Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 20, 1922, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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ity te Control Is the Facter That Carries Men te Championships in the Meld of
?.,M i W
. ' J
plosive Energy. Released at Psychological Moment,
'Means Victory in Competitive Sports Tilden,
1 1 Sifiri"mt frll rt'il )niiiMcev ()t iteirttittirt n Imrtfe
VWIMI, swj kiiu. vwiijuw wuwiuim.iif, vvu
AKE Gene Sarasten, the open pe'f rimmpinti of the I'nlted State, and
aalyte him. TaJs hlra rpart nnd see what It Is thnt make hlta n
plow, lie Isn't the lenseM driver l tt world. On nn average It Is
ilkelv that Abe Mitchell and seuT.il ether golfers will get yards mere
;atic from the t than he.
He fitn t the frrentft inustT of the Iren. alter lusen ran handle
heavy driving Iren of hi with mere nm " than Snrazen. and Geerge
ncan and J II. Tayler hav a bit mere tlneu vlth tlie niblick and the
ahle. "When It .ymes tu puttlne there urj many an poed en the preen ns he.
Yet, little fietie Sara'-n Is th ej en champion el tli I tilted btates and
most stKv-e-iful golfer of 102J.
Why li It'-
1 '"' IH I' trnf iilll ilirln, ,laei; icnp.e- L'e t-.tit .i.iiimrn. i.v v.oei
,1 ether muTf s of tb nthktl' v.er'd .'snd out a? iLampiens a steu
y'?ead of se man. preiit nmjirtIters?
t'A Just that M" l.-!ilnd ar a number of crent p'nyer In their respective
uti, but semehn.- or ether the n-rr en b.-idse the narrow pap thnt Inter
rt'Sies between tin in nrd tb"1 cliampferif
It lin't fiereh n qufien of iniinuul d";terlt.-. Mlie It-irlj 1 as well
.IXyaundvd n the f'.ndan.r.f i - n coif as .ara?en l. lie !nv.-H exa-i-y -nni
IjXfde under certa n enU'i..! fird b run handle every flub in fh bag
1W nU onf.!tel.'. .'.II V.l Mill, nnrrr rln hlr r linn-.PlunsLltH SUCll 33
,"" v .. . . -. ..... ..- --., -
'tie te Snrnze i's let.
Jehn-'":. Viev t'!i'u. .t. r!i as Tliden and Is a real master en
)n' down fe a battle between them for tr.e nlcnet
nnrs In thw ei.me Hit l!i I ln. rer ntn jear "j.i i"'i me .un-i-' ."
astil' in l.itfis i. hi (-is t' mush b; 're narrew"-t et l.iarslns ever .le
rkwm n c;-'a"r nHfir'il lutiT than "ebb him'-il . ever Niipe eon l.ajeie.
is Spcekrr. I.dcli" Collin und nthir n-arte's vlih the ba'..
M mil
$J! tetirts, yet uhn It
7' It A in- n
that ilrlhtnui
nnd thr I-1M1T? tktll that renfs vith pfung yari
at ilrltteur l i eh' ti ' i eurn nr route inrnn imit rum
behind ami ihuir his hech te thr greatest of Aw competitor.
A'ef Only Confidence
lONFIDENCK i nn ah-n't neieser.v net for n champion te possess.
Yrt rnnfiili-Tire a'nne vnn' rnrr ii rnnr. !' the lieiclit.
t Sarazen vent "':th 'a' -.Unter u .m:tra,lv' tinknewn. unattached te
IT club, te compete in the bis tnurt rn-'nf- thnt held sway through the
'iithern domain 11" beVved Implicit: ie hts. ability te cope with the
irs of the link- who weu'd oppose 1 im tV-" It took nerve, for he had
Sf tic money and he had te nnki- sem! te ejni -i t-alt.
' 3 1118 SUUv Jlir 'a' extr'.nr'iuiar:. R'.u ii"i--'i .1 .- ' "" 1 ,.,..
