t 'j, .-tWW-wM-f- "(' ,- r 4 EVENING1 PUBEIO IEDGEE PHIEA.DEEPHIAV FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER' 22, 1922 TiWt''WK WW m- 1, . , 13' ii'1 l: ' l-s', 1 " ,. I b, m i . VTV liv vm ffl BRYSON S INSAN Cuticura Seap The Velvet Touch Fer the Skin te.Oflltmnt,T1eam,2S etrywi.r.rerMnDt rMi CiUein Ukm iM.Dtpt.X, KCtet, Mm. E. SPECIALISTS AVER Gradually Drifted in Mind Till He Became Secial Dorelict, Witness Says Divorced Actress SUFFERED TWO SEIZURES i . i - Office Bank amnsl Saes Manilla Second Sheets Per ream, (J5C LratLetJdTr, .rf mwezti J29 Market street 1 Y- 4 ''''m & Special! 1'cy M New CORONA TYPEWRITER HillKHfr (1 M IVr ,Yf.,'t nr IIF.At.KK IN VI ' Ml' Z. STANDARD TYPEWRITERS from $ j5'00 "P GuaranUiA one veer LIBERTY TYPEWRITER CO. A. 0. MfOlntJ.erjr V. J.. PrlcklM 10JD Chentnnt t I'MUi. Thenr nil'rrt .MM CorenA. Tht Pcnerul Wilting tdachineg riie de- mre Qiirlwme V 0 i ( i 1" Quality Fixture! at au- : " ." - " ' - 'i nen ' "i " "if i J' i Br '1 t- i ' ', , , of ' ."'- , . s .t-r- - ! n.M?'j-A -,-, - v , , . m. i h'jp i n ; i-'e i ' - ' ' v .n M' ii j :, :rt- e .. . s- - tvT.in Sromimd&Serifi" 'iSTT CERMANTCTft-NArE. PHONE-COLUMBIA 101. Open !. "til !0. i;.t. 1.199 Paymtntt C envenirntly Aiiaed ?S5iS5aaS5,v .0. .- :n&mn'SStXiSW8K: Selected Eggs dez 42c Twelre Reed eaes in every der.. U -' arasBafEGGSI carton of twelve The pick of the nests. In all our Stere. SB! FrftiJ Mscnteh la Vicntne PuWte t.tdcr llnnfliiRileii. Pa.. Sept '.'". -Dr. .Jehn M. I.add. of Washington. ippiMjilt in mental iiinl nervous disease, nnd Mar witness for the d"fei.e. took the stand this morning and described the erpanie briifn dlseafe with whleh Dr. Herbert llrvseti is said te be nfllleted. Ills testimony was that the former Wniditnsteti physician and war here was mentally diseased before the war and that his defective mind, unduly strained bv the terrific pressure of ex periences In tivp name, rniini' n pletelv, kavine Dr. Hrysen tiepelesMy derell.'t. who wroshtped at the .-lirines of Venus and Hacclius. II.' was an effective witness in -.. . ,. i.i,.li the nfternevs for the fen-, ar" constructing te cave Dr. Hry n.n fpin the electric chair in expiation ,,f ti,. viavin; of Mrs. Helen Irene Ham.'- wife of a Washington chauf feur with whom he (led from the na na llenal .apital te the remote MllaRe of --.'. tills county. Ih" MioetniK (.f Mr. Haines took place at Cassullo en the evening of April S lr T add. wb." l! a consultant of the Tutted Stat.'s I'uMi" Health Service ,nl ts cenncted with two univertti..s nt Wnshitnteti. took the stand shortly nft-r tie fourth dav of the sensational trril opened vc'terdnv. "1 have examined Dr. Hryen en two ,,cca-:..is." Dr I.add fstltb-d. 'and as n result i aui convinced I'e is suffering fr.'in organic brain dlsea. Fennerly 1'nder Treatment ' Dr. Hrvsen wa.s treated for this condition several v.-ar-- as "Ills disease pre was insidious in Us onset The t'n-st s.vmptnm mani fested was a mental weakne-s. "This vias demonstrated bv testi testi nenv at tills trial showing his com- .re tallUre te nui) tin 1 iir -tiMir,r.st 1,1 ,.,r..ee,i it tit's. ill- defective judgment was shewn ....:.... l . ,... en l. inier'.us ."..13100.-. ic ,,i'-, tm- ra'i "t wnicii '"iwi'.i" 'i "is i.neir" I" Making tne im nr uiiii:iii.