i.', wesinH "- rrrw ' '&&0 6V& E&L J rwv'Ac V ,!', c -'JLM .IC We M . v y . ssv v - Si I " s j'e: 11 'piijff vm XL'i' m NOW BEING BUILT Anether Rew of the New Lew-Priced Hemes in 1 1 .HUNTING PARK SECTION 6()0 Bleck Bristel Street Six rjems and a modern bath, large perch, refrigerator, shed, liundrv, tot-water heat, electricity, gas kitchen, mahogany-and-white flnhh- Plenty of closet room and garage privilege. Only small iiitial payment is required, and the carrying charges are $35 00 pr month. Near schools and churches. SAMPLE HOUSE 4230 N. MARSHALL ST. I , Take Itoute 47 or CO te Hunting Park Avenue fRANCIS B. J. BRANAGAN BUILDER OF HOMES .ilBTJilTJi VALUABLE BUSINESS .PROPERTY '"rli (Nes. 1 102-4-6 Germantown Ave.) Cor. 2nd and Germantown Ave. ; IT 1 AT AUCTION Wednesday, September 27, 1922, at 12 M. IT (Lr. HEAL ESTATE 8ALK&K00MS. At j tell PAr.ricuiAHa at "R SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO.. Auctioneers uMriei ttireheiisrs. Maniifartnrlnc rioersFiiftorte, T ' -V DESIRABLE' FACTORY PROPERTY f LOT 328 IFT. ON HANCOCK AND PALETHORP STREETS 109 FT. ON SOMERSET STREET f Jl'ew Occupied by Smith & Furbubh Machine Ce. 3- AND 4-JTORY BUILDINGS. APPROXIMATE' FLOOR SPACE 90,000 SQUARE FEET .i f. has, jwniNKT.fn ststkm. electric peweh, heilkks 1'en liiAilU. il tiljbVAlUlta, u.nn UAIIAUL, POSSESSION JANUARY 1BT. 10J3. 1 TOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLr TO .HARRY S. KAESTNER or .'.'- LAM'ASTER AVE. Lie, I and feietone Phenes Stife and IlwelllnKs Stores and Dwellinp-si It ine 600 Bleck Bristel Street IJUSSU SJORES AND DWELLINGS WITH 1 BEDROOMS, NOW IN COURSE Or CONSTRUCTION. CAN HE CHANGED 'JO SUIT PURCHASER WITHOUT ANY ADDITIONAL CHARGE. UARAOE PRIVILEGES SMALL, AMOUNT Of CASH REQUIRED. CAN UE E1NANCED. FRANCIS B. J. BRANAGAN wmemtt iiniirjBUii.Dijn. op jiemeseiu U'lllli m,ST pim.AiiF.H'iiiA $8500 J 'WILLOWS AVENUE Between 58th St. and Cobbs Cicek Boulevard Tlirce-steiy perch front dwell ings, with six bed chumbers, parlor, yiing-roeni, kitchen, laundry, hard wood floors, electric light and gas I'tht, new combination fixtures, Modern plumbing, geed het-air heat in? system; nuwiy painted and pa pered. In the center of a mes attractive J neighborhood, with schools, churches, Meres. Pnrb- nnd Pnrlrsvnv. tennln , 1 .1... ' - "'- " -.--"-j, .-.....-, e, etc., a cnuiming community cmer. Fer sale en easy terms and with Mt unnecessurv uxdciikgs in flhan- I OUST. C. PEMBERTON, Jr., Owner .Harrison Hldg., 4 S. 15th Street f 0VERBR00K HOMES $5000 te $25,000 Will lTnance te Suit Purchasir EDWARD M. MOLL 111 t,r,n. .. .- j'M.ilO.NT 8(171) 01'K?I EVENINQS r." "iiu.m avi: tii:i. r.3D s r. Jtuslnfsw Jeperllfii nnd hjerew WEST PHILA. Newest Business Development tlW."lut" ani1 aPartlnenls Oppoitunl Oppeitunl ir if m'"- ""i'lt snd produce! mlllln i '.." confectionery end tailor. Only '. 