O ' , 1 Ktft in V- jTrrrrTTT i I RUMSEY IS KILLED; F Sen-in-Law of Late E. H. Har- riman Leses Life in Leng Island Aute Crash TIRE BLOWOUT WRECKS CAR Tlie death of Char'es farv Uumsey, Interna I iennlh Known pole pla.ier, who was killed la te nsterday iiftprnenn In nn automobile accident near Floral Park. L. I., 1ms caused th" Alcadow Alcadew Alcadow breok pole team te wlthdrnw from the International pole tournament nt t If , Philadelphia font' try Club, Knln That action gtvps tlir cup te I .ist rntl, tliP tiih,-A'cnrl-ne four, In In. fnult. 'Pie final miMeh of llie tort tin ment n te have been plajcd her.1 te- morew lietween V e inn team i In pliifv of th,. scheduled "iimn, l"nst. ret' v 111 ji'ni the .Wi -.line team tlie game ( 'glim ng nf I 1' M. , Mr. It'.nix'j p)mil nt Itnln en Mon day in tip sein.;lnnl otiripfitlen against T'n trt-'t ., ,i member ,, thp ' Orange Ceinf four '"ist-nt a- p. torleus. nit;, 2 UvnU ;.i 11. Hining the game Mr Humsev win thrown en r hl lier'c"- hf.-i 1 ". hen tl" nntin.il rii--i- , b'pfl. lie n bnd'i -liakpti up. 1 if re-piiiere dip .-mnp nftpr ii short rest. Sen-lii-I.nw of I-:. i. Harrtmen Kumcev, who was fnrti-iwe -ears old and a sculptor of netp. was a sen-ln-biu ri 'he tn'e r II Hnrrl man lie ltvr. nf '.Wstbuij, N V Tim pole -t vi'! 1 r itiK Hnre and thn Inrt "r' tianeep. M'.-i .reinnette Itanisen, ii en me at :e tlie Hum soy hene in Mr Hare's nu'nmoMle. Mr Harp was nt tlie whop! Then Is a stone b.-ldg" ever .'orien ttirtipll.p where thp h.ghuni Is consider censider nblv narrow, r. nwip-; t" flip encroach input of the pl!I'i! As the Hare meter nppro'iehod the bridge th' sedan of fe:n'r Cnngre.sn nn and Mrs. I.afhreti Krnun. nf St .Time". I. I.. driven lv. Hdward Mulenhv. and I-. which Mi. and Mrs Ilrewn were riding, wu e!i-s-rved just nheu !. runrlng in the am' dlrpi lien M". Il.ire stepped en th" npeplprater of his in iter in an ."tempt te pass thp edan h it about te go tindpr thp briils nf bis out As he . ,1 the rrnr avlp ca' Hi ll ar-ieil and a ti-e blew Ina 1 i'i" s.ip.wneil the Ilrewf c.ir a 'i nreuri! Han bi lln ippm 'ir sitfl"z ii th I was su'in? completely clung tn tin- wheel, but Mr. I!i.iip. who werp I rear ", were thrown i te the p ivpniPit llunisiy's SUuU' Mr .I'lmsp -'ripk ttiring 'h.i ba-p i.f I Itar sin 'i be- r 1 t - "nicturp.l III !.P". 1. I i nc- I skull. Miss 'ou dcr. but was POLO GAME OF net scri"'is bur' Mi- I!. it t' ,.'i.itie fi.- Hr. .lesppb Musii'ii". e.' !"'! il I 'irk. bu Mr, Hum spy I'.'il it M ri lil'ti en li.jniltes aft'T the ; ci.e it Mrs. lu:rp. n' "he 'Imp of the Rcrjilpnf, v.l.l, 'i cined In" li'ishnnd's death, wr- n't"1 Mi-g th, w.-ddin recep tion f -! Kui "rr, in- M.n !' v .Hid KetiPth l")'I?rlfn at Iln-ber Hill a- empanled by hrr tr.etler, Mr-. P. Henry Hnrnmati, and Mr nd Mr-. Jeseph I) W'llpner. Mr Un:r.-pj fei mt1;. a-d :n Ilnf- ' fa'e He. in i Mi-- Mai Harnm.ii:. who wes tile i'.,r.t .1 u.'i.ter "f 'lc !.ii!iniler nd ni'p'i'.l vu.' "r. were marr'Bd in . t. J h'i - l".' ci. , Cliurch in rden, (m en Mm 'i'. l'.ilu He ban I id n.Trnw sea pes from fr'.vh .,ii tvi pr i "'is e -"islens When rl.i tig i ei" . the Iirictna Hunt lull in Jnn . l'tll. I was in colli celli turn itl Mab, i i .sfevenen an! was threw e frei'i Ii,. I",',! -nul Mei'ply Injured, an. m ! uher 101.". when rid. tig te th" h'cvl- i" Orange Cminty, Vt., be i ,et '-,!!, , -lini'ar ".cclji-nt In '1 at n ! n n'- ,, inr-bine was breiti ii in I I e v - . i r above ! r li eyes nna C" r j i nlul I" i.ise. BARBER IGNORES FREEDOM AND SPURNS "OTHER GIRL' Magistrate Had C von Him Twe Weeks te Decide en Wedding 7u VI.. tr I'i" 1 . . t v - r, i inanii'i b-. Mag- et'j' r be t'ef. i t i.r je ty-s' strm t. 1-tra'e d i::n:; or-, a fortnight . ...p... w i ii i I'p'ii H'iii'p'i '!. sir i - Si' I II 11 w into i t f.mr. I.-:. h'ld t'n- 'I-idn n I -ir .' :i v, -,, i" urt t ,e iii'l.' mill. II' II sm'li'ld in t'i" Nli.g.sirate s eirii'p. nt lira I'll 11 N'"i'li Thir1 -'Hi" g , i-piJ free dem ,ini w:i ,i. , . 1 1 J i- 'litme bull nn charge li""igl,' St t'ie gir! " V. i I Mm luiirrj Anna : iskeil the Magi-tr-i:- " e i j,r-i .1 ' I dul n' .'iid I u'.ii bedj ' s),e 'r, IM7er " Ve i i ill , jip,, ,.e the i pi hlnnde. TWO I.- Ik'., , 1 1 of cording 'e 'l p m e, bnrneil tl.n I'.'it mi with .niA-hi p girl Ai.ii.i while l.e . as ,,ri. ,'ng in at I'i Mi I, .n I ( ,i i.rgi- -ti i let iiism .' ! .' i Atiti 'vi- ,IU wi .nnrrj .-ill " ill IV- me . sebbe 1 Jeliluusv, nc nc l.pi'llljse she gi'.ng -we iiii lir''l a' l.lm i bar.i'r l.e "' The bill- i"p -ti"l. but Iigi-'t f. gaw I'i i cuiiri I'm "I ,s ' n 1 1 T and t" lllll I -1 ige ,,f PHILA. POLICE TRAINING CALLED BEST IN COUNTRY Twe Members of St. Paul Force End Six Weeke' Course In Scheel 'I be I lepiiri an nt of I'uhln Snfetv of Pbilndi- b,a niid HClllMiI nf t'lls i ,t 10 be the be-t . , I members of m Selgl'llllt (lu-t.ite t! e pulli e II iillimg re lie, ' ,rei I,,. I it ill m'r, l, t,e I'.ll'l's police fop e, It.irfuss inn I l'lhi.l- man imr I I'eplll Tlll't I ii1i)llttl', HI IiiiJi ,t m the lei ill a hi w "I, .' i traml'ig k be , In nuanUii; theiii dlileinas, Majer .Menie -.ill : "We feel that nur peln e mIioeI puts the r.ink nlul tl'e of the mi li in poMtleli te In 1 1 then wlii Sirgi.mt Unrf i-N said the knowledge impatled in the I'b'l'i lel bin sini couldn't be ipiineil in lefs than ten leiirn practical i.piiniiie in pnltce ttiuk It ellinli ateil ijil-tahis tL.i ,i run u frc ipiPtiih m.nle tbie'igh ignnrniii e. AERO DELEGATES LEAVE Will Take Part in Convention To day at Baltimore Phllndeltilila de'egafes leiently ap pointed by Majer .Monre te attend the aeronautical ' m ' e'.ii'i n' the Third I'erp. Aiei in Iln'll'unie. left for tliat city this iu'iiiiiiik Ttie nitivulitlen will open Im'wj. TIip I'lilladi'lphln delegates are Colo nel Hubert (Jleinlliininz, Majer Charles J Kiddle. Captain Ilenrj Crawford, l.leut. Unrilaj II Warburtnn. Jr , J. Wallace Kelb'tt and riuiniicr (i Ireland, Senate PaBses Smyrna Relief Bill Washington. Sipt -- An approprl appreprl approprl ntien of JlOO.OIlu for idi'-f of Amerl ca'is in SiieriKi, leceiuinei diil Wednes day hv Prenhlent llirdiny wan voted jflMUrdn)' by tliu Senutc. It wan Included In.