mrss ' V" s vivjTjrrttti rji (! .Tv K-HAf W 'Tf i "IiWTISW f?' 71 V . 1 i? Vs r x.r V 1 f W 1 ' EVENER'a1 tjbixe tcmGBR--iHtCM)ErijPHiai wiErarjA'x; shpeembek aa, 1922 yStfw77 & ' m 1 " . J l ' 1 1 tv 1 fit !?'' v fin M' " JUJi. " ftS'i'l; 1 '. dli, ;.vj( 1 lH come this man Cehen c'l - JL JI makes talk 'beuten us cullud gemmcnf Tells you, Florian Slappey, he's the man what if'n you cullud babies den' read his book you aint never gwinc get interduccd te ye'sclf. I craves te knew what fe' folks laugh fit te die when he makes foelishment 'beuten the Sens and Daughters of I Will Arise. Bey, that's the fondest thing they is of. Lessen you read "Asserted Chec'latcs" aint never gwinc knew HUTCHINSON WRITES OF THE BUSINESS WOMAN Can a Weman Held Twe Jobs and De Justice te Beth? that bles. man can tick! you hew e ye risi- ASSORTED CHOCOLATES By Octnvut Rey Cehen .' O" V A 1'rveUrt ri DODP, MEAD & COMPANY, PueliiWs New Yerk yi:w ;-: 1 .ir;r .v ei-' thu ecre CurtfuCrs . ' Uc? 7 '"cs'-vg Jie-mnant i n3119Bi3MLLn vsssMlk, H N"1 v jsssssvv isk . .sssV ssLB sssssLsHF1 y'V (sssr sssLsssLI i jtSLJHmiHKiy V. S. M TF1 uitcjuvsex ! TOSAlIi:. M HL' I ;id I i'pii co inclined, . S .M. i IX -ic nt n lni-insfl freedom (het n man ni jej . i Hut I must clMTer with them, l'erhnp') It li bcoiitise 1 nm olcl-fmliienrci. Yet It 1ms nhvnji seemed te nw tlint nmr- ringe ii n contract which i nrrles ulthi It uLilignlleiiB nml rrspeiiMUilltic for the wife, ns -w oil ns the husband. When a vemnn liroeiurs n wife she mirfPiuleM Mime cf lier freedom te de rit sli" plmsc, just n when n mnn rnntraiM with ills employer te bfrve lnili for n jenr or five yrnrs Iir rarrcudcri n lnrei' mrt of liis frordem. Thern is tniplied In tlm mnrriaRe rentrnrt th agi 'ciiient of the uifn te lunltc h home tr lier liusbaiid, le jiro.slde orer it, te lienr turn (hildren, te mother theta nnd ie irii.n tlietn (e tlie best of her nliilit. .Ne" if nli tal;ri another jeli oninde n1 the home which absorbs her nttentirm nl. dny the home job must inevitable nlTei yerruitji jnrccs romp vmrnni ireiiiai ami vnimj inVetr.t fi(t rhil- , wrm le no into 7jiiiic., hut wait vl Ihrhi knew that Ihry arr tow pilled le i i(i(ir lirtuerit 1ire fyih ami In" select fi hat serin the least. J UI.H I II .J.'jiv'avKt.1 i- . "',i' . V I' ' ' 'I Jill wi iii ' "nn n l. SOk V 4SBAB- iM jBi. -. aaBBf - Vs ijjllr' f -litti.,-'if".' ar 'Btas:ri TWO GENIUSES The Correspondence of Wagner and Nietzsch New Avail nble in Vernacular "Tin Vtpfrclie.'U,nffTir Carl ' nMnHtUnn. .ltfnr1 in iTin SItfr4nM llV Elizabeth Fereter-NictzMhe, has been translated by Careline V. Kerr. An In troduction by II. 1j. Mencken Is added te Beul & Liverlglit's American edition. The BEST SELLER in England ; ,7IIN UKNXKrr An illustrated lielldny edition of iioe "Ma.ster Sli.xl.irh" h In preparation SOCIAL PROBLEMS uti-h aeti rnii'd )iae lneadened the no. She THE BLACK BORDER GULLAH STORIES OF THE CAROLINA COAST (WITH A COMPLETE GLOSSARY ' " By Ambrose E. Gonzales i A tol!?.tien e; f3rtv-tue sher tnr i fthifltrAtin,; th? Ii -. h-imer, pTiioeph. ld flusjnt ps"-h of thse lltt!-knewn. but unltju 'id l-i'srfstinc Nejre- cf tba Seuth nrehui ticr.fl-'.a nnd -a iilndi n -. - -nsm r. thr -jr'lcjt lve-carpet from tie V fit Const of AHei. Cle'h 8ve. 14S PAgrn, I goepo e' ' Thl-i rroeiioin'' Mttle. Hrewn iV. Te i. h.s latent novel, nnd could (Iijh imr oevewd nil the iiupliea- tiens or in- then.". 