?W! Y EVBNINCf PUBLIC 'LBK-lHlSDBLPfflA; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1022 . . ' VJ RUSSIAN COUNTESS IN DEATH-DEFYING FLIGHT ., s m f it j SEy OLD LOVE SHE SPURNED FOR ANOTHER Anna Behrs Djamgarejf Zarnekau, Moscow Noblewoman, Fled Frem BeU sheviki, Disguised as Old Beggar Weman Crying for Bread, After Her Second Husband Had Faced One of the Firing Squads i r A MAN'S noble sacrifice and a woman's death-defying flight alone across the snow and ice of bleed-dripping Russia! A victim of Bolshevik dragooning, she is new in America hunting her first husband and their little boy. Heautiful pawn for impersennl Fate, she was magnanimously divorced by the lever of her extreme youth that she might cherish what seemed te her a deepcr'leve. "If you need us ever, your son and I will be waiting for you," said the man she left. And the nobleman she left him for was seen cruelly snatched out of her life by the Russian revolutionists and murdered. And the Countess Zarnckau fled red Russia for her life. Disguised as an old beggar woman crying for bread, she suffered her way across Russia, braving the freezing cold, the deadly bullets of her enemy, the hungry wolves and the hungrier, mere treacherous peasantry. Her story is ene of the most astounding tales of the aftermath of Hie great war and the uprising of the Pelshcviki. Countess Anna Rchrs Djamgaroff Zarnekau, formerly of Moscow and .St. Petersburg, niece by marriage of the Grand Duke Meris and of Prince Ilomanevsky, new in Paris, and a niece also of the late Count I Tolstoy, free-thinker and writer, herein gives te the public the first ' authentic and detailed account of her startling experiences. Alternating between perfect" English that was almost guiltless of accent and French, she used both of these tongues with icady fluency. The charming young Countess, beautiful, poised, was dressed in a white . Parisian creation, but was innocent of jewels for a reason that became ' apparent in the ceurse of her conversation. ' The dainty noblewoman drank tall glasses of steaming tea and smoked long Russian cigarettes, served te her in the drawing room of the mansion of the Ocean Villa Farm of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Patterson, near Arrochar Station, adjoining Fert Wadsworth, Statcn Island, N. Y. Countess Zarnekau immediately 'aid it had been the dream of her life, since a child, te come te Amer ica as a visitor te see its wonders, Imt that her present visit was much mere purposeful. She hopes in the i United States te get some tiace of. her first husband and her eight-year-! i Id son. Her heart story proved as I compelling and unusual as that of her adventures. Was Nineteen When She Married First Husband "I wns n Kiel of nineteen," she. nlcl. lien I married my first hu.hnnd. enhen Djnmgnreff. son of the famous ml xuy wealthy hanking family of the line in Moscow. lie had nn Income hUh wns the equivalent of .$1. 