?Ff? ('.', yt. X.M ' l ''-1922, rtr ; I -...... ...... A fTtf BVHAVTI , i autumis ttriittin m "" -...' J. THE BREAKING POINT Wther of "Dangerous Days," "K," "The Amazing Inter Xude," and many ether striking and successful novels. Copyright, His, bu Chvrge H. Deran Ce. ATMNT1C CTV, N. ATLANTIC) CITY. K. J. WHO'S WHO IN TIIK STORY s nAYID l.iriNaHTONU. crlef fihuilcltm "li iinverlu, a small Colen, eetilal tint bluff. W. ihnres a secret concerning Identitu 0 their belMtd nivhcw with LVCY. hit lister, beloved bv eierubedu in town 'an DICK I.tVlXCISTOXE, in who,, mem , there I' a aav. and who (s drlrrmlnnf imt "Seu te 00 back te Serada. hit child VZaA home, M order te brldae the aav. lii$ in love Willi mttZABKTIt WHIIKliKll. a wholesome eirl. vhe lei'i Mm veru tlnterelu. , nrrr.ltLY CARt.YHLH. eclrrss. who. ten we' before, ue mired wjt l e curious Jinru. Her hu,band. Luras. had been shot it death, as tun acnerallu lellcied, lit a ttrlaln Jud dark, a rich ueunu man about Kuril. Vlark had dlsaeuearid Immrdlatelu miid it u'U bcllcvid he vcrtshed in a t fltvertu' brother iuaard, rilKD ORKUVKl .XIWhSnuutT. a iirtrsi.nnrr.itOM Auvtccts that Melt l.lilnuuenc Is Jud Vlark. Hi, rtrsjie is 10 arm- imnei tm W1A. ItilvUKii, a aieiti " .t. ...Iff- yiu'iv v.'i-i and who Oil cxtraiuaant tP'SUh". Kiueiuein ureincr-in.iaw, S. ASP ittm WHEr.l.EH. IupIceI Ameri- wThlAK HAYKK. n neh veuth whose so se eiallu seleil mother w'lshes Mm Ce mnrri jUUntelh. with whom he Is smlltcii. (in-Bery Tries Deception TiASSHTT leungrcl uutHldc the neat Jjprlrct lietlge whleli It wns Harrison Sillier s viiMein te cup wiin ms own barlielnr linticlK, nwl milted. And ns he waited lie tried te iumglne Iint was '10I11R 011 Inside, liehlnd the nently cur tained windows of the old brick house. He uns tempted te ring the bell attain, pretend te hnvc forgotten Home Heme thing. I""' perhaps hnppcii In en wlint tnlght bn drnnui of n rnther high order; tvhnt, mppeslng the man wcif Clark niter nil, win fairly sure te be drama. Jle discarded the idea, however, mid bcim again his Interested survey of the premises. Whoever conceived this tort of haven for Clark, if it were Clark, had shown considerable shrewd -ne'H. The town fairly emelt of rcpcc tnMlilj ! the trea-shiided Htreets. the Children In necks and pniull e Hip I nun -dereil gnrincnt.s, the houses set back, cli In its square of shaved lawn, nil peaceful, middle clnss nnd unexciting. 5'he lat town in the world for JudMin Clark, the last profession, the Inst leiite. this shabby old brlek before lit in. He smiled rnther grimly ns be re fiVtedJhat If (Jregery had been right In Ms identification, he was. beyond these windows at that moment, very pestlbly wnmlng Clark against himself. OrcKery would knew his tjpe, that he ncur let go. J Te drew himself up a little. The house deer opened, nnd Gregery cflnie nut, turning toward the station, llnvsrtt taught up with Mini and put n hand en his arm. s "Well?" he said cheerfully. "It iii, wasn't it'" Oregerv stepped dead find btnrcd at klm. Then : T"01d deg Tray!" he said sneeringly. "If jour brain was as geed ns jour Dec, llnssett, you'd be n whale of n newspaper man." "Don't bother about my brain. It's working fine today, nnyhew. 'Well, h.it had he te say for himself?" CJrcgoe's mind was busy, nnd he had tad a moment te pull himself together. "We both get off together." he said, mere amiably. "Thnt fellow isn't .T111I Clark, and never wns. He's n doctor, and the nephew of the old doctor there. They're in practice together." "Did ou see them both?" "Yes." llnssett eyed him. Klther Gregery was a geed ncter, or the whole trail ended there after nil. lie himself had felt, after his Interview, with Dick, tint the scent was false. And there nns this te be snld : Gregery bad been In the house scarcely ten minutes. Leng enough te ncknewledgc n mistnke, but lmrdlj long enough for nny dramatic Mfiitificntlen. He was keenly disap pointed, but he had had long experience of disappointment, nnd after n moment he only sflid: "Well, that's thnt. He certainly looked like Clnrk te me." "I'll say he did." 