-a di'tlclency bill and must be np- It I'll by thu Heus.0 Killed in Aute Crash ! i I riixiii i:s u Ki"Msr. Intern.itinn.illy famous as ;i pole player, who met catli en t.'ie Jericho turnpilii . new l-'en-st Hills, Ii. I., following ,t lire blowout. He was u Mm -In law of Mrs. I-I, II. llarrini.in MOTORISTS DIZZY Green S'gnal Lights at Different Points en North Bread Street Are in Conflict GIVE US TIME, SAY COPS "Win n tin ii.et.inst- of I' .'. b '; . i beeel.ie :eeistnie 1 tn Our IIP'V st. l,ri- nl"d -ig.iil -i ' i.w. ti'iilhc en .f' Krnad strict will run wi'li tie j.i i"'i and rcgui'ilt nf ,i r'li'rna I ' . 1 . . S l 'IIJ ''.lp'. Ill Si'llMll. I.".i I ' t Tlilir.c S'pi-ni. v he bin !"' M In ikl'ig rapid "run-" between hi i,,titml "tewir-" .it Spring li.ird'ti sip'i'. ' In in 1 ti -i iim ' ii fd Ci'i'ini iim'ui,.', ,in I li Tiin rist I in I'I i'.i ielpni i l.!,'d its l.i'est linM'ltl Tl'p nc tnllic "tower-" have tLnc long arms each with i l.glii ,-c c.t.'i b nf bi lug h"eii fur in 'ill ii a. .1" Twe i.f tliee ami i tetnl ,.cr I'.i ! .-iron, niie nn tl. m-t s..', .rid ,,tii nil the west st, The t'llld al'n ti lid- out the street lll'er-ei tlnii, e Her Spri'g ii.in.pii r' i r ijir'i'd in-1 : or Cidumbi.i avenue, ii- '. ung ..n the situuUf n of t lie "ti," 1 1 n .intiiiua'P' em t. b, II si fel nf blltt., lis "t,'iers" si"-.ng .1- a fr.iflic pntrelifati np, t tlie cress arms r, ini-ni- .up m" rii'pil 'II one ,it T'l nri-tet " A tl 'l-'hts ITI ' .i -' It.M b i liicateil at the ,,s, ,,f the t . " " ' Motoi Ms re ( eiifusPti When the s; stem wen' in'n rffeis this p .ruing there wns inur'i confusion aiming motorists. tin the new tj-ti'in a green licb' means "go aleud." and f.n the nM -l-uiii which I- siM' m eperit,.ii , Mread and Arch streets a gri "'i Iighi nierelj nifeims 'h" moteri-t- tl.it is te "get rendv" t,, yn nliead I TIlP ier-enu , ,i, ui; S'Mltll e. I'.let! istrefi. proud of I'" wi-deni 1 , . ' 'I. I. .id acT'iire ' a ti" bauds of C'lp'i , , Scbulu, wul-7Pd right pnsp the m .'a. signals at Hm.nl -i r,. Arch -.tret- v ' . j III grenn slgtia' !la-h"d and the a i'... lists going N'.r'h en firend ' r t 'l 'ralHc up at S r.ng inrdeu -M.et t', I., gll' " ligi i " bowed." It- - .'t i -efcatiet s eiiibriilliin'iifs and in ir - . nlut ion i Tin- morning Captain Sclcilt u-'d t'.e Spring 'larden street "iiinn" ti the "ina-ter ' ami frmn till -' i : "tev ers ' at tjirurd a'.enue xi r 1 ' : 'bin avenue tnek llnlr nnln 1 .r the new tit'un tr'illie pellci i.n r, .- ug , flic hand sem.iphe'i's nl-n tnK, tl i . r ders frmn th" nearest centinl t ,i , . The lights which are lei'.g i.-n , fji police I'I their lie", i v I " i' !.' ',r.i tl.i si meanings A gr eu light ni'iid- '! " a w low light i there is no h1.' ! 1 . me.ins "get leadj." and a f'1 I u'l ' means "sfnji." The ripw s'en i i iin'i.i'i. I'v ;, 'grent aid In freeing il.e tr'ithi imhuK of ileir evPrbuPlenPil ' ! a is (in. I i .tnrlst under tl." '.,'" --teiu Ptlllie Irolli I ellllllMlt ll'.l I ! tn :'llg iiard"ti sirfct wit) out .i -top Seek te Aeld Helajs The first iii't.n a en il . i loteri i- in thi citi will b' t! 'it ut der Hi" iip.t litem tin- 'bin's ,,-. ini'ili-ralde 'i'lir '.elajs, as a i.iiittii of f'icr ) ,, i m nine, are mi;, h bss i,i'i.t the ' l.,.ur' s I-tl'lll. This ninitii'ig. f..r evi riiin'tit.'il i ir- pesis. enli I 'apt, nil Sl'llllit 'lI'liU'll t"i, iiiiiiuti's ..'i tin liread ctreit ti iitu i, r'ln 'epin" and in. iinnute for Spnng Jnrdi'ti str. "I tin Die te cres inj,.. this titiiing lb' re nil- little ei no ni, fusion, niid it is gi'tierii I' !, ic i . ilmi this siliedul" will In iidnpti.l for lie Sprint (itinlen street "i.m.i, ' Trniric I'.itri'liiinn 1'du i .1 K ' ! v wai the tir't te nperai tin i i -ig.i il -i inn and h" bad hi- h'ltids fill w.ih tie -i me or iiiere of ipn -timn i . AUTO PLOWS INTO STORE Steering Wheel Breaks in Frank ford Avenue Accident The fr. illf of the p in-lri store nf S.M'i- iiel Sukiii at I Id-'i 1'ranl f'ud an nue wns wr.'cLs'l thl' morning wlni. an au tomobile driven hi Siaiilei llbeikaw.ki plowed Inte the I runt of it A large pint, -glass window w is ilemnlislu.il ,.nd several W.1I1 lies nnd ether pi"' 1 s of jew -elr) In the window wire miiii-.ii OhejkawsM, wlm Iii"- at 'Jtliil Ilirt Lelllgh liienue. mis urn .till, but u.i--later dlsi'hargid bj Magi.traie ',,. telle. TO Judge DEDICATE MEMORIAL Rogers Will Speak at Re. union of 314th Infantry Judge ItegiTH is In b" one of the -pcakiirx nt the annual baiifpiet of the VeterniiH of the .114th Infantry of the Arerlcnn heglen, nn September .'10, at j'ellovue-fcjtratferd. NEW RULES MAKE EVENING PUBLIC TAXI MEN TO Fl TRUST' ORDINANCE Independents Plan Injunction Suit te Prevent 'Sale of j City Streete j POLITICIANS ARE INVOLVED Ind"ppident tnxlcab owner' linx bandpil ie'i.ther te .celt Ipu'iiI ppdre." .icam-t tlp ni'illnnnce pii-xrd by Coun cil, j priniitliig p"eperl ewiiprfi te ri'iit l ) i tt vtii'els in ft out of thpir build- 1 4. .... I. ... I... ni in iini.H , i-imiiiiiiiii..-. 'His iitprtlnii was tiinile tniltn lv Willi.im A. Srlinnder ceun-."! for tlie YpIIi w Tivli-ah t'einnnnv lendi-f the I, ..!.,,. ...In,, i., Tin. Yi.llmv fii'i rvmiiimv ilep- nut IGHT fpnr tup ordinance- piwicil bv CeuiumI," l brml.s and I mippn-c ou have lead .ald Mr. Schnm'pr. 