-A.. . - 1 - . ..lJ U. 1l1n TtnllriM
Ifuem. yl It an Tint jtir or.ae-u-c ..it ntuni u.-j mire ..-..
1 , .. ...1 If ft.-. .. 1 lr.tTt anil ns rtl fl 1 1 ft (!
er trod the .Ink, who w.j-pwired in f !'. w tournament. He had as
icli cenfiileiicc a Siraren, but lie irn i.nnb'.c te linish very lilgii.
Uememlier Hd Ca-ej. t-" e! e;r f.el'n'l plaer. w-ne eme years ase
te enter the rlns r'nl win tv.e heawei3iit cimmrensnip et tee
lie belieM-d in M '! ii te break M- wa te a title, but In hl
ry firt bout- liere in I'lii.a'lc pt.ia 110 was kaecMni out u c.ub. i-yU..u
Al Kublak
Cenfideme wasn't proof asaint a kv'ke'it Piincn
SO, TltOl HH bclirf in nncsrlf u i:e 'JJii ! of Jurrfjj, it un I
Ac hidjrn inmnhnn thnt makrz a rt-.n : cnnrnpiun 7'Acre is
temcthing else that varric.1 hint te thr p-innrlr in jpeit.
It Is ISet Strength
IHTSICAL strensth is net an nhe!iite'y necessary attrieute. harazen is
m no Htreng man; nor is Cobb, Milbtirn and n number of ether enamplens.
; ); this It is net meant thut thy ar- ph.'M.-al weaklings, tar trera that.
tr. jt they are net noted primarily for muscular strength.
The trengt bII p'ayer In tn tug leagues is iiacK jjinpr, ir.c , niruS
ltlenal League outfielder He comes f a family of circus weight-lifters,
d his father wns known te b a man as strong as l,eui r or ,-.laiu.
lller can jiush a big nu.c through an oak deer with his hare nanas, Dena
n brs nnd ull that pert of thing: but, though he is a geed player, he Isn't
'ibb and neTcr will be. He u stronger than Babe Ruth, but he cannot
t a ball as far ... , , ...
Cyril J. It. I eiler, the former KntilM) amateur gen cnanipieu. is n am.
Iky muscular man. noted as one of f'.e letii:"'-' ir.crs in i.ngianu. nut n
een't hit a ball anr farther than U"ger v, ether"l. who v. very sienuer.
" rertnlnlv Isn't the'celfcr flat Snrazen (, tlieush he could handle the. little
wm v
B'KJ i
lfjl? )
lllan like a child In a phj'lcal encounter.
W1IESU illwlratienf should hr lu'l-en (0 '-incinci- nn-j
I Ircmrndem muscular ttrmath u 110' the t-irfcWyinj ifiality that
makes champions.
Explosive Energy
rstTF. ti-relt of co ordination ha be,.n vrcKcn et etirn eneugn 10 nil
A flying baseball or the rrlllnu sphere en t'le pe'.n field, te drive well in
ilf, tq, de anything that a champion ' ":r 00 in ath'ctlc, co-ordination is
Utmost nrcevtltr Hut tflSt f5n t " 'JU'icr ' 1115 iuum.
There is eiaethms else the big"i Lnmetbiiis: a fact.r that hsj seldom
en dlrcured b sporting writers.
I It is hard te dfsiribe One nilgh call It n sort of eipletlve nervous
Tgy; an merg thHt sperds up t.. n highest ietrh at 11 crisis.
Fer want of n better name it an be . ailed that it is inherent in
iXerv champion Loek at Hill Tl'den F.very one who raw mm at .-uanneim
!. ...i. ....... 1 .l.iLui.. U AiAvwT V.rt 'IM leef frtMMi"
i.i tAA.ire Thn tnn! f.-Ti. mi - tr in r.nelnnd whiri H. T. C Norten
' ... . - .. 11 1-- 1 VI. I. . !,- "Til. ... ..-.!.
