
al! the talking thinking and acting. I
j merely fe. lowed J seemed te leso nit
niv spirit, all n v pep, Idena and also .
my tongue She. ,n ether words. seenv.d ,
, te he eating nway my whole personality ,
ijnu veu understand? She was very af
ffCtlnnate, centliiiially telling me that '
slie loved iiiii n.eiu than nuy ether girl,
she had ever nn t She was very soft- '
hearted, tee. ihirefeiu I Just couldn't .
hurt hi r feeling' and I liked her.
We who re, Tilted ler about ten
months, she bemt, at tlm annex te tin
school am' I ben is at the main bulldlne;
I threw off l.er ie.il llke u hwivy 'eud ,
anei ujeyni n i.iarveieiii winier. I
ny Hareld Donaldsen Ubcrlein
Originated by
' ,-r' "
-"-'vi J
i Lj ZL
,i2J?"'tv"ssu-A -
(111 I'.tlniiiiss
I'uilitings In "it en
iiimis. when well
made my own n. -. fi lends, thought n.y ' chosen anil rlginiy ,iineii. in. m the
own thoughts ard learned te chntle-r anil viclmsl nnd' nie-t lieuiiiilul di i orntien ,
expr.ss my jw.i Ideas. I was wildly . M)sfhle for the wmls ,,i n loom. Hill,
'"v''- ,hl- rlrl -it ill., m-lb, l,HI,l.n heillltlful pililltillg-. Iil(.. bl'llUtlflll
i,r.dls m'r! few .7f t,V KSi!' siiU'i.aS uemen. sheu 1,1 no. ,.. ... crowded to te
again llunif herself ut me. ami I nel the get her that Huh liniu iiiiiul charm W
old feeling creeping back again. I hap lest.
tried te bienl: nway tiy going with inv I 'art wit, wl.u i nil geed, give u
A Twe-tleied t'lirtuln Is " cry Len-enlent
Fer a v unlaw, that l.e- t , be epi-neil
Wasns ' frequentlj nothing is piet'ii or mere
'fenxenicnr than n -ve-tiered uirtnin.
f'ut a pleeu of cut tain netting thn length
f , .. of the upper winnow sa-h and wide
Uda names enough te give the proper faUnc when
... . fhlrred en tlm pole. Slit this width
llm time is rapidly eemibg whenicf -atcriul up through tin- ,,.,. ';,
un eiii. ;... .. ..".. ii inn lip ' timkp n ii'ii ni: nt lie ion nt ran, t
... 1 ........ .FAIL t. ml. ..1.1 1- .. '-. T ...
Tomorrow Hew De Trepir.il
Hatch Their Eggs?
lh.-r frlerels but 1 In clings le rr.r nml
irmtes hPis- ' i 'r rywnere I go
myself teeing ii . tongue and de
tli, ether mum J um ' mentiis nae
When l am will, her I .ke hi, but when
f leae her 1 In''' her I h,ip iii,h
r.!,IK- ll, led IIU OI1L before lllld I dell
like te. I would much lather like eye:y .
cue. I wuuni I" ...'s ..,.,.-, 'I.,,,,. ce.Kell. 1 1 s n u.'nL n .,lunsl,e.
I have many, many rriemis. iiein boys ""," " ', ' ,',i "i" ..." ' ' "
and girls, but I knew that If I ceuUtiU" color note and Is a j.n te the eye.
te go wltlifthls .M. t will leso them all. Colorful and sliengly decefntlte
as few pecpln euro for her. I de net linlntlngs mid pinels me npprepriate '
like te hurt hei feldings, but I cannot r,,r ,ie modern yein of ilecorntlen. !
siimd her fcllerwItiR me nreund. What i .,. .binger In the n,. den. smnll beuse1
or npurtincnt 's nun -eeral canvases
.1i.,,iiniiit hnmilll el.il.ll In fi vonte Olid
'.ini,!,'1!,1!) a ically Jnwh land, ape or bit of sen
nils a"i '""I " ,,ri"!: ll "."r householder
,ii cut iie-ii i et me iii'imty et,
he iiiu-of-de'ir .
'flu. old lime nemleniil fruit.
ilewei nun ene nn.is. or which we
Yeu feed your floors
the elements they
need when you brush
them with long last
It's the beauty feed
of woodwork, restor
ing its brilliance. It
gives a smooth, tough
surface that ' resists
water and wear. Dries
ever night. And won't
turn white. Insist en
At lour Dealer's !.&
All Celers ami Clear
Felten, Sibley & Ce.
The Old Reliable
Round Package)
Malted Milk
Used successfully for ever 13 century.
Made under sanitary conditions from clean, rich
milk, with extract of our specially malted -Ta!n.