'I'he public'" buM-i bal tin- Majer was attacked again. Hess rnniiet be transferred from one ! The Mn,er din's net ctand and w ill net cemp.itn te another bv nrdlname. e-JMand for conniving pollen officials or p.clalh when the teal mirpeM' ' tbc '"rniptlnn. The Majer asked the Hani ordinance l te reiiipel thp public te Ixijntit and blntant per.vmi in Council ii... tin- service of n fountain clmrgliu-, f'-r proof ,,, q ,,i,iiig. He 1ms higher i a ten. However, the rid. r heuid , Jk,'d the Judge if he had any proof le uitltled te take the cab of liN choice of )elice cimniance with dopers, but at i h' plice most convenient te lilm. ! ' receled no response. The Majer and ihls ceiiumin nroneses in the in- ' cenipnnj proposes in terest of public leinenience te enti-K-t vlporeiislv the validity of the or dinance If It is signed bj the Ma..1.," nr iiL.ssc b Council ever Ins veto." Will Asl Injunction It Is ke! the IlltltP.St will tnkp th" fel 111 of III luuctleli )iri.cCPllll1gs te keep the pi.lhe frmn rnfetcing tlie erdlnain" Th" Miner ba- it in band new. and Is I ppl'ICl te Pll It. The t'ipsiien as te sustaining the Majer's ite is problematical. Hut tlierp is nothing problematical about the feelings of the leaders in the are-C'iniiingliam combine in Council Tlli-si lend. I's. Chillies 11. Hall. Jeseph P (iaffiie.i. Uiclinril Wegleln. and their followers iliij something jesterdnv m (.'eillli'll who 11 they did net like le de Th" voted agnlnt-t all Organisatien precedent. Piem the point of iew of irgaiilatien politics they did nn evtra nr.'i'iary thing when tliev pansed the I'n'cal'i P.i'.l with its prevision that a P1 .ij'e owner could designate what tiiTiiiib cempatij shall have n .stnnd in fieiit of J. is. property. jnne Voters Slapped In Fare , In se Mitlng. they etnl nsnnist up-1 wiril if lni'il taxicnb drneis who re,'-1 r'setit at the M'ry least 'JOnO te .'Wi'"" "n'.es and. if will' be ncalleil that th-Piittcr-on-Meor" primary contest w..s i u In the 1 nie majority "f l.HH The Cninl In . under sume greater urge than tie ,iiinitti,i: liilluenti.il taxicnb vel" - s. ! ethlng It"!' . bj the WIIJ. Ill lei'lll pn'itics sinppe.l tlie tiiMcnb .lrneis In tl," f.ic" V.i IV nlie wlm ll.is eier had .in argument with a Hivali drivet ki.eiis that 'e i- nut addicted te turtu'ig he n'lii'i i l.ee't te ge' all til" slnp whuh ii. m be coming. Th" taxlcib il'-er wa- -lapped by th" I ,nbm". but tie man .it the wheel i- mev ligurlng mi I e who gets shipiieil last. i'.. mi'ilniiiii Il.nelin. "f (lerhroek. ii led te b" the "lnglihrew et i i'j Cnuneii stiieil en tlie Iloer us tin- - euncii. SJl'.C imi . I Il'Yi'llll i hnfiiiiliiii of th" ilrlvers Mr. in a car. i' is nue, but ii he be ceiisiilPlOil ,'i- one win. Iting himself into taxlcabs ami in! r- a iree l"in. Taxi drH' fs haie alwajs renp'.dereil hfi..seles bleed bretl.irs te anj one in th.. organization. An organiriitlen leader and n tn.xicnb dr.ier 1"-mt had inn trouble uinb rstanding e.n b etlnr. tl.ti' is. imll yes enlnj . .t he strange spectecle wa staged wher-in Mr lln elm. corporation i liniii-r, trustee of We'-lnni 1 nlier-.f' , .,: C.-niiictli'iii 'he nr, .iri-teir.ii of Cuuiiul Kigind ter tb" lrt ! - Ml-I lii-wlln's argument was .iim!,. ,nm pr-- J e-se. -het threugli with pur" logic. wiiih. perhaps, neither diners nor nr g.m. ..::. ui men fu.li appreciated Put en- thing i.as ilear. Mr U"ie!in. f ili'T'ireih. spline :or uu' i.ixt ncn ,iiiu . ii. .ii .... m . r .. ,,i. 11" Hill! i'll'l III. 'Olli'.i.i. "i .-"iii. Philaib'lph'a. -poll" against the Infer .' i of th" men. And all this was net ln't upon the latter, ;or thy tilled the gallery. Tl.it throng of driwrs in the gilbrj ; i t ij depr" sed the Ceriibltie lenders. The l.i'!r went thteugh a prngium wi'h n b'.iie finiit, but i.ith sink ng hearts Tee'r illusion leaders, heiieier, wne i n ii.ii.i'' The dlilslen leadi'r l.ii" t i' i Ir.e taxicnb driipr ,s a liw v 're d s.mi politics, i preti nifii' i i ll.'i!. elii, holder fl'llllklv cellfe.-"d thn' ,1. l,n--es were putting him in m, i it'll liele." Injunction .May Ke "MHiglit I l.r p.is-age of thn I, 11 Ir t'n lied. ",1 ce.sf me twenty tin in'., ii nn dh i .en." Just because the lenders did li' t ban l"ir iie.-nt Iii tlieir work th"i did n"t Ian tnu b te say en the lb, , ,,f i '. . ,n . Most of the argument m,s n.n .. hi the opponents et the m nopehs, , street -r' ntlug proviso. Mr 'iifw, eid nssirt, most voheinen'lj . t e . irts v e'lbj net stand for ren'mg " li' -treits. Tie biggest fpiettlnn in City Ha. pe iin s today Is : ' What is this new- pelitii.-,! peiu r w'lieh feiced ' irganintiMi u.i n te vet ig n' l te" t.ixicjii, driiers'-" I'.'iii'l H. Lane, sage of the iirgnni- "tit mi, obileusly felt inlleij en te pay inure a'tentlen te the tuxjenti mte, u-hi-i p'rsenal friend In nuncl, Sir Walter, tried te ban- the hoi sent l-n y te i on.mitfHe. Mr. L.nn' i. iimlited with being one of tlie -hien .i-.t ,f j,,,. Organ iaiinii leaders II wn:. in! t0 , en the light snip when ih.' ir'!liinnp, in the language of iVnininii ,i., lb. per. 1 comes back te "haunt the Coi.ne 'lu,n." Pine li.inre fur 'are Men ' 'i his new pelitlMll pewei ii,, t ,e , s,,.,..ihiiig inipeiiatit, it w i- jointed lull, ter It lll'ill th" out nl.'l e it Van- i.i'-ii 'Hid the Ciinniugbniii Wizlci n.en fog' tl. i There wa- a m ,. i.',!lM,.n for the Vnr" nien, who are intpfstp, n. In eland li ndi c k fm p i ,, Ul I splk" the iiiajeralty gun of fr -wjerit i i Weglein by lining up with j.i, Hr,,j ' l 'b 1" i llig the el'diluinie ,,i- wis ina.nly liiiekcd li,v li'glein and thp i uninngliaiii group i li'.t iih! 1 Iip new power lr, 1 'luln - j ileipin.i politics nn- nhii. ,,, force an .iii. .et solid hi ganl..itei, e'e m favor f tiie bill, lin'l nidi' i'i i thin this i ev. power wa" the desire en the part of the Ceiublli'i te show that honest' eiitu'llniPli ni'l" imt te he iiitiiiinti'd i ' I UlliOI'S III HIUSII tllluls The bill pHS-"d nn.iln by n vote of sixteen nji" 10 til" tin- Thirteen 1 .te. ai" reipiiriil te en rride thp Majer'H veto. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES ,tr.r, ..V J .Miitu-K'.'M' iim v, .in, jti,.n nn l a' A'lfl- . ..IfH r. W u, Si.il lli.r ll l ., I I. If l I t ami I rallies ' l.ijfc'li" I. si II. 1, ,i Hk i in,' , J'IKI t, , I'I H M'..r si ii 1,1" i. r d.i'J an 1 Kunrii 4 ml Viel u nn. I I.eiilHP All J. .Melllli ' M.r'ln l.i'Uft I saitirk', "IS I ' " III ' r r I i, lull. I MUIT -'I Het. I' . "M .','.''. I'nrrei 'r J, . linuKH Mil - H Hi l..ll il'.". s It,,.. ., ., uu mi i i.