'Knther surprised him, didn't you?" "(Ill, he was all right," Gregery said. "I didn't tell him anything, of course." I!ns--ett looked nt his watch. "I was after you. all right." he said, elieerfully. "Hut if I was barking up the wrong tree, I'm done. I don't hnve te he lilt en the bend te make me step. Conic 11ml have n soda-water en me," he finished amiably. "There's no train until 7." lint Gregery refused. "N'e. thanks. I'll wander en down te the station nnd get n pnper." The reporter smiled. (Jregery was holding n grudge ngnlnst him, for nN bad nisht and a bad dny. "All right," he said nffnbly. "I'll j'e you a.t the train. I'll walk about n bit." He turned nnd started buck up the ;.:,: ":.""'..i ,,"V'V; 'T Tr1." i ueim? up th- stair, and below that het I,' I L, I .1 11.(1, ilf llllil-ll III lilt IIIII llll . I t 'Well, you can't we him. Docter havki lias just had a stroke." ofs4he young star an occupntlen. The newspapers referred te the stnr and her constellation ns lleverly Cnrlysle nnd her Ureadway Benutlei. It had been unvlcieus, young, and hlghlv en tertaining, nnd it bad cost Judsen Clark his membership in his father's conserv ative old clubs. Fer n time it livened the theatrical world with escapades that were hnrm hnrm Jess'eneugh, if sensational. Then, after a time, newspaper row began te whis per that .veuns Clark was in love with the girl. The Ureadway Heautles broke up. after a wild farewell dinner. The nudienccs censed te expect n row of n dozen youths, nil dressed nlike, with gardenias In their buttonholes and per haps red nwjulcs with their evening suits, te rise in their boxes en the stnr's nppenrance and solemnly bow. And the star herself lest n little of the anxious Ieek she frequently were. The story went, after n while, thnt Judsen Clnrk hnd been refused, and wns taking his refusal badly. Reporters saw him, caiclessly dressed, outside the stage deer, waiting, nnd the story went thnt the girl hnd thrown him ever, money nnd all, for her leading man. One tiling wns clear: Clnrk, net n drinker before, had tnken Je drinking linrd. nnd nfler n time, nnd some un pleasant scenes probably, hhc refused te spp him nny mere. When the play closed, In .Tunc, 101 1, she married Hewnrd Lucas, her lending mnn his thjrd wife. Lucas had been net a bad chap, n geed-looking, rather dny poker, carefully talcted, net very keen mentally, but amiable. They had bought ri house en Knst Fifty-sixth street, nnd were looking for a new play with Lucas as co-star, when he un accountably went te pieces nervously, stepped sleeping, nnd developed n slight twitching of his humlsemc, rather vacu ous face. Judsen Clark hed taken his yacht nnd gene te Europe, nnd wns reported from here nnd there net tee favorably. Hut when he came back, In early September, he had apparently rcceyercd from Ills iufntuutinu. wns his obi, carefully dressed self nsnln, nnd when inter viewed declnred his intention of spend ing the winter en his Wyoming ranch. Of course, he must. have heard of Lu cas' breakdown, and equally, of course, he must have seen them both. AVhnt happened nt thnt interview, by what cesual attitude he allayed Lucas' prob preb nble Jealousy and the girl's own nerv ousness, llnssett bad 110 wny of dis covering. It wns clenr thnt be con cen ilnccd them betli of his geed fnlth. for the next note in the reporter's book was simply n date. September 111, 1011. Thnt was the day thej had nil "tnrt ed West together, trn cling in Clark's private enr, with Lucas, twitching slightly, smiling and waving farewell from n window. The big smash did net come until the middle of October. llnssett sat back and considered. He bad a fairly clear idea of the conditions nt the rnnch ; dally riding, some little rending,, nnd n great