V. , K' 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- -I'HILADEIJPHIA. MONDAY. SElTEMJBER 25, 1922 .JM $ . it j i , I r :1 1 if R BUBBBWiMBHBIHIWW ATTEMPT TO SLAY .fl- gttrmfr .'a'. f&m('. .. . w.r& 1518 Chestnut Street hn a rrl mrnnlnr for the who nnt a ilppnilnMn ilriic atore, LLEWELLYN'S Philadelphia' Standard Drue Stere IMS Chestnut Street Pry,; ,., .,,...'. :,,.-7T?r, RISH POLICE HEAD B" na nn all-around advertising man will interest nny manu facturer whose business is committed te ADVERTISING or possesses possibilities for promotion through the printed word. Wilh'practical experience in all branchci of publicity, I am looking for a connec tion with some progressive advertiser or advertising agency where originality and reliability will be recog nized. Ne objection te leaving Philadelphia. A 919, LEDGER OFFICE a. .m General Owen O'Duffy Am bushed en Read, but Beats Off Assailants MARQUIS' MANSION BURNED Ti A sertafM rrtxt i Dublin. Sept. 2.". An nttrmpt wan , innele lnit night te kill General Own O'Duffy. chief enmmamlr-r of the Trih i rlvil police, it k.i nnneuneel today by the Yrv Stnt" (Jevernment. Nans rnntl. when their automobile was nmbuehed A heavy revolver fight 'n' sued. In whif h the attnekers were driven off and en of them wounded. STARTED ON HORSEBACK. NOW ON SHANK'S MAREi $2M1 LEGACY FOraiFTYWIF E Les Angeles Clrl en Way te France Frem Coast Relates Privations Mis Dcdlle La forte, nlneteen-yeiir- old l.e"j Annelei girl, arrived in the ctty today with a story of adventure and privation nincn she started from the Millionaire estern const en horseback, en her way te the Atlantic. "I left T-ex Angeles May .'I." .h Mid. "ridlne horseback. All went well until 1 struck the Nevada desert, nnd tlw - horse lxgnn te weaken. Tlnnlly In ,. .-m.r-r, M. ..-,. it died, near a town mimed Winninakn. RELATIVES CONTEST WILL at. the end of June, nnd 1 wn er- I hnustcd. tee. It wni terrible I hiked te Winainnka, and took n train te Ogden. Then a Mermen gave me a lift I.. Ul. .iitniHrtMI. . Unt, f .I. ,.. hi mi m.i. ,....,.... iv e.ui i.ii-v. ' .In,..!. ... .. .... 1 .1 HI, "I then went te the Yellowstone """'"" .'wii " iu " I'nrk, where I tnyel two weeks, nnd nearly $2,000,000 n prize ended in from theie went te Colerado Spring", ' triumph for Mrs. Helen M. Week llllss. and remained three day. Next I went .,, ,, ,, ,,..f , n ,.no. I ,'..,i fvtv.nv nnPe! irnin nml te KnnsaH, Missouri and te I'lilcagu, , ; .... ... , (,-neral O Duffy. Oeneral ' -M Vdwe 1 werkwl ,n ,icllrtmc.it ste.e wlen dearer te his heart than her two ether efheerH were-proceeding aleiu. h Th , , t0 i,cauf.. Colonel Samuel Kuccne BIIs. Pennsylvania, te Maryland, and then stccl magnate, who dleI last year, mar mar te th i city. 1 em new going te Atlantic . , ... ii.,. !.,,. ,,. -. .u City, and will end at New Yerk, there , rJc1 hls , Penurious secretary and made te take leat te Trance, us 1 intend te her his heir, live, with my sister in l'nrls." This waH declared in n suit started te .HIM l.a I'ene was DOrn in Lima, ,r,. ,i, ...m. flm neHtlnnrr. IMniitrwl J wl - , - - Albert DHss. a brother, nnd Ernest W. Ullss, nephew of the dead