1 corner NV , WM. M. KNATZ, INC. emvoei) nip west me ftSTORFQ J.UM .""Ished In ; tUlVJlXr.. dsrful bus nesa wonder. location ff. ... .. T.T7L 0)ul, ,aa et v ,ebanen i ' . " Dem " " r'liiMR' Builders and Ovrnera i. ! , 6th and Haddington atreeta mWVS yt sucfiet' v $ $ W 2U922 at Ztti , aS9'2 CiestnutSt lull fhrltculars aJublleneJrs Nfc SVft lea'O" I muni! 1510-21 CHESTNUT ST. AUCTION HTOBE IMIILV W nrcheuses. Manufacturing Kloers E. S. TOMLINSON. Jr. LINCOLN DUILDINO Hell and Kei stone Phenes Meres nndllwylllngs liiuiiiiuaiiriu'iiiiii WKNT riIII.ADELI'III 802 S. 57TH STREET Will be sold at a bargain. Small amount of cash will take title. See RICHARD PURDY CODIIS CREEK TITLE AND TRUST CO. Alse 1 CHESTER I'HCE, DAIWT Phene Darbv 250 NEAR 48th and Baltimore ave Threo Three Threo sterj semi-detached residence: hot het water heat, eleetrlcle , screens through threugh through out: A-l condition; owner leaving cltv; jirlce reduced: convenient te everythlnc. CORNER 5-story seml-det. itsldence; garsge pessltillltlss: steam heat, elec tricity, living hall, hardwood doers, ,2 baths; also apartment pesalb.; monthly leune! cenv't te stores trolleys, etc. HERMON ANDERSON .V,S Tv3.. OOTH ST. SECTION Marlborough read: stone, U reams and bath: hard hard weed floors, het-water heat, etc, W. M. HAWTHORNE. 0lth ht. Theatre JJldx. I jus Jen no 2051, GERMANTOWN Germantown Realty S. W Cor, Oreene & Walnut lane Detached stone residence; 0 oham eham bsrs, 2 baths Let 104180. This properly is conveniently located In one of the finest sections of German town I'er prompt sale will be sold below marl.et value. Attractive t,itns Residential restrictions. West side arcCillum st,, north Mt. Pleasant ave, Substantial atone resl denre, U bedchambers, 3 baths, 2 sleeping perches; 2-car garage: mod ern and up te date. Price 128,000, 827 Hlh street, west of Morten: at trsrtlve semi-detached residence, con venient location; S rooms, bsth. Property In excellent oendltlon, Will sell completely furnished or unfur nished, North side Csrpenter lane, east of Wlssahlfken ave, new detuched Dutch Colonial residence; substantial constructien: resident al restrictiens: 4 bedchambers, 2 baths: modern and a,g.., 'iVt' &1&" iWlkebO?"' B.B. Lister LSen 5013 CUn ave, Otn 68 iumuuii!.hii unwBaai imminiantfflBHjaiiiW reiwriiinuranni RnnmDncag. I m ")wi'(iiiwmwiiiuiiiniLiiiiiniiiu lul lillWlrSTOS?JsffllllsssiwinessjJ in- ' ' .- III B ti "GERMANTOWN Spmething lilew $6600 Inspect these new home., 'with garage. Take 40 or BJ trolley te Wlster it. , (formerly Blenton ve,), walk 1 square north te Heist opera tlen, Agent en premises. Near Center of Germantown Twe-story portSi-frent dwelling; 0 room nnd both! het-water heat. and electricity, hardwood floem. Located 115 n. Tulpehecken. Trice 16801), Excellent condition. Your Rent Problem Solved by owning thtvplndld modern de tached home. A email caah pasment atcures title, balance en attractive termi. Centalni 8 room. 2 batha, eleeplns poreh, varace. A-l cendl tlen, I'oiMMlen. Located en ytttt aide near l'ennylvanla nallread. Near Upsal Hrandnew Miree-itery twin dwell; Inge ltli let Zd'xlSU' and Individual a-arate; het-water htatlnr. electricity, nardnoed fleer I.nat word In build trie conetructlen. I'rlce I14.S00. Cresheim Read Detached heuee laet one remaining out of 18. Let 4Vxl2V. Contain) 10 roema and s bathn. Het-water heat. ran and etcctrlcltv, hardwood fienrf, open fireplace, Price 113,000. V.x cellcnt nlue. Detached $8750 Let nt-m 35'xlir.', Center hall het-water 'heat, caa and eleatrlclty. hardnoed floera throughout, iiarnain. irousheut Three-family Bargain 10 roema, 2 bathe: het-wnter heat, electricity. 