'Wy " 'f'jP4 ' "7"7 sy 5 OTr" ' r wm:' ' - mt p.Fi?ft'F ! v. 4jj ' ttu MmIP THRU I Marked drug raid pjnMi m- s &' '' s ' ' JMBBHBSLBBflBBBBRBBBiL' jM&i'sAmf m JfBBHHB9BBBHHW BvXiBvATBBBiHHiiri t w3ff BlBwJi wp BBwBB BVBwlBm'A'l' rBvVBvBVBHBaBvflBvfl BSSSbSbVVv MBvf BWaW vaVBBVVBvBwABVQBVAVAVAVMBBBrB BBbIBBb W&JfBI-C'T 4 BBH JbbVBBBBBBBBBBBH vXtXybVEbV CTfcfci. b 5. j - aBEKHLAaYBTATATATATAYAl Hf M BiiJ bbbbLHbIbbbbbB BTM-VlaT fffS vBtfHI PsBbHIIBBBBBBBBBBBBB Vt Hbv ffiZ&vfi&iklSJM' wwbVbbHbbbbbbbHbbbvVbbTbb HP BDvM At jP? TgrWW&tftg r ,BWBBFIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmmBBBBBm BbK 'Bb m! Jw J w& aBiBBBTBBBTBlBBuBTBBBBBBBCSSPBBTBBBTfl BBWBWBWBV I v iii inT'T hi" M mi i Wt'Wt BBBBBBjBBB W r yr f "'W" v'l4iH((ttMj(IMiiittiMh:w,- fW ' TWJ 1 ', jjs ,, ' ' Narcotic Agent Durham Tells of Exciting Chase Over Reefs and Gun Battle 'wins PRAISE FOR ARRESTS TJic crnck of Riini nnd n hert. hrM: Mrsuit ever the reefs In the vicinity .(Frent nnd Vine utrcctH worn net the toast thrllllns clctnlls In the mid innrte Mstenlny nftrrtienn by Federal nnr nnr eetlc ngents, which resulted In the iir- rt of fm,r men nml ,,lp Kr',ire e( cocaine v.ilucil nt $75,000. "H. S. Dttrlinm, uprelnl nnrretle nRcnt, i j,((n pemmended for hla scrvlcps Mch lcM te one of thp most Import Impert ,'. ra,s tliicc thp bcKlnnliiK of .IikIru Uenaglmn'H ilniR ieivPHtlRntlen. 'It took u-eliN of Ini-d work te rriind sp thnt crew," Is Purliiun'H medest WThc men nrrrsted nrc .Tepph Antnhtv .nil Teny Mnrvevln. nllas "Zippj." of Vw Yerk; Antonie Iehrii, nllnrt 'siave." wlie'p burlier slir.p mih Hip cfiie of tlip rnldl nnd (Jrnrde ArlslPtlp. "Invc-tlgntlen of IJebrn nnd IiIn bar ber f hop bcfnli ii Ions hIiHp iire." mi Id Durhnin today. He Is n miiiiII limn fflthdark Mn. Up Is jeiiiir. "I Ret Inte the habit of reIiir te thp chop for I tliavp. and I always inaiinged co lt In lebiaH (hair. Cot Cliiimmy With Itarhcr "And one day lie asked imp uiierp I mi from. I told him Atlantic City. I Mid I "ns " lnr8c ('r"S dealer, but hat business was tee tight In Phila delphia since JtidRe MemiRhnn Ret en the job. and thnt I vn.s ihisIiir mound for some place te Ret a Mipply. "He leplied te that that Mimi'limes he knew sailors who hnd thp stuff and wrc willing te stdl. Said he'd be fe'lad te let me knew if he lan into any. "Fer n whllp therp wns nethliiR further mentioned about drugs. One day, lat week, he told me tli.it lip had found a fellow who might help me. But that this man would only de buM bms en a large scale. Ne ounce biibi nejn would suit hltn. en'y ki'es. "He told me that the man wns from JW Yerk, and u day later lie had word that he could put his bunds en five kilos of reealup, If I had the pricp te pay for It And finally he riivp me the name of the New Yeik man. It was Jeseph Anlu.in. Alter spipp.iI t!. tivinns it wns nrrnnged that I would buv two kilos for S"0l)() money dewn: that Antulov would send the rctt te my pl.'wp In Atlantic City. Alto gether the helling price of lic kilos would amount te $"i,IOO, thmigli I wet te pa liiiuh less for the dope my Klf. "On Sejitp-nber 1!1 the harher nnd I telejtrnpliH Antulov te biing his htuff te 1'hil.ide'pliin, nnd yesterday nt the barber shop I met the New