B8 within a point ni the worm s iraiuijiea-i.i,', euij i ua- j.ii.ji- uwm
(hferocieus attack that overwhelmed the Seu'h African star with defeat.
if Rnilnff fsnv cm ser It in JacV ri"mpey'H eftark They can tee it In
a-nrl.- of even ehamnlen the world holds. It Is most highly apparent In
t flaBhlng. speedy sports like baseball, pole and tennis Cobb. Milburn and
Mlden standing out as shining ejample.
clear tn the me-e pjisttc sports hki golf, out it
is their. fieirrthelc!. Sarc:ev pravrd tlzt at Fkalcie. Fa rip
ping dmrs tccre a k'rn at thr finish as they wr.rr at the beginning,
end the serrrt of it lies m nrrcet
What Nerves Mean
HAT explosive energj has it teat In the nervous
of epert shows that everv champion
tht lack by wonderful abf.lty In
th nerves
The Rtnlnl. ex-llke. nerveless man l"-n t the one who will
with few eiceptlens
eth'r directions has
The history
vhe made up
ben a man
The fighter
leek at his
he can lt In Lit corner the minute pfere the bout begins anu
that e have
Siir'finnnenf without a tremor somewhere dep in his heart Inc'is imaginauen,
M ImaKlnutien lies cheek by jowl with the erpleEive energy
1 heken of. , . .
I Sarazen warn't the stolid, emotionless felle-v that weru-paimers aave
Ictured when he wen the championship of the IJnitfd States en the .Skekle
lirwnvH. ite wns i.ene.is. hut he inntrelled that nervousness with an iron
rind, and he unloosed bis explosive energy when the pinch came.
the man tith the rxptetiir. energy that he ran
control net the man re led Iftat rrwrgij control him re an
'PIIE champion it
control net t
eventual undoing.
$2500 Forfeit for Title Beut te !
Be Put Up With New Yerk
y U)VS II. .1AFFE i
man In Kensington beilng circles,
is going te pay u visit te New Yerk .
during the week.
Burns Is going ever for a purpose
ether than te bask
in the White Lights
of l r e a ii w a y.
Jonathan . Is ar
ranging a meeting
with Hill Muldoon.
chairman of the
New- Yerk Boxing
Before Burns
leaves the sanctum
incterum of Mul
doon he will have
deposited a certi
fied check In the
amount of 52500
and that piece of
paper will be de
posited te go as a
forfeit for a match between Ilnttllng
Murray, of this citv. and Fancbe Villa
the new flywc.ght titleholder of
Burns believe that Murray Is tin
-eal champion of the little fellows in
tjeep States 1'nlted, nnd the only thing 1
iccesary te prove that he knows what 1
he Is talking about is for a Murray
Villa contest te be staged te a de- I
cisien. I
Says Buff
Passed l'p Murray
"All the while Johnny Buff wts en j
the throne." Burns said today, "I tried .
1 my utmsst te have Murray meet mm, I
but the Jersey City man never wanted I
j te piv the Battler a tumble. '
1 ,:B if knew that Murray could brat
hi'n And new. I feel lust as sure thnt I
Villa would Inse te th Philadelphia!!.
"Murrav 1 as rounded Inte ehupe for ,
the new season, and it leeks te me us
.f t is going te have the best year I
of his career In the ring." 1
Bvtlins Murray, who Is a Seuth ,
Philadelphia Italian. Is no newcomer 1
with the gloves lie has been boding
for a number of year'' and has been
nppnsed te .em" 1 f the leading fly
weight in the nuintrj.
TY" Mighty A'cm, Jimmy Wilde,
world's flyweight champion , claihed
with Murraj when the former was here j
from F.ngnind two yearn age. Wilde 1
stepped the PH'ndelphian twice.