1'rlce only $0flOs 3d fleer apartment rented, Met 'Jt fleer apirt ment. $00: let fleer vacant. Uiamlne at once. All-stone With Garage Twin bunaalew-type heuac. Let 40'xl40'i Ideal locatien: near Lincoln Drive and Upral Station, f'empact Sinn. All lane-ilre roema l'rlce 13, COO. Twe under course of con cen con atructlen one Beld. Pelham Read Brand-new Co'ental-type Ireme, " bedrnema and 'J bath", containing- all advanced features. Near trolley and Carpenter Station. Lat one left of deratien. Act quickly, Prlce til, SOU, Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ 5601 OnRMANTOW.N AVE. Germantown 00 te 1111! IN GERMANTOWN 404 Manheim Street Attractive corner proper!), oppeslts Oerniantewn Cricket Club. 8 street frontages; stene residence. 12 rooms, 2 baths; large BUble and garage; let 115x105; old shade, shrubbery, etc. West Side A seml-delirhed house for Jll.StiO with let 25x181: one blech from Was no nvnue nnd 2 blocks front Chellcn Ave. Station, Tenna. Read. Chestnut Hill ttrtetlve semi-detached house, c bedrooms, 2 baths; het-water hcac, electric light: 8750.0O. Church Lane All stone, new seml-detacheJ resi dence with garage privilege- 3 bed rooms. 2 biths; het-water heat; clcctrle light. Washington Lane & McCallum Street New Colonial houses, 2U aterv. with n bedrooms. 2 baths, every medern convenience G LYNDON PRIESTMAK E R M A N T 0 W 5fi07 OTN AVE. Tel. Gtn. 0410 Member FhlU. Real Estate Heard MJiiffliraiiniiiniiiniiiiKiira mm rmmmmm ic iiscawiiiamVaViai!iH!ffl SedgwicK THE MOST DESIRABLte residential aeetlen of Oermantewn ts"t?,V tichad and semi-detached stone dwell ings of 12 and 14 rooms. 2 and 8 baths, hel-siater heat. !?" euet floors, epsn flreplsces. serenss, Riolesld and heated. Single and two CThMfe"ss hava been ;Pf1S,JSl, with tb thought of Jjnilihliw u with a, real home, net .merely a house. May we shevr je t these poP peP ertlea en Ardlelgh at . north ;!' lit. Pleasant av I hey are Just one aauarj Frem SsdavrlcU station Chest- SedgwicK Farms Ce. 7014 Beyer St. Gtn. Otn. B6 Fhone ltn t74 ilMOTiWKl 300 't'41 BERKLEY MORRIS STREET .STREET TWO COll.M-n HOMES One can be alterel te provide atere; exceptional location for meats, fruits, previsions or dry goods These houses have 7 rooms and bath. Inclesed heated perches nnd carags Exceptional v iiliif. ,..-- tVaine June. 12 niln from Reading Ter. 110 tralnstdally, or car Ne. Ba ley at Walk west 2 blocks FRANK A. MOLTER K ON THE PREMISES S OKi.iidimKifiinTHm'iiiiiiiTiiBTiinniHri iiiUMiiiii twins wm Germantown 17 TO B9 WEST WARHINOTON IAM1. NEW ".STORY HOMES: 1X)T8 IS AND "e rr widb ry us rr. dekp- ther.- OUCIULY MODERN CONSTRUCTION: PRICE! 18730 TO 110,600. Samuel Harting & Sens, Builders "O 11. Jehnsen st. Phene Otn 1248. Sample house nearly cumpleud KINGSLEY STREET WEST Or WISSAHICKON AVC "i sters-. ssml-detached and thoreuihlv medern: contains 4 bedrooms, front and '"'"EDWIN C. EMHARDT B80O OERMANTOWN AVE, $4500 $500 CASH aW.A mallf'strlVt: g2ed 'nefflr. Vrhead perch, 0 rooms and bath; electrle: sample een dally and Sunday. Cevne. 