Yeik man for the first time. It wns iilmut 1 o'clock In the afternoon, lie wiu nu Austrian, a man about forty yenis old, ud ury well dres'-ed. S.iys He Was Tlirratpnei "He bad witli him his friend. Zippy, nnd the barber took us up te a third fleer rear room of the house. Ills ib irftant came with us. The blinds were down and the (butters of the loom cleffd, and the gas was lighted. "The fue of us mt around i tr.ble, im! Anteluv loekid me evei. "'If jnu'ie doiible-cresiiig me.' lie warned, "remember, you won't l-ne this iilace nine!" I nssureil lilm ilmt I .is ii safe bet, .mil asked him In let Be see bis gneiN. lie siiid he lindn't them with him, but that if I euld show him iiiunii he'd lie Imck In an l.cuir with two Kl'e-, as in-ranged "The liirgaiu :i, v'alid mid .he men left the hop. In the niPMiiiliiie J urliii:ii arrangeil in have Agents Itieuu, Kclmutt and l)als, with Itetecthes Cunnimjliaiu ami Hill uiieiiud the I bee. "At '' eVlnck we all went up te the third fleer leur again. " 'Shim me tile meiiev.' invited An An tulev, nnd I pealed (iff S.'iOOO in twen ties and fifties, nnd Antulov bunded mer Ike driixR. The pacKaRis were still in their eilgirnl w incurs, and iiiaihed ArinMad, tlermnny. "I'p until that moment I wns net neneil". lint then I begun te be, be eaiM' the iigeuts and I had planned a "Siial wIiHi weuh, luing them in tlie moment the eseliangp was made. "We were ui )n the thiid lloer rear ml the slnitter.s weie down, and I couldn't make anv sort of pa.ss wlliieut arousing Mpi, inns. I'niall I went down m.iIis. after saying g 1-1 te th" rest .lust as mmiii as I gut u" the Mrber shop, I srfM.,,.,i thieugli the nindew ,ind the agents came iiishlng ID. I'srd Shctrs as Weapon "A,,tt i 1. 1.. .... ,..,., ,iU,i is imiiipii ceiiuint dp- ".'u iiii-ir ews, lour ineiiK in Ms I, mii, l EVENING PUBLIC ODEDGER-HrCADEIPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1922 a w& GOING BACK Ttf JAIL Detectlxe hills I'arlirr, liniidrtillcd te Charles M. 1'ewcll, Is Icaillnj; tlin former cirrus empleye out of the Mount Helly courthouse en his way back te his cell alter tbe (Jrand Jury had returned a trim hill against I'eufll. It was for his part In the murder of "Honest Jehn" Itrunen THREE ARE INDICTED IN BRUNEN MURDER MAN FALLS ASLEEP WITH CIGARETTE IN HIS MOUTH Widow, Her Brether and Powell, Still Face First-Degree Charges Haul Indictments for first degree murder were returned last night by the Htir Htir llngten County firnnd Jury against Mrs. Deris Iiiunen, her biether, Harry C. Mehr. and Charles M. I'ewell, for thp slaying of Jehn T. llrunen, the woman's liusband, March 10. nt ltlver ship, -N. J. The jury srit In Mount Helly. Mrs. Itrtinpn brekp down after learn ing of tlie indictment and was unable te appear at the he.iilug, hut Mehr and I'ewell pleaded net gliiltv te the chiiige, when arraigned before Siipr. nip Court Justice Kull-ch. Their tiial wns tet for October li.'t. Mis. Itrunen will be gien her hearing October 10. I'ewill. who c eifesse lirtnir the shot which killed Urunen, became the father of a liej 'llies(,i. I'lie chilli was jtn lu the ISurllugtiiu County Hospital. Sneezing When Policemen Him Frem Burning Mattress A boarder In the home of Mrs. Jacob