Tlie Feed-Drink is prepared by stirring the powder In water
Infanta and Children thrive en it. Agrees with
the weakest stomach of the Invalid and Aged.
Invigorating as a Quick Lunch at home or office.,
Ask Fer and Get HORLICK'S
nt Fountains, Hotels. featuranta,
thus Avoiding Imitations
1 4
shnll I de?
in-. FMl.lt. ..t.itntl lilifl IIIV II 1 Tl I I I iii l.i.. I
i.'tBlVteit tr u King the call.r . re ' " ru,UTw tr ?' tl,.. 'S!' "I tie"' , " '' i0, ,,n '"w"," ' '"'. It's about as cleat as I eiui make m-U, n ' nl.iced In n bewever bcautlfnl
' ma 1 for n longer visit, twentv ii.m- "'" ll(:, lt nlongte the shop ami but de net split it. Ma'... n heading ridiculous sltuntlen. I hope c, ca"itliv may b". nun p'eie tee heavy Jn
V titei is 11 1 geed, eafe time limit ' th."' point te llm desired pureliase. Net . nt tlm ter.. Th's pi" " 'i . the peh utiderstard an-1 ti 11 me what te de. i (.ffect for '" si. . f ,,.. room. The
H- Substituting rim" for "li-." the host, only are the mint ens of dress fabrics aU. hid ) .he Ie.m r ,-', Kmbrei'lci HIM.V welgln. "" ''"nellinie- he llglitnied In
? ess tllust'Aleil who has bee,, tr.v-B , ,,, ,m iiln.inin Increase, hut tlmlr 1 i r wil: .111 edging w,i, ,, ,irr(i n . , ,114k WJlh ,h,H , . ! iudlcleus frun ing, n m. tie- which will
I rntcrtaln 1.11 unUiMied ra 1 ler for ...ere ,.,.,,., '.re -ulTicient te terrify n stu. nreunl nil llm edges I' .,,. ori?e lThei arc, pcr?ennlltl"s wj " . be ti'i'.ited Inter nt leng.h It j, ,,.rv
l ilmti an liutir. iiius' I;;; Uihikiiig wh.u ,ir. ,f niie- and Sanskrit. Crepe edging em the inner sl,. ,,f ,ln tu. sen'etlmfii ovcrrlde eiihers and It is tie u-, impertani thin h pnduivs lu 11 loom
the lamented 11, ii. 1 c.N.uesseii in ,Sm.i, Sihm-iui fniitnmc. brederie de upper pieces and n t iincning wide ed -. I geed "ft ver let another elomluate you, Lheu d haiimuite m general lone with
'11 "illl.l'rmme!! In'ie biv a word Uolceiide. zeiinclicl.iUy, vfleitrs sur- Ing en the bottom ends of the three cur- Y.eti alone are reBponslhle' for your ac- ,, ,.,,tite color siheiim utiles they nre
"rhii erffPf rfi nnh.ur A l'i!,,'! Rpn,l-V- pn,,,," t,,tern -hn.u,(1 l'" ,Bln8' Wlth n '"-tleris curtain you .V0'"'.. ' T'.r, "J f'"1'.' a i" iS5l especially desired t furnish n phimuit
j. Tiasee such frlcndt, befo.e they scut thorny Mt-of nenmncl.- .-urwlmlew w.lhnut 'n.tU pJfU U nPcesan; de Jm rM,
Manufarturfrx ef
Celers, Paints and
since 1863
Branch 133G Vcruinsn Street, Tiegn
Great Reductions
for SeptenraberSi
Prices positively the low
est in ihrj city hscausc we Uni'
nl a n u f a c t u r 0 nil our MUh,d
HluhlT neb
Hhed mahe
MIT finish
B u 1 1 f nl illlc.
shaila ivlth alter-natlnt-
Jap cineli.
Full taitels te
match. 0 a a
Beautiful ma
heranr Hondo! Hendo! Hende!
1 1 m 11 com.
?l"te with
l'i-. aliairi In
reH. rei or
llrMire T.ame rn-J-Inj
Dobeh-eino with
l'h ahnJe In different
lamp 1
Titli S-in. dou
ble fringe In
three deiUni;
null tanela te
Tbla Tab I
'inn la of
highly flniaheel
maheaanr. Haa
beautiful all
had vith
eheniUe frinv,
FltteJ for (it
or eleetrlcltr.
A t
1 Ter l
lOa, H '1
1 or Eie
I trlcltr H
9 '
331 Market Open 6.30 A. M. Until 5.30 P. M. Branch Stei. 0p. EtmiH
m ..Xfj , ,cmon-'"'-eur farnpi increei buslneii that it M I
iwewwry te open a branch ier. at 1338 VinanmSStrMl. Tiega. I
aaaaHHaTalBMBfVlMnMkMsMaaulVM...M.1 L ,..ial r