Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 23, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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1922 Collegiate Football Campaign
25 &4iS 7iV
franklin and Marshall,
-Pcnris Opponent Next
Week, Clashes With Al
bright as Collegiate Feet-
hall Campaign Begins
I 1UU - t
A (-ROSS the chnlk-lJiietl green of the '
V sri.llren today win rim c cc m...
Iheil'-amll of threntS,' but nil lllll DC
n,,,f nt the new Franklin KlfW -nvft'
for (lie sound of construction, speeded
.,n under stress of a contract nenrlng Its,
"P1"1"017. !
time Hunt.
The 1022 college football fensen will
Mr,mii Inte reality i" nil sections of
,lie country tniln.v. DUt I'lllinueipii.uiui
, unit until next 8ntt.rd.iy before
IVnnvlvnnla bnptlea Its n-w stndium
ilth tlie firit rush of the cnmnniRn.
Twentynlne Rntncs lire sintcti for
eflnv mi nntisiiiilly large number for
he fourth Saturday In Hcptenibcr. Iln '
rami are Retting mi early start. th
ilc elevens with the ulen of pinct.cnl
Tiventyxilne games arc slated for
terlay mi iinu'suiilly large numher for
the feurlli namniHj ' nviiviuecii ,
tralnlne nun run "'" " """..!"; '
l.eiie of gaining Immediate recogiiltien .
U caupliig nn upset.
IVim le Watch V. ftiiJ M. j
Locally the Snn which holds the'
ntef't iiit'erc't is tlm one which ulll be
t.ij?ed up at J.B.iicm.t er. There Frank
lin and Slursliall will ipiee Albright.
.,,! the rnivcrslty of l'enn.vlranta
iithletes ill be en band spying en their
(ipiinnents of next week.
The tobacco county collegians are re
puted te hnve nn exceptionally strung
Ainven. nml (lancer warnings have been
whlpercd about the lininlng qt.nrter.-
at Mount Crctna. The Quakers will'
liare a leek and will gain Neme idea of
ihr opposition Ihey will f.tcn In Iheir
opening game. Franklin nnd Marshall
i nnks a big favorite ever the Myers-1
town athletet".
Four ether newerful Keystone State i
teams will Mving Inte action. I'enn
Slate plajs St. llennventurc at State!
I'ellege; Ilticknell eiigntfes Mansfield
Nermal at Lewlsburg: Streudslmrg will I
Me elevens with the iden of piact.cnl ' pi 1 I AI IIIH III
. . ...... it,... ..inu (iii iVi.i ini h i i ii ii inn i hi
5,:,Hi;":K. Vn,""al rm of " international pole
Vniilngien. I'n.. (iencvn will battle
isnlnst Vn.shiiicten nnd Jeffersen, the
undefeated lli'Jl aggregation which
i cached the heights by holding Southern
California te n scoreless tie at the
Carnival of Hoses.
A ale. Opens Willi Hal
Vale is the only member of the nig
l-,. t rnllr.,1 fn et.irt thn Kn..vnn. .
'Che nine takes en Hates nt New Hnven. '
nf course. Eli backers nre banking en
Vnl.. . smrn mnrn tlinn four tnneh- I
...I.- fc'i .v .. . .
m.,.ha r
In 'the' Reuth. Charlie MernnN
I'.nilnir Colonels from Centre, minus
H" McMillan, will oppose Carsen-Nw
in.iii, whatever that Is, Virginia Mill
i.-li-v Celleee -v ill battle Lynchliiirc at
Lexington and Ceergln will take en
'r berry nt Athens.
I-nst j ear Ynlc beat Rates. 28 te 0.
Head Conch Tad Jenes has developed a
fn'ter and mere versatile team te meet
Mnlne Cillege, nnd most I'll rooters
leek for it larger score. Yale will
probably present nt least two full
Twe llales Stars
The enlv ether games fn the East of " 'n.e ' "" A"'"' "ns meet Hop Hep Hop
piemlnenro nre these between Syracuse ' '" ",,"' , ' fn1feI,Aer' ""s;
.ml Hobart nt Syrncuse. Hely Cress , '" ,i uc the cha nipi ms of Kngland and
nnd Submarine Hase nt Worcester and PA, "SfJ'S- "ff" off e"- tnme
Maine and Connecticut Aggies at ' " )' "e, ,i,l" ' "ndw'ere outclassed by
Frem Inst .lear's team Hates will "lht. h bon In strict trnituiiR for about
lulng te New Haven two Mars Cap- "'fe iZ'kiXX xTlttV? tWXlTyr'1 ""
lain Gtilney ...id Davis, fullback and
tackle. Of the newcomers en the Hates' Vlnrnt T.eer. the M-xiran mMdlnrleht
tenia, Snffriid, formerly captain of thei1Ji,J be'n imitchr.l by lMJIn Itiven te mcri
ugiistn. .Me.. Ills i Kehee team, nm
Mlake, the former Havcihlll, Mass..
High Scheel tackle, have shown prom prem
ise. The Ilaies team has been coached by
'Hirer Cutts, the former Harvard
iiicMp. "
After three weeks of strenuous traln
''ig. the Muhlenberg football squad Is
pioiietitu'cd In ecellent shape.
Coach Slcgcl has been giving the
Imrs scrimmage for the InEt two weeks.
f times he hnd as many as four elevens
lining nt one time.!
Tlie only cripple Is Orcnvllle Andrews,
ilm, two years age, was first quarter
'ineli en the University of Michigan.
local Heys Get Cliatica
Toward the end of hard scrimmage
'"st night Andrews was at the bottom
if a heap nnd. lr. addition te having
I'ccii knocked out, sustained a painful
niliry of the knee. He will he out of
'TT l"''Mp, "'"'iV'i U 'M!k,ly
Megel will try out McAlpltl and dark.
'lie former Phlhiilelphl.i Cent nil High
slnru in tnilni' ..ii....
.-. .. ' H'llll'
un me eve nl Ihe opening game of ,,,';,,", .viiVtueun -nm n, the rk. n.'
Hip season, with St. Hiinnvi'ntlire, elnsliiR iw . different cllpplim which award
Coach liedek has made a cliaracterls.ic tll,) Nortliameton. l-i lal the derttien
Insi.inlniiie shift in the Penn Stnlr ' ... . . 7 . u t, T. ,.
Ine-Ull 111 nrnellen In-. ..!... ii,.i. A '"" '" TnAv ,0 ""tch hN Italian
in up. Ill prat lite last night Dick pr,fK, Tarian. aaln.t Hay .MiilllBan and
ihiisler, the big illianispei t lad who oilier flyweight In Piiiladelphla. m prme
was icgulnr tackle in JDiid. but who "t10 '' """ i-'lJ'n'r n2-pmindr m this rity.
Iins been playing en the second eleven 1 ... ,"... t
His tall was sen. te left tnel-Ie .... n,erf' ttTV ''' "' '" f-Perln Depirt
"' 1. 111, was seui 10 .en tacuie 0.1 tlie1Trln, f ,he Hiemm, I'tmin I.EnnzH for
ariiy in place of l.eguc. and it is Hilly Moere
niiunllv cpitaiu that he will siart tbe
Mine in that position. Monday's Havre de Grace Entries
he cause of the shift was net e , ,,,, raf, ,,, $l:i ,ft ,.ln,mlnu. fel
"lueh due le weakness in l.egue s piny- ' nnM'-u umi .. .ir-nl.N, ;.i, furlnnsn
"IK as it was In the coo, work thnt
Nliiistcr has been doing 111 .scrimmage
'mis Hci-k. He has continually smashed
tn.eugh Ihe varsity line te break up
I'lajs. ami the coaches finnllv felt that
llr had earned piometlon te the first
Cnaeh Huge will start both Hurry
M'Lin, itt 1 1 11 V . V- 1 .
