-".. -M'iW hA"k t;Mvt 4'V fSMi, ! iWWF1 W "fl '!. -t , . R ' 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1922. Giants Humbled Pirates and Are New Four and a Half Games in Lead in National League Race A'71f. jr -.- - -ym ; ,.. 5 FA.';w"'V WiWv I II W'J Hi St , M ,1 i1 Ui 4 (B " -H i ' ffi t I iff M lS : i fl ' .! flU il. 5 ,. .s $" f' V I' l. is. 4 rf ) f-. 9: ...-f r ROMMEL, ON SEVENTH PLACE TEAM, IS KING OF JOHNSON CIRCUIT 'Athletics' Ace Has Wen Forty-two Per Cent of Team's Games This Year Is Ranked Second te Sislcr and Most Valuable Player Has Always Been Iren Man JOIINXY KVKRP, en n recent vllt te this city with the ChlcnRO White Sex, told th( writer thnt lie considered IMwnrd Amertcus ltetmnel, of the Athletics, one of the me.st valuable plnj or In baseball. "And I'll tell jett the ronten." fiiIiI Kvers durlns a fnnnlnj: bee. "Remmel te my mind la the kind of hull player who make the pump worth while. It Is never tce much for him te en ent nnd nnn up In the bullpen the dn.v following nine full innlriRs of Mnndlns en the hill. "I have eren that fellow net nlene In Philadelphia, hut out In Chtenpe, piny first, second, third and short duriiift batfint- practice, warm i) nnd re in te piteh. All of whleh show jut hew much Uemmel loves haeh.nH. He Is the kind of player they used te have In the poed old dais, who never thought of hew s-een the came was te he ever, but who nlwnvs kept In mind the fact that the pntne had te be wen no matter hew lone. It took. "As a pitcher I would rank Uemmel with the !vt I" the business. Per haps he hasn't been a bis s'nr llP I-t couple of years, hut that is due te his being with n club that isn't up there fishting all the tlnv. Ills knuckle-ball is en of the hnrdcK te bit of any used by pitchers all ever the American nnd Nntienal I.enKiie circuits. "In addition te thnt." continued the former Cub etar of the past, "Remmel is the best fielding pitcher In bnsehall ; thnt is, of thee I have seen. Unlike a let of hurlers. he never figures en the infielders, but tries for everythinc bit within his reach. "Mere players like Uemmel in bnhnl would And the kind of rennnnt fights they had' In the ceed 'Id jears when the old story of the came isn't wen until" the last man is out held true. Of course, there nr" a l"t of plajers in both leagues who work zealously like Uemmel, but there arc ethers well, thnt i.s a different Merv." What Kvers said ha been barked up by a heard of experts selected te nnme the most valuable p'.n.vers in the American I.rasun ever th present season. They nominated the Athletics premier hurler ns second only te the Incomparable Sl'.er. a rnre honor ter u pitcher with u seventh-place team, but a wcll-dc.seried one ultbal. nOMMEL, if the Athtctir.i remain out of Inst plare. and thee h - every reaian fe hrlirrc they trill, alone n rr.;i')n.i61c jnr the firtt seventh place m ci'jht yiur.t jnr the Heme of Mack. Has Wen '12 Per Cent of Athletic Victories. CONPIPHU the AtliVMeV Rtarline this u.ei nine Of the sixty names wen by the team this season, Uemmel ai r.e has hern the victor In twenty live, or -12 per cent of the team's triumphs. That in Itself is a record for this sensen. Then rn.-ider ncaln thnt the Athletics bare p'nved te dnt" Ml carries and that Uemmel las pitched full or part frames forty -eight times, which means thnt he hns appeared In one-third of the enmes p'nved bv his team. Fer a pitcher te participate in that many snmes is in Itself evidence (hit Uemmel line proved of the utme-t value M fV Athletics. Uemme' was a ho'dent at the -.tirt of the season lie fipured that h deserved n ere money with n lnst-p'a.-e fii'i when he appeared in t-e many (tames and was forced te hear the brunt of tW pitching. The inside story of Uemmel's return te the Mn kmen has never been told, but it is a cinch that he is werfnc this year en the bonus system. Ile-v well he has performed Ins pnrt of Me bn renin is ntteitd by I i rei-nrd te dste The I'.a 'mere la I i' no he tw-ntn -live nn'll the ISth of next month, which means tl.it nt 'east live nd i rebahlj elcht jears of major league pitch i'ig -tlll rem i ns in li . s-t.'in. barring arm reu'-'e. lie started lis iire- w.tl. Ha'tituere, which team iafr In the sensen of Ii1 ; shipped him te Ne-'uk With, the two c'ubs he participated In thlity thlity fe games, winning tt.rtein and 'e'lng t"teen. Jehn Mii.inw iw p-.ssihi ities ir tie vi uncster md took him Seuth mm the spring training trip. lVr ne of the few times in his rnreir Medrnw f-.i'ed te ee tint U'urtel would he n star. He sent him back te Newark v. , thetit nnv t.Tgs attnchtil In 1!00 Uemmel worked the erM-r reason for the International I.'ague tram, winning tweim-ene hiid 'us re ff'nn gani'. Il's ,-i.n man work evidently n. ensured up te Cornelius Met if Icuddv's stntirinrd. for he purchased the right-! ander. sending several avrs and sem cash N.