A'ilia. w'm has len dubbed in New
Yerk I'Tich". the Puuche, c.-me te the
I'nited Sta'rs from the I'h llppinc Is
lands eipr.lr te i' f'ir the American
crown, and the lutje brown man ac
complished what he went after. 1
Must Defend
Title in L Mentlvs
While plans of Villa have net been
announced definitely. h may decide te
return te his own country before de.
fending hi" laurels. In accordance with '
the New Yerk State rules, the Filip.ne
will 'have te box in a title tilt within '
'li- months, if a suitable opponent 1
crops up.
There are a number of flvw eights
around who loom as formidable fees I
for Villa, se that Panehe will net go
I iringry for matches if he wants te keep
1 busy. 1
I Ratfllns Murray is the firt of the
rhiiacicipmans te come out witu a 1
challenge te Villa, and the chances are
that Panehe would hare no pink tea
with the petite Jack Dempsey. .
hue' kids want akteawke up a rWr eu
I MAs6Nr WRiTrEW ' y.
TBeCiA?f Peem V VkVvV
Q01T5 Av A-Jrueft. 1 ; V lJ CA 1:
CaTNl :svs. 2
!W0R-RY,W0R-RVn -.
mover's Pet &&
FedT ball , 1 -Bawl- MSm
lHlIlilliJf 'rVl,
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu?
Stahl's Death
Women in Spert
Cobb's Spirit
CerurlaM, 1011, bv P116H9 Ledgtr Company
Captures Lew Net Medal at
Old Yerk Read by Single
Five Lcadrng Batsmen
in Each Majer League
(I. i.ll. Ii. It. r.c.
Ilernsbr. S. Kmls.lW 513 lie, S.'O .400
Tleruejr. rltt..)urjli It iftj " J; !;
Miller. C'lilcucn . lift 434 M lftj ,.l.?
liriiwi. Ct-inice . lis Ifi'i tw 'C
CtiriiKO .
139 WO ('.' 'JIIO
AMi;nii'.N u:.vii :
Slr, St. I-euli ,
Ceblt. 111 relt
Hpeuker. t levelrnil
llrllnnirm. Ilrtrnlt
lebln, St. Leuis
I). A. It. It. II. r.c.
13H 5(IJ XtO 2M .410
mi .111 .''i 1 en .:
us 4? t m tfi'i ,a;
11 4. tw tot atH
l.)8 Mi 111 l'J.S .331
Catholic Club Nine Gets Inte
Finals When Lit Brethers
Bew te. Terminal
Germantown Team te Play Friday
Afternoons This Season
Knr the firt time. In eighteen year's
the Germantown Beys' Club will hare
a rugby feet' all team. Net since the.
days of Tip Tepham,
Danny Mcl'yre and
After a postponement of a week, due
te the deluce that Inundated the field
en their vcheduled plwjing date, the
Senior golfer of Philadelphia played
the'r nnn'nl tournament tit the Old
Yerk Kemi Country Club vesterday.
Who should come through with the
low net core hut Dr tjeerge II, Sim
mcrnan. etiinl "Dec." who is se well
liked I'ef en! by the fu T,u golfer?,
but by evrj one who has had the geed
fortune te come In contact with him.
In a way. It was mere or less une.
pec ted Net that Dr. Slmmerman im't
n geed snlfer ;i remarkable one censid
ering his years and inches but he s
mere er leu. of a convalescent.
' It "'(isn't se very long age that he
I went te California with W. Freeland
Kendnck and a happy Heck of Nobles.
! In the sunny climate of orange and
Mack Senn"tt -iris he had the misfor misfer
I tune te fall down a s-talrway nnd break
' his wris-t. It healed quickly, but there
was a trace of weakness In it net se
long age.
' n.v the way lie was socking 'em off
the tee yesterday that weaknevs has
' fled nway te the limbo of forgotten
things. At any rate, his card of 00 1
minus a 17 handicap gave hlra the very
respectable looking score 01 .