flllck. .".02 Seuth Fourth sheet, went te sleep with a cigarette lu his mouth sherth after midnight this morning. The mattress caught fire. Twe policemen forced an entrance te the house nnd dragged him from the burning mattress, tinliijuicd nnd still sleeping. They had seen the llames through a window. Meantime, Harry Zlegenfuss, who conducts u lpstumuut at r ninth and I'iue stieets, saw- the lire and notified at Third and Du I.anccy JILTS HIS FIANCEE FOR SLURS ON U .S. Professer, Who Met Cirl France, H3 Change of Heart in SHE AWAITS DEPORTATION Mlln Dnlllnlrn when the Paris decked here. He went back te (Jreencnstlc nnd wrnte te the Travelers' Aid So ciety, whose ministrations had been proffered te expedite tlie wedding. This letter embodied flip profpsser's rensens for putting liable the girl. He said he had been nftteunded te hear her denounce America nnd Ameri can wnjs. She wn.8 bored by the mere Night of Npw Yerk, and Iip knew If nlie saw nothing In the American metropolis te admire, life In a mid -Western col lege town would be unbearable. Thp professor further wrote he was surprised that the girl's parent hnd packed her off te America with but little baggage, although they had only recently "married off a younger daugh ter with considerable pomp and daub." He took this te menu her pnrentH did net stnke very high pride and hope in her marriage te him. The girl linked te be allowed te re main en Kills Island until the Paris Her brother is an officer New Yerk, Sept. 22. "nccnuse tdie saw nothing In America "te admire; nagged me nbniif mv rnimtrv! eiew unrcastlp about Xmv Vnrlt unit turned I tnll.. ....(,. up Iipr nesp at pverytlilng In the 1 tilted, of th0 Kiencli liner ,i..un, i MH ceininccn inni u weuiu be worse than felly for us te be mar ried!" Such, in substance. wnH the excuse mndn by 1'ref. Dnrbln Itewlnnd for his sudden dKawwal of his romance with Mile. Mnrrelle Dalllalre, beautiful Irench girl, after the latter had arrived here te heroine his wife. Tints cast off by the college professor, her buoy nut hopes blasted, her dreams shattered, the pretty mademoiselle Is new en Kills island awaiting deporta tion. She scorned the proffer of an ap peal for admittance te the country. She said : "Ne. I have no desire new te enter the I'nltcd States. Depert tne. Let me go hack te France and try te forget." A member of the llenrd of Special IlKllllrv llsk'cd lier If (din could net nirn her support here, hinting thnt the cold "BOOTLEGGER KING" FREE 'Sam Slnger'3 Sentence Toe Severe, ; Federal Court Rules 1 Sam Singer, who wns sentenced te 1 eighteen months In Kspk County prison 'in New Jersey bv Judge Jeseph li. Ile. dine, of the United States District i Court of New Jersey, has been i pleased I from jail. S'lnger Is known as "King of the ISoetleggeis." Judge Victer II. Weeley. of the I I'nltcd Stafps Dlstrlpt Court of Ap peals, fitting here yesterday, ordered the release en the ground that Judge Itndliip invalidated a year of the prison 'term Imposed by the manner In which he passed sentence en the prisoner. It was the second lime n sentenc nrainst Singer by Judge Itodlne hnd SAYS MISS LAVOY WAS NT SUICIDE Prosecutor Opens Murder Case Against Kentucky Rail Shepman New Yerk, Sept 22. The com 1 and plllowS'iipen which Kdlth I.nvev. Free Free pert, Ij. I., school teacher, lav wdien shp was shot June 2.'