-is, ins iibsiir.l tnntf.ent. wbieh at time- even eTise.l him te be dls,'harge, by the fanii',:-s of !:'. patients. "Along with this gradial In. pair nieiit of .ludgment was noted tljp char acter criinges. Having been .111 up right c'.n.en who aeq-itred two i,,. cr'es, a man neat In liis personal at- lire. metlcu'.euSi ill Ills speecli. l.e b- canie iiini.orte, at times griiidi.- In Its mnnr.er and everestimii'f I Ills ubil- -'.e. . vetl te slieh ail etent ",'lf it .-us n need by his fellow 1 ractitleners iv Wiishlni-en, where ni one mci--'.en I' wis brought out that he -tag"d n "mill'arv operation.' "It was also noted that he changed frtvn a n-nt and tidy individual te one who paid no attention te bis p renal hale's an'! became a sod il tei"lict. "His momerv defect- were emphasiz ed by his fat tire te keep .ippn:ntm"UK. a fu'lliire te remember veral i-amps nt which he was sta'iened ami at 'line., a complete failure te rr-c 'gnize his n.est intmnt friends. "It was as clearly sbev.n bv testi testi meiiv that nmultanee'isly wlh !ii men t'i'. deterirntien there v as a'.se a com cem pi"t" moral deg'wraey. Whrr" fenaTly lw wa a law--abiding c.-aiMi be began a 1 areer dur ii g . nidi b." worship -1 nt t'.e lirins e'- V.n'i- an 1 Hae h'i. the frrmer im ! -iNi being -e great that l.e ,r.l'e him- c -.If nunv from home tie-, m'lma'c U fri'Mil-. forsook 11 lucra-ive practice and U wi-fi.tj M- s-ibsfnne tin' lie had sa-'l , ,! ii 01. en 1 ldlvidual wl.e we- re eg. K ' Mred a- 1 eing rebiw hi- -er-;ai '.itu- Dr I.n.ll eiiipliasiz"'l tint tlc 'l!J- j .1 wi'.i which Dr II.--0 i- -utTe-- I z i.i , liretilc and pregn-s-h " - its j na"ir" H brought out 11, .n iir the'. cif t.me the i!i.sca-e iia'i i-.-i'ie s.icn i-e.j that two -figures had t.iken , i-. md as a result of 'lie bram . t. -Tiictii'ti Dr r.rs.,n has at the pn 1 nt time a aemi-paraly-i- nf the right , -'!" . f liis ldv. vvMi u facial paraiy-is , ..I: ti't' iippeiie side. "A preponderance of evidence," said r'.e n t-ntal specialist, "has shown that, Dr Itriseii't. great breal: occurred ever- ,(.n. It wiii ihcvn that he could net -and the sties of battle and broke cempletrlv l.ke tl,.. decayed limb . f .1 tree." D" I.add took p'lns te make it ,!i-ar te the ''"irt that Dr. Hryse'i. - 1 I. vr 11 r''i!i"tlenir.g one, or a in-'i'M war neuresl.-. Mriii ,v' ' S-.Vv 1 r 11 1 in rn ffiTiiMWiii OLD MURDERJALE REVIVED Petttvllle Crime, Due te Women's Wiles, Recalled In Plea for Parden I'elfMllle, Ta., Sept. 22.Tlic iillur Inif nmlle.s of tw beautiful Italian women, which Inl te the murder nf one limn and tame nvar sending three men te the electric chair, are recalled by the action of Hip Heard of 1'nrdens yester day, which continued the application of Antonie Trie, of thin county, for pat pat den. 1'rle, with two companions, was convicted of the killing of Jeseph Vnlre in 1010. The three men were followed for 1(100 liitleH. hut were filially located by Htnte. Pellcemciv Harvey Smith and I.eiiIm Hueie. It was the bright smiles and winning ways 01 .Mary .Minecl and Hese llnldln HUGHES DUE TOMORROW Battleship Keeps Up Geed Speed Despite Big Storm WaahliiKten, Sept. 22.