" iseti ami Mike Palm in the nnckficld.
"llsiin s injured leg has steed up verv
Ml in scnm.nage n, s,.e he is the
eviiericiKcil backbehl man en the
"lU.'hl he will be needed te steady the
Iiee iil,iw,..u
KeisiPtie,. nm be en deck te replace;
1 "lin wheneici' Itey.ilel.- deelile tn lulu, '
.. '
lie hitter out. while Fail Krai will no
I011I.1 gP, j,,,,, ,he ?M,p i ,,!,.,. of Wll-
"Oil I'l'feie It Is ever. Carsen, nrpunrv.
inger anil Shannr will alteriiatc at the'
"'her buektield pests. I
Boyd Defeats Kelly
,' ell Huwl I Hun Sliile rliauinlnn pnel.el-
!l'il n,ir iefe.ii.., ilenrce Klli- Penn
;.iiih Mm,, ,hiiinni.,ii. In Hn. i-eie ,,r
' '', In nt Hi., .Niittun.il llilllnril Ai id-
,i.. ..-ii. , nn i insM hi n m unnnnent
,-. -..-.,..,,
IvelK nitnl ii Iil.li i-i,.. .,f
ui..i.. iv... i . ... ..::v. '.":... ,
,1i,,," .' ' " """"i, i'",si
I'luins i.ii, i, fiirt -Ihri u i hnrlea
a, ;""' .i inn.
"" 'I imiiulil m a 1,11
elin.npliii, ulll meet
niillil tame
Scholastic Football
VT.STI llt 1 1 ' s flKSI 1 .T.S
rnn f darter HI; IVniiUf.iril II. S.. 0.
n lliiKsnwiil .s (Ill, (.li.it.-, Hler II. s,, e.
'.I.issliern II. .. H, MnniMnnn II. h fl.
ion 'h (i.mi:s
l'rl.fhiins in. NerrUtnwn. Nnrrlsleil n.
slinl.llr.v t. lVllllnnislinrt. U'l m.
.--..,. ,1,
'leinlnilnn Tr.nlui. Tr.m.n v i
ii?,?i'.m. '" Krarrvra 'v Ibanen
miu.i, ibanen, In,
First Sign of Fall;
Here's Football Card
Penn State T, St. IlonaMnter. at BUte
llit,kn.n vm Xtan.fl.lit Vfiraikl .1 TJ44.I.
. Franklin Mid Marshall th. Albright, nt
Muhlenberg vi. Blreudehflrx, at Allentawn.
Hrreri.ee rt. llplirt. nt !SrfMrin.
lX'neh.lncten nnii JrfTcrien t. UtneT. at
1 Wnnhlnirten
, Valeria.
i i
nates, at Nrir Harm.
wffi&J!" - " - '
Centre -t. fJnmen-N
rniDtnanne Haee.
enrmiMi. st llanrllla.
Urerfla la. Nnulirrrv. ut Allien..
rlprlnrtleld . Celby, st Mprlnsflrld.
$ifi .. SSKilftl,!!11
.-.. r. . & .;
XHimMw a, IfrfUntr, at Kalmnetee,
rhKrnirh, rkle,n ,. City llll,. tTVln.
'""'"''le "- Heivllnr (Jreen Nermal, at
Maine ie. Aaclta. nt Orone
MareW i. Alderaen, at llmillnrden.
!'rrr !' I'lrdment. nt Macen.
be?i0rvIil7,,B"' ,l,n (,rnndf' ' IUr'
p NewllWehlra re. t S. Marine, at
rt. l.mrrenrr. t. St. Strplienn. et Tunteii
Tf" " '-"" " ' t
Wgl. ; flSJi .tT'JSSwta.
teri C'" ,' ':,n('1,i,err' at r.exlni.
Olnlnln Pelr t. llamp. Sldnrr. at ninckn.
vt Maryland i. Mfloneul. .t Wc,t-
I- IIUI1 1 llll 111111 I III
II 1 1 P4 I I 1 1
Because of Rumsey's Death, Ar
gentine Takes Meadow Broek's
N Place Against Eastcott
m.u and White)
I.ill Nrten
lehn MII.
.tuck Nclmn
I.'jlfl Lnvev
H. Hrnferd
IV E. Hepplnic
MJ T. II Hurn5tl
SUJ. V. W Ixcktt
n., fl..., ..'.. .,, . , ,.
' he fl.ung Argentine? will tnke the
I''"pc of (he Mendew Mroek four ngnlnM
the Angle-KnglW. KaMcett team in the
teiu-nn.nent this afternoon nt the Phil
adelphia Country Club.
Heonue of tlie death of O. ( Hum
sey, number two en the Orange County
team. Ilevere.int Milbtirn decided te
forfeit tlie match te Eastcott. Mr.
Htinisey was an old frleml of fr Mil.
j burn's, and out of respect te his mem-
"' ' "".""' e ..leauew lirilOK
u"sn ' ""'"" ,..,.,. ,. ,,,, ,
? ' " " "r '" '"j"" PJ '" 'J ". tr'1''' 'I-
"" .CI0W.'1. ,lmt ,S '" "'Re t0 e the
lllllll tllllfl.ll UI'rUHIIIiManl.. ... .... I.
. ......w. .. . ...I,' .iii-iin irii; 1II1IIIC
'''f.'ii'L?; ,nmJ r.rft ''."k'11
Caver M. .el 1Hi"'ety sP"e of the
fact that the latter will curry a two
gum iiuuuicaii.
The watch will start nt 4 P. M., nnd
tickets number 0 will be geed for ad
mission. OCrapS AbOUt OCrapperS ! .
Jee M.inrr, nf New Teriv. hiii b.n In
I'lillmlel.ilil.i tryltiK te cnmplnm n'totlullenn
for i ni.itch between Jack Hhnrkev anJ Jet,
O'Unnnell le tJKu Mace ut Ihu I'lenccr Club
of .New erk. '
.lurk 1'nlmrr. Peu'h I'hlliuWphK w.'t.r-
;3V.:V VT' ...S . " ."t
eljinpla October I,
.Tee Frtrrrll, wbn ilrepp-d Tlenny PancAl
ihrri llnie last IVfdne.ilav nlsht. ha bn
nrtileij te thr tab! nf i:idl ifa-m Hebby
lliirmin. IIIllv Djilnr nn.l Al Hollzman are
etlier 11.1 os hlttrrM
Teminr Murrny l out for ht lu rom rem rom
petltlon this a-aKen lin N wllllnr te rnnkn
lis pounds for rlthr Carl TremTn or Jee
I.nch at any old tlin-
I'lna" Bedle h.in Kaln nemwhat In wrlaht
This rrnten he will be rarty for inatchn.
wlih'Karl Bnlril. KM Warner, Kid Kaplan
uinl Johnny Shurrut.