-w-irk wnv. In liill M ie',; usfil Itemmel nie-'' for re ef work, ltvi ! h.el p'enty of thnt. lie appeared in thirn -three g.nies nni was recorded n 'n'tig wen seven nnd lest the snine number. Last ;nr, pitching fe- an elglith-pinv team, Uemmel wiisn t tie ernt4sr success in tl v er'd. but he wm a glut'en for work. He nppcurfd in fertj -nil games, wim.lng bixteen and losing twenty three. XITITH the imprnrrmrut in f.'ic Ihlrttri (7 thf result of Remmel' 5 Tf Imlhniit ntt him the ,t!t!rtf A imM de vrn letter nc.-t tea- ran. If l'imi mi hurtfl e mil thu t . nr as tens erprrtir'. of him, the .!' u eulil Ik i;i I" feiuth nr 1,"' place. I' an hurler .Aen'! form nert uiar and llemtnel entnturi im ejcillmt icerk, the Maeli- men may git harl. their toil prettine. il an v Stars Missing i - f '',c features ei t' voting for tin- i.ii"-t Mi'u.ible jil.ijrrs of the year JH J wns the nnminntien of .llnimv pjkes, Ralph Perkins iit.d I ").. k (.lallewny ' ,,inr,n t),n tui lilt ..ntPli Sf'ectt'il .iiueng the twi Iit -seen s('eeteii. tial evay, en- of tne n est '.mi roved players in the league this year, (mined the rank of 1 1 n t h in ''e 1 -, a rar- hen ir for a euig-ter anion; mere than ".'CO j'iijirs in the b-igne 1 1; kes wis down the 1st, hut thnt doesn't de-rait frntn lis l.e ic -tv. n !! tien. Had the linn Mawr lnd hit as well tins v.,ir us v.. is cp,.t,d le w.uld have muked higher On'j one ether t'.ii'.. the inks v l'h fue, nits, nnd the AtMetles among the i-ctei t.eus. Iietrcit I ,ii f.n.r i ' ev. ,uid nnd Wn.shing'.en the $ame number, and Iles'nn. St. I.eul- iind i'!.ic-igu t . i er.cli The selections lis a w''eli' wir tie c;i' Rush unTiestlenab'y has been the star if tli itii.ces along v itl W'i 1: I'ipp. W.illj Sc). ang, Irisi! Meu'el nnd l'verett S ' t . Sllir nr.d Sl.n Kir line keif t'.e Hinwri- in the race, nnd Si'hnik and Ce' ins lne been instiunietita! in t-iaking tic White Sex a first -division luntuider. Pratt nnd Uurns have great y uided the last plnee Red Sex. I.u I.lue, another improved i'hit; I!nBler, n new catcher; Hellman, the veteran euttielder and Cuts' nw. unetter veil , i i, law done n 'ie)i te keep the Tigers among the best (i.N'elli, .lamii seti, Jee Sewe i .md YVnii.j have lietn lnHtruinental in leepmB the lnd. ins i.ut n :' t hutre; ,, while .I,,,. Judge. Walter .let rnn, Il.irris nnd I'd ki'd J jgh have be"n th- high lights of Washington's p. ay this scnten. tI77;V jrA sur. nt Ruth IV w nriM. Jni'iht'in, Hnepet, 1 nut, i.' ciin '( e n ;imI Aeu mwh particularly liemmil. Miller and Haitser Hit ROMMTI. w.i 'xpeited te p.-i, i g.i evidently wnntnl te ghe I.u- ine-i Beb Hastj. wl.h h preveil unj ll.u.g bu the big right-hiiiidi r : 1-; .nini g, hurler, was next, nrd le was nckicl fi The Miiiktuen mud.' tw.i i ., i .t-, ''-i. die h.es nnd f"ur sine,!"" oil Hny Knlp, but til- was nfTset 1.. tl teiritb 1 'fini! "f '! ,M l.euisnn- Uln' Jllller si,,t l.ls twentieth of ih, s n ,i" , i.tm, i upied termer and Je- llauer his (l'.lith piiih 'inn in tin ..,,, m .nulnp Unuer also had a double. Se il.d Wii'l.r "ind 'elch, the latter nctinc in the role of pinch hitter. Hasty. P.rugj: . M..ier und peikins eaci had u single apiece. pour errors by the M.ickmcn, two bv Ine and one ,i. It hr ilnllewnv nnd Scheer, helped 1 1 ut m his dm,fi!' Tie V.: k mi- in'r "1 Mri'ui. the newcomer, in the later Iiiiiiiiks, but li" rm id te d" ii. i' ; , three times nt bat and was Idle m the tied Tie i. ..!,.!. p'.n.d ".iu .it.d Iikes was moved ever tn second ju-t ulin' the fins n,. ,.-, n j, ., i i, ;, ' beitsen. The Hi-ter didn't help tie Hii.wri-mi f'.r t!,i . i ., m-n wen, and the StandiliRs this inerniiii; si nw the same three-iinl ti-l nlf -i;nnii lend for th; latter. I.dwnrds mid Winn, two rookies, prued . i.-v fur HucKins' prima denuns. who made thirteen hits (! the pur for iilm rum Un be llilth fanned twice, but hit n pn.r et doubles durltiR the xami Trls Speaker, who is phiiii; his jn'inii-iiT- eei uppurt'inlfy te sjew in th eutlield and who has been doing netlunc but plmh hltiinB' of Iatep pet ;l tingle te add te bis leni, strlni;. .Ine Hush turned In his twent -sixth of the -en-en In wlnnlns:, which places him eire ahead of Jtein-'iel The former Mm kman allowed nine hits and nt no time was he in any dniiK'r III the ether Amerl an l.uiK'.e .-.tines the fled Sex helpeil the Mnrkmen alenj, bv Ieiiib te the 'llijeis. Ti I'ei.1) was the whole khew with four hit-, one a double pllbtte lelil the lb a.itew imts te ten scattered hits, wlillu Fergusen and Kurr were liu hard nr( D (en f".VC.7) hits riinhled tin White Sur te triumph eirr the Sena- in. Heme le Montil and Set. I'p te the iruiiri .ln k, a rnnkie Imiler, ailment hut one hit, hut three aafitiea and a Imi en tVji1!., in that round juiced hn re tirement Phils Halve Third Straight Deuble-Header Till. Phillies halved their third straight double. hender with the Cubs, losing the rlrst in elevni rounds nnd copping the second In the rf'Kulniinn piirled. .llmniy Itltu: proved eiis.v in the fir-t pini., und bis sueeesser, (ieercn Hyiith, otherwise until the eleventh, when a let of bard luel; lest the game for Iilm. In the second tilt (Minnie pitched ceed ball, but seven Iium en balls tlnd three errors by Adams, the latter bun. lied in one iiinlni;, proved his umlfiiiiK. Hlnglelen stlirted, but fulled te linNh this pmi" Winters showed lets of (fluff ill the late InninRs. The even-Stephen iiffulr save the Phils the season's erics l.'l te D. The (Jlnnts shook off the Plrute hoodoo by a late rally mid jumped back a fetir-nml-a-liulf-came lead, which should be cueukIi te carry them sjugn ye the pennant. Frem Hener List ':.