500.000 vcar in American money' nml he amend upon me nil the luxuries nnd Ki-nfnrts tlmt money could give in Rus- in before the war. "I thought 1 was in love with him. inl there was no doubt that lie wnv ply in love with me. but perhaps r- ii xnung girl I did net quite knew iv own mind. His love for me wns of 'he self-sacrificing hind, as he event- mil V proved in a manner t lint few i k'ii of my country would have done. "After our little hey came and lit n 'Hue when I was engaged in a leiind of I 'e.isiires nnd in outdoor spoils nmen.is i n friends at Moscow, I himply mid f imklv lest my heart te Count Alexis ' iincknu. whose title had descended 1 1 nin ills father. The title had been be be Mew nl by the (Var upon the father be i tusenf the latter's morganatic marriage in a (leerguin lndj . the I'llnccs Diani. "I did net attempt te hide fiem my li'inhanil in love for the ('emit, in Mem) I was erj frank about it. Stephen nine te mi. niie (lav mid saul that he would net sit nil in the way of my hnp hnp plnes. ilia I he lexcd me enough for lint anil lluif he would divorce me se I could wed 'Count Aleis. Such things lulii'r hnppcn often in the old Rueslii. Me said that he would even let me Imve our little Mm. whom he worshiped. Imt men m,x met her love wouldn't per mit me te take tin' boy nvva.x fiein him. "We had been the lnl (Oiiplc. Stephen and 1, of nu, social prom inence, te be 'wedded umhr the official "itliodex eerenienv of the established hiireli before the law was altered cnll in,' lur a civil as well as icligleus cerc ni..nv. Strphen bieught Inllnrii.e te I'fni willi the chimb and a ilictee of ilUen e was granted. "With tears in Ids e.vcs he told ni" ilirt if I eve,- wished te ionic bai k te 1 iiu thai I would at any time be wel Miami ibat he wits still mv liusbiiud Mill the father of m.v ilillil, and that lie, would lewed III?." The CeiinteH then li.iriated linw she luid 'lurched all Fuiope for her llrst liil'baiiil. She hcllci.s lie ha;, In. I all 'Ms winlth, and her piesent dut.v, as vhi vies It. is te 1 i lit ,ni. her bnv. Han Written te Mann Cities te Learn His Whereabouts 'li" said hh had wiltteu te Cm Cm litlltlueple .mil le various oilier cities bi ijie Ninr Fast and Southeast- el I. UlOpe where he might bine flight ' bavin. She lent tied he bad e-mped fiein l!is'i,i with llie ni, , pi'ebablv llireiigh Odessa, wlieie her uielbei 'liiilgeil Inte the wet Id of "outside," Sli lias ii'.n m.iis'ii him in liein.nii.v II liri Helland. Fnghind. the Scan- '''iihIiiii leiiiilrii's and in ll.il ami I 'mine, but without iciil.. Thete is ii possibility he is ill Alliei lea, v bin- 'e n. nu.v luglllves fiein the wrilth "f the Ceiiiiuunisis bine tied. In what "ei l'.ut of the wet Id h Is. she would I'l'O te find him. Tlii' Counters iiet related liew she bud mail led Count Znmrkiiu and of ilielr sheit-liied hnppliu s of six. ineiilliK until in lllls the lleKhevik up il'.iig and leMilutien leek place. One ni'ilii a detachment et Red soldiers came in their tow ii resident and took her husband iiwiij. Te her pielests and en tle.illes llic.v paid lie litteiitieu, but win,; a thleiileuing luek in tlie eves e, lie ethu'r In charge of the enldieis, she te'ik the hint and slipped out of the linii.c hj a icar exit and went into hltt lMKt 'eimt Zaruekau wns plnicd lirst in I'li'ini, lint was