-l.i. AH nil i ev s 11,11 li In 'i I" fc.1T . I (111 .1 J nn. I Ji"e,. .Niunii ''" I'i "i nn I fnliint,. Kelfy r,.'7 U ,11'" s' ' lliiul-ianl Mi Kirney s.n'tt l.'I'. N tnik bt anil 1uri Kill." I'll,', " V. ,, rniek t rimii M K.'iim Dr'nkiM ,; y nr,,i II ', il,.i C77 N ll'i , I ' , r. A ' -,.inir ,',x1l U'lnU-ic- piar. -n-1 Jean II MaiiKn' 3.) S' (-,l Umen .t fliitiairnlilie It Meren'lH mil n ,",Ui kt ml Veil 'SP'i'il '7 Mifflin "t 1 '.llTmlari '.r M unl " 3,"r",' LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, Daylight Saving Ends at 2 A. M. Next Sunday On Sunday mernlnR nt 2 o'clock, wlipn daylight wiving etids, flip ofll efll rial rlepks wilt be ptitihpd backward -or Atepppd n full hour. 1'nefD' rial -tint J te nay IioiirpIieIiI rlepkx, any tlmp en Hntttrday night or Sunday morning, In the dl.erptIen of their p'lardians. On Hip wheln it In better te Mop your clock for nn hour. Turning It bark, according te clnekiiialterR, li bad for the works. Lewer Bail Denied te Drug Suspects j Cantlmtril from Tnitp On i , """",l" " "" peuci- tirpnriuicni in ! un-il. ' t" ii me!MiKe te t'entiPil yrnlpr- I (lllV llikltli' thpm In wit In raw tip si ' "'i referring te 'conniving peliee of- "'-. eeiiiKience in tlie police mree f l'iiiiiiiieipnia. iiu.s mrce is small in i oinpiiriseti with cities of larger popula tion With 4000 men here we me maintaining law and order here better than in nny ether city of the Pulled Statps with the exception of St. Paul. Praises Own Administration "This Is a clean administration and will remain clean, netwitbr-tiindlng jobs 'hat certain fleer gentlemen :ii trjlng tn put eer." The Majer tlipn n.kpd Iiirpc'er Cor Cer Cor telieii lr lie knew of anv police con nuance with the drug ring. The ill rictfr said he knew of none "I bun-sent Cntital'i Van Hern and Lieutenant Lee out with ieing ioin iein iis.nn," Mr. Cerlihnu -aid. "They hive nien and have been Instructed te (,,-nperate with any for"1 working tn i llmlnate the drug traffic." The director naid rumors of police "leaks" were net Mipporleit by cvl i.'ince. Wlien he ndded that there ate 'J1!0 drug Users and pellers under an est il.e Majer slid they should have early trials. "We have leaned men te the Judges nnd the District Attorney and hnvc as--lsied them in ewry way," the Hirecter went en. Superintendent of police Mill-, As sistant Superintendent Kenny and elber efliclals also werp ipiized bj the Mamr. Kenny snld the police asslst'ed lasi night In a raid for which the (ieveniment agents tools full credit for. Cam.ilii Souder said h" Irnl made mere thin ."00 Investigation , most nf hem baed en anonymous letteis. Many "f them contained threnti. for the police. Kcftiseji te Keilticn Kail The Supreme Court tedin refused no- .iiiu .iiinn in vi. ini'ii in, ii'cui wiiu i I'eiin-i iiania the lunctleii of control drug selling and belieed te be leader' ling anthracite distribution net nnlv in in the "drug ring ' for a reduction of this State hut i',reuhr,iit n, ceiin'i.-. their hem y bail Inn Nn opinions wen, Ii,inded down. The iitgiiest legal triliuniil in the Mate -lin- ' ply (liscliiirge-l tlie rules that v.m taki n bv the ileleiKl.ints in the r at.iiea from Judce Mennghan's decision and threw 'the whole matter luck into tlie loner eurts. '1 he six defendants are Prank Pic- coin, Antlienj 1111.1. Peli.x Cardullo, ( Jeseph Wcls, alias Murphy; Hyman ield and Jeseph Allegre, alias "Jee 'Kltdiie" Cnidulle is under SHO.oeo ' ''"'' 'no ""'ers under bail of .?'.". i"i0. , mm n i eng i nurse i Tlie appln .itlnn for reduced bail was1 tiiade Siiit.'inher Chief Justice Ven Mnich'isker sn 1,1 nt 'lit- time h:: no I appeal ne-d liaie brs-n tnken te tin.' Su preme Court, .is attennjs inr the men could have a-ked any of the Judges of the lower points for redress by means of habeas corpus. i ersennny, i iniiiK me nail is n i,,,i ' lltil ten high, said th" Chief Justice at tne time, nut i might change i mind after hearing tlie iiidenee " "'J i The atterneis for tlie defendar.ts ledged their appeal In the feims of wrlt wrlt ef eertleraii and habeas lerptis. In e; posing the application, tlie District . ternej's efli'" pointed mil th ii if t lu men were leniieti'd en nil counts each ild get a prison term or no jears. lust before the application was made I te th" Supreme Court an attorney iep resentlr.g Annie Miller, whom the police called a mm an leader of the "ring," applied te Judge I'inlctter in Quarter Sessions Court for the leductlen of her ball from SI.",, 000 te 51(100. The re quest was granted. When Annie Miller's cn-e wns cnllpd fm trial several dais age it wa- found thit she had "jumped" th; lowered bend. MRS. C. A. SNELLENBURG Funeral Servlcee Morning Burial I Funeral services Snelleiiburg, widow Snellenbi.rg. w pri te at of of he! Be Held Thi3 Cheiten Hills Mrs Clara A. tlie l.ite Jeseph d this morning was in Clie! ten nt 11 o'lleck. P.urin Hills Cemi'terv. 1 Mrs Sinllenburg if.'ed from heart N" J. diseii-e .'it her home in Vuittier, N She wits sixty-nine jears old I'ntil he- llltiiss !ie wns active in philan thropy in Philadelphia and Atlantic City, where she meied about seven icirs nge Mr- Sn"llenbiirg issurnvn! bv four daughters nnd a son Thev are Mrs. Mnrris 'nn lieigh, ltnehefer, N". Y. ; .lrs. I'mnnuel Ilnrtmiui, Chicago, III.; Irs. fiersen Krown. Cincinnati, Mrs. ileerge Sultzhaeli, New Yerk, ntid Jo Je eph Heep Snellenb irg, Atlantic City. MAJOR G. A. SCATTERGOOD Spanish War Veteran Dle3 at Heme en Roosevelt Boulevard Majer (tperge A Scattei gnnd, former member of the National (iuaid, di yesterday afternoon at Ids h' me, V.'l" ilneSPiPlt beillPiaid. His death fol fel I inneil nn attack of luart dberise Majer Soatiergood was fertj -seien 1 ears old and obtained his fenimisninn after serving in the Spanish-American War. A widow and one son smie lilm. ! Dr. Jehn W. Bright ' Tlie funeral of Iir Jein 1 who died nt his home. Is'. 