24tli & LeStigh Ave. Alse see aTruwn In follevrlne columns Alse sea adrertlseraenls In small trne T.UONV TORRESDALE AVE. ABOVE PRINCETON HT LROE, MODERN BTORES AND DWELL- 1NOS OR APARTMENTS EXCELLENT LOCATION HARRY E. THOMSON sill rnANurenp ave. III I WM. H. W. QUICK & BKO.i inc. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET v OFFER, TltE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES FOR YOtJR CONSIDERATION I 6 S. 43D ST. 3 alerv. aemLilAtkfhit...le toemi and bath, elec. llrhti near "U" and aurface eara. 4632 LARCHWOOD AVE. Kxclualve neighborhood) modern ap pointments, le room and S batha, l'rlce 126,000. 42D AND WALNUT STS. Modernized 8 atery aerdl detached fieme, 10 roema and 2 batha. het-water leat and jelec. light. Only 12,S0O. 3908 BALTIMORE AVE. fl-atery detached property. Let y0t lOtl, extending te Woodland ave., havlnx a frontage of 53 feet en two main atreeta. Thli lias great possibilities Investigate. 739 N. 63D ST. Attractive atone front residence en ten feet wide beulevard4 rooms, Ihcluiltne breakfast room en 'rat floer: 4 rooms and bath en 2d floer: 2 room) and bath en 3d fleer, modern appointments, 701 N. 63DST. Detac'ied corner atenn residence ami .1 car garage, especially adapted for profes sional man, having 4 rooms, bath and toilet en basement fleer, which In t street level: cellar la beneath. In addi tion, contains 10 roema and 2 baths Unusual construction and finish! mniiv untqua features, such ai cedar-lined closets, vacuum cleaning system, etc If In the market for a high-class prop prep osition at a fair prlce Investigate this WE SOLICIT YOUR Established January 1, 1887 OUR "COTTAGE TYPE HOMES" CENTRAL PLANT HEAT A feature that eliminates dirt and dust, removal e ashes; easily controlled undpf most beveie tests and pieven te cost less thnn ordinary coal bill. COLUMBIA AVE. & Pass North en C3d 22 Mere "Cottages" New Being Built for Fall Delivery, Several Having Been Sold Direct Frem Plans PRICES $9500 - $9900 It .wll be well worth your while te inspect our Sample Heuse (of a similar type), diiectly opposite, at 6350 Columbia avenuc. MARTIN McWILLIAMS 539 Seuth 52d St. woodland 730s TACONT ORR'S TACONY HOMES PRINCETON AVE W. of TORRESDALE Semi-detached, perch front. 7 rooms and modern bath, all Imprevements: garage privilege: large let. Fhone for appoint ment. Kens. 0000. HARRY E. THOMSON agent 2521 PRANKrORD AVE OI.NKV Ml OLNEY OLNET AVE. AND 11T1I BT. New modern attractive u-roem. bath and garage: hdwd. floors througheut: tile bath; 2 minutes Taber station; 4U trains dally: accessible 4 trel. lines,; see sample house; only 18000. HERBERT HOPE sent V Rreart at Wyoming. 4 V17 ffMM'mjwjiiiHiiiii'ra HlrVlfjIlllillillluw Alse s anrMsesasati In smsll true In following columns. aiKSTNCT HILL is WE ARE OFFERING ,Z 'a,nV1 desirable section or cjiiestnut Hill a verj attractive djtaehed dwelling with about lt acres of greund: adjoins ralrmaunt Parle has beautiful lawns, tine old shade, shrubbep. etc. nrst loer, hall living room lav Atory. pantrv, room. illTtlnp- room lav Atory. pantrv, kitchen, set. vants ntning repni ana laundry Second fleer 4 bsdroems. J bathrooms, large sleeplns seich, a servants' rooms Third fleer, 1 large bedroom, l bath room sum .n ueaioem. Het-water heat, elactrieltv and gas. Stene garage, with room for 1 large a and l smsii Price 180,000 JOS. M. JENNINGS COMPANY " CHESTNUT HILL, P4 AND 2J-1S LVND TITLE BLDO Bpruca BR3. Chestnut Hill 1SJ7. ( hsstnut ml, ;er.7. i i m 1KKV ROCK FERN ROCK (800 BLOCK PARK AVE. Twin brick. Dr. and bath, 40xllSt 2-car gar.; doctor's home HERBERT HOPE 6M4 N. Bread it. Wyoming 45S7 OAK TL.WS 6734 SYDENHAM ST. 2M -Story Stene Heuse s.,,n .i2?5!" ,.Via bth-- with rars. price J7760; will flnsne. te suit pur- 1 hatir. chaser W. J. KEOGH ,.r.0 LAND TITLE BLDO mmm zwwmwinmmmmm i OAK LANE SECTION SUnilRRAN HOMES loeoo TO I '.0,000 'HERBERT HOPE f,904N ROPai'. WYO.MINU4S17 II nm tm i m. MMiftHMMi wm vm n mf OAK LANE (1015 N C'AMAC ST. Thres-slery twin house, SSi84, I) rooms, 2 baths, bargain. HERBERT HOPE 6804 N, Hread st, Wietnlng 4537 . Ala set- ndtrrtlMmenta In small 'tsne In fnllewlng tnliimn.. ISJIMlIk 11 H ' ' 4610 KINGSESS1NG AVE. Complete renovation at cost of I2800 Let 25x150. 10 rooms and bath, Frlce 810, COO, 5636 WILLOWS AVE. 0 rooms and bath, Inclesed poreh, parquetry floers: excellent condition, modern heat and light. 5945 WHARTON ST. Ilecenllv built 2-story residence. 4 bed rooms. Inclesed perch, garaitei flnl.'ied l;i mahogany and white. Well financed, 110,500. 49TH AND LARCHWOOD New corner property, having Inclesed perch, garac, breakfast roeni. marble stall shower and every modern con venlenee, Heuse Is 2." feet vvlda and l of stone construction. Southwestern evpesure. 3928 SPRUCE ST. 4.slery twin. Let 25x105 u rar street. 15 rooms nnd n baths, elec finest construction and finish: excellent condition. Opportunity for fraternity or beardlne house. 4629 OSAGE AVE. One of Eela-cl's latest semi-detached tesldences Highly restricted section Contains 10 rooms, 2 baths, garsge and sun parlor, Muny extras ara Included. This home Is a distinctive one In every respect 4435 BALTIMORE AVE. Large 0-story modern corner property, available for doctor or dentist. LISTINGS NOW FOR THE FALL MARKET Mcmhr.r nf Philadclvhia Real Estate Beard ARE EQUIPPED WITH North St. te Lebanon Ave. for One. l'arc. 'Wallc limpness Properties and Meres Merchants - Investors FOR SALE e STORES AND 5-ROOM APARTMENTS en Ganett Read. Laige let, frontage en two streets, in best business block in 09th St. section, well financed. NEW APARTMENTS containing 4 separate apaitmcnts, total rental approximately $450 monthly, 'i square te terminal. An unexcelled investment. STORE AND APARTMENT en West Chester Read will be completed te suit purchaser. Bargain if purchased before com pletion. VACANT GROUND for business or dwellings in 69th Street Section :md all adjacent suburban localities. W. M. HAWTHORNE G9th St. Theatre Bldg. Lansdowne 2051 i OERMANTOWN v ; iiiiii:iiiiiiii;iiiii lt MOSS-Built Hemes In Germantown Ate selling as rapidly as they are completed; the building situation presents itself that homes will be higher, especially en a wlde and main avenue ns Crittenden Street Bet. PRICE and HAINES STREETS Six looms and tile bath with shower, large pedestal -washstand, twin cement perches, hardwood floors, het-water heat, ical open fireplace, basement laundry, large lets, 10 ft. 2 in. wide by 80 ft. deep. These homes cannot be duplicated t this price. Why miss this opportunity. I I $5500 Take ttelle.v en Teri: Iteafl or Germantown Avenue tui ever