It was s respectable, in fact,
none of tbe ethers could quite
, A Cleso Contest
I Dec Himmerman didn't have anything
te spare in the tournament. He was
lone of the la golfers te go out. and
when he came te the eighteenth tee
! several near winners were waiting f6r
Simen Krehafer. , him. , ,
rinn Peter. hn n 11. Wellington A0en,
The Shanahan Catholic Club will
represent the West Philadelphia sec
tion ill the final series for the hu'chall
championship of the Philadelphia Hase
ball Association.
Jim Itnimer's dub adanced Inte
. first place l-t night when IJt Isroth Isreth
vrs wns beaten by Philadelphia Ter-
, ., . r A . ,. rlnnl In the concluding game of the
Leading Forward of American I B(ViP(, nt Fifty. fourth ureet and Kim-1
trvirl nveiltie. ,i Ie 1;. 1
Had the store boys been returned en
the winning side of the ledvr they j
would have advanced into a tl with
1 ShnnuVnii for the lead and would have ,
I nceessifaited 11 play-off en Suturday.
I Otte ftas en the hill for Llts, against
Kddlc Lcnnen. and went along well '
until the Jeurth, when Pickup caught
one of lils dielce curves with Jee Green
en first an1 made the circuit with
Green preceding. The two runs gave
Terminal a &- victory and put the
teie boys out of the running, I
JAKE 8TAIIL Is dead!
J. Garland rMnhl, banker, University of Illinois athlete and b!gleafti
manager, passed away yesterday.
In his going the world loses n man who was net merely a splendid athteU
and an excellent man of business, but one whose character was abort reproach.
When he piloted the destinies of the Bosten Red Set he was liked net only
by the turn directly under him, but by the fans ns well. Teu may feel the folks
In the bleachers regarding your character, but you cannot keep any blemishes
from your teammates.
They say that the field is the real test of breeding nnd feed temper, but
the locker-room is no less se, and Stebt nubayed 100 per cent under both these
As a strategist en thn diamond he rated high. As a first baseman he
ranked with the best In his days. In his business dealings he was beyond
This is net said because Stahl Is dead, nnd praise Is In order. These Ttry
things were said when he wns alive und he deserved them.
mill,' cIhas of men In file major league Is Idgh. They rank with the
J- yeiin men of llie period, regardless of their business or profes
sion and among ball players -I. Garland Stahl had no superior.
Women's Sports
WOMEN'S sports nrp in their heyday atthis season of the year.
The Philadelphia tennis championship Is lu the final round at the Country
Next Monday the national golf title will be decided at White Sulphnr
There are some mngnificent performers among the ladles, as the teanli of
Melly Thayer, for Instance, nnd the golf of Alexn Sterling prove.
Hut (lie time has net yet arrived when the women enn compete en equal
terms with the men.
In all probability that time never will come.
Wc have women baseball and soccer teams, runners, jumpers, net stars and
The day of the hysterical girl who fainted nt the slightest shock the girl
who was Dickens' heroine has passed.
In ner plnce has come u bturdy, self-reliant type, who can take her ewt
part nt all times.
Te athletics can go the mujer part of the credit.
NEITHER women nor men riant te be placed in the tame competitive
field. Tliey de better by playing each ether and win a greater
dosree of credit by doing se.
Cobb's Sportsmanship
TY COHB has been supplanted as the best hitter in baseball.
A geed-looking, left-handed alumnus of the University of Michigan
Geerge Slsler by name is breaking, one by one, the records the Georgia Flash
t?ct in lils palmiest days.
The Intent te go is hitting in consecutive games. Tyrus the Great had made
n record of socking base blows in forty consecutive games.
Only (he ether day Slsler ran his streak te forty-eno before he was stepped,
Did Cobb. eing the laurel wreath he had worn se long slipping from hl.i
brew, begrudge the triumph of the younger man?