!, were curried Inte court nnd entered ns evidence yesterday In the trial of William Creasy, Ken tucky railroad shepman, en trial for her murder before Judge Smith nt the County Court, Mlneeln. The position of her body showed she could net have committed suicide, said l'roecuter Kdwnrds in lii.s opening speech te the Jim . Kvn I.nwiy, tin first witness, told of coming from her home In Tupper Lake, N. Y.. te Identic the body of her sis- her, Mrs. Mildred Hlmscr Shelton, ntse n school teacher and becnni friend of Miss I.nvey, married since the crime, I said she was In hed that night, next te the sitting room where the pnlr were. She said Creasy was in n dangerous I mood and that she bad begged Miss l.a I toy net te go out with him, "I was awakened thnt night by a shot," she said. "Almest Immediately Creasy opened the deer. 'Mildred! Oh, my (ied, Mildred! Kdith hns shot her self !' he shouted, I sprain; nut of be and went te tlie room nnd saw Kdith en the sefn. TIip pistol was lying Just i above her left hip, close te the fingers of her left hand. The legs were drawn up and the bend turned slightly te the left. There wns n hole in her right temple. "Creasy wns sitting In a chair mean ing : "UH, I loved lier be. POLICE START DRIVE ON AUTO "HE VAMPS" Decide en Crusade After Attack en Telephone Operator A police crutndc against automobile "he vamps" has been, started as a result of an attack late Wednesday I sprang out of bed nldit by two men In an automobile en Miss Annn I'yle, seventeen yenrs old, 1717 Wjlle street, at Eighteenth street and the I'aikway. Miss Pylp wns v iltliiR for n trolley car when two men drove up In a tour teur Iiir car nnd invited her te take a ride. When tlie young wemnn refused, one of Mrs. Allllle Smith, owner of the tl. mm nltmnrited te force lirr Inte th benidinR house; Mlus (Irate C. Walsh ,.,.. m u ,.,i i... itila t-:..i nun -inn' . .-.I' .. " , -v..,. ..j .. iiuiuv of Millhroek, N. Y., and Miss Mnrjerle Dubie, school lincher friends of Kdith I.nvey, who were downstairs at the time of the sheeting, were called te testify hew the body was placed when they first saw It. Their stories made It ap pear uncertain wneiuer tlie weum could have been self-inflicted. nine from the Midicn-Chl llespit'il. Dlreder Cortclyeii and ."superin tendent Mills in their wnr en "auto; tamps" have Issued Instiuctleiis te po ll, te iui'(st al -igln .ill uutomehlllsts who attempt te flirt with young women Jen the streets. ra love of the college professor might again bpn reversed by the Court of Appeals warmed, anil they infglit some ilay.iieir. Singer served eight months of wnnt. according te Judge Weeley's decision, s'leuhl hate been only a term of six month-. be wnrmed, nnd they might some day yet realize tlie full fruition of their romance, which started in France while I'ref. Itewland was a soldier of the A. K. F. Te all such sitggpstlens of n recon ciliation, however, the comely made moiselle could enlyl reply with a sob, or n pathetic shrug of her shoulders. She stammered ainiil her tears : "Ah, if he had only faced me here and told mp these