t'lielten Avenua te Stenton Avenue. Sample Heuse Se: Crittenden htrcet, one blecl: nnrth J. HarKer Chadwick 2128 Land Title Bldir. Phene, Spruce 0397 GERMANTOWN $12,000 CARPENTER'S WOODS Ml stone seiu Improvements, 21' -V 47' detached. ed, bepsrate stone Henry Scheel and J S0.S $0700 , $5600 KS ttVH .''"oTeotnlll'VllSy iiK. SWtf"SS.,lrieT.,n iSiar ..?,'", All modern Improvements Convenient te seuaree from Wlstsr Hta irst lures, schools tulns snd tiellejs offering of ils new 'epsrsiii CARSON BROTHERS 5601 tJermantewn Ave. Germantown 0750 PKNNS1 -V sMA-r.'Vnill.HA?. awMJiciiiiTi'HaiEWianMieiiitiJii'iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiii' HUNTINGDON VALLEY 1 Stene dv citing, rentalnlng 10 rooms, 2 baths, every modern convenience 1V acres beautiful grounds; com mands magnificent View of surround ing ceuntri. Price II2.HUO HERKNESS 5c STETSON LAND TITLE RLDO. ininwHiTrni - "iniinniiiiiicnrTimwraiw if . Jaw 5023 SPRUCE ST. Built by Kllleugh. ll rooms, 2 baths; exceptionally convenient neighborhood. AH modern. $7000 Larchwood ave near Beth Well-built 2-story home, I Mroema nd bath en second fleer. Living hall, het-water heat, elec. 50TH AND SPRINGFIELD A mn,l.rn 'J.slerv llOUSS: 4 bedrooms esed perch, and bath en second fleer, Incl garage, rrice iiu.euu 5402 BERKS ST. "Modern residence In the Wynnefleld district. Has 4 bedrooms, Incteaad perch. ?arage. oak floors, etc Lets than 10.O00. 45TH AND LOCUST STS. Twe desirable rml.detached prop erties In this convelent location. One contains 12 rooms und 2 baths ana the ether 10 rooms snd 2 baths. Prlcea 12, BOO and 115,000, respective!). 5137 PINE ST. Modern residence opposite Week Oalc iirlt! southern expesure: tauwui cm leek. 10 rooms, recently renovated at great expense. 513 S. 45THST. 3-story house, large ard, 10 looms, 2 baths: eal. floors througheut: elec, sleeping perch. Side pnnewoed Read West One BiecK J. A. MELONEY I1UILDER. ON TREMtSES Itnslness Properties mii Stares r.EKMA.VTOWX garage: 4 large bedream Warne ave cars. Let 111 lli(dln Heuse VKsxm.xsi s acBt wn DREXEL HILI If you ar" looking for the house out of the ordinal v and ranging from lis, 000 te .8.00e let me give ou particulars or send photos of some of the most picturesque homes In yj,1.tv,cln,t.5:' W ALTHR A. McOLATCHY, 70th and Market. Lansdowne 204. i A.',ft ! ""iTeTtlaenienta In smstl true In fellow lilt millions A NEW DEPARTURE Crawfer3 Duplex Hemes I2TH STREET AND OLNEY AVENUE EACH HOME ACCOMMODATES Twe Families Living loom,- dining loom, breakfast nook, kitchen, bedrooms, tile bath witji shower for each apartment. A maximum of living accommodations at the lowest expense. Yeu can rent one section and the income will pay all expenses in connection with the entire building. Garage for Twe Cars A Few of the Apartments are for Rent at $85 per Menth Excellent transportation All trolleys running north te Olney Avenue will transfer direct, or Taber HUtlen en rhlla and Iteadlng Hallway within three blocks Sample Heuse Ready for Inspection DANIEL CRAWFORD, Jr., Builder -1Tnnm;i;iifiiii( r!rnnruriji:nfiyi.tJfiiitj;iiTii3u.,rfiK t.iui.mHn-'ii.iii.i'nQniti inf T I'-NN SYLVA I A HtTIIIIlin N Attractive Suburban Hemes ALONG THE PENNA. MAINLINE ANV 11ALA-CYNWYD