'I noe inipii'.iMens, however. ill siicjjest thcmselrei te ihe thoughtful leader. Instead of ' idvirt; I he problem f rl.e home from v. niia the nieilier i nb nb se!i' n groater j.arr ii the unie fiijni any i.'iue. Juj int i-ounneil himself te 'he Mudv of the jnehlem of e liorr.e from which the motile tv.i nbtent lv.eaue she Tsas cur.HK"d .ii bus. lies-. Sonie cornmentntet- liavc irnd iai there is no seu h pipblrm. nnd ilia' Ir. HufohtiiFen hat lir.T: ., . eondi eendi eondi tien M htcli deefl net eti-' I'.i.' even 'he.e oe in me n in ters, if (Lev will clve a l.i'le mere theiijb' te th "ibieet, v.l! be feired te ndmlr 1 n :i ' t'e p-eh-leni does r.tut, sind that it i- nor nei. V ii neut. nmeni; ihe peer Tliia 1 w'iv day nurseries have liemi etnl- b"d !u the lniTe eitie. The -.vace- r. IJetclnnin's here no mpelled te re into lm -1 ad been improved in he- earlipft (hldhoed ilh tlie hnrilne of women's Ki and with the "suporieutv of man. She decided tlinf. she wanie.j te go into the world and de what n man did nnd t'1 have the Mime freedom that he en toyed and te paeiipp fiem the limi tations of womanhood. Her eldesf -H-ler. yHUj-ninir for wifehood find mother hood nnd Reinir In-Ulie bej Utlf?e tliey veto denied her. had drowned herself. 'I m sliier told Itesaliii thnt "beiiif: a woman : liard." ears Inter nnether weninn lehl her thru "belns n woman i cliin-pe-etl" "' Till tjie seuclit te C-iiipe the dniiKcr-- and 'lie diuV'iltlps by fellow In;; a i eire which would hae been per- le.'n lintmai ser a man. mje '& n Dr. Edward Alsworth Ress Dis cusses Many Contempo rary Issues IV I'M ward Alsworth IlesV pipers en contemporary problems nC se, ii. '-.?r and issues (.enr"'iiiiis the pub l'c welfare irve olleotod in a volume i entitled "The Secial Tiend," which the t i-iitiiry Company brines out, Tlie distinguished I'nlursily of YVis-cen-.n professor, who ii n publicist nt wi'l as soeieloci'.r. loehs lit these prob preb )i ir.- and issues w Itli the expert, oje et die t-ni Inl observer nnd consideiH their iiiiporiiineo nod Milutien vlth tlie t mined nil nd of the nodal philosopher, lie cms both the nlet (lata unci (he meft deeply Miscostive nspp'.fi ()f iili Impeitanr FulijeeM ns tlie menace ' of mlgratlns jhces, liirthrate nnd death- rate et our era. iiumi-Mii wages, tlic ! tl this leusr and fnctful book will depend ltirgely npeu his interest In the two vivid personalities Involved and their philosophic creations. If "Dan llhcln llhcln geld" means little te hint and "3felen,, lather lees than nothing (as It Is likely te de), lie can go through Mr. MenckcnV superb Introduction, written In his hap plet vein, and net bother with the en suing documentary mass. It Is true that the prolific "Wagner wrote many letters lit ninny moods- enehantlngly submissive, crotchety, polemical, argumentative and passion passien nte. Hut these cited In the prctent vol ume are In general coleiless, when net lathe- npo?trephienlly nbsurd. There Is certainly in mere pitiful fclght than men of genius fallinsiii leve with one. mother's" weifc nnd then aquabbllng, though the Nietesch.p-'Wngner contro versy lmd its roots in something deeper thaii the Kw-ltibnwic -'Whitman im broglio. . ltnf ihe nvenife reader, with n per- - iimps nipcilicnil grnfp of the Blluntten, lnlcst i may be insured that 3Ir. Mencken's jireface is weitli while, it consieeieu enlv ns :i mperier piece of WTitJng "en its own." II" cajH. in conclusion, of his subject riiry attacked the very foun dations of modern civilization. Te all men thev wne ptnrtlinu and disquieting ; le most men they