"; Vfcje"- V 1 -V. m m l H Bh :i h i H Hi Li ft i i .4 ?J it?l 14: EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER' 22 1922 J OAKLAND TOURING Dirk Muf reed new T1t ten erln J110 can b n at HOWARD GARAGE ne Daily Mevie Magazine SEE WIS TONIGHT MOTION PICTURES Hiiiulne nctml tmllillne nf the ANSTED MOTOR "Picli t f J-' "lO'ii xint r I"ant Mete i..c l.i (u .. e Mit.ple Hxlmu By'em , Thcrnni, Stecley and Coleton jii't xx.xi m r .TiirKT. Wrl I'lill I Xcd'fx ' l.flnitnn Onr Custom Clethes wear betT leek sn.artc- -h lencer . . . an 1 cost but ii little moie. B.D.ScmpIincr 1305 Walnut CUE OF PhlltOUPHIAJ If.DING Til OHJ FOR THE FILM FAXS SCRAPBOOK First-Grade Electric Moter Oil (in. pi 1. c.u 1 (is M.E. ARNOLD &C0. Practical Electricians Miilur. I Is lit Iw-IN nil (ijirrat 1019 CHERRY ST. Elfdricil ApnarMu. tr bf suceeisful, MUST be of depidable mnuftcture an-3 " " proet'lv initalltd. EWRITERC svr. TO DOROTHY DALTON TTc will be glad ie publish the picture of such screen players as are suggested by the fans THE MOVIE FAXS LETTERBOX r Only Standard Make 9 A Days' Free Trial "JxJ 1 Year Written Guarantee DUALEUS IN ALL MAKES Or Ii plaxjuti-k 1005 CHESTNUT ST. W3B BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. H 1 1 n iiva -T- Closing Heur T,s HKNKY M. NECLY I te Valentine he. N coeil : xhere It is1 foreign te lilm, ttie epiicltc Is the , r.Tf Theu xliy. de ou u4c, is lie I six en such linrfV Merely te Mitlsfy tlint rlituicbtles L'liilten. iinnulnr demand. If Valentine pln.xed en merit nlenp he xxnuld Mill be ileins 'lilti' iik he illil two xrnr- age. lint the plrls 'Mmnl mlerc him' nnd tliete J en "re! "Annul 'IIIimmI nml Sand.' dlsnn- 1 pointing xutild he a niltil mljeetive in I de-cilptlen. Tjpli'al mex Ic "uu'.Iiiphm of tlie uimiuonpiin'e xnriety. two minus of the pen cried (.'. H. Pe Millc In the luxurious .lenMinlinn of Dena Sel's apartment. "Ax for the crowds nt the bull ring, mnj I net d'hupM the rnineim I'lajers te 'spend the price of a ticket te Tin .Tunn.i for frc"h Him and sine the ex-pen'-e of lisins old news -rt el f-cenes of .1 Si'.inl-h iiiein in Madrid. viniiiRe of I'hiT' (1 miis Mire I had seen It be tore 1 ' i:en the eereMluinled perfeetlnii In artiMiy of dliectien. Can It he hh-' nble that thii is the same t'red Nihle who guided 'The Three Musketeers' e n. i-nxefull Inte inemlnencQ as one of tli. 'ten b'eM' of la-t year? I -tnceiely rejrrel when a director nesle.-t te pliiee hl audience opti epti .11 1 ' in 11 sMiipathetic and teceptlve iii.m 11 It would de well for M'ine of our ,iin tn- te -Hid) mere p-jeliolegy el ,itiin phere than niateilnl detail. I veii'ure te say thai 'The Hairy p. is tauMiiK mere iliMurbance with in our indiUdual minds than any ether pli of recent iw. And that is due iceie te tlie impressleniM ntmeiphere t' it :iie winsx te the plot and teeth 1, t'e dwindle than .in single In- t lll'V Il.ne we ever left a picture home tV.'Inv a theuch we had absorbed feed f..r thought' 'f.illg.iri" is the one in M.ni. e 1 can tecall in a maze of the ouMemnry " iiflle. Hut enough. My thank- are ex tended te Mate lllitzstein for an inter etlng. if somewhat tee sarcastic, letter