Otte llurhr hn hn krrrlnr In touch
with thr deren tllmrn he Iihr palreil at
.Sliiinnlian i" i' . Tumlav night, nml find
them nil In llt condition The matrhci are
Kim Hlarklmen Jehnnv M''I,utililln
AMI McCunn n. Judge Hies, r.ddle O'.Mnl.
ley mi, I'rnnkle Hire. Jnv Urlmni . Jee
llevlu Jack lluann 'rnnkle Kelly and
Kid Heward ( l'rnnkte Ilurni.
Willie Themn will nppearln tb wind-up
apetnlare a, the Illjnu next Wednrad. nlxlit
! ,.,in"a,,nPrJ.'nCi!.."BSr vT-rJnu'
I Kranii nnd Many Harris m Jee Mannliiir.
.1 K. Siuro writes that Jehnnv Ienatd
1 , ,.,.,.p tt n I,.,, I, ,.lh tlr.t.... I.'l.
. -Utile liP" I'll (n il'APIIInti 101
, in llliil,. in. sweet, and Pretlxlflll
(11, 1. .id'' I.Uerpeul Ml! laikllll . (Ill
I'niiHsiln . I"n Itiek t . n:;
t'eiifeilerMPi HI liiuld Will If,
(Inl.l Mti'iiil. 11-' -Mlia I.elahien U7
r.ll. Unas 117 T.icnnt'UHe . 1U1!
Ill,eill 101
(11) W J S-alinuu entrs .
Second r,p. nume SJOOO eteenleehtse
'h.indi.ap. ihreee.u.-elds and up, about ".
' ''"', teellenee 111 Knihrtn flnrlan 11(1
JiRi 'lli, . 'Jim ttStfr"eu,,, ' !:,"
.nn, rjc., n..r i:inn 'je, ..Umiiim.
h.indu ap, lllree-c.lleld and up, about 2
! ihif.,..,inr-nl,ls md tin (I furlniiM.
,uiltv lliciser l'7 IniSir .Iml,
, (Ill !....! ,1
,'!''. 'or"1'"
limiali if
I .. , .. i'i.uui 11, 11..
pn l'ni."i 1,'uecn
Id" ..inly I.uxuii
110 l.adv I.i.Mjr.'
IIJ Aiildtt-
II'. William nt i'i.i
I V-iV,iVu"""
' ,',en'un..k..
, Ttihliv A.
11". retani.in . ll'i
tin 1'lnlii lllll . tti.'i
HI7 Turnibmil . . 101
'.'7 I'leirut . . . 10.1
?,';., nr s'u
,'"0.111 '.
(n) I. A. K.lly and J. r ICIIIen entti
rniirth raw. piirse f lildii 'ju, clulmliis.
llirne-war-elUK and up, t i' inl!e
llrlsehU U'J Mm (I . 101
I' iln . '"1 I'lnmrreii ten
I ll.illnt Car . 1 Helle rardnei llu
"IVur M.k Ha Hue da Mnrny. . 111!
in " im"i .
i-i..,. .... .....j.. tl.'.noen .i.l.,in. n....
'" ' " ". -". - . - ..... .....c-
i tun nlili ami up. I 11111,1 nun ,u uni
M..rFie in tvn urn u tin
Keil' liilui . 1"! KnlRhl nf the
I'liiekv l"l lle.ithi.1 mi
letl!inl,r toil MarilHIld llelle leit
Hi .-Hiii i,r tii, Mil- annual n 1117
In- I "7 llnllilsti n,,t His
CiniiiMell ion tjtrller 108
. resile!! .112
s Mh t.ii'f tmrsii llane i'n claltnint
ihn-e-ie.ii-.ililH nnd lie I '4111.1..'
Kfllni I' ' lll.'l.nri (IS
ii Innate 10.1 Hen, In. 1 111.1
Murk West 111.1 "Mmiil K17
II., ill linne lle I' II Knur lllj
si ir lle.ilni I Hi
S.MIith i.iee puiee tlllaill'n (liilimnj,
1I11., ii.ir.i'ili. and IIP. P. milt
Him hiIkiiIiii lis Nnih Wales tntl
CniilKanlle Hit Mlrain III t
War Vlemr ins Aiiernrj .Mmr 111.1
Jehiilii llierlen 101 Mils' (leerue 101
.Kile I'M Itn Tlngllnn-,. . 110
pprentlee allowance of rlva pounds
claimed . ,
rather, vicar, track, gad,
.vit-uuun nuMih, in hi t, inpy nre rniin-
Has Lets of Trouble in Cross Cress
ing Omelets' Geal
Line Twice
Princeton, X. .!., Sept. 2.1. Twe
touchdowns for the vnrslty eleven were
the result of the first nfternoen of regu
lar tcrim.nage for the Princeton football
squad, held en University Field.
Fer mere than nn hour Coach Bill
Heper and his staff sent members of
the varsity combluntlen against the
Omelets, and It was with difficulty
that the regulars were able te push the
ball past the, scrubs, which nre being
groomed again this year by Nat Fee
with tlie assistance of l.Inn Gorden.
The first touchdown was made nftcr
fifteen minutes of fast play by the vet
eran 'Jack Cleaves, playing fullback,
who advanced the ball from the thirty
jnrd line with u series of line bucks nnd
carried the pigskin ever the line en a
rliargt; etl tackle.
The first Injury of the season wns
received by Tlllsen, en end from last
year's ft'chuum team, who suffered n
twisted knee. It Is net known hew long
lie, will be absent trem practice.
The Varsity H combination was net
te be outdone In the scoring, and Ken
Smitb. leteran buck from Inst vi-nr's
eleien and who is out for end this sen- I
eii. grabbed a forward pass and dashed I
twenty j arils for ttie second m.irker of
ihe day.
HARVARD Yesterday's football
session nt Cambridge lasted three Leurs
Including the half-hour kicking drill
for the backs, who had tin stndium tit
themselves hefere the beginning of the
regular ill 111.
Later the vnrsity spiad was put
through all tlie work which lias been
done te date, and in addition te a let
of work en Individual play, the work
out including a long defensive drill.
After today's workout a larce cut
will be made in the first (earn squad, j
which is stii. niiiclij larger tlian i.sunl.
The work will consist of n hard scrim
mnge for the best of the inntcrlnl.
there being no ether football planned. .
After two week's practice the Crimson j
squaii is new surely as fur along as
It wus after three weeks' drill a year
SOX'S gtidlien plajcrs will open their
HC1I I'.'iiitiMifgn today bv piny lug !e
nev.i College, winner of the Cl.iss It
championship In Western Pennsylvania
last jear. Head "Couch Greasy Xenle
iiniieuiiceil that the Presidents' nre fit
anil ready for the fray. He said the
line-up at the stnrl would be as fulleiw:
Ends. Kepf mid Kenvulinkn ; tackles.
Oltz and WolderqiiNt: guards, Perkins
nnd Vli.ce: (cute. , Ciejik: qusti terbnek.
Captain Urenkert : halfbacks, Ericksen
nnd West; fullback, Hasistu.
I.F,IHC.H The football squad will
have the first seeiet practice of the sea
son tedav. Hentlerfichoet, Uurper and
(ireer. last year veterans. ve.stenln uci..
allowed te practice, having mcrceme '
iinir M-iiuiiiMRMiinicnities. i.evitz. a new
man. is giving Creer a bard run fee '
'I"' fnllbacl; position. Of the new men,
Hunt i . ."iuit, iiersiiiuu, nuu isiepnens
a back, are showing up best. The i
fiesliman clnss hns net unceveied us
ji-i i up immune ei uiuicriai mat was
expected and nr this date It leeks us
If the team will he made up mostly of
last year's material.
rOM'.MItIA Diking his first nnd
set elid string teams nt it terrific pace.