-.', .-'pcnl-er. rnhh. Vearh lini - iinif a fte-t e; ethtri ar Ve le ft credit u due our four Athhtics, Homers, but A's Lest n-r 'lie p.rewi.s vestenliy. hut Mnr-k n-t The p'-.i1 was the M-Vcrinn of The res . ..I ue T a . i'.d r tn i I !'s were made e'T t'.t r mi ' !n !in .n two inniiists. I'.fl" fl'A 1.tt.T ,ll. llnnpir elri'htd the iantci for the SORE MOUTH COSTS LEONARD S500,000 v Four Matches In Open Since Hammer Ge Would Have Netted Him Half-Millien WILL NOT BOX UNTIL NOV. Ry I.eriS If. .1AFFE HAD it net been for the Infection of Penny Leenard's mouth, originally entlsed by a I.ew Tetuller left uppercut In Jersey f'ity when the cbnmpten had a teeth knocked ent, the former proba preba blv would have had his bank ncceiinf fiittcned by something like n half million dollars. When Leenard's mouth was further infected following his tilt with I.ver ! Hammer nt Michigan Oily, Penny wns naniiiuipped se that he will net he able te step into the ring until sometime in November. Knrvd te cancel his October 3 match with Charley White nt Jersey I'ltj, Leenard's . r. is bhv In the nelgliKirhoed of !s7."i,fli0, whlV the trip nlilead which Renin had nliinni lirebably would hae netted him the same amount, and It was figured that a return engagement with Tendler in New Yerk would have brought the tit'e-ln Ider at least n quarter of a million dollars. Purses Net Se Rig In Celd We.itlicr Whether Leenard would have met Tendler aain this summer is a ones- I tinn nnd. for that matter, there are I many wtie lielleve that Penny never' mmmm I dindi'm ngninst Lew I ith the '.pen-iiir season closed, pug ilist.c i.ir-ti will net be se big and the .l.M-ces nre that Leenard will net he -ib'e te e.nru ns much money through lout the inH r sens,,,) as he could In time ..r lour imf'is in outdoor nrenns If Leenard's thn-it te retire from tl." resin after the tirst of tin- .tear wi net ;i premise, tlii'li Pennv's ch:i!len?er. will have te worry ubetit Ilekltig e.-e'l. ether inst.iid of the (lOtlimn g'..ve mati for t'.e crown. It remains .i N seen, if t'.e chnn'pien gees nut ,,f p, I ei.Lumissien with the advent of P. !'... ' Haitman Claims I Mate .Junier Title i:.irl IIartir.au. of Seuth Plil'-idel. pbiii. is in si. i,. te -t.irt th" PCJ-'J.! i -nil, and he has come out v it.i it,,. li.nat te "defend the Pelins.. , .nun ju-.i.T light weight cli.Tiipieii hip.' Ii.i ti'jin ngiuii wi'l be h'liid.ed b I.I i-l. Wfiiietein. who first 1.. .i.agul , .'. i. after the hitter entered the pre- ...I ti. Id. As n . la. .'- in .1 I e i'i" r las' i i 'i sU t, no. i. ..rniuweighf Hartinan wen .it . iteiir binifs, having h. . n "f l ne Amei lean tetin ut I e . . uti'l la.st si.j-s4.il p:irt i,...d -j in f'.itlierweight lumpen- H.iv eg gainid ,n weight. Htirtinnn l' '.!.' tl.e ll" M'.'l.sell .'is ji Jim.el li, 'ii. it tiiping the scab s no.- in t.. a.- g1 tii-rlen 1 t l"u pounds Hi"- in has Ij in tninins at Ad t: IS? .t s. nnd " :'I K I.i i-.,'. 1,. tl'.'i te i.i .. his l'j'.'.'-i'J debut in a wi''k or se. STONE WALLOPS HARRIS Fight'ng Marine Is Unable te Fin ish Plowboy. However Ad Mr i.e. '! ' .- ' ii' t.arine. a 1 le 1 il. .'I i'i 'a M.t '. P. w : tm . ti, 1 . 1. -' ii .'it hrn. '.. s 1 b :i .it i'i . t n it le te 1 11 s, 1 ,. Hi ri", ..f A lento "1 1 icui. n, in me ri-gul r nn I .tel e 1 I tin .t .lie! .1' .1 , .11 -!'.- ! I' .11 111. I I, 1 1 tl. Ui.t rounds. i nj l.-ir i!.e hotter f the -'It .Is OI I' '."111 te the. I. ,l,l,.l .... .. il A!le!iinn la 1 was I .. f,.nt r, 'ill f.,. it...,,. '. r Louts i;,i P.mle r.ii I I !' K , lacs Hi.se ui.u e 'r l'ii , A V ( 1' -.a. I i I.I , I i ' '.. I.i.d 111 "' Beels and .... litlllllllK, Wltli top Wi'U'lil l-'T ;' .1. i U'i, celli I'i'.'i,' weii;l',t ' ' ! I, Will likely I i,;,. Us , uii, ,. in t .. or ! a..d -I l'"t t. .! 1. .Mil. ;i. .ii,iiiju a, wild ' '' ind et tl." thi' i ii.. s ... J) ,i -,. ,,. time,., tm i rt l''l,.id filll.. . A llinUlilt K.ll-Sa.lri I nl.-. nt frmi. ine lu'e. having tieen iz ll't..l hi d All i 'en f tlellhle, 1 1. el'.' ! ; ,e'i' .:' . oiiiiietme-i in ti ,. linn t Ptl'e i d fni Hum I'll lie n , . .' i 't, wlipii he r.ites lis e. i . i V, ,M..i..i, Itiiutiii,; is feujil. i v 1 :ii Nfl.l , Lie 1IIM ll.i fit tile (,. ii , .,. 'lie Tin I.I iliytil-X.li.1p.i I ! 'f Is . : tsrd of l.uel,'. Heur and .- i .ss. I . it K lleir has letuiin'l t.. f nn :'! r u 1 'tn: llliiesf, I.mii . i '' ' -I'i I'i.' 11 lll'lliir del'e.'i'nl ; I 11 i ir at II un ile (Jrui e, but tin ; Mis ;n ii i ei het tin entire til, s.. . ! I, ' r. s, I,,., ieer been ... '. i, .(It'll r- .11 til PiltlU.lllC Me Ml- .1, ,, I I ii i I le in. 'I .mi nib urn! I! .et- '1 .. ji.ii- .- at a in and a s.x-.,.,'!, ,., ill ne .i til.' urawliu nrd for f e linre de "irair inuk ted.. ' I ,,i,, f liai)l.e.Il Ol I llllll' I' -ij-i.i.i, hi.