magnate, dc- Said te Have Wed Secretary Because of Her Penurieusne&3 rtilmgn, Sept. 25. An endurance test in miserliness with her aged employer REBELS ATTACK, TUXPAM Military Aid 8eught te Clear Mexi can Oil Region Vm Cruz, Kept. 21. (By A. I'.) The pert of Tuxpam was attacked by rebels last Friday, according te ad vices just received here. The mall federal garrison forced the Bttackers te retreat. The rebels are said te be operating under the leadership of l'elacr. Uesalci. Oeneral Ouildnlupe HanchM, chief of military operations In this district, has gene te the capltnl te confer with l'resident Obregon nnd Secretary of AVer Serrano as te the advisability of another military campaign te rid ttie oil region of all rebels. SUPERINTENDENT FOR NEW HOSIERY MILL in New Yerk City DU trict, manufacturing women's seamiest silk hosiery. Mutt have thorough knowledge and experience WrWt M. K Itoem 110 1. HO IT. 4!d St., Nw Vera City. Nw Yek Londen. Sept. 2.'.. (tiy A. P. The Marquis of Innvlowne Informs the Times that hi mnnsien at Derreen. Ciiuntv Kerrj. Ireland, has been looted and burn"d, and the valuable planta tions en his Chtnte destroyed. He soy" lin is unaware whether the outrage wn. ri-mmlifd by Fre" Staters or Hepubli fan. The M'u "f l.'insdnwne. beside lielillm: eeral t'ablnei pe-tH at arleus of Caiia-l'i and later, of India His i'-t i states have long been In the familv -iti-l with them he inherited th title ilnrl of Kerry. They all knew the value of Resinol Thli teeuitn helm ointment it ler tha ' - el Tery member el the lamilr br cme th ' ne prepettlet that mike It ie e(lectie ll n troubles, make it ideal ler Duma Cuta Zcratehci Weunda Beila Feleiu Ptmplea Celd-eeie ChaSne Stinft Pila At all drefgtiff. ZUJ ff W K ac s WiS 'iiXWHu !i u w SUNDAY OUTINGS Frem Market Street Wharf EVERY SUNDAY Atlantic City Wlldwoed Anuleaen Andrei Avenue Ocean City Cape May Sea Iile City Corsen Inlat StoneHarber Peerment Avnlen A'lint ' ' su,k if , A f -in. U IWrnirt H-arrn Hat1 np M " " '. Fer a utn-r -. n - i, Ery SunHny te November IS inc. $1.3Q Taat ftirer, Sioe Park. Eij Rjund Tne Htid ied uitnatdnte sljtnm J2 IO Sea Girt. A.'jury ParU, " l.en llrancn, and in Henna trip $2.00 R Market "trert wnarf Round ""I urancn, and in-r J termediat itatieni. jWJ Trip Point Pleaaent fc.'J FISHERMEN'S EXCURSIONS & 1 C Ci Round Tnp SUNDAYS pi.sJW Octc ober 1 and 8 MAURICE RIVER FOR FORTESCUE MariK St Wharf 2f(, tjindfa.S e Frem broae strebt station Sfl fO-OO NEW YORK N iOR..neTri, SUNDAYS K Oreafl strut , , 7 iU M Vfaat rmia. 7 laL. Merth Puiu. 7 r. l "i S4 .OO ALTOONA Round wwiiiewn, mi. unun, Trin Huntinadsn. Trine SUNDAY. October 1 nreae1 Btfret U 10 '. Weir l'blla. 13 13', leir OO FRANKUNCITY.VA. HF.RI.IN. MH und . . KK.. ..... Trip SAnKntilOH, UtL. SUNDAY. October 1 StapplntaiMuinril Gteraetnwn Mllliber Fririferl tielO)lll and boew II 111 Bread Ktrtet a JO West Thila 5 , Chester 7 10 53.SO WASHINGTON $3.00 BALTIMORE Round Trip SUNDAYS Oct. 1.15, 29, Net. 12,28 Bread Btrret 7 50 V, Weal rella. 7 46 , .OO HUDSON RIVER t-fJTrTea Plidei & Hifhlandj T Trip Ie Newburj Sundar, October Bread St. 7.00At, Weat Plilla. 