Huck O'.Vell, head of football strategy
at Columbia, yesterday afternoon starteil
pelM.liig up the leugh spots ei. his big
Hlue and White Mpiad for the opening
gaine with Frsinus a week trem today.
O'Neil se.il bis two elevens through the
longest si-ilnunnge of Ihe liainlng spasen
and w .itched his first string Imekfield
plunge through the second string line
for three touchdowns in the fifty
minutes of scrimmaging.
SWARTH.MORE Coach Mercer sent
.1... .. . r...i...i, -l ..
,..,.........;: .... ""...... ....
lit i.:.iii..i iiiitiiiiii v.iiinii rn.-..,r.ii , ., n
,., , . . V. .1 el icrmiiui. e r uriini its 1 , 1 i'
,fLiL.r r!,K r'f 1" sn,,-'-mi,bes out of the running las, Tue-day
ycsteri ay In preparation for the scrim- lw,p ,pv n ,,,, ; ,,"; .. ,, ,,,,.;;
nblv lie stur.e Mendnv rr " , Tn 1 nm.T Slaughter's ,enn, of a ciiaiee .0
members, crnbheil forward t.-ius. a .-, " ll1'' l',rs against l.iniln l.eil.ien or
memuersj grniiueu lerwnrd passes, ran .-,i.ii tinidrss
through the slgna s nnd bumped sheiil- 1 ' i'V-, P ' , . 1 ,
ders with the line nf defense n n ber. The I lelshcr ynrners, who have sev-
cnilV'.lt recess for ,l,e hlc work ,.f Pial victories ever Slrnwhlidge A
ncTt week. "''Clothier. a,e buck ngnin nt SiMy-thiid
... - ".-" ! i .' --i.
I.sai. ".
- -
NAVY- Academy football officials
ejtpect a substantial addition te their
line candidates In Lent., who played nt
guard en ltutgers last year, and who
bus been appointed ie the eademv. lie
hns passed the prellnilnnry physical
tests and tlie .e:iuemv mil lern es ,
.1 1 1 .
nre new considering his scholastic err-
tlficntes Lent, welglis eirt pounds and
played a Mieng game las, yenr.
IIAVKRFORD-Tlie suiiad nl Hav-
eiferd College has been put through the
h.ii'Jt.he'iair!:, w;
?rr Sra!'' Srlir?:.
put the team across this year Is being
made. Den Wilburiedevelplng.it ten-
ter Inte a steady sort of pl.iver Wilbur
weighs i em. nun nan no toeinuii en
perietice prlni ,e coining te Iliierferd
from Havcrfeid Piep.
Heward Lehr's Aggregation Play
Seuth Phils for Fln.nl Time
II I r,,l., nml th.i Palnrs.in Kllb
Sev will make their final appearance of
the season here this aflernoen against
the Seuth Phils ai Sli.M7.line park.
Lehr Is the crack local enttielder.
who also pl.-ns with the Seuth Phils
eiery day but Saturday rind Sunday,
""""", ...ii . '"
lili'h he "lies te the Silk Sew
tl't... fleLn.!., ri.-ul nc..n.t..n nA I
III- ..inn. i,, " SS. ..ii, en, mi-
big favorites with local fans, and as
this Is the only game downtown this
nfternoen n large turnout is expected
The Silk Se plav the Phllll
morrow at Cliften Heights, N. ,T.
The Silk Sex plav the Phillies te-
Heme Run Hitters
of the Majer Leagues
amkhican l.Ktr.i'r;
teeter. .Sr.iaen'a
... . " Total
lllller. Xilileilra I jn
Heeper, ChlraKn I
llauser Alhlrllra 1 H
Mnstll. ( hli'iim I a
tVrllittene. 1'hlllles I (
lloltenili. Nt, Leuis 1
Leslie. I'hlllle, , I .
Hums, I'lnrltinntl , I I
l.l'.Adt i; TOTALS .
Ainrrlran lacne , A. . , tw)
National Jiwne ., 44M
Gets Under Way Today With Contests in All Sections
im i in I 'ii in triMniBiii mwri
ktf'U fJ. tTXMrrKTMB.u.arT' .ItjrST'lrfn w mlmm ' jtirtiMA'rwfaBW ;bh .' TH "TtaHIH H! .iiiiM Ear 11
MP j :JIkMQk FinoifliierrrnTO "
s m. i . IP'HIM sdEviikr k.iEl!.m III II llllllkl IJ I I Mil
r i!Prtfj8& 18 FOR KIIY
". vHwlH IBkHrec j'n ,v"L' -mp nlBlKi2K j?. B
,MwirwFj.,fUMjuuxm--iiW kci
In the tipper Illustration Whilney Hrlll. I'enn Charier quaitrihnck. Is
shown trying le cress Franhfnrd's goal line. He failed In the. attempt.
In tlie lower picture Ills brother, Martin Hrlll, Is brlni; tackled after
a long run
Stonehurst te Play Shanahan
and Lit Brethers Will
Oppose Terminal
cl ricuCD UC CTD AUORinfiP
The s,.rie for the West Philadelphia
section ili.imple.iship of the Phllade
Stenihuist ami Slmnnh.in , e.ne together.
.,. T,,,,,,i.v l.ms ,.111,11. fi-,,iii the
Inmes l.ennel boys nun llein tl.
rear and copped the hoiiei-. while
Stenebui's, wen three striiijtht. then had
a let of pliiM'is crippled and lest the
next three. 'Ihey are cenlident ,r
taking the measure of Sluiunh.ii.. and
tliere will he a merry battle when Pri
day and Manning take le the hill.
At Fifty -fourth nnd Elmwned ave
nue Lit Hreihers will meet Philadelphia
nut' J. ii ii"i
. .... ..
Terminal. The railroaders put tl ie
, ., i.n ni-niMMt l.flilln l.'liiifin nr
, ,i.., .,. M... 1 M
illllll .in nun -11' in, ...ii i.'n ui .111-
Kenty.will hurl for the inriieis, with
, M Mlllan piichlng for the home ie.1111.
Refuses Big Pre Grid Offer
, im ,.Pt i':t 1 ,,. i-. .,1
rni',. nn 1 1-1 'mm uniefeii 1 1 ,',..t-.,
c .iieue '" "";V' Vi il '.,,1 . 1 , e, s
f , til t s .Wl " Hr .Ml IW it '.' I' I" eUi i,
i'.ii i.-..m. ..1 the N.in.m..i 1 . .k 1
ini.ini."i ihnt iir.i.in . . ff. , ,1 i
lh'tmWV:V,,. f '.', rV.s'e.'.: . "
I 1 -I'
1 , f. .