11,10. following an illnes'. Funeral W Plight, ft I'm!; a 1 e-la-ting mill sixteen hours, will be heJd from hih morning at 1 1 o'clock I home tomorrow Hr If right . who was slvti-ilght ii"iis old. mine te this cltv seien jeari age i Irem Keiiersnurg, i enu'r inuiiii, nun 1 relinquished ids prm lien upon arrnal here II" W'liM a griiu.iiiie ei .ne .niier- son Medical i niii.C' .'"" a l"'vi giauu- , ate of the I'nlversitv of I."lisic nin rnlicrity of Ylenna. He was at ! n her of the Old pert Ledge, Ne the ii 7, P. and A M. Michael Kerrigan Funeral I Tin1 funeral of Michael Kiungan, slvti-live jears old, inr mam .nars old. for main nars sicrelar.l of III" Fchr.nl beard of Sbetiaii- di nb, Pa. wlil b" held from In- Inte hoiue. 71-T (liner nii'iiui, Monday ineinlng at 7 :' II I'lftCl,, dub mass at St. H'lut' Cnlhi.lle Chin eh nt Ki.'tll terinent will be nt Hhenandeiili. He Ih hiirvlved by flV1 children. PflAI 1CAICDQ Kli UUAL UtALtlte IlLKt WITHHOLD PRICES i But There Will Be Plenty ' Fuel at "Reasonable" I Charge, They Say of !S0ME SHIPMENTS ARRIVE ThprP will bp plpnty nf coal te mppt nil Philadrlphia nppds and tlie pricp will hp "rpaenablp," lending rptall dcnlerfi faid tedny. Dealers si 111 refup te nuetp prlcpi of , ,-,, ,., t, ;, ,.. ;""-' - . .hihii univ . , nmnnt fit thflr prlcn becnuBP the largp l"n"""R I'eiupauips nnvp nnc pr nn neunced whnt wholesale prices will be. All agree, hewpvpr. Hint the cenHiimcr All agree, however, that the consumer ...ttl 1... b,,n,.1lr.,1 ...III. h!1 ,1. ...l ..n.lA and at a fnlr price. i Anthracite is beginning te reach the1 city in small eunnl itlcs, but iih vpt ! ,11.1 II,' I-, II' I, 111', I Itllllllll llll'llll'l Ill'l'lll'll, tunny large dcnlprs are still without a supply. They arc taking orders for delivery n1" senn as shipments nre re ceived, the buyer te be hilled later at whateier price Is flnnlly made. Arriv als of coal should be heavy bj next week, they saj. Samll Shipments Kprpheil The majority of dealpr.s In residen tial .sections, such as tlermantewn. West Philadelphia, Seuth Philadelphia. Prankford. Legan and (llney s.iy tliey tune re cited only n carload or two iii tlie piesent week. Seme dealem had refused tn take orders before the settlement nf the stiike, but as domestic sizes nre re ceived lliev nefit tlieir obi customers I and dele out a ten or two te each. due of tlie l.nj'.ist I'MMpatiies In the retail Tield, a lencern with yards in main seitimii. said Plilladelphla is re ceiing a fair share et coal TIip ip. celpts nr far below the ipinntities re c"ied at this time lint jear. An euVfal of the company said the mines aie gradually liicrca'tlng tlieir output. Mucli of the newly mined coal is going te the bike ports. New I'ng land and t'pper ,.w Ymlt hecnu'e of tlie ion naintliplj early arrival of cold weather tl'Te. One Wpft Plilliidelphln vard reported It hit" n't a pound of coal In itn bins, although 'pvit.i1 carloads nrp ppected In a wc'k. f'mifer at If.irrlsliiirg Anether inai conference te be held tedin in II irrMierg is expectul te com pute iiigii'iaileii-j Ic'twcen tlie Slate Pud Cm iiiil--ieii and ltidependciu op ep eratnis und remme the last vestige of cenfu-lmi trmii the hard cnnl situation. (ioM'inei Sproul will attend the iticsH ing. At esterilav's ennferenep in this cltj I'lH per 1 1 nt of l.i-t jenr's supply of mm! wa- iissuf I I'hil.idi'lplilii con cen .sinni'i Agieements lfachi'd at th" ceu'ereiipe -hlftid f tem Washington te Members of the Piiel Ciilnilli'-'-letI re- itci.itid tlu'ir n.-suriiiices tlnii nrlces will le no higher than Insl ve.ir. Ten- 1 tatlie pii""s annnunepd bv retailers ' imiin .i, -i,i ,t, ' ,,.,(, S,,t , I tn Sj t .li) a t,,n average pi Ice of chest gg c.il will I." SI l.'J."l wbll" pea coal will be . ..,.,,, ii,i ... -si i te Sll ..(! per ten. wiin nut i' per cent of normal sup-pi'- of hard coal available, Puel Cem-mi-sinners gin. a..-iirnnci s ttieie will ln no shortage. Kj mixing pi a re.ij with the larger sies. it was said, there will be ampl" supplies for the most m lore wriiMier Main letal d'.iei- bave nlrmili expressed their Intention of mixing tie two grades and snlUng I ui" inixiii preiiuct at an ndiusteil price i based upon the pel ceiling" of each grade of coal in tlie mixture Spnui! Is Assailed Sharp iillcs ., nf the action of ("lov ("lev ("lov einer Sproul In linng .-s's ."n as the inaMiii'im nrice for coal at ihe mines Is 1 ninfl" In a stair mi nt from P C Hee.e, nf Pettsvllle, sei retary of tlie Anthra cite Cnnstinnis' League. lie said si, h :, prii e I, a "great In lustice" te tb" 1 en .inner le'C'iuse it Is apt te lead In pi 1 aliment high prices. 'At the p,,, 1, ,,t u,,i pi , p. mis," Mr lleese .;i". ' I ' "Mdctlt li ihiids of the Phil.uli l 1. 1 .imi ICeiiding 'ml and Inn Ceiiipani. t" niieil at a I'ni'id States Sen. ih inn tigntien tint S;s ilLI was the niei.iL'" ui'i of cmil per i-ni at ih" mines, wl !i iillnned 1 relit te op"rateis of n, rt liie ii-uis a Inn. "Netliilig hi', slllie i'cciiri"d te great I' iiu re 1 tl,.. r n.t of pi'idui tien." li" addiil il"ii t'ie Stat" Cetuml.i- MOIlels can I131I1 the 1 pi'iiitnl's III'" 111- I litlnl te an 1 iim. .re fifim X !i'J in .S ,"i0 lis Nii.ietb'iig I ,1111 unable in ligurc, j esppi ialll wi'li it 1 l"lll"mberrd that I much of tie 1 '.til 1,-iug sent tn marki t is culm li.T 1 p.' d n ii' n. v.hi'h iesls ' enlv about li'" 1 " Ms ,1 ten "Tli" ri'i'i' t 'i th" coal companies te ini'niisi 11, . ,ri (, m ,,11 11 ten iiai meridv a ' in." ill i'" iu enl'T te per mit th" epiri'd's tn lelaiu the pIPM'iil high nur ii' ",iil " It eta lb 1 - i' be i.n'i',1. their supplies 1 if COIll flelll Mid' I inb lit iie'l.ltii's will be "Up llglllll-l It' li liie I'll'lll the llper- 1 ''I'ers hi K ! g' t high pnics or th'lr euttuit. 