7.05Vt; North Philadelphia 7.15AZ $3.25 Harrisburg J3.00 ELIZABETHTOWN $2.50 Lancaster teund Trip SUNDAY, Oct. IS Breil Htrrn 7 10 Well mtla 7 35 A, I UllJ'-ieci.nd Hueei 7 M , j i I'cru. Her father was a Spaniard and I her mother was French. SIR GILBERT PARKER TO BE LUNCHEON GUEST Prominent Phlladelphlans Qreet Noted English Auther Tomorrow Many prominent Phlladelphlans will attend the luneheen te be jlven tomor row by the Trnnsnttanti' Society of Ameriia in honor of Sir Ciilbert Parker, who K In Amerira for a leeture tour. The I'lm-heen will be at the ItflWue ItflWue Stratferd Anionic these who will at tend are Mrs. .1. Bertram I.tjipini'ett. Mr.. Henry l.n Barre Jayne, Mr. and Mts. ireracf Heward rume",-. .Ir.. Mrs. Frnncw It. Strawbrblge. Mrs. ieerge II. Strnwhrldtte, Mr und Mrs. hnrles K Jenkins, l)r and Mr. i. Websfr Fex, Miss Sephia Cadwnlndcr, Dr Charles W. Burr. Miss i:iuabth It. (hew. Mr. ami Mrs. Vere Speke Nfen. Mr. and Mrs. .lelm F. Itrnun loreni'e F.irl ("eatt. Hebert Norwerd. Mi nn.l Mrs. C. Wharten Sterk. Mr smI Min. Trnnklln Speneer Kdmend. Preside-if Awlelette. of Swarthmnre illr-ie. ntnl ..Ir Aydelette, CeuntfS "f San'i Ki'lplia. Mlss Mar Blnkistnn. I- l'tn:m Bliikirtnn, Mrs. Samuel It hiplej, Mr- Uudelph BlankenburR. Mr nnd Mrs Clinten TJiiceis oedruff COMMITTEE FGHT HOT Knight and Reeves In Lively Battle in Burlington County ' Mount Helly. N. .1.. S.-pf. U.'.-ttir-llMtnn ( iintit)'"- intcrf".t m the elei-r m tomorrow renter- larireU en the n;ht for the Itepubliean Sthte Committee btween Harrv I.. Knlsht. of Medford. ' former Publi 1'ulitv C'-inini-"-!' ner , and County Clerk William II. Heevi-s , rhnirni'iti of the Bepubliean Ceui.ly , j Committee. 'ai tienal ditTeretteei. developed a few I vears ase when Knlcht was eeretarvl of the eeunt iniumittci- Sufficient oppeuitioii a worked up t rails" Kn:cl t te step a.iie a. tlie orsanlrn ersanlrn orsanlrn tieii nrretarj Ian jenr, when Reeve.' ti'prn-entinS the fiction nppn-ed te Kt 'Cli. vi'- i .nle the niiinty rliairman. ' , Th inldfil ftp' te an ulreii'U biirnim; f ' I'ltnm. '"ill tle lines betwien the Kiisl t an 1 Refes forces hae slne been nier- pr tnninred. i ' Wen tre time ratne for fillins an-' t l'MTtueii's et inudidneies for tie S "ti. ( ,mm ttei' ieb Knicht appeared i-ir'v. 'm''i Cl.nrles H. Kelwell, a ties I i,ir editor, Cnui.tj Solicitor Rebert pi'ieerk. nl-e of Mount HelU, and K'l-.- ' Aik i . of Flirpi . Knlsht n-p-ei-,Ti'id hw nun i 1 n and the t'lrj ethers .ere allied with the ether 'nle I .nnll Fulwell. I'p.'oerk and Aikin ncr'nl te n withdrawn! with th under--r.itii.iiit; that Reeves would take up the 1 attln alone .AUSTRIANS ASSAIL TREATIES i - ' Cr-at Mass-Meeting at Vienna De-' neunees Terms of Peace ' Menn.t. -'i "J." i By A I' - ei' iiins-i mei'Miif of preter ;ijn nv 'i. epn.e tr i'h. fnniludin; the IVm i Wur w n !. I here leMerdaj ur ir-r th' M-pi'-es of arinus Oerinan ii". 