1 tit;
II el
Prnun i.ia " Keen siii'1-tii n nl 1 1
..r m
I'll! I I '!.. l1 lll'H
iihiu Ha. ball ssclatien has come te lireuil ami l.lstir str,;.t,. ,, . s,...!,,,,,,.,,.!,, , 1 r ;, 1 '", "P"" in ,e.m 1,1, uniuiri, fl'"'"1"" piayer. losing Ins
pun 11.1 .0.111 .i '"'" "" .snMMhurei ut xliamili.111. I'urO-rlclilh nml ,i- ,i 1 i .. eed"d opened .he attack with a long run r. ,0.1(L a, ,j,0 ....,. .1 .. ,.,,,
11 lonclusier.. with Shanahan the winner. Ir..,i atrnt.. "rk tlit.t has been .mpess,blc in former around left end for a first down. the l.-tst MTled Ien. I.. .'.,. " 2
bur the same keen rival-', exists be JiVS" , !'Vi,.i,s. ,v,r,h an., """ft , . n p . This was the firs, of a .rea ..f a' IV, n Char e. C H u.-d
two'., the teams and roeteis Wi.m.ih.Mklnc stm.t.. '" .' t. m larsi'y cam .eis r:i ; srli, filiating di-shes hi the darling the hall tills veuiicsler ..! .,
The four dubs. ha, pin tici,,ated wdl ;r,7 'lV.ie,.l,"U"e' "e,!,. ,'.' l "."!. "h"" ' UT" ' ,'", "''"n- Speeding like an nntelepe. mention a , in"lml Hi? lr..Hh
meet ngnin this ufteiuoen and the usual ";, ,; Z,' "( i.tai a, s..il,lt,. '" l', $.. 'Jut 11' I" nt ,'"" "!lst. Whltln- dodged. side-steppnl nlld (lf ,,, ' , '"Z" 'NJ I,.'.-I.,.el fit
lnrce out Hew Ing of fans wd lie en llk-nule ami tiiiiurln strrets. " " i'hm '" ni'ik. ahead straigb' -irined his wav through Hie a to.lcbileun
hand te root for ,h, lr n'Hi,. rhal;. nft'ltt '':.' , '".V...". .Wi " ' ' "
if. 10 n -eiKuiu aii'i itren.i -iinis 1. IMi ,i I,... 1 ri'iiui ut Ixm.in. i.iKiiirrnin . .. in-.....-.
. . .
line-ups of independent
contests this afternoon
"" " " "
At Sixty-third and Walnut Streets At Richmond and Orthodox Sts.
ri rislir.lt
i ( ,
K.ihlnirir. rr.
l ulker. ss.
Mfrll. .
Nidin. lit.
Mrlitihnn. ah.
sr.itt, cf.
rndnrtl. If.
Sutten, r
Mrlientj . it.
( tile . f
Curtis, rf
llnlli. 'ill
1enli.li-. If,
llllllii'l. .11.
Ins.'idi, ss.
Wlllli.nis, lli.
Ilrsuu, e
Mrilllliiti. p.
At Forty-eighth and Brown Streets
le.ile. ss.
Ilelidrlil... ir.
I'.ellrl.h. III.
sllktietter. rf
ri.. rf.
Innt.i. th.
I! llrs. r.
Petersen, lb.
H,uliiliih. 'if.
. Tlilrl.
Jftfjft. V.
i sn... h.
J!"'nM: rrf
I JlVdiT. ii.
i-h.rt. rf.
At Shetzllne P.nrk, Bread and Blgier
.,.,.,,. will:
, Vt7rr lb.
I iinin.' s '
sin ni run i n
'"Ptldlur, If.
I nl. .11..
Nelhl. ''I..
M.'Cti. rf.
sik.'s. rf.
rille.lt lh
I'liptltskl. ss,
'r.H, p.
7epll. p
I I.-, lien. c.
. r!!hr"Vf
lllrti Sh.
CniMfll. 'lli.
Is'. e
(,ii.ln. p.
At Fourth and Wlngoheeking Sts.
niiiidn. M. Ken. rf.
-n. Jh. ilnlliilirr.
Nlrk, White, ah
l,hiilninii. if siniiireii. ;i.
s.bnll, lh ( erler. if
Itjnn. If. Maimer, II
lliMirr, tf. llrCnntitll. 1.
IMij.lt', (. Iimiiii:, lh
llnlnirs. p, llnliln.nn, e
At Ninth any Main Sts.. Darby, Pa. j
mix XI. Trs
lii'iitPi If.
lllll. rf
stiilt It, .lb
lliuilri, -Jh.
S. ..nhnwil, if,
FrIU, rf.
'. .lohn.en lb.
XXIillr, r,
1-Pi P.
Ilrltcs. if.
Friinela. Jin
Xllrn. h,
Hnntejt, c
li. Jehnsen rf.
J dehnM.11, si,
Cmmp, 2b.
tWkrrrll. If.
Floureoj, p.
,, J?lQ ,
Independent Gaines
Yesterday's Results
IMU sI!..
Mli;t'IC l.r.MHK
An lKini i. Miltniiin Field ( lull, srienlh
sir,. I ami Lilmr rml.
I. inil .1. Ilnli. mi iit llrlilpsliurir, Klrlimend
anil (i-tlieilus sirivts.
I'liil.nli'llitiia Ituiul Stars at llllliljlr.
Artluiore is Wiiine lilm (iff
iNri:i(iiiiiii'rii i.i:.(.t i;
Morten Itiitlrtlite nl rulseni. iil.n-ufr,
111:1.1. tki.i.I'iuink i.F.xetr.
I'ltlsliiirch at Aliui.tli' tmist, Twrnt
ninth and siinii-p.cl stri"ts.
Flrl-lier ut sir.nihrlili.-e , Uethier, -lxtj.
sriuiiil .111U wnintil Mtrnts,
Ne erl' 1 evai.'ii i. I'hll ide l.ililn I Ire-
r,.rt5-f.mrtli street nml I'urkslile
leiun'-n V. . ut Vnnisemr, I nml Venan-
se Jf,', .lt ,vn,nl. md,.. a.mur ami
i',u driie.
li'iMinml lit lilnr.i. l runt nml inner 11 ir.
llrltlpshiirs ( ule. lit Went f. (e.. MiiKiinlla
.lenlsli Wnrll n, rrlnre-r.irrH'H rest, rir-
Hrlll strrel mid ( hrsier nieniie.
iiienij-eisiuii u,ir.i nt 1. .meld k. t.. 1
Til .'.it j is end stTt-et and NedBln utrnur. ;
l MIAY ttAMJ'.i
llllhlitle nt ll.-illliiiere Illarl, s0i.
Cluster .it lsii.se Mnri'ils Heek.
sliiin.ili.in .i st, ( nrth.ier, slt,r.flfth nnd
Cnlhiirliii" stre't
l.luiiiiii. nf Mtllillle iit Ardmnre.
rill nilriniilu 1ern11n.11 nt s.nrin riilla, 1
l'eurt h and wiiise hu-kliie stretie.
"""' I'l'UMes n, iirl.le-imrr. Klchmend
ami iirtlinrins .trrrti
Ao.i.inrlatlet, ( I' ; rl I mrrl Sprln..
,jln,.,r""c" -l ,,nu u,rl,,rn " of c ' pr,n'
I'hlluilrlplilii lermln.it nt North riilla.
stnnr inr.t it t St. ( ,1 111. Ins. si i.ttii
trt-ri mid lebunea nimue
I.liiiie.'stt'r iit llriwiklntiii.
Mnt.liti.-r V ( . 1.. lii'lnlr. nt lllllrreet.
st Menlt.i ut I erli-elehlh itrtl. I'lienli-
tlflli sireit nml xmiler in.-uii.'.