en the Mirieus tneriti and demerits of tlie characters in 'Bleed nnd Hand.' 1 would far rather -ce Marc spend his time .enMructiiis itiMead of tleMreing, ,, , lii- went te de However, our dlf 1, i tine- should net be lilted in public, sli-Hlld thejV" ' Vhat s.n banking ! Jeur .' ta'.it rs car' eil xer r 10 P. M 1. lei'-iveij a'tcr ..Uu t 04 kit in j a'"' ' w iv sat -'actery purat- a. count i e n rte.it ccn- XVi utn pfn from 'J A. U. We "Mrs. Tem" rit"s "Honestly, new. don't jnu feel -erry for the per--"ti- who ar alw.ijs lellum n- what a bad tiling for u- the uievtc. are' 'Tonight, after I had wa-lml the -hi- iinl Tem had broken a i x i'id -aucr tr.xing t drj them. I pi. i"l u i current iiiagaxme and tend an .. rt 1 - e perpetrated In a slipi e-edly Mo tion pitture preducei", in whnh lie J..--ribe- tlnj movies a- a -hert -t.'p at bt -t from being an absolute affront te 1 u mature intelligence. In a deultr WUJ lie ,lttempt te COllMIlie u- til it i our children will p.iv ter tin- hep.'l.ss I inedieirit and -tupu!lt of the tilnis. j "I Il'-XOr tl'.'HIllt illlll'll llDi.UI the anon.Miieu- writers who I'erfeim for n much pi r uluiiin. i'licj are tee in- tlinul tu -tret.'h the writing .mil the . truth. If there 1- se mm h wieiig with the mew-. wh tlees he net -ax. the. alu.ibl tune w.i-ttd in writing .ilMiut it and de er.i" actual work to ward itirre. ting the trouble' 'lhi- lead ' tni te maUy u thru-t .it .ill mei" patron. It's -e rate, especially in the (With a -ilenl prayer for mercy en i veur recHie lieail, 1 uereiiy (urn jnu exer te the teeth and daw of the most rvrsi'.XT, views nri p u os of a most unusual char . ikn un - tneiit unusual clrcum- .iri'earlnrf Willi Rreat frequency In ni in( 1 rencn ure section, which t- in eiti-riil iari et eacn sunaay ruiu.ia Lrr lii "Mike It a Habit." Adv. TI-" IS -l-teti'( mei ie-; with Clii.initn ' It .1..1 net siein te l .e re.ldels of till- department.) that th" bull tight -cene were a- -pec t.i.ular a- tli might hae be. n. In (irithth - li.iiul-. for in-t.ince. tht would hae been meie -... Imt then In would pieb.i'ih h.n" !e-i the -tery in a howl mi med of Spaniards.. se nia.xbi. we were bener off a- it 1-. ' l"iy one .onnceted with the pie ture in inn way certainly de-.rxe- a let e' iiedit Yiu felt "all the wnv tli'e'..'li it tint it wa- produced. . i tecte.l and at led b intelligent ml ed'l c.tte.l j .-..pie who weie -ineer' trying te k ' i te a high -i.iinlard. A'. I i'.h'i -e mi. h mere than (,m b1 -.il f. i -e n..in f our -e-i llleil fe.ifur. I ."t ire t h it I m "r h"lp teeling taat M.'...! .nd Mind i- at lea-t a big jump iu the right dim tleu ' ' K nuribu- I mini" writr- "The genei.il ,iie of opinion - i - te l.'ixe it rli.it al!l.w..l .1.1.1 -:-i.t.i' i. ;.. .n Among the people depended upon te, te v tll ,iltrt hNtr,ni, ,,,,,',, e UlilR" 11 IIOUIO l.Oll .1 H1.V" I- I".". I(.i ,i f - .,.,.(., ILIC TRUST COMPANY 1429 CAescnut Street HOURS Qam-IOpm Our new leaf ge bedj et pa-sixe -pectatei- et un aiiij all picturis seiveti !ij .iir cior cier itid exlnbitei- who-e Ihetiglit- aie net en the tame the pi. tun- will lrmg or the geed thei will .1". but en the amount ut tilth iLcre. that will llew into tl.eu . eflers. "1 wlh the-e -pectatei weu'd ril .1 thit the whole uiexenn nt t"i lf. t. r pi' 'lire-, i i nergied in a u -l-ratice le mat r"l". Ceii-ider iu M.i- i ounce eunce ounce t.eii ti." tate ! the r.'tnt "reli h Wi.