seen afterward lined Hi ngiiiiiNt a wall, becaiiM' of the ac cident of birlb which classed him s of the urisluiincv , mid was bhet te Math. . I'er another si nieiitbs, imt knowing late, she tiled te liud him in the Pilseiis u nl il her friend. Miivliu (imkj. 01 J lief 1 1n que t wu- liepele.s, since "' hud leained the Count was dead, lie mm aiUiseil her te escape heiself fiein lie ieunii., If It wrie possible, ns the leiiiiuuiilsts (lh Kct her next. The Uuiitt;ftrf continued i i..,ii a,"el ,0 kccl' "P l,e search and "'e, but I learned1 from IndlipuUbly (errect Inside sources, in fact, freift n Iielhhevik eemmisHiir who had once been undcna.gicat debt of gratitude te my father, t lint three of my cousins had been buried alive. Learned Many of Her Friends Met Horrible Deaths "He iilse told me hew some of thei friends of my gitlhoed, jeung men who hint beieine eflirers in the (Var's nnvj. had met dreadful deaths by being boiled alive in caldrons of water at Kronstadt, beimise they had refused te join the revolution. Finally, nu worst of all te mv perHen.il sensibllltleH. lie i on en firmed (Jerky's jepert of mv husband's licit h. but added that it had been pie ceded bv tertuie. "I tlien detei mined te hisitale no longer about esapliig fiiiiu Uii'si.i. If that weie a possible thing. I did no' dnie te cenlide mv plans or intentions te these abuilt me, for the rewinds of tnueheij were ten gieat. I had te go . imtMdn of Itussi.i for aid te win inj I fieedeiu. "I could neter nave ese.iped If it , Ji.nl net been for mv life of outdoor sport I as a heiseiMiinnn a ml the enduiame I had gained nmi hunting wild game ever the snows of winter. I hud hien 1 trained te sheet wehes, bear, deer ami wildcats and was out often with the ile'; I nnd horses for secial dins at a time in leugh ceiinti.. nud semeiliiKM liad ' enlj a little tea te sustain me. I "I seni out into the round te get ill meu.iik who had been a si'tMitit n ! an p.n iriils and who lewd them wlin a lifelong devotion. I knew if 1 leuld gel him te come te me tiint I i eiibl hum him with nn life. He came and I talked willi bill! ill an open sqinuc. iIich-cii as a sonant injself. se t)mt we would neither be suspected nor merheaid. He swore le M'rie me ami in doing se lie well knew he risked his nw n life. After a liaaideils exierienei hesiici ceiled In getting through as in leiiiier te llei I Klngfers in 1'iiiIiiihI te t ii klnsiiiau anil 'friend, the 1'iinie of U'denbuig. leiisiu of the Ci-ar. "Tlii! I'liuee inu.icdiiiteh eigauled a KM'iie expedition of a sii;h ami swift Inusm with two men. le alternate as drheis. and u -1 1 1 I J . of feed. When' and bow I uiel tlial sleigh nud hew I get north te the border ieinili'. 