-. ij'iln Kewe, the home .ieti-.si.iiiul who Ilnrse- w-1,1. h seem best at t ! .. M , ,. j ,,,),,, v the Pulls of .Schu.vlkill ll-d tr.iek l iv are: 1 I. -t r. P. un , ,. lljanlument. I'e'.r. .! id i hi. ..f the II P , .. . , ' i.il '. i I Milmeii nt,. i , ,, . N.uaeii i Krd ".il, M' ir . Siinpli.it. M'l.i.in, jj 1,-h.iireil llitie (lene needs no tl. !., Prave, Am.'i" I; e ,i i . '" i, Vtlllki e Si., f , i'l ,tr .i', I lib. Iliintlu.', s, 1 i , I.u' I . I lour ; MV.il,, Sn i , P'e's, Hel.uke. Dresili-h, M.l. - S.. liien.ellii, I.ady .i. is Aipi'lllict The Auuedliet f ,. ,1,,.. . f,,r sl" .mil, feature of the . : i , ,; r"1' i. i . v.ill nlferd a iin-i t ii. I,.. ,i iM'i.l 11.1'nr and Piller.v. II. . -, . -e. ., in st nre : I Ii''t no . i t,. ,,, M .-kiiil.imif. St. Allan, w t , i;",'', widi sti i pli chase l, Swi e . , r s k i .er, l'e i mil ; tblid. ! t .' ,,, ., i.iiuaite. ."seiiuel; feuriii M.l f , , , , , P I eiv. in ii Ileiiune ; ntt!:, ,n l',l ..... I..., fl.l Llttl. I, .. lOl.f-.l. I ,, . '- 'U, 4l.l. s ll( i ener ue I. ion, r iinoe. -- ,. , Ixili'steti-HrM n.fe I ,hv. M,.,.,., .Mann.. 1 ..rim; -....iii. It,,, ,vV, Cniiij I! cks. Luck lm 1 , 1 1, nj n .,, ll.-.. War 1'riu: r..uii' l!. p,:,.,. II. .me. .North Tower, I,m , ,,f, ,, V.. Clemi.n, Cl.ii.ten..,, (.,,111,i sixth. I.e-lie, Huu'li's ii il.au,, -,1m, M.-lse: seventh, Me in. 1 inialii, l.e.u.st InM- .... ... W..fMlhlne--Klnt race, Kr.rlcr, fnr. 10, M'ii .vien.inn, 1 in 1 .ii. t , si.entui Push Pin, ChlurK 1.1 .I.i .1 mar , tl.irc'l (ste. plei l.a"-.'), I'.ii d 1 iw 1 nun, n I In .iv ill ; fourth. Cost, n i.,,,rv js,.,, l.emen, niii'kwhent ; lift',, jm f While, Parisian Diamond Plnen sixth. Sulce, Mnllewinat Junt. pv'. seventh, lloyulleu, Mayer Heuse, Tantalui. , GAME HALTED; NEW EQUIPMENT JuSt WMEW JIMMY fiAT MATtellMSElF SOUD ? " sr tl fU'&$ iTW',cocir''Byisiceiw5.uPA,vT7cK.iwffTeMMy' v '& f , &&tW4&3&zt Atte IT LOOKED AS IF HE HAD A CHAWCE Te ,. S& :2&&&&n l?MW ! Me THBTEAM" "Practicc was Eupeiv iwTGaiiupTcD . " T &MWM!ff& i AwDrtSWcfPES'BUSED, At least R-aTeTftGrewT- A. Q JJ .,i VrMfji'n. 3uT wAit , Tue kiD iS Beulm) Te x . &pr CV 'wmft&BV& r ' j?., MAkE the team - , tii Ad,fMiiM ,a 4.S ''iaV Wmrvsnj. yf' 4,,s ry t ,J Jm$w $ s'Wi w dope gees wrong AS DOELP LOSES ; """ '., S. Satterthvaite Furnishes Big Surprise in Aronimink In- vitatien Gelf Tourney " TRAPPED AT NINETEENTH I A wiry midl'e-aged golfer who hies from the traps and bunkers of Areni- mink P.. 1'. Satterthwaite b name , . .1.- .., ..t ...-.,-. llin.eii in llie ri'.ll "iil'iei- " .v-. .- tiny'- section of the Arenimini; invi fit ion tourney H" lad the difficult task of facing C'Milev Ilee'p, the pride et l.U I.U ii' d a ' nnipetiter In the national iitn.i t 'iir cliiinipiensMp. In the tii-st reiril. T lmt miis enough te worn llliv one. b it even the fact that he was 2 down a' tlie turn inin i seem te oeiner ...-. Satterthwaite. , Tie took the tenth and eleventh, - l, ,.,n,M, Im, then hlll'lv si u;i' iii; i ue n im " . -- . . i ,..i i, ,... (me his eM form nnd h I'mt of ti-rifie hitting took the twelfth 'end leurteenlh. making the mate' 'J up mid - te go. I'hiit would hae stjmie.l the courage of ine-t men. but r-aneriiiwi n.j we'l'dll't unit then, lie took a tic'U . m the s. v 'tenth and 11 1 en the home green, while Doelp was in cumulating .',, en eai h of t,em. That s.pured n.itter again, but the hi'anee of power ln with Sitter- iiiwn'te. Ii- t lllwas 1. nes mi m- ...... ..1 ,. ...iii.es from behind with 11 gain.-en finish. ' -- 'i'( en cami the nine'eenth. nnd 7, , 1., , dehiicle. "t'li.uley" found n , .... ...1.1 took one mere stro'e- tnnn 1 1. .,' 1,. oiiiiencn losing the hob- and ,,',', . , ln .,,, sam,i u finish as ha ,. n ,,!IVwhere. ., , , ..,!milnrh-il!'. I I ' l-'l l.U Ml" "- ' t.ii-l in le-Ing. l.ecniiM- ne na-i I ti meet W i ter Keynelds. th ''' ' ' ' r .1 ..nl: stni'. win once ueieaicu nun ...,. in n Si,l,.,rhnn'. .it). 1 ,elltleth , I . r - I 1'lti !l n in tae wmiu u.nii .no-: niiu "' I U lilJ.'.l-l .. ... .1 ..JI . I.-.i.. nl.r-M.Fn III til ft -' "' "' i'i.,n villi Ml LIU- ii the -eeenil, ., 1 "'' "";". . ' ,ii , ,l 1, . round battle for the I.mepe.lll lien - , same i,, . e better of J.ihiii, ;" .'."' l "... i ,' si.nierihw.iite weiifht title tomorrow afternoon In the Johnny nidhnm. of the 'Hirers, holds ; ' i "b-i wflMlVh 1 UulTale Velodreme, out .1 t. Paris. 'HuTl lTiS r u. t!'is K,,"s""" " ' ' " ' . iA" ' bm.t ,.M ,,r.llAll ,c ,)iKRCst SPal; ( '"'nn. who has wen huteleven Ka.e.s C,,;; Te Hener MC.MDHCK Unli. ever seen III Prance nnd Is the ' ',' , ""." "11H "P-cnteu llie s,en;iteis baaULe ,. t ,sm.,nl.ln oe well .aI' cu.r.M. .'. .... . ,."-... ..., ....',.. eieht times, seven of them ben,. .,, li, ll'-linuii'' "I" w ' ir.'Nl OlII OrillllllJ OI II. e IHIHII in. if. ... -l,ll,. ! , .1 I "- , .. . -. There are no luuri; l-cihtues '.',., , ..... ii,..ii- eh.ioielon In rn" '"dham is the only major lenciie i u - ie no"' ' . - i ev oxeet l in s.. iinyiiiiiiu mn nn R ,'..- imik dose I- the top. ,1,llby knockout, and the !.. prospective .-.cral months i.se w linn "Heb . . ' f , , ,e11, ,,,, ns lin inill. .Mnxw.il. s.ierts uHter "f the.l.viMN( ..Vn tllllt lirp,.,,t.er has reBni.R'd P, ii: ! I.M...I K. w.i.s fatally injured in , m', ,,"e ,lis ,, aritv. "" -.i . -ii- a.