-. ' Will the preiluter of tht- ire. ntttr tin- tiiiiinatic no un- n. -e xnguei hinted nt '"lore Here and there one hear- rt mark- t" tin- tiT.ct ,.iul latch the litter- te the :.i. ,,ie -hew n that in) per rent of the me legeers bt'.exe it 1 tiue "lleweirp, I wi-h te tae tl it no irere h,i- heen dlplaXi'd III 111- late-t V X m REPAIRS TO Engines and Boilers General Machine Werk J. & G. RICH COMPANY 120-122 N. Sixth St. Trrphen .Xtnrkrt 2081 tnan in an. oil.. 1- theie te prove of am elij. ction ctien elldiaMll te pit: prei i . I it ' te ent 111 the1 my p ii . fixed, huv .mother et tl We haxe tiir bi'Lau-" the teuierltx te leliMe'J i' -.iiii" . .iiiii'T": te .1. epl lilt dle. re pi' Wi: fel.uw the path et i'-rrr?: 'siizszX utJ r " ''iirt' L - - : W ii e ..-I r .I-t.llu' 1 wen. lit' It tlie peu- K pie knexx th'-re i -u. Ii a thing a- nu 2 i..-ing our i.-i-ti en th. pietlueers.' j . i. ,i ...it. a .r'leii that ii"t one of 'd ' the mill who wilt" te xeu and prete-t A I,.. i,i i. . .n .in l.i tun ha- exer lien- .,..,...1 , m,.jm nt I,,- tii-.ii niexal .e the 1 Bread Supreme i Evtra FJi Leaf Our IIa?ter Raken' Masterpi'-ce - 11X it ff- In all our Stores it 3' a i y JlHHIL-L.l.a.L -T -i.I.- -Si T 'VT T vr, w ..t M O ECONOMIES 3&r Tnme Pip" VreT h, 8 sizes Pout .1 t "ft llll pi Hit' 1'"- ' I tiell.'l a xmhe el in- ui-.ii i'i".ii li..ill.igir et t th' II. I I ' ... lie'ihth-- n ere gi'.'l weiihl be a---.e'lip.i-ht.l it, afii r wiitmg a letni te xe'i, lie protesting p.'r-eii would mail it "... t,i i...rire nietiii'i nit till.' tht'.tll' . If bettei pi. tun- are tle-iml. I ...i.l I., r. iik.iiiIii re.l that the lile-t -i. v . .'. ." ' ' , I.l t X" lllelllO'l el I' gl-I' I'lUg 111 .ll'l'l'" '1 i- tlueiigh the ..xhiiiiier. bx a lemen--traiKf with him or Ins manager. i I'l, ink goediie--' At. In- "" ''' ill'-' nbe- te the xowpeillt 1 haxe se ..fteti cpre--. 1 li'ie "U 111" llll g t ting just th" kind "t pictures xeu .1. ... ,w. ou k'tn patronizing th-n without regi-iTing an.x ki'k.- wi'h t.- Lwiiager. se natuiallx h" -upp - x -i hi,..' en Mi h" enlers mei" "f tl. r-, iliie kind , , I nt 1 there i- a general tnexemr,,. f ... unite . .pre-Meii- et opinion te t' i, n .nan iger, mexit.i wen l piipfet much li - light up te the t in perpcti.men e'l-. What the nltM'iii 'llle-tlell, I point "Valentine f a per-enil . hai ictnr .lu-t II- a lefi-tr, ha- enlx e ie tinx. tin- Xnlentine ha- enlv one t.cte He i- urn pie ; . i fd -i inarms if x mi w i!' Hut alt-' he i- ,i!-e mi! hitii-elf And th. t. I . Ian i that i,e i- In tt i here i f nut werei than h" was u 'II' 1 "u r Hei - men ' ' W i the ruai.lcter I- -n . itheti r Hiding a rash went heal it Attempts te conceal complexion blemishes usually fail, and only serve te draw attention te the defects. Underneath most unattractive skins is a clear, pleasing complexion all that is needed is the prepjrtreatment! It is surprising hew often a brief use of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Seap will clear axvay blotches, redness and roughness and cive the skin Us natural freshness and charm. As!t your drugrut (or RcsindL Resinol PHOTOPLAY PHOTO P LA YN The following theatres obtain their pictures through Vyz STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee et early showing of tlie line.