(By A. V.) The battleship Maryland, en which Secretary Htifjbes and membcru of tlie llraxitlnn Centennial Commission arc returning from Itle dn Janeiro, pasmed liermuda at 10 o'clock lnt nlglit ami was then maintaining n specif which wan expected te bring, nor into New Yerk Saturday morning, said a wire . less dispatch from the battleship early ' today te the Navy Department. Notwithstanding high wind and heavy penH encountered after daybreak Thurs day, thn waves occaitlennlly breaking ever the battlenhip'H forecastle and quarterdeck, the mefjiage Mild, ehe dipped off 140 knots during the twenty- four hours ending inurMiay neon which led te the murder, and after the 1 maintaining a speed which was ex women testified against Krie ami his pcetrd te break all records for the dis associates, they were taken te a place of ' tance. Fer the total of 11000 knots residence which has ever since remained steamed up te that time the battleship secret, se that they will net be the ' was said te have averaged 18. -IS knots victims of lihick-Hand vengeance. ' per hour. India Ceylon, if you prefer it KsM&eX-X I'LOKKNCE DAKLINCJ Member nf "Passing Sliew" com pany. Married nt fifteen, a mother at sixteen, who ha.s Just obtained a divorce from J. Wesley lU-sem-qtiest T Jea-totally Different O jj) lj a n 8 J5 v V, '-e pr-" V. iANN & DlLKS UOZ CHESTNUT STREET LADIES' DEPARTMENT N EV things Wear. vmm ! If l! ! wi'i for the Street. Travel, Club, Scheel and College DIXVILLE DRESSES Piqunteen and Peiret Twill one-piece dresses for college, school, club nnd all outdoor wear, alto the new Pebble-knit and Velour-knit fabrics. ENGLISH TOP COATS Smart exclusive models in a wide range of mix tures, everplnid and plcid-back woolens and fleecej suitable for the street, travel, school or college wear. HUDDERSFIELD FABRICS Plain-T.tilered Enplish Tweed Suits for Ladies nnd Misses in the new colorings and mixtures. HOSIERY Seme splendid Weel Spert clocked has just been received. Hese plain or "GRIP-KNIT" KNICKERS Knickers with a "Grip-Knit" Cuff that fits with out buttons or buckles. A variety of fabrics plain colors and checks moderately priced. CUSTOM-MADE WAISTS FIT GUARANTEED FABRICS OF THE BEST Mann & Dslks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET OFF UrV - 1 IT Ii Actually Present Prices $65 Suits Te measure worth up $95 R 1 Sal. emeva T1V tire vlrnriig xteck be fore meviiir iiitn our vrw, larger quart em nt 11JS Walnut St. The styles this season nre entranciriKly different nnd Victer individuality is assured n.s well as finuat quality materiala. THOUSANDS ATTEND FAIR ; Governer Edwards Compliments! Brldgeten en Its Scope I l5ridgeten. N. !.. Sfp'- '-'- - l'V!-j '.'lans,' I.'i'. il.e set en 1 'lav ? '' liarden Sta'i' Fair then 11 1 d ' tl'ltllissi"!!' I ievcriKT IMlVll'i', S""l- a'er ituir.en nml u scire of "'t ' i'.' nndceuniv ,,ffi, mis were preM v i',.. erner Ivlwa'-ds spoke bricllv ' a ! :.'" .1 1 l, , ,1 1v 1 ..nmllliicrit,."! I'.rt'lL"- . i-'..-i nil-, i.in...j , -- -- teii en iht- scene of the fa'r. re 'vl r thi- tirst tinje in twen'y yr.ir-. s . i . f , It'inv-n also told iw pa' 1 grvcl; . mil- 'hit the fair had '.-trpl"d all. t 'i. ci.iti.iiis. Tli" Sfna'.'r w- ! C'i,.t of the Ilri'lg'.'en l"tarv Cub at luni-heiiii and priueil tie 1 bib f' r its ret i.rd ( twi'iit ' "lis." :." v p-T . ,.,'t attend. met s nt mecMig, Senafi-r llunjen is n iin-'abcr of the I'liiinli.ld K-ttar. I'lub 1 he ( ,h.imh.T ,,t 1 'etiinierce "Made in I!n.g run" -I ibi'. sliewii'g sample prudi'.cts ,,f many lil'iliuf.n till lllg illlllt, H oil. mi s "f ni" t 1 1 r lertninrnnnnm innrnnnnennnnnirnnrnrfmirnBiniiii irrTnnnnniirrTtiniinmnnTnnnnnrrT Hew's this for value? Sunbrite Cleanser 7 cans for 25c There nre thirty-four ether bargains In our big 25c Sale going en in all our Stores this week. Step in ene of our Stores today and leek around. inraM ""v" i inirMttttr mP- mmmmxNmgyiJm-JSiimmim rirs iiiPft: tm iumm BS ' ! ! 