were appalling. Hut tlie yearn deal Kindly wiih them. Mere and 'mere the tend te prevail, or, t all events, te get themselves heard, PHILOSOPHY SINCE 1800 ANALYZED AND RATED Hire lilllll and AniPriciii Philosophy iMaeinillaii Company 1 H ll'fl llilllll.ll H'l tl liljlll, ,UI l0'i CIO' . , , - , ", ' iIIMI' I."'" .'l.iv liieixil '. ,' ' perceive thnt when she innmr and ''n,,,,,,.t '."i'' P'ofcs'.ieii froth the s,e- , ,.nu,r0(1 Uie'.v.ghlv , a ,10rllv tome liy , 1,1 J." . u", ' , e.ileg.sts point of view, women in i Vniinr Kemeu Ke-ers fermcrrr of the bears children obligations hae hnen ,-r nPW t.eoner.ilo position, frnit.lng ! JV ' V'l J'f 'v. ' fniveVs tv Ills Wk pur upon he,- t,t n ma,, cape. Sl,e ...j,.,,, w,, ..,,lllllU-. f0l. public serv- , f,'n,i'-)l0, v;,, (,e'sl pieblemb S3 00 AT ALL BOOKSTORES OR FROM l-er household re tier servants run tl. She has nothing te de with the (raining of her ehlMien. That is turned ever te hirellncs wth notions of their own. I!ur when her wsr ti) wniS nnd rail for them at nisht ftic ctatc rnueAMV n tp 1 '" taeir way nome. .Net ern th" n-n .inc. ij iai l. wmrnii i, rueusners ,nveterat, eiitLmir wiiuld I Columbia, Seuth Carolina 1 KX2M rf5nk wTT-9 M; V&Wi Tfc f?rnrtl Dm Hnr Sinrm ( "Tht Cull 0 tht Ir'iW The Whelps ' of the Wolf ' V. By Geerge Marfh k&l ! Teihn ti. Truli," tc There are many thrillinc adven tcb amid the silent forests and tiliziards of th Hudsen's Bay Coun try, where Jean Marcel and his I creat dej; Fleur fir;t natara for a 1 mere existence. Ar.d there is a re ' nance daintily Interwoven that will held the reader enthralled. Prica $1.75 at all boekton$ irning lunthers take their 1 '..I'dren rn first born is twelve enis old frbe. dis ii") luirserv in the nierntnc en the.r rn.-ers u-ith n sVineK- he h n., faitu in the fine things which f'r.e 'oTeotl 111 her childhood, and 'n an Insist tlu Smimislve moment .she abandons her !u children get the kind of nlten- ' business fe a&Mime the functions of .1 1011 wbHi n btrt for them. Tlier niar ' met 01 r. The children who have never e in t-e care jZ expert i..;rse.s ttinl l.renn her in the 10I0 whieh she ir.n .,rs Mneere, and this (unlily Milncs lie. the I'hnnging domestic position of ceuien, folk depletion, uunl changes, prohibition in its sociological ns)ieeti, the spirit of service, ndvertlslng, news papers nud war. and rleavnesH mark Tr. Kes' discussion of topics which in their very n.itiiie arc nbstiuse tuid templct. Xet enlv does he s.ieceej in M'tring forth the facis. bul he also cenveji te the reader the lutluences nnd implications. He sitcveeds often In sujlng seuicthing ne.v and usualh in saiyiug something lmpertunr. .110n utl tir. Kess Js 111 ea heis diinug the tiny, but no espeitcle nsume cannot ncccpt hej. in ihat c irse, and no teachei" can give the li!M ciiacity. She was tee late. Then she what 'h" mother would give Jt. T'. ges Imel; 10 her business again nnd sysiem terjij ;0 destroy the bend w hn !i ' th n'tdreu away te c-t-IioeI and he'di the mother and I'hihi tn-isalw her consc.Ierico uitll tl.) tlieiichi cether nnd !ccps the s-oeial f.ibiic. freaiithit as the children nru uw.e There is falling apart. (no longer need for her nt home. J', it The problem It alie found among 1 oniastrephe comes. The eldest ten, who the Tery iuh. The preac bera have! has get anion,? evil companion?, is cou th inc. ercd for venrs iigninst the Indif- vic-tej of swindlln"; and sent t') prison. ferenee of fashlonahle mether.s. These c The riauuhter. unrestrained nil her life tnn'hcrs turn their children nier te rev. bv the influence of 11 metaer. gees her ernefises nud nuiie. Sometimes the-, own gait nnd dies n the resul' of nnJfern,',nB ,uj tlmulatln send theru awuy te school nr ew .li"cal operation, and the veuub'si son. - - eiiU age te get them 0111 of t he house. 