-t productions. Ask for the theatre in your lecal-ity obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. At VJl.LxJ MxTtsf- riULY BETTY BLYTHE In '1M-HI)I IIPsllXM)" ARDMORE rf" BERT LYTELL in sin.it i ec;k hkehn" TtrirnD i.i--Tnn s. i.uxin .m. Ab 1 UK M XTIVVV I.1IU ANITA STEWART In "llll. XXflXIXN !lhMXmtll I) ' The N1XON-NIRI3LINGER lW6 tW THEATRES W BELMONT f.!D XUOX'E MAKKKT 1 an & 3 i, lii te 11 V. M. -I I Ml. T(I1)X III I F.XI.O IIM.L Marshall Neilan's "GO GET IT" s-.Il;.r 1 1' arl 1 7 and a ! M GLADYS WALTON In "rill, TROOPIIK"- them-i 1m - I l-- . ceaL-n- r gg 1 rime Mr.rkey Wrench, , ni " ' sires Trui j Pipe Cutter, 3 sues ter SHOP, HOME -i FARM These Three Toels Have thi QualityTRIMOMark The ncht mati rial i . in them- The best jk)5siL!c di'inn is in them. Every TKIMO np.r.ttmK con. vem nee is in tht in and every feature of economy. TRIMO uscrahuy for long service. Buy ofieur dealer or wite Trlment Manufacturing Company Resburr (Heiton), Mm "Maid of UiW VeH '" 'f ,, ...i -ax -xeu are a bum wntu. x.. i l.ixe inlgtlty gdiid Judgment m .i'i"""- in, nml in i'U" '""i !"',,rrr;' , -Vi '" m u, nut-tlen-' Carl.xl. I. .ok I 1 is .,w making a T'"''' V' ','" "' , '. J... I luininend : Madge 1.x. m I. i n t ,",!, n pn ture .line Hu.'.e of i he lp- ' and 1 iindei-taiid 1- iim1 Utii-h-I ng her eiliifiitlen I - m t ansxxei xnur ' purv .ibmii i'erge M.i.niiin. : haxen t leniil of hun in x.ai- Jaunt.- Club New Yerk xx i- in- aildre-s alieut a xear age .Jehnii.x Hine- i still iniil. lug . eiuedles in and about Nexx X"ik Muriel (istitch siems I" b" dixiding her time l.i t wen the -luge and an " 'ui-ieiial lli'lependent tillii piielu. lien '(.lii'lx- Hrecliwell Is working In pntun ,. I nixer-nl Citx. Calif . bill she I n t r in ill Af. featured much newaila.xs. At pint ( i t sit I s In CALL" .sr.i that the Is leallx (i T. N. wutes- ".New i .iii.'.a .m.l si.ind' cotltrexersx 1 feel tailed upon I" enter the li-t-. ),,,! ,r se. ins that I enter en the -id. of ,! iirut iiititf-tant. ter 1 agree with ,.! all thai 'Chi'iuila' has te say. I'aiti. ulnrl de I ague with what he i iu- -he I -.! about Nit.i N-ildi In ill her -i flies she looked Hill .Htnl IX- '.ictlx an she was meant te I" ;k and act -highbrow and foreign. And th..-e ni twit iitlrlbuies that a great iniiii of .mi 'stars hewexer beautiful the might i. .v.. I.e.-n. mini naxe Illll'-U ie t Ien., n wa.xs leu nun xi rnin iwmld some da show us that lie tan ,...,iit n.