-J.JeiitlVp- Slimier- . n,0,,,, "COm-.-.I.-l te- be the hardest .,.- . -..,, .,! M,.i , ek"i. tn evi.ert I , ,' , ., i ,.,. . :.i . , r ,i... . ,i;e in ntnieins. .vn.i m iuw. --";, UUII t .- .-.-.------ . - rf I I 011(1' llamn "H lllll BHII" l"l Ills' ifirillli , ,., l.wMM, PuiLir Lliiuui staff, , ,",,,,. (lf t.ikin.r i.uliii.ited pun- wi- - isl h'.rt. .shnieli . Hiittllmt Mkl has lest favor ,-s ...1" i.lw..s held a warm place,' . , serinuMv. II hi rt ..f evei.v Phil.idelpliia Iw.l.s- ir i m nrl.iU.'e.l .' lllh (-01111115 evvill. i. s. ii i. ii) iii I iii his Hener ii, teber 1-. Ciil.iiiibus Day. (lene ii .-ll.ll 11 open , niiiiiiiiiui ei lee i niifi ... . i .re.l Willi nun i-.erriKiui. '. r..ik nrof.H-ient.1 of the Siwane.v Club, 1 'if 1 . ..vl.ll.ill.il. W 1.1 : . t !,,..tp,t- IH ' tlWH-l.' l'.MllMMlHI wiili Inirlfj llMitUfr, inn hiiiiipleii et" Philadelphia, and .j.l . e lit oil ll.e r.eni lie lll.s neiiieviii i p.isl vi ar. iiiiii r nf the nf.- I. 'Ill open." llie pr te-smrull Klilfer-" ri ,iiu,.i ii-! p and ihe S'iiitl,eni tub . , , I li iil.l il oil .! one el' the e.1'1' lie I ...I'i r III the world teilnv. Ills isilluvi- und leiilnlmie ui" liwenij en i. . v , v i nui-e 111 Hie f ii'iiiu . Hi iiik.hi i auk. hi-'li iil--i- He was ruiin. i -up m ' I!riti-li open in P.CU, ,.,,.. ll.e reields of llelflier llll'l ItO'.VC ..t ini weil known le Pluladelphiaii'i te ' !...! , .Mil 1 I 111''. j ,. M.nieii course offers stiff com- I,,,, i,,,,. Time is plinty of water. ;,,! cuniunsly placl ha.irds mid it . ....f ..-j ....I imtH inniiMi r-(Jini ur flic ''li..lr, in i , .t fi-t- iii 1 hi iiiu . i i, " . . VII. i.i. II 1 fi l l -iiii'i n - " i ,..r-ei,aI i.enul.infy in Plii'.id'liihla, an I, f ,,,,,.,, U l.ni;.j millei, is .-.peetid I te turn out both uieniiiiK und afur- ,,,, "u""' - . TT p &T y.i 1 AMnA LITTLE Al VILLANUVA Fermer Red and Blue Star Will Assist Allle Miller , , 11 .1 .11 r()11 l.,itl.-, former P nil feo t .nil t.. "S'iih i r i i'k v crt'iii slur. v. I10 I.i. co, n lie, I I, a nam rrep Si In... I for He hist llinc eiis, will ,,-si-i Al ie Ml ler at Villain. vu this season Little, who has been at work with I.n rinlle Piep. rcslitued le take 0 mi- his new duties next Monday, while Phil Ilarr, former Penn Stnte hnlfWk, will tulie churge of the La Salle eleven. ' i in ii und Ids J"ir-" uus. ii... n i- nw rU cun-ui iium mid splendid i ; " "' "'"r '"""" "' eeiiseeiitlve hiltlin;. v .1 te maku the ,.f.lfliiK world tect , -. ,,, ,.in ,, h A1. inn. e .me or mere hits In tl.lrt-. - them.li he will net e,ltlirm te triiiniiiR tl,r K,u",s 1"'f"n: ,,ll"I,,-Bli -.rimes put I:., members of the Stent,,,, Country '"in , ,, !s ., I,. ,,l rl..i.t .l.iih n.1"?!'. ,f '' " ".""rak In the niieiiliiB ei ,,.e , r.. ti-...,,,; l.ls v-rv e 1 riend,. tmlniiiB paritiers in a row. 'j . '",lr,N'n,I s w,n bill. Hen.sbv, ,, si ew tin v have net tm Ketteu him ''w"' " il urlnR the Ieiir stretch, made Mt. i""".1 -ssi s :---; r it 'j-? ssj-rr b , ,.-- Galloway and Walker Lead A's and Phils ATHI.r.Tirs ti n h. h. im sn.i'i-:. .. 144 :5 T7 17H 0 U .130 illnwar , Mi'l r ... 13,1 reel se nil is 11)1 .1 'is M left 7 141 -iJi i 144 Sil 13.". 4C,.i Ort lg'i 10 3JS lll.i'iser .. W'n licr . . ileimsen". IN rklns . , V, Vinsen e 32; .1 '.'7il 0 27" 1 2iW 1 ..ill 0 2I3 n 2.-,n 1 2. -.3 .'. 2 1 1 7 2J3 0 2 '4 e mi 0 ISM 0 .111 i .ir.4 0 Mil a:, r.s n H . 141 41 e4 12S . S'l I'l S 13 . IIS L'M 10 C,4 . 47 111 4 .'3 '3 ?7s a. as . 121 47e H'J juil 31 '4 7 11 . 44 US 4 13 . W nil S IS . 4s tn r, in . 41 tot 7 in , ji ii (i 1 P!t'I.T.Tr.S itruKKy .. .Mc 1 wan Yyiinir . . N.iler . . ii.irnn . . ;;'. i:ikut .. JV-ilUer .. i?',,';'-,.."'. 'efil'iWS i; " it H Hit 3H PC 137 ' I' 'iT 17H 11 331 I in ti-i. ui .;-. '7 1 1!7 311s .',. 1.7 12 :: I se s -, i II' Ml H MS .!" ss ::;n ,-, s7 a li.!' !!' Ji 17 11 I 7 1 in -n M 111 12 ill H'.n 21 11 1 l.ir. it ."'I I2i a .",: ii 3 il ii r.j til 1 1 r. i 4 74 2"''. '.- .VI 3 s.' :: if a n 1'is i-,i .-a ii2 0 40 I .it 13 - 1 4 .,1 3i j',! gnli 2"' -,:v r, yt) U'rl litsiene flr-i 'i r I' -Li- in ,.!- ,i,i.m V. ii' ' 1 t.TS .'"i ' 2-.0 I'llTt . . Ii.ll I' J Sm'th.. r 4s 1 --3W n"i.i 'm-'"'en u smith i'2 :! u 37 3 4 13 21 IC 3 4 37 .'.7 1 3 0 .17 I n 17 II e 'ii:.3 .. .... ........... ..ti.-, t,i"T-Tsrri .e i n i. i, j.i ,n,i i. ' i.i i, '. i i -' , , ., ,, .,. ,, w no un iv i'. tmi umli . 14.'. r.'i T i sin" k,.i.i r.mi' im J. vii. . 1 11 rnvj ;, ; JjJ "J ; i'lni'mml' .'. . in: i".'i 7n:i w.i 42122 -- t s . ..1 -i -, .... i'.'i- 1 1117 Til 73 ."'1 iinTii 2 ii'3 3s : '. 1 ,-. I2i,'l 21- i'.'i .'s-, MRnii'AN i.i:iii'i: ft.f" uattiN'-. n', 1; n u h jii 111. Hit S'i ri- st i.n's 117 '.:7.-. s.'i i:.ip2 .-se hi i4 12'. .in; !J.":.''i U'n Mel 7M iia-1 Seil ei! "ii s4; L.t N 141 i i7i 7.'. t ill l 'J 71 ',) en i n ii e lis im iiiis I'-- .-- .n - - -." - - -; ..,.,.,.. .., , ,- . , ni.,1 . i j-. i.v" en nini. i i7 .. iniiriii ;'is .... , .. u, i,..,.vi4 imi.iit. 41 t'l .ml . r.. ....... .. ,, .1'. 'i, 11 iliul.'..n 11. Jlie '' 1 1.1.