1 de I nel dare ieenl In detail cr new. He. I fi.ie leaving I iiieutluiKil te m friend I be ceiuiuis'ar that I expicted te get awn.i. but I did net let him knew the dale set fur me le cae ,!oie. , "He told nte thai he bud much iuene that lie I'lid made out of his go em inent position, I hal he bud been uiakim: i all be i null like uiau.v of the minus, and that be wauled te get out of Itus sla with Ills wealth. He begged me te I take bliii along, but I was afiald in I these ilaji. of dcspeiale peril le 1 1 u-t i inj lite i veil ill his luitids, Seme eik tf ' ' 't i" j . '; . s r. s s y r. n. 1 1 a 1 ms bib.' I III II I "rtwwmmKi I wns convinced that wlinttjer was in store for me would come te puss any iwnj. he why dibtre-s myself. On the (east. J should mention, we struck u terrible little nettlenient where the stiirvlng inhabitatits begged us for a Utile feed or tea. "One man tried te .kill our horses, I and n.-t I think 'of II new I "builder te think what would have happened te us I if lie hnd succeeded. 'He wns caught I Just in time by one of our liicu who I lashed him witli a whip. I "The desperate people in this set tlement were subsisting en dead bod ies. The frozen bodies each bore a stamp en the shoulder. These tnntked 1 'dead of disease' were placed under the ice tilling shete. These stamped 'dead I of starvation' were laid aside us a store , of feed. It wns all these miserable I and hopeless, beings, hud. i "We hnd te watch them every sec .end, ns one would starving wild beasts. I before we could get nwnj from them, premising that we would send aid. We did hcnd help Inter, hut" when the res cuers nrrhi1!! ftetn Finland theie wns no one left alive in the little settle ment of which the weles had left few human traces." The Countess laid she hnd slaved five months at HelMngfeis until navigation opened in the spring, when she took Meanifhip for Londen and joined hit sister there, Mrs. Cii7alet, wife of an Englishman, who had lest Ids entile fortune in Russia. Later she crossed te Paris, whcie .she found her uncles, (irnnd Duke Heris nml his in ether, (lie Duke of l.eiichteliberg. "I siiiceeileil in getting my mother. Mine, rtehrs. anil my sisters out of Moeew alive and le Put is. Te get word le tlieiu ami show them the way required a long time, it then took them eighteen months te make the journey. It nlse requited the guntest cxerci's" of putieuie nml ilevctne-s te elude the alert ReMievIk agents. Mv mother nnd Grand Duke Heris te, whom Countess fled after she suc ceeded in eluding Melslieviki. He aided her in rescuing mother might be watching lilm nud we would I both be caught ami killed. , "Keeping my own counsel, theni'eie I prepaied for Ihe dangerous dip and once things were in leadlnes 1 became quite calm about it. 1 wns se iiuiied te suffering, the horrors of the war and die things I hud "seen ami known since the levolutien that there was net much left lu the world te tiffed mv emotions, "I had conducted a hospital during the war. having "(10 bids in it. and n I am a trained muse ami lime seen things most women nnd linn could net endiiie, 1 had become stoical le inj ew u sufferings. "I (resscd the gieat While Sea. the tiulf of Finland, with in esceit en a big Russian sleigh, robed in bear nigs. M piliicipal suflerings, of in'irse, bad been in icncliliis t lie point of icudi.veiis FWRt r.n V r1" &$ Mf- $ be33 i&t'-fl m m ; ." tJiSJ iv is i Ws IfiJ m. m?b V3 tM m ar Countess Anna Zamekau. w lin defied deadly bullet of enemx in her mad dash across freen Riism;i. She (uffered many hardships I wmm SHMS s W3 teutttfss and her (we uncles.. Prince !tiimnunsK , Duke of Leuchten' herg (left) and (Jnind Duke Ilori-, (riKht) f ' I"1 I !' sleigh was te be in wilting. I I went alone, disguised s id and diuj peasant vveniiin clnnieiing fm ttjed fiem illl.v one I met ill u uiiil.nl high vehe Semelii.',. 