dcul tee much of each ether. A sick man, tee, unhnppy In his exile, clial'ms against his restric tions, lonely nnd Irrltnble. The girl, early seeing her mistake, nnd Clnrk's Jealousy of her husband. The deer into their npni'tmeut closing, the thousand nnd one unconscious intimacies between man nnd wife, the brenkfnst for two Livingstone, then he would acknowledge thnt two men could leek precisely alike nnd come from the snme plnce, and yet net bp the snme. If net Hut, nftcr he hnd turned out' his light nnd get Inte bed. he began te feel n certain distaste for his self-appointed task. If Livingstone were Clnrk, if, nftcr yenrs of effort, he hnd pulled him self up by Ills own bootstraps, had made himself n man out of the reckless boy he had been, n decent and useful citizen, why pull him down? After nil, the world hadn't lest much in Lucns; n sleek, net ever-intelligent big nuimnl, thnt hnd been Heward Lucas. Te be continued tomorrow HUNGER AN? REVOLT FACE GERMANY, SAYS WIRTH Chancellor Declares Only Hepe I Acslstance of America Londen, Sept. 20.- (liy A. !.) An nlurmlng picture of Internal conditions In Germany in consequence of the peer harvest and the "unfulllllablc demands" of her lntu enemies Is drawn by Dr. Karl Wirth, German Chancellor, in an interview with the Hcrlln correspondent of the Westminster Gazette. Gcrmnny's only hope, he iutimntes, lies In America, "The hunger which is fenrcd owing te the bnd hardest," he- suys, "crcntcs 1111 extremely dangerous situation nnd causes grnve fears for the Immediate future. There Is danger 6f Internal dis orders should' the misery continue." After reiterating his previously ex prescscd views en the reparations de mnnds nnd denouncing the nttltude of the Allies, he centinues: "Any one can see for himself the terrible sufferings of our middle clnss which today runs th ilsk of annihila tion. Indeed, one can say it is nl rendy censing te exist. "We hnvc done nil possible nnd new are at our wits' end. There is se rious discontent among the workers. The poverty in Germany is appalling, nnd there is fenr of 11 social revolution. "There is still some hope left. Amer ica, which has been standing aside se long, new perceives that the reconstruc tion of the world i impossible with out her assistance. Indeed, it is time sdie took Kteps in this direction; other wise it will be tee late." QTbeJ S3IMI'UUE Breakers ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Ob Oeeia Frest Firesreef Embodying every comfort and Service that should be included in a hotel, catering te the highest type of tour teur iat and health seeker. Amtrtean mnd Fureptan Pimm UnHnlltd oatdeor rilttnleni. CiMt. Itn Ceif Club prlrlUgM. l'll fi WUlcr Rate mi? flRarlboreugbBlenkim, with its Central Location, Spacious Exchanges and Ocean Sun Parlors, is particularly attractive during SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER ATLANTIC CITY'S FAMOUS AUTUMN SEASON Exquisite musle feature. Surf.nthlna Gelf. Itelllnit Chairs. Horseback Rldlrtf, Piers. Theatres, Movies, and ceuntlest ether amusements. OW.NCnSHIP MANAGEMENT JOSIAH WIIITK A HONK COMPANY TOUBS TOURS TOCSfl ATLANTIC CITV MmkW On the llenrh Frent Det rates In effect until lVbrimry tut, 1023. v Amrr. rinn Kntlrcljr Ahrnr Open Slnslf Iloem, mm, Water - S1.00 Mnir.Km.. l'rlv. Iltli. SO. 00 te M.00 Kenlile It (Kim, Run. Wnter StO.Ofl Dblr.ltm.. l'rlv. Ilelli.Sll te S13.0U Ilaulile Knem. Prltnte Until Orenn lVent Cerner, f 14.00 nunrrsnle M innreinrnt. I'll 145." MOUNTAtNIIOME. TA. Spend rear Sept." & Oct. Vacation st MONOMONOCK INN MounUtnheme' Iadtnr Hetel Cresce Station. D. I.. A W. R. R. Poeeno Mountains, Penna. Reems with running tint and cold wter and rrlvule batha 'Writs (or Doeklet and Ratsa ovKnnnenK. pa. SpecialSeptember Rates ELBERON umi rii u.uui Aniiux, loniKM:e mi., nar brach Capnclty 400. Central; open Burround Burreund Incs, epii. Catholic anil 1'rotestant churches. 