1 n'h' '-IS n riereut sort of e te.lew. wiiern I hey Into-fein with li t,nrfn! , throws himseif ill from of a nam he eik through the interest of his mn- lerial nnd the elailty and meinesi of his presentation. IUh papers may be said te have that genuiim value that belongs te etigeily interested nnd care 1 iliy weighed comment by un exp-rf In social observation. The amount of cullghtennient. 01 btidden perietnitien. of valid criticism, of regrouping of ideas, which Dr. Kess cau give te his leaders measure" hiu value te them us much ns his wide experience and long observation of the sec hit tield in many lands. His new boil; Is loadable, in- COSTERS AND COCKNEYS of lihilosenhv. Inn only with these ecu trnl and illuminating point of view which constitute n lnuu'n philosophy in the dlsline' i' fiis.0. Mr. Ueser, d'eusses 0.10T1 Fohenl of nliiliisephic tlieiiElit that lias originated or developed in the past century in the liiiullsli sneaking laud'-. He sets? lerth definiten.n mid with lililiMjnl clarity (he iiiimiples ami canniiH or the lead , inu' thiiil.i's of eaeli schcxiL The book, tlie nuther confesses in his introduction, is net ciesiguwl te vecem- t iiiernt or t'nirher finv one wlirtnl Imf rather te show thnt the business of )ihilosehy is t liiui v :inil bring into harmony iht fundamental beliefs that me Implicated in our normal human intrre'itsc. This veferepc e te the needs of living. U is pointed oil' . furnishes (lie tout bMeiie by which the wmlty of philosophical reasenings ami the va lidlty of n pli'loBephy can be meted. This crniriil s.uwey of modern nbUe sephiciil begins wtth Ditguld Slewnrt. J nine Ii .lellcry. .Tames Miir- tlnrnu, James Terrier, etc. run! runs down the ilecaneti te U illrini .lames, P. S. n. Schiller. I'.ctlvand Knsscll nnd lelin llewcy. Haln. Mlrifwick. Tcw- man. ilemanei. Alut'Iuw Arneld, TJe netivities of the mm her. The new-i.ape.-s ar- tilled nidi n '-nun's of the; 05. apadesj of these rbii'lr-u when ihe-r' nppiniii marhoed and woniauhne.l. Xhe b'As are arrested for driv!n motor motor meter on, s w h te tinder the inrluenc 0 of liquor. They a:e '.ed by chyru g!rl fe breach of prom:se nr for the support c-r their children. 'I hey c!ee with un desirable gnli au'j marry them in haste, a. id. without ienint!lic. for veusn'anee ' (ii'ise l.e thinks he has liilcd the man ,cpnr;sjble for his sitter's ijr. 1, This fngtr endiug Is the lns.cnl con- "iisleri of the premises ulue Mr. Jlut 'hinsen has inld down, just es HoaIle's peruistem e it, Jjef bcisine.s.1 I ennser l the lngienl result of bet maier premise tbaf a woman has the same .minuet Mnitiioe. .1hi;mi1i 1 nr'nnin if lm DROLLY CHARACTERIZED! i,""n'i'"",f;petg', ii.urv Lew.,,. ! .Tcisi.'ih Hniii". T,r,c!;le. uarwln. Car- i' ami iMiiei'Min me among the judl- rei. - ....:.-.. i... -11 .c -. .. B? 'iSili? f ffi S - VS.'.:: i i,S " , : Sf A. Xel has Tlene'rlus and ., nanvendenh,,,!. ubvuliile, lutle Inr meta (u -A Mnrkrt Hundl" 1'nliMn. piin-i,.-hli.i. pragmatism niifl Tl.i.l, M,.-l X- f,.- V Imp llinmnn un-l'l.uicl.i 1.1.1 n.iin.nii.11. I l'.urke did for Llinelumse nnd what The iwek is a M-rv vulunMe one for t THI rWM PUlLRHlrtG COMPAHT rfalUdalpkU rtfhl c i mnn n lmtinncs. 