1 Ke tliieujh e -liiuisicil from lack of fend aicl sletp. Oiue I w ii -. abeaiil thai h'.elgh wiaiiiml ', vvarinlv in the bear rugs, I inn nlnild I slept peacefully . iiiieugu an in tlie ilaugcis e ills. com'e nud horrors of famine wi passed iim we sped ncruss tin; Icy wastes thieiigh winter gales and ,MiowHteruis, I re malnud unlet ninVyU.'pensebsed. X am futallst, like fmany Ruislan, nnd slstiis walked ,n nigbl acie leiiiiti.v te the south ami m.l nml slept lu tlie dajtluie. The ieiiIiI net rule en tniin-, of course, inn could lln'.v Inn viliiilcs, even il tbcv bad been liv ailllbli . and Ihe.v h,nl had lie imuti v le p,i tm I hem (let Through Odessa Worked Wan te France "They pit out thieiigh Odessa tllinll), wheiF tlic.v caught a hliip, nud by de glees worked their wity" te Fraucc from en pert le another, AVhn they dared 'e - ' ii te ii I, w itli i.s bv i able, we s in mein te them ' The Ceuiitiss Ins lei-a nl lni cousin, the Count ll.vu Telsim He ,s the sun el till lllll Cllllli . en Willis,, ti'itchlugs and I. ili s, ,, i. imiucnll.v hen id I neii his own 1 1 1 but winch she neci nlserhcd. hi cms, ,,t hi a lit mil",. i,i In i parenis. i l... f 1 the -tlei t. et hi 1 1 1 1 e i - - i . , low ,,.. hll velllig inilel. Count ll.va . at W-ileilniM. Cniin. He ha. ii b gr.iphil her ami .l.i i. r- seen I,, .it In, I, -I,,. .nli. While in Amei.i.i i he Ciiiiiiii... hopes te in range ini 1 1 sale ,,f tl ,ll: polish estate et ."nun nn. of e.il, and pine lands near liieili.a en wbuli time Is i a huge beuse .1 glnv looms. T,., plop I Iv In ,.iij. I,, her and her two bietliers-ni ii" I was valued I el ere tin wi'r in in ir than n mill mi deilais. She said ln vi e lid be gl.nl I i gel :, jlfth it' that - ii in tm tin i Mali , which is tiave.i., n . ulre.iii Me. el In ., ' i .1 lilc. wile iMiii. tleneil b lh. I ..lillliuilisl. .he .lid. Who Vlsle, l.i, .,!,.,. Ill Me.i.iw IWlll. t.v -si linn. ., i iiu. .joeus, taklii. paintings, t i - n... .l.irwnii, I'min. lure, breu . nun .wK. Mnnv of lur If We , hewe.et . wj) jilile le s.ue and leek in Fid Hid. mid die., lu .nl. ditien le an in one from Hnglnnd. have hern 1m ,i ; n. .l .euiie ,,t suh Hlstenee sini le wenleMiiL , ..ec dell of sabh nn. I iim ne fin-, -lit .lid. bail lieen leu 'i ii,. n cold sterige vvlnush, h nl ll il I.. I'.ulaud ,s n said su siiiwi.ii ,, i inn inhiiiMil ... n" 'einms.i,i . w ife -kcd if .lie bell" M'e .mv of 1 1 e I V,ir . immediate I nml. . i .till .ilnr, he 'Hid : "Thai qiie-i mi . fi.'i,ientK a.kul in Filiepc bit nit, i exhaustive iim.. ligatiens , ineinli, i . m' the Cir'. f.u iner Heint. hi. ..viii iclativi.. .ml ,i direful iiituiM m,id in Iiu... i In ,ei. resieiiieiit. of tin 1 Ien Tune, in 10-11 lit lh riq f ih hue s ,,, NeilhclifiV. i vim ,,n. . -mv nn d t 'it l be ('.in iii.d l n ii i am! tin n hihl.i u me lilHtui .lien.ililv ue.ie Tliei e ha i In i ii i iiinei . inn in, .. 