'i. Mall's Player Pianos A splendid selection of slightly used Instruments. Real bargains every one. Fully guaranteed In every way. Each one put in first-class condition by our experts. Frem $ Menth m "sw DOWN lfe and Y I I I Including Bench, C Upwd X V Rell., Scarf and Free Delivery Prices $195, $295, $335, $365, $395, $445 2626 Gcrmontewn tun Avenue I lnwa Oprn .VIen.. 1, i. Nat, KiBi. Myers F.Hall, mj,m)))m,mh,!!'iiM))mmimmmWW WMmmvmmm?rtv Arnti OrJan AMtellUmnmni Mall Order. Filled mill! TOinDmiinjiiiHiiiw Send for Fur Catalog y.ae Winter Prict 20.00 A Tarjetr of fall tarred ivunrwv Beans In ntch Opo. Ope. nam, Drewn Ceney, Bmtot Bmtet etts and White Centy. imifflQEj.EsmiiaiBrai3; I 1 2 1215 Chestnut Street. I 8 nis?s5 mnLre?A9 AnvAMfe ;iim:ii!l wm, 34-0 -nRHAm idU of tl." f" Coats '"$195 naccoen 10 Inches Leiil' Regular ?27.1 Vulue At - EATOR STYLES mOvvil Street COLLEGE TEACHER KILLED Three Students Alse Injured in Au I tomebile Collision I'lltMUlll, N. V., Sept. -"-' ' I'.V A I' i l'i-t,f. Mux Hever, t.f i 'if f i. 'i'm 1 nf t hirK-t.il r.i'li-gf. ii- i '" . .md Keiiin'ili I'l.irU. of i nd I'"fgi , K.irl 1 Kfl.-tn, f Tbei : aicl HciC" llarti- deti. t.f pr:igui-vill. K.. -t'l'leiits at j t lii'P', were illUlgHreitslj .,ii'i in nil j' automobile near ln-n- eurl.v tedav. I, The iicciiIhiiI Is uud te have lieen the , (Uitciue of an .itieiupt tu M"p ii liaiKiet et ilie freshman i l.iss. It i alleged ' that 1'i-i.f Hever ear was running 1 Without llglll.s illlil l "lll'led with lllellier ' cur. iil.su wiUieiii light, through a de I feet in the lighting - stem lAIRPLANEJJNE FILES RATES I Service Proposed Between San Francisce and Modeste Sin l'Vanclsce, Si'iit. '."J. -An Indl Indl catien that tint airplane h- a iisinem propei.it lun i emerging from tlje ex perimental stage wan given lif.r), n the. filing with the Statu Itailread Com Cem mission f the tariffs mid Mlieilules of the l'ucittc Ktiiti-a Kxprena for it pro pre pro jiesed ale wrvlce between Hun Fran Fran ciseo and Modeste, Calif. THIS llllin-MA'N cempt vvl'h thti Mrln J-'lln through Die nlr without iiitvii l'Ow. Ulnn II, Curlli, tella Clmrl W. IJuKe Kl.eut hU rtcent uic. nuM with Bllder. ned thl.wut.derul itery I' th Mainlne lUctlen at the Hunilty 1 J'vSMlaMM. V'M H. tilt.rw4ve S' 'IsSens ?p "WSeics or burSheei a a Guarantee that ThyAreRiht "1 Men I - About Fall We Are Showing This Season at . . And, they are worth talk ing about, tee! 25 dif ferent style effects- and one of the beHt things about them is the price which is se low that we hasten te assure you that Dalsimer stands be hind the quality. $Zat7 ?eet7' Was Known for Geed Shoes at a Fair Price Eyen 40 Years Age! Are Talking the Wonderful Line of Oxfords In I iMi jMI Teny Red or Black Calf Rut one of the 25 new styles at this popular price. Wc Invite Comparison It Will Help Prove Our $7.50 Shoes and Oxfords Arc Matchless! I rf. 9 -mmM I V-MA-' THE BIG SHOE STORE 1204-0608 Market Street Is Coming te a Cles ALE Offering Winter Price 70.00 A n nseertmf nt of Children's for louts In Nntnral Miinkrat, Wlilt Ceney, nnd Toupe Ceney, SWIIlllSillllillillBill'J AT HALF-PRICE mmmmmmmmmmmmmm i i mmBmim-mmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmjimmBmimmmmm. 