I en s.imuiiv Minnr yiiEi.ers nt 111l11hen
11 rlln . I . Is. Il est lli.rlln Sn.irr.n.s
at est IP-rtlii
....... . .-, ..... ........ ,-..........,
M-stri;ni's s nnr.s
Ilelshrr X: i lir.trr, .1.
sriuh I'lnls, l: lltlileslniri;. I,
lllll. Inlr. 1: I'hll, iilrllililu lirmln.il. 1,
st I41,, ..: Thirteenth ItnUlen. ,
ll,t s.rtlnn, II; a.rr (nrilers, I.
Mist fills. 7.11. lli-hiHiiii. a
iiHim.-iu in.
11 1 llin.ni, I t,
I esie. rf.
ll.ll.r.inl. If.
II he :lh
II.pII. .'!..
Units. Hi
Itnsl ei . ss.
IIkI.. p.
siis-l... p.
Triiiilu.lti, If.
W.snl, rf
Iteussri , ...
It i n n ati.
( "rlln. II.
sli ri e. h,
riser, rf
KlISM'll, I.
rim. p.
At Camden
(I nt ( I, si i, it
luulienh tush 'It,
I . I m-ti'lln. ai.
(iitlliisher. lb.
.Inl'.'s .-,
Itr.iiiilds, f
Him rr-. It
I l.i ii son, rf
lll.cirt. ss.
KrrlrKsen. p.
mih:n i ii
TriiniliiiiH'r. tf.
Vlllsnil. '.'h
C nrri . 31,,
r.ileniin If.
NiH'e.l.l. ss,
ll.ipp. rf
llt.lr. r
I, i.l. II,
l.enniitt, e.
At Eighteenth and Rockland Sts.
llenriitli, 0,
slitlerj. II..
Ill It iter. rf.
Hut nine. if.
Im l.ilni'lll. If
Uti.irr, alt
ilillsittiu ss
lliirns, e.
Iliiihklrk, p.
IOi.IN X. .
siindslfiini, rf.
Mel .innell. .
Mileiekln, ,1b.
I .oilman, lb
Milir.ilinnt, Jh.
UllliiteTlb, f,
lliiines rf
1 li Inn. tunc e
Ittlier. p.
At Fifty-fourth and Elmwood Ave.
I'HII.I. Il'.ttll I,
riilrhurii, ss.
I tmiser, lh,
Hmiii, Sli
nulls, :u..
I'liknii, If.
Iirpen, t f ,
ll.ikf.. rf
lllllstnll. .'.
I'tnueii. p,
1 ir iiketiu'.ks
li Mini:, ss,
I'll nu, 1 1'.
1 1 J.I kflf . f,
11eC.uiil.-ll, 't.
slansiiier, rf.
Iliisktll. ih.
Xlll.en ,'ltt.
Mllle. c.
I'll'., p.
At Ontario and Miller Streets
liKNMV't.TIIX 4 ,
Whl. hum. If.
I Itiinipseu, :u.,
li.nliinpj, .'h
Hrildlrj. rf. 1
Miierr. Hi,
Schnrlder, rf
Callieiin, is,
IXeirrlry, r.
llnitllrj, D,
Hnimxiiii, ','h,
lierst'i, if.
Mi Iniils h.
I lean. If,
Milinirrn, ,11),
Whllr. r.
(sclheld. p.
liraurr. rf,
Tenrr. .
. sneiiii .inu iiiiiiii Mumis ni.iiii... I 11 " ii- 1 '"nn, iK- 01 u met- uri innt ui hack e nsi season, who -
I'littiisiui llk s .it south I'hUlie-.. hall team. e bale wen nil., t.. .1,. .. . ..n .1 : 1 1.. . . ... .1.... 1 i'i t v .--...... ... . . .
mil IlirrkliMl s.rerls. .. ... , e-pc Hilly III I he . ,1 et 1,11 Hup. . Inch
SEPTEMBER "23, 1922
Team Will Return te Training
Meu Thie Fionme- anrl
Practice Here Monday
n.n nl P-nr-n nrin nssnn
Mount C.relua, Pa.. Seit. 2.",. The
and P.Iup finsbeil Inte Lebanon
i i- ii i
hallPy for ,l,e m time this season. I
iwlien the I'enn frxitbnll team wound up
'Its preseason trafnine nt Mount (iretnn
....it, .. 11...1 , ,i ,
with n final s,n.mage ngamsl Hie '
Lebanon al'e.v College eleven nt Ann- !
VII lO- I III f t flf til O Plimn Vflintllllnrl
I between the two team- wii called off
i when Penn n-riverf two heuts late for '
the scheduled cnieuntr ,
i This nfiernnen the I'enn warriors
i will witness the Franklin iiinl Mnrshnll-
i Alhripht- 1'iirm. ii. 1 ., ............. rri i
will arrive in Philadelphia this evening. '
The varsity the,, will lake up rcgulnr',?,""5h' "j", 'Junkers had scored nn-
qlini.tl.r, llt , ,,, ,, ., rulnr. ether touchdown. Ihe preun.l mips
Coach IIWmii.ii, made bis- (Irs. .dec- "tc'nV'1; l"'-vrr Hint if the ball
tiet, of varsiiv la-r evening when he V" "" , 'T "v"' U"'f rr""'1 ln '"" k
-'eniinn.ed.'ighte,,. ,n ,' "into rll" " ..." P"'1 hn- " knf"-v - '
ttaming house h,.s- cieiilii!- Tim lu.
. is composed of these who hnve niHile
ni" hesi slieniug in lamp. This mean-
that the varsiiv tr.ini is in no war
stnplc. Ten men will be added later te
in.- in nn- iriuuiui; lieue. winle ns
high as thirl x -lie will be pes.jhl.v pat-
, ing there bv miile:isen.
1 The presp.it Mil-sitv simail fellows-
i..... ... .i... i .. i . .
Cnplnin Miller. Hern. Tliur.ii.in. Veece
I ni.tuin Miller. Iiern Thunn.iu.
In. ""luiilr "linr' I'"J?,".
P wAith' I" ll lVntT,r,n, .'- ."I'
1,'Z ?,,, isil -,; Ka".""m"-, Hirr-lulil.
Jehnsen . Sulliviii and oedar.L
( each lleisiiiaii iss., ,he following
sl.lt. .li.,if ..s. I I I. ....... . I
Niteinent lai night r
", ' '," s lie- ii.i.ii-
ing camp: "1 buv.
peel, icri well
. . . 1 ,. ,,. .1 . .. , .
pleased with the way things ,,m. tiirmsl
'' "". pre i is mi .ileal spot for
iuiiiiiiik i no I'oiiiiiiiening e. n loot-
et mii line.
ha show 11 icin.i
diirlni: the lasi i, ,
,111111111, hip i.isi im.i
1 em 11 K il I- inn rmemeiit
P"K- '
Rrlrlael-iiiKn. nnl nU. rt
eriaesDurg ana uoDseii Play
Northern Title Contest at
Richmond and Orthodox
vi nether 1 lie . I ,V J 1 lb.nn biiseh.lll
tcnin mil ,,.,. 1, ,, .. ,..1 .. .
'p",n ",' , '' .".'" ' " rUn"
sfci for tin- Ph.l'i, elphi.i baseball
-humpinn-h,,, ,,, ,, t,e tl, the ,-,
I'IiIHIps will .. dfi ,,,....- ,h,s af,nr.
Whether the .1 ,V J Dehmn hapi.ill
o.ieii at ifii-n nm, 1 n I n 1 mi i.v .1 ns,t.
w hen Hlideslvu- ineils the L'list Fulls
' ,...... ...ii 1 aiis
; w caiei j.