1 ncur Her lusbnuU vamiv tries te jnaLe her I llu-h M'dey 5i,u Octaves Hey Chen I " ' "f ""u f'" ''"! rcfert!tip of the s"e thar the mere fact she Is n wemmi seems te be a boed fete'gn te them, I ,in'"3 'l"v tr'clem of udien. But sheK" 'h. r eek te hate ih uidiTlaim an- , '"f'tss te admit It. ami gees her temre. ,, ,, , ,. ,..,.,.. .. 1 nud many of thetn latiier dir ,-.. .i. Aad ti'.girs marry the family J' net iiLtll th- - atn-rnephes pit? n, ,,;. ,lr.uni. ,,,tcnsi'tv of Htuke'V ' aTeiirs or get i-ite trouble w! h the l,'"m ,l"'' ,baf bbc d'evers tnat it w re .... .i10M:?.. i..i,t.s bur cenfaiii Hutchinson's Tratnlna .. .it.... I 1 I . i . - .. L . I. .. . . . . in tueir e mi ciiele whose brlnzmj "" ""'"' uils '"''"""" wi' s..ctMi ,. of tin, 1 anpv -ge-liiUsy lreedem li is net ircnun.'lv known thnt HEARTBEAT by STACY AUMON1ER It acclaimed by American crit ica as one of the best written and most interesting of recent novels. It tele it steadily in creasing, e 60Nf&U ggUgfiv S2 khfX r 4CWY0qKF. 1LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY'S New BoeksOn Sale Today novel vV.OO FICTION THE EVIL SHEPHERD By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHElft Mr. Oenenheim has here written a story of Enelish life . melodramatic character, se fascinating ami se stirring that the most hardened reader cannot fail te receive a sicrics of thrills The same elements of mystery and suspense that made "Tl,, Great Impersonation" se popular arc present in this new novel in full degree. t THE MAN WHO LIVED IN A SHOE By HENRY JAMES FORMAN With its beautiful love-story, delicately ,devclepcd front the underlying theme of love which children engender in the hearts of men, its clever blending of humor and pathos, in strong appeal te the highest emotions. "The Man Who Lived in a Shee" is a romance ever which its readers will linger with delight. Second Printing. $1.9q OF GENERAL INTEREST THE REAL TSARITSA By MADAME LILI DBHN Madame Dchn's study of the Empress's personality, Itabiti views, life as she led it, is intimate and illuminating. HCre i the truth about Rasputin, with new light en the legend of hit power ever the Royal Household, and little-known details 0f all that led te the "downfall of a great dynasty. The Londen Morning Peet calls it "historical evidence of the first imper. tance." Illustrated. $,50 Thtit book are for sal at ult boehitller Bosten LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY Publisher, 11 rV iS .... ,i... ,-..ii, ..-,. ... t.i.,;j. u.,i. general leaner, biiire r 1 entains in con. icii'j 'iv I'ti'ivui" uimu' uti uuiv U il t 1 . , f.jeu has done for Londen's i;,it ' ' .,,u"" '"' B'st vl iu'" un. "na et. tucm ui 1 no juei ausiriise cuarac.ier 1 be Cene's Cures Explained by Himself .1 nmiv r.n ll's C b SELF MASTERY THROUGH CONSCIOUS AUTOSUGGESTION . tie I -tin h r en ) Ac e from ,' s:5 M American Library Service 500 Fifth Avenue, New Yerk up has bi-eu a ske'e h- a (heir own. 'nl. en ric- me.'Aer ew r,t t'f h,,r tfi result t llkeljj te he the v,n tu fffu .ieciiiI 1' ccjuitj .vie mother le sjierd ' tine ei'ijv Him hrr chii'letn, i le, ort ',eir'y t uetr phiiie of un e'd problem. 1 N attention t,eiaus i.t iciensia? number e," women who aie; Jn n bu.inpsi and into the ! ofess.ens. Mr. Hutchinson has ricne, . S, TT pr - the ini .nipmsatlens wertli 'I ! li'i'iv tids w.ih her inelherlng her 1' ti(. , l granddaughter, the child of lur way. 1 wj'ni von, ji,j doing her luiir t.. gici- 1 , j lie ciiild what her own 1. i.'