WYXNEWOOD fltone-and-stucce resllence near rt tlen; center hll arrangement: C bed rooms and 2 baths en upper deer het-water heat, electric lljht. all modern; large let MERION All-stone residence '-c.i crac itti mans room and bam, spacious nail 'n I living room, etc.: neiiroeme baths, sleeping perch en 2d floei bedrooms, bath, also 2 servants rooms and bath en 3d deer, viper hent, electric light. About t m of ground Immedlate posscss'en ARDMORE North side section stene-tnd stucco residence: center hall tip-. A bed rooms, sleeping- perch, bat'.i and c-1 tra lavatory en 2d fleer, T bedrooms and bath en 3d: het-water heat, elec-1 trio light; garage. Price 125 000. ST. DAVIDS Attractive residence Willi spa ieus perch, exceedingly vvell-srrsngcd lstl and 2d floers: 0 chambers and bath for famlll use, In addition te serv ants' quarters: central-plant heat, ' electric light: let 75x2.'3 Rtautl fully planted Prlce $18,000. Samuel C. COMMERCIAL LOCUST 2871 mmnniiTjiniTmniTTmrrTTTin"mi,''"'""-'"mT'" M1''IM''"''mw'm"m"'"M'TiiTrTifiHrnriririniii!riiTTnniii iminnrinr nintMirnMgi MAIN LINE HOMES OVERBROOK fceullern Colonial home erected upon well planted grounds. 3 minutes from 'statien: contains 7 bed chambers, one alceplntf perch and three baths: center hall, white and maheganj paint Im mediate possession. Thif-stery stone semi-detached. In- ..... . 1. , t. Ins. .... .Ilnlntr fitmi. kitchen, tefrlgerater room, flrat fleer, with laundrj In basemnt: 11 rooms, tile bath vlth built-in shower en second fleer, 8 rooms and bith en third fleer Thoroughly modern in every respect Including central plant heat Detached 3-slers, center hall, contain ing llvliig-roeni, library, dinlng-rertm nantrj. !-ltclien snd laundry en flrsf fleer. 4 bI chimbers. den and .' bths, second fleer. .1 rooms bath and store room en trill J fleer. Possession In 4 J da'.' Pr CO 823,000 MERION D-ndi-d 5 bed chainlets sleeping per-h, -' bilhs, Inclesed perch, liut vvatei heat, hardwood floors, garage, convenient te station Price lc0 Immediate possession GALLAGHER . KELLY 2017 N. 03rd Street 1 IbffljMM TOiusBMmwM Oak Jfa ane Amm& THE prettiest suburbs in the country are these of Oak Lane, Melrose and Elkins Park yes, and the homes theie measure up te their suueundings. We have the choice t List of Hemes and Heme Sites alen;; the Phila. it Reading R. It. J." I ajzksynfty. ,r RmTOR.q Oak I.ane Opposite Station m Phene J Oak I.ane 2200 Wiii1 .5 iihwi wiriiy ROXBOROUGH lie d I10J piepertv cenvvn 11 J rated and sell constructed con a r ln 10 looms, hsth and stcrate space stabllslid shade nnd shrub lerj. let lOSxn with 2 street tfrw ages house ciislh ,1'ered fr spart ments phene tsimm t" dfj is prl e $11 &0f WffiH.WlLSON&Ce. 1417 Ws,Ln,l S"l 5 f jBiiMiiiiHiiiaiiiiaBiiiiiiPiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiii'iitiiiiii'iiiiiuiw ji iiitS i5liai'i1lilli.MiC!iliiffll::lil!Jil!lliiil.til!,liil liillll'll U flH Kill! W i I OLD ,Y0RK ROAD S stnn house pentaltiltic 1J rooms 7 bedrooms. J baths, all modern con venlences, lurtse let old shade, small gieenheuse; gareie, ll.'l ver month WYNCOTE Seven rooms, bath, het ttuter lies electrle llg'flt snd gs open nre places prlce J7X rsr month HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE 11LDC1 e.i t ii i iiti-uiinfiRiiiiirt ii tMim ..tmi tikit.lfill ,m.l, li.jir. if.Lith.in.,. i iHII Mflliiiai sjiuii uniusinsiiis'iiiiiuuiiiis icnn innmiiiniumin ri Jlllll u wmmuRiniiJiu wj.iii i Suburban Building Lets OLD YORK ROAD lOOxlf.O. DKdIRAlILL LOCAUO.S Attractive Price HFPlTnJPQC: x, CTPTSnM t.ivn Ttir. ii nr.tvn. a Fm ramrnariT ijrnriHiii'nrijiiEKWiiijjr mm. W&f i .Melrose 1888 W tj-aj.hiMiiirnifiir.qji rt.