'n'j"n. i eir of TufiO voices atiB fjerman i'i n- and -eiifs In the interval1- he. ' feii the -p's1 lie-, wlilih were pMii'r- dfiiiiie lafnrj of the tren'le- 'is l.i nc le-jioe-il lr for the pnsent plight ' I entra! Kurepe. . PREMIER LENINE SOON TO RETURN TO DUTY . Russian Leader Greatly Interested I In Senater Berah's Activities I Moscow. Sept. 2,-.. (By A. P. Premier I.enlnn Is een te return te i.etiM' diitj. ii w iinneuiiced b the newspaper I'tavila. Whtle still re- cupetntitiR at his country place, he has Interested hlinelf lu Internatlennl iiuestlens and home affairs, nnd Is par- I tlcularly Interested In tlic activities of I T'nited Stntes Senater Rernh as bear- I ItiR en Ru"ia and the work of the 'American Relief Administration. I.enine will appear ns the principal speaker at the fourth oenjtre.'.s of the 'Thlid Internatienale te be hld In . Petrograd In November. Riving hi' I views en "the world revolution." M. Stalin, a member of the Council of Commissars, In nn artlcln in the Pravda, uetcMtthi Premier as sayinp; he censldets the great Powers greedy and inimical te one another's Interest. and en this account, thinks It likelv they ' ma) at anv time tly at each ether's threat' " Mranw IiIIm, he says. Russia can efferd te await the ou''eme of the conflict "becaue Miehns se- lc-tefl the sure and smoother path of 'peace nnd mutual agreements, i.teerinj 'straight and yielding neither te threats ' nor flattery." Bey Hurt by Handcar While playing en a small handcar en a railroad siding nt Seventeenth and Spring (Jnrden streets yestrnlav afternoon with a crowd of bers. .lanies MrMrennn. ten years old. 110 Shn ninkln street, fell under the wheels He 'was taken te the Hahnemann Hospital. 1 where two tees of his rlsh' feet wen amputated. clare that the magnate tiled firm in the belief that he could from heaven, through his highly efficient Mwetary-wlfe, con tinued te direct his business and ndd te his fortune. When Bliss spent a nickel, his secre tary spent a penny te impress the trel baton with her economy- aecmdlng te the petition, which paints her as a "so "se ual vampiic" and "parasite." I'e" fourteen jears, it Is alleged. Mrs. Week proved te the old steel king that i-he wns evrn mere miserly than he was, and that gradually she wooed him nwny from his first wife, n frail, weary In valid. It is charged by the contesting rela tives that Bliss was insane when he married Mrs. Week, nnd they seek te recover SI.03H.011 left bv the Bliss will. They charge that the neglected wife fur-nl-hed the start of the fortune which Bliss and his secretary built up. He iiiid but a half-million dollars when Mrs Week become his 'ecivtnry four feur tien enis age. She madi! herself hU bed guard, guide, philosopher and friend, and even established a kitchenette in his office te prepare his inenN, se they could work cheaply and overtime. After the death of the invalid first wife. Bliss married his secretary In December, 1010. He then branched out into the banking business. His half-million had run up te two millions, and lie died two jears after marrying hls secretary, making her bis s-ole heir. Man Killed by Fall While descending n flight of steps at Cotten and Power streets jesterday, Benjamin Clenson, 4H41 Terrace street, tripped and fell. He was found ljlng en the splewnlk unconscious nnd taken te the Memerial Hospital, where he died early today. IE Buy Clethes Anywhere Save 50 of Cost An