Hrlilesbnr.- ,, , ,.1" 1 1 ., ,,ii. ... 1
. ,"" "llrs "' "' "" I "lining .'.lid
' also oil f nt tl " itss., lailmi. but ajreed
'tn il.,.. .1 I . .. .
,.., ,,,,., ill,- iii'i -iiiLI' Ill ,.1'IIHI- ... Itrt...
the series cene'iidril Mil n il-p" Wli'n..
i of Dollsell, '! hue ni sirni"Tst tenm
I ill the tiebl and N..iiii.in 1'litt v pit, ,
'while HiM Win m in iiiH i,sn "l.eit,'''
I Steely In an efl. " I.. Hun b.i, k lu oi ei oi
peiienl". ' At Feilttll llll'l llg'ilini king slieetH
Mhe North Phil. . i'l .igam nieci Itur-
iiuuteii 1 lie . i-si i in, a h.iic pr.iiitlti'l
jlhe Phils iiith sun. silfT .1,11)1. I jt ...ii
mis seilsnu null llle'l- lu il illjr. nsi,',,..
ill close s, ores , fi i Iiehlii
1 pil'-h ter t ne Nnr'u Phil.
i i' ill
The N.iiiiin t ,ii, , Club and Kmi-
sitiKten Cengrei,."!." .i pl.n fop the
'steeiith e,-ciisi,i,, .1 l. Siie and de.
I.irle. (Inee imnin i will be S.'lbelil
, against Ifadlei
Callfernlan Meets Ueughran
Olympia Monday Night
'.leinm, Leiis'lirini x,,,,, Philadel.
I'hlll s inilllllpuf.llflll '.'lit tllinill-.il nn.
oilier d.isj dm ,,f ir.i.ii ng vesterdav in
i're''iiaiieii for In. id 1 1 iiir test of
Indoor season in i '. 'li mpia A
.Monday night. In u in v ill clash with
iieerge Miade, of Cuifnt ut.i Sh.nle
has fought nearii 1.M1 uu battles, and
his lei'erd shows thai b- has iUin .
Ill' si Imlf of tlieiii In lie knoikeil,
1 nice of shade . ,,IM outs l his
liuisi recent biuil. Men nuked ,0 seep
hi lh Califeriiiiin tl, in,. ..r , ,..1;....
"K!ii,'i,iermnn,n ""VW""1 "'"l Ttl"" Se" M"tel1 ween Fle.shcr ,nd
fining .Montreal ,,f I'nu nlcn. e, who Puritan a Feature
has slopped his last tin. . ppeneuts will Th ilurl :i n nu i ' ,i.ittih ;inn,
sipilire oft' wll li .In,' Nelsen 01 lhis'eitv. uiult 1 the niispn es of ihe eetii h '
1 uri France, of , .ilifernui, will meet ' sei latmn will he liehi il,, nfi. moon
1-rankle Itice, Ib'lnnie. , nt Mnple li'.n-c
Southpaw ami nan ,, , , ,,, 1P Truck ntel uebl s,.,,, 1 a- ml' as
for humus when Itnlih. Iliirnian, of llighhiifl llmg and .unnl uaiie., n,i
this eily. clnsbcs with Fail Maud , feaiurr the pmsi-ain
Henn.i Merris, of In-age. and Mes- A seisp, mat di between Fl isber
iseiiger Miller, f this em, are pm.cd and Puritan, 'of ihe Mllmi First Hvl Hvl
eff for the opening nuinbi" mini, will hImi be plaied
Fic.ii'iiMi tiu: iiei'i; hine
.. Mienueila ertirla ate belns- lllnda te rt..r
Illuallen V. rV,.".,..StaL,.,.,.r'T. rlnJ..' . .ln
a- eiery da, i-or latest
the nana relumna of the
L.1K1, "Malie It e
-..- . . . --- f v iiln sin; uaj u
uw ciiniiiniun, FHfJ n j
nseir ' Aavi
Dick Mcrritt's Quaker Eleven Starts en Way Threughj
Anether Successful Season by Defeating Frank ford
High, 15-0, in Opening Scheel Football Game
lly I'AL'L
TKNN I.IIAHTKil, !! I' rutikieni
ii High. .
,."', .,,!.. f,,i,n u..n..nn hlew .Mnrt.n hoped lilm nj ii iinging en
' h Z t,V. , v v. su rdM nf t Tiioen ' 'nckle. smashing t lireugh center nnd
'" !,n..n'f fr, I,, 're., It of lb- fir- delaying .emarkablc interference. He
tinil that was tb" icsult of tin nri '.. , rienrPrH ,,,. b(,t en
clash between male-vpinncl s.hne.lvns J ; "" , , rP,s ,,p pl "
At the outset we will Up tb- li; ' "ir" iecs .n all tinii s
fall toppleeo. te one Mr. Merrlt. mlled
Dick. becatlT His nulil" is iieniy.
Dick Merrlt is couch of (be V"
Charter eleven, and this tenm has wen
the intei aciicleuiii gridiron goiifnlen fet
1 fir last nine .icn.s. I'rnnkferd High
Scheel wen th Intrsiheliistlc Liague
title Inst j ear. , ,
With weigiit ngaint "t n.v ni iciisr
lu'inri iiniinilu le thr- nlflver. tee dl
iiilllltive Quaku- elnvcn bai ihe
Pioneers at the lntter"s own game. In
stead of leserting te its fnnieiis fei -ward-pass
attack, tin- Yellow anil IJiti"
swept its win te vlcteii thteugli lin
plays and end run
1-i.iir limes during the game 1 enn
Chnrter tried forward passes lr
I'nies Tin iirruu iiii'-N iini'-ii. win "
It was succe.isrul. After the srcemi
touchdown had been scored Penn Chat
ter added the e.tra point with u pit .
THE "try-for-pelnt" after touch
down, which lahes the place of
the "free" Wide for goal, was .een In
operation for the first time here In
this game.
First Try Falls
,'T,' - nl1 '" li' in ,,l:,v '"
scrimmage from am point en or
,.,ii.i.. it,., .-...i.ril line nml ..in ip
1 rushed, pnsspd or either iirep-kcke,l nr '
After Martin Hrlll hnd n-ered I'enn .
'Charter's first touchdown M. Smith
utteniplcd te drep-ki'K the ball he-
'tween the pests en the free plr.j. Ills
kick was blocked.
Mnrtin Hrlll sci ns P C ' etlipr
touchdown also and then the ijuukers
mil mini ii iii" iiu'i iii.-ii u r ...nil i.. -i "
trle(, n forward pass. Whitney Hrlll,
tossed the ball te Vree.nnn. whoiireppvd
veT the line. M-ering im extra point.
(treuin rules gaie I'enn (barter l's
eth.r two peiiiis in the last period.
robbing the (junkers of a touchdown
i ll.n Limn tun.. It int IT n Ifrtf !'.
mll en its own lli-jnrfl line. The
Pioneers lest T yards and Acting
Captain Temlln lieippi behind hU ew n
g(a' l'"e te punt
He kicked 'he ball :md u hit the goal
twist. biiunc.H!r ever the crowd. M.
mltb dropped en the bull, and it was
THE game was played under Ideal
coi.i'lliens for bn.seball. It was
much tee warm for the grid game,
but despite this, a remarkable brand
of football lias shown.