- -- ' " -" PICK GEORGES TO SCORE iAvn nwrn r-ATTI IMP ei J1 IH 1 U UVtn UM I iliiiw sjii-,1 Dattle With Senegalese Pugilist v n.,,., e.,nrri rs-ite Tomorrow Draws Recerd Gate I'lirls. Sept. J."1.-(ieerge: ( arpen- tier is looked upon In the experts as a is-. ... if. 4 r mi . 1 11. r. i 1 1 111 'iir. 1 ui 1 1. 1 .,.,,. In ulniinr i.ver Halt lie Ski. tlli'i""". ' " me iiniir.ns en .uemuy. K.Htf-'MilPsn tniclllst. in thlir tVi'Ilt , !i,.,, ,,u t i -. ...i-?. !. ....lien. i.',,w pvpcit te sen nnytliinB mil an ". ' .,,.- ,.,,,. ... , . . , . .,,.., i... ,,,. OPENING SOCCER GAME Flelsher Will Meet Thlrty-slxth Ward Eleven Tomorrow The Thlrty-si: th Wnr.l sei e.r eleven will play the Plelshep Ynriieis tumor - row afternoon at Twentv-sixth nnd Mm iiiv'..'" lt,.ed streets In the epeiii'iK name f the season, which i- in of a practice Ili.itch for the tw ... te in.s. Thlrl.v-MMh Anr is in the Allied second dlvl-l m. while P'eisher Is one if ,1(, erilll;:i ,t t,,ni,s m the first ill - vision. I lie warn. . . nave s uen .we- , (iinlev, lle'au, llm.s, O'llennell and Clius Hoeiicy, f.inuerlv et Knvwoed. llriiilprHun, a in'U ariUnl; Wnlnli, of I) trie Storm;.' Hint..- and llluir, of Albien. . . , This team i' expected te make a i I 1 l I It I I i ,i I L'oed shewlni; in the s, , ,,nd divlsiuu mi a K"ed game is mitt. Iputed. DEMPSEY GOES GUNNING I n pink of Condition as He Starts After Din Game ' . . . 7. . . -.-i i-. hi. iiuiiiii ' ! ' 1" -"' mi. -. -- , . , , irtv. ifinsiHtlni; fif ih..'rf IMitpii ai eerl l.ll.rcn. -.i ni'iMi-wv ini' - ".".' . ' T ,..,!,- It . i irv im(uw -, m i .i "".ifi. it t ii i I' liirinii- ii t - ir II H -m Cuirler. lr. 11- 1 Pier, e mid alter , ri.i.tnn 4 7 7 1). Hinds, of Portland, Me eft tmliiv M. lyiiUs . . n H i j 7 ,y iiutoineblle for Havelock, Mm;' 0 7, J J - I Ceuntv, te enter the weeds In search, of "ib Rnin.-. AMKKtrAN I.KAOl'K 1 The champion said he wan cenlident ""! '. T. I'. H, fhnV ,,, would eventually A niu.ehed . i ,? '8 'g J h - with Wills, and 'pie cd u hope tliut I iiixtim .1 i n n in a ... ...nl.i,i materialize lie is apparently 1 Mrw.V'Lk i i! . 2 n " ! In the plnl: of coi..ltie,, and tips ti ld?.nn " ;1 a S ? A 1 s. nles nt 11 1 pnillid'i The bells en his rl.lnii.-n. .3 7 I 1 11 ' n ,', y h,.,,!,,,,,. Vtli'rtl.H. s I - g A b Z Maranvllle Fined $100 23 lelin Heyillar, lirefl. St jehnwr'i i Jaw tclne forced out at eoeaa. v... Vnrk Ufllt ii.nl nf ilie Nat lenil l.paeun. nfm nnni hru Mt ?iiranvl ile ..or UUm et the I'lltsburKli l'lralr-. 1100 for hl .meunter .with Johnny i.nwiini.1 in th twine t the Tole (Ireuna. Ttia iiaenu iwunx mi riitnt REQUIRED i'Ltu'leni, ,u;i, tin i'ubltc Ledger cupnjiaiii OF Browns' Star, Handicapped by Injured Arm, Leses Seven Points in a Week OLDHAM HAS UNIQUERECORD fleerge Slsler. the Prewns' star. tintlillfxte-in.l Ivf tlm Im'll.r tn U 1 - nr, t I" " ".' lie . i.ji. t . i in . inn,. which kipt liliu nut of the Wnshlniiten series, MilTercd one of his worst per- centage drop- of tile -w-nn In his bat- ting, when he fell seven points during the last week. Me Is still ever the inn mark, with p'enty te spare, his avi"-.ige this morn ing standing at .-Mil. Ti rus Raymond SISLER HAS WORST DROP SEASON ;,.,' ln:""Y,. .""", M,U'SP , " "P'"f ' I'-nlf lentuiw uge ns Webster is te '.....' V?" I-' V ,u. ",e '","r I isi-i M-H'ii inn. Kir iwn liiiiniH iiTirj I" I new biittin; at a .rts'i ,.iPt jjiving Slsler " ''''"' "f twenty -seven points. .... .. . . I W Ith this lend nnd ten gntnes te be , . , , ... , . . plu.M'd iii the averages Slsler Is vlr tuallj sure of llie batting crown. unles the Ceeigia peach starts en a riimpag". S s(.r ndded another record te his , h '"' 1.11111', llie in in ii- 1 hitting in hs ferti-lii'st eoii,eeiitiM , raiiie. before being Meiuii il h Jim Itilsll. ! n I'.. 1 1. iv 1.,, 1 1. ilk, .in. ... .. , .. ....1. i... "f the Yankees, en Monday afterne.i'i. It was a peculiar twist of fme which' ,mt j- en sis'er's long streak. Itl ""ns against the Pullet person that he! siiincu -nil mng streait uoeiit eignt weets iife out In tim 1 imm I'lte i ., . "" -".'..-' --. s..-. .SInIi'i came within three games of equaling the Majer League lecerd of forty-four consecutive giunen estab lished in 1W by Willie Keeler. of the -'iiiiimeii: .Miuuiiais. s il wa, Msicr nnme ine .iiiieitcun League icceid of (forty straight which was made by Ty Cobb in 11)11. i ''"p 1"s'' "' I'ddie Itemmel. the W!l ,,,.,,., nc, .,. ,, ,. y. I.misue twlrlers te turn in twenty-Ova .' nun' ti.i jenr. i In !., ... ,. ClKlll lllllI'M tills s. . ,"?" I!,.rnsbV "- '"P" the sluS5erH n te He. dler circuit with an nveriiKe .;'i,!- '" .-lrei of one point ,n' ' ''.V "Venice of last week. He has '" f . '' jtt nil m her of hits. -11'. and is tied wth Ken W II nms. .,f n... ... - . i-- tin- I ' " "fer,,hV ,n,0,4t ,m,le rll,is. -mvliiff "" ," ' '; ' llih.,:rt"''V, I ,.. n"rns v-v' ",!l? . ' b ""w townsman. I f'sier, also cstalillslied new iTcer.l for i.ll.h, . u 4 1 -IS. .1 ... ....... ...is ... ,,,t 1,,,,1-n ,u ,at jur ft era nd uveriiee of ..j.'ie. Jlerney, Ilernsbv't, nearest rival, has an iivernjce of ,1572. .J. Z Z" & three. Walker leads the Phils with a , ,.TU averaRe, while I,,.r. Henline Meadows and Williams are the .......