old suit. Like old shoes, you be come attached te it, but the time comes when its appearance forbids your wear ing it. But appearances can be maintained fully twice as long with intelligent Her Her zeg care. Loek better and pay less for clothes by having them regularly cleaned here. The cost is negligible. We have no connection with any firm of similar name. I. HERZOG fir CO. All artietea insured against fire and theft until delivered te yen Gcrmantewns Dyers & Cleaners 5904 Gcrmantewn Avenue Phene: Gcr. 03-92 i iM ffM II . ... i i i ) J A II THINGS WORTH WHILE atid because we make them 54Q LOWER INPRKE 0i mm Ptnxhiingr Aent' Order. Accepted aRtJ Mmil Orders Filkd BVJ Send for Fur Catalog 1 1 IVISCheatnutSireet. 1 5 Days te Ad go! of the- vanceoaleeiTurs featuring-. All Odd Lets at Half Price ! ! ! savings it win DC are quite at once without Little Benny's Nete Boek By Lee Papt As immediate clearance is our object, cost and worth have been given no consideration. wnen you see these Furs it will b apparent that the parallel. As Lets arc limited many of them may net last throughout the day se Early Shopping is advised! A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in our Storage Vault Until Required. NIAGARA FALLS 1 DAY v TRIPS 9 1 fl.SO ROUND TRIP S 1 Q.SO Sept.mtt.r 28 anil Ornlr 12 Pennsylvania System! I Tli nMt of n eraaawar umiitrj ! was si mdin; around the mm peit U id 11 ii 1. 1" ut.'I I e jf, Hnv , I,, i thn win tins is l'r, Slinklne-is tn'rrl - Inj , le's go frreutid and sen If he ;', f tn i n nil v atreng !u presents. Wich we went erreijnd te de, rlng,ii i'lnlsej oeor !('! arid Puds epenerl 1 1 ileiir ltn em, ill ng r-isplfieus making n lnjinp ill ''Hi' s'.ile of Ins f ii , and c and Sd ml. Ile'.ie Puds. n, !,,,! Hlloek lis lll'i lielle IIS if he inuldnt tiik geed mi account of wat he had in Lis mouth, and I -fd Wat did re i set for veur herthda.v. PudV Wlch jest then the lnimp get smiilli r hi itrviiuiit of Puds pruberlv swallow iig part of It. and lie r-e,. e iit,rv and books und all tat j ink Wii'h jest then he g.(,. ., fe ,r , ,,! Mew and the hump iissappe ril ml th" wavs and Slil ed. i. 1- that nil. go-l, ill lent ou get enj enndj ' nnd Puds eil, (and'' N'e Wliv ' Ne J w, I had, 1 he set. I Heley sme.'iks, no randy, I soil 'niu von knew about that, s'ld, I we,M. m i (insider it wm a herthilnj if 1 ,lnl,.iit get eny candy, would jeu, Sid'" I r-t-d , Ne, Id think it was a funeral Sid sei and 1 srd Id eenstder it a Insult hats hew I consider ii, and Puds eed" ' Will thills hew I d" tenslder It, Imt it i .tint rnv fuult is it ' llcing n prlity geed of a nnscr. ami Sd s,il. Wnt was that In veur mouth jtr-t new'' and PrnN start te leek a if In felt Innocent saving. Wiif' Wen"' nml I sed. Next Chnssrn.is. ren,, ,, St.l ,. heel ll, I tf i, ,(. peijinj of ciirmen home Hints geed. I get i peiuiils of miish uii'llew-i. .Slil -.I'll, And we siarinl t, wnwk iiwiiv 1. 1 ting 1'ipK i,) iieleeve I it ii ll he prnherly illdent. I ,KK VHl UKAIHNfi TIIRMT Ilrudtiiw vvlmlT The Hluneil rdlterlqln en, I aptll tei'lCH. which are aueh faature of th Kdlierlal I'sbe of tha 11 nr it I.Rbum ' .Mttku ll u llBblt. V-.titv, lenr Quantity 7 Russian Penv Coats French Seal Delmans, fuil len;tb rrcncn aeai ieais. iu inchc, Russian Marmet Coats Fitch-Trimmed French Seal Coats. 