Net a bit of it.
lie sent a wire of congratulation te Sisler ns seen as he heard that Geerge
I had made the new record.
j Cobb has always been n sportsman. During his years In the game he has
( been accused of many things because of lils dashing, reckless style of play,
i When he spiked Frank llukcr thirteen years atre he started a wave of resent
ment against himself that has net died out in our fair village even te this day.
BUT even lils enemies have admitted that he Is a sportsman; one of
the fllliit lll.nl run he fnilnil In nnv !tme
the finest (hat can be found In any game,
Soccer League te Play
With Fall River
'rTIHE once fuineUB Bethlehem soccer
machine, n team that was consld censld
' cred at one time without a peer, has
been completely
Wm ,
rugby team appeared en the club s
Of HCtltlt!e
(lames are te be played en Friday
afternoon, and Jimmv Straub Is te cap
tain and coach th team. lie has a
number of bejs out for places, nnd
they are working hard two or three
afternoons e.ach week en the playground.
Among these, sure of a place ou tbe
team te date ar Eric Burgess, Fred
Benner. Eddie Donevan, lert. Cam
eren, Jim Ftraub and i-Trnnu t.augn
lln. Teams wheie, true average Is about
1(1.1 fr, 1 1fl rwnnrtft vhniilit rnrrenenH
for games, remembering tbnt all matches i of the grren, t"
are te be played en Fridays after 1 putt bfe-e n
school neurs.
ri'B aiu m.
Martwright Tell3
Fans and Players This Was
July Mark
"Records of the Philadelphia llae-
Association show that during the
te tusk once during the season for any
complaint regarding the players or man
agement (hartley Wright, introduced as the
riuarcst sport in West Philadelphia,
the backer of the team, was thn pre
sented with a handsome geld watch, a
gift of the plners He was tee over
come te respond, but later In the ce-
.1 nn iMillrwl ii wirnrise en in eiavere
iiiiia ,'...i-.-. ..,..-- -. - . -
vaud officials by prcsenUng thein with
Stonehurst ' sold baseballs.
i He mi the season had been a suc
cess in ei,ery way except financially
und in that respect quite n tidy sum
wa- lest, but assured even one. the team
would be back wit season as u member
of the V, D- A.
Phil Lewis, who asslgiiH the "um
pires, was introduced as the "King of
Ii.... r- ArtA ' llODOPrP I1IMJ ni"'n " ''I'l" i" '"
tentb of July ou an average of ....000 Aft Kulnmf.rs fe,j ,ew wisy it Is
una nightly aitenaeu urn iwuigui fe b0h games, ana .Manager .nce "J""
ball games In this city and the re- "ii&w v. iesi me . uni.wuni.
lU it theue contests were fur be
mA erne's imagination." wan the dec
" "' . . ( tn.m- . - . , ... , m ..
itleN of Geerge Cartwright. president :,x ,-,vnl. en capturing tne csi i-nua-
the local body, In a speech at a delphla chnmptensiup.
uet tendered tne tsteneuursi uase- 4 ceupie oezeii euier njicun -in !.
Tr . il. . .... Cl... !.. . I. ' i Ii. It....!.,.!. mIiiI. r.Hfaii.lnit
team last ntgui ai me. niiiynium nenru it. .uiiriiii- . .i"" !". ..
Fifty Candidates Are Out for Foot
ball Team
.fter cempletinc u successful season
In baseball, winning Un pennant in
the North Penn League, Ambler Tleld
Club started football practice this
There am about fifty candidates out,
and through the coaching of "Pete"
furtis, football instructor at fit,
Jehn's College, and "Dutch" Wetzel,
formerly Northeast nnd Cernell star,
Ambler expects a winning team this
fiames are desired with Cliften
Heights, Legan Ited Jacket?, Palmyra,
ftlverten and any ether club of same
ca'iber in I'ennajlvanla or New Jer
sey. Fer booking communicate with II.