'V' Il lll.Vl 1 il.il. n.H I ..I lh . ii .i , m '" HI Clliliil -ll.il .1 .'l i Ii H I ti, .e 1, il, .iIvmivs bjen in, u, , t,, I, , iii, px , n. nuns. After tmii v 1 1 i ii doe. ii,. r .i i in Mi..ile tlmt if .mv .1 tlieiu vviic aliic in the win h (hut ih, ii exi.teiiie emild le liidiUn. Russian Peasants Demand Republic With C:ar at Head The pCls.llillv e' R I-sill the bulk of the population ui iln ii iguiiriin e ami Miiiplleltv i.w ,. iimiiding a p - imblii with ,,, Ti,,u i, ,x .euiiil i It 1 lift- fiiniiv te eii, Imt mil .. e the ( All Was me. 1,.,, Fmji, ,,r. ,,. was ihe head of the t'lnn h lie was a god te the common pi mile m Russia, 1 think that the ISuWieiik (iov (iev eiiiment, us such, will urn lentiiuie fm ii long iieiled. It will gi.ulunll; i hang,, and tak mi ih,. aspect of a n public, bill if I be present In ml. siineed lu uuiiniaining,.tliemseliis ib,u ,,ng in pevvel, I think thej me ili.tneil one da.v te be tuejjed e h The pcepb knew ihe.v have In decennl in tin iii.e of this experiment b.v the sluccie fan utlcN ami these who for gain pieteud te lie CeiiiniunlstN or at lenst nilhcmi, of the Sevlf.1 KX'sfii,,, ..f ........,.,...... fi ... ........ v ..,.,,t u, u.i-iiuut-iu, xuev knew that eemmiinlsm will net work en PceiftnilcRl lines and that It fail te tak'AViman uature Inte nccettnt. .i "'i'hej (the K,isnnt cltssi .re no and met her ti in igh Ihe Crimen te Cen- ii"ed for suffr ring eille..jv nor in main- stantineide. wheie she ,nd received talning out of the nation - .lender prcs- .... , . , , , , . ... , cut leseurres a meat army teknp them f"mI ln ' l1;1" U',M" ,lr1' heatltlful ! under submission et tlie Cnuimuiil.t.. Anurican leusin. Mis .lenunette Cow Cew It will nil work out eme ibiv. I f, 1 1 ell. of W ,. hlinten and c v Vei!,. M-iiie .,i.e lh, ,, ..nl will then ,. . M Cevitch and lur f.uiil.v were in.'ind a si roil! and liberal eenrnil gev- .... ... eiiiiuetii with .i iii.ui.Jiii u-:u:e :.t '" ' '" v ' " 11"" !" Marseilles e.v Misi its lie.nl. 'J'lli I lljlit evil' eet ,i (.'dwell 1,1, lie.llll 11 ill ill t I'll il I seain " mefi .1- pi .d ill ..I i lepuli i .!,,. lux,.. n.cv.icii Iiiii I u con- sim,u:;e:,;liik,,,rJ:,,;.!,!::i & ;. - .... a,,,. .:ie,., ,rt their .euiitivinen. I'liu'il be a cuisu. ! titn vv n" niv u qm stien nt tune, .slnca iiit'enal uiiiiiaiiliv .uli or- of tic In ; .In I ml he, n ,i t:'..uul ei the (Var nnd ;'t 'if old bl I of iln Romaneffs at t.ie (y.,,,,,.,, v,ln. wi-e both verv fend of head, fm it would be cp I" "Ui Ii a , , . , ., . , , ... mm. thei ill miiieii pe.,,,!" e.euhl be l,c' Hl"' !1" ""'i'.tl tm inb. i of thrjr abb te leek with mist and filth It ''eint is haul te chanti tlie Seeling, and "Mi. .,, me the most iVcadful ac iln ight. et tendinis. ..nun ,.t ,i, .ii,,,. . ,., .,. 'viiih m nn- -utiiKuwr "i iii t i riu tar- As a .natter of ,. t. tl,. be.t and .,,,, , .,,, ,,,, .,iltlllll, nc,r iiiestK cultivated clii's Russians who . . . ,. ' '""' esiapd and me new m ethei . ninnies "" '" '"" I"' k ea. s.,,d Mm. in n.. i . an iii li what k'l'd of givein- Z.u nekmi Sb v a. ,iu ,i. dial e.ve- ineiii i. .stabli.'h.d -e long a. ,t i- vvnn.s. t,, !, touii.iiien of the in- slilb!.. .Del le-eiMli.. prelleltv lltllls ,, ! ., . . , , . . iinl i..teii,.,ii..i.il ..IIMiieii. It ,,v """"" '"" '" Mi'MU.i.