-.., r. .,ii .- 141141111-4 lipp jj(, j.(l. miilnliii, members nf the select class Chick (Jallewny continues at the lu'"id I f ,1P A's sIllKKers. hllttlnc lit li ..lilO cult. Miller and Haiiser are the ether White nieplmnt ..".1)0 hitters , . " Moter Recerd Broken hprlnefklil Muii.. sr;,t ja . A tir.... miin ;rt irmk v h(ahiiiiird ,;i k, nVrI ,MV wK;;'1 i,..H,,t!,l''?1f1!'' Uin In r.s 1 ", ,4..nilh, li-iu-riiiB hln own f"?",' "',,, a"" k--i.n.iii m Mncuin, n.i... 1 '"" IlllMllIlt .. ' .? '"." '. ",""' 't r iniiM en hhlf- Runs Scored for Week in Three Big Leagues i v. nun mii hi u'.'ivi tiiruiMff i t.,i- i... "'Hill lu llllll 11 I IllU year. NATIIINAI. M:0I K S. JI. T. V. T. F. I 2 10 II n i in ie la 4 n 7 4 a is a h Is. Tl n.i 30 an I'lilllies. ' IiVuki. . I'ltls'i ir-h f nrnn., 3.1 311 SS 20 IH T'l ns Kl as 32 !Ut 2M UII 10 I.NTF.H.NATIONAI, l.i;.(Jl'i: JI. I 2 n T. IV. T. 8. T'l IllM'llf'St.T 7 Torimle, M i! ruurli. Ill Straruse , II llufTnln. ., 11 KenillnK.. a Jersey f'ltr . 10 Ualtlmerc,. II H II X7 2.1 HI 21 IB 17 17 14 II 14 2 a ! S I I 7 1 Hew Dees It Football Spirit Amateur Boxing Tennis Critics THIS is the everlnpplnit sensen In sports, the fng end of one nnd the benlnnlnt of another. Ilnscball, the national sport, is staRRerlnR down the homestretch nnd foetbnll, the greatest of college nthletlcH, Is crouching under the gun. ' In many towns nnd cities today the cheers of thousands will be heard cmnnntlng from stadiums where young athletes, inspired by the spirit of their nlmn mnter, tear at each ether for victory. The season officially opens today with games In the East, Seuth and Middl West, nnd once ngaln foetbnll will nttrnct its thousands nnd pour Its profits Inte the coffers of athletic associations te maintain the ether athletic netlvltlei throughout the ncademlc year. Foetbnll is the big money-maker, the Rockefeller of sports. It is the richest of all collegiate athletics, rich In trnditlen, rich In iplrit nnd rich In ninnteurlsra While the game Is commercialized se fnr as the spectators are concerned It is free from the evils of professionalism despite the few scandals tliut cren out ' occasionally. ' There is no sport in America thnt generetcs spirit and fighting nerves Ilka foetbnll. Youth willingly suffers physical pain In exchange for victory. The thrill of the giune arouses the pnrtlclpnnts te such a point thnt they would sacrifice nn nrm or a leg or un eye te have their colors wave en the bauneri ! of triumph. , , Foetbnll is the gnme of physical centnet, of give nnd take In punishment I nccerdlrig te the rules of sportsmanship, and every fnll the gridiron bunds te the world men who arc men. ClOOTniUJj calls for roil Weed and brave hearts. The graduates of the Gridiron Scheel have advance credits te enter the College of Life, Amateur Boxing In Colleges nnd Clubs rnilK movement te boost amateur boxing-in this city is nn excellent iden. Phila- - delphln hns pnid little attention te the hlmen-pure glove pushers, with th result thnt Hilly Penn must needs hide his face when it conies te competition. Here nnd there geed heys linvn come up from the muss te bring boxing pj-cs. tlge in amateur circles te this city, but their Micecui was wen In spite of con-Htlen-i here rather than because of them. This Is nn unhealthy state of nffnlrs nnd net nt nil in accord with develop, ment of amateurs In ether brnnches of sport. llexlng has thrived In collegiate rnnks recently. The I'niverslty of Penn pylvnnln, the Naval Acndeiny nnd Pennsylvania State renlly were pioneers in the field and through the efforts of these institutions Lexlng bus gulncd due re spect. Geerge Iecker hns proved himself n thorough nnd conscientious teacher In the mnnly art ut the I'ulvcrslty and will be in the field with another geed team this year. Decker conducts a regular clnss in boxing with mere than n hundred students enrolled, it is from this group thnt he selects his men for the inecta und the chninplnnslilps. The Penn coach until recently hns been pinched and handicapped by n small appropriation and the bnme condition has bothered instructors ut ether cellegci, CLl'lM nnd colleges should unlte In boosting amateur bovine, are beginning te realize the benefits derived therefrem. III Defense of Tennis "TDKI-N rending n let," pens a render, "about sportsmanship In tennis. Is it - tine n player cries for the loser when he wins n mnlchV Oh, resIi!" The fine speilMtuiu-'liip of the courts gels a sni"r from n cert In class, Tlin same di'itie in :e anciuit it hasn't learned that t unis is a man's game. The belief ii- frcrnils that the game belongs in the i.aiue category with ping-pong and tiildlc-de-winks. The number of women plnjlng tennis hns perpetuated the idea ihat the game is for weaklings, hut this i.s n boe.it for the fairer s'c.n rather than a knock nt tennis. Women crowd tie fields in trnpshoetlnc, swimming, golf nnd trnck athletics nnd tbe.i are hreakug Inte boxing, bnsebnll, ha.