tilings If be hnd only been the brave man I believed him nnd frankly confessed a chance of heart mat be then I might have forgiven him. WJiy did be say te ethers what he has licrer said te me?" Mllp. Daillnlrp camp en the Paris about a fortnight nge te be mnrried te the teacher of languages and literatim' whom she had met at lteuvct Oisp. France, when he wns convalescing. Tin French girl showed te immigration of ef ticinis letters she said the piefpsMn had written her, and a (abb gram sp had sent, telling him she was "coming te stnv feriver in America." Prof. Rowland, it nppenrs, experi enced a change of heart after nueting Henry F. Miller In Hospital Henry F. Miller. Drexel Hill, a mem ber of th AsM'inblv from the Dela ware County dlstiict, underwent an operation nt the National Stomach Hos pital yesterday. The operation was per formed by Dr. M. P. Warineiith. Mr. Miller's condition Is set ions. the liicheuse stieets. get a pnlr of a fiml i nu in, . . l,.i ,r ""i ..-n.i, ,ii iiii iwirpi-u .,.,.l ,.i i ,i . ..iiiiiiiu m.iiineci uie (lope Mem fj aims and gas,, me a s eve which iu;'k(d lie off nit feet Th'Ml the two ottlieiiuu ., up stairs and i.i the i0f. llie bud KHii- am I followed mm nil' im n ' ii' i. . j', , ": ""'ii i rcieiieci i up nap "or te t. i f. r found Dehra looking 0M,lt , ,. .,, jf , ,," Z I t"' r,1","","-" ' Without a rJ. I pulled Hi,, trigger a ,, e of d "la and I go, te .be ,oef js, , irk,?. "":ll,All,"l""J"U'to.l.epthi Wrtjw of drugs down ,.,.i,iii. llmuiMi"" '", 1,l,,r' ""l ' -hoot!' I 1 1 hi!!"1 '"'"'VI'l""!- Then 1. was ", 'Js l'is a mud nd I'm,",'""''.', ":,"l '""T the wife both t '" "l "! n"'"''' "'"'S and excitun,,,, '" "'"""l "'"", '" lllL' McSPARRAN ASSAILS HNCHOT ORGANIZATION CAMDEN WOMAN MISSING Police Asked te Aid in Search for Mrs. Jennie Connelly Camden I ellce have been asked te search for Mrs. Jennie Connelly, twenty-eight jeais old. 2!HI.'t Pleasant ave nue, Camden, who dlsaiiiic.il ed fiem her home Tuesday . Knrlj Tuesday afternoon she left the beuse te go te a nearby grocery store, her husband, Ch.ules Connelly, told po lice till morning. She has lour chil dren. When lst seen she was wearing a blue co, it and brown diess. she Is ie. scribed as of (huh (oiuplexieu and hav ing lillel eyes. BOY'S INJURIES FATAL Frederick Schneider, Run Over byi Autetruck, Dies at Hospital Fiedeiicl; Sclun ider, tin years old, ."Ii2."i Stew ait stieet. died in tlie West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital this miiiiiing ft nut injuries lie mriwil ms teidnj nfternnen when an automobile Much inn eter bun at Flfly-setenth and Stewait stieets James McKa. ."il!27 Stewart street, drlter and owner of the Much, took the boy te the hospital and then siir- reildcied te the peller WILL DRAIN BIG TRACT ! I Caven Awards $153,000 Contract for the Fortieth Ward , A contract hns been awarded by , Dini'ter Caven te Jacksen i. Ce for Sl.VI.IKlO. for the construction of the nibstiuetilies and supeistiiKturi' of the I southwest sewciage puiuping .station, i That is the Initial step toward the drainage of tlie low Innds in the Fei I let h Wind, which has been a source ' of much trouble te the lesldeuts of that section. Veterans te Held Reunion Several bundled