-i es , hi a 'initie liiiiiiau'h.v m a i.'iilili the I',l, k .v, a. of) 'iilti. Tlie 1!eMi. Ii .. i. ' inc. Iinvviv r. thai tnc l!i- v.l... , it.. s,,ting duvvi tbnr ioer .mi. t... .,... ... searceh le.niv fm ,. ,,,,.,,,,. rs ., the per. at 'i ilta. threw i i ...iii i. iinl tint a Iiln i ui iii hv. .,, , , , , , like tint ill I'.iulan.l. W...1I.I -in .hem ,n l",1" ""'' """ ' vv, glued te best wit i a kiligiv iinlii .iliuil .iinl le id '"' teel. Inlo . iimpill ullve, shallow .if I ti. I in i.b .is tin ienli.il '.gin . water, and at ev Mile the buudieils of """"I" i ' ' """" i " " W. tuns ...iild lie .M. in the water et i,m Thinks Helsheviki WW Be Overthrown Eventually ' I i. ..hi I. 1)1, i, i- 1 Mil' It 'iiu wing b-ick and I, mil wiih the in tien el tlie water, "The di'i.u's ..f what ;hose fiends did l" thou tt'iiN of ilium cut folk thieiigh- Olll I!llse.'l in mIi.ii .I,,.. ,1 ..I., .. I. t l.i, . .e, ,,,. '."', i.u, t-.e I'm. I!, ii.n v.'.v ..a.Mi.eii.l "''"" s"l" '" "'"!' 'hen- power, fit Iiiii In i hful .. I. . ....... .... I ... ll'lel. .. 1 Dllke Rel - wl.ii.i I vi-iud ,'l'C.1,eul! but will In Mil I .ll.i Iiiii di" il s i ... 1 . - tie., VI, 111. I in "p lillilli, I llll.e C 1 .. become In .id of , new lin-.. inn -irh when b.i v ism .. ..x. i in,,w n r- ih.i. ,'lle loe .earful le belli' l net it ..n In li.v c.tiniiiliiyi ihe iu-tcrii pari of Fui.'l1'. in iiiiiiiv pn. is, es,i. iiallv Ml. II.' the held.' . of A III. . just n b.irbii.mis a. n .. ,,s Viii hi vi.irs'uiie "ell ll.'iv ' lie idei hew lli'in efnl ii ml ;aim "id .eiiinieii i i,e M meric. , , , ,, " "" "n nicii i ii ej K, nier ll.IV .nil,. X .111,1... I. Ii'ttl.lv , . .. . .' ii, , V " " ' i l leei ,'s jKt, ,t were ll.illie til mn going ., te il,-, .,.,1 .v.ii new .ilr.mlv. supp i j, ., , sterv "I'.'ls ill.. I be' iv, l,.i tie ,.',i;i- t.i inn. but .von , uiel lent,. :,n leallV agumla in Ri.s.in i bun.' .1 11 a the most wnudci'liil i. epli Ii n' the lillllge III gev nil 1, lit 1I1.11 will have tl,, imilil 011 me ihe knuli.t ihe liuiit eiituleii, ,. 1, 1 tin I mn! Si ii.. and geuii.is mtd tl Ml.t )MI hiiiutin ilie whole weihl will 1.1I 1 'i vi.'i or and uu-cltis,, of all nut Ions tvv 1 le a 1 empli' h It 11 110 mi , . 111 Riis.,ins of the nri.le tan, and I"' -nn it will In .in, 1. .id Th,. iulin.ii.il ,ln.-s rt 1 1 love nu hi.iimi. litlllld I 'like ( vnl it 1. vv I ..i 1 .1. 1 I, . Ix for we aie 1 1 . - two nepb- In I.. "'ping lh.- iiiiivcnieiit II, 11. ei bus In. lie world that are the uiesi ,j ,. Ku- ln adqiiiiii. rs in I'.iri. II, 1. ih, mini ...ui. 111. 1 Auicik.iiis nlwnx. ini'ler.tnna who would In r.ii.dl te ll ihrenc if :i mn .iieilnr in m,, . , un 1 1. nun in, hi, 11 In weie e.t,,lii.,e,i I 11 mi iri 11. 1 pa ll,i vmii ,,',, native- "I'nne li.itnalievsl.i an. 1. 