-iiuifiiiimiitj im-ruu rj'4rtitt-ii,niuiffwimU-jJ jij." ttrwUiTaUg ita'vwixvama wtrnirnBAy BRYN MAWR Modern sten residence snd 2 car uirage, well situated cm Hi acres of giejnd Vegetable garden. iade trees, southern e'erwsure. Heuse con tains the desired center hall design, living room with open fireplace., den. lavatory, etc. en 1st fl'.. S bedrooms, dressing room It baths en tipver nr. Every modern appointment NARBERTH An exceptional!! 'il planned hollo hello holle tlln iesMnc: cxcellentls planted sreuuds, shrubterv and shade trees; B bedrooms. J bsths, all modern. Early possession Price J14 500 BALA All-stone ielrtence en corner let about t acre ground, old shade: house con tains a w ell-arranged 1st fleer plan; 4 bedrooms, & batha en 2d fleer; I bedriiems and bath en .Td fleer; hot het water heat, electric lights, eombtns eembtns eombtns tlen stable and garage: an excellent purchase with early possession BUILDING SITES We are offering many desirable build Imr sites along the Main Line; se ft. lets up te 2 or mere acres, fully Im proved, teady for building Wagner, Jr. TRUST BUILDING MERION Dtacl eel ce iter hall, containing 5 bed chamber- 2 baths, sleeping perch, hardwood floors, het-water heat, etc. Allowance will !. made for papering and electric light fixture" Prlca e.'2,0O. NARBERTH Detached Dutch Colonial. 3 bed cham bers, tlli bath, hardwood floors, hot het water leat electric lights, v.'ltltln 3 minutes' walk from station. Prlr 112.600. Small amount of cash re quired .'eml-rtetachcd, within 3 minutes' walk te statien: r bed chambers. 1 bath. steam hsat snd electric lights. Price VJ75U FOR RENT Detached corner dwelling, 4 bed cham bers. 1 bath, large lawn, fine location; possession October 1. Arsrtment consisting of 3 large rooms and bath. Including garage prlvllsgea. central plant heat gas v.ater and electrlc llsht, convenient te tialn and nelle; Overbroek 1618 urn uittu iiiiifciiiiifii'itiwaaJM and WgW &. llnlillfflUt mammm sW?B.iI K!gfc&, I m sMi'isa m eiiRiiTiiii!.,iii Jitwrti mm mmism ELKINS PARK ve in, . ei tun qusmir" an emii trsnd new, light off W 'U i uric rudu, uii a inei ithl improved strtet . allable ter purchase ' ii e snd tsrmH which ars ennd t Interest you. Kn relr sjrreunded by high ass estates t'.eutns am all Urge with unusual finish throughout usthroenis have new snd nuMl features would tike te sbew yeu 'hese tedsv 'P-RrjaTeap "- usK l..NE, OPP. STATION Cell oak I.sne J2Cu ViminiiMiMMiMWsit m nm mMmtmmia'xmnmxmm mwJ I WYNNEFIELD 1 OWNER LEAVING TOWN- MUST ACT QUICKLY! (HOME 1 TEAR OLt OMIAUH AM) ALL HODERN IMPIlOVEMKNTa v Realty & Insurance Exchange Drexel Bldg. Lembard 5460 ' 5lOTr!lWffTHiT1!pr.ll! jZ .11 .it 'a :;? ")ii'j Xtt VeV i.VA ia r t, if v. fey-' ' J.iCJf.l Ml i ill 1 f ' I 41 is i I I! i i 4 '.tnjiM,nfVn'u.tc;i jjiifi