10 inches.. Natural Muskrat Coats, made cf dark chins Seal-Trimmed Leepard Cat Coati, 40 inches . . Natural Raccoon-Trimmed Marmet Coats Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats Civet Cat Coats Black Caracul Coats, 40 inche-, long ..'!.'.'.'.'.'. Caracul Capes, full length 2 Scotch Moleskin Coats ... 3 Scotch Moleskin Capes and Wraps, full lenRth 4 Natural Raccoon Coats, 40 inches Ien,? 3 Caracul Capes, Squirrel trimmed, full lenRth 4 Hudsen Seal Capes, full length 3 Hudsen Seal Coats, self-trimmed. 5 Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats, 40 inches 3 Beaver-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Cean 4 Squirrel-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats 4 Natural Squirrel Coats ... .... 2 Alaska Seal Coats ar.d Wraps, full length . ... 3 Perbian Lamb Coats, 40 inches long, Skunk trimmed 2 Natural Squirrel Capes, full length 2 Broadtail Wraps, full length 1 Ermine Cape, full length . ... 1 Natural Mink Ceat W inter Price 110 00 115.00 1 20 00 130.00 1 'tO.OO 150 00 160.00 170.00 195.00 245.00 250.00 250.00 335.00 345 00 375 00 395.00 395 00 395.00 490,00 490.00 495.00 495.00 690.00 685.00 795.00 990.00 990.00 M00.O0 Sale Prier 54.50 58.50 59.50 i 64.50 . r9.50 77.50 79.50 S4.50 , 96.50 122.50 124.50 144,00 1G7.50 172.50 i 1B7.50 192.50 192.50 192.50 244.00 244.00 247.00 292.50 342.50 342.50 394.00 495.00 495.00 695.00 Chokers, Scarfs and Steles at Half Price 4 Sqnirrt! Chekcn 5 Kelrnikr Cbektn 4 Natural Mink Chektri 4 Brown Fei Cbektrt C Taupe Wolf Chekiri 4 Brown Fex Cbekcri 3 Twe-Skin Mink CleVm 4 French Sail Stoics 5 Stene Marten Caektri WlnUr Sala Winter Sale Prlc Price Price Prlct $11.50 $6.75 3Baum MarleP Chekeri $6000 $28.75 14.50 7.25 2 PUtinnm Red Fe. Cbekcri 65,00 32.50 19.00 9.50 3 Black Fex Scarfs 70 00 34.50 28.50 14.25 3 Hudsen Bay Sible Chokers 00.00 44.50 28 50 14.25 3 Hudsen Seal Steles 95.00 47.50 28,50 14.25 2 Scotch Meteil.in Steles 130 00 63.00 35.00 17.50 2 Jap. Mink Stales 135.00 67.50 38 50 10.00 3 Squirrel Steles . ... 135,00 67.50 50.00 24.25 2 Natural Mink Steles. . 285 00 142.50 Hudsen Seal Is Dyed Muskrat. French Seal Is Dyed Ceney. Extra-Urge Size Coats and Wrap Up te 54 Bust. asT:X,:.K,,1in:iE3 Charge Purchases Billed Hereafter First Jjg! IftSheppacd S'Sens THE NEW BLANKETS The wnrmtli, the lightness, the cesy comfort which 1 00 per cent, pure wool alone can insure. These Special Prices White tfith pink or blue border : Single bed, $9.00 pr. Deuble bed. $1 1 .00 pr. Bleck pattern pink, tan, blue or grey with white: Single bed, $9.00 pr. Deuble bed, $11.00pr. SMART NEW BEDSPREADS AH extra length te cover bolster "Delly Madisen" ecru crinkle stripe and open work alternating; imitation hand scalloped. Single bed only, $9.00 each Alse with Cepcn blue and old rose stripes : Single bed. $15.00 each Deuble bed, $18.50 each Hcru Spreads, hand-made Frenchknets; imitaticn hand scalloped. Single bed only, $12.50 each LAMB'S WOOL COMFORTS Figured silkelinc covering, $6.50 