111 lln opinion of many lcnliug coal men Th" dei ill l-u, I ' siid, nie hoping the Mini uill remain In 1,1 pelny nf eliminating f 11 it nf ind' pendent 1 in t 1i-iii te abide hi ri''" of Ss nil u ten. State i'lnd ( in ,ls 11 him .'i ui ' the differ, n'liil opera iei', .nul , I lie fixed 11, 1 1 'WOMAN'S SHOT AT A MAN KILLS WOMAN BYSTANDER Couple's Qunrr-I In Alter Street la I Fatal te Neighbor ' A woman lc -1.11, ui r mi. sb it nnd in- istantlj bul'd '. ' night iiinn n relnred ' I woman shot at a mnn nitli wheiii she . r,ll.... I HUH U'l"' ' ""S The ne.nl 1 "'nan Is Plla Williams, loleio'l, foil l letii r,l,, ,,f epiS Alter htrret. Mr' W illtams was cemersing with a 10 ighb'.r a -'mit distnnci) fiem the lieme nf M.iri l(i illy, L'l IS Alt' r Hti'iPl. ui.' 11 I.'" Id ill iieiiian, who WIIH lalknr; te I b "I Sims, U'l 11 Alter stre"'. d'l w oral shots Th" Iti ill., held for n Scott tins lie i' inln-r nnd fired lev llOllllltl l.i .ring uu 1 ng wns arrested and ' In feie .lligsii,. 1 TWO HELD AS ROBBERS Convivial Man Saya New-Found Companions Abused Hospitality Philip M.h.e i- ami Charles Pionteii, both if M.m.ti inlt, were held ullheiit bail, iliingi'l nub liixbuaj lebhrrj, for tlie (iraiid .1 1 1 1 i hi Mngistiatc llerit In- da . Aeeeidiiig te Wilsen A. I.liui, l.'i." Kiain- aieiiu' , Mnuaiiiiik, lie met the two iiiiii iu a -hoe. shining parlor Inst nlelit nnd muted thein te "go drinking" .iti. him. A. th.v itosseiI (irccu bine i ,rdge, aciess ttie Scliujlkill Ithei, , j,,, ,0i, Magmrate I'eru. Itentmi 'i...,,. levelver and erderrd him le fillei'i'd bv'i..,, ,u geld v. n tih, li hllver cigai- j should, I g away? Prosecutor Slilek nt's Reman j!. ,., H, ,,, $;e0 , nig,. or told inn as I una leaving id nlhce e i lock In-I - en Tucmlny that I wna eliminated from IT'H A t'HKlt AUTOMOIIII.K VOU ant. you'll flmll It 'AOV, SEPTEMBER 22, 1922 Mills Quizzed Again in Murder Mystery t'entlnttnl from Vann One oiighfare nf New Ilrunswlck. There iti no record of tiny one hnvlng neon him, "Mm. Hall never iimiIh nny fitate- ! tnent in which she tJiid she believed that robbery was the motive for the crime. She merely suggested tlint It might hnvc been n casn of mistaken identity. "Mr. Hall owned u wallet. That wallet we hav.e been tillable te find In the house. We presume that it was en his person when lie was killed. The county detectives made a thorough seaicli through Mr. Hall's effects ami papers and found nothing that would threw any light en the murder. "The revnlver which Willie Stevens, Mr. HhII'h brother, turned ever te the authorities; was a small ,' caliber weapon and tint a .32 nn haa been re ported." Asked why Mrs. Hall, with all her wealth, hnd net engaged private detec tives, Mrs. I't'tera tnid : "Mrs. Hall feels that is the duty of ' the State and county. She feels further i that if she did hire detectives it would , r.r,n.ln fill lrli.il I I, , nhe was seeking ''' I'.'Il till... private vengeance. "Mr?. Hall bus no particular persons In mind. TIip t-amp answer applies te me matter ei rewaril. , Says Slie Nevor Heard fnsln "As te the report that Mr. Hall's auioii'eliilp was been en Sunday. August L'7, parked near where tlie bodies were afterward found, that is net m. Mr. i lull never used his car en Miniiay. n were emtaced In a mission of the kind rumored be would net have parked liis car in such a conspicuous place whine It could bn easily seen. "Kegardliig the gossip circulated about Mr. Hall and Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Hall wishes te snv that she never heard mi gossip about her bus-band or the elinir singer in the church or any where else. She also wishes te say that she has never known of any one te create strife between her and her hus band." Though ethpr tliperies have net been abandoned, especially the blackmuil theory, tlie Prosecutor's ellice Is bend ing all its energies ten aid proving that the minister and the chorister were slain for motives of reienge, and as the result of it plot. Mills Net Missing Mr. Toelan lnughed at a report given wide circulation last night that Mills had disappeared. Tim husband of the murdered woman spent tin night quietly in his home. H flipped away for a while yesterday, le avoid the stares of tlie townspeople and tlie insistent ques tions of amateur investigators. Th" count v million !' nenu for u moment beliei'ed he had lied. Mr. Toelan syid The blackmail theory Is principally tenable because New Kruiiswick is vis ited from time te time bj eun? crim inals from New Yerk, who make it a stopplng-efl place or come bore te "hide out ' when tli') me 111 tieubh'. , The Piosecuter's office, however, ih convinced that the crime was net com mitted for guln, despite reports that the minister's watch and money were miss ing. .Mr. Toelan, who with I'm. editor Strieker has gene Inte every phase of the case, said that "a break," leading te an surest, might be expected at any time. Mr. Teelau said: "The sla.ilng m lln- Kev. Mr. Hall and Mrs. Mills was a enhl -blooded pre n eilitati'1 crime cnusi.il by pcubmsy. That much our iiiicetigaliuii proves conclusively. "We li.ne net eliminated either Mrs. Hall, tb" Mile "f tl." recto:, -ir James Mills nor liaie we eiimiiiateu any en who liii'i ceine in tlin shadow t-Us- piclen ,,,;:: :tz 'k. I,,,,,! pint Tliehili.iigwn, well planned, . .1 . . . - 1 1.-. . I'I .,-... ,1 . Ill-is I IL NllOt KlU W 1 1 ,,- ,. , 1, ., ,. u bem lie was sheeting and knew c uctlv the time nnd place te de it. "The case is growing warmer mm j. ll' ln ,.1 .,., ,ft,lti,,,r n 1 t-itnielv lul. ......... ,,!,. flini ..-utilise',, real 1 ...".' ...... 'r .,.., 1, ,, 1. .,itr,,.i,,,i in mm seen, ui- i"' ..,..