-i. mi I wa net siirp tl, ju-r i leitset wlUi ins .Iu iu (iiillarde lit (ippeal.d te me clliellx li.tailse h. ilnlu't i m- or 'emote' tin seinelx i- he might , hi iasilx haxe done. Inn gaxe u- a . ei -linn dlgnllx and sublletx In hi- " "ng t wii- inx iiiisfeiiune net Ie sic Otis Skinner in I lie l''a. "" I haxe no wax of comparing the two. hut I should think that what al -1111111' max haxe I 11 kill In expel letiee he would haxe mole than made up fur In attraciiveniss and 1 I.l. general sutlabHlx te the p.nt. It 'lias been billd that he win 'I'dil and ...... .!.... in tin. nart. but t K-eiiis te in. tint lie Cbese one Interpretation of JiiiffiiTchnrudw and then stuck .te ir cnnsl.fntly. And nil incn uiuc-k ,w I 'de love con BALTIMORE J t :.t;T,r AGNES AYRES 1 iLjL'illiL iliL'JL-l1 " 'bluebird ':v ' . Vll.-r xii ( Xl in 1 'bigJstakes" X.rsTut A I bill . "XI -I X- LULUMrtL. . i. : . . - . ( 1,1.1:1. XUMI-cm ...nl JIM '".r1"" "ONE CLEAR CALL" FAIRMOUNT;"f,ln WALLACE REID Till. IK rXKIIl 56TH ST ll,,T, ..' AGNES AYRES nu: limn m ' GREAT NORTHbHN " '- (i xint xx 1 m; "':","' x. "ONE LLtAK Imperial $;?; -r LOIN LHftiir-i lnJp'TIIK' i: (trill Utls L1BER1 V ",luxA,W ' ".'irA' WILLIAM RUSSELL In-xieM X ie HI l: ORIENT 'v1- v "x'jv si THOMAS MEIGHAN in "(II It I.KXUIM. ( IIII S OVERBROOK " ,',(V,',vK CONSTANCE BINNEY 1 "IKIOM XM IKlXltli" nll'M KHAN. 1 "It' XI SD PALM 1 's rithKT HOUSE PETERS in -Tin iNxi-iisi 1 row 1 ic srrMiinnl' M" "''" l"'1 """"" REGFNT "" i'17!! ANITA STEWART i .'in.it mm' imti.xis rs 1 a 1 nt 1 . 1 I x I X tXl.Xl'B RIALlO . iu:n sr VIOLA DANA In "1.1 X-s ikii si - . "SHERWOOD ' '"""V-ie ETHEL CLAYTON l "lii!5 '"" ,,I'I', Ns " 333 MARKET .."W ' '7' CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE' XVOBLDLY MADONXA' rnr r;pi iiw Mark.t i.-t w - --"-" - i 1 - -i JU1B0 tiih i. OUid "11 T ii'J u p M FRANK MAYO 111 " XI H ll 111 I Id III" HIU.ST ST 4 UIltAlti AVK Jnmi Tiie nn WimUf-i-- ! iviAUJt. fntvuiir In "IIXM.I Kill s 1 IT TI h III MON" LEADER "Vr A1, ,"t ri THOMAS MEIGHAN In "(II K I I XI1IM. ( ITI.I.N -U LOCUST iti:i:rd te 11 1 " 1 - 1 Mi'- I t nn 1.. -. PAULINE FREDERICK in "Tin. i.iiutx in ( 1,1 xii.stin X- NIXON'S AMBASSADOR ;;"',V -nS V" - 1 i" ' 1- .1 . "'I i BETTY BLYTHE in "FAIR LADY" 6-U AND ilAJtKBT MTU. ' GLADYS WALTON In "llll, llteni-Ht" NIXON .! XMl xi hr.s '111' RIVOLI TOM MOORE in 111 xriM. nu. 1. ,xmi 69fHST.T,''-,''nJS'.v.7;'-i GLORIA SWANSON In "III It (.11 III. I) ( (, " STRAND '' r"u""r"," Av ut Ven.n, GLORIA SWANSON ''' " in "in.it 1.11 iii:d r x(.i." AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBER'S OF M.P.T.O.A. Av. V CERMANT0WN ",' IXITTX BEBE DANIELS In "X I. XXII ( UK M.N" GRANT "-S, !,;r..H ,, Mnbel Normand in "Mickey" LXIillX ! MUN 1" "X I'XIi: III MN(lN" JEFFERSON -u,h TTA J POLA NEGRI U" in "nil' iniil "s I'lux" DA 13 Y HIUiilJ AXIS i U.XLPIII.V bf. 1 Alxix in . y -.iu. i.tviu 11 JACK LONnON'SlFAMOrR STORY i "SON OF TlJE WOLF Cellins BATIiIS, Electric and Steam Massaga Salt Rubs NIQHT AND DAY SERVICE 6LEEPINQ ROOMS NO TIPPING 19.23 NORTH BROAD STREET Nip diabetes in the bud, with Drink a plai nf Mountain YaUtu ll'eli-r retry hour en (Ini hour. "Rtdie-aclive" this pure drinking water, pins n medicinal radle-nctlvlty put there liy Nature. Stubborn cases V-. of Ulnhetcs frequently yield te tms great natural xxater. en dorsed a 11 d recommended by i)ltgclan.s. emce nml Snlrnroem. 