each Seft-finish saline, plain coloring, $12.50 each Plain colored silk covering, $16.50 and $18.00 each Figured or plain satin covering, $30.00 100$ Chestnut Street t'hicage San I'raiH . leslnv .Veil '();'. FINE PURE WOOL UNDERWEAR In light, medium or heavy weights te suit varying tastes and requirements. Men's Union SuiM S.oe ie 16.50 Men's Undershirts 5.7? te JO.OO Men's DratrcTS 5.75 te 9.U5 Women's Union Suits 6.75 te 11.50 Women's Vats 3.50 te 7-5 Women's Drauvrs 4.50 te 8.25 Children's Union Suits 4.25 te 10.00 Children's Vests 2.25 te 5.75 Children's Draucis 2.00 te 5.50 ' j HE celebrated standard of quality for almost forty years, Jaeger underwear is made of the finest Australian pure virgin wool designed and perfectly tailored for these who appreciate com fort and demand quality who desire underwear te fit snugly yet net te cling. Especially desirable during the inclement fall and winter days, Jaeger underwear keeps one evenly warm, dry and thus comfortable since wool only possesses the qualities of transmitting te the outer air body moistures and impurities. MEN'S UNDERWEAR IN THE NATURAL COLOR -WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S IN NATURAL OR WHITE Mail Orders and Inquiries Invited. 1701 CHESTNUT STREET Cerner 17th Street aSJ Nene Toe Soen te Place Order Glorious aBr f in autumn coloring. fashioned in garments that bespeak the refined the elegant the dis tinctive all that is meant by geed taste. Embick Knicker or Skirt Tweed Suits Fer Women and Mistes Te Order $ 55 One year age $60. Cannet be dupli. cated anywhere under $75 te $85. Tweed Outfits Hat, $7.50 Ceat, $45.00 Jumper, $17.50 $ $70.00 65 Complete If Ordsr Is Placed New A wonderfully striking serviceable outfit for the school miss or young business woman. A New Special Service Suits for Larger Women Special Medels in Tricetine and Kindred Fabrics Chalk stripes that in themselves slenderize $1 and add the touch of refined elegance. 67.50 Cannet Be Duplicated Under $85 te $100 Beys and Girls 2nd Fleer, Frent Get a new idea of the little e.nes' personal charm in these striking and most satisfying outfits. Ceat, Hat and Leggmgs $JK 00 te Match ' 0 J e eHl J n e j r 1 11 1 I If Brown, rust, etc., tan, blue, tweeds. green, henna, Special ! Beys' and Girls' Chinchilla$-f O Coats, .$25.50 Value -LO Girls' Regulation Dresses Beys' Regulation Sailor Suits Beys' and Girls' Hats 2nd Fleer, Rear Extraordinary $ Ceat Opportunity 42 Fer young business women or misses about 25 coats only, in cheviot, vcleur, tweed and sports cloth. Easily worth twice the money. A few odd and small sizes we wish te close out. Most of these sold at from $45 te $55. . . . J W. H. EMBICK & SONS 1618-20 Chestnut St araMtf7TfmiuiMrarvnjji im'ia3(muyx-ir-..Twmmpi i iwiiiama nr ,TtnamB!l Feet A Hjfe. yg mmni r sir sssBSB 9 euirerers. CONSULTATION FREE As an addition te our service, we have arranged for the attendance et Dr. F. A. HUSK He will be at this store every afternoon of this week, and will give, tiitujiit obliantien, professional advice en all feet troubles. Hours 2 te 5 P. M. GROUND GR1PPER Shee Stere 38 Seuth 17th Street (near Chestnut) f . I