Philadelphia eterans of tlie World War, led bv I.leuti n.int Colonel II. HairUm Smith, will leave for Atlantic City tomorrow te paitlil pate in the third annual reunion of the .'tllith Infantry. The veteians will gather nt the Ambassador Hetel and continue In contention until Sunday. iti:.n i:inr.Ri) c-. i.eivry nitlterlaln en Inipurt mt teplrn of natlenul .'mpertiir.ir wrltlrii hv one with nn Intimate l.nei'Mtlm of nntieunl ncetli. uripcur re ulnrl en Iho IMIinrlal I'.irn of ttie I'cnuc I.cIi'ikk ".M.ike It a II iblt." Adv. I m HI WORRY mmi coal A SCOTT-NEWCOH1B Automatic Oil IJurner Installed In your 1'HI:m;xt III; t'l'KIt will give you O.in Cnl. ft rm He at, with Ut.il Kceimiiiy, Nn eal Ni Janitor Ne Ashes Kleclric lunitien Ne Dirt Ne Pilet Liht UUKNS I.OW-PUICKI) OH, QUIET OPERATION Machine Installed, $370 Listed National Beard of Fire Underwriter Sec demonstration. Open Evenings Till 10 P. M. Household Appliance Ce. 22 Se. 17th St. Spruce 835 1 w They are 4flh GOOD! 1J7 m tjifn, - 4f A. Time Chances Sunday zam. VThe Watch Expert of this Establishment will adjust wat'tJtcs without charJr Striking Clocks should be slopped for one hour- nel turned back Saturday- Cesmg cur ii neon We're proud of Philadel phia and we're glad thai we have done our email part in helping it grew. Putting up new buildings for clients is our specialty. "New lamps for old," wai Aladdin's cry. "New buildings for old," is our business motto. HEYMANN & BR0. Real Estate Hermann Building 213-215 S. Bread St., Phils., Pi. t ' , THERE'S an atmosphere about The Helmes Press printing that we will be glad te share with you. YSjSY first PennySavingsffdnkn RivsiRA "A J AUm 1J1VI ... en i i, r, - a si'-ri rMrrnierviTr t i -y.-.. Interest . jg Tun Helmes Press, Trinter, 1315-29 Cherry Street PhUadelphU at """eeratlc Candidate 'Sneaks i-air in Kittnnnlng , ,'riiiciMi, , err,.,,, m... ..... ,,.....,. llCail C'llwll.l . ,"""'.'"" OOI, IU' Mill- rn".i " ,'!: .f,"r '''""r, for Ids .'rui...sp",7 """'" ,""""' "!'' Jein ,,-v '" ""n c iicmi-ciI py (Jldae f,,,,1''""1"' ""uecitlc ,..,. iasM., ' .,,"'"i"r. at M'tcml met. The I, VL, ,"""'' ', "",'" ''"tciilay. t . he AM'tV-vi :,.--... d,e',w,, mere III. ii -,i "MHinniiiK. vtn-ic Mn-llilite II I" '''"lis Kl.cti.l ii,, en tin- 111,1' ',' '"'"''"' iMt.i .in ii.., . tt-iMri, v" ;:,'"' . '." " " I'ikIi,,, , iiiiiM- iiihirir im. H. (in ' T'"1' '"' """' 'I'"l'li " .. 7'.'!'' '.".."'" """"' ''"''I" ""'r. in ,',i ''"i , '"!"sl. of I-Mii-hi 111 ' uhl,,i; "'icstiens. itl,, ,'k ," '" Iilll Hifir 1...1.N uith- """ .t ,!::;ii,e.l,,,',,',-,i'i'i'i'''.lr ri'tlOH,,! I, ,""" "l" ""III H1 ""'I II I, "";"ss "I ' iiiuimUh ffn , '."'P'llllllK of cilii lh 0 that . I. ".l,,"l'l.'l(". Is Miniric,,, nioef 4t tii.iieri . ii "r" l1""l,ls,-'l "'"I icailt Vf 8 ill I, I, ',eV'"Sl' ''i'""""1 '"""'"I ""dlti, L ,",ml" I'l-'Mi'lM't. iii ti'iunh iifh,' .1',,,;:!,,'t. Ai M ihuiir i im wede nt 'f T1' ; wl'fre Im la - r b a bcres of cenfvrvnccs, lSeAiiiiy Bread Hf-Tlr-TH AVENUK Walnut m:w KlItK RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL 'JPVERY incoming staamcr brings ' te Giddinpr original models se lected at the late Paris openings. Kxact reproductions and clever adapta tions are each day