Hrlll Hreihers Milne
Veeee-imtJMLIN. one of the two ic'erans Link de-uts bin, ?l Is inn n- II I., n
I 1 hark from Pratikferns 1-J1 ..,,. brlni: n .npplcd .cm ,nreBh !.,
lien elewn. wen the toss from Captain J'"'r! ever.., champion eleven. HV
s.imnche ami decided te kick off. He like putting a beser w th two hrekeii
mnt,.,i rll ba , Kan. ,. r. ,,arm. mi., ,,p ring with l.,ii-,.i
, l.-,.,,,,.,! II,,,. ,,d the nicskin was r,ish...I G'.'s ...,,, , ,,,, ,.,.- ,,,. .
-.'" "" '- INJi-.Mll JS l-jsu.'ll
sj,,,., ,, mi-,.
i ..... v-..l r.,..i 1....1 ,.. .i ,i.
.Ait- 1 . 1 .. iiisi.-i -. iin.i 1 . .i 111.-U nj.
i.-mii ami lest it ncain. the Hnll hnitlu.rs
stepped into the liineglaie. Whitnei
brilliant fill back of nsi season 'i lir
i Occident Racquet Wielders Lead
in First Day's Play, Twe
i te One
Ferest Hills. . V.. ..p T.
American 'eimi - iiiin iins. limb men i
nnd women, nice liier stre'ise-t r r i' .
for diiirt lietii.is t.iii.ii in ilie tiual J
niatrhes of ttu 1'nsi -West .. irniirii'iit
en the turf nl the West S de Tennis
('lllll. Tile West lei tun lual'lh's te
one. as n irsult nf tlie first .Ln 's pbu
1'elli.U. is of thi tame Were preita.e.
fn- a repetition "f ihe sensational
struggle in the ti n ji 1 ri mil of the na
tional singles when William I' 'I il.leii
e titlchelder. ami Ne I mi the Fh.i
n Ic'iin. eptiesps 'i'iiin II. .lelin-
sien, ept,iin and N" 1 en I n" Westr-m
.ic;i er.it ion.
Pitinlli a- keen was the im .r, ,n
the tiilish of the inn'.! In t i . n r
M. ilia Hjuistedt Millien . i, nn. .mil
'lumen's champion, and Mis Mii' K
Plrew ne. of l.Os Aripeles. nhn urpi
halte." )iv dii-Uness ie.ii'11,,11 nf'er
each hid wen a set a' "-.
Vincent Hh balds, of Vuil.p s
V . was lu'.ii keU'd 'i ,i i Wil. I
nn,.. of .ii i 1 1 iiii'isin ,u ii,
man's mii'Vs eti...i,nti t nh,p
th utiles . umbilici mils up,.' 1 r,iii',s
Hunter and Wni-ui M nhb i i
.M v leis, acilllisl the lili' Iml
ers, i(eieit mil Hennid et
' i"1
'" 'he first day's plni. Heln ri l
si ilefenie.l xx isblmru .md li.,in
Km wen from Uuntei 'n , ,. iw,
singles niutelie-. wbiln rihleu a 1 I I! . -
aids scored the Fusr'i. enh 1 ,1, ,.,
' tlie-spl enulesl n till ,lel,f-l" m
Bosten College te Play Villanova
llosten. Sent i'S - Iteit.m fntl... ha. nni...
I . , 'J0.'"."' .'.$.. "? " J'n.,,,,n.f .nl!7 " Mill.
nleied It. lirjg football reheduU bv ilanlne
1 up VUlaneve for a aame te p. pliT.d . t I
Br.iee' aneld nn JVt.mher I, The a,'lic,1ulr
calls for nlni ram...
15 mi
r rniiKiert. ninenine nine anil ngnin ier
Ml list. nil tin I train.
.Marliii lieiprd lilm hj plunging en
Bl'T the ether niemlfers of the hiiclt
Held must net be forgotten. Der
rick K. ('. Smith, H.irke mid Free,
man played In wonderful fashion, nnd
ile.sencd the plaudits of the crowd.
, . . .. ., . . , ,
.iim.iiu .iuiuihuu .imn
II IS seldom 'hat n lineniiiii steps Inte
the spotlight, especially if he hap
pens tn In' a guai d Hut (ii'lger, of
I'enn dinner, could net be kepi out
of the picture He battled his way into '
put plni and crushed into the Frank-
leru fielPiisive UK'1 a enitprlng mm.
,, ,,.,.,.. ,,,,, ,,. ,,,, .
,.,, . ,.,;,, r 1P-
And when II r nines te renter'' Ihn -i
'nurel wieatli must be !iiiinl"d te Cup
tetn l'tc, sEchnni-he The Quiikcf ,
le.'idir plae( in triie Ilrli Stein form,
and was n fprrur te Ceigcs' ntliletea
'hlougbeu' llie ciill'e.t. lis effclsv
piny wis grciit, iml he vns twice hi
geed oil the defeii'".
Three ether phjers burred en I'enn
I'luirters flevui. Eiaus nnd Filler,
the old .tiitmlivs nt the tackle posi
tions, nnd Tniilmip. en the cud.
N Imlnstu- fans nee-l no Introd'JPtien .
ti the tai'kles, but Tiuilunc I iicvn this)
j ear. lie innve, tnreusti the pntir
f"ni ,"hlle suffering fieni .i vlinrley
h-m--. nun siiw'n g.pai iikiiuiik
QO .MICH for I'enn Charter. Let
O us n,r Franltferd. the an-
quisl.etl. Coach KIh-cmmI . (ielges
eleieu put up a great fight, but win
lerceii ie admit hpipii in fim. or Mm
best llcl,'t;, irHiines Ihal ever
eieiicd a seasnii for I'enn Cli irler
, .... ,,. ,
rV7?,,7 V1"'"1?
,1,,h tiuluie ,.t Pterans te return te
vllOftl Illlll Thn rr. Ant Inmei t l'nr.
,niM "hnrle.i Upp!;ps rempletcly snuisherl
''"' Pioneer aggregation. It went Inte
''." game i.gaini epormen. mbN and
did ifsplf pi. mil despite the defat.
, '!'' ''I.iumu. who recently quit
'eniel. back nt his liii'kle i..istiinn- !llil
J'i,,r Henntt. en.- of the he-t endsj
... .... ...... . nn luiiiiii hoi piny rnmi
season Iieciiiim. of his studies, and witu
C''iirl'.v W.pKps. uhe broke ,i ankle.
eaik i-aiiing tin- team. Frankford
would h.ie been Kill prr ,.,.it he'ler. .
As it nas. Frnnl.fetd jmr uji a stiff
battle Fei a bu.K h of I, ns -,ihe have
no' hren il.i.iiii" le.'fi,i'i long, the
I letieers shr.wed n'ce te-.ni pl.n . They
seemed le mak ! fliai,esis of .he p, nil
('.barter plais ,ii t - and mere than
Hue dropped .he (Junker b,n-!,s for
E'en a remli jth the ability oft
.iii.-s i.iunei will sanies Mien I n, vi
in tin la-l period te tr for a ten. li .
ileu n Th. i.ili ..... ...... it. .... i. ...
...... ...i ii'ii" hi I tsiiej
near Penn duirter's ".,'. t,,,,' ., tsr
.lust as tue sanie ended
Independent Grid News '
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$10,000 Added
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Ml,... ViM, V. M., '.Ilrrrt' le re"r,I
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