718 Clir.tntit St..rhlln. Call and sample Water Irtt. Vh. It'alnul 3101 Mountain Valley Water ROOFING MATERIALS Xlnniifnrtiirfil by .... ?.. n. iiKittiim tt.. no . s.n ftTnj.fcT Wnn 871 .Mnrllft C.XXI Hf!,' ,'.'rx, Br ft i) M mWmLUll H:& &'- A U Wlmmttmmmm 'i ill I Mr. Anna Cenntr fteuubrefe Iferpicide Brings Out The Life and Beauty bf Your Hair Fer brlnslntr out ths natural beauty and lur. urlanee et your hair nnd restoring your ecaln e healthy condition, nothing will equal Ilerpiclda. If your hair Is'net velvety soft and luxuriant It means that tke natural sheen la hidden. Herat cida will bring out the natural sheen and maV. your hair fairly Blcam with Ufa and beauty. Th days of your faded-out looking hair will hav passed and your appcaranee will be ee Improved thai It will be a surprise te you and a revelation in your friends. w JeujbreHerprcide Removes Dandruff Step Falling Hair Herplclde will net only make your hair beaut, iful but It quickly removes all your murishtlv dandruff, steps your itching scalp and prevent your hair from falling out Your scalp will tens up and beceme healthy - a healthy scalp is tha only true hair grower. Herplclde has a most dainty and ezqulslta odor. Many ladles use It as a perfume. Herplclde is guaranteed te de all that l.i claimed for it or your dealer will refund purchasa Jirice. Buy a bettl today and haet btautlful uxuriant hair. ' Sold By All Drug and Dept Stere Applications At Barber Sheps Suppose Yeu Had Te Milk the Cew Yourself A SK your neighbor, raised in the country, hew he liked the job of rising at 4 A. M. and shoveling a path te the barn te milk Sukie and Bessie. Even today, with labor-saving machinery, it is a task which the modern city dweller would scarcely welcome. Think what effort is made what sums are expended in order te keep you constantly sup plied with fresh, rich, wholesome GOLD MEDAL MILK. When you drink your daily quart as you should think of the forty thousand cows, from which our supply is obtained, browsing en the rich pasturage of the neighboring countryside. Hew their milk is brought te our rural receiving stations, tested for quality, then rushed in perfectly refrigerated cars te our dairies. Think of the veritable army of men and the equipment of motive power required te keep the milk stream flowing endlessly in. Then the batteries of can and bottle washers; the additional tests for quality and purity; the gleaming and spotless pasteurizers; the giant coolers; the speedy bottling and capping machines; the conveying platforms; the tens of ice te keep the milk sweet and lastly the effi cient representative, and the well groomed horse, drawing a spic- and span wagon which brings trie milk te your deer. A many-sided enterprise, work ing with constant faithfulness and thoroughness for your benefit; in in velving infinite and ceaseless labor and enormous expense. All done te supply you with milk the perfect feed at a price which seems trifling in comparison with the nourishing value of GOLD MEDAL MILK and the outlay we must make te deliver GOLD MEDAL Quality and Service, SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES GOLD MEDAL MILK 26 Awards for Quality JU. L!d rt w w. ------- - 2U.4 fcjarty. Wnwa rMilivlIMS lit