-..,..... t te warrant me slat ug that we knew 1, ."iu"i " " he Mt. I moil ' . iiiii-.Mis.ii'.i s ...,.iS,.. Put the belief of .several of the In- vpstignters docs net coincide with Mr. leelaji's. As early as Mendnv Inst nn arrest wa-, imminent, nccerditig te the nu- tlmrifes. Se it ir. ted.n if Hip invi"t. L'niers' tlieeri's 1 ei.ld i'O preiPil. I'i"ry nm1 interested iu ilils primp land I lieiievp my BtatPment .should help was e'liiliib'i't that Mi-1. Hall would 1 the authorities." be pltiifd under ari'st Mnnv reasons "Last night I made up my mind tn Here iiili.inced for this move. l"iennnji fnr nn(.P nnd all these fciirrilleus . suine of .he d'tectiips were for tailing ' lies that are being circulated about my I th" widow of th" murdered reetnr into wife's intimacy with Mr. Hnll. My j distort, hut cooler nentis prevailed wife was a pliyslcni wreek. Her epera-again-t such speedy notion. Itlnn wan a most delicate one nnd rcn- "A fills" move and our case gees enUlered her almost helpless. She wns the rerks. Yeu nr" dealing with n constantly doctoring nnd suffered grent 1 iheery and net an e.itnbiished fact," pain. Te neeiiRp. a woman in her eon-, said riiie of the iuie .tigutei's, who lml ',ptinii of Intimacy wilh any one, Ir ' in mind th" i'-u.uie" ,,f a writ of ridiculous." ' habeas corpus aiul the niiessnr p. ns nsr, expresFed indignation nt ' pes'ire of Hip State'n iiand. t he rppert I lint his wife hnd spent f.pv- ' That settled all talk of an immediate I eral days in Atlantic City nt a time ai rest and tin1 innstigaiers began leiw)Pn Mr. Hall was at the ncasliere dig in. Hlnckmail, kidnapping, mis- resort. taken identity, were 'a few of tlie many "Anether of the black lies mnnufac- theories and tin- iessibilny et all iiad tured te taint the character of mv wife in be eMininatril. ,,mi r. Hnll," said Mills. "My wife Hand of a Weman Seen was away this summer and was nt thp Herp was a utile murder, horrible lis inr as tne .,.,....-. . ...'",ni. "he ml.ilsler and lliu choir singer we.r, found d"id under a crab-apple tree en tlie old Phillips larm. 1 lie wemi,t,s head rested en tun mergyinnr. a arm Her face was badly mut Muted. Plste slints had tern through tlie Hesh. The ne. U and oilier parts "f the countenance weie l.adli marked v It li seralches and brulM'i and tlie cletlilng disarranged. Nut se with the man. His body was1 net disturbed. Outslde of one, bullrt wound and a few scratches! en the fnpe, i b" was unmarlfpi, and unusual chi-p had ' been i ercln'd te lompesn and arrange! thu body. I. von his hat was placed ever his face Letters apparently written by Mrs. Mills, containing leie ptiFsnges, liiit net iiddreFSPil te am one In partic ular, were placed In a conspicuous, place, en ills body. What did that menu? The investi gating authorities my this shows the bunds of a weman: of tome one who bore unusual enmity against Mrs. Mills, et seeinlngl.i wantid te spare tlie body of the I'leigyman. They go a step fur ther. They say tlie person or poisons who slew tin pair coolly and deliber ately planned t hit clime. They knew just when nnd where th" couple would tie. Tlie Invc.tlgaters dielnre they have letiPluslvp proof that, the minister and singer had made tlie farm tlieir trystlng place for quite some time, An Arrest "In llm .Mailing" Assistant Prosecutor Toelan saja be has l.tlked in an informal way with Mrs. I fill te get lerlaln infniiiintleu. "Slic has made no elliclul staleiuent te the ellieials of this county," said Toelan, "but she lias told an appar ently geed story te A. AI. Keekmau, prosecutor of Somerset County." "As (lie i 'Wilt of the latest develop develep inentH riveiilllig a motive will .mil make nu aiiest tednjV" was asked Air. Toelan. "I de net believe wn will arrest any one today, but I will say that an arret iti iu the limiting and that the In ,-iU in that direction may reine at any time." .MIIIh wriH highly im fused wlien he ret ui ned Inte last night and was jn jn feiiiiid of the. rumor that he had run away. What tot. he exclaimed. "U'hv tlie case, 1 told 'hem all I knew about the dreadful affair, and tjcaji't under- i - Centemcrl Meuxquetatrea fashioned of Natlenale quality French Kidskin, fitting the hand n the meulded en; "crushing' beautifully nt the wrist; precisely ampin ever the nrm are incomparably exquisite with the new costume. Fer mere than fiO years, the Centemcrl Meusquetalre ban been the traditional standard of excellence itmenjr Philadelphia women. White, black and smart colors 8 button, 4.25, 16 button, 0.50 and the popular 12 button, 5.50 .,...., ,.l... t,nn ..,,11 ...nl.f In n,.ltjllnn ' , ,.,. 1.. 4l.nl K l. , I. . miiiiii tin,, ii"v "uuiii iiitni. iu ,,.itii. tiKMife iii in in, mit lliu Oilier Hfifntn me further." who were in the party. They r,0iij Mills has net been near the church I knew If anithiiit; was- wretn since th" tragedy, nor ban he been near "When tills thing Is settled -ml Id. the Bclioei where he in empiejed iih murderer caught I am going p, . , iisusiaiu jnniier. i nen ne ion. iiemu yesterday and wan gene about teieii hours the tirst report was tlint he nail ps suffer. run away. 'inen lr was reperteu that he bad committed suicide. Kut In; had "gene away 10 try te forget. All day Wednesday the ionesemo man Ml nrnr the grave of Ills wife In Van I. lew Cemeterj en tlie outskirts of town. Parly in the morning Mrs, Mary Cur rignn, who lives at ." Chestnut street, North Krunsiviek. which borders en the cemetery, saw Mills. She says be was robbing hltterlj and talking te himself. Once or twice Mrs. Carrlgan walked close te htm, but lie never looked up. Tells of Telephone Call Mills did net go te the grave yes terday. He said he was off in the country. He said he was tired of being pointed out, tired of being interviewed, nn'i in tn i j tiling t ui. "- i . . --hm no but his prettv slxteen-jear-eld (laugh- . hnd no appointment with Mr. Hall that tcr, Charlette. "'K'" 0'- bad lie talked with tlieeler-j. "Me run awav? It's tee silly te mar. regarding piijment of (he m at ineu ei cierj tiling nun i-vrrjinnij (IISCIISS,-' mUttcrPfl .XIIOS. I am lien: , eki nm nn nun lllglll. te aid the. prosecution in finding the "I did net see Mr. Hall." Siid r. murilereni of my wit". i weuuin i .in.-inijiaii. nor nm i exjuct lilm or be much help If I ran awn, IV" Mills Is sheivlng signs of a great drnin. He tried tn aieul dlseijs..ing the case inn' further, but when he wae told that there appeared te be a discrepancy piled i In Ills story nhnut tlie teiepuene. ran is iv e lep" vei t ie n gill sue weiii IS WHO lee-ivcil lie- iiiki.s -"' ...... way he was willing te say something. "Veu newspaper men don't seem in aw understand nt all," he said. Last Thursday my wife was culled mi t hi pbone at the home of Mrs. MHz, 21 Abeel street. The phone number Is .'