.-vt ,1 cia .g.iter failed te get. I' is 11 moving nnd tingle m.'" wl h 1 ' .cm t" net rer.v stueuf et 1 ei'e 1 f " 13 1 tendencies te serie'is i.nkb g We tnav be en the eve of n 10 v - 1 oigsnizatieu m which ihe Sc,. provide jiui'series for nil tic . 0 . fiiiilies of Wiley and Ceheu. The t f ll,.icliiueti. ,n.- imiher of the most m or of tliu stit'c 1 slui.a'.l.v . I he (U5tp w J. j walk through his ill- Freeilnin." tirli'jKi'eil i.r Senfemli.,. t Tfrev'iii.' pug"-, have a seiise itf is u pieduct of Vlrt Street, Londen's .nl ihe'r own ml the small farmers newspaper iiv." tttaitlng with 00 .'1 "1 tl.e.r wives rn.I Eweetheaii lme a casJenai iisslgnru-iiN. be as made edl- 1 fluiisepby Mr. l.vjn int'iiiiets full tor-tn-ehief of ,t. T.ntitlnci IiniW ' '.1st. one ijoed hearty , (traphic within v few rear". If s 1 reps ur emy ecca- Hcnsatlenal piiblisuing success of lntt year. "If Wiute-Ceme,' nud of "This1 v ' . Thete Is- ar 11 ule in elicit e'lllg glimpse (,, le ihe wicele, tie sketch while tc.irs senc-i t.) ndd well te confine li'mseif te the cciiin.i "-i and tnt.s lree the women in 11 of ue r.oi.'eeuenee of the business' a ' of the mother. He very 11 -d.nt'v bei.c'es that the tnsi d,,u e c.e v "e srid mother i.s te he;- husband and'en and that if busmriss ir ler'pi.s vith the porfei mance .r" tii' 1. " ' .0 biS.ness sheubl be giTen, 1 i '1'ieie nie e'tieme fem.lHitti of net ,iit wi. j in-ii that lie has tit.; n..ii; e .' a cajp. Seme liave 1 ven gi-ine -n far ns 10 say tha ihe nrgumenui '1 n he 1 us made hti ijintaeii'ts ndvaic-e establish hejend f) lehtien the light .; a. woman te tliu tawe kind of 1. OLD IRVIN S. COBB W',Jter- Jicfivities OUts'de '' ' i' n nv please them. I'm hum s . a si,t.ji the word "inefhe"" is .1') buc ics purely physical :nn. a' 'on 'en 'lh faulty bend winch lias none n te held society together wi i. . I V.e a iepe of sand, and we ! ,-. ,, a en, nmiimty of cMicnie inc. , each member of which wilt ef ,. ' . e . pleasure regardles-.s of the 0 n s. ,.,, In tiiat evenc Mr. Jlutchui-ei, 1 t m r wi'l iciiw te June imy pe!'. .- . seems pointless today t ID f 1 1 n'.s'-- GKOimii v. net ;i. wLi. h .Mr. Celib has ensr hi vn-r . , hrst novel of Mr. l.'ebli's is . 1 , 1, .uti i Ambassador Child's Nevel Th- firsi long piec e of tic: 1011 wjil- 1 1 7 our Aloha-sailor in Jinl.v. Mr. I'. hat d Vashii'ii'ii Child, sinee )jjh cppeinirnenr 10 Heme beitis in the Hed lie "Ii M ignrine. for .icieh"r It 1. 'ui'k nf .i ejt h nnd nge., poverty jmil 'i-c wrpllh in c.i-iflin. and is cnlled ' I'e I'aiul.ei ' 'har being I'le cogne- g.eii Ui' 1 ei,i ue b. I'i'i t" remiit'.is''s of h.s erly trnliiing under I'. W. Keieit, ) Htiterlal chief, ere' highly dnei'tlug in 1 tu: Hoyal Maga I zine be writes I, was my powers of' expression, im tb'uguiig nights with, what J thought, w aK s-.jie that used te I make hlm mud. me 1 suffer mpft, li would wiilc a T.r-.!llng line, such ns 'Hese-tingerecl cia,vn sr. tinting the Eastern sl..' l.t.i fit would, groan like ene stricken cjn'.c dntli. 'Ven mean ihcl sun whh llsing. d..n 1 -en, Hutclnu-' senV' he would ensilinii njlcj vrin.u -j faltered ')pi r en s,i v me. niun,' he m would come the ss a tar blush.'' 1 the Iite s used le r- mnl blm, ten-,, A RLMARKABLL-: BOOK The Americanization of Edward Bek 19th PRINTING .If u'l boeh-'on' , SJ.UO CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS WRTTF1; WK FIRT "YfiVn and lumioreiis and iis .Iim:..