9 The strictest merchandising rule in this establishment is the quick and immediate clearance of all odd and incomplete lets. In accordance with this progressive policy we have taken numerous items that have been sold down te a few of a kind and offer these tomorrow at Half Price. We offer you at Half Price net a rag-tag assortment of furs of doubtful pedigree net a haphazard collection of furs for sale purposes; but en the contrary, Furs from our own workrooms. Furs of the highest character at absolutely unmatchable prices. Item for item, tomorrow's values are the most remarkable offerings of the season. We urge you te shop early as the lets are limited. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in our Storage Vault until Required. Storage Free. Repairing and Remodeling done new at one-third below winter price Pay for work when delivered. Quantity Winter Price 4 Leepard Cat Coats, 40 inches long 100.00 7 Russian Peny Coats 1 10.00 7 French Seal Delmans 1 15.00 6 French Seal Coats 120.00 5 Russian Marmet Coats 130.00 6 Fitch-Trimmed French Seal Coats, 40 inches long 140.00 6 Natural Muskrat Coats, made of very fine dark skins. . 155.00 4 Seal-Trimmed Leepard Cat Coats, 40 inches long 160.00 5 Natural Raccoon-Trimmed Marmet Coats 170.00 7 Skunk-Trimmed French Seal Coats 195.00 3 Civet Cat Coats 245.00 4 Black Caracul Coats, 40 inches long 250.00 3 Caracul Capes, full length 290.00 2 Scotch Moleskin Coats 335!eO 4 Natural Raccoon Coats, 40 inches long 350.00 3 Scotch Moleskin Capes and Wraps, full length 350.00 3 Caracul Capes, Squirrel trimmed, full length 385.00 4 Hudsen Seal Capes, full length 38500 3 Hudsen Seal Coats, self-trimmed '.'.'.'.'. 385.00 5 Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats, 40 inches long . . 490.00 3 Beaver-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats 49o!eO 4 Squirrel-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats .'.' .'.'." .' 49500 4 Natural Squirrel Coats ' '.'. '.".'. '. 595 00 2 Alaska Seal Coats and Wraps, full length . . . . '. . . '. . '. ". '. 69o!eO 3 Persian Lamb Coats, 40 inches long. Skunk-trimmed. 68s!eO 2 Natural Squirrel Capes, full length 795 00 2 Broadtail Wraps, full length .......... ', 990 00 x xiiiuuc Vayc, i.uj.1 icugui qgg qq 2 Natural Mink Coats. t 1400.00 Sale Price 49.50 54.50 58.50 59.50 64.50 69.50 77.50 79.50 84.50 96.50 122.50 124.50 144.00 167.50 172.50 174.50 192.50 192.50 192.50 244.00 244.00 247.00 292.50 342.50 342.50 394.00 495.00 495.00 695.00 Chokers, Scarfs and Steles at Half Price Winter Price 4 Squirrel Chokers 11.50 5 Kelinsky Chokers 14.50 4 Natural Mink Chokers.. 19.00 4 Brown Wolf Chokers. . . 25.00 6 Taupe Wolf Chokers... 28.50 4 Brown Fex Chokers.... 28.50 4 French Seal Steles 38.50 3 Twe-Skin Mink Chokers. 40.00 5 Stene Marten Chokers.. 50.00 i4a StaJ ii Viti Muikr.l. 'tjn.m::i Sale Price 6.75 7.25 9.50 12.50 14.25 14.25 19.00 19.00 24.25 Winter Sale Price Price 3 Baum Marten Chokers.. 60.00 28.75 2 Platinum Red Fex Chokers 65.00 32.50 3 Black Fex Scarfs 70.00 34.50 3 Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers 90.00 44.50 3 Hudsen Seal Stoics.... 95.00 47.50 2 Scotch Moleskin Stoics . . 1 30.00 63.00 2 Jap Mink Steles 135.00 67.50 3 Squirrel Steles 1 35.00 67.50 2 Natural Mink Steles. . . .285.00 142.50 French Seal ii Vjti Cl Eitr. Ur Slu Cu.t, d yUfi Vp te M Bu, Charce Piinrl..... nm.j . T ,. ne,mb,r rjm vaiunAwpaiBW A i - ' ' .'t'ti !li-': I