1. urn -" ni-le Siimei iui n ans or l'n'.i Iti 11., tie I.u er ..ui el tin bet '' "'"' '"" I" '" 1n Inl- unlrv kllevv 11 l!l -11,11. in Mini ...llllliv I" .Hill. 1. Ml liuiiilii't' ,i g. iieimiMli. te ,n. iiu.. el hi. vmiihful 1 ...,1,111.1. .mil 'I ' ' '''' '"" Aiiiiii.au 1.. in; anil 1 tine. ,,v,i I,, 11 and m vm,,,.,. n.iiieiuil . Ii.ntii mm i.ii, . units ,,f ih,. i.mhi nil he Ii de am N,M "id, 1. pei,i.,.,,t ,,, ,, )M1jT llllllj 111 II II pel e I 1 lle'i leslel llll., III! iiit lis In t I p.l I ill Jf't, Rus.lii if the oiieti j 11 it x iv. 1 in. I "I'uI.iiieii thai I. i. a. I ml men 'an. bin te 1111 te be i..l bmii.i alimii 11 erigni I ha h arneil ninth 1 1 i.i t. ihe Inline leek, u rv il'iil, I 11111 ,11 1 ., nl k"w '"k 1- l.. 1.0 111. mis Amenci, tin old d.ii. vull mi. 1 imie lin. k .iltli'.iub most nil 1 'ti 1 s. I ,u , ,jf ........ 1 . ., ,. , . . . seem te t Ii 1 ti 1 f Ii 11 r II is ""ami i-iih is mis ,i,,iiKl. 1 ..i,.. .. nlll ,,, ,,,..' ..,. .1..... 11, ,isi, -,,H lelphia I have alietd.i l en 111 te s'me hi. in, nriage thr.e 10,11. a 20. Tl iioiii.ineiis, tm, niiew . me alwnvs an 1 1., ,,,. ,,' ,, r . 1 . 1 ' , ill te ,!,: 1 ,,.,, tilt... ..,,, 1 age. ,. ' '," '," '' "f """ H'ldMiR illLjll ...int., i Inn th, 1, . .. .,.!,.. I " '..,'" '"' , ' ' '."7 . f',"-, ' " '"'d ilagi Nothing we,,, . h,i cv.n new ' " , '"' A ",,,".,,1 ,l"i,.1 w ' '" II. ...Id pa,'. of llie jew. Is of the '; , ",', ' ,'. ' ' '" ,' ", '""' ' 'm"1- ' "'Jl Fl.ll.les. Catbeinie II fm , l,e ,,!,, x ""' ' '" ' '".'"',"1 '"" ' ' "' .. A "'"' "'"U hv sun. . l.t-lllMiiM, ii-Miies anl In is In- rt 'K V, 1. ' M '" ,"ll;,'1l,l lug .0. Ihat. II. 1,,. see magnlluen, , ,, t V.L' . ,. 1 i'.'" .' "'"''i' F Piiiuinigs , s, i,. . tl. then. 1, ,,,,'',, ;,,', S,,U .'"U ,',"'Cr ling en the iimik . He .,,1. ,!,. .,, "'.' , i ,, 1, ,, ".V. "I"' " ,,. long 11 he em, I,,,,.. , .it...,. , ,l . ,. , . fv ,,.,.' 'V. ,",' 7 '" ,"" " 'x? .. let.le of wine I. .beubl wm.v. - " ' '' ' , ' ' , l,,,,1 '. ' 'J"".1.?0 V,m s,i , this ,,,,, 1 He is .., ", A T'e ,1 , ,V''l' ''r,1'',,,,'' -ni-ilv a l.illv ,,. ,m 1 ,,,,, Rens ) , , ' CWta, , r me 'ir ;.,::::;&',: te'r ;: rvtvi, lwA '; wile, iv lice 1 saw bun jus, Infeie 1 , ' J,., ,. ' . ' ,. ' l J "".,K,'I,1 of led for Au.e.iea. Fiin.e Rmminevsk, , , , Z, , re , , A f,. Ul "T" .me XVa1,e,r,a,,;!l"" "'"" '""! ",M' "J- ":: ' '" ' ."' ? ,1 ! S e " ?Z tui.'s taken together one evening at his ,,,.., ,,,,.i,,i ,,,,,1 ,.,,,., ,, "l spat win, inn. n.s. 1, f,e 1 i..ft I-..,,',.. ,',",;,;; '",,,;;;, """ " n" i,' ' but it ilhln'i aiuiiuui le iniiei, eiip ,. .,,. ... .... ,t, ,, , ,, "f t Leu. would ...1 iv' believe Him I ., 'j1 , , . ' '',P. , 'i' ''' f was .enung ,., A.ueiba unl.l I was en ,', ' ' lhlt ' t J rfi ,U 'm mllu'lni fieiird .he sei.msh.p ' 1111.I NMiiBiinirnllH,inlihpOi?iuik, In l'nris the Countess ninekeii said. nui pnrdciihirlv nnxle u 1,. iL 1 .1 she Im.l enceuuterrd her old-time Stinirl .r -.Uur "una eiil ijf fl." i:"ik! rlend ,. CeuntesK Ulga Yutievlteh, , K. wa. wl.M i one etThe" wJK4 formerly Udy-in-wal Ing te the nrlna.' wonders of tl.eSerld, I hZ fJ2J Mme. Iurlevlteh7h. M.ecerdcd In e?- milP, nb,ut it itpl Its inarvcfie.' w caplnjc from Ruwln with her children line phenement' ,'jm. M 3P1 I I' ;f,i I I; m ; Si m 1 , , vV 'r$f.Jn j.X,f , . rr v.;f