--W. It was the first time she hnd ever been called en that phone and I was similised, fine 1 siiiui.i m i" call., ut Mrs. Opie's home, .VJ Carmen of the Church of St. .Michael, Ninety si 1 ref "Wlien she came back she appeared all incited. She wasn't dressed te go out. Sh" had her old oxfords en, but she went. I remonstrated with her and Shi I asKi'il lll-r wini'J 1-1" ii,..- f,""is. ...I...1 1 ...!..... ..l.r. .... r.l,if I . i . 11-..I I-..I1 nm inn ' eKlliglv replieil. -I'iiiiew me aim lUH'U, l'HI'M INI- IIM- O" 1 7" in t l'tll ll ill 1 1 " I1UI ui- ru'i 1 iiihi i wk t.; k . ?r . we,,,,, bn7i-k ; j hr In il.e lidnlt) of where her body. ""S i".."'i. I believe that phone eall was a lurp. that it took my wife tn a point near where she was found, and I believe the call Mr. Hall get that l.lglit was also a lure ind took him te tlie same place. The minister was always helping some one and se was my wife. Seme one was n lure llld took him te the same place. I n HAT AniH'T TIIK TI'ltliR The minister was always helping some ' 'fhe ituatieri in Uis Knsi .1.,. at,r,pr.ll ,i , ,,., ,,. .fe Seme one wan 1 '"""s'.1. rtimnrn cnnnei i inlirrr.it I one ami se was mj wne peme one was , f nef uuly llWi,,,e,, as Lurep,l ieiitniis Stnmi. one MnlltPll te blackmail ! Tin Ht"t known tart., tumeur In .r.tl iealeus. Seme one wanted te hlackmnli iim j ' wlien th ( d t0 bc,,lnek. .Pf-- rnn.N.-Pr,.JledoCe 1 inniieil tnej wei- much. i.rnenn .'.inue it a llalili." Arli. In finite of Mills; statement, Mrs. . - - Rlit. insists sup rpeeiveu no pnene can 1 for Mrs. Mills en Thursday of last week. ( "Win- should I be held under sus- ni,den?" Mills risked. "I gave th" I'.nsppiifnr nil thp information I could. I ".''""'t. ",11 'J wns ni i-eini i-ieasant, , . .. -.. ,. . R-rtOOM l.e.ji. mrvlrn. lirK" le'. APPirJ "r r,,,,r' ";. , ' r ". """' "enBlf, '.n , is' w qA I n0 " euI1 "ay tl,cr,! wn8 nnytlnng ,rirr.an,eiin 427D J uirr cvB et hf'ptcmlier U says: can ect up." (JOVKRNOR SPROUL will contribute another review te next Saturday's I'Uklic hi:n(;i;R hook pa,i;k Centemeri Gloves 123 Se. 13 St. Philadelphia New Yerk Grenoble, France I cannot make these responsible fer'n-il misery caufed by tliese lniidereU!, (0i t.cll Still another apparent disc-etui-.. enters lule the case lr, the sterv clt.i out by Mrs-. Hall. The infer,? u ,.,i,.,lnl.il ..,.... .1 1 1 ., -1 l" in, nn,!, ii uiiiiiri'ii t nreush I'B' friend, Miss Sally Peters, that l,..-,..' band, when lie left lieine the rt f sbr h, disappeared. Mild the phenp call he ,-d recclvetl was from Dr. U. L. MeKie'r. nan, (10 Kasten avenue, tills rltv, nnj concerned the. payment of tnnney due fet an operation performed et, Mrs Mill It appears Mr. Hull had agreed' te iut this bill and allow Mills te pay it back se much a month. Mrs. Unit says Ut nuKDanti tain no nnd nn appeIntmnj mill lliu iiutjiei Ne Appointment Willi Docter Last night Ur. McKlertmn tl,l t.. nor would i near irem him." hear from him. "Hew- much was due nn the bill for Ills' operation," wan asked of Mrs. M the doctor "Ilctween SI Of) and .5200," he re This statement nf Mrs. Hnll (- nU 10 ui' inciuiieii in me narrative she it latPd te Piospcuter Keekmau last Sun day and It Is believed that Awlstanl i-rostcuter loeinr. lurtlier qurstlenej .urs. 1:111 aiieiit it. .Miss jsally Peters, through whoa urs. nan nas consented en tun Deci siens te he Interviewed, is a sister et the late Key. Jehn P. Peteis. mete- nuuii firi'i'i nun .instcriam avcine, New Yerk, nnd daughter of the Inte Kev. Themas .McClure Peters. She wns mnid of honor at the wedding of Hull and Frances Stevens eicliL vears n-e After every iliiestlen Miss Peters wr.t 1 Inside the mansion te obtain Mrs. Hall's lospellse,! ,P wns HKr, , "Are th"ie any scratches en Mrs. nan 1, inec; With a gesture of Indignation MIm icieis exciaiineii : "Preposterous." avti.m.v ri:mirts A', f.ANTIt CITY. V. .'i. HOTEL R AVENROYD r'hlfa av" Winter rates. nn'l Dnar'lu ilk Kail Am"rlf.in p!nn luiac newffl DKAT1IS I'llANIiAI.I. - Uu Snt 'J2 1023 Dtl. Ttl VAL'OMN' huslmnrl of th late .Mry Cran- il.dl Purcral ril't) en Menilav attfrnennl hi 2 111 o'clock nt, th Olnr H Balfl nins . is:'n t'r.estnut st. Intern nt rrlitt. 1jj-iii ettiit tlmiprs I n.u.r.v -ei, sun, "t M.viLientE rl j lie" IIa.tnan). ileierl ilfe .f lnjph P.I Haley. I'u.inr.il un Menrlay .1' R 30 A JI . frmn rr Inte eIJ.ni ". l'lS'l V "Slh HelMtrui refiiiii-jn inns- St Jr t ryi ClrirchJ in A M liilerni. tn ,,,v t'rm I"mt9ryi WII.LITS At lfr.nti.rlPi I! Sent Ifi'.".1. HEI.KN l-0STl:rt vlfri .1 HerHlle .VI Wllllt- runerm at MI'Mieteun Del., " Memlay, .Set 'i't tit a 1' II Truln lan Ures'l Street Ptn'Ien 1ft lit A M I'r.HSONAI.S IIOUKRT O U' ii'liti 'ej bem; wrlti your mniher weu'.il csnul ANTi:n te iir.NT WANTED te rnt fiirnlnhei hnuse In Chall "a, i toreoni": (ictnhr te junt, AQir" Ilru nj JlntoleklnB N J s .K lir.UMANTOWN in , liirmaiitewii. i-oeu Commercial Stationery The prestige of quality and fine workmanship J. EGALDWELL & Ce. Jewelry - Silver - Watches- Stationery CHESTNUT AND JUMPER STREETS Saturday Closing Heur, IS o'Cleck GOVERNOR SPROUL PENS ANOTHER BOOK REVIEW riOMMKNTING editorially en Covernnr Spieul's brilliant rcview en A. R. Knrquhur's book;, "The First .Millien the Hnnlcst," printed in the Public Ledger hook pages September ', the Dnllns (Texas) -Mern' "Hut if ii hook review by fjnvenuir he lcnmrknhle, even mero ii n Covcrner who can mview a bonk remarkable. And fioverner Sproul turns out n review which trinket the leader of it want te lie n reader of the book also. Piebahly that is ns (reed u tent of ,-i review a.-, anybody He has written u vibinnt arul vital nnalysifi of Ilurten Alva Konkle's historical and political bibliography of Pennsylvanin. "d'oerKO Bryan and thu Constitution of Pennsylvania," with some discuir.iens inte.l Pennsylvania characteristics. J 1 i-m lstt&vv.t1' B yf,a i ritt..i