-,, ingel with iitidei'.stJiudiu; I. ,11 S. t sny fim ih Mb kJSA-" Reduced from $1 te 80c per te!. Everyman's Library Presents Je the Booklovers the opportunity te own most of the world's great literature. One dis- criminating reader said, "Tliey are the only cheap bocks I have ever seen that de net make you feel cheap." fend ter a tree '! 'I'? tttlM. ckeh 10 Meil. jtt? cntra. L P. DiltM C, fn 5tk At H. T. ""' Vli t cy " cl .ly net ,1 '(., ii a? a mast"! of tie 5,: .ji i',, . a.J i , wen Ini'n In.igha as 1 ue .11, 01 .! of dielleiies i, ine fet m cif -pe, (al nnii les 011 sip h i,in jecu ji 1 (lifjtjg, e) rations and getuug bft' i t the land. And new tin- Deraim hae bv-ui'd Lis Just novel, ",f. 1'ein-dc-tiei, Coleied." Ne.ulj nurv reucle of the lelehrnted .1 .dg" I'l.fs, . 01 1". m .!! c ei all JI 1 I Ien 1 s- iirr a e-l w i-e Ien -1 nam I off Wei Juit ,- n I il figure of tei-i ti '1 l-iig'i. t, .,n i,r he HMIi.l' of .Iic'j,'!' 1' . si ,lff w is liestl' l."i.';in i,d- or sic'd 01." sa . II W(c" Ot.llll ill He I'ri.s set. is, bu' lie turned riipuiiiintl.. c iiniigh '0 -hew bis pevM -sieci of f. ionic eful wit and cpibls in' unity 111 the uew book .I'fl'ciaeu Ljeiliii I'elnilexier, te gite him l.m full panic ' shows 10 the full and at tlm ptiuicy iu . I diverse abilities Tratisplaniecl trem 1 the sleepy old .Southern town of bin , n:itiity into the sophisticated onvlien- I incut cif New Yolk, Jeff is net taken a I 1 wluf back bv all the differences be tween Maiihiittaii and Dixie. He Is nble 1 te meet his compatriot Afre-Americans j of San .liiun Hill and oilier puns of Manhattan without blenching. Seme of them who try te ji it something ever en .Tcif sin ' eed en'i in hiMug a laugh en themsphes. Tne leader has 1. wide scic",ef I'nijhs ,1c 11 is right thfiewi'ii ihp neucs and tlm 1ieik sense depend. mg wliettier craps 01 suaiegj is 011 1110 carpet. He manage le Lepe I is pew master, Dallas I'ulliaui. of the hemn town, out of a let of tieuble and te ex-s-Iraiit that rccklcsm young man from "Btridi difficulties as be gets into. lt'fl all very nmujinc, ejptctally ns cold in Jeff's nunaent nd"rmropriate dicticjB in, JnTltt-co(.nemeir intel' 3. 's - r,- -- - lihilo-epliv of tl 0 "lll'je IS .1 let of wiiimsji alit v. -N'gre W 100111 Basil King's New N01I A l.e-.- Husil King netcl. "I - f'iewer." is en the Haiper J si 1 , .,v Oetebn publication. AT THE FREE LIBRARY J' Ii.KL I I te 'l.e f''" s rv?' ". d i. n. I 1 h t Mseellaneeus 1 1 n' ietr. I II - Bici'" 1 1 H 1 J If ' t I"" - n.? . 0 i.d- '" ' 1 h.i Ire Un. Vi' i-r'c'-l(.i sjcmwule Cjegri, M-irver , ObtiK'mi, faul I. 'ri iji in, EJrnnnJ -'A space " ,l.i!i.iiin. J A." "Oil'VOirr Ce J .nnsMren. 1. ji. ' i.i'i'nt ion MllUy, K. 3. V.- "iieeeDcl Aer '. Hnu, Jlenn- " fsoen unl rfl foeilcjard. Lothreu "Havel'. ,slnst rivll. Uonen." p'r'hy, J.ytter. Heeks n.l Chr- actr " T mkr. r H. T"Urir Bcht-.i VBllan ilrbm-- CJnr .snei,i jrrOnte " Watia-Dcinlen, C'ldr.n Jlei.c jf, 0f Snlr.buina." Fiction l Ott-.-r :" ' t -j h A ca 1 n 1 Hec 1 11.0 Ml'! J .Mi mil, ,0I I IN doc mice Jt Pf'Mll tfdi.Oi. U I .se,t,j t 3 rf K ttiler 11 t It He ,t y U"i ',' e - 1 -'Jein.'1 J'eiJi-.- I In -'l'ra e K CS-1 i Hik D nrlii. rK. Children's Beeks K. C ''Vhn Mint heuji Aie Jiurell. a r- "Bktnwr ef h cvntUt. . ituntlns. Oatdiur vJ'hi vir.i. Siieiny.'' aBwaMirnwnumj-niMMi A11 Impert ant Literary Fhid LOVE and FREINDSHIP By jane austen. - 1 HIIIMIM.ll A newly disceverftd story of June Austen's youth, followed by a History of England and several ether highly characteristic fragments, all exactly as written, including mistakes in spelling, grammar and ether youthful blunders. Gilbert K. Chcsttrte, in his Preface, pays, "A thing te laugh ever again and again. . . . I think .she has added something intrin sically important te literature and te literarv history.