N, L'rb.in or Kebert .Shoemaker, both
of' Ambler, Pa.
Heads New England A, A, U.
Ilmten, s.i 'je --.W)or l"rank II nrln
waj l'i"l ijrili l of th Nw EriKlsn4
Amiur AtMtie Union at the annui.1 mt
lnv Uit nlcht
of Atlantic
list Clt. and tr. W. Maizeu. ei AreiuiuinK,
l' . " . . ! -. ... It... lm
I were trie peientiai sinmr- in. umi '"i
Each had a gaudy 74 for his day s
work, and the., naturally expected that
it would be enough at least te give
them a play-off for low honor.
But that wasn't te be. Dr. himmer
man came through with a snappy 4 en
the la-t green, and that gave him the
It was en that green that Mr. Statiell
fell with a loud thud and failed te win
the medal when, unknowingly, he nsd
it in his erasp. He drove 200 yards
en the fatal hole, landing en tbe edge
DUt tie tOOK TOUT Eorrewuil
e sank the bail, inree
i-mM tun. vent him into R tie Willi
Dee Simmrmin ; two would have given
him the medal.
Weed a Mar
11. Wellington Woert was the real
star of the day at that. He tied for
second place in the low net. and he
also tied II W. Smedley of Mcrien,
for the low gross. Laeh bad an b-j
Bmrdley carrying a 5 hand -ap f
Weed i 10 They w 111 play this off at
some future date net yet decided.
Tie cards are as follews:
I I-
Etmnermnn . ,.
1 1 3 ? ? ? 5 5 WU-it.
wiMntti yr(Irv i
J S 5 ? 3 8 I S gS5T 1374
""1'VV. a lm
" 2 2 I j e ii i n T3
O U -
Runs Seared for Week
In Three Dig Leagues
5 7 4 6 8
The Tournament
The seniors' tournament Is open only
,e meVnJU fifty -Ave years
uir, .lie nire of tne contestants,
Hyan made a motion that the secretary
.. itm r eh setin a ciicr iu .11111 uuui.er.
tnaimger of Khanahiin nnd Ktenehurn's
(Cartwright also said that next jear
I tem-pre game in nun i" euun.
the blgirut thing of its kind In the
try, "Jiany misinues nave nccii
" ue aildeil, "Dill we inieiie m
It by the Mine. A worm ei gee
bn ilone ler tne mniiBBcrs unu
, ami next year we inifiiu m
aame thing lu u larger measure
I.teuded the sportsmanship of the
urH team, wuicu, was out iiucu
said flic reason for defeat was mat lie
was cal'fil in loe lite. I'M Mcfieldrick.
the minstrel, siild he had cnjeied I.Ih
hest ncatlen watching his favorites
p'ay sixt ic games
HuiMi''n Manager I,mn .1 Wolfe ex
plained hew se much money was lest,
although the club had n record of fort
live wen and thirty-nine lest for uu
average of J'M. The eniclal n-cords el
all the pluyers were read and showed
some rcmurkable work en the part of
the players.
tSATtnSM. l.KAOflT.
S. SI. T. W. T. r. fl.
rtflnirh .-lii fl .--
St. I.euln. . . S 8
("hlmrn .- .
Seu- Yerk S 7
Phllllri .. J -
llenlijn .... -
( Inelnnntl . 4 3
llrenUljn 2 3
i Inetntul J ? 0 -
n-lrelt . J ll 3
"iViiKhlnrteti " 5
t. nU .I J 3 - -
hlfane 2 7
lle.tnii 3 (I fl
Vew .rV 13 4
Mhlei . 5 I --
.lrrwr ( Itjr. 10 7
Srwaik , in fl -
".rtltlinore II 3 .
Huff ile . It -
It-Hbur ... . as- i -
Srrmrua II -
K.Hhenter , 7 I
Terente . . . .. I Z i
iu.; ---,, ,.,,b
the Bceres turnea in arc riu """",
able Only a dozen of the players bad
rress card1 of ever liw.