1'rlvate baths. Running Water in All Reems llxcellcnt tubte: frctli PB0tnblc. White serv ice. HenklM. Oarace. n. H. I.1IDY. M. D. Overbroelc W03 Urexet Kead. uvuuruus te Sfpt 15 8wlrnm Jiaw IS flwlmmlns PaaL Tennis Tnurta. Mrs. Sarah IC. Uurh. CAMRRmnK irnrwew. rA. (AMnrtmer. bi'RiNs. 1-knnsvi.vanIA I..11O ft. obeo nea level: noted for Its health ful climate nnd mineral serines. Fer rata. rtt Hetel nuerslde or Hetel Bartlstt A MIKVIU.K. X. T. OTTARI SSerelinm Virginia, av.. ueai ta. snerciiam Cap 2M Amir. pin. ts i Up eally. Bathing prlvllegsa Aleis timber. iinmvx'8 mii.i.s. x. s. PIG'N WHISTLE INN Urenn's Mlll-ln-llip-l'lnr. X. ,1. Will b rioted from Thursday. Sent. II te the last of October for the purpose of uii'i leiucii no una dccii. liregery wns net the only ene who lind le't it night 'n j""i. ini-n. unexiH'ctcdly, u wns luiileil inim tin. eurbMone, and he hnw with wiuemi'iit tlmt it was Dick hiring- C-tullP. "Tnki' you nnywliprp';" Dick m-ked. "llenV thp hp.Kluclie?" "Hetter. tliunkH." .a,ssett tnrd nt lilin. "Se, I'm jiiHt walking around until tniln-tline. Are you btitrting out or reIiir Iieiiip, nt this hour?" . "Oeing home. Well, glnd the head's 1 beitcr." He droe en, leaving the reporter Razing after I1I111. K (Jregery hnd bcn l)ing. He hadn't seen HiIh chap nt all. Jhen why ? H0 walked en. turning tmi new phM. of the situation ever In ils mind. Why this elaborate ili-llen. if dregery had merely gene In, waitttl for ten minutes, and eeuip out again? It wasn't reasonable. It wnsn t log leg Icnl. Something had luippenci Inside tne house te eenvinee (Jregery that he "a rlglit. He had seen Homebody, or tnmctlilng. lie hadn't needed te Up. Up could lime snld frankly that he had K'xn no one. llut no, he had built up 'i fabrie earefully eulculuted te threw "aiMtt off the scent. He saw Dick step In front of the house get out nnd enter. And coming Je a decision, he followed him and rang l"e doorbell. Ker u long time no ene answered. Then the maid of ilu- after after neon opened the deer, her eyen rPd with "yng, and looked at him with Iiob Iieb Ullty. J'ljr. Itiehard I.lvingslene'." Jen rim't see lilm." 'It s Important." "VpII, en can't see him. Dr. Dm id i Just hnd 11 stieke. Hu'h in the OMi'c new, en the lloer." She cleved the doei 011 him, nnd he jiirnpil nnd wpnt nwit). It was all clear mm j (Jregery had seen, net Clark, ""t the elder mnu ; hnd told him nnd jene nway. And under the slieek the ei'lcr man lind cellapved. That was ""' It wiih very sad. Hut it was also Mtri-inely convincing. He sat up late that night again, run- ...'." ever lie putrles in is milehoek. WHAT AnOl'T THE Tt.HKH The situation In the Kast has a fnr-ipread influence America cannot bn Indifferent. een If net ns ltalh Imehcd as lluroee. The latest known fncts appear. In special I iieeillliK 11 rpt In a healthful climate OlspatcneD rrem accreuneu corri'ipeiments. en lljilrethernphy Mnssaee, iiencral nursery the Tereltin Xes Pnuft of ths I'CDLti'nnd Dietary eerslht will bi Included In I.rpenn. Stnke II a Habit." Ads. the New Regime, Nqt a Sanitarium. Phene entire renovation pendlmr Its reepenlns ns a ' llcst Heme rer cenaiesceni ana un people I 1'embertnn 3HB. S? rj' Selected Eggs 40 dez Twelve geed ones in every dez. hklawahi; wATr.n eap. i-a. i DELAWARE HOUSE p,5 -... borne cenltlnc. farm products. Indoor and outdoor, sports, noeklet. t'ranlc . Yarrlck. I T-AKiarnen. w. . Finrtt Private ?;?. On Sunset Mountain ovrrleoklnK Greve Park Inn and BUtmere Heuse. In 10-ecre estate of lawn, flower (terden nnd or chard. Bulldlnc fireproef: all out side rooms with private both, call bells, perfect vnntllntlen and lljcht Tray service; limited te 44 patients: no insanity, tuberculesia or ether communicable diseases ndmltted: milk diet n specialty; individual attention. Write WDanktMrxhim. rmmanm "- CTHffg ew,ttr 2 Cruises Round the eWerld January 9 and 16, 1923 Sailing from New Yerk en the two new