being executed by (iidding tailors and dressmakers in their own workrooms and forwarded te our Philadelphia Heuse. FROCKS AND GOWNSCOSTUME TA I LLKURS--DAYTIME WRAPS MAN T K A U X T AILORED CLOTHES- FURS AND HATS. PMBiMDillilg I Why Buy JL Clothing ill 4 of ordinary type and character I ill J& when superior grades may be 1 . had at moderate figures? Illll fil ( ) eec's hric Quality, Reed's 11 Illll ys r n D'stinctve Medels and Reed's I Illll !ZaR standard et I adoring produce J I Illll CMl clethim? that is nn n murk 6 1! rri 1 Mm higher plane than that of usual fi I ypr 8 'StZJ ( garments. It is priced at $30 S 1 I H fclj ancl upward for either Suits or I BH 1 P Coats, with especially at- I ifW tractive attractions at $40, $45 I 1 I and $50. Ill I JACOB REED'S SONS I 14-24-ll4'26 Chestnut Sireefe TO EVERY MAN t about te buy a Fall or Winter Suit, Light weight Overcoat or Winter Over coat ! Be fair te yourself and leek around before you decide. Visit ether geed stores, make comparisons and then see what the Perry Super-Value Policy means te you. It offers the widest selection of the most beautiful fabrics and the finest tailoring, at the prices you want te pay. Our SUPER-VALUE PRICES are ?28$33$38-a$43 Seme One Will Be Made With These New Wynnefield Happy Hemes i ill I iwSIH fi m 1 :llrfelwPBri ill R.LMflt!i s. mtw lmmmi3mumsmfc'Mmiu& lAdMMBlM l! MmMsWmMiifflLWuk viif . -r.iMtttei!W'z.""wiiwmtmvw'imv m Sft'8 . J fH. Z -.?.? :rrsj l i ' ' i.i..5flR' iOj V v,J-il.A Ivocnted nt Wynnefield and Hryn Mnwr avenues, only two block from Fnirmeunt Pk Fivn minutes from three elf courses. Fifteen minutes by auto from Hread nnd Chcetnut- nni i hm" nnneyiiiR nde threURh tlie city streets, but n beautiful ride out tlie Parkway and th'rnii.li F-iir mount Park; 11 minute by train te Wynnefield Station, commutation faw n m, -", Sfer Z&1!Zl!iTUa" nn1 ChCSt,,Ut, iU' "m'- ,Wn for yUr ,nh,,ect,0 0f Phoneuuee JlHiniEie McCMftcIhiy BmlderofHemcs 848 LANp TITLE 15UILD1NG Phene Spruce 87:J0 3-button Suits 4-button Suits Deuble-breasted Suits Sports Suits Plain-back Overcoats Kimene Sleeve Overcoats Evening Clethes Silk Evening Vests Tuxedos Junier Suits Junier Overcoats Chauffeurs' Suits Novelties in Suits and Overcoats from Londen made especially for us. While we specialize en clothes of fine quality at our Super-Value Prices of $28, $33, $38 and $43, we have a wonderful assortment of suits for Men and Yeung Men at $20. $23 and $25, and Overcoats as low as $23. Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men IMIIIIIialilJIffllllHilMiUIK'Hl'i'iL'ilHIl llliraiTH.il "Vlllli; !l!lil!!!l I'M lu -' u wij 1,1' li'lli i 'iUlJUIUii IJJilULP'IITII Only 2 left of the 7 single houses being built by iewer Merien Realty Company. Nearly com pleted. Unusually well planned, attractively finished and thoroughly modern throughout. 8 minutes' walk from railroad station at New field Way and Conshohocken State Read. Best section of Cynwyd. Price, $15,000 and $15,500, respectively. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. BUILDKKS AND OWNERS LAND TITLE BLDG. iiiimnBciiiiiiiiiiiM w 1 r a. -.( m 1 " ia t l 'ni LMWtiuunuMHiitMniPKU'O'iwnwnuiiiwnwjijiMiiii.mEHmMiBiiiiririitnillWiilgBTIllBfl - . ,K ). I 1