These men are among the most en
thuslattlc followers of golf In thin bread
and They can't beat the Karazens or
the Sweetscrs, but their sons are grew-
ng into tbe great golfers of the future,
and they are doing their part in dcvcl-
PAU & te the acnlera-and their
Hareld Brittain.
center forward of
the Steel Worker.,
without question
the greatest player
at his position that
ever enme from the
ether side te the
United States, has
quit and cast bi
let with Fnlllthcr.
of the American
The wreck is
new cemnlcte. for
IAnJM TJIUTTAIN of the once.fanieii3
aggregation there
new remain but three players, High
field and Kerr at goal and Perrest en
the forward line.
The soccer world wes recently shocked
when It was unneunced that five of the
stars of the up-State eleven had signed
with the J. &. P. Coates, of Paw tucket.
The quintet that decided te go te
Rhede Island was composed of IJcthunt
and Vergtisnn, fullbacks: Nielsen, cen
ter halfback: Temmy Filming, out
side left, and Merley, inside right. i
Then followed mere deertiena In I
Lorimer, left halfback: Campbell, out
side right ; Jap, inside right, who '
signed with Tall River, nnd new what ,
appears te be the hardest blew of ull, I
the less of Brittain.
Brlttatn, It will be recalled, was se- ,
verely injured last year and his less
virtually robbed th" I'h I adelphla Field
Club of the American ('up, the highest
honors in the soccer world The team,
however, came through with the cham
pienship of the American League, and!
Brittain. although out for mere than
half of the season, was an easy winner
for top scoring honerR.
He was signed te play with Tall River
by Harry Ratican, the St. Leuis boy.
who until the aihcut of Brittain in
American soccer was ceniideid without
a peer at the center forward pest in
America. Ratican Is manager of Fall
Ither and in coaching at West Point. I
Brittain came here direct from Chcl- I
sa, of the British First Division, and
was easily the best player in the game
last year.
Frem all account! W. Luther Lewis, !
of the Bethlehem team, who Is president
of the American League, is net dis
mayed nt the less of Brittain,
Mr Lewis line just returned from a
business trip te California nnd will
immediately start in te rebuild his crip
pled machine. He is quoted as saying:
"Despite the less of virtually the en
tire. Bethlehem team, I am net in the
least perturbed. I will give the fans
of Bethlehem a better and stronger team
than has 'cr been their privilege te
root for."
The leader of the steel workers Is
known te have his scouts nil ever Amer
ica, Canada and even the ether side for
plaerti and some Interesting develop
ments are expected In the situation.
The Drexel method
of teaching Public
Speaking is unusual. ,
Practical business talk
ing, net oratory, is the
keynote or every class
A Suit of Our Underwear
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and dlnlnR tur.
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riUST-n.t'K AT '"sUO I. M.
THOUSANDS upon thou,
sands of smokers have
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are concerned, El Producte
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factory cigar. But even
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'shape of El Producte.,
in' Rich Prize Meney Offered cue
e Wleldera In 18.2 Championship
21 Nw Yerk, Sipt. 20. Prize money
n1 te'the sum of Sr.OOO will be offered n
he wend'a .hwni.leuBhlp turn.D.Bnt
.Jut 18.2 balklinn biJlinrdh, which w ill
S K heldat the Hetel Pennay yanla from
i November la te
2 ' Hr nwlrk Halke - rullcnder Company
& under whose .llmrtien the event will be
'he tournament uill be limited te nix
vers and the khiwh will be of .ut)
' T
1 nlavers
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i .(, lmiPr. SISOO seceiai money, .s.1000
Latest Styles
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G. Ervin Donevan, 135 S. 10th Street
the winner. Sl.'OO "ceirii money. !X(
third. .$700 fourth and .J2.0 fifth, the
nit Kate rrrel,.t will be, divided en u
percentnge basis.
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