-kciball, horse racing and what not. Ne me has nn used these sports of belonging 10 the molly-coddle. The modern girl i ns distantly related te the fainting, cllnglng-vine tvpe snorts in man fashion without losing the ..... ..... ... I mm . ilnlnniiili ul'lll fit Kilm nn.l 11 11 in t -uitiiivin mill i iuii aim considerable amount of self-punishment. TMT the game nerds 110 wordy support. It stands en Us own pillars - ii; incased in ethics of cienii sport What May Happen in Baseball Today NATIHN.M. I.KAfifK Wn I est C Win I-i Split Niw Verli H7 (17 .30-1 .(107 000 . Illtsli'ireli HI 03 .3.1 ..177 .3(11 .570' .if. Leuis hi m ,r,3 ,mh ..ini . . i'.'iirlnnull RI OH .Ml M7 .MO . I liliinri. . 77 70 ,r.2 ,r,57 .MO nriinkim 7i 73 .ten . tei t.inn ,sn I'liiiiuii-iphiu nn ni .377 ,3si .ati Tieslun 4!) 00 .3SR ,312 .33(1 .3ii:iurAN ..nAeru 'i"i l.t I'.r Win l,oe Split Viwv Yerk St. Leuis n-fmlt Chlr two 0'.' .r.'j .fRl .l"7 )" no 7 7'i 7fl 73 ,f1l7 .ft-.'ii .sie .ri'ie ,03 ,r,m .31,1 ..-in .13! .413 ,?03 ..'.ni ."17 J '17 .t'.i ,tee ,37 Irvelnn-I 73 73 Vril,,li'"'",n n' ?n "1 n,,"-'" is )t r. IH IM SO M In lwi. tl.ose two. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS v.vneNU. i.v.Ydr.. CHfjfe, 7i I'I'lllli-i. . Ill Innlntrsl. T'lilllles. ft flili it.?u. n (sfcnnil rainrl. New Ve.-k, Si l'lt'steircli, 7. Iloslen. 7i Cinflnr.atl,";. f'liwlnn ill, fl rtosten, 0 (Krend mnie). ht. Imls, "1 llreukbn. 4. AMKRK'AN I.n((l'IS Ut, Trills. Hi Alhlrtlrs. 5. New Yerk. Oi levriiind, 3. Detrntl, 81 nten. .1. (Iileuiie, Ci Wiihli'ngten, 4. INTiaiNATKINAI. I.EAfirE Teronle, 14i K.K'liesler. 11. Ne ellur lenms Hrhriliilrd, E.STKRN I.nA.il'!. w lliuen. fi- Wnlfrliury, 3. Iliirtfenl. 0, llrldrriiert. 4. Siiriimflelil. Ill l'lttsftrlil, 3 fllr't mm-). I'lttsllrlil, fli StirlnKniJd. I. (sM-enil r.imr). AMKHICAN ASSOCIATION "I. I'lllll Ot Telnle 4. MlnnruiMilli., I.li Celiiinlui. 7, Kaunas (It), Hi 1-iiiIniIUc 7. TODAY'S SCHEDULE n tien.vj. ij:aii 1: (tnclnnnll at I'hlluilc-leh! t. riltnlmrHh at llroekln (two Rumen). 1 l.lisiKO nt 11. .-Inn. , ht. I.eul at New Yerk. AMI.!;iC'N I.IUOIK I Atlilctlrs nl SI. IjiuIh , llosten el llrirelt. , Nr Yerk nt f'lrvelnnd. ' Wnnhlnnen nt (blcue. JOHNSON FOULS PURYEAR Chased Frem Ring by Referee Cress In Final Beut at National Jehn I.ester Jehnsen nnd Silent Pur j ear were the principals In the eiK.it leunil wind-up at the National A. (' last nleht, but the number did net last two rounds, ns .lohnsen wiih chased from the rlnit by Heferee Ci-hhh nfter lielnt; warned repeatedly for his foul tactics. IMdle llnyes hnd the lictter of Jee I.ucas, Willie Itoflce and Prnnlt Kramer drew, (SrerKe Hrewne finished Patsy Nelsen ln the third nnd Wherty Smith hnd the better of Sam I.atigfurd pnaei aOE10r7TIOESOE SIrT MEENEHAN'S cafe SUNDAY'S SPECIALS Lebtter Dinner, $1.50 llttl KriAUfl .etisler ncrtltd Ctam Filet e A'ele rorwre iVauca HarbccHfd Oystera linked 'ulnte Seft Shell Crab Platter, $1.00 t'ned Helt Rhrll Crab TurMrr ."uure Will. CI i'ol'ite Stuffxl Tomule Fiwh Platter, $1.00 iirritlml I'mh lituti I'ifh trench Print Polnteta rrtcii r.ga viawt nean rer flatter, $1.00 Reatt Mjetrfrjt Mailed rotatect Celd Reait Leg of Lamb, Petate Salad 00 Celd Sliced Chicken, Lettuce Satad $1.28 pgei saaoiaec3ftiafti--.A- -loiae Strike Yeu? THE OBSERVER They King I.tirdner. Sh indulge." in man's touch of the eternal feminine. u.nnj, Pvi:ii ui tuui il HI ItlUlll UIIU 4 inm 1 twn-.l . .r r,...t ..,! I.s... I.. .. .. .1 siiianshlp. Flay First Game of Series t'hnrles Ilmrgeilv, mannscr nf ih.j '-nts V'.r'n Vui'pi' ICiuM- ei c i.umliu ! i s ln.l tiin, le s firiTtiire1. n sere- if htfi rimie, mh th V re.. J I'n ub. Thn t.rl sann wl'l le ime.l t ,.ni rr,.'., r.firrp .en mi tbe r mini 3 f Ttr-lcl ut Si.rli.r M.U aiuitine hi 3 1' .M iii:ii.i i, i(rAv. s i'. ii. rniAi, i,i:ii,it. rnn PHILLIES vs. CINCINNATI SIUTS AT (HMIli:i.H AM) l,A:,IIM,-l rruiTt, MILLER-COSTUMIERffia! 236 Se. 11 St. Phene Wal. 1892 Bryn Mawr Herse Shew AT Bryn Mawr, Pa. hi:."ii:miii.ii n. 28, se nJ se Mil'..NING3 AND APri;ilNOON3 10 A M NI P M. IJAII.V Tli I il Mic Btnl line. On Ha'e At Hijivie-!!. 1117 (."anutiiut H" . ami te elllrii 00 n'reunila Amrrlca's most wnmlrrfiil s'niw U.rsti U classic I'iriits. fLY M FA v & BOXING M111 !' . . , Man lf sii :' Ufcetl uaiiiar.f'Et s,,,t js .i CIGHTROUND BOUTS 5 III v uul SI.KR EiEKiS.. vs. iVliLLEW BAiKD vs. BUftMAN 1AKI. FltVMvlJ; FRANCE vs. WiCE WOWTREAL VS. NELSON lll'I.MV i.EO. LOU GW J! AM vs. SHADE ji HfuU en ilr, M tin llllur t i'l'''' Sdirjr siuie. Si ,s. Hit, s. H.ilmil 71M 1 Mllfllllh Mil si . -. . -. S Tfndlrr' I'enl I'urlnr. ;:m '1 irle-t 4( fl'linnn's si fr mi, . i I, . , t iA'ut.ii iifmi.-mu'jTug.iM jxva3rrTr.'iisi 3QsaocrrTr?esift C2D & WALNUT STS. Meenehan Special, $1.50 iMbiter Tlii-rmiiler VivlUrJ Crab t'iltt of Helt Ttirture Hauew D e Clami Cnxinn Km along Petnt'trn Chicken Plattnr, $1.50 Half llrtltd ffi'lnn I Mcfrf.i 'reiiri rrltil Hirett I'iiKiIiki Cm ret nnit Peat Oi I riem .ctfiicr nini Tnmntnri A'tielnn Itreittip Sirloin Steah Platter, $1.10 rt lll-ei. NirtiHn Steak icllti I'refh Musliief" U French Fn, il 'n'Mtbii O hrrth Nfrlu.i finin. - ...... u..,'.y .. ...... pitmJiiD B IWIGS-MASKSctcTO HltflTl m tfa-ra-af-y.-a njiitei.m.i'73msT Tt-MViVy