eilburnin& steam ships "Resolute" and 'Volendam". Visiting Havana. Panama, Hawaii. Kilauea. Japan (14 days), China, Philippines, ZambeatAa. Java. (4 days), Burma, India (ll days), E&ypt, Italy, Mente Carle. Generous shore excursions included without extra charge. Exclusive opportunities te visit numerous fasci nating regions Mediterranean Cruise Frem New Yerk Feb. 10, 1923, en the famous Helland-America Liner S.S. "Rotterdam". A de lightful Winter Cruise of two months. Visiting Azores, Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Malaga, Algiers, Corsica, Naples, Athens, Constantinople. Egypt and the Hely Land (2 weeks) Rates $625 up New Yerk te New Yerk. Booklet en request Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 1338 Walnut Street Telephone, Spruce S63 m mjkmm Rates $1050 upwards New Yerk te New Yerk. Wide diversity or desirable accommoda tions. Illustrated Book let, ship's plans and ether data may be had upon application Seuth America Cruise (Including the Wst Indies) S.S. "Reliance" Feb. 3, 1923 The most varied short Cruise ever offered visiting Seuth America and the West Indies. Takes 45 days from New Yerk te New Ye'rk nnd includes the Ex position at Rie de Janeiro. Extended Travel through Seuth America, if desired. Rtes $750 up New Yerk te New Yerk. Booklet en request ' Raymond & Whitcomb Ce. 1338 Walnut Street Telephone, Spruce 8663 Sffrllt I MHEVilLENC st. .levirK. ch'khi:b. r.w. LAUREL t PINES THE LAKEWOOD, N. J. OPEN DURING SUMMER.1922 GOLF TENNIS RIDING GARAGE FISHING nEArn itavkn. n. . tf3WEGGS ATTRACTIVE Sr.l'Tr.MIIF.ll RATI THE ENGLESIDE u"ch J1" y; .(iv .ittrmmw 'S All modern appointments rrlvsts batbs. ' g, ttu '" JJe,n w'r. ni tennis, court. v.. I ... r . r.iiij. .luniiBr m ,n i dM i Jkmmm iWKiat m. 1 & carton of twelve The pick of the nests MEADOWSIDE INN MOI'NT ret'ONO. l'.. Open nil ear, newly built, steam heat, open ilreplnce. running het nnd celtl water In cery room. irlate bathx. ldcul Hpet fur tall niul winter snorts. L'. T .MH.LISK. CiRUVK COrTACIE elters seu Leme com- I Ions for September and October in ins I'ocenos. liates tlH double or 20 slnttle. ileum heat W. II WAITHR. 1'reD. Xi . THE CLAIRMONT " J'oceno. p. I Ilnmellke Hreellent table Hklt. C L. Smith. THE ONTWOOD '"'n a" ar- Mown. incuilinuue Klennt lncatlnn. Fin. ellmst- nneklst. H T. R V ABTMAN TIME in QUEBEC Enjer the filnrleas Autumn nt GRAY ROCKS INN (Open All 'leir) ST. JOVITE. Laurentian Mte., Quebec, Carta. 13 Hours from New Verk fits. K- Miles N. w. of Montreal, en C. P. It 5r.'. JS. ,,un"n.K ''l outdoor sports. A territory of leOO iieres of ulndlmr J.."., i-'i'l1""1 r:am ,,",re of M.000 L.VTl' i," li,.V''";.rl.TerM n,"l streams, well ?.'inrk"' ."l,n Krd. C ru Trout, nass '!. nnd tliiannnlelie. ' """' Modern Hetel Accommedalinj 200 IlC-nieW', ."et """'.Celd IVnter I.xtellent Cnlslne. lioems Mingle. En Suite Bungalows, Cottages. Hunting Ledges, Competent Guides, etc. v,A,r!,p,l,n!:"ri .Moter Ilentlnc. Tennis tnneelnsj, Moterlnir. nil (lutdoer Ap"tt. Sporty 9 Hele Gelf Course Weekly Rate $20 te $26 Write for Illustrated Ilneklet! F. H. WHEELER. Manager GRAY ROCKS INN. Limited ST. JOVITE STATION. CllXlirjr. CAN. In all our Stores i5;,s-s.nae'y-s'..f tscsaw -wx? AJLMNJU'.MIItT' ATI.AMIC C'IT. N. .1. (&ALOOIH) SI. CUAUiat l'1-Vtii AND 1ICACU Capacity fleu. Uvery Kppemiui.ut In culslfts and ssrvlc. Itunnlnc water, frtvata bstns. Bcacleus foyer and lounging rooms. Helarlum Onatly .rsdueed Kail rst.s Descriptive Jtklu an met Hertf s wrm HOMr CQMrerrm New neLLArap Ocean end New Verk ve ripeclal I'all I and Winter rater. I'rhate bit'.is. run- I nlnic water, electric lights. (Heme cook- I ir.it). Booklet Ownerk'ilp manareineut. m Chas II Weed, Jr . M?r. gmiiziMl nnd pnssienntely jonleiiH, jft ini'Pting them mid loeklnu uftcr tlieni, tliiMr liett nnu a eentleinnn. I.iiens took te ilrinkine, nftcr a time, te nllny IiIm eliccr Ixircdem. And Jud f'lnrlc drank with lilm. At the end of three weelcs they were both drinking heavily, and were politely quarrelsome, llnssett could fill that in also. lie could sec the s'rl protesting, watching, In creasingly anxious as she new thnt Clnrk's jealousy wns matched by her husband's. . A iueer picture, he reflected, the three of them shut nway en the great ranch, and eery dn some new tension, some new strain. Then, one night at dinner, they quar reled, and Ueverly left the table. She was going te pack her things nnd go back te New Verk. Shu hud felt, prob ably, that Kempthiug was bound te snap. And whlle slin wns upstnir Clnrk hnd shot and killed Heward I, ncns, nnd himself disappeared. Ue hail run, testimony at the in quest revealed, te the corral, and sad tiled n lmrvp. Although it was only October, It was snowing hard, but in spite of that he had turned his horse toward the mountains. Ily midnight n HAeen ftsrvifi Vnwnilrt lin.l nrnprml mifr nml ,,.,-,.., ....... .". ..... n.,..A.-,. ...,. rAnriD IM. .. tna oenneotlent A. Knottier up tne i;ry uivcr uanyen. nut -w ..... litMl l0otieii. isrg. atr the storm turned Inte a blizzard In ! Rems. fecial Bepter-ir rate, sem sea. the mountains, ami thev were obliged P""1 """""""' ' '' A M- une- nr. beach lis up MAHION. Just off TI'mlfar. none e individual and distinguished as JKeSENAfOR Ocean frunt brick hotel. American clan 14. nu up l.tirenean elun It On up noeklet WHEN GOINO TO ATLANTIC CITX I Vlrclnla avs. Vs bile, te rich. A Stesl Ptsr. Run, water In svery room. Monre. Hutchlna I nr.i.AWArtF. watkh eai. ta. The Mountain Parad Is KITTATIMNY DEL AWARE WATER OAR, PA. Open te December. Extensive Interior nnd exterior Improvements maUe tlie Klttatlnny Hie flnest appointed acceshlhte mountain llenert Hetel. Capacity R00. 2 hours from New Verk. I RCltawantiA It. It 7S miles by automobile Th e hours from Philadelphia, rennslaiil. It R.: SI miles by automobile. Pullman erlce and ceed reads. HlBh. cool loca tion In private parlt oMTlneklnt Deli ware Ulver. Mnicnincent ercnerj . OeU. Tennis, Saddle Horses, Ilathlni.'. I'lshlner. Wuter Sports, Mountain Cllmblnit. Dally concerts and dances. SecUl feature! American plan also a la carte RDM. Hx cellent table. Klttatlnny rarm3 and dali v supply abundant fresh products, WHITE mil IIUOKI.ET. AUTO MAI'S and Hl'i: CIA1. 10'JS RATES. KOI I aKASON. FAMILIES AND TOUIUSTH. JOHN I'UItDY t'OIT, r.M'I, SMITH'S. N. Y. . ApiROVOArK ATJTf.MN VACATIONS I'anl Smith's Hetel. Tanl Smith's.. N. I NKW KNOINU If" Tour New England This Fall MOTOn OVER WF.LI,nCII.T ROAD t". IlltEArilE TONIC AIR. VIEW EVER ClIAMIINO SCENES. 8KK M'MMER'S CIltEEN URN TO AIT Tl'MN' SCARLET ANI tiOI.D. ENJOY NEW ENCII.AMI AT ITS IIFST. ANI AFTER THE DAY'S RUN QUAINT WAYSIDE INNS, MODERN CITY HOTELS OR FAMOUS REDOUTS An AIT 10U. . , Send for free Illustrated Read Map ll colors, "New England Tours." published hi- the NEW ENflLANP HOTEL ASSOCIATION. cerfiprlsln n er two hundred of ths bsst hotels -ird resnrt. WILLIAM M. KIMIIALL. Secretary. Draper Hetel. Northampton, Mass. N Y K Line INirrON TUSEN KAISHA1 AN IMPORTANT LINK In Around the World Traffic With Its THREE PRINCIPAL LINES AMERICAN LINE Seattle te Japan and China EUROPEAN LINE tYokehama te Londen Via Suez) AUSTRALIAN LINE Yokohama te China. Manila and Australia These Hires lines touch at all Important points In the FAR EAST and make close connections for points in INDIA, afford Inu Around the Werll Travelers excep. Menally fine service at minimum cost. Fer information and literature apply te Railroad and Te-jrist Agencies or NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA MARITIME RCII.DINO H-IO nrldite Street .... New Tork Celeman Ilulldlnc Seattle yiSSr ijev ; On the . JC Cunard's Blue Ribbon Ship of the Atlantic "MAURETANIA" The Luxury Ortese Next Winter, A Notable and Unique Event in Crauing HLrtery 1 trrem New Yerk, February 10, 1923. In full cooperation with the Cunard Line, with afl this means in ship management, service ana cuisine. Fascinating inland excursions from all ports of calL Maaeirs. Oibraltsr, Aleim. Mente Cstle. ItsW. the Dards. nellet, Constsnttneple. Greece. r.Ienme. Egrrx up the NOe 1 2 th1,Fl" Cataract. $950 up. Write or phone for feU American Express, Travel DepC I ...e it.'miii PI, ipn ce .1590 RnltlmereMd.. 132 W. Tajette M. W.isnlnRten.r.f,...1j r ...V.W. irbcTtirr yem trarel carry Amtnctn Express Trcden Cbeqei CAN tS 'A is-PA Vacation Tours $83 And t'p Including All Epense, linsrr Tours In Tropertlon, All the attractions of a delightful jaehtlne cruise te a Oualnt Ferelitn Land. All Lnnd nrd Water Sports. Modern Hetel Ne Pnperts. S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" Salllnc Wednrsdiss and ra.itnrdnys. Heek e for Winter nnd ripe' ill I hrMniiM nlllmcs, Sett'il or .Special Tows llceklet FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall r-t. N. "k .. I'urneSH-.WIthy A Ce.. Ltd.. Iteurse HliU.. I'lilln., or nny Tenrlt Acent. SlOUTO WERNERSVILLB. TA. nieiMtrDA rSveVII ;THIRB Vlrslnla ave. Od hotel from beach. Private I baths; runnlmc water; elevator; reluced Pall rates. Sam Hills, owner N J. Cellins, mar.. Always open. iwaa readv: terms moderae. I writ.i nr cuenu WALSH DUNCAN Continental M. te turn buck. A few indies mere miew. nntl tliey ctuild net lmvc set their liorses out. A week or se Inter, with a crust of ice nor It, n few of thorn begun iiKaiii, with no oxpcflntien. however. .if findin;; Clark nlive. They vnme Herens Ills Iietm' en the socenil tiny, but they illtl net find him, nnd thete were ninie nmeiiff them who felt thnt, nfter nil, old Kliliu Clnrk'w boy hnd chosen the lietter mii.. llnssett rlescil his noiebeok nntl lighted n elnr. There wns n bis story te be had for the seekliiB, n whnle of n Htery. Hu could re te the eiriee, give them n hint, draw eipeiise ineiiev nnd stnrt for Xo Xe rndn the nel nlsht. . He knew well eneiiKli thnt le would hnve te IickIii theie. and that it would net be ensv. Witnesses of tin affair at Iho raiieh Hetel Boscobel &"iuK?,.?v i AVKHr. Telephene 117. A. Kentucky Ave. JlniwePf s K New Clarien I OIIVAN Se. Tennessee Ae. Repms with L.iUTr.11 rlm iller, .Mrw, K iii'NNnil. GALEN mi WERNERSVILLE.PA. Physical Comfert Gelt Music. DryAir Beautiful Scenery. Baths. Massado. ndnahc Departmert;. Peservtiens for September MOtobwsneuUnot bedelaved. Tiseks Piauusi r.OM N(w Yejk l Phiu. HowabdM.Wine flANAOtrt Hetel FRASCATI Bermuda A most dellshtful water front lecatiaa. Coel breeses. llcnnudl's Ilnest sea bathlix frsa te vussts. Beating-. Klshlr. Tennis. Dsnctnc Twe irelf oetirses Mmrantent. Open all t.t LtieU It. Domdten, ktgr. r -ii m FRir;sr.M i.inf "TiViiirTif -www.. M...n for Baltimore Fr 12 00 ens uay. S3 00 round Ul. Dally at S P. M., 3 o'clock Saturdaja. Hleamsrs step at Iletterten. leavuisj flsr B. Seuth Delaware Ae, lt)allbt-MVlna Umal. Send for Pamphlet m ISLiT'tim -tr-m ? 5 -mr fc .5Sr . '-LSiBSJB yWEk 30,000 Wonder Miles by Land and Sea. On the New Palatial, Oil Burner Cunarder "LACONIA" The fint, the largest, and the mostluxurieus cruise ship ra go cerxptaef around the uerid. leaves KewYerk Nev. 21, 1922 130 days. American EaTTess Office., enelrcllne the glebe, an J the brltllent !? ' uept. Jn managing tereign crutrct, ruaranue perfect arrangemena ind personal comert. Lonz-te-l-rcmtm. rrrca riiere rxcurtten at Mav.ne, Pan.ma CansU Sn FrsnrlKO, Hlle, Honolulu, Japan, Chins, Tort Arthur. Ttinj T.e (Shantung'. FormeM. The rnllinnln.. 1... H. rn. Inl.. Pm. p.t...iK. TV. W. J... " .".". "3 V ' ""- ..".-..-'. .wiui. inc ninimmrain sna curepe. Kstes, including shore cicur- itm., juw sna upwsras, acceruing te stateroom. Write or phone new for full eUtailu American Express. Travel Dept. ills !... . t . . '" iiriinu rn. Tunic e.i'J.i UUHiiitivlnn. l .. 1328 F NtreKt. ww. WhtTtvrr ywi trri carry Awtr, 5?an L The Hurhlanri DelUihtfully B'tusted m -v.. . south Mqu flmith Mnuntjltn famous lbonen Valla. ucteMr most tauuim r. rtenneed rutes. vvrii. finrl T fnr t fnmiun. IIOWAnD FRII58. Pr.sldent Overlooking tha rJ.PtemDer and months In the year, ter booklet. Illnliie ,IC'K.'I. V II .MCKMIV. N. II I In. At I i . . . i M llliri.. - ,. ..I, ..,.,!,, in ,.iu ...ii ii .'HO old Hterv. as he n eeeil it mil. inn .. ' .1.1 i :. , i.. i f "J ...---.. -.. ...., ..... WUIllll I" llll-im, in.,,, "i ,i ii' ll iiniiiii twelve jenrs te the old nk'e, Hies, Ilke thlH t hnd been lien. iiiviu-iii.., , i . "...... .u hi inn lf . .Ml ,,"",,,1 Hi'verly tvirliHle'H 'SIe flrfct Ktnrrini; venture, lie hnd, "I'urentiy, stnrtetl out in the IicrIii "ink" only te Ue her the publicity ehe '"Med. In devlHliiB it. Iiewevcr, lie lind noun a bert of beylch recklei'Miehs nntl I'igenuity thnt had cminlil tlm interest I "ion like lilniHelf. wealthy, Itilu I,. i.Wck,Ms wi,h y011"'' licnded v nim, they hnd made the exploitation the flrnt aceuraey of their ntutemeiits would ellher be dulled Iij lime or lint been milled le with the hisshk jears. ' The rnneh Itself nii','hl hui imssed into ether IiiiiiiK Te reeenstruet the etentnl el leu eurn ire uncut lie lliiiessiiiie, or nearly m. Hut Hint was net his problem, lie would have te cuunei't Neradu with Ilaierl), Clnrk with Liv ingstone, One thluif only wiih slinple If he found IiivlnfitniiuV story wiih cor rect, that he lind lived en n rnnch near Nerndn before the crime and as JCiUAyA .'. u nijW- ., v HUJ MK l5tt HWrf J "" amvg u utr- mw -" "v t&iKsm & v.' in vlinrWS' x H 1 1 ViXJI'll lH fcHPSi, iiiraM T; .,'.':S- ' ", ' i .. . H-, '- CSQ-.A V ' C T XT XT' l.V-v vvril-vO X 1. XX H'HITE A10VNT4INS JACKSONN. H. &4 --JWJKWlS, ikmL.-TS V ' JtaTNft 7aft7ii. "iL" Tm?BT iAvKBW i W W8P' GOLF Health, Happiness and Wonderful Foliage, all Prevail Here EVERY INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SPORT Climb the Mountains and Drink in the Dry Bracing Fall Air at Jackion, N. H. Open 1. tit It Oct, 15 mill from Clirlntmns te March IHANK M. UltY, .MmiHRer ritKIU.i: IIOHSK. 1'UKTI.ANI), MK 8ASIB SIANAClli.M i;.M' FRANK'S Cruise De Luxe te the MEDITERRANEAN . uy .Mneniucent, ftew, Specially Chartered CUNARD S. S. "SCYTHIA" Twin Screw Turbine Olt-Burrwr. 20,000 Tens Hailing Jnn 30, 1921, returning April :. vlsltinq Kfiypt. .Madeira, Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar. Algiers, Tunis, Hely Land, Turkey, Greece. ltal . Sicily, It i v i e r a, Mente Carle Limited te 450 guests Kree stop-ever In Uurepe V 1 Information en icnucst Uarly reservation ntlMeablc FRANK TOURIST CO., 219 Se. 15th St., Phila. lt tlillslifil 1HI.1 Hill I'lmnrs Sirurr 683 1-., CUcIjw i i m M ) W Ui rmuda Wonderful Trips of 8 Days and Lenger ,' Frequent Sailings Palatial Steaf .,s Semi for Booklet of "Independent Tours" FRANK TOURIST CO., 219 Se. 15th St., Phila. LktublUlird 18)3 Hell I'liencs Mi'ruie OWJ-0 (ele HulniitM.) Wtn c v -l trS Repeating lW ly the Successful Cruise V 'rv Tours of the pasttlireeWinters X y, "D:: t .'-- rrTjr mi? etmf TMh titKclallj for Cnastng in tlie Treflci te SUUIh AMERICA Frcmi Netv Yerk, January 24, 1923 68 Dayt Hsvsns. Psnama Csnatt rrrni Chltet Jusn FcmBmlrrr-Rebtnscm CruMje Island i ewrthe Am! Mountains te Arttntrnc, Uruguay and Dtaill. tbrailllsn Crntrnnlal Liri'Uien st Rie de Jsnarle, 0 a! , . i i i W t"iruu, jieaj up acceruing re ststernem. .i; i j ivkhi suurs.re ine utstiitsn tspojltlen. Iravlna Npss Tcik every ether week te TrWustr 17th. Amerltsn Fip.ess 1 1 ri win , uuivi.i ir.vci ncpieienistiTc in trie uniteu Mate ,v. ,,iG U...IIMI1 juvcmincni. Wrtlc or Phene for Full Details American Express, Travel Dept. I.iih t lirMiiul st .spruie .".lU(i ll.illliiinre. Mil . CI.' I n el ( M. tt ilhiHIIKlun I'.l l.ljll I 1 , )1 frrrr you trarel (arry A mt Ctfieu TrartUri Unpin &AN tf& V' LaiLUvw'is it. vt.-.'t'i.. VMrVnvr "It- , A, W -I t''). i; . i At .t iV & I .. V tl M if - s i . ' JWti