-" Willi colored tndpaiHr hl Cassandra Atci. Cleth, S1SJ, With 'jau chintz jacket, $2.00. TREMENDOUS ADVENTURES By DION CLAYTON CALTHROP Full of ariei. adventure and whinixa-al charac terizations, tin; story develops from a beginning of c harming, old-fashioned romance into a ta!" cssentinlly modern in its conclusion. $1.00 IVIY LADY APRIL bv jehm overten "A charming romance of Bath in the days of Beau Xatih," is the Londen Times' characterization of this story of young love. $1,90 New Nevel by ihe author of MR. WU: The GREEN GODDESS By LOUISE JORDAN MILN A thrilliiifr novel of n Ilimnlnyan principality, based en William Archjr piny of the snme najiip. Mrsi. Mini's knowledge of the Oncia and her ability te juit iti color and myutery into vivid wenlu contribute, tis in Mil VU, te the absorbing interest of this story. 443raurthAAt. fllEDZRICK A. fTOKdl COMPANY Ntw Yrk We call te the attention of the two million readers of "MAIN STREET" BABBITT By Sinclair Lewis Auther of "Main Street" r On sale everywhere today, $2.00 i ''Ttie-SfetiXficancc -of Sinclair Lewis," -Zi-StwariP,.5wwajt,.x7)CfJfe, paper cover, .ID 'Ccntsimtpaid. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1 WtMt 47th Street, New Yerk Send for a Catalogue of New Beehs Mary'(Rekrislliireh25ri: A story of jremth anil love, el oeur. and the rebaUdlng of life of high hopes nod ckMP content, and the unexpected raonace of a forgotten tragedjr that flunt it thadew ever jretug thre. ThU fine new jietcI will satUfy the most exacllnjjt of Mrt. Riaebart' old aebnirert, aad bring new eflet te tet a blgher mark of tuccw than any Rfnehart novel error reacbed before. 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Poindexter new faee te face with Nei" Yerk and ready te meet it nun than half way with his ready wit and lasgbnhU Ingenuity. Mr. Cobb's home town is Fadecab, Kentucky; hn knows exactly whereof lie speaki. Jeff tells his own story in h? own peculiarly rxpretstve language and giva us many an eyjKopener concerning New Yerk life. 1.73 JL, Pomdexter;Celored Sephie Kerr This novel by Sephie Kerr is net enly tba ttnert product of her growing power; it is a recalled, a recaptured picture of a manner and period of American life rich in color, dominated by great passion, prejudices, loves and hates. The time U net se lenir age; the scene, a section of Ihe eastern shore of Maryland; the peo ple, farmer folk in whom thcre live vigor ously the spirit and traditions of a landed arUteerncy. And it is set in a mellow atmosphere that recalls "Painted Mea dew.' $1.90 One&Thing Is Certain GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY 244 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK r- ERTRUDE ATHERTON'S new novel is, in V the opinion of several distinguished critics and of her new publishers, BONI & LlVERIGHT, by far her most significant book since Perch of The Devil. It is even mere ingeniously con ceived and artistically written than Mrs. Ath Ath erten s fine novels, The Conqueror and 7eu;er of Ivery. It is one of the very few of this great American author's works that will net first